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FSD Circular Letter No. 2/2006 Pressurization of Staircases To British Standard 5588: Part 4

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本處檔號 Our Ref.: (27) in FP 314/07 V

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31 July 2006

To: Recipients of FSD Circular Letters

Dear Sirs/Madams,

FSD Circular Letter No. 2/2006

Pressurization of Staircases to British Standard 5588: Part 4

This Circular Letter announces the formal implementation of the recommendations as

attached with immediate effect.

According to Section 5.21 of the Code of Practice for Minimum Fire Service
Installations and Equipment (COP), the provision of staircase pressurization system shall be
based on the requirements of the latest edition of British Standard 5588: Part 4 (BS 5588: Part
4) with changes listed therein to suit local applications.

The 1998 edition of BS 5588: Part 4 - “Code of Practice for Smoke Control Using
Pressure Differentials” incorporating Amendment No. 1 and Corrigendum No. 1 is currently in
effect. It covers a wide range of technical details and a series of examples on normative
applications which may not be entirely suitable for local application.

To facilitate easy understanding of the above Standard as well as to expedite the

processing of related submission, a sub-working group has been formed under the Fire Safety
Standard Advisory Group to study and deliberate this British Standard and the relevant
requirements of the COP for the purpose of drawing up a set of comprehensive guidelines on
its local applications. After a long period of review and consultation, the extent of application
of BS 5588: Part 4 as specified in “Lists One” to “List Four” and the “Inspection Checklist”
annexed to this Circular Letter are recommended and endorsed by the Fire Safety Standard
Advisory Group.


Ref. Number and date should be quoted in reference to this letter

凡 提 及 本 信 時 請 引 述 編 號 及 日 期

In addition, your attention is also drawn to the requirements specified in Section 5.21 of
the Code of Practice for Minimum Fire Service Installations and Equipment which should be
read in conjunction with the attachments when designing the system.

Yours faithfully,

(CHAN Chor-kam)
for Director of Fire Services
Recommendations of the Fire Safety Standard Advisory Group (FSSAG)
BS 5588: Part 4 1998 – Code of Practice for Smoke Control Using Pressure Differentials

Except those named in the following lists, all clauses stipulated in the subject Code of
Practice including Notes, Commentary and Recommendations are to be followed: -

List One : Clauses not to be applied

List Two : Clauses to be replaced by modified conditions

Appendix I : Replacement to Figure 1 in page 9 of BS 5588, Part 4

List Three : Clauses with acceptable alternatives

List Four : Clauses to be taken as reference only

Checklist for staircase pressurization system

List One : Clauses not to be applied
(Schedule for the use of BS5588: Part 4: 1998 Incorporating Amendment No. 1 and Corrigendum No. 1)

List BS Clause / Context Reason

Item Paragraph /
Table (Page)
1.1 Clause 5.4 5.4 Class C System It is not practical to adopt these
Table 3 Table 3 – Minimum pressure differentials for Class C systems requirements in local industry.
Figure 3 Figure 3 – Design conditions for Class C systems
(Page 12 & 13)

1.2 Clause 5.5 5.4 Class D System It is not practical to adopt these
Table 4 Table 4 – Minimum pressure differentials for Class D system requirements in local industry.
Figure 4 Figure 4 – Design conditions for Class D systems
(Page 13, 14 &

1.3 Clause 5.6 5.4 Class E System It is not practical to adopt these
Table 5 Table 5 – Minimum pressure differentials for Class E system requirements in local industry.
Figure 5 Figure 5 – Design conditions for Class C systems
(Page 16 & 17)

1.4 Clause Interaction with normal ventilation equipment It is not practical to adopt these
all paragraphs “ The purpose of a pressurization system is ............................ requirements in local industry.
(Page 41) ............. in accordance with Annex C.”

Page 1 of 1
List Two : Clauses to be replaced by modified conditions
(Schedule for the use of BS5588 : Part 4 : 1998 Incorporating Amendment No. 1 and Corrigendum No. 1)
List BS Clause / Context Replaced by Reason
item Paragraph /
Table (Page)
2.1 Definitions basement “Basement” means To align with the definition as
Clause 3.4 “Storey with a floor that is at some point more Any storey of a building which is below the lower or stipulated in the Code of
(Page 2) than 1.2 m below the highest level of ground lowest ground storey and from which any required Practice of Buildings
adjacent to the outside walls.” exit route is in an upward direction Department.
2.2 Definitions fire compartment “Fire compartments” means To align with the definition as
Clause 3.13 “Building or part of a building, comprising one An enclosed space in a building that is separated from stipulated in the Code of
(Page 2) or more rooms, spaces or storeys, constructed to all other parts of the building by enclosing Practice of Buildings
prevent the spread of fire to or from another construction providing a fire separation that may be Department.
part of the same building, or to an adjoining required to have a fire-resisting rating.
2.3 Definitions protected lobby “Protected lobby” means To align with the definition as
Clause 3.37 “Circulation area consisting of a lobby enclosedThe intercepted approach, to a staircase or an exit stipulated in the Code of
(Page 4) route, which acts as a fire and smoke check between a Practice of Buildings
with fire-resisting construction (other than any
part that is an external wall of a building)” storey and the staircase or the exit route, and enclosed Department.
throughout by walls and doors in accordance with the
Code of Practice for Fire Resisting Construction.
2.4 Clause 5.1 5.1 General 5.1 General To suit the current practice of
Paragraph 1 “Smoke control using pressure differentials can “Smoke control using pressure differentials can be local building industry.
& 2 (Page 8) be implemented in several different types of implemented in two different types of buildings, with
buildings, with differing requirements and differing requirements and design conditions
design conditions
For the purposes of this standard, the design
For the purposes of this standard, the design conditions have been placed into two separate systems
conditions have been placed into five separate (classes A & B) and are detailed in Table 1.”
systems (classes A, B, C, D and E) and are
detailed in Table 1.”

