Appendix 10-4:: Water Quality Survey Report Prepared by YCDC-WSD
Appendix 10-4:: Water Quality Survey Report Prepared by YCDC-WSD
Appendix 10-4:: Water Quality Survey Report Prepared by YCDC-WSD
Appendix 10-4:
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Appendix 1 Photographs
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Table 3.1-1 Pesticides monitoring results of Wataya and Kokkowa ..................................... 3-6
Figure 3.1-6 T-P level of Kokkowa between Dry and Wet Season ...................................... 3-4
Figure 3.1-7 T- N level of Kokkowa between Dry and Wet Season ..................................... 3-5
Figure 3.2-1 Turbidity level of Kokkowa and Wataya sampling points ............................... 3-7
Figure 3.2-2 BOD level of Kokkowa and Wataya sampling points ...................................... 3-8
Figure 3.2-3 COD level of Kokkowa and Wataya sampling points ...................................... 3-9
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
i) Background and Purpose
The main objectives of the water quality survey are set to confirm the pollution statuses in the
target river basin and to examine the impacts of industrial wastewaters or other pollution
sources on Hlaing River in Yangon. The water quality survey was composed of total five times
surveys: in February 2016, June 2016, January - February 2017, September 2017 and February
2018 in order to cover the dry season and rain season from 2016 to early 2018. This water
quality survey report presents the results from 3rd survey and 4thsurveys focusing to check the
suitability of possible intake points for future water supply.
ii) Findings
The findings from 3rd and 4th water quality surveys at Kokkowa in the Hlaing River basin and 4th
water quality survey in Wataya are summarized as follows.
(1) Basic parameters of two sampling points are acceptable for water supply as new water
sources. However, turbidity was more than 200 times of WHO standards. Therefore
sedimentation treatment should be applied.
(2) Moderate level of organic substances at Kokkowa was indicated by COD. It was not an
elevated level, but slightly higher than desirable level for water supply source in the dry season.
It needs to be noted for the water supply plan and water treatment plant design.
(3) Pesticides values from both sampling points fall under the acceptable limit by comparing
with Japanese and Vietnamese standards. However pesticides should be monitored by season
because there is agricultural land along the river.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
1.1 Background
JICA Expert Team, ECD Yangon and YCDC (WSD and PCCD) conducted water quality
surveys of the Hlaing River basin from February 2016 to February 2018. The primary purpose
of this study was to collect and analyze data to be used in the assessment on the condition of
surface water in the Hlaing River. In detail, Kokkowa is proposed for intake point of Kokkowa
Water treatment plant by YCDC. Wataya is considered to be potential intake point for water
supply to Hlawga Reservoir. The water quality of Kokkowa and Wataya analysis are very
important for future water supply in Yangon (see the target area in Figure 1.1-1).
The Project for Capacity Development in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA
System in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, has been implemented cooperated with
Environmental Conservation Department (ECD), Pollution Control and Cleansing Department
(PCCD) and Engineering Department Water and Sanitation (EDWS) of Yangon City
Development Committee (YCDC), and JICA Expert Team. This project aims to get the
knowledge and information on the water quality survey for the current status of the Hlaing
River Basin through the on-site measurement and laboratory analysis.
The water quality survey was conducted for a total five times: in February 2016, June 2016,
January - February 2017, September 2017 and February 2018.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
1.2 Objectives
The water quality data in Kokkowa and Wataya is collected and analyzed, focusing on physical,
biological and chemical contamination. Considering the design of Kokkowa Treatment Plant
and other water supply plan, the objectives of water quality survey for target area are developed
as follows,
(1) To investigate the seasonal changes of water quality in Kokkowa and Wataya which are the
upper parts of Hlaing River.
(2) To confirm water quality whether it is suitable for domestic water supply.
According to the provisions of Yangon City Development Law (14 May 1990), YCDC
bestowed wide powers and authority, for instance, YCDC was authorized to implement its own
project by using its own funding resources. However, at present, YCDC needs to apply
permissions of projects to the national government, and the funding sources of YCDC are
incorporated into the national budget by the new policy. YCDC set up as a ministerial level and
comprises with 20 departments and one committee office, to create a modern city with the
features and characteristics of city while preserving its greenery and the intrinsic beauty for its
citizens by the guidance of the national government. YCDC is directly responsible for the
development and maintenance of Yangon City in all aspects.
According to Yangon City Development Law, YCDC must organize with minimum seven
members to maximum 15 members; the Chairman, Vice-Chairman (Vice-Mayor), Secretary,
Joint Secretary, and the other are Committee Members. Mayor of Yangon City is responsible
not only the Chairman of YCDC but also the minister of Development Affairs of Yangon
Engineering Department (Water & Sanitation) (EDWS) is one of the 20 departments under
YCDC, which is responsible to supply of clean and potable water to the citizens of Yangon City
and to serve sewerage and sanitation facilities of the city.
1. To distribute daily clean and fresh drinking water to the people who are living in Yangon.
2. To collect the water tariff fully.
3. To protect the non-revenue water.
4. To develop and manage the water distribution and the system of sewage with the help of
modern technology.
The Organization of Engineering Department (Water & Sanitation) has one Head of Department
as chief engineer and three Deputy Head of Department for three deputy chief engineers. There
are reservoir division, supporting division, water supply division, electrical and mechanical
division, pipe plant division, administration finance division, and sanitation division in
Engineering Department (Water and Sanitation). Water quality monitoring section is one of the
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
sections under supporting division. Responsibility of water quality monitoring section is water
quality analyzing and monitoring of reservoir, tube well and water distribution pipeline which
supply by YCDC. Furthermore it monitors the Kokkowa River, new water source, for water
supply. EDWS laboratory can monitor 26 parameters which is physical, chemical and
bacteriological analysis. Water Quality Monitoring Section have to change of the existing
monitoring methods to the standardize methods which are recommended in Myanmar National
Drinking Water Quality Standard.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
- 8:00 – 16:30, 30 January 2017: Sampling in the Hlaing River and Shwe Pyi Thar IZ
- 8:00 – 16:30, 31 January 2017: Sampling in the Hlaing River and Pan Hlaing River
- 8:00 – 14:00, 1 February 2017: Sampling in Kokkowa
The sampling schedule for 4th Water quality survey in the Hlaing River Basin is listed below.
- 8:00 – 16:30, 18 September 2017: Sampling in the Hlaing River and Pan Hlaing River
- 8:00 – 16:30,19 September 2017: Sampling in the Hlaing River, Pan Hlaing River and
Shwe Pyi Thar IZ
- 8:00 – 14:00, 20 September 2017: Sampling in Kokkowa
2.3 Sampling points
The surface water samples were taken from 10 points in the Hlaing River basin. Among them,
in the report, two points, namely, Kokkowa and Wataya were selected to evaluate the results
because YCDC has a plan or preliminary idea to take raw water for water treatment plant from
these points. See these two main sampling points in Figure 2.3-1.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Air temperature, pH, EC, salinity, turbidity, water temperature, ORP, DO, TDS
Total coliform, TSS, BOD, COD, cyanide, oil and grease, phenols, total phosphorus, total
nitrogen, zinc (Zn), total chromium (T-Cr), chromium (hexavalent), arsenic (As), copper (Cu),
total mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), pesticides and PCBs
This report will focus on eight parameters, i.e., BOD, COD, pesticides, turbidity, pH, salinity,
total phosphorus and total nitrogen of Kokkowa and Watayar sample. Among them, seasonal
changes between dry and wet season are examined for total phosphorus and total nitrogen data
of Kokkowa sampling point.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
filled by the sample water for laboratory analysis. After samples were collected, they were kept
in an ice-box and transported to laboratories.
The following Table shows a list of equipment used for on-site measurement.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Note: MOH line shows the acceptable range of draft national drinking water quality guideline value (MOH,
Source: EDWS, YCDC
Figure 3.1-1 pH Level of Kokkowa and Wataya
(ii) Turbidity
Figure 3.1-2 shows the turbidity of Wataya and Kokkowa sampling point. As the river water
character, turbidity is quite high in both points compared with the WHO guideline and MOH
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Note: 5 NTU is suggested by WHO Standard: Guidelines for drinking-water quality (fourth edition, WHO,
2011) as a requirement for small and rural water supplie
Source: EDWS, YCDC
Figure 3.1-2 Turbidity level of Kokkowa and Wataya
(iii) Salinity
Figure 3.1-3 provides the salinity of Wataya and Kokkowa sampling points. The salinity level
of both points at Wataya and Kokkowa are under the value of drinking water guideline applied
in EDWS.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
standard of BOD is 4 mg/l. BOD levels in Wataya and Kokkowa points are lower than
Vietnamese standard.
Vietnam Standard (A1): Vietnamese national technical regulations on surface water quality (A1 Class: for
domestic water supply) (QCVN 08-MT 2015/BTNMT)
Source: EDWS, YCDC
Figure 3.1-4 BOD level of Kokkowa and Wataya
(ii) COD
Figure 3.1-5 shows the COD levels obtained from Wataya and Kokkowa. The Vietnamese
environment standard of COD is 10 mg/L (A1 Class for domestic water supply). The amount of
COD in Wataya and Kokkowa are 11 and 8.3 respectively. Wataya point shows slightly higher
COD than reference Vietnamese environment standard. The Kokkowa point’s valude is lower
than the Vietnamese standard.
Vietnam Standard (A1): Vietnamese national technical regulations on surface water quality (A1 Class: for
domestic water supply) (QCVN 08-MT 2015/BTNMT)
Source: EDWS, YCDC
Figure 3.1-5 COD Level of Kokkowa and Wataya
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
3.1.3 Nutrients
(i) Total phosphorus (T-P)
Total phosphorus concentrations were recorded during dry season by the 4th survey and wet
season by the 3rd survey for the Kokkowa sampling point as well as during the dry season by the
4th quality survey for Wataya. Total phosphorus results of Wataya and Kokkowa in the dry
season exceeded the reference Japan Environment Standard. i.e., 0.1 mg/L for lakes, while it is
less than 0.1 mg/l of standard in the wet season.
The total phosphorus to be applied to the river water quality is not included in the reference
standard shown in Table 2.4-1. It is know that the high phosphorus values may trigger the
significant algae bloom in the enclosed water body and in general not much considered for
conservation of flowing river water. Although the possible adverse impact by phosphorus in
rivers could be limited, such moderate level of phosphate in the dry season indicates the
pollution impact from domestic wastewater, agricultural wastewater and others.
Note: “Japan Standard” shows Class V, fishery class for marine products and agricultural use in lakes,
Environment Agency Notification No. 59 (Ministry of Environment in Japan, last amended in 2016),
Source: EDWS, YCDC
Figure 3.1-6 T-P Results
(ii) Total Nitrogen (T-N)
The figure 3.1.7 illustrates T- N level of Kokkowa between the dry and wet season. The T-N
concentration of dry season (6.58 mg/l) was sharply decreased in the wet season (1.1 mg/l). In
the 4th quality survey of Wataya, T –N concentration is slightly higher than the reference
standard; Japanese Environment Standard for lakes (1.1 mg/L).
As mentioned above for T-P, T-N is also not included in the reference standard shown in Table
2.4-1. In general, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate, not total nitrogen are specified in the surface
water quality standard for rivers. At this time such individual nitrogen forms were not
investigated because of unavailability of reliable laboratories. The laboratories that can analyze
a slight level of phosphorus with good precision in water environment were not found local area
and it was difficult to assure good preservation conditions to transport phosphorus samples to
overseas countries. In order to evaluate the nitrogen-related water quality status, each chemical
form of nitrogen needs to be checked.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Note: “Japan Standard” shows Class V, fishery class for marine products and agricultural use in lakes,
Environment Agency Notification No. 59 (Ministry of Environment in Japan, last amended in 2016)
Source: EDWS, YCDC
Figure 3.1-7 T- N Results
3.1.4 Pesticides
The following table shows the concentration of pesticides at two sampling points. According to
results, any pesticides were not detected under this survey conditions. It was good in terms of
usage for water supply. However, the monitoring must be closely linked to periods of pesticide
use. In the excessive rainfall time or irrigation period, the water containing pollutants flushes
out from the land to the river. Therefore, pesticides and other residues including nitrates and
phosphates can be quickly transported and contaminate ground water and fresh water over a
large geographical area. The individual pesticides have unique properties and many variable
factors that determine the specific risk in terms of water pollution. Thus more monitoring data
targeting on the pesticides use period and flood season will be necessary.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
3.2 Discussion
3.2.1 Discussion of basic parameters results
(i) pH is an important parameter for evaluating toxicity of an aquatic system. High
acidity (a low pH) can convert insoluble metal sulfides to soluble forms, which
increases the bioavailability. A high pH can also cause ammonia toxicity. The
surface measurements from the two sampling points showed the pH level fell in the
acceptable limit of drinking water quality standard of MOH. Therefore the pH level
of these sampling points are suitable for water supply.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
(ii) Turbidity is the cloudiness of the water, which is related to the shape, size and
concentration of particles suspended in the water. Turbidity typically increases
during high flow events (e.g. heavy rain, snowmelt, etc.) as soil particles are
washed off from city streets, parking lots and agricultural fields. Resuspension of
river sediments under high flow conditions can also contribute to higher turbidity
levels. In the Hlaing river basin, turbidity is higher than twenty times of WHO
standards. As a result, if they are applied for water supply, sedimentation treatment
will be required.
(i) Salinity of the river water is the concentration of total salts dissolved in the water.
Rain falling over the river will add freshwater back to the surface and decrease the
salinity, although the salinity can increase in the blackish water or sea water
depending on the tidal effect. Salinity is typically expressed in units of “parts per
thousand” (ppt). Regarding samples taken in the raining season, salinity values
were under the guideline of WHO standards. Thus these sampling points were
suitable for water supply at the survey time. However, especially in Wataya, which
is closer to the sea, the change in salinity and behavior of saltwater intrusion should
be checked.
3.2.2 Discussion of organic substances results
(i) Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD, also called biological oxygen demand) is the
amount of dissolved oxygen needed (i.e. demanded) by aerobic biological organisms to
break down organic material present in a given water sample at certain temperature
over a specific time period. The BOD value is commonly expressed in milligrams of
oxygen consumed per liter of sample during 5 days of incubation at 20 C. It is often
used as an indicator of organic pollution level in the water. BOD is similar in function
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
to chemical oxygen demand (COD) and to be measured for estimating the amount of
organic compounds in water. The survey found that BOD value of two sampling points
is less than target value of Vietnamese standards. On the other hand, COD value of
Wataya point is slightly higher than Standards value. In consequence, there are slight
concerns on potential health risk that might be caused by organic material in water
treatment plant. If chlorine disinfection process is applied in the treatment system,
chlorine reacts with natural organic matter in raw water, resulting in formation of
undesirable byproduct: trihalomethanes (THMS), haloacetic acids (HAAs),
haloacetonitriles (HANs) and other chemical compounds. Total Organic Carbon (TOC)
will be an important parameter for that concern. Moreover, Wataya sampling point
needs to be further investigated to monitor seasonal water quality to consider future
water supply.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
human health. In Wataya and Kokkowa sampling point, no pesticides pollution was
confirmed within the scope of survey. However, water quality of these sampling points
need to be analyzed and monitored by season because there is a wider area of
agricultural land in upstream of the river.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
4.1 Conclusions
According to the water quality results, the following conclusions are came out,
1.) As for basic parameters, pH values obtained from the Kokkowa River sampling point and
Wataya sampling point are ranged in the acceptable limit and not too much different each other.
Turbidity and salinity values from these two sampling points have almost the same value.
However, the turbidity values are higher than the guideline value suggested by WHO although
salinity values are acceptable. As a result, if such high-turbid water is applied for water supply,
sedimentation treatment will be required.
2.) Compared with the Vietnamese surface water quality standard, the value of BOD obtained
from Kokkowa and Wataya are in the acceptable limit but BOD at Kokkowa is around 1mg/l
higher than Wataya value. In COD results, the value of COD from Wataya is much higher than
the Kokkowa results and does not meet with the Vietnamese standard. The BOD and COD
concentration is not specifically considered to judge the suitability for water supply and water
treatment plant design. However, in order to consider the effect of organic carbon, which may
be a health problem risk when chlorine disinfection is applied, Total Organic Carbon (TOC)
will also need to be checked.
3.) The total phosphate value of Wataya point is 0.2 mg/l higher than the Kokkowa result in the
dry season. Compared the water quality of Kokkowa between the wet season and dry season, it
was found that its T-P value in the dry season is higher than one in the wet season, while results
of two sampling time exceeded the reference standard value for lakes. For total nitrogen value,
T-N shows that the value of Wataya is slightly higher than the Kokkowa value. The nutrient
level for specific nitrogen forms at these two sampling points needs to be analyzed and
monitored by season to consider future water supply.
4.) Pesticides values from both sampling points was under the acceptable limit compared with
Japanese and Vietnamese standards. However pesticides should be monitor seasonally because
there are a wide area of agricultural land beside and upstream of the river.
4.2 Recommendation
Overall, water quality in the Kokkowa River, which will be used as water supply source, is
likely to be suitable for water supply purposes. However, the pesticides, BOD and COD
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
parameters etc. should be monitored seasonally. Wataya point requires more surveys and
examination to confirm the suitability as a drinking water source.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Project for Capacity Development WATER QUALITY
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System SURVEY REPORT
Appendix 1- 1
Project for Capacity Development WATER QUALITY
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System SURVEY REPORT
Table A.2.1-1 Results of Wataya and Kokkowa Sampling point (Osumi (Jp Lab))
Location name Wataya Kokkowa
Left/Center/Right Center Center
No Unit
Sampling Date 19/9/2017 20/9/2017
Sampling Time 11:16 9:46
On-site measurement
1 Air Temperature °C 33.20 31.00
2 Water Temperature °C 28.80 28.49
3 pH - 7.61 7.89
4 ORP mv 320 190
5 Conductivity ms/cm 0.125 0.099
6 Turbidity NTU 618 545
7 DO mg/L 6.67 6.68
8 TDS mg/L 81 66
9 Salinity ppt 0.1 0.0
Laboratory analysis
1 BOD mg/L 2.30 3.72
2 Total Coliform MPN/100ml 35000 4600
Total Suspended Solids
3 mg/L 420 120
4 COD Cr mg/L 11 8.3
5 Cyanide(total) mg/L < 0.1 < 0.1
6 Oil and grease mg/L <1 <1
7 Phenols mg/L < 0.005 < 0.005
8 Total phosphorus (T-P) mg/L 0.16 0.089
9 Total nitrogen (T-N) mg/L 1.0 0.71
10 Zinc (Zn) mg/L 0.054 0.029
11 Total chromium (T-Cr) mg/L 0.048 0.019
12 Chromium (Hexavalent) mg/L < 0.005 < 0.005
13 Arsenic (As) mg/L 0.0026 0.0016
14 Copper (Cu) mg/L 0.017 0.010
15 Total Mercury (Hg) mg/L < 0.0005 < 0.0005
Appendix 2-1
Project for Capacity Development WATER QUALITY
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System SURVEY REPORT
Table A.2.1-1 Results of Wataya and Kokkowa Sampling point (YCDC Lab)
Location name Wataya Kokkowa
Left/Center/Right Center Center
No Unit
Sampling Date 19/9/2017 20/9/2017
Sampling Time 11:16 9:46
Analysis result by Engineering Department (Water and Sanitation)- YCDC
1 pH - 7.33 7.38
2 EC mS/cm 0.116 0.103
3 Turbidity (NTU) NTU 346 198
4 TDS mg/L 58 52
5 Salinity ppt 0.06 0.05
7 Chloride mg/L 10 12
6 Total Nitrogen mg/L 3 6
8 Nitrite nitrogen (NO2-N) mg/L 0.006 0.001
9 Nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) mg/L 0 0
10 Ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) mg/L 0.23 0.21
11 Phosphate mg/L 0.54 0.28
12 Sulphate mg/L 5 2
Analysis result by WWTP lab- YCDC
1 pH - 8.6 7.8
2 Turbidity NTU 314 231
3 DO mg/L 0.53 0.61
4 TDS mg/L 60.2 91.3
5 BOD mg/L 15.9 3.7
6 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) mg/L 228 33.5
7 COD Cr mg/L 40 0.2
BOD/COD ratio 0.40 18.50
Appendix 2-2
Project for Capacity Development in Basic Water Environment Management and
EIA System in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Final Report
Appendix 10-5:
APRIL, 2018
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Table of Content
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Discussion ..................................................................................................................... 31
Findings about the Pollutant Levels ...................................................................... 31
Finding about the Pollution Sources ..................................................................... 32
Finding about the Water Quality Status ................................................................ 32
Finding about the Water Quality Changes ............................................................ 32
Recommendations ........................................................................................................ 33
Appendix 1 Photographs
Appendix 2 List of Data
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Table 1.4-2 Key Industries in Mandalay Industrial Zone and References to the Emission
Guidelines ............................................................................................................................ 6
Table 1.4-3 List of Parameters related to Suspected Pollutants from Industries along Pa Yan Taw
Creek ................................................................................................................................... 6
Table 1.4-4 List of General Pollutants from the Residential Area ............................................... 7
Table 1.4-5 List of General Pollutant for the Seasonal Crops Plantation and Duck Farms ......... 8
Table 2.1-1 Survey Team Members in 3rd Water Quality Survey .............................................. 11
Table 2.1-2 Survey team members in 4th Water Quality Survey ............................................... 11
Table 2.3-1 3rd Water Quality Survey Sampling Points and Time of Taungthaman Lake and ... 12
Table 2.3-2 Sampling Points and Time of Taungthaman Lake and Pa Yan Taw creek in 4th Survey
........................................................................................................................................... 13
Table 2.5-2 Laboratory Analysis Methods for samples (4th water quality survey).................... 17
Table 3.1-3 Total Coliform Levels in 3rd and 4th surveys and Vietnamese Standard ................. 24
Table 3.1-4 T-N Levels in 3rd and 4th surveys and Standards ..................................................... 26
Table 3.1-6 Pb Levels in 3rd and 4th surveys and Standards ...................................................... 29
Table 3.1-7 As Levels in 3rd and 4th surveys and Standards ....................................................... 30
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Figure 3.1-4 Comparison between Total Coliform levels and standards .................................. 25
Figure 3.1-6 Comparison between T-P levels in 3rd and 4th surveys and with standards ......... 28
Figure 3.1-7 Comparison between Pb levels in 3rd and 4th surveys with standards.................. 29
Figure 3.1-8 Comparison between As levels in 3rd and 4th surveys with standards .................. 30
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
i) Purpose
The Project for Capacity Development in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA
System in Myanmar has been implemented as a bilateral technical cooperation between
Ministry of Natural Resource and Environmental Conservation (MONREC) and Japan
International Cooperation Agency (JICA) which is three-year project starting from June 2015 to
June 2018. The implemented project areas are the Hlaing River Basin in Yangon and the Doke
Hta Waddy River Basin in Mandalay. The project output (2) is to enhance the Capacity for
implementing water quality survey in order to obtain reliable information. Five times water
quality survey had been conducted during the project period; two times in the raining season
and three times in the dry season.
This report has been developed by the representative group of Environmental Conservation
Department (Mandalay). The target area of the report is Taungthaman Lake which is located in
the Doke Hta Waddy River Basin of Mandalay. The reason to choose this area is that
Taungthaman Lake has been surrounded by the Mandalay Industrial Zone, household,
agricultural and livestock lands. Therefore, there have many concerns about the influent
wastewater from those potential pollution source into the lake.
