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Manuel Utilisateur FP90 ENG

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FP900 System FP90 Central Processor

2 FP90 Central Processor of the FP900 System


2.1 What is the FP900 Thermosystem Used For?...................................................2-3

2.2 Attaching the Measuring Cell and Switching On ..............................................2-5
2.3 Display, Keypad and External Keyboard............................................................2-6
2.4 The Operating Mode.................................................................................................2-8
2.4.1 Measurements at strong electric or magnetic noise fields......................................2-8
2.5 The Temperature Program .....................................................................................2-9
2.6 Configuration Possibilities ...................................................................................2-10
2.7 Performing a Measurement..................................................................................2-11
2.8 The Display During a Measurement...................................................................2-13
2.9 Interactions During a Measurement...................................................................2-14
2.10 Evaluations, Results ..............................................................................................2-15
2.10.1 Statistics of the Measurement Results ....................................................................2-15
2.11 Result Output on a Dot Matrix Printer................................................................2-16
2.12 The Method Concept..............................................................................................2-17
2.13 The Calibrations ......................................................................................................2-19
2.14 Startup Procedure ..................................................................................................2-20
2.14.1 Attendance and Maintenance...................................................................................2-22
2.15 PC Keyboard and Bar Code Reader..................................................................2-23
2.16 Dot Matrix Printer ....................................................................................................2-24
2.17 Accessories..............................................................................................................2-25
2.18 Technical Data .........................................................................................................2-26
2.19 Error messages and Warnings............................................................................2-27

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FP90 Central Processor FP900 System

2-2 METTLER TOLEDO FP900 97/10

FP900 System FP90 Central Processor

2.1 What is the FP900 Thermosystem Used For?

The Mettler-Toledo FP900 Thermosystem comprises the FP90 Central processor (control
and evaluation unit) and several measuring cells for the determination of a wide range of
thermal data. The temperature of the attached cell is measured by a precision sensor, the
Pt 100 sensor.

FP90 The FP90 Central Processor is a control and evaluation unit for the measuring
cells, any one of which can be attached without the need for temperature recalibra-
tion. The measurement parameters are entered in dialog with the 6-line liquid
crystal display on the keypad of the FP90 control unit. After the measurement, the
analysis results appear on the alphanumeric display and can be documented with
an optional dot matrix printer.
It is also possible to display the information in an analog manner (light transmit-
tance, bubble frequency or DTA curve as a function of temperature). Finally, the
experimental data can be transferred to a computer via a standard interface
(RS232C) and there stored and processed further with the METTLER TOLEDO
FP99 program.
For routine measurements, up to 50 methods can be saved in the FP90. A PC
keyboard can be attached for the entry of sample identifications, method names
and a header. Yet another useful accessory for quality control is a bar code reader,
which can be attached to the PC keyboard to record sample designations auto-
FP81 The FP81 Measuring Cell can be used to determine melting points and melting
ranges of samples in glass capillary tubes. This measuring cell is also suitable to
determine the boiling point of a liquid or the cloud point, for instance of surfactants.
FP82 The FP82 Hot Stage is used to observe the thermal behavior of a sample under a
microscope. Here, the luminosity in the observation field can be measured with a
photomonitor and recorded.
FP83 This measuring cell serves to determine the dropping and softening points of fats
and pasty products in accordance with various national and international industrial
FP84 With this hot stage, a DTA/DSC sensor replaces the slide in the case of the simple
hot stage (FP82). The temperature difference (DTA signal) between the transpar-
ent sample pan and an inert reference pan is measured and recorded at the same
time as the observations are made. Based on the DTA signal which is proportional
to the heat flow to the sample, the DSC signal in milliwatts is calculated by the
Mettler-Toledo computer program FP99.

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FP90 Central Processor FP900 System

FP85 With the FP85 Measuring Cell, the sample is placed in a small aluminum crucible
and subjected to a temperature program. The temperature difference between
sample and inert reference crucible (DTA signal) caused by physical or chemical
changes of the sample is measured and recorded. Based on the DTA signal which
is proportional to the heat flow to the sample, the DSC signal in milliwatts is calcu-
lated by the Mettler-Toledo computer program FP99.
♣ In this Operating Instructions additional NOTES are marked with the symbol ♣.
♣ The older measuring cells of the Mettler-Toledo FP800 system (without the designation
HT) can also be operated (only to 300 °C of course). In the case of the FP84, you can
follow the DTA and the photomonitor signal simultaneously if an appropriate modifica-
tion is made to the connector of the FP84.

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FP900 System FP90 Central Processor

2.2 Attaching the Measuring Cell and Switching On

Before you switch on the instrument for the first time, ensure that the installation has been
performed in accordance with the directions given in section 2.14 Startup procedure.
− Position measuring cell on the left of the control unit.
− Switch off FP90 Central Processor. If a measuring cell is still attached, unplug its 64-pin
− If you wish to work with a PC keyboard or possibly also with a bar code reader (see
2.15 PC keyboard and bar code reader), connect the keyboard cable to the appropriate
5-pin socket below the keypad of the FP90. To do this, raise the FP90 at the left (do not
tilt backward, you could damage the 64-pin connector). The bar code reader is attached
to the PC keyboard (socket at right rear).
− Carefully insert 64-pin connector of the measuring cell you wish to attach in the appro-
priate socket at rear of the control unit ensuring correct alignment.
♣ The FP81, 83 and 85 Measuring Cells have a switch to set the operating mode. Its set-
ting has no meaning for the FP90 as the operating mode is entered using the keypad
(see 2.4 The operating mode).
− Ensure that the measuring cell does not contain a sample or any packing material.
− Switch on FP90:
The message "METTLER FP90 V..., SELFTEST" appears. The figures after the letter V
denote the software version. After the self-test depending on the measuring cell, the optical
detection system will be calibrated. The measuring cell remains idle, i.e. there is no heater
current yet.

