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Light House

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Construction and Technology

(Light infrastructure)

Yesha A0218| Mansi M A1818| Nandini A2018| Naisargi A2918| Pranav S B5218
What are Light House Projects?

● LHPs are model housing projects with ● These LHPs shall serve as LIVE
houses built with shortlisted alternate Laboratories for different aspects of
technology suitable to the geo-climatic Transfer of technologies to field
and hazard conditions of the region. application, such as planning, design,
● This will demonstrate and deliver ready to production of components,
live houses with speed, economy and with construction practices, testing etc. for
better quality of construction in a both faculty and students, Builders,
sustainable manner. Professionals of Private and Public
● The period of construction is maximum 12 sectors and other stakeholders
months from the date of handing over of involved in such construction.
sites to the construtction agency after all
statutory approvals. Approvals will be
accorded through a fast track process by
the concerned State Government.

Why Light House Projects?
1. Speed of construction

2. Quality of construction

3. Productivity in construction

4. Efficiency of resources in construction

5. Health safety and environmental issues

6. Reduction in waste

7. Dwindling number of construction workers

Light Gauge Steel Structural System & Pre-engineered Steel Structural System

Light Gauge Framed Steel Structure

(LGFSS) is based on factory made
galvanized light gauge steel
components produced by the cold
forming method assembled as
panels at site forming structural steel
framework of a building and varying
wall and floor construction as
detailed in this Certificate.

The panels are assembled on site

with screws and bolts to form the
internal and separating walls and
inner leaf of the external walls of a
building and floors & ceiling. The
building is completed by the
installation of an external layer of
insulation material and outer leaf of
CP Board or dry mix shotcrete.

Light Gauge Steel Structural System & Pre-engineered Steel Structural System

Light Gauge Framed Steel Structure

(LGFSS) is based on factory made
galvanized light gauge steel components
produced by the cold forming method
assembled as panels at site forming
structural steel framework of a building and
varying wall and floor construction as
detailed in this Certificate.

The panels are assembled on site with

screws and bolts to form the internal and
separating walls and inner leaf of the
external walls of a building and floors &
ceiling. The building is completed by the
installation of an external layer of insulation
material and outer leaf of CP Board or dry
mix shotcrete.

Why use light gauge steel framing system

Buildability: The use of prefabricated Safety: Steel’s inherent strength and

and pre assembled steel components noncombustible qualities enable light steel
reduces site works, reduces material frame houses to resist such devastating
waste and improves quality. events as fires, earthquakes, and hurricanes.
Homes can be designed to meet the
Speed: This system requires a shorter highest seismic and wind load
construction period compared to that specifications in any part of the country.
for a conventional system.
Quality: A better quality finished house
Strong but Lightweight: Steel has one of that is durable and low in maintenance.
the highest strength-to-weight ratios of
Easy to Remodel: Remodeling can be
any construction material. This results in
easily accomplished. Non-load bearing
savings in the foundation required and
walls can be readily relocated, removed
the lightness also makes for easier
or altered.
on-site handling.

Structural Details of LGSFS-Infill Concrete Wall

Manufacturing process

1. Light Gauge Steel Frame Structure

2. Precast Concrete Panels
3. Concrete/Light Weight Concrete
4. Assembly/Connecting Screws and Anchoring Bolts

Installation/ Construction of LGSF structure

1. Construction of Foundation and Plinth

2. Assembly of LGS Frames and Construction of Wall
3. Fixing of Precast Panels
4. Concrete Mixing and Pumping
5. Construction of Roof Slab
6. Reinforcement
7. Staircase and Railing
8. Fixing Electrical and Plumbing Fixtures
9. Fixing of Doors, Windows & Ventilator Frames and Shutters
10. Fixing Floor Tiles
11. Surface Finishing and Painting Cement based putty shall be applied

Precast Concrete Construction System - 3d Volumetric
The cast-in situ construction using conventional and newer formworks is being replaced by offsite manufacturing / precast of the elements of
the built environment as 2D or planar elements.

