Siwes Report
Siwes Report
Siwes Report
requirement for the award of Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) in Food Science and Technology,
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This report is dedicated to the ALMIGHTY GOD and special dedication also goes to my ever-
I appreciate the ALMIGHTY GOD who is my sufficiency, the one who was and
the one who is to come for granting me the Knowledge and understanding needed during
cooperation, and willingness to share their expertise that have made my experience
TITLE PAGE……………………………………………………………………………...i
CERTIFICATION ..............................................................................................................ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................ iv
TABLE OF CONTENT…………………………………………………………………..v
INGREDIENTS (API)…………………………………....................................................6
3.2.3 Determination And Calculation Of The Specific Gravity Of Oral And External
3.3.2 Steps Involved in The Treatment of The Water Used in De-Shalom Pharmaceutical
Lab. Limited......................................................................................................................29
4.0 CONCLUSION………………………………………………………………………31
4.3 RECOMMENDATION...............................................................................................32
SIWES was established by ITF in the year 1973 to solve the problem of lack of adequate
The Scheme exposes students to industry-based skill necessary for smooth transition from
the classroom of the world of work. It affords students of tertiary institution the opportunity to
being familiar and exposed to the needed experience in handling machinery and equipment
The Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) was initiated in 1973 by the
Industrial Training Fund (ITF). It is tripartite programme involving the students, the universities
and industries. It is funded by the Federal Government of Nigeria and jointly coordinated by the
1. To provide an avenue for students in the Nigerian universities to acquire industrial skills
2. To prepare students for the work situation they are likely to meet after graduation.
3. To expose the students for the work method and techniques in handling equipment and
4. To allow the transition phase from school to the world of working environment and
5. To provide students with opportunities to apply their theoretical knowledge in real work
The pharmaceutical industry deals with the production of drugs, while a drug can be
defined as any substance that is used to modify or explore the systematic or pathological state for
The raw materials store, where the raw materials are kept or stored.
The quarantine room where the damaged or unsafe raw materials are offloaded to.
The raw materials flow passage where the raw materials to be used for production are
being transported.
The weighing room where ingredients or raw materials been used are measured in the
The production department which consists of three lines. The oral liquid line, external
The quality control and assurance department which entails the physio-chemicals
The bottle rinsing department where the bottle used for filling finished products is being
The packaging materials store where materials used for packaging are stored.
The finished products store where the finished products are stored for sale.
The reference sample room where sample of products produced are retained for reference
Laboratory Ilesha, Osun State. The company deals with production, processing and
packaging of both tablet drugs and syrup drugs. This report is based on the practical
experience gained during the period of attachment as seen in laboratory scientist point of
I explained the activities and experiences gained within the several departments and
subunits I worked in the company. I was posted to the Quality Assurance (QA) department
where I performed different analyses like specific gravity, friability test, disintegration time test,
moisture content etc. So also, I was posted to other subunits like the water department,
production department (oral liquid, external liquid and oral solid), the raw materials and
weighing section. I was opportune to learn totally new things, gain practical knowledge as well
equipment and gain insight in the principle of some of the test procedures.
It is an agency of the federal government of Nigeria, given the responsibility to mediate and be a
channel between the nation’s tertiary institutions and the industries, to enable students, to enable
Industrial activities (training) is to ensure and prepare students to fit well into the industrial
system when they secure employment after graduation. In some way bridging the gap between
1. Formulate policies and guidelines on SIWES for distribution to all the SIWES
De-shalom pharmaceutical laboratory (Nig) limited was incorporated in Nigeria in the year
1998. The company commenced pharmaceutical manufacturing activities in the year 2004 with
the registration of oral liquid line and external liquid line and with the pharmacist council of
Nigeria (P.C.N) and national agency for food and drugs administration control (NAFDAC). The
company is 100% indigenous to Nigerian and fully owned by Nigerian. The approved and
registered factory was located at G141F Oke-Oye Street, Ilesha, Osun state, Nigeria. In the quest
to improve the company CGMP, 9 hectares of land was acquired by the company management at
km 4, Iloko-Ijesa road Ilesha, Osun state, Nigerian. New building was built on the site that
The objective of the establishment is to contribute positively towards the good health of
humans by producing quality pharmaceutical products and making them available at affordable
The establishment is also concerned about ensuring the necessary good manufacturing
practices which are required from NAFDAC, W. H. O, and other related bodies
and shall endeavor to continually Improve her current Good Manufacturing Practice to conform
Facility/Technology upgrading.
pharmaceutical products.