Sicherungshalter Sicherungshalter v Sicherungshalter

Plug-in Slot for
Power Switch :
Program Cartridge

Fuse Holder
Cell Connector
Line Voltage :
Selector, Fuse :
: :
Power Connector :

Printer or PC Connection

Fig. 2-1: Rear view of the FP90 Central Processor

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FP90 Central Processor FP900 System

2.3 Display, Keypad and External Keyboard

The 6-line, high-contrast liquid crystal display is backlit; the illumination is switched off
automatically if the instrument has not been used for 5 minutes.

F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
7 8 9

MENU 4 5 6

1 2 3 CE
Central Processor . + _

Fig. 2-2 The keypad with the function and entry keys

6 function keys are arranged below the display. The meaning of keys F1 to F5 changes
during the operating sequence and this is why the function keys active at any one time are
shown in the bottom line of the display. The F6 MENU key always has the same meaning
and effects a return to the main menu.
The right side comprises the keys for numeric entries, including the clear entry key CE
and the Enter key .
In addition to the numbers 0 through 9 the minus sign and the decimal point are available.
This allows, e.g. the following sample identification: 24-03.194-0.
The enter key is used to close a numeric entry and to start a method. When the instrument
expects an entry, the appropriate area is displayed in reverse video. A preset or default
value is accepted by pressing or overwritten with one of the other keys (editing of in-
dividual numbers of a default value is not possible with the FP90 keypad).

2-6 METTLER TOLEDO FP900 97/10

FP900 System FP90 Central Processor

Measuring cell attached

Current measurement parameters
Operating mode Cell temperature

FP81 Melting point 10:01:43 Time

Start temp.
120.0 °C
1.0 °C/min
25.3 oC
End temp. : 180.0 °C Method: 11 Method Number
Choose method; press

Fig. 2-3 Example of a display in the main menu. The method number shown in reverse video indicates
the entry mode: just type the desired number to choose.

During a measurement, its progress can be followed on the display:

Measuring cell attached Elapsed measurement time (black)
bar display of
Cell temperature
measuring signal
Operating mode Remaining time

FP81 Melting range 4'02"

100% 100% 100%
Status symbole

0 0
123.3 o
Temperature unit



Fig. 2-4 Example of a display during a measurement. The height of the three black bars represents the
current value of the light transmittance of the respective sample.

The status symbols shown above the temperature unit are explained in section 2.8.
For text entry (sample identification, method name and header), a PC keyboard (see
2.15 Accessories) can be attached. You can also edit inputted texts with the left/right cursor
keys. The cursor shows the position where the next character will be entered. The home
key moves the cursor to the start of the line, the end key moves it to the right after the last
character of the input field. The insert key switches from the overwrite mode (the cursor is
positioned in the form of a square on the character to be overwritten) to the insert mode
(the cursor is a vertical line between the characters) and the converse. The backspace key
deletes the character to the left of the cursor, the delete key the character on which the cur-
sor is positioned. Escape clears the entire entry and restores the text entered previously
(like the CE key of the FP90 keypad).

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FP90 Central Processor FP900 System

2.4 The Operating Mode

The measuring cells have several operating modes and these are defined under MODE
(main menu):
FP81: Melting point, melting range, cloud point, boiling point
FP81C: Clear point, cloud point, boiling point, (melting point, melting range))
FP83: Dropping point, softening point
FP84: DTA (curve only), melting range, boiling range
FP85: DTA (curve only), melting range, boiling range

2.4.1 Measurements at strong electric or magnetic noise fields

The disturbing effects of electric or magnetic fields can not be excluded completely by
technical and constructive measurements. The goal for the construction of the instrument is
the search for an optimal balance between an absolute, under every circumstances, noise
free instrument and operating facilities of the sample insert procedure. In any case the ap-
plicable standards for save operation are fulfilled. Mainly during DSC measurements dis-
turbances can occur and visibly affect the measuring curve.
If your curves are showing an irregular and very noisy sight or abrupt changes in level inex-
plicable by thermal reactions the utilization of walkie-talkies or other wireless phones may
be the cause. If none of these tools are identified as responsible cause, then try another in-
strument arrangement or another location to reduce the influence of the disturbances. If
none of these changes improves the situation check the room, the closer surroundings and
the mains supply regarding possible emissions. The reduction or elimination of the source
of disturbance can have positive effects on your health and on the measuring results of the

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FP900 System FP90 Central Processor

