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Jamb Phy Questions 6 10

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1. What is the least possible error A. 3.3 x 103J𝑠−1

encountered when taking B. 2.5 x 104J𝑠−1
measurement with a meter rule? 𝐶. 2.5 x 105J𝑠−1
D. 3.3 x 102J𝑠−1
A. 0.5 mm
B. 1.0 mm. 4. Calculate the temperature
C. 0.2 mm. change when 500J of heat is
D. 0.1 mm supplied to 100g of water.

2. A. 12.1°C
B. 2.1°C
C. 1.2°C
D. 0.1°C

5. Which of the following particles

CANNOT be deflected by both
The electromotive force in the
electric and magnetic fields?
secondary winding is _____

A. Gamma rays
A. stabilizing
B. Alpha particles.
B. reducings
C. Wave particles
C. increasing
D. Beta particles.
D. varying

6. Under which of the following

3. If a pump is capable of lifting
conditions do gasses conduct
5000 kg of water through a
vertical height of 60 in 15 mins,
the power of the pump is _____
A. High pressure and low p.d

B. Low pressure and high p.d C. 2V
C. Low pressure and low p.d D. 8V
D. High pressure and high p.d
9. An object of mass 80kg is
7. Dispersion occurs when white pulled on a horizontal rough
light passes through a glass prism ground by a force of 500N. Find
because of the the coefficient of static friction.

A. defects in the glass. A. 0.6.

B. high density of the glass. B. 0.4
C. different speeds of the colour C. 1.0
in the glass. D. 0.8.
D. different hidden colours in the [g ≈ 10m𝑠−2]

The diagram above shows plank

RS pivoted at its centre of gravity
O and is in equilibrium with the
weighs P and Q. If a weight 2P is
added to P, the plank will be in
Calculate the e.m.f of the cell in equilibrium again by _____
the above circuit if its internal
resistance is negligible. A. moving P nearer to O.
B. moving Q nearer to O.
A. 12V C. adding a weight Q to Q.
B. 36V
D. moving P further away from O. A. 3.2 x 10−53 Hz.
B. 3.1 x 10−53 Hz
11. A glass plate 0.9 cm thick has C. 1.3 x 10−53 Hz
a refractive index of 1.50. How D. 8.0 x 10−53 Hz
long does it take for a pulse of
light to pass through the plate? 14. 235
92𝑈 + 1
0n → 144
56𝐵𝑎 + 90

A. 3.0 x 10−10 s
B. 4.5 x 10−11 s In the reaction above, X is _____
C. 3.0 x 10−11 s
D. 4.5 x 10−10 s A. electron.
[c= 3.0 x 108m𝑠−1] B. neutron.
C. neutrino.
12. The main purpose of the D. proton.
transformer in an a.c radio set is
to _____ 15. To protect a material from the
influence of an external magnetic
A. increase power to the radio. field, the material should be kept
B. convert energy from a.c. to d.c in a _____
C. step up the voltage.
D. step down the voltage. A. soft iron ring.
B. loop of copper wire.
13. The energy associated with C. triangular zinc ring.
the emitted photon when a D. square steel ring.
mercury atom changes from one
state to another is 3.3 𝑒𝑉.
Calculate the frequency of the

16. 18. Which of the following is a
characteristic of stationary

A. The antinode is a point of

minimum displacement.
B. The distance between two
successive nodes is one

The refractive index of the wavelength.

medium M in the diagram above C. They can be transverse or

is _____ longitudinal
D. They are formed by two

2 identical waves travelling in
opposite directions.
B. √3
√3 19. The height at which the
D. √3
atmosphere ceases to exist is
about 80km. if the atmospheric
17. Thermal equilibrium between pressure at a height of 20km
two objects exists when _____ above the ground level is _____

A. the heat capacities of both A. 480mmhg

objects are the same B. 570mmhg
B. the quantity of heat in both C.190mmhg
objects are the same. D. 380mmhg
C. the temperature of both
objects are equal 20. A metal of mass 0.5kg is
D. one object loses heat heated to 100⁰ and then
continuously to the other. transferred to a well–lagged

calorimeter of heat capacity 80jk-1 B. the middle
containing water of heat capacity C. the open end
of the metal D. all the parts of the pipe.

A. 92 j kg-1 23. What happens when a certain

B. 286 j kg-1 k-1 quantity of pure ice is completely
C. 133 j kg-1 k-1 changed to water at 0⁰C?
D. 887 j kg-1 k-1
A. Latent heat is absorbed, the
21. In the series a.c circuit shown mass decreases and the volume
below, the p.d across the inductor increases.
is 8 V.r.m.s. The effective voltage B. latent heat is absorbed, the
is _____ mass remains constant and the
volume decreases.
C. latent heat is given out, the
mass increases and the volume
remains constant
D. latent heat is given out, the
mass remains constant and the
A. 10v
volume decreases.
B. 2v
C. 14v
D. 48v

22. In a closed organ pipe

producing a musical note, an
antinode will always be produced
at _____

A. the closed end

In the diagram above, PQ and R II. It absorbs all colours in
are vectors. Which of the sunlight except green
following options gives the correct III. It reflects only the green
relationship between the vectors? component of sunlight

