Npa 2021-13
Npa 2021-13
Npa 2021-13
The objective of this Notice of Proposed Amendment (NPA) is to address a safety recommendation involving
the failure of engine fan blades, thus improving the certification of turbofan engines to better assess and
mitigate the potential hazards from such failures, especially by better integrating the analysis and identification
of the potential threats to the aircraft on which the engine is to be installed. The proposed amendments will
therefore ensure a more robust certification process and will decrease the risk of substantial aircraft damage
and fatalities.
In addition, the amendments proposed will reflect the state of the art of engine certification and improve the
harmonisation of CS-E with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations. To that end, this NPA
proposes amendments to CS-E following the selection of non-complex, non-controversial, and mature subjects.
In particular, this NPA proposes amendments in the following areas:
Item 1: Compressor and turbine blade failure,
Item 2: Assumptions — oil consumption,
Item 3: Instrument provisions,
Item 4: Piston engine failure analysis,
Item 5: Approval of engine use with a thrust reverser,
Item 6: Fuel specifications for compression-ignition piston engine,
Item 7: Ice protection,
Item 8: Damage tolerance of critical parts,
Item 9: Engine critical parts — Static pressure loaded parts,
Item 10: Various corrections.
The proposed amendments are expected to improve safety, would have no social or environmental impacts,
and would provide economic benefits by streamlining the certification process.
Domain: Design and production
Affected rules: CS-E
Affected stakeholders: Engine manufacturers
Driver: Safety and efficiency/proportionality Rulemaking group: No
Impact assessment: No Rulemaking Procedure: Standard
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Table of contents
Table of contents
1. About this NPA...................................................................................................................... 3
1.1. How this NPA was developed ................................................................................................... 3
1.2. How to comment on this NPA .................................................................................................. 3
1.3. The next steps .......................................................................................................................... 3
2. In summary — why and what ................................................................................................ 4
2.1. Why we need to amend the rules — issue/rationale .............................................................. 4
2.2. What we want to achieve — objectives ................................................................................... 8
2.3. How we want to achieve it — overview of the proposed amendments.................................. 8
2.4. What are the expected benefits and drawbacks of the proposed amendments .................. 10
3. Proposed amendments ....................................................................................................... 11
3.1. Draft certification specifications and acceptable means of compliance for engines (draft
EASA decision amending CS-E) .......................................................................................................... 11
AMC E 510 Safety Analysis ..................................................................................................................................... 11
CS-E 520 Strength ................................................................................................................................................... 12
AMC E 520(c)(2) Engine Model Validation ............................................................................................................. 12
CS-E 810 Compressor and Turbine Blade Failure ................................................................................................... 13
AMC E 810 Compressor and Turbine Blade Failure ................................................................................................ 13
AMC E 30 Assumptions .......................................................................................................................................... 15
AMC E 60 Provision for Instruments ...................................................................................................................... 15
AMC E 210 Failure Analysis ................................................................................................................................... 15
CS-E 10 Applicability .............................................................................................................................................. 16
AMC E 10(b) Thrust Reversers ............................................................................................................................... 16
AMC E 240 Ignition ................................................................................................................................................. 17
AMC E 100 Strength ............................................................................................................................................... 17
CS-E 780 Icing Conditions ....................................................................................................................................... 18
AMC E 780 Icing Conditions ................................................................................................................................... 19
AMC E 515 Engine Critical Parts ............................................................................................................................. 24
AMC E 515 Engine Critical Parts ............................................................................................................................. 29
CS-E 10 Applicability ............................................................................................................................................... 30
CS-E 25 Instructions for Continued Airworthiness ................................................................................................. 30
CS-E 40 Ratings ....................................................................................................................................................... 31
CS-E 120 Identification ........................................................................................................................................... 31
CS-E 160 Tests - History .......................................................................................................................................... 31
AMC E 650 Vibration Surveys ................................................................................................................................. 31
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1. About this NPA
1 Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2018 on common rules in the field of
civil aviation and establishing a European Union Aviation Safety Agency, and amending Regulations (EC) No 2111/2005,
(EC) No 1008/2008, (EU) No 996/2010, (EU) No 376/2014 and Directives 2014/30/EU and 2014/53/EU of the European
Parliament and of the Council, and repealing Regulations (EC) No 552/2004 and (EC) No 216/2008 of the European
Parliament and of the Council and Council Regulation (EEC) No 3922/91 (OJ L 212, 22.8.2018, p. 1) (https://eur-
2 EASA is bound to follow a structured rulemaking process as required by Article 115(1) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1139.
Such a process has been adopted by the EASA Management Board (MB) and is referred to as the ‘Rulemaking Procedure’.
