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Design Calculations Columns

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Design File : C:\Users\Acer\Desktop\Projects\Structural Analysis -
Analysis File : C:\Users\Acer\Desktop\Projects\Structural Analysis -
Analysis Last Modified : 01/03/2024 11:52:35 pm

Definitions Of Terms:
All forces in units kN and m
All reinforcement details like area, spacing in mm
Neutral axis angle for resultant design moment is with respect to local major axis.
Ratio to account for reduction of stiffness of columns
1 βdns =
due to sustained axial loads
Moment magnification factor for frames not braced
2 δns =
against sidesway
First-order relative deflection between the top and
3 Δo =
bottom of the story due to Vu in mm
4 ∑Pu = Total factored vertical load in kN. (Clause
5 δu = Design displacement in mm
Modification factor reflecting the reduced mechanical
6 λ =
properties of concrete
Coefficient defining the relative contribution of
7 ac =
concrete strength to nominal wall shear strength
Cross-sectional area of a structural member measured
8 Ach = to the outside edges of transverse reinforcement in
Gross area of concrete section bounded by web
9 Acv = thickness and length of section in the direction of
shear force considered in sqmm
Effective cross-sectional area within a joint in a plane
10 Aj = parallel to plane of reinforcement generating shear in
the joint in sqmm
Area of non-prestressed longitudinal tension
11 As =
reinforcement in sqmm
Minimum area of shear reinforcement within spacing
12 Avmin =
's' in sqmm
13 B = Width of column/ wall in mm
Cross-sectional dimension of member core measured
14 bc = to the outside edges of the transverse reinforcement
composing area Ash in mm
Distance from extreme compression fiber to neutral
15 c =
axis in mm
16 Cc = Clear cover to longitudinal reinforcement in mm
Factor relating actual moment diagram to an

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17 Cm = equivalent uniform moment diagram

18 D = Depth / diameter of column in mm
Distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid
19 d =
of longitudinal tension reinforcement in mm
Distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid
20 d' =
of longitudinal compression reinforcement,mm
21 Ec = Modulus of elasticity of concrete in N/sqmm
22 EI = Flexural stiffness of compression member in N-sqmm
Specified compressive strength of concrete cylinder in
23 f'c =
24 fy = Specified yield strength of reinforcement in N/sqmm
Specified yield strength fy of transverse
25 fyt =
reinforcement in N/sqmm
Height of entire wall from base to top of wall segment
26 hw =
considered in mm
27 Icr = Moment of Inertia of concrete crack section
28 k = Effective length factor for compression member
Length of compression member in a frame, measured
29 lc =
center-to-center of the joints in the frame in mm
Moment of inertia of gross concrete section about
30 lg =
centroidal axis neglecting reinforcement in mm4
31 lw = Length of entire wall in mm
Un-supported length for compression member along
32 lux =
D in mm
Un-supported length for compression member along
33 luy =
B in mm
Moment capacity of section for a given NA angle at
34 MCap =
design Pu in kNm
35 Mcr = Cracking Moment
Resultant design moment at a given load angle to
36 MRes =
local major axis in kNm
Factored moment amplified for the effects of member
37 Mc = curvature used for design of compression member in
Factored moment modified to account for effect of
38 Mm =
axial compression in kNm
Factored moment acting on a section along D in kNm
39 Mux =
(From Analysis)
Factored moment acting on a section along B in kNm
40 Muy =
(From Analysis)
Smaller factored end moment on a compression
41 M1 =
member in kNm
Factored end moment on a compression member at
42 M1ns = the end at which M1 acts, due to loads that cause no
appreciable sidesway in kNm
Factored end moment on compression member at the
43 M1s = end at which M1 acts, due to loads that cause
appreciable sidesway in kNm

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Smaller factored end moment on a compression

44 M1sldr =
member due to slenderness effect in kNm
Larger factored end moment on compression member
45 M2 =
in kNm
Minimum value of moment M2 as per minimum
46 M2min =
eccentricity of column
Factored end moment on compression member at the
47 M2ns = end at which M2 acts, due to loads that cause no
appreciable sidesway in kNm
Factored end moment on compression member at the
48 M2s = end at which M2 acts, due to loads that cause
appreciable sidesway in kNm
Largest factored end moment on a compression
49 M2sldr =
member due to slenderness effect in kNm
50 Mnb = Flexure Capacity for Beam
51 Mnc = Flexure Capacity for Column
Nominal Flexure strength of column at top along
52 Mnty =
depth in kNm
Nominal Flexure strength of column at bottom along
53 Mnby =
depth in kNm
Nominal Flexure strength of column at top along
54 Mntx =
width in kNm
Nominal Flexure strength of column at bottom along
55 Mnbx =
width in kNm
Factored axial force normal to cross section occurring
56 Nu =
simultaneously with Vu in kN
57 Pc = Critical buckling load in kN
Ratio of area of distributed transverse reinforcement
58 pt = to gross concrete area perpendicular to that
59 Pω = Ratio of As to B x d
60 Q = Stability index for storey
Radius of gyration of cross section of a compression
61 r =
member in mm
62 Vc = Nominal shear strength provided by concrete in kN
63 Vj = Shear Force acting at the joint in kN
64 Vn = Nominal shear strength in kN
65 Vn' = Nominal shear strength at joint in kN
66 Vus = Factored horizontal shear in a storey in kN
Factored shear at section along D in kN (From
67 Vux =
Shear induced due to column flexural capacity along
68 Vux1 =
width, kN
Shear due to enhanced earthquake factor along
69 Vux2 =
width, kN
Factored shear at section along B in kN (From
70 Vuy =
Shear induced due to column flexural capacity along

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71 Vuy1 = depth, kN
Shear due to enhanced earthquake factor along depth,
72 Vuy2 =
73 y = Neutral axis depth.
It is a Neutral Axis angle corresponding to load angle
74 β =
to find out MCap

Code References:
ACI 318M - 2011
Sr.No Element Clause / table
Minimum area of longitudinal reinforcement
1 : 21.6.3
for column
Maximum area of longitudinal
2 : 21.6.3
reinforcement for column
Minimum longitudinal and transverse
3 :
reinforcement for wall
4 Minimum diameter of transverse ties : 7.10.5
5 Minimum spacing of transverse ties : 7.10.5
Maximum spacing of longitudinal and
6 :
transverse reinforcement for wall
7 Applicability of boundary element : 21.9.6
Area and spacing of special confining
8 : 21.6.4
9 Slenderness Moments : 10.10
Shear Strength provided by concrete for
10 : 11.2
11 Design of shear for non-ductile wall : 11.9
12 Design of shear for ductile wall : 21.9.4
13 Minimum Flexural Strength of Columns :
14 Shear Check at Column Joint :
15 Shear Strength of Column : 21.3.3 & 21.5.4
16 fs,perm : 10.6.4
17 fc,perm :
18 Wcr : Eq 4.2(a)

Sway Calculation (Stability Index)

For Global-X Direction
Level Load Story Gravity Relative Story Stability Sway
Combination Height Load P Displacements Shear (kN) Index (Q) Condition
Analysis (m) (kN) (mm)
B x C / (A x
0m to 3m 216 3 7085.959 2.578 678.37 0.009 Non Sway

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3m to
216 2.8 2873.471 2.758 396.298 0.007 Non Sway
5.8m to
216 2.8 119.534 1.702 28.583 0.003 Non Sway

For Global-Y Direction

Level Load Story Gravity Relative Story Stability Sway
Combination Height Load P Displacements Shear (kN) Index (Q) Condition
Analysis (m) (kN) (mm)
B x C / (A x
0m to 3m 220 3 7085.959 2.552 678.37 0.009 Non Sway
3m to
220 2.8 2873.471 2.524 396.298 0.007 Non Sway
5.8m to
220 2.8 119.534 1.697 28.583 0.003 Non Sway

General Data
Column No. : C1
Level : 0m To 3m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2600 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2600 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 1102
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 110
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +
Load Combination =
(LOAD 2: EQ +X -E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 291.72 kN
Muxt = -53.59 kNm
Muyt = 4.73 kNm
Vuxt = 6.6 kN
Vuyt = 43.01 kN

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Pub = 305.55 kN
Muxb = 75.4 kNm
Muyb = -15.06 kNm
Vuxb = 6.6 kN
Vuyb = 43.01 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 71.111 No Beam No Beam - - 1
2000 x 300 x
Top 71.111 No Beam 80 - 1.841
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.87

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 71.111 No Beam No Beam - - 1
4994 x 300 x 2786 x 300 x
Top 71.111 32.038 57.43 1.646
400 400
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.87

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

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Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 19.59
M1 = -53.59 kNm
M2 = 75.4 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
19.59 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 19.59
M1 = 4.73 kNm
M2 = -15.06 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 37.77
19.59 < 37.77, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -53.59 - -53.59
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 75.4 - 75.4
Minor Axis Muy (top) 4.73 - 4.73
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -15.06 - -15.06

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 305.55 kN
Mux = 75.4 kNm
Muy = -15.06 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 218

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[46] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD

Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 3: EQ -X +E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 622.49 kN
Mux = -70.06 kNm
Muy = 26.18 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.21
φ Pn, Max = 2170.33 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 218
[46] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 3: EQ -X +E)
Pu = 622.49 kN
φ Pn = 622.49 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.21
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19 + 4-#16
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 11.29 deg
MRes = 76.89 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 156.07 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.493 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 110
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 2: EQ +X -E)
Nu = 305.55 kN
Muy = 75.4 kNm
Vuy = 43.009 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm

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ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014

Mm = 27.3 kNm
φVcy = 94.99 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 116
[16] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 8: EQ -Z -E)
Nu = 353.51 kN
Mux = 60.3 kNm
Vux = 27.5815 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 4.64 kNm
φVcx = 131.76 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 250 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 250 --- --- 250 ---

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General Data
Column No. : C1
Level : 3m To 5.8m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2450 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2450 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 2102
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 223
[51] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +
Load Combination =
(LOAD 8: EQ -Z -E)
Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 139.18 kN
Muxt = 31.61 kNm
Muyt = 45.78 kNm
Vuxt = 35.51 kN
Vuyt = -14.78 kN
Pub = 157.25 kN
Muxb = -9.76 kNm
Muyb = -53.61 kNm
Vuxb = 35.51 kN
Vuyb = -14.78 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
2000 x 300 x
Bottom 76.19 No Beam 80 - 1.841
Top 76.19 2975 x 300 x No Beam 36.029 - 2.116

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Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 1

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
4994 x 300 x 2786 x 300 x
Bottom 76.19 32.038 57.43 1.646
400 400
4994 x 300 x 250 x 300 x
Top 76.19 21.463 428.75 0.169
350 350
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.74

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.007
0.007< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.007
0.007< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 1
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 21.22
M1 = -9.76 kNm
M2 = 31.61 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 37.71
21.22 < 37.71, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.74
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 15.7

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M1 = 45.78 kNm
M2 = -53.61 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
15.7 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) 31.61 - 31.61
Major Axis Mux (bottom) -9.76 - -9.76
Minor Axis Muy (top) 45.78 - 45.78
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -53.61 - -53.61

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 139.18 kN
Mux = 31.61 kNm
Muy = 45.78 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 220
[48] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 5: EQ +Z +E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 274.26 kN
Mux = -15.26 kNm
Muy = 37.27 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.21
φ Pn, Max = 2170.33 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 220
[48] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 5: EQ +Z +E)
Pu = 274.26 kN

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φ Pn = 274.26 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.21
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19 + 4-#16
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 55.37 deg
MRes = 55.64 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 132.61 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.42 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 218
[46] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 3: EQ -X +E)
Nu = 209.98 kN
Muy = 60.92 kNm
Vuy = -34.304 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 27.86 kNm
φVcy = 92.09 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 116
[16] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 8: EQ -Z -E)
Nu = 97.51 kN
Mux = 51.49 kNm
Vux = 34.3542 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm

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ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014

Mm = 36.14 kNm
φVcx = 89.73 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 250 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 250 --- --- 250 ---

General Data
Column No. : C2
Level : 0m To 3m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2650 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2600 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

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Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 1110
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 110
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +
Load Combination =
(LOAD 2: EQ +X -E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 470.18 kN
Muxt = -69.62 kNm
Muyt = -2.72 kNm
Vuxt = -0.66 kN
Vuyt = 50.93 kN
Pub = 484.01 kN
Muxb = 83.13 kNm
Muyb = -0.73 kNm
Vuxb = -0.66 kN
Vuyb = 50.93 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 71.111 No Beam No Beam - - 1
3400 x 300 x 3100 x 300 x
Top 71.111 47.059 51.613 1.492
400 400
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.87

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 71.111 No Beam No Beam - - 1
4994 x 300 x 450 x 300 x
Top 71.111 32.038 238.194 0.545
400 350
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.73

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Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 19.59
M1 = -69.62 kNm
M2 = 83.13 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
19.59 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.73
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 16.75
M1 = -0.73 kNm
M2 = -2.72 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 30.76
16.75 < 30.76, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -69.62 - -69.62
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 83.13 - 83.13
Minor Axis Muy (top) -2.72 - -2.72
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -0.73 - -0.73

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

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Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 484.01 kN
Mux = 83.13 kNm
Muy = -0.73 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 217
[45] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 2: EQ +X -E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 650.05 kN
Mux = 85.03 kNm
Muy = -0.86 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.21
φ Pn, Max = 2170.33 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 217
[45] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 2: EQ +X -E)
Pu = 650.05 kN
φ Pn = 650.05 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.21
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19 + 4-#16
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 0.5 deg
MRes = 83.13 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 178.68 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.465 < 1

Design Of Shear

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Design for shear along D

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 111
[11] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 3: EQ -X +E)
Nu = 381.07 kN
Muy = 73.17 kNm
Vuy = -43.8757 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 13.17 kNm
φVcy = 109.78 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 113
[13] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 5: EQ +Z +E)
Nu = 381.03 kN
Mux = 18.69 kNm
Vux = -22.243 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = -41.3 kNm
φVcx = 192.59 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 250 mm

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Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 250 --- --- 250 ---

General Data
Column No. : C2
Level : 3m To 5.8m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2500 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2450 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 2109
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 217
[45] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +
Load Combination =
(LOAD 2: EQ +X -E)
Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 263.26 kN
Muxt = -66.63 kNm
Muyt = 30.68 kNm
Vuxt = 19.64 kN
Vuyt = 45.62 kN
Pub = 281.33 kN
Muxb = 61.07 kNm
Muyb = -24.29 kNm
Vuxb = 19.64 kN
Vuyb = 45.62 kN

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Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
3400 x 300 x 3100 x 300 x
Bottom 76.19 47.059 51.613 1.492
400 400
3400 x 300 x 2125 x 300 x
Top 76.19 31.526 50.441 0.929
350 350
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.86

