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Bridges and their components

A bridge is a civil engineering structure constructed in

Bridge railway , highway, footway and service way over the
intersection of roads, rivers, streams, lakes etc for smooth
crossing of trains, vehicles , people and utility services.

Components of



Appurtenances and
Site related Structures
The structural components above the level of bearing are classed as
superstructure. Superstructure provides base for moving vehicles,
trains and pedestrians. Wearing course, deck slab, secondary
members (cross beams, bracings etc.) and primary members (main
girders, truss, arch etc.) are superstructure of bridge.



Wearing Primary
Course Member
The mechanical device placed between superstructure and substructure
to transmit vertical and horizontal load to substructure allowing some
translational and rotational movements of bridge deck.

The structural components below the bearing level are classed as substructure.
Substructure provides support for superstructure and transfers loads from
superstructure to the bearing soil. Abutments, piers and foundations are
substructure of bridge.



Appurtenances and site related structures
Appurtenances and site related structures are the supplementary parts of
bridge structure, which are required for overall functioning of bridge.
Embankment and slope protection structure, river training structure,
expansion joint, approach slab, wing walls etc. are appurtenances.

Wing wall
Slope protection
structure River training
Components of Bridge

Steel Truss
Approach Slab RC Girder Road Way


Abutment with
Pile Foundation
protection work River Bed Pier with Well Foundation

Different types of bridges
According to the type of
According to the materials used in
the superstructure  Slab Bridge
 T-beam Bridge
 Timber Bridge  Box Girder Bridge
 Masonry Bridge  Frame Bridge
 RCC Bridge  Truss Bridge
 Steel Bridge  Arch Bridge
 Composite Bridge  Suspension Bridge
 Prestressed Concrete Bridge  Cable Stayed Bridge

According to the span length of bridge According to the support

conditions of superstructure
 Culvert Span ≤ 6m
 Minor Bridge Length ≤ 50  Simply Supported Bridge
Span ≤ 25m  Cantilever Bridge
 Major Bridge Span > 25m  Continuous Bridge
Length > 50m  Rigid Frame Bridge
 Special Bridge Span > 50m
Different types of bridges According to the
type of service

 Permanent Bridge
 Temporary Bridge
According to the means of
According to the
 Highway Bridge profile of the bridge
 Railway Bridge
 Pedestrians Bridge • Straight bridge
 Utility Bridge • Skewed bridge
• Curved bridge

According to the
floor arrangement Curved bridge

 Deck Bridge
 Through Bridge
 Half Through Bridge

Skewed bridge 8
Slab Bridge
Solid slab bridge

Solid slab bridge with

cantilever footpath

Voided slab bridge with cantilever


Negative aspects
 Has heavy self weight
 Economically not effective for large span
of bridge
 Can only cover small span
Positive aspects
 Increases clearance above the afflux due to the
shallow depth of slab
 Gives clean attractive appearance
 Has good lateral load distribution characteristics
due to its good torsional stiffness
 Requires low maintenance cost
T-Beam Bridge

Multi-girder bridge deck

Twin girder bridge deck

Negative aspects

 Gives less clean appearance

 Can be economically effective up to 25 m
span of bridge
Positive aspects

 Easy to construct due to its simple geometry

 Gives economy due to monolithic construction of beam
and slab
Composite Bridge
General Arrangements of Composite Bridge
Shear Connector RC Slab Wearing


Main Plate Girder Drainage


Steel Beam
Elastomeric Bearing


Expansion Joint


Approach Slab
Truss Bridge

Top Chord Joint Vertical
Diagonal Member

Bridge Deck

Bottom Chord

Negative aspects
Positive aspects  Reduces vertical clearances above the
afflux due to its depth
 Easy to construct  Requires thorough maintenance regularly
 Has rigid structure and can cover  No longer economically competitive
relatively larger span (300m)  Gives rough appearance
Components of Truss Bridge
Top Lateral Bracing

Portal Bracing

Sway Bracing

Bottom Lateral Bracing


Floor Beam
(Cross Beam)

Box Girder Bridge

Single cell box girder

Multi cell box girder

Positive aspects

 Reduces cost of construction for large span

 Gives good appearance
 Has good lateral load distribution characteristics and
suitable for curved bridges
 Can be economically effective for span greater than

Negative aspects

 Cast in situ is not simple

 Heavy machineries and high skills are required
to construct 15
Arch Bridge
Through Arch Bridge

Positive aspects

 Gives good appearance

 Can be given economical structure if
the profile of arch is apportioned

Deck Arch Bridge

Negative aspects

 Requires good subsoil conditions for

its foundation
Half Through Arch Bridge
 Requires high fabrication and erection

Frame Bridge

Positive aspects

 Gives good appearance

 Not requires expensive
 Gives more stable structure
 Can cover span up to 100m

Frame bridge over river intersection

Negative aspects

 Requires good subsoil

conditions for its foundation

Frame bridge over road intersection 17

Suspension Bridge

Positive aspects Negative aspects

 Gives good appearance  Requires good subsoil conditions for

 Requires less numbers of expensive the anchorage of its cables
bearings  Can be economical only for long span
 Can be constructed without extra support  Requires thorough maintenance
 Can cover long span regularly

Cable Stayed Bridge

Positive aspects

 Gives good appearance

 Requires less numbers of expensive
 Can be constructed without extra support
 Can cover long span
 Gives greater stiffness than in suspension

Negative aspects

 Requires taller tower than in suspension

 Can be economical only for long span
 Requires thorough maintenance regularly 19
Karnali Bridge
[Unsymmetrical cable stay bridge in Karnali river]
Structural Systems
of Bridge Structures
Beam Wall System

Cable System

Truss System

Arch System
Frame System
Bridge as a Different Structure
 Mostly length of bridge structures come about large. Large length promotes
huge translational and rotational movements. Consequently, arises need of
some mechanism at the joint of superstructure and substructure in bridges,
which could allow these movements to prevent large secondary stresses.

 Primary loads on bridges are heavy moving loads. These moving loads have
governing role on the structural behaviour of bridge structure. Consequently,
arises need of minute examination of the responses of bridge to moving loads.

 Mostly bridges are built over the obstructions or in difficult places i.e. over the
river, streams, marshy land, gorge or intersection of roadway or railway, which
always adds complications in the construction. Consequently bridges are not
designed, without considering their construction methods.

So approach on analysis, design and construction of

bridge structures are different from other structures.

The selection of the type of bridge

Governing factors in superstructure is the most critical and
the selection of bridge the most challenging part of the design
superstructure are of bridge.
In this part, technical, economical,
environmental and aesthetical aspects
 Technical of bridge are examined and accordingly
final selection of bridge superstructure
is made.
 Economical
Though economical, environmental and
aesthetical aspects are important , but
 Environmental technical aspects play key role in
decision making process of the selection
 Aesthetical of bridge type.
Aesthetic Factor
Aesthetic factor is related to the quality of beauty and
functionality of bridge structure

Important aesthetic characteristics and considerations are

• Appearance
• Color
• Proportion
• Contrast
• Scale
• Order
• Environmental integration
• Functionality
Environmental Factor

Environmental factors are related to the impact of the

structure on the environment during and after construction.

Effects of the construction on the marine life,

surrounding human life and plant life are the
major concerns of environmental
Economical Factor
It is the cost factor, which is directly related to availability of fund and
financial resources and the expenses involved in the construction of bridge.

Comprehensive list of cost factors

• Cost of labor
• Cost of material
• Construction details
• Transportation and erection cost
• Weight of elements if precast construction is used
• Span length and pier height
• No. of span
• Structural system and its cross section
• Time available for construction
• Design load
• Maintenance cost
An example of the breakdown of cost
for typical medium span PSC Bridge in remote location

Items Cost (%) Remarks

Mobilization 8%
Foundations 18%
Pier, Abutment 6%
False work 20% Substructure 24%
Prestressing steel 11%
Reinforcement 17%
Superstructure 54%
Concrete 6%
Finishing work 14%
Technical Factors

Technical factors are related to the technical

requirements regarding the

 Span coverage of bridge superstructure

 Horizontal and vertical clearances of bridge
 Subsoil conditions of bridge site
 Durability of bridge structures
 Time of construction of bridge
 Method of construction of bridge
Selection and span arrangement of bridge
Mostly Used Span Ranges for Different Type of Bridges Based on Technical and
Economical Factors

S.N. Type of Bridge Span (m)

1 R. C. Slab 4 -10
2 R.C. T – Girder 8 -30
3 Composite 25 -50
4 R.C. Box 30 -50
5 Prestressed Concrete Box 40 -80
6 Arch
 Masonry 15 -30
 Concrete 40 -70
 Steel 50 -100
7 Cable stayed 100 -2000
8 Suspension 300 -2000
9 Truss 25 -300
PC Girder

RC T-Beam RC Box girder

1 RC solid
slab bridge

Span, m

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Cost of Bridges Based on their Span

Span Arrangement
with Slab and Girder Alternate 1

RC Slab

6–8m 8 – 50 m 6–8m

Span Arrangement with
Girder/Slab and Truss Alternate 2

Steel Truss

6 – 50 m 2 5 – 300 m 6 – 50 m

Span Arrangement with Steel Truss
Alternate 3

Steel Truss

25 m - 300 m

Span Arrangement with
RC Continuous Girder Alternate 4

RC continuous girder

0.6 L L up to 120m 0.6 L

Trend of Construction of Bridges
A case study of Japan
Based on the inventory report
RC Bridges

Bridges PC Bridges
40.7% 35.7%

Total numbers of bridges

Studies to be carried out for the geometrical, geotechnical,
hydraulic and structural design of bridge
Data to be acquired
Data required for

• Traffic intensity • Bridge loading

Traffic • Type of vehicle • Bridge width
Study • Pedestrian traffic • Horizontal and
• Utility services to vertical clearances
be served • Width of footway
• Navigational traffic

Data to be acquired
Data required for
• Flood type • Length of bridge
Hydrological • Water current • Height of bridge
Study • Design discharge • River training works
• Flood level • Type and depth of
• Scouring depth foundation
• Linear water way
Data required for
Data to be acquired
• Location of bridge
Geological & • Engineering
• Location of pier
Geotechnical properties of soil
and abutment
Study • Geological feature
• Depth and type of
of subsoil

Data to be acquired
Data required for
• Topographic feature
of bridge site • Location of bridge
Topographic • Length of bridge
• Cross section of river
Study profile • Height of bridge
• Longitudinal section • Type of pier and
of river profile abutment
Bridge Hydrology and Hydraulic Design
Bridge hydrology is based on the principle of determining opening of bridge so that
peak flood of the river can pass without either overtopping the banks or endangering
the bridge itself. So in hydrological study following hydrological data should be carefully

1. Design Discharge
Volume of water passing through a particular intersection of river/stream per
unit time considered in design

Design discharge is decided on the basis of maximum flood discharge record for a
period of not less than 50 years.

Design discharge is calculated by using empirical formula applicable to that region

like Dickens Formula, Ryves Formula, Inglis Formula, Synder’s Method, WECS

Design discharge is calculated by using rational formulas like area velocity formula or
by applying Unit hydrograph
2. Design Highest Flood Level (HFL)

Design HFL shall be the highest of the following.

• HFL as obtained from local enquiry

• HFL as obtained from flood marks

• HFL calculated from design discharge

3. Linear Waterway
Length of natural passage of river/stream

Distance between the banks required to pass the full discharge at design velocity

- Distance between the bank at HFL in the river with rigid banks and bed
- Distance between the bank at HFL in the river with rigid banks and
erodible bed
- For river in alluvial beds and having undefined banks the linear waterway
shall be determined from the design discharge.
(Lacey’s formula)
W = effective linear waterway in m
Q = design discharge in m3/sec
C = 4.5 to 6.3
4. Scour Depth – Expected erodible depth of river bed

For natural channels with alluvial bed and bank , mean depth of scour ‘dsm’ is

Where Db = discharge in m3/sec per m width

Kef = silt factor Kef = 1.76 √dm
dsm = mean scour depth in m

Maximum Depth of Scour

dsmax = 2 dsm in the vicinity of pier
= 1.27 dsm near abutments when approach is retained
= 2 dsm near abutments all round for raft or shallow foundation

dsmax = 2 dsm in the right angled bend

= 1.75 dsm at the severe bend
= 1.5 dsm at moderate bend
= 1.27 dsm in a straight reach
Width of Road Way and Footway

Carriage Way
No of lane
<5.3 1
≥ 5.3 Min. width of carriage way = 4.25m
Min. Width of footway = 1.5 m
≥ 9.6 Min. width of safety kerb = 750 mm
≥ 13.1

Vertical Clearances
Minimum distance between the HFL with afflux of the channel
to the lowest point of the bridge superstructure

Discharge Vertical clearance

Up to 0.3 150 mm
> 0.3 - 3 450 mm
> 3 - 30 600 mm
> 30 -300 900 mm
> 300 - 3000 1200 mm
> 3000 1500 mm
Vertical and horizontal clearances
above the roadway

Horizontal clearance Horizontal clearance

clearance Carriageway Carriageway

For single lane bridge For double lane bridge

Railing and Kerb

• Height of railing above kerb surface should not be less than 1.1m – half
the width of rail

• Width and height of safety kerb should be greater than 225 mm.

Road Kerb

225 mm

175 mm

Railing R = 25 mm Surface
225 mm
Bridge Loading
Refer IRC 6-2014
While designing the bridges the following loads and forces should be
considered where applicable.
1. Dead load
2. Live load
3. Dynamic load
4. Longitudinal forces
a. Longitudinal forces by the tractive effort of vehicles
b. Longitudinal forces by braking of vehicles
c. Longitudinal forces due to frictional resistance of expansion bearings
5. Wind load
6. Centrifugal forces of vehicle due to curvature of bridge
7. Horizontal forces due to water currents
8. Buoyancy
9. Force exerted by earth pressure
10. Load induced by temperature variation effect
11. Load induced by creep, shrinkage and other secondary effect
12. Erection load
13. Loads induced by earthquake
Pedestrian load
IRC Bridge
Live Load Vehicular load

Class A load
Class B load
Normal load • Wheeled load
Represents normal • Tracked load
vehicular traffic
Class AA load
Abnormal load • Single, Two and
Represents industrial or Seven Axel
military vehicular traffic wheeled load
Class 70R load
• Tracked load
Class A/B Loading
20 1.1 3.2 1.2 4.3 3 3 3 20 C/C distance of axle (m)
Total length of a train = 18.8m


27 27 114 114 68 68 68 68 Total load = 554 KN

16 16 68 68 41 41 41 41

1.8 m
f g

1.1m Cross section
Uniformly increasing
5.3 to 6.1m 150 mm
from 0.4 to 1.2.m
Above 6.1m 1.2 m 150 mm
Class 70R Loading
Class 70R tracked vehicle

Total Weight 700 KN

90m 90m

Cross-section of Class 70R tracked vehicle

Carriage way Minimum
width value of C
0.84m (m) (mm)
≥5.3m 1200

350KN 350KN
Class 70R Loading Cross-section of Class 70R two
axel wheeled load 400KN
70R seven axel wheeled load 1000 KN

80 120 120 170 170 170 170 KN


2.79 m

2.79 m Plan

 Value of C is same as of 70R

tracked loading
 Min. distance between wheeled
3.96 1.52 2.13 1.37 3.05 1.37 loads of Class70R is 30 m

Wheel Arrangement of 70R Wheeled Load

Minimum Wheel Spacing and Tyre Size of Heaviest Axle

2.79 m
0.86 m

0.61 m

0.41 m
‘L’ Type

Contact area of tyre may be obtained from

2.79 m the corresponding tyre load, tyre pressure
0.38 m and tyre tread width. Tyre tread width may
be taken as overall tyre width minus 25 mm
0.61 m
up to tyre 225mm and 50 mm for tyres over
0.41 m 225 mm width.
‘M’ Type
Maximum tyre pressure = 5.273 Kg/cm2

2.79 m

0.23 m 0.25 m

0.51 m

0.51 m
‘N’ Type
Class AA Loading
[Refer Annex]
Cross-section of Class AA
wheeled load 400KN

Total Weight 700 KN

3.6 m 37.5 62.5 62.5 37.5 KN

Cross-section of Class AA tracked 0.3m

vehicle 0.15m
0.85m 0.85m 1.2m
Carriage way 0.6m 1m 0.6m
value of C
1.2m width (m)
350KN 350KN
Multi lane bridge
≥5.3m 1200
• 70R loading is adopted on all roads on which
permanent bridges are constructed. Bridges designed
for 70R loading should be checked for Class A loading.
• Class AA loading is adopted on specified location on
which permanent bridges are constructed. Bridges
designed for Class AA loading should be checked for
Class A loading.
• Class A loading is adopted on all roads on which
permanent bridges are constructed. Bridges designed
for Class A loading should be checked for Class AA/70R
• Class B loading is adopted on specified location on
which temporary bridges are constructed.
Carriage No of
Live loads
Way (m) lane
<5.3 1 Class A loading for 2.3m width and for remaining width 500 Kg/m2
2 One lane of Class70R/AA loading or two lanes of Class A loading
≥9.6 One lane of Class 70R/AA for every two lanes with Class A loading
<13.1 for remaining lanes or three lanes of Class A loading
≥16.6 One lane of Class 70R/AA for every two lanes with Class A loading
<20.1 5 for remaining lanes or one lane of class A for each lane

<23.6 6
Combination of live loads

Class A
1.8 m
5 KN / m2 For Single Lane Bridge

0.15m 0.5m
2.3 m

Class A Class A

For Two Lanes Bridge

0.4 m 1.8 m 1.7 m 1.8 m

Class 70R (W/T)

For Two Lanes Bridge
Pedestrian Load
Length of bridge ≤7.5 m ; Intensity of load = 4 or 5 KN/m2
>7.5m; Intensity of load ≤ 4 KN/m2
P = P’ – (40L – 300)/9 for up to 30 m span
P = (P’ – 260 + 4800/L) × (16.5 – W)/15 for greater than 30 m span

P’ = 4 or 5 KN/m2
P – Intensity of load
W – Width of foot way
L – Span of bridge
Live load information required for
analysis of bridge deck

• Type of load
• Number of axle of vehicle
• Magnitude of load on each axle
• Spacing of axle
• Contact area of wheel /track
• Spacing of vehicle in transverse and longitudinal direction
• Maximum lane load
• Reduction of live load in excess of two lanes
• Arrangement of wheel in case of 70R wheeled and train loading
• Combination of live loads
Impact Load Moving live load with its dynamic effect.
Dynamic effect of live load is calculated by the impact factor.
Impact load = static value of live load × Impact factor

For class A and B loading

• Impact factor fraction for RCC bridge = 4.5/(6+L)
• Impact factor fraction for Steel bridge = 9/(13.5+L)

For Class AA and Class 70R loading for span less than 9 m
• For tracked vehicles: 25% for span up to 5m linearly reducing to 10% for spans of 9 m
• For wheeled vehicles: 25%

For tracked vehicles for spans of 9 m or above

• 10% up to a span of 40 m and in accordance with the curve in the code for spans greater than 40
m of RCC Bridge
• 10% for all span of Steel Bridge
For wheeled vehicles for spans of 9 m or above
• 25% for spans up to 12 m and in accordance with the curve in the code for spans greater the
12 m RCC Bridge
• 25% for spans up to 23 m and in accordance with the curve in the code for spans greater the
23 m Steel Bridge
IF in % Impact Factor

A and B ( Steel bridge )

A and B ( Concrete bridge )

Class AA/70R tracked ( Concrete bridge )
Class AA/70R tracked ( steel bridge )


Class AA/70R wheeled ( Concrete bridge )

0 5 10 20 25 45 Span of bridge, m
1. Externally applied longitudinal forces
• Tractive effort caused through acceleration of driving wheels
• Braking effort due to application of brakes to the wheels
• Frictional resistance offered by free bearings due to change of
temperature, shrinkage and creep

Force due to braking effort

Braking effort is invariably greater than the tractive effort so taken as a design longitudinal
force. It is computed as follows.

• For single or two lane bridge, braking loads taken as 20%of the first
train load and 10% of the loads of succeeding trains.

• For multilane bridge, braking load is taken as in (a) for the first two
lanes and 5% of the loads on the other lanes.

• The force due to braking effort shall be assumed to act 1.2m above
the roadway.
Forces due to frictional resistance offered by bearing

I. Simply supported deck on

unyielding support

Span without bearing

Fh/2 or µW Fh/2 or µW

Span with fixed

and free bearing
µW Fh - µW

Span with
elastomeric bearings
Fh /2+ sδ Fh /2+ sδ
II. Simply Supported/ Continuous
deck on flexible support

1 2 3

µW CL Sn + Fh X Sn /∑S CL Sn + Fh X Sn /∑S

2. Self induced longitudinal forces

Forces induced by Creep, Shrinkage or Effect of Temperature
Wind load = Wind load on the structure
+ Wind load on the live load
FT = PZ × A × G × CD

FL = 0.25 FT for beam type bridge

= 0.5 FT for truss type bridge

FT - Wind load in transverse direction

FL - Wind load in longitudinal direction of bridge
PZ - Design wind pressure
A - Exposed area of structure / live load to wind
G - Gust factor ; G = 2 for 150 m span
CD - Drag coefficient CD ≥ 1.3 depending upon b/d ratio and type of superstructure

Wind load on live load = Length of live load × 3m × FT

In the case of live load G is taken equal to 1.2m and point of application of wind load is 1.5 m.

Described method of wind load calculation is valid for bridges of

span upto150m and height of pier upto 100m
Horizontal forces due to water current =
Pressure of water current X Area of structure exposed to water

Pressure of water current P = 52KV2 [kg/m2]

Where K- shape factor of the pier ( k= 0.5 -1.5)

V- velocity of the water current at the point, where
pressure intensity is to be calculated. [m/sec]

Intensity of pressure due to water current depends on

• Direction of current
• Velocity of water current
• Shape factor of the pier
• Maximum scouring depth

200 deviation of river course shall be considered in the calculation of the

pressure due to water current
Coulomb’s Theory
H δ
0.42H PP=1/2KPγH2
Seismic Force
Method of computation of Seismic Force
• Elastic Seismic Acceleration Method
In this method static analysis is made and seismic force is obtained for
acceleration corresponding to the fundamental mode of vibration.
• Elastic Response Spectrum Method
In this method dynamic analysis is made to first and higher modes of
vibration and forces are obtained for each mode by using of response

In elastic seismic acceleration method force due to

earthquake is calculated as follows.

Feq = Ah × (Dead load + Partial Live load)

Ah = Z/2 × I/R × Sa/g
Bridges need not be checked for seismic effects

Bridges need special investigation for seismic effects

ì Mononobe Okabe Theory
(Modified Coulomb’s Theory)
H δ
0.6H PP=1/2KPγH2
W- Weight of water bound in enveloping cylinder
F = C Ah W W = πR2H × Unit wt. of water
R – Radius of enveloping cylinder
H – Submerged height of pier

Ah- Horizontal acceleration coefficient H/R C

C – Hydrodynamic coefficient
1 0.39
2 0.58

3 0.68

4 0.73

Pier Pier
R Ground
Enveloping cylinder
Load Combinations
in the Design of Bridge [WSDM]

of loads
II B Increase in
permissible stress
III A 0 - 50 %
III B according to load
IV combination
Load Combination [WSDM]
Load Combinations
in the Design of Bridge [LSDM]
IRC 6 define four cases separately i.e. foundation, stability, limit state of
strength and limit state of serviceability to be considered in Limit State
Design Method. In each cases, there are further three combinations of loads
to be considered.

 Three combinations of limit state of strength and stability are

• Basic combination
• Seismic combination
• Accidental combination

 These combinations are given separately for serviceability check and

foundation design.

 Partial safety factors for loads for different combinations and for different
works are not similar. They are chosen as specified in code

 Refer IRC 6 – 2014, Table 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 for combination of loads
The term bridge responses refers to
LBM causes flexure in
1. Longitudinal Bending Moment longitudinal vertical plane

Shear in transverse
2. Longitudinal Shear vertical plane

3. Longitudinal Twisting Moment Torsion in longitudinal

horizontal plane

TBM causes flexure in

4. Transverse Bending Moment transverse vertical plane

Shear in longitudinal
5. Transverse Shear vertical plane

Torsion in transverse
6. Transverse Twisting Moment vertical plane
• The responses, which need to be determined for
nearly all bridges, are longitudinal bending
moment, longitudinal shear and transverse
bending moment

• Transverse shear is necessary to consider,

where the transverse distribution of loads is
achieved by shear along the longitudinally
spanning elements.

• Transverse twisting moment is necessary to

consider when heavy skew/curve are present in
bridge profile.
Longitudinal Bending Moment

 Pattern of longitudinal bending

moment distribution across the
transverse section of bridge deck is
same not depending upon the Transverse
longitudinal position of live load. dist n of LBM

 Live load at maximum eccentricity in

transverse section of bridge deck Lateral pos.
gives maximum longitudinal bending of load
moment. -b 0 +b

bef/bact udl
 Effective width of beam for Point
bridge load is always lesser than load
the effective width of beam for
ordinary load.
Longitudinal Shear
 Transverse distribution of
longitudinal shear force is markedly
different from transverse
distribution of longitudinal BM. It
is peakier in nature.

 Pattern of longitudinal SF
distribution across the transverse
section of bridge deck is same not Transverse
depending upon the longitudinal dist n of LSF
position of live load.

 Live load at maximum eccentricity

in transverse direction of bridge
deck gives max longitudinal SF.

 Longitudinal SF is assumed to be
resisted by the web of girder.
Transverse Bending Moment

• Maximum sagging transverse bending moment due to a

vehicle is induced when the vehicle is at the minimum

• Maximum hogging transverse moment occurs only in

very wide bridges when two vehicles are symmetrically
placed as close as possible to the free edges.

• Local negative moments are usually so small that the

steel provided in the deck slab for shrinkage and
temperature effects is sufficient to accommodate them.
Longitudinal Positioning of Live Load to Get Maximum BM

For Track Loading BM at the considering section will be

maximum when track load is
L2 positioned in such a way so that
x2 x2 = x1× L2 /L1


For Train/Wheel Loading BM at the considering section will be maximum

when train/wheel load is positioned in such a way
so that the ratio of R1 / L1 and R / L will equal or
just change their signs
W1 W2 W3 W4 W5
R1 / L1 = R / L
L1 R1 / L1 > R / L just change in to R1 / L1 < R / L
R1 - Resultant of wheel loads lying on the left of the
considering section
R– Resultant of wheel load entered in bridge deck
Longitudinal Positioning of Live Load to Get Maximum BM

For Track Loading For Train/Wheel Loading

L2 p W1 W2 W3 W4 W5

x1 L1 L1

Draw ILD of BM at critical section. Draw ILD of BM at critical section.

Position track load in such a way so Position wheel loads in such a way
that product of the intensity of track so that summation of the product
load and area of ILD occupied by of loads and respective ordinates of
track load (p × A) is maximum. ILD (∑Wy) is maximum.

p – intensity of track load W- magnitude of wheel load

A – area of influence line diagram y- ordinate of ILD under
under track load load
Longitudinal Positioning of Live Load
to Get Absolute Maximum BM

Equal distance

Section of Absolute
Maximum BM W1 W2 W3 W4 W5

L1 L

BM will be absolute maximum BM under the maximum loaded axle,

when the maximum loaded axle and resultant of all axle loads are
placed at equidistance from the mid span of beam.
Longitudinal Positioning of Live
Load to Get Maximum SF Influence line diagram is drawn to
get maximum SF at critical sec.
For Track Loading
due to track and train/wheel
p loading.

SF at any critical section will be

maximum when
l • pA is maximum for track
p – intensity of track load
A – area of influence line diagram
under track load
For Train/Wheel Loading
• ∑Wy is maximum for
W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 train/wheel loading
W- magnitude of wheel load
y- ordinate of ILD under load

Method of Bridge Deck Analysis

Type of Deck Plan Profile
Method Condition
of Analysis Box
Slab T-Beam Straight Skew Curve Simple Contin.

Effective Width
√ √ √ √

Courbon’s Method √ √ √ √
Hendry Jaeger
√ √ √ √ √

Method of Elastic √ √ √ √ √

Coefficient Method √ √ √ √ √
√ √ √ √ √

Grillage Analogy √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Finite Element
Method √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Effective Width Method of Lateral Load Distribution
• Load on the slab is borne by the strip parallel to the
supporting edges on the either side of the load. The
strip is called effective width of slab.

• Effective width of slab for a concentrated/patch load

is calculated by the following equation.
bef =  a (1-a/l) + b1
bef - Effective width of slab on which the loads acts
l - Effective span in case of simply supported slab and clear span in
case of continuous slab
a - Distance of center of gravity of load from nearer support
b1 - Width of concentration area of load (b1 = W + 2h )
 - Constant depending upon the ratio l'/l (see table for
value of )
l' - Width of slab
h - Thickness of wearing course
W- Contact width of wheel/track parallel to the width of
Effective Width of Slab • Effective width should not
exceed the actual width of
the slab.

• When concentrated load is

bef =  a (1-a/l) + b1 close to the unsupported
edge of a slab, the
effective width shall not
Abutment Load
exceed the above value or
a half of the above value
plus the distance of the
River l load from the unsupported

b1 = W+2h • When effective widths for

two adjacent loads
overlap, in such cases the
resultant effective width
l΄ will be equal to the sum of
individual widths minus the
For cantilever slab, effective width is measured
parallel to the supported edge and is calculated by
the following equation.

bef = 1.2a + b1

bef - Effective width of slab on which the loads acts
a - Distance of center of gravity of load from the
face of the cantilever support
b1 - Breadth of concentration area of load (W+2h)
h - Thickness of wearing coat
W- Contact width of wheel/track parallel to support
of slab
Effective Width of
Cantilever Slab
• Effective width of cantilever
slab should less or equal to
one third length of cantilever
a slab

b1 bef = 1.2a + b1 • When load is placed one of

the two extreme ends of the
slab , the effective width
Support should not exceed the above
value nor should it exceed
half the above value plus the
distance of the concentrated
load from the nearer
extreme end.
Example on Effective Width Method

Find live load on slab bridge for its unit width at mid span for the following
• Effective span of bridge = 8 m
• Width of kerb = 0.6 m
• Carriage Way = 7.5 m Track of 0.85 m width
• Live load = Class AA(T)
• Thickness of wearing coat = 60 mm
• Depth of slab = 650 mm

Effective width of a track 2.05 m L =8 m

bef =  a (1-a/l) + b1 = 6.17 m 1.2 m

a = 4 m,  = 2.6 for B/l = 1.1

b1 = 0.85 + 2 × 0.06 = 0.97 m

B =7.5 + 2× 0.6 m

4.28 m
Since the effective widths of tracks overlap, 2.05 m
find the modified width for two tracks. 1.625 m

bef mod = 4.28 m + 6.17/2 = 7.37 m 7.5 + 2× 0.6 m

LL per unit width of slab = 700/7.37 = 88.61 KN/m Positioning of track load
Lateral distribution of load

A very simple, popular and powerful method of lateral

load distribution applicable to simple T-beam bridge, floor
deck of truss bridge and composite bridge.
In Courbon’s method, transverse section of bridge deck
is assumed as a stiff section.
Central load case P

Transverse profile of bridge
1 2 3 4
deck after the application of
central load and central I1 I2 I3 I4
Central moment case

1 2 3 4
I1 I2 I3 I4
In Courbon’s method, load shared by each girder in
central region of bridge deck is found by
R1 = P I1 / ∑I ± M I1 h1 / ∑Ih2
R2 = P I2 / ∑I ± M I2 h2 / ∑Ih2
R3 = P I3 / ∑I ± M I3 h3 / ∑Ih2
R4 = P I4 / ∑I ± M I4 h4 / ∑Ih2

In end region i.e., 5.5 m from the support, simple beam method is
employed for lateral load distribution.

The following conditions must be satisfied for the effective use of

Courbon’s method.
• The ratio of span to the width of bridge >2

• No. of transverse beams interconnecting longitudinal

beams should be at least 5 .

• Depth of transverse beam should be at least 0.75 times

the depth of main beam.
Example on Courbon’s Method

Find load on girder 1, 2 and 3 from the following For Point Load
loading conditions. R1 = P I1 / ∑I + M I1 h1 / ∑Ih2
= 200/3 + 200/2 = 500/3 KN

P = 200 KN 10 KN/m R2 = P I2 / ∑I + M I2 h2 / ∑Ih2

= 200/3 + O = 200/3 KN

1 2 3 R3 = P I3 / ∑I - M I3 h3 / ∑Ih2
I I I Cross Section of Bridge = 200/3 - 200/2 = - 100/3 KN
1m 1m

10 KN/m For UDL

R1 = P I1 / ∑I + M I1 h1 / ∑Ih2
P = 200 KN = 10/3 + 0 = 10/3 KN for central region
=0 for end region
20 m Plan of Bridge
R2 = P I2 / ∑I + M I2 h2 / ∑Ih2
= 10/3 + 0 = 10/3 KN for central region
= 10 KN for end region

R3 = P I3 / ∑I + M I3 h3 / ∑Ih2
1 2 3
= 10/3 + 0 = 10/3 KN for central region
=0 for end region

End region is region up

to 5.5 m from support

• Many simplified methods of bridge analysis are based on

the concept of characterizing parameter.
• Characterizing parameters give relationship of the
structural properties of grillages, orthotropic plate, semi
continuum plate in order that they may have the same
pattern of deflection when subjected to same pattern of
• These characterizing parameters are used as axes of
suitable design charts or tables. Having calculated the
values of the characterizing parameters involved, the value
of structural response concerned can be found without
performing any rigorous analysis.
Hendry-Jaeger Method of
Lateral Load Distribution
• One of the simplified methods for lateral load
distribution, which is based on the semi continum plate
theory. The method is applicable to n-girders bridges,
skew bridges and torsionally stiff bridges.
• In this method the actual structure is replaced by semi
continum plate and load is replaced by equivalent loads
lying on the girders
P H1 H2 H3

1 2 3 1 2 3

Bridge Cross Section Semi Continum Plate with

Equivalent Loads
• Load on each girder = ∑Distribution coefficient × Equivalent Loads
R1 = p11H1 + p12H2 + p13H3
R2 = p21H1 + p22H2 + p23H3
R3 = p31H1 + p32H2 + p33H3
• Distribution coefficient depends upon characterizing parameters ‘’ and ‘’ of
bridge deck.