See MB Decision No 18-2015 of 15 December 2015 replacing Decision 01/2012 concerning the procedure to be applied
by EASA for the issuing of opinions, certification specifications and guidance material (
4 In case of technical problems, please contact the CRT webmaster (
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2. In summary — why and what
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2. In summary — why and what
(2) develop a method to ensure that the analysis findings are fully accounted for in the design of
the nacelle structure and its components.’
EASA analysed the existing certification specifications and acceptable means of compliance applicable
to turbine engines in CS-E and identified the following issues that are considered eligible to be dealt
with under the regular update of CS-E:
(a) The potential release of uncontained debris in the engine forward and rearward directions is
not sufficiently addressed. It is limited to a provision in AMC E 810 (‘Compressor and Turbine
Blade Failure’) related to the blade containment test, requiring to report the estimated size,
weight, trajectory, and velocity of any debris ejected from the intake or exhaust during the test.
(b) CS-E 520(c)(2) requires that validated data (from analysis or test or both) be established and
provided to enable the aircraft manufacturer to ascertain the forces that could be imposed on
the aircraft structure and systems as a consequence of the out-of-balance running and during
any continued rotation with rotor unbalance after shutdown of the Engine following the
occurrence of blade failure as demonstrated in compliance with CS-E 810 (‘Compressor and
Turbine Blade Failure’). AMC E 520(c)(2) provides some guidance and acceptable means of
compliance regarding the Engine model validation. However, it appears that the displacements
and loads transmitted to the engine nacelle structure (certified at aircraft level) have not been
sufficiently addressed during the certification of some engines and aircraft.
Item 2: Assumptions — oil consumption
AMC E 30 provides in its Table 1 the assumptions which should normally be provided in the Engine
instructions for installation, as required under CS-E 30.
Regarding the oil system, Table 1 indicates the ‘oil(s) approved for use’.
However, the oil consumption and the flight duration are also important assumptions that should be
listed in Table 1.
Item 3: Instrument provisions
CS-E 60 requires the provision for the installation of instrumentation necessary to ensure operation in
compliance with the Engine operating limitations.
According to AMC E 60, in addition to powerplant instrumentation required for aircraft certification,
the Engine safety analysis might show the need for specific instrumentation providing information to
the flight crew or maintenance personnel for taking the appropriate actions in order to prevent the
occurrence of a Failure or to mitigate any associated consequences.
Such instrumentation typically includes the indication of the ice protection system activation, rotor
system unbalance and fuel flow. This is not mentioned in AMC E 60, and EASA has identified the need
to clarify this point.
Item 4: Piston engine failure analysis
CS E-210(a) requires a failure analysis of the engine, including its control system, in order to
demonstrate that no single fault, or double fault if one of the faults may be present and undetected
during pre-flight checks, could lead to unsafe engine conditions beyond the normal control of the flight
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2. In summary — why and what
CS E-210(b) specifies that this failure analysis may depend on assumed installation conditions and
requires that such assumptions are stated in the analysis.
AMC E 210 specifies that the failure analysis ‘would normally include investigation of those engine
components that could affect the functioning and integrity of the major rotating assemblies, and for
the control system, all manual and automatic controls such as refrigerant injection system, engine and
fuel system speed governors, engine over-speed limiters, propeller control systems, propeller thrust
reversal systems, etc.’
However, there is currently no AMC provision explaining how to interpret the CS E-210(a) specification
‘unsafe engine conditions beyond the normal control of the flight crew’.
Therefore, during certification projects a generic Means of Compliance (MoC) has been agreed with
applicants via Certification Review Items (CRIs) (entitled ‘CS-E 210 Failure Analysis’) in order to define
the kinds of failure conditions to be taken into account. This MoC is considered mature enough to be
introduced in AMC E 210.
Item 5: Approval of engine use with a thrust reverser
On many aeroplanes, the turbine engines are equipped with a thrust reverser. This thrust reverser is
usually not part of the engine type design but is certificated with the aeroplane.
In many cases, the engine type certificate applicant does not plan to test the engine with the aeroplane
thrust reverser during engine certification. Instead, an equivalent duct is used that simulates the
mechanical and aerodynamic characteristics of a representative production thrust reverser. This duct
generally cannot simulate all the thrust reverser functions.
EASA published Certification Memorandum CM-PIFS-002 Issue 1 dated 8 March 2012, entitled
‘Approval of Engine Use with a Thrust Reverser’. This Certification Memorandum (CM) describes how
it can be allowed that a turbine engine is equipped and used with a thrust reverser, even when this
thrust reverser is not part of the engine type design.
EASA considers that the content of this CM is sufficiently mature to be reflected in CS-E.
Item 6: Fuel specifications for compression-ignition piston engine
EASA recommends that applicants for certification of compression-ignition engines use test fuels that
comply with ASTM standard D8147 Standard Specification for Special-Purpose Test Fuels for Aviation
Compression-Ignition Engines.
This is however not indicated in CS-E.