Page: 1 of 10
List Two : Clauses to be replaced by modified conditions
(Schedule for the use of BS5588 : Part 4 : 1998 Incorporating Amendment No. 1 and Corrigendum No. 1)
List BS Clause / Context Replaced by Reason
item Paragraph /
Table (Page)
2.5 clause 5.1 Table 1- Classification of buildings for smoke Table 1 – Classification of protection To suit the current practice of
Table 1 control using pressure differentials local building industry.
(Page 8) Class Examples Class Examples
Residential, sheltered housing &
buildings designed for three door A Protection of escape (see 5.2)
A protection (see 5.2) B Protection of firefighting shafts (see 5.3)
B protection of firefighting shafts (see 5.3)
Commercial premises (using
C simultaneous evacuation) (see 5.4)
Hotels, hostels and instructional type
buildings, excluding buildings designed
D to meet class A (see 5.5)
E Phased evacuation (see 5.6)
2.6 clause 5.2 Class A system Class A system To suit the current practice of
paragraph 1 - “The design conditions for blocks of flats and local building industry.
4 maisonettes …………………….. “System Class “A” would be referred to Means of
(page 8) Note 1…………………… Escape (MOE) for local application. The technical
The level of fire arrangement of the inspection would be :-
compartmentation ……………… a. The air flow velocity at the door of
…………………………………………. measurement on the ‘fire zone floor’ should
Note 1 ……………………. not be less than 0.75m/s
Note 2 …………………… b. The total numbers of doors to be opened when
Note 3 …………………… the measurement was conducted should
It is unlikely………………………………. comply with the requirements of the Code of
Note 4 …………………………………. Practice for Minimum Fire service Installations
The air flow and Equipment.
through …………………………..when : c. Checking and testing on the air release required
A/. the door ………………….. by BS5588: Part 4: 1998 from the lobby and
B/. the air release …………………………. corridor would be conducted on the ‘fire zone
C/. all doors………………………………….. floor’ only.
D/. all doors ………………………………… All floors should be subject to the above tests
E/. the final exit door is closed. throughout the entire staircase.

Page: 2 of 10
List Two : Clauses to be replaced by modified conditions
(Schedule for the use of BS5588 : Part 4 : 1998 Incorporating Amendment No. 1 and Corrigendum No. 1)
List BS Clause / Context Replaced by Reason
item Paragraph /
Table (Page)
2.6 clause 5.2 The air flow velocity at the door of measurement on
(Cont’d) paragraph 1 - the ‘fire zone floor’ should not be less than 0.75m/s
4 when :-
(page 8)
a. The door between the lobby/corridor and the
(Cont’d) pressurized stair is open on three consecutive
b. The air release from the lobby/corridor on fire
zone is open;
c. All doors between the pressurized stair and the
lobbies/corridors are closed on all other
d. The final exit door is open.

2.7 Figure 1 Figure 1-Design conditions for class A systems Figure 1-Design conditions for class A systems To suit the current practice of
(page 9) (see Appendix I ) local building industry.
2.8 Clause 6.3 Table 6 – Minimum temperature/time design criteria for Table 6 – Minimum temperature/time design criteria for To suit the current practice of local
Table 6 fans and HVAC ductwork used for air/smoke release fans and HVAC ductwork used for air/smoke release building industry.
(page 19) Features
of building design Min Temp Features
fire Life of protection Min Temp
Phased fighting safety and time design Means of Means of Sprinklers and time design
evacuation shaft sprinklers criteria escape fire fighting building criteria
Yes No No 600oC for 2 h Yes - No 600oC for 2 h
Yes Yes No 600oC for 2 h Yes - Yes 250oC for 1 h
Yes Yes Yes 300oC for 2 h - Yes No 600oC for 2 h
Yes No Yes 300oC for 2 h - Yes Yes 250oC for 1 h
No No Yes 300oC for 1 h
No No No 600oC for 1 h
No Yes Yes 300oC for 2 h
No Yes No 600oC for 2 h

Page: 3 of 10
List Two : Clauses to be replaced by modified conditions
(Schedule for the use of BS5588 : Part 4 : 1998 Incorporating Amendment No. 1 and Corrigendum No. 1)