This glorious vision necessitates the need for good policy and this quality manual.
The company has registered all their pharmaceutical products with NAFDAC January 2004 till
folic acid
A and vitamin D3
Eusol lotion Boric acid and chlorinated lime
So also, the company also engages in the manufacturing of flavored drinks, namely;
made. They organize and oversee the affair of the company. The session includes the
managing director, general manager, accountant, sales department headed by the sales
mechanical appliances used in the company are working in order. They are responsible
for the repairing any faulty equipment or machine. They are also responsible for power
company. They ensure that the production schedule is duly observed and they are
Quality Control Department: The department ensures that the products of the company
are good quality and meet the specification according to the pharmacopeia. They analyze
raw material to be used for the production of drugs, identify the excipient used, inspect
the production process, and analyze the finished products after production.
carried out.
Under the Quality Control section, we also have In-process. In-process is a middleman between
the production and chemical laboratory which is strictly concerned with the monitoring of
production from the raw material stage to the packaged stage. After mixing all the active
ingredients together in the vessel, the product is then transferred to the chemical laboratory to
carry out some analysis to check if the products meet all requirements and 9 specifications.
Afterwards, the chemical laboratory analyst will now send the result back to the in-process
section and by doing this, the production section will know whether to start filling or not.
Production Department: This is the section of the company where all production of
company’s product takes place. The production section is divided into 3 which are;
a. Tableting section
c. External section
a. Tableting Section: Where drugs inform of tablets are produced. It is sub – divided into 4
- Granulation area
- Blistering area
- Compression area
- Packaging area
b. Oral Section: Deals with the production of drugs that are in liquid form which are taken
directly through the oral cavity e.g., Honeyglobin blood tonic, mist–mag, cough expectorant.
c. External section: This deals with the production of drugs that are used externally on the body
1. Receiving Bay: This is the where the raw materials, bottles, packets, labels, and other
2. Quarantine Room: This is where all materials are set apart for analysis by the
quality control department. Materials tested and deemed as fit for production are
passed for production while those that fail the test are rejected and returned.
3. Dispensary or Weighing Room: All materials needed for the production of each
4. Coding Unit: This is where batch number, manufactured date, expiry date, and other
and filled into bottles and sachets with tightly sealed caps.
6. Packaging Unit: All finished products are labeled and packed into proper containers
in this section.
Finished Goods Department: This department that store and keeps a record of finished
For every pharmaceutical line of production, there are certain rules that apply both within and
without production areas. These rules are known as cGMP which means current Good
Manufacturing Practices. These rules are what guide the organization in ensuring that the
manufacturing of pharmaceutical products follows the standard order. Below are some of the
manufacturing practices that are kept by De-shalom Pharmaceuticals Laboratory Ltd to ensure
they meet both the standard of the National Agency for Food, Drugs, and Administration Control
1. Gowning must be properly carried out before entering into the production area. This
means that individuals or personnel are allowed into the production area while putting on
their street outfits (street shoes and clothes). This rule applies to the production area
because it is marked as one of the company’s white areas. Other areas like the
4. Daily documentation of work carried out is expected to be done without transferring the
5. Production personnel in the sterile section are to always go through a bathing process
6. Keeping beards or any facial hair is highly prohibited both in the quality control
7. Use of factory shoes, cap, and gown is mandatory to access the production area
8. Products are first sampled by the quality control for analysis before manufacturing can
control department to ensure that it follows the standard production procedure. There are
Food science and technology is the study of how food is created and preserved, from the
growing and harvesting of raw materials to the processing and packaging of the final product. It
involves understanding the chemistry, microbiology, and engineering behind food production.
Food scientists and technologists work to ensure that food is safe, nutritious, and appealing. They
also work to develop new food products and improve the quality of existing products. It's a field
that's constantly evolving and growing, and it's an important part of the food industry.
Food science and technology plays a critical role in the development of new drugs and
medications. Many drugs are derived from natural products, such as plants and microorganisms.