 = 12/4 (L/h) 3 EIT / EI

 = 2/2 (h/L) CJ/ EIT
 - Measure of flexural stiffness of bridge deck
 - Measure of the torsional stiffness of bridge deck. For T-beam bridge with a nos. of cross beams, it is
usually permissible to employ the distribution coefficient for  = 
L - Span of bridge
h - Girder spacing
EI - Flexural stiffness of one longitudinal girder
EIT - Total flexural stiffness of transverse medium
For n number of cross beam EIT = nEIT
CJ - Torsional stiffness of longitudinal girder
n - Nos. of cross beam
p – distribution coefficient, which depends on the characterizing parameters  and 
• Distribution coefficients are found from Design graphs. Design
graphs are drawn against  and p for torsionally weak  = 0
and torsionally strong bridge  = 

For bridges having other torsional characterizing parameters,

distribution coefficients are found by interpolation

p = po + (p -po) [0.5/(3+0.5)]0.5

• Properties of distribution coefficients
pij = pji
pij = 1

• Distribution coefficient ‘p’ is taken same for calculating

different responses of bridge.
Example on Hendry-Jaeger Method
1. Convert bridge deck into semi
continum plate and loads into
Find load on girder 1, 2 and 3 for the equivalent loads on main girders
following bridge.
H1 = 1.586W H2 = 1.878W H3 = 0.536W

Take Span = 21m

No of cross beams = 7
I main girder = 0.4567 m4
I cross girder = 0.1738 m4
1 2 3

2. Find characterizing parameters  and 

W W W W  = 12/4 (L/h) 3 EIT / EI = 113
Where, L = 21 m, h = 3 m, EIT = E × 7 × 0.1738
0.4 m 1.8 m 1.7 m 1.8 m
EI = E × 0.4567
 = 2/2 ( h/L) CJ/EIT Take  = ∞

1 2 3
3. Find load on each girder
0.75 m 3m 3m 0.75 m = ∑Distribution coefficient × Eq. Loads
R1 = p11H1 + p12H2 + p13H3 = 1.355 W
R2 = p21H1 + p22H2 + p23H3 = 1.347 W
R3 = p31H1 + p32H2 + p33H3 = 1.298 W

Where ,
p11 = 0.365, p12 = 0.325, p13 = 0.310
p21 = 0.325, p22 = 0.350, p23 = 0.325
P31 = 0.310, p32 = 0.325, p33 = 0.365
Distribution Coefficient Method
• Distribution coefficient method is a simplified method of
bridge deck analysis based on orthotropic plate theory
• In this method distribution coefficients are used to
distribute the load and determine responses of bridge deck.
• Distribution coefficient depends on flexural and torsional
characterizing parameters of bridge deck.

I – Flexural moment of inertia of a main girder

IT – Flexural moment of inertia of a cross girder
J – Torsional moment of inertia of a main girder
JT – Torsional moment of inertia of a cross girder
S – Spacing of main girders
P - Spacing of cross girders
Distribution of LBM




M’1/M1 = M’2/M2 = K
• For accuracy of distribution coefficient, bridge deck is
converted into a plate with eight segments/ nine
reference stations and distribution coefficient
coefficients are found for these reference stations.
Actual Bridge Deck Orthotropic Plate

-b -3b/4 –b/2 –b/4 0 b/4 b/2 3b/4 b

1 S 2 3
2b=(n-2 )S + Iex./Iint. S

• To determine distribution coefficients graphs drawn
against flexural characterizing parameter (θ) and load
positions are used. Such graphs have been drawn for
torsionally weak ( =0) and torsionally strong ( =1)
bridge deck.
For intermediate value of ‘ ’ interpolation is made to
determine the distribution coefficients.
K = K0+(K1-K0) 

• After having the distribution coefficients, bridge responses

are calculated as follows
M x = 1.1 K' M x,mean
M x,mean - Mean or average longitudinal moment found by considering the load to
be equally divided in all the beam
K' - Moment distribution coefficient; K' = ∑KW/∑W
W - Load transferred at standard position
Example on Distribution Coefficient Method
Find the maximum bending moment due to class A live load at mid span for the following bridge.
Span of bridge – 21 m, Carriage way – 7.5 m
No. of longitudinal girders – 3 Girder spacing – 3 m
Width of bridge – 9 m No. of cross beams – 7
Spacing of cross beams – 3.5 m Moment of inertia of a m. girder – 0.457 m4
Moment of inertia of a cr. beam – 0.174 m4 Tor. moment of inertia of a m. girder – 0.0272 m4
Tor. moment of inertia of a cr. beam – 0.0178 m4

1. Convert bridge deck into orthotropic 2 Calculate Characterizing Parameters

plate 1.125 × 8 m

-b -3b/4 –b/2 –b/4 0 b/4 b/2 3b/4 b

2b = 9 m

2a =21 m
3. Find distribution coefficient for required value of ‘α’

Load Reference Station

Position -b -3/4b -b/2 -b/4 0 b/4 b/2 3/4b b
-b 3.54 2.94 2.22 1.57 0.89 0.33 -0.28 -0.80 -1.34
0.667b -3/4b 2.94 2.45 1.92 1.44 0.95 0.49 0.03 -0.37 -0.80
-b/2 2.22 1.92 1.61 1.29 0.98 0.70 0.36 0.03 -0.28
-b/4 1.57 1.44 1.29 1.18 1.05 0.89 0.70 0.49 0.33
0 0.89 0.95 0.98 1.05 1.09 1.05 0.98 0.95 0.89
b/4 0.33 0.49 0.70 0.89 1.05 1.18 1.29 1.44 1.57
0.667b b/2 -0.28 0.03 0.36 0.70 0.98 1.29 1.61 1.92 2.22
3/4b -0.80 -0.37 0.03 0.49 0.95 1.44 1.92 2.45 2.94
b -1.34 -0.80 -0.28 0.33 0.89 1.57 2.22 2.94 3.54
4. Calculate mean value of distribution coefficient and find
1.125 × 8 m

-b -3b/4 –b/2 –b/4 0 b/4 b/2 3b/4 b

0.98W 0.398W 0.622W 0.866W 0.4W 0.734W

K' = ∑KW/∑W
= 1.25 for girder 1
= 1.02 for girder 2
= 0.73 for girder 3

BM due to class A load at mid of girder 1 = 1.1 × 1.25 × 3820/3 KN-m

BM due to class A load at mid of girder 2 = 1.1 × 1.02 × 3820/3 KN-m
Transverse Bending Moment by
Distribution Coefficient Method
• Maximum transverse bending moment occurs at the mid span at the
center of transverse section when the eccentricity of load in
transverse section of bridge is least and the load acts at the mid
span of bridge.
• In distribution coefficient method, transverse bending moment is
found by Massonnet formula .
• As per Massonnet formula, transverse BM per unit width is equal to
My = ∑n rn b sin(u/2a) sin(nx/2a)
n - Distribution coefficient similar to K
rn – load factor
rn = P/a sin nπu/2a for wheeled load
rn = 4p0/nπ sin nπu/2a sin nπc/2a for tracked load
x - Distance from support to the section, where 'My' is required
P - Wheeled load acting at distance 'u' from support
p0 - Intensity of tracked load
2c - Length of tracked load
n - number of term of series
u - distance of load from the left support
• Transverse bending moment per unit width, when x = a and
taking first three terms of Massonet Formula, My is equal to

For wheeled load

My = Pb/a × [1 sinu/2a -3 sin3u/2a +5 sin5u/2a ]

For tracked load having length 2c

My = 4p0b/ × [ 1 sinc/2a +1/3 3 sin3c/2a + 1/5 5 sin5c/2a ]

• To determine distribution coefficients, graphs drawn

against flexural characterizing parameter (θ) and load
positions are used. Such graphs have been drawn for
torsionally weak ( =0) and torsionally strong ( =1)
bridge deck.
For intermediate value of ‘ ’ interpolation is made to
determine the distribution coefficients.
  =  0+( 1-  0) 
Approximate distribution of TBM along transverse
and longitudinal direction of bridge

80% 80%

Transverse Section

-b -3b/4 –b/2 –b/4 0 b/4 b/2 3b/4 b

75% 75%

Longitudinal Section

2a 5/3a 4/3a a 2/3a a/3 0

Example on Transverse BM by 1. Convert bridge deck into orthotropic plate
and place live load with minimum eccentricity
Distribution Coefficient Method W W
0 0.471b
1.09 m × 8
Find maximum transverse BM due live load
in cross beam at mid span of bridge for the
following data. -b -3b/4 –b/2 –b/4 0 b/4 b/2 3b/4 b

• Span of bridge = 16 m 2. Find Transverse BM

• Width of bridge = 8.7 m
• Live load = Class AA track load My = 4p0b/ × [ 1 sinc/2a +1/3 3 sin3c/2a + 1/5 5 sin5c/2a ]
• Spacing of cross beams = 4m = 71 KN-m/m
• Flexural Ch. Parameter ‘ϴ’ = 0.3 Total TBM = 71 × spacing of cr. beam = 284 KN-m
• Torsional Ch. Parameter ‘α’ = 0.026
p0 = 350/3.6 KN/m, c = 3.6/2 m , 2a = 16 m, b = 8.7/2 m
Load position at

2.05 m

for ‘0’ ∑
ref. st. 0 b/4 b/2 0.471b

2.5 m
2 3 1 ✓ ✓ 0.2674
1.85 m 2.5 m 1.85m
3 ✓ ✓ 0.1006

5 ✓ ✓ 0.0500
Lateral Load Distribution in Through Truss Bridge ILD of reaction
For Track Loading
Lever Arm Method of a truss

• Construct ILD of reaction of a truss.

• In the case of track load, place the L

track load [maintaining clear cover] in p – intensity of track load
such a way so that product of the A– area of influence line diagram
intensity of track load and area of ILD under track load
occupied by track load (p × A) is
For wheeled Loading
• In the case of wheeled load, place the
wheel loads [maintaining clear cover] W W W W
in such a way so that summation of
the product of loads and respective 1
ordinates of ILD (∑Wy) is maximum.
W- magnitude of wheel load
y- ordinate of ILD under load
Design of RC Slab Bridge
Slab Bridge Cross Section of Slab

Solid slab bridge

Solid slab bridge with

cantilever footpath

Main load bearing member in super

structure of bridge is slab
Voided slab bridge with
Span coverage of slab bridge cantilever footpath
Solid Slab - up to 10 m
Voided Slab – up to 15 m
Prestressed Concrete Slab – up to 25 m

Positive aspects Negative aspects

▪ Increases clearance above the afflux due to the ▪ Has heavy self weight for larger span
shallow depth of slab ▪ Economically not effective for large span
▪ Gives clean attractive appearance of bridge
▪ Has good lateral load distribution characteristics ▪ Can cover small span
due to its good torsional stiffness
▪ Requires low maintenance cost
General Arrangements of Deck of Solid Slab
Kerb Wearing
CW Course Drainage
RC Slab
Expansion Joint

RC Slab

Tar Paper


Design Steps of RCC Solid Slab Bridge

I. Planning and Preliminary Design of Slab Bridge [Ref. IRC 5]

• Select type of slab, railing, wearing coat and materials require.
• Assign depth of slab using deflection control criteria and sizes
of carriageway, footpath/kerb, wearing coat and railing.

Footpath/Kerb Wearing Course h


Railing B D Slab

• Width of kerb ≥ 0.225 m from railing

• Depth of kerb/footpath ≥ 0.225 m
• Width of safety kerb (b) ≥ 0.75 m
• Carriage way width (CW) - It depends on number of lanes
= 4.25 m for single lane
= 7.5 m for double lane
• Height of railing (h) ≥ 1.1 m – half width of railing
• Depth of slab (D) is found by deflection control criteria
D = span/15 to span/12 for simple span
= span/25 to span/20 for continuous span
II. Analysis of Deck Slab [Ref. IRC 6 & IRC 21]
• Select live load as per IRC 6 and position live load longitudinally and transversely at
each critical section of slab to get maximum responses and find longitudinal bending
moment, longitudinal shear force and transverse bending moment per unit width of
slab due to live load at each critical sections.

Transverse Positioning of Live

Load to Get Maximum Responses


Maximum eccentric position of vehicle gives maximum longitudinal BM and SF


Minimum eccentric position of vehicle gives maximum transverse BM

Longitudinal Positioning of Live Load to Get Maximum BM

For Track Loading BM at the considering section will be

maximum when track load is
L2 positioned in such a way so that
x2 x2 = x1 × L2 /L1


For Train/Wheel Loading BM at the considering section will be maximum

when train/wheel load is positioned in such a way
so that the ratio of R1 / L1 and R / L will equal or
just change their signs
W1 W2 W3 W4 W5
R1 / L1 = R / L
L1 R1 / L1 > R / L just change in to R1 / L1 < R / L
R1 - Resultant of wheel loads lying on the left of the
considering section
R– Resultant of wheel load entered in bridge deck
Longitudinal Positioning of Live Load to Get Maximum BM

For Track Loading For Train/Wheel Loading

L2 p W1 W2 W3 W4 W5

x1 L1 L1

Draw ILD of BM at critical section. Draw ILD of BM at critical section.

Position track load in such a way so Position wheel loads in such a way
that product of the intensity of track so that summation of the product
load and area of ILD occupied by of loads and respective ordinates of
track load (p × A) is maximum. ILD (∑Wy) is maximum.

p – intensity of track load W- magnitude of wheel load

A – area of influence line diagram y- ordinate of ILD under
under track load load
Longitudinal Positioning of Live
Load to Get Maximum SF
Influence line diagram is drawn to
get maximum SF at critical sec.
For Track Loading
due to track and train/wheel
p loading.

SF at any critical section will be

maximum when
l • pA is maximum for track
p – intensity of track load
A – area of influence line diagram
under track load
For Train/Wheel Loading
• ∑Wy is maximum for
W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 train/wheel loading
W- magnitude of wheel load
y- ordinate of ILD under load

• Compute effective width of slab at each critical section and obtain live load
bending moment and shear force per unit width at these sections.

✓ Strip of slab, which bears the load on the slab is effective width of slab.

✓ Effective width of slab for a concentrated/patch load is calculated by the

following equation.
bef =  a (1-a/l) + b1

bef - Effective width of slab on which the loads acts
l - Effective span in case of simply supported slab and clear span in case of
continuous slab
a - Distance of center of gravity of load from nearer support
b1 - Width of concentration area of load (b1 = W + 2h )
 - Constant depending upon the ratio l'/l (See table of IRC 21 for value of )
l' - Width of slab
h - Thickness of wearing course
W- Contact width of wheel/track parallel to the width of bridge (Ref. IRC 6)
Effective Width of Slab ✓ Effective width should not
exceed the actual width of
the slab.
bef =  a (1-a/l) + b1
✓ When concentrated load is
close to the unsupported
edge of a slab, the
Abutment Load effective width shall not
exceed the above value or
half of the above value
River plus the distance of the
load from the unsupported
b1 = W+2h
✓ When effective widths for
two adjacent loads
overlap, in such cases the
resultant effective width
l΄ will be equal to the sum of
individual widths minus the
Plan of Slab Bridge overlap.
• Compute dead load and find dead load bending moment and shear force per unit
width at critical sections.

Self wt of slab and wearing coat
per unit width of slab

Maximum BM at mid span (Mu) = wu l2/8

Maximum shear force at support (Vu) = wu l/2

• Find transverse bending moment (TBM) due to live load and dead load per unit width
of slab. Use codal formula to find TBM. [Refer cl.305.18.1, IRC 21]

Max. TBM = 0.3 of L.L.BM + 0.2 of D.L. BM

III. Design and Detailing of Deck Slab [Ref. IRC 21, IRC 112 & IS 456]

• Check depth of slab ‘d’ and revise if necessary.

Compare with the depth requires for balanced section

dbal = (Mu /Q b)1/2

When d > dbal , slab section is designed as SRUR rectangular section
When d < dbal , slab section is designed as DR rectangular section
Normally slab is designed as SRURS

• Find longitudinal reinforcement ‘Ast’for maximum longitudinal bending moment.

Find area of steel of longitudinal bars Ast, diameter of bars and their spacing
Ast = Mu / 0.87fy(d - 0.416xu) for SRURS
Ast ≥ Ast,min = 0.12% of gross sectional area of slab

• Find transverse reinforcement for maximum TBM

Find area of steel of longitudinal bars Ast, diameter of bars and their spacing
Ast = Max. TBM / 0.87fy(dtr - 0.416xu)
Ast ≥ Ast,min = 0.12% of gross sectional area of slab
• Check slab for shear

Depth of slab is checked for shear

Compare τuv with τuc
When τuv ≤ τuc shear reinforcement is not required

Normally shear reinforcement is not provided in slab

• Check Deck Slab for Deflection

≤ 𝜶𝜷𝜸𝜹𝝀
Δ max ≤ Δ max
• Design kerb/foot path as a beam for edge stiffening

Edge stiffening beam is designed for its self weight, dead and live load on it and
horizontal load of 7.5 KN/m at top of kerb/footpath.

Find diameter and numbers of longitudinal bars of beam for maximum BM

and diameter and spacing of vertical stirrups for maximum SF and
horizontal load

• Carryout detailing of reinforcement

✓ Check anchorage length of main bars at support

✓ Curtail main bars if necessary
✓ Provide temperature steel at top of slab as per codal provision

Provide 250 mm2 area of steel bars per unit meter in both direction of
slab or minimum area of steel bars as temperature bars
Reinforcement of Slab Bridge

Vertical stirrups
of edge stiffening beam Temperature reinforcement

Side face
reinforcement Transverse reinforcement
Bars of edge Longitudinal reinforcement
stiffening beam
Design Problem
Design a Slab Bridge to meet the following requirements
➢ Bridge clear span – 6m
➢ Bearing width of slab – 400 mm
➢ Carriage way – Two lane
➢ Safety kerb on either side of bridge
➢ Wearing coat – Asphalt concrete

• Select type of slab, railing, wearing coat and materials require.

• Assign depth of slab using deflection control criteria and sizes of
carriageway, footpath/kerb, wearing coat and railing
• Position live load longitudinally and transversely at each critical section
of slab to get maximum responses and find longitudinal bending
moment, longitudinal shear force and transverse bending moment per
unit width of slab due to live load at each critical sections.
• Compute effective width of slab at each critical section and obtain live
load bending moment and shear force per unit width at these sections.
• Compute dead load and find dead load bending moment and shear
force per unit width at critical sections.
• Find transverse bending moment (TBM) due to live load and dead load
per unit width of slab. Use codal formula to find TBM.
• Design slab and carryout detailing of reinforcement.
• Analyze and design edge beam of slab
Planning and Preliminary
Design of Slab Bridge

✓ Carriage way – 7.5 m

✓ Width of footpath – 1 m
✓ Height of footpath – 0.3 m
✓ Thickness of W.C. – 0.05 m at edge
0.11 m at crown
✓ Height of railing – 1.1 m
✓ Size of railing post – 0.225 m × 0.225 m
✓ Spacing of railing post - 1.6 m
✓ Heavy steel pipe of dia. 48.3 mm
Cross Section of Bridge ✓ Thickness slab - 0.55 m
✓ Camber of W.C. – 2.5 %

Longitudinal Section of Bridge

Design Example of Design of RC Slab Bridge

Problem Statement and Owner Requirements

Design a Bridge Deck to meet the following requirements of owner.

 Type of Bridge : Local Road Bridge

 Bridge Clear Span :6m
 Carriage Way : Two Lane
 Foot Path : Two (Each on either side of bridge)
 Wearing Course : Asphalt Concrete
 Height of Support :7m

Design of Bridge Deck

Design of bridge deck has been carried out in the following steps.

I. Planning and Preliminary Design of Deck

Bridge deck design is started with the appropriate selection of bridge deck type. Then
geometry of the deck is planned, type of materials required for deck are decided.
(Refer IRC 5 and IRC 6 for planning and preliminary design)

II. Analysis of Bridge Deck

In the analysis, loads on bridge deck are assessed, critical responses of bridge deck i.e.
maximum values of longitudinal bending moment, and longitudinal shear force and
transverse bending moment at the critical sections of deck slab are calculated.
(Refer IRC 6 for analysis of bridge deck)

III. Design and Detailing of Bridge Deck

In this stage, critical section of deck slab is designed for different responses. Sizes of the
component of Slab Bridge is verified, find quantity of reinforcing bars and their
arrangements. After design, detailing of reinforcing bars is carried out.
(Refer IRC 21 and IRC 112, IS456, SP16 and SP34 for RC design and detailing)

Design Example of RC Slab Bridge Page 1

Prepared by NC Sharma
I. Planning and Preliminary Design of Bridge Deck
A. Selection of Type of Bridge Deck
For bridges up to 8 m span, slab type of bridge will be technically and economically feasible.
So for 6 m span, slab type deck is appropriate and has been selected.

B. Material Selection


 M25 grade of concrete for all RC work

 Fe 415 HYSD bars for all RC work
 Asphalt Concrete for Wearing Coat
 Heavy Steel Pipe of Mild Steel for Railing

C. Geometry of Bridge Deck

Depth of Slab
Follow deflection control criterion to determine the depth of slab.
= 13
∴𝑑= = 0.492; Adopt Overall Depth of Slab (D) = 550 mm
Effective Depth of slab (d) = Overall Depth – Concrete Cover – Dia. Of bar/2
= 550 – 40 – 20/2
= 500 mm
 Effective Span of bridge = Clear Span + Bearing Width (or Clear Span + d) = 6.4 m
Min. Bearing Width of bridge = 305 + 2.5L + 10H mm [Refer 219.9 IRC 6-2010]
= 390 mm Where, L= 6m and H = 7m
Adopt bearing width of slab = 400 mm
 Minimum clear cover to main reinforcing bar = 40 mm [Refer IRC 21]
 Usually ratio for RC solid slab bridge is taken 12 to 15.

Width of Carriageway and Foot Path

Take, Width of carriageway =7.5 m, Width of footpath = 1 m, Height of footpath = 0.3 m

 Minimum carriageway width for double lane bridge = 7 m

 Minimum width of footway = 0.6 m
 Minimum raised height of footway from wearing course = 0.225 m [Refer IRC 5]

Design Example of RC Slab Bridge Page 2

Prepared by NC Sharma
Type of Railing

Provide heavy steel pipe with RC post as railing.


 RC post of 225 mm × 225 mm × 1100 mm

 No of Post = 5 on either side of bridge
 Spacing of post = 1.6 m for intermediate posts and 1.68 m for end posts
 3 - 48.3 mm ∅ heavy steel pipe @ 4.37 kg per running meter [Refer steel section book]

48.3 mm dia. steel pipe

0.1 m

0.4 m
1.1 m
Fig: Railing
0.4 m

0.4 m
0.225 m

Type of Drainage Spout

Take Standard type of drainage spout with 100 mm dia. drainage pipe

Provide drainage spout @ 3.4 m c/c

Type of Wearing Coat [Refer 1308, Yellow Book]

Take Asphalt Concrete for wearing coat of bridge. Thickness of wearing coat is taken 50 mm
at edge and 110 mm at mid of carriage way to give about 2.5% camber.

Length of Bridge

Length of bridge = span of bridge + bearing width = 6.4 + 0.4 = 6.8 m

Design Example of RC Slab Bridge Page 3

Prepared by NC Sharma
Transverse Section
of Bridge at A-A

Asphalt concrete of 50 mm th. at

edge and 110 mm th. at crown

1.1 m
7.5 m RC post of 225 mm × 225 mm
with three heavy steel pipes
9.5 m

RC foot path of 1m width

and 0.3 m height

Longitudinal Section
of Bridge at B-B

RC foot path of 1 m width RC posts with 1.6 m

and 0.3 m height spacing for intermediate
and 1.68 m spacing for end
0.55 m

6.4 m
L = 6.8 m

Design Example of RC Slab Bridge Page 4

Prepared by NC Sharma
II. Analysis of Bridge Deck
Normally slab is analyzed and designed for one meter strip. So in this example load and
responses of slab have been calculated for one meter strip of deck slab.

Dead Load Calculation

Take self-weight of RC slab and wearing coat as dead loads for middle strip of slab.

Design load due to self-weight of slab and wearing course for one meter strip (𝑤𝑢 )
= 𝐷𝑠 𝛾𝑅𝐶 𝑟𝑓 𝐷𝐿 + 𝐷𝑤𝑐 𝛾𝑤𝑐 𝑟𝑓 𝑤𝑐 = 0.55 × 25 × 1.35 + 0.08 × 22 × 1.75 = 21.65 𝐾𝑁/𝑚

wu = 21.65KN / m

6.4 m

Unit weight of reinforced concrete 𝛾𝑅𝐶 =25 KN/m3
Unit weight of Asphalt concrete (wearing coat) 𝛾𝑤𝑐 =22 KN/m3
Partial safety factor for DL (slab) 𝑟𝑓 𝐷𝐿 = 1.35
Partial safety factor for wearing coat 𝑟𝑓 𝑤𝑐 = 1.75
Average depth for wearing course 𝐷𝑤𝑐 = (0.11 + 0.05)/2 = 0.08 m
[For partial safety factor for load refer IRC 6 -2010]

Live Load Calculation

According to IRC 6 -2010 Table 2, following live load shall be considered for two Lane Bridge.

 Two lane of class A load as normal load

 One lane of class AA load (tracked and wheeled ) as abnormal load
In the case of abnormal load in local road bridge, Class AA load is recommended for
analysis instead of IRC 70R load.

Partial safety factor for live load 𝑟𝑓 𝐿𝐿 = 1.5

Design Example of RC Slab Bridge Page 5

Prepared by NC Sharma
Impact Factor Fraction for different Loadings

According to IRC 6-2010 Cl. 208.2

4.5 4.5
a. For Class A IFF = = = 0.363
6+𝐿 6+6.4
b. For Class AA (tracked) IFF = 0.25 for 5 m span
IFF = 0.10 for 9 m span
IFF = 0.1975 for 6.4m span
c. For Class AA (wheeled) IFF = 0.25 for span < 9m

Calculation of maximum longitudinal bending moment (LBM) at critical section of bridge deck

Longitudinal bending moment is maximum at mid span of slab. So in this example, LBM due to
dead load and live load have been calculated for mid span of slab.

1. Maximum LBM due to DL at mid span

𝑊𝑢 × 𝐿2
Maximum LBM at mid span = = 21.65 × 6.42/8 = 110.85 KN-m

2. Maximum LBM due to LL at mid span

Find LBM due to Class A load, Class AA tracked load and Class AA wheeled load at mid
span. Maximum value of LBM is taken for design.

LBM due to class A loading

 Position two trains of Class A load transversely at maximum eccentricity from the
center of deck maintaining minimum clearance from footpath.
 Take minimum clearance from footpath for class A load = 0.15 m and clear distance
between two trains of Class A load = 1.2 m
 Position Class A train longitudinally to give maximum LBM at mid span. In 6.4 m span
maximum loaded axles of Class A load is placed symmetrically with respect to mid
span of bridge to get maximum LBM at mid span.
 Longitudinal dispersion of the Class A load has not been considered in the example

Design Example of RC Slab Bridge Page 6

Prepared by NC Sharma
Load from 114 KN axle of Class A load
2.6 m 1.2 m
Axle I Axle II
L = 6.4 m

Longitudinal position of Class A load

1 m 0.4 m 1.8 m 1.7 m 1.8 m

0.5 m
B = 9.5 m

Transverse positioning of Class A load [Two trains]

Find effective width (bef) of a wheel of Class A load [Refer IRC 21-2000 Cl. 305.16.2]

𝑎 2.6
bef = 𝛼 × 𝑎 1 − + 𝑏1 = 2.83 × 2.6 1 − + 0.66 = 5.03 m
𝑙 6.4
𝐵 9.5
𝑊ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒, 𝑎 = 2.6 m, l = 6.4 m, b1 = 0.08 × 2 + 0.5 = 0.66 m, 𝛼 = 2.83 𝑓𝑜𝑟 = = 1.484
𝑙 6.4

Since the bef of individual wheel overlaps, find modified effective width for all wheels of axle I
and axle II.
𝑏 𝑒𝑓
bef 𝑚𝑜𝑑 = bef 𝑚𝑜𝑑 𝐼 = bef 𝑚𝑜𝑑 𝐼𝐼
= 1 + 0.4 + 1.8 + 1.7 + 1.8 + = 9.125 < 𝐵 = 9.5 𝑚
Hence, Adopt bef 𝑚𝑜𝑑 = 9.215 𝑚

2 × 114 × 𝐼𝐹 × 𝛾𝐿𝐿
𝑓 2 × 114 × 1.363 × 1.5
Load per unit width of slab = 𝑚𝑜𝑑 = = 50.6 KN/m
b ef 9.215

Maximum LBM at mid span = 50.6 × 3.2 - 50.6 × 0.6 = 131.6 KN-m

Design Example of RC Slab Bridge Page 7

Prepared by NC Sharma
LBM due to Class AA (T) load at mid span

 Position a set of Class AA (T) load transversely at maximum eccentricity from the
center of deck maintaining minimum clearance from footpath.
 Take minimum clearance from footpath for class AA load in two lane bridge 1.2 m
 Position Class AA (T) longitudinally to give maximum LBM at mid span. Symmetrical
placement of track at mid span gives maximum LBM.
 Consider Longitudinal dispersion of track load (along span)
Ldis = 3.6 +2 × (D + h) = 3.6 + 2 × (0.55 + 0.08) = 4.86 m

4.86 m

a = 3.2 m
I = 6.4 m

Longitudinal positioning of Class AA (T)

1m 1.2m 1.2m

0.85 m 0.85 m
B = 9.5m

Transverse positioning of Class AA (T)

Find effective width (bef) of individual track [Refer IRC 21-2000 Cl. 305.16.2]
𝑎 3.2
bef = 𝛼 × 𝑎 1 − + 𝑏1 = 2.83 × 3.2 1 − 6.4 + 1.01 = 5.538 m
Where a = 3.2 m, l = 6.4 m, b1 = 0.08 × 2 + 0.85 = 1.01 m, 𝛼 = 2.83 for B/L = 1.484
Since the bef of individual track overlaps, find modified effective width for two tracks.
𝑏𝑒𝑓 = 1 + 1.625 + 2.05 + bef /2 = 7.44 m < B = 9.5 m
Adopt 𝑏𝑒𝑓 = 7.44 𝑚
700 × 𝐼𝐹 × 𝑟 𝑓 𝐿𝐿 700 × 1.1975 × 1.5
Load per unit width = 𝑚𝑜𝑑 = = 34.77 KN/m
b 𝑒𝑓 × 𝐿𝑑𝑖𝑠 7.44 × 4.86

700 × 1.1975 × 1.5

Maximum LBM at mid span = × 3.2 - 34.77 × 4.86/2 × 4.86/4 = 167.75 KN-m
7.44 × 2

Design Example of RC Slab Bridge Page 8

Prepared by NC Sharma
LBM due to Class AA (W) at mid span

 Position a set of Class AA (W) load transversely at maximum eccentricity from the
center of deck maintaining minimum clearance from footpath.
 Take minimum clearance from footpath for class AA load in two lane bridge 1.2 m
 Position Class AA (W) longitudinally to give maximum LBM at mid span. Symmetrical
placement of two axle at mid span gives maximum LBM.
 Longitudinal dispersion of load has not been considered in the example

Load from 200 KN axle of Class AA (W) load

a = 2.6 m 1.2 m
Axle I Axle II
l = 6.4 m

Longitudinal position of Class AA (W) load

1m 1.2 m 0.6 m 1m 0.6 m

0.3 m
B = 9.5 m

Transverse positioning of Class AA (W) load

Find effective width (bef) of individual track [Refer IRC 21-2000 Cl. 305.16.2]
𝑎 2.6
bef = 𝛼 × 𝑎 1 − + 𝑏1 = 2.83 × 2.6 1 − 6.4 + 0.46 = 4.829 m
Where a = 2.6m, l = 6.4 m, b1 = 0.08 × 2 + 0.3 = 0.46 m, 𝛼 = 2.83 for B/l = 1.484
Since the bef of individual wheel overlaps, find modified effective width for all wheels of
individual axle of Class AA (W)
0.3 𝑏𝑒𝑓
bef 𝑚𝑜𝑑 𝐼 = bef 𝑚𝑜𝑑 𝐼𝐼 = 1 + 1.2 + + 0.6 + 1 + 0.6 + = 6.96 𝑚 < 𝐵 = 9.5 𝑚
2 2
Adopt bef 𝑚𝑜𝑑 = 6.96 𝑚

200 × 𝐼𝐹 × 𝑟 𝑓 𝐿𝐿 200 × 1.25 × 1.5

Load per unit width = = = 53.88 KN/m
bef 𝑚𝑜𝑑 6.96

Maximum LBM at mid span = 53.88 × 3.2 - 53.88 × 0.6 = 140.1 KN-m

Design Example of RC Slab Bridge Page 9

Prepared by NC Sharma
Calculation of maximum longitudinal shear force (LSF) at critical section of bridge deck

LSF is maximum at support of slab. So in this example, LSF due to dead load and live load have
been calculated for support of slab.

1. Maximum LSF due to DL at support

𝑤𝑢 × 𝑙
Maximum LBM at mid span = = 21.65 × 6.4/2 = 69.3 KN/m

wu = 21.65KN /

6.4 m

2. Maximum LSF due to LL at support

Find LSF due to Class A load, Class AA tracked load and Class AA wheeled load at support.
Maximum value of LSF is taken for design.

LSF due to class A loading

 Position two trains of Class A load transversely at maximum eccentricity from the
center of deck maintaining minimum clearance from footpath. [Ref. LBM due to Class A]
 Take minimum clearance from footpath for class A load = 0.15 m and clear distance
between two trains of Class A load = 1.2 m
 Position Class A train longitudinally in such a way so that dispersion of wheels of axle I
will not go beyond the face of support.
 Longitudinal dispersion of the Class A load has not been considered in the example

Load from 114 KN axle of Class A load

0.955 m 1.2 m
Axle I Axle II
L = 6.4 m

Longitudinal position of Class A load

Design Example of RC Slab Bridge Page 10

Prepared by NC Sharma
Find effective width (bef) of individual wheel of axle I and axle II

𝑏𝑒𝑓 𝐼 = 2.83 × 0.955 × (1- 0.955/ 6.4) + 0.66

= 2.95 m
𝑏𝑒𝑓 𝐼𝐼 = 2.83 × 2.155 × (1- 2.155/ 6.4) + 0.66
= 4.70 m
Where, a1= 0.2 + 0.5 × (0.25 + 2 × (0.55 + 0.08)) = 0.955m for axle I
a2= a1 + 1.2 =2.155m for axle II
l = 6.4 m
b1 = 0.08 × 2 + 0.5 =0.66 m
𝛼 = 2.83 for B/l =9.5/6.4 =1.484 (for simply supported slab)
Since the bef of individual wheel overlaps, find modified effective width for all wheels of
each axle.
𝑚𝑜𝑑 𝐼 𝑏 𝑒𝑓 𝐼
𝑏𝑒𝑓 =1 + 0.4 + 1.8 + 1.7 + 1.8 + 2
= 8.17 m < B = 9.5 m
𝑚𝑜𝑑 𝐼
Hence, 𝑏𝑒𝑓 = 8.17 𝑚

2×114×𝐼𝐹×𝑟 𝑓 𝐿𝐿 2×114×1.363×1.5
Load per unit width = = = 57.06 KN/m
𝑚𝑜𝑑 𝐼𝐼
𝑏𝑒𝑓 =1 + 0.4 + 1.8 + 1.7 + 1.8 + 𝑏𝑒𝑓 𝐼𝐼 / 2
= 9.05 m < B = 9.5 m
𝑚𝑜𝑑 𝐼𝐼
Hence, 𝑏𝑒𝑓 = 8.17 𝑚

2×114×𝐼𝐹×𝑟 𝑓 𝐿𝐿 2×114×1.363×1.5
Load per unit width = 𝑚𝑜𝑑 𝐼𝐼 = = 51.51 KN/m
𝑏𝑒𝑓 9.05
S.F. at support VA
VA × 6.4 = 57.06 × (6.4 - 0.955) + 51.51 × (6.4 - 2.155)
∴ VA = 82.71 KN

Maximum LSF due to class AA (W)

 Transverse positioning of Class AA (W) is same as in LBM

 Longitudinal positioning of Class AA (W) is done in such a way so that dispersion of
wheels of axle I will not go beyond the face of support (bearing).
 Longitudinal dispersion is not considered for calculation of S.F.