List BS Clause / Context Replaced by Reason

item Paragraph /
Table (Page)
2.9 Clause 6.5 “The indicator lights should show the status of “The indicator lights should show the true status of To align with the definition as
Paragraph 4 each smoke control zone, primary and emergency each staircase pressurization system, the following stipulated in the Code of
(page 20) power supplies, and primary and stand-by fans.” items should be included :- Practice of Fire Services
a. Power supplies status of each staircase Department.
pressurization system (including duty &
standby fan (for duplicate fan), duty & standby
motor (for single fan), air release fan & etc
b. Control status of each staircase pressurization
system (when operated in local control mode at
local fan panel, auto control mode & local
control mode at supervisory panel.)
c. Status of probe type detector.
d. Running status of duty & standby staircase
pressurization fan (running, stop, fault) or
e. Running status of duty & standby motor for
single fan (running, stop, fault)
f. Running status of air release fan”

Page: 4 of 10
List Two : Clauses to be replaced by modified conditions
(Schedule for the use of BS5588 : Part 4 : 1998 Incorporating Amendment No. 1 and Corrigendum No. 1)

List BS Clause / Context Replaced by Reason

item Paragraph /
Table (Page)
2.10 Clause 6.4 Table 7 Provision of standby pressure differential Table 7 Provision of standby pressure differential To align with the definition as
Table 7 system equipment system equipment stipulated in the Code of
(page 19) Function of pressure Function of pressure Equipment to be Practice of Fire Services
Equipment to be Department.
differential system differential system equipment provided
equipment For sleeping risk premises, I.e.
To provide air under Hotels, Hospitals and where Duplicate fans
Duplicate fans
pressure to the escape designated by the Director of complete with
complete with motors
routes within a building Fire services, with a single motors
To extract air/smoke pressurized staircase. [Note]
from the accommodation Single fans with
area and is the sole duplicate motors
Duplicate fans For buildings with more than
means of creating the fully belted
complete with motors one pressurized staircase
pressure differential and/or connected
within the escape routes [Note]
up shall be
from a building provided
The powered air release To extract air/smoke from the
system equipment accommodation area and is the Duplicate fans
extracts air/smoke from sole means of creating the complete with
the accommodation area pressure differential within the motors
At least single fans
and is not the sole means escape routes from a building
with duplicate motors
of creating the pressure The powered air release system
differentia within the equipment extracts air/smoke
escape routes from a from the accommodation area At least single
building and is not the sole means of fans with
creating the pressure duplicate motors
differential within the escape
routes from a building
Note : Except for sleeping risk premises, the total
air requirement for each pressurized staircase is
made up from two or more separate supplies acting
together (e.g. top and bottom plants), than no
further duplication of equipment is necessary.

Page: 5 of 10
List Two : Clauses to be replaced by modified conditions
(Schedule for the use of BS5588 : Part 4 : 1998 Incorporating Amendment No. 1 and Corrigendum No. 1)
List BS Clause / Context Replaced by Reason
item Paragraph /
Table (Page)
2.11 Clause 7 “Where a pressure differential system is required “Where a pressure differential system is required to To align with the amendment in
Paragraph 6 to protect both : protect both : list item 2.5.
(page 20) a. The means of escape prior to the arrival of a. The means of escape prior to the arrival of
the fire brigade (Class A, C, D or E systems); the fire brigade (Class A system); and
b. The fire brigade during firefighting b. The fire brigade during firefighting
operations (Class B system)” operations (Class B system)”

2.12 Clause 7 “The enforcing authority may agree that the “The enforcing authority may agree that the To align with the amendment in
Paragraph 8 pressure differential system should be started pressure differential system should be started list item 2.5.
(page 20) automatically on detection of smoke within space automatically on detection of smoke within space in
in the: the:
a. Means of escape mode (Class A, C, D or E a. Means of escape mode (Class A system) and
systems) and subsequently, on arrival of the subsequently, on arrival of the fire
fire brigade……………….operational mode brigade .. ……
(Class B system); or …….operational mode (Class B system); or
b. Firefighting mode (Class B system), with no b. Firefighting mode (Class B system), with no
subsequent change of operation of the subsequent change of operation of the system.”
2.13 Clause 7 “Manual system-override switches for the “Manual system-override switches for the To suit the current practice of
Paragraph 9 pressurization system should be situated at the pressurization system should be situated at the local building industry.
(page 20) following locations: following locations:
a. The building services plant room and the a. The pressure differential system equipment
pressure differential system equipment plant plant room; and Where
room (where separate); and Where b. Near the building entrance at a location agree
b. Near the building entrance at a location agree with the fire authority or Staircase
with the fire authority” pressurization supervisory panel at the F.S.
control room”

Page: 6 of 10
List Two : Clauses to be replaced by modified conditions
(Schedule for the use of BS5588 : Part 4 : 1998 Incorporating Amendment No. 1 and Corrigendum No. 1)

List BS Clause / Context Replaced by Reason

item Paragraph /
Table (Page)
2.14 Clause 8.2 “8.2 Primary power supplies “8.2 Primary power supplies To suit the current practice of
Paragraph 1 All primary power supplies to the following All primary power supplies to the following should local building industry.
(page 21) should originate from the point at which the originate from the point at which the power supply
power supply enters the building and should be enters the building and should be independent of
independent of the main switched fuse of the other circuits from main switchboard of the
building” building”

2.15 Clause 8.2 “The supply to these isolating protective devices “The supply to these isolating protective devices To suit the current practice of
Paragraph 7 should be independent of the main power switch should be independent of other circuits from main local building industry.
(page 21) for the building and should be appropriately switchboard for the building and should be
labelled in accordance with 16.2 of BS 5839- appropriately labelled in accordance with 16.2 of
1:1988” BS 5839-1:1988.”
2.16 Clause 8.4 “8.4 Secondary power supplies “8.4 Secondary power supplies To align with the requirements
All “It is essential that a secondary power The provision of secondary power supply shall be as stipulated under FSD
paragraphs supply………… complied with HKFSD Circular Letter No.4/96 Part Circular Letter No 4/96 &
(page 22) …………………………………………………… IX and HKFSD Circular Letter No.1/2000. 1/2000.
…………………………………………. Note1- the original paragraphs are only used for
…………………………………………………… reference.”
…..and fire protection installations.”

