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Name: Marae Jaya T. Peroz Date: March 18, 2024 Year and Sec: BPED 4A Read/Study Material 5h (Topic 7) - Then, Answer The Following

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Republic of the Philippines


Palompon, Leyte
GEC 8: Science, Technology & Society

Name: Marae Jaya T. Peroz Date: March 18, 2024

Year and Sec: BPED 4A Score:

Read/Study Material 5h (Topic 7). Then, answer the following:

1. Page 3 complete the diagram or fill in the blanks of the graphic organizer.

- Using a graphic organizer, list down some technology you see or you use at
home, at school or in your community, and in social media. Categorize them
according to their purpose (transportation, communication, education, etc.).
Describe briefly how you or the community use these technologies you
2. Page 11. Instead of debate, write a 3-paragraph position paper for each of the topics
enumerated, a, b,c, and d, (Total of 4 position papers)
A. Is technology a friend or a foe?
The debate over the impact of technology on society has been ongoing for decades.
Some argue that technology has improved our lives in many ways, while others claim that it
has caused more harm than good. The truth lies somewhere in between, as the effects of
technology on our lives depend on how we use it, the context in which it is used, and our
values as a society. One of the most significant benefits of technology is the way it has
transformed communication. With the advent of the internet and smartphones, people can
connect with others from all over the world instantly. Social media platforms have brought
diverse communities together, allowing people to share their experiences and perspectives.
Technology has also made it easier to access information, education, and healthcare,
improving the lives of many people worldwide.
Another way in which technology has improved society is by making various
industries more productive, efficient, and profitable. Automation, artificial intelligence,
renewable energy, and sustainable agriculture are just a few examples of innovations that
have the potential to solve global problems and create a better future for everyone.
However, it is important to acknowledge the negative aspects of technology as well. One of
the most significant concerns is how it can exacerbate existing inequalities. For example,
people who do not have access to the internet or cannot afford expensive technology may
be left behind in a world that increasingly relies on these tools. Additionally, technology can
sometimes cause harmful behaviors, such as cyberbullying or addiction to social media.
Perhaps the most significant concern about technology is how it could threaten human
existence. For example, advancements in artificial intelligence have led to concerns about
the potential loss of jobs due to automation. Additionally, there are concerns about the
possibility of a technological singularity, in which machines become more intelligent than
humans and pose an existential threat to our species.
In conclusion, technology has both positive and negative effects on society. While it
has improved communication, productivity, and access to information, it has also
exacerbated inequalities, caused harmful behaviors, and posed existential threats. As we
continue to develop and use technology, it is important to consider its impact on society and
work to mitigate any negative effects. In today's world, technology plays a significant role in
our lives. From smartphones to laptops to social media platforms, we rely on technology to
connect with others and access information. However, the rapid advancement of technology
has also led to concerns about privacy, security, and the concentration of power in the hands
of big tech companies. While technology has the potential to bring progress and prosperity,
we must approach its development and deployment with caution. We need to ensure that we
are not sacrificing our privacy or giving up control over our data in the process. Additionally,
we must consider the potential impact of technology on our society and the environment.
As we continue to innovate and develop new technologies, we need to be guided by
ethical principles and human values. We must prioritize the well-being of individuals and
communities, and ensure that our technologies are designed to benefit society as a whole.
This means being transparent about how data is collected and used, and empowering
individuals to make informed decisions about their privacy and security. At the same time,
we must also recognize the role that technology can play in fostering connections and
enriching our lives. Whether it's through social media, online communities, or new forms of
entertainment, technology has the power to bring people together and create new
opportunities for growth and learning. In the end, it all comes down to balance. We need to
find ways to harness the potential of technology while mitigating its risks and ensuring that it
serves the best interests of humanity. By working together and staying true to our values, we
can create a future where technology is a force for good and a source of enrichment for all.
And just like a friend enriches our lives and helps everyone, technology too can be a positive
influence in our lives.
B. Automation - A Threat to Employment?
The rise of automation and artificial intelligence has sparked concerns about how
it will impact employment in the future. Many industries have already implemented
automated systems to make their processes more efficient. However, as these systems
become more advanced, people are questioning what will happen to jobs and society as
a whole. The relationship between automation and employment is complex and
multifaceted, and it depends on many factors. One of the biggest concerns is that
automation will replace human workers. This is already happening in industries like