Item 7: Ice protection
Icing ground tests: These tests are performed at lower by-pass ratio conditions than actual altitude
conditions, which is not representative for operability and surges. According to AMC E 780 paragraph
(1.4), applicants should justify that non-altitude conditions are not less severe for both ice accretions
and shedding than the equivalent altitude test points, but it does not address the engine operability.
Icing conditions: EASA has identified the need to bring clarifications on the range of icing conditions
that are applicable under AMC E 780.
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2. In summary — why and what
Icing induced vibrations: EASA has identified the need to clarify what effects should be taken into
account when showing compliance with CS E 100(c) for turbine engines. This includes, among other
items, the effect of ice ingestion.
Use of ice protection systems: EASA has identified the need to clarify what needs to be addressed as
consequences from delayed activation or deactivation of ice protection systems in AMC E 780 (Section
Item 8: Damage tolerance of critical parts
EASA had previously identified the need for clarification for compliance demonstration based on both
deterministic and probabilistic surface damage tolerance, and this topic has been addressed under
EASA Certification Memorandum CM-PIFS-007 Issue 1 dated 22 February 2013, entitled ‘Engine
Critical Parts - Damage Tolerance Assessment - Manufacturing and Surface Induced Anomalies’.
The content of this CM can now be introduced in CS-E.
Item 9: Engine critical parts — Static pressure loaded parts
AMC E 515 (‘Engine Critical Parts’) paragraph (3) deals with the definition of an Engineering Plan which
is one of the three elements required by CS-E 515 to ensure the integrity of Engine Critical Parts.
Sub-paragraph (e) of this paragraph addresses the establishment of the approved life for static
pressure loaded parts.
Unlike the FAA Advisory Circular (AC) 33.70-1 (‘Guidance material for aircraft engine life-limited parts
requirements’), AMC E 515(3)(e) does not indicate that the CS-E certification specifications applicable
to static pressure loaded parts should be complied with assuming the presence of the maximum
predicted size crack that can occur within the Approved Life of the part, and that it may be necessary
to limit the crack size allowed in service to comply with certification specifications other than CS-E
EASA agrees with the AC 33.70-1 guidance material on this topic (provided in Section 8(e)), which is
also accepted by the industry. There is therefore an opportunity to harmonise AMC E 515 with FAA
AC 33.70-1 to improve the efficiency of the EASA certification process.
Item 10: Various corrections
— Reference to Part 21 in CS-E 10
CS-E 10(c) refers to point 21.A.16 of Part 21, which has been deleted and replaced by a new
point 21.B.75 by Regulation (EU) 2019/8976.
— Reference to Part 21 in CS-E 25
CS-E 25(a) refers to point 21.A.61(a) of Part 21, which has been deleted and replaced by a new
point 21.A.7 by Regulation (EU) 2021/6997.
6 Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/897 of 12 March 2019 amending Regulation (EU) No 748/2012
as regards the inclusion of risk-based compliance verification in Annex I and the implementation of
requirements for environmental protection (OJ L 144, 3.6.2019, p. 1) (
7 Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/699 of 21 December 2020 amending and correcting Regulation (EU) No
748/2012 as regards the instructions for continued airworthiness, the production of parts to be used during maintenance
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2. In summary — why and what
and the consideration of ageing aircraft aspects during certification (OJ L 145, 28.4.2021, p. 1) (https://eur-
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2. In summary — why and what
could cause a hazard to the aircraft, they should be considered as causing a Hazardous
Engine Effect.
(d) CS-E 810 (‘Compressor and Turbine Blade Failure’) is proposed to be amended to align with CS-
E 520(c)(1) regarding the ‘radial’ containment requirement and clarify that Hazardous Engine
Effects that may be triggered by the blade failure must not occur at a rate greater than that
defined as Extremely Remote. The current wording requiring to demonstrate that no Hazardous
Engine Effect can happen is not considered as adequate as some debris may be released outside
of the radial containment area and this must be addressed and mitigated.
(e) AMC E 810 (‘Compressor and Turbine Blade Failure’), paragraph (2) (c), related to the conditions
after the containment test, is proposed to be amended to:
(1) reflect the amendment made to CS-E 810; and
(2) add new sub-paragraphs explaining the elements that should be taken into account for
the demonstration of the Extremely remote probability, highlighting the needed
coordination with the aircraft manufacturer to ensure that the threat to the aircraft is
adequately assessed, and indicating the information that should be provided in the
manuals containing the instructions for installing and operating the engine.
Item 2: Assumptions — oil consumption
Table 1 of AMC E 30 is proposed to be amended to mention the flight duration and the engine
maximum average oil consumption for the oil system.
Item 3: Instrument provisions
AMC E 60 is proposed to be amended to mention the engine ice protection system activation as an
example of instrumentation that may be required for aircraft certification.