This report is aiming to access the water quality changes in Taungthaman Lake which are
affected by the pollution sources nearby based on third and fourth water quality survey results
of the project. The concerned pollution sources are the Mandalay Industrial Zone, squatting area,
restaurants, domestic household, plantations and duck farms.
ii) Findings
The 4th WQS Results represent the rainy season and 3rd WQS Results represent the dry
season. The TSS, BOD and COD levels are much higher at the Pan Yan Taw Creek and diluted at
Taungthaman Lake. Total coliform level is high at both Pa Yan Taw and Taungthaman lake. Total
nitrogen (T-N) and total phosphorus (T-P) levels are high at Taungthaman Lake. The lead (Pb) at
the U Shwe Taung Bridge is high for ambient water quality.
The TSS, BOD and COD are higher in dry season than in the rainy season. Total coliform is
higher in the rainy season than in the dry season. The flood washes out the impurities of the
squatting area into the water bodies. Thus the concentration of total coliform in the rainy season
is higher than the dry season. And T-N and T-P are higher in the dry season than rainy season,
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
which might be affected by the restaurants, domestic household, plantations and duck farms on
the lake.
The water quality of the Pa Yan Taw Creek is not suitable for the irrigation purpose. And the
water quality of the Taungthaman Lake is not suitable for the domestic use of water. However,
it is suitable for agricultural use. The water quality of the north Taungthaman Lake is worse than
the southern Thaungthaman Lake.
The water quality of the Taungthaman Lake is changed due to the effect of pollution sources
nearby and seasonally. Therefore, the wastewater from the Mandalay Industrial Zone, squatting
area, restaurants, domestic household, plantations and duck farms can be the main factors that
will impact the water quality of Taungthaman Lake.
The awareness programs for the notification for the priority nine industries to implement
the EMP should be conducted in the Mandalay Industrial Zone Area. The water quality
monitoring and inventory of biodiversity index should be conducted to build the database
system and to ensure the environmental status. The awareness programs on the collected
information and knowledge of the environmental status of Taungthaman Lake should be
conducted with the stakeholders of the Lake to share the knowledge and to get the suggestion
for environmental quality promoting processes. The water quality of Taungthaman Lake should
be maintained or improved to be suitable for the agricultural use.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
The Project for Capacity Development in Basic Water Environment Management and
EIA System in Myanmar has been implemented as a bilateral technical cooperation between
Ministry of Natural Resource and Environmental Conservation (MONREC) and Japan
International Cooperation Agency (JICA). This is three-year project starting from June 2015 to
June 2018. There are six outputs of the project according to the work plan; four outputs for
Water Environment Management component and two outputs for EIA System component. The
implemented project areas are the Hlaing River Basin in Yangon and the Doke Hta Waddy River
Basin in Mandalay. One of the achievements of the project is output (2) Enhancement of the
Capacity for implementing water quality survey to obtain reliable information. Five times water
quality survey had been conducted during the project period; two times in raining season and
three times in dry season.
The target area of the report is Taungthaman Lake which is located in the Doke Hta
Waddy River Basin of Mandalay. The reason of the choosing this area is due to a lot of fish dying
in 2015. Besides, Taungthaman Lake has been surrounded by the Mandalay Industrial Zone,
household, agricultural and livestock lands. Therefore, there have many concerns of influent
wastewater from them into the lake. Furthermore, Taungthaman Lake and U Pein Bridge are the
historic place of Myanmar and it is famous among Myanmar people and the tourists. Moreover,
almost 2000 locals from the thirteen villages depend on the Taungthaman Lake for a living.
Target area is shown in Figure 1.1-1.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
of the environment and may have to take an action for the safety of people by stipulating the
related regualtion or plan.
Therefore, this report is aiming to access the water quality changes in Taungthaman
Lake which are affected by the pollution sources nearby based on third and fourth water quality
survey results of the project.
Survey Area
The water inlets of the Taungthaman Lake are Pa Yan Taw Creek and Lat Khote Pin
Stream. The Pa Yan Taw Creek passes the agricultural land, Mandalay Industrial Zone and
residential area. There is a branch of Pa Yan Taw Creek, Kolumbo Channel which crosses the
domestic quarter. The Lat Khote Pin Stream passes the agricultural and residential areas.
Some villagers near the Taungthaman Lake do fishing for their living and use the lake
for washing and bathing. Moreover, the lake has been used for fishery from the past. Both
seasonal cultivation and duck farms have been established round and on the lake. It is also used
for the recreation for enjoying view of the lake and U Pein Bridge as well as riding the sampan
in the lake. Therefore, the water of the lake is used for agriculture, livestock, recreation and
Target Area
This report focuses on the water quality changes of Taungthaman Lake which would
be affected by inlets. Pa Yan Taw Creek is concerned to the variety of pollution sources including
Mandalay Industrial Zone and it is combined with the Lat Khote Pin Stream near the lake.
Therefore, the target survey areas of the report are northern and southern parts of
Taungthaman Lake as well as Pan Yan Taw Creek.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Mandalay Industrial Zone has been established since 1990, located in Pyi Gyi Tagon
township of Mandalay, and has 3530 plots on the 1820 acre. This Industrial Zone has involved
1292 industries in total; 392 in large, 304 in medium and 596 in small including distillery, sugar
factory, textile industry, wood processing, plastic goods, battery, detergent, pharmaceutical,
fertilizer, metal smelting, metal casting, tannery, paper mill and so on. Central Wastewater
Treatment System for Mandalay Industrial Zone is under construction stage. Therefore, most of
the industries directly discharge the wastewater into the water resources nearby and 10 inches
pipeline. There have only 93 wastewater discharging industries in the industrial zone; 10
industries are discharging into 10 inches pipeline, 18 industries are discharging into Pan Yan Taw
creek, 65 industries are discharging into No. 6 Irrigation water discharged channel respectively.
There are 27 industries along the Pa Yan Taw Creek; the industrial type and number of these 27
industries are six distilleries, one candy factory, ten sugar factory, one textile industry, five
tanneries, one paper ,ill and three cardboard factory.
The list of industries along the Pa Yan Taw Creek and the plot map of Mandalay
Industrial Zone are descried in Table 1.4-1and Figure 1.4-1.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Source: MCDC
According to the aforementioned Figure 1.4-1, sugar factories seem to be the biggest
pollution source in this area, followed by the distillery and tannery. But sugar factories are
operated only between October and April of a year. Moreover, Ministry of Home Affairs
announced to stop the operation of distilleries without wastewater treatment system on August
15th, 2017.
Regarding those industry types, i.e., distillery, candy factory, sugar factory, textile,
tannery and paper mill and cardboard factory, the Emission Guideline was referred from the
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
annex (1) of the National Environmental Quality (Emission) Guidelines (EQEG) (2015) as shown
in Table 1.4-2. Based on these references, Table 1.4-3 was prepared to show the possible water
pollutants discharged from these industries along the Pa Yan Taw Creek.
Table 1.4-2 Key Industries in Mandalay Industrial Zone and References to the Emission
No. Industry Reference of Emission Guidelines in NEQG
1 Distillery Breweries and Distilleries
2 Candy Factory
3 Sugar Factory Sugar Manufacturing
4 Textile Textile Manufacturing
5 Tannery Tanning Leather Finishing Manufacturing
6 Paper Mill Pulp and Paper Mills
7 Cardboard Factory
Source: Annex (1), Myanmar National Environmental Quality (Emission) Guidelines (NEQG) (2015)
Table 1.4-3 List of Parameters related to Suspected Pollutants from Industries along Pa Yan
Taw Creek
No. Parameters Remark
1 5-day Biochemical oxygen demand
2 Active ingredients / Antibiotics
3 Adsorbable organic halogens
4 Ammonia
5 Biocides
6 Cadmium
7 Chemical oxygen demand
8 Chloride
9 Chromium (hexavalent)
10 Chromium (total)
11 Cobalt
12 Color
13 Copper
14 Nickel
15 Oil and grease
16 Pesticides
17 pH
18 Phenol
19 Sulfate
20 Sulfide
21 Temperature increase
22 Total coliform bacteria
23 Total nitrogen
24 Total phosphorus
25 Total suspended solids
26 Zinc
Source: Myanmar National Environmental Quality (Emission) Guidelines (EQEG) (2015)
Residential Quarter
Pyi Gyi Tagon Township has 28.5 km2 in area, 8343/km2 in density and its population is
about 234,698. Pyi Gyi Tagon combines both the industrial and urban nature. Amarapura
Township has 237,618 in population, 205 km2 in area and 1160/km2 in density. Most of the area
of Amarapura Township is the rural communities and they depend on the Taungthaman Lake
for their living. The villages near the Taungthaman Lake are Taungthaman Village, Da None
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Village, Nat Yaae Kan Village, Hin Thar Bone Oe Village, Kan Peit Village,Let Pan Zin Village, Tha
Gyi Yar Village and so on.
Furthermore, there have around 73 restaurants near the edges of the U Pein Bridge
situated between north and south of the Taungthaman Lake. These restaurants discharge the
wastewater directly into the lake. Besides, there have around 45 small boats as the recreational
Therefore, Section 2.6.4 “Tourism and Hospitality Development” in EQEG’s Annex (1),
is referred for the possible effluent parameter of the residential area. The general pollutants in
the wastewater from the residential area are described in the following Table 1.4-4.
During the dry season starting from November to May of the year, the water level of
the lake is dropped. Meanwhile, the bed of the lake appears and the cultivation on the lake
starts. Seasonal crops including bean, corn, paddy, onion are planted on and around the lake.
Besides, the duck farms are built on the brink of the lake all year round. The ducks swim near
the strand of the lake and eat the pests of the cultivated vegetable. Therefore, EQEG’s Annex
(1), 2.2.2 Annual Crop Production and 2.2.4 Poultry Production are referred for the potential
effluent parameter from those agricultural activities. The general pollutants in the wastewater
discharged from the seasonal crops plantation and duck farms, are described in the following
Table 1.4-5.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Table 1.4-5 List of General Pollutant for the Seasonal Crops Plantation and Duck Farms
No. Parameters
The Constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar was stipulated in 2008,
expresses that the Union shall protect and conserve natural environment and every citizen has
the duty to assist the Union in carrying out environmental conservation.
Myanmar Environmental Conservation Law was enacted on 30th March, 2012 and
expresses that Ministry may have a responsibility to carry out the activities regarding the
conservation and the enchancement of the environment to protect and solve the pollution
problem developing the related plans and regulations. Articles 10 and 11 express as the Ministry
may formulate and modify Environmental Quality Standard (EQS) including surface water,
groundwater, costal and marine, atmospheric, emission, effluent, noise, vibration and others
with the approval of the Union Government and Committee. Article (13) describes the Ministry
shall implement the the comprehensive monitoring system on the performance of waste
disposal and possible pollution by itself or in co-ordination with relevent organizations. Besides,
Articles 14 and 15 are related with installation of wastewater treatment plant.
Environmental Conservation Rules was adopted on 5th June, 2014 and Rules 26 (A)
expresses the Department may have a responsibility to carry out the collection and compiling of
data for the conservation and enhancement of the environment, doing research and conducting
training program. Rule 38 expresses the amendment of EQS that may be necessary, for the
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
interest of the public according to the time and location. Projects and business, identified by the
Ministry in accordance with the Article 21 of the EC Law and EC Rules 62, are required to
undertake IEE or EIA or to develop an EMP, and to obtain an ECC in accordance with the Article
21 of the EC Law and EC Rules 52, 53 and 55. The Rules 69 (A) expresses that any person shall
not emit, ask to emit, dispose, ask to dispose, pile and ask to pile, by any means, hazardous
waste or hazardous substances stipulated by notification according to any rules in this rules at
any place which may affect the public directly or indirectly.
Law for Conservation of Water Resources and Rivers and its rules
The Law for Conservation of Water Resources and Rivers was enacted in 2006 and the
Rules were stipulated in 2013. This law intends to conserve and protect the water resources and
rivers system, to smooth and safety waterways navigation along rivers and to protect the
environmental impact. Its Rules 9 describes that if the Department repairs for the protection of
water pollution and conservation of environment, the polluter who caused water pollution and
environmental impact in the rivers will be fined the adequate amount of money for expense of
Myanmar National Water Policy was formulated in 2015 and its objectives are to
disseminate knowledge and create awareness, develop responsible behaviors and create
enabling environment for sustainable water use as well as to enhance water information,
knowledge, know-how, technology, cooperation, consultation and partnerships. This policy
describes that the present scenario of water resources and their management in Myanmar has
given rise to several concerns, one of the important amongst them is “Water Quality Standards”
should be set by relevant Ministries under the direction of the NWRC for the purpose of both
“domestic and industrial” and “economical use and their discharges” to prevent surface, ground
and marine water.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Standing Order No.3 of Ministry of Industry (1), Water and Air Pollution
Control Plan (1995)
This standing order was adopted by the Ministry of Industry aiming to develop the
Cleaner Production in the industries under the Ministry of Industry (1) and to prevent the
pollution caused by industries. It expresses about the water pollution control, specific factories
for reporting monitoring results of wastewater, setting time frame for wastewater treatment
Water Quality Standards (WQS) have not been developed yet in Myanmar, although
the development of ambient Water Quality Standards is ongoing under MONREC with the
assistance of Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Myanmar National Drinking Water Quality
Standards has been already drafted in 2014. Therefore, in this report, other countries’ WQS,
namely, Vietnamese WQS, Japanese WQS and Ireland EPA Surface Water Quality Standards will
be used in this report to evaluate the Water Quality Status of the Taungthaman Lake.
Survey objectives
The objective of the water quality survey for Taungthaman Lake and Pa Yan Taw Creek are
as follows:
1) To access water quality changes and confirm the current water quality of the
Taungthaman Lake from 3rd and 4th WQ survey results
2) To train the staffs of counterpart organizations on water quality survey
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
2 Survey Methods
The survey works were conducted by a local environmental consultant company under
the management of JICA Expert Team. The staff of ECD (Mandalay) and MCDC participated the
sampling activities to supervise the survey works and to get the experience during the project
The 3rd water quality survey sampling team members of the Doke Hta Waddy River
Basin of Mandalay are shown in Table 2.1-1.
The 4th water quality survey sampling team members of the Doke Hta Waddy River
Basin of Mandalay are shown in Table 2.1-2.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Sampling schedule
The 3rd water quality sampling was undertaken from 8:00 AM to 16:30 PM of 23rd and
24th October 2017 in the Doke Hta Waddy River Basin of Mandalay.
The 4th water quality sampling was undertaken from 8:00 AM to 16:30 PM of 25th and
26th September 2017 in the Doke Hta Waddy River Basin of Mandalay.
Sampling points
The 3rd and 4th water sampling activities were conducted in the Doke Hta Waddy River
Basin at the following sampling points.
During the 3rd water quality survey, sampling activities were conducted in 15 different
sampling points. Along the Doke Hta Waddy River, there have four sampling points; upstream
and downstream of discharge point, discharge point and Myint Nge Bridge. There has only six
sampling points regarding the Taungthaman Lake and Pa Yan Taw Creek, these points are
considered for this report to access the water quality changes from upstream of water inlet and
the lake. The three sampling points of Pa Yan Taw Creek are PTM Bridge, PYTC1’ and TT Bridge.
The point at the UST Bridge is situated under the junction of Pan Yan Taw Creek and Lat Khote
Pin Stream. These sampling points of the creek show the behavior of pollution sources nearby.
There has only two sampling points at the centers of the northern and southern parts of
Taungthaman Lake, namely N-TTML and S-TTML which can indicate the actual water quality level
of the lake. The 3rd water quality survey sampling points and time of Taungthaman Lake and Pa
Yan Taw creek are shown in Table 2.3-1.
Table 2.3-1 3rd Water Quality Survey Sampling Points and Time of Taungthaman Lake and
PTM Bridge
23-1-2017 9:29 21.9457 96.1311
(Paw Taw Mu Bridge)
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Sampling Location
Location Name Sampling Date
Time Latitude Longitude
(Pa Yan Taw Creek [Myo Ma Aung 23-1-2017 12:59 21.9015 96.094
Myin Street])
TT Bridge
23-1-2017 12:13 21.8989 96.0871
(Tagon Taing Bridge)
UST Bridge
23-1-2017 15:36 21.8996 96.0766
(U Shwe Taung Bridge)
24-1-2017 10:35 21.9016 96.0591
24-1-2017 10:35 21.8854 96.0568
(Southern Taungthaman Lake)
Source: JICA Expert Team
During the 4th water quality survey, water samples were collected from the 15 different
sampling points. There has seven sampling points regarding the Taungthaman Lake and Pa Yan
Taw Creek, these points are taken into account for this report to access the water quality
changes of the lake due to the water inlet. The four sampling points of Pa Yan Taw Creek are
PTM Bridge, PYTC-62nd St, PYTC1’ and TT Bridge to access the water quality affected by the
pollution sources nearby. The point at the UST Bridge is situated under the junction of Pan Yan
Taw Creek and Lat Khote Pin Stream. There has two sampling points at the centers of the
northern and southern part of the Taungthaman Lake to investigate the actual water quality
levels of the lake. The 4th water quality survey sampling points and time of Taungthaman Lake
and Pa Yan Taw are shown in Table 2.3-2.
Table 2.3-2 Sampling Points and Time of Taungthaman Lake and Pa Yan Taw creek in 4th Survey
Sampling Location
Location Name Sampling Date
Time Latitude Longitude
PTM Bridge
2-10-2017 10:48 21.9457 96.1311
(Paw Taw Mu Bridge)
PTYC-62nd Str.
(Pa Yan Taw Creek [on 62nd street, 2-10-2017 11:50 21.9137 96.1099
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Sampling Location
Location Name Sampling Date
Time Latitude Longitude
(Pa Yan Taw Creek [Myo Ma Aung 2-10-2017 15:30 21.9015 96.094
Myin Street])
TT Bridge
2-10-2017 14:36 21.8989 96.0871
(Tagon Taing Bridge)
UST Bridge
2-10-2017 16:50 21.8996 96.0766
(U Shwe Taung Bridge)
3-10-2017 16:11 21.9016 96.0591
3-10-2017 16:40 21.8854 96.0568
(Southern Taungthaman Lake)
Source: JICA Expert Team
Survey parameter
Measurement parameter
The water quality survey team undertakes on-site measurement and sampling
collection during the survey time. During the 3rd water quality survey, nine parameters for on-
site measurement and twenty-eight parameters for laboratory analysis were analyzed. For the
4th water quality survey, nine parameters for on-site measurement and nineteen parameters for
laboratory analysis were analyzed.
There are a number of factories such as distilleries, paper mill, textile and tannery as
well as residential area which are situated at the upstream of the Pa Yan Taw Creek and water
catchment of the Taungthaman Lake. Moreover, residential area, agricultural and livestock area
are located on and around the Taungthaman Lake. Therefore, the potential pollutant; Total
Suspended Solid (TSS), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD Cr),
total coliforms, Total Phosphorus (T-P), Total Nitrogen (T-N), lead (Pb) and arsenic (As), totally
eight parameters will be focused in this report.
TSS is selected to access inorganic and organic particles in the water, which would be
affected by the discharge of industry and residential area. BOD and COD are selected to estimate
the organic pollution of the water and they are also the important indicators of overall water
quality. Total coliforms represent fecal and other bacteria which are the indicators of possible
presence of pathogenic micro-organisms. T-P and T-N are the nutrient parameters and they are
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
selected to estimate the eutrophication status of the water. Pb and As are the heavy metals to
access the health risk to aquatic life of the lake and residents.
Surface Water Quality Standards of Myanmar have not been developed yet. Therefore,
reference standards of foreign countries such as Japan Water Quality Standards, Vietnam Water
Quality Standards and Ireland Environmental Protection Agency will be used as references. Table
2.4-1 shows the reference standards for surface water quality to make the comparison with the
results of surveys.
No. Parameter Unit
Human River River lake Lake
B1 A3 waters
Health (D) (E) (B) (V)
Coliform ml
4 COD Cr mg/l - - - ≤5 - 30 40
6 T-N mg/l - - - - ≤1 - 20
Sampling method
A water quality survey team conducted on-site measurement and sampling collection
during the survey times. During the 3rd water quality survey, twenty-eight parameters for
laboratory analysis were collected and sent to the laboratory in Thailand. For the 4th water
quality survey, seventeen parameters for laboratory analysis were analyzed in Japanese
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
laboratory while the other two parameters that requires immediate analysis were analyzed in
Myanmar laboratory. The sampling activities were conducted in accordance with the Standards
Operation Procedure for surface water sampling of the project. Some parameters were analyzed
at the MCDC’s water laboratory. The collected samples were preserved referring to the Japanese
Industrial Standards (JIS) and other official procedures summarized in Table 2.5-1. Figure 2.5-1
shows the picture of on-site sampling in the 4th survey.
(A): washed with acid, (B): borosilicate glass, (S): washed with organic solvent for the parameters sensitive to
photochemical reactions, samples should be kept in amber-colored glass bottles or covered with black boxes.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
The water sample analysis in laboratories was conducted both in Myanmar and in
Japan. The following Table 2.5-2 shows the method and the name of laboratory for the target
parameters at the 4th survey in this report.
Table 2.5-2 Laboratory Analysis Methods for samples (4th water quality survey)
No. Parameter Method Name of laboratory
2012:5210 B and 4500-O G) Ltd. for survey in Doke Hta Waddy River
2 Total Coliform Standard total coliform fermentation DOWA Eco-system–Myanmar Co., Ltd. for
technique (SM 2012:9221 B) Ltd. for survey in Doke Hta Waddy River
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
The 3rd WQS results are used as background data comparing with the 4th WQS results to
access the water quality changes of the lake. The 3rd WQS was conducted in January 2017 and
the results represent for the dry season. The 4th WQS represents the rainy season data.
The following Table 3.1-1 expresses the water quality results of the target sampling
point of 3rd WQS in Pa Yan Taw Creek and Taungthaman Lake.
No Parameters PTM Bridge PYTC-62nd St PYTC1’ TT Bridge UST Bridge N-TTML S-TTML
Total Coliform -
2 1,300 33,000 - 79,000 28,000 33
The following Table 3.1-2 presents the water quality results of the target sampling
point of 4th WQS in Pa Yan Taw Creek and Taungthaman Lake.
No Parameters PTM Bridge PYTC-62nd St PYTC1’ TT Bridge UST Bridge N-TTML S-TTML
Total Coliform
2 - - > 160,000 - > 160,000 17,000 24,000
3 TSS (mg/l) 44 68 36 28 22 15 14
4 COD Cr (mg/l) 14 23 32 34 31 28 28
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
In Table 3.1-1 and Table 3.1-2, pink color fillings represent the maximum point of each
parameter and the values in red show the results that are above the reference standards.
Basic parameters
TSS is investigated to estimate the conditions of the water quality. TSS is a physical
parameter which is used to describe the inorganic and organic particles of the water body. And
the most common pollutant in the world is the dirt in the form of TSS. The high concentration
of TSS will cover the aquatic life and interfere with the sufficient oxygen transfer. Besides, it will
reduce the light penetration in the surface water. It can seriously damage fishery water and
affect the fish life. It will give the rise to septic and offensive conditions and may indicate the
presence of unsatisfactory sewage effluent discharge.