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
4994 x 300 x 450 x 300 x
Bottom 76.19 32.038 238.194 0.545
400 350
4994 x 300 x 300 x 200 x
Top 76.19 21.463 150 0.444
350 300
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.68

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.007
0.007< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.007
0.007< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.86

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r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 18.25
M1 = 61.07 kNm
M2 = -66.63 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
18.25 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.68
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 14.72
M1 = -24.29 kNm
M2 = 30.68 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
14.72 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -66.63 - -66.63
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 61.07 - 61.07
Minor Axis Muy (top) 30.68 - 30.68
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -24.29 - -24.29

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 263.26 kN
Mux = -66.63 kNm
Muy = 30.68 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 217
[45] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 2: EQ +X -E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 281.33 kN
Mux = 61.07 kNm

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Muy = -24.29 kNm

Pt Calculated = 1.21
φ Pn, Max = 2170.33 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 217
[45] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 2: EQ +X -E)
Pu = 281.33 kN
φ Pn = 281.33 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.21
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19 + 4-#16
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 24.73 deg
MRes = 73.36 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 144.32 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.508 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 225
[53] : 1.38 (LOAD 9: DL) +(LOAD 2:
Critical Load Combination = kN
EQ +X -E)
Nu = 210.53 kN
Muy = 62.99 kNm
Vuy = 42.9381 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 29.84 kNm
φVcy = 93.84 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

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Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 222
[50] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 7: EQ -Z +E)
Nu = 252.37 kN
Mux = 58.13 kNm
Vux = 38.9005 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 18.4 kNm
φVcx = 99.53 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 250 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 250 --- --- 250 ---

General Data
Column No. : C3
Level : 0m To 3m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm

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Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm

Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2650 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2600 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 1115
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 110
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +
Load Combination =
(LOAD 2: EQ +X -E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 222.36 kN
Muxt = -71.12 kNm
Muyt = 4.58 kNm
Vuxt = 0.64 kN
Vuyt = 51.67 kN
Pub = 236.19 kN
Muxb = 83.85 kNm
Muyb = 2.67 kNm
Vuxb = 0.64 kN
Vuyb = 51.67 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 71.111 No Beam No Beam - - 1
1500 x 300 x 3400 x 300 x
Top 71.111 106.667 47.059 0.958
400 400
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.77

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Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 71.111 No Beam No Beam - - 1
4994 x 300 x 450 x 300 x
Top 71.111 32.038 238.194 0.545
400 350
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.73

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.77
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 17.34
M1 = -71.12 kNm
M2 = 83.85 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
17.34 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.73
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 16.75
M1 = 2.67 kNm
M2 = 4.58 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 27.01
16.75 < 27.01, Column not slender along B

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Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -71.12 - -71.12
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 83.85 - 83.85
Minor Axis Muy (top) 4.58 - 4.58
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 2.67 - 2.67

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 236.19 kN
Mux = 83.85 kNm
Muy = 2.67 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 218
[46] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 3: EQ -X +E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 548.46 kN
Mux = -70.88 kNm
Muy = -19.7 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.21
φ Pn, Max = 2170.33 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 218
[46] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 3: EQ -X +E)
Pu = 548.46 kN
φ Pn = 548.46 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

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Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.21
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19 + 4-#16
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 1.82 deg
MRes = 83.89 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 148.91 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.563 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 110
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 2: EQ +X -E)
Nu = 236.19 kN
Muy = 83.85 kNm
Vuy = 51.6692 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 46.66 kNm
φVcy = 91.05 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 116
[16] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 8: EQ -Z -E)
Nu = 317.36 kN
Mux = 28.99 kNm
Vux = 26.6405 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = -20.97 kNm
φVcx = 185.9 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

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Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 250 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 250 --- --- 250 ---

General Data
Column No. : C3
Level : 3m To 5.8m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2500 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2450 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 2113
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 217
[45] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +
Load Combination =
(LOAD 2: EQ +X -E)
Critical Location = Top Joint

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Put = 127.49 kN
Muxt = -70.32 kNm
Muyt = 46.47 kNm
Vuxt = 33.33 kN
Vuyt = 48.13 kN
Pub = 145.56 kN
Muxb = 64.42 kNm
Muyb = -46.81 kNm
Vuxb = 33.33 kN
Vuyb = 48.13 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
1500 x 300 x 3400 x 300 x
Bottom 76.19 106.667 47.059 0.958
400 400
1500 x 300 x 3400 x 300 x
Top 76.19 71.458 31.526 0.74
350 350
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.75

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
4994 x 300 x 450 x 300 x
Bottom 76.19 32.038 238.194 0.545
400 350
4994 x 300 x 300 x 200 x
Top 76.19 21.463 150 0.444
350 300
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.68

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.007

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0.007< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame


Along B
Q = 0.007
0.007< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.75
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 15.91
M1 = 64.42 kNm
M2 = -70.32 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
15.91 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.68
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 14.72
M1 = 46.47 kNm
M2 = -46.81 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
14.72 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -70.32 - -70.32
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 64.42 - 64.42
Minor Axis Muy (top) 46.47 - 46.47
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -46.81 - -46.81

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending

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Pu = 127.49 kN
Mux = -70.32 kNm
Muy = 46.47 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 218
[46] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 3: EQ -X +E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 202.72 kN
Mux = -16.18 kNm
Muy = -41.47 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.21
φ Pn, Max = 2170.33 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 218
[46] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 3: EQ -X +E)
Pu = 202.72 kN
φ Pn = 202.72 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.21
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19 + 4-#16
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 33.46 deg
MRes = 84.29 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 132.19 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.638 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 217
Critical Load Combination = [45] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD kN

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10: LL) +(LOAD 2: EQ +X -E)

Nu = 127.49 kN
Muy = 70.32 kNm
Vuy = 48.1341 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 50.24 kNm
φVcy = 89.79 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 222
[50] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 7: EQ -Z +E)
Nu = 159.97 kN
Mux = 71.42 kNm
Vux = 50.5099 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 46.24 kNm
φVcx = 90.92 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 250 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements

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Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 250 --- --- 250 ---

General Data
Column No. : C4
Level : 0m To 3m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2650 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2600 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 1120
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 111
[11] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +
Load Combination =
(LOAD 3: EQ -X +E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 50 kN
Muxt = 52.72 kNm
Muyt = 19.97 kNm
Vuxt = 13.48 kN
Vuyt = -41.06 kN
Pub = 63.83 kN
Muxb = -70.41 kNm
Muyb = -20.47 kNm
Vuxb = 13.48 kN
Vuyb = -41.06 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column

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Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ

Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 71.111 No Beam No Beam - - 1
1500 x 300 x
Top 71.111 No Beam - 106.667 1.38
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.87

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 71.111 No Beam No Beam - - 1
4994 x 300 x 2265 x 300 x
Top 71.111 32.038 47.323 1.859
400 350
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.87

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 19.59
M1 = 52.72 kNm
M2 = -70.41 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
19.59 < 40, Column not slender along D

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Column Is Braced Along B

Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 19.97
M1 = 19.97 kNm
M2 = -20.47 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
19.97 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) 52.72 - 52.72
Major Axis Mux (bottom) -70.41 - -70.41
Minor Axis Muy (top) 19.97 - 19.97
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -20.47 - -20.47

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 63.83 kN
Mux = -70.41 kNm
Muy = -20.47 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 217
[45] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 2: EQ +X -E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 399.04 kN
Mux = 80.96 kNm
Muy = 11.82 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.21
φ Pn, Max = 2170.33 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

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Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 217
[45] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 2: EQ +X -E)
Pu = 399.04 kN
φ Pn = 399.04 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.21
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19 + 4-#16
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 16.21 deg
MRes = 73.33 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 126.74 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.579 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 111
[11] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 3: EQ -X +E)
Nu = 63.83 kN
Muy = 70.41 kNm
Vuy = -41.0556 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 60.37 kNm
φVcy = 87.45 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 115
[15] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 7: EQ -Z +E)
Nu = 190.67 kN

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Mux = 54.03 kNm

Vux = 28.52 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 24.01 kNm
φVcx = 91.73 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 250 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 250 --- --- 250 ---

General Data
Column No. : C4
Level : 3m To 5.8m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2500 mm

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Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2450 mm

No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 2117
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 222
[50] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +
Load Combination =
(LOAD 7: EQ -Z +E)
Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 88.04 kN
Muxt = -22.03 kNm
Muyt = 67.23 kNm
Vuxt = 47.2 kN
Vuyt = 15.29 kN
Pub = 106.11 kN
Muxb = 20.77 kNm
Muyb = -64.9 kNm
Vuxb = 47.2 kN
Vuyb = 15.29 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
1500 x 300 x
Bottom 76.19 No Beam - 106.667 1.38
1500 x 300 x
Top 76.19 No Beam - 71.458 1.066
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 1

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M

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4994 x 300 x 2265 x 300 x

Bottom 76.19 32.038 47.323 1.859
400 350
4994 x 300 x 300 x 200 x
Top 76.19 21.463 150 0.444
350 300
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.8

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.007
0.007< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.007
0.007< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 1
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 21.22
M1 = 20.77 kNm
M2 = -22.03 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
21.22 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.8
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 17.32
M1 = -64.9 kNm
M2 = 67.23 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
17.32 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -22.03 - -22.03
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 20.77 - 20.77

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Minor Axis Muy (top) 67.23 - 67.23

Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -64.9 - -64.9

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 88.04 kN
Mux = -22.03 kNm
Muy = 67.23 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 217
[45] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 2: EQ +X -E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 156.21 kN
Mux = 48.34 kNm
Muy = -27.55 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.21
φ Pn, Max = 2170.33 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 217
[45] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 2: EQ +X -E)
Pu = 156.21 kN
φ Pn = 156.21 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.21
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19 + 4-#16
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)

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= 71.86 deg
MRes = 70.75 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 129.49 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.546 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 217
[45] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 2: EQ +X -E)
Nu = 138.14 kN
Muy = 54.55 kNm
Vuy = 36.7546 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 32.8 kNm
φVcy = 91.16 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 222
[50] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 7: EQ -Z +E)
Nu = 88.04 kN
Mux = 67.23 kNm
Vux = 47.2013 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 53.37 kNm
φVcx = 89.17 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm

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> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4

= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 250 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 250 --- --- 250 ---

General Data
Column No. : C5
Level : 0m To 3m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2600 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2600 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 1103
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 110
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +
Load Combination =
(LOAD 2: EQ +X -E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 247.3 kN
Muxt = -43.57 kNm
Muyt = 12.93 kNm
Vuxt = 10.65 kN
Vuyt = 34.79 kN

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Pub = 261.13 kN
Muxb = 60.76 kNm
Muyb = -19.01 kNm
Vuxb = 10.65 kN
Vuyb = 34.79 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 71.111 No Beam No Beam - - 1
2000 x 300 x
Top 71.111 No Beam 80 - 1.841
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.87

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 71.111 No Beam No Beam - - 1
4800 x 300 x 4994 x 300 x
Top 71.111 33.333 32.038 2.257
400 400
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.87

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

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Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 19.59
M1 = -43.57 kNm
M2 = 60.76 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
19.59 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 19.59
M1 = 12.93 kNm
M2 = -19.01 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
19.59 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -43.57 - -43.57
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 60.76 - 60.76
Minor Axis Muy (top) 12.93 - 12.93
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -19.01 - -19.01

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 261.13 kN
Mux = 60.76 kNm
Muy = -19.01 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 219

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[47] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD

Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 4: EQ -X -E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 494.99 kN
Mux = -51.75 kNm
Muy = 7.34 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.21
φ Pn, Max = 2170.33 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 219
[47] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 4: EQ -X -E)
Pu = 494.99 kN
φ Pn = 494.99 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.21
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19 + 4-#16
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 17.37 deg
MRes = 63.66 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 148.28 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.429 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 110
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 2: EQ +X -E)
Nu = 261.13 kN
Muy = 60.76 kNm
Vuy = 34.7874 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm

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ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014

Mm = 19.65 kNm
φVcy = 96.63 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 113
[13] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 5: EQ +Z +E)
Nu = 311.33 kN
Mux = 65.76 kNm
Vux = -35.3783 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 16.74 kNm
φVcx = 99.52 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 250 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 250 --- --- 250 ---

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General Data
Column No. : C5
Level : 3m To 5.8m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2450 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2450 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 2103
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 220
[48] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +
Load Combination =
(LOAD 5: EQ +Z +E)
Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 282.62 kN
Muxt = 28.07 kNm
Muyt = -67.96 kNm
Vuxt = -39.44 kN
Vuyt = -14.11 kN
Pub = 300.69 kN
Muxb = -11.43 kNm
Muyb = 42.43 kNm
Vuxb = -39.44 kN
Vuyb = -14.11 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
2000 x 300 x
Bottom 76.19 No Beam 80 - 1.841
Top 76.19 2975 x 300 x No Beam 36.029 - 2.786

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Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 1

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
4800 x 300 x 4994 x 300 x
Bottom 76.19 33.333 32.038 2.257
400 400
4800 x 300 x 4994 x 300 x
Top 76.19 22.331 21.463 2.293
350 350
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 1

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.007
0.007< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.007
0.007< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 1
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 21.22
M1 = -11.43 kNm
M2 = 28.07 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 38.89
21.22 < 38.89, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 1
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 21.22

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M1 = 42.43 kNm
M2 = -67.96 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
21.22 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) 28.07 - 28.07
Major Axis Mux (bottom) -11.43 - -11.43
Minor Axis Muy (top) -67.96 - -67.96
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 42.43 - 42.43

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 282.62 kN
Mux = 28.07 kNm
Muy = -67.96 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 219
[47] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 4: EQ -X -E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 321.58 kN
Mux = -43.39 kNm
Muy = -19.84 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.21
φ Pn, Max = 2170.33 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 219
[47] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 4: EQ -X -E)
Pu = 321.58 kN

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φ Pn = 321.58 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.21
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19 + 4-#16
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 67.56 deg
MRes = 73.53 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 146.81 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.501 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 112
[12] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 4: EQ -X -E)
Nu = 222.29 kN
Muy = 48.61 kNm
Vuy = -31.3604 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 13.61 kNm
φVcy = 101.13 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 113
[13] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 5: EQ +Z +E)
Nu = 201.39 kN
Mux = 64.29 kNm
Vux = -39.4043 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm

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ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014

Mm = 32.59 kNm
φVcx = 91.91 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 250 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 250 --- --- 250 ---

General Data
Column No. : C5
Level : 5.8m To 8.6m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 300 mm
Column D = 300 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2500 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2500 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