Item 4: Piston engine failure analysis
AMC E 210 is proposed to be amended to reflect the content of the above-mentioned generic MoC
Item 5: Approval of engine use with a thrust reverser
CS-E 10(b) and AMC E 10(b) are proposed to be amended to better specify how the approval for the
use of an engine thrust reverser has to be handled and introduce the guidance provided in CM-PIFS-
002 Issue 1.
Item 6: Fuel specifications for compression-ignition piston engine
AMC E 240 is proposed to be created to recommend the use of test fuels complying with ASTM D8147.
Item 7: Ice protection
Icing ground tests: AMC E 780 is proposed to be amended to add provisions recommending applicants
to adequately justify and consider the engine propensity to surge and flameout when operating in
icing conditions.
Icing conditions: CS-E 780 and AMC E 780 are proposed to be amended to clarify the range of icing
conditions that are applicable.
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2. In summary — why and what
Icing induced vibrations: AMC E 100 is proposed to be created to explain what is expected when
showing compliance with CS E 100(c) for turbine engines.
Use of ice protection systems: AMC E 780 Section 6 is proposed to be amended to clarify what needs
to be addressed as consequences from delayed activation or deactivation of ice protection systems.
Item 8: Damage tolerance of critical parts
AMC E 515 Section 3(d).v is proposed to be amended to introduce the content of CM-PIFS-007.
Item 9: Engine critical parts — Static pressure loaded parts
A sub-paragraph is proposed to be added to AMC E 515(3)(e)(i) (‘General Principles’) to clarify that the
allowance of residual crack growth life within the Approved Life can only be accepted on the condition
that compliance with other applicable CS-E certification specifications is unaffected.
The proposal allows to harmonise with the FAA AC 33.70-1 guidance material on this topic (provided
in Section 8(e)).
Item 10: Editorial corrections
CS-E 10(c) is proposed to be amended to replace the reference to point 21.A.16 by a reference to point
CS-E 25(a) is proposed to be amended to delete the reference to point 21.A.61(a).
CS-E 160(a) is proposed to be amended to replace the reference to point 21.A.21(c)(3) by point
Other existing references to points of Part 21 are proposed to be updated in order to ensure editorial
consistency of the references.
2.4. What are the expected benefits and drawbacks of the proposed amendments
The proposed amendments are expected to contribute to reflecting the state of the art of engine
certification in CS-E and improve the harmonisation of CS-E with the FAA regulations.
The proposal also takes into account the lessons learnt from turbine engine occurrences involving a
compressor or turbine blade failure in order to improve the identification and the mitigation of the
hazards associated with such a failure. In particular, the threat represented by uncontained axial
debris and the loads transmitted to aircraft structural elements would be better analysed and
mitigated during certification of the engine. Also, the cooperation between the engine and the aircraft
manufacturers would be enhanced to take into account the failure consequences at aircraft level. The
proposed amendments do not mandate design changes relative to current industry practice, but
would ensure a more robust certification process and would decrease the risk of substantial aircraft
damage and fatalities. A reasonable cost impact for the turbine engine manufacturers and EASA is
anticipated due to the additional efforts expected during certification of the engine. However, this
impact would be compensated by the economic and safety benefits gained from the decrease of
severity of blade failure occurrences.
Overall, this proposed amendments would improve safety, would have no social or environmental
impacts, and would provide economic benefits by streamlining the certification process.
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3. Proposed amendments
3. Proposed amendments
The text of the amendment is arranged to show deleted, new or amended, and unchanged text as
— deleted text is struck through;
— new or amended text is highlighted in blue;
— an ellipsis ‘[…]’ indicates that the rest of the text is unchanged.
3.1. Draft certification specifications and acceptable means of compliance for engines
(draft EASA decision amending CS-E)
Item 1: Compressor and turbine blade failure
Amend AMC E 510 as follows:
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3. Proposed amendments
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3. Proposed amendments
behaviour is verified by measuring engine vibratory response when imbalances are added to
the fan and other rotors (See CS-E 650). Vibration data is routinely monitored on a number of
engines during the engine development cycle, thereby providing a solid basis for model
(5) Correlation of the model against the CS-E 810 blade loss engine test is a demonstration that the
model accurately represents:
— initial blade release event loads,
— any rundown resonant response behaviour,
— frequencies,
— failure sequences, and
— general engine movements and displacements, including interface features between
engine and aircraft.
(6) To enable this correlation to be performed, instrumentation of the blade loss engine test should
be used (e.g., use of high-speed cinema and video cameras, accelerometers, strain gauges,
continuity wires, and shaft speed tachometers). This instrumentation should be capable of
measuring loads on the engine attachment structure.
(7) The airframe and engine manufacturers should mutually agree upon the definition of the
model, based on test and experience.