Figure 3.1-1 shows comparison of TSS levels with reference standards for 3rd and 4th
WQS. The level of TSS of 3rd WQS results differs from the point to point and the level of 4th is
slightly decreased from upstream to downstream in the flow direction. However, the TSS level
of the 3rd survey is much higher than one of the 4th survey. Compared with the Vietnamese
Surface Water Quality Standards for irrigation for reference, the TSS level of 3rd survey exceed
the reference standard at PTM Bridge, PYTC-1’ and UST Bridge. Especially the results at PYTC-1’
and UST Bridge were more than four-times higher than the reference standard. On the other
hand in the 4th survey, only PYTC-62nd St was around 1.4 times higher than reference standard.
The point of PYTC-62nd St was not analyzed in 3rd WQS.
Compared with Japanese lake water quality standards for agricultural use to access the
water quality of Taungthaman Lake, the 3rd WQS result is 3.1 times higher than the Japanese
standard at N-TTML and 3.3 times higher at S-TTML. The TSS value of 4th WQS in the lake met
with the standards.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
The 3rd WQS samples were taken in the dry season. Thus it is likely that the water level
is low and the concentration of TSS become higher. The 4th WQS represents the rainy season
and the concentration is lower due to dilution effect by large water volume.
Organic substances
In consideration for the organic pollutants from the pollution sources in the Pa Yan
Taw Creek and Taungthaman Lake, BOD and COD are investigated to estimate the pollution
status in these water bodies. BOD is measured as the amount of oxygen consumed by
microorganisms during decomposition of organic matter and it can indicate biodegradable
organic compound of water. COD is the amount of oxygen required for degradation of the
organic compounds of wastewater to occur. The bigger COD value the wastewater has, the more
oxygen it consumes in the water bodies.
Figure 3.1-2 shows comparison of BOD levels with reference standards for 3rd and 4th
surveys. The levels of BOD in the 3rd WQS were extremely high and lower in the 4th WQS. The
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
level of 3rd WQS is higher than the 4th WQS. Compared with the Vietnamese Surface Water
Quality Standards for irrigation, the 3rd WQS results are 1.6 times higher at PYTC-62nd St, 23 times
higher at PYTC-1’, 32 times at TT Bridge and 14 times higher at UST Bridge. On the other hand,
Japanese surface water quality standard for Class E is stricter than the Vietnamese standard for
irrigation water.
Compared with Vietnamese Surface Water Quality Standards for irrigation to access
the water quality of Taungthaman Lake, the result is 4.5 times higher than the standard at N-
TTML in the 3rd WQS. And the water quality at S-TTML in the 3rd WQS meets almost with the
Vietnam standard. The water quality results of 4th WQS meet with the Standards. On the other
hand, there is no BOD level for lake water quality in the Japan Standard.
The 3rd WQS is for dry season so the water level is low and the concentration of BOD is
high. The 4th WQS represents for the rainy season so the concentration is lower due to the high
water volume.
Figure 3.1-3 shows comparison of COD levels with standards for 3rd and 4th surveys.
The levels of COD in the 3rd WQS were extremely high in large part and lower in the 4th WQS.
The level of 3rd WQS is mostly much higher than that of the 4thWQS. Compared between the
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
WQS results and the Vietnam Surface Water Quality Standards for irrigation, the result in 3rd
WQS is 1.5 times higher than the standard at PYTC-62nd St, 29 times higher PYTC-1’, 35 times at
TT Bridge and 7.2 times higher at UST Bridge. On the other hand, there is no COD-Cr level for
river water quality in the Japanese standard.
Referred to Vietnamese Surface Water Quality Standards for irrigation to access the
water quality of Taungthaman Lake, the result is 3.5 times higher in the 3rd WQS. And the result
of S-TTML in the 3rd WQS is closer to but still slightly higher than the Vietnamese standard. The
COD-Mn level of lake water quality standard for Class E in Japan is stricter than the Vietnamese
standard for irrigation water even though COD-Mn result is lower than COD-Cr result due to the
difference in the analytical method. The COD of Japanese standard for lakes is specified for COD-
Mn that is analyzed by Manganese catalyst process. The COD results of the lake in the 4th WQS
meet with the Standards.
The 3rd WQS is conducted in the dry season so the water level is low and the
concentration of COD could be high. The 4th WQS represents the rainy season so the
concentration is low with the high water volume.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
According to the wastewater pollutants from the pollution sources of Pa Yan Taw Creek
and Taungthaman Lake, total coliform is investigated to estimate the possible conditions of the
water quality in terms of bacteria. Total coliform indicates the degree of pollution and sanitary
of water.
Total coliform
Table 3.1-3 shows total coliform levels in the 3rd and 4th surveys and Vietnamese
standard. Figure 3.1-4 shows a comparison of total coliform levels with the standards for the 3rd
and 4th surveys. The levels of total coliform in some points of 3rd WQS and 4th WQS are extremely
high. The level of total coliform in the 4th WQS is much higher than that in the 3rd survey.
Compared with the Vietnamese Surface Water Quality Standards for irrigation, the WQS results
are 4.4 times higher than the standards at PYTC-1’ and 10 times at UST Bridge in the 3rd WQS as
well as it is more than 20 times higher at PYTC-1’ and UST Bridge in the 4th WQS. The water for
the point of PYTC-62nd St and TT Bridge were not analyzed in the 3rd WQS. It was same to PTM
Bridge, PYTC-62nd St and TT Bridge in the 4th WQS.
Referred to Vietnamese Surface Water Quality Standards for irrigation to access the
water quality of Taungthaman Lake, the result is 3.7 times higher at N-TTML in the 3rd WQS and
3.2 times higher at S-TTML in the 4th WQS.
The 3rd WQS is for dry season and the 4th WQS represents for the rainy season.
According to the flooding behavior of this area, the impurities of the squatting area are washed
out into the water bodies. Therefore, it is likely that the concentration of total coliform in the
rainy season is higher than the dry season at most points.
Table 3.1-3 Total Coliform Levels in 3rd and 4th surveys and Vietnamese Standard
No WQ/Standard PTM Bridge PYTC-62nd St PYTC1’ TT Bridge UST Bridge N-TTML S-TTML
3 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500 7500
Source: ECD-Mandalay based on data from JICA Expert Team
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Note: PYTC-62nd St and TT Bridge in the 3rd WQS as well as PTM Bridge, PYTC-62nd St and TT Bridge in the 4th WQS
were not surveyed for total coliforms.
According to the wastewater pollutants from the pollution sources of Pa Yan Taw Creek
and Taungthaman Lake, T-N and T-P are investigated to estimate the possible conditions of the
water quality in terms of nutrients. T-N is the nutrient parameter and the main sources of
nitrogen compounds in water are fertilizers and domestic wastewater. It may lead to the
eutrophication. T-P is the nutrient parameter and the main sources of nitrogen compounds in
water are human and animal waste, soil erosion, detergents, septic system and runoff from
farmland or fertilized lawns. It may lead to the eutrophication.
Table 3.1-4 shows T-N levels in the 3rd and 4th surveys and reference standards, and
Figure 3.1-5 shows comparison between T-N levels in the 3rd and 4th surveys and the standards.
The levels of T-N at all points of Pa Yan Taw Creek and Taungthaman Lake in the 3rd WQS and 4th
WQS are in line with the Ireland EPA for surface water
Referred to Japanese Lake Water Quality Standards for agricultural water to access the
water quality of Taungthaman Lake, the T-N level in the 3rd WQS is 19 times higher than the
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
standard at N-TTML but less than the standard at S-TTML. On the other hand, in the 4th WQS,
the T-N level in the 4th survey is less than the standard at S-TTML but 1. 7 times higher than the
standard at S-TTM. There is no T-N level in the Vietnamese Standards.
The 3rd WQS is conducted in the dry season and the 4th WQS represents the rainy
season. T-N concentration of N-TTML in 3rd WQS is much higher than that in the 4th survey.
Table 3.1-4 T-N Levels in 3rd and 4th surveys and Standards
3 Japan Stds 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 Ireland EPA 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Note: The T-N for the points PYTC1’ and TT Bridge were not analyzed in the 3rd WQS.
Note: The T-N for the points PYTC1’ and TT Bridge were not analyzed in the 3rd WQS.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Table 3.1-5 shows T-P levels in the 3rd and 4th surveys and reference standards. Figure
3.1-6 shows comparison between T-P levels in 3rd and 4th surveys and the standards. Referred to
Japanese Lake Water Quality Standards for agricultural water to access the water quality of
Taungthaman Lake, the T-P levels of 3rd WQS are 26.3 times higher than the standard at N-TTML
and 3.4 times higher at S-TTML., and the 4th WQS results are 3.8 times higher at N-TTML and 3.6
times higher at S-TTML. There is no TN level for Vietnam Standards and Standards for the Creek.
The 3rd WQS is for dry season and the 4th WQS represents the rainy season. T-P
concentration of N-TTML in the 3rd WQS is much higher than the 4th survey because most of the
restaurants, domestic household and duck farms are located in this area. All points of the lake
show high TP level and thus it can lead to the eutrophication process.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Note: The T-N for the points PYTC1’ and TT Bridge were not analyzed in the 3rd WQS.
Figure 3.1-6 Comparison between T-P levels in 3rd and 4th surveys and with standards
Heavy metals
In consideration of the wastewater pollutants from the pollution sources of Pa Yan Taw
Creek and Taungthaman Lake, lead (Pb) and arsenic (As) are considered to estimate the possible
conditions of the water quality.
Pb is a heavy metal and it is found in coal ash, industrial waste, paint, pipes and
naturally occurring. The exposure of lead (over 15 ppb) can affect the nervous and reproductive
systems, cause muscle and joint pain, and damage the brain.
As it is a heavy metal and it is mainly intake via the food and drinking water. The long
term exposure of arsenic in drinking water tends to be the risk of skin cancer.
Lead (Pb)
Table 3.1-6 shows Pb levels in the 3rd and 4th surveys and reference standards. Figure
3.1-7 shows a comparison between Pb levels and the standards. The Pb levels of 3rd and 4th
WQS in most points are in line with the all reference surface water quality standards and only
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
the point of UST Bridge in 3rd WQS is higher than the Japanese standards. Compared with the
Vietnamese Surface Water Quality Standards for irrigation, the 3rd WQS results is 3.83 times
higher than the standard at UST Bridge. The other points meet with the standards. Japanese
water quality standard for human health is stricter than the Vietnam standard for irrigation
The point of UST Bridge is located in Mandalay Industrial Zone. Therefore, it can be
affected by the wastewater of the industries nearby. But the level of Pb in the 4th WQS is much
lower than the 3rd WQS. Therefore it is thoughtful for the seasonal condition and the behavior
of industrial process.
Figure 3.1-7 Comparison between Pb levels in 3rd and 4th surveys with standards
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Arsenic (As)
Table 3.1-7 shows As levels in the 3rd and 4th surveys and standards. Figure 3.1-8 shows
a comparison between As levels in 3rd and 4th surveys with standards. The levels of As in 3rd WQS
and 4th WQS are under the all reference standards at all points. The level of As at UST Bridge in
3rd WQS is a little bit higher than other points. The point of UST Bridge is located in Mandalay
Industrial Zone. Therefore, there would have a potential pollution source discharging the
wastewater containing arsenic from the industries nearby.
Figure 3.1-8 Comparison between As levels in 3rd and 4th surveys with standards
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
The 4th WQS results represent the rainy season and 3rd WQS results represents the dry
season. According to the abovementioned data, the results of TSS at PTM Bridge, PYTC-1’ and
UST Bridge in the 3rd WQS and at PYTC-62nd St in the 4th WQS are higher than others. The point
of PYTC-62nd St was not analyzed in the 3rd WQS. The TSS levels of N-TTML and S-TTML in the 3rd
WQS are higher than 4th WQS.
The levels of BOD at PYTC-62nd St, PYTC-1’, TT Bridge, UST Bridge and N-TTML in the 3rd
WQS are higher than the reference standards of Vietnam. The BOD results of 4th WQS meet with
the standards. The results of COD at PYTC-62nd St, PYTC-1’, TT Bridge, UST Bridge N-TTML and S-
TTML in the 3rd WQS are much higher than the standards. The COD results of 4th WQS meet with
the standards. As a whole, TSS, BOD and COD are much higher at the Pan Yan Taw Creek and
diluted at the Lake. TSS, BOD and COD are higher in dry season than rainy season. The high water
volume can dilute the concentration of TSS, BOD and COD in the rainy season. TSS, BOD and
COD are high at the Industrial Zone area.
Meanwhile, the level of total coliform at PYTC-1’, UST Bridge and N-TTML in the 3rd
WQS as well as at PYTC-1’, UST Bridge, N-TTML and S-TTML in the 4th WQS are higher than the
standards. The results of 4th WQS are much higher than that of 3rd WQS in large part. Therefore,
total coliform is high at both Pa Yan Taw and Taungthaman lake. Total coliform is higher in the
rainy season than dry season. This might be because that flood washes out the impurities of the
squatting area into the water bodies so the concentration of total coliform in the rainy season
is higher than the dry season. Total coliform is affected by the Industries, squatting area,
restaurants, domestic household, plantations and duck farms.
For T-N and T-P, the levels of T-N at N-TTML in 3rd WQS and at N-TTML and S-TTML in
4th WQS are higher than the standards. The levels of T-P at N-TTML and S-TTML in both 3rd WQS
and in 4th WQS are higher than the standards. Therefore, T-N and T-P are high in Taungthaman
Lake. It was found that T-N and T-P are higher in dry season than rainy season. It might be
affected by effluent from the restaurants, domestic household, plantations and duck farms at
the NTTML. Therefore, it can lead to the eutrophication process at NTTML.
For heavy metals, the levels of Pb in all points of the 4th WQS are in line with the
surface water quality standards and only the point of UST Bridge in the 3rd WQS is higher than
the standards. The results of As of 3rd WQS and 4th WQS are under the standards in all points.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
The level of As of 3rd WQS in UST Bridge is a little bit higher than other points. Therefore, Pb and
As are high at the UST Bridge. It might be affected by the wastewater of the industries nearby.
It is affected by the wastewater discharging from the industries on the Pan Yan Taw
Creek. The flood in the rainy season has seriously affected on the sanity of water quality. It is
affected by the restaurants, domestic household and duck farms on the lake.
The water quality of the Pa Yan Taw Creek is not suitable for the irrigation purpose.
And the water quality of the Taungthaman Lake is not suitable for the domestic use of water.
But it is still suitable for agricultural use. The water quality of the northern part of Taungthaman
Lake is worse than the southern part of the Lake.
The water quality has been changed in accordance with the water allocation as there have
usually found organic pollutants and nutrients. But the flooding behavior causes deterioration
on sanity of water. Therefore, the levels of organic pollutants and nutrients are decreased in
rainy season, while the level of total coliform is increased. On the other hand, the levels of
organic pollutant and nutrients are high in dry season.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
The water quality of the Taungthaman Lake is changed due to the effect of pollution
sources nearby and seasonally. Therefore, the wastewater from the Mandalay Industrial Zone,
squatting area, restaurants, domestic household and duck farms totally affect the water quality
of Taungthaman Lake. But it is needed to clarify with more specific information and to conduct
regular water quality monitoring to investigate the actual status.
The central wastewater treatment plant for the Mandalay Industrial Zone is now under
construction stage. And the notification for the priority nine industries to implement the EMP
during one year was developed in January 2018. Besides, awareness programs for the
notification for the priority nine industries to implement the EMP should be conducted in the
Mandalay Industrial Zone Area. After the awareness period, the warning period and notice letter
should be undertaken for the enforcement. It is the very final step to take action on the non-
compliance industries cooperating with the relevant Ministry.
The water of Taungthaman Lake should be the agricultural use. And it is not suitable
for the domestic use of water. To improve the water quality of the lake, abovementioned
activities should be undertaken definitely.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
1. The PowerPoint of Sayar U Khin Maung Thin, Mandalay City Development Committee,
2. The inspection report for Taungthaman Lake
3. The 2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census, the Union Reports, May 2015,
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Appendix 1 Photographs
Appendix 1-1
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Table A.2.1-1 3rd survey results of specified parameters in target area for this report
Appendix 2-1
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Table A.2.2-1 4th survey results of specified parameters in target area for this report
No. of Analysis Report A17J0134-1 A17J0129-1 A17J0130-1 A17J0128-1 A17J0127-1 A17J0132-1 A17J0133-1
No 13 8 9 7 6 11 12
PTM Bridge PYTC-1' TT Bridge UST Bridge N-TTML S-TTML Surface
Pa Yan Taw
Paw Taw Creek (on
Pa Yan Taw
Muu Bridge 62nd
Location name Creek 1 Tagon U shwe Northern Southern
(Upstream street,
(Myo Ma Taing Taung Thaung Tha Thaung Tha Japan
in PYTC, upstream
Aung Myin Bridge Bridge Man Lake Man Lake
after from Pyi
No Unit Street) Lab. Name
confluence) Gyi Tagon
Left/Center/Right Center Center Center Center Center Center Center Env. St
Sampling Date 2/10/2017 2/10/2017 2/10/2017 2/10/2017 2/10/2017 3/10/2017 3/10/2017 Human
On-site measurement
1 Air Temperature °C 33.8 31.90 34.50 35.77 34.33 32 32.39 -
2 Water °C 30.46 30.65 31.71 31.60 33.06 31.63 31.23 -
3 pH - 7.56 7.86 7.82 7.46 7.77 8.18 8.56 -
4 ORP mv 196 147 95 -78 123 118 132 -
5 Conductivity ms/cm 0.339 0.424 0.447 0.504 0.435 0.424 0.409 -
6 Turbidity NTU 74 97.10 72.1 73.5 52.2 34 35.5 -
7 DO mg/L 7.38 6.31 8.89 5.11 6.70 5.12 6.43 -
8 TDS mg/L 227 275 310 323 283 275 266 -
9 Salinity ppt 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 -
Laboratory analysis
1 BOD mg/L 6.6 2.3 5.1 4.8 5.6 6.0 5.4 REM-UAE
2 Total Coliform - - > 160,000 - > 160,000 17,000 24,000 REM-UAE
Total Suspended
3 mg/L 44 68 36 28 22 15 14 Osumi (Jp Lab)
Solids (TSS)
7 Zinc (Zn) mg/L - 0.014 0.011 0.0096 0.016 0.0074 0.0050 Osumi (Jp Lab)
8 Arsenic (As) mg/L - 0.0032 0.0035 0.0034 0.0041 0.0037 0.0042 Osumi (Jp Lab) ≤
9 Lead (Pb) mg/L - < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.0051 < 0.005 < 0.005 Osumi (Jp Lab) ≤
Appendix 2-2
Project for Capacity Development in Basic Water Environment Management and
EIA System in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Final Report
Appendix 10-6:
Table of Content
Executive Summary
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Appendix 1 Photographs
Appendix 2 List of Data
Table 1.1-1 Overall Goal, Project Purpose and Outputs of the Project ................................. 1-1
Table 3.1-1 Monthly Mean Temperature in Mandalay District (Average), Years 2005-2014
.......................................................................................................................................... 3-2
Table 3.1-2 Monthly Rainfall in Mandalay District (Average), Years 2005-2014 ............... 3-2
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Table 3.3-4 Coliform Status in 3rd and 4th survey ................................................................. 3-6
Figure 1.1-1 Industrial Wastewater Directly Discharging into Doke Hta Waddy River ...... 1-3
Figure 1.1-2 Water Sampling in the Doke Hta Waddy River ............................................... 1-4
Figure 2.2-1 Water Sampling by the Local Consultant Company ........................................ 2-1
Figure 2.4-1 Sampling Points in 4th Water Quality Survey ................................................... 2-3
Figure 3.3-1 pH Status in 3rd and 4th Water Quality Survey.................................................. 3-3
Figure 3.3-2 DO Status in 3rd and 4th Water Quality Survey ................................................. 3-4
Figure 3.3-3 BOD Status in 3rd and 4th Water Quality Survey .............................................. 3-5
Figure 3.3-4 COD Status in 3rd and 4th Water Quality Survey .............................................. 3-6
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
As one of activities under the Project for Capacity Development in Basic Water Environment
Management and EIA System in Myanmar, the water quality survey were implemented to build
the capacity of the government staff from Environmental Conservation Department (ECD)
under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation (MONREC), Yangon
City Development Committee (YCDC) and Mandalay City Development Committee (MCDC).
The report is written by a team from Water and Sanitation Department (WSD), MCDC as a part
of the requirement to enhance the report writing skill relating with water quality surveying.
Water quality surveys were implemented in total of five times. Based on the acquired water
quality results from 3rd and 4th survey among them, the report aims to assess the impact on the
water quality of Doke Hta Waddy River Basin by the direct industrial wastewater disposal. To
assist the future water supply project for Pyi Gyi Tagon township which will be utilized as the
water source form Doke Hta Waddy River, the water quality of necessary parameters are
examined as an preliminary study.
ii) Findings
The following facts were discovered when evaluating the water quality data.
(1) Pollution impact on the Doke Hta Waddy River by the industrial wastewater disposal
- The level of orgnaic pollution in the Doke Hta Waddy River is still limited due to a
large water dilution capacity even if the industrial wastewater from Shwe Pyi Thar
IZ contains high concentration of nutrition such as nitrogen and phosphorus and
discharges to the river.
- The oil and grease, phenol and chromium hexavalent were also detected at the
discharge point but the adverse effect to the river still could be negligible level at
the time of survey.
- The quality of wastewater from the 10 inches pipeline did not wholly comply with
the guideline values applied to wastewater (general application, Environmental
Quality (Emission) Guideline, 2015).
(2) Potentiality of Doke Hta Waddy River to use as a source for water supply
- The parameters compared in the report such as pH, DO, TSS, BOD and COD
satisfied the desirable water quality level for domestic supply with suitable
treatment system according to the reference standard (A2 category, Vietnamese
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
- The significant adverse effect to the water quality of Doke Hta Waddy River by the
pollutants from the direct discharging of the industrial wastewater was not overserved,
apparently due to the result of large dilution effect of river water.
- The water from the river can be utilized for water distribution by applying suitable
treatment system.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
1.1 Background
The Project for Capacity Development in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA
System in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar was started in June 2015 by Japan
International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to support and enhance capacities of Ministry of
Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation (hereinafter referred to as “MONREC”),
formerly known as Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry (MOECAF) and other
associated organizations such as MCDC and YCDC to manage water environment and to
implement EIA reviews. The overall project will be finalized in June 2018.
There are two main components in project activities, namely (i) the water environment
management component and (ii) the EIA component. Under the water management component
and the EIA component, a total of six outputs are included. Table 1.1-1 below describes the
overall goal, project purpose and outputs of the project.
Table 1.1-1 Overall Goal, Project Purpose and Outputs of the Project
Item Contents Components
Overall Impact of industrial effluents from industrial zones on river water quality is
Goal alleviated, and advanced EIA approach for complicated issues are taken into
Project Capacity for developing basic water pollution control measures based on
Purpose obtained and interpreted information is enhanced and the institutional
framework of the EIA review works is established.
Outputs Output 1 Inspection procedure is standardized. Water
Output 2 Capacity for implementing water quality survey Water
to obtain reliable information is enhanced. environment
Output 3 Database of water pollution sources and river Water
water quality is developed. environment
Output 4 Capacity of interpreting the information for Water
water pollution control measures is enhanced. environment
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Output 5 Necessary technical manuals and forms for the EIA
EIA review are developed.