Design Example of RC Slab Bridge Page 11

Prepared by NC Sharma
Load from 200 KN axle of Class AA (W) load
a1 = 0.905 m
1.2 m
Axle I Axle II
l = 6.4 m

Longitudinal position of Class AA (W) load

Find effective width (bef) of individual wheel

𝑏𝑒𝑓 𝐼 = 2.83 × 0.905(1 - 0.905/ 6.4) + 0.46

= 2.65 m
𝑏𝑒𝑓 𝐼𝐼= 2.83 ×2.105(1 - 2.105/ 6.4) + 0.46
= 4.45 m
Where a1= 0.2 + 0.5 × (0.15 + 2 × (0.55 + 0.08)) = 0.905 m
a2= a1 + 1.2 =2.105m
l = 6.4 m
b1 = 0.08 × 2 + 0.3 =0.46 m
𝛼 = 2.83 for B/l = 9.5/6.4 = 1.484 (for simply supported slab)
Since the bef of individual wheel overlaps, find modified effective width for all wheels of each
𝑏𝑒𝑓 𝐼
=1 + 1.35 + 0.6 + 1 + 0.6 + 𝑏𝑒𝑓 𝐼 /2 = 5.875 m < B = 9.5 m
𝑚𝑜𝑑 𝐼
Hence, 𝑏𝑒𝑓 = 5.875 𝑚
200×𝐼𝐹×𝑟 𝑓 𝐿𝐿 200×1.25×1.5
Load per unit width = 𝑚𝑜𝑑 𝐼 = = 63.83 KN
𝑏𝑒𝑓 5.875

𝑏𝑒𝑓 𝐼𝐼
=1 + 1.35 + 0.6 + 1 + 0.6 + 𝑏𝑒𝑓 𝐼𝐼 /2 = 6.77 m < B = 9.5 m
𝑚𝑜𝑑 𝐼𝐼
Hence, 𝑏𝑒𝑓 = 6.77 𝑚
200×𝐼𝐹×𝑟 𝑓 𝐿𝐿 200×1.25×1.5
Load per unit width = = = 55.39 KN/m
𝐼𝐼 6.77

S.F. at support VA
VA × 6.4 = 63.83 × (6.4 - 0.905) + 51.51 × (6.4 - 2.105)
∴ VA = 89.37 KN

Design Example of RC Slab Bridge Page 12

Prepared by NC Sharma
Maximum LSF due to class AA (T)

 Transverse positioning of Class AA (T) is same as in LBM.

 Longitudinal positioning of Class AA (T) is done in such a way so that dispersion of
track will not go beyond the face of support (bearing).
 Longitudinal dispersion of tracked load is considered for calculation of S.F.
4.86 m

a = 2.63 m
m I = 6.4 m

Longitudinal positioning of Class AA (T)

Find effective width (bef) of a track

bef = 2.83 × 2.63 (1- 2.63/ 6.4) + 1.01

= 5.39 m
Where, a = 0.2 + (3.6 + 2 × (0.55 + 0.08))/2 =2.63m
l = 6.4 m, b1 = 0.08 × 2 + 0.85 = 1.01 m, 𝛼 = 2.83 For B/l =9.5/6.4 =1.484
Since the bef of tracks overlap, find modified effective width.
𝑏𝑒𝑓 = 1 + 1.2 + 0.85/2 + 2.05 + bef/2 = 7.37 m < B = 9.5 m
Hence, 𝑏𝑒𝑓 = 7.37 𝑚
700×𝐼𝐹 × 𝑟 𝑓 𝐿𝐿 700×1.1975×1.5
Load per unit width = 𝑚𝑜𝑑 = = 35.11 KN/m
𝑏𝑒𝑓 × 𝐿𝑑𝑖𝑠 7.37×4.86

S.F. at A

VA × 6.4 = 35.11 × 4.86 × (6.4 - 2.63)

∴VA = 100.52 KN

Calculation of maximum transverse bending moment (TBM) at mid of mid span of Slab Deck

Transverse bending moment of slab deck per unit width has been calculated according to IRC
21-2000 Cl. 305.18.1

Maximum TBM at mid of mid span = 0.3 × Max. LBM due to LL + 0.2 × Max. LBM due to DL
= 0.3 × 167.8 + 0.2 × 110.85
= 72.51 KN-m

Design Example of RC Slab Bridge Page 13

Prepared by NC Sharma
Design Responses
 Design LBM due to dead load and live load at mid span of slab deck per one meter strip
= 110.85 + 167.8 = 278.65 KN-m /m
 Design LSF due to dead load and live load at support of slab deck per one meter strip
= 69.3 + 100.52 = 169.82 KN/m/m
 Design TBM due to dead load and live load at mid of mid span of slab deck per one meter
strip = 72.51 KN-m/m

III. Design

1. Design of Deck Slab

 Mid section of deck slab has been designed for maximum bending moment due to
dead load and live load and section at support has been designed for maximum
shear force due to dead load and live load.
 Reinforcing bars have been found for longitudinal and transverse bending moment
and depth of slab has been verified for longitudinal shear force.
 Deck slab has been designed at limit state of collapse and checked at limit state of

i. Design of Deck Slab for Bending

Design Section of deck slab

1000 mm

Clear cover to bar = 40mm

Dia of Long. Bar = 20mm D = 550 mm d = 500 mm

Dia of Tran. Bar = 12mm

Design Section
d (Log. Bar) = 550 – 40 – 20/2 = 500 mm
d (Tr. Bar)
Check depth of =slab
550 – 40 – 20 -12/2 = 484 mm

𝑀𝑢 278.65 × 10 6
𝑑𝑏𝑎𝑙 = = = 284.2 mm
𝑄×𝑏 3.45×1000

Design Example of RC Slab Bridge Page 14

Prepared by NC Sharma
Where, Q = 0.36 fck× 0.48 × (1 - 0.416 × 0.48) = 3.45
Since, 𝑑𝑏𝑎𝑙 < 𝑑, design slab section as SR URS

Find reinforcing bars

Find the area of steel by using table of SP 16.

a. Longitudinal Reinforcement
𝑏𝑑 2
𝑀𝑢 278.65 × 10 6
= = 1.115 ≅ 1.15
𝑏×𝑑 2 1000×500 2

From table, pt= 0.338 % for fck= 25N/mm2 and fy= 415 N/mm2,

𝑠𝑡 = × 1000 × 500 = 1690 mm2
Adopt 6 - 20 mm ∅ bar; 𝐴𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣
𝑠𝑡 = 1885 mm2
Provide 20 mm ∅ @ 167 mm c/c

b. Transverse Reinforcement

𝑀𝑢 72.51 × 10 6
= =0.3095 ≅ 0.35
𝑏×𝑑 2 1000 × 484 2

From table, pt = 0.099 % < 0.12 %; Adopt pt = 𝑝𝑡𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 0.12 % of bD

𝑟𝑒𝑞 0.12
𝐴𝑠𝑡 = 100 × 1000 × 550 = 660 mm2
Adopt 6 - 12 mm ∅ bar; 𝐴𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣
𝑠𝑡 = 678 mm2
Provide 12 mm ∅ @ 167 mm c/c

c. Temperature Reinforcement

Provide 250 mm2 steel bars per m width as temperature reinforcements in both
direction of slab. [Refer IRC 21- 2000 Cl. 305.10]
Provide 12 mm ∅ bar @ 300mm c/c

ii. Design of Deck Slab for Shear

Check 𝝉𝒖𝒗 ≤ K 𝝉𝒖𝒄

Design Example of RC Slab Bridge Page 15

Prepared by NC Sharma
𝑉𝑢 169.82×1000
Nominal Shear Stress 𝜏𝑢𝑣 = = = 0.34 N/mm2
𝑏𝑑 1000 ×500
Shear strength of concrete section 𝜏𝑢𝑐 = 0.406N/mm2 for M25 and pt = 0.338 %,
Limiting value of Shear Stress 𝜏𝑢𝑐 ,𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 3.1 N/mm2 [Refer IS 456 table 19, 20]
Depth factor (K) =1

Since 𝜏𝑢𝑣 < K 𝜏𝑢𝑐 no shear reinforcement requires.

iii. Check Deck Slab for Deflection

Check ≤ 𝜶𝜷𝜸𝜹𝝀
𝑙 6.4
Actual span effective depth ratio of slab = = 12.8
𝑑 0.5
Limiting value of span effective depth ratio 𝛼𝛽𝛾𝛿𝜆= 20 × 1× 1.35 × 1 × 1 = 27
[Refer IS 456 Cl. 23.2.1]

Since < 𝛼𝛽𝛾𝛿𝜆, deflection of slab deck is under control.

iv. Check anchorage length of bar at support

Check provided anchorage length ≤ design anchorage length

Design Anchorage length = × 𝑙𝑑 = 385 mm [Refer IRC 21- 2000 Cl. 304.6.2]
𝑙𝑑 = 𝛼1 𝛼2 𝑙0
𝛼1 = 0.7 for bar with hooks
𝛼2 = Bars required / Bar provided = = 0.896
𝑙0 = 46 ∅ = 46 × 20 = 920 𝑚𝑚

2 1690
Provided anchorage length = 3 × 0.7 × 1885 × 46 × 20 = 385 mm

Design Example of RC Slab Bridge Page 16

Prepared by NC Sharma
2. Design of Edge Stiffening Beam
 Footpath with deck slab at the edge of bridge deck has been treated as edge
stiffening beam.
 Mid section and section at support of edge stiffening beam have been designed for
maximum bending moment and maximum shear force due to dead load and live
load respectively.
 Longitudinal reinforcements have been found for maximum longitudinal bending
moment and shear reinforcements have been found for maximum longitudinal
shear force.
 Shear reinforcement of edge stiffening beam has been checked for lateral load of
7.5 KN/m at the top of footpath

Design Section of Edge Stiffening Beam 1000 mm


Clear cover to bar = 40mm

D = 850 mm d = 800 mm
Dia of Longitudinal Bar = 20mm
Dia of Transverse Bar = 10mm

Design Section
Design Loads on Edge Stiffening Beam

Self-weight of beam = 0.85 × 1 × 25 × 1.35 = 28.7 KN/m

5×0.225×0.225×1.1×25×1.35+6.4×3×0.0437 ×1.35
Self-weight of railing = = 1.65𝐾𝑁/𝑚
Pedestrian Load = 4 × 1.5 = 6 KN/m
[Take 4 KN/m pedestrian load for span ≤ 7.5 m Refer IRC 6-2010 l. 206.3]

Total design load (𝑊𝑢 ) = 36.35 KN/m [Without vehicular live load]

Design BM at mid span of beam (Including BM due to vehicular load on Slab)

Mu = + LBM due to live load = 186.2 KN-m + 167.8 KN-m
= 354 KN-m

Design SF at support (Including SF due to vehicular load on Slab)

36.35 × 6.4
Vu = + LSF due live load = 116.32 KN + 100.52 KN
= 216.84 KN

Design Example of RC Slab Bridge Page 17

Prepared by NC Sharma
Check depth of slab
𝑀𝑢 354 × 10 6
𝑑𝑏𝑎𝑙 = = = 321 mm
𝑄×𝑏 3.45×1000
Where, Q = 0.36 fck × 0.48 × (1 - 0.416 × 0.48) = 3.45
𝑑𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣 = 850 – 40 – 20/2 = 800 mm

Since, 𝑑𝑏𝑎𝑙 < 𝑑𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣 , design the section as SR URS

Find reinforcing bars

Find the area of steel by using table of SP 16.

a. Longitudinal Reinforcement
𝑏𝑑 2
𝑀𝑢 354 × 10 6
= = 0.553 ≅ 0.6
𝑏×𝑑 2 1000 ×800 2

pt = 0.171 % < 𝑝𝑡𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 0.2 % Adopt pt= 0.2%

𝑠𝑡 = 100 × 1000 × 800 = 1600 mm

Adopt 6 - 20 mm ∅ bar; 𝐴𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣

𝑠𝑡 = 1885 mm2; 𝑝𝑡𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣 = 0.235%
Provide 20 mm ∅ @ 167 mm c/c

b. Shear Reinforcement

𝑉𝑢 216.84×1000
Find 𝜏𝑢𝑣 = = = 0.271 N/mm2
𝑏𝑑 1000 ×800
𝜏𝑢𝑐 = 0.29 N/mm2 for M25 and pt > 0.15 %,
Since 𝜏𝑢𝑣 < 𝜏𝑢𝑐 , shear reinforcement is not necessary to design. Provide
minimum shear reinforcement. Consider 8mm ∅ 4 legged stirrups
0.87×𝑓𝑦 ×𝐴𝑠𝑣
𝑆𝑣 = = 181.5 mm; Adopt 𝑆𝑣 = 180 mm
Provide 8mm ∅ @ 180 mm c/c four legged vertical stirrups

Check provided shear reinforcement for horizontal load of 7.5 KN/m acting at the
top of footpath.

Design Example of RC Slab Bridge Page 18

Prepared by NC Sharma
Reinforcement of Deck Slab

Design Example of RC Slab Bridge Page 19

Prepared by NC Sharma
Design of T Beam Bridge
T-Beam Bridge
Deck Slab
Main Girder Cross Beam

Multi-girder bridge deck

Twin girder bridge deck

Negative aspects
In this Bridge, Main Load Bearing Members
 Gives less clean appearance
in super structure of bridge are T-beams  Can be economically effective up
to 30 m span of bridge
Economically Effective Span of T-Beam Bridge
Positive aspects
RC T-Beam Bridge - 10 m to 25m
 Easy to construct due to its simple geometry
PSC T-Beam Bridge – up to 35m  Gives economy due to monolithic construction
of beam and slab 2
General Arrangements of Deck of T-Beam Bridge
CW Wearing
Railing Course

Cross girder Spout
Main girder
at support Main girder
Elastomeric Bearing


Expansion Joint


A Part of Longitudinal Section of Bridge at B-B

Mid line
Design Steps of RCC T-Beam Bridge
1. Determine approximate thickness of slab and depth, width and other
dimensions of girder and assign size of carriageway, footpath/kerb, wearing
course and railing.

2. Design cantilever slab. Calculate dead load, position live load, analyze the slab
by effective width method, verify the thickness of slab, find reinforcing bars
check for shear and carryout detailing of reinforcing bars.

3. Design restrained slab. Calculate dead load, position live load, analyze the
slab by Pigeaud’s Method, verify the thickness of slab, find reinforcing bars,
check for shear and carryout detailing of reinforcing bars.

4. Design main beam. Calculate dead load, position live load longitudinally and
transversely, analyze the beam, verify the thickness of beam, design beam for
longitudinal and transverse reinforcement and carryout detailing of
reinforcing bars.

5. Design Cross beam. Calculate dead load, position live load longitudinally and
transversely, analyze the cross beam, verify the thickness of beam, design
beam for longitudinal and transverse reinforcement and carryout detailing of
reinforcing bars.
Planning and Preliminary Design of T- Beam Bridge [Ref. IRC 5 & IRC 21]
• Assign sizes of slab, main girder, cross beam, carriageway, footpath/kerb, wearing
course and railing and determine number and spacing of beams

• C.W. = 4.25 m for single lane
Df = 7 m or 7.5m for double lane
α • Ht. of railing (h) ≥ 1.1m – half width of railing
bw D • Width of kerb (b) ≥ 0.225m from face of railing
• Width of footpath (b)≥ 0.6m
α • Df min = 200mm (150mm at tip)
≥bw/2 • D = span/10 to span/15 for simple span
B = span/25 to span/20 for cont. span
• bw ≥ 250mm
C.W. • B ≤ 4bw
bact • α ≥ 1100
• S = 2-3m
• Spacing of cross beam = 3 to 5m
3/4D D • No of cross beam ≥ 5
• Depth of cross beam ≥ 3/4D

S S ½ to ¾ S
Analysis and Design of Cantilever Slab [Ref. IRC 21]

• Calculate dead load and analyze slab for dead load, position live load, analyze
the slab by effective width method for live load, verify the thickness of slab,
find reinforcing bars, check for shear and carryout detailing of reinforcing bars.

Effective Width of Cantilever Slab • Effective width of cantilever

slab should less or equal to one
third length of cantilever slab

a • When load is placed one of the

two extreme ends of the slab ,
b1 bef = 1.2a + b1 the effective width should not
exceed the above value nor
should it exceed half the above
value plus the distance of the
concentrated load from the
nearer extreme end.
Analysis and Design of Restrained Slab [Ref. IRC 21]
• Calculate dead load and analyze slab for dead load, position live load, analyze the slab by Pigeaud’s
Method for live load, verify the thickness of slab, find reinforcing bars, check for shear and carryout
detailing of reinforcing bars.

Analysis of Restrained Slab by PIGEAUD'S METHOD

 In the case of bridge decks with T beams and cross girders, the deck slab is supported on
all the four sides and is spanning in two directions. The moments in the two directions can
be computed by using the design curves developed by M. Pigeaud.

 Pigeaud's method is applicable to rectangular slabs supported freely on all four sides
subjected to a symmetrically placed load at center.

L and B - Span lengths in the long and short span
b directions
L a a and b - Dimensions of the tire contact area in long
h and short span directions
b u =b+2h u and v - Dispersed load through the deck slab
K- Ratio of short to long span
M1 and M2 - Moments along the short and long spans
m1 and m2 - Coefficients for moments along short and
long spans
- Poisson's ratio
M1 = (m1+ m2)P P- Load from the wheel under consideration
M2 = (m2+ m1)P
Load Eccentric w.r.t . One Centroidal Axis

L P P v F
v = - 2P+F
b b

Condition a Condition c Condition b

Ma = (Mb - Mc)/2

Load Eccentric w.r.t . Two Centroidal Axis

l+v l -v
b+u b+u
u P Condition b Condition c
B l b =

l+v l -v
b-u b-u
Condition a

Ma = (Mb- Mc- Md+ Me)/4 Condition d Condition e

Analysis and Design of Main Girder of Bridge
Calculate dead load, position live load longitudinally and transversely, analyze the girder
for dead and live load, verify the thickness of beam, design beam for longitudinal and
transverse reinforcement and carryout detailing of reinforcing bars.

A very simple, popular and powerful method to analyze girder
for live load in simply supported T-beam bridges.
In Courbon’s method, it is assumed that the transverse profile
of the bridge deck under loading remains straight.

Central load case ∆
I1 I2 I3 I4
Transverse profile of bridge 1 2 3
h2 h
deck after the application of h1 3
central load and central
moment M

Central moment case

1 2 3 4
I1 I2 I3 I4
In Courbon’s method, load shared by each girder in central region of bridge deck
is found by
R1 = P I1 / ∑I + M I1 h1 / ∑Ih2
R2 = P I2 / ∑I + M I2 h2 / ∑Ih2
R3 = P I3 / ∑I + M I3 h3 / ∑Ih2
R4 = P I4 / ∑I + M I4 h4 / ∑Ih2

In end region i.e., 5.5m from the support, simple beam method is employed for
lateral load distribution.

The following conditions must be satisfied for the effective use of Courbon’s

• The ratio of span to the width of bridge >2

• No. of transverse beams interconnecting longitudinal beams
should be at least 5 .
• Depth of transverse beam should be at least 0.75 times the depth
of main beam.
Longitudinal Positioning of Live Load to Get Maximum BM

For Track Loading BM at the considering section will be

maximum when track load is
L2 positioned in such a way so that
x2 x2 = x1× L2 /L1


For Train/Wheel Loading BM at the considering section will be maximum

when train/wheel load is positioned in such a way
so that the ratio of R1 / L1 and R / L will equal or
just change their signs
W1 W2 W3 W4 W5
R1 / L1 = R / L
L1 R1 / L1 > R / L just change in to R1 / L1 < R / L
R1 - Resultant of wheel loads lying on the left of the
considering section
R– Resultant of wheel load entered in bridge deck
Longitudinal Positioning of Live Load to Get Maximum BM

For Track Loading For Train/Wheel Loading

L2 p W1 W2 W3 W4 W5

x1 L1 L1

Draw ILD of BM at critical section. Draw ILD of BM at critical section.

Position track load in such a way so Position wheel loads in such a way
that product of the intensity of track so that summation of the product
load and area of ILD occupied by of loads and respective ordinates of
track load (p × A) is maximum. ILD (∑Wy) is maximum.

p – intensity of track load W- magnitude of wheel load

A – area of influence line diagram y- ordinate of ILD under
under track load load
Longitudinal Positioning of Live
Load to Get Maximum SF Influence line diagram is drawn to
get maximum SF at critical sec.
For Track Loading
due to track and train/wheel
p loading.

SF at any critical section will be

maximum when
l • pA is maximum for track
p – intensity of track load
A – area of influence line diagram
under track load
For Train/Wheel Loading
• ∑Wy is maximum for
W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 train/wheel loading
W- magnitude of wheel load
y- ordinate of ILD under load

Transverse Bending Moment by Distribution
Coefficient Method (Massonet Formula)
• Distribution coefficient method is a simplified method of
bridge deck analysis based on orthotropic plate theory
• In this method distribution coefficients are used to
distribute the load and determine responses of bridge deck.
• Distribution coefficient depends on flexural and torsional
characterizing parameters of bridge deck.

I – Flexural moment of inertia of main girder

IT – Flexural moment of inertia of cross girder
J – Torsional moment of inertia of main girder
JT – Torsional moment of inertia of cross girder
S – Spacing of main girder
P - Spacing of cross girder
• For simplification, bridge deck is converted in to a plate with
eight segments/ 9 reference stations and the distribution
coefficient required are found using distribution coefficient
of these standard reference stations.
Actual Bridge Deck Orthotropic Plate

-b -3b/4 –b/2 –b/4 0 b/4 b/2 3b/4 b

1 S 2 3
2b=(n-2 )S + Iex./Iint. S

• Maximum transverse bending moment occurs at the mid span
at the center of transverse section when the eccentricity of
load in transverse section of bridge is least and the load acts at
the mid span of bridge.
• Transverse bending moment is found by Massonnet formula
using distribution coefficient.
• Massonnet showed that TBM per unit width ‘My’
My = ∑n rn b sin(u/2a) sin(nx/2a)
n - Distribution coefficient similar to K
rn – load factor
rn = P/a sin nπu/2a for wheeled load
rn = 4p0/nπ sin nπu/2a sin nπc/2a for tracked load
x - Distance from support to the section, where 'My' is required
P - Wheeled load acting at distance 'u' from abutment
p0 - Intensity of tracked load
2c - Length of tracked load
n - number of term of series
u - distance of load from the support
• Transverse bending moment per unit width, when x = a

For wheeled load

My = Pb/a × [1 sinu/2a -3 sin3u/2a +5 sin5u/2a]

For tracked load having length 2c

My = 4p0b/ × [ 1 sinc/2a +1/3 3 sin3c/2a +1/5 5 sin5c/2a]

• To determine distribution coefficients, graphs drawn

against flexural characterizing parameter (θ) and load
positions are used. Such graphs have been drawn for
torsionally weak ( =0) and torsionally strong ( =1)
bridge deck.
For intermediate value of ‘ ’ interpolation is made to
determine the distribution coefficients.
  =  0+( 1-  0) 
III. Design and Detailing of Main Girder [Ref. IRC 21, IRC 112 & IS 456]

• Check depth of girder ‘d’

Compare with the depth requires for balanced section
dbal = (Mu /Q b)1/2
• Design longitudinal reinforcement for maximum longitudinal bending moment at
each critical section.
When d > dbal , girder section is designed as SRUR flanged section
When d < dbal , girder section is designed as DR flanged section

In SRURS find Ast

Ast = Mu / 0.87fy(d - 0.416xu) for SRURS
Ast ≥ Ast,min
In DRS, find tension steel Ast and compression steel Asc
• Deign transverse reinforcement for maximum longitudinal shear force at each
critical section
Find diameter, nos of legs and spacing of shear stirrups
• Check beam for deflection and cracking
L / d ≤ αβγδλ
Crack width ≤ Allowable crack width
• Provide side face reinforcement, curtail bars if necessary, check
development length of main bars at support, provide other detailing bars.
Reinforcement of Main Girder

Reinforcing Designed longitudinal

bars of slab reinforcement a8

Extra detailing bar


Shear reinforcement
Side face reinforcement

Extra detailing bar


Cross section Designed longitudinal a4 a4 a4 a4 a4

of main girder a2 a3 a3 a3 a2
reinforcement a1 a1 a1 a1 a1
Reinforcement of Main Girder

longitudinal 8
Shear reinforcement a9 reinforcement

Side face
a5 reinforcement

a4 a4 a4 a4 a4
a2 a3 a3 a3 a2
a1 a1 a1 a1 a1
Longitudinal Section of Main Girder reinforcement

Reinforcements of slab are not shown

III. Design and Detailing of Cross Girder [Ref. IRC 21, IRC 112 & IS 456]

• Check depth of girder ‘d’

Compare with the depth requires for balanced section
dbal = (Mu /Q b)1/2
• Design longitudinal reinforcement for maximum longitudinal bending moment at
each critical section.
When d > dbal , girder section is designed as SRUR flanged section
When d < dbal , girder section is designed as DR flanged section

In SRURS find Ast

Ast = Mu / 0.87fy(d - 0.416xu) for SRURS
Ast ≥ Ast,min
In DRS, find tension steel Ast and compression steel Asc
• Deign transverse reinforcement for maximum longitudinal shear force at each
critical section
Find diameter, nos of legs and spacing of shear stirrups

• Provide side face reinforcement, check development length of main bars

at support, provide other detailing bars if necessary.
Reinforcement of Cross Girder
Shear reinforcement

Side face Designed longitudinal

reinforcement reinforcement

Longitudinal Section of Cross Girder

Shear reinforcement

Side face Designed longitudinal

reinforcement Cross Section of Cross Girder reinforcement
Reinforcement of T-Beam Bridge
Problem Statement

Design a T-Beam Bridge to meet the following


• Bridge effective span – 12m

• Carriage way – single lane
• Safety kerb on either side of bridge
• Wearing coat – Asphalt concrete
Planning and Preliminary
Design of Bridge

 Carriage way - 4.25m

 Width of safety kerb – 0.5m
 Height of safety kerb – 0.3m
 Depth of main beam – 1m
 Depth of cross beam – 0.75m
 Thickness of W.C. – 0.05m at edge
0.092m at mid
 C/c dist. between main beams – 3m
 Nos. of cr. beam – 5
Cross section of bridge
 C/c dist. between cr. Beams – 3m
 Width of web of main beam – 0.3m
 Width of web of cross beam – 0.25m
 Height of railing – 1.1m
 Size of railing post – 0.225m × 0.225m
 Spacing of railing post - 1.5m
 Heavy steel pipe of dia. 48.3mm
 Size of fillet – 0.15m × 0.3m
 Thickness of cantilever slab -
At tip – 0.17m up to 0.5m
At root – 0.35m
 Thickness of restrained slab – 0.2m
 Camber of W.C. – 2%

Longitudinal section of bridge

Design of RC T-beam Bridge

Problem Statement and Owner Requirements

Design a T- beam Bridge Deck to meet the following requirements of owner.

 Type of Bridge : Local Road Bridge

 Bridge Effective Span : 12 m
 Carriage Way : Two Lane
 Safety Kerb : Two (Each on either side of bridge)
 Wearing Coat : Asphalt Concrete
 Height of Support :7m

Design of Bridge Deck

Design of bridge deck has been carried out in the following three steps.

I. Planning and Preliminary Design of Deck

Bridge deck design is started with the appropriate selection of bridge deck type. Then
geometry of the deck is planned, type of materials required for deck are selected.
[Refer IRC 5 and IRC 6 for planning and preliminary design]

II. Analysis and design of Deck Slab

In the analysis of deck slab, loads on bridge deck are assessed, critical responses of deck
slab i.e. maximum values of bending moment, shear force at the critical sections of
restrained and cantilever slabs are calculated. After analysis, assigned sizes of deck slab
are verified and critical sections of restrained and cantilever slab are designed. Detailing
of reinforcing bars are carried out after the section design
[Refer IRC 6, IRC 21, IRC 112, IS456, SP16 and SP34 for RC design and detailing]

III. Analysis and Design of Girders of Bridge Deck

In this stage, loads on main and cross girders of bridge deck are assessed and responses
of girders at critical sections are determined. After analysis, sizes of the main and cross
girders are verified, quantity of reinforcing bars and their arrangements are determined.
Detailing of reinforcing bars are carried out after the section design
[Refer IRC 6, IRC 21, IS 4 and IRC 112, IS456, SP16 and SP34 for RC design and detailing]

Design Example of RC T-Beam Bridge Page 1

Prepared by NC Sharma
I. Planning and Preliminary Design of Bridge Deck
A. Selection of Type of Bridge Deck
For bridges up to 12 m span, slab on girder type bridge will be technically and economically
feasible. So in the example, T-Beam Bridge has been selected for bridge deck.

B. Material Selection


 M25 grade of concrete for all RC work

 Fe 415 HYSD bars for all RC work
 Asphalt Concrete for Wearing Coat
 Heavy Steel Pipe of Mild Steel for Railing

C. Geometry of Bridge Deck

Width of Carriageway

Take, Width of carriageway = 4.25 m

 Minimum carriageway width for single lane bridge = 4.25 m

[Refer IRC 5]

Width and Height of Safety Kerb

Take, Width of Kerb = offset + width of railing post + min. clearance from post
= 50 + 225 + 225 = 500 mm
Height of Kerb ≥ minimum height from road surface
= 300 mm
 Minimum width of kerb = 0.225 m from the face of railing
 Minimum raised height of safety kerb from wearing course = 0.225 m
[Refer IRC 5-1998 Cl. 111]

Type of Drainage Spout

Take Standard type of drainage spout @ 3 m c/c

Type of Wearing Coat [Refer 1308, Yellow Book]

Take Asphalt Concrete for wearing coat of bridge. Thickness of wearing coat is taken
50 mm at edge and 92.5 mm at crown of carriage way to give about 2% camber.

Design Example of RC T-Beam Bridge Page 2

Prepared by NC Sharma
Type of Railing

Provide heavy steel pipe with RC post as railing. [Refer IRC 5-1998 Cl. 115]

 RC post of 225 mm × 225 mm × 1100 mm
 No of Post = 9 on either side of bridge @ 1.5 m spacing
 3 - 48.3 mm ∅ heavy steel pipe @ 4.37 kg per running meter [Refer steel section book]

48.3 mm dia. steel pipe


Fig: Railing


Size of RC Slab
 200 mm thick restrained slab with 150 mm× 300mm fillet at their ends
 Cantilever slab of tapering shape with 170 mm thickness at tip up to 0.5 m and
350 mm depth at the root of cantilever.

 Minimum thickness of slab =200mm at mid and 150 mm at cantilever tip [Refer IRC 21 Cl.305.2]

Size of Main Girder

 Min. thick. of web of girder = 250 mm
 Width of web of main girder (bw) = 300 mm
 Depth of main girder (D) is estimated
 Depth of main girder (D) = E. span / 12 = 1 m
by defection control criteria. Usually
 Spacing of girders (S) = 3m
span/effective depth ratio for simply
 No of girder = 2
supported T-Beam Bridge is taken 10
to 15
Size of Cross Girder  Effective spacing of M. girder = 2 - 3 m
Provide  Depth of Cr. Girder ≥ ¾ D
 Width of web = 250 mm  No. of Cross Girder ≥ 5
 Depth of girder = ¾ D = 750 mm [Refer IRC 21 Cl. 305]
 No of cross beam =5
 Spacing of girder = 12/(5-1) = 3m

Design Example of RC T-Beam Bridge Page 3

Prepared by NC Sharma
Asphalt concrete of 50mm th. at B
edge and 92.5 mm th. at crown
RC post of 225mm × 225mm
4.25 m
with three heavy steel pipes
0.17 m
0.2m 0.75m
1m 0.3m

1.125 m RC safety kerb of 0.5 m

width and 0.3m height
5.25 m
` B
Fillet of 150 mm × 300 mm

Transverse Section of Bridge at A-A

RC posts of 225mm × 225 mm

@ 1.5 m spacing with three
steel pipes

1m 0.5m 0.2m 0.25m 0.75m

3m 3m
l = 12m
L = 12.5m
Cross girder
A Mid line
@ 3 m c/c

Longitudinal Section of Bridge at B-B

Design Example of RC T-Beam Bridge Page 4

Prepared by NC Sharma
II. Analysis and Design of Deck Slab

Deck of T-Beam bridge consists of two types of slab i.e. cantilever and restrained slabs. Both
types of slabs are analyzed and designed for one meter strip. So in this example load and
responses have been calculated for one meter strip of slab

1. Design of Cantilever Slab

 Take the face of main girder as the support of cantilever slab
 Assess dead loads from railing, kerb, slab, wearing coat, and live load on cantilever slab per
its unit width.
 Assess live load per unit width by Effective Width Method.
 Find maximum BM at critical sections of cantilever slab.
 Design cantilever slab for BM and carry out detailing of reinforcement


0.325m Wheel of 114 KN
axle of Class A load

0.5m 0.475m

Cantilever slab with dead and live


Calculation of Dead load

 Weight of railing = (9×0.225× 0.225 × 1.1 × 25 + 12 ×3 × 0.0437) × 12
= 1.59 KN/m (load acts at 0.1625m from tip)
 Weight of W.C. = 0.072 × 0.475 × 22 × 1.75
= 1.32 KN/m (load acting at 0.238 m from support)
 Weight of kerb = 0.5 × 0.3 × 25 × 1.35
= 5.063 KN/m (loads acts at 0.25m from tip)
 Weight of slab = 0.17 × 25 × 1.35 = 5.74KN/m at tip
= 0.35 × 25 × 1.35 = 11.82 KN/m at support

Design Example of RC T-Beam Bridge Page 5

Prepared by NC Sharma
Calculation of live load

Live load per unit width of slab is calculated placing a wheel of 114 KN Axle at 0.15 m
from the face of the kerb. Live load per unit width of slab is found by dividing live load
by effective width of slab ‘bef’

bef = 1.2a + b1 ≤ ; Where, a = 0.1625, b1 = 0.25 + 2 × 0.072 = 0.394 m

𝑙 0.975
bef = 0.589 and = = 0.325 m ; Adopt, bef = 0.325 m
3 3

Live load per unit width with impact =
= 256.5 KN (acts at 0.1625 m from support)

Design Longitudinal BM at face of main girder

Design BM = Max. BM due to dead load + Max. BM due to live load

Mu = 256.5 × 0.1625 + 1.32 × 0.238 + 5.063 × 0.725+ 1.59 × 0.8125 + 5.74 × 0.975 ×
0.975/2 + ½ × (11.82-5.74) × 0.475 × 0.475/3
= 8.24+ 41.68 = 49.92 KN-m/m

Maximum Transverse BM in the direction of traffic

Mu = 0.3 BM due to live load + 0.2 BM due to dead load

= 0.3 × 41.68 +0.2 × 8.24 = 14.15 KN-m/m


Check depth of slab

𝑑𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣 = 350 – 25 – 10/2 = 320 mm

𝑀𝑢 49.92 × 10 6
𝑑𝑏𝑎𝑙 = = = 120.3 mm
𝑄×𝑏 3.45 × 1000
Where, Q = 0.36 fck× 0.48 × (1 -0.416 × 0.48) = 3.45

𝑑𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣 > 𝑑𝑏𝑎𝑙

Design Example of RC T-Beam Bridge Page 6

Prepared by NC Sharma
Find reinforcing bars

Since, dbal < dprov , section of slab is designed as Singly Reinforced Under-Reinforced
Section (SRURS). In the example, section design has been done by using SP16.

a. Primary Reinforcement

𝑀𝑢 𝑀𝑢 49.92× 10 6
Find 2
; = = 0.4875 ≅ 0.5
𝑏×𝑑 𝑏×𝑑 2 1000 ×320 2
𝑝𝑡 = 0.142% [For fck= 25N/mm2 and fy= 415 N/mm2] ≥ 𝑝𝑡𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 0.12%
𝑠𝑡 = × 1000 × 320 = 454.4 mm 2
Adopt 10 mm ∅ bar @ 150 mm c/c 𝐴𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣
𝑠𝑡 = 523.6 mm2

b. Transverse Reinforcement

𝑀𝑢 14.15 × 10 6
= 10 10 = 0.147≅ 0.15
𝑏×𝑑 2 1000 ×(320− − )2
2 2
𝑝𝑡 = 0.084 % [For fck= 25N/mm2 and fy= 415 N/mm2] < 𝑝𝑡𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 0.12%
Provide 𝑝𝑡𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 0.12 % of bD
𝑠𝑡 = × 1000 × 350 = 420 mm2
Adopt 10 mm ∅ bar @ 150 mm c/c 𝐴𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣
𝑠𝑡 = 523.6 mm2

c. Temperature Reinforcement

Provide 𝐴𝑚𝑖𝑛
𝑠𝑡 = 402.2 mm2 per m width steel bars as temperature reinforcements
in both direction of slab at bottom. [Refer IRC 21- 2000 Cl. 305.17.4]
Adopt 10 mm ∅ bar @ 180 mm c/c.