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Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 3101
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 223
[51] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +
Load Combination =
(LOAD 8: EQ -Z -E)
Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 23.44 kN
Muxt = 10.67 kNm
Muyt = 20.63 kNm
Vuxt = 10.03 kN
Vuyt = -7.62 kN
Pub = 33.6 kN
Muxb = -10.66 kNm
Muyb = -7.46 kNm
Vuxb = 10.03 kN
Vuyb = -7.62 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 24.107 No Beam No Beam - - 2.786
5600 x 200 x
Top 24.107 No Beam 8.036 - 3.013
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 1

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 24.107 No Beam No Beam - - 2.293
4900 x 200 x
Top 24.107 No Beam 9.184 - 2.606
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 1

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Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.003
0.003< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.003
0.003< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 1
r = 86.6 mm
Kluy /r = 28.87
M1 = -10.66 kNm
M2 = 10.67 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
28.87 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 1
r = 86.6 mm
Klux /r = 28.87
M1 = -7.46 kNm
M2 = 20.63 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 38.34
28.87 < 38.34, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) 10.67 - 10.67
Major Axis Mux (bottom) -10.66 - -10.66
Minor Axis Muy (top) 20.63 - 20.63
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -7.46 - -7.46

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

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Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 23.44 kN
Mux = 10.67 kNm
Muy = 20.63 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 223
[51] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 8: EQ -Z -E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 33.6 kN
Mux = -10.66 kNm
Muy = -7.46 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.27
φ Pn, Max = 1232.14 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 223
[51] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 8: EQ -Z -E)
Pu = 33.6 kN
φ Pn = 33.6 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.27
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 62.65 deg
MRes = 23.22 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 53.62 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.433 < 1

Design Of Shear

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Design for shear along D

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 218
[46] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 3: EQ -X +E)
Nu = 21.32 kN
Muy = 14.61 kNm
Vuy = -10.3443 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 240.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.016
Mm = 12.05 kNm
φVcy = 46.31 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 211
[39] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 14: WL -Z)
Nu = 18.34 kN
Mux = 18.9 kNm
Vux = 12.0073 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 240.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.016
Mm = 16.7 kNm
φVcx = 45.82 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 304 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 300 mm

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Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 300 --- --- 300 ---

General Data
Column No. : C6
Level : 0m To 3m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2600 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2600 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 1111
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 110
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +
Load Combination =
(LOAD 2: EQ +X -E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 457.82 kN
Muxt = -52.32 kNm
Muyt = -0.3 kNm
Vuxt = 0.53 kN
Vuyt = 39.11 kN
Pub = 471.65 kN
Muxb = 64.97 kNm
Muyb = -1.9 kNm
Vuxb = 0.53 kN
Vuyb = 39.11 kN

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Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 71.111 No Beam No Beam - - 1
3400 x 300 x 3100 x 300 x
Top 71.111 47.059 51.613 1.492
400 400
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.87

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 71.111 No Beam No Beam - - 1
4800 x 300 x 4994 x 300 x
Top 71.111 33.333 32.038 2.257
400 400
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.87

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 19.59

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M1 = -52.32 kNm
M2 = 64.97 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
19.59 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 19.59
M1 = -0.3 kNm
M2 = -1.9 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 32.11
19.59 < 32.11, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -52.32 - -52.32
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 64.97 - 64.97
Minor Axis Muy (top) -0.3 - -0.3
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -1.9 - -1.9

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 471.65 kN
Mux = 64.97 kNm
Muy = -1.9 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 216
[44] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 1: EQ +X +E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 639.83 kN
Mux = 64.44 kNm
Muy = -1.5 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.21

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φ Pn, Max = 2170.33 kN

Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 216
[44] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 1: EQ +X +E)
Pu = 639.83 kN
φ Pn = 639.83 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.21
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19 + 4-#16
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 1.67 deg
MRes = 65 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 177.08 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.367 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 111
[11] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 3: EQ -X +E)
Nu = 401.74 kN
Muy = 42.98 kNm
Vuy = -33.0722 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = -20.27 kNm
φVcy = 194.71 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

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Critical Analysis Load Combination : 116

[16] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 8: EQ -Z -E)
Nu = 426.9 kN
Mux = 30.01 kNm
Vux = 28.7825 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = -37.2 kNm
φVcx = 197.27 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 250 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 250 --- --- 250 ---

General Data
Column No. : C6
Level : 3m To 5.8m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No

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Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2450 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2450 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 2110
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 230
Load Combination = [58] : 1.38 (LOAD 9: DL) +(LOAD 7: EQ -Z +E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 229.59 kN
Muxt = -0.43 kNm
Muyt = 48.55 kNm
Vuxt = 37.31 kN
Vuyt = 0.6 kN
Pub = 244.43 kN
Muxb = 1.24 kNm
Muyb = -55.88 kNm
Vuxb = 37.31 kN
Vuyb = 0.6 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
3400 x 300 x 3100 x 300 x
Bottom 76.19 47.059 51.613 1.492
400 400
3400 x 300 x 2125 x 300 x
Top 76.19 31.526 50.441 1.223
350 350
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 1

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ

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Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2

(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
4800 x 300 x 4994 x 300 x
Bottom 76.19 33.333 32.038 2.257
400 400
4800 x 300 x 4994 x 300 x
Top 76.19 22.331 21.463 2.293
350 350
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 1

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.007
0.007< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.007
0.007< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 1
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 21.22
M1 = -0.43 kNm
M2 = 1.24 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 38.15
21.22 < 38.15, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 1
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 21.22
M1 = 48.55 kNm
M2 = -55.88 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
21.22 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

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Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final

Major Axis Mux (top) -0.43 - -0.43
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 1.24 - 1.24
Minor Axis Muy (top) 48.55 - 48.55
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -55.88 - -55.88

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 244.43 kN
Mux = 1.24 kNm
Muy = -55.88 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 216
[44] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 1: EQ +X +E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 319.88 kN
Mux = 45.07 kNm
Muy = -14.64 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.21
φ Pn, Max = 2170.33 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 216
[44] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 1: EQ +X +E)
Pu = 319.88 kN
φ Pn = 319.88 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

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Moment Capacity Check

Pt Calculated = 1.21
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19 + 4-#16
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 88.73 deg
MRes = 55.89 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 149.99 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.373 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 112
[12] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 4: EQ -X -E)
Nu = 194.92 kN
Muy = 41.62 kNm
Vuy = -28.3782 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 10.94 kNm
φVcy = 103.58 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 115
[15] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 7: EQ -Z +E)
Nu = 225.98 kN
Mux = 54.4 kNm
Vux = 36.0384 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 18.82 kNm
φVcx = 97.85 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

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Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 250 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 250 --- --- 250 ---

General Data
Column No. : C6
Level : 5.8m To 8.6m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 300 mm
Column D = 300 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2500 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2500 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 3103
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 108
[8] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +(LOAD
Load Combination =
14: WL -Z)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 26.04 kN

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Muxt = -4.75 kNm

Muyt = 24.48 kNm
Vuxt = 17.94 kN
Vuyt = 2.79 kN
Pub = 33.3 kN
Muxb = 3.05 kNm
Muyb = -25.74 kNm
Vuxb = 17.94 kN
Vuyb = 2.79 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 24.107 No Beam No Beam - - 1.223
3500 x 200 x 5600 x 200 x
Top 24.107 12.857 8.036 1.148
300 300
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 1

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 24.107 No Beam No Beam - - 2.293
4900 x 200 x
Top 24.107 No Beam 9.184 - 2.606
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 1

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.003
0.003< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

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Along B
Q = 0.003
0.003< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 1
r = 86.6 mm
Kluy /r = 28.87
M1 = 3.05 kNm
M2 = -4.75 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
28.87 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 1
r = 86.6 mm
Klux /r = 28.87
M1 = 24.48 kNm
M2 = -25.74 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
28.87 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -4.75 - -4.75
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 3.05 - 3.05
Minor Axis Muy (top) 24.48 - 24.48
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -25.74 - -25.74

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 33.3 kN
Mux = 3.05 kNm
Muy = -25.74 kNm

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Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 223
[51] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 8: EQ -Z -E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 42.86 kN
Mux = 3.98 kNm
Muy = -15.9 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.27
φ Pn, Max = 1232.14 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 223
[51] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 8: EQ -Z -E)
Pu = 42.86 kN
φ Pn = 42.86 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.27
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 83.25 deg
MRes = 25.92 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 52.11 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.497 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 216
[44] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 1: EQ +X +E)
Nu = 26.82 kN
Muy = 16.49 kNm

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Vuy = 10.6009 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 240.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.016
Mm = 13.28 kNm
φVcy = 46.1 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 211
[39] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 14: WL -Z)
Nu = 33.3 kN
Mux = 25.74 kNm
Vux = 17.942 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 240.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.016
Mm = 21.75 kNm
φVcx = 46.19 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 304 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 300 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---

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Spacing 300 --- --- 300 ---

General Data
Column No. : C7
Level : 0m To 3m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2600 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2600 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 1116
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 110
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +
Load Combination =
(LOAD 2: EQ +X -E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 316.5 kN
Muxt = -58.34 kNm
Muyt = -8.11 kNm
Vuxt = -5.63 kN
Vuyt = 42.08 kN
Pub = 330.33 kN
Muxb = 67.88 kNm
Muyb = 8.78 kNm
Vuxb = -5.63 kN
Vuyb = 42.08 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x

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Width x Depth) Width x Depth)

N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 71.111 No Beam No Beam - - 1
1500 x 300 x 3400 x 300 x
Top 71.111 106.667 47.059 0.958
400 400
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.77

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 71.111 No Beam No Beam - - 1
4800 x 300 x 4994 x 300 x
Top 71.111 33.333 32.038 2.257
400 400
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.87

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.77
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 17.34
M1 = -58.34 kNm
M2 = 67.88 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
17.34 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B

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K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 19.59
M1 = -8.11 kNm
M2 = 8.78 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
19.59 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -58.34 - -58.34
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 67.88 - 67.88
Minor Axis Muy (top) -8.11 - -8.11
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 8.78 - 8.78

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 330.33 kN
Mux = 67.88 kNm
Muy = 8.78 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 219
[47] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 4: EQ -X -E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 635.41 kN
Mux = -50.43 kNm
Muy = -6.24 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.21
φ Pn, Max = 2170.33 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 219

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[47] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD

Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 4: EQ -X -E)
Pu = 635.41 kN
φ Pn = 635.41 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.21
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19 + 4-#16
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 7.37 deg
MRes = 68.44 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 159.47 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.429 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 110
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 2: EQ +X -E)
Nu = 330.33 kN
Muy = 67.88 kNm
Vuy = 42.0844 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 15.87 kNm
φVcy = 104.06 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 115
[15] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 7: EQ -Z +E)
Nu = 391.71 kN
Mux = 29.72 kNm
Vux = 27.94 kN

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λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = -31.95 kNm
φVcx = 193.69 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 250 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 250 --- --- 250 ---

General Data
Column No. : C7
Level : 3m To 5.8m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2450 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2450 mm
No Of Floors = 1

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No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 2114
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 216
[44] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +
Load Combination =
(LOAD 1: EQ +X +E)
Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 193.56 kN
Muxt = -63.18 kNm
Muyt = 2.98 kNm
Vuxt = 5.89 kN
Vuyt = 43.84 kN
Pub = 211.63 kN
Muxb = 59.54 kNm
Muyb = -13.5 kNm
Vuxb = 5.89 kN
Vuyb = 43.84 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
1500 x 300 x 3400 x 300 x
Bottom 76.19 106.667 47.059 0.958
400 400
1500 x 300 x 3400 x 300 x
Top 76.19 71.458 31.526 0.974
350 350
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.77

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
4800 x 300 x 4994 x 300 x
Bottom 76.19 33.333 32.038 2.257
400 400
4800 x 300 x 4994 x 300 x

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Top 76.19 350 350 22.331 21.463 2.293

Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 1

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.007
0.007< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.007
0.007< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.77
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 16.34
M1 = 59.54 kNm
M2 = -63.18 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
16.34 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 1
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 21.22
M1 = 2.98 kNm
M2 = -13.5 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 36.65
21.22 < 36.65, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -63.18 - -63.18
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 59.54 - 59.54
Minor Axis Muy (top) 2.98 - 2.98
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -13.5 - -13.5

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A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 193.56 kN
Mux = -63.18 kNm
Muy = 2.98 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 219
[47] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 4: EQ -X -E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 257.72 kN
Mux = -25.31 kNm
Muy = -1.97 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.21
φ Pn, Max = 2170.33 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 219
[47] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 4: EQ -X -E)
Pu = 257.72 kN
φ Pn = 257.72 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.21
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19 + 4-#16
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 2.7 deg
MRes = 63.25 kNm

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( φ ) MCap = 143.34 kNm

Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.441 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 216
[44] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 1: EQ +X +E)
Nu = 193.56 kN
Muy = 63.18 kNm
Vuy = 43.8411 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 32.71 kNm
φVcy = 93.01 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 115
[15] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 7: EQ -Z +E)
Nu = 175.37 kN
Mux = 49.1 kNm
Vux = 32.3044 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 21.49 kNm
φVcx = 94.38 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm

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Criterion for spacing of normal links

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 250 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 250 --- --- 250 ---

General Data
Column No. : C7
Level : 5.8m To 8.6m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 300 mm
Column D = 300 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2500 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2500 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 3105
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 222
[50] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +
Load Combination =
(LOAD 7: EQ -Z +E)
Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 17.05 kN
Muxt = -4.5 kNm
Muyt = 17.68 kNm
Vuxt = 10.11 kN
Vuyt = 4.03 kN
Pub = 27.21 kN
Muxb = 6.79 kNm

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Muyb = -10.63 kNm

Vuxb = 10.11 kN
Vuyb = 4.03 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 24.107 No Beam No Beam - - 0.974
3500 x 200 x
Top 24.107 No Beam - 12.857 1.891
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.87

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 24.107 No Beam No Beam - - 2.293
4900 x 200 x
Top 24.107 No Beam 9.184 - 2.606
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 1

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.003
0.003< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.003
0.003< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check

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Column Is Braced Along D

Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.87
r = 86.6 mm
Kluy /r = 25.11
M1 = -4.5 kNm
M2 = 6.79 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
25.11 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 1
r = 86.6 mm
Klux /r = 28.87
M1 = -10.63 kNm
M2 = 17.68 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
28.87 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -4.5 - -4.5
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 6.79 - 6.79
Minor Axis Muy (top) 17.68 - 17.68
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -10.63 - -10.63

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 17.05 kN
Mux = -4.5 kNm
Muy = 17.68 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 216
[44] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 1: EQ +X +E)

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Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN

Pu = 28.07 kN
Mux = 14.34 kNm
Muy = -4.61 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.27
φ Pn, Max = 1232.14 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 216
[44] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 1: EQ +X +E)
Pu = 28.07 kN
φ Pn = 28.07 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.27
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 75.72 deg
MRes = 18.24 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 51.41 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.355 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 216
[44] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 1: EQ +X +E)
Nu = 28.07 kN
Muy = 14.34 kNm
Vuy = 9.373 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 240.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.016
Mm = 10.97 kNm

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φVcy = 46.29 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 222
[50] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 7: EQ -Z +E)
Nu = 17.05 kN
Mux = 17.68 kNm
Vux = 10.1146 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 240.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.016
Mm = 15.64 kNm
φVcx = 45.56 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 304 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 300 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 300 --- --- 300 ---

General Data
Column No. : C8

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Level : 0m To 3m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2600 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2600 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 1121
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 111
[11] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +
Load Combination =
(LOAD 3: EQ -X +E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 66.57 kN
Muxt = 37.4 kNm
Muyt = 14.44 kNm
Vuxt = 10.75 kN
Vuyt = -30.32 kN
Pub = 80.4 kN
Muxb = -53.53 kNm
Muyb = -17.8 kNm
Vuxb = 10.75 kN
Vuyb = -30.32 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 71.111 No Beam No Beam - - 1
1500 x 300 x
Top 71.111 No Beam - 106.667 1.38
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway

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Effective Length Factor along Major

= 0.87

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 71.111 No Beam No Beam - - 1
4800 x 300 x 4994 x 300 x
Top 71.111 33.333 32.038 2.257
400 400
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.87

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 19.59
M1 = 37.4 kNm
M2 = -53.53 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
19.59 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 19.59
M1 = 14.44 kNm
M2 = -17.8 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40

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19.59 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) 37.4 - 37.4
Major Axis Mux (bottom) -53.53 - -53.53
Minor Axis Muy (top) 14.44 - 14.44
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -17.8 - -17.8

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 80.4 kN
Mux = -53.53 kNm
Muy = -17.8 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 216
[44] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 1: EQ +X +E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 361.76 kN
Mux = 63.83 kNm
Muy = 4.39 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.21
φ Pn, Max = 2170.33 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 216
[44] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 1: EQ +X +E)
Pu = 361.76 kN
φ Pn = 361.76 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %

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Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.21
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19 + 4-#16
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 18.4 deg
MRes = 56.41 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 128.59 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.439 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 111
[11] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 3: EQ -X +E)
Nu = 80.4 kN
Muy = 53.53 kNm
Vuy = -30.3158 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 40.87 kNm
φVcy = 87.97 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 115
[15] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 7: EQ -Z +E)
Nu = 170.47 kN
Mux = 54.45 kNm
Vux = 28.9533 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 27.62 kNm
φVcx = 90.55 kN

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Vux < φVcx

Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 250 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 250 --- --- 250 ---

General Data
Column No. : C8
Level : 3m To 5.8m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2450 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2450 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 2118
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 221

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[49] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +

Load Combination =
(LOAD 6: EQ +Z -E)
Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 84.85 kN
Muxt = -15.04 kNm
Muyt = -62.43 kNm
Vuxt = -38.55 kN
Vuyt = 10.01 kN
Pub = 102.92 kN
Muxb = 12.97 kNm
Muyb = 45.49 kNm
Vuxb = -38.55 kN
Vuyb = 10.01 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
1500 x 300 x
Bottom 76.19 No Beam - 106.667 1.38
1500 x 300 x
Top 76.19 No Beam - 71.458 1.066
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 1

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
4800 x 300 x 4994 x 300 x
Bottom 76.19 33.333 32.038 2.257
400 400
4994 x 300 x
Top 76.19 No Beam - 21.463 3.544
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 1

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Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.007
0.007< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.007
0.007< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 1
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 21.22
M1 = 12.97 kNm
M2 = -15.04 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
21.22 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 1
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 21.22
M1 = 45.49 kNm
M2 = -62.43 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
21.22 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -15.04 - -15.04
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 12.97 - 12.97
Minor Axis Muy (top) -62.43 - -62.43
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 45.49 - 45.49

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

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Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 84.85 kN
Mux = -15.04 kNm
Muy = -62.43 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 216
[44] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 1: EQ +X +E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 127.93 kN
Mux = 47.03 kNm
Muy = -1.43 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.21
φ Pn, Max = 2170.33 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 216
[44] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 1: EQ +X +E)
Pu = 127.93 kN
φ Pn = 127.93 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.21
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19 + 4-#16
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 76.45 deg
MRes = 64.22 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 129.73 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.495 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D

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Critical Analysis Load Combination : 216

[44] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 1: EQ +X +E)
Nu = 109.86 kN
Muy = 52.45 kNm
Vuy = 35.536 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 35.15 kNm
φVcy = 90.24 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 221
[49] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 6: EQ +Z -E)
Nu = 84.85 kN
Mux = 62.43 kNm
Vux = -38.5527 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 49.07 kNm
φVcx = 88.34 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 250 mm

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Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 250 --- --- 250 ---

General Data
Column No. : C9
Level : 0m To 3m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2600 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2600 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 1104
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 220
[48] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +
Load Combination =
(LOAD 5: EQ +Z +E)
Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 338.94 kN
Muxt = 56.76 kNm
Muyt = -72.11 kNm
Vuxt = -50.83 kN
Vuyt = -25.33 kN
Pub = 358.3 kN
Muxb = -19.2 kNm
Muyb = 80.34 kNm
Vuxb = -50.83 kN
Vuyb = -25.33 kN

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Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 71.111 No Beam No Beam - - 1
5500 x 300 x
Top 71.111 No Beam 29.091 - 5.079
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.87

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 71.111 No Beam No Beam - - 1
1500 x 300 x 4800 x 300 x
Top 71.111 106.667 33.333 1.052
400 400
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.87

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 19.59
M1 = -19.2 kNm

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M2 = 56.76 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 38.06
19.59 < 38.06, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 19.59
M1 = -72.11 kNm
M2 = 80.34 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
19.59 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) 56.76 - 56.76
Major Axis Mux (bottom) -19.2 - -19.2
Minor Axis Muy (top) -72.11 - -72.11
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 80.34 - 80.34

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 338.94 kN
Mux = 56.76 kNm
Muy = -72.11 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 223
[51] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 8: EQ -Z -E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 459.33 kN
Mux = -31.24 kNm
Muy = -72.46 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.21
φ Pn, Max = 2170.33 kN

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Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 223
[51] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 8: EQ -Z -E)
Pu = 459.33 kN
φ Pn = 459.33 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.21
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19 + 4-#16
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 51.8 deg
MRes = 91.77 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 141.6 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.648 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 219
[47] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 4: EQ -X -E)
Nu = 411.03 kN
Muy = 86.34 kNm
Vuy = -52.7736 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 21.63 kNm
φVcy = 102.27 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 113

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[13] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD

Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 5: EQ +Z +E)
Nu = 243.93 kN
Mux = 79.38 kNm
Vux = -49.3402 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 40.97 kNm
φVcx = 91.86 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 250 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 250 --- --- 250 ---

General Data
Column No. : C9
Level : 3m To 5.8m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 400 mm

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Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2450 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2450 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 2104
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 223
[51] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +
Load Combination =
(LOAD 8: EQ -Z -E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 132.26 kN
Muxt = 72.65 kNm
Muyt = 18.8 kNm
Vuxt = 29.77 kN
Vuyt = -60.41 kN
Pub = 150.33 kN
Muxb = -96.46 kNm
Muyb = -64.54 kNm
Vuxb = 29.77 kN
Vuyb = -60.41 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
5500 x 300 x
Bottom 76.19 No Beam 29.091 - 5.079
5500 x 300 x
Top 76.19 No Beam 19.489 - 5.143
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 1

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ

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Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2

(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
1500 x 300 x 4800 x 300 x
Bottom 76.19 106.667 33.333 1.052
400 400
4800 x 300 x
Top 76.19 No Beam - 22.331 4.508
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 1

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.007
0.007< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.007
0.007< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 1
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 21.22
M1 = 72.65 kNm
M2 = -96.46 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
21.22 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 1
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 21.22
M1 = 18.8 kNm
M2 = -64.54 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 37.5
21.22 < 37.5, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

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Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final

Major Axis Mux (top) 72.65 - 72.65
Major Axis Mux (bottom) -96.46 - -96.46
Minor Axis Muy (top) 18.8 - 18.8
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -64.54 - -64.54

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 150.33 kN
Mux = -96.46 kNm
Muy = -64.54 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 220
[48] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 5: EQ +Z +E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 181.84 kN
Mux = -78.59 kNm
Muy = 67.05 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.21
φ Pn, Max = 2170.33 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 220
[48] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 5: EQ +Z +E)
Pu = 181.84 kN
φ Pn = 181.84 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

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Moment Capacity Check

Pt Calculated = 1.21
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19 + 4-#16
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 33.79 deg
MRes = 116.06 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 133.66 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.868 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 219
[47] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 4: EQ -X -E)
Nu = 173.13 kN
Muy = 114.76 kNm
Vuy = -71.8094 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 87.5 kNm
φVcy = 88.63 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 220
[48] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 5: EQ +Z +E)
Nu = 163.77 kN
Mux = 66.26 kNm
Vux = -47.6261 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 40.48 kNm
φVcx = 91.63 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

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Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 250 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 250 --- --- 250 ---

General Data
Column No. : C9
Level : 5.8m To 8.6m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 300 mm
Column D = 300 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2500 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2500 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 3102
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 219
[47] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: EQ -X -E)
Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 18.8 kN

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Muxt = 16.46 kNm

Muyt = -4.18 kNm
Vuxt = -4.36 kN
Vuyt = -10.79 kN
Pub = 28.96 kN
Muxb = -13.73 kNm
Muyb = 8.04 kNm
Vuxb = -4.36 kN
Vuyb = -10.79 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 24.107 No Beam No Beam - - 5.143
5600 x 200 x
Top 24.107 No Beam 8.036 - 3.013
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 1

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 24.107 No Beam No Beam - - 4.508
4900 x 200 x
Top 24.107 No Beam - 9.184 2.606
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 1

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.003
0.003< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

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Along B
Q = 0.003
0.003< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 1
r = 86.6 mm
Kluy /r = 28.87
M1 = -13.73 kNm
M2 = 16.46 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
28.87 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 1
r = 86.6 mm
Klux /r = 28.87
M1 = -4.18 kNm
M2 = 8.04 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
28.87 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) 16.46 - 16.46
Major Axis Mux (bottom) -13.73 - -13.73
Minor Axis Muy (top) -4.18 - -4.18
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 8.04 - 8.04

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 18.8 kN
Mux = 16.46 kNm
Muy = -4.18 kNm

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Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 220
[48] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 5: EQ +Z +E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 30.7 kN
Mux = -12.45 kNm
Muy = 8.91 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.27
φ Pn, Max = 1232.14 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 220
[48] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 5: EQ +Z +E)
Pu = 30.7 kN
φ Pn = 30.7 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.27
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 14.25 deg
MRes = 16.98 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 51.57 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.329 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 218
[46] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 3: EQ -X +E)
Nu = 18.84 kN
Muy = 16.13 kNm

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Vuy = -11.0293 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 240.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.016
Mm = 13.87 kNm
φVcy = 46.08 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 220
[48] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 5: EQ +Z +E)
Nu = 20.53 kN
Mux = 12.87 kNm
Vux = -7.7805 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 240.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.016
Mm = 10.41 kNm
φVcx = 45.92 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 304 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 300 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---

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Spacing 300 --- --- 300 ---

General Data
Column No. : C10
Level : 0m To 3m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2600 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2600 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 1112
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 220
[48] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +
Load Combination =
(LOAD 5: EQ +Z +E)
Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 456.92 kN
Muxt = -30.35 kNm
Muyt = -64.75 kNm
Vuxt = -44.79 kN
Vuyt = 17.71 kN
Pub = 476.28 kN
Muxb = 22.78 kNm
Muyb = 69.59 kNm
Vuxb = -44.79 kN
Vuyb = 17.71 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x

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Width x Depth) Width x Depth)

N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 71.111 No Beam No Beam - - 1
3400 x 300 x 5500 x 300 x
Top 71.111 47.059 29.091 1.932
400 400
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.87

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 71.111 No Beam No Beam - - 1
1500 x 300 x 4800 x 300 x
Top 71.111 106.667 33.333 1.052
400 400
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.87

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 19.59
M1 = 22.78 kNm
M2 = -30.35 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
19.59 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B

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K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 19.59
M1 = -64.75 kNm
M2 = 69.59 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
19.59 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -30.35 - -30.35
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 22.78 - 22.78
Minor Axis Muy (top) -64.75 - -64.75
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 69.59 - 69.59

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 456.92 kN
Mux = -30.35 kNm
Muy = -64.75 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 223
[51] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 8: EQ -Z -E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 556.78 kN
Mux = 7.14 kNm
Muy = -59.31 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.21
φ Pn, Max = 2170.33 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 223

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[51] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD

Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 8: EQ -Z -E)
Pu = 556.78 kN
φ Pn = 556.78 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.21
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19 + 4-#16
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 64.89 deg
MRes = 71.51 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 152.34 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.469 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 109
[9] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10:
Critical Load Combination = kN
LL) +(LOAD 1: EQ +X +E)
Nu = 362.88 kN
Muy = 61.79 kNm
Vuy = 39.1348 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 4.66 kNm
φVcy = 152.47 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 113
[13] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 5: EQ +Z +E)
Nu = 333.97 kN
Mux = 68.32 kNm
Vux = -43.0481 kN

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λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 15.74 kNm
φVcx = 104.76 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 250 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 250 --- --- 250 ---

General Data
Column No. : C10
Level : 3m To 5.8m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2450 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2450 mm
No Of Floors = 1

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No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 2111
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 220
[48] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +
Load Combination =
(LOAD 5: EQ +Z +E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 231.32 kN
Muxt = -32.61 kNm
Muyt = -70.48 kNm
Vuxt = -50.56 kN
Vuyt = 24.58 kN
Pub = 249.39 kN
Muxb = 36.2 kNm
Muyb = 71.04 kNm
Vuxb = -50.56 kN
Vuyb = 24.58 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
3400 x 300 x 5500 x 300 x
Bottom 76.19 47.059 29.091 1.932
400 400
3400 x 300 x 5500 x 300 x
Top 76.19 31.526 19.489 1.967
350 350
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 1

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
1500 x 300 x 4800 x 300 x
Bottom 76.19 106.667 33.333 1.052
400 400
4800 x 300 x

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Top 76.19 No Beam 350 - 22.331 4.508

Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 1

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.007
0.007< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.007
0.007< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 1
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 21.22
M1 = -32.61 kNm
M2 = 36.2 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
21.22 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 1
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 21.22
M1 = -70.48 kNm
M2 = 71.04 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
21.22 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -32.61 - -32.61
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 36.2 - 36.2
Minor Axis Muy (top) -70.48 - -70.48
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 71.04 - 71.04

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A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 249.39 kN
Mux = 36.2 kNm
Muy = 71.04 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 221
[49] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 6: EQ +Z -E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 251.34 kN
Mux = 26.74 kNm
Muy = 71.25 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.21
φ Pn, Max = 2170.33 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 221
[49] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 6: EQ +Z -E)
Pu = 251.34 kN
φ Pn = 251.34 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.21
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19 + 4-#16
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 63 deg
MRes = 79.73 kNm

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( φ ) MCap = 142.85 kNm

Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.558 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 216
[44] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 1: EQ +X +E)
Nu = 224.05 kN
Muy = 64.15 kNm
Vuy = 43.6137 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 28.88 kNm
φVcy = 94.44 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 220
[48] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 5: EQ +Z +E)
Nu = 231.32 kN
Mux = 70.48 kNm
Vux = -50.5579 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 34.06 kNm
φVcx = 94.22 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm

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Criterion for spacing of normal links

Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 250 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 250 --- --- 250 ---

General Data
Column No. : C10
Level : 5.8m To 8.6m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 300 mm
Column D = 300 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2500 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2500 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 3104
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 217
[45] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +
Load Combination =
(LOAD 2: EQ +X -E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 24.75 kN
Muxt = -16.47 kNm
Muyt = -8.62 kNm
Vuxt = -7.24 kN
Vuyt = 11.41 kN
Pub = 34.91 kN
Muxb = 15.46 kNm

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Muyb = 11.66 kNm

Vuxb = -7.24 kN
Vuyb = 11.41 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 24.107 No Beam No Beam - - 1.967
3500 x 200 x 5600 x 200 x
Top 24.107 12.857 8.036 1.148
300 300
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 1

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 24.107 No Beam No Beam - - 4.508
4900 x 200 x
Top 24.107 No Beam - 9.184 2.606
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 1

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.003
0.003< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.003
0.003< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check

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Column Is Braced Along D

Slenderness Check along D
K = 1
r = 86.6 mm
Kluy /r = 28.87
M1 = 15.46 kNm
M2 = -16.47 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
28.87 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 1
r = 86.6 mm
Klux /r = 28.87
M1 = -8.62 kNm
M2 = 11.66 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
28.87 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -16.47 - -16.47
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 15.46 - 15.46
Minor Axis Muy (top) -8.62 - -8.62
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 11.66 - 11.66

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 34.91 kN
Mux = 15.46 kNm
Muy = 11.66 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 221
[49] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 6: EQ +Z -E)

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Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN

Pu = 40.25 kN
Mux = 7.1 kNm
Muy = 15.68 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.27
φ Pn, Max = 1232.14 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 221
[49] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 6: EQ +Z -E)
Pu = 40.25 kN
φ Pn = 40.25 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.27
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 37.03 deg
MRes = 19.36 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 52.9 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.366 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 216
[44] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 1: EQ +X +E)
Nu = 24.6 kN
Muy = 17.32 kNm
Vuy = 11.6646 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 240.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.016
Mm = 14.37 kNm

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φVcy = 46.14 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 221
[49] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 6: EQ +Z -E)
Nu = 30.08 kN
Mux = 17.57 kNm
Vux = -11.879 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 240.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.016
Mm = 13.96 kNm
φVcx = 46.28 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 304 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 300 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 300 --- --- 300 ---

General Data
Column No. : C11

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Level : 0m To 3m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2600 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2600 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 1117
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 114
[14] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +
Load Combination =
(LOAD 6: EQ +Z -E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 202.36 kN
Muxt = -11.57 kNm
Muyt = -62.14 kNm
Vuxt = -43.09 kN
Vuyt = 7.03 kN
Pub = 216.19 kN
Muxb = 9.52 kNm
Muyb = 67.09 kNm
Vuxb = -43.09 kN
Vuyb = 7.03 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 71.111 No Beam No Beam - - 1
1500 x 300 x 3400 x 300 x
Top 71.111 106.667 47.059 0.958
400 400
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway

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Effective Length Factor along Major

= 0.77

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 71.111 No Beam No Beam - - 1
1500 x 300 x 4800 x 300 x
Top 71.111 106.667 33.333 1.052
400 400
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.87

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.77
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 17.34
M1 = 9.52 kNm
M2 = -11.57 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
17.34 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 19.59
M1 = -62.14 kNm
M2 = 67.09 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40

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19.59 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -11.57 - -11.57
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 9.52 - 9.52
Minor Axis Muy (top) -62.14 - -62.14
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 67.09 - 67.09

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 216.19 kN
Mux = 9.52 kNm
Muy = 67.09 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 222
[50] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 7: EQ -Z +E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 400.49 kN
Mux = 5.89 kNm
Muy = -52.94 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.21
φ Pn, Max = 2170.33 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 222
[50] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 7: EQ -Z +E)
Pu = 400.49 kN
φ Pn = 400.49 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %

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Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.21
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19 + 4-#16
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 81.92 deg
MRes = 67.76 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 146.29 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.463 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 109
[9] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10:
Critical Load Combination = kN
LL) +(LOAD 1: EQ +X +E)
Nu = 235.77 kN
Muy = 60.12 kNm
Vuy = 37.4185 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 23 kNm
φVcy = 95.43 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 114
[14] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 6: EQ +Z -E)
Nu = 216.19 kN
Mux = 67.09 kNm
Vux = -43.0865 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 33.05 kNm
φVcx = 92.7 kN

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Vux < φVcx

Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 250 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 250 --- --- 250 ---

General Data
Column No. : C11
Level : 3m To 5.8m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2450 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2450 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 2115
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 221

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[49] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +

Load Combination =
(LOAD 6: EQ +Z -E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 125.73 kN
Muxt = -17.52 kNm
Muyt = -68.7 kNm
Vuxt = -52.54 kN
Vuyt = 10.95 kN
Pub = 143.8 kN
Muxb = 13.14 kNm
Muyb = 78.38 kNm
Vuxb = -52.54 kN
Vuyb = 10.95 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
1500 x 300 x 3400 x 300 x
Bottom 76.19 106.667 47.059 0.958
400 400
3400 x 300 x
Top 76.19 No Beam - 31.526 3.184
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.86

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
1500 x 300 x 4800 x 300 x
Bottom 76.19 106.667 33.333 1.052
400 400
4800 x 300 x
Top 76.19 No Beam - 22.331 4.508
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 1

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Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.007
0.007< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.007
0.007< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.86
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 18.25
M1 = 13.14 kNm
M2 = -17.52 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
18.25 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 1
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 21.22
M1 = -68.7 kNm
M2 = 78.38 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
21.22 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -17.52 - -17.52
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 13.14 - 13.14
Minor Axis Muy (top) -68.7 - -68.7
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 78.38 - 78.38

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

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Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 143.8 kN
Mux = 13.14 kNm
Muy = 78.38 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 216
[44] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 1: EQ +X +E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 147.01 kN
Mux = 52.97 kNm
Muy = 19.2 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.21
φ Pn, Max = 2170.33 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 216
[44] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 1: EQ +X +E)
Pu = 147.01 kN
φ Pn = 147.01 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.21
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19 + 4-#16
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 80.48 deg
MRes = 79.47 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 136.89 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.581 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D

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Critical Analysis Load Combination : 216

[44] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 1: EQ +X +E)
Nu = 147.01 kN
Muy = 52.97 kNm
Vuy = 35.5137 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 29.82 kNm
φVcy = 91.75 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 221
[49] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 6: EQ +Z -E)
Nu = 143.8 kN
Mux = 78.38 kNm
Vux = -52.5424 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 55.74 kNm
φVcx = 89.66 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 250 mm

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Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 250 --- --- 250 ---

General Data
Column No. : C11
Level : 5.8m To 8.6m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 300 mm
Column D = 300 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2500 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2500 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 3106
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 221
[49] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +
Load Combination =
(LOAD 6: EQ +Z -E)
Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 15.35 kN
Muxt = -3.98 kNm
Muyt = -13.38 kNm
Vuxt = -8.23 kN
Vuyt = 3.5 kN
Pub = 25.51 kN
Muxb = 5.81 kNm
Muyb = 9.65 kNm
Vuxb = -8.23 kN
Vuyb = 3.5 kN

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Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 24.107 No Beam No Beam - - 3.184
3500 x 200 x
Top 24.107 No Beam - 12.857 1.891
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 1

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 24.107 No Beam No Beam - - 4.508
4900 x 200 x
Top 24.107 No Beam - 9.184 2.606
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 1

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.003
0.003< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.003
0.003< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 1
r = 86.6 mm
Kluy /r = 28.87
M1 = -3.98 kNm

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M2 = 5.81 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
28.87 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 1
r = 86.6 mm
Klux /r = 28.87
M1 = 9.65 kNm
M2 = -13.38 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
28.87 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -3.98 - -3.98
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 5.81 - 5.81
Minor Axis Muy (top) -13.38 - -13.38
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 9.65 - 9.65

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 15.35 kN
Mux = -3.98 kNm
Muy = -13.38 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 216
[44] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 1: EQ +X +E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 26.05 kN
Mux = 10.53 kNm
Muy = 8.57 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.27
φ Pn, Max = 1232.14 kN

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Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 216
[44] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 1: EQ +X +E)
Pu = 26.05 kN
φ Pn = 26.05 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.27
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 73.42 deg
MRes = 13.96 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 51.53 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.271 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 216
[44] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 1: EQ +X +E)
Nu = 15.89 kN
Muy = 11.19 kNm
Vuy = 7.7589 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 240.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.016
Mm = 9.28 kNm
φVcy = 46.23 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 221

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[49] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD

Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 6: EQ +Z -E)
Nu = 15.35 kN
Mux = 13.38 kNm
Vux = -8.2262 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 240.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.016
Mm = 11.53 kNm
φVcx = 45.8 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 304 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 300 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 300 --- --- 300 ---

General Data
Column No. : C12
Level : 0m To 3m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 300 mm

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Column D = 300 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2600 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2650 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 1101
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 218
[46] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +
Load Combination =
(LOAD 3: EQ -X +E)
Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 93.91 kN
Muxt = 35.33 kNm
Muyt = 1.08 kNm
Vuxt = -0.4 kN
Vuyt = -22.81 kN
Pub = 104.8 kN
Muxb = -33.08 kNm
Muyb = 2.29 kNm
Vuxb = -0.4 kN
Vuyb = -22.81 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 22.5 No Beam No Beam - - 1
5909.85 x 300
Top 22.5 No Beam 18.137 - 0.402
x 350
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.71

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2

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(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 22.5 No Beam No Beam - - 1
2786 x 300 x
Top 22.5 No Beam 57.43 - 1.139
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.87

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.71
r = 86.6 mm
Kluy /r = 21.73
M1 = -33.08 kNm
M2 = 35.33 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
21.73 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.87
r = 86.6 mm
Klux /r = 26.12
M1 = 1.08 kNm
M2 = 2.29 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 28.31
26.12 < 28.31, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final

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Major Axis Mux (top) 35.33 - 35.33

Major Axis Mux (bottom) -33.08 - -33.08
Minor Axis Muy (top) 1.08 - 1.08
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 2.29 - 2.29

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 93.91 kN
Mux = 35.33 kNm
Muy = 1.08 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 223
[51] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 8: EQ -Z -E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 153.49 kN
Mux = -1.23 kNm
Muy = -32.16 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.27
φ Pn, Max = 1232.14 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 223
[51] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 8: EQ -Z -E)
Pu = 153.49 kN
φ Pn = 153.49 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.27

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Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19

Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 1.76 deg
MRes = 35.35 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 57.65 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.613 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 218
[46] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 3: EQ -X +E)
Nu = 93.91 kN
Muy = 35.33 kNm
Vuy = -22.8108 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 240.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.016
Mm = 24.07 kNm
φVcy = 46.62 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 223
[51] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 8: EQ -Z -E)
Nu = 142.6 kN
Mux = 33.04 kNm
Vux = 21.7405 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 240.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.016
Mm = 15.94 kNm
φVcx = 48.08 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required

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Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 304 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 300 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 300 --- --- 300 ---

General Data
Column No. : C13
Level : 0m To 3m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 300 mm
Column D = 300 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 3000 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2650 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 1109
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 110
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +
Load Combination =
(LOAD 2: EQ +X -E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 76.98 kN
Muxt = -24.31 kNm
Muyt = -0.33 kNm

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Vuxt = 0.05 kN
Vuyt = 17.87 kN
Pub = 84.76 kN
Muxb = 29.29 kNm
Muyb = -0.49 kNm
Vuxb = 0.05 kN
Vuyb = 17.87 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 22.5 No Beam No Beam - - 1
5709.54 x 300 5909.85 x 300
Top 22.5 18.773 18.137 0.608
x 350 x 350
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.74

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 22.5 No Beam No Beam - - 1
Top 22.5 No Beam No Beam - - 1
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.78

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.009

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0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame


Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.74
r = 86.6 mm
Kluy /r = 22.64
M1 = -24.31 kNm
M2 = 29.29 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
22.64 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.78
r = 86.6 mm
Klux /r = 27.02
M1 = -0.33 kNm
M2 = -0.49 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 25.97
27.02 > 25.97, Column slender along B
Moment Magnification:
For Non-sway frame:
Along B
βdns = 0.6
Ec = 23500 N/sqmm
9 = 0.675 mm^4
Ig ( x 10 )
EI ( x 10 6) = 4579107.188 N-sqmm
M2min = 2.03 kNm
Cm = 1
Pc = 8253.7 kN
δns = 1.01
Mc1 = -2.06 kNm
1.4 MuyB = -0.68 kNm
Mc1 = Min (-2.06, -0.68) kNm
= -0.68 kNm
Mc2 = -2.06 kNm
1.4 MuyT = -0.46 kNm
Mc2 = Min (-2.06, -0.46) kNm
= -0.46 kNm

Calculation of Design Moment

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Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final

Major Axis Mux (top) -24.31 - -24.31
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 29.29 - 29.29
Minor Axis Muy (top) -0.33 -0.46 -0.46
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -0.49 -0.68 -0.68

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 84.76 kN
Mux = 29.29 kNm
Muy = -0.68 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 218
[46] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 3: EQ -X +E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 119.14 kN
Mux = -25.57 kNm
Muy = -1.35 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.27
φ Pn, Max = 1232.14 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 218
[46] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 3: EQ -X +E)
Pu = 119.14 kN
φ Pn = 119.14 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