Output 6 Capacity of MONREC and the EIA Report EIA
Review Body on the EIA review is enhanced.
Source: JICA Expert Team
The output 2 focuses on the water quality surveys, which were planned in total of five times.
The report writing trainings were implemented to develop the capacity of the government staff
and assigned them to write own reports based on the acquired 3rd and 4th water quality survey
results. The official from YCDC, MCDC and ECD (Mandalay) were involved in developing
individual reports. This report is mainly written by the staff from Water and Sanitation
Department (WSD), MCDC.
The main water body which will be covered in this report is called the Doke Hta Waddy River.
It is also known as Myit Nge River that originates from the northern Shan State where it is
known as Namtu River, flourishing westwards along the mountainous terrain to meet with the
Irrawaddy River at the heart of Myanmar as a tributary. The Doke Hta Waddy River has been
serving for agriculture as a water source along its way. At 52 kilometers southeast of Mandalay
City, Ye Ywa Dam is located on the Doke Hta Waddy River. The Ye Ywa Dam is the site of a
790-Megawatt hydroelectric power plant which is the largest dam in Myanmar.
The water quality survey targeting the Doke Hta Waddy River Basin is carried out to identify
and monitor the impacts on the river water by the direct discharging of the industrial wastewater
from 10 inches pipeline. The pipeline comes from the Industrial Zone (IZ) which has been
established since 1990 in Pyi Gyi Tagon township. With the growth of industries in Pyi Gyi
Tagon township from time by time, concerns about the industrial wastewater disposal system
was arisen as taking into account for wastewater treatment system and acknowledgements to
environmental pollution were evoked. Thus, six waste stabilization ponds were constructed in
Taung Myint Ward in 1998. Thereafter, the effluent was discharged by 3 miles long, 8 inches
pipeline which ended up in an open drainage channel leading to Taung Inn creek and Myaut Inn
creek and afterwards, finally flowed into Doke Hta Waddy River. In 2008, many complaints and
protests were occurred near the stabilization ponds due to the raising of nuisance smell.
Therefore, the stabilization ponds were terminated and a sedimentation pond was constructed at
No. (La La – 22), near No. (6) irrigation over water stream. It has 50,000 gallons of capacity
and the wastewater were pumped into a pipe with a length of 2 miles and a diameter of 10
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
inches with the flow rate capacity of 500,000 gal/day. In 2015, the pipeline was joined to
discharge the industrial wastewater from 50 industrials directly into the Doke Hta Wadddy
River. Presently, a centralized industrial wastewater treatment plant is being constructed by
Hydrotek Supreme Company Limited.
Source: MCDC
Figure 1.1-1 Industrial Wastewater Directly Discharging into Doke Hta Waddy River
On the other hand, in the near future, there will be a project to distribute water utilizing the
source of Doke Hta Waddy River. Therefore, an investigation on the river water quality status is
also performed in this report as a purpose of preliminary study to supply water to the dwellers
from Pyi Gyi Tagon township. Water quality results from different labs is also be compared to
assess the quality control and assurance measures in the MCDC lab. This report encapsulates
the survey methodology from the actual activities as well as the water quality data acquired
from the on-site measurement and laboratory analysis.
The water quality survey is composed of five-time surveys totally: in February 2016, June 2016,
January 2017, October 2017 and February 2018. In Mandalay, a comparative analysis program
was carried out in December 2016 as a supplement of the survey to check the accuracy of
chemical analysis.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Source: MCDC
According to the Article 45 of the Constitution of the Union of Myanmar (2008), there is an
expression that the Union shall protect and conserve natural environment. Therefore, the
Environmental Conservation Law (Law No.9, 2012) and the Environmental Conservation Rules
(2013) were enacted as a basic environmental law and rules. To specify precise authorization of
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation (MONREC) in planning,
implementing and monitoring of environmental conservation programs, there is a description
about it in the Article 7 of the Environmental Conservation Law. Article 13 of the
Environmental Conservation Law specifies that MONREC shall maintain a comprehensive
monitoring system and implementation of necessary matters by MONREC itself or in
coordination with relevant parties, relating to environmental pollution. Apart from that,
Environmental Conservation Rules (Notification No.50, 2014) remarks that the required special
inspections and investigations at necessary time and place to enable to stipulate environmental
quality standards may be conducted by the Environmental Conservation Department (ECD),
though environmental quality standards are under development. Thus, MONREC has the
authority to monitor the water quality for conservation, pollution and establish the
environmental quality standards.
For pronouncing effective administration decisions, it is vital to monitor the water quality of
public water bodies and obtain spatial and historical data. However, there are no laws or rules
that stipulate the specific mandate or responsibilities of water quality monitoring in the public
water bodies yet, and a nation-wide or region-wide water quality monitoring has not been
conducted by national or local governments with regard to water environment conservation and
management. The detailed measures of water quality survey have not yet specified as well.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
In general, a surface water quality survey in Myanmar is conducted by an organization that has
a special interest in the water body. Such surveys include drinking water monitoring by Ministry
of Health and Sports or local governments from the view point of public health: river water
monitoring by a managing ministry or organization of specific river section, such as Ministry of
Transportation and Communications and Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation: water
environmental survey for specific projects, such as an EIA study for checking the basic water
quality status: and other on-demand water quality survey, as shown in Table 1.2-1. Each
organization conducts the survey based on internationally recognized or their own method
considering the purpose of the survey.
Mandalay City Development Committee, a city administrative body under the regional
government, has authority to manage water environment around Mandalay city boundary. In
1992, Mandalay City Development Committee Law was enacted. The law was amended in 2014
and again in 2016 by the Mandalay Region Hluttaw. The law mentions in Section 69 that
MCDC has responsibility to manage the water for consuming, wasted polluted water and liquid
of excrement in accord with the standards of WHO or concerned ministry as prescribed by time
to time. Therefore, MCDC and MONREC cooperate in this project to monitor water quality in
Doke Hta Waddy river basin concerning with wastewater disposal.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
i. To identify the impact on Doke Hta Waddy River water quality due to direct industrial
wastewater disposal
ii. To investigate the water quality status of Doke Hta Waddy River for domestic water
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Most of the analyzed water quality data are acquired from the 3rd and 4th water quality survey
conducted by ECD, MCDC and JET. The final validated and analyzed water quality data results
used in the official report by JET are applied in the report. Data utilized from the relevant
governmental department are also mentioned at the bottom of the respective figure or table.
The sampling works for both 3rd and 4th surveys were done by the local environmental
consultant company under the management of JICA Expert Team (JET). The 3rd survey was
done by Environ-Myanmar Co., Ltd and the 4th survey was done by Social and Environmental
Associates Myanmar (SEAM). Relevant government staff from WSD (MCDC) and ECD
(Mandalay) joined the survey to learn the water sampling techniques and to support the
sampling work during the survey.
Source: MCDC
The members from JICA Expert Team (JET) provided assistance and supervision on overall
water sampling. The local consultant company mainly has done most of the water sampling job.
The sampling times were adjusted according to season variations in order to obtain the seasonal
impacts to the water bodies by conducting the surveys once in the wet season and once in the
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
dry season per year. The water sampling works from 1st to 5th water quality survey for the Doke
Hta Waddy River Basin were carried out according to the following schedule.
During the 3rd water quality survey, 14 sampling points were taken for environmental analysis.
In the 4th water quality survey, the sampling points were slightly changed. In order to gain the
water quality status of the Ayeyarwady River at the intake source point of Booster Pumping
Station – No.8, an additional sampling point was chosen and there were a total of 15 sampling
points in that survey. One unknown sample (duplicate sample) was also taken in both 3rd and 4th
water quality survey to compare the results for analytical quality assurance.
In this report, only four sampling points from the 4th survey: industrial wastewater discharging
point (DP), upstream of discharge point (DHWD – 1) and downstream of discharge points
(DHWD- 2 and Myint Nge Bridge) will be utilized to identify the impact by industrial
wastewater disposal. In addition, the 3rd survey results will be referred to make a comparison for
seasonal changes. The sampling points in the 4th water quality survey are shown in the following
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Measurement parameter
Different parameters were selected to examine based on the sampling point locations and other
criterions and agreed in the meetings and discussions with the relevant stakeholders from time
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
to time. Some parameters were measured on-site using a multi-parameter water quality meter
and the other parameters were measured at the respective laboratories.
The parameters assessed in this report are pH, BOD, COD, TSS and Total coliforms. The
following table described the number of parameter measured in 3rd and 4th water quality survey
(analyzed in the field and laboratories in Myanmar, Thailand and Japan).
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Guideline levels
The values in the table below are the guideline levels which will be utilized in the report.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Vietnam Myanmar
(QCVN NEQG (2015), for
08:2015) wastewater, storm
No Parameter Unit
water runoff, effluent
A2 and sanitary discharges
9 Phenols mg/l 0.005 0.5
10 Total Phosphorus (T-P) mg/l - 2
11 Total Nitrogen (T-N) mg/l - -
12 Zinc mg/l 1.0 2
13 Total Chromium (T-Cr) mg/l 0.1 0.5
14 Chromium (Hexavalent) mg/l 0.02 0.1
15 Arsenic mg/l 0.02 0.1
16 Copper (Cu) mg/l 0.2 0.5
17 Total Mercury (Hg) mg/l 0.001 0.01
18 Cadmium (Cd) mg/l 0.005 0.1
19 Lead (Pb) mg/l 0.02 0.1
Source: JICA Expert Team
To obtain the accurate results, water sampling and measurement were done according to the
operation procedures recommended by the JET.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Source: MCDC
Sampling method
The surface water was taken with a sampling bottle directly or with a sampling plastic bucket
before filling into the sampling bottle pre-cautiously. The water collected each time into the
sampling bucket was assured to be well homogenized as described in detail in Section 2.6.5. In
the 4th water quality survey, most measurement parameters except for BOD and total coliform
were analyzed in Japan and it required two or three days transportation period. Thus, sample
preservation with chemicals for different measured parameters was also performed by the
supervision of JET.
For on-site measurement, Horiba multi-parameter water quality meter was used for the
measurement of the parameters as mentioned in the table below.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Source: MCDC
The same equipment was used in the both 3rd and 4th survey according to the water quality
survey manual developed by the JET to measure the water velocity as described in the following
The laboratory analysis methods will be shown in Appendix 2. The water samples were also
analyzed by MCDC WSD laboratory. The below table shows the MCDC laboratory analysis
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
The on-site measuring equipment, Horiba U52G was calibrated in accordance with its manual
before taking into the field. For the analyzed results accuracy, the instrument was used in the
shady place as measuring in the direct sunlight could intervene the results. Since water samples
were collected from the source directly by taking with a plastic bucket for a couple of times to
fill into the larger plastic bucket until the require amount of water is obtained, substantially
mixing of the sample water was executed when two water bodies (e.g. creek, stream and river)
confluence just before the sampling point. The larger plastic bucket was rinsed carefully every
time with the sample source before placing the water into it.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
The Doke Hta Waddy River is a branch of Ayeyarwady River which sources from the Northern
Shan State flowing west direction, meeting the Ayeyarwady River at Ava. Therefore, it has an
enormous basin. It is also difficult to delineate the exact boundary of the basin around Mandalay
because the land is quite flat and there are artificial channels as well as the 10-inch pipeline that
drains the wastewater from Pyi Gyi Ta Gon IZ to Doke Hta Waddy River. Table 3.1-1 and
Table 3.1-2 describe monthly mean temperature and monthly rainfall in Mandalay from 2005 to
Table 3.1-1 Monthly Mean Temperature in Mandalay District (Average), Years 2005-2014
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Mean Temp; 22.4 25 29.2 32.3 31.9 31.2 31.1 30.4 29.8 28.9 26.4 22.6
Source: 2015 Myanmar Statistical Yearbook, Central Statistical Organization, Ministry of National Planning and
Economic Development
Economic Development
The river water level which is collected from Department of Metrology and Hydrology under
Ministry of Transport and Communication is summarized in the Appendix 2.
The following water quality standards, which also mentioned wholly in Section “2.5.2
Guideline levels” will be utilized in this report.
(2) Wastewater, Storm Water Runoff, Effluent and Sanitary Discharges (General Application),
National Emission Quality Guideline (NEQG) (2015), Myanmar
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
The water quality from the points; DHWD1, DHWD2 and Myint Nge Bridge, will be compared
with the above-mentioned Vietnamese quality standard while the quality from DP will be
compared with the NEQG.
Basic parameters
The pH values in the both 3rd and 4th water quality survey fall within the Vietnam Standard
Guideline Values (A:2 – Domestic Water Supply) ; between 6 and 8.5 except at DP in the 3rd
survey, which shows pH 5.49. The pH value from the 3rd survey at DP of 5.49 also did not
comply with NEQG (2015). Therefore, it may affect the ecological conditions and aquatic life in
the river near DP. In the 4th water quality survey, the 10 inches pipeline was submerged in the
river and was unable to acquire sample water directly. Thus, pH value at DP in the 4th water
quality survey was not significantly different with those of river water.
Due to season dissimilarity in the survey period, turbidity in the sample water of 3rd water
quality survey (conducted in hot season) was far less than for the 4th water quality survey
(conducted in wet season). The considerable difference of turbidity value was observed at DP
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
and it was likely caused because the wastewater from pipeline was diluted with the river water
when sampling.
Unit: NTU
With the exception of DP, all points satisfied the DO limit of reference standard ( ≥ 5 mg/L) in
the both surveys.
Total suspended solids (TSS) values in the Doke Hta Waddy River met the Vietnamese standard
(A:2 – Domestic Water Supply) in the both seasons even if the direct discharging of the
industrial wastewater was flowing to the water body of the Doke Hta Waddy River.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
4th survey 14 16 22 86 30
Organic substances
Figure 3.3-3 BOD Status in 3rd and 4th Water Quality Survey
The BOD values were within the acceptable range of Vietnamese standard value (A:2 –
Domestic Water Supply) of 6 mg/l apart from at the DP. The significant reduction in BOD at
DP during the 4th quality survey was encountered due to the 10 inches pipeline submerging the
river and could not access to take sample without diluting with the river water.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Figure 3.3-4 COD Status in 3rd and 4th Water Quality Survey
COD values complied with the A2 category (domestic water supply with treatment) of the
Vietnamese surface water standard besides at the Myint Nge Bridge in the 3rd water quality
survey which was a little higher than the standard value.
Total coliform
In the wet season, the total coliform numbers in all sampling points were exceedingly more than
the reference standard value likely due to the runoffs from precipitation which conveys organic
pollutants. At DHWD1 and Myint Nge Bridge points, less number of coliform (below the
standard value) was detected in the dry season. DHWD2 was neglected to examine the total
coliform since the Myint Nge Bridge point is also the downstream of the DP. The red-colored
values in the blow table represent the ones which are higher than the standard value.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Total nitrogen and total phosphate levels were high at the DP in both survey. At the Myint Nge
Bridge, the levels were stabilized to nearly the original condition as in DHWD1 (see Appendix
Based on the surveys, no heavy metal was detected above the standard value aside from DP.
The high level of phenols, oil and grease and chromium hexavalent were also observed at the
DP (see Appendix 2).
3.4 Discussion
From the water quality analysis results, it can be discovered that the impact by the industrial
wastewater is still limited due to the large effect of dilution by river water. As the water level of
the Doke Hta Waddy River is linked to the Ye Ywa Dam which is situated at the upstream,
continuous monitoring is necessary by collaborating with the relevant stake holders. Arising of
the nuisance smell around the discharge point was also found out. Any toxic chemicals and
heavy metals were not detected at the moment in the River apart from DP. Due to fluctuation of
the rate of industrial wastewater disposing from the pipeline, a long-term monitoring is required
to assess its quality in the broader spectrum.
In terms of water quality, the Doke Hta Waddy River has the acceptable range in most of the
parameters, comparing with Vietnamese surface water standard values. From the water quality
results of 3rd and 4th survey, advanced water treatment system to remove toxic matters would not
necessary and ordinary water treatment will be enough to use the Doke Hta Waddy River as a
source. But, in order to ensure that the water quality of this River is suitable enough for
domestic water supply and distribution over the time, it is essential to investigate more details of
water quality considering the external factors such as seasonal impacts, nonpoint pollution
sources and geographical conditions. In terms of quantity, water discharge rate from the Ye
Ywa Dam should be accounted before initializing of the water supply project. See more detailed
discussions in the Water Quality Status Report prepared by JICA Expert Team for output 4 of
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
the Project. Overall, it is considered that the Doke Hta Waddy River has a huge potential as a
source for water provision.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
4.1 Conclusions
Based on the survey evaluation, the following significant points were discovered.
- The impact by the industrial wastewater to the Doke Hta Waddy River is still limited
due to large water dilution capacity despite the fact that the industrial wastewater
contains oil and grease, chromium hexavalent, phenols and high concentration of
nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus.
- The wastewater discharged from the 10 inches pipeline does not comply with the the
guideline values applied to wastewater (general application, Environmental Quality
(Emission) Guideline, 2015) for most parameters.
- In the Doke Hta Waddy River, except for the number of total coliform analyzed in the
4th survey (wet season), other water parameters tested in the both survey satisfied the A2
category of Vietnamese National Technical Regulations on Surface Water (for domestic
water supply with treatment and conservation of aquatic lives, QCVN 08:2015
- With the application of suitable water treatment system, the water from the Doke Hta
Waddy River has an enormous potential to use as a source for water distribution.
4.2 Recommendations
- To acknowledge the long-term effect by the industrial wastewater and seasonal and temporal
changes on the Doke Hta Waddy River, continuous monitoring such as implementation of
biweekly water quality survey is vital.
- Based on the results from the two surveys, the river water quality is good enough to use as a
source to supply but investigation on the maximum and minimum available quantity of
water especially in the hot season must be considered, since the river water quality would be
significantly affected by operation of the Ye Ywa Dam which is located at the upstream of
the proposed water intake point.