manufacturing and transportation. Autonomous technology may cause truck drivers and
delivery workers to lose their jobs, which is a problem for low-skilled workers who may
struggle to find new employment. However, it is important to note that automation also
creates opportunities for innovation and new types of employment. Although some jobs
may disappear, new roles will emerge to support and maintain automated systems. For
instance, as companies adopt automated systems, they will need skilled technicians and
engineers to design, build, and maintain the technology. This will create job
opportunities for individuals with technical skills and knowledge.
Additionally, automation can improve job quality and safety by eliminating
repetitive and hazardous tasks. This means that workers can focus on more fulfilling
and creative work, which can lead to greater job satisfaction and productivity. Moreover,
automation can reduce costs and improve product quality, which can stimulate
economic growth. For example, automated systems can reduce waste and errors, which
can lead to significant cost savings for companies. This, in turn, can lead to increased
investment and job creation. Additionally, automation can improve product quality by
ensuring consistency and accuracy in manufacturing processes. This can lead to higher
customer satisfaction and increased demand for products, which can drive economic
growth. Despite these benefits, there are also challenges associated with automation.
For instance, it may exacerbate income inequality by replacing low-skilled jobs with
high-skilled jobs that require specialized knowledge and training. This could lead to a
widening gap between the rich and poor. Additionally, there may be a mismatch
between the skills required for new jobs created by automation and the skills of the
workforce. This could lead to a skills gap and make it difficult for some individuals to find
new employment.
In conclusion, the impact of automation on employment is complex and depends
on various factors. While it may lead to job loss in some industries, it can also create
new job opportunities and improve job quality and safety. Moreover, it can reduce costs,
improve product quality, and stimulate economic growth. However, it is important to
consider the potential challenges associated with automation, such as income inequality
and skills mismatches. Ultimately, policymakers and business leaders must work
together to ensure that the benefits of automation are maximized and the challenges are
addressed. Looking towards the future, we have the potential to create a world that
benefits everyone. By building a society that is fair and inclusive, we can ensure that all
individuals have the opportunity to thrive and succeed. This means eliminating barriers
and biases that prevent certain groups from achieving their full potential, whether it be
due to race, gender, socioeconomic status, or any other factor. Moreover, creating a
truly equitable society can lead to greater prosperity for all. When everyone has access
to the resources and opportunities necessary to succeed, we can unlock new levels of
innovation and productivity. This can result in economic growth and increased standards
of living for individuals and communities across the board. Of course, achieving this
vision of a fair and prosperous future will require concerted effort and collaboration from
individuals, organizations, and governments around the world. But with dedication and a
shared commitment to progress, we can build a brighter future for ourselves and
generations to come.
D. Cloning and Stem cell technology
Cloning and stem cell research are important fields that offer great medical benefits
and human well-being. However, they also raise complex ethical and moral questions that
lead to varying opinions and debates. To navigate these dilemmas, it's important to consider
their potential benefits, ethical implications, and regulatory frameworks. Cloning creates
identical copies of organisms and gained attention after Dolly the sheep's birth in 1996.
While cloning has potential uses in medical research, livestock breeding, and conservation, it
also raises ethical concerns. Human cloning, reproductive cloning, and exploitation are all
potential issues.
Additionally, cloning humans for reproductive purposes raises moral questions about
identity, autonomy, and the sanctity of life. There is widespread opposition from religious,
ethical, and bioethical perspectives. Safety and efficacy concerns and potential unintended
consequences highlight the importance of regulation and oversight to ensure responsible
scientific conduct and protect human dignity and welfare. Technology has great potential for
regenerative medicine, disease treatment, and tissue engineering. Stem cells can
differentiate into various cell types and repair damaged tissues, organs, and neural circuits.
Embryonic stem cells have been studied due to their ability to proliferate and differentiate,
but their use is controversial because they come from early-stage embryos. Ethical concerns
arise regarding the destruction of human embryos, and questions about the moral status of
embryos, the rights of the unborn, and the ethical limits of scientific inquiry.
To navigate the ethical and societal dilemmas surrounding cloning and stem cell
technology, scientists must balance scientific progress and ethical considerations. It is
important to respect the dignity, autonomy, and rights of all individuals involved. Ethical
frameworks, regulatory safeguards, and public dialogue are necessary to ensure responsible
scientific conduct, protect human subjects, and uphold ethical standards in biomedical
research and clinical practice. The goal is to improve human health while upholding ethical
principles and values.
C. Internet vs. Indolence Stupidity