2.17 Clause 9.1.3 “9.1.3 Minimum pressure differentials “9.1.3 Minimum pressure differentials To align with the amendment in
Paragraph 1 To ensure that a system To ensure that a system list item 2.5.
(page 27) performs………………………. performs……………………….
……………. during a fire. The minimum ……………. during a fire. The minimum pressure
pressure difference required can depend on the difference required can depend on the nature of the
nature of the building and its usage (see clause 5). building and its usage (see clause 5). See also 5.2
See also 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6 for the values of and 5.3 for the values of minimum pressure
minimum pressure differential appropriate to differential appropriate to design and to acceptance
design and to acceptance testing.” testing.”

Page: 7 of 10
List Two : Clauses to be replaced by modified conditions
(Schedule for the use of BS5588 : Part 4 : 1998 Incorporating Amendment No. 1 and Corrigendum No. 1)

List BS Clause / Context Replaced by Reason

item Paragraph /
Table (Page)
2.18 Clause “For this method, the stair should be designed to “For this method, the stair should be designed to be To limit the opening force of be approached directly from the accommodation approached directly from the accommodation or simple lobby door for practical
Paragraph 3 or through a simple lobby.” through a simple lobby. The maximum door reason.
(page 35) opening force for the simple lobby from
accommodation also limited to 100N.”
2.19 Clause 11.1 “The ductwork construction should be in “The ductwork construction should be in To align with the current
Paragraph 7 accordance with appropriate guidance such as accordance with appropriate guidance such as edition of publication.
(page 49) HVCA publication DW/142. Adhesive tape HVCA publication DW/144. Adhesive tape should
should not be used to seal joints.” not be used to seal joints.”

2.20 Clause 11.1 “Where air intake is not at roof level a smoke “A smoke detector should be provided in the intake To suit the current practice of
Paragraph 11 detector should be provided in the intake duct or duct or within the immediate vicinity of the supply local building industry.
(page 50) within the immediate vicinity of the supply ductwork in order to cause the automatic shut down
ductwork in order to cause the automatic shut of the staircase pressurization system if substantial
down of the pressure differential system if quantities of smoke are present in the supply. An
substantial quantities of smoke are present in the override switch to resume the staircase
supply. An override switch to reopen the closed pressurization system should be provided for fire
damper should be provided for fire brigade use in brigade use in the positions stated in clause 7.”
the positions stated in clause 7.”

2.21 Clause 12.1 “The entire pressure “The entire pressure To align with the amendment in
Paragraph 3 differential………………………. differential………………………. list-item 2.5.
(page 51) …for the specified class (see 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 and …for the specified class (see 5.2 and 5.3), and
5.6), and secondly
secondly………………………………………… …………….………………………………………
… ……
………..when a door is opened between the ………..when a door is opened between the
spaces.” spaces.”

Page: 8 of 10
List Two : Clauses to be replaced by modified conditions
(Schedule for the use of BS5588 : Part 4 : 1998 Incorporating Amendment No. 1 and Corrigendum No. 1)

List BS Clause / Context Replaced by Reason

item Paragraph /
Table (Page)
2.22 Clause 12.1 “The acceptance test should conform to the “The acceptance test should conform to the To align with the amendment in
Paragraph 4 following recommendations: following recommendations: list item 2.5.
(page 51) a/. When tested in a/. When tested in
accordance……………………….…. accordance……………………….….
……….that specified in 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6; ……….that specified in 5.2 and 5.3;
b/. when tested in b/. when tested in
accordance………………………….. accordance…………………………..
…..not exceed 100N (applied at the door handle); …..not exceed 100N (applied at the door handle);
c/. when tested in c/. when tested in
accordance………………………….. accordance…………………………..
..that specified in 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6.” ..that specified in 5.2 and 5.3.”

2.23 Clause 12.1 “All test equipment should be accurate to + 5%. “All test equipment should be accurate to + 2%. The To align with the definition as
Paragraph 5 The calibration of all test calibration of all test stipulated in the Code of
(page 51) equipment……………………….. equipment……………………….. Practice of Fire Services
………, in the UK, are the responsibility of the ………, in the UK, are the responsibility of the Department.
National Physical Laboratory.” National Physical Laboratory.”