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
- Draft Water Quality Survey Report, JICA Expert Team, March 2017
- PowerPoint presentation on 4th water quality survey result, JICA Expert Team, November 2017
- PowerPoint presentation on Water Quality Status Report No.2 in Mandalay, JICA Expert Team,
March 2018
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Appendix 1 Photographs
Doke Hta Waddy River Water Sampling in Doke Hta Waddy River
Water Sampling in Doke Hta Waddy River Water Sampling at Discharge Point
Appendix 1- 1
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Left/Center/Right Center Center Center - Center Center Center Center Center - - Center Center Center -
Depth Surface Surface Surface - Surface Surface Surface Surface Surface Surface Surface Surface Surface Surface -
On-site measurement
(1) pH - - 7.98 8.17/8.15 5.49 8.52 7.22 7.13 6.88 7.74 7.98 8.92 8.16 8.32 8.13 - 15
(2) pH mv -75 -66 -77 71 -96 -25 -20 -6 -53 -66 -118 -75 -84 -74 - 15
Conductivity mS/cm 0.443 0.435 0.434/0.449 5.36 1.81 1.64 1.62 1.64 1.29 1.31 0.446 0.54 1.4 0.741 15
(3) -
(4) Salinity ppt 0.2 0.2 0.2/0.2 2.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.7 0.2 0.3 0.7 0.4 - 15
(5) Turbidity NTU 0.4 1.9 1.2/4.3 >1000 210 91.1 86.9 114 34.8 78.2 83.2 139 151 103 - 15
(6) TDS g/L 0.288 0.287 1.27/0.292 3.37 1.16 1.05 1.04 1.05 0.824 0.839 0.29 0.346 0.896 0.475 - 15
Water Temperature Degree C 24.2 23.7 29.64/24.53 31.62 27.42 27.23 25.19 27.37 26.32 24.61 26.17 21.23 22.46 20.54 15
(7) -
(8) ORP mv 126 147 59/86 -255 42 -234 -216 -247 -248 119 99 197 206 225 - 15
(9) DO mg/L 8.04 8.29 4.78/6.43 0.62 5.27 8.82 1.01 0.81 8.97 4.4 5.2 7.4 4.81 11.33 - 15
Ambient air Degree C 32.1 31.6 29.8 30.4 30.5 31.7 33.6 33.9 32.8 28.7 30.4 30.1 32.5 29.3 15
(10) -
Laboratory analysis
Total Suspended mg/L <0.50 <0.50 6.00 5160.00 154.00 210.00 25.00 208.00 8.00 47.00 50.00 80.00 2.00 13
(1) - -
Solids (TSS)
(2) BOD mg/L 3.05 1.88 3.60 7600.00 29.00 206.25 482.50 337.50 20.67 67.00 15.25 15.33 23.67 7.92 <1.00 15
(3) COD Cr mg/L 12.19 8.13 16.26 10295.47 71.12 215.39 1056.64 883.92 34.54 103.63 62.99 22.35 44.70 14.22 8.13 15
(4) Cyanide(total) mg/L <0.05 - <0.05 0.14 - 0.09 - - - <0.05 <0.05 - - - <0.05 7
(5) Oil and grease mg/L 13.12 - 1.88 72.81 - 31.61 - - - 22.67 25.63 3.74 - 8.22 25.71 9
(6) Phenols mg/L <0.001 - <0.001 1.26 - <0.001 - - - <0.001 <0.001 - - - <0.001 7
(7) Total phosphorus mg/L <0.10 - <0.10 77.85 - 3.65 - - - 2.63 0.44 0.31 0.52 0.20 <0.1 10
Appendix 2-1
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
(8) Phosphate (PO4-) mg/L 0.00 - 0.01 7.47 - 1.89 - - - 0.3 0.21 - - 0.02 N.D 8
(9) Total nitrogen (T-N) mg/L <0.05 - <0.05 10.06 - <0.05 - - - 19.22 0.83 2.07 2.63 0.45 <0.05 10
Ammonia mg/L 0.54 0.38 98.11 12.26 28.36 1.61 0.46 0.54 8
(10) - - - - - - -
Nitrite mg/L <0.02 <0.02 0.21 <0.20 <0.20 <0.2 0.22 <0.02 8
(11) - - - - - - -
Nitrate mg/L <0.50 <0.50 <0.05 <0.05 <0.50 <0.05 <0.50 <0.50 8
(12) - - - - - - -
(13) Zinc (Zn) mg/L 0.0026 - <0.0015 0.1292 - 0.0090 - - - <0.0015 <0.0015 - - - 0.0017 7
Total chromium mg/L <0.0015 <0.0005 0.0135 0.0017 0.0025 0.0023 <0.0015 <0.0005 <0.0005 9
(14) - - - - - -
Chromium mg/L <0.0025 <0.025 <0.05 <0.025 <0025 <0.0025 <0.025 <0.025 <0.025 9
(15) - - - - - -
(16) Arsenic (As) mg/L 0.0020 - 0.0035 0.0049 - 0.0081 - - 0.0044 0.0022 - - - 0.0020 7
(17) Copper (Cu) mg/L 0.0005 - <0.0005 0.0248 - 0.0029 - - <0.0015 <0.0015 - - - <0.0005 7
(18) Total Mercury (Hg) mg/L <0.0002 - 0.0011 0.0018 0.0013 0.0014 - 0.0012 - 0.0013 0.0011 - - - 0.0010 9
(19) Cadmium (Cd) mg/L <0.0005 - <0.0015 <0.0005 - <0.0015 - - <0.0005 <0.0005 - - - <0.0005 7
(20) Lead (Pb) mg/L <0.0005 - <0.0005 0.0041 - 0.1914 - - <0.0005 0.0016 - - - <0.0005 7
(21) Iron (Fe) mg/L - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
(22) Manganese(Mn) mg/L - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
(23) Total Coliform MPN/100mL 79 - 25 16,000,000 490 79,000 - 33,000 - 28,000 33 - - 1,300 49 10
Total organic mg/L <0.001 0.001 2
(24) - - - - - - - - - - - - -
chlorine pesticides
Total organic mg/L <0.005 <0.005 2
(25) phosphorus - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(26) PCB (Aroclor 1254) mg/L - - <0.01 - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Source: JICA Expert Team
Appendix 2-2
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Sampling Date 3/10/2017 3/10/2017 3/10/2017 3/10/2017 2/10/2017 2/10/2017 2/10/2017 2/10/2017 2/10/2017 2/10/2017 3/10/2017 3/10/2017 2/10/2017 2/10/2017 2/10/2017 -
Sampling Time 10:20 11:30 14:11 12:01 16:10 16:50 14:36 11:50 15:30 12:55 16:11 16:40 10:48 9:53 8:45 -
On-site measurement
1 Air Temperature °C 39.22 38.55 38.60 29.27 35.67 34.33 35.77 31.90 34.50 35.94 32 32.39 33.8 34 32 -
2 Water Temperature °C 28.50 29.00 29.43 38 33.47 33.06 31.60 30.65 31.71 31.59 31.63 31.23 30.46 29.88 31 -
3 pH - 8.40 8.30 7.96 7.59 8.03 7.77 7.46 7.86 7.82 7.93 8.18 8.56 7.56 8.02 7.88 -
4 ORP mv 140 145 185 69.00 135 123 -78 147 95 -232 118 132 196 160 206 -
5 Conductivity ms/cm 0.235 0.293 0.289 0.348 0.363 0.435 0.504 0.424 0.447 1.10 0.424 0.409 0.339 0.306 0.199 -
6 Turbidity NTU 39.5 32 34 90.20 32.3 52.2 73.5 97.10 72.1 104 34 35.5 74 96.6 74.1 -
7 DO mg/L 7.73 6.21 7.78 4.82 6.57 6.70 5.11 6.31 8.89 5.36 5.12 6.43 7.38 8.52 7.68 -
8 TDS mg/L 160 190 191 234 242 283 323 275 310 701 275 266 227 202 133 -
9 Salinity ppt 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 -
Laboratory analysis
1 BOD mg/L 5.4 4.5 1.1 11.0 2.7 5.6 4.8 2.3 5.1 3.9 6.0 5.4 6.6 1.6 5.4 4.2
2 Total Coliform MPN/100ml 92,000 - 160,000 > 160,000 35,000 > 160,000 - - > 160,000 160,000 17,000 24,000 - - 92,000 54,000
10 Zinc (Zn) mg/L 0.0081 - 0.0098 0.014 0.010 0.016 0.0096 0.014 0.011 0.018 0.0074 0.0050 - - 0.0087 0.0094
11 Total chromium (T-Cr) mg/L 0.0058 - < 0.005 0.0050 < 0.005 0.011 < 0.005 0.0054 0.0054 0.0050 < 0.005 < 0.005 - - 0.0056 0.0050
Appendix 2-3
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Myint Nge LKP UST TT PYTC-62nd PTM Intake
Location name DHWD1 DHWD2 DP* PYTC-1' After-aeration N-TTML S-TTML SK Creek UK-M
Bridge Stream Bridge Bridge Str. Bridge AYWD
No Left/Center/Right Center Center Center - Center Center Center Center Center Center Center Center Center Center Left -
Sampling Date 3/10/2017 3/10/2017 3/10/2017 3/10/2017 2/10/2017 2/10/2017 2/10/2017 2/10/2017 2/10/2017 2/10/2017 3/10/2017 3/10/2017 2/10/2017 2/10/2017 2/10/2017 -
Sampling Time 10:20 11:30 14:11 12:01 16:10 16:50 14:36 11:50 15:30 12:55 16:11 16:40 10:48 9:53 8:45 -
12 Chromium (Hexavalent) mg/L < 0.005 - < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 - - < 0.005 < 0.005
13 Arsenic (As) mg/L 0.0016 - 0.0019 0.0033 0.0040 0.0041 0.0034 0.0032 0.0035 0.0041 0.0037 0.0042 - - 0.0017 0.0019
14 Copper (Cu) mg/L < 0.005 - < 0.005 0.016 < 0.005 0.0097 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 - - < 0.005 < 0.005
15 Total Mercury (Hg) mg/L < 0.0005 - < 0.0005 < 0.0005 < 0.0005 < 0.0005 < 0.0005 < 0.0005 < 0.0005 < 0.0005 < 0.0005 < 0.0005 - - < 0.0005 < 0.0005
16 Cadmium (Cd) mg/L < 0.001 - < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 - - < 0.001 < 0.001
17 Lead (Pb) mg/L < 0.005 - < 0.005 0.0056 < 0.005 0.0051 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 - - < 0.005 < 0.005
See Table See Table
18 Pesticides mg/L - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A 2.2-3 A 2.2-3
19 PCBs mg/L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - < 0.0005 -
Appendix 2-4
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT
Source: MCDC
Appendix 2-5
Project for Capacity Development
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT DRAFT VER.1.0
No No.1 No.15
Location name DHWD1 Intake AYWD
Upstream of the Intake point of
Location Description wastewater-dischargi Ayeyarwaddy
No. Unit
ng point River
Left/Center/Right Center Left
Sampling Date 3/10/2017 2/10/2017
Sampling Time 10:20 8:45
1 Aldrin mg/L < 0.0005 < 0.0005
2 Atrazine mg/L < 0.0005 < 0.0005
3 4,4'-DDD mg/L < 0.0005 < 0.0005
4 4,4'-DDE mg/L < 0.0005 < 0.0005
5 4,4'-DDT mg/L < 0.0005 < 0.0005
6 Endosulfan mg/L < 0.0005 < 0.0005
7 Endosulfan sulfate mg/L < 0.0005 < 0.0005
8 Endrin mg/L < 0.0005 < 0.0005
HCH-alpha (benzene
9 mg/L < 0.0005 < 0.0005
10 HCH-beta(beta-BHC) mg/L < 0.0005 < 0.0005
12 mg/L < 0.0005 < 0.0005
Source: MCDC
Appendix 2-1
Water Level at Myintge (Doke Hta Waddy River)
Water Level at Doke Hta Waddy River
Appendix 2-1
2011/1/7 Date
Figure A.2.3
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System
Project for Capacity Development
Source: DMH
Daily Mean Water Level (cm)
Project for Capacity Development WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT DRAFT
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System VER.1.0
Table A.2.3-2 Analysis Method of 4th Water Quality Survey (Japan Lab) –(1)
No Parameter Method Name of laboratory
Laboratory analysis in Myanmar
1 BOD Respirometric method DOWA Eco-system–Myanmar
(HACH Method 10099) Co., Ltd. for survey in Hlaing
River basin
Membrane electrode REM-UAE Laboratory and
method (SM 2012:5210 B Consultant Co., Ltd. for survey
and 4500-O G) in Doke Hta Waddy River basin
2 Total Coliform Standard total coliform DOWA Eco-system–Myanmar
fermentation method Co., Ltd. for survey in Hlaing
(APHA 9221 B) River basin
Multiple tube REM-UAE Laboratory and
fermentation technique Consultant Co., Ltd. for survey
(SM 2012:9221 B) in Doke Hta Waddy River basin
Laboratory analysis in Japan
3 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Environment Agency OSUMI CO., Ltd.
Notification No. 59,
1971, Appendix, Table 9
4 COD Cr JIS K0102 (2016) 20.1 OSUMI CO., Ltd.
5 Cyanide(total) JIS K0102 (2016) 38.1.2 OSUMI CO., Ltd.
and 38.3
6 Oil and grease Standard Method 5520 B OSUMI CO., Ltd.
7 Phenols JIS K0102(2016) 28.1.1 OSUMI CO., Ltd.
and 28.1.2
8 Total phosphorus (T-P) JIS K0102(2016) 46.3.1 OSUMI CO., Ltd.
9 Total nitrogen (T-N) JIS K0102(2016) 45.2 OSUMI CO., Ltd.
10 Zinc (Zn) JIS K0102(2016) 53.3 OSUMI CO., Ltd.
11 Total chromium (T-Cr) JIS K0102(2016) 65.1.4 OSUMI CO., Ltd.
12 Chromium (Hexavalent) JIS K0102(2016) 65.2.1 OSUMI CO., Ltd.
13 Arsenic (As) JIS K0102(2016) 61.4 OSUMI CO., Ltd.
14 Copper (Cu) JIS K0102(2016) 52.4 OSUMI CO., Ltd.
15 Total Mercury (Hg) Environment Agency OSUMI CO., Ltd.
No.59, 1971, Appendix,
table 1
Appendix 2-3
Project for Capacity Development WATER QUALITY SURVEY REPORT DRAFT
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System VER.1.0
Table A.2.3-2 Analysis Method of 4th Water Quality Survey (Japan Lab) –(2)
No Parameter Method Name of laboratory
16 Cadmium (Cd) JIS K0102(2016) 55.4 OSUMI CO., Ltd.
17 Lead (Pb) JIS K0102(2016) 54.4 OSUMI CO., Ltd.
18 Pesticides See below OSUMI CO., Ltd.
19 PCBs Environment Agency OSUMI CO., Ltd.
No.59, 1971, Appendix,
table 3
Laboratory analysis in Japan (pesticides)
1 Aldrin GC-MS * Nihon Ecotech Co., Ltd.
2 Atrazine GC-MS * Nihon Ecotech Co., Ltd.
3 4,4'-DDD GC-MS * Nihon Ecotech Co., Ltd.
4 4,4'-DDE GC-MS * Nihon Ecotech Co., Ltd.
5 4,4'-DDT GC-MS * Nihon Ecotech Co., Ltd.
6 Endosulfan GC-MS * Nihon Ecotech Co., Ltd.
7 Endosulfan sulfate GC-MS * Nihon Ecotech Co., Ltd.
8 Endrin GC-MS * Nihon Ecotech Co., Ltd.
9 HCH-alpha (benzene GC-MS * Nihon Ecotech Co., Ltd.
10 HCH-beta(beta-BHC) GC-MS * Nihon Ecotech Co., Ltd.
11 HCH-delta(delta-BHC) GC-MS * Nihon Ecotech Co., Ltd.
12 HCH-gamma(Lindane)(ganma-BHC GC-MS * Nihon Ecotech Co., Ltd.
13 Alachlor GC-MS * Nihon Ecotech Co., Ltd.
14 Diazinon GC-MS * Nihon Ecotech Co., Ltd.
15 Chlorpyrifos GC-MS * Nihon Ecotech Co., Ltd.
16 Dimethoate LC-MS/MS * Nihon Ecotech Co., Ltd.
17 Imidacloprid GC-MS * Nihon Ecotech Co., Ltd.
*Analyze based on "Notice by the Director General of the Environment Management Bureau No.170391 of
March 9, 2017"
Appendix 2-3
Project for Capacity Development in Basic Water Environment Management and
EIA System in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Final Report
Appendix 11:
December 2017
Japan International Cooperation Agency
Republic of the Union of Myanmar Manual for Operation and
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation Maintenance of Databases
Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
This manual for database operation and maintenance was developed as part of the outputs of the
bilateral technical cooperation project between Myanmar and Japan entitled “Project for
Capacity Development in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System in the
Republic of the Union of Myanmar (hereinafter referred to as “the Project”). The project has the
aim to support and enhance capacities of Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental
Conservation (MONREC) and other organizations concerned to manage water environment and
to implement EIA reviews. Among the six outputs of the project, this manual was produced to
fulfill the goal of Output 3 “database of water pollution sources and river water quality is
developed”. We sincerely hope that this manual helps each organization develop and maintain
databases of water pollution sources and surface water quality for good management of water
(2)-1 No Go to p.4
Have you already collected data?
(2.2.1 Data Collection)
Yes - Unify the unit of each data
- Collect coordinate by GPS/map software
(3)-1 No Go to p.9
Have you already installed QGIS software?
(2.3.1 Installation of QGIS Software)
Yes - Download the latest long term release
(LTR) version
Have you already changed style (e.g. No (3)-5 Have you already changed style (e.g. No Go to p.19
classification, color, etc.) classification, color, etc.) (2.3.5 Data Classification & Style Change)
Yes Yes - Classify data
- Change color
(3)-6 No Go to p.20
Prepare Output by "Print Composer"
(2.3.6 Output)
- Add necessary items
(e.g. direction, scale, legend, etc.)
- Arrange style
(e.g. font, backgroud, border, etc.)
Table of Contents
1 BACKGROUND .................................................................................................... 1
2.4.1 Tutorial 1: To make the location map of Sector (Pollution Source) ..... 24
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
In order to manage the water environment of rivers and lakes, it is necessary to consider both
pollution sources and water quality of water bodies in each river basin, and for this purpose,
related information on pollution sources and water bodies should be collected, stored and
analyzed. With the recent increase in industrial activities and their impact to water environment
in Myanmar, the demand for databases for managing such information is increasing rapidly. In
order to demonstrate how such databases may be developed, this project constructed databases
of pollution sources and databases of surface water quality in the target areas, namely Hlaing
River basin in Yangon and Doke Hta Waddy River basin in Mandalay.
This manual shows how to operate and maintain these databases for water environment
This manual was developed to support officers and staff members of ECD, YCDC and MCDC
in managing environmental information by developing and using databases. The objective of the
manual is:
- To provide officers and staff with a tutorial document about the databases developed in this
project, so that they can self-teach and/or train others how to operate, add new data and
maintain theses databases for water environment management.
1.3.1 Target
The main target of the manual is officers and staff members of ECD, YCDC and MCDC who
are in charge of database development, operation and maintenance.
This manual contains the following two hands-on tutorial modules in Section 2.4:
- [Let’s Try (1)] To make the location map of Sector (Pollution Source)
- [Let’s Try (2)] To make the BOD map (Surface Water Quality)
These modules are the core of this manual, and you are strongly encouraged to try these
modules. However, to go through these tutorials, you will need some basic knowledge in GIS.
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
To help you gain such knowledge quickly, more basic explanations about the structure of the
database and GIS software are given in other sections of the manual.
Two types of databases are explained in this manual, namely “Pollution Source Database” and
“Surface Water Quality Database”.
- Pollution Source Database: To store many kinds of information of pollution source
- Surface Water Quality Database: To store analysis results of water quality of target
Figure 1-1 shows the database structure. “DB” means Database, “PS” means Pollution Source
and “WQ” means Surface Water Quality of public water bodies, such as rivers and lakes.
- 2017XXXX_YGN.qgs
00_QGIS - 2017XXXX_MDL.qgs
- 2017XXXX_PS_YGN.xlsx/.csv/.dbf/.qpj/.shp/.shx
10_Pollution Source DB - 2017XXXX_PS_MDL.xlsx/.csv/.dbf/.qpj/.shp/.shx
- 2017XXXX_WQ_YGN.xlsx/.csv/.dbf/.qpj/.shp/.shx
20_Surface Water
- 2017XXXX_WQ_MDL.xlsx/.csv/.dbf/.qpj/.shp/.shx
Quality DB
[Vector/Raster File]
30_Base Map - Administrative Boundary, River, Road, etc.
- [Folder] 201701XX
40_Back-up - [Folder] 201704XX
… (if necessary)
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
Figure 1-2 shows the data flow for the Pollution Source Database and the Surface Water Quality
Database Development
1) Data Storage (Excel)
- Digitizing
- Linking Coordinate Base Map
- Data Check & Confirmation - Administrative
2) Analysis (QGIS) - River,
- Overlay - Road, etc.
- Data Classification
- Output (print composer)
Database Management
1) Data Check & Confirmation
2) Database Back-up
In this chapter, procedures of database operation (usage), including data storage by using Excel
and analysis by using QGIS, are shown. Then, two tutorial modules are presented in Section 2.4
to give users hands-on experiences in using the databases developed in this project.
When you start preparing maps by using QGIS, it is necessary to collect the coordinate of each
point. The main ways to collect coordinate are as follows.
GPS Device
Coordinate can be collected easily by using GPS device which has the function to record the
coordinate of a lot of points (e.g. “Waypoint Manager”, etc.). The below photo shows the
sample of GPS device. In addition, some kinds of mobile phone have functions to collect
coordinate recently.
Waypoint Manager
Map Software
If you cannot collect coordinate by GPS device, it is one option to find coordinate by map
software, some of which is available free of charge.
Data in a database should be readily accessible to users, and the data in the databases developed
in this project were first stored in Excel spreadsheet files. In this way user can always access
and analyze data without specialized software. However, to see the data in GIS software, QGIS,
it is necessary to convert the data to CSV (comma-separated value) format. Thus, in this section,
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
the user will learn how to enter data into Excel, and then convert the file to CSV format. Table
below shows an example of an Excel data set of surface water quality.
In Excel data entry, the first row contains the column names (title) and definition for the data
type in each column. Data analysis with Excel is beyond the scope of this manual, but users can
carry out most data analysis using Excel.
If you need to create a data table from scratch, follow the following guidelines for organizing
your data.
- The data should be organized in rows and columns, with each row containing information
about one record, such as a sample ID, or factory type.
- In the first row of the list, each column should contain a short, descriptive and unique
- Each column in the list should contain one type of data, such as dates, currency, or text.
- Each row in the list should contain the details for one record, such as a factory type order.
If possible, include a unique identifier for each row, such as an order number.
- The list should have no blank rows within it, and no completely blank columns.
- The list should be separated from any other data on the worksheet, with at least one
blank row and one blank column between the list and the other data.
Before creating the CSV file, you need to make sure to enter geographical coordinate data
(longitude and latitude) of the location of interest so that the GIS software can recognize the
geographical location of the data in the system as explained in the following figure.
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
The coordinate data can be obtained using a GPS device. The way to see and input coordinate is
shown below.
=54/60 =46.4/3600
Waypoint Manager
to decimal degree system (21.9289°) so that Excel can readily recognize the numerals. Enter
both longitude and latitude data in decimal degree unit into the Excel file.
After the data digitizing and linking coordinate, the Excel data should be converted into CSV
format. The necessary steps are as follows:
File Save as Computer <your data folder>
Select the location where you want to save your file. (e.g. “Database/10_Pollution Source DB”
Next, in “Save As” box, select “Save as type” in “CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv)”.
Then type your file name in “File name” box and press “Save”.
After you click Save, Excel will display the following message saying: Some features in your
workbook might be lost if you save it as CSV (Comma delimited).
This info-notification can be ignored. Thus, you can click Yes to get your current worksheet
saved in the CSV format. The original workbook (the .xls/.xlsx file) will be closed and you will
notice that the name of your current sheet will change.
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
To check the CSV file, which you recently saved in your database folder, you could use
Notepad that comes with Windows or other text editor such as notepad++. Figure below shows
an example of a CSV file opened with text editor.
If you open the same file by using Excel, you can see the data as follows.
A CSV data is simply a table with column breaks that are identified by a comma. The column
names and definitions are enclosed in quotes and are separated by commas.
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
QGIS is open source software, and it can be installed on Windows, various Linux distributions,
Unix, Mac OS X, and Android. Both binary packages and source code can be downloaded from In this section, we will cover how to install QGIS on Windows operation system.
The recommended download file is the QGIS Standalone Installer Version 2.18 (32 bit or 64 bit
depending on your computer)
Note: Go to “Computer” “System Properties” to check if your computer system type is 32 bit
or 64 bit.
Start to install QGIS, double click on downloaded .exe file.
Click Next for all the default properties. You can select the sample datasets if you would like,
but it is not necessary. QGIS will then be saved in your Program Files and an icon should
appear on your desktop when it has finished installing.
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
Before starting QGIS operation, it is desirable to confirm what kinds of data shall be displayed
on the map. After confirming and categorizing the necessary data, the folder for each shall be
prepared so that the data of QGIS can be shared with others. The samples of folder structure are
shown below.
This section explains how to open QGIS, and how to overlay the data in CSV format or other
To Open QGIS
To open QGIS, you can go to the start menu, and click on the QGIS Desktop.
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
If you have a project file of QGIS with extension “qgs”, you can also open the file by duble
clicking on the file.
1) Open “QGIS”
Double Click
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
*** Remark – when you move the shape-file to QGIS window, it should be placed under
“Base map > Handwriting > YGN”. Most of the shape-files must be under “Base Map >
Handwriting” layer feature.
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
Figure (A)
In such case, you just need to move the layer by dragging. Please compare and see in Figure (B)
and Figure (C).
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
In order to read the main data as CSV file into QGIS as a layer, the following steps are
Add Layer
Add Delimited Text Layer
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
Select the CSV File
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
Select “WGS84”
Select the CSV File
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
Select “WGS84”
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
2.3.6 Output
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
1) To add new map: Click Add new map icon from Toolbar.
2) To Add scale bar: Click Add new scalebar icon from Toolbar.
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
Output Image
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
In this section, two tutorial modules are presented for you to practice how to use the Pollution
Source Database and the Surface Water Quality Database. In order to follow these modules, you
need a set of files distributed by JET for GIS training.
7) Delete the unnecessary word like “1-1) “ and Save as CSV file
“Save As” box > “Save as type” in “CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv)” and store the same
folder “10_Pollution Source DB”
Name: 201701_YGN_PS.csv
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
The data of pollution source will appear. These points carry the same data as the CSV file. Let’s
right click “201701_YGN_PS” and select “Open Attribute Table” to check the data.
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
1) Select “Base Map” and Open “30_Base Map”, “Satellite” and Drag
“YGN_Google_modified.tif” to QGIS display
2) Select “WGS 84 / Pseudo Mercator” as CSR
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
The data of water quality will appear. These points carry the same data as the CSV file. Let’s
right click “20160627-28_WQ_MDL” and select “Open Attribute Table” to check the data.
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
3) Select “Column”, Set “BOD (ppm)”, Change “Classes” from 5 to 6 and “Classify”
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
5) Select “Base Map” and Open “30_Base Map”, “Satellite” and Drag
“MDL_Google_modified.tif” to QGIS display
6) Select “WGS 84 / Pseudo Mercator” as CSR
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
You can try the following methods to check and confirm the data and/or ask senior staff to
overview /supervise.
Methods of Checking Target Remarks
[Self-Double Check] - Data input error e.g.
To input data twice and compare - To input “=A1-B1” /
the results by using the formula in “=EXACT (A1, B1) in another
Excel cell,
- To highlight blank cell by
using “Conditional Formatting”,
[Insert Chart] - Data input error e.g.
To insert chart and see the ratio of - To see the ratio of “BOD” &
relative parameters - Inaccurate data “COD” (or “T-N” & “T-P”) and
EC ms/cm EC ms/cm
:1.100 :1.10
In the case of that the value shall be expressed to three significant figures.