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Moment Capacity Check

Pt Calculated = 1.27
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 1.34 deg
MRes = 29.3 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 56.8 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.516 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 110
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 2: EQ +X -E)
Nu = 84.76 kN
Muy = 29.29 kNm
Vuy = 17.8709 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 240.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.016
Mm = 19.13 kNm
φVcy = 46.57 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 115
[15] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 7: EQ -Z +E)
Nu = 85.08 kN
Mux = 15.94 kNm
Vux = 7.1636 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 240.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.016
Mm = 5.74 kNm
φVcx = 47.68 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

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Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 304 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 300 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 300 --- --- 300 ---

General Data
Column No. : C14
Level : 0m To 3m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 300 mm
Column D = 300 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2650 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2650 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 1119
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 217
[45] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +
Load Combination =
(LOAD 2: EQ +X -E)
Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 67.21 kN

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Muxt = -36.66 kNm

Muyt = -0.78 kNm
Vuxt = -1.21 kN
Vuyt = 24.04 kN
Pub = 78.1 kN
Muxb = 35.44 kNm
Muyb = 2.85 kNm
Vuxb = -1.21 kN
Vuyb = 24.04 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 22.5 No Beam No Beam - - 1
5709.54 x 300
Top 22.5 No Beam - 18.773 0.489
x 350
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.72

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 22.5 No Beam No Beam - - 1
2265 x 300 x
Top 22.5 No Beam 47.323 - 1.125
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.87

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

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Along B
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.72
r = 86.6 mm
Kluy /r = 22.03
M1 = 35.44 kNm
M2 = -36.66 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
22.03 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.87
r = 86.6 mm
Klux /r = 26.62
M1 = -0.78 kNm
M2 = 2.85 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 37.26
26.62 < 37.26, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -36.66 - -36.66
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 35.44 - 35.44
Minor Axis Muy (top) -0.78 - -0.78
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 2.85 - 2.85

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 67.21 kN
Mux = -36.66 kNm
Muy = -0.78 kNm

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Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 222
[50] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 7: EQ -Z +E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 114.61 kN
Mux = 11.74 kNm
Muy = -26.01 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.27
φ Pn, Max = 1232.14 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 222
[50] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 7: EQ -Z +E)
Pu = 114.61 kN
φ Pn = 114.61 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.27
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 1.21 deg
MRes = 36.67 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 55.16 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.665 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 217
[45] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 2: EQ +X -E)
Nu = 67.21 kN
Muy = 36.66 kNm

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Vuy = 24.0401 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 240.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.016
Mm = 28.6 kNm
φVcy = 46.24 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 230
[58] : 1.38 (LOAD 9: DL) +(LOAD 7:
Critical Load Combination = kN
EQ -Z +E)
Nu = 92.62 kN
Mux = 27.07 kNm
Vux = 17.6015 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 240.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.016
Mm = 15.96 kNm
φVcx = 47.16 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 304 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 300 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---

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Spacing 300 --- --- 300 ---

General Data
Column No. : C15
Level : 0m To 3m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2650 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2600 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 1107
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 218
[46] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +
Load Combination =
(LOAD 3: EQ -X +E)
Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 671.99 kN
Muxt = 109.59 kNm
Muyt = -6.13 kNm
Vuxt = -4.59 kN
Vuyt = -68.86 kN
Pub = 691.35 kN
Muxb = -96.94 kNm
Muyb = 7.63 kNm
Vuxb = -4.59 kN
Vuyb = -68.86 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x

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Width x Depth) Width x Depth)

N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 71.111 No Beam No Beam - - 1
3100 x 300 x 2000 x 300 x
Top 71.111 51.613 80 0.541
400 400
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.73

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 71.111 No Beam No Beam - - 1
4994 x 300 x 450 x 300 x
Top 71.111 32.038 238.194 0.263
400 350
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.69

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.73
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 16.44
M1 = -96.94 kNm
M2 = 109.59 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
16.44 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B

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K = 0.69
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 15.84
M1 = -6.13 kNm
M2 = 7.63 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
15.84 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) 109.59 - 109.59
Major Axis Mux (bottom) -96.94 - -96.94
Minor Axis Muy (top) -6.13 - -6.13
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 7.63 - 7.63

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 671.99 kN
Mux = 109.59 kNm
Muy = -6.13 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 222
[50] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 7: EQ -Z +E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 704.8 kN
Mux = -10.74 kNm
Muy = -58.72 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.21
φ Pn, Max = 2170.33 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 222

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[50] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD

Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 7: EQ -Z +E)
Pu = 704.8 kN
φ Pn = 704.8 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.21
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19 + 4-#16
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 3.2 deg
MRes = 109.76 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 180.97 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.607 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 111
[11] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 3: EQ -X +E)
Nu = 486.84 kN
Muy = 98.99 kNm
Vuy = -63.9214 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 22.35 kNm
φVcy = 105.82 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 113
[13] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 5: EQ +Z +E)
Nu = 458.07 kN
Mux = 24.29 kNm
Vux = -26.4527 kN

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λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = -47.83 kNm
φVcx = 200.38 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 250 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 250 --- --- 250 ---

General Data
Column No. : C16
Level : 0m To 3m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2600 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2600 mm
No Of Floors = 1

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No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 1108
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 219
[47] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +
Load Combination =
(LOAD 4: EQ -X -E)
Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 562.24 kN
Muxt = 85.51 kNm
Muyt = 12.6 kNm
Vuxt = 6.08 kN
Vuyt = -53.48 kN
Pub = 581.6 kN
Muxb = -74.89 kNm
Muyb = -5.63 kNm
Vuxb = 6.08 kN
Vuyb = -53.48 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 71.111 No Beam No Beam - - 1
3100 x 300 x 2000 x 300 x
Top 71.111 51.613 80 0.541
400 400
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.73

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 71.111 No Beam No Beam - - 1
5000 x 300 x 4994 x 300 x
Top 71.111 32 32.038 1.111
400 400

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Sway Condition (as per Stability

= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.87

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.73
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 16.44
M1 = -74.89 kNm
M2 = 85.51 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
16.44 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 19.59
M1 = -5.63 kNm
M2 = 12.6 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 39.36
19.59 < 39.36, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) 85.51 - 85.51
Major Axis Mux (bottom) -74.89 - -74.89
Minor Axis Muy (top) 12.6 - 12.6
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -5.63 - -5.63


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A = Moments from analysis

B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 562.24 kN
Mux = 85.51 kNm
Muy = 12.6 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 220
[48] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 5: EQ +Z +E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 594.93 kN
Mux = -14.45 kNm
Muy = 55.81 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.21
φ Pn, Max = 2170.33 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 220
[48] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 5: EQ +Z +E)
Pu = 594.93 kN
φ Pn = 594.93 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.21
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19 + 4-#16
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 8.38 deg
MRes = 86.44 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 172.3 kNm

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Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap

= 0.502 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 111
[11] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 3: EQ -X +E)
Nu = 408.45 kN
Muy = 79.07 kNm
Vuy = -50.9081 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 14.77 kNm
φVcy = 110.76 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 116
[16] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 8: EQ -Z -E)
Nu = 404.15 kN
Mux = 74.25 kNm
Vux = 44.0307 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 10.62 kNm
φVcx = 116.64 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links

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Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm

48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 250 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 250 --- --- 250 ---

General Data
Column No. : C17
Level : 0m To 3m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2600 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2600 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 1122
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 114
[14] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +
Load Combination =
(LOAD 6: EQ +Z -E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 35.18 kN
Muxt = -10.19 kNm
Muyt = -62.29 kNm
Vuxt = -42.89 kN
Vuyt = 6.35 kN
Pub = 49.01 kN
Muxb = 8.86 kNm
Muyb = 66.35 kNm

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Vuxb = -42.89 kN
Vuyb = 6.35 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 71.111 No Beam No Beam - - 1
1500 x 300 x
Top 71.111 No Beam - 106.667 0.666
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.74

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 71.111 No Beam No Beam - - 1
1500 x 300 x 4800 x 300 x
Top 71.111 106.667 33.333 0.508
400 400
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.72

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D

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Slenderness Check along D

K = 0.74
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 16.66
M1 = 8.86 kNm
M2 = -10.19 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
16.66 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.72
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 16.21
M1 = -62.29 kNm
M2 = 66.35 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
16.21 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -10.19 - -10.19
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 8.86 - 8.86
Minor Axis Muy (top) -62.29 - -62.29
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 66.35 - 66.35

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 49.01 kN
Mux = 8.86 kNm
Muy = 66.35 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 216
[44] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 1: EQ +X +E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN

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Pu = 168.24 kN
Mux = 63.13 kNm
Muy = 9.01 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.21
φ Pn, Max = 2170.33 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 216
[44] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 1: EQ +X +E)
Pu = 168.24 kN
φ Pn = 168.24 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.21
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19 + 4-#16
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 82.4 deg
MRes = 66.94 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 124.27 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.539 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 216
[44] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 1: EQ +X +E)
Nu = 168.24 kN
Muy = 63.13 kNm
Vuy = 40.0092 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 36.64 kNm
φVcy = 90.92 kN

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Vuy < φVcy

Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 221
[49] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 6: EQ +Z -E)
Nu = 62.22 kN
Mux = 64.67 kNm
Vux = -43.8857 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 54.87 kNm
φVcx = 88.46 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 250 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 250 --- --- 250 ---

General Data
Column No. : C18
Level : 0m To 3m

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Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011

Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2650 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2600 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 1105
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 223
[51] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +
Load Combination =
(LOAD 8: EQ -Z -E)
Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 80.83 kN
Muxt = 57.05 kNm
Muyt = 75.28 kNm
Vuxt = 53.94 kN
Vuyt = -29.94 kN
Pub = 100.19 kN
Muxb = -32.74 kNm
Muyb = -86.51 kNm
Vuxb = 53.94 kN
Vuyb = -29.94 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 71.111 No Beam No Beam - - 1
5500 x 300 x
Top 71.111 No Beam 29.091 - 2.452
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major

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Axis = 0.87

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 71.111 No Beam No Beam - - 1
3900 x 300 x 1500 x 300 x
Top 71.111 27.484 106.667 0.53
350 400
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.73

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 19.59
M1 = -32.74 kNm
M2 = 57.05 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
19.59 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.73
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 16.75
M1 = 75.28 kNm
M2 = -86.51 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
16.75 < 40, Column not slender along B

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Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) 57.05 - 57.05
Major Axis Mux (bottom) -32.74 - -32.74
Minor Axis Muy (top) 75.28 - 75.28
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -86.51 - -86.51

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 80.83 kN
Mux = 57.05 kNm
Muy = 75.28 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 220
[48] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 5: EQ +Z +E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 238.75 kN
Mux = -10.38 kNm
Muy = 78.09 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.21
φ Pn, Max = 2170.33 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 220
[48] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 5: EQ +Z +E)
Pu = 238.75 kN
φ Pn = 238.75 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

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Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.21
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19 + 4-#16
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 52.84 deg
MRes = 94.45 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 128.37 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.736 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 219
[47] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 4: EQ -X -E)
Nu = 163.07 kN
Muy = 84.42 kNm
Vuy = -51.4137 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 58.74 kNm
φVcy = 89.09 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 231
[59] : 1.38 (LOAD 9: DL) +(LOAD 8:
Critical Load Combination = kN
EQ -Z -E)
Nu = 65.27 kN
Mux = 86.08 kNm
Vux = 53.6539 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 75.8 kNm
φVcx = 87.68 kN
Vux < φVcx

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Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 250 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 250 --- --- 250 ---

General Data
Column No. : C19
Level : 0m To 3m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2650 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2600 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 1113
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 116
[16] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +

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Load Combination = (LOAD 8: EQ -Z -E)

Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 97.92 kN
Muxt = 0.22 kNm
Muyt = 63.06 kNm
Vuxt = 45.12 kN
Vuyt = -2.09 kN
Pub = 111.75 kN
Muxb = -6.04 kNm
Muyb = -72.25 kNm
Vuxb = 45.12 kN
Vuyb = -2.09 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 71.111 No Beam No Beam - - 1
3400 x 300 x 5500 x 300 x
Top 71.111 47.059 29.091 0.933
400 400
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.77

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 71.111 No Beam No Beam - - 1
3900 x 300 x 1500 x 300 x
Top 71.111 27.484 106.667 0.53
350 400
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.73

Check For Stability Index

Along D

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Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.77
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 17.34
M1 = 0.22 kNm
M2 = -6.04 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 34.44
17.34 < 34.44, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.73
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 16.75
M1 = 63.06 kNm
M2 = -72.25 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
16.75 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) 0.22 - 0.22
Major Axis Mux (bottom) -6.04 - -6.04
Minor Axis Muy (top) 63.06 - 63.06
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -72.25 - -72.25

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

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Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending

Pu = 111.75 kN
Mux = -6.04 kNm
Muy = -72.25 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 220
[48] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 5: EQ +Z +E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 298.18 kN
Mux = 23.77 kNm
Muy = 65.37 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.21
φ Pn, Max = 2170.33 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 220
[48] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 5: EQ +Z +E)
Pu = 298.18 kN
φ Pn = 298.18 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.21
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19 + 4-#16
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 85.22 deg
MRes = 72.5 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 132.45 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.547 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 224

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[52] : 1.38 (LOAD 9: DL) +(LOAD 1:

Critical Load Combination = kN
EQ +X +E)
Nu = 183.53 kN
Muy = 61.61 kNm
Vuy = 39.855 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 32.72 kNm
φVcy = 91.98 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 231
[59] : 1.38 (LOAD 9: DL) +(LOAD 8:
Critical Load Combination = kN
EQ -Z -E)
Nu = 121.19 kN
Mux = 72.75 kNm
Vux = 45.3441 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 53.67 kNm
φVcx = 88.84 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 250 mm

Table For Links

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Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements

Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 250 --- --- 250 ---

General Data
Column No. : C20
Level : 0m To 3m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2600 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2600 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 1118
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 230
Load Combination = [58] : 1.38 (LOAD 9: DL) +(LOAD 7: EQ -Z +E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = -9.21 kN
Muxt = -4.07 kNm
Muyt = 51.84 kNm
Vuxt = 38.99 kN
Vuyt = 1.73 kN
Pub = 6.69 kN
Muxb = 1.12 kNm
Muyb = -65.1 kNm
Vuxb = 38.99 kN
Vuyb = 1.73 kN

Effective Length Calculation

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Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 71.111 No Beam No Beam - - 1
1500 x 300 x 3400 x 300 x
Top 71.111 106.667 47.059 0.463
400 400
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.72

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 71.111 No Beam No Beam - - 1
1500 x 300 x
Top 71.111 No Beam - 106.667 0.666
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.74

