Mat1024 T3
Mat1024 T3
Mat1024 T3
Question 2
Find the orthogonal projection of u on a.
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(a) u =< 6, 2 > and a =< 3, −9 >
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(b) u =< −1, −2 > and a =< −2, 3 >
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(c) u =< 3, 1, −7 > and a =< 1, 0, 5 >
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(d) u =< 1, 0, 0 > and a =< 4, 3, 8 >
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Question 3
Let u =< 3, 2, −1 >, v =< 0, 2, −3 > and w =< 2, 6, 7 >. Compute
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(a) v × w (b) u × (v × w) (c) (u × v) × w
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(d) (u × v) × (v × w) (e) u · (v × w)
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Question 4
Let u and v be two vectors in 2-space. Establish the identities
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2 2 2 2
(a) u + v + u − v = 2 u + 2 v
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1 2 1 2
(b) u · v = u+v − u−v
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Question 5
Let u =< 1, −2, 3, 2 >, v =< 2, 4, 3, −1 > and w =< 2, 0, 6, −1 >.
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(a) Verify that u · v < u v .
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(b) Verify the triangle inequality u + v < u + v .
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(c) Show that d(u, v) < d(u, w) + d(w, v).
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MAT1024 Linear Algebra & Applications 1 BAS, BINDS, BSDA
Question 6
Find the standard matrix for the linear transformation defined by
Question 7
Find the standard matrix for the linear transformation on R2 ,
(a) counter clockwise rotation of 60◦ (b) reflection about the line y = −x
Question 8
Find the standard matrix for the linear transformation on R3 ,
Question 9
Find the standard matrix for the composition of linear transformation on R3 . Determine if
each transformation is one-to-one.
(a) an orthogonal projection on the xy-plane followed by a reflection about the xz-plane;
(b) a rotation of 45◦ about the y-axis, followed by a rotation of 30◦ about the x-axis;
(c) a reflection on the xz-plane followed by a rotation of 90◦ about the z-axis;
Question 10
Explain the geometric effect of the transformation with the following standard matrix. Then,
determine if the range of each transformation in (a), (b) and (c) is R2 .
2 0 2 0
(a) (b)
0 0 0 −2
Question 11
Determine whether the linear operator T : R3 → R3 defined by the equations
w1 = 2x1 + x2 − 3x3
w2 = 4x2 + x3
w 3 = x 1 + x2 + x3
is one-to-one. If so, find the standard matrix for the inverse operator T −1 .