Amend CS-E 810 as follows:
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3. Proposed amendments
(i) radial Ccontainment by the Engine within its containment structure without
causing significant rupture or hazardous distortion of the Engine outer casing or
the expulsion of blades through the Engine casing or shield;, and
NOTE: If debris is ejected from the Engine intake or exhaust, the approximate size
and weight of the debris should be reported with an estimate of its trajectory and
velocity, so that the effect upon the aircraft can be assessed.
(ii) no hazard to the aircraft Hazardous Engine Effect from possible internal damage
to the Engine as a result of blades penetrating the rotor casings, even though they
are contained within the external geometry of the Engine.
(ii) no other Hazardous Engine Effect resulting from the blade Failure, including due to
debris being released from the Engine, forward, rearward, or otherwise outside of
the containment structure, unless the probability of the Hazardous Engine Effect
can be shown to be Extremely Remote. All relevant design features, test and
service experience should be considered when estimating the likelihood of a blade
failure, as well as the probability of the Failure progressing to cause a Hazardous
Engine Effect. The hazard ratio associated with any potential threat to the safety
of the aircraft should be assessed in coordination with the aircraft manufacturer.
Any installation assumptions, including maximum hazard ratio, required to meet
the required safety level should be included in the Manuals required by CS E-20(d).
NOTE (1): The approximate size and weight of debris released during the test, along
with an estimate of its trajectory and velocity, should be recorded to enable a
determination whether the debris could result in a Hazardous Engine Effect. This
data should be documented in the Manuals required by CS-E 20(d).
NOTE (2): The above assessment is required to demonstrate that the likelihood of
a Hazardous Engine Effect due to blade Failure is low enough to be accepted for
engine certification (i.e. Extremely Remote). Additional considerations may be
applied during aircraft certification to further mitigate the potential effects of
blade Failures at aircraft level.
(iii) no evidence, either from the test, service experience or other analysis, indicating
that the conditions of paragraphs (c)(i) and (c)(ii) above would not be satisfied
under other possible blade Failure conditions (e.g. blade released at different
angular position, partial blade failure, or release at speeds below the maximum to
be approved).
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3. Proposed amendments
AMC E 30 Assumptions
The details required by CS-E 30 concerning assumptions should normally include information on, at
least, the items listed in Table 1.
Specifications/References Assumptions
(…) (…)
(…) (…)
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3. Proposed amendments
system speed governors, Engine over-speed limiters, Propeller control systems, Propeller thrust
reversal systems, etc. as applicable.
(2) Unless the effects can be shown to be adequately mitigated in the assumed installation, and
appropriate assumptions are detailed in the engine instructions for installation (as required
under CS-E 30), the failure effects considered to lead to unsafe Engine conditions beyond the
normal control of the flight crew should include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following
— non-containment of high-energy debris,
— uncontrolled fire,
— failure of the Engine mount system leading to inadvertent Engine separation,
— release of the Propeller by the Engine,
— significant thrust in the opposite direction to that commanded by the pilot (e.g.
unintended movement of the propeller blades below the established minimum in-flight
low-pitch position),
— complete inability to shut the Engine down.
(3) The analysis should take into account the effects of failures of components that are part of the
Engine type design on components that are not part of the Engine type design, and vice versa.
(24) The Failure of individual components of the Engine and its installation need not be included in
the analysis if the Agency accepts that the possibility of such Failure is sufficiently remote.
Item 5: Approval of engine use with a thrust reverser
Amend CS-E 10 as follows:
CS-E 10 Applicability
(a) This CS-E contains airworthiness specifications for the issue of type certificates, and changes to
those certificates, for Engines, in accordance with Part 21.
(b) CS-E contains the specifications for the approval for use of the Engine with a thrust reverser, if
fitted. If compliance is shown, the specific defined thrust reverser approved for use will be noted
in the Engine certification documentation. Otherwise, the documentation will be endorsed to
indicate that the use of a thrust reverser is prohibited.
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3. Proposed amendments
The intent of CS-E specifications is to give sufficient confidence that the use of the thrust reverser,
where this is to be permitted, has no detrimental effects on the Engine itself, such as flutter in a fan,
excessive vibrations or loads induced in the Engine carcass, etc.
This is addressed mainly under CS-E 500, CS-E 650, and CS-E 890.
If the Engine is intended to be used with a thrust reverser which is not included in the Engine type
design, these CS-E specifications should nevertheless be addressed for approval of the use of the
Engine with this thrust reverser. If this is not done, then the Engine certification documentation is
endorsed so that the use of the thrust reverser is prohibited.
If CS-E is complied with by the Engine / thrust reverser combination, the Engine data sheet would
contain a note to the effect that the Engine may be used with the specified thrust reverser.
