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Transverse & Longitudinal Waves

 Waves can exist as one of two types:

o Transverse
o Longitudinal

Transverse Waves

 Transverse waves are defined as:

Waves that vibrate or oscillate perpendicular to the direction of energy transfer

 For a transverse wave:

o The energy transfer is perpendicular to the wave motion
o They transfer energy, but not the particles of the medium
o They can move in solids and on the surfaces of liquids but not inside liquids or
o Some transverse waves (electromagnetic waves) can move in solids, liquids and
gases and in a vacuum

 The point on the wave is:

o The highest above the rest position is called the peak, or crest
o The lowest below the rest position is called the trough

Transverse waves can be seen in a rope when it is moved quickly up and down

 Examples of transverse waves are:

o Ripples on the surface of water
o Vibrations in a guitar string
o S-waves (a type of seismic wave)
o Electromagnetic waves (such as radio, light, X-rays etc)

Longitudinal Waves

 Longitudinal waves are defined as:

Waves where the points along its length vibrate parallel to the direction of energy

 For a longitudinal wave:

o The energy transfer is in the same direction as the wave motion
o They transfer energy, but not the particles of the medium
o They can move in solids, liquids and gases
o They can not move in a vacuum (since there are no particles)

 The key features of a longitudinal wave are where the points are:
o Close together, called compressions
o Spaced apart, called rarefactions

Longitudinal waves can be seen in a slinky spring when it is moved quickly

backwards and forwards

 Examples of longitudinal waves are:

o Sound waves
o P-waves (a type of seismic wave)
o Pressure waves caused by repeated movements in a liquid or gas

 Longitudinal waves are usually drawn as several lines to show that the wave is
moving parallel to the direction of energy transfer

o Drawing the lines closer together represents the compressions
o Drawing the lines further apart represents the rarefactions
Longitudinal waves are represented as sets of lines with rarefactions and

Comparing Transverse & Longitudinal Waves

 Wave vibrations can be shown on ropes (transverse) and springs (longitudinal)

Waves can be shown through vibrations in ropes or springs

 The different properties of transverse and longitudinal waves are shown in the table:

Transverse Waves v Longitudinal Waves Table

Property Transverse Waves Longitudinal Waves

Structure Peaks and troughs Compressions and rarefactions

Vibration Perpendicular to the direction of energy transfer Parallel to the direction of energy transfe

Vacuum Can travel in a vacuum (electromagnetic waves) Cannot travel in a vacuum

Can travel through solids, and on the surface of

Material Can travel through solids, liquids and gase

Density Constant density Changes in density

Pressure Pressure is constant Changes in pressure

Dependent on material it is travelling through Dependent on material it is travelling through (fa

Speed of wave
(fastest in a vacuum) solid)

Worked example

The diagram below shows a loudspeaker generating sound waves, which travel to the
right as indicated. Sound waves are longitudinal.A dust mote floats in the air just next to
the loudspeaker, labelled D.

Draw arrows on the diagram to indicate how the dust mote D would vibrate as sound
waves pass it.
Step 1: Recall the definition of longitudinal waves

o Points along longitudinal waves vibrate parallel to the direction of energy transfer
o This means the dust mote vibrates in a line parallel to the direction of the sound
waves drawn

Step 2: Draw arrows at the point labelled D to show it vibrating in parallel to the
direction of the sound waves
Waves & Energy
 Waves transfer energy and information
 Waves are described as oscillations or vibrations about a fixed point
o For example, ripples cause particles of water to oscillate up and down
o Sound waves cause particles of air to vibrate back and forth
 In all cases, waves transfer energy without transferring matter

 Objects floating on water provide evidence that waves only transfer energy and
information and not matter

Waves transfer energy and information, but not matter. This toy duck bobs up
and down as water waves pass underneath

 The type of wave on the surface of a body of water is a transverse wave

o This is because the duck is moving perpendicular to the direction of the wave
 The plastic duck moves up and down but does not travel with the wave
 All waves transfer energy, but they do not transfer the particles of the medium
o This means when a wave travels between two points, no matter actually travels
with it, the points on the wave just vibrate back and forth about fixed positions
 Objects floating on water, like the toy duck, simply bob up and down when waves pass
under them, demonstrating that there is no movement of matter in the direction of the
wave, only energy

Exam Tip

Exam questions may ask you to describe waves and this is most easily done by drawing
a diagram of the wave and then describing the parts of the wave - a good, clearly
labelled diagram can earn you full marks!

You may also be asked to give further examples of transverse or longitudinal waves - so
memories the lists given here!

Describing Wave Motion

 When describing wave motion, there are several terms which are important to
know, including:
o Amplitude
o Wavelength
o Frequency
o Time Period
o Wavefront


 Amplitude is defined as:

The distance from the undisturbed position to the peak or trough of a wave

 It is given the symbol A and is measured in metres (m)

 Amplitude is the maximum or minimum displacement from the undisturbed


 Wavelength is defined as

The distance from one point on the wave to the same point on the next wave.

 In a transverse wave:
o The wavelength can be measured from one peak to the next peak
 In a longitudinal wave
o The wavelength can be measured from the centre of one compression to
the centre of the next
 The wavelength is given the symbol λ (lambda) and is measured in metres (m)
 The distance along a wave is typically put on the x-axis of a wave diagram

Diagram showing the amplitude and wavelength of a wave


 Frequency is defined as:

The number of waves passing a point in a second

 Frequency is given the symbol f and is measured in Hertz (Hz)

Time Period

 The time period (or sometimes just 'period') of a wave is defined as:

The time taken for a single wave to pass a point

 The time period is given the symbol T and is measured in seconds (s)

 Wavefronts are a useful way of picturing waves from above: each wavefront is
used to represent a single wave
 The image below illustrates how wavefronts are visualised:
o The arrow shows the direction the wave is moving and is sometimes
called a ray
o The space between each wavefront represents the wavelength
o When the wavefronts are close together, this represents a wave with
a short wavelength
o When the wavefronts are far apart, this represents a wave with
a long wavelength

Diagram showing a wave moving to the right, drawn as a series of wavefronts

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