2.5 The Temperature Program

The temperature program is entered with F2 T PROG and has the parameters:
Start Temp: Start temperature. The minimum start temperature is 3 °C above ambient.
Rate: Heating rate in °C/min = K/min. For isothermal measurements enter zero. For
cooling programs a negative sign is not required, but the end temperature
has to be below the start temperature of course.
End Temp: End temperature, important only in dynamic measurements.
Time iso: Duration of isothermal analyses, or isothermal time at the end of a dynamic
♣ The abscissa ranges on the display and of the optional printed diagram are defined by
Time iso.
Waiting: It is active as soon as the start temperature is reached and the measurement has
been started. This wait time ensures temperature equilibration between the furnace and the
sample and this can improve the measurement accuracy in the case of samples of high
heat capacity or low heat conductivity. The maximum wait time is 999 s.
Stop after event: With this you define whether measurement should be discontinued after
the thermal effect (e.g. sample melted), in other words heating is not continued up to the
end temperature.
Afterwards?: Here you select the behavior after the measurement. To T start: to perform
further measurements with the same temperature program. Idle: (no heater current) to save
energy after a last measurement. At T end: the cell remains at the end temperature. Press
F5 SELECT to choose!
Link method: Normally this field is left empty. In case a linked method shall follow, enter
the desired method number (referring to the same cell).





Fig. 2-5 The temperature program with the phases A: Controlling start temperature; B: Start tempera-
ture reached (5 s); C: Optional waiting after insertion of the sample for temperature equilibra-
tion; D: Dynamic measurement phase with the inputted heating rate; E: Isothermal measure-
ment phase. The relevant status symbols are shown at the bottom (see chap. 2.8).

♣ Remarks to measurements with negative heating rates using the cells FP81, 83 or 85: With suffi-
ciently high end temperatures the fan remains switched off. Under a critical combination of start tempera-
ture and cooling rate the fan is activated during the whole measurement. Between these extremes the
fan can suddenly switch on, causing an Offset of the FP85 signal.

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2.6 Configuration Possibilities

Via F5 SPECIAL in the main menu and F2 CONFIG, you have the following setting op-
F1 CLOCK: This is used for setting the built-in clock, the date and the sequence of the
representation. The date and time entries are separated by the decimal
point. Choose with F1 FORMAT. Close with . Leave with F6 MENU.
F2 LANG Your instrument is programmed according section 2.14 so that 2
languages and 2 keyboard drivers of your choice are available. Possible
languages: English, German, French and Spanish. When you change to
the other language a power up is required to activate the language.
F3 UNIT With this you select the temperature unit Kelvin or °F instead of °C. The
pressure units (important for boiling point determinations) are kPa or psi.
F4 OPTIONS FP81 detection limits: Melting point, default value B = 20% transmittance
above initial value, see Fig. 3-4. Start of the melting range, default value A
= 1.2% above initial value. End of the melting range, default value of slope
C = 0.4%/s. Boiling point, default values D = 0.6 and E = 0.85 Hz. Cloud
point, default value F = 4% below initial value, see Fig. 3.16
FP84/85 detection limit for the start of melting or boiling range corre-
sponds to an absolute value of the slope of the DTA curve, expressed in
analog digital converter steps per second. As DTA melting or boiling
curves expressed in this unit become steeper with increasing heating rate,
ß, the value G is multiplied by ß.
♣ Default values are G = 10 (FP84) and G = 3 (FP85). The default val-
ues shown in bold print can be modified if needed with samples of spe-
cial properties.
FP81 only: Melting point or range following pharmacopoeia or thermo-
dynamically. Default is thermodynamically (see chap. 3.3.1)
FP84 and 85 only: Lag time constant, FP84: 15 s, FP85 22 s
FP84 and 85 only: Curve ICTA: Yes = DTA curve: exothermic represen-
tation upward following the International Confederation for Thermal Analy-
sis (default). No = exothermic to the bottom.
F5 LCD Use this to optimize the contrast of the liquid crystal display and to switch
off the illumination.

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FP900 System FP90 Central Processor

2.7 Performing a Measurement

If you do not wish to continue working with the last method still in the working memory, you
must load the desired method into this memory. You have the following possibilities:

Method selection
Numeric: Press F6 MENU so that the main menu appears:


Fig. 2-6 The main menu

Enter desired method number. It shows up in reverse video in the field of the method num-
ber. Close with .

From the method list: via F4 METHOD and F3 LIST using t, display the desired method
in reverse video and press F4 VIEW, F1 LOAD.

FP81 Melting Point 08:45:01

01 FP81 QC of Rolfie's drug
05-FP81 Test of excipient R2-11
06 FP85 Polyethylene from aged sample
23 FP81 Boiling point of toluene

Fig. 2-7 Selecting the desired method from the list of methods. The hyphen between the method num-
ber and the cell name indicates a locked method (see chapter 2.12).

Manual method
You have to redefine the operating mode (F1 MODE) and the temperature program
(F2 T PROG).
♣ With F2 GO TO you immediately change the set value of the furnace temperature to
the start temperature of the current method.
To start a method, press the key or F1 RUN respectively.

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FP90 Central Processor FP900 System

Sample identification
The sample identification (numeric or if PC keyboard attached keyed in as text or acquired
automatically with a bar code reader attached to the PC keyboard) appears later in the
measurement report.

FP81 Melting point 12:17:40

Probe X: 812-1.08.1991-6

Samples inserted? Press RUN to start

Fig. 2-8 Numeric sample identification without external keyboard (max. 88 characters per sample).