Check slab for shear

Cantilever slab designed by effective width method is not necessary to check for
Shear. [Refer IRC 21- 2000 Cl. 305.16.2 note]

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Prepared by NC Sharma
2. Design of Restrained Slab

 Assess dead load from its self-weight and wearing coat per its unit width.
 Assess live load per unit width of slab, positioning wheels of 114KN axle of class A load at
the center of slab panel.
 Find maximum BM at mid of shorter and longer span of Slab by Pigeaud’s Method.
 Find maximum SF at support in shorter span of slab.
 Design section of slab for bending moment and shear force and carryout detailing of
reinforcing bars.


Slab Panel
of traffic
500 mm st
Wheel of 1 114 KN
2.75 m I Axle of Class A load

250 mm
1.2 m
Wheel of 2 114 KN
II Axle of Class A load

2.70 m

Position of Class A load

for maximum BM

Effective span in transverse direction of bridge = 3 – 0.3 = 2.7 m

Effective span in longitudinal direction of bridge = 3 – 0.25 = 2.75 m [Refer Cl.305.43 IRC 21]

Calculation of Bending Moment due to Dead Load

Bending moment is calculated by using PIGEAUD’S METHOD
BM in shorter span of slab = (m1 + µm2) × W × 0.8 = 2.98 KN - m
BM in longer span of slab = (m2 + µm1) × W × 0.8 = 2.98 KN - m
m1 = 0.037, m2 = 0.037 for K = Shorter span / Longer span ≈1 and 1/K ≈ 1,
𝜇 = 0.15, W = 87.41 KN

Dead load due to W.C. and self wt. of slab (W) =

= (0.072 × 22 × 1.75+ 0.2 × 25 × 1.35) × 2.7 × 2.75 + 0.15 × 0.3 × 2.75 × 4 × 25 × 1.35 = 87.41 KN

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Prepared by NC Sharma
Calculation of Bending Moment due to Live Load
Bending moment is calculated by using PIGEAUD’S METHOD

BM due to Wheel I
BM in shorter span = (m1 + µm2) × W × 0.8 = 18.88 KN-m
BM in longer span = (m2 + µm1) × W × 0.8 = 18.88 KN-m

𝑢 0.500 + 2 × 0.072
m1 = 0.16, m2 = 0.16 for K ≈ 1, = = 0.238,
𝐵 2.7
𝑣 0.250 + 2 × 0.072
= = 0.143, 𝜇 = 0.15, W = 57× IF × 𝑟𝑓 = 128.25 KN
𝐿 2.75

BM due to Wheel II
BM in shorter span = (BM of patch I – BM of patch II) × 1/2 = 2.63 KN-m
BM in longer span = (BM of patch I – BM of patch II) × 1/2 = 2.63 KN-m

Hypothetical Wheel
Identical to wheel II

II Direction
of traffic
2.75 m Patch I Patch II
= -
Wheel of 114 KN
Axle of Class A
BM due to wheel I and wheel II in shorter span = 18.88 + 2.63= 21.51 KN-m
BM due to wheel I and wheel II in longer span = 18.88 + 2.63= 21.51 KN-m

Design moment due to DL and LL in shorter span = 21.51 + 2.98 = 24.49 KN-m
Design moment due to DL and LL in longer span = 21.51 + 2.98 = 24.49 KN-m

Design Example of RC T-Beam Bridge Page 9

Prepared by NC Sharma
Calculation of Shear Force due to Dead Load

Max. SF due to dead load in shorter span of slab = SF due to Self Wt. of WC, & slab with fillet
𝑤𝑢 𝑙 0.2×25×1.35+0.072×22×1.75 × 2.70
= + Vufillet = + 0.25 × 0.15 × 0.3 × ½ × 2.75 × 25
3 3
= 9 KN [Only 25% of wt. of fillet is taken for shear calculation]

Calculation of Shear Force due to Live Load

Shear force is calculated by effective width method. Find effective width of slab for wheel I
and wheel II.

Wheel of 1 114 KN
1.8m Axle of Class A load

2.75m I II
1.2m I

0.522m nd
Wheel of 2 114 KN
2.7m Axle of Class A load

Position of Class A
load for maximum SF

For wheel I
𝑏𝑒𝑓 𝐼 = α × a 1 – + b1 = 2.24 × 0.522 × (1 - 0.522/2.70) + 0.394 = 1.34 m
a = 0.25 + 0.2 + 0.072 = 0.522 m
α = 2.24 for 𝐿 = 1 (For continuous slab)
b1 = W + 2h = 250 + 2 × 72 = 394 mm
Since the bef of individual wheel overlaps, find modified effective width.
𝑏𝑒𝑓 𝐼 𝑀𝑜𝑑 = 0.25+ 0.25/2 + 1.2 + 𝑏𝑒𝑓 𝐼 /2 = 2.245 m
Width of cross beam is taken into account for effective width calculation.
2 × 57 × 𝐼𝐹 × 𝑟 𝑓 𝐿𝐿
Load due to wheel I (FI) = = 114.2 KN/m
𝑏𝑒𝑓 𝐼 𝑀𝑜𝑑

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Prepared by NC Sharma
For wheel II
𝑏𝑒𝑓 𝐼𝐼 = α × a 1 – + b1 = 2.24 × 0.378 (1 - 0.378/2.70) + 0.394 = 1.12 m
a = 2.7 – 1.8 – 0.522 = 0.378 m
α = 2.24 for 𝐿 = 1 (For continuous slab)
b1 = W + 2h = 250 + 2 × 72 = 394 mm
Since the bef of individual wheel overlaps, find modified effective width.
𝑏𝑒𝑓 𝐼𝐼 𝑀𝑜𝑑 = 0.25 + 0.25/2 + 1.2 + 𝑏𝑒𝑓 𝐼𝐼 /2 = 2.135 m.
[Width of cross beam is taken into account for effective width calculation]
2 × 57 × 𝐼𝐹 × 𝑟 𝑓 𝐿𝐿
Load due to wheel II (FII) = = 120.14 KN/m
𝑏 𝑒𝑓 𝐼𝐼 𝑀𝑜𝑑

FI = 114.2 KN FII = 120.14 KN

0.522 m 1.8 m 0.378 m
Am m B

L = 2.7 m

Longitudinal position of Class A load

Reaction at A and B
RA × 2.7 = 114.20 × (2.7 – 0.522) + 120.14 × 0.378
∴ RA = 108.94 KN
RB = 125.4 KN

Design shear force due to DL and LL in shorter span = 125.4 × 0.8 + 9 = 109.32 KN


Check Depth of Slab

Effective depth of main reinforcement (d1) = 200 – 25 – 10/2 = 170 mm

Effective depth of secondary reinforcement (d2) = 200 – 25 – 10 – 10/2 = 160 mm
𝑀𝑢 24.49 × 10 6
𝑑𝑏𝑎𝑙 = = = 84.26 mm
𝑄×𝑏 3.45 × 1000

𝑑𝑏𝑎𝑙 < 𝑑𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣

Design Example of RC T-Beam Bridge Page 11

Prepared by NC Sharma
Find Reinforcing bars

Since, dbal < dprov , section of slab is designed as Singly Reinforced Under-Reinforced
Section (SRURS). In the example, section design has been done by using SP16.

a. Reinforcing bars in shorter and longer direction of slab

In short span
𝑏 × 𝑑2
𝑀𝑢 24.49 × 10 6
= =0.847≅ 0.85
𝑏 × 𝑑2 1000 × 170 2
𝑝𝑡 = 0.246 % > 𝑝𝑡𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 0.12 %
𝑠𝑡 = × 1000 × 170 = 418.20 mm2

In long span
𝑀𝑢 24.49 × 10 6
= = 0.96
𝑏×𝑑 2 1000 × 160 2
𝑝𝑡 = 0.28% > 𝑝𝑡𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 0.12 %
𝑠𝑡 = 100 × 1000 × 160 = 448 mm

Provide 10 mm ∅ bar @ 167 mm c/c in both directions of slab. 𝐴𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣

𝑠𝑡 = 471.23 mm2

b. Temperature Reinforcement
Provide 10 mm ∅ bar @ 300mm c/c in both directions at top of slab.

Check for Shear

Check 𝜏𝑢𝑣 ≤ K 𝜏𝑢𝑐

𝑉𝑢 109.32×1000
Nominal Shear Stress 𝜏𝑢𝑣 = = = 0.341 N/mm2
𝑏𝑑 1000 ×320
Shear strength of concrete section 𝜏𝑢𝑐 = 0.35 N/mm2 for M25 and pt = 0.236 %,
Limiting value of Shear Stress 𝜏𝑢𝑐 ,𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 3.1 N/mm2 [Refer IS 456 table 19, 20]
Depth factor (K) =1
d = 350 – 25 – 10/2 = 320mm [Refer IRC 21 Cl. 305.5.2]

Since 𝜏𝑢𝑣 < K 𝜏𝑢𝑐 no shear reinforcement requires.

Design Example of RC T-Beam Bridge Page 12

Prepared by NC Sharma
III. Analysis and Design of Girders of Bridge Deck

Bridge deck consists of two main girders and five cross girders with rigidly connected
deck slab. In the example, one main girder and two cross girders i.e. one end cross
girder and one intermediate cross girder have been analyzed and designed.

1. Design of Main Girder

 Assess loads dead load from slab, wearing coat, kerb and railing.
 Assess live load on main girder. Combination of Class A load and uniformly
distributed load of 5 KN/m2 is taken as live load [Refer Cl. 204.3, IRC 6]
 Find maximum BM at mid and quarter span of main girder due to DL and LL.
 Find maximum SF at support and quarter span of main girder due to DL and LL.
 Design Critical sections of main girder for bending moment and shear force.
 Carry out curtailment, anchorage design and detailing of main steel bars.


Calculation of dead loads on a main girder per running meter of span

 Weight of wearing coat = 4.25 × 0.072 × 22 × 1.75 / 2 = 5.9 KN/m

 Weight of railing = 1.59 KN/m [Refer design of cantilever slab]
 Weight of kerb = 5.063 KN/m [Refer design of cantilever slab]
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔 𝑕𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑙𝑎𝑏 467.18
 Weight of slab = = = 19.47 KN/m
𝑛𝑜 𝑜𝑓 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑟 ×𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑛 2×12
Where, total weight of slab consists of
a) Middle portion = 3.3 × 0.2 × 12 ×25 × 1.35 = 267.3 KN
1 1
b) Fillet = ( ×0.15 × 0.3 × 12× 2 × 25 + × 0.15 × 0.3 ×2.1 × 8 ×25) × 1.35= 30.98 KN
2 2
c) Cantilever part = (0.5 × 0.17 × 12 × 2 × 25 + 0.475 × 0.26 ×12 × 2 × 25 ) × 1.35 = 168.9 KN

 Weight of web of main beam = 0.3 × 0.8 × 25 × 1.35 = 8.1 KN/m

Total design dead load (Wu) = 5.9 + 1.59 + 5.063 + 19.47 + 8.1 = 40.15 KN/m

 Self wt. of Cross girder acts as a point load on main girder

a) Self wt. of web of inter. cr. girder on a girder = 0.25 × 0.55 × 2.7 × 25 × 1.35 × ½ = 6.27 KN
b) Self wt. of web of end cr. girder on a girder = 0.25 × 0.3 × 2.7 × 25 × 1.35 × ½ = 3.42 KN

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Prepared by NC Sharma
6.27 KN 6.27 KN 6.27 KN
3.42 KN 40.15 KN / m 3.42 KN


RA l = 12 m RB

Dead Load on Main Girder

Calculation of Maximum BM and SF at critical sections due to DL

B.M. at mid span

Mu = RA × 6 – 3.42 × 6 – 6.27 × 3 – 40.15 × 6 × 6/2 = 760.35 KN-m

B.M. at quarter span

Mu = RA × 3– 3.42 × 3 – 40.15 × 3 × 3/2 = 570.26 KN-m

S.F. at support (just right of A)

Vu = 253.73 -3.42 = 250.31 KN

S.F. at quarter span (just left of point load)

Vu = 253.73 – 3.42 – 3 × 40.15 = 129.86 KN

Calculation of Maximum BM and SF at critical sections due to LL

W W 5 KN / m
0.4m 1.8 m
2.3 m 1.95 m
1 2
1.125 m 3m

Transverse positioning of Class A and

uniformly distributed load in bridge deck

Design Example of RC T-Beam Bridge Page 14

Prepared by NC Sharma
Find reaction of girder 1 from Class A
𝐿 12 3
When = > 2, No. of cross beam ≥ 5 and depth of cross beam ≥ 4 𝐷 , Courbon’s
𝐵 5.25
method can be used to determine the maximum reaction on girder 1 (R1).

2WI 2W ×0.825×I×1.5
R1 = + = 1.55 W
2I I×1.52 + I×1.52

 Reaction of girder 1 from 27 KN axle of Class A

𝐴𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 27
= 2
× 𝑅1 × 𝐼𝐹 × 𝛾𝑓 = 2
×1.55 × 1.5 × 1.25 = 39.24 KN
 Reaction of girder 1 from 114 KN axle of Class A
𝐴𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 114
= 2
× 𝑅1 × 𝐼𝐹 × 𝛾𝑓 = 2
∗1.55*1.5*1.25 = 165.66 KN
 Reaction of girder 1 from 68 KN axle of Class A
𝐴𝑥𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 68
= 2
× 𝑅1 × 𝐼𝐹 × 𝛾𝑓 = 2
× 1.55 × 1.5 × 1.25 = 98.82 KN
Where, IFF = = 0.25

Find reaction of girder 1 from UDL of 5 KN/m2

In single lane bridge, Class A occupies 2.3 m strip of carriage way. Remaining strip
[4.25 - 2.3 = 1.95 m] should be loaded with UDL of 5 KN/m2 [Refer Table 2, IRC 6].
Reaction from UDL of girder 1 is found by Courbon’s Method.

Intensity of load per unit length of girder = 5 × 1.95 × 1 × 𝛾𝑓 = 14.625 KN/m

14.625 × I 14.625 × 1.15 × I × 1.5
R1 = + = 2.29 KN/m
2I I × 1.52 + I × 1.52

Calculation of maximum BM at mid span due to live load

2.29 KN/ m

39.24 KN 39.24 KN 165.66 KN 165.66 KN 98.82 KN

ILD of BM at mid
span with Class
A and UDL
0.25 0.8 2.4 3 0.85
1.1 m 3.2 m 1.2 m 4.3 m
12 m

Design Example of RC T-Beam Bridge Page 15

Prepared by NC Sharma
a) BM at mid span due to Live Load

Mu = 39.24 × 0.25 + 39.24 × 0.8 +165.66 × 2.4 + 165.66 × 3 + 98.82 × 0.85 + 0.5 × 3 × 12 ×
× 2.29 = 1060.99 KN-m

Calculation of maximum BM at quarter span due to live load

2.29 KN/ m

165.66 KN 165.66 KN 98.82 KN 98.82 KN

ILD of BM at
quarter span
2.25 1.95 0.875 0.125
1.2 m 4.3 m 3m with Class A
12 m and UDL

b) BM at quarter span due to live load

Mu = 165.66 × 2.25 + 165.66 × 1.95 + 98.82 × 0.875 + 98.82 × 0.125 + 0.5 × 12 × 2.25 ×
× 2.29 = 825.51 KN-m

Calculation of maximum SF at support due to live load

2.29 KN/ m

165.66 KN 165.66 KN 98.82 KN 98.82 KN 98.82 KN

ILD of SF at
support with
1 0.9 0.54 0.292 0.042
1.2 m 4.3 m 3m 3m Class A and UDL
12 m

a) SF at support due to Live Load

Vu = 165.66 × 1 + 165.66 × 0.9 + 98.82 × (0.542 + 0.292 + 0.042) + 0.5 × 1 × 12 × 2.29
= 415.06 KN

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Prepared by NC Sharma
2.29 KN/ m

165.66 KN 165.66 KN 98.82 KN 98.82 KN

ILD of SF at
quarter span
0.25 0.6 0.292 0.042
with Class A
1.2 m5 4.3 m 3m
12 m and UDL

b) SF at quarter span due to live load

Vu = 165.66 × 0.75 + 165.66 × 0.65 + 98.82 × (0.292 + 0.042) + 0.5 × 0.75 × 9 × 2.29
= 272.66 KN

Design BM due to DL+LL at mid span = 760.35 + 1060.99 = 1821.34 KN-m

Design BM due to DL+LL at quarter span = 570.26 +825.51= 1395.78 KN-m

Design SF due to DL+LL at Support = 250.31 + 415.06 = 665.37 KN

Design SF due to DL+LL at quarter span = 129.86 + 272.66 = 402.52 KN


bact = 2.625 m

0.17 m 0.35 m 0.2 m

x 0.5 m x
0.3 m

0.975 m 0.3 m 1.35 m

Actual Section of Main Girder

Design Example of RC T-Beam Bridge Page 17

Prepared by NC Sharma
Design Section of Main Girder

Thickness of slab of design section (Df)

0.214 + 0.216
Df = = 0.215 m
1.70 × 0.5 + 0.26 × 0.475
Av. thickness of left part of slab (tl) = = 0.214 m
0.2 × 1.05 + 0.275× 0.3
Av. thickness of right part of slab (tr) = = 0.216m

Effective width of flange of girder (𝑏𝑒𝑓 ) [Refer IRC 21 Cl. 305.15.2]

𝑏𝑒𝑓 = + 𝑏𝑤 = 2.7 𝑚 ≤ 𝑏𝑎𝑐𝑡 = 2.625 m; 1.312 m on each side of girder
Actual width on left side of girder = 0.975 + 0.15 = 1.125 m
Adopt 𝑏𝑒𝑓 = 2 × 1.125 = 2.25 m

bef = 2. 25 m
0.215 m
x x
0.3 m 𝑦 = 0.729𝑚

1.125 m

Design Section
C.G. of section
0.785 0.215
0.785 × 0.3 × + 2.25 × 0.215 ×(0.785 + )
2 2
𝑦 = = 0.729 m
0.785 × 0.3 + 0.215 × 2.25

Moment of inertia of design section of main girder about X-X axis

2.25 × 0.215 3 0.3 × 0.785 3
𝐼𝑥𝑥 = + (2.25 × 0.215) × 0.16352 + + (0.3 × 0.785) × 0.33652
12 12
= 0.053555 m4

Moment of inertia of actual section of main girder about X-X axis

𝐼𝑥𝑥 = 0.05911154 𝑚4

Design Example of RC T-Beam Bridge Page 18

Prepared by NC Sharma
1. Design of section for bending

Mid Span Section

Find Xu,l = 0.48 d = 427.2 mm; Since Xu,l > Df, Neutral axis lies in web.
Where, d = 1000 – 40 – 28 – 28 – = 890 mm
(Considering 40mm clear cover and 3 layers of 28 mm ∅ tension bars in main girder)
Find Mu,l = 0.36 fck × b × Xu,l × (d – 0.416 Xu,l ) + 0.446fck × (bef – bw) × Df × (d – Df/2 )
= 4479.48 KN-m
Since Mu < Mu,l, design the section as SRURS.
Find Xu considering Xu < Df
Mu = 0.36 fck × bef × Xu × (d – 0.416 Xu)
Or, 1821.34 × 106 = 0.36 × 25 × 2250 × Xu × (890-0.416 × Xu)
∴ Xu = 106.35 mm < Df; N. Axis lies in flange
Find area of steel for SRUR flanged section when N.A. lies in flange
Astreq = = 5964.55 mm2 > Astmin
0.87×𝑓𝑦 ×(𝑑−0.416𝑋𝑢 )
min 2
Where, Ast = 0.2% of bd = 0.002 × 300 × 890 = 534 mm [Refer Cl.305.1, IRC21]

prov 2 max
Provide 10 – 28 mm ∅ bar Ast = 6157.52 mm Pt = 2.31 % < Pt =2.5%

Quarter Span Section

Find Xu considering Xu < Df
Mu = 0.36 fck × bef × Xu × (d – 0.416 Xu )
Or 1395.78 × 106 = 0.36 × 25 × 2250 × Xu × (890 - 0.416 × Xu )
∴Xu = 80.47 mm <Df
Find area of steel for SRUR flanged section when N.A. lies in flange
Astreq = = 4513.46 mm2 > Astmin
0.87×𝑓𝑦 ×(𝑑−0.416𝑋𝑢 )
Where, d = 1000 – 40 – 28 – 28/2 = 918 mm

Provide 8 – 28 mm ∅ bar prov
Ast = 4926.02 mm
Pt = 918×300
=1.79% < Ptmax = 2.5%

2. Design of section for shear

Support Section
𝑉𝑢 665.37×1000
Find 𝜏𝑢𝑣 = = = 2.416N/mm2
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 300×918
Where, d = 1000 – 40 – 28 – 28/2 = 918 mm
Find 𝜏𝑢𝑐 = 0.785N/mm2 for M25 and pt = 1.79 %,

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Find 𝜏𝑢𝑐 ,𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 3.1 N/mm2 for M25
Since 𝜏𝑢𝑣 > 𝜏𝑢𝑐 , design shear reinforcement.

Take 10mm ∅ 4-legged vertical stirrups for shear reinforcement.

0.87 𝑓𝑦 ×𝐴𝑠𝑣 ×𝑑 0.87×415×4×𝜋×10 2 /4×918
Sv = = = 231.81 < 0.75d and < 300 mm
𝑉𝑢 𝑛𝑒𝑡 2.416−0.785 ×300×918
Adopt Sv=230 mm up to quarter span from support.

Provide 10 mm ∅ 4-legged vertical stirrups @ 240 mm c/c from support to quarter


Quarter Section
𝑉𝑢 401.66×1000
Find 𝜏𝑢𝑣 = = = 1.504 N/mm2
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 300×890
Find 𝜏𝑢𝑐 = 0.885 N/mm2 For M25 and pt = 2.31 %
Find 𝜏𝑢𝑐 ,𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 3.1 N/mm
Since 𝜏𝑢𝑣 > 𝜏𝑢𝑐 , design shear reinforcement

Take 10 mm ∅ 2- legged vertical stirrups for shear reinforcement.

0.87 𝑓𝑦 × 𝐴𝑠𝑣 × 𝑑 0.87×415×2×𝜋×10 2 /4×890
Sv = = = 305.4 mm < 0.75d and > 300 mm
𝑉𝑢 𝑛𝑒𝑡 1.504−0.885 ×300×890
Adopt Sv = 300 mm

Provide 10 mm ∅ 2-legged vertical stirrups 300 mm c/c from quarter span to quarter
span of other side.

3 Detailing of Reinforcement

Curtailment of main reinforcing bars

Girder section at quarter span needs only 8 bars so curtail two bars at quarter span.

Find the length of extension of bar beyond the theoretical cutoff point (𝑙𝑑 ).
𝐴𝑠𝑡 𝑟𝑒𝑞
𝑙𝑑 = 𝛼1 𝛼2 𝑙0 = 𝛼1 𝛼2 𝑛∅ = 1 × 𝐴𝑠𝑡 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣 × 46 × 28 = 1152.76 𝑚𝑚
1152.76 𝑚𝑚
Where, 𝛼1 = 1 for straight end
𝐴𝑠𝑡 𝑟𝑒𝑞 4409.52
𝛼2 = 𝐴𝑠𝑡 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣 = 4926.02 = 0.895 2∅ = 56 𝑚𝑚
Theoretical cutoff point
∅ = 28 𝑚𝑚

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Anchorage of main reinforcing bars at supports
Extension of bar beyond the face of support = 3 ld= 569 mm
𝐴𝑠𝑡 𝑟𝑒𝑞 .
Where, ld = 0.7 × l0 × for bars with hook end
𝐴𝑠𝑡 𝑝𝑟𝑜 .
= 852.52 mm

2/3ld = 569mm

Side face reinforcement

Take, 0.1 % of web area. As = 100 × 785 × 300 =235.5 mm2
Provide 3 - 8 mm ∅ on each face of web.

4 Check main girder at limit state of serviceability in deflection

Deflection of girder is checked by method of sufficient stiffness.

𝐶𝑕𝑒𝑐𝑘 ≤ 𝛼𝛽𝛾𝛿𝜆 [Refer Cl. 23.2.1 IS 456]
𝑙 12 × 1000
= = 13.31
𝑑 1000 − 98.8
𝛼𝛽𝛾𝛿𝜆 = 20 × 12 × 0.9 × 1.14 × 0.8 = 13.68
𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑛 > 10 𝑚, 𝛽 = 12 ; 𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑝𝑡 = 2.31 %, γ = 0.9
𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑝𝑐 = 0.465 %, δ = 0.9; For flanged section λ = 0.8

𝑆𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑒 < 𝛼𝛽𝛾𝛿𝜆 , 𝑑𝑒𝑓𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑖𝑠 𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑙.

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Prepared by NC Sharma
2. Design of Cross Girder
Typical cross girders of bridge deck are two i.e., intermediate and end cross girders. In
the example two typical cross girders have been designed as follows.

 Assess loads dead load from slab and wearing coat.

 Assess live load on cross girder.
 Find maximum BM at mid span of cross girder due to DL and LL.
 Find maximum SF at support of cross girder due to DL and LL.
 Design Critical sections of cross girder for bending moment and shear force.
 Carry out anchorage design and detailing of main steel bars.

Analysis of cross girder

i. Intermediate Cross Girder

Calculation of dead loads on cross girder

 Load due to self-weight of slab and wearing coat acts on contributory area of
triangular shape.
- Self-weight of Wearing Coat = 0.072 × 22 × 1.5 × 2 × 1.75 = 8.316 KN/m
- Self-weight of Slab = 0.2 × 25 × 1.5 × 2 × 1.35 = 20.25 KN/m
Total = 28.57 KN/m
 Load due to self-weight of cross beam and fillet acts as a uniformly distributed load.

- Fillet = ½ × 0.15 × 0.3 × 25 × 2 × 1.35 = 1.52 KN/m

- Self-weight of Cross Beam = 0.55 × 0.25 × 25 × 1.35 = 4.64 KN/m
Total = 6.16 KN/m

28.57 KN/m

6.16 KN / m


Dead Load on Intermediate Cross Girder

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Prepared by NC Sharma
Calculation of live loads on Cross Girder 114 KN axle
of Class A
1.8 m
57 × 1.5 × 1.5 57 × 1.5 × 1.5
= 128.25KN = 128.25KN 1.2 m

1.8 m
1.5 m
Longitudinal position of Class A
load for maximum BM Contributory
Area of load for
Cross Girder

114 KN axle
of Class A

57 × 1.5 × 1.5 2 × 57 × 1.5 × 1.5 1.8 m

= 128.25KN = 256.5KN
1.2 m

1.8 m
1.5 m
Longitudinal position of Class A 3m
load for maximum SF
Area of load for
Cross Girder

Calculation of maximum BM at mid span due to DL and LL

6.16 × 3
Mu = × 1.5 – 6.16 × 1.5 × 1.5/2 + ½ × 28.57 × 3 × ½ ×1.5 - 1/2 × 28.57 × 1.5 ×
1.5/3 + 128.25 × 1.5 -128.25 × 0.9 = 105.31 KN-m

Calculation of maximum SF at support due to DL and LL

Vu = 6.16 × 3/2 +1/2 × 28.57 × 3 × ½ + 128.25 + 256.5 × 1.2/3 = 261.52 KN

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Prepared by NC Sharma
ii. End Cross Girder

Calculation of dead loads on cross girder

 Load due to self-weight of slab and wearing coat acts on contributory area of
triangular shape.
- Self-weight of Wearing Coat = 0.072 × 22 × 1.5 × 1.75 = 4.158 KN/m
- Self-weight of Slab = 0.2 × 25 × 1.5 × 1.35 = 10.125 KN/m
Total = 14.29 KN/m
 Load due to self-weight of cross beam and fillet acts as a uniformly distributed load.

- Fillet = ½ × 0.15 × 0.3 × 25 × 1.35 = 0.76 KN/m

- Self-weight of Cross Beam = 0.3 × 0.25 × 25 × 1.35 = 2.53 KN/m
Total = 3.3 KN/m

14.29 KN/m

3.3 KN / m

Dead Load on End Cross Girder

Calculation of live loads on Cross Girder

57 × 1.5 × 1.5 57 × 1.5 × 1.5
= 128.25KN = 128.25KN
1.8 m
1.8 m
1.5 m 1.2 m

Longitudinal position of Class A Contributory 114 KN axle of

load for maximum BM Area of load for Class A load
Cross Girder

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Prepared by NC Sharma
57 × 1.5 × 1.5 2 × 57 × 1.5 × 1.5
= 128.25KN = 256.5KN
1.8 m
1.8 m
1.5 m 1.2 m

Longitudinal position of Class A Contributory 114 KN axle of

load for maximum SF Area of load for Class A load
Cross Girder

Calculation of maximum BM at mid span due to DL and LL

3.3 × 3
Mu = × 1.5 – 3.3 × 1.5 × 1.5/2 + ½ × 14.29 × 3 × ½ ×1.5 - 1/2 × 14.29 × 1.5 × 1.5/3
+ 128.25 × 1.5 -128.25 × 0.9 = 91.43 KN-m

Calculation of maximum SF at support due to DL and LL

Vu = 3.3 × 3/2 + 1/2 × 14.29 × 3 × ½ + 128.25 + 256.5 × 1.2/3 = 246.52 KN


bef =0.85 m

i. Intermediate Cross beam

0.2 m
Design section
0.75 m
Find bef = 𝑙/5 + bw = 3/5 + 0.25 = 0.85m ≤ bact = 3 m 0.25 m
d = 750 – 40 – = 696 mm
Design Section
Design section for bending

 Find Mu,l
Xu,l = 0.48 d = 334.08 mm
Since Xu,l > Df and Df > 0.43Xu,l, find Mu,l for when NA lies in web and Df > 0.43Xu,l

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 Find Xu, considering Xu < Df
Since Mu < Mu,l, section is SRURS.
Mu = 0.36 fck × bef × Xu (d – 0.416 Xu )
Or, 105.31×106 = 0.36 ×25 × 850 × Xu (696 - 0.416 Xu )
∴ Xu = 20.01 mm < Df

 Find Area of steel

Ast = = 424.15 mm2 > Astmin
0.87×𝑓𝑦 ×(𝑑−0.416𝑋𝑢 )
min 2
Where, Ast = 0.2% of bd = 0.002 × 250 × 696 = 348 mm

Provide 3 – 16 mm ∅ bar Astprov = 603.19mm2 , pt = 0.347 %

Design section for shear

𝑉𝑢 261.52 × 1000
 Find 𝜏𝑢𝑣 = = = 1.49 N/mm2
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 250 × 702
Where d= 750 – 40– 16/2 = 702 mm
 Find 𝜏𝑢𝑐 = 0.41N/mm2 for M25 and pt= 0.347 %,
 Find 𝜏𝑢𝑐 ,𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 3.1 N/mm2 for M25
Since 𝜏𝑢𝑣 > 𝜏𝑢𝑐 , design shear reinforcement.
Take, 10mm ∅ 2-legged vertical stirrups for shear reinforcement.
10 2
0.87 𝑓𝑦 × 𝐴𝑠𝑣 × 𝑑 0.87× 415× 2× 𝜋 × × 702
Sv = = = 210.05 mm
𝑉𝑢 𝑛𝑒𝑡 1.49−0.41 × 250 × 702
Sv < 0.75d =688.5 mm and < 300 mm adopt Sv=200 mm

Provide 10 mm ∅ 2-legged vertical stirrups @ 200 mm c/c.

ii. End Cross beam

bef =0.55 m
Design section 0.2 m
Find bef = 𝑙/10 + bw = 3/10 + 0.25 = 0.55m ≤ bact = 1.5m
16 0.5 m
d = 500 – 40 – = 452 mm 0.25 m

Design Section

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Design section for bending

 Find Mu,l
Xu,l = 0.48 d = 216.96 mm
Since Xu,l > Df and Df > 0.43Xu,l, find Mu,l for when NA lies in web and Df > 0.43Xu,l

 Find Xu, considering Xu < Df

Since Mu < Mu,l, section is SRURS.
Mu = 0.36 fck × bef × Xu (d – 0.416 Xu )
Or, 91.43 × 106 = 0.36 ×25 × 550 × Xu (452 - 0.416 Xu )
∴ Xu = 42.53 mm < Df

 Find Area of steel

Ast = = 583.1 mm2 > Astmin
0.87×𝑓𝑦 ×(𝑑−0.416𝑋𝑢 )
min 2
Where, Ast = 0.2% of bd = 0.002 × 250 × 696 = 348 mm

Provide 3 – 16 mm ∅ bar Astprov = 603.19mm2 , pt = 0.534 %

Design section for shear

𝑉𝑢 246.52 × 1000
 Find 𝜏𝑢𝑣 = = = 2.18 N/mm2
𝑏𝑤 𝑑 250 × 452
 Find 𝜏𝑢𝑐 = 0.5 N/mm2 for M25 and pt= 0.534 %,
 Find 𝜏𝑢𝑐 ,𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 3.1 N/mm2 for M25

Since 𝜏𝑢𝑣 > 𝜏𝑢𝑐 , design shear reinforcement.

Take, 10mm ∅ 2-legged vertical stirrups for shear reinforcement.

10 2
0.87 𝑓𝑦 × 𝐴𝑠𝑣 × 𝑑 0.87× 415× 2× 𝜋 × × 452
Sv = = = 135.03 mm
𝑉𝑢 𝑛𝑒𝑡 2.18 −0.5 × 250 × 452
Sv < 0.75d =688.5 mm and < 300 mm adopt Sv=200 mm

Provide 10 mm ∅ 2-legged vertical stirrups @ 135 mm c/c.

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Prepared by NC Sharma
Reinforcement of Slab

10mm dia. @ 300mm c/c

10mm dia. @ 150mm c/c in both directions

10mm dia. 4-legged vertical

10mm dia. @
10mm dia. @ 167mm c/c stirrups @300 mm c/c
300mm c/c in both
in both directions

Reinforcement of Main Girder

4- 20mm dia.