The internet has become an integral part of our daily lives, and its impact on
society cannot be denied. While some people argue that the internet is making people
lazy and dumb, others believe that it has revolutionized the way we interact with
information and knowledge. The internet can indeed be a source of distraction and
entertainment, but it can also be a powerful tool for learning, research, and personal
growth. One of the most significant advantages of the Internet is its accessibility.
Anyone with an internet connection can access a vast range of information and
resources, from educational videos to online libraries, without leaving their homes. This
has democratized education and made it possible for people from all walks of life to
pursue their interests and develop their skills.
Moreover, the Internet has enabled distance learning and remote work, providing
opportunities for people who live in isolated or underprivileged areas. However, the
internet is not without its drawbacks. The proliferation of fake news, conspiracy theories,
and misinformation has made it challenging to distinguish fact from fiction. This has led
to confusion and cognitive dissonance, and it has eroded people's trust in traditional
sources of information. Moreover, the internet has created echo chambers and filter
bubbles, where people only consume content that reinforces their existing beliefs and
biases. To use the internet effectively, individuals need to develop digital literacy skills
and critical thinking. They need to learn how to evaluate sources of information, fact-
check claims, and avoid falling for scams and hoaxes. Moreover, they need to be aware
of the risks of cyberbullying, online harassment, and identity theft, and take steps to
protect their privacy and security. In conclusion, the impact of the internet on individuals
and society is complex and multifaceted. While it can be a source of distraction and
misinformation, it can also be a powerful tool for learning, creativity, and intellectual
To reap the benefits of the internet, we need to use it responsibly and develop
the skills and mindset necessary to navigate its challenges. Change is an inevitable part
of life. It can bring about progress and innovation, but it can also have negative effects
on individuals and society. The key to successful change is finding ways to minimize the
negative effects while maximizing the positive ones. One of the negative effects of
change is the fear and uncertainty it can create. When people are faced with changes
that are outside of their control, they can become anxious and stressed. This can lead to
a lack of productivity and a decrease in overall well-being. To minimize these negative
effects, it is important to provide support and resources to those who are affected by the
change. This can include counseling services, training programs, and communication
plans to keep everyone informed and involved. Another negative effect of change is the
potential for conflict. When people have different opinions and goals, change can create
tension and disagreements.
To minimize these negative effects, it is important to involve all stakeholders in
the change process. This can include employees, customers, and community members.
By involving everyone in the decision-making process, you can ensure that everyone's
needs are taken into account and that there is a shared vision for the future. Despite the
potential negative effects, change can also have many positive benefits. It can lead to
increased efficiency, better products and services, and improved quality of life. To
maximize these benefits, it is important to approach change with a positive attitude and
a willingness to learn and adapt. This means embracing new ideas and technologies,
and being open to new ways of doing things. In conclusion, change is a necessary part
of life, but it can have both positive and negative effects. To minimize the negative
effects and maximize the positive ones, it is important to provide support and resources,
involve all stakeholders in the decision-making process, and approach change with a
positive attitude. By doing so, we can create a better future for ourselves and for society
as a whole.
Republic of the Philippines
Palompon, Leyte
GEC 8: Science, Technology & Society

Name: Marae Jaya T. Peroz Date: March 18, 2024

Year and Sec: BPED 4A Score:


1. Define the following terms

a. Information: Information refers to data that has been organized, structured, or processed
in a meaningful way to convey knowledge or convey a message. It can be factual,
descriptive, or instructional and is typically used to communicate or make decisions.
b. Cypher or Cipher: A cypher, also spelled as cipher, is a method of encryption or
encoding used to conceal the meaning of a message by replacing or rearranging characters
according to a predetermined algorithm or key. Cyphers are commonly used in cryptography
to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access or interception.
c. Computer: A computer is an electronic device that processes data according to
instructions stored in its memory. It consists of hardware components such as a central
processing unit (CPU), memory, storage devices, input/output devices, and software
programs that enable users to perform various tasks, such as word processing, web
browsing, gaming, and data analysis.
d. Innovation: Innovation refers to the process of introducing new ideas, products, services,
or methods that create value and contribute to progress or improvement in society. It
involves creativity, problem-solving, and the application of new or existing technologies to
address challenges, meet needs, or seize opportunities in innovative ways.
e. Reliability: Reliability refers to the quality of being trustworthy, consistent, and
dependable in performance or behavior. It implies the ability of a system, process, or entity
to consistently deliver accurate, timely, and satisfactory results under various conditions or
circumstances, without failure or deviation from expected standards.

2. Situation:
Imagine that you are lost in the wilderness. There is a substitution cypher (a method
of encrypting the message in which a different alphabet systematically replaces the
original text's letters) that you need to answer to solve your dilemma.


Hint: This is the first thing that you will be doing when you are at lost
4. Draw (or sketch or make a collage) on a piece of bond paper and
reflecting an image of the advantages and disadvantages of Technology.
Republic of the Philippines
Palompon, Leyte
GEC 8: Science, Technology & Society

Name: Marae Jaya T. Peroz Date: March 18, 2024

Year and Sec: BPED 4A Score:

A-09: Topic 9: Biodiversity and the Health

Instruction: Answer the following
1. Define biodiversity:
- Biodiversity, short for biological diversity, refers to the variety of life forms on Earth,
encompassing the diversity of species, genes, and ecosystems present in different
environments. It includes the richness of life at all levels of biological organization, from
genes and individual species to entire ecosystems. Biodiversity is essential for the stability
and resilience of ecosystems, as well as for the functioning of the biosphere. It provides
numerous ecosystem services, such as clean air and water, pollination of crops, and climate
regulation, upon which human societies depend.
2. Determine the interrelatedness of biodiversity, environment, and health:
- Biodiversity, environment, and human health are intricately interconnected in several ways:
Ecosystem Services: Biodiversity supports the provision of essential ecosystem services,
including food, clean water, air purification, and climate regulation, which directly influence
human health and well-being.
Medicinal Resources: Many pharmaceutical drugs are derived from plants, animals, and
microorganisms found in diverse ecosystems. Loss of biodiversity could limit future
discoveries of new medicines and treatments.
Nutrition and Food Security: Biodiversity in ecosystems supports diverse food sources,
providing essential nutrients and reducing reliance on a limited number of crops, thus
enhancing food security and nutrition.
Disease Regulation: Biodiversity can influence the transmission of infectious diseases.
Healthy ecosystems with diverse species populations can help regulate disease vectors,
reducing the risk of outbreaks.
Mental and Physical Health: Access to natural environments with high biodiversity has
been linked to improved mental health, stress reduction, and overall well-being.
Climate Change Mitigation: Biodiverse ecosystems play a crucial role in carbon
sequestration and climate regulation, which indirectly affects human health by mitigating the
impacts of climate change on food production, water availability, and extreme weather
3. Discuss the ethics, implications, and potential future impacts of GMOs; and
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are organisms whose genetic material has
been altered using genetic engineering techniques. The discussion around GMOs involves
various ethical considerations, implications, and potential future impacts:
Ethical Considerations: GMOs raise concerns regarding environmental ethics, food safety,
socioeconomic impacts, and the rights of farmers and consumers. Some ethical concerns
revolve around issues of corporate control over seeds, potential harm to non-target
organisms, and the potential for unintended consequences.
Implications: GMOs have the potential to offer benefits such as increased crop yields,
enhanced nutritional content, and improved resistance to pests, diseases, and
environmental stresses. However, there are concerns about the long-term environmental
impacts, the spread of transgenes to wild relatives, and the potential for creating new
allergens or toxins.
Regulatory Framework: The regulatory framework surrounding GMOs varies between
countries, with some adopting stringent regulations to assess the safety and environmental
impact of GMOs before their release, while others have more lenient regulations.
Future Impacts: The future impacts of GMOs depend on various factors, including
technological advancements, regulatory policies, public acceptance, and socio-economic
dynamics. Potential future impacts include increased agricultural productivity, reduced
pesticide use, enhanced food security, and new opportunities for pharmaceutical and
industrial applications. However, there are also concerns about the consolidation of
agricultural biotechnology by a few large corporations, loss of biodiversity, and the socio-
economic implications for small-scale farmers and rural communities.
Overall, the debate surrounding GMOs involves weighing potential benefits against
potential risks, considering ethical principles, and ensuring that regulatory frameworks
adequately address safety, environmental, and socio-economic concerns.
4. Propose a plan or make a stand that would show species' relatedness in forming a
diverse and healthy society without compromising each other.
Creating a plan to demonstrate the relatedness of species in forming a diverse and
healthy society involves recognizing the interconnectedness of all living beings and
promoting mutual respect, cooperation, and sustainability. Here's a detailed plan to achieve
Education and Awareness Campaigns: Implement educational programs in schools,
communities, and online platforms to raise awareness about the importance of biodiversity
and the interconnectedness of species. Teach about ecological concepts such as food webs,
symbiotic relationships, and ecosystem services to help people understand how different
species rely on each other for survival and well-being.
Promotion of Sustainable Practices: Encourage sustainable agricultural methods that
prioritize biodiversity conservation, such as organic farming, agroforestry, and permaculture.
Advocate for sustainable fishing practices, habitat restoration, and land-use planning that
protect and enhance biodiversity. Support businesses and industries that prioritize
environmental stewardship and minimize their ecological footprint.
Community Engagement and Collaboration: Facilitate community-driven conservation
initiatives where people work together to protect local ecosystems, conserve native species,
and restore degraded habitats. Establish partnerships between conservation organizations,
local communities, indigenous groups, and government agencies to develop and implement
biodiversity conservation plans. Foster dialogue and collaboration between different
stakeholders, including scientists, policymakers, farmers, indigenous communities, and the
private sector, to promote inclusive decision-making and shared responsibility for
conservation efforts.
Economic Incentives and Policies: Implement policies and regulations that incentivize
biodiversity conservation and sustainable resource management, such as tax incentives for
conservation practices and penalties for environmental degradation. Develop ecotourism
programs that provide economic opportunities for local communities while promoting the
protection of natural habitats and wildlife. Encourage the development of green technologies
and industries that support biodiversity conservation and reduce pollution and resource
Research and Innovation: Invest in scientific research to better understand the ecological
dynamics of ecosystems and the relationships between different species. Support
interdisciplinary research projects that explore the social, economic, and cultural dimensions
of biodiversity conservation and sustainable development. Promote innovation and the
development of new technologies and strategies for monitoring biodiversity, mitigating
threats, and adapting to environmental change.
Cultural and Spiritual Connection: Recognize and respect the cultural and spiritual
significance of biodiversity to indigenous peoples and local communities. Foster a sense of
reverence and appreciation for nature through art, music, storytelling, and traditional
ecological knowledge. Incorporate indigenous perspectives and practices into biodiversity
conservation efforts, recognizing their deep understanding of and connection to the natural
By implementing these strategies, we can demonstrate the relatedness of species in
forming a diverse and healthy society while ensuring that each species can thrive without
compromising the well-being of others. This approach promotes harmony, resilience, and
sustainability, allowing humans and nature to coexist in balance and prosperity.

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