FP81 Melting point 12:18:40

Probe Y: Quality Check ISO9000 of compressed
specimen 6, red CP, T.McKarns, dated 9. –––––-----

Samples inserted? Press RUN to start

Fig. 2-9 Alphanumeric sample identification using external keyboard (max. 88 characters per sample).
The sample designation is either keyed in or read in from the sample label using a bar code

Starting the measurement

After answering the questions pertinent to the relevant method and attached cell, place the
sample(s) in the measuring cell and press F1 RUN. The method now runs fully automati-
To skip the waiting press F4 GO! (not active with locked methods).
Examples of displays during an FP81 measurement are shown in the next section.

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FP900 System FP90 Central Processor

2.8 The Display During a Measurement

You have different displays available::

1. Bar graph of the measuring signal: F3 DISPLAY, F1 BAR

FP81 Melting range 4'05"

100% 100% 100%

X Y Z 123.3 o
0 0 0 14

Fig. 2-10 „BAR“: The light transmittance of the sample corresponds to the height of the bars. During the
measurement, the above menu appears (= measurement menu).

2. Numeric representation of the results (FP81 and 83) or the measurement signal (e.g.

FP81 Melting range 2'57"

119.4 120.6 119.9

Y Z 123.7 o

Fig. 2-11 „NUM“: As soon as results are available, they are displayed. The shown menu appears after
F3 DISPLAY has been pressed in the measurement menu.

3. Measured curve(s): F3 DISPLAY, F3 CURVE X. F4 CURVE Y (FP81 and 84 only) or

F5 CURVE Z (FP81 only).

FP81 Melting range 1'11"


124.6 o
14 *

Fig. 2-12 „CURVE Z“: Graphical display of the transmittance of sample Z. The lower case letter p on the
left of °C means that the type of result selected is „pharmacopoeia“. The asterisk, *, on the
right of the method number (14) indicates that the saved method 14 has been modified after

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FP90 Central Processor FP900 System

Meaning of the status symbols

Control start temperature Fast heating

Start temperature reached Fast cooling

Waiting before measurement Isothermal phase

Dynamic phase (heating) Pause activated by HOLD

Dynamic phase (cooling) End temperature reached

Fig. 2-13 The status symbols and their meaning. These symbols are shown in the display above the
temperature unit (see also 2.5 The temperature program, Fig. 2.5).

2.9 Interactions During a Measurement

You also have various action possibilities during ongoing measurements::
• Break the measurement with F5 RESET.
• Modify the temperature program: You will often find that the pre-selected end tem-
perature is insufficiently high: Press F1 T PROG, F4 t, key in the new end temperature
and confirm with F6 MENU (not !).
• The heating rate and other parameters are modified in an analogous manner, but - for
obvious reasons - not the start temperature.
• Hold the temperature program: Press F2 HOLD. The designation of the keypad
changes to F2 CONTINU. Holding the temperature program can influence the results as
it takes some time until the furnace and the sample(s) are again heated uniformly. In ad-
dition, a heat-sensitive sample could start to decompose if the temperature is held for
some time.
• Accelerate the measurement: With F4 FAST you can accelerate the measurement by
a factor of 10. The heating rate thus rises ten fold with a maximum of 20 °C/min. In an
isothermal measurement phase, the measurement time remaining expires ten times
faster. During the accelerated measurement, the inscription of function key changes to
♣ With locked methods, these interactions are locked as well in order to obtain best re-
sults. The only exception is F5 RESET.

2-14 METTLER TOLEDO FP900 97/10

FP900 System FP90 Central Processor

2.10 Evaluations, Results

The FP81 and FP83 measuring cells always lead to numeric results – provided that the de-
tection limits have been exceeded. With the DTA/DSC (FP84 and FP85) measuring
cells, you can activate the operating mode melting or boiling range to get numeric results
In isolated cases, no or non significant results can be obtained with the default detection
limits. As a help, adapt the detection limits to the sample in question under F5 SPECIAL,
F2 CONFIG and F4 OPTIONS and perform new measurements. If you are satisfied with
the new detection criteria, store a new method.

2.10.1 Statistics of the Measurement Results

The melting and cloud point determinations each result in a mean value (with at least 2
sample capillary tubes) and the standard deviation (only with 3 sample capillaries) of this
In addition, the calculation of mean value and standard deviation of numeric results (melting
point, cloud point or dropping point) is performed of any number of measurements with the
same method (saved methods only).
• Initialize statistical calculation
With F5 SPECIAL, F4 STATIST, F1 INIT you can clear the statistics memory and initial-
ize the collection of data in the nonvolatile memory. When you start a new method, the
statistics memory is automatically initialized.
♣ In locked operation of the FP90, clearing of the statistics memory is not accessible.
• Display statistics
Press F5 SPECIAL, F4 STATIST and the number of results, the mean value and the
standard deviation appear in the display.
• Print statistics
F5 SPECIAL, F4 STATIST, F2 PRINT produce a report on the printer comprising the
header followed by the method name, the mean value and the standard deviation.
♣ As soon as you change a method or apply an other one, the statistics are initialized.