10mm dia. 4-legged vertical

stirrups @240 mm c/c
6 – 8 mm dia.
Cross section of
main girder at
support 8 – 28 mm dia.

4- 20 mm dia.

10mm dia. 2-legged vertical 6 – 8 mm dia. Cross section of

stirrups @300 mm c/c main girder at
mid span
10- 28 mm dia.

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Prepared by NC Sharma
4 – 20 mm dia.
10mm dia. 4-legged vertical 10mm dia. 2-legged
stirrups @240 mm c/c vertical stirrups @300 mm

8 – 28 mm dia. 10 – 28 mm dia.
Longitudinal Section of Main Girder

10mm dia. 2-legged

Reinforcement of Cross Girder vertical stirrups @200 mm

3 – 16 mm dia.
4 –8 mm dia.

Longitudinal Section of Cross Girder

10mm dia. 2-legged

vertical stirrups @200 mm 2– 12 mm dia.

4 –8 mm dia. Cross Section of Cross Girder 3 – 16 mm dia.

Design Example of RC T-Beam Bridge Page 29

Prepared by NC Sharma
Truss Bridge
Truss girder are triangulated framed structures, in
which the arrangement of members and joints at their
ends are such that the external loads are applied to the
joints and the centroidal axes of members meet at a
point of joint.

The members of truss are classified as chord members

and the web members. Horizontal members are chord
members and vertical and diagonal members are web
members. The chord members carry bending moment in
the form of direct tension or compression and the
vertical and diagonal members carry the shear force in
the form of direct tension or compression
Components of Truss Bridge

Top Chord Joint Vertical
Diagonal Member

Bridge Deck

Bottom Chord

Negative aspects
Positive aspects  Reduces vertical clearances above the afflux
due to its depth
 Easy to construct  Requires thorough maintenance regularly
 Has rigid structure and can cover  No longer economically competitive
relatively larger span (300m)  Gives rough appearance
Components of Truss Bridge

Top Lateral Bracing

Portal Bracing

Sway Bracing

Bottom Lateral Bracing


Floor Beam
(Cross Beam)

Types of Truss Bridge
Deck Truss Bridge
Truss Bridge
Through Truss Bridge
Half Through Truss Bridge

Deck Truss

Half Through
Truss Bridge

Truss Bridge
Through Truss Bridge
General Arrangements of Through Truss Bridge


Sectional Plan

Cross Section of Truss

Bottom Bracing

Top Bracing

Cross Section of
Design Steps of Truss Bridge
1. Select appropriate type/form of truss and decide panel no and depth of truss
and arrange components of bridge deck on truss and give their approximate sizes.

Parallel Chord Warren Truss

Span coverage 30 to 50m

Curve Chord Warren Truss

Span coverage 50 to 75m

Parallel Chord Pratt Truss

Span coverage 30 to 50m

Curve Chord Pratt Truss

Span coverage 50 to 75m

K Type Truss
Span coverage 75 to 150m

When panel length is large, subdivided panel in lower chord of truss may be introduced in
Warren, Pratt, K and other type trusses
H’ H


(Height of Truss)

H’ H

D’ S Usually sections built by I, angle and

D channel sections are used as truss
members. Their preliminary sizes are
decided by the approximate axial
loads on the respective truss members
Commonly used
section for top chord ≈H’’/10

Commonly used section ≈H’’/10

for web member

Commonly used section ≈H’’/10

for bottom chord

H’’ - Centre to centre distance

between top and bottom chords
2. Select quality of steel for truss member and fasteners for connection

Steel for truss member is selected according to the standard of BIS.

BIS recommends 9 grades of steel as structural steels. They are designated as E165,
E250 (A), E250 (B), E250 (C), E300, E350, E410, E450 (D) and E450 (E)

Mostly E250 grade of steel is used in truss member.

Yield Stress
Grade /
(MPa) U. Tensile Stress Elongation
(MPa) (%)
<20mm 20-40mm >40mm

E165 165 165 165 290 23

E250 (A) 250 240 230 410 23
E250 (B) 250 240 230 410 23
E250 (C) 250 240 230 410 23
E300 300 290 280 440 22
E350 350 330 320 490 22
E410 410 390 380 540 20
E450 (D) 450 430 420 570 20
E450 (E) 450 430 420 590 20
Types of Bolts Used in the Bolted Connection as Fasteners

Bolts used in connection may be

o Unfinished (black bolts) or turned bolts depending upon the type of shank of bolts
o Ordinary or high strength bolts depending upon the material and strength of bolts
o Regular or heavy depending upon the shape of the head and the nut of bolts
o Standard (coarse) or fine depending upon the pitch and fit of the thread of bolts

 The bolts are available in large range of sizes

Most common ones are M12, M14, M16, M18, M20, M24, M27, M30,
M33, M36 and M39

 IS 1367:2002 classifies
bolts in to property classes 3.6, 4.6, 4.8, 5.6,
5.8, 8.8, 9.8, 10.9, 12.9 depending upon the strength of bolts

 In steel truss bridge, generally bolts of 8.8 and 10.9 property class,
unfinished high strength bolts and M16 - M24 size of bolts are used.
3. Design components of bridge floor deck

i. Design Deck Slab

Design of deck slab of truss floor depends on the support conditions of slab. It is
analysed and designed by Pigeaud’s method or by conventional methods whichever is

Ii. Design Stringer

Stringer is made up of single rolled steel section. So stringer is designed as simple steel
beam of single rolled steel section. It is designed in bending, shear and lateral
stability and checked for deflection.

Approximate self wt. of stringer = 1 KN/m

iii. Design Cross Beam as a Simple Steel Beam /Plate Girder

Cross beam may be of single rolled steel section or it may be plate girder depending
upon the span of cross beam and cross beam is designed accordingly. It should be
designed in bending, shear, lateral stability and checked for deflection.

Approximate self wt. of cross beam = 0.2L + 1 KN/m L – span of cr. beam
4. Analyze and design truss member

• Find self weight of truss and other dead load and distribute the loads on each joint of
truss. We can use Fuller’s formula to determine self wt. of truss and bracings
Approximate total self weight of truss and bracing per unit length = 0.15 × L + 5.5 KN/m
L – Span of truss Fuller’s formula is valid for 100 m span of bridge

• Draw IL diagram of truss members for axial loads and position live load
longitudinally to get maximum responses.

L0 L1

ILD of L0L1for axial force

• Position the live load transversely in such a way so that the reaction on one truss is
maximum. Distribute live loads on trusses by simple beam theory or lever arm
method. Find responses (Axial Force) of truss member using ILD.

AF in truss mem. = ∑Point load × ordinate of ILD + UDL × occupied area of ILD by load
• Design truss member as tension / compression member

σt ≤σat for tension member (WSDM)
T ≤Td (LSDM) Refer IRC 24 – 2010

σc ≤σac for compression member (WSDM)

P ≤Pd (LSDM) Refer IRC 24 – 2010

Where, σt , σat – tensile stress and allowable tensile stress in steel

σc , σac – compressive stress and allowable compressive stress in steel
T , Td - Design tensile load and design tensile strength of member
P , Pd - Design compressive load and design compressive strength of member

• Design connection of truss members

Design the connection as a simple
connection for hinged truss and as an
eccentric connection for fixed truss. Find
size of weld, length of weld and
arrangement of weld for welded connection
and dia. of bolt, no. of bolts and
arrangement of bolts for bolted connection
• Design Bracing
Design of top horizontal bracing
Top horizontal bracing is designed for wind load acting at the c.g. of top chord. In addition it is
designed for transverse shear force at any section equal to 2.5% of the sum of compressive
force in both top chords at the section under consideration.
For the analysis it is assumed that the diagonal member which is in tension only work and the
member is designed as Tension Member.

Design of bottom horizontal bracing

Bottom horizontal bracing is designed for wind load acting at the c.g. of bottom chord. In
addition racking force of 6 KN/m may be considered.
For the analysis it is assumed that the diagonal member which is in tension only work and the
member is designed as Tension Member.

Design of portal bracing

End posts of truss are tied together to provide transverse bracing called portal bracing.
Portal bracing gives rigid frame at the entrance of bridge. The portal bracing is designed to
resist the full end reaction due to wind load on the top lateral bracing. It is designed as a
fixed portal frame.

Design of sway bracing

Sway bracings are provided at all intermediate points of truss. Sway bracing are designed as
portal bracing for their respective wind load.
Composite Bridge
connector RC Slab

Composite Bridge
Main Plate Girder

Steel Cross


Bending stress

Non-composite action Composite action

Composite action of slab and girder

• Decreases the size of steel beam required
• Provides the stiffer cross section and increase the possibility of longer span bridge
• Reduces the live load deflections and increase the load carrying capacity
Shear Connector
Mechanical device, which ensure composite action of steel beam and RC slab resisting longitudinal
shear developed at the interface of flange of steel beam and RC slab.
Shear connector may be

1. Rigid Shear Connector , which offer resistance to longitudinal shear through

bearing against concrete

2. Flexible Shear Connector, which offer resistance to longitudinal shear through

bending of connector

Flexible shear connector Rigid shear connector

There are two methods of constructions of composite of bridge

1. Propped Method
2. Unpropped Method

• In Propped Method, main steel beam is erected on prop and then RC slab and
other members are constructed.
In this method of construction, dead load from self wt. of main beam, cross beam and slab is
borne by girder - propped system and main girder remains unstressed at this stage. RC slab
attains its strength in propped condition. After attaining the desired strength of RC slab, the
total loads, i.e. DL, SIDL and LL are borne directly by composite section of beam.
So in this type of bridge, design is carried out for all loads directly considering composite

• In Unpropped Method, main steel beam is erected without prop and then RC slab
and other members are constructed directly on the main beam.
In this method of construction, prior to attainment of strength of RC slab, dead load from self
wt. of main beam, cross beam and slab is borne by steel girder alone. Then after attaining the
desired strength of concrete of slab, the total loads, i.e. DL, SIDL and LL are borne by
composite section of girder.
So in this type of bridge, design is carried out for DL considering non composite action and
for all loads considering composite action .
Design Steps of Composite Bridge
1. Plan and configure the approximate transverse section of composite
bridge. Assign sizes of composite bridge deck elements.

2. Design cantilever slab. Calculate dead load, position live load, analyze the
slab, verify the thickness of slab, find reinforcing bars and carryout
detailing of reinforcing bars.

3. Design restrained slab. Calculate dead load, position live load, analyze the
slab by Pigeaud’s Method, verify the thickness of slab, find reinforcing
bars and carryout detailing of reinforcing bars.

4. Design main beam. Calculate dead load, position live load longitudinally
and transversely, analyze the beam, design beam for shear and bending,
check beam for deflection, design beam for lateral stability and design
shear connector .

5. Design Cross beam. Calculate dead load, position live load longitudinally
and transversely, analyze the cross beam, design cross beam for shear and
bending and check for lateral stability.
Preliminary Design of Composite Bridge

• C.W. = 4.25 m for single lane

C.W. • Width of kerb (b) ≥ 0.3 m

3/4D α • Width of footpath (b)≥ 0.6 m

D’ • Df min = 200 mm (150 mm at tip)
S S ½ to ¾ S • D = span/20 to span/15 for sim. span
= span/30 to span/25 for cont. span
• tw ≥ 8 mm
• tf = Af/bf
• bf = L/45 to L/40 ; L – Effective Span

• Af = M/D’σbt – Aw/8 ; Af –Sect. area of a flange

• Aw = D’ × tw ; Aw – Sect. area of web
σbt = 0.66fy
• α ≥ 1100 (150 mm × 300 mm)
• S=2–3m
• Spacing of cross beam = 3 to 5 m
• No of cross beam ≥ 5
Steel for beam is selected according to the standard of BIS.
BIS recommends 9 grades of steel as structural steels. They are designated as E165,
E250 (A), E250 (B), E250 (C), E300, E350, E410, E450 (D) and E450 (E)

Mostly E250 grade is used in our context.

Yield Stress
Grade /
(MPa) U. Tensile Stress Elongation
(MPa) (%)
<20mm 20-40mm >40mm

E165 165 165 165 290 23

E250 (A) 250 240 230 410 23
E250 (B) 250 240 230 410 23
E250 (C) 250 240 230 410 23
E300 300 290 280 440 22
E350 350 330 320 490 22
E410 410 390 380 540 20
E450 (D) 450 430 420 570 20
E450 (E) 450 430 420 590 20
Analysis and design of cantilever slab
Cantilever slab is analyzed by conventional method for DL and effective
width method for LL and designed as SRUR rectangular section

Effective Width of Cantilever Slab • Effective width of cantilever

slab should less or equal to
one third length of cantilever
• When load is placed one of
b1 bef = 1.2a + b1 the two extreme ends of the
slab , the effective width
should not exceed the above
Support value nor should it exceed
half the above value plus the
distance of the concentrated
Load load from the nearer
extreme end.
Analysis and design of restrained slab

In composite bridge, the deck slab is supported on all the four sides of slab. In the case,
slab is analyzed for DL and LL by Pigeaud’s Method. Slab is designed as SRUR rectangular

Pigeaud's Method
Pigeaud's Method is applicable to rectangular slabs supported freely
on all four sides subjected to a symmetrically placed load at center.

L and B - Span lengths in the long and short span
b directions
L a a and b - Dimensions of the tire contact area in long
h and short span directions
b u =b+2h u and v - Dispersed load through the deck slab
K- Ratio of short to long span
M1 and M2 - Moments along the short and long spans
B m1 and m2 - Coefficients for moments along short and
long spans
- Poisson's ratio
M1 = (m1+ m2)P P- Load from the wheel under consideration
M2 = (m2+ m1)P
To consider the degree of fixity of restrained slab at its edges, BM calculated
by Pigeaud’s Method is corrected by multiplying 0.8 factor
Pigeaud’s Method when load is eccentric w.r.t . one centroidal axis

L P P v F
v = - 2P+F
b b

Condition a Condition c Condition b

Ma = (Mb - Mc) / 2

Pigeaud’s Method when load is eccentric w.r.t . two centroidal axes

l+ v l-v
b+u b+u
u P Condition b Condition c
B l b =

l+ v l-v
b-u b-u
Condition a

Ma = (Mb – Mc – Md + Me) / 4 Condition d Condition e

Analysis and Design of Main Beam
Longitudinal Positioning of Live Load to Get Maximum BM

For Track Loading BM at the considering section wiLL be

maximum when track load is
L2 positioned in such a way so that
x2 x2 = x1× L2 /L1


For Train/Wheel Loading BM at the considering section wiLL be maximum

when train/wheel load is positioned in such a way
so that the ratio of R1 / L1 and R / L wiLL equal or
just change their signs
W1 W2 W3 W4 W5
R1 / L1 = R / L
L1 R1 / L1 > R / L just change in to R1 / L1 < R / L
R1 - Resultant of wheel loads lying on the left of the
considering section
R– Resultant of wheel load entered in bridge deck
Longitudinal Positioning of Live Load to Get Maximum BM

For Track Loading For Train/Wheel Loading

L2 p W1 W2 W3 W4 W5

x1 L1 L1

Draw ILD of BM at critical section. Draw ILD of BM at critical section.

Position track load in such a way so Position wheel loads in such a way
that product of the intensity of track so that summation of the product
load and area of ILD occupied by of loads and respective ordinates of
track load (p × A) is maximum. ILD (∑Wy) is maximum.

p – intensity of track load W- magnitude of wheel load

A – area of influence line diagram y- ordinate of ILD under
under track load load
Longitudinal Positioning of Live Load to Get Maximum SF
Influence line diagram is drawn to
get maximum SF at critical sec.
For Track Loading
due to track and train/wheel
p loading.

SF at any critical section will be

maximum when
l • pA is maximum for track
p – intensity of track load
A – area of influence line diagram
under track load
For Train/Wheel Loading
• ∑Wy is maximum for
W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 train/wheel loading
W- magnitude of wheel load
y- ordinate of ILD under load

Transverse Positioning of Live Load to Get Maximum Responses


Main Girder

Cross Beam

Maximum eccentric vehicle gives maximum longitudinal BM and SF


Main Girder

Cross Beam
Minimum eccentric vehicle gives maximum transverse BM
Courbon is one of the methods of lateral load distribution in bridge deck,
which can be used in the analysis of main girder of composite bridge.

It is a very simple, popular and powerful method of lateral

load distribution applicable to simply supported
Composite/T-beam bridges.
In Courbon’s method, it is assumed that the transverse
profile of the bridge deck under loading remains straight.

Central load case P

Transverse profile of bridge
1 2 3 4
deck after the application of
central load and central I1 I2 I3 I4
Central moment case

1 2 3 4
I1 I2 I3 I4
In Courbon’s method, load shared by each girder in central region of bridge deck
is found by
R1 = P I1 / ∑I + M I1 h1 / ∑Ih2
R2 = P I2 / ∑I + M I2 h2 / ∑Ih2
R3 = P I3 / ∑I + M I3 h3 / ∑Ih2
R4 = P I4 / ∑I + M I4 h4 / ∑Ih2

In end region i.e., 5.5 m from the support, simple beam method is employed for
lateral load distribution.

The following conditions must be satisfied for the effective use of Courbon’s

• The ratio of span to the width of bridge >2

• No. of transverse beams interconnecting longitudinal beams
should be at least 5 .
• Depth of transverse beam should be at least 0.75 times the depth
of main beam.
Design of Composite Beam
• Compute the effective flange width of composite section of beam.
Effective widths of compression flange of interior and exterior beam are calculated as per
Cl. 603.2 of IRC: 22

• Compute dead load due to steel beam and slab and superimposed dead load due to
wearing surface, parapet etc. Find bending moment and shear force at critical sections
of beam for different load combinations i.e. DL, DL+SIDL and DL+SIDL+LL.

• Compute the transformed width of slab 'btr’ and find design sections for different load

btr = bef /m for dead and live loads acting on the beam
b tr = bef /km for superimposed dead loads
bef = effective flange width of composite section
k - creep factor; k=2
m - modular ratio; m = Es /Ec
Design section of girder for
different loading conditions

bef /km bef /m


Df Df Df

Actual composite beam section Actual steel beam Transformed section of Transformed section of
with effective width of flange section for DL beam for DL + SIDL beam for DL + SIDL + LL
• Design the section of composite beam
Design of composite beam depends on the method of construction of bridge . In Unpropped method of
construction beam is designed in two stages. In the first stage, main beam is designed as a steel beam for
DL and in the second stage, main beam is designed as composite beam for DL, SIDL and LL . In propped
method, main beam is designed directly as composite beam for DL, SIDL and LL .

I. Design of main beam for self weight of main and cross beam and self
weight of slab as a steel plate girder

Design in Shear
𝑽 ≤ 𝑽𝒅

V – Design SF
Vd – Design shear strength of girder
Shear strength of girder depends on
the shear buckling behavior of girder

Design in Bending
Main girder is designed as laterally unrestrained beam
𝑴 ≤ 𝑴𝒅

M – Design BM
Md – Design bending strength of girder
II. Design of main beam for self weight of main and cross beams, self
weight of slab superimposed load and live load as a composite beam

1. Design in Shear ( for DL + SIDL + LL)

𝑽 ≤ 𝑽𝒅

2. Design in Bending ( for DL + SIDL)

𝑴 ≤ 𝑴𝒅

Check compressive bending stress at top fibre of concrete

σb = σDL + σSIDL ≤ limiting flexural compressive stress in concrete × m

Design in Bending ( for DL + SIDL + LL)

𝑴 ≤ 𝑴𝒅
Check bending stress at top fibre of concrete
σb = σDL + σSIDL+ σLL ≤ limiting flexural compressive stress in concrete × m
Where, σb - bending stress, σDL , σSIDL, σLL - bending stress due to dead load,
superimposed dead load and live load respectively, m – modular ratio
3. Check Deflection
Check maximum deflection of main girder
Δmax ≤ Δ limiting

4. Design for Web Stiffener

Web stiffener are designed on the basis of slenderness ratio of web of beam

If d1 / tw ≤ 85 no stiffeners require
If d2 / tw > 85 and ≤ 200 vertical stiffeners are designed
If d2 / tw > 200 and ≤ 250 vertical and one horizontal stiffeners are designed
If d2 / tw > 250 and ≤ 400 vertical and two horizontal stiffeners are designed
If d2 / tw > 400 thickness of the web of beam is increased

Check I provided ≥ I required

5. Design for Lateral Bracing

Lateral bracings are provided to prevent lateral deformation and to resists lateral loads.
In composite bridge lateral bracing is laid out along the bottom flange of the beam in
the horizontal plane. Lateral bracings are designed for wind and seismic loads.
Elements of Plate Girder

RC Slab
Web Plate Flange Plate Intermediate V. Stiffener X

Horizontal Stiffener
Horizontal Stiffener at 0.2 d at Neutral Axis
Bearing V. Stiffener from Compression Flange

Horizontal Stiffener
at 0.2 d from Compression Flange
Intermediate V.

Horizontal Stiffener
at Neutral Axis

Section at X-X
6. Design Shear Connector Shear Stud
Spacing of Mild Steel Shear Connector (stud type) is found by
hs d
P = ΣQu / Vl • Diameter of stud ≤ 4 × thickness
of flange of beam
For any case spacing of shear connectors P ≤ 600 mm • Head of stud ≥ 1.5 × dia. of stud
Min. spacing of connectors for stud = 75 mm • hs ≥ 4 × dia. of stud or 100 mm

𝑄𝑢 − 𝐷𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛 𝑢𝑙𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑑 𝑖𝑛 𝑁
0.8𝑓𝑢 𝜋 𝑑 ൗ4 0.29𝛼𝑑2 0.8𝑓𝑐𝑘 𝐸𝑐𝑚
𝑄𝑢 = ≤
𝛾𝑣 𝛾𝑣
ℎ𝑠 ℎ𝑠 ℎ𝑠
𝛼 = 0.2 + 1 𝑓𝑜𝑟 3 < < 4 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝛼 = 1 𝑓𝑜𝑟 ≥4
𝑑 𝑑 𝑑
𝛾𝑣 − 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑎𝑓𝑒𝑡𝑦 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 = 1.25
d – Diameter of stud in mm
𝑓𝑢 − Ultimate tensile strength of stud ≤ 500 N/mm2
hs – Nominal height of stud in mm
Ecm – Modulus of elasticity of concrete

𝑉𝑙 − 𝐿𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑎𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑅𝐶 𝑠𝑙𝑎𝑏 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑙 𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑚

𝑉𝑙 = 𝑉𝑙 = → 𝝉=
𝐼 𝐼 𝑰𝒃
Detailing requirements to shear connector

• Clear concrete cover to connector ≥ 25 mm

c1 • c1 ≥ 40 mm
• abc ≥ anchorage length

b c

7. Design Transverse Reinforcement
Longitudinal shear force per unit length (Vl) transferred from the steel beam
to in situ slab through any shear plane shall not exceed either of the following
and the reinforcement shall be calculated accordingly

Vl ≤ 0.632 Ls (fck)1/2 Or
Vl ≤ 0.1 As fy + 0.0232 Ls (fck)1/2

Ls – length of shear plane under consideration in mm
As – sum of the cross sectional areas per unit length of beam of all
reinforcing bars intersected by the shear plane mm2/mm

Probable shear plane

shear plane
Bridge Bearing
Bearing is a mechanical device placed between
superstructure and substructure to transmit vertical and
horizontal load allowing some translational and rotational
movement of bridge superstructure.

Translational and rotational movement of bridge

superstructure may be due to
• Shrinkage of concrete
• Elastic shortening of concrete due to prestressing
• Creep of concrete
• Temperature expansion and contraction
• Movement due to external load

Translational and rotational movement of bridge superstructure

may be in longitudinal or transverse or any direction of bridge
Types of Bridge Bearing

Bearing Fixed Bearing

Bearing, which allows rotational movement

Free Bearing (Expansion Bearing)

Bearing, which allows horizontal and rotational movement

Metalic Bearing
Bearing made up of Metal i.e. steel or cast iron

Elastomeric Bearing
Bearing made up of artificial rubber (Neoprene)
Metalic Bearing
▪ Roller Bearing
Single Roller Single Roller Bearing
Multiple Roller
▪ Rocker Bearing
Multiple Roller Bearing
Linear Rocker
Point Rocker
Rocker Cum Roller
▪ Knuckle Bearing Linear Rocker Bearing
Cylindrical Knuckle Bearing
Cylindrical Knuckle
Spherical Knuckle
Pin Knuckle Point Rocker
Bearing Spherical Knuckle Bearing
Leaf Knuckle
▪ Sliding Plate Bearing
▪ Spherical Bearing
Slide Plate Bearing

Pin Knuckle Bearing

Elastomeric Bearing
Elastomeric Pad Bearing
▪ Pad Bearing
▪ Pot Bearing
▪ Disc Bearing
Elastomeric Pot Bearing
Leaf Knuckle Bearing
Sliding Plate Bearing
Sliding plate bearings comprise upper and
lower steel plates to slide on the contact
Plate of the bearing are made frictionless
using PTEF. These bearings can be used
for spans of less than 15 m

Rocker Bearing
Rocker bearings comprise a curved
surface in contact with a flat or
another curved surface and
constrained to prevent relative
horizontal movement. The curve
surface may be cylindrical or
spherical. The rotation is allowed
by rolling of one part on another.
Knuckle Bearing
Knuckle bearings are another type of fixed bearing.
They include two or more members with mating
curved surfaces, which may be spherical or
cylindrical. Another form is the pin type, where the
upper and the lower plates have a concave cylindrical
surface mating with a core pin. Knuckle bearings
permit rotation by rolling on the contact surface.

Leaf Bearing
Leaf bearings consist of a pin passing
through a number of interleaved plates
fixed alternatively to the upper and lower
outer bearing plates. Pin bearings permit
only rotational movement, but can be used
in combination with roller bearings to
provide rotation and translation. Uplift can
be accommodated by this type of bearing.
Roller Bearing

Roller bearings consist of one or more steel

cylinders between parallel upper and lower steel
plates. Single roller bearings can accommodate
rotational movements about the roller’s axis and
translational movements in the perpendicular
direction with the axis. Multiple roller bearings
can only provide translational movement, but can
also permit rotation by adding another element
such as a rocker or knuckle bearing. These
bearings can be seen in large span steel truss
bridges .
Disc Bearings
Disc bearings consist of a hard elastomeric disc located between two metal plates to
support the vertical loads and a metal key in the center of the bearing to resist
horizontal loads. The rotational movements are accommodated through the
deformation of the elastomer. To accommodate the translational movements, a PTFE
slider is required. Translational movements in a specified direction may be restrained
by guided edges (unidirectional bearing). These are high load, multi-rotational
compact bearings that can sustain design loads of up to 45,000 kN and can
accommodate rotations of up to 0.08 radians in both longitudinal and transverse
directions .

Disc bearings can be broken up into three types

▪ Fixed, which allows rotation in all directions but prevents lateral displacement
▪ Unidirectional, which allows rotation in all directions and displacement in one direction
▪ Multi-directional which allows rotation and displacement in all directions.
Spherical bearings
Spherical bearings essentially consist of a spherical sliding surface, a lower
and an upper bearing plate. The spherical sliding surface features a
concave bearing plate mating with a convex to allow rotations.
Translational movements can be accommodated by a top sliding plate.
Sliding surfaces comprise bonded PTFE mated to highly polished stainless
steel. They come in three types, being fixed, guided expansion and non-
guided expansion bearings .

Similarly to disc bearings, this type of bearing is also a high load, multi-
rotational compact bearing that can be used to accommodate thermal,
seismic and mechanical expansion and contraction.
Pot Bearing
Pot bearings are used to sustain vertical forces in
the range of 1200 kN to 10000 kN and can
accommodate rotations of up to 0.02 rad, thus they
can be used for a wide range of modern bridges.
Low load eccentricity under rotation is one of their
strong features. However, they have limited ability
to accept rotation at low vertical load.

Expansion Pot Bearing

In expansion pot bearings a thin disc of PTFE is placed
into a recess at the top of the pot. A third plate bolted
to the superstructure is faced on the bottom with a
sheet of polished stainless steel that can slide back
and forth on the PTFE disc. As the PTFE has very low
friction (coefficient of friction 0.01-0.015) under load,
this type of bearing offers very little resistance to the
movements of the superstructure.

• Elastomeric bearing is made of synthetic rubber. Elastomer is the

trade name of Neoprene. Elastomeric bearing is designed to be
sufficiently soft horizontally to allow translation and sufficiently
stiff vertically to prevent appreciable changes in their height
under variable loads.

• Bearing may be reinforced or unreinforced. In reinforced bearing,

mild steel plates are embedded. Unreinforced bearing may only
be used at support of slab culverts or slab bridges.

• Elastomeric bearings are not expensive, easy to install and

• Life of bearing is about 25 years. So there should be provision of
replacement of the elastomeric bearings after about 25 years.
Elastomeric bearings include three types, being plain pads, plain strips and
laminated elastomeric bearings .

• Continuous strip bearings of plain elastomer up to 125 x 25 mm in

cross-section, which are used to support slabs and pre-stressed
concrete planks.

• Plain elastomeric bearing pads, having varying thicknesses up to 25 mm,

are used to support pre-stressed concrete planks and short span girders
where individual bearing supports are required. They are usually
rectangular but can also be specified or used as circular.
These bearings have limited vertical load capacity, shear movement and
rotational capacities compared to the thicker laminated bearing.
• LEB pads are either rectangular or circular up to 800 mm and are used to
support concrete and steel girders and trusses up to about 40 m spans.
The bearings consist of elastomer reinforced by a number of embedded
steel plates. The number of plates and the height of the bearing increase
as the bearing capacity and/or movement range increases.

Capacity Elastomeric Bearings

Maximum Maximum Maximum

Bearing type vertical force translation rotation
(kN) (mm) (rad)

Plain pads / Strips 1500 15 0.01

Laminated elastomeric
5000 100 0.04
Laminated Elastomeric Bearing
Laminated Elastomeric Bearing with Pin
Loads on Bearing
Vertical load
• DL from superstructure
• LL from superstructure
• Vertical load due to braking effort
• Vertical Seismic load
• Vertical wind load

Horizontal load
• Wind load from superstructure
• Load induced by creep, shrinkage and temperature effect
• Braking load
• Horizontal load due to earthquake

These loads are combined according to the load

combinations specified by IRC 6 and bearing is
designed for critical combination of loads
Design of Elastomeric Bearing
IRC 83 -1987 (Part II)

Geometrical Design

Find overall length (lo), breadth (bo) and thickness (ho) of elastomeric pad. Find number
of internal layers of elastomer(n), thickness of internal layers of elastomer (hi), number
of steel plates (ns), thickness of steel plates (hs), effective cover to steel plate (he) and
side cover (c). Approximate sizing of bearing is done on the basis guidelines provided by
IRC 83-1987 ( Part II) (Refer Table Appendix. I)

bo hs

hi Cross Section of Bearing

Steel plate
l Plan of Bearing

Table Appendix I, IRC 83 - 1987 (Part II)

Standard Plan Dimensions and Design Data of Elastomeric Bearing

• The thickness of the internal layer of elastomer hi, the thickness of the steel plate
hs, and the elastomer cover at the top and bottom he should correspond to the
following dimensions.
hi (mm) 8 10 12 16
hs (mm) 3 3 4 6
he (mm) 4 5 6 6

• The side cover (c) of elastomer for the steel laminates is 6 mm.

Check the geometrical dimensions of bearing as follows.

• h ≥ bo / 10 and h ≤ bo / 5 ; Where, h= nhi + 2he

• Bearing stress in concrete below bearing ≤ Allowable bearing stress in concrete
Where, Allowable bearing stress = 0.25 (fck)1/2

• Shape factor (S) > 6

≤ 12
Where, S = l x b / 2 ho (l + b )
1. Check bearing for shear strain ∆b
Total shear strain in bearing ≤ 0.7
γd = ∆b /h ≤ 0.7
Total shear strain (γd) = Strain due to creep, shrinkage and Translational Movement
temperature variation + shear strain due to horizontal load of Bearing

2. Check bearing for rotation

Maximum rotation of girder ≤ Permissible rotation
αd ≤ β n αbi,max
Where, αd
αd = maximum rotation, which may be taken as 400 Mmax L/(Ec I) 10-3
n= number of internal elastomer layers h
β = (σm /σm,max)
σm = average compressive stress ; σm,max = 10 N/mm2 bo
αbi,max = (0.5 σm hi )/(bs2)
M - Maximum BM at mid span Rotational Movement
L- span of girder of Bearing
Ec – Modulus of elasticity of concrete [In short term loading ; Ec = 5000(fck)1/2 ]
I = Gross moment of inertia of main girder
3. Check bearing for friction

• Total Shear Strain (γd) ≤ 0.2 + 0.1 σm

• Normal stress ‘σm ‘ ≥ 2 N/mm2 and ≤ 10 N/mm2

σm = Normal compressive stress
σm,max = 10 N/mm2

4. Check bearing for shear stress

Total shear stress due to normal and horizontal loads and rotation ≤ 5 N/mm2
τc + τr + τα ≤ 5 N/mm2
Shear stress due to normal load (τc ) = (1.5 σm )/S
Shear stress due to horizontal load ( τr ) = Total shear strain
Shear stress due to rotation( τα ) = 0.5(b/hi)2 αbi max

Design Example
Metallic bearing usually made of mild steel, cast steel and
stainless steel. It may be free or fixed.

Sliding or rolling surfaces of bearings are coated with Teflon,

which significantly reduces the friction and consequently reduces
horizontal forces acting on pier/abutment.
In straight bridges, the following types of metallic bearings are
• Sliding plate bearing
• Steel roller bearing
• Steel roller cum rocker bearing
• Steel rocker bearing
• Steel knuckle bearing
Design of Metallic Bearing Geometrical Design
• Diameter of roller (D) ≥ 75mm
• L/D ≤ 10
• Lug width ≥ 10mm
• No. of lug = 2 for L/D ≤ 6
= 3 for L/D > 6
L • P ≥ 50mm
Top • t ≥ 20mm or ¼ of S
Rocker Plate

d ≥ 16 mm 2.5mm
R t
Rocker Pin
≥ 1.1d or
D Saddle Plate
d + 2.5mm
Roller P Lug for Roller
S Bottom
Rocker Pin
Rocker cum Roller Bearing

• The width of plates shall not be less than 100 mm or the distance between outermost
rollers plus twice the thickness of the plate plus 10 mm.
• The top plates of sliding bearings shall project on all sides over the bottom plate by at
least 10 mm.

1. Check bearing stress in concrete and steel

Area of plate is determined with respect to the permissible bearing stress of concrete

2. Check radius of rocker

Radius of rocker is determined by

Vertical design load per unit length ≤ 170 R2 fy3 / E2

3. Check working load on roller

Working loads per unit length of rollers should less or equal to
For Mild steel
Single and double rollers 8D N/mm of length
Three or more rollers 5D N/mm of length
For Cast steel
Single and double rollers 11D N/mm of length
Three or more rollers 7D N/mm of length

4. Check thickness of plate M ≤ Md σb ≤ σbt

5. Check rocker pin for shear V ≤ Vd τv ≤ τva


Expansion joint is a structural discontinuity in bridge designed to

permit the translational and rotational movement of bridge deck.

