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Rv-Rvalve NF00033 1111

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Safety Relief Valves
Series H

In the mid 1940s, a new relief valve actuated with a pilot rather than a spring set a new
standard for pressure control. The valve, manufactured over the years by companies like Full Flow Capacity
Garrett, USI and Axelson, is now manufactured and sold by Cameron under the NuFlo brand.
Backflow Protection
The NuFlo pilot-operated pressure relief valves are an example of a tradition of advanced
Simple Maintenance
design and high-quality manufacturing abilities. These valves offer advantages not found in
other relief valves-spring- or pilot-operated. Non-Flowing Pilots

Coated Bodies

Easier Handling
Valve Types
Type HF Type HL
This is a full lift, pop-action valve with a fixed (5% to 7%) This is a modulating valve with a fixed (3% to 5%) blowdown
blowdown using a single non-flowing pilot. This type of valve using a single non-flowing pilot. This valve is designed for
is designed for gas and/or vapor service and is offered in sizes gas, vapor and/or liquid service and is offered in sizes of
of 1" through 8" with operating pressures ranging from 1" through 8" with operating pressures ranging from 25 psig
25 psig to 6000 psig. to 1500 psig.

Advantages Features
Full Flow Capacity Soft or Hard Seat Seals
In addition to the various API orifice sizes, Cameron offers Soft or hard seat seals are available for a variety of service
valves with non-standard API orifice sizes for maximum flow conditions and applications. Soft seat seals are recommended
capacity and smoother operation. Many times this allows for for discharge set pressures of 25 psi to 1500 psi. Hard seat
the use of smaller size valves at a cost savings to the customer. seals are recommended for discharge set pressures above
Backflow Protection 1500 psi.
The unique NuFlo split piston (optional) is designed to Variable Flange Dimensions
eliminate the effect of pressure in the discharge system back- Flange dimensions can be modified on special order to fit most
flowing into a relief valve on installations where several valves existing installations. This permits NuFlo pilot-operated safety
discharge into a common manifold. relief valves to be used as replacements for older spring-loaded
Simple Maintenance valves which may not conform to new safety standards.
All maintenance, including changing the valve seat, can be In-Service Test Kit
performed using ordinary hand tools without removing the This optional feature allows checking or changing the pilot set
valve from the installation. pressure in the field with the valve in service.
Non-Flowing Pilots Manual Blowdown
NuFlo non-flowing pilots reduce the problems of “freeze-up” This optional device, which allows manual blowdown of the
caused by the pressure drop through the flowing-type pilots. system, can also be controlled from a remote location.
Coated Bodies Direct or Remote Control
The bodies and piston housings of all NuFlo pilot-operated Depending on the application, the operation of the NuFlo
safety relief valves are internally and externally coated with pilot-operated safety relief valve may be controlled directly
Xylan® for corrosion protection and lubricity. from the point of installation or remotely.
Easier Handling No “Simmer”
A lifting eye is conveniently located on the center of the valve NuFlo pilot-operated safety relief valves are designed to
for ease of handling during installation or removal. eliminate "simmer" at the valve seat. They do not require
"percent accumulation" or over-pressure to operate.
Special Flanges
NuFlo pilot-operated safety relief valves can be supplied with
special flanges such as Graylock, Taper-Lok, Lenz, etc.


Advantages and Features NuFlo Pilot Operated Competitive Spring

HF HL Loaded Valve

Easy and economical to maintain

Yes Yes No
All maintenance can be performed without removing valve from line
Replaceable soft seat
Yes Yes Yes
Saves costly lapping of valve seat
Operates without simmer at valve seat
Yes Yes No
Can be set close to system operating pressure. Unaffected by vibration of pulsation
Block and bleed pilot as standard
Yes Yes No
Reduces freeze-ups caused by pressure drop through flowing type pilots
Accurate setting with small volume of pressure
Yes Yes No
Test fixture available for fast accurate setting
Backflow protection
Yes Yes No
Prevents flow of gas back through valve when working on line
Combines functions of blowdown and safety valves
Yes Yes No
Saves cost of additional valves and piping
Higher capacity per valve size Yes Yes No
Field test of pilot set pressure
No Yes No
Set pressure can be checked or changed with valve still in service
Can be used with solenoid valve
Yes Yes No
For electric or pneumatic interface
Coated internally and externally
Yes Yes No
Bodies and piston housings. Xylan coated for corrosion protection and lubricity
Balanced pilot
No Yes No
Allows venting into discharge system without effect of back pressure