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FP90 Central Processor FP900 System

2.11 Result Output on a Dot Matrix Printer

♣ If no dot matrix printer is available, the numeric results and if required the statistics are
shown on the display. The GA44/GA42 printers are not supported.
Installing the dot matrix printer, see chap. 2.14: Startup procedure
The analysis report starts with the
Header With F5 SPECIAL, F5 PRINT, F1 HEADER you can enter a header of
maximum 36 characters on the PC keyboard, which appears at the top of
the analysis reports irrespective of the method.
Example: „Dr LeChatelier’s Laboratory“.
You select the other components of the report individually under F3 OUTPUT. These thus
become part of the method:
Curve: Graphical representation of the measuring signal (dynamic or isothermal
FP81: Melting and cloud point measurements, either channel x, y or z, or
with "X ONLY" just the signal x.
FP82/84: Transmittance curves. FP84: in addition DTA. FP85: DTA.
Transmittance curves are always shown from 0 to 120% transmittance.
DTA curves are automatically scaled. However, manual scaling is possible
Calibration Temperature calibration data (A and B).
Configuration Table of the configuration data entered under F5 SPECIAL, F2 CONFIG.
Method List of the method comprising operating mode and temperature program,
see also 2.12 The method concept.
Results Such as melting points or event temperatures (FP82/84).
Statistics Mean value and standard deviation of the results to date with the method
in question.
Automatic printout of the report at the end of a measurement, irrespective of the method,
is initiated with F5 SPECIAL, F5 PRINT, F3 AUTO. Default setting is "AUTO".
Manual printout of reports: F5 SPECIAL, F5 PRINT, F4 MANUAL suppresses the auto-
matic output. Additional reports of the last measurement are obtained by F5 SPECIAL, F5

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FP900 System FP90 Central Processor

2.12 The Method Concept

The method comprises all instructions needed to perform a measurement, the evaluation
and the result representation.
For routine use such methods previously saved (preferably in the locked mode) are loaded.
New samples with unknown behavior e.g. in R+D, require manual entry of the most impor-
tant parameters („manual method“). A manual method can be used without saving.
♣ The instrument is delivered with stored basic methods for each measuring cell (number
81 through 85) and some temperature check methods number 90 to 99. The basic
methods can be modified and saved under another number

The components of a method

A method comprises the following parts:
• Number of the method: The two-digit method number is used to call up the method
from the nonvolatile memory
• Title of the method: Comprises maximum 28 characters (without, external keyboard
numeric title only).
• Measuring cell: For which the method has been developed.
• Operating mode, MODE of the attached measuring cell such as melting range or cloud
point with FP81.
• Temperature program T PROG: With the parameters: start temp, rate, end temp, time
iso, waiting, stop after event, afterwards? and link method (see 2.5 The temperature
• Detection limits with FP81 melting point or range only, result calculation either thermo-
dynamically (default) or „pharmacopoeia“.
• Result representation, OUTPUT: See 2.11 Result output on dot matrix printer.
♣ As soon as you call up a locked method, the FP90 is blocked against modifications.
You can only perform unchanged methods (routine). Advanced users can release the
lock via key sequence F1, F2, F3 from the main menu.

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The Method Menu

FP81 Melting point 08:20:41

Start temp. 120.0 °C o
: 1.0 °C/min
25.3 C
End temp. : 180.0 °C Method: 11 *
Choose method; press
Fig. 2-14 The key F4 METHOD displays the method menu. The asterisk on the right of the method num-
ber indicates that the saved method 11 has been modified.

Saving a method
You develop and tested all components of a new method, based on an already existing
method. To have the method available for the future press F4 METHOD, F2 SAVE. Enter a
method number, if a PC keyboard is attached you can enter a method title with maximum
28 characters.
To save the method in the non volatile memory press F4 SAVE. To protect a (routine)
method from alterations by the operator you save it locked by the key sequence
F1 (empty), F4 SAVE. The method remains unlocked in the working memory. To get the
locked status load the locked method by . Unlock is activated by the key sequence F1,
F2, F3 from the main menu.
♣ There is storage space for approx. 50 methods in the FP90. The numbers 1 to 79 are
FP81 Melting Range 09:26:30
Method nr.: 13
Title : --------------------------
Enter title and press SAVE


Fig. 2-15 Saving a method (F4 METHOD, F2 SAVE)

Loading a method from the nonvolatile memory into the working memory:
Either enter the two-digit method number from the main menu (close entry by ) or
press F3 LIST and select the desired method with F3 t , F4 VIEW and F1 LOAD.

FP81 Melting point 08:13:37

01 FP81 Additive CiGy
05 FP81 Check Adjuvant R2-11
81 FP81 Mettler Melting Point
90 FP81 Temp Check Benzoic Acid


Fig. 2-16 Method listing (F4 METHOD, F3 LIST) The hyphen after the method number indicates a locked

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Display method listing

Press F4 METHOD and F3 LIST to obtain a listing arranged by method number. F4
METHOD, F4 PRINT prints the listing. The method shown in reverse video is ready for
viewing of its parameters (F4 VIEW) and to load into the working memory (F1 LOAD).

View method
By means of F4 VIEW you can examine all instructions of the method shown in reverse
video in the method listing without overwriting the current method in the working memory.
F4 PRINT prints the parameters of the method in question.

Delete method
If you no longer need a method, look through it again carefully before deleting it (F4 VIEW).
F5 DELETE erases the displayed method after a confirmatory question.
♣ Deleting a method no longer used doesn’t increase the memory capacity for new meth-
ods immediately. This requires restoring your methods as explained in section 2.14 un-
der Languages and PC Keyboards.