A. P =Q +R A. I only
B. P= Q – R B. II and III only
C. P= R – Q C. I and II only
D. P+ Q +R = O D. II only.

25. If two parallel conductors 27. Which of the following factors

carry currents flowing in the same has no effect on the e.m.f of a
direction, the conductors will primary cell?
A. nature of plate
A. repel each other B. size of the cell
B. attract each other C. temperature
C. both move in the same D. nature of the electrolyte.
D. have no effect on each other 28. When the bottom tip of a
vibrating tuning fork is held in
26. Which of the following contact with a wooden box, a
correctly explain(s) why a green louder sound is heard. This
leaf appears green in a bright phenomenon is known as _____
A. beats
I. It absorbs only the green B. echoing
component of sunlight C. reverberation
D. resonance

29. A particle of mass m which ia A. Ohm’s
at rest splits up into two. If the B. ampere’s law
mass and the velocity of one of C. faraday’s law
the particles are m and v D. coulomb’s law
respectively, calculate the velocity
of the second particle. 32. A radioactive sample initially
contains N atoms. After three

half–lives the number of atoms
MV that have disintegrated is _____
C. 7N
M+M A.
D. 3n
M−m B.
30. The electrochemical 8
equivalent of silver is 0.0012g/C if D.

36.0g of silver is to be deposited

by electrolysis on a surface by 33. Mercury is suitable as a
passing a steady current for 5.0 barometric fluid because it _____
minutes, the current must be
_____ A. expands uniformly
B. is several times denser than
A. 6000A water
B. 100A C. is opaque
C. 100A D. is a good conductor of heat
D. 1.0A
34. Which of the following
31. The principle of operation of features is NOT a characteristic of
an induction coil is based on natural radioactivity?

A. radioactivity is a nuclear A. 0.8N/C
phenomenon B. 20.0N/C
B. radioactivity is exhibited only C. 0.8N/C
by the element of mass number D. 4.2N/C
greater than 206
C. The radioactivity of an element 37. The point beyond which a
is affected by electric and stretched spring does not return
magnetic fields in the to its original length is called the
surroundings. _____
D Radioactive substances emit
three types of radiations ∝-rays, A. breaking point
β-rays and γ-rays. B. sprint constant
C. elastic limit
35. Which of the following is a D. elasticity point
correct explanation of the
INERTIA of a body? 38. Which of the following
statements is applicable to a real
A. Reluctance to start moving at image formed by a concave
rest and its reluctance to stop mirror?
moving once it has begun move
B. Reluctance to stop moving I. It can be observed on a
C. Readiness to start moving screen
D. Reluctance to start moving and II. It is always inverted and
its readiness to stop moving once in front of the mirror
it has begun to move III. It only seems to exist
IV. It is formed by the actual
36. If the force on a charge of 0.2 converging of rays of light.
coulomb in an electric field
intensity of the field is _____ A. I, II and III only

C. I and III only
D. I and II only
Would you like to get or confirm
the correct answer(s) with
39. Which of the following does
explanations to any or all of
not cause a reduction of the
these questions?
surface tension of water?

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A. soap solution
B. detergent
C. alcohol
D. grease

40. In what range of temperature

is the expansion of water

A. +208⁰c to +212⁰c
B. -800⁰c to -76⁰c
C. 0⁰c to 4⁰c
D. -4⁰c to 0⁰


1. The focal length of a concave D. 43.3N

mirror is 2.0 cm. If an object is
placed 8.0cm from it, the image is 4. A piece of radioactive material
at _____ contains 1000 atoms. If its half-
life is 20 seconds, the time taken
A. 2.7m for 125 atoms to remain is _____
B. 2.3m
C.2.5m A. 20 seconds
D. 2.0m B. 40 seconds
C. 60 seconds
2. PHCN measures is electrical D. 80 seconds
energy in _____
5. The correct expression for the
A. Wh. potential at a point, distance r
B. Kwh from a charge q, in an electric
C. J field is _____
D. W.
3. The resultant of two forces is q2
50N. If the forces are
perpendicular to each other and 4πϵӨr2
one of them makes an angle 30° D.
with the resultant. Find its
magnitude. 6. A typical transistor
characteristic is represented as
A. 100.0N _____
B. 57.7N
C. 25.0N

9. An object placed at the bottom
of a well full of clear water
appears closer to the surface due
to _____

A. refraction.
B. reflection.
7. In a discharge tube, most of
C. am inverter
the gas is pumped out so that
D. a magnifier
electricity is concluded at _____

10. A boy drags a bag of rice

A. steady voltage
along a smooth horizontal flow
B. high pressure
with a force of 2N applied at an
C. low pressure.
angle of 60° to the flow. The work
D. low voltage.
done after a distance of 3m is
I. Moon
A. 6J.
II. Sun
B. 4 J
III. Street light
C. 5 J
IV. Stars
D. 3 J

Which of the above is a natural

11. The spheres of masses 5.0kg
source of light?
and 10.0kg are 0.3m apart.
Calculate the force of attraction
A. I, II and IV only
between them.
B. I, II and III only
C. III and IV only
A. 3.57 X 10−2 N.
D. II and IV only
B. 3.71 X 10−2 N.