Functional Requirement of Expansion Joints

• The joint must accommodate translational and rotational
movement of the super structure
• The joint must provide riding quality of the pavement surface
• The joint shall be almost maintenance free for the design life
of the structure
• The joint must be constructed and detailed such that they
prevent damage to deck, bearing, pier and abutment from
water, chemical and other foreign materials
The movement at the bearing is more than at the expansion joint for the
same deck since the latter is installed much after the deck is cast on top of the
bearing and therefore suffers movements only due to temperature and parts
of concrete shrinkage and creep.

• Maximum permissible gap in a joint is generally limited to 100 mm for deck

joints with a single opening not more than 80 mm (for each opening) in deck
joints with multiple opening.

• Minimum gap should not be less than 20 mm in order to prevent the transfer
of forces through the debris trapped in the joint.


1. For the movement up to 22 mm Copper Strip Joint

2. For the movement up to 60 mm M.S. plate and R.S. Angle Joint
3. For the movement up to 75 mm Compression/Slab Seal Joint
4. For the movement up to 150 mm Finger Plate Joint
5. For the movement > 150 mm Modular Compression Seal Joint
Angle and Plate Joint

Compression Seal Joint

Copper Strip Joint

Compression Seal Joint
Compression seal
Angle section with
anchorage details

Angle section with

anchorage details Angle
Compression seal

Compression seal
Slab Seal Joint

Slab seal Ss nut and bolt

Deck slab

Expansion joint Steel frame

Installation of Slab Seal Joint

• Steel structure are to be inserted as shown above in either sides, little lowered
• Top of the insert shall be at par with finished level of wearing coat to maintain the
• Steel structure and main reinforcement bar shall be anchored with proper welding.
• Steel structure are to be packed with proper mixture of concrete as same as deck
• With proper alignment, manufacturer's recommended adhesive to be applied on
the steel inserts and the elastomeric slab seal shall be placed over there.
• Elastomeric seal shall be tightened with S.S. nut & bolt and shall be locked with
• The cavity of the nut & bolt shall be filled with elastomeric plug, duly applying the
adhesive recommended by the manufacturer.
Finger Plate Joint
Modular Joint
Design of Elastomeric Bearing

Problem Statement
Design bearing for the simply supported T-Beam Bridge as shown in figure.
(Refer to the design example of T-Beam Bridge)

Asphalt concrete of 50mm th. at B

edge and 92.5 mm th. at crown
1.1 m
RC post of 225mm × 225mm
4.25 m
with three heavy steel pipes
0.17 m
` 0.2 m 0.75 m
1 m 0.3 m

1.125 m RC safety kerb of 0.5 m

width and 0.3m height
5.25 m
Fillet of 150 mm × 300 mm

Transverse Section of Bridge at A-A

RC posts of 225mm × 225 mm

@ 1.5 m spacing with three
steel pipes

1m 0.5 m 0.2 m 0.25 m 0.75 m

3m 3m

l = 12 m
L = 12.5 m
Cross girder Center line
@ 3 m c/c

Longitudinal Section of Bridge at B-B

Design Example of Bearing Page 1

Prepared by NC Sharma
Design of Bearing
Normally, in the bridges of span ranges from 30 m to 50 m span, elastomeric pad bearings
are used due to their simplicity and technical and economical feasibility.
Here, in the example, because of smaller span [12 m] identical reinforced elastomeric pad
bearings have been selected on both supports of bridge and designed as per IRC 83 – 1987,
Part II using working stress design method. Loads calculated for the design of elastomeric
bearing are working loads and according to IRC 6 - 2010.
In the design, following steps have been followed.
❖ Dead load from superstructure, maximum live load, load due to braking effort, load
induced by temperature, shrinkage and creep, wind load and seismic load have
been found.

❖ Loads have been organized for different combination and found maximum vertical
and horizontal forces acting on bearing for worst combination. In the example,
combinations I, II(A), III(A) and VI become critical.

❖ Geometrical and structural design of Elastomeric Bearings have been carried out for
worst combination of loads.

I Calculation of Loads on Bearing

1. DL from Superstructure

Weight of wearing coat = 4.25 × 0.072 × 22 × 12.5 = 84.15 KN

Weight of railing = 2× 9× 0.225 × 0.225 × 1.1 × 25 + 2 × 12 × 3 × 0.0437 = 28.21 KN
Weight of kerb = 0.3 × 0.5 × 12.5 × 2 × 25 = 93.75 KN
Weight of slab = 346.06 + 0.2 × 5.25 × 0.5 × 25 = 359.2 KN
Where weight of slab consists
a) Middle portion = 3.3 × 0.2 × 12 × 25 =198 KN
1 1
b) Fillet = × 0.15 × 0.3 × 12 × 2 × 25 + ×0.15 × 0.3 × 2.1 × 8 × 25 = 22.95 KN
2 2
c) Cantilever part = 0.5 × 0.17 × 12 × 2 × 25 + 0.475 × 0.26 × 12 × 2 × 25 = 125.11 KN
Weight of web of main girder = 0.3 × 0.8 × 12.5 × 25 × 2 = 150KN
Weight of web of cross girder = (0.25 × 0.55 × 2.7 × 3 + 0.25 × 0.30 × 2.7 × 2) × 25 = 38KN

Total DL from super structure (Wu) = 84.15 + 28.21 + 93.75 + 359.2 + 150 + 38 = 753.31 KN
DL from superstructure on a bearing (DLsup) = = 188.33 KN

Design Example of Bearing Page 2

Prepared by NC Sharma
2. LL from Superstructure
Maximum LL on a bearing (LL) = Maximum reaction of a main girder = 𝟏.𝟓 = 276.71KN

3. Load due to braking effort of Class A load

Braking load = 0.2 × (2 × 114 + 3 × 68) = 86.4 KN

Horizontal Braking load on a bearing (FbrH) = 86.4/4 = 21.6 KN

Braking loads acts at 1.2m above wearing coat. Point of application of braking load is 2.272 m
(1.2+0.072+0.2+0.8) from bearing. It induces vertical reaction on bearing.

2.272 m

Fbrv Fbrv
l = 12 m

𝟖𝟔.𝟒 × 𝟐.𝟐𝟕𝟐
Vertical reaction on a bearing due to Braking load (FbrV) = = 8.18 KN
𝟏𝟐 × 𝟐

4. Wind load
▪ Wind load in transverse direction of bridge (FWT) = PZ × A × G × CD = 30.1 KN

Take, Ht. of bridge = 10 m, Basic wind speed = 47 m/s and Terrain with obstruction

Where, Va = 17.80 × 47/33 = 25.35 m/s [Refer Cl. 209, IRC 6]

472 2
PZ = 190.50 × = 386.43 N/m
G = 2 up to 150 m span
CD = 1.3 × 1.5 = 1.95 [ = 5.25 , take ≥6]
A = (1 + 0.3) × 12.5 + 0.225 × 1.1 × 9 + 0.0483 × (12-9 × 0.225) × 3 = 19.93 m2

Wind load in transverse direction on a bearing (FWT) = 30.1/4 = 7.53 KN

▪ Wind load in longitudinal direction of bridge (FWL) = 0.25 × FTW = 7.52 KN

Wind load in longitudinal direction on a bearing (FWL) = 7.52/4 = 1.88 KN

▪ Wind load in vert. dir. of bridge (FWV) = PZ × A3 × G × CL

= 386.43 × 10-3× 5.25 × 12.5 × 2 × 0.75 = 38.04 KN
Wind load in vertical direction on a bearing (FWV) = 38.04/4 = 9.51 KN

Design Example of Bearing Page 3

Prepared by NC Sharma
5. Seismic Load

𝑍 𝐼 𝑆𝑎
▪ Seismic load (FSh) =2×𝑅× 𝑔
×𝑊 [Refer Cl. 219, IRC 6]

FShL = 169.49 KN in longitudinal direction of bridge

FShT = 188.93 KN in transverse direction of bridge

Take, Seismic Zone - V, Soil Strata - Medium, Damping - 5 %, Bridge Class - Normal
𝑍 𝐼 𝑆𝑎 𝑆𝑎
Ah = 𝛼ℎ = × × = 0.225; Z = 0.36, I = 1, R = 2, = 2.5
2 𝑅 𝑔 𝑔
W = 753.31 KN in longitudinal direction
W = 753.31 + 0.2 × (2 × 114 + 3 × 68) = 839.71 KN in transverse direction

Seismic load in transverse direction on a bearing (FShT) = 188.93/4 = 47.23 KN

Seismic load in longitudinal direction on a bearing (FShL) = 169.49/4 = 42.37 KN

▪ Vertical reaction due to seismic load on support of bridge (FSv)

Seismic loads acts on c. g. of seismic weight. It creates additional vertical load on bearing. Consider c. g. of
seismic weight = 0.9 m from bearing.

𝟏𝟖𝟖.𝟗𝟑 × 𝟎.𝟗 𝟏
V. reaction on a bearing when s. load acts in tr. dir. (FSvT) = × = 28.34 KN
𝟑 𝟐

0.9 m


𝟏𝟔𝟗.𝟒𝟗×𝟎.𝟗 𝟏
Vert. react. on a bearing when seis. load acts in long. dir. (F SVL) = × 𝟐 = 6.36 KN

0.9 m

l = 12 m

Design Example of Bearing Page 4

Prepared by NC Sharma
6. Load due to temperature variation, creep and shrinkage effect

Maximum horizontal force on a bearing (Fcst) = × G × A/2 = 3.7 KN
▪ Strain due to temp., creep and shrinkage = 5 × 10-4 [Refer IRC 83 Part II Cl. 916.3.4]
▪ Horizontal deformation of bearing ( ∆ ) = 5 × 10-4 × 12.5 × 103 × ½ = 3.125 mm
▪ Shear modulus of elastomer (G) = 1 N/mm2 [Refer IRC 83 Part II, Cl. 915.2.1]
▪ Preliminary height of bearing (h) = 39 mm
▪ Preliminary effective sectional area of bearing (A) = b × l = 238 × 388 = 92344 mm2

Load Combination [Refer IRC 6 Table 1]

Vertical Load Horizontal Load

Combination Permissible
Along Across Along Across
of Load Stress (%)
Traffic Traffic Traffic Traffic
DLsup DLsup
I LL LL 100%
Fbr Fbr
DLsup DLsup
[N+T] Fbr Fbr
sup sup
Fbr H
Fbr 133%
Fw Fw Fw Fw
DLsup DLsup
0.2 LL 0.2 LL
VI 0.5 V
Fbr H
0.5 Fbr 150%

Calculation of Loads on Bearing According to Combination of Loads

Vertical and horizontal loads subjected to bearing in the direction of traffic have only been taken for design.

Combination I [N]
Total Vertical load = DLSup + LL + FbrV = 188.33 + 267.55 + 8.18 = 459.06 KN
Total Horizontal load = FbrH = 21.6 KN

Design Example of Bearing Page 5

Prepared by NC Sharma
Combination II (A) [N+T]
Total Vertical load = DL + LL + FbrV = 188.33 + 267.55 + 8.18 = 459.06 KN
Total Horizontal load = FbrH + Fcst = 21.6 + 3.7 = 25.3 KN

Combination III (A) [N+T+W]

Total Vertical load = DL + LL+ FbrV + FWV = 188.33 + 267.55 + 8.18 + 9.51 = 468.57 KN
Total Horizontal load = FbrH + Fcst + FWL = 21.6 + 3.7 + 1.88 = 27.18KN

Combination VI [N+T+S]
Total Vertical load = D L+ 0.2 × LL + 0.5 × FbrV + FsvL
= 188.33 + 0.2 × 267.55 + 0.5 × 8.18 + 6.34= 252.27 KN
Total Horizontal load = 0.5 × FbrH + Fcst + FshL = 0.5 × 21.6 + 3.7 + 42.37 = 56.87KN

Design of Elastomeric Pad Bearing for Combination I [N]

1. Geometrical design
In geometrical design, approximate length, breadth and thickness of elastomeric pad
and number, thickness and cover of steel laminates are found. Geometrical design is
carried out using the guidelines of IRC.
[Refer standard plan dimensions of IRC 83, Part II, Cl. 916.2, Appendix I]

Nmin = DL = 188.33 KN; Nmax = Tot. Vertical load on bearing = 459.06 KN; H = 21.6 KN

Take, Steel laminates
of 3 mm hi
• b0 = 260 mm, b = 248mm
• l0 = 300 mm, l = 288 mm he
• hi = 10 mm b0
Cross Section
• he = hi/2 = 5 mm
• hs = 3 mm
c c
• n=3
• c = 6 mm c
• h0 = (n +1)hs +nhi + 2he = 52 mm
• h= nhi + 2he = 40 mm l l0


Design Example of Bearing Page 6

Prepared by NC Sharma
Check geometry of bearing
i. l0 / b0 ≤ 2 OK
ii. h = 40 < b0/5 = 52 OK
> b0/10 = 26 OK
iii. s= = 6.66 > 6 and < 12 OK
2ℎ𝑖 (𝑙+𝑏)

iv. Bearing stress in concrete ≤ Allowable Bearing stress OK

𝑁𝑚𝑎𝑥 459.06
BS in concrete (σm) = 𝑙×𝑏 = 248×288
= 6.427 N/mm2
Allowable BS = 0.25 × fck ×√𝐴1 = 0.25 × 25 √2 = 8.838 N/mm2

2. Structural design
Bearing is further checked for translation, rotation, friction and shear

a) Check for translation

Design strain in bearing (γd) < 0.7
γd = γbd = + τmd = 0.075 + 0.302 = 0.377 < 0.7

∆𝑏𝑑 103
= 5 × 10−4 × 12 × 2 × 40 = 0.075

𝐻 21.6×103
τmd = = = 0.302
𝐴×𝐺 248×288×1

b) Check for rotation

Design rotation in bearing (αd) ≤ βnαbimax
400×𝑀𝐷𝐿 ×𝐿 400×𝑀𝐿𝐿 ×𝐿
𝛼𝑑 = 𝛼𝑑 𝐷𝐿 + 𝛼𝑑 𝐿𝐿 = 𝐸𝑐 × 10-3 + ×10-3 = 0.00585 < 0.0088
×𝐼𝑔𝑟 𝐸𝑐 ×𝐼𝑔𝑟
βnαbimax = 0.0088

MDL = = 563.22 KN-m
MLL = = 707.33 KN-m
Ec = 5000√𝑓𝑐𝑘 = 25000 N/mm2
𝐼𝑔𝑟 = 0.05911154 m4
β = 0.1σm= 0.1× 6.427 = 0.64
0.5 𝜎𝑚 𝑚𝑎𝑥 × ℎ𝑖 0.5×10×10
αbimax = = = 0.0046
𝑏×𝑠2 248×6.662

Design Example of Bearing Page 7

Prepared by NC Sharma
c) Check for friction
Design strain in bearing (γd) ≤ 0.2 + 0.1σm
Normal stress in bearing (σm ) > 2 N/mm2 and ≤ 10 N/mm2
γd = 0.377
0.2 + 0.1σm = 0.2 + 0.1 × 6.427 = 0.843 N/mm2
σm = 6.427 N/mm2

d) Check for shear stress

Total shear stress ≤ 5 N/mm2
τc + τr + τα = 3.197 N/mm2 < 5 N/mm2

𝜎𝑚 6.43
Shear stress due to axial compression (τc) = 1.5 × = 1.5 × = 1.45 N/mm2
𝑆 6.66
Shear stress due to horizontal deformation (τr) = γd = 0.377 N/mm2
𝑏 2 248 2
Shear st. due to rotation (τα) = 0.5 × (ℎ ) αbimax= 0.5 × ( 10 ) × 0.0046 = 1.41 N/mm2

Check of Elastomeric Pad Bearing for Combination VI [N+T+S]

Loads are not varied significantly in first three combinations of loads. But in seismic
combination i.e. in N + T + S case, horizontal load is about two times greater than other
combinations. So designed bearing has been checked for seismic combination (along the
traffic) of loads only.

Nmin = 188.33 KN Nmax = 252.27 KN H = 56.87 KN

Check bearing stress in concrete

Bearing Stress in concrete ≤ Allowable bearing stress in concrete
𝑁𝑚𝑎𝑥 252.27
Bearing stress in concrete (σm) = = = 3.532 N/mm2
𝑙×𝑏 248×288
Allowable bearing stress in concrete = 0.25 ×fck ×√ = 0.25 × 25 √2 = 8.838 N/mm2

Design Example of Bearing Page 8

Prepared by NC Sharma
Check bearing for translation
Total strain in bearing (γd) < 0.7
γd = γbd = + τmd

𝛥𝑏𝑑 103
= 5 × 10−4 × 12 × 2 × 40 = 0.075

𝐻 56.87×103
τmd = = = 0.796
𝐴×𝐺 248×288×1

γd = 0.075 + 0.796 = 0.871 > 0.7

Size of bearing provided for loads of combination I (N) is not sufficient for loads of
combination VI (N+T+S). Check for translation shows that provided size of bearing could not
accommodate the horizontal force of combination VI. In the situation it is suggested to
provide elastomeric pad bearing with pin on one side of support to resist horizontal load

Diameter of Pin
Shear stress in pin due to horizontal loads ≤ Allowable shear stress in pin (𝜏 ≤ 𝜏𝑎 )
Take pin of Fe 250 grade

𝐻𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑧𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑠 56.87×1000

= = 0.4𝑓𝑦 ; 𝑟 = 13.45 𝑚𝑚
𝐶𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑠 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑖𝑛 𝜋𝑟 2

Provide 28mm dia. stainless steel pin. Pin should be extended up to the depth of cap of

248 mm
Steel laminates 6 mm c
of 3 mm c 6 mm
52 mm
10 mm 288 mm
300 mm

5 mm
28 mm

Cross Section Plan

Design Example of Bearing Page 9

Prepared by NC Sharma
Alternatively horizontal load can be accommodated by increasing size of bearing.

Provide bearing of 250 mm × 400 mm size and check all geometrical and structural
requirements of bearing.
• b0 = 250 mm, b = 238mm
• l0 = 400 mm, l = 388 mm
• hi = 12 mm
• he = hi/2 = 6 mm
• hs = 4 mm
• n=3
• c = 6 mm
• h0 = (n + 1)hs + nhi + 2he = 64 mm
• h= nhi + 2he = 48 mm

Design Example of Bearing Page 10

Prepared by NC Sharma
Design Example of Roller cum Rocker Bearing

Problem Statement
Design rocker cum roller bearing for the following data.

Vertical load (V) = 1000 KN, Horizontal load (H) = 100 KN

Permissible bearing stress in concrete (σ bearing, con) = 4 N/mm2

Permissible bearing stress in steel (σ bearing, st) = 185 N/mm2

Permissible shear stress in steel (τva) = 105 N/mm2
Permissible tensile bending stress in steel (σbt) = 160 N/mm2

• Find size of bottom and top plate of bearing

Area of plate ≥ V/ σ bearing, con = 25 × 104 mm2
Adopt plate size 500 mm × 650 mm

• Find radius of rocking surface

V/length of bearing ≤ 170R2σy3/E2; R = 152 mm Adopt R = 200 mm
Where, σy = 250 MPa, E = 2 × 105 MPa, Length of bearing = 650 mm
Check bearing stress in rocking surface
Bearing stress in rocking surface ≤ Permissible bearing stress in steel
1000 × 103/(650 × 100) = 153.8 N/mm2 < 185 N/mm2

• Find diameter of rocker pin

Consider two pins
Horizontal Load (Shear) on each pin = 100/2 = 50 KN
Horizontal load ≤ τva × Sectional area of a pin; Diameter of a pin = 24.6 mm Adopt D = 25 mm
• Find thickness of base plate
Bending stress in plate ≤ Permissible bending stress
M/Z ≤ σbt 500 × 103 × 125/(650 × t2/ 6) = 160 Adopt t = 60 mm

• Find thickness of saddle plate

Bending stress in plate ≤ Permissible bending stress
M/Z ≤ σbt, 500 × 103 × 150/(650 × t2/ 6) = 160 Adopt t = 70 mm

• Find number of roller

Take diameter of roller = 200 mm
Vertical load taken by rollers = 8 × length of roller × dia. of roller
1000 × 103 = = 8 × length of roller × dia. of roller length of roller = 625 mm
Provide two rollers of 400 mm length each

• Find number and size of lug

Provide two number of lug
Width of lug = 10 mm
Check lug for transverse shear
Detail of Rocker Pin
These are first and last supports of a bridge and they retain earth
on their backside, which serves as an approach to the bridge.

Back (Dirt) Wall

Wing Wall

Abutment Cap

Breast Walls (Stem)

Types of Abutment

Gravity Type

Balancing Type

Buried Type

Abutment with wing wall
Considerations in the preliminary planning of abutment

The following measures often help in achieving economy in the design of abutments

• Provision of sliding bearings or roller cum rocker bearings or

elastomeric bearing without pin on abutment reduces
horizontal force on the abutment.

• For single span bridge provide roller/elastomeric bearing

without pin on abutment of greater height.
• Eccentric abutment towards the backfill increases stabilizing
• For up to 6 m height and spans up to 20m usually solid plain
mass concrete or masonry abutments are economical.
• For heights above 6m and spans beyond 20m RC abutments
are suitable.
Preliminary Sizing of Abutment

150 mm× 2 + bearing width

+ expansion joint 250 mm to 450 mm thick with 250 mm to 450 mm thick with
150 mm× 2 + bearing width +
h 50 to 200 mm projection 50 to 200 mm projection
expansion joint + projection

1 to 1.5 m
1 to 1.5 m
H H H/12 to H/10
1/6 to 1/3 slope
> Max. Scouring
> Max. scouring depth
H/8 to H/10
0.35 H to 0.45 H ≥ H/10 to H/8
2/5 H to 3/4 H

Gravity (wall) type abutment Reinforced concrete abutment

N = 305 +2.5L + 10H mm
L – span in m
H- Ht of support in m
0.4 to 0.6 m clear distance from
bearing to the edge of abutment

Plan of abutment
Materials for Abutments
[Minimum grade of material]

• Mass Concrete - M10 grade

(With mix proportions of 1:3:6 with 40-mm maximum size aggregates.)

• Reinforced Concrete - M20/20 grade for stem

M25/20 grade for cap
• Coarse Rubble Masonry
(With Cement mortar of proportions 1:4)

• Brick Masonry
(With Cement mortar of proportions 1:4)

• Prestressed Concrete - M35

• Steel Bar – Fe 415, Fe 500
1. Vertical loads
• Self wt. of abutment
• Dead & Superimposed Dead Load from Superstructure
• Live Load
• Earthquake load (vertical component)
• Wind load (vertical component)
• Uplift by braking effort
• Load due to soil mass

2. Horizontal loads
• Force due to Braking Effort
• Force due to Frictional Resistance of Bearing
• Wind Load
• Force due to Earthquake
• Force due to Earth Pressure
• Force induced by creep, shrinkage and temperature variation
• Force due to surcharge
For working stress design method, there are nine
combinations of loads to be considered in design

Load Combination
(Refer to IRC 6)
In Limit State Design Method, there are three combinations
of loads to be considered in design. These three
combinations are
• Basic combination
• Seismic combination
• Accidental combination

✓ These combinations are given for stability check, limit

state of strength, limit state of serviceability and
foundation design.

✓ Partial safety factors for loads for different combinations

and for different works are not similar. They are chosen
on the basis of nature of work carrying out.

✓ Refer to IRC 6 – 2017, Table B.1, B.2, B.3 and B.4 for
combination of loads
Design of RC Abutment

Loads on abutment from deck
• Find Self wt of railing, kerb/footpath, wearing course, slab , cross
Dead load from deck beam and main beam per unit length of abutment
(vertical) Weight / length of abutment

Live load from deck • Find maximum live load per unit length of abutment
(vertical) Live Load on Abutment / Length of Abutment

Load due to • Find temperature variation range T

• Find movement of deck at free end of deck
temperature T× Coefficient of Thermal Expansion × Span of Deck
variation from • Find shear stiffness of bearing from manufacturer’s list
deck (horizontal) Horizontal load requires for unit deformation
• Find horizontal load on each bearing H
H = Shear Stiffness × Movement of Deck
Or H = A×G×Movement of deck/Thickness of bearing
• Find total horizontal load per unit length of abutment
(Horizontal Load on a Bearing × No. of Bearings) / Length of Abutment

Load due to • Find force due to earthquake Feq from superstructure and substructure per unit
earthquake in length of abutment in longitudinal direction of bridge and find force due to
longitudinal and earthquake Feq from superstructure and substructure in transverse direction of
transverse direction of bridge
bridge (horizontal
Feq = Z/2× I/R× Sa/g

Load due to wind in • Find force due to wind Fw from superstructure and substructure per unit length
longitudinal and of abutment in longitudinal and transverse direction of bridge
transverse direction of
FT w = pACD G
bridge (horizontal)
FL w = fraction of FT w
Loads at rear of abutment
• Find force due to earth pressure Fb per unit length of abutment H
Fb = ½× ka×γ×H× H

• Find force due to Surcharge Fs per unit length of abutment

1.2 m earth fill on the road level is taken as surcharge load

Fs = ka×w×H

Stability Check
Refer IRC 78

1. Find overturning and restoring moment about toe of abutment for different
load combination

Check overturning effect

M restoring /M overturning ≥ 2 for basic combination
≥ 1.5 for seismic combination

2. Find shear and resisting shear at the base of footing

Shear = sum of horizontal forces at base
Resisting shear = sum of vertical load at base × tanø

Check sliding effect

V resisting / V sliding ≥ 1.5 for basic combination
≥ 1.25 for seismic combination
3. Check bearing pressure at base of footing

Pressure = P/A ± Pe/Z ≤ bearing capacity of soil &

Upward pressure of soil should be positive

Design of Abutment Cap, Main Stem, Back Wall and Slab Base

• Design abutment cap

When bearing stress in cap does not exceed the permissible value of bearing stress in concrete, provide
reinforcement according to IRC 78 & check the thickness of cap for punching shear.

• Design main stem of abutment as a RC slab and check the stem as a RC column
When design axial load on abutment ≤ 0.1fck A, abutment is designed as RC cantilever slab
When design axial load on abutment > 0.1fck A, abutment is designed as RC column

• Design back wall as a RC cantilever slab

Back wall is designed for earth pressure and surcharge and check for its self wt. and wt of approach

• Design slab base as a spread footing.

Footing is designed for maximum BM and maximum one way shear at the critical sections of footing.
• Carry out detailing of reinforcement [Refer Cl. 16.3, IRC 112}

Vertical Reinforcement
✓ Dia. of bar ≥ 12 mm, ≤ 40 mm
✓ Total area steel of vertical bar 0.0024 to 0.04 of area of concrete
✓ area of bar in one face ≥ 0.0012 of area of concrete
✓ Spacing of vertical bars ≤ 200 mm

Horizontal Reinforcement
✓ Area of horizontal reinforcement ≥ 25% of total area of vertical bars
≥ 0.001 of concrete area
✓ Spacing of horizontal bars ≤ 300 mm
✓ Dia of bar ≥ 8 mm or one fourth of vertical bars

Transverse Reinforcement
✓ If the area of load carrying vertical bar in two faces > 0.02 × area of
concrete theses bars should be enclosed by stirrups
Reinforcement of Abutment

… …
… …
… …


Cross Section Longitudinal Section

Section at A-A
Intermediate supports of bridge are referred as piers

Types of Pier

Solid Type Trestle Type Hammer Head Type

Framed Type

Cellular Type
Preliminary Sizing of Pier Take a = 1 m for span up to 10 m
2 m for span up to 60 m
3 m for span up to 100 m

a = 2 × bearing width + expansion joint + 2 × 150 mm

300 mm to 450 mm thick with a = 2 × bearing width + expansion joint + 2 × 150 mm
50 to 200 mm projection

1 to 1.5 m
≥1m 1 to 1.5 m
300 mm
1/50 to 1/12 slope

> Max. scouring

> Max. scouring depth

Trestle Pier
Solid Pier

R = b/2
b N N

N = 305 + 2.5L + 10H mm

0.4 to 0.6 m clear distance from
L – span in m
bearing to the edge of pier
H - Ht of support in m
Plan of Pier
1. Vertical loads
• Self wt. of Pier
• Dead & Superimposed Dead Load from Superstructure
• Live Load
• Earthquake load (vertical component)
• Wind load (vertical component)
• Uplift by braking effort
• Buoyancy

2. Horizontal loads
• Force due to Braking Effort
• Force due to Frictional Resistance of Bearing
• Wind Load
• Force due to Earthquake
• Force due to Hydrodynamic Pressure
• Force induced by creep, shrinkage and temperature variation
• Force due to Water Current
Design of RC Pier
Loads on Pier
Dead load from deck • Find Self wt of railing, kerb/footpath, wearing course, slab ,
(vertical) cross beam and main beam per unit length of pier
Weight / Length of Pier

Live load from deck • Find maximum live load per unit length of pier
(vertical) Live Load on Pier / Length of Pier

Load due to temperature • Find temperature variation range T

variation from deck • Find movement of deck at free end of deck
(horizontal) T× Coefficient of Thermal Expansion × Span of Deck
Load is necessary to calculate when • Find shear stiffness of bearing from manufacturer’s list
adjacent spans of superstructure varies
in their span Horizontal load requires for unit deformation
• Find horizontal load on each bearing H
H = Shear Stiffness × Movement of Deck
Or H = A×G×Movement of deck/Thickness of bearing
• Find total horizontal load per unit length of pier
(Horizontal Load on a Bearing × No. of Bearings) / Length of Pier

Load due to • Find force due to earthquake Feq from superstructure and
earthquake in substructure in longitudinal direction of bridge and find force due to
longitudinal and earthquake Feq from superstructure and substructure in transverse
transverse direction of direction of bridge
(horizontal) Feq = Z/2× I/R × Sa/g × W
• Find pressure P due to water current of river in transverse direction
Load due to water in of bridge
transverse direction of
bridge (horizontal) P = 52K v2
• Find the force exerted by water pressure along and across the river.

Fwc = At × 52K (v cos 200)2 along the river

Fwc = Al × 52K (v sin 200)2 along the river

Load due to buoyancy • Find submerged volume of pier in water

effect (vertical)
• Find the force exerted by buoyancy effect

Fbu = volume of pier × unit wt of water

Load due to • Find force exerted by hydrodynamic pressure

pressure (horizontal) Fhyd = C × horizontal seismic coefficient × weight of water bound by
enveloping cylinder

• Find force due to wind Fw from superstructure and substructure per

Load due to wind in
unit length of pier in longitudinal and transverse direction of bridge
longitudinal and
transverse direction of
FT w = pACD G
bridge (horizontal)
FL w = fraction of FT w
Design of Pier Cap and Main Stem
• Design pier cap
When bearing stress in cap does not exceed the permissible value of bearing stress in concrete, provide
reinforcement according to IRC 78 & check the thickness of cap for punching shear.
[Refer abutment design]

• Design main stem of pier as a RC column

When design axial load on abutment ≤ 0.1fck A, pier is designed as RC cantilever slab
When design axial load on abutment > 0.1fck A, pier is designed as RC column
[Refer abutment design]

• Carry out detailing of reinforcement [Refer Cl. 16.3, IRC 112]

Vertical Reinforcement
✓ Dia. of bar≥ 12mm, ≤ 40 mm
✓ Total area steel of vertical bar 0.0024 to 0.04 of area of concrete
✓ area of bar in one face ≥ 0.0012
✓ Spacing of vertical bars ≤ 200 mm

Horizontal Reinforcement
✓ Area of horizontal reinforcement ≥ 25% of total area of vertical bars
≥ 0.001 of concrete area
✓ Spacing of horizontal bars ≤ 300 mm
✓ Dia of bar ≥ 8mm or one fourth dia of vertical bars

Transverse Reinforcement
✓ If the area of load carrying vertical bar in two faces > 0.02 × area of concrete theses bars
should be enclosed by stirrups
Reinforcement of Pier

Cross section at A-A

Design of RC Abutment with Spread Footing

Problem Statement

Design RC Abutment for a 12 m span T-Beam Bridge to meet the following requirements.
❖ Type of Bridge – T-Beam bridge of 12 m span
❖ Depth of T –Beam - 1 m
❖ Carriage way – Single lane without footpath
❖ Height of Abutment – 7 m
❖ Back fill characteristics – Angle of internal friction of soil (∅) = 350
Unit weight of soil ( 𝜸𝒔𝒐𝒊𝒍 ) = 18 KN/m3 , Backfill slope (i) = 00
❖ Allowable bearing capacity of bearing strata – 300 KN/m2
❖ Bearing size – 250 mm × 400 mm × 64 mm

In the example, RC Abutment has been designed in the following steps.
I. Planning and Preliminary Design
Design of abutment is started with the planning of shape, sizes and selection materials
of abutment. In this stage, approximate sizes of abutment stem, bridge seating,
abutment cap and footing are found.

II. Analysis and Design of Abutment Cap

In this stage, loads on abutment cap are assessed for different combinations of loads
and cap of abutment are designed and detailed for maximum responses.
(Refer IRC 6, IRC 21, IRC 78 and IRC 112, IS456, SP16 and SP34 for RC design and detailing)

III. Analysis and Design of Abutment Stem and Dirt Wall

In this stage, loads on abutment stem and dirt wall are assessed for different
combinations of loads, maximum responses to loads at critical sections are found,
stability of abutment is checked and critical sections of abutment are designed and
detailed for maximum responses.
(Refer IRC 6, IRC 21, IRC 78 and IRC 112, IS456, SP16 and SP34 for RC design and detailing)

IV. Analysis and Design of Spread Footing

After the design of abutment stem, footing of abutment is designed. Responses of
footing at its centroidal axes are calculated first and then critical sections of footing are
designed for BM and SF.

Design Example of RC Abutment with Spread Footing Page 1

Prepared by NC Sharma
I. Planning and Preliminary Design

A. Selection of Type of Abutment

Abutment may be of masonry or reinforced cement concrete. Masonry is technically /
economically feasible up to 5m height of abutment. In the particular case, abutment is
greater than 5 m height. So reinforced concrete wall type abutment has been selected.