2.13 The Calibrations

Light transmittance: Each time you switch on the control unit, an automatic calibration of
the light transmittance follows when the FP81, FP82 or 84 is connected. You can skip it
and initiate a manual calibration when your 100% specimen is ready (F5 SPECIAL,
Temperature: All measuring cells are calibrated in the factory. Despite this, it is advisable
to check the temperature accuracy regularly in the temperature range important for you.
Should you discover deviations, perform a calibration. You will find further details in the
section dealing with the appropriate measuring cell.
♣ Such a new temperature calibration is stored in the FP90. It only is valid for the applied
measuring cell.

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FP90 Central Processor FP900 System

2.14 Startup Procedure

The FP900 should not be exposed to large temperature fluctuations and sunlight must be
avoided. It should stand on a sturdy bench. The FP900 operates trouble-free at room tem-
perature (+10 ... +31°C) up to a relative humidity of 80%.

Power fuse, power line voltage

The FP90 operates with alternating voltages (50 or 60 Hz) of 100, 120, 230 or 240 V.
♣ In countries with 220 V, the 230 V range is used.
The fuse holder also serves as a voltage selector. Check that the voltage set on the fuse
holder (next to the power socket on the rear instrument panel, see Fig. 2-1) matches the
actual power line voltage. If not, open the fuse holder as follows:

Opening the fuse holder

The FP90 must be disconnected from the power supply before you open the
fuse holder!
The FP90 is suitable only for power supplies with a grounding conductor.
Double pole fuse protection: Use only fuses of the same type.
− Open the cover of the fuse holder by inserting a screwdriver in the space provided at the
upper edge of the holder and turning it slightly. Pull the cover right back.
− Changing the voltage: Remove the drum inscribed with the different voltages and turn
it so that the correct voltage is at the front and then press it back in place.
− Replacing a blown fuse: Take out the fuse holder and replace the blown fuse by a
new one: 230 to 240 V: T2L250V , 100 to 120 V: T2H250V and slide in the fuse holder
If you want to operate the FP900 system with a voltage of 100 V using a 100 V /
50/60Hz power supply with high impedance, the technical safety requirements can be
ensured by a T2,5H250V fuse.
− Close the cover of the fuse holder until it snaps in.

Legend for fuse: Example T315L250V

T Characteristic
315 Rated current
(numbers x and x,xx = ampere values ; numbers xx and xxx = milli-ampere values
L Interrupting capacity
250V Rated voltage

2-20 METTLER TOLEDO FP900 97/10

FP900 System FP90 Central Processor

Changing the Battery

The FP90 is equipped with a battery 1.5 V (Mingnon AM3 / LR6). This battery supports the
internal clock (date and time), as well as the non volatile memory. Use a long life battery
with a large capacity (> 1200 mAh) to reach a life time as long as possible. The data secu-
rity depends on the switching off and on of the FP90. When the FP90 is switched on, the
data memory is supported by the power line and the battery is relieved. The life duration of
a battery is longer than a year when having a capacity of 2250 mAh.

Changing the battery without loosing data (Date, time, statistics)

− Switch on the FP90.
− Free some working space at the left side of the FP90.
− Turn over the FP90 to its left side. Now the battery holder is accessible at the bottom of
the FP90.
− Open the lid with a coin or a large screwdriver.
− Remove the old battery and replace with a new one. Mind the correct placement.
− Close the lid and put the FP90 back on its feet.
− Dispose your battery correctly as recommended in your country.

Changing the battery with loosing the data (date, time, statistics))
Same as above, but without switching on the FP90. When switching the FP90 on the next
time, you will have to set date and time as described in chapter 2.6.

Selecting languages and PC keyboards

During manufacturing the FP90 is equipped with the languages English and German. Ac-
cordingly the respective keyboard drivers US and GR are available. You select one of
these by F5 SPECIAL, F2 CONFIG, F2 LANG. It will be available after power up.
To load another language or keyboard driver from the language cassette:
− Switch off FP90 and carefully insert 64-pin connector of any measuring cell in the ap-
propriate socket at rear of the control unit ensuring correct alignment.
− Remove cover and insert the language cartridge in the appropriate socket at rear of the
control unit (see Fig. 2-1).
− Switch on FP90. First of all the user methods (numbers 1 through 79) are copied and
restored without empty areas from deleted methods.
If you switch off the FP90 during restoring, all user methods will be lost!

97/09 METTLER TOLEDO FP900 2-21

FP90 Central Processor FP900 System

− Choose the first and a second language by typing the desired numbers and press .
The choice is English, German, French and Spanish.
− Select two keyboard drivers (US:USA, GR:GFR, FR: France, SP: Spain, SG: Switzer-
land, UK: United Kingdom, IT: Italy, NL: Netherlands)
− Follow the message „Switch off FP90 and remove cartridge“ and keep the cartridge at a
safe place. Insert cover to protect the socket.
− after power up select one of the two available languages/keyboard drivers with
− Set time and date.
After a power up the new selection will be there.

2.14.1 Attendance and Maintenance

The FP90 needs neither special attendance nor maintenance.
If you don't use the FP900 System:
− Switch off the system.
− Protect the system with the protection cover from surroundings influences.

Clean keyboard and housing

Switch off the instrument and disconnect the power cable before you clean the
keyboard or the housing.