Page: 9 of 10
List Two : Clauses to be replaced by modified conditions
(Schedule for the use of BS5588 : Part 4 : 1998 Incorporating Amendment No. 1 and Corrigendum No. 1)

List BS Clause / Context Replaced by Reason

item Paragraph /
Table (Page)
2.24 Annex F Add the following paragraphs to the last paragraph of To adopt a more practical
(Page 70) this clause approach for the measurement
“Test method for measuring velocities for the new of new velocity of the
volumetric requirement of variable supply fans or volumetric requirement and the
dampers response of overpressure
At least 10 measurements should be taken. release.
Measurement points should be uniformly distributed
over the doorway for accurate air velocity
measurement. Then by averaging the measured
results, a reference point mostly closed to the mean air
velocity is determined. Preferably, the air velocity of
this reference point should be within +10% of the
mean air velocity.
Close the door for at least few minutes to allow the
variable supply fans or dampers to establish steady
When the variable supply fans or dampers are in
steady operational mode, open the door and measure
the new air velocity at the reference point.
The new air velocity of reference point should
achieve 90% to 110% of the original air velocity
within 5 sec.

Test method for the response of overpressure release

All doors should be closed except the fire zone door
with air release path opened for few minutes so as to
allow the variable supply fans or dampers to be
When the variable supply fans or dampers are in
steady operational mode, close the fire zone door and
measure the door opening force within 5 sec.
The door opening force should be limited to 100N all
the time from 5 sec after the fire zone door is closed.”

Page: 10 of 10
List Three : Clauses with acceptable alternatives
(Schedule for the use of BS5588: Part 4: 1998 Incorporating Amendment No. 1 and Corrigendum No. 1)

ListI BS Clause / Context Alternative Reason

item Paragraph /
Table (Page)
3.1 Clause 6.5 “Indicator lights displaying the status of any “Indicator lights displaying the status of any To suit the current practice of
Paragraph 2 pressure differential systems protecting the pressure differential systems protecting the local building industry.
(Page 20) firefighting access and the means of escape from firefighting access and the means of escape from
the building should be located at each fire service the building should be located at each fire service
access point.” access point or supervisory panel located in F.S.
control room.”

3.2 Clause 7 “Point type smoke detectors should be used, “Point type smoke detectors should be used, To align with the requirements
Paragraph 2 mounted in the accommodation area adjacent to mounted in the accommodation area adjacent to as stipulated in the Code of
(Page 20) the doors; leading to the protected space at each the doors leading to the protected space at each Practice of Fire Services
storey served by the system. Location of the smoke storey served by the system. Location of the smoke Department.
detectors should be in accordance with clause 12 of detectors should be in accordance with clause 12 of
BS5839-1:1988.” BS5839-1:1988 or installed at a distance within 1.0
m from the doors leading to the protected space at
each storey served by the system.”
Note : For the simple lobby, the smoke detector
should be mounted in the accommodation area
adjacent to the door of simple lobby.

Page 1 of 1
List Four : Clauses to be taken as reference only
(Schedule for the use of BS5588: Part 4: 1998 Incorporating Amendment No. 1 and Corrigendum No. 1)

List BS Clause / Context Reason

item Paragraph /
Table (Page)
4.1 Clause 5.1 “Systems for atrium buildings are not covered within the standard, but the recommendations given This clause deals with general design
Paragraph 3 in Annex A should be followed.” consideration only.
(Page 8)

4.2 Clause Pressurizing stair and lift There is no such requirement in the Code
All paragraphs of Practice of Fire Services Department.
(Page 36)

4.3 Clause Pressurization of lift wells There is no such requirement in the Code
All paragraphs of Practice of Fire Services Department.
(Page 36)

4.4 Clause Pressurization of evacuation lift wells There is no such requirement in the Code
All paragraphs of Practice of Fire Services Department.
(Page 36)

4.5 Clause Pressurization of refuges and central control rooms. There is no such requirement in the Code
All paragraphs of Practice of Fire Services Department.
(Page 39)

4.6 Clause Pressurized escape routes and other pressurized spaces in the same building. There is no such requirement in the Code
All paragraphs of Practice of Fire Services Department.
(Page 39)

4.7 Clause 9.3 9.3 Depressurization systems This requirement is considered as

All paragraphs 9.3.1 General reference for smoke extraction system as
(Page 41 & 42) 9.3.2 Depressurization of fire zone relevant requirements have been covered
by the Code of Practice of Fire Services
4.8 Clause 9.4 9.4 Zoned smoke control systems This clause deals with general design
All paragraphs 9.4.1 General consideration only.
(Page 43 & 44) 9.4.2 Features of zoned smoke control system
9.4.3 Choice of smoke control zones

4.9 Clause 10.2 10.2 Depressurization systems There is no such requirement in the Code
All paragraphs of Practice of Fire Services Department.
(Page 48 & 49)
Page 1 of 2
List Four : Clauses to be taken as reference only
(Schedule for the use of BS5588: Part 4: 1998 Incorporating Amendment No. 1 and Corrigendum No. 1)

List BS Clause / Context Reason

item Paragraph /
Table (Page)
4.10 Figure 9 Figure 9 c) Pressurization to stairs and liftwell There is no such requirement in the Code
Diagram c), d) & Figure 9 d) Pressurization to stairs (associated lobbies and corridors) of Practice of Fire Services Department.
g) Figure 9 g) Pressurization to stairs, lobby and liftwell
(Page 37 & 38)
4.11 Figure 10 Figure 10-Pressurization of refuges and central control rooms There is no such requirement in the Code
Diagram a) & b) Diagram a) Unenclosed refuge, integrated with escape route of Practice of Fire Services Department.
(Page 40) Diagram b) Enclosed control room, with escape route

4.12 Figure 11 Figure 11 – Features of a depressurization system There is no such requirement in the Code
of Practice of Fire Services Department.
(Page 42)

Page 2 of 2
Checklist for Staircase Pressurization System

Address: ...................................................................................................... F.S.D. Ref.:

...................................................................................................... 19/20/43/47/78*.....................................
FSD Acceptance Letter/Approval date: .....................................................................................................................
F.S.I.working drawing ref :. .......................................................................................................................................
Approved building plan ref: ...................................................................... dated: .................................................