(a) If a thrust reverser is declared as being part of the Engine type design under CS-E 20(a), it must
comply with all appropriate CS-E specifications and therefore be certificated as part of the
(b) If the Engine is intended to be used with a thrust reverser which is not included in the Engine
type design, these CS-E specifications must nevertheless be addressed for the approval of the
use of the Engine with a thrust reverser. The thrust reverser definition must then be included
in the Manuals required by CS-E 20(d). This may be a reference to the specific thrust reverser
of the intended installation, or this may be limited to defining the key design characteristics that
must be respected, including, but not limited to, mass, centre of gravity, aerodynamic flow lines
and nozzle areas. In this case, the Engine data sheet would contain a note to the effect that the
Engine may be used with the specified thrust reverser.
(c) If the engine is not intended to be used with a thrust reverser, then the Engine data sheet is
endorsed so that the use of the thrust reverser is prohibited.
(d) Whilst compliance with CS-E may rely solely on testing using an equivalent duct, the compliance
with applicable aircraft certification specifications (e.g. CS 25.934) typically requires testing of
the actual Engine/thrust reverser combination.
Item 6: Fuel specifications for compression-ignition piston engine
Create AMC E 240 as follows:
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3. Proposed amendments
icing, rain, and hail, under which sustained engine operation is expected to occur, and which may lead
to high rotor imbalance or severe rotor-case interaction.
For these applicable conditions, the following effects should be assessed under the full range of engine
thrust or power and speed:
(1) For Engine parts, repeated exposure to high cycle fatigue stresses in excess of endurance limits
for even short periods of time could lead to cumulative fatigue damage and subsequent
component failure. If these vibratory stresses exceed the levels demonstrated during
compliance with CS-E 650, it should be demonstrated under CS-E 100 that they are not
(2) Vibration forces imparted to the aircraft structure due to these conditions should be declared
in the Manuals required by CS-E 20(d), and should include assumptions such as mass, stiffness
and damping of the aircraft mount system.
Amend CS-E 780 as follows:
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3. Proposed amendments
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3. Proposed amendments
Due to the potential for inadvertent icing encounters, tThe applicable icing environments
always include the SLW conditions defined in CS-Definitions Amdt 2 under ‘Icing
Atmospheric Conditions’, even for aircraft not approved for flight in icing. The additional
conditions to be addressed are dependent on the conditions applicable to the air intake
system are those applicable to of the aircraft on which the Engine is to be installed,
defined in CS 23.1093(b), CS 25.1093(b), CS 27.1093(b) and CS 29.1093(b), as appropriate.
This These conditions may includes atmospheric icing conditions (including freezing fog
on ground) ice crystal icing conditions, supercooled large drop icing conditions, and falling
and blowing snow conditions. Falling and blowing snow conditions are defined in AMC
The test altitude need not exceed any limitations proposed for aircraft approval, provided
that a suitable altitude margin is demonstrated, and the altitude limitation is reflected in
the manuals containing instructions for installing and operating the Engine.
(2) Supercooled Liquid Water (SLW) Icing Conditions
(2.2) Establishment of SLW Test Points for In-Flight Operation
The test conditions outlined below are intended as a guide to establish the minimum
testing necessary to comply with CS-E 780. These test points should be supplemented or,
if applicable, replaced, by any test points identified by the CPA as applicable.
The conditions of horizontal and vertical extent and water concentration defined below
are somewhat more severe than those implied by the SLW Icing Conditions in CS-
Definitions, Appendix C to CS-25 and Appendix C to CS-29. Encounters with icing
conditions more severe that those defined are considered possible, and it is, therefore,
appropriate to ensure that a margin is maintained.
(a) (…)
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3. Proposed amendments
if the rotor speed in flight would be higher, this should be considered to ensure
that the blade impact energy is at least as severe under test conditions.
Furthermore, altitude effects on engine performance, including surge and
flameout margins, should be taken into account, either in the tested conditions, or
through post-test assessment.
Effects which should be considered and corrected for include but are not limited
— Engine shaft speeds;
— by-pass ratio;
— ice concentration and dilution effects at Engine and core inlet (i.e. scoop
— mass flow (total and core Engine); and
— temperature effects.
Justification should be provided to demonstrate that altitude conditions for ice
accretion and shedding are adequately replicated under test conditions at all
critical Engine locations. If there is more than one critical location for any given test
condition, and it is not possible to adequately simulate the icing conditions at both
locations, separate test points may need to be run.
The effects of density, hardness, and adhesion strength of the ice as it sheds should
be assessed in realistic flight conditions. For example, in realistic flight conditions,
the ice shed cycle for rotating surfaces, such as fan blades, is strongly influenced
by the rotor speed and the adhesive strength of the ice to the surface. The adhesive
strength of ice generally increases with decreasing surface temperature. The ice
thickness, ice properties and rotor speed at the time of the shed define the impact
(2.3) Establishment of Test Points for Ground Operation
The applicant should demonstrate, taking into consideration expected airport elevations,
the following:
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3. Proposed amendments
Note 1: These conditions are provided as a guide, but they may need to be modified to address the
requirements applicable to the intended installation. For instance, snow concentrations may need to
be increased to address blowing snow, and large drop glaze ice conditions may not be applicable for
installation on a given aircraft.