− Moisten a soft cloth with water and a mild detergent.

− Clean the keyboard and the housing with the soft humid cloth. No humidity must enter
the instrument.

♣ The maintenance of the modules is described in the corresponding chapters to the


2-22 METTLER TOLEDO FP900 97/10

FP900 System FP90 Central Processor

2.15 PC Keyboard and Bar Code Reader

As a PC keyboard without socket for the bar code reader, the Cherry model
G80-1000HAU *) (US keyboard QWERTY) 1) has proved reliable.
However, most PC-AT keyboards with the 5-pin DIN connector should also function. A trial
will pay dividends! You install the according keyboard driver with F5 SPECIAL,
As a PC keyboard with socket for the bar code reader, the Cherry model G81-1600* has
proved reliable. 1).
Pin assignment: Pin 1 CLOCK, pin 2 DATA, pin 3 unassigned, pin 4 GND, pin 5 +5V..
As bar code readers, Cherry recommends the bar code readers: 630-0238 (high resolu-
tion), -0207 (medium resolution), -0235 (low resolution). The required resolution depends
on the size of your bar codes.
− Connect the keyboard cable to the appropriate 5-pin socket below the keypad of the
FP90. To do this, raise the FP90 at the left (do not tilt backward, you could damage the
64-pin connector). The bar code reader is attached to the PC keyboard (socket at right
If need be a header can be programmed in the Cherry keyboard. This header then be-
comes part of the sample identification. To program a header press the keys Prog, F1 and
Control-h. Enter a suitable word of maximum 12 characters and press Prog again (the LED
switches off).

1) Address: Cherry Mikroschalter GmbH Industriestr. 19, Postfach 1220 W-8572 Auerbach (BRD). Cherry is
represented in Switzerland by the company Eurodis Ineltro AG, Bahnstrasse 58/60, 8105 Regensdorf.

97/09 METTLER TOLEDO FP900 2-23

FP90 Central Processor FP900 System

2.16 Dot Matrix Printer

The optional printer generates reports and diagrams.
As a printer, the Epson model with the Epson #8148 Intelligent Serial Interface has proved
reliable. However, most 100%-Epson compatible printers with RS232C port should also
Activate the serial interface and its buffer.
Baud rate 9600
Word length 8 bit
Parity check disable
Parity odd
X-on/X-off Protocol no
Follow the instructions of the interface. The DIP switches of the Epson 8148 Intelligent Se-
rial Interface are set as follows :
DIP switch1 No. 1 through 8 : 00000100 *)
DIP switch2 No. 1 through 6 : 110000*)
Activate the US character set and 10 inch form length (follow the instructions of the printer).
The DIP switches of the Epson are set as follows :
DIP switch1 No. 1 through 8 : 0xxxx111*)
DIP switch2 No. 1 through 4 : 1xxx*)

*) 1 = on, 0 = off, x = to your liking

The ordinates of the diagrams are properly labeled using the standard character width
(12 characters per inch not condensed) only.
− Engage the enclosed adapter into the printer port at rear of the FP90. Connect the serial
port of the printer with adapter by the cable ME-17854.

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FP900 System FP90 Central Processor

2.17 Accessories

Standard Accessories FP90 Order No.

• Operating Instructions
− German 707 762
− English 704 763
− French 707 764
• Microfuses (set of three)
− Power supply 100/120 V 51 018 961
− Power supply 230/240 V: 13 873
• Power cable
− neutral 87 576
− Germany 87 925
− USA 88 668
− Switzerland 87 920
• Tweezers 70 661
• Phillips screwdriver No. 1 73 071
• Assembly gauge for FP81, 83, 85 18 858
• Dust cover FP90 18 867
• Language cartridge FP90*
− English/German/French/Spanish 650023
− English/German/French/Dutch 650024
− English/German/French/Italian 650025
• Printer cable 25 pin m/25 pin f 17 854
• Adapter, 25 pin m/25 pin m 89 780
• Calibration standard: benzoic acid 18 555
• Calibration standard: benzophenone 18 870
• Calibration standard: caffeine 18 872

Optional accessories to the FP90 Order No.

• Connection cable for the RS232C Interface

− 9- pin connector (FP99AT) 17 853
− 25-pin connector (FP99PS) 17 854

*Three types of language cartridge are available. The languages English, German and French are included in
each language cartridge. The fourth language differs according to the selected cartridge (Spanish, Italian or

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FP90 Central Processor FP900 System

2.18 Technical Data

FP90 Central Processor

Temperature range –100…600 °C

The temperature range is given by the attached
Temperature sensor Pt100
Heating rate: ± 0,0…20,0 °C/min
Display graphic LC - display; 6 lines, 36 characters per
line; 64 x 256 pixels; menu- and command lines
Entries numerical with floating point, function keys
Temperature display resolution 0,1 °C or K
Languages English, French, Spanish and German,
2 of them are chosen
Key pad Splash proof
Measuring cells Optionally: FP81, 82, 83, 84, 85
Influence of the ambient temperature depending on measuring cell
Temperature coefficient = 0.1 °C error with a
change in ambient temperature of 10 °C
Power supply Adjustable 100/115/230/240 Volt
Admissible voltage fluctuations
for 100/120V ± 10 %
for 230/240V + 6 %, -15%
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Power consumption: max. 210 VA
Housing PU foam, metal
Dimensions width x depth x height = 305 x 485 x 155
Weight 11,5 kg
• Surroundings
− Admissible location − indoors only
− not higher than 2000 m above sea level
− Ambient temperature during op- 10...31 °C
− Relative humidity 20...80%
− Degree of soiling 2
− Over voltage category II
• Standard
− Electric Safety EN61010-1
− Electromagnetic compatibility En55022/EN50082-2
− Mark of Safety S+, CSA
− Mark of Conformity CE