Project for Capacity Development Manual for Database Operation
in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System and Maintenance
in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ver. 4.0 (December 2017)
Step 1. Select the folders that you update (Hold “Ctrl” & Click each
Step 2. Copy the folders that you select and Paste in “40_Back-up” folder
[Step 1]
Hold “Ctrl” key
& Click each folder
[Step 2]
Drag to “40_Back-up” folder
Step 1. Compress the whole folder (in a zipper file or something similar)
End of document
Project for Capacity Development in Basic Water Environment Management and
EIA System in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Final Report
Appendix 12:
June 2018
Japan International Cooperation Agency
Republic of the Union of Myanmar Water Quality Status Report
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation
This water quality status report was developed as part of the outputs of the bilateral technical
cooperation project between Myanmar and Japan entitled “Project for Capacity Development in
Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System in the Republic of the Union of
Myanmar (hereinafter referred to as “the Project”). The project has the aim to support and
enhance capacities of Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation
(MONREC), Yangon City Development Committee (YCDC), Mandalay City Development
Committee (MCDC), and other organizations concerned to manage water environment and to
implement EIA reviews. Among the six outputs of the project, this manual was produced to
fulfill the goal of Output 4 “Capacity of interpreting the information for water pollution control
measures is enhanced.”. We sincerely hope that this report helps each organization to develop
strategies for water pollution control and water environment management.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background .................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Objectives ....................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Procedures of Preparation of Water Quality Status Report ......................... 2
1.4 Case Studies for Information Interpretation for Water Quality Status ....... 3
1.5 Structure of Water Quality Status Report .................................................... 5
2 Water Quality Status in the Pilot Area of Yangon (Hlaing River Basin) ........... 6
2.1 Outline of Hlaing River Basin ....................................................................... 6
Overview of Hlaing River ....................................................................... 6
Downstream area of Hlaing River (Pilot area of Yangon)..................... 6
2.2 Natural Conditions ........................................................................................ 7
Topography ............................................................................................. 7
Meteorology ............................................................................................ 8
Geology ................................................................................................... 9
Soil Condition ....................................................................................... 11
2.3 Social Conditions ......................................................................................... 12
Administrative Boundary .................................................................... 12
Population ............................................................................................ 12
Industrial Zones ................................................................................... 14
Land Use .............................................................................................. 15
2.4 Organizations related to water environment management........................ 17
Yangon City Development Committee ................................................ 17
2.5 Water Use .................................................................................................... 19
2.6 Water Quality .............................................................................................. 20
Outline of water quality survey for the Hlaing River Basin ............... 20
Refence Standards ............................................................................... 22
Water quality survey results ............................................................... 22
2.7 Pollution Source ........................................................................................... 26
Industrial pollution source................................................................... 26
2.8 Impact of Pollution on River Water Quality ............................................... 30
Overall pollution pathways to rivers ................................................... 30
Pollution load analysis ......................................................................... 31
Impact of pollution on river water quality .......................................... 32
Water Quality Status Report
Water Quality Status Report
Water Quality Status Report
Attachment 1 Pollution load analysis in the pilot area of Yangon (Case Study 1)
................................................................................................................................ 98
A1. Case Study 1: Pollution load analysis in in the Pilot Area of Yangon ........... 99
A1.1 Outline of Case Study 1 ............................................................................. 99
A1.2 Procedures and conditions of pollution load analysis ............................... 99
A1.3 Results of pollution load analysis ............................................................ 107
Attachment 2: Pollution load analysis in the pilot area of Mandalay (Case Study
2)........................................................................................................................... 109
A2. Case Study 2: Pollution load analysis in the Pilot Area of Mandalay ......... 110
A2.1 Outline of Case Study 2 ........................................................................... 110
A2.2 Conditions of pollution load analysis ...................................................... 110
A2.3 Results of Pollution Load Analysis .......................................................... 114
Attachment 3: Installation of centralized wastewater treatment system in Hlaing
Thar Yar Industrial Zones (Case Study 3) .......................................................... 116
A3. Case Study 3: Installation of Centralized Wastewater Treatment System in
Hlaing Thar Yar Industrial Zones....................................................................... 117
A3.1 Outline of Case Study 3 ........................................................................... 117
A3.2 Procedures and conditions of examination of dilution capacity.............. 117
A3.3 Development of proposed treatment process and layout ........................ 120
A3.4 Examination of Options for Project Scheme ........................................... 120
A3.5 Identified issues to be solved ................................................................... 122
Attachment 4: Preliminary estimation of dilution capacity for water quality in
Doke Hta Waddy River (Case Study 4) ............................................................... 123
A4. Case Study 4: Preliminary Estimation of Dilution Capacity in Doke Hta
Waddy River ........................................................................................................ 124
A4.1 Outline of Case Study 4 ........................................................................... 124
A4.2 Procedures and conditions of examination of dilution capacity.............. 124
A4.3 Setting water balance .............................................................................. 127
A4.4 Setting cases for examination of dilution capacity ................................. 127
A4.5 Results of examination of dilution capacity ............................................ 128
Project for Capacity Development in Basic Water Environment Water Quality Status Report
Management and EIA System in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Myanmar has been facing considerable challenges in environmental management such as water
and air pollution due to the increasing infrastructure developments in industrial, urban and rural
sectors. In order to control and limit such drawbacks, the Government of Myanmar (hereinafter
referred to as “GOM”) enacted the Environmental Conservation Law in 2012, subsequently
established the Environmental Conservation Rules for implementation of the law in 2014, and
also enacted EIA Procedures and National Environmental Quality (Emission) Guidelines in
2015. To enforce such laws and regulations, the Environmental Conservation Department
(hereinafter referred to as “ECD”) under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental
Conservation (hereinafter referred to as “MONREC”) was established as the focal institution for
pollution control, EIA review and other environmental management activities. Similarly, large
municipalities such as Yangon City Development Committee and Mandalay City Development
Committee (hereinafter referred to as “YCDC” and “MCDC”, respectively) have started
requiring pollution sources to install wastewater treatment facilities and carrying out regular
inspections. However, in order to firmly establish the framework for environmental
management, these institutions have to urgently develop their capacities.
Under these circumstances, GOM requested Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to
support and enhance the capacities of MONREC and other organizations to manage water
environment and to implement EIA reviews by implementing this project entitled “The Project
for Capacity Development in Basic Water Environment Management and EIA System
(hereafter named as “the Project”). Table 1-1 shows the overall goal, project purpose and
outputs of the Project. This Water Quality Status Report was prepared as one of the activities of
Output 4 related to interpretation of information gathered through activities of Output 1, 2, and
3 in the pilot sites namely, the Hlaing River Basin in Yangon and the Doke Hta Waddy River
Basin in Mandalay.
Table 1-1 Overall Goal, Project Purpose and Outputs of the Project
Item Contents Component
Overall Goal Impact of industrial effluents from industrial zones on river water quality is alleviated, and advanced EIA
approach for complicated issues are taken into account.
Project Capacity for developing basic water pollution control measures based on obtained and interpreted
Purpose information is enhanced and the institutional framework of the EIA review works is established.
Outputs Output 1 Inspection procedure is standardized. Water environment
Output 2 Capacity for implementing water quality survey to obtain reliable Water environment
information is enhanced. management
Output 3 Database of water pollution sources and river water quality is Water environment
developed. management
Output 4 Capacity of interpreting the information for water pollution control Water environment
measures is enhanced. management
Output 5 Necessary technical manuals and forms for the EIA review are EIA
Output 6 Capacity of MONREC and the EIA Report Review Body on the EIA EIA
review is enhanced.
Source: JICA Expert Team
Project for Capacity Development in Basic Water Environment Water Quality Status Report
Management and EIA System in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
The objectives of preparation of the Water Quality Status Report are as follows:
- To understand water quality status such as current water quality, important sectors for water
pollution control, magnitude of water pollution impact from industrial zones and other sectors,
and dilution capacity of rivers in the pilot areas of Yangon and Mandalay,
- To identify issues to be addressed in the pilot areas of Yangon and Mandalay
- To formulate framework of strategy for water pollution control from industries and water
environment management in the pilot area and national level for development of “Written
Strategies”, and
- To explain decision makers at regional levels and national levels about water quality status and
strategies by MONREC-ECD, YCDC, and MCDC.
Project for Capacity Development in Basic Water Environment Water Quality Status Report
Management and EIA System in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Project for Capacity Development in Basic Water Environment Water Quality Status Report
Management and EIA System in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Project for Capacity Development in Basic Water Environment Water Quality Status Report
Management and EIA System in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Project for Capacity Development in Basic Water Environment Water Quality Status Report
Management and EIA System in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Bago Region
Myi Ma Kha River
Hlaing River
Yangon Region
Yangon River
Figure 2-1 Map of Hlaing River, Myi Ma Kha River, and Yangon River
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Hlaing River
Baw Le River
Kokkowa River
The Dala area, which extends to the southern bank of the Yangon River, is generally lower in
elevation than the northern bank where the main part of Yangon City is located. Figure 2-3
shows the general topography of the area in terms of elevation. In this figure, the boundary area
marked in brown and red indicates that the area is above EL.5 m, while the area shown in
yellow, green, and blue is less than EL.5 m. Most of the Dala area has an elevation between EL.
2 m and 6 m, while most of the urban area which is north of the river has an elevation of more
than EL. 5 m. It is noteworthy that the EHWL (at the time of Cyclone Nargis) was at EL. 4 m,
and there was extensive flooding in the Dala area. Also, the normal high water level of the
Yangon River is approximately EL. 3 m.
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Source: Final Report of the Project for the Strategic Urban Development Plan of the Greater Yangon (JICA, 2014)
Table 2-1 and Table 2-2 show monthly mean temperature and monthly rainfall in Yangon from
2005 to 2014. As for temperature, the hottest month in a year is April (30.5 ºC) and the coldest
month is January (24.7 ºC), but the mean monthly temperature does not change drastically
through the year. The rainfall pattern is divided into two distinctive seasons namely, rainy
season (May to October) and dry season (November to April).
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
24.7 26.8 28.8 30.5 28.7 27.2 26.5 26.5 26.8 27.9 27.4 25.2
Temperature (ºC)
Source: 2015 Myanmar Statistical Yearbook, Central Statistical Organization, Ministry of National Planning and
Economic Development
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Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
6 1 20 39 375 520 671 554 480 215 50 16
Source: 2015 Myanmar Statistical Yearbook, Central Statistical Organization, Ministry of National Planning and
Economic Development
The regional geomorphic features of the entire area include ridges and deltaic lands lying south
of the Pegu Yoma between the Sittaung River in the east and the Irrawaddy River in the west.
This area is in a north-south trending sedimentary basin containing thick sedimentary deposits
from the Tertiary to Quaternary periods. The Tertiary deposits are strongly folded into narrow
en echelon anticlinal folds such as the Yangon Ridge, the Thanlyin-Kyauktan Ridge, and the
Twentay-Kawhmu Ridge. All these ridges are trending south towards the Gulf of Martaban.
Rocks of the Tertiary Period contain well consolidated marine sandstone and shale of the Pegu
Group and semi-consolidated, continental deltaic, and marginal marine deposits of the
Irrawaddy Formation. The synclinal valley or through west of the Yangon Anticlinal Ridge is
filled with unconsolidated deposits from the Quaternary Period. There forms a wedge-shaped
alluvial accumulation, ranging in thickness from a few feet near the ridge up to 100 m in the
synclinal valley. The wedge-shaped form of these sediments extends both in the east-west and
north-south directions and shows thickening toward the south and west. These sediments
include clay, silt, sand, and very coarse-grained gravel.
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Soil Condition
The main types of soil are Ferrosols, Gleysols, Solovechaks, and Arenesols. Ferrosols (plinthic)
or lateritic soils are found on low hills along Thanlyin-Kyauktan. The soil is good for growing
rubber and vegetables as well as for gardening. Gleysols (dystric) or meadow gley soils occupy
much of the area in the Hlaing River Basin as shown in Figure 2-5. About 90% of these soils are
composed of silt and clay, but humus content varies from place to place. These soils are
favorable for paddy cultivation. The main problem, however, is the poor drainage and water
logged conditions. Meadow Solonchak are usually found in lowlands under impeded drainage.
In the rainy season, they are covered with flood water. Because of the high content of clay, these
soils become very dry and crack in the dry season. Solonchaks (gleyic) or saline swampy gluey
soils are found along the coastal area. These soils develop from sediments transported and
deposited in the estuaries of the Yangon River.
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Administrative Boundary
Figure 2-6 shows township boundaries in Yangon Region. In the pilot side of Hlaing River
Basin, there are six townships in the North Yangon District and West Yangon District as
- Insein Township
- Shwe Pyi Thar Township
- Hlaing Tharyar Township
- Mayangon Township
- Hlaing Township
Table 2-3 shows population of five townships located in the pilot site. In total 1.7 million
persons live in these townships, and 84.1% of them live in the urban areas of five townships.
Shwe Pyi Thar 343,526 164,264 179,262 91.6% 279,795 63,731 81.4%
Source: The 2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census, Union Report, Census Report Volume 2.
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Source: MIMU
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Industrial Zones
Table 2-4 shows industrial zones in the pilot area of Yangon. In total, around 1,100 factories are
located in seven industrial zones which opened in during 1995-2014. The major sectors are food
and beverage, clothing, accommodation, and general industries. Figure 2-7 shows location of
the industrial zones in the pilot area of Yangon.
Total 1139
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Source: JET
Land Use
Figure 2-8 shows land use map in Yangon area and in 2012, agricultural area occupied 51% of
the total area, followed by 22% of urbanized areas. In the pilot area of Yangon, most land are
used as residential area, industrial area and some areas in northern part of the pilot area are used
as cultivated area.
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Source: Final Report of the Project for the Strategic Urban Development Plan of the Greater Yangon (JICA, 2014)
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Head of Department
1 Divisional 1 Divisional
2 Divisional 2 Divisional 1 Divisional 2 Divisional 2 Divisional 2 Divisional
Head Head
Heads Heads Head Heads Heads Heads
(Pollution (Pollution
(East District) (South District) (Admin) (Vehicles) (North District) (West District)
Control) Control)
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related to water environment management are: (i) wastewater treatment, (ii) water quality
monitoring for supplied water and wastewater, and (iii) reservoir management.
Head of Dept.
Source: YCDC-DEWS (JET modified based on “The Project for the Improvement of Water Supply, Sewerage and
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Director (1)
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Figure 2-12 Water Supply Plans along Hlaing River and Kokkowa River and New Yangon
City Project along Pan Hlaing River
Table 2-5 Summary of Water Quality Survey Plan for the Hlaing River Basin
Item Contents
Sampling Point Hlaing River: 3 – 5 points, varied upon the survey time
Channels in Shwe Pyi Thar IZ: 3 points
Channels in Hlaing Tharyar IZ: 0 – 2 points, varied upon the survey time
Pan Hlaing River: 2 points
Kokkowa River: 0 – 1 point, varied upon the survey time
Sampling Time [Season]
- 1st survey: dry season in 2016
- 2nd survey: rainy season in 2016
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Item Contents
- 3rd survey: dry season in 2017
- 4th survey: rainy season in 2017
- 5th survey: dry season in 2018
- At the time of ebb tide near spring-tide day as much as possible
Measurement [All points]
Parameters - pH, EC, DO, TDS, salinity, turbidity, water temperature, ORP
[Basic points]
- Flow rate (if available), TSS, BOD, COD, oil and grease, total coliform
[Representative points]
- Total phosphorus, total nitrogen, cyanide, phenols, zinc, total chromium, hexavalent
chromium, arsenic, total mercury, cadmium, and lead
- Color, odor, iron and manganese in the 1st survey
- Copper, phosphate, ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and nitrite nitrogen in the 1st – 3rd
[Only one or two points]
- Pesticides* and PCB
* Total organic chlorine pesticides and total organic phosphorus pesticides for second and third surveys
* Aldrin, atrazine, 4,4'-DDD, 4,4'-DDE, 4,4'-DDT, endosulfan, endosulfan sulfate, endrin, HCH-alpha (benzene
hexachloride-alpha), HCH-beta, HCH-delta, HCH-gamma(Lindane), alachlor, diazinon, chlorpyrifos,
dimethoate and imidacloprid for fourth and fifth surveys
Source: JET
Source: JET
Figure 2-13 Sampling Points of Water Quality Surveys in Hlaing River Basin
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Refence Standards
Since there is no ambient water environmental quality standard in Myanmar yet, C/Ps and JET
evaluated the water qualities based on reference standards and related guidelines in Myanmar,
Vietnam and Japan, considering the type and usage of water. They included (i) Vietnamese
national technical regulations on surface water quality (QCVN 08, 2015), (ii) Japanese
environmental quality standard for water pollution in lakes (Environment Agency Notification
No. 59, last amended in 2016), (iii) draft national drinking water quality guideline (MOH, 2014)
and (iv) National Environmental Quality (Emission) Guideline (MONREC, 2015) for
wastewater. The water quality in each target river basin is summarized below based on the past
survey results.
Table 2-6 Classification of BOD and COD Levels in the Hlaing River Basin
Unit: mg/L
Target Rainy Season(Sep 2017) Dry Season(Feb 2018) Rainy Season(Sep 2017) Dry Season(Feb 2018)
Min Max Average Min Max Average Min Max Average Min Max Average
River Hlaing River 1.2 2.3 1.6 2.4 3.7 3.0 10 14 12 20 71 44
Pan Hlaing River 0.7 1.6 1.1 3.8 44.6 24.2 12 14 13 63 3400 1732
Kokkowa River 3.7 5.7 8.3 5.2
Creek Creek in Shwe Pyi Tar IZ 5.4 32 14 134 268 222 19 44 28 230 5700 3610
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Upstream Downstream
Source: JET
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Hlaing River
Pan Hlaing River
(Close-up figure)
Hlaing River
Source: JET
Figure 2-15 Water Quality Changes between Rainy Season and Dry Season (Hlaing River
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Hlaing River
Flow in creek
Water quality for domestic water supply at Kokkowa River and Wataya
- The sampling points of Kokkowa and Wataya were investigated as possible future intake
point(s) of domestic water supply to Yangon City. The water treatment plant is planned for
construction on the bank of the Kokkowa river, upstream of Hlaing River. WSD-YCDC is
also seeking the possibility to withdraw water from Hlaing River to Hlawga Lake to
prevent a drawdown of Hlawga lake in the dry season. Judging from the results, the water
qualities at Kokkowa and Wataya in rainy season was suitable enough for domestic water
supply use if the water is treated at a water treatment facility using filters and other
ordinary means. It satisfied the draft national drinking water guideline values (MOH, 2014)
with respect to the measured parameters except turbidity at both sampling points in
September 2017 and February 2018 as well as total chromium and lead at Wataya point in
February 2018 (see Table 2-7). It was hypothesized that chromium and lead, whose
concentrations were not very high, were contained in the suspended sediment and are of
natural origin. Whether they can be removed during water treatment or not should be
- The pesticides were not detected in both surveys in September 2017 and February 2018,
but needs to be further investigated in other seasons including the farming season.
- There are some potential pollution sources along Hlaing River in the surrounding of
Wataya. The water samples in these surveys were taken during the spring tide time and
when the water was flowing downward after high-tide. However, the pollution level might
change in a farming season, or when the water flows upward after low-tide.
- It should be noted that these surveys were conducted as part of the environmental
monitoring under the Project activities, and the results do not guarantee the safety of waters
for drinking and other purposes. The measurement parameter in these surveys were limited
and did not cover all the guideline values. Thus, it is crucial to continue to check the water
quality throughout the year for a wider range of parameters and with continuous monitoring
in one tide cycle per day and between spring tide and neap tide.
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Table 2-7 Comparison with Draft Drinking Water Quality Standard for Possible Domestic
Water Supply (Hlaing River Basin)
Kokkowa Wataya
MOH Draft National
Parameter Unit Drinking Water Quality
Sep 2017 Feb 2018 Sep 2017 Feb 2018
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1,781 3,139
2% 3% Food and Beverages
2% Clothings
12,824 Accommodation
14% Domestic Materials
9% Household Materials
3,454 Literature and Art
4% Raw Material
Agricultural Equipment/Machinery
Industrial Equipment/ Machinery
Transportation Vehicles Manufacturing
63% Electricity
General Mechanics
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2 Chemicals Manufacturing
Manufacture of Glass and
5 Manufacture of Construction
Metal, Machinery and Electronics
Source: JET
Figure 2-19 Target Sectors for Wastewater Sampling in Period 1 (Upper) and
Period 2 (Lower) in Hlaing River Basin
1 Some of the results, such as the analytical results of total nitrogen, were deemed suspicious.
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Table 2-8 Comparison Results of BOD (Period 1 and Period 2) in Hlaing River Basin
Category Period 1 (in 2016) Period 2 (2017)
0-20 mg/L 6 1
20-50 mg/L 1 4
50-100 mg/L 1 8
100-1,000 mg/L 10 12
1,000- mg/L 5 0
No Data 2 0
Total 25 25
Note: The BOD value of NEQEG is “50 mg/L”.
Source: JET
Table 2-9 Comparison Results of COD (Period 1 and Period 2) in Hlaing River Basin
Category Period 1 (in 2016) Period 2 (2017)
0-100 mg/L 9 0
100-250 mg/L 2 1
250-1,000 mg/L 7 6
1,000-2,000 mg/L 1 15
2,000- mg/L 4 3
No Data 2 0
Total 25 25
Note: The COD value of NEQEG is “250 mg/L”.
Source: JET
Table 2-10 summarizes the results of comparison with the guideline values for BOD, COD,
total nitrogen (T-N) and total phosphorus (T-P) which are different by sector for survey in
Period 2 in Yangon. Wastewater from around 50% of factories (13 out of factories for COD, 11
out of 21 factories for T-N and 12 out of 24 factories for T-P) met the guideline values of COD,
T-N, and T-P. COD, T-N, and T-P are high ratio of meeting the guideline value than the value
for BOD because only 20% of factories (5 out of 24 factories for BOD) met the guideline value.
Table 2-10 Results of BOD, COD, T-N, and T-P with NEQEG in Yangon (Period 2)
Category BOD COD T-N T-P
Equal to or under NEQEG Value 5 13 11 12
Over NEQEG Value 19 11 10 12
No Evaluation 1 1 4 1
Total 25 25 25 25
Note: "Pulp and / or Paper Mills" have NEQEG value with different unit as "kg/Air dried metric ton" and some
sectors do not have NEQEG value for these parameter.
Source: JET
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Table 2-11 Number of Target Factories for each Sector in Yangon (analyzed in Japan)
Serial Number
No. Sector Number of Factories
1 Fish Processing 2
2 Food and Beverage Processing 3
3 Textiles Manufacturing 2
4 Pulp and / or Paper Mills 1
Semiconductors and Other Electronics Manufacturing
5 1
* Battery factories were selected.
Total 9
Source: JET
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Figure 2-20 Pollution Pathway to Rivers with Location of Industrial Zones and
Planned Intake Points for Water Supply in the Pilot Area of Yangon
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Food and
Textile/ Dyeing 8,387, 38%
Paper/ Pulp
Pesticide/ Fertilizer
11,112, 50%
Metal Smelting
0, 0%
Figure 2-21 Estimated Pollution Load in the Pilot Area of Yangon (Upper Left: Pollution
Load Generated at Source and Reaching Rivers by Sector, Lower Left: Industrial
Pollution Load by Industries)
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2Water discharge of Yangon River before confluence of Bago Rover is estimated as around 200 m3/s in the lowest
month (April), 7,000 m3/s in the highest month (Aug) by Delft3D-FLOW Model of the Yangon Port, Dec 2015 (R.J.
DE KOING & M.P.J. Janssen).