B. Material Selection

❖ M20 grade of concrete for abutment stem
❖ M25 grade of concrete for abutment cap
❖ Fe 415 HYSD bars for all RC work

C. Geometry of Abutment

❖ Seating width = 0.665 m

Minimum seating width = 305 + 2.5 × span + 10× Ht. of abutment [Ref. Cl. 219.9, IRC 6]
= 305 + 2.5 × 12 + 10 × 7 = 405 mm
Seating width ≥ Bearing width + 150 mm + Projection of cap + Width of Expansion Joint
= 0.4 + 0.15 + 0.075 + 0.04 = 0.665 m
Width of Expansion joint ≥ 12 × 103 × 0.000011/ 0C × 500 × ½ = 3.3 mm
≥ 5 × 10-4 × 12 × 103 × ½ = 3 mm and ≥ 20 mm
Adopt 40mm

❖ Height of dirt wall = Depth of girder + height of bearing – thickness of approach slab
= 1 + 0.064 – 0.3 m = 0.764 m

❖ Thickness of dirt wall = 0.25 m

𝐻𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑑𝑖𝑟𝑡 𝑤𝑎𝑙𝑙
Thickness of dirt wall ≥ 200 mm and = 0.152 m

❖ Width of stem of abutment = 0.8 m

Width of stem ≈ = 0.7 𝑚
Width of stem ≥ thickness of dirt wall + seating width – projection = 0.665 + 0.25 -0.075 = 0.84 m

❖ Thickness of footing = 1 m
𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑐𝑘𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑓𝑜𝑜𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 ≈ = 0.875 𝑚

❖ Width of footing (B) = 5.5 m

B ≈ 0.75 H = 5.25 m
𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑓𝑜𝑜𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 1.5 × 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑠
B≥ ≈ 𝐴𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑜𝑖𝑙 × 𝐿𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝑓𝑜𝑜𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔
𝐿𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝑓𝑜𝑜𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔

Design Example of RC Abutment with Spread Footing Page 2

Prepared by NC Sharma
❖ Thickness of abutment cap = 300 mm
Minimum thickness of cap = 200mm

❖ Length of abutment = 4.2 m

Length of abutment ≥ C/C distance between girders + Width of bearing + 2 × Clearance
= 3 m + 0.25 m + 2 × 0.4 m = 4.05

❖ Size of Approach slab = 3.5 m × 4.25 m × 0.3 m

Expansion Joint of 40 mm

3.5 m
0.3 m

0.764 m 1m
0.25 m
0.3 m 0.875 m

250 mm × 400 mm × 64 mm
Elastomeric Bearing

4.636 m 0.25 m
0.4 m 0.875 m
0.25 m mx
3m 0.6 m
4.2 m
3m 0.8 m 1.7 m

5.5 m

Cross Section of Abutment Plan of Abutment at Bearing Level

Design Example of RC Abutment with Spread Footing Page 3

Prepared by NC Sharma
II. Analysis and Design of Abutment Cap
Check thickness of abutment cap for punching shear
𝜏𝑢𝑣 ≤ 𝑘𝑠 𝜏𝑐
𝑊ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒, 𝜏𝑢𝑣 = 459.06 × 1.5×1000 /(2 × 400 + 2 × d + 2× 250 + 2 × d) × d = 1.184 N/mm2
𝑘𝑠 𝜏𝑐 = 1.25 𝑁/𝑚𝑚2, 𝑘𝑠 = 1 + 𝛽𝑐 = 1, 𝜏𝑐 = 0.25√𝑓𝑐𝑘 = 1.25
𝑑 = 300 − 40 − = 252 𝑚𝑚

Take area of steel AS = 1 % of area of cap and distribute these bars equally at top and
bottom of cap. [Refer IRC 78 CL. 716.2]
❖ As in longitudinal direction of abutment
= 1% of 300 × 875 = 2625 mm2, As on one side = 2625/2 = 1312.5 mm2
Take 12 mm ∅ bar, n = 11.6, Adopt n =12
❖ As in transverse direction of abutment
= 1% of 300 × 4200 = 12600 mm2 As on one side = 12600/2 = 6300 mm2
Take 12 mm ∅ bar n = 55.7 Adopt n = 56
In transverse direction bars are provided in the forms of stirrups.

In addition, two layers of mesh reinforcement, each consisting 6 mm ∅ @ 75 mm c/c in

both directions one at 20 mm and other at 100 mm from the top of cap are provided
directly under the bearing.

12 – 12 mm dia.

56 – 12 mm dia.
300 mm
Mesh of 6 mm dia. @ 75 mm c/c
875 mm in both directions

Abutment Cap

Design Example of RC Abutment with Spread Footing Page 4

Prepared by NC Sharma
III. Analysis and Design of Abutment Stem
Load Calculation

1. DL from superstructure [Refer bearing design]

= Wt. of railing + Wt. of kerb + Wt. of slab + Wt. of main beam + Wt. of cross beam
= 28.21 + 93.75 + 359.2 + 150 + 38 = 669.16 KN
Load on an abutment per unit length (DLss) = = 79.66 KN/m
2. Weight of wearing Coat [Refer bearing design]
= 84.15 KN
Load on an abutment per unit length (DL wc) = = 10.02 KN/m
3. Weight of approach slab [Take half of total weight of approach slab]
= 0.3 × 3.5 × 4.25 × 25 × 1/2 = 55.78 KN
Load on an abutment per unit length (DL Ap.S) = = 13.28 KN/m
4. LL from superstructure

14.625 KN/ m

114 × 1.25 KN 68 × 1.25 KN 68 × 1.25 KN 68 × 1.25 KN

114 × 1.25 KN

1 0.9 0.54 0.292 0.042

1.2 m 4.3 m 2 3m 3m
12 m

ILD of reaction at support

with Class A and UDL

LL = 114 × 1.25 × (1 + 0.9) + 68 × 1.25 × (0.542 + 0.292 + 0.042) + 14.625 × 12.5 × 0.5 = 436.61 KN
Load on an abutment per unit length (LL) = = 103.95 KN/m

5. Load from braking effort [Refer bearing design]

Horizontal braking load per unit length (Fbr ) = = 10.29 KN/m
Vertical reaction due to braking load per unit length (FbrV) = 𝟖. 𝟏𝟖 × = 3.90 KN/m

Design Example of RC Abutment with Spread Footing Page 5

Prepared by NC Sharma
6. Wind load [Refer bearing design]
Transverse Wind load per unit length FwT = 𝟒.𝟐×𝟐 = 3.58 KN/m
Longitudinal Wind load per unit length FWL = 𝟒.𝟐×𝟐 = 0.90 KN/m

Vertical Wind load per unit length FWV = 𝟒.𝟐×𝟐 = 4.53 KN/m

7. Seismic Load due to the DL and LL from superstructure

𝑍 𝐼 𝑆𝑎
Seismic load (FSh) =2×𝑅× 𝑔
×𝑊 [Refer Cl. 219, IRC 6]

FShL = 113 KN in longitudinal direction of bridge

FShT = 126 KN in transverse direction of bridge

Take, Seismic Zone - V, Soil Strata - Medium, Damping - 5 %, Bridge Class - Normal
Ah = 𝛼ℎ = × × 𝑎 = 0.15; Z = 0.36, I = 1, R = 3, 𝑎 = 2.5
2 𝑅 𝑔 𝑔
W = 753.31 KN in longitudinal direction
W = 753.31 + 0.2 × (2 × 114 + 3 × 68) = 839.71 KN in transverse direction
Seismic load in transverse direction per unit length FShT = 𝟒.𝟐×𝟐= 15 KN/m
Seismic load in longitudinal direction per unit length FShL = 𝟒.𝟐×𝟐 = 13.45 KN/m

Vertical reaction due to seismic load on support of bridge (FSv)

Seismic loads acts on c. g. of seismic weight. It creates additional vertical load on support. Consider c. g.
of seismic weight = 0.9 m from bearing.

Vertical reaction on abutment per unit length when seismic load acts in trans. dir.
𝟏𝟐𝟔 × 𝟎.𝟗
FSvT = = 4.5 KN
Vertical reaction on abutment per unit length when seismic load acts in long. dir.
FSvL = = 2.02 KN

8. Load due to temperature variation, creep and shrinkage effect

∆ 3.125
Load on two bearings due to CST = ×G×A= × 1× 250 × 400 × 2 = 9.77 KN
ℎ0 64
Load per unit length Fcst = = 2.33 KN/m

9. Self-weight of Abutment
Self weight = (0.764 × 0.25 + 0.3 × 0.875 + 0.8 × 4.636) × 4.2 × 25 = 437.04 KN
Load per unit length DLAb = = 104.06 KN/m

Design Example of RC Abutment with Spread Footing Page 6

Prepared by NC Sharma
10. Seismic load due to the self weight of abutment
𝑍 𝐼 𝑆𝑎 0.36 1
FS AbthT = FS AbthL = 2
×𝑅× 𝑔
×W= × 3 × 2.5 × 437.04 = 65.56 KN
Load per unit length FS AbthT = = 15.64 KN/m

11. Load due to static earth pressure

Load due to active earth pressure has been found by Coulomb’s Theory.

PA = 0.5 × 𝛾soil × H2 × KA = 107.6 KN/m

Where PA
𝑐𝑜𝑠 2 (𝜑−𝛼) 1 δ
KA = × 2 = 0.244
𝑐𝑜𝑠 2 𝛼×𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝛿+𝛼) sin(𝜑+𝛿) × sin(𝜑−𝑖) 1/2 0.42H
{1+ ( ) }
cos(𝛼−𝑖) × cos(𝛼+𝛿)
KA γs H
𝜑 = 350 , i = 00, 𝛿 = × 350 ≈ 240 , 𝛼 = 00, 𝛾 soil = 18 KN/m3, H= 7 m
3 Static Earth Pressure

Horizontal component of load per unit length PEPH(s) = PA cos (24°) = 98.3 KN/m
Vertical component of load per unit length PEPV(s) = PA sin (24°) = 43.77 KN/m

12. Load due to dynamic earth pressure

Load due to active earth pressure has been found by Mononobe Okabe Theory.

PA= 0.5 × 𝛾soil × H 2 × KAdyn = 176.4 KN/m

dyn 𝑐𝑜𝑠2 (𝜑−𝛼−𝜓) 1
KA = ( 1 ± αv ) 2 × 2 = 0.4
𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜓×𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝛼×𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝛿+𝛼+𝜓) sin(𝜑+𝛿) × sin(𝜑−𝑖−𝜓 ) 1/2
{1+ ( ( ) }
cos 𝛼−𝑖) × cos(𝛼+𝛿+𝜓 )

𝜑 = 350 , i = 00, 𝛿 = 3 × 350 ≈ 240 , 𝛼 = 00
𝑍 𝐼 𝑆𝑎 2
αh= × × = 0.15, αv = 0.15 × 3= 0.1 H
2 𝑅 𝑔 δ
ψ= tan-1 ( ) = 7.77° and 9.47° 0.6H
1 ± 𝛼𝑣

𝛾soil = 18 KN/m3, H= 7 m KA dynγs H

Dynamic Earth Pressure

Horizontal component of load per unit length PEPH(d) = PA cos(24°) = 161.15 KN/m
Vertical component of load per unit length PEPV(d ) = PA sin(24°) = 71.75 KN/m

Design Example of RC Abutment with Spread Footing Page 7

Prepared by NC Sharma
13. Surcharge load
1.2 m earth fill from road surface is taken as surcharge load.
Psur = KA × 𝛾s × h × ht. of stem = 0.244 × 18 ×1.2 × 7 = 36.89 KN/m
Horizontal component of load per unit length PsurH = Psur cos (24°) = 33.7 KN/m
Vertical component of load per unit length PsurV = Psur sin (24°) = 15 KN/m

14. Backfill weight on heel slab of footing

WBF = (7 – 1 – 0.3) × 3 × 4.2 × 18 = 1292.76 KN
Load per unit length WBF = = 307.8 KN/m

15. Weight of footing

WFooting = 1 × 5.5 × 4.2 × 25 = 577.5 KN
Load per unit length WFooting = = 137.5 KN/m

Analysis of Abutment Stem

In the example, responses of abutment at bottom and at 2 m from the bottom for basic combination
and seismic combination of loads have been calculated. Loads taken are vertical and longitudinal
loads. Although seismic and wind load in transverse direction are greater than seismic and wind load
in longitudinal direction, reduction in earth pressure and other loads in transverse directions make the
longitudinal direction’s load critical.
[Refer annex B, Table 3.2, IRC 6-2010]

0.25 m
0.4 m 0.875 mm
x x
0.25 m
3m 0.6 m
4.2 m

Sectional Plan of Abutment at

the Level of Bearing

Design Example of RC Abutment with Spread Footing Page 8

Prepared by NC Sharma
Responses of abutment at its bottom in basic combination of loads

Load Dist. from Eccentricity Pu Mux Muy Hx Hy

(KN) bottom (m) (KN) (KN-m) (KN-m) (KN) (KN)
x (m) y (m)
DLss 79.66 1.35 0.015 107.54 1.62 0
DLwc 10.02 1.75 0.015 17.54 0.26 0
DLAp.S 13.28 1.35 - 0.29 17.93 - 5.2 0
LL 103.95 1.5 0.015 155.93 2.34 0
Fbr 10.29 1.15 5 0 0 59.17 11.84
Fbr 3.90 1.15 0.015 4.49 0.07 0
FWL 0.90 1.5 5 0 0 6.75 1.35
Fcst 2.33 1.5 5 0 0 17.48 3.5
DLAb 104.06 1.35 0 140.48 0 0
PEP 43.77 1.5 - 0.4 65.66 - 26.26 0
PEP 98.30 1.5 1.94 0 0 286.05 147.45
Psur 15 1.2 - 0.4 18 -7.2 0
Psur 33.70 1.2 2.5 0 0 101.1 40.44
Total 527.57 436.08 204.58

Responses of abutment at its bottom in Seismic Combination of loads

Load Dist. from Pu Mux Muy Hx Hy
(KN) bottom (m) (KN) (KN-m) (KN-m) (KN) (KN)
x (m) y (m)

DLss 79.66 1 0.015 79.66 1.2 0

DLwc 10.02 1 0.015 10.02 0.15 0
DLAp.S 13.28 1 - 0.29 13.28 - 3.85 0
LL 103.95 0.2 0.015 20.79 0.31 0
Fbr 10.29 0.2 5 0 0 10.29 2.06
Fbr 3.90 0.2 0.015 0.78 0.01 0
FS hL 13.45 1 5 0 0 67.25 13.45
FS vL 2.02 1 0.015 2.02 0.03 0
Fcst 2.33 1 5 0 0 11.65 2.33
DLAb 104.06 1 0 104.06 0 0
FS Abt 15.64 1 2.5 0 0 39.1 15.64
PEP 71.75 1 - 0.4 71.75 - 28.7 0
PEP 161.15 1 3.2 0 0 515.68 161.15
Psur 15 0.2 - 0.4 3.000 - 1.2 0
PsurH 33.70 0.2 2.5 0 0 16.85 6.74
Total 305.36 628.77 201.37

Design Example of RC Abutment with Spread Footing Page 9

Prepared by NC Sharma
Responses of abutment at 2 m from its bottom in basic combination of loads

Load Dist. from Eccentricity Pu Mux Muy Hx Hy

(KN) bottom (m) (KN) (KN-m) (KN-m) (KN) (KN)
x (m) y (m)
DLss 79.66 1.35 0.015 107.54 1.62 0
DLwc 10.02 1.75 0.015 17.54 0.26 0
DLAp.S 13.28 1.35 - 0.29 17.93 - 5.2 0
LL 103.95 1.5 0.015 155.93 2.34 0
Fbr 10.29 1.15 3 0 0 59.17 11.84
Fbr 3.90 1.15 0.015 4.49 0.07 0
FWL 0.90 1.5 3 0 0 6.75 1.35
Fcst 2.33 1.5 3 0 0 17.48 3.5
DLAb 64.06 1.35 0 86.48 0 0
PEP 14.29 1.5 - 0.4 21.44 - 8.57 0
PEP 32.1 1.5 1.68 0 0 80.9 48.15
Psur 8.57 1.2 - 0.4 10.3 - 4.11 0
Psur 19.26 1.2 2 0 0 46.22 23.11
Total 421.61 196.91 87.95

Responses of abutment at 2 m from its bottom in Seismic Combination of loads

Load Dist. from Pu Mux Muy Hx Hy
(KN) bottom (m) (KN) (KN-m) (KN-m) (KN) (KN)
x (m) y (m)

DLss 79.66 1 0.015 79.66 1.2 0

DLwc 10.02 1 0.015 10.02 0.15 0
DLAp.S 13.28 1 - 0.29 13.28 - 3.85 0
LL 103.95 0.2 0.015 20.79 0.31 0
Fbr 10.29 0.2 3 0 10.29 2.06
Fbr 3.90 0.2 0.015 0.78 0.01 0
FS hL 13.45 1 3 0 67.25 13.45
FS vL 2.02 1 0.015 2.02 0.03 0
Fcst 2.33 1 3 0 11.65 2.33
DLAb 64.06 1 0 64.06 0 0
FS Abt 9.61 1 1.47 0 14.13 9.61
PEP 23.43 1 - 0.4 23.43 - 9.4 0
PEP 52.62 1 2.4 0 126.3 52.62
Psur 8.57 0.2 - 0.4 1.71 - 0.68 0
PsurH 19.26 0.2 2 0 7.70 3.85
Total 215.75 225.09 83.92

Design Example of RC Abutment with Spread Footing Page 10

Prepared by NC Sharma
Design of Abutment Stem

Results of analysis shows that maximum design axial load (Pu = 527.57 KN) is less than 0.1 fck Ac
(0.1 × 20 × 1000 × 800 × 10-3 = 1600 KN ). For the case, where Pu ≤ 0.1 fck Ac , compression member is
treated as a flexure member. So in the example abutment stem has been designed as a cantilever slab.

Since design bending moment is higher in seismic combination of loads, design of abutment stem has
been carried out for seismic combination of loads only.

Design of bottom section

Check depth of slab

d = D – CC – ø/2 = 800 – 50 – 25/2 = 737.5 mm

𝑀𝑢 628.77 × 106
𝑑𝑏𝑎𝑙 = √ =√ = 477.3 mm Where, Q = 0.36 fck× 0.48 × (1 – 0.416 × 0.48) = 2.76
𝑄×𝑏 2.76×1000
dprov > dbal

Find reinforcing bars

Since dprov > dbal , section is designed as Singly Reinforced Under-Reinforced Section (SRURS).
In the example, section design has been carried out by using SP 16.

a. Main vertical bars (vertical bars in the side of backfill)

𝑀𝑢 628.77 × 106
Find 2
= = 1.156, pt = 0.345 %
𝑏×𝑑 1000×737.52
𝑠 = × 1000 × 737.5 = 2544.4 mm2
Provide 25 mm ∅ bar @ 150 mm c/c, 𝐴𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣
𝑠 = 3269.22 mm2, ptprov = 0.443 %

b. Outer vertical reinforcement (vertical bars in the side of river)

[Refer detailing criteria of IRC 112-2011 and IS 4]
Take 0.12 % of gross sectional area of abutment as outer vertical reinforcement
As = 100 × 1000 × 800 = 960 mm2
Provide 16 mm ∅ bar @ 200 mm c/c, 𝐴𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣
𝑠𝑡 = 1005.31 mm2, ptprov= 0.136 %

c. Horizontal Reinforcement
Take, As = 0.1% of stem area of abutment or 25% of main vertical bars
= 0.001 × 800 × 4636 = 3708.8 mm2 Provide 17 - 12 mm ∅ on each face of abutment

Design Example of RC Abutment with Spread Footing Page 11

Prepared by NC Sharma
Check bottom section for shear

Check 𝜏𝑢𝑣 ≤ K 𝜏𝑢𝑐

𝐻𝑦 204.58×1000
𝜏𝑢𝑣 = 𝑏𝑑 = 1000 × 737.5 = 0.28 N/mm2
𝜏𝑢𝑐 = 0.51 N/mm2 for M20 and pt = 0.443 %
𝜏𝑢𝑐,𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 3.1 N/mm2
K =1 [Refer table 19 & 20, IS 456]

𝑆𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝜏𝑢𝑣 < K 𝜏𝑢𝑐 , shear reinforcement is not required.

Design of abutment section at 2 m from its bottom

Check depth of slab

d = D – CC – ø/2 = 800 – 50 – 25/2 = 737.5 mm

𝑀𝑢 225.09 × 106
𝑑𝑏𝑎𝑙 = √ =√ = 285.6 mm Where, Q = 0.36 fck × 0.48 × (1 – 0.416 × 0.48) = 2.76
𝑄×𝑏 2.76×1000
dprov > dbal

Find reinforcing bars

Since dprov > dbal , section is designed as Singly Reinforced Under-Reinforced Section (SRURS). In
the example, section design has been carried out by using SP 16.

a. Main vertical bars (vertical bars in the side of backfill)

𝑀𝑢 225.09 × 106
Find 2
= = 0.414, pt = 0.117 % < pt min = 0.12%
𝑏×𝑑 1000×737.52
𝑠 = 100 × 1000 × 737.5 = 885 mm2
Provide 25 mm ∅ bar @ 300 mm c/c, 𝐴𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣
𝑠 = 1636.25 mm2, ptprov = 0.22 %

Curtail half of main vertical bars (bars designed for bottom section of abutment) at 2.74 m
(2 m + d) from the bottom of abutment.

b. Horizontal Reinforcement
Take, As = 0.1% of stem area of abutment or 25% of main vertical bars
= 0.001 × 800 × 4636 = 3708.8 mm2 Provide 17 - 12 mm ∅ on each face of abutment

Design Example of RC Abutment with Spread Footing Page 12

Prepared by NC Sharma
Design of Dirt Wall

Design the dirt wall as a cantilever slab of span 1.064 m. Consider basic combination and
seismic combination of loads to determine the responses of dirt wall.
Here seismic combination is considered for design. Dirt wall have been designed as a
cantilever slab of unit width. Detailing of wall is carried out as specified by
IRC 112 - 2011 Cl. 16.3.

Surcharge load = 1.2 × 18 × KADyn × 1.064 × 1 = 9.19 KN/m

Load due to earth pressure = 2 × KADyn × 18 × 1.0642× 1= 4.1 KN/m
Seismic load due to weight of dirt wall (Ah × W) = 0.15 × 1.064 × 0.25 × 25 × 1 = 1 KN/m
Mu at bottom = 9.19 × 1.064/2 + 4.1 × 0.6 × 1.064 + 1 × 1.064/2 = 8.04 KN-m
𝑀𝑢 8.04 × 106
= = 0.2, pt = 0.08 % < pt min = 0.12 %
𝑏×𝑑 2 1000×204 2
Take pt = 0.12% Ast = 100 × 1000 × 250 = 300 mm2

Provide 12 mm ∅ bar @ 200 mm c/c at both sides of dirt wall

Provide 10 mm ∅ bar @ 250 mm c/c as horizontal reinforcement

Check bottom of slab for shear

Total shear at bottom of dirt wall = 9.19 + 4.1 + 1 = 14.29 KN
𝑉𝑢 14.19×1000
Nominal Shear Stress 𝜏𝑢𝑣 = = = 0.07N/mm2
𝑏𝑑 1000×204
𝑆𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝜏𝑢𝑣 < K 𝜏𝑢𝑐 , no shear reinforcement requires.

10mm dia. @ 250 mm c/c

12mm dia. @ 200 mm c/c

764 mm

875 mm

Design Example of RC Abutment with Spread Footing Page 13

Prepared by NC Sharma
Stability Check
Stability of abutment is checked for overturning and sliding. In the following table
overturning moment and restoring moment about the toe of footing of abutment and
shear at the base of footing have been calculated.

Stability check for basic combination of loads

γf Lever Overturning Restoring Shear Vertical

Arm Moment Moment Force Load
Overturning Restoring (m) (KN-m) (KN-m) (KN) (KN)

DLss 79.66 0.95 2.085 0 157.78 0 75.68

DLwc 10.02 1 2.085 0 20.89 0 10.02
DLAp.S 13.28 0.95 2.375 0 29.96 0 12.17
LL 103.95 0 2.085 0 0 0 0
FbrH 10.29 1.15 6 71 0 11.84 0
Fbr 3.90 0 2.085 0 0 0 0
FWL 0.90 1.50 6 8.1 0 1.350 0
Fcst 2.33 1.50 6 20.97 0 3.5 0
DLAb 104.06 0.95 2.1 0 207.6 0 98.86
PEP 43.77 0 2.5 0 0 0 0
PEP 98.30 1.50 2.94 433.51 0 147.45 0
PsurV 15 0 2.5 0 0 0 0
PsurH 33.70 1.20 3.5 141.54 0 40.44 0
WBF 307.8 0.95 4 0 1169.64 0 292.41
WFooting 137.5 0.95 2.75 0 359.22 0 130.63
Total 675.12 1945.1 204.58 619.77

Total Overturning moment = 675.12 KN-m

Total Restoring moment= 1945.1 KN-m
Total Shear at base of footing = 204.58 KN
Total Vertical Load at base of footing = 619.77 KN

𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝑹𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑴𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕
a. = 𝟐. 𝟖𝟖 > 2 (Safe in overturning)
𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒎𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕
𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝑹𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑽×𝒕𝒂𝒏∅
b. = = 𝟐. 𝟏𝟐 > 1.5 (Safe in sliding)
𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝒂𝒕 𝒃𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝑯

Design Example of RC Abutment with Spread Footing Page 14

Prepared by NC Sharma
Stability check for seismic combination of loads

γf Lever Overturning Restoring Shear Vertical

Arm Moment Moment Force Load
Overturning Restoring (m) (KN-m) (KN-m) (KN) (KN)

DLss 79.66 1 2.085 0 166.1 0 79.66

DLwc 10.02 1 2.085 0 20.89 0 10.02
DLAp.S 13.28 1 2.375 0 31.54 0 13.28
LL 103.95 0 2.085 0 0 0 0
FbrH 10.29 0.2 6 12.35 0 2.06 0
Fbr 3.90 0 2.085 0 0 0 0
FS 13.45 1 6 80.7 0 13.45 0
FS 2.02 0 2.085 0 0 0.000 0
Fcst 2.33 0.5 6 6.99 0 1.17 0
DLAb 104.06 1 2.1 0 218.53 0 104.06
FS Abt 15.64 1 3.32 51.92 0 15.64 0
PEP 71.75 0 2.5 0 0 0 0
PEPH(D) 161.15 1 4.2 676.83 0 161.15 0
Psur 15 2.5
Psur 33.70 3.5
WBF 307.8 1 4 0 1231.2 0 307.8
WFooting 137.5 1 2.75 0 378.13 0 137.5
Total 828.79 2046.39 193.47 652.32

Total Overturning moment = 828.79 KN-m

Total Restoring moment = 2046.39 KN-m
Total Shear at base of footing = 193.47 KN
Total Vertical Load at base of footing = 652.32 KN

𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝑹𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑴𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕
a. = 2.47 > 1.5 (Safe in overturning)
𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒎𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕
𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝑹𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑽×𝒕𝒂𝒏∅
b. = = 2.36 > 1.25 (Safe in sliding)
𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝒂𝒕 𝒃𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝑯

Abutment is safe in stability for basic and seismic combination of loads.

Design Example of RC Abutment with Spread Footing Page 15

Prepared by NC Sharma
IV. Analysis and Design of Spread Footing

Analysis of Spread Footing

Responses of footing at its base in basic combination of loads

Dist. from Eccentricity

Load Pu Mux’ Muy’ Hx’ Hy’
γf bottom
(KN) (KN) (KN-m) (KN-m) (KN) (KN)
(m) X’ (m) Y’ (m)
DLss 79.66 1.35 0.665 107.54 71.52
DLwc 10.02 1.75 0.665 17.54 11.66
DLAp.S 13.28 1.35 0.375 17.93 6.72
LL 103.95 1.5 0.665 155.93 103.69
Fbr 10.29 1.15 6 0 0 71 11.84
Fbr 3.90 1.15 0.665 4.49 2.98 0
FWL 0.90 1.5 6 0 0 8.1 1.35
Fcst 2.33 1.5 6 0 0 20.97 3.5
DLAb 104.06 1.35 0.65 140.48 91.31
PEP 43.77 1.5 0.25 65.66 16.41 0
PEPH(s) 98.30 1.5 2.94 0 0 433.5 147.45
PsurV 15 1.2 0.25 18 4.5 0
Psur 33.70 1.2 3.5 0 0 141.54 40.44
WBF 307.8 1.35 -1.25 415.53 -519.41
WFooting 137.5 1.35 0 185.63
Total 1128.73 464.49 204.58

X’ X
5.5 m
3m 0.8 m 1.7 m

Y’ 1m Y’

0.65 m

X’ X

Design Example of RC Abutment with Spread Footing Page 16

Prepared by NC Sharma
Responses of footing at its base in seismic combination of loads
Dist. Eccentricity
from Muy’ Hx’
Load Pu Mux’ Hy’
γf X’ Y’ (KN-
KN/m bottom (KN) (KN-m) (KN) (KN)
(m) (m) m)
DLss 79.66 1 0.665 79.66 52.98
DLwc 10.02 1 0.665 10.02 6.66
DLAp.S 13.28 1 0.375 13.28 4.98
LL 103.95 0.2 0.665 20.79 13.83
Fbr 10.29 0.2 6 12.35 2.06
Fbr 3.90 0.2 0.665 0.78 0.52
FS 13.45 1 6 80.7 13.45
FS 2.02 1 0.665 2.02 1.34
Fcst 2.33 1 6 13.98 2.33
DLAb 104.06 1 0.65 104.06 67.64
FS AbthL 15.64 1 3.32 51.93 15.64
PEP 71.75 1 0.25 71.75 17.94
PEP 161.15 1 4.2 676.83 161.15
Psur 15 0.2 0.25 3 0.75
Psur 33.70 0.2 3.5 23.59 6.74
WBF 307.8 1 -1.25 307.8 -384.75
WFooting 137.5 1 0 137.5
Total 750.66 641.27 201.37

Design of Spread Footing

Upward pressure of soil

Basic Combination
𝑃𝑢 𝑀𝑢𝑥 ′ 𝑦 1128.73 464.49 × 2.75
pu = ± = ± = 297.39 KN/m2 and 113.06 KN/m2
𝑨 𝐼𝑥′𝑥′ 5.5 13.86

Seismic Combination
𝑃𝑢 𝑀𝑢𝑥 ′ 𝑦 750.66 641.27 × 2.75
pu = ± = ± = 263.72 KN/m2 and 9.25 KN/m2
𝑨 𝐼𝑥′𝑥′ 5.5 13.86
Ix′x′ = = 13.86 m4, y = 2.75 m A = 1 × 5.5 = 5.5 m2

Design Example of RC Abutment with Spread Footing Page 17

Prepared by NC Sharma
Since BM and SF become maximum in basic combination of loads, footing has been designed
only for basic combination of loads.
Critical section for BM

d d = 1000 – 75 – 20/2 = 915 mm

1000 mm Critical section for SF


271.08 KN/m2
182.94 KN/m2
297.39 KN/m2
113.06 KN/m2

213.6 KN/m2 240.41 KN/m2

Soil Upward Pressure

Analysis of footing
Find Maximum BM at face of abutment and one-way shear at the section lying at d distance
from the face of abutment.
297.39+240.41 1.7
Maximum BM at ‘IM’ = × 1.7 × 1 × = 388.56 KN-m
2 2
113.06+213.6 3
Maximum BM at ‘IIM’ = × 3 × 1× = 734.99 KN-m
2 2
Maximum SF at ‘IV’ = × 0.785 × 1 = 223.13 KN
Maximum SF at ‘IIV’ = × 2.085 × 1= 308.58 KN

Design of footing
Check depth of footing

𝑀𝑢 734.99 × 106
𝑑𝑏𝑎𝑙 = √ =√ = 515.93 mm
𝑄×𝑏 2.76×1000

Since, d > dbal , Design the footing section as SRURS.

Design Example of RC Abutment with Spread Footing Page 18

Prepared by NC Sharma
Find reinforcing bars
• Find bottom reinforcing bars at critical section IIM
𝑀𝑢 734.99 × 106 0.6
= = 0.88, pt= 0.263 % 𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑞
𝑠𝑡 = 100 × 1000 × 915 = 2406.45 mm
𝑏×𝑑 2 1000×9152
Provide 20 mm ∅ bar @ 125 mm c/c 𝐴𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣
𝑠𝑡 = 2513.27 mm2, ptprov= 0.274%

• Find bottom reinforcing bars at critical section IM

𝑀𝑢 388.56 × 106 0.134
= = 0.47, pt = 0.134 % 𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑞
𝑠𝑡 = × 1000 × 915 = 1226.1 mm2
𝑏×𝑑 2 1000 × 9152 100
Provide 20 mm ∅ bar @ 250 mm c/c 𝐴𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣
𝑠𝑡 = 1256.6 mm2, ptprov= 0.137%

• Find reinforcing bars at top and distribution bars at bottom

Take, 0.12 % of bD for top and distribution bars
As= 100 × 1000 × 1000 = 1200 mm2
Provide 16 mm ∅ bar @ 160 mm c/c as distribution bars at bottom
Provide 16 mm ∅ bar @ 160 mm c/c at top of footing in both direction

Check depth of slab for one way shear at IV

𝑉𝑢 223.13 × 1000
Nominal Shear Stress 𝜏𝑢𝑣 = = = 0.244 N/mm2
𝑏𝑑 1000 ×915
Shear strength of section 𝜏𝑢𝑐 = 0.28 N/mm2 for M20 and pt= 0.137 %,
Maximum Shear Stress 𝜏𝑢𝑐,𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 2.8 N/mm2
Depth factor (K) =1

𝑺𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝝉𝒖𝒗 <K𝝉𝒖𝒄 , shear reinforcement is not required

Check depth of slab for one way shear at IIV

𝑉𝑢 308.58 × 1000
Nominal Shear Stress 𝜏𝑢𝑣 = = = 0.337 N/mm2
𝑏𝑑 1000 ×915
Shear strength of section 𝜏𝑢𝑐 = 0.37 N/mm2 for M20 and pt= 0.274 %,
Maximum Shear Stress 𝜏𝑢𝑐,𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 2.8 N/mm2
Depth factor (K) =1

𝑺𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝝉𝒖𝒗 <K𝝉𝒖𝒄 , shear reinforcement is not required

Design Example of RC Abutment with Spread Footing Page 19

Prepared by NC Sharma
Check development length of bar beyond the face of abutment
[Refer IRC 21- 2000 Cl. 304.6.2]

Design Anchorage length 𝑙𝑑 = 901.6 mm

𝑙𝑑 = 𝛼1 𝛼2 𝑙0
𝛼1 = 1 for bars with straight ends
𝛼2 = Bars required / Bar provided = 1256.6 = 0.98
𝑙0 = 46 ∅ = 46 × 20 = 920
Shorter length of footing provided beyond the face of abutment = 1700 – 75 = 1625 mm

Since provided length > 𝒍𝒅 , additional anchorage for bars are not required

5.5 m
3m 0.8 m 1.7 m

20 mm dia. @ 250 mm
901.6 mm

20 mm dia. @ 125 mm
16 mm dia. @ 160 mm

4.2 m

Bottom arrangement of
reinforcing bars

Design Example of RC Abutment with Spread Footing Page 20

Prepared by NC Sharma
Expansion Joint of 40 mm
250 mm × 400 mm × 64 mm
3.5 m Elastomeric Bearing
0.3 m

0.464 m 1m
0.25 m

0.3 m 0.875 m

Cross Section of

4.636 m

3m 0.8 m 1.7 m


5.5 m

Longitudinal Section of

Design Example of RC Abutment with Spread Footing Page 21

Prepared by NC Sharma
Design of RC Pier

Problem Statement

Design RC Pier for two spans T-Beam Bridge to meet the following requirements.
 Type of Bridge –Two spans T-Beam Bridge
 Effective span of T Beam on each side of pier – 12 m
 Depth of T –Beam - 1 m
 Carriage way – Single lane without footpath
 Height of Pier – 8 m
 Allowable bearing capacity of bearing strata – 300 KN/m2
 Velocity of water current – 3 m/sec
 HFL is 1.5m below the bearing level
 Bearing size – 250 mm × 400 mm × 64 mm

In the example, RC Pier has been designed in the following steps.
I. Planning and Preliminary Design
Design of pier is started with the planning of shape, sizes and selection materials of pier.
In this step, type of pier, grade of concrete, grade of steel bar, approximate sizes of pier
stem and pier cap have been found.