Food scientists and technologists study these raw materials and how they can be processed to
produce the desired compounds. They also work to develop new methods for extracting and
The packaging of drugs is a critical part of the process, as it protects the drugs from
contamination and degradation. Food scientists and technologists develop packaging materials
and designs that are specifically tailored to the needs of drugs. This includes factors like the type
of drug, its stability, and the conditions under which it will be stored and transported.
Food science and technology are important in drug production because they provide
valuable insights into the formulation and manufacturing of medications. By applying principles
of food science, researchers can optimize drug stability, solubility, and bioavailability, ensuring
that the medication is effective when taken by patients. Additionally, food science techniques
help in the development of drug delivery systems, such as nanoparticles or liposomes, which can
enhance drug targeting and release. This field also contributes to the development of taste-
masking strategies, making medications more pleasant to take. Overall, food science and
technology play a vital role in improving the quality, efficacy, and patient experience of
pharmaceutical products.
3.1.1 THE ORAL SOLID LINE (Tableting line)
The oral solid line deals with the production of tableting which involves three stages.
a. Granulation: This is the act or process in which primary powder particles are made to
adhere to form larger multiple called granules. It comprises of the following steps.
Dispensing: This is the first step in tablet manufacturing process. Dispensing is the most
critical step in manufacturing of tablet. The weight of each ingredient in the mixture is
determined according to dose. Dispensing may be done by purely manual hand scooping
from primary containers and weighing each ingredient by hand or on manual scale.
During manual handling, a lot of control of each ingredient, material movement into and
Drying: It is the important to keep the moisture low enough to prevent product
b. Compression: This is an act of compressing granules into tablets of uniform size and
c. Blistering: A packaging in which the products is seal between an aluminum foil backing
powdered form pressed or compacted from a powder into a solid dose the excipients can include
diluents, binder or granulation agents, glidants (flow aids), and lubricants to ensure 19 efficient
tableting, disintegration to promote tablet break-up in the digestive tract, sweeteners or flavors to
a) Paracetamol Tablet: Active ingredient is acetaminophen BP (paracetamol powder).
to relieve mild to moderate pain. It is also used to lower a raised temperature (fever) such
b) Compound magnesium trisilicate Tablet (gelluci): These tablets are used to treat
dyspepsia (heartburn or indigestion) and reflux. They can also help to heal duodena
c) Calcium Tablets: This is used to prevent or treat low blood calcium levels in people who
do not get enough calcium from their dents. It may be used to treat conditions caused by
low calcium levels such as bone loss (osteoporosis), weak bone (osteomalacia/rickets),
disease (latent tatany). It may also be used in certain patients to make sure that they are
getting enough calcium (e.g., women who are pregnant, nursing or postmenopausal,
Calcium plays a very important role in the body. It is important for the normal
functioning of the nerve cells, muscles and bones, thereby weakening bones. Having the
right amount of calcium is important for building and keeping strong bones.
fungating tumors, rosacea, skin ulcers, and treatment and prevention of certain types of
infections. The information in this medication guide for metronidazole varies according
They provide an accurately measure dosage of the active ingredients in a convenient
Colored coatings, embossed marking and printing can be used to aid tablet recognition.
Some drugs may be unsuitable for administration by the oral route. For example, protein
Some drugs may be deactivated by the liver when they are carried there from the
A proportion of populations have difficulties swallowing tablets either because they don’t
like taking them because their medical condition makes it difficult for them (dysphasia
Dicalcium powder
Starch bulk
Starch paste
Methyl paraben
Propyl paraben
Dicalcium powder and starch bulk were dispensed into 120kg of the mass mixer and
Methyl paraben, propyl paraben, carboxyl methylcellulose, and starch paste were then
dissolved into 2 litres of cold water followed by the addition of 3 litres of hot H2 O to
form a paste.
The prepared paste was poured into the mixed product in the mass mixer and mixed for
10 minutes
2 litres of hot H2 O were poured into the mixer and leave for vigorous mixing. After
It was then dried for 25 minutes, and turning and re-drying for another 20 minutes
The sample was then taken to Quality Control Department for approval of the water
content test.
The granules were milled with 3.5mm mesh and later transferred the granules to the
compression room.