C. 4.00 X 10−2 N. C. Elastic limit
D. 3.50 X 10−2 N. D. proportional limit

12. When very hot water is 14. Transverse waves can be

poured into two identical thin and distinguished from longitudinal
thick glass tumblers in equal waves using the characteristic of
volumes, the thick one cracks _____
because _____
A. diffraction
A. of the even expansion of lass. B. reflection.
B. glass is a good conductor of C. polarization.
heat. D. refraction.
C. glass is a crystal
D. of the uneven expansion of 15. Which of the following pairs of
glass light rays shows the widest
separation in the spectrum of
13. white light?

A. Green and yellow.

B. Blue and red
C. Indigo and violet
D. Orange and red.

The diagram above represents the
stress-strain for atypical metal
rod. What does X represent?

A. Yield point
B. Breaking point
Which of the following graphs 19. The inner diameter of a small
shows the correct vector diagram test tube can be measured
for the circuit above? accurately using a _____

A. micrometer screw gauge

B. pair of Vernier callipers
C. metre rule
D. pair of dividers

20. A platinum resistance

17. A transistor functions mainly thermometer records 3.0W at 0°C
as a _____ and 8/0w at 100°C. If it records
6.0W in a certain environment,
A. switch and an amplifier the temperature of the medium is
B. rectifier and an amplifier _____
C. charge storer and a switch
D. charge storer and an amplifier A. 60°C
B. 80°C
18. A thin wire with heavy C. 50°C
weights attached to both ends is D. 30°C
hung over a block of ice resting
on two supports. If the wire cuts 21.
through the ice block while the
lock remains solid behind the
wire, the process is called _____

A. fusion
B. sublimation
C. regelation
D. condensation
In the diagram above, which of 24. Which of the following
the angles Ө1, Ө2, Ө3, and Ө4 is statements correctly describe(s)
the angle of deviation of a ray of cathode rays?
light passing through XYZ?
I. They consist of tiny
A. Ө2 particles carrying negative
B. Ө3 electric charges
C. Ө1 II. They are deflected in a
D. Ө4 magnetic field but not in an
electric filed.
22. Which of the following is the III. They consist of fast-
dimension of pressure? moving neutrons and
deflected in an electric filed.
A. M𝐿2𝑇−3
B. ML𝑇−2 A. I only
C. M𝐿2−1𝑇−2 B. III only
D. M𝐿−3 C. I and II only
D. II and III only
23. A capacitor 8μF, is charged to
a potential difference of 100V. 25. A concave mirror has a radius
The energy stored by the of curvature of 36cm. At what
capacitor is _____ distance from the mirror should
an object be placed to give a real
A. 1.0 x 104𝐽 image three times the size of the
B. 4.0 x 10−2𝐽 object?
C. 1.25 x 10 𝐽
D. 8.0 x 10 𝐽 A. 12cm
B. 24cm
C. 48cm

D. 108cm 28. In a sound wave in air, the
adjacent rarefactions and
compressions are separated by a
distance of 17cm. If the velocity
of the sound wave is 340m𝑠−1.
Determine the frequency.

A. 10Hz
B. 20Hz
The net capacitance in the circuit
C. 5780Hz
shown above is _____
D. 1000Hz

A. 8.0 μF
29. A note is called an octave of
B. 6.0 μF
another note when _____
C. 2.0 μF
D. 4.0 μF
A. the notes have the same
fundamental frequency
27. A sonometer wire of length
B. its frequency is half of the first
100cm under a tension of 10N,
has a frequency of 250Hz.
C. its frequency is twice that of
Keeping the length of the wire
the first note.
constant, the tension is adjusted
D. its periodic time is twice that of
to produce a new frequency of
the first note
350HZ. The new tension is _____

30. A metallic strip of iron and

A. 5.1N
brass was heated. Which of the
B. 19.6N
following diagrams accurately
C. 14.0N
illustrated the shape of the strip
D. 7.1N
after heating?

33. What is the cost of running
five 50W lamps and four 100W
lamps for 10 hours if electrical
energy costs 2 kobo per kWh?

31. Which of the following is in a

A. ₦ 0.13
neutral equilibrium?
B. ₦ 0.65
C. ₦ 3.90
A. A heavy weight suspended on a
D. ₦39.00
B. The beam of a balance in use
34. The specific latent heat of
C. A heavy-based table lamp
vaporization of a substance is
D. A cone resting on its slant edge
always _____

32. A convex mirror is used as a

A. less than its specific latent heat
driving mirror because _____
of fusion
B. equal to its specific latent heat
I. Its image is erect
of fusion
II. It has a large field of view
C. greater than its specific latent
III. It has a long focal
of fusion
D. all of the above depending on
the nature of the substance.
Identify the CORRECT
35. A hydrometer is an
instrument for measuring the
A. I and III only
B. I and II only
C. II and III only
A. depth off water in a vessel
D. I, II and III only
B. relative humidity of the air

C. relative density of a liquid by correct value of the speed of light
finding the apparent loss in in water?
D. relative density of a liquid by A. 4 x 108m𝑠−1
the method of flotation B. 2.23 x 108m𝑠−1
C. 2.25 x 108m𝑠−2
36. A transformer has 300 turns D. 4/9 x 108m𝑠−1
of wire in the primary coil and 30
turns in the secondary coil. If the 39. A magnet is moved through a
input voltage is 100 volts, the coil of wire. The e.m.f. produced
output voltage is _____ in the wire depends on _____

A. 10 volts A. the number of turns in the coil

B. 5 volts B. the strength of magnet
C. 15 volts C. the speed at which the magnet
D. 20 volts is moved
D. all of the above
37. The activity of a radioactive
substance depends on _____ 40. A charge of one coulomb
liberated 0.0033g of copper in an
A. temperature and purity electrolytic process. How long will
B. purity and age it take a current of 2A to liberate
C. temperature and age 1.98g of copper in such a
D. age, purity and temperature process?