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standard (Pb: 0.058 mg/L) presumably because the stirred sediment containing naturally-
occurring lead affected the result. In addition to the impact by reduced river discharge in the dry
season, there are three possible impacts by pollution: (i) pollution from Shwe Than Lwin IZ and
domestic wastewater around the industrial zone located at 500m upstream of the planned intake
point of Yangon New Development water supply, (ii) pollution from Hlaing Tharyar IZ and
domestic wastewater around the industrial zone 100m to 5km downstream of the intake point in
case of back-flow by tidal effect, and (iii) limited mixing and slowdown of river flow over the
stretch of the river from the potential intake point at PH1 to the downstream due to sea water
intrusion, which also caused stirring of polluted bottom sediment. However, more investigation
on pollution mechanism is needed based on long-term water monitoring data, hydrological data,
and water use information.
Water Recycling 12 88
Others 1 96
Yes No
Figure 2-22 Measures to Minimize Water Pollution in Factories in the Hlaing River Basin
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Screen 36 64
Equalization Tank 7 93
Settling Basin 50 50
Oil Separator 9 91
Chemical Coagulation 4 96
Yes No
Figure 2-23 Status of Primary Treatment Installation in the Hlaing River Basin
In this survey, facilities such as equalization tank and chemical coagulation, were included in primary
treatment, though primary treatment usually refers to physical removal of solid by screening and
In this survey, basic septic tank was included in secondary treatment. Also, removal of toxic substances
was included in this category for simplicity, although the process of removal of toxic substances is often
chemical and not biological.
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Activation Sludge 2 98
UASB 1 99
Removal of
3 97
Toxic Sustances
Yes No
Figure 2-24 Status of Secondary Treatment Installation in the Hlaing River Basin
Another question is the difficulties these factories are facing to install an adequate wastewater
treatment plant (WWTP). There could be many reasons, such as absence of internal or external
expert, other factories are not compliant, high cost compared with benefit, limited land, etc. The
results of factories in the Hlaing River basin are mixed and none of the reasons stood out as the
main reasons common to most factories (see Figure 2-25).
0 1 2 3 4 5
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Table 2-12 Inspections by ECD Yangon Region in April 2016 – March 2017
Number of
Types of Inspection Inspections (Apr.
2016 – Mar. 2017)
Yangon 1) Regular Inspection of ECD (Yangon) 83
2) Inspection by ECD (Yangon) according to Complaints 7
3) Inspection by ECD (Yangon) according to instruction of Union Minister 2
4) Inspection by ECD (Yangon) according to instruction of Region 3
Sub-Total 95
Source: JET based on information provided by ECD
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existing industrial zones in Yangon Region including Yangon City. However, any industrial
zones has not been started to construct the centralized wastewater treatment plan yet.
up to 2020
up to 2025
up to 2040
Source: Preparatory survey report on the project for the improvement of water supply, sewerage and drainage system in Yangon city
(JICA, 2014)
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prompt initiative led by YRG to install centralized wastewater treatment plants is a key strategy
for wastewater management in industrial zones.
- Establishment of an award system for factories and provision of some incentives (reduction
of monitoring frequency and reduction of tax rate)
- Establishment of a low interest loan for factories to install a wastewater treatment plant and
other pollution control facilities
- Setting the target water quality level to meet the objective of water use
- Setting socio-economic development scenarios in the future
- Examination of dilution capacity at the planned intake points in the future
- Development of water pollution reduction plans for each sector in main pollution sources
- Formulation of support programs for factories and facilities on pollution control
- Development of water quality monitoring plan
- Development of budget plan for implementation of water environment management
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- Summarizing water environment management plan for each sector in the priority areas on the
bases of the above examinations
Table 2-14 Outline of Action Plans for Water Pollution Control and Water Environment
Management in the Pilot Area of Yangon
Target year Short term: FY2020-21 (from October 2018 to September 2021)
Middle term: FY2022-23 (from October 2021 to September 2023)
Long term: FY2027-28 (from October 2023 to September 2028)
Key Key Strategy 1: Installation of centralized wastewater treatment plants in industrial zones to
Strategies prevent pollution to surrounding area
Key Strategy 2: Development of a mechanism for promoting water environment management
by factories
Key Strategy 3: Development of water environment management plans and its
implementation in priority areas
Actions and Key Strategy 1: Installation of centralized wastewater treatment plants in industrial zones to
Schedule prevent pollution to surrounding area
[Yangon Region Government]
AY1-1: Setting policy for installation of centralized wastewater treatment plants in
industrial zones (short-term)
AY1-2: Construction and operation of a pilot centralized wastewater treatment plant in an
industrial zone (short-term to middle-term)
AY1-3: Formulation of PPP scheme on construction and operation of centralized
wastewater treatment plants in priority industrial zones (short-term)
AY1-4: Construction and operation of centralized wastewater treatment plants in priority
industrial zones (middle-term to long-term)
Key Strategy 2: Development of a mechanism for promoting water environment management
by factories
AY2-1: Improvement of inspection activities for issuing/renewing licenses by YCDC
Administration Department in accordance with the revised YCDC law to be enacted
AY2-2: Strengthening on-site monitoring such as wastewater monitoring, noise
monitoring, air emission monitoring (short-term)
AY2-3: Examining the possibility to introduce wastewater discharge fee system in
Yangon City, such as research for similar systems in ASEAN countries (middle-term)
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important factories associated with large pollution load through guidance seminars to each
industrial zone for collection of target factories and awareness raising to factories by ECD
Yangon Region, collection of information from DISI/MOI, collection through inspection
activity by ECD Yangon Region, DICA/MOPF and collection from PCCD/YCDC (short-
AY2-2: Establishment of monitoring/supervising system to check status of preparation of
EMPs by the prioritized factories, such as monitoring/supervising through inspection
activities (short-term)
AY2-3: Organizing seminars for introduction of good practice on pollution control in
Myanmar (short-term)
AY2-4: Setting consultation desks in district/township ECD offices to provide
advices/information to factories on pollution control (middle-term)
AY2-5: Examining the possibility to promote water environment management (e.g.
awarding system with some incentives, establishment of low interest fund, consultation on
cleaner production) in Yangon Region, through research for similar systems in ASEAN
countries (middle-term)
Key Strategy 3: Development of water environment management plans and its implementation
in priority areas
AY3-1: Improvement of domestic and commercial wastewater of existing factories
(short-term to middle-term)
AY3-2: Expansion of sewerage areas (middle-term to long-term)
AY3-3: Development of water environment management plans and its implementation in
the priority areas (short-term to middle term)
[ECD Yangon Region]
AY3-4: Establishment of water quality testing laboratory (middle-term)
AY3-5: Starting-up and implementation of surface water quality monitoring in rivers in
the Region (middle-term to long-term)
Source: YCDC, ECD Yangon Region, and JET
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Mandalay City
Patheingy T.s.
Amarappura T.s.
Sitgaing T.s.
Downstream of
Yeywa Dam
Doke Hta Waddy Upstream
(in Mandalay City)
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Downstream area of Doke Hta Waddy River and Taung Tha Man Lake
(Pilot Area of Mandalay)
As shown in Figure 3-2, this report mainly focuses on the downstream area of the Doke Hta
Waddy River and the Taung Tha Man Lake Basin in Mandalay City and Amarappura,
Patheingy, and Sitgaing townships as the pilot area because the wastewater from the industrial
zones such as the Pyi Gyee Tagon industrial zone which is the biggest industrial zone in
Mandalay City, may deteriorate the water quality in these areas.
Figure 3-2 Map of Downstream of Doke Hta Waddy River and Taung Tha Man Lake
(Pilot Area of Mandalay)
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Figure 3-3 shows a topography map around Mandalay City including Doke Hta Waddy River
basin. The area in and around Mandalay City along Ayawaddy River including the area
downstream of Doke Hta Waddy River is largely floodplain. The city is bound by hills and the
mountain ranges in the east side of city.
Table 3-1 and Table 3-2 show monthly mean temperature and monthly rainfall in Mandalay
from 2005 to 2014. As for temperature, the hottest month in a year is April (33.3 ºC) and the
coldest month is January (22.4 ºC). The difference between the highest and the lowest monthly
average temperature is around 10 ºC. The rainfall pattern in Mandalay is distinctly divided into
rainy season (May to October) and dry season (November to April).
Table 3-1 Monthly Mean Temperature in Mandalay District (Average), Years 2005-2014
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Mean Temperature
22.4 25.0 29.2 32.3 31.9 31.2 31.1 30.4 29.8 28.9 26.4 22.6
Source: 2015 Myanmar Statistical Yearbook, Central Statistical Organization, Ministry of National Planning and
Economic Development
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Geology information in Mandalay is limited during basic information and data collection in the
Project activities. According to Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) for the Mandalay
Urban Services Improvement Project funded by ADB, the geology of Mandalay City is
composed of Quaternary unconsolidated sediments of Middle Pleistocene to Holocene age: the
fluvial sediments of the Ayeyarwaddy River and the piedmont colluvium deposits from the
marginal highlands of the Shan Plateau. Rock types in Mandalay region include both hard rocks
such as limestone, dolomite, gneiss, schist, and granitic rocks, and soft rocks such as sandstone,
shale, limestone and conglomerate.
Soil Condition
Figure 3-4 shows soil map of Mandalay. Several types of soils are observed in Mandalay City
area and Ayeyarwaddy River. Mountain red earth soils, cinnamon soils and dark compact
savannah soils cover together more than the eastern half of the city.
Source: IEE for the Mandalay Urban Services Improvement Project (ADB, 2015)
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Administrative Boundary
Figure 3-5 shows township boundaries in Mandalay Region. In the pilot area of Doke Hta
Waddy River and Taung Tha Man Lake, there are seven townships in the Mandalay District as
1. Aungmyetharzan Township.
2. Chanayetharzan Township.
3. Mahaaungmye Township.
4. Chanmyatharzi Township.
5. Pyigyidagun Township.
6. Amarapura Township.
7. Patheingyi Township.
Table 3-3 shows the population of the seven townships which are located in the pilot area. 1.5
million people live in these townships and 84.1% of them live in urban area of the townships.
Table 3-3 Population of Townships located in the project area in Mandalay shown as
gender and urban/rural population
Township Total Male Female Ratio Urban Rural
Aungmyetharzan 265,779 129,959 135,820 95.7 265,779 - 100
Source: The 2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census, Union Report, Census Report Volume 2.
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Source: MIMU
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Industrial Activities
Table 3-4 shows the industrial zone in the pilot area of Mandalay. There is the only one
industrial zone; named “Pyi Gyi Tagon industrial zone” in Mandalay City. Around 1,400
factories are located in the indusrial zone which opened in during 1990. The major sectors are
general, mineral, and food and beverage factories. shows location of the Pyi Gyi Tagon
industrial zone in the pilot area of Mandalay.
Source: JET
Figure 3-6 Location of Pyi Gyi Tagon Industrial Zone in Mandalay City
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Land Use
Figure 3-7 shows land use map in Mandalay City in 2014, the largest portion is residential area,
and followed by military and heritage areas. Outside of the map, Pyi Gyi Tagon Industrial Zone
is located in the western part of the city and agricultural area is also located in west from the
Mandalay City.
Source: Land Use/Land Cover Change Mapping of Mandalay City presented by Dr. Myint Myint Khaing, Mandalay
Technology University (International Land Cover/Land Use Changes Regional Science Team Meeting in
South/Southeast Asia, 2016)
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Water Distribution Well, Electricity,
Storage, Sanitation Section
Section Machinery Section
Maintenance Section 52 Officer and Staff
190 Officer and Staff 100 Officer and Staff
53 Officer and Staff
Source: MCDC-WSD (JET modified based on “PREPARATORY SURVEY for the Project for Implement of Water
Cleaning Department
The Cleaning Department (MCDC-CD) is in charge of solid waste management, license
issuance and inspection including pollution control in Mandalay City. CD has more than 2,000
officers, staffs, workers and consists of: (i) Branch controlling three townships, (ii) Branch
controlling three townships including Pyi Gyi Tagon township, (iii) Head of Branch for Public
Branch, and (iv) other offices as shown in Figure 3-9. Main activities of MCDC-CD related to
water environment management are (i) inspection, and (ii) solid waste management.
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Chan Aye Maha Aung Chan Mya Pyi Gyi
Myae Thar Amarapura
Thar San Myae Thar Si Tagon
Officers -9
Staffs - 104
Labors/Workers - 1940
ECD Mandalay
ECD Mandalay was established in 2013 and has 21 officers in total: one Director, one Assistant
Director, three Staff Officers and six Deputy Staff Officers. ECD Mandalay has two sections
(Natural Resources Conservations, EIA and PCD section and Management, Finance, Policy and
Education section), but there is no staff for Management, Finance, Policy and Education section
as of December 2015 as shown in Figure 3.6. Main activities of ECD Mandalay related to water
environment management include conducting/joining inspections and environmental education
to school children. As for activities of inspections, there are three types of inspections: (i)
conducting inspection by ECD Mandalay, (ii) joining inspection by Ministry of Industry (MOI),
(iii) joining inspection by MCDC.
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Director (1)
Source: JET based on the hering from ECD Mandalay (as of 2016)
Upstream Area
In the upstream area of Doke Hta Waddy River, main water uses are hydropower and irrigation
as shown in Figure 3-11. Yeywa Dam is the largest hydropower dam in Myanmar (790 MW)
which has been in operations since 2010. According to Electric Power Generation Enterprise
(EPGE), Ministry of Energy and Electricity (MOEE), the average monthly water discharge at
highest and lowest month in 2016 are in August (1,160 m3/s) and in March (210 m3/s). There
are four main intake points for irrigation in the upstream of the river.
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Yeywa Dam
Intake for Irrigation
Figure 3-11 Water Uses in the upstream of Doke Hta Waddy River
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Thaung Tha Man Lake Domestic water
supply by MCDC Water Body
(planned) Intake for Irrigation
Figure 3-12 Water Uses in the downstream of Doke Hta Waddy River
Table 3-5 Summary of Water Quality Survey Plan for Doke Hta Waddy River Basin
Item Contents
Sampling Point Doke Hta Waddy River: 3 – 4 points, depending on the survey time
Wastewater pipeline discharging to Doke Hta Waddy: 1 point
Taung Tha Man Lake: 2 – 3 points
Flow path to Taung Tha Man Lake :4 – 7 points depending on the survey time
Ayeyarwaddy River: 0 – 1 point, depending on the survey time
Shwe Kyin Creek: 0 – 1 point, depending on the survey time
Sampling Time 1st survey: dry season in 2016
2nd survey: rainy season in 2016
3rd survey: dry season in 2017
4th survey: rainy season in 2017
5th survey: dry season in 2018
Measurement Parameters [All points]
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Item Contents
pH, EC, DO, TDS, salinity, turbidity, water temperature, ORP
[Basic points]
Flow rate (if available), TSS, BOD, COD, oil and grease, total coliform
[Representative points]
Total phosphorus, total nitrogen, cyanide, phenols, zinc, total chromium, hexavalent
chromium, arsenic, total mercury, cadmium, and lead
Color, odor, iron and manganese in the 1st survey
Copper phosphate, ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and nitrite nitrogen in the 1st –
3rd surveys
[Only one or two points]
Pesticides* and PCB
* Total organic chlorine pesticides and total organic phosphorus pesticides for second and third surveys.
* Aldrin, atrazine, 4,4'-DDD, 4,4'-DDE, 4,4'-DDT, endosulfan, endosulfan sulfate, endrin, HCH-alpha (benzene hexachloride-
alpha), HCH-beta, HCH-delta, HCH-gamma(Lindane), alachlor, diazinon, chlorpyrifos, dimethoate and imidacloprid for fourth and
fifth surveys
Source: JET
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Source: JET
Figure 3-13 Sampling Points of Water Quality Surveys in Doke Hta Waddy River Basin
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Table 3-6 Classification of BOD and COD Levels in Doke Hta Waddy River Basin
Unit: mg/L
Target Rainy Season(Sep 2017) Dry Season(Feb 2018) Rainy Season(Sep 2017) Dry Season(Feb 2018)
Min Max Average Min Max Average Min Max Average Min Max Average
River Doke Hta Waddy River 1.1 5.4 3.7 4.7 5.7 5.0 4.2 6 5.2 2.8 5.2 3.6
Ayeyarwaddy River 5.4 4.7 11 4.4
Lake Taung Tha Man Lake 5.4 6.0 5.7 23 357 190 28 28 28 130 280 205
Creek Inflow to Taung Tha Man
(LKP Stream, UST Bridge, 2.3 6.6 4.4 9.8 354 206 14 70 32 21 540 209
Pa Yan Taw Creek,
Columbo Creek)
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Table 3-7 Comparison with Draft Drinking Water Quality Standard for
Existing/Possible Domestic Water Supply (Doke Hta Waddy River Basin)
Source: JET
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Inflow creek
Inflow creek to
to Taung Tha Man Lake
Taung Tha Man Lake
Taung Tha Man Leke
Figure 3-14 Water Quality and Pollution Load Changes between Rainy Season and Dry
Season (Doke Hta Waddy River Basin)
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IV Fishery for smelt etc. 0.05 mg/L or less 0.6 mg/L or less
Fishery for smelt etc., industrial water,
V agricultural water, and conservation of the 0.1 mg/L or less 1 mg/L or less
1 Standard values are based on daily average values.
2 Standard values for total phosphorous are not applicable to water for agricultural use.
Source: JET
Figure 3-15 Water Quality Changes in Northern Taung Tha Man Lake
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Figure 3-16 Number of Factories in Industrial Zones in Doke Hta Waddy River Basin
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Figure 3-17 Number of Employees in Industrial Zones in Doke Hta Waddy River Basin
Some of the results, such as the analytical results of total nitrogen, were deemed suspicious.
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7, 28%
6, 24%
Source: JET
Figure 3-18 Target Sectors for Wastewater Sampling in Period 1 (Upper) and
Period 2 (Lower) in Doke Hta Waddy River Basin
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Table 3-11 summarizes the results of comparison with the guideline values for BOD, COD,
total nitrogen (T-N) and total phosphorus (T-P) which are different by sector. Wastewater from
around 60% of factories (12 out of 19 factories for T-N and 12 out of 19 factories for T-P) met
the guideline values of T-N and T-P. T-N, and T-P are high ratio of meeting the guideline value
than the value for BOD and COD because no factories met the guideline value for BOD and
only around 10% of factories (3 out of 20 factories for COD) met the guideline value for COD.
Table 3-11 Comparison Results of BOD, COD, T-N, and T-P with NEQEG in Mandalay
(Period 2)
Category BOD COD T-N T-P
Equal to or under NEQEG Value 0 3 12 12
Over NEQEG Value 20 17 7 8
No Evaluation 5 5 6 5
Total 25 25 25 25
Note: "Pulp and / or Paper Mills" have NEQEG value with different unit as "kg/Air dried metric ton" and some
sectors do not have NEQEG value for these parameter.
Source: JET
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Table 3-12 Number of Target Factories for each Sector (analyzed in Japan)
Serial Number
No. Sector Number of Factories
1 Food and Beverage Processing 1
2 Breweries and Distilleries 2
3 Textiles Manufacturing 1
4 Tanning and Leather Finishing 2
5 Pulp and / or Paper Mills 1
6 Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology Manufacturing 1
Semiconductors and Other Electronics Manufacturing
7 1
* Battery factories were selected.
Total 9
Source: JET
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Ayeyarwaddy River directly, so this area was excluded from the pilot area because the
wastewater in west part of Mandalay City is not linked with Doke Hta Waddy River.
Doke Hta Waddy River is located in the southern part of Mandalay City and the wastewater
from Pyi Gyi Tagon IZ is collected through a 10-inch-pipeline constructed by MCDC and
discharged to the river. MCDC has entrusted a private company to construct a centralized
wastewater treatment plant by Build-Operation-Transfer (BOT) scheme in the outskirt of the
industrial zone before the outlet of the pipeline to the river.
As for intake points for domestic water supply from rivers, there is currently one and another
one being planned by MCDC: (i) intake point from Ayeyarwaddy River for water supply to
Mandalay City, and (ii) planned intake point at 10km upstream from the discharge point of the
10-inch-pipeline in Doke Hta Waddy River. As for other water use, Taung Tha Man Lake is
used for fisheries, recreation, and flood control. Doke Hta Waddy River is used for irrigation,
ship navigation, recreation, and domestic for residences along the river.
10 Inch Pipeline
Figure 3-19 Pollution Pathways to Rivers with Locations of Industrial Zones and
Existing and Planned Intake Points for Water Supply in the Pilot Area of Mandalay
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At Source 661,583
3,109 68,678
Reaching River
3,109 6,616
Leather 45 ,
Pesticide/ Fertilizer
2,244 , 72%
Metal Smelting
Figure 3-20 Estimated Pollution Load in Doke Hta Waddy River Basin (Upper Right:
Pollution Load at Source and reaching to Rivers by Sector, Lower Right: Industrial
Pollution Load by Industries)
6 Industrial wastewater from Pyi Gyi Tagon Industrial Zone is discharges in two directions: discharge to Doke Hta
Waddy River through 10-inch pipeline and discharge to Taung Tha Man Lake through creeks. The amount of each
wastewater discharge is fifty and fifty.
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3,109 1,470
3,109 882
Reaching River 17,961
At Source 175 1,365
Reaching River 140 68
Figure 3-21 Estimated Pollution Load in Taung Tha Man Lake Basin
(BOD, T-N, and T-P Pollution Load at Source and reaching to Rivers by Sector)
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7 Monthly average of water discharge from Yeywa dam is around 200 m3/s in the lowest month (Jul), 1,100 m3/s in
the highest month (Aug) according to daily data in 2016 provided by EPGE under MOEE.
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10 inch pipeline Case 0 0.03 m3/s (capacity of WWTP) with 6,500 mg/L (without treatment, inlet BOD of WWTP)
Case 1 0.05 m3/s (twice of Case 0) with 6,500 mg/L (same as Case 0)
and Future
Case 2 0.05 m3/s (twice of Case 0) with 50 mg/L (with treatment by WWTP)
Future Water supply Case 0 0 m3/s (current)
(2 mil people 200 L/p/d) Case 1 5 m3/s (for 2mil people, 200L/p/d)
Case 2 Ditto
Source: JET
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Water Recycling 6 94
Others 0 100
Yes No
Figure 3-23 Measures to Minimize Water Pollution in Factories in Doke Hta Waddy
River Basin
In this survey, facilities, such as equalization tank and chemical coagulation, were included in primary
treatment, though primary treatment usually refers to physical removal of solid by screening and settling.
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to the secondary treatment9 to remove organic matter, 5 % of the factories were equipped with
facility in Pyi Gyi Tagon IZ in Mandalay (see Figure 3-25).
Screen 22 78
Equalization Tank 4 96
Settling Basin 34 66
Yes No
Figure 3-24 Status of Primary Treatment Installation in the Doke Hta Waddy River
Activation Sludge 4 96
UASB 1 99
Removal of
0 100
Toxic Sustances
Yes No
Figure 3-25 Status of Secondary Treatment Installation in Doke Hta Waddy River Basin
9 In this survey, basic septic tank was included in secondary treatment. Also, removal of toxic substances was
included in this category for simplicity, although the process of removal of toxic substances is often chemical and
not biological.
