Actim Partus
Actim Partus
Actim Partus
Actim Partus is already
in use all over the world,
and it has been included in several
national treatment guidelines.
delivery Chorion
Actim Partus rapid test is based on unique and highly
specific monoclonal antibodies that bind to the
phosphorylated form of insulin-like growth factor binding
protein-1 (phIGFBP-1). PhIGFBP-1 produced in the fetal
decidua, leaks into the cervix when the decidua and
chorion detach as a sign of approaching delivery.
A positive Actim Partus test result A negative Actim Partus test result
• The patient has a higher risk of PTD and • The patient can be sent home unless otherwise
should be evaluated for treatment aiming at clinically indicated, as delivery is highly unlikely
delaying the delivery or preparing the baby within the next 1–2 weeks.
for delivery.
• Unnecessary treatments with potential side
• Early identification of patients at real risk of effects can be avoided, the mother is given
PTD allows timely interventions. peace of mind, and hospital resources are saved.
Because Actim Partus is specific to phIGFBP-1, tests can be completed even in the presence of semen, urine,
infections, and medical products.
Table 2. Clinical evidence of Actim Partus as a predictor of preterm delivery before week 32–37.
10-15 10-15
sec sec
3 4
5 5
1. Collect sample
2. Extract specimen
3. & 4. Activate the test
5. Interpret results
Contact us
Ordering information
Actim Partus 10 test kit 31931ETAC
Actim Partus 1 test 31930ETAC
Actim Partus Controls 31900ETAC
Actim Oy
– part of Medix Biochemica Group
Klovinpellontie 3, FI-02180 Espoo, Finland
Test kit contains all necessary materials and can be stored at room temperature.
Selected references
1. Akercan F et al. Value of cervical phosphorylated insulinlike 8. Lembet A et al. New rapid bed-side test to predict preterm delivery:
growth factor binding protein-1 in the prediction of preterm phosphorylated insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 in cervical
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2. Altinkaya O et al. Cervical phosphorylated insulin-like growth 9. Riboni F et al. Biochemical markers predicting pre-term delivery in
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length in predicting pre-term labour. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecol (2000) 12:163-168.
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4. Brik Spinelli M et al. Phosphorylated insulin-like growth factor factor binding protein-1 for the prediction of preterm delivery in
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Fibronectin and Phosphorylated Insulin-Like Growth Factor (pIGFBP-1) test and fetal fibronectin test. Ann Acad Med Singapore
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Symptomatic Women: A 10-Year Retrospective Study. Obstet 13. Tripathi R et al. Comparison of rapid bedside tests for phosphorylated
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Obstet Gynecol Scand (2001) 80:546-551.
The full reference list can be found on our website.
Product availability and/or labeling may vary from country to country and is subject to varying regulatory requirements. Please contact your local representative for availability. © 05/2022 Actim Oy.
All rights reserved. Actim is a registered trademark of Actim Oy.