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.72
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 16.21
M1 = 0 kNm
M2 = 0 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 0

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16.21 > 0,Column slender along D

Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.74
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 16.66
M1 = 0 kNm
M2 = 0 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 0
16.66 > 0, Column slender along B
Moment Magnification:

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -4.07 - -4.07
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 1.12 - 1.12
Minor Axis Muy (top) 51.84 - 51.84
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -65.1 - -65.1

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 6.69 kN
Mux = 1.12 kNm
Muy = -65.1 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 221
[49] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 6: EQ +Z -E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 158.33 kN
Mux = 13.34 kNm
Muy = 64.33 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.21
φ Pn, Max = 2170.33 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

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Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 221
[49] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 6: EQ +Z -E)
Pu = 158.33 kN
φ Pn = 158.33 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.21
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19 + 4-#16
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 89.02 deg
MRes = 65.11 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 117.37 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.555 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 216
[44] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 1: EQ +X +E)
Nu = 64.13 kN
Muy = 63.26 kNm
Vuy = 41.105 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 53.16 kNm
φVcy = 88.23 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 230
[58] : 1.38 (LOAD 9: DL) +(LOAD 7:

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Critical Load Combination = EQ -Z +E) kN

Nu = 6.69 kN
Mux = 65.1 kNm
Vux = 38.9888 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 64.04 kNm
φVcx = 86.85 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 250 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 250 --- --- 250 ---

General Data
Column No. : C21
Level : 0m To 3m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm

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Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2650 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2600 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 1123
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 230
Load Combination = [58] : 1.38 (LOAD 9: DL) +(LOAD 7: EQ -Z +E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 4.9 kN
Muxt = -0.72 kNm
Muyt = 61.87 kNm
Vuxt = 43.63 kN
Vuyt = 0.07 kN
Pub = 20.8 kN
Muxb = -0.5 kNm
Muyb = -68.99 kNm
Vuxb = 43.63 kN
Vuyb = 0.07 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 71.111 No Beam No Beam - - 1
1500 x 300 x
Top 71.111 No Beam - 106.667 0.666
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.74

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M

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Bottom 71.111 No Beam No Beam - - 1

3900 x 300 x 1500 x 300 x
Top 71.111 27.484 106.667 0.53
350 400
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.73

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.74
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 16.66
M1 = -0.5 kNm
M2 = -0.72 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 25.67
16.66 < 25.67, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.73
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 16.75
M1 = 61.87 kNm
M2 = -68.99 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
16.75 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -0.72 - -0.72
Major Axis Mux (bottom) -0.5 - -0.5
Minor Axis Muy (top) 61.87 - 61.87

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Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -68.99 - -68.99

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 20.8 kN
Mux = -0.5 kNm
Muy = -68.99 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 220
[48] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 5: EQ +Z +E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 131.85 kN
Mux = 19.37 kNm
Muy = 51.42 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.21
φ Pn, Max = 2170.33 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 220
[48] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 5: EQ +Z +E)
Pu = 131.85 kN
φ Pn = 131.85 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.21
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19 + 4-#16
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)

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= 89.59 deg
MRes = 68.99 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 119.34 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.578 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 216
[44] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 1: EQ +X +E)
Nu = 129.99 kN
Muy = 59.2 kNm
Vuy = 36.9421 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 38.73 kNm
φVcy = 89.75 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 222
[50] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 7: EQ -Z +E)
Nu = 38.86 kN
Mux = 70.01 kNm
Vux = 44.5227 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 63.89 kNm
φVcx = 87.59 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm

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> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4

= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 250 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 250 --- --- 250 ---

General Data
Column No. : C22
Level : 0m To 3m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 300 mm
Column D = 300 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2650 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 3000 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 1106
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 113
[13] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +
Load Combination =
(LOAD 5: EQ +Z +E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 31.68 kN
Muxt = 0.74 kNm
Muyt = -26.31 kNm
Vuxt = -17.98 kN
Vuyt = 1.2 kN

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Pub = 39.46 kN
Muxb = 4.34 kNm
Muyb = 27.62 kNm
Vuxb = -17.98 kN
Vuyb = 1.2 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 22.5 No Beam No Beam - - 1
Top 22.5 No Beam No Beam - - 1
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.78

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 22.5 No Beam No Beam - - 1
3900 x 300 x
Top 22.5 No Beam - 27.484 0.818
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.76

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

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Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.78
r = 86.6 mm
Kluy /r = 27.02
M1 = 0.74 kNm
M2 = 4.34 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 31.96
27.02 < 31.96, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.76
r = 86.6 mm
Klux /r = 23.26
M1 = -26.31 kNm
M2 = 27.62 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
23.26 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) 0.74 - 0.74
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 4.34 - 4.34
Minor Axis Muy (top) -26.31 - -26.31
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 27.62 - 27.62

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 39.46 kN
Mux = 4.34 kNm
Muy = 27.62 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 220
Load Combination = [48] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD

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10: LL) +(LOAD 5: EQ +Z +E)

Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 51.51 kN
Mux = 4.22 kNm
Muy = 27.98 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.27
φ Pn, Max = 1232.14 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 220
[48] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 5: EQ +Z +E)
Pu = 51.51 kN
φ Pn = 51.51 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.27
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 81.06 deg
MRes = 27.96 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 52.95 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.528 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 112
[12] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 4: EQ -X -E)
Nu = 31.18 kN
Muy = 10.39 kNm
Vuy = -4.6699 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 240.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.016

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Mm = 6.65 kNm
φVcy = 45.76 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 220
[48] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 5: EQ +Z +E)
Nu = 40.62 kN
Mux = 27.52 kNm
Vux = -18.5059 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 240.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.016
Mm = 22.65 kNm
φVcx = 46.16 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 304 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 300 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 300 --- --- 300 ---

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General Data
Column No. : C23
Level : 0m To 3m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 300 mm
Column D = 300 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2650 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2650 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 1114
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 221
[49] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +
Load Combination =
(LOAD 6: EQ +Z -E)
Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 84.67 kN
Muxt = 16.54 kNm
Muyt = -23.73 kNm
Vuxt = -15.83 kN
Vuyt = -7.47 kN
Pub = 95.56 kN
Muxb = -5.85 kNm
Muyb = 23.75 kNm
Vuxb = -15.83 kN
Vuyb = -7.47 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 22.5 No Beam No Beam - - 1
5400 x 300 x
Top 22.5 No Beam 19.85 - 1.139

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Sway Condition (as per Stability

= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.87

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 22.5 No Beam No Beam - - 1
3900 x 300 x
Top 22.5 No Beam - 27.484 0.818
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.76

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.87
r = 86.6 mm
Kluy /r = 26.62
M1 = -5.85 kNm
M2 = 16.54 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 38.24
26.62 < 38.24, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.76
r = 86.6 mm
Klux /r = 23.26
M1 = -23.73 kNm

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M2 = 23.75 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
23.26 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) 16.54 - 16.54
Major Axis Mux (bottom) -5.85 - -5.85
Minor Axis Muy (top) -23.73 - -23.73
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 23.75 - 23.75

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 84.67 kN
Mux = 16.54 kNm
Muy = -23.73 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 221
[49] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 6: EQ +Z -E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 95.56 kN
Mux = -5.85 kNm
Muy = 23.75 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.27
φ Pn, Max = 1232.14 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 221
[49] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 6: EQ +Z -E)
Pu = 95.56 kN
φ Pn = 95.56 kN

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Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %

Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.27
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 55.12 deg
MRes = 28.93 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 54.57 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.53 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 219
[47] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 4: EQ -X -E)
Nu = 81.33 kN
Muy = 29.12 kNm
Vuy = -17.2714 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 240.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.016
Mm = 19.36 kNm
φVcy = 46.43 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 113
[13] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 5: EQ +Z +E)
Nu = 63.73 kN
Mux = 22.81 kNm
Vux = -15.4701 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 240.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.016

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Mm = 15.17 kNm
φVcx = 46.87 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 304 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 300 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 300 --- --- 300 ---

General Data
Column No. : C24
Level : 0m To 3m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 300 mm
Column D = 300 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2650 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2650 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

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Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 1124
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 220
[48] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +
Load Combination =
(LOAD 5: EQ +Z +E)
Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 94.75 kN
Muxt = -24.41 kNm
Muyt = -21.92 kNm
Vuxt = -14.22 kN
Vuyt = 13.76 kN
Pub = 105.64 kN
Muxb = 16.86 kNm
Muyb = 20.73 kNm
Vuxb = -14.22 kN
Vuyb = 13.76 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 22.5 No Beam No Beam - - 1
5400 x 300 x
Top 22.5 No Beam - 19.85 1.139
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.87

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 22.5 No Beam No Beam - - 1
3900 x 300 x
Top 22.5 No Beam - 27.484 0.818
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.76

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Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.009
0.009< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.87
r = 86.6 mm
Kluy /r = 26.62
M1 = 16.86 kNm
M2 = -24.41 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
26.62 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.76
r = 86.6 mm
Klux /r = 23.26
M1 = 20.73 kNm
M2 = -21.92 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
23.26 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -24.41 - -24.41
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 16.86 - 16.86
Minor Axis Muy (top) -21.92 - -21.92
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 20.73 - 20.73

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

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Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 94.75 kN
Mux = -24.41 kNm
Muy = -21.92 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 220
[48] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 5: EQ +Z +E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 105.64 kN
Mux = 16.86 kNm
Muy = 20.73 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.27
φ Pn, Max = 1232.14 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 220
[48] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 5: EQ +Z +E)
Pu = 105.64 kN
φ Pn = 105.64 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.27
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 41.93 deg
MRes = 32.81 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 53.87 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.609 < 1

Design Of Shear

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Design for shear along D

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 216
[44] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 1: EQ +X +E)
Nu = 91.24 kN
Muy = 30.32 kNm
Vuy = 18.3853 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 240.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.016
Mm = 19.37 kNm
φVcy = 46.62 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 114
[14] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 6: EQ +Z -E)
Nu = 71.74 kN
Mux = 22.47 kNm
Vux = -15.0141 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 240.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.016
Mm = 13.87 kNm
φVcx = 47.1 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 304 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 300 mm

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Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 300 --- --- 300 ---

General Data
Column No. : C25
Level : 3m To 5.8m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2450 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2450 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 2101
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 220
[48] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +
Load Combination =
(LOAD 5: EQ +Z +E)
Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 162.59 kN
Muxt = 42.3 kNm
Muyt = -63.6 kNm
Vuxt = -42.75 kN
Vuyt = -22.77 kN
Pub = 180.66 kN
Muxb = -21.44 kNm
Muyb = 56.07 kNm
Vuxb = -42.75 kN
Vuyb = -22.77 kN

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Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 76.19 No Beam No Beam - - 1
2975 x 300 x
Top 76.19 No Beam 36.029 - 2.116
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.87

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 76.19 No Beam No Beam - - 1
250 x 300 x 1871 x 300 x
Top 76.19 428.75 57.289 0.157
350 350
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.66

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.007
0.007< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.007
0.007< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 18.46

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M1 = -21.44 kNm
M2 = 42.3 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
18.46 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.66
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 14
M1 = 56.07 kNm
M2 = -63.6 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
14 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) 42.3 - 42.3
Major Axis Mux (bottom) -21.44 - -21.44
Minor Axis Muy (top) -63.6 - -63.6
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 56.07 - 56.07

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 162.59 kN
Mux = 42.3 kNm
Muy = -63.6 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 223
[51] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 8: EQ -Z -E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 316.01 kN
Mux = -14.64 kNm
Muy = -48.8 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.21

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φ Pn, Max = 2170.33 kN

Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 223
[51] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 8: EQ -Z -E)
Pu = 316.01 kN
φ Pn = 316.01 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.21
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19 + 4-#16
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 56.37 deg
MRes = 76.39 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 134.57 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.568 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 218
[46] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 3: EQ -X +E)
Nu = 242.75 kN
Muy = 62.56 kNm
Vuy = -35.4543 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 24.35 kNm
φVcy = 93.99 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

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Critical Analysis Load Combination : 228

[56] : 1.38 (LOAD 9: DL) +(LOAD 5:
Critical Load Combination = kN
EQ +Z +E)
Nu = 122.36 kN
Mux = 60.35 kNm
Vux = -41.4678 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 41.08 kNm
φVcx = 90.22 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 250 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 250 --- --- 250 ---

General Data
Column No. : C26
Level : 3m To 5.8m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No

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Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2450 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2500 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 2105
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 217
[45] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +
Load Combination =
(LOAD 2: EQ +X -E)
Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 139.19 kN
Muxt = -58.16 kNm
Muyt = -28.27 kNm
Vuxt = -9.59 kN
Vuyt = 29.94 kN
Pub = 157.26 kN
Muxb = 25.64 kNm
Muyb = -1.42 kNm
Vuxb = -9.59 kN
Vuyb = 29.94 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 76.19 No Beam No Beam - - 1
2175 x 200 x 2975 x 300 x
Top 76.19 20.69 36.029 1.343
300 350
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.87

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ

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Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2

(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 76.19 No Beam No Beam - - 1
250 x 300 x 1871 x 300 x
Top 76.19 428.75 57.289 0.157
350 350
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.66

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.007
0.007< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.007
0.007< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 18.84
M1 = 25.64 kNm
M2 = -58.16 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 39.29
18.84 < 39.29, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.66
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 14
M1 = -1.42 kNm
M2 = -28.27 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 33.4
14 < 33.4, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final

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Major Axis Mux (top) -58.16 - -58.16
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 25.64 - 25.64
Minor Axis Muy (top) -28.27 - -28.27
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -1.42 - -1.42

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 139.19 kN
Mux = -58.16 kNm
Muy = -28.27 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 223
[51] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 8: EQ -Z -E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 166.46 kN
Mux = -9.52 kNm
Muy = -10.13 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.21
φ Pn, Max = 2170.33 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 223
[51] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 8: EQ -Z -E)
Pu = 166.46 kN
φ Pn = 166.46 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check

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Pt Calculated = 1.21
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19 + 4-#16
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 25.92 deg
MRes = 64.66 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 135.08 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.479 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 225
[53] : 1.38 (LOAD 9: DL) +(LOAD 2:
Critical Load Combination = kN
EQ +X -E)
Nu = 112.66 kN
Muy = 55.14 kNm
Vuy = 29.9941 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 37.4 kNm
φVcy = 88.48 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 228
[56] : 1.38 (LOAD 9: DL) +(LOAD 5:
Critical Load Combination = kN
EQ +Z +E)
Nu = 108.33 kN
Mux = 40.58 kNm
Vux = -17.1758 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 23.52 kNm
φVcx = 87.87 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links

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Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 250 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 250 --- --- 250 ---