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Another concern these factories are facing is the difficulty to install an adequate wastewater
treatment plant (WWTP). These factories cite various reasons, such as absence of internal or
external expert, other factories are not compliant, high cost compared with benefit, limited land,
etc. In Mandalay, lack of expertise, unrealistic regulation and limited land appear to be the main
difficulties factories are facing to install treatment facilities (see Figure 3-26).
0 1 2 3 4 5
Figure 3-26 Difficulties of WWTP Installation in the Doke Hta Waddy River Basin
Table 3-13 Inspections by ECD Mandalay Region in April 2016 – March 2017
Number of
Types of Inspection Inspections (Apr.
2016 – Mar. 2017)
Mandalay 1) Regular Inspection of ECD (Mandalay) 46
2) Inspection by ECD (Mandalay) according to Complaints 16
3) Inspection by ECD (Mandalay) according to instruction of Union 18
4) Inspection by ECD (Mandalay) according to instruction of Region 108
Total 188
Source: JET based on information provided by ECD
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Source: IEE for the Mandalay Urban Services Improvement Project (ADB and AFD, 2015)
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3-14 and Table 3-15 summarize the issues and suggested measures to control pollution and
improve water environment management.
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- Key Strategy 1: Water environment conservation for future water use of Doke Hta Waddy
- Key Strategy 2: Improvement of water quality of Taung Tha Man Lake to increase value
of the lake for tourism, recreation, fisheries, etc.
The key strategies shall be finalized by the CP organizations themselves within a few years after
completion of the project to achieve the overall goal indicators.
Key Strategy1: Water environment conservation for future water use of Doke
Hta Waddy River
In Doke Hta Waddy River basin, water quality is very good at the moment and sufficient
volume of river water is available even in the dry season due to controlled operation of Yeywa
hydropower dam. In addition, there are few pollution sources except the 10-inch pipeline
discharging industrial wastewater from Pyi Gyi Tagon IZ. Two key actions were proposed,
namely, (i) organizing a coordination committee for water use right and setting maintenance
flow, and (ii) operation of the centralized wastewater treatment plant currently under
construction to control pollution in Doke Hta Waddy River basin led by MCDC. Moreover, the
following actions are necessary and should be added to the key strategies from the view point of
prevention of pollution and water conservation:
- Increasing the capacity to treat industrial wastewater from Pyi Gyi Tagon IZ in the event more
factories start operations on the vacant areas in the IZ
- Setting regulations or rules for investment in large-volume water intake and/or discharging of
wastewater from/to Doke Hta Waddy River in the future especially in the upstream of the
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participation in awareness raising activities for farmers regarding proper application of fertilizer
organized by DOA Mandalay Region, and following-up on the notification on preparation of
EMPs by existing factories in nine sectors. Based on the results of the pollution load analysis,
control of domestic wastewater is considered critical in reducing pollution load to the lake, and
MCDC plans to expand the sewerage coverage area in the future.
It should be noted that, as the water quality and hydrology of the lake change dramatically or
fluctuated over time/seasons, further monitoring data are necessary to examine the mechanism
of water pollution in the lake. It may take time to improve water quality of the lake based on
experiences in improving lake water quality compared to developed countries such as Japan.
Thus, development of water pollution reduction plan in Taung Tha Man Lake basin should be
added to the key strategies based on the results of detailed examination of the mechanism of
water pollution in the lake.
Table 3-16 Outline of Action Plans for Water Pollution Control and Water Environment
Management in the Pilot Area of Mandalay
Target year Short term: FY2020-21 (from October 2018 to September 2021)
Middle term: FY2022-23 (from October 2021 to September 2023)
Long term: FY2027-28 (from October 2023 to September 2028)
Key Key Strategy 1: Water environment conservation for future water use of Doke Hta Waddy
Strategies River
Key Strategy 2: Improvement of water quality of Taung Tha Man Lake to increase value of
resource of the lake for tourism, recreation, fisheries, etc.
Actions and Key Strategy 1: Water environment conservation for future water use of Doke Hta Waddy
Schedule River
AM1-1: Setting a coordination committee among DWIR/MOT, MOALI, MOEE, ECD
Mandalay Region, MCDC for water use right and setting the maintenance flow of Doke
Hta Waddy River (short-term)
AM1-2: Completion of construction and starting operation of the centralized wastewater
treatment plant (on-going, short-term to middle-term)
AM1-3: Installation of the water supply system from Doke Hta Waddy River (middle-
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factories associated with large pollution load through guidance seminars to each industrial
zone, collection from DISI/MOI, collection through inspection activity by ECD
Mandalay Region and collection from CD/MCDC out of Mandalay City (short-term)
AM1-5 Establishment of monitoring/supervising system to check status of preparation of
EMPs by the prioritized factories, such as monitoring/supervising through inspection
activities out of Mandalay City (short-term)
AM1-6: Starting-up and implementation of surface water quality monitoring in rivers in
the Region out of Mandalay City (middle-term to long-term)
Key Strategy 2: Improvement of water quality of Taung Tha Man Lake to increase value of the
lake for tourism, recreation, fisheries, etc.
AM2-1: Monitoring of connection status of the 10-inch-pipeline (started, short-term)
AM2-2: Issuing a notification of installation of wastewater treatment system to new large
scaled facilities, such as housing, commercial, hotel, hospital, and school development
(drafting, short-term)
AM2-3: Participation in awareness raising activities for farmers by Department of
Agriculture (DOA) in Mandalay Region regarding proper application of fertilizer to
reduce impact of nitrogen and phosphorus to Taung Tha Man Lake and collaboration of
the activities with DOA (already implemented by DOA, short-term)
AM2-4: Establishment of a plan for monitoring of eutrophication status in Taung Tha
Man Lake including water quality, flow rate, water level (short-term)
AM2-5: Expansion of the sewerage area in Mandalay City (middle-term to long-term)
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Issues at
Identified issues Regional Level Regional Water Environment Management Strategies
to be solved in the pilot area of Yangon and Mandalay
- Impact from industries - To understand regional issues and take actions (e.g.
- Water environment wastewater from IZs, priority sector to be controlled)
conservation - To conserve water environment for water use (e.g.
- Necessity Pollution water supply for Mandalay City, Yangon City/ Region)
control tools (legal - To improve current water quality in important area in
biding document, Issues at Regional Level (e.g. TTML, Pan Hling River)
support of factories) National Level
- Surface water quality National Water Environment Management Strategies
standards with - To identify priorities areas to be controlled among
analytical method state and regions in the country
etc.. - To provide environment management tools to
support env management at regional level by
unified policies/ regulations/ systems
- To strengthening organization in ECD HQ and
Regional ECD
Source: JET
Figure 4-1 Approaches to Development of Strategies for Water Pollution Control from
Industries and Water Environment Management at the National and Regional Levels and
Their Functions
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- To utilize the functions of regional ECDs as much as possible in line with the strategy
of localization by ECD Headquarters, such as expanding ECD office at the district and
township levels;
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- To develop actions for “pollution control” and “environment management other than
pollution control (PCD)” separately because PCD has been divided into “pollution
control division” and “environmental quality standard division (EQSD)” since April
2018; and
- To utilize current regulation tools and activities on pollution control, such as EIA
procedures, National Environment Quality (Emission) Guidelines, notification on
preparation of EMPs by existing factories in the 9 sectors, and inspection.
Based on the above three principles, the strategies for Water Environment Management (Water
Pollution Control from Industries) at the National Level and their action plans were developed.
The actions under the strategies are divided into three terms: short term plan (within three
years), mid-term plan (within five years), and long-term plan (within 10 years) with the
following goals:
- Short term goal: Important industrial pollution sources associated with large pollution
emission in the country are identified and surface water quality in key rivers at national
level are started to be monitored by FY 2020-21 (within three years)
- Middle term goal: All of the industrial pollution sources in the country are identified
and some pollution control tools are introduced by FY 2022-23 (within five years)
- Long term goal: Industrial pollution control and environmental management system by
government organizations are in the level of ASEAN top five by FY2027-28 (within 10
Table 4-1 shows the action plans for industrial wastewater pollution control and environment
management at the national level. Table 4-2 shows detailed action plans and implementation
[Industrial Pollution Control]
- Key Strategy 3: Development of Surface Water Quality Standards and National Water
Quality Monitoring Network
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Table 4-1 Outline of Action Plans for Industrial Wastewater Pollution Control and
Environment Management at National Level
Goal Short term goal: Important industrial pollution sources associated with large pollution
emission in the country are identified and surface water quality in key rivers
at national level are started to be monitored by FY 2020-21
Middle term goal: All of the industrial pollution sources in the country are identified and some
pollution control tools are introduced by FY 2022-23
Long term goal: Industrial pollution control and environmental management system by
government organizations are in the level of ASEAN top five by FY2027-38
Target year Short term: FY2020-21 (from October 2018 to September 2021)
Middle term: FY2022-23 (from October 2021 to September 2023)
Long term: FY2027-28 (from October 2023 to September 2028)
Key [Industrial Pollution Control]
Strategies Key Strategy 1: Development of National Pollution Source Inventory
Key Strategy 2: Strengthening pollution control system
[Water Environmental Management]
Key Strategy 3: Development of Surface Water Quality Standards and National Water Quality
Monitoring Network
Key Strategy 4: Promoting actions for water environment management
[Strengthening Organizations]
Key Strategy 5: Strengthening organizations in response to decentralization
Actions and [Industrial Pollution Control]
Schedule Key Strategy 1: Development of National Pollution Source Inventory
NA 1-1: Follow-up notification on preparation of EMP by existing factories in 9 sectors
(Short to Middle Term)
NA1-2: Strengthening monitoring system after issuing ECCs (or completion of EIA/
IEE/ EMP Study) (Short to Middle Term)
NA1-3: Development of pollution source inventory system (upgrading pollution source
database) (Short to Middle Term)
NA1-4: Development of National Pollution Source Inventory (Middle Term)
Key Strategy 2: Strengthening Pollution Control System
NA2-1: Strengthening Enforcement and Promotion of Environmental Compliance
(Short Term)
NA2-2: Formulating National Environmental Quality (Emission) Standards (Short
NA2-3: Promotion of centralized wastewater treatment plants (Short to Long Term)
NA2-4: Strengthening inspection activities (Short to Middle Term)
NA2-5: Development of pollution control tools (Short to Long Term)
[Strengthening Organizations]
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Short Term Middle Term Long Term
Strategy/ Key Activity Implementers FY2018-19 FY2019-20 FY2020-21
FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
1. Industrial Pollution Control
Key Strategy 1: Development of National Pollution Source Inventory
Action 1-1: Follow-up Notification on Preparation of EMP by Existing Factories in 9
1-1-1) Preparation of list of factories each sector, industrial zone, and State/ Region PCD/ Regional
through past inspections in ECD ECD
1-1-2) Preparation of format of EMP for existing 9 sectors EIA Div.
PCD/ Regional
(500 factories) of 9 sectors and guidance through inspection activities ECD
PCD/ Regional
1-1-14) Continues to implement the above actions
Action 1-2: Strengthening monitoring system after Issuing ECC for new factories
Project for Capacity Development in Basic Water Environment
Continuous activities
Intermediate activities
Short Term Middle Term Long Term
Strategy/ Key Activity Implementers FY2018-19 FY2019-20 FY2020-21
FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Key Strategy 2: Strengthening Pollution Control
Action 2-1: Strengthening Enforcement and Promotion of Environmental Compliance
2-1-1) Selection of priptoty target sectors to be Investigated PCD
2-1-2) Analyzing operation and environmental performance of key target industrial PCD
2-1-3) Strengthening enforcement of environmental law and regulations PCD
2-1-4) Strengthening promotion and facilitation of environmental compliance PCD
2-1-5) Development of a roadmap to control industrial pollution PCD
2-4-4) Inspection by ECD HQ and summarize inspection report at national level PCD
2-4-5) Updating Inspection Manual PCD
Action 2-5: Development of Pollution Control Tools
Project for Capacity Development in Basic Water Environment
Regional ECD
3-2-6) Development of National Surface Water Quality Monitoring Network (2nd EQSD
3-2-7) Starting National Surface Water Quality Monitoring (2nd Phase) EQSD
3-2-8) Development of National Surface Water Quality Monitoring Network (3rd EQSD
3-2-9) Starting National Surface Water Quality Monitoring (3rd Phase) EQSD
Continuous activities
Intermediate activities
Short Term Middle Term Long Term
Strategy/ Key Activity Implementers FY2018-19 FY2019-20 FY2020-21
FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY25-26 FY26-27 FY27-28
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Action 3-3: Establishment of Water Quality Testing Laboratory and Standardization of
Environmental Analytical Method
3-3-1) Procurement of equipment & construction of building EQSD
3-3-2) Preparation of laboratory analysis and SOPs (Technical guideline for
laboratory analysis )
3-3-3) Starting laboratory analysis & stepwise upgrading the laboratory EQSD
Regional ECD
PCD/ Regional
4-2-6) Organizing clean up campaign
Project for Capacity Development in Basic Water Environment
4-2-7) Organizing water quality monitoring by simple test kits for awareness raising
Regional ECD
4-2-8) Continues to implement the above actions
Regional ECD
Action 4-3: Preparation of State of Pollution every 5 years
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Management and EIA System in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Figure 5-1 Outline of the Special Purpose Project on Strengthening Enforcement and
Promotion of Environmental Compliance
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Figure 5-2, and they are commonly used in ASEAN countries. Thus, it is recommended
that MONREC will investigate which environment management tools can be introduced
to Myanmar.
Regulatory approach EIA, Water pollution control act, effluent standard, inspection,
penalty, monitoring, pollution control agreement
Source: JET
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Management and EIA System in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Attachment 1: Pollution load analysis in the pilot area of Yangon (Case Study 1)
Attachment 2: Pollution load analysis in the pilot area of Mandalay (Case Study 2)
Attachment 4: Preliminary estimation of dilution capacity for water quality leading to future
water resource management in Doke Hta Waddy River (Case Study 4)
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Project for Capacity Development in Basic Water Environment Water Quality Status Report
Management and EIA System in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Table A1-1 Outline of Case Study 1 (Pollution Load Analysis in the Pilot Area of Yangon)
Item Description
Target Level and [Target level]
Area Regional Level (Yangon)
[Target Area]
Hlaing River Basin, Yangon
Objective To identify key pollution sources to be controlled in the pilot area in Yangon City
Methodology Sectoral pollution loads are estimated based on available information and unit of pollution load in
order to prioritize sectors required to control wastewater.
Expected outcome The results of the pollution load analysis with prioritized sectors required to control wastewater can
be a basic information to make a certain strategy for water environment management to conserve
water uses in Hlaing River basin in future.
Target Decision Mayor and Committee Member of YCDC/Yangon Region Government
Source: JET
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Source: JET
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Pollution Load at
Entry point to
water course
Main River
Source: JET
Figure A1-2 Relation between Pollution Load at Source and Exported Pollution Load
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Management and EIA System in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Table A1-2 Basic Information for Pollution Load Analysis (Industry Sector)
Nine Target Sectors Number of
No. DISI Category Detailed Categories
(for EMP) Employee
Distillery (Distillery) 555
Beverage/Dairy (Food & Beverages) 1,170
Rice/Noodle (Food & Beverages) 1,013
1 Food and Beverages Fish/Meat/Cold
(Food & Beverages) 3,082
Store/Sea Food
Sugar (Sugar) 0
Oil (Sesame) (Food & Beverages) 26
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Table A1-3 Basic Information for Pollution Load Analysis (Other than Industry Sector)
Whole of the Hlaing River Pilot Area of Hlaing River in
Item Description
Basin Yangon City (5 townships)
1. Catchment area Total Area 3,195 km2 207 km2
2. Domestic Urban population 2,278,707 1,695,096
Rural population/ 623,611 40,000
3. Livestock No. of Cow/ buffalo 308,000 18,000
No. of Pig 150,000 9,000
No. Poultry 3,150,000 186,000
4. Non-point Urban 10% 48%
Agriculture 78% 29%
Others 12% 23%
Source: JET based on various information sources
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Aside from unit pollution loads of industrial sector in Japan, information from JICA sewerage
master plan in Yangon, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan (2015)
and BASIN/PLOAD model of USEPA (2001) was also used to set the unit pollution load for
different pollution sources.
Run-off Ratio
A run-off ratio is percentage of discharged pollution load which reaches a mainstream of river
from a pollution source. If pollution load from a pollution source is directly discharged to a
mainstream of river, its run-off ratio is 1. This means that all the pollution load reaches the
mainstream. On the other hand, if pollution load from a pollution source is indirectly discharged
to a mainstream of river, e.g. through a tributary, channel, drainage, etc., the pollution load is
often reduced before reaching the mainstream due to self-purification process. As a result, its
run-off ratio is below 1. Table A1-6 summarizes the run-off ratios set for different sectors and
areas through a calibration process using the surface water quality monitoring data and the river
flow rate.
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in the Hlaing River basin, and 63,000 kg/day of generated BOD reaches the Hlaing River and
the Pan Hlaing River. Among 63,000 kg/day of pollution load reaching the rivers, 60% is from
domestic wastewater, 36% is from industries, and 4% is from livestock and non-point sources.
Evidently, sewage from domestic sources is the main source of BOD load but the contribution
of industrial sources is also significant. The major types of industries which generate large
pollution load are distillery, food and beverage, and textile, and these three industries generate
93% of BOD pollution load from industrial sources.
Food and
Textile/ Dyeing 8,387, 38%
Paper/ Pulp
Pesticide/ Fertilizer
11,112, 50%
Metal Smelting
0, 0%
Figure A1-6 Estimated Pollution Load in the Pilot Area of Yangon (Upper Left:
Pollution Load Generated at Source and Reaching Rivers by Sector, Lower Left:
Industrial Pollution Load by Industries)
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Table A2-1 Outline of Case Study 2 (Pollution Load Analysis in the Pilot Area of
Item Description
Target Level and [Target level]
Area Regional Level (Mandalay)
[Target Area]
Doke Hta Waddy River basin and the catchment area of Taung Tha Man Lake
Objective To identify key pollution sources to be controlled in the Doke Hta Waddy River basin and the
catchment of Taung Tha Man Lake
Methodology Sectoral pollution loads are estimated based on the existing available information and unit of
pollution load to set prioritize sectors required to control wastewater.
Expected outcome The results of the pollution load analysis with prioritized sectors required to control wastewater can
be a basic information to make a certain strategy for water environment management to conserve
water uses in the Doke Hta Waddy River and the Taung Tha Man Lake.
Target Decision Mayor and Committee Member of MCDC/ Mandalay Region Government
Source: JET
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Table A2-2 Basic Information for Pollution Load Analysis (Industry Sector)
Nine Target Sectors Number of
No. DISI Category Detailed Categories
(for EMP) Employee
Distillery (Distillery) 297
Beverage/Dairy (Food & Beverages) 276
Rice/Noodle (Food & Beverages) 22
1 Food and Beverages Fish/Meat/Cold
(Food & Beverages) 5
Store/Sea Food
Sugar (Sugar) 193
Oil (Sesame) (Food & Beverages) 502
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Table A2-3 Basic Information for Pollution Load Analysis (Other than Industry)
Whole of the Doke Hta Catchment of Taung Tha
Item Description
Waddy River Man Lake
1. Catchment area Total Area 17,098 km2 227 km2
2. Domestic Urban population 0 812,269
Rural population/ squatter 2,310,477 13,000
3. Livestock No. of Cow/ buffalo 971,000 25,000
No. of Pig 170,000 4,000
No. Poultry 2,194,000 55,000
4. Non-point Urban 6% 26%
Agriculture 53% 45%
Others 41% 29%
Source: JET based on various information sources
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At Source 661,583
3,109 68,678
Reaching River
3,109 6,616
Leather 45 ,
Pesticide/ Fertilizer
2,244 , 72%
Metal Smelting
Figure A2-3 Estimated Pollution Load in Doke Hta Waddy River Basin (Upper Right:
Pollution Load at Source and reaching to Rivers by Sector, Lower Right: Industrial
Pollution Load by Industries)
10 Industrial wastewater from Pyi Gyi Tagon Industrial Zone is discharges in two directions: discharge to the Doke
Hta Waddy River through 10-inch pipeline and discharge to Taung Tha Man Lake through creeks. The amount of
each wastewater discharge is fifty and fifty.
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3,109 1,470
3,109 882
Reaching River 17,961
At Source 175 1,365
Reaching River 140 68
Figure A2-4 Estimated Pollution Load in Taung Tha Man Lake Basin
(BOD, T-N, and T-P Pollution Load at Source and reaching to Rivers by Sector)
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Source: JET
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P EQ Coagulation
Flocculation Disinfection
Pump pit tank Aeration
Clarifier 1 Clarifier 2
① ② ③
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Arrangement of Funds
Government SPC
(Yangon Region Government)
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Table A4-1 Outline of Case Study 4 (Preliminary Estimation of Dilution Capacity for
Water Quality leading to future water resource management in Doke Hta Waddy River)
Item Description
Target Level and [Target level]
Area Regional Level (Mandalay)
[Target Area]
Doke Hta Waddy River
Objective To examine dilution capacity for water quality in Doke Hta Waddy River, and to consider available
water resource taking into account any future development along the target river such as a new
hydropower plant upstream of Yeywa dam, a small weir with hydropower function, and irrigation
Methodology Water quality in the current and future are estimated based on existing water quality data and water
volume information especially water discharge from hydropower dam and water intakes for
irrigation. Based on the existing information dilution capacity for water quality in Doke Hta
Waddy River will be estimated as preliminary examination.
Expected Outcome The results of estimation of dilution capacity for Doke Hta Waddy water quality can be utilized for
coordination of water resource management among water users such as MCDC, Irrigation
Department and Fishery Department of MOALI, Electricity Power Generation Enterprise of
Ministry of Electricity and Energy, Directorate Water Resources and Improvement of River
System of Ministry of Transport and Communication.
Target Decision Mayor and Committee Member of MCDC, Mandalay Regional Government
Source: JET
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Source: JET
Source: JET
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Table A4-2 Basic Information for Examination of Dilution Capacity (Existing Condition)
No. Category Items Amount Source
200 m3/s at the average
Discharge from Yeywa dam EPGE of MOEE
of lowest month (Jul)
1 Water use
10 m3/s as the maximum Irrigation Department
Intake for irrigation
volume of Mandalay Region
Results of 5th Water
BOD Water quality at the
2 Water quality 4.7 mg/L Quality in the latest
upstream of 10-inch pipeline
dry season (Output 2)
2,500 m3/day
Design capacity of wastewater
Wastewater (0.03 m3/s)
quality and Design BOD wastewater
3 6,500 mg/L Data from MCDC
volume from quality (inlet)
10-inch pipeline Design BOD wastewater
50 mg/L
quality (outlet)
Source: JET summarizes based on various information source
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10 inch pipeline Case 0 0.03 m3/s (capacity of WWTP) with 6,500 mg/L (without treatment, inlet BOD of WWTP)
Source: JET
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10 inch pipeline Case 0 0.03 m3/s (capacity of WWTP) with 6,500 mg/L (without treatment, inlet BOD of WWTP)
Case 1 0.05 m3/s (twice of Case 0) with 6,500 mg/L (same as Case 0)
and Future
Case 2 0.05 m3/s (twice of Case 0) with 50 mg/L (with treatment by WWTP)
Future Water supply Case 0 0 m3/s (current)
(2 mil people 200 L/p/d) Case 1 5 m3/s (for 2mil people, 200L/p/d)
Case 2 Ditto
Source: JET