38. The speed of light in air is 3 x A. 30 minutes

108𝑚𝑠−1. If the refractive index of B. 5 minutes
light from air-to-water is 4/3, C. 50 minutes
then which of the following is the D. 60 minutes


1. A man walks 1 km due east C. Electric current means

and then 1km due north. His movement of electrons
displacement is _____ D. All of the above

A. √2𝑘𝑚 N 45° E 4. Natural radioactivity consists of

B. 1km N 30°E the emission of _____
C. 1km N 15° E
D. D.√2 km N 60° E A. ∝-particles and β-rays
B. ∝-particles and X-rays
2. The density of 400cm of palm C. ∝-particles, β-rays and g-rays
oil was 0.9g before frying. If the D. γ-rays and X-rays
density of the oil was 0.6 after
frying, assuming no loss of oil to 5. Which of the following does
spilling, its new volume was ____ NOT describe the image formed
by a plane mirror?
A. 360𝑐𝑚3
B. 600𝑐𝑚3 A. Erect
C. 240𝑐𝑚3 B. Laterally inverted
D. 800𝑐𝑚3 C. Same distance from mirror as
3. Which of the following is true of D. Magnified
an electrical charge?
A. Positive charge means deficit
B. Negative charge means excess
of electrons

What is the resultant resistance of D. streams of electrons
the circuit given above?
9. A narrow beam of white light
A. 8Ω can be split into different colours
B. 11Ω by a glass prism. The correct
C. 4Ω explanation is that _____
D. 3.6Ω
A. white light is an
7. Which of the following best electromagnetic wave
describes the energy changes B. the prism has all the colours of
which take place when a steam the white light
engine drives a generator which C. different colours of white light
lights a lamp? travel with different speeds in
A. Heat → Light → Sound→ D. white light has undergone total
Kinetic internal reflection in the prism.
B. Heat→ Kinetic → Electricity→
Heat and Light 10.
C. Kinetic→ Light → Heat
D. Electricity →Kinetic→ Heat→

8. Cathode rays are _____

A. High-energy electromagnetic
B. protons Figure 2 represents a block- and-

C. neutrons tackle pulley system on which an

effort of W Newton supports a 13. The electrochemical
load of 120.0N. If the efficiency of equivalent of silver 0.0012g/C/ of
the machine is 40, then the value 36.0g of silver is to be deposited
of W is _____ by electrolysis on a surface by
passing a steady current for 5.0
A. 28.0 N minutes, the current must be
B. 48.0 N _____
C. 288.0 N
D. 50.0 N A. 6000A
B. 100A
11. What type of reaction is C. 10A
represented by the following D. 1A
14. Shadows and eclipses result
1𝑋 + 2
1𝑌 → 3
2𝑍 + 1
0n + energy from the _____

A. Fusion reaction A. refraction of light

B. Fission reaction B. reflection of light
C. Chain reaction C. defraction of light
D. Radioactive decay D. rectilinear propagation of light

12. The amount of heat needed to 15. Which of the following obeys
raise the temperature of 10kg of Ohm’s Law?
copper by 1K its _____
A. All metals
A. specific heat capacity B. Diode only
B. latent heat C. All electrolytes
C. heat capacity D. Glass
D. internal energy

16. Which of the following coefficient of static friction
statements are TRUE OF between mass m and the table is

I. Isotopes of an element have A.
the same chemical properties m1 g
because they have the same
number of electrons m1
m2 g
II. Isotopes of elements are D.

normally separated using physical

properties 18. Which of the following may be
III. Isotopes of an element has used to explain a mirage?
the same number of protons in
their nuclei. I. Layers of air near the road
surface have varying refractive
A. I and II only indices in hot weather
B. I and III only II. Road surfaces sometimes
C. II and III only become good reflectors in hot
D. I, II and III weather.
III. Light from the sky can be
17. reflected upwards after coming
close to and the road surface.

A. I and III only

B. II and III only
C. II only
In the diagram above, the
D. I, II and III
hanging mass m is adjusted until
m is on the verge of sliding. The

19. In the diagram below, if the A. decreasing the loudness
atmosphere pressure is 760mm, B. increasing the amplitude
the pressure in the chamber G is C. increasing the frequency
_____ D. decreasing the intensity.