A pilot-operated pressure relief valve, according to the 1992 the overpressure volume of gas, vapor and/or liquid.
ASME Code Section VIII, Division 1, Section UG-126, is a Applications include oil and gas production systems,
pressure relief valve in which the major relieving device is compressor stations, gas transmission (pipelines) facilities,
combined with, and is controlled by, a self-actuated auxiliary storage systems, distribution systems and in all types of
pressure relief valve. NuFlo pilot-operated pressure relief valves processing plants.
are designed to be used wherever there is a need to exhaust

Valve Operation
NuFlo pilot-operated safety relief valves operate on the Then, when the system pressure reaches the relief valve
principle of unequal areas exposed to the same pressure. discharge set pressure, the pilot cuts off system pressure and
When the relief valve is closed, system pressure pushes opens the top of the piston to vent pressure. As the pressure
upwards against the piston seat seal on an area equal to the above the piston is relieved, the relief valve opens, discharging
inside diameter of the seat. Simultaneously, the same system line pressure.
pressure passes through the pilot, exerting a downward force
When the predetermined blowdown pressure is reached,
on the piston acting on an area approximately 50% greater
the pilot shuts off the exhaust and re-opens the flow of
than the inside diameter of the seat. The resulting differential
system pressure to the top of the piston, effectively closing
force holds the valve tightly closed. As the system pressure
the relief valve.
rises, the force against the piston seal increases.

Operation Type HF

Relief Valve Closed Type HF Relief Valve

At below “set point”, the normally open (Fixed Blowdown 5-7%)
combination pilot allows system pressure to
enter the piston housing cavity of the relief
valve on top of the free-floating piston. The top
of the relief valve piston has a larger area than
the valve seat where the piston seals. Equal
pressure at both ends of the piston creates a
differential downward force, which holds the
piston tightly closed on the valve seat.
Below: Type HF relief valve (closed position)

Relief Valve Open

When system pressure reaches the set point,
the pilot piston is lifted off the valve seat. The
blowdown seat seals off incoming line pressure,
causing the exhaust port to open and bleed
pressure from the relief valve piston cavity.
Decreasing pressure on the top of the relief
valve piston allows the valve to open, relieving
system overpressure. As system pressure drops
below the blowdown reset point, the
blowdown seat opens, reseating the pilot
piston, which causes the exhaust port to close.
System pressure re-enters the relief valve piston
cavity, closing the relief valve.
Right: Type HF relief valve (relieving position)


Operation Type HL

Relief Valve Closed Type HL Relief Valve

At below “set point,” the normally open Type
HL pilot allows system pressure to enter the
piston housing cavity of the relief valve on top
of the free-floating piston. The top of the relief
valve piston has a larger area than the valve
seat where the piston seals. Equal pressure at
both ends of the piston creates a differential
downward force, which holds the piston tightly
closed on the valve seat.
Below: Type HL relief valve (closed position)

Relief Valve Open

When system pressure reaches the set point, the
pilot piston forces the pilot stem upward by
compressing the pilot valve spring. This
movement of the stem simultaneously blocks
the system pressure passageway through the
pilot and commences the bleeding of pressure
from the relief valve piston housing cavity.
Decreasing pressure on the top of the relief
valve piston allows system allows the valve to
open, relieving system overpressure. As system
pressure drops below the blowdown reset
point, system pressure re-enters the relief valve
piston cavity, closing the relief valve.
Right: Type HL relief valve (relieving position)

In-Service Testing and Pilot-Setting Options
All NuFlo pilot-operated pressure relief valves may be ordered 5. Observe set pressure on test gauge and record.
with an In-Service Test Kit. The procedures for the use of this 6. Close valves "A" and "C".
In-Service Kit are shown below. 7. Open vent valve "B".
8. Disconnect pressure hose from field test valve "A".
Type HF
NOTE: For additional information on In-Service testing, refer
In-Service Testing of Pilot Set Pressure
to the service manual or technical data sheets for this
CAUTION: Never use oxygen as a pressure source. product.
Pressure from a cylinder of nitrogen or some other pressure When a relief valve is not equipped with the In-Service Test Kit,
source (NOT OXYGEN) may be used to check the setting or to a Relief and Blowdown test fixture can be used to check or
reset the pressure at which the relief valve will operate. change valve set and blowdown pressures in field shops. Only
1. Connect pressure hose from nitrogen bottle to field test the pilots need to be removed from the relief valve and it is
valve "A". not necessary to remove the valve itself from the installation.
2. Close vent valve "B".
The operation of this portable test fixture is simple and
3. Open field test valve "A".
4. Slowly open block valve "C" permitting test pressure to
increase to valve set point. CAUTION: Never use oxygen as a pressure source.