2-26 METTLER TOLEDO FP900 97/10

FP900 System FP90 Central Processor

2.19 Error messages and Warnings

Error Messages

1 Switch off FP90 and connect any measuring cell. If

No cell connected message still appears, check the pins of the connector.
They may not be broken nor bent. If possible dress a
bent pin straight with small pliers. Engage connector
and switch on FP90. If still negative, try another cell oc-
casionally. If negative call the service.
3 to 7 Switch off FP90 and check the pins of the cell connec-
tor. They may not be broken nor bent. If possible dress
a bent pin straight with small pliers. Engage connector
and switch on FP90. If Still negative, try another cell oc-
casionally. If negative call the service.
8 Switch off FP90. Check all keys of front panel with re-
Front panel key stuck spect to their pressure point. If there is one without a
pressure point, disconnect cell and power cable, tilt the
FP90 on the rear panel and loosen the 6 screws that fix
the front panel by approx. 1 mm. Now push and pull
slightly at the loose sheet metal and check the faulty key
again. When O.K., fix the screws otherwise call the
9 (FP82/84 only) Check pressure points of the 4 keys. If
Handset key stuck one is bad send handset to service. Check another
handset occasionally.
10 to 13 Switch off FP90 and check the pins of the connector.
They may not be broken nor bent. If possible dress a
bent pin straight with small pliers. Engage connector
and switch on FP90. If still negative, try another cell oc-
casionally. If negative call the service
14 and 15 When using the language cassette only. Try again, If
negative call the service.

97/09 METTLER TOLEDO FP900 2-27

FP90 Central Processor FP900 System

16 (when using the language cassette only). Language

String tables different size cassette damaged.
19 Switch off FP90 and check the pins of the connector.
They may not be broken nor bent. If possible dress a
bent pin straight with small pliers. Engage connector
and switch on FP90. If still negative, try another cell oc-
casionally. If negative call the service.
20 to 24 Switch FP90 off and on again. If negative check another
cell occasionally or call the service.

Check configuration The battery is weak. Please set clock, language, unit,
LCD contrast and – with FP84/85 – lag time constant
and curve ICTA (Sect. 2.6 Operating Instructions). Re-
place the battery
For an FP90 delivered before September 1993: To
charge the built-in battery completely don't switch off
the FP90 for at least three days. To save energy during
charging, switch the FP90 off and on again. This
causes the temperature to be controlled "idle" (no
heater power consumption).
Calibration memory full After approx. 18 temperature calibrations the memory
is full and your current calibration has not been saved.
Clear up the memory with the language cassette
(sect. 2.14 Selecting languages and PC-keyboards,
OI). Afterwards key in the last calibration temperatures
again. The calibrations of the other modules are still in
the memory of course.
No temperature calibration The calibrations and the user methods have been lost
due to power failure during selecting languages and
PC-keyboards. Please call the service for a new factory
calibration. For urgent analyses perform a normal tem-
perature calibration. After the factory calibration has
been done press F5 SPECIAL, F3 CONFIG,
F3 CALIB, F1 METTLER to cancel the intermediate

2-28 METTLER TOLEDO FP900 97/10

FP900 System FP90 Central Processor

Furnace temperature This message is displayed in connection with the

warnings „No cell heating / No cell cooling“ (see chap.
out of control
2.4.1; Measurements at strong electric or magnetic
noise fields)
No cell heating Furnace heating insufficient to follow the temperature
program. Check the pins of the cell connector. They
may not be broken nor bent. If possible dress a bent pin
straight with small pliers. Engage connector and switch
on FP90. If still negative, try another cell occasionally. If
negative call the service.
No cell cooling Furnace cooling insufficient to follow the temperature
program. This message is caused by a too high cooling
rate, too high ambient temperature or a malfunction of
the fan.
Fan FP82/84: remove housing to check whether it
Fan FP81/83/85: The built-in fan creates a typical noise
when properly working.
♣ The fan of these cells only operates on demand of
the temperature controller
Ext. keyboard key stuck Check pressure points of the keys. If one is bad send
keyboard to the appropriate service. Check another
keyboard occasionally.
Ext. keyboard selftest failed Keyboard damaged or incompatible. If there is a switch
PC(XT) <> AT set it to AT. Check another keyboard
(No display or lines only) and 2 or Switch FP90 off and on again. If negative call the serv-
3 beeps followed by a continuous ice.
(Temperature display Indicates a short circuit or bad contact of the Pt100
below –200 °C) temperature sensor. Switch off FP90 and check the
pins of the cell connector. They may not be broken nor
bent. If possible dress a bent pin straight with small pli-
ers. Engage connector and switch on FP90. If still
negative, try another cell occasionally. If negative call
the service.
No display and continuous beep Check the power line voltage and the voltage selector

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