22. One of the features of the

fission process is that _____

A. it leads to chain reaction

B. its products are not radioactive
C. neutrons are not released.
D. the sum of the masses of the
reactants equals the sum of the
masses of the products
A. 660mm
B. 830mm
23. The linear expansivity of brass
C. 690mm
is 2 x 10−5𝐶−1. If the volume of a
D. 860mm
piece of brass is 15.00𝑐𝑚3 at 0°C,
what is the volume at 100°C?
20. Which of the following has the
lowest internal resistance when
A. 16.03𝑐𝑚3
B. 15.09𝑐𝑚3
C. 16.00𝑐𝑚3
A. Leclanche cell
D. 15.03𝑐𝑚3
B. Daniel cell
C. Torch battery
24. A lead bullet of mass 0.05kg
D. Accumulator
is fired with a velocity of 200𝑚𝑠−1
into a lead block of mass 0.95kg.
21. The pitch of an acoustic
Given that the lead block can
device can be increased by _____
move freely, the final kinetic 27. In the diagram below, which
energy after impact is _____ of the simple pendula will
resonate with P when set into
A. 150 J oscillation?
B. 100 J
C. 50 J
D. 200 J

25. In a series R-L-C circuit at

resonance, the voltages across
the resistor and the inductor are
20V and 40V respectively. What is
A. U
the voltage across the capacitor?
B. T
C. R and T
A. 30 V
D. Q and R
B. 70 V
C. 50 V
28. The time rate of loss of heat
D. 40 V
by a body is proportional to the
26. If the fraction of the atoms of
a radioactive material left after
A. temperature of its
120 years is 1/64, what is the
half-life of the material?
B. temperature of the body
C. difference in temperature
A. 20 years
between the body and its
B. 10 years
C. 2 years
D. ration of the temperature of
D. 24 years
the boy to that of its surroundings

29. A positive charged rod X is 31. The process whereby a liquid
brought near an uncharged metal turns spontaneously into vapour
sphere Y and is then touched by a is called _____
finger with X still in place. When
the finger is removed, the result A. regelation
is that Y has _____ B. evaporation.
C. boiling.
A. no charge and a zero potential D. sublimation.
B. a positive charge and a zero
potential. 32. Which of the following
C. a negative charge and a diagrams represents correctly an
positive potential. n-p-n transistor?
D. a negative charge and a
negative potential.

30. Electrical appliances in homes

are normally earthed so that

A. a person touching the

appliances is safe from electric 33. The differences observed in

shock. solids, liquids and gases may be

B. both the a.c. and d.c. sources accounted for by _____

can be used.
C. the appliances are maintained A. their relative masses.

at a higher p.d. than the earth. B. their melting points.

D. the appliances are maintained C. the spacing and forces acting

at a lower p.d. than the earth. between the molecules.

D. the different molecules in each In the diagram above, if the
of them. south-poles of two magnets
stroke a steel bar, the polarities
34. Convex mirrors are used as at T and V will respectively be
driving mirrors because images _____
formed are _____
A. north and south.
A. erect, virtual and diminished B. south and south.
B. erect, real and diminished C. north and north.
C. erect, virtual and magnified D. south and north.
D. inverted, virtual and
diminished. 37. In homes, electrical
appliances and lamps are
35. Musical instruments playing connected in parallel because
the same note can be _____
distinguished from one another
owing to the differences in their A. less current will be used
_____ B. less voltage will be used.
C. parallel connection does not
A. quality. heat up the wires
B. pitch. D. series connection uses high
C. intensity voltage
D. loudness
38. An object moves in a circular
36. path of radius 0.5m with a speed
of 1m𝑠−1. What is its angular

A. 8𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑠−1

C. 1𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑠−1
D. 2𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑠−1 Would you like to get or confirm
the correct answer(s) with
39. What effort will a machine of explanations to any or all of
efficiency 90% apply to lift a load these questions?
of 180N if its efforts arm is twice
as long as its load arm?
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A. 100N
B. 90N
C. 80N
D. 120N


Calculate the effective

capacitance of the circuit above.

A. 4μf
B. 3 μf
C. 2 μf
D. 1 μf


1. The force required to make an kinetic energy after 4 seconds

object of mass m, travelling with was _____
velocity v, turn in a circle of
radius r is _____ A. 105J
B. 2.5J
A. mr2/v C. 2x103J
B. mv2/r D. 5x103J
C. mr/v
D. mv/r2 4. Which if the following are true
of atoms?
2. An ice cube floats in a glass of
water filled to the brim. What A. Atoms are indestructible
happens when the ice melts? B. The number of protons equals
the number of electrons
A. There is a drop in the level of C. Atoms of different substances
water in the glass due to have different weight
condensation on the outside D. All of the above
B. The water level remains the
same 5. A pressure cooker saves both
C. The water in the glass time and fuel in cooking because
overflows inside the cooker, the _____
D. The level of water drops
because melted ice occupies less A. pressure is constant
volume B. boiling of water is raised
C. heated is completely trapped
3. A 500kg car which was initially D. temperature is evenly
at rest travelled with an distributed
acceleration of 5m sec-2, its

6. A vapour is said to be 9. A ship travelling towards a cliff
saturated when _____ receives the echo of its whistle
after 3.5 seconds. A short while
A. more molecules return to the later, it receives the echo after
liquid than leave it 2.5 seconds. If the speed of
B. the vapour pressure is sound in air under the prevailing
atmospheric conditions is 250ms-1, how much
C. a dynamic equilibrium exists closer is the ship to the cliff?
between the liquid molecule and
the vapour molecule at a given A. 125m
temperature B. 10m
D. the temperature of the vapour C. 175m
varies D. 350m