Construction should be by manufacturing the houses not as components, not as just 2D elements but as modules that deliver a
room or more from each precast as 3-Dimensional Monolithic Modular Volumetric Precast.

Two types of methods used in construction of 3d volumetric concrete construction

1. By assembling factory made 2D(planar) modules and making a 3D volumetric module.
2. Casting monolithic concrete making a 3D monolithic volumetric module.

1. By assembling factory made 2D(planar) modules and making a 3D volumetric module

Manufactured components Linear (2D) components 3D components in form of Modular components

● Fabricated in factory ● Requires in site work module ● Finished interior and
● Prefabricated ● Volumetric forms a exterior structure
elements assembled completed part of the

2. Casting monolithic concrete making a 3D monolithic volumetric module


1. Reinforcing insulation

2. High tech steel computerized mould


3. Reinforcement lifted and placed

4. First and second fix MEP positioned

5. Concrete - super plasticized, low


6. Lifting

7. Cure and commence fit out

8. Transport to erection position

9. Lift modular unit into place and assemble

10. Finish

Key advantages of Modular Construction

● Speed : The technology delivers construction times up to 80% faster than traditional superstructure systems and is ideal for
large and repetitious projects where onsite manufacturing delivers optimum benefits.
● Strength : The inherent load bearing strength of each module means that multi-level constructions of upto 10 storeys can be
economically and more safely achieved than using tilt slab or traditional practices.
The system provides a highly flexible precast building that is strong, durable, fire, termite, cyclone, water and weatherproof.
● Safety : The self-supporting system provides a safer work environment than traditional construction methods requiring no
propping, brackets or expensive scaffolding.
● Relocation : Both the manufacturing plants and the individual modules can be relocated to another location.
● Waste free : Virtually wastage free, the system utilizes lean manufacturing processes incorporating precise control of mix
formulations, materials and labour input.

Challenges of Modular Construction

● Since it is a modular construction, the modules restrict and manipulate the designing
● Poor design/ aesthetic quality
● Design is not fully context and not climate responsive
● Significant investment in terms of materials and labour is required.

PVC Stay In Place Formwork System

● Novel wall System consists of rigid poly-vinyl

chloride (PVC) based polymer components that
serve as a permanent stay-in-place durable
finished form-work for concrete walls.
● This system is adaptable to any building design
i.e. residential, commercial, industrial, low and
high rise buildings.
● Novel Wall is very efficient in terms of acoustic
performance, weather proof and highly
resistant to termites attack, and is virtually
maintenance free.
● The polymer components contain up to 55%
recycled content and are recyclable.
● The system has specific advantage to use near
coastal areas as durability not affected due to
salt-peter action.

Source: https://bmtpc.org/DataFiles/CMS/file/PDF_Files/59_PAC_Novel_PVC_Form.pdf
Construction Process:

Construction is done in a sequential

manner where at first, the
Prefabricated PVC Wall panels and
Pre-Engineered Steel Structural
Sections as per the design are
transported to the Site. Then, these
Sections are erected on the prepared
foundation using cranes and required
connections. Floor is installed using
decking sheet. Once the structural
frame and floor is installed and
aligned, wall panels are fixed on
decking floor. The prefabricated
walling panels having provisions of
holes for services conduits, are fixed
along with the reinforcement &
cavities inside the wall panels are filled
with concrete. Upon installment of
wall panels, flooring and ceiling, the
finishing work is executed.

Source: https://ghtc-india.gov.in/Content/LHP-Lucknow.html

As high capacity vertical and shear load bearing structural walling in

multi-storey construction: the Novel Wall shall be filled with reinforced
concrete suitably designed to resist the combined effect of lateral and
gravity loading.