Section I –General items for all staircase pressurization systems installed in the building
1.1 Measuring and Testing Instrument / Equipment Calibration
Measuring instrument used for testing purpose shall be provided in duplicate and calibrated in the past 3 months.

Type Model no. Serial no. Calibration cert. no. Remark


1.2 Documentation

Yes No Remark
a. Equipment list of staircase pressurization system c/w related
test report is attached. [ ] [ ]
b. Equipment list of builder’s work (such as doorset, door closer
& etc) c/w related test report is attached. [ ] [ ]
c. Certifying the building air tightness condition during the
testing is equivalent to the occupation condition. [ ] [ ]

1.3 Staircase Pressurization working drawings against building plans

Yes No N/A Remark

a. Classifications of pressurized spaces for means of escape /
firefighting & rescue tally with approved building plans. [ ] [ ] [ ]
b. Designations of staircase number and fireman’s lift number,
fire fighting access number tally with approved building
plans. [ ] [ ] [ ]
c. Locations of staircase pressurization plant rooms tally with
approved building plans. [ ] [ ] [ ]
d. Fire resisting of plant rooms is same as the pressurized space.
[ ] [ ] [ ]
e. Air intake positions tally with approved building plans. [ ] [ ] [ ]
f. Discharge positions of overpressure relief tally with approved
building plans. [ ] [ ] [ ]

* -Delete as appropriate

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Section II – For each staircase pressurization system only
(separate copy of Section II should be attached to respective pressurization system)

1.1 Description

a. Designation of pressurized staircase

(the designation should be the same as building plan & F.S. drawing & test
report) ___________________
b. Pressurized space :- (Please tick as appropriate)
- Escape staircase; or [ ]
- Fire fighting staircase [ ]
c. Equipment to be provided :-
- Single fan with motor; or [ ]
- Duplicate fans complete with motors; or [ ]
- Single fan with duplicate motors [ ]
d. Design air velocity passes through the door between pressurized space and
accommodation area __________ m/s

e. Design differential pressure between the pressurized space and accommodation

__________ Pa
f. Design door opening force ________ N(≤ 100N)

1.2 Test report

(All systems should be tested and endorsed by Register Professional Engineer before witness by FSD Inspecting

Appendix Remark
a. Pressure test report of all ductwork (including builder’s
work, ducts, shafts or other construction)
b. Air velocity measurement report
c. Door opening force measurement report
d. Differential pressure measurement report
e. System performance test report

1.3. Visual inspection

Yes No N/A Remark

a. Air intake
(Item a.1 to a.5 for air intake not located at roof floor )
a.1 Notice in Chinese & English characters “Staircase
pressurization intake for (pressurization space)” is
provided. [ ] [ ] [ ]
a.2 Position of air intake is located away from any potential
fire hazards (such as basement smoke vent). [ ] [ ] [ ]
a.3 Air duct is provided from the intake to the fan when air
intake is distant from the fan. [ ] [ ] [ ]
a.4 A smoke detector of a type suitable for use in air duct /
plenum is installed. [ ] [ ] [ ]
a.5 Pressurization system can be shut down when the duct type
smoke detector is activated. [ ] [ ] [ ]
(Items a.6 to a.13 for air intake located at roof floor.)
a.6 Two air intakes, which spaced apart and facing different
directions, are provided. [ ] [ ] [ ]

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Yes No N/A Remark
a.7 Each intake is capable of providing the full air requirements
of the system. [ ] [ ] [ ]
a.8 Independently operated smoke control damper with duct
type smoke detector is provided at each intake. [ ] [ ] [ ]
a.9 An override switch to reopen the closed damper and to
close the open damper is provided. [ ] [ ] [ ]
a.10 No smoke discharge within 5 m of any direction of air
intake. [ ] [ ] [ ]
a.11 Notice in Chinese & English characters “Staircase
pressurization intake for (pressurization space)” is
provided. [ ] [ ] [ ]
a.12 Air duct is provided from the intake to the fan when air
intake is distant from the fan. [ ] [ ] [ ]
a.13 Smoke control damper properly actuated when duct type
smoke detector activated. [ ] [ ] [ ]
b. Plant room
b.1 No other service inside the plant room [ ] [ ] [ ]
b.2 Minimum fire resistance rating for the enclosure of the
pressurization plant is equal or greater than the pressurized
space served (F.R.P of enclosure is _____ hrs.) [ ] [ ] [ ]
b.3 When plant room served more than one pressurization
system, separate fire rated enclosure is provided to each
pressurization system in order to maintain fire [ ] [ ] [ ]
compartmentation between different pressurized spaces.
b.4 When fan room is used as an air plenum, all control panels
should be located outside the fan room, or protected by fire
resistant enclosure(s). [ ] [ ] [ ]