7. The following types of waves 10. For which of the underlisted

are all transverse except _____ quantities is the derived unit
ML2T2 correct?
A. light waves
B. radio waves I. Moment of a force
C. surface waves on water II. Work
D. sound waves III. Acceleration

8. Which of the circuits illustrated A. I only

below will give a total resistance B. I and II
of 1Ω? C. III only
D. II only

11. Radio waves have a velocity

of 3 x 108ms-1. A radio station

sends out a broadcast on a A. below 0⁰C
frequency of 800 KHz. The B. above 100⁰C
wavelength of the broadcast is C. at exactly 4⁰C
_____ D. between 0⁰C and 4⁰C

A. 240.0m 14. A uniform metre rule QR is

B. 267.0ra balanced on a knife edge which is
C. 375.0m 55cm from R. When a mass of
D. 37.5m 10g is hung at P as shown below,
the mass of the metre rule is
12. _____

A. 70g
The graph in the diagram above B. 350g
describes the motion of a particle. C. 550g
The acceleration of the particle D. 35g
during the motion is _____

15. The vacuum in a thermos

A. 0.00ms -2
flask helps to reduce heat transfer
B. 0.25ms-2 by _____
C. 8.00ms -2

D. 4.00ms-2 A. convection and radiation

B. convection and conduction
13. Water shows anomalous C. conduction and radiation
behaviour _____ D. radiation only

16. Which of the following l−l0
phenomena explains the
formation of a mirage? B.
l0 ∆t

C. l0 (l + ∆l)
I. Reflection
II. Refraction D.
III. Diffraction

19. A moving coil galvanometer of

A. I and III only 300Ω resistance gives full scale
B. II and III only deflection for 1.0mA. The
C. I and II only resistance, R, of the shunt that is
D. I, II and III required to convert the
galvanometer into a 3.0A
17. An object is placed 5.6 x10-4m ammeter is _____
in front of a converging lens of
focal length 1.0 x 10-nm. The A. 899.70Ω
image formed is _____ B. 0.10Ω
C. 10.00Ω
A. real, erect and magnified D. 0.01Ω
B. virtual, erect, and diminished
C. real, inverted, and magnified 20. Which of the following
D. virtual, erect, and magnified arrangement of the
electromagnetic spectrum is in
18. A bar of initial length l0 is ascending order of wavelengths?
heated through a temperature
change ∆ t to a new length l. The A. gamma rays, ultraviolet rays,
linear expansivity, ∝, of the bar is x-rays, infra-red rays
_____ B. infra-red rays, ultraviolet rays,
x-rays, gamma rays

C. gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet B. 1.0A
rays, infra-red rays C. 1.6A
D. gamma rays, ultraviolet rays, D. 0.8A
infra-red rays, x-rays
21. An aeroplane lands on a
runway at speed of 180Kmh-1 and
is brought to a stop uniformly in
30 seconds. What distance does it
cover in the runway before
coming to rest?

The value of T in the diagram is

A. 360m
B. 540m
C. 957m
A. 10.0N
D. 750m
B. 40.0N
C. 20.0N
D. 111.8N

24. At what respective value of x,

y, and z would the unit of force,
the newton, be dynamically

In the circuit diagram, calculate equivalent to MxLyTz?

the current in the 12Ω resistor if

the cell has an e.m.f of 12V and A. -1, 1, 2

an internal resistance of 1Ω. B. 1, -1, 2

C. 1, 1, -2

A. 2.4A D. -1, 1, -2

25. A 500W heater is used to heat 27. A gas would serve as an
0.6kg of water from 25 to 100⁰C electrical conductor under _____
in t1 seconds. If another 1000W
heater is used to heat 0.2kg of A. reduced pressure and reduced
water from 10⁰C to 100⁰C in t2 potential
seconds, find
B. increased magnetic field
C. reduced pressure and high
A. 50
D. exposure to visible light
B. 1/5
C. 5/4
D. 5

If current flows in the direction of

the arrows in the solenoid above,
the North pole is at _____

The diagram above shows a

A. P
magnet with its south pole moved
B. Q
along a soft-iron bar PQ in the
C. X
direction as shown. After some
D. Y
time, the poles at Q respectively
are _____
29. The magnetic force on a
charged particle moving with
A. North-South
velocity is _____
B. North-North
C. South-North
A. proportional to the velocity v
D. South-South

B. independent of the magnitude 32. What types of mirrors are
of the charge capable of producing parallel
C. proportional to both the beams of light such as those
magnitude of the charge and the arising from the headlamps of a
velocity v car?
D. proportional to the magnitude
of the charge only A. cylindrical mirrors
B. spherical mirrors
30. The eye controls the amount C. plane mirrors
of light reaching the retina by
adjusting the _____ 33. A body of mass 36kg falls
through a viscous liquid which
A. retina offers a drag force of 260N on the
B. optic nerve body. The upthrust of the body at
C. cornea terminal velocity is _____
D. iris
A. 310N
31. A satellite is in a parking orbit B. 50N
if its period is _____ C. 620N
D. 100N
A. equal to the period of the earth
B. more than the period of the 34. Which of the following
earth diagrams represent the magnetic
C. less than the period of the field of two isolated unlike poles?
D. the square of the period of the

35. Lenz’s law is a law of the 38. One special advantage of
conservation of _____ alcohol over mercury as a
thermometric liquid is its _____
A. momentum
B. energy A. low density
C. electric current B. low boiling point
D. electric charge C. high specific heat capacity
D. low freezing point
36. Counting of currency notes
with moist fingers is based on the 39. Which of the following is a
principle of _____ property of steel?