During compression, the weight and hardness of the tablets were checked at an interval
of 10 minutes.
1. Calcium supplements are standard for treating and preventing Osteoporosis (Weak and
2. Calcium can help to prevent or control high blood pressure; it also aids in weight loss.
3. Calcium is used for many other conditions, it’s an ingredient in many antacids.
4. The mineral calcium is well-known for its key role in bone health calcium also helps
Fluidizing bed dryer machine used in tableting section
Any pharmaceutical product, which are syrup or liquid are formulated or composition of
the active ingredient and excipient. Action of a particular product depends on the active
Excipients are thickening or suspended agent (carboxyl methyl cellulose (CMC) or artisol),
preservatives or antimicrobial agents such as methyl paraben and propyl paraben, sweetening
agent such as raspberry, colorant such as amaranth, reducing agent such as sodium
metabisulphate, flavors such as fruit flavors and stabilizers such as benzoic acid and phosphoric
1. Peacetone blood tonic: Active ingredient is ferric ammonium citrate, it is used in the
2. Peacecoole: Active ingredients are ibuprofen BP and sodium benzoate, it is used to help
digestion, pain relief, to combat fatigue, as a stimulant, it freshens breath and can be used
to stop toothache.
3. De-shalom Mag: Active ingredients are light magnesium carbonate and sodium
bicarbonate and magnesium trisilicate. It is used for the treatment of ulcer patients,
indigestion, heartburn, flatulence, and gastric hyperacidity, it is also good for adsorbent.
5. Vitamin C syrup: Active ingredient is ascorbic acid BP, it is used to treat scurvy,
prophylaxis, and also for the treatment of bone, teeth, and wounds.
chloropheramine and, liquorice root. It is used to treat cough, cold, and catarrh.
No nursing is required which means the patient can take it without any help.
Not convenient for patient with gastrointestinal disorder such as diarrhea, constipation,
This external liquid line deals with the production of drugs that are used for the external
1. Methylated spirit: This drug is used for dressing of wounds, also used as an organic
2. Hydrogen peroxide: This drug is used as first aid to help prevent the risk of infection on
3. Gentian violet: This also belong to this family of medicine called antifungal, it is used
4. Eusol lotion: This is used for wound irrigation and wound debridement, for disinfection
The Quality Assurance department embraces the concept comprising the totality of the
process to provide confidence that the final product made is of desired quality for the intended
use. This is also a section of the company whose major activity is to provide a final product of
the desired standard that meets the given needs. The activity of the QA department includes
sampling; testing against required specifications and releasing procedures that ensure the final
products are of specification quality. The Quality control section is concerned with the analysis
of raw materials and finished products to ensure the safety of the drugs. They have the
responsibility to approve or reject any product of the company that have gone through testing.
There are two sections under this department, both of which I was opportune to be part of.
1. To evaluate the methods and processes of production and suggest further improvements
in their functioning.
2. To establish the desired quality standards which are acceptable to the customers.
Below is the importance of raw materials used in the production of products of the company.
Sucrose Sweetener
Aspartame Sweetener
Glycerine Lubricant
Dextrose Electrolyte
This analysis includes moisture content determination, friability test, disintegration time
Aim: To determine the moisture content in any tablets granules in other to inhibits the growth of
Apparatus: Petri dish, oven, analytical weighing balance and stop watch.
