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Dr. Jitendra Patel
Assistant Professor
GSP, Hyderabad Campus, India.
Introduction to Scope of Microbiology
• Microbiology has an impact Medical Microbiology: deals with diseases of humans
on: and animals; identify and plan measures to eliminate
• medicine, agents causing infectious diseases.
• agriculture, Immunology: study of the immune system that protects
• food science, the body from pathogens. –
• ecology, Agricultural Microbiology: impact of microorganisms on
agriculture; combat plant diseases that attack important
• genetics,
food crops.
• biochemistry,
Food and Dairy Microbiology: prevent microbial spoilage
• immunology,
of food & transmission of food-borne diseases (e.g.
• And many other fields. -
salmonellosis); use microorganisms to make food such as
Virologists - viruses –
cheeses, yogurts, pickles, beer, etc.
• Bacteriologists - bacteria –
Industrial Microbiology: using microorganisms to make
• Phycologists – algae – products such as antibiotics, vaccines, steroids, alcohols &
• Mycologist –fungi, other solvents, vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, etc.
• Protozoologists – protozoa Genetic Engineering: Engineered microorganisms used to
make hormones, antibiotics, vaccines and other products.
- Since viruses are acellular and possess both living and
nonliving characteristics, they are considered neither
prokaryotic nor eukaryotic.
• Microbes produce very
important DNA manipulating
enzymes like REN (Restriction
Endo Nucleases) and Ligase.
These two are used as
molecular scissors and stitches
in biotechnology/ Genetic
• It is the study of
immunity against
invading microbes by a
10. Biotechnology
• It is the most significant branch that deals with the
application of biological techniques for the benefit of
• It encompasses the use of microbes for the production
of drugs, fermented foods and treatment of waste.
• It also includes developing techniques for the more
efficient production of specific compounds.
• It focuses on aspects such as nature of genetic
material, regulation, development and function of a
cell, the method of production of new microbial cells
by recombinant DNA technology which are useful in
industrial microbiology.
11. Exo-Microbiology