A. diffusion A. It can easily be magnetised

B. cohesion and demagnetised
C. viscosity B. It can be used for making
D. adhesion permanent magnets
C. It cannot retain its magnetism
37. If negative charges are longer than iron
induced on an electroscope and a D. It can be used for making
positively charged rod is brought temporary magnets
near the cap of the electroscope,
the leaves will _____ 40. One of the conditions
necessary for an object to be in
A. become negatively charged equilibrium when acted upon by a
B. become positively charged number of parallel forces is that
C. close up the vector sum of the forces is
D. open further _____

A. zero

B. negative
C. positive
D. average


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1. A few grains of table salt were B. 1.5ms-1

put in a cup of cold water, kept at C. 1ms-1
constant temperature and left D. 2ms-1
undisturbed. Eventually all the
water tasted salty. This action is 4. If in a simple pendulum
due to ____ experiment, the length of the
inextensible string is increased by
A. convection a factor of four, its period is
B. osmosis increased by a factor of _____
C. capillarity
D. diffusion A. 4
B. π/2
2. The force required to make an C. 1/4
object of mass m, travelling with D. 2
velocity v, turn in a circle of
radius r is _____ 5. In what range of temperature
is the expansion of water
A. mv2/r anomalous?
B. mr2/v
C. mr/v A. +208⁰C to +212⁰C
D. mv/r2 B. -80⁰C to -76⁰C
C. 0⁰C to +4⁰C
3. A machine gun with a mass of D. -4⁰C to 0⁰C
5kg fires a 50g bullet at a speed
of 100ms-1. The recoil speed of 6. Which of the following
the machine gun is _____ statements about radioactivity is
A. 0.5ms-1

I. Alpha particle is positively C. Different materials require
charged different amount of heat to cause
II. Beta particle is negatively a given change in temperature
charged D. All of the above
III. Gamma rays are neutral
IV. Beta particle has the same 8.
mass as Helium atom
V. Gamma ray is charged

A. I, II, III, IV only

B. I, II, III only
C. IV and V only The effect of closing the key K in

D. I, II, V only the circuit shown in Fig. 1 would

be to _____

7. In the study of Physics,

temperature and heat are often A. increase the current by 0.4A

confused with each other. Which B. reduce the current by 0.4A

of the following statements C. increase the current by 0.6A

correctly defines these two D. reduce the current by 0.6A

9. Which of the following

A. Temperature is a measure of statements on the use of X-rays is

the average kinetic energy of the incorrect? X-rays are used _____

molecules of a substance
B. Heat is a measure of the total A. in hospitals to obtain

kinetic energy of the molecules in photographs of tissues and bones

a system in the body

B. for the treatment of malignant
growths like cancer cells

C. in detecting fingerprints A. ∝-particles and 𝛽-rays
D. to reveal hidden flaws in metal B. ∝-particles and x-rays
casings and welded joint work of C. 𝛾-rays and x-rays
art D. ∝-particles, 𝛽-rays and 𝛾-rays

10. O 12. If a source of sound is

moving, a stationary listener will
hear a sound of different
0.5 m 0.3 m
frequency. This is called _____

A. doppler effect
P B. resonance
20 N C. ultrasound
D. refraction
In the above diagram MN is
perpendicular to ON and MP. 13. Which of the following can be
What is the difference between described as high tension
the moment about N of the force transmission?
of 20N applied along MP and its
moment about O? A. high resistance and low voltage
B. low current and high voltage
A. zero C. high current and low voltage
B. 0.2Nm D. high current and low resistance
C. 0.4Nm
D. 0.8Nm 14. What is the cost of running
five 50W lamps and four 100W
11. Natural radioactivity consist of lamps for 10 hours if electrical
the emission of _____ energy costs 2 kobo per kWh?

A. ₦0.65 the solid to that of the kerosene is
B. ₦0.39 _____
C. ₦3.90
D. ₦0.13 A. 2
B. 3/2
15. The mass of a proton is C. 2/3
approximately equal to that of D. 3
18. One of the following readings
A. an ∝-particle represents the measurement of
B. a 𝛽-particle the length of a metal rod using
C. a neutron vernier callipers. Taking the
D. an electron reading accuracy into
consideration, the most likely one
16. A transformer has 300 turns is _____
of wire in the primary coil and 30
turns in the secondary coil. If the A. 5.16 cm
input voltage is 100 volts, the B. 5.165 cm
output voltage is _____ C. 5.0 cm
D. 5.160 cm
A. 5 volts
B. 10 volts 19. When a wave sound passes
C. 15 volts from air into water its _____
D. 20 volts
A. speed and frequency increases
17. A solid weighs 4.8g in air, but its wavelength remains the
2.8g in water and 3.2g in same
kerosene. The ratio of density of

B. speed and wavelength increase E. I only
but its frequency remains the
same 22.
C. speed decreases P
D. speed increases but its
frequency and wavelength
40⁰ Q
20. Which of the circuits
illustrated below will give a total
resistance of 1Ω? N

Two mirrors of the same lengths

are arranged as shown in the
diagram above. A ray of light NO
strikes the system at O and
emerges along PQ. The emergent
ray has been deviated through
21. A convex mirror is used as a _____
driving mirror because _____

A. 220⁰
I. its image is erect B. 200⁰
II. it has a large field of view C. 210⁰
III. it has a long focal length D. 180⁰

A. I and III only 23. A magnetic needle is

B. I and II only suspended first at the earth’s
C. II and III only north magnetic pole then at a
D. I, II, and III point on the magnetic equator.