II. Analysis and Design of Pier Cap

In this step, loads on pier cap are assessed for different combinations of loads and cap
of pier are designed and detailed for maximum responses.
(Refer IRC 6, IRC 21, IRC 78 and IRC 112, IS456, SP16 and SP34 for RC design and detailing)

III. Analysis and Design of Pier Stem

In this step, loads on pier stem are assessed for different combinations of loads,
maximum responses to loads at critical sections are found and critical sections of pier
are designed and detailed for maximum responses.
(Refer IRC 6, IRC 21, IRC 78 and IRC 112, IS456, SP16 and SP34 for RC design and detailing)

Design Example of RC Pier Page 1

Prepared by NC Sharma
I. Planning and Preliminary Design

A. Selection of Type of Pier

Pier may be of masonry or reinforced cement concrete type. Masonry type is
technically / economically feasible up to 5m height. In the particular case, pier is 8 m
tall. So, reinforced concrete hammer head type pier has been selected.

B. Material Selection

 M20 grade of concrete for pier stem
 M25 grade of concrete for pier cap
 Fe 415 HYSD bars for all RC work

C. Geometry of Pier

 Size of Pier cap = 4400 mm × 1300 mm × 750 mm

Length of Cap (L)
1 0.4
L = C/c distance of main girder + 2 × × bearing width + 2 × 0.5 = 3 + 2 × + 2 × 0.5 = 4.4 m
2 2

Width of Cap (B)

B = 2 × project. beyond pier + 2 × 2 × 150 + 2 × bear. width = 2 × 50 + 2 × 2 × 150 + 2 × 250 = 1200 mm

Adopt B = Dia. Pier + 2 × 50 = 1300 mm

Thickness of Cap (T)

T = 0.75 m at face of pier and 0.5 m at tip of pier cap

Check the thickness of cap for punching Shear

𝜏𝑢𝑣 ≤ 𝑘𝑠 𝜏𝑢𝑐
𝑉𝑢 459.06 × 1.5 × 1000 2
Where, 𝜏𝑢𝑣 =𝑏 =2× = 0.35 N/mm
0 ×𝑑 250 + 400+560 + 560 × 560

𝑉𝑢 = Maximum Vertical load from bearings × 1.5 [Refer bearing design]

d = 610 – 40 – 20/2 = 560 mm, effective depth of cap below bearing

𝜏𝑢𝑐 = 0.25 𝑓𝑐𝑘 = 0.25 × 25 = 1.25 N/mm2

𝑘𝑠 = 1
𝑆𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝜏𝑢𝑣 ≤ 𝑘𝑠 𝜏𝑢𝑐 𝑡𝑕𝑖𝑐𝑘𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑐𝑎𝑝 𝑖𝑠 𝑠𝑎𝑓𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑝𝑢𝑛𝑐𝑕𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑕𝑒𝑎𝑟

Design Example of RC Pier Page 2

Prepared by NC Sharma
 Diameter of Stem (D) = 1200 mm
Approximate Axial Load = DL from super structure + LL from super structure + self-weight of pier
753.31 𝜋×12
= × 2 + 114 × (1 + 0.9) + 68 × (0.542 + 0.292 + 0.042) + × 8 × 25 + 5 × 1 × 0.4 × 25
2 4

= 1237 KN [Refer bearing design] Design Axial load (Pu) = 1.5 × 1237 = 1855.5 KN
𝑝 𝐴𝑔 𝑝 𝐴𝑔
Pu= 0.4fck ( Ag − ) + 0.67 × fy Take p = 0.8 % [Minimum longitudinal reinforcement]
100 100
Ag ≈ 182621 mm Diameter of stem = 483 mm > Dmin = 1000 mm

Adopt D = 1200 mm to consider debris impact, horizontal load, eccentricity of vertical load and biaxial

0.7 m 3m 0.7 m 0.55 m

0.4 m 0.4 m 0. 5 m 0.25 m 0.25 m 0. 5 m

0. 75 m 0. 75 m
1.3 m

1.2 m 1.2 m

Longitudinal Section of Pier Cross Section of Pier

0.7 m 3m 0.7 m

0.55 m 1.2 m 1.3 m

Plan at Top of Pier

Design Example of RC Pier Page 3

Prepared by NC Sharma
Load Calculation

1. DL from superstructure (without WC)

= 669.16 KN from a span (Refer abutment design)
Dead Load on a pier from both span (DLss) = × 2 = 669.16 KN

2. Weight of Wearing Coat

= 84.15 KN from a span (Refer abutment design)

Weight of WC on a pier from both span (DLwc) = × 𝟐 = 84.15 KN

3. Live load from superstructure (LL)

Case: Class A Loading

i. When loaded on only one span

114 × 1.25 KN 68 × 1.25 KN 68 × 1.25 KN 68 × 1.25 KN

114 × 1.25 KN

1 0.9 0.54 0.292 0.042

1.2 m 4.3 m 2 3m 3m
12 m

ILD of reaction at support

𝐿𝐿𝐼 = 114 × 1.25 × (1+ 0.9) + 68 × 1.25 × (0.542 + 0.292 + 0.042) = 345.21 KN

ii. When loaded on two spans

1.1 m 3.2 m 1.2 m 4.3 m 3m 3m
114 × 1.25 KN
27 × 1.25 KN 114 × 1.25 KN 68 × 1.25 KN 68 × 1.25 KN 68 × 1.25 KN
27 × 1.25 KN

0.542 0.633 0.9 1 1 0.69 0.44 0.19

12 m 12 m

ILD of reaction at support

𝐿𝐿𝐼𝐼 = 27 × 1.25 × (0.542 + 0.633) + 114 × 1.25 × (0.9 + 1) + 68 × 1.25 × (0.69 + 0.44 + 0.19)
= 422.61 KN

Design Example of RC Pier Page 4

Prepared by NC Sharma
Case: 5 KN/m2 Load
i. When loaded on only one span

𝐿𝐿𝐼 = 1.95 × 5 × ½ × 1 × 12.55 × 0.5 = 30.59 KN

ii. When loaded on two spans

𝐿𝐿𝐼𝐼 = 1.95 × 5 × ½ × 1 × 12.55 × 0.5 × 2 = 61.18 KN

Total Live Load when loaded on one span 𝑳𝑳𝑰 = 345.21 + 30.59 = 375.8 KN
Total Live Load when loaded on both span 𝑳𝑳𝑰𝑰= 422.61 + 61.18 = 483.8 KN

4. Load from braking effort

Braking load = 0.2 × (2 × 114 + 4 × 68 + 2 × 27) = 110.8 KN
Let braking load is shared by two supports
Horizontal braking load ( FbrH) = 110.8/2 = 55.4 KN
𝟓𝟓.𝟒 × 𝟐.𝟐𝟕𝟐
Vertical reaction due to braking load (FbrV) = = 10.5 KN

5. Wind load (Superstructure) [Refer Bearing Design]

Wind load in transverse direction of bridge (FwT) = 30.1 KN

Wind load in longitudinal direction (FWL) = 7.53KN
Wind load in vertical direction (FWV) = 38.04 KN

6. Wind load (Sub Structure - dry season)

Wind load in transverse direction of bridge FWT (sub) = Pd × A × G × CD
= 386.43 × 10-3 × (1.2 × 8) × 2 × 0.6 = 4.45 KN
Wind load in longitudinal direction FWL(sub)= 0.25 × FWT (sub) = 1.12 KN

7. Seismic load (Super Structure)

𝑍 𝐼 𝑆𝑎
Seismic load = × × ×W
2 𝑅 𝑔
Z = 0.36, I = 1, R = 4, = 2.5
W = 753.31 KN in longitudinal direction
W = 753.31 + 0.2 × 483.8 = 850.1 KN in transverse direction

Design Example of RC Pier Page 5

Prepared by NC Sharma
Seismic load in longitudinal direction of bridge (FSL) = 84.75 KN
Seismic load in transverse direction of bridge (FST) = 95.64 KN
𝟖𝟒.𝟕𝟒 × 𝟎.𝟗
V.Reaction due to seismic load in longitudinal direction (FSvL) = = 6.36 KN
𝟗𝟓.𝟔𝟒 × 𝟎.𝟗
V.Reaction due to seismic load in transverse direction FSvT = = 28.7 KN

8. Seismic load (Sub Structure)

Seismic loads due to self weight of pier in longitudinal and transverse direction of bridge
are equal
𝒁 𝑰 𝑺𝒂
FST(Sub) = FSL(Sub) = 𝟐 × 𝑹 × × Wpier = 33.66 KN
Z = 0.36, I = 1, R = 4, 𝑔
= 2.5
0.5 + 0.75
Wpier = 𝜋 × 0.62 × 8 − 0.75 × 25 + (1.3 × 2
× 1.6 × 2 + 0.75 × 1.2 × 1.3) × 25
= 299.24 KN

9. Load due to temperature variation, creep and shrinkage effect

The load due to temperature variation, creep and shrinkage effect from two spans acts in
opposite direction. So it is not considered in design.

10. Self-Weight of Pier

Wpier = 𝝅 × 𝟎. 𝟔𝟐 × 𝟖 − 𝟎. 𝟕𝟓 × 𝟐𝟓 + (𝟏. 𝟑 × 𝟐
× 1.6 × 2 + 1.3 × 0.75 × 1.2) × 𝟐𝟓
= 299.24 KN

11. Load due to Water Current

𝑭𝑾𝑪 𝑻 = 52 × K × (V × cos200)2 × A HFL

0 2
= 52 × 0.66 × (3 × cos20 ) × 6.5 ×1.2 × 10 -2 1.5
= 21.27 KN T FWC

1.2 m 200
𝑳 0 2
𝑭𝑾𝑪 = 52 × K × (V × sin20 ) × A 6.5 m
= 52 × 0.66 × (3 × sin200)2 × 6.5 × 1.2 × 10-2 L
1.2 m
= 2.82 KN

Design Example of RC Pier Page 6

Prepared by NC Sharma
12. Load due to hydrodynamic pressure

𝑭𝒉𝒚𝒅 𝑻 = 𝑭𝒉𝒚𝒅 𝑳 = C × 𝜶𝒉 × W = 6.20 KN

𝑍 𝐼 𝑆𝑎
Where, 𝛼𝑕 = × × = 0.1125
2 𝑅 𝑔
𝐻 6.5
C = 0.75 for 𝑅
= 0.6 = 10.83, [Refer Table 9.10, Swami Saran, Design of Sub Structure]
W = 𝜋 × 0.6 × 6.5 × 10 = 73.51 KN

13. Load due to buoyancy

𝑭𝒃𝒖𝒐𝒚 = Submerged vol. of pier × 𝜸𝒘 = 𝝅 × 𝟎. 𝟔𝟐 × 𝟔. 𝟓 × 𝟏𝟎 = 73.51 KN

II. Analysis and Design of Pier Cap

Response Calculation

0.7 m 3m 0.7 m

0.4 m 0.4 m 0. 5 m
0. 75 m
Face of pier stem
(Critical section of cap for BM and SF)

Maximum Shear Force (S.F) at face of pier stem (Basic combination)

SF at face due to DL from superstructure, LL from superstructure, VL and Self wt. of Cap

(669.16 × 1.35 + 84.15 × 1.75) + 483.8 × 1.5 + (10.5 × 1.15 + 30.8 × 1.5) + (0.5 × 1.6 × 1.3 ×
25 × 1.35 + × 1.6 × 1.3 × 25 × 1.35) = 1878.48 KN

Maximum Bending Moment (B.M) at face of pier stem (Basic combination)

BM at face due to DL from superstructure, LL from superstructure, VL and Self wt. of Cap

= [(669.16 × 1.35 + 84.15 × 1.75) + 483.8 × 1.5 + (10.5 × 1.15 + 30.8 × 1.5)] × 0.9 + 0.5 × 1.6
1.6 0.25 1.6
× 1.3 × 25 × × 1.35 + × 1.6 × 1.3 × 25 × × 1.35 = 1834.6 + 32.71 = 1867.32 KN-m
2 2 3

Design Example of RC Pier Page 7

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Check depth of Cap

d = 750 – 40 - 28/2 = 696 mm
𝑀𝑢 1867.32 × 10 6
𝑑𝑏𝑎𝑙 = = = 644.6 mm
𝑄×𝑏 3.457×1300
Where, Q = 0.36 fck × 0.48 × (1 - 0.416 × 0.48) = 3.457

𝑑 > 𝑑𝑏𝑎𝑙

Find Area of Steel

Since, 𝑑 > 𝑑𝑏𝑎𝑙 , section of pier cap is designed as SRUR section.

a. Primary Reinforcement
𝑀𝑢 1867 .32 × 10 6
Find = = 2.965
𝑏×𝑑 2 1300 ×696 2
𝑀𝑢 0.98
For = 2.965, pt= 0.98 % 𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑞
𝑠𝑡 = 100 × 1300 × 696 = 8867.04 mm
𝑏×𝑑 2

Adopt 15 - 28 mm ∅ bar 𝐴𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣

𝑠𝑡 = 9236.28 mm2, pt = 1.02%

b. Distribution Reinforcement
16 2
𝑠𝑡 = 0.25 × 𝜋 × × 15 = 2309.1 mm2

Adopt 16 mm ∅ @ 140 mm c/c

c. Temperature Reinforcement
Provide 𝐴𝑚𝑖𝑛
𝑠𝑡 per m width steel bars as temperature reinforcements in both
direction of slab at bottom. Adopt 10 mm ∅ bar @ 150 mm c/c.

Find Shear Reinforcement

𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝜏𝑢𝑣 𝑤𝑖𝑡𝑕 𝜏𝑢𝑐

𝑉𝑢 1878.48 × 1000
𝜏𝑢𝑣 = = = 2.08 N/mm2
𝑏𝑑 1300 × 696
𝜏𝑢𝑐 = 0.64 N/mm2 for M25 and pt = 1.02%
𝜏𝑢𝑐 ,𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 3.1 N/mm2
𝜏𝑢𝑣 > 𝜏𝑢𝑐 𝑎𝑛𝑑 < 𝜏𝑢𝑐 ,𝑚𝑎𝑥 . Hence, shear reinforcement requires.

Design Example of RC Pier Page 8

Prepared by NC Sharma
Take 12mm ∅ 4 - legged vertical stirrups as shear reinforcement.
0.87 𝑓𝑦 ×𝐴𝑠𝑣 ×𝑑 0.87×415×4×𝜋×62 ×696
Sv = = = 87.25 mm
𝑉𝑢 𝑛𝑒𝑡 2.08−0.64 ×1300 ×696
Sv ≤ 0.75d = 523.1 mm and ≤ 300 mm Adopt Sv = 85 mm

Provide 12 mm ∅ 4-legged vertical stirrups @ 85 mm c/c.

III. Analysis and Design of Pier Stem

In the example, responses of pier at bottom for basic combination and seismic combination of
loads have been calculated. Loads taken are vertical and longitudinal loads in first case and
vertical and transverse loads in second case. [Refer annex B, Table 3.2, IRC 6-2010]

Case I
Basic combination of loads

Dist. Eccentricity
Load from Pu Mux Muy Hx Hy
(KN) bottom x (m) y (m) (KN) (KN-m) (KN-m) (KN) (KN)
DLss 669.16 1.35 903.37 0 0
DLwc 84.15 1.75 147.27 0 0
Fbr 55.40 1.15 8 0 509.68 63.71
Fbr 10.50 1.15 12.08 0 0
FW 7.53 1.5 8 0 90.36 11.30
Wpier 299.24 1.35 403.98 0 0
FWC T 2.82 1 4.33 0 0 12.21 2.82 0
FWC 21.27 1 4.33 0 92.1 21.27
Fbuoy -73.51 0.15 -11.03 0 0
Total (without LL) 1455.67 692.14 12.21 2.82 96.28
LLI 374.50 1.5 561.75 154.48 0
Total (with LLI) 2017.42 846.62 12.21 2.82 96.28
LLII 483.80 1.5 0 725.70 0 0
Total (with LLII) 2181.37 692.14 12.21 2.82 96.28
0.7 m 3m 0.7 m

X 0.55 m 1.3 m

0.275 m
1.5 m

Design Example of RC Pier Page 9

Prepared by NC Sharma
Case I
Basic combination of loads
i. When loaded on only one span ii. When loaded on both span
Total Axial Load (Pu) = 2017.42 KN Total Axial Load (Pu) = 2181.37 KN
Total Mux = 846.62 KN-m Total Mux = 692.14 KN-m
Total Muy = 12.21 KN-m Total Muy = 12.21 KN-m
Total Hx = 2.82 KN Total Hx = 2.82 KN
Total Hy = 96.28 KN Total Hy = 96.28 KN

𝐷𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛 𝐵𝑀 (𝑀𝑢 ) = 𝑀𝑢𝑥 2 + 𝑀𝑢𝑦 2 = 846.71 𝐾𝑁 𝐷𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛 𝐵𝑀 (𝑀𝑢 ) = 𝑀𝑢𝑥 2 + 𝑀𝑢𝑦 2 = 692.25 𝐾𝑁𝑚

Note: When Column Section is axisymmetric as in circular column, the resultant axis of bending is also a
principal axis. In such a situation, the case of biaxial bending simplifies into uniaxial bending with

net bending 𝑀𝑢 = 𝑀𝑢𝑥 2 + 𝑀𝑢𝑦 2

[Refer Cl. 13.6.1(Biaxial eccentricities) of Pillai and Menon]

Case I
Seismic combination of loads Y
Dist. Eccentricity
Load from Pu Mux Muy Hx Hy
(KN) bottom x (m) y (m) (KN) (KN-m) (KN-m) (KN) (KN)
DLss 669.16 1 669.16 0 0
DLwc 84.15 1 84.15 0 0
Fbr 55.40 0.2 8 0 88.64 11.08
Fbr 10.50 0.2 2.1 0 0
Fs 84.75 1 8 0 678 84.75
Fs 6.36 1 6.36 0 0
Fs (sub) 33.66 1 4 0 134.64 33.66
Fhyd 6.20 1 3.25 0 20.15 6.20
Wpier 299.24 1 299.24 0 0
FWC T 2.82 1 4.33 0 0 12.21 2.82 0
FWC 21.27 1 4.33 0 92.1 21.27
Fbuoy -73.51 0.15 -11.03 0 0
Total (without LL) 1049.98 1013.53 12.21 2.82 156.96
LLI 374.50 0.2 0.275 74.90 20.6 0
Total (with LLI) 1124.88 1034.13 12.21 2.82 156.96
LL 483.80 0.2 0 96.76 0 0
Total (with LLII) 1146.74 1013.53 12.21 2.82 156.96

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Seismic combination of loads

i. When loaded on only one span ii. When loaded on both span
Total Axial Load (Pu) = 1124.88 KN Total Axial Load (Pu) = 1146.74 KN
Total Mux = 1034.13 KN-m Total Mux = 1013.53KN-m
Total Muy = 12.21 KN-m Total Muy = 12.21 KN-m
Total Hx = 2.82 KN Total Hx = 2.82 KN
Total Hy = 156.96 KN Total Hy = 156.96 KN

𝐷𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛 𝐵𝑀 (𝑀𝑢 ) = 𝑀𝑢𝑥 2 + 𝑀𝑢𝑦 2 = 1034.2 𝐾𝑁m 𝐷𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛 𝐵𝑀 (𝑀𝑢 ) = 𝑀𝑢𝑥 2 + 𝑀𝑢𝑦 2 = 1013.6 𝐾𝑁𝑚

Case II
Basic combination of loads

Dist. Eccentricity
Load from Pu Mux Muy Hx Hy
(KN) bottom x (m) y (m) (KN) (KN-m) (KN-m) (KN) (KN)
DLss 669.16 1.35 903.37 0 0
DLwc 84.15 1.75 147.27 0 0
Fbr 55.40 1.15 8 0 509.68 63.71
Fbr 10.50 1.15 12.08 0 0
FW 30.10 1.5 8 0 0 361.2 45.15 0
Wpier 299.24 1.35 403.98 0 0
FWC T 2.82 1 4.33 0 0 12.21 2.82 0
FWC 21.27 1 4.33 0 92.1 21.27
Fbuoy -73.51 0.15 -11.03 0 0
Total (without LL) 1455.67 601.78 373.41 47.97 84.98
LLI 374.50 1.5 0.275 561.75 154.48 0
Total (with LL ) 2017.42 756.26 373.41 47.97 84.98
LLII 483.80 1.5 0 725.70 0 0
Total (with LLII) 2181.37 601.78 373.41 47.97 84.98

Design Example of RC Pier Page 11

Prepared by NC Sharma
Case II
Basic combination of loads
i When loaded on only one span ii. When loaded on both span
Total Axial Load (Pu) = 2017.42 KN Total Axial Load (Pu) = 2181.37 KN
Total Mux = 756.25 KN-m Total Mux = 601.78 KN-m
Total Muy = 373.41 KN-m Total Muy = 373.41 KN-m
Total Hx = 47.97 KN Total Hx = 47.97 KN
Total Hy = 84.98 KN Total Hy = 84.98 KN

𝐷𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛 𝐵𝑀 (𝑀𝑢 ) = 𝑀𝑢𝑥 2 + 𝑀𝑢𝑦 2 = 843.42 𝐾𝑁𝑚 𝐷𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛 𝐵𝑀 (𝑀𝑢 ) = 𝑀𝑢𝑥 2 + 𝑀𝑢𝑦 2 = 708.22 𝐾𝑁𝑚

Case II
Seismic combination of loads

Dist. Eccentricity
Load from Pu Mux Muy Hx Hy
(KN) bottom x (m) y (m) (KN) (KN-m) (KN-m) (KN) (KN)
DLss 669.16 1 669.16 0 0
DLwc 84.15 1 84.15 0 0
Fbr 55.40 0.2 8 0 88.64 11.08
Fbr 10.50 0.2 2.1 0 0
Fs 95.64 1 8 0 0 765.12 95.64 0
Fs 28.7 1 28.7 0 0
T 33.66 1 4 0 134.64 33.66
Fhyd 6.20 1 3.25 0 20.15 6.20
Wpier 299.24 1 299.24 0 0
FWC T 2.82 1 4.33 0 0 12.21 2.82 0
FWC 21.27 1 4.33 0 92.1 21.27
Fbuoy -73.51 0.15 -11.03 0 0
Total (without LL) 1072.32 335.53 777.33 98.46 72.64
LLI 374.50 0.2 0.275 74.90 20.6 0
Total (with LLI) 1147.22 356.13 777.33 98.46 72.64
LLII 483.80 0.2 0 96.76 0 0
Total (with LLII) 1169.08 335.53 777.33 98.46 72.64

Design Example of RC Pier Page 12

Prepared by NC Sharma
Case II
Seismic combination of loads
i. When loaded on only one span ii. When loaded on both span
Total Axial Load (Pu) = 1147.22 KN Total Axial Load (Pu) = 1169.08 KN
Total Mux = 356.13 KN-m Total Mux = 335.53KN-m
Total Muy = 777.33 KN-m Total Muy = 777.33 KN-m
Total Hx = 98.46 KN Total Hx = 98.46 KN
Total Hy = 72.64 KN Total Hy = 72.64 KN

𝐷𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛 𝐵𝑀 (𝑀𝑢 ) = 𝑀𝑢𝑥 2 + 𝑀𝑢𝑦 2 = 855.03 𝐾𝑁𝑚 𝐷𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛 𝐵𝑀 (𝑀𝑢 ) = 𝑀𝑢𝑥 2 + 𝑀𝑢𝑦 2 = 846.65 𝐾𝑁𝑚

Design and Detailing of Pier Stem at bottom

Check slenderness ratio of column [Refer Cl. 306, IRC 21]

𝐸𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝐿𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡 𝑕 1.2×8×1000

Slenderness Ratio of Column = = =
𝑅𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑢𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑔𝑦𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐷𝑒 /4
= = 35.72 > 12 and < 50. Hence, Column is short.
1200 −2× 50+ 25 2

Design Pier stem

Design pier stem as a uniaxially loaded short column. Use SP16 to design column

a. Longitudinal Reinforcement
Consider25 mm dia. bars with 50 mm cover.
𝑑ʹ 50+ 𝑑ʹ
= = 0.052. Use interaction diagram for = 0.05
𝐷 1200 𝐷
Design column for critical cases 1(i) and 2 (ii)
Case 1 (i)
𝑀𝑢 846.62 × 10 6
= = 0.025
𝑓 𝑐𝑘 ×𝐷 20×1200 3
𝑃𝑢 2017 .42 × 10 3
= =0.070
𝑓 𝑐𝑘 ×𝐷 2 20×1200 2

= 0.013 [From chart 55, SP 16]
𝑓 𝑐𝑘

Design Example of RC Pier Page 13

Prepared by NC Sharma
p = 20 × 0.013= 0.26 % < pmin Provide pmin = 0.8 %

Case 2 (ii)
𝑀𝑢 846.65 × 10 6
= = 0.0245
𝑓 𝑐𝑘 ×𝐷 20×1200 3
𝑃𝑢 1169.08 × 10 3
= = 0.041
𝑓 𝑐𝑘 ×𝑑 2 20×1200 2

= 0.015 [From chart 55, SP 16]
𝑓 𝑐𝑘

p = 20 × 0.015 = 0.30 % < pmin Provide pmin = 0.8 %

Hence, 𝐴𝑠𝑡 = 100 × 𝜋 × 6002 = 9047.8 mm2
9047.8 × 4
𝑛= = 18.43
𝜋×25 2
For making axisymmetric in reinforcement, adopt 20 - 25 mm ∅ bar
𝜋 × (1200 − 62.5 × 2)
Spacing of bar = = 177.75 mm < 200 mm

b. Transverse Reinforcement
In the example, transverse reinforcement of pier stem has not been governed by shear
force. So, transverse reinforcement is provided by detailing rules. [Refer IRC 112, Cl. 16.2]

Take circular lateral tie of ∅ = 10 mm ∅ ≥ 𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑔 4

Spacing of tie (Sv) ≤ Diameter of pier = 1200 mm

≤ 12 × 25 = 300 mm
≤ 200 mm
Provide spacing of tie (Sv) = 200 mm.

For potential plastic hinge region i.e. 1200 mm from the bottom of pier,
Spacing of tie (Sv) ≤ 5 × 25 = 125 mm

1200 – 2 × 62.5
≤ = 215 mm
Adopt spacing of tie (Sv) = 125 mm for potential plastic hinge region.

Design Example of RC Pier Page 14

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Reinforcement of Pier
16 mm dia. @ 140 mm c/c 15 – 28 mm dia.

10 mm dia. @ 150 mm c/c

12 mm dia. 4 – legged vertical
stirrups @ 85 mm c/c In both direction

20 – 25 mm di

10 mm @ 200 mm c/c

10 mm @ 125 mm c/c
Up to 1.2 m height

Cross section at AA 20 – 25 mm dia.

10 mm @ 200 mm c/c

Design Example of RC Pier Page 15

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Bridge Foundation
Bridge Foundation

Part of bridge, which supports superstructure and

pier/abutment of bridge and transmits total bridge loads to soil

Foundation Type


Shallow Foundation Normally shallow foundation is provided when soil
strata is good in upper layer and depth of
foundation does not exceed 6m (average).

Shallow Isolated
Foundation Footing

Foundation Mat
Deep Foundation
Normally deep foundation is Deep
provided when soil strata is not Foundation Pile Foundation
good in upper layer and depth of
foundation exceeds 6 m (average) .

Well/Caisson Foundation

Pile Foundation
Well Foundation Foundation with piles
Foundation with well
Bridge Foundation
Isolated Footing Behaviour of isolated
footing under loads

P Tends to bend like a

M cantilever slab in
both direction


Isolated Footing

Two Way Shear

Tends to slide along
the shear plane

One Way Shear

Reinforcement of
Isolated Footing B


Bottom arrangement of reinforcing bars

(For square and rectangular footing)
Reinforcement of
Isolated Footing

Isolated footing with

shear reinforcement

Top arrangement of reinforcing bars

(For square and rectangular footing)

Shear reinforcement
Spread Foundation Behaviour of spread
foundation under loads

Tends to bend like a
cantilever slab
Spread Footing

Tends to slide along

the shear plane

One Way Shear

Reinforcement of
Spread Foundation


Bottom arrangement of
reinforcing bars
Reinforcement of
Spread Footing

Foundation with
shear reinforcement

Top arrangement of
reinforcing bars

Shear reinforcement
Pile Foundation
(Refer to IS 2911)
Pile foundation
Foundation, which transmits loads to deep soil strata ,
to stronger soil base and to a larger area of soil
through skin friction and bearing area is pile

Use of Pile Foundation

• When the top layers of soil are weak
• When there is possibility of deep scour of river bed
• When lateral forces to the structure are considerably
• When structure needs to be anchored to the ground
Types of Pile Foundation

• Friction pile
• Bearing pile
• Bearing cum friction pile

• Vertical pile
• Rake pile

Rake pile Vertical pile

Bored Pile
Driven Pile
Positive Aspects of Driven Pile
✓ Always uphold fast construction, ensure good
quality works
Negative Aspects Driven Pile
✓ Create noise and vibration in construction
✓ Requires precision driving in piling
✓ Not suitable in boulders dominated soil
Elements of Pile
Pile Cushion (at the time of driving)
Pile Cap

Pile Cap



Driven Pile
Bored Pile
Types of Pile Shoe
Arrangement of Driven Pile
Geometrical Requirements of Pile

Standard Size of Driven Pile

≤10 m 250mm × 250mm

10 to 12 m 300mm × 300mm
12 to 15 m 350mm × 350mm
15 to 18 m 400mm × 400mm
≥ 18 m 450mm × 450mm

Normally driven piles are not used

when size requirements of pile
exceeds 450 mm
Design Consideration / Concept in the Design of Pile Foundation

Cast in situ pile

Longitudinal and transverse steel provided in piles should
enable the pile to
• Provide necessary structural capacity
• Allow free flow of concrete

Pre cast pile

Longitudinal and transverse steel provided in piles
should enable the pile to
• Withstand handling stresses
• Endure driving stresses
• Provide necessary structural capacity
• Allow free flow of concrete
Pile Under Horizontal Load
and Failure Mechanism of Pile

Types of Piles
Short pile Free head pile
Long pile Fixed head pile


Behaves like a rigid

L pile. Pile rotates Behaves like a rigid
about a point of pile. Pile moves
rotation and fails horizontally and fails
due to soil failure due to soil failure

Free head short pile Fixed head short pile


L Behaves like a Behaves like a

flexible pile. Pile flexible pile. Pile
bends and fails due bends and fails due
to structural failure to structural failure

Free head long pile Fixed head long pile

➢ Short pile fails when passive resistance of soil is exceeded while in

rotation or in translation.

➢ Long pile fails when moment capacity of pile at the yield point
Reinforcement requirements of pile

Pref. Min. Spacing of

Type of Pile Ast min %
Ast% long. Bar ,mm
Cast in situ 0.4 - 100

Pre cast
L/D < 30 1.25
= 30-40 0.8 1.5
> 40 2 100
Reinforcement of Driven Pile

Spiral tie

3D 0.6 D

0.4 D Section A-A


% Section B-B

0.4 x Shoe Details

0.6 X = 2 for clay

3D % = 3 for sand
= 4 for gravel

Reinforcement of Bored Pile

Depth of Section at A-A


Well Foundation
Refer IS 3955/IRC 45
Well Foundation

▪ Large, thick, hollow cylindrical well sunk into the ground

to transmit loads from super and substructure of bridge
to the founding soil

▪ Suitable for very heavy vertical and lateral loadings as

well as for large scour depths

▪ Commonly used and popular type of foundation in

alluvial plains in South Asian region

▪ Generally costly and ineffective in utilization of materials

in case of small loads and shallow depths.

▪ Not suitable for clays and soils containing large boulders

Merit/Demerit of Well Foundation

▪ It has a larger bearing area and section modulus as compared with
the cross sectional area of the main body of pier and abutment.
This provides better load distribution and good lateral resistance.
▪ Concrete is cast over ground and has better quality control, as well
as good depth control.
▪ Skilled man power and technology easily available

▪ Obsolete technology in many parts of the world
▪ Uneconomic for smaller bridges
▪ Problems of tilt and shift
▪ Time consuming in construction
▪ Quality control problem in bottom plugging of well
Types of Well

Open Well Pneumatic Well Floating Box Well

Types of Well
Components of
Well Foundation Pier

Well Cap

Top Plug


Dredge Hole
with Granular Filling

Well Curb

Cutting Edge

Bottom Plug
Components of Well Foundations and their Functions

Well Steining
Well steining is the main body of a well. It should be heavy enough to sink the whole well
without excessive kentledge. It should be strong enough so that it is not to get damaged
during sinking and from the earth pressure from outside of well.

Well Curb
Lowest part of well steining to transfer load through the cutting edge to the ground. It is
made of richer concrete and is heavily reinforced. It withstands the force from bottom plug
due to arch action. It is made with tapering side inside the well and the taper angle is
around 60 degrees with the horizontal plane. Sometimes the curb is lined with steel plate
through out its height inside and outside to protect from damages due to boulders if any.
Its top diameter(outer) is kept 5 to 15 cm higher than the outer dia. of the well steining to
facilitate sinking.

Cutting Edge
Sharp cutting edge is provided at the end of well curb, where boulders are not expected.
Where as stud nose cutting edge is provided, where boulders are mixed with soil.
Cutting edge should be strong enough to resist cutting pressure and rigidly fixed with well
Bottom Plug
Concrete layer at end of curb to stop the sinking of well, transfer load of well in wider
area and to control the movement of underground water. It should be strong enough to
withstand large pressure and preferably in the shape of a bulb to produce arch action
and increase the bearing area. The concrete should be richer and with about 15% more
cement content. It should be more workable with slump about 150 to 200 mm.

Top Plug
Sand filling in the well is covered with top plug. It is usually made from lean concrete of
300 mm to 500 mm thickness. Its function is to make a smoother base for well cap.

Well Cap
Well cap is a RC slab cast monolithically with the well steining and transfers load from
superstructure / substructure to the well steining. Its diameter can be made larger by up
to 1.0 m from the steining to accommodate the long abutment or pier. It should be
strong enough to withstand the pressure from above by slab action. The top level of well
cap is usually flushed with the lowest water level or at the river bed level.
Shape and Size of Well Foundations

▪ Shape and size of well depends on the size of substructure ,load and type of
soil. Elongated shapes are used for long piers and abutments.

▪ Size of well is determined considering safe bearing capacity of soil at the

founding level of well.

▪ The size of the dredge hole shall not be less than 2 m to facilitate dredging .

▪ Top diameter(outer) of curb should be higher than the outer diameter of the
well steining to facilitate sinking. Usually curb offset is taken in the range of
50 to 150 mm

▪ Thickness of steining should be sufficient so that well can be sunk by its self
weight . Minimum thickness of steining shall be 500 mm.

▪ Circular wells are most preferred because they are relatively strong, simple in
construction , easy in sinking. Circular wells are not suitable for wide roads
with wide substructures.

▪ Double D and rectangular types are commonly used wells after circular wells.
Tilt and shift of well

Soil stratum through which the wells are sunk are very rarely uniform and
therefore, the resistance offered by these layers to the sinking is different in
different parts of the wells due to which tilt and shift of well my occur. The
effect of tilt and shift is to cause extra foundation pressure and this pressure
shall be considered in design.

IRC 78 -2000 Provision Translational shift

The well shall be shank Total shift
vertically without any tilt
and shifts.
Original C/L of Well
However a tilt of 1 in 80
and shift of 150 mm due Tilted C/L of Well
Shifted C/L of Well
to translation in a
direction which will cause
most severe effect shall
be considered in design of
Base of Well
Reinforcement of Well
Well Cap


Sectional Elevation
Well Curb

Sectional Plan
Reinforcement of Well Cap

Well Cap

Bottom Top
Reinforcement Reinforcement
Working Drawing 1 of Well

Working Drawing 2 of Well

Reinforcement Detailing of Well Curb

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