(3) Mixed-phase/Ice Crystal Conditions
This paragraph is provided for certification of turbine Engines to be installed on aircraft which
have mixed-phase and ice crystal icing conditions included in their Certification Specifications.
Until validated full-scale ground test facilities for mixed-phase and ice crystal icing conditions
are available, compliance should be based on flight test and/or analysis (supported by
Engine/component tests, as necessary).
(a) Design Precautions. The applicant should show that design precautions have been taken
to minimise the susceptibility of the Engine to mixed-phase/ice crystal accretions.
The analysis should also identify remaining features or locations in which ice accretion
could not be excluded. Design features which may increase the susceptibility include but
are not limited to:
(i) stagnation points which could provide an increased accretion potential, such as
frame leading edges especially if upstream vanes direct or concentrate
impingement upon the frame leading edge;
(ii) exposed core entrance (as opposed to hidden core);
(iii) high turning rates in the inlet, booster and core flow path (particularly compound
turning elements), such as flowpath concavity;
(iv) protrusions into the core flow path (for example, bleed door edges and
measurement probes);
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3. Proposed amendments
it should be demonstrated that the Engine characteristics are not unacceptably affected by the
introduction of a representative delay in the initiation of operation of the Engine ice protection
system(s), whether the activation is automatic or manual.
In assessing the representative delay, the applicant should consider all factors that contribute
to a delay in activation of the ice protection system(s).
This assessment should include, as appropriate, the time for ice condition detection, pilot
response time, time for the system to become operational, time for the system to become
In lack of other evidence, a delay of two 2 minutes to switch on the IPS should be assumed. For
thermal IPS, the time for the IPS to warm up should be added.
Consideration should also be given to the effects of delays in deactivating an ice protection
system, or to inadvertent operation of an anti-ice system when the engine is not in icing
Item 8: Damage tolerance of critical parts
Amend AMC E 515 as follows:
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3. Proposed amendments
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3. Proposed amendments
The inputs are integrated in a risk assessment which predicts the relative
probability of failure (POF) for each part. The predicted POF is compared to
allowable design target risk values (e.g. values provided in FAA Advisory
Circular (AC) 33.70-2 Damage Tolerance of Hole Features in High-Energy
Turbine). Designs that satisfy the allowable values will be considered to be
in compliance with the damage tolerance requirements. Manufacturers may
use a variety of options to reduce the POF and achieve the level of relative
risk allowed by the damage tolerance risk assessment. These options include
but are not limited to:
— component redesign,
— material change,
— material process improvements,
— manufacturing process improvements,
— manufacturing inspection improvements,
— enhanced in-service inspections, and
— life limit reduction.
5. In addition, the following should be noted with regard to the above:
— appropriate Damage Tolerance Assessments Methodologies.
When a specific damage tolerance risk assessment methodology has been
established by industry or a company and accepted by the Agency, it may be
used to meet the intent of the ‘appropriate damage tolerance assessments’
required under CS-E 515(a).
When an applicant chooses to pursue an industry-specific or company-
specific probabilistic assessment, the applicant should provide and agree
with the Agency such data that has an impact on the risk levels resulting from
the analysis. This data may include but is not limited to the following items
as appropriate to the component:
— Anomaly size / frequency distribution
— Fleet utilisation
— Maintenance practices
— Production / Assembly processes
— Anomaly growth characteristics
— Inspection techniques and intervals
— Inspection Probability Of Detection (POD)
The process utilised to carry out the analysis needs to be agreed with the
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3. Proposed amendments
The probabilities of Hazardous Engine Effects that must be met are defined
in CS-E 510(a)(3).
Note: When referring to CS-E 510(a)(3), an individual failure is considered to
be a failure occurring anywhere in the engine as a result of a damage-
tolerance-related cause and is not related to the failure of an individual
The applicant should demonstrate that adequate processes are in place in
order to validate the assumptions utilised in the analysis. These assumptions
should be validated throughout the life of the certified product.
Any departure from the original assumptions will require the applicant to
repeat the analysis, and communicate the results to the Agency.
If the revised analysis shows that the safety objectives of CS-E 510(a)(3) can
no longer be met, then corrective action must be implemented in
accordance with point 21.A.3 of Part 21.
In the context of CS-E 515(a), “appropriate Damage Tolerance Assessments”
The Agency recognises that industry standards on suitable anomaly size and
frequency distributions, and analysis techniques used in the Damage
Tolerance Assessment process are not available in every case listed in the
paragraphs below. In such cases, compliance with the rule should be based
on such considerations as the design margins applied, application of damage
tolerance design concepts, historical experience, crack-growth rate
comparisons to successful experience, fatigue testing of simulated damage,
etc. Anomalies for which a common understanding has been reached within
the Engine community and the Authorities should be considered in the
Material anomalies.