c. Air injection point & associated ductwork

c.1 Multiple injection points are provided when the pressurized
staircase exceeds 11m. [ ] [ ] [ ]
c.2 Vertical distance between injection points is not greater
than 12 m or three storeys. [ ] [ ] [ ]
c.3 Volume control dampers of air injection points are properly
secured. [ ] [ ] [ ]
c.4 Injection duct work passing through other fire compartment
is constructed to have the same F.R.P. required for either
the pressurized space or the compartment through it passes,
whichever is the greater. [ ] [ ] [ ]
c.5 An injection point of a single injection point system is
away from the final exit door. [ ] [ ] [ ]
c.6 Ductwork construction is complied with or not less than
DW144 standard. [ ] [ ] [ ]
c.7 Aluminum sheet and aluminum pop rivet shall not be
provided in flat oval duct longer than 1 m. [ ] [ ] [ ]
d. Air release system
d.1 Spread of smoke between different fire compartments does
not likely happen in both normal operation and fail-safe
mode, [ ] [ ] [ ]
d.2 When the operation of air release system is automatic, it is
actuated by the same detector / device that actuates the rest
of the pressurization system. [ ] [ ] [ ]

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Yes No N/A Remark
d.3 When the accommodation space is partitioned or
compartmented into offices or similar unit, the air relief
vent is provided at :-
i. Between the door into pressurized space and the
start of the partitioning; [ ] [ ] [ ]
ii. On each offices & units, the size of each air relief
vent is capable of discharging the total air flow [ ] [ ] [ ]
from pressurized space.
d.4 Air release vent is located at or immediately below ceiling
level [ ] [ ] [ ]
Type of air release system
- Vertical Shaft (go to d5 – d6) ; [ ] or
- Special vents at the building periphery; (go to d7 –d9) [ ] or
- Mechanical air release (go to d10 – d12) [ ]
d.5 Top vent is provided at the vertical shaft. [ ] [ ] [ ]
d.6 When the shaft is designed for dual propose, automatic
control fire & smoke damper is provided at each branch
duct. [ ] [ ] [ ]
d.7 Special vents for external vent are provided on at least two
sides of the sealed building. [ ] [ ] [ ]
d.8 Fail safe protection is provided to the ventilator. [ ] [ ] [ ]
d.9 Components of ventilator are compliant with
BS7346-1/ BS7346-2. [ ] [ ] [ ]
d.10 Extraction flow rate is greater than the total pressurized air
flow rate of all served staircase pressurization systems [ ] [ ] [ ]
d.11 Extraction system including ductwork is capable of
working at the appropriate temperature and period of time
(250oC for 1 hour for building with sprinkler system, 600oC
for 2 hour for building without sprinkler system). [ ] [ ] [ ]
d.12 The following items should be complied with, when the
central exhaust system also serves for mechanical air
i. Component & ductwork of central exhaust system is
capable of working at the appropriate temperature
and period of time (250oC for 1 hour for building
with sprinkler system, 600oC for 2 hour for building
without sprinkler system); [ ] [ ] [ ]
ii. When the related pressurization system is actuated,
function of VAC control system and VAC manual
override switch for shutting down the central exhaust
system is ignored;
and [ ] [ ] [ ]
iii. For pressurization system for fire fighting, the local
motorized smoke damper in fire floor is opened and
dampers for other compartments / units is closed;
For pressurization system for escape, the local
motorized smoke damper in fire floor and two above
floor should be opened and dampers for other [ ] [ ] [ ]
compartments / units are closed.

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Yes No N/A Remark
e. Over-pressure relief system
Type of over-pressure relief system
- Automatic opening of the external exit doors on operation of the [ ] or
fan (go to e1 – e2);
- Barometric Pressure relief vents / damper ( go to e3 – e5); [ ] or
- Mechanical exhaust (go to e6 – e7) [ ]
e.1 Door lock, latch, bolt, push bar & etc are not provided at the external
exit doors [ ] ] [ ]
e.2 Warning label: “Over pressure relief door. Do not obstruct” is
provided in English and Chinese character at the external exit doors [ ] [ ] [ ]
e.3 Wire mesh is provided at the external opening of relief vent / damper. [ ] [ ] [ ]
e.4 Relief vent / duct passed through other fire compartment is enclosed
by fire rated material, the F.R. should be same of pressurized space or
passed through fire compartment, whichever is greater. [ ] [ ] [ ]
e.5 Free area of relief vent / damper “AX” ≧ 0.16 m x (total required
airflow (m3/s) through the open doors – air supply satisfying the
pressure differential requirement (m3/s) in pressurized space) [ ] [ ] [ ]
*See equation (24) of section 14 of BS 5588: Part 4: 1988*

e.6 Fan can be activated by differential pressure sensor [ ] [ ] [ ]