Pressure from a cylinder of nitrogen or some other pressure

source (NOT OXYGEN) may be used to check the setting or to
reset the pressure at which the relief valve will operate.

Special training is not required

and complete instructions are
furnished with each fixture.

The test fixture may be ordered

with optional needle valves and
adapters for any type of pilot.

Type HL
Typical Direct Hook-Up with In-Service Test Valve
(Gas Service Only)
1. Connect pressure hose from nitrogen bottle or hydraulic
hand pump to test port of header block.
2. Close vent valve "A".
3. Slowly open block valve "B", or operate hydraulic hand
pump, permitting test pressure to increase to valve set point.
4. Observe set pressure on test gauge and record.
5. Close valve "B", or release pressure on hand pump.
6. Open vent valve "A".
7. Disconnect pressure hose from test port.

NOTE: For additional information on In-Service testing, refer to

the service manual or technical data sheets for this product.


Pilot Construction
The Type HF pilot is a single combination control with a fixed The Type HL pilot is a single-control pilot with a fixed
blowdown for controlling relief valve opening and closing blowdown for controlling the opening and closing of the relief
pressure set points. The opening set pressure is determined by valve. Opening and closing pressures are determined by the
the force of a control spring, which holds the relief control force of a pilot control spring. System pressure is applied to
section of the valve closed. When system pressure acting on the pilot control piston and also to the pilot inlet "Hi" port.
the relief control valve seat area equals the spring force, the The lifting force produced by the pressure on the control
relief control opens, and the blowdown control section closes, piston is reacted by the opposing force of the pilot spring.
blocking system pressure from passing into the chamber above When the spring force is greater than the pressure force of the
the main valve piston. As the relief control opens, the pressure control piston, system pressure is communicated through the
underneath the control seat is exposed to a larger pressure inlet "Hi" port of the pilot to the top of the relief valve piston.
area which provides “snap” action of the control pilot to Since the area on top of the relief valve piston is greater than
quickly reduce pressure the seat area, the valve is held in the closed position. As
in the piston dome. pressure increases above the set point, the force of the control
This pressure reduction piston becomes greater than the reacting spring force. This
causes the main valve unbalanced condition shifts the pilot stem upward, blocking
piston to lift, relieving the pressure coming into the inlet “Hi” port and allowing the
system pressure. pressure above the relief
valve piston to bleed off.
After the system
As the pressure force,
pressure is reduced to
(which holds the piston
a point whereby the
on the seat) decreases,
control valve spring
the relief valve opens.
forces the blowdown
If system pressure
control ball to unseat,
continues to rise, the
the relief control valve
piston lifts fully and
closes, and the open
remains open until
blowdown control valve
system pressure is
allows system pressure
reduced sufficiently
to re-enter the piston
for the pilot spring to
dome, forcing the main
shift the pilot into its
piston down to a closed
flowing position.
valve position.

Function of the Split Piston

Normal Piston Position Split Piston Separated
All NuFlo pilot-operated The split piston is
pressure relief valves can recommended for
be ordered with the installations where a manifold
exclusive NuFlo split discharge system serves a
piston. This piston is number of relief valves. If a
designed to eliminate the manifolded relief valve is out
effect of back-pressure of service when one or more
imposed on the discharge other valves exhausts into the
side of the valve. common discharge system,
the split piston separates and
prevents backflow through
the out-of-service valve.

Installation Schematics

Types HF

Type HL
Direct Hookup
Relief valves configured for
direct operation are equipped
with an internal pressure
pickup tube (stinger) in the
throat of the valve inlet. They
are factory shipped as self-
contained assemblies, ready
for installation.

Remote Hookup
Relief valves configured for
remote operation do not
contain an integral pressure
pickup connection. Pressure
is sensed from a remote
point on the vessel/process
line through a single tube
connected to the header block
located on the valve.