General Data
Column No. : C27
Level : 3m To 5.8m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 300 mm
Column D = 300 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2500 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2500 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 2108
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 217
[45] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +
Load Combination =
(LOAD 2: EQ +X -E)
Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 0.4 kN
Muxt = -25.3 kNm

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Muyt = 5.25 kNm

Vuxt = 3.75 kN
Vuyt = 18.12 kN
Pub = 10.56 kN
Muxb = 25.42 kNm
Muyb = -5.25 kNm
Vuxb = 3.75 kN
Vuyb = 18.12 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 24.107 No Beam No Beam - - 1
3500 x 200 x 2175 x 200 x
Top 24.107 12.857 20.69 0.72
300 300
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.75

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 24.107 No Beam No Beam - - 1
300 x 200 x
Top 24.107 No Beam 150 - 0.161
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.67

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.007
0.007< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B

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Q = 0.007
0.007< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.75
r = 86.6 mm
Kluy /r = 21.65
M1 = -25.3 kNm
M2 = 25.42 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
21.65 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.67
r = 86.6 mm
Klux /r = 19.34
M1 = 5.25 kNm
M2 = -5.25 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
19.34 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -25.3 - -25.3
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 25.42 - 25.42
Minor Axis Muy (top) 5.25 - 5.25
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -5.25 - -5.25

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 0.4 kN
Mux = -25.3 kNm
Muy = 5.25 kNm

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Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 216
[44] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 1: EQ +X +E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 10.66 kN
Mux = 22.43 kNm
Muy = -5.49 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.27
φ Pn, Max = 1232.14 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 216
[44] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 1: EQ +X +E)
Pu = 10.66 kN
φ Pn = 10.66 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.27
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 11.72 deg
MRes = 25.84 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 49.47 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.522 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 217
[45] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 2: EQ +X -E)
Nu = 0.4 kN
Muy = 25.3 kNm
Vuy = 18.1203 kN

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λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 240.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.016
Mm = 25.25 kNm
φVcy = 45.81 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 222
[50] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 7: EQ -Z +E)
Nu = 0.9 kN
Mux = 12.69 kNm
Vux = 8.9226 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 240.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.016
Mm = 12.59 kNm
φVcx = 45.78 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 304 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 300 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 300 --- --- 300 ---

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General Data
Column No. : C28
Level : 3m To 5.8m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 300 mm
Column D = 300 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2500 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2500 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 2112
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 217
[45] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +
Load Combination =
(LOAD 2: EQ +X -E)
Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 15.77 kN
Muxt = -25.98 kNm
Muyt = 11.2 kNm
Vuxt = 8.21 kN
Vuyt = 18.06 kN
Pub = 25.94 kN
Muxb = 24.57 kNm
Muyb = -11.79 kNm
Vuxb = 8.21 kN
Vuyb = 18.06 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)

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N-M mm mm N-M N-M

Bottom 24.107 No Beam No Beam - - 1
1600 x 200 x 3500 x 200 x
Top 24.107 28.125 12.857 0.588
300 300
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.74

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 24.107 No Beam No Beam - - 1
300 x 200 x
Top 24.107 No Beam 150 - 0.161
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.67

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.007
0.007< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.007
0.007< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.74
r = 86.6 mm
Kluy /r = 21.36
M1 = 24.57 kNm
M2 = -25.98 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
21.36 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.67

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r = 86.6 mm
Klux /r = 19.34
M1 = 11.2 kNm
M2 = -11.79 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
19.34 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -25.98 - -25.98
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 24.57 - 24.57
Minor Axis Muy (top) 11.2 - 11.2
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -11.79 - -11.79

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 15.77 kN
Mux = -25.98 kNm
Muy = 11.2 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 218
[46] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 3: EQ -X +E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 30.01 kN
Mux = -5.05 kNm
Muy = -10.28 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.27
φ Pn, Max = 1232.14 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 218

[46] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD

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Load Combination = 10: LL) +(LOAD 3: EQ -X +E)

Pu = 30.01 kN
φ Pn = 30.01 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.27
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 23.32 deg
MRes = 28.3 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 52.66 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.537 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 217
[45] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 2: EQ +X -E)
Nu = 15.77 kN
Muy = 25.98 kNm
Vuy = 18.0612 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 240.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.016
Mm = 24.09 kNm
φVcy = 45.92 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 222
[50] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 7: EQ -Z +E)
Nu = 19.5 kN
Mux = 17.99 kNm
Vux = 12.9841 kN
λ = 1

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φ = 0.75
deff = 240.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.016
Mm = 15.65 kNm
φVcx = 46.2 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 304 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 300 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 300 --- --- 300 ---

General Data
Column No. : C29
Level : 3m To 5.8m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 300 mm
Column D = 300 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2500 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2500 mm
No Of Floors = 1

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No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 2116
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 222
[50] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +
Load Combination =
(LOAD 7: EQ -Z +E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint
Put = 29.38 kN
Muxt = -9.25 kNm
Muyt = 19.85 kNm
Vuxt = 14.64 kN
Vuyt = 6.43 kN
Pub = 39.54 kN
Muxb = 8.75 kNm
Muyb = -21.13 kNm
Vuxb = 14.64 kN
Vuyb = 6.43 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 24.107 No Beam No Beam - - 1
1600 x 200 x
Top 24.107 No Beam - 28.125 0.853
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.76

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 24.107 No Beam No Beam - - 1
300 x 200 x
Top 24.107 No Beam 150 - 0.161

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Sway Condition (as per Stability

= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.67

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.007
0.007< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.007
0.007< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.76
r = 86.6 mm
Kluy /r = 21.94
M1 = 8.75 kNm
M2 = -9.25 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
21.94 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.67
r = 86.6 mm
Klux /r = 19.34
M1 = 19.85 kNm
M2 = -21.13 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
19.34 < 40, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -9.25 - -9.25
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 8.75 - 8.75
Minor Axis Muy (top) 19.85 - 19.85
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -21.13 - -21.13


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A = Moments from analysis

B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 39.54 kN
Mux = 8.75 kNm
Muy = -21.13 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 222
[50] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 7: EQ -Z +E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 39.54 kN
Mux = 8.75 kNm
Muy = -21.13 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.27
φ Pn, Max = 1232.14 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 222
[50] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 7: EQ -Z +E)
Pu = 39.54 kN
φ Pn = 39.54 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.27
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 67.5 deg
MRes = 22.87 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 54.68 kNm

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Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap

= 0.418 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 217
[45] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 2: EQ +X -E)
Nu = 6.26 kN
Muy = 19.44 kNm
Vuy = 13.1061 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 240.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.016
Mm = 18.69 kNm
φVcy = 45.75 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 222
[50] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 7: EQ -Z +E)
Nu = 39.54 kN
Mux = 21.13 kNm
Vux = 14.6397 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 240.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.016
Mm = 16.39 kNm
φVcx = 46.43 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links

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Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 304 mm

48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 300 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 300 --- --- 300 ---

General Data
Column No. : C30
Level : 3m To 5.8m
Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011
Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2450 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2450 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 2106
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 225
Load Combination = [53] : 1.38 (LOAD 9: DL) +(LOAD 2: EQ +X -E)
Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 196.76 kN
Muxt = -59.31 kNm
Muyt = -4.66 kNm
Vuxt = 0.53 kN
Vuyt = 34.04 kN
Pub = 211.61 kN
Muxb = 35.97 kNm
Muyb = -6.16 kNm

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Vuxb = 0.53 kN
Vuyb = 34.04 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 76.19 No Beam No Beam - - 1
2125 x 300 x 2975 x 300 x
Top 76.19 50.441 36.029 0.881
350 350
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major
= 0.76

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 76.19 No Beam No Beam - - 1
4994 x 300 x 250 x 300 x
Top 76.19 21.463 428.75 0.169
350 350
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.67

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.007
0.007< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.007
0.007< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D

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Slenderness Check along D

K = 0.76
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 16.13
M1 = 35.97 kNm
M2 = -59.31 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 40
16.13 < 40, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.67
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 14.22
M1 = -4.66 kNm
M2 = -6.16 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 24.91
14.22 < 24.91, Column not slender along B

Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -59.31 - -59.31
Major Axis Mux (bottom) 35.97 - 35.97
Minor Axis Muy (top) -4.66 - -4.66
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) -6.16 - -6.16

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 196.76 kN
Mux = -59.31 kNm
Muy = -4.66 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 218
[46] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 3: EQ -X +E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN

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Pu = 284.94 kN
Mux = -62.49 kNm
Muy = -9.63 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.21
φ Pn, Max = 2170.33 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 218
[46] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 3: EQ -X +E)
Pu = 284.94 kN
φ Pn = 284.94 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.21
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19 + 4-#16
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 4.49 deg
MRes = 59.49 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 143.93 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.413 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 110
[10] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 2: EQ +X -E)
Nu = 175.99 kN
Muy = 57.48 kNm
Vuy = 33.6451 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 29.77 kNm
φVcy = 91.24 kN

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Vuy < φVcy

Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 116
[16] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 8: EQ -Z -E)
Nu = 186.52 kN
Mux = 20.89 kNm
Vux = 14.8355 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = -8.47 kNm
φVcx = 171.34 kN
Vux < φVcx
Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 250 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 250 --- --- 250 ---

General Data
Column No. : C31
Level : 3m To 5.8m

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Design Code = ACI 318M - 2011

Grade Of Concrete (f'c) = C25 N/sqmm
Grade Of Steel (fy) = Fy420 N/sqmm
Consider Ductile = No
Column B = 400 mm
Column D = 400 mm
Clear Cover, Cc = 50 mm
Clear Floor Height @ lux = 2450 mm
Clear Floor Height @ luy = 2450 mm
No Of Floors = 1
No Of Columns In Group = 1

Load Data
Analysis Reference No. = 2107
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 220
[48] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD 10: LL) +
Load Combination =
(LOAD 5: EQ +Z +E)
Critical Location = Top Joint
Put = 199.09 kN
Muxt = -10.69 kNm
Muyt = -104.74 kNm
Vuxt = -46.71 kN
Vuyt = -2.21 kN
Pub = 217.17 kN
Muxb = -16.87 kNm
Muyb = 26.01 kNm
Vuxb = -46.71 kN
Vuyb = -2.21 kN

Effective Length Calculation

Calculation Along Major Axis Of Column
Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 76.19 No Beam No Beam - - 1
2125 x 300 x 2975 x 300 x
Top 76.19 50.441 36.029 0.881
350 350
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Major

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Axis = 0.76

Calculation Along Minor Axis Of Column

Joint Column Beam Sizes Beam Stiffness ψ
Stiffness Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 2
(Length x (Length x
Width x Depth) Width x Depth)
N-M mm mm N-M N-M
Bottom 76.19 No Beam No Beam - - 1
4994 x 300 x
Top 76.19 No Beam - 21.463 3.544
Sway Condition (as per Stability
= Non Sway
Effective Length Factor along Minor
= 0.87

Check For Stability Index

Along D
Q = 0.007
0.007< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Along B
Q = 0.007
0.007< 0.05, Column shall be designed as non-sway frame

Slenderness Check
Column Is Braced Along D
Slenderness Check along D
K = 0.76
r = 115.47 mm
Kluy /r = 16.13
M1 = -10.69 kNm
M2 = -16.87 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 26.39
16.13 < 26.39, Column not slender along D
Column Is Braced Along B
Slenderness Check along B
K = 0.87
r = 115.47 mm
Klux /r = 18.46
M1 = 26.01 kNm
M2 = -104.74 kNm
Min (40, 34 - 12 x (M1/M2)) = 36.98
18.46 < 36.98, Column not slender along B

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Calculation of Design Moment

Direction Manalysis Msldr or Mc Mdesign-final
Major Axis Mux (top) -10.69 - -10.69
Major Axis Mux (bottom) -16.87 - -16.87
Minor Axis Muy (top) -104.74 - -104.74
Minor Axis Muy (bottom) 26.01 - 26.01

A = Moments from analysis
B = Moment due to slenderness effect
C = Final design Moment = Maximum of (Manalysis, Maximum of (Msldr or Mc))

Final Critical Design Forces

Critical Case - Axial Load & BiAxial Bending
Pu = 199.09 kN
Mux = -10.69 kNm
Muy = -104.74 kNm

Φ Pn, Max Check

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 218
[46] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 3: EQ -X +E)
Critical Location = Bottom Joint kN
Pu = 220.95 kN
Mux = -67.54 kNm
Muy = 3.01 kNm
Pt Calculated = 1.21
φ Pn, Max = 2170.33 kN
Pu < φ Pn, Max Hence, OK

Minimum Ast Calculation

Critical Analysis Load Combination = 218
[46] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Load Combination =
10: LL) +(LOAD 3: EQ -X +E)
Pu = 220.95 kN
φ Pn = 220.95 kN
Pt min for φ Pn = 0.5 %
Pt min (User Defined) = 1 %
Final Pt = 1 %

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Resultant Moment (Combined Action)

Moment Capacity Check
Pt Calculated = 1.21
Reinforcement Provided = 4-#19 + 4-#16
Load Angle = Tan-1(Muy/Mux)
= 84.17 deg
MRes = 105.29 kNm
( φ ) MCap = 144.41 kNm
Capacity Ratio = MRes/ MCap
= 0.729 < 1

Design Of Shear
Design for shear along D
Critical Analysis Load Combination : 112
[12] : 1.2 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 4: EQ -X -E)
Nu = 162.99 kN
Muy = 65.38 kNm
Vuy = -39.0206 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 39.72 kNm
φVcy = 90 kN
Vuy < φVcy
Link For Shear Design Along D are not required

Design for shear along B

Critical Analysis Load Combination : 220
[48] : 1.68 (LOAD 9: DL) +0.5 (LOAD
Critical Load Combination = kN
10: LL) +(LOAD 5: EQ +Z +E)
Nu = 199.09 kN
Mux = 104.74 kNm
Vux = -46.7109 kN
λ = 1
φ = 0.75
deff = 340.5 mm
ρw (50% of As provided) = 0.014
Mm = 73.4 kNm
φVcx = 87.08 kN
Vux < φVcx

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Link For Shear Design Along B are not required

Design Of Links
Links in the zone where special confining links are not required
Normal Links
Diameter of link = 10 mm
> Max. longitudinal bar dia / 4
= 4.75 mm
Criterion for spacing of normal links
Min. Longitudinal Bar dia X 16 = 256 mm
48 x diameter of links = 480 mm
Provided spacing = 250 mm

Table For Links

Note: Ductile Design of Links is Applicable Only For Boundary Elements
Required Provided
Normal Design Shear Design Ductile Design Normal Zone Ductile Zone
Link Dia. 10 --- --- 10 ---
Spacing 250 --- --- 250 ---

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