e.7 Fan directly discharges to external or the discharge ductwork is
constructed with fire rated material when passing through other fire
compartment. The F.R.P. of ductwork should be same as that of
pressurized space or fire compartment passed, whichever is greater. [ ] [ ] [ ]
f Electrical & control
f.1 Electrical supplies for all equipment (such as fans, air relief damper,
over-pressure device, controller, supervisory panel & etc) are fed
from the same essential source. [ ] [ ] [ ]
f.2 Requirement of main switchboard and/or local control panel :-
- Construction is complied with BS5486 from not less than 2 mm
panel steel and is installed in a room having _______ hour F.R.P.
(including self-closing doors) without other equipment installed
therein; or [ ] [ ] [ ]
- All controls, starters, relays, etc shall be suitable for continuous
operation at 250oC for not less than 1 hour. [ ] [ ] [ ]
f.3 Requirement of power supply cable for pressurized system,
controller, pressure sensor & etc :-
- BS6387 Cat CWZ ; or [ ]
- BS6207 or BS EN 60702; or [ ]
- other international standards acceptable to the Director of Fire
Services; or [ ]
- Specification complying with criteria for exemption in F.S.D.
circular letter no. 1/2003
( Items ______________________________________ [ ]
f.4 Separate pressure differential system is provided for each pressurized
system. [ ] [ ] [ ]
f.5 End of pressure sensing tube is properly terminated at the pressurized
space and accommodation [ ] [ ] [ ]
f.6 End of sensing tube is mechanically protected. [ ] [ ] [ ]
f.7 Label of “Sensing point of staircase pressurization system” is clearly
indicated in English and Chinese characters. [ ] [ ] [ ]

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Yes No N/A Remark
f.8 Protection is provided along the sensing tube. [ ] [ ] [ ]
f.9 Power supplies for the differential pressure sensor, control,
overpressure device, air release device are distributed from sub-
circuit of staircase pressurization system. [ ] [ ] [ ]
f.10 Manual override switch provided on local fan control panel is locked
in “Automatic control” position. [ ] [ ] [ ]
f.11 An indication signal is transmitted to supervisory control panel, when
local fan control panel is in manual control mode. [ ] [ ] [ ]
g. Construction work
g.1 Installations of door sets providing access to or from any pressurized
space satisfy Building Authority’s requirements. [ ] [ ] [ ]
g.2 All doors, closers, hardware etc are capable of use in an atmosphere
of 35oC & 100% R.H. [ ] [ ] [ ]
g.3 No supplementary gasket is provided to assist in preventing smoke
leakage. [ ] [ ] [ ]
g.4 Door sets are installed in such a manner to be smoke leakage proof. [ ] [ ] [ ]
g.5 All joints between frames & building structure are provided with
sealants in compliance with BS 476: Part 23. [ ] [ ] [ ]
g.6 Self closing closers are provided for all doors. [ ] [ ] [ ]
g.7 Finished sill under the closed doors is wear resistant. [ ] [ ] [ ]

h Functional test
h.1 Performance test is carried out and the result is satisfactory. [ ] [ ] [ ]
h.2 Measurement of door opening force is carried out and result is
satisfactory. [ ] [ ] [ ]
h.3 Measurement of differential pressure across the pressurized space and
accommodation is carried out and the result is satisfactory. [ ] [ ] [ ]
h.4 Measurement of pressurized air flow is carried out and the result is
satisfactory. [ ] [ ] [ ]
h.5 Air intake fire/smoke damper is closed when the duct type smoke
detector is activated ;
or [ ] [ ] [ ]
Staircase pressurization system is shut down when the duct smoke
detector at air intake is activated (for the air intake only facing in one
direction) [ ] [ ] [ ]
h.6 In order to prevent overpressure in pressurized space, fail safe
protection for over-pressure release is provided on conditions of :-
- Failure of controller. [ ] [ ] [ ]
- Failure of pressure switch. [ ] [ ] [ ]
- Failure of wiring of pressure switch. [ ] [ ] [ ]
- Failure of actuator of by-pass damper. [ ] [ ] [ ]
- Failure of wiring of actuator (by-pass damper). [ ] [ ] [ ]
- Failure of over pressure exhaust fan. [ ] [ ] [ ]

h.7 Functional test of actuation

- by building fire alarm system is in order (Note: - manual fire
alarm is not recommended for air relief system which is
automatically controlled in the fire zones). [ ] [ ] [ ]
- by smoke detection system is in order. [ ] [ ] [ ]

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Yes No N/A Remark
- by sprinkler system is in order. [ ] [ ] [ ]
- by point type smoke detector mounted in the accommodation
area adjacent to the doors (within 1 m) leading to the protected
space at each storey served by the system is in order. [ ] [ ] [ ]
- supervisory control panel when selected in manual mode is in
order. [ ] [ ] [ ]
h.8 Functional test of response time
The system is capable of achieving between 90% & 110% of the new
volumetric requirements within 5 sec of a door being opened or
closed (for the over-pressure release system by using variable supply
fans or dampers). [ ] [ ] [ ]
h.9 Changeover from the duty equipment to the standby equipment is
automatically operated when failure occurred in duty equipment. [ ] [ ] [ ]

Section III –For all staircase pressurization system installed in the building
1. The checklist is totally _______ pages (including attached copies for each additional staircase pressurization
2. Attached ______________ number(s) of appendix.

Tested by :

Signature :

Name of installation
contractor :

Company chop :

Date :

Certified by :

Signature :

Full name of registered

professional engineer :

Register number of
engineer :

Company chop :

Date :

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