Petri dish was labeled using paper tape and weighed (Wp)
Granules were weighed as well inside foil paper • Granules + petri dish was weighed
The petri dish was inserted into the oven already on, set to 105 ℃ for 1 hour • The petri
dish was removed from the oven and the granules were re-weighed (W2)
Final weight was subtracted from the initial weight divided by the initial weight
Moisture content= 10 – (Final weight (W2) – Petri dish weight (Wp) X 100%
Weight of petri dish + granules (W1) = 53.09g
Conclusion: Since the specification for the moisture content is < 0.8%, therefore the granules
Aim: To determine the time required for tablets to dissolve in the human system. Apparatus:
Weighing balance, Standard Calibrated Beaker, thermometer, tablet disintegration time test
After sterilization of the beakers then they are filled with 600ml of distilled water and
Six tablets were weighed with weighing machine and kept inside foil paper to prevent
The tablets disintegration test apparatus was then disassembled and each of the
Warm H2 O boiled at room temperature (370 c) was poured into 1000ml beaker up to a
The beaker with warm water was then hung to the apparatus and gently lowered into the
The apparatus was on, stop watch was set and basket started dangling in H2 O
The time frame for the dissolution of the tablets is 5mins based on batch manufacturing
Conclusion: Since the tablets dissolve less than 5minutes then the tablets passed the test and can
Aim: To determine how friable a tablet (i.e., the ability to remain rigid and not to break or cap or
crushed when exposed to various tossing and handling right from the manufacturing state to the
Apparatus: Friability test apparatus, sensitive weighing balance, cotton wool, ethanol
The two plates hang at either side of the apparatus were removed
• The plates were cleaned inside and outside including its cover using cotton wool already
• The plates were hung on the either side of the apparatus and screwed tightly
• The equipment was set at 25 revolutions per minutes for 4minutes which implies 100
• After revolution, the tablets were taken out of the plates, re-weighed and recorded as(W2)
Conclusion: since the specification for the friability test is <0.8%, therefore the tablet
Friability machine
Digital pH meter
Water base sonicator: It is used in the laboratory for agitation of undissolved solution.
Water base sonicator
Weighing balance
Fume cupboard: Reaction or reagents that produce toxic fumes are done in the fume
cupboard. Air is drawn from the cabinet and expelled out of the laboratory.
Fume cupboard
Aim: To maintain and control the quality of products produced in the industry to ensure
Procedure: Weigh the specific gravity bottle(W1), pour any of the products you want to test, and
Calculation: Assume value for W1 = 20.4 and the assume value for W2 = 45.79
density of water
volume of pyrometer(50ml)
Water treatment is essential part of the daily living, is to be taken in its purest form. It is
therefore important that the water samples used in pharmaceutical companies be analyzed to
The major source of water in De-shalom pharmaceutical laboratory ltd is ‘borehole’ which
Filtration: water coming from the two boreholes are allowed to pass through 5microns
Treatment and disinfection: the water is collected into a 3000liters storage tank where
Bed filtration: The water is allowed to pass through two composite filters (sand filter and
activated carbon bed filter). The sand filter is composed of sand of graded sizes i.e. from
the finest sand to the coarsest and from bottom on the top.
Water will be allowed to pass through series of micron filter ranging from 5micron-
0.5micron so that the smallest particles will be filtered out. Water was then allowed to pass
through deionizer which contains ion-exchange resin which removes unwanted ions such as
Then the water was allowed to pass through the UV lamps to kill micro-organism and
germs. Samples of treated water is collected and taken to the quality control laboratory for
The surface tank is washed every month to remove the dirt like calcium carbonate and
The holding tank will be washed every month with liquid soap and rinsed with a lot of
ordinary water.
Concisely, the overall importance of this program (SIWES) cannot be overstated. The period
of training enables student to gradually get composed into the working environment of their
The Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) program has provided me
with a valuable opportunity to gain practical experience in the pharmaceutical industry as a Food
Science and Technology student. Over the course of my internship, I have been exposed to
various aspects of the industry, including quality control, research and development, and
production processes.
conducted tests on raw materials and finished products, and learned how to analyze data using
sophisticated instruments and techniques. These experiences have enhanced my practical skills in
the field.
strict adherence to regulatory standards and quality control procedures. I learned about the
rigorous processes involved in ensuring the safety and efficacy of pharmaceutical products. This
student. I have gained practical skills, improved my scientific knowledge, and developed a
broader understanding of the pharmaceutical industry. I am confident that the skills and
experiences I have acquired during this internship will greatly contribute to my future career in
I faced series of challenges during the program. The challenges face includes the inability to
withstand the odour of some raw materials used in the industry e.g., chlorine, ammonium
Also, transportation from residence to work because the company is located out sketch of the
town, therefore it’s a difficulty thing seeing bike or cab going to the location.
I recommend that students should be given their placement letter as soon as possible so that
I recommend that the government should try their possible best to encourage the companies
that are helping us so that they can help people coming behind.
I finally recommend that the supervisor should try to visit the student more than one time in
accessed 21/09/2017.
accessed 10/09/2017.