Material anomalies consist of abnormal discontinuities or non-
homogeneities introduced during the production of the input material or
melting of the material. Some examples of material anomalies that should
be considered are hard alpha anomalies in titanium, oxide/carbide (slag)
stringers in nickel alloys, and ceramic particulate anomalies in powder
metallurgy materials unintentionally generated during powder
Manufacturing anomalies.
Manufacturing anomalies include anomalies produced in the conversion of
the ingot-to-billet and billet-to-forging steps as well as anomalies generated
by the metal removal and finishing processes used during manufacture
and/or repair. Examples of conversion-related anomalies are forging laps
and strain-induced porosity. Some examples of metal-removal-related
anomalies are tears due to broaching, arc burns from various sources and
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3. Proposed amendments
(i) Determine the serviceable and repairable surface damage limits using
a process approved by the Agency and summarised within the service
management plan. Damage size limits should be a function of part,
part location, and damage type. Damage should include but may not
be limited to nicks, dents, scratches and cracks. The serviceable and
repairable limits must be published in the Instructions for Continued
(ii) Establish a monitoring process to record damage that meets all of the
following criteria:
— is inconsistent with or exceeds the repairable limits,
— is made available to the type certificate holder (TCH) or
supplemental type certificate holder (STCH) through existing
reporting channels.
Document the monitoring process in the service management plan.
This activity should record at a minimum the damage size, type and
location observed during service inspections for each Critical Part.
(iii) Assess damage meeting the criteria defined in (ii) above. This
assessment should consider:
— the impact of the observed damage on the life of the damaged
— the likelihood for recurrence of similar damage,
— whether the damage has been determined as having flown,
— whether the damage is likely to escape to the field,
— recommended corrective actions to identify/prevent/eliminate
the source of the damage.
During the service life of the part, a summary of the damage
information obtained by the damage monitoring process, as well as
the corrective actions implemented, should be made available to the
responsible airworthiness authorities.
Item 9: Engine critical parts — Static pressure loaded parts
Amend AMC 515(e)(i) as follows:
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3. Proposed amendments
The general principles which are used to establish the Approved Life are similar to those
used for rotating parts.
However, for static pressure loaded parts, the Approved Life may be based on the crack
initiation life plus a portion of the residual crack growth life. The portion of the residual
life used should consider the margin to burst. If the Approved Life includes reliance on
the detection of cracks prior to reaching the Approved Life, the reliability of the crack
detection should be considered. If, as part of the Engineering Plan, any dependence is
placed upon crack detection to support the Approved Life, this should result in mandatory
inspections being included in the Service Management Plan and in the Airworthiness
Limitations Section of the Instructions for Continued Airworthiness. Crack growth analysis
techniques should be validated experimentally.
If the Approved Life of the part includes a portion of the residual crack growth life, the
compliance with applicable certification specifications should be demonstrated assuming
the presence of the maximum predicted size crack that can occur within the Approved
Life of the part. In some cases, it may be necessary to limit the crack size allowed in service
in order to demonstrate compliance with certification specifications other than CS-E 515,
such as the blade containment requirement in CS-E 810.
Item 10: Various corrections
Amend CS-E 10 as follows:
CS-E 10 Applicability
(c) The specifications of sSubparts A, B and C apply to Piston Engines. Any necessary variations of
the specifications of sSubparts B and C for Piston Engines intended for use in rotorcraft will be
decided in accordance with 21.A.16 point 21.B.75 of Part 21.
Amend CS-E 25 as follows:
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3. Proposed amendments
CS-E 40 Ratings
(e) The Engine’s rated Powers/Thrusts and any operating limitations established under this CS-E 40
which must be respected by the crew of an aircraft must be listed in the Engine type certificate
data sheet specified in point 21.A.41 of Part 21. The Engine type certificate data sheet must also
identify, or make reference to, all other information found necessary for the safe operation of
the Engine.
Amend CS-E 120 as follows:
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4. Impact assessment (IA)
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5. Proposed actions to support implementation
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6. References
6. References
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7. Quality of the document
7.4. The regulatory proposal is fit for purpose (capable of achieving the objectives set)
Please choose one of the options below and place it as a comment in CRT; if you disagree or strongly disagree,
please provide a brief justification.
Fully agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly disagree
7.5. The impact assessment (IA), as well as its qualitative and quantitative data, is of high
Please choose one of the options below and place it as a comment in CRT; if you disagree or strongly disagree,
please provide a brief justification.
Fully agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly disagree
7.7. Any other comments on the quality of this NPA (please specify)
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7. Quality of the document
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