The respective angles between Consider the three forces acting
the needle and the horizontal are at O and in equilibrium as shown
_____ above. Which of the following
equations is/are CORRECT?
A. 0⁰ and 0⁰
B. 60⁰ and 60⁰ I. P1 cos 𝛳1 = P1 cos 𝛳2
C. 90⁰ and 90⁰ II. P3 = P1 cos 𝛳1 + P2 cos 𝛳2
D. 90⁰ and 0⁰ III. P1 sin 𝛳1 = P2 sin 𝛳2

24. A hydrometer is an A. I only

instrument for measuring the B. II only
_____ C. III only
D. I, II, and III
A. depth of water in a vessel
B. relative density of a liquid by 26. The refractive index of a liquid
the method of floatation is 1.5. if the velocity of light in
C. relative density of a liquid by vacuum is 3.0 x 108ms-1, the
finding the apparent loss in velocity of light in the liquid is
weight _____
D. relative humidity of the air
A. 1.5 x 108ms-1
25. B. 2.0 x 108ms-1
C. 3.0 x 108ms-1
D. 4.5 x 108ms-1
O 𝛉1
27. A ship travelling towards a
cliff receives the echo of its

P2 whistle after 3.5 seconds. A short

while later, it receives the echo

after 2.5 seconds. If the speed of 29. Which the following conditions
sound in air under the prevailing are necessary and sufficient for
condition is 250ms-1, how much total internal reflection to take
closer is the ship to the cliff? place at the boundary between
two optical media?
A. 10m
B. 350m I. Light is passing from
C. 175m optically denser medium
D. 125m to optically less dense
28. Which of the following II. Light is passing from
statements about defects of vision optically less dense
is/are CORRECT? medium to optically
denser medium
I. For a long sighted person, III. Angle of incidence is
close objects appear greater
blurred IV. Angle of incidence is
II. For a short sighted lesser
person, distant objects
appear blurred A. I and II only
III. Short sight is corrected by B. II and III only
using a pair of converging C. III and IV only
lenses D. I and III only

A. I only 30. The linear expansivity of brass

B. II only is 2 x 10-5 ⁰C-1. If the volume of a
C. I and II only piece of brass is 10cm3 at 0⁰C,
D. II and III only what will be its volume at 100⁰C?

A. 10.06cm3 C. 4.0 x 104J kg-1 K-1
B. 10.04cm3 D. 4.0 x 104J kg-1
C. 10.02cm3
D. 10.20cm3 33. Two divers G and H are at
depths 20m and 40m respectively
31. The lower and upper fixed below the water surface in a lake.
points marked on a mercury-in- The pressure on G is P1, while the
glass thermometer are 210mm pressure on H is P2. If the
apart. The end of the mercury atmospheric pressure is
column in the tube is 49mm equivalent to 10m2 of water, then
above the lower fixed point in the the value of P2/P1 is _____
room. What is the temperature of
the temperature of the room in A. 0.50
degree Celsius? B. 0.60
C. 1.67
A. 55.3⁰C D. 2.00
B. 30.43⁰C
C. 49.0⁰C 34.
D. 16.43⁰C

32. Heat is supplied uniformly at

the rate of 100W to 1.0 x 10-2kg
of a liquid for 20 seconds. If the
temperature of the liquid rises by
5⁰C, then the specific heat
capacity of the liquid is _____

A. 2.0 x 102J kg-1 K-1

B. 2.0 x 102J kg-1

The diagram above represents a D. vapourization point
block-and-tackle pulley system on
which an effort of W Newtons
supports a load of 120.0N. if the
efficiency of the machine is 40⁰,
then the value of W is _____

A. 28.0N
B. 48.0N
In the above diagram, the value
C. 288.0N
of R is _____
D. 50.0N

A. 3Ω
B. 6Ω
C. 4Ω
D. 5Ω

37. Which of the following

instruments consumes the highest

In an experiment in which molten

naphthalene is allowed to cool, Instrument Voltage Power
Rating Rating
the cooling curve in the diagram A. Electric iron 250V 1kW
above was obtained. The
B. Television set 220V 110kW
temperature 80⁰C is known as the
_____ C. Torch light 6V 30kW

D. Immersion 110V 500kW

A. cooling temperature heater

B. boiling point
C. melting point
38. In which of the following D. 2400
diagram is the length of the tube
equal to one wavelength?

39. Which of the following pairs is

not part of electromagnetic

I. Radio waves
II. Beta rays
III. Gamma rays
IV. Alpha rays

A. I and II
B. III and IV
C. I and III
D. II and IV

40. A substance has a half of 3

min. After 6 min, the count rate
was observed to be 400. What
was its count rate at zero time?

A. 1600
B. 1200
C. 200

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