Orifice Selection

Available Orifice Sizes for Type HF and HL Pilot-Operated Relief Valves

Valve Coefficient: 0.859 (gas), 0.674 (liquid)

Valve Size Outlet Orifice Orifice Area (Sq. In.) Valve Size Outlet Orifice Orifice Area (Sq. In.)
1” x 2” Single D 0.110 3” x 4” Single J 1.287
E 0.196 K 1.838
F 0.307 L 2.853
G 0.503 M 3.600
GX 0.652 N 4.340
1” 0.785 P 6.380
1-1/2" x 2" Single D 0.110 3” 7.068
E 0.196 4” x 6" Single/Dual L 2.853
F 0.307 M 3.600
G 0.503 N 4.340
H 0.785 P 6.380
J 1.287 4” 12.566
JX 1.633 6” x 8" Single/Dual Q 11.045
1-1/2” 1.767 R 16.000
1-1/2" x 3" Single G 0.503 T 26.000
H 0.785 6” 28.270
J 1.287 8” x 8" Dual Q 11.045
JX 1.633 R 16.000
1-1/2” 1.767 T 26.000
2" x 3" Single G 0.503 7” 38.484
H 0.785 7-1/2” 44.178
J 1.287 8” x 10" Single/Dual Q 11.045
JX 1.633 R 16.000
K 1.838 T 26.000
KX 2.776 7” 38.484
2” 3.141 7-1/2” 44.178

Trims Available
Materials of Construction Standard Stainless Steel Full Stainless Steel NACE
Body CS (1) CS (1) CS (1) CS (1) SS (2) SS (2) CS (1)(3) CS (1)(3)
Piston Housing CS (1) CS (1) CS (1) CS (1) SS (2) SS (2) CS (1)(3) CS (1)(3)
Piston AL AL 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS
Valve Seat 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS
Orifice 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS
Header Block CS 316 SS CS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS CS (3) 316 SS
Pilot Valve 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS 316 SS
Notes: (1) A-216-Gr WCB (2) A-351-Gr-CF8M (3) HRc 22 maximum

Soft Seat Service
Material Continuous Temperature, °F Minimum Pressure, psi Maximum Pressure, psi
Maximum Minimum Pilot Main Pilot Main
Buna-N 275 -65 15 15 6000 1500
Viton 400 -65 15 15 6000 1500
Teflon 400 -423 – 60 – 1500
Peek 480 -423 – 1500 – 3000
S.S. – – – 1500 – 6000

Sizing Order Form A relief valves primary purpose is to protect lives and property. It is imperative that the proper
valve be selected for your application. To assure that the proper valve is selected, please fill out
the Order or Sizing Order Form and consult your Cameron representative for assistance.

Company Name
Customer Name
Tag Number

Specific Gravity/Mol. Weight
Ratio of Specific Heats (K)
Compressibility Factor (Z)
Required Capacity
Set Pressure
Relief Temperature
Allowable Overpressure
Back Pressure
Fluid Type & State

Model ■ HF (Snap Acting – 5% to 7% Fixed Blowdown) ■ HL (Modulating – 3% to 5% Fixed Blowdown)
Piston Type ■ Solid ■ Split (Back Flow Preventor)
Hook-up Type ■ Direct Sensing ■ Remote Sensing
Trim ■ Standard ■ Stainless Steel ■ NACE
Seal Material ■ Buna ■ Viton ■ Other
Seat Type ■ Soft ■ SS Hard ■ Peek ■ Teflon
Other ■ In-service Test Kit ■ Manual Blowdown Valve
■ Remote Unloader ■ Pilot Filter ■ Dome Spring

Additional Information


Relief Valve Order Form

Company Name
Customer Name
Tag Number

Set Pressure
Vessel Number
Fluid Type & State

Model ■ HF (Snap Acting – 5% to 7% Fixed Blowdown) ■ HL (Modulating – 3% to 5% Fixed Blowdown)
Part Number
Inlet Size & Rating
Outlet Size & Rating

Piston Type ■ Solid ■ Split (Back Flow Preventor)
Hook-up Type ■ Direct Sensing ■ Remote Sensing
Trim ■ Standard ■ Stainless Steel ■ NACE
Seal Material ■ Buna ■ Viton ■ Other
Seat Type ■ Soft ■ SS Hard ■ Peek ■ Teflon
Other ■ In-service Test Kit ■ Manual Blowdown Valve
■ Remote Unloader ■ Pilot Filter ■ Dome Spring

Additional Information


Xylan® is a registered trademark of Whitford Corporation


HOUSTON 28 1. 582. 9500 NORTH 1. 800. 65 4 . 3 7 6 0 ASIA +603.5569.0501 EUROPE, + 4 4 . 1 2 4 3.8 2 6 7 4 1

ms-us @ c-a-m.com ms-kl@c-a-m.com & AFRICA ms-uk@c-a-m.com

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RV-RVALVE NF00033 1111 © Copyright 2011 Cameron International Corp. All Rights Reserved.

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