Limitations for using Novel System on the basis of performance, safety,

geo-climatic Conditions:

● Stay in Place PVC Forms Walls shall need preplanned & installed
MEP/Services for concealed network.

● Door and Window position shall not be changed after pouring of


● Erection of panels shall be under supervision of trained


Source: https://bmtpc.org/DataFiles/CMS/file/PDF_Files/59_PAC_Novel_PVC_Form.pdf
Special Features:

● Having formwork already as

part of system, the
construction of building is
faster as compared to
conventional buildings. The
formwork needs some support
only for alignment purpose.
● In case of concrete as filling
material, the curing
requirement of concrete is
significantly reduced, thus
saving in precious water
● The formwork system does not
have plastering requirement &
gives a very aesthetic look.

Source: https://ghtc-india.gov.in/Content/LHP-Lucknow.html
Monolithic Concrete Construction using Tunnel Formwork

In ‘TunnelForm’ technology,
concrete walls and slabs are cast
in one go at site giving monolithic
structure using high-precision,
re-usable, room-sized, Steel forms
or moulds called ‘TunnelForm’.

An already established System for

building construction in many
countries, this system intends to
replace the conventional RCC
Beam-Column structure which
uses steel/plywood shuttering.

‘TunnelForm’ system uses

customised engineered steel
formwork consisting of two half
shells which are placed together
and then concreting is done to
form a room size module. Several
such modules make an
Rajkot, Gujarat

1) Stage One: Prefabricated Wall reinforcement is placed by 2) Stage Two: Two and a half tunnel is
crane along the entire wing prior to casting the kickers (used to craned into place, bolted together and ties
position wall formwork). are added.

3) Stage Three: The wall concrete is poured. Stage Four: The slab reinforcements are

Source: https://theconstructor.org/concrete/tunnel-form-construction-technique/8574/
5) Stage 5: The slab concrete is placed. The formwork system
6) Stage 6: The tunnel-forms are removed next day.
provides for a pour to be wrapped in tarpaulins and for the use of
butane heaters to maintain a sufficiently high temperature for the
concrete to reach its striking strength overnight.

The factory-made steel formwork can be

reused up to 600 times and it can suit a
variety of module sizes. This makes the
method of construction very versatile and
extremely economical. Tunnel-formwork
allows a 24-hour construction cycle to be
achieved and thus the buildability of in-situ
concrete is improved by choosing this type
of formwork.

7) Stage 7: The process is repeated for the next two bays.

Before the first casting with tunnel form,
kickers should be cast in order to position
the load bearing concrete walls.

Reinforcement wire mesh &

bars of the concrete walls are

Source: Book:- MESA iMALAT Formwork system (Tunnel Formwork System Modular - ERTF
All tunnel form units for the 1st phase are
located as explained above. End-wall forms
are positioned. After adjusting verticality tie
are fastened. Horizontal surface is
oiled. Electrical conduits are installed.
Block-outs for slab openings and slab/wall
stop-ends are set in place.

Slab reinforcement mesh/bars are installed.

Kicker forms for next level are fixed on the
tunnels. Final checks are performed before
concreting. Insulation curtains are placed
for night-time heating at cold weathers.

Source: Book:- MESA iMALAT Formwork system (Tunnel Formwork System Modular - ERTF
Next morning starts with stripping of tunnel forms.
Also reinforcement mesh & bars are installed for
the next phase. Half tunnels are loosen from
connecting components and block-outs. Half
tunnels are moved on the rollers and pulled-out
by the crane to the next phase/level by the help of
lifting triangle.Vertical panel surface is cleaned
and oiled while stripping the half-tunnel.

At every span the slab is back-propped after

first half tunnel is removed

2nd half-tunnel shall be removed after back

propping first half. Stripping & gable-end
platforms are also assembled around the
perimeter of the building. Tunnel forms will
be stripped-out on those platforms starting
from first floor.

Source: Book:- MESA iMALAT Formwork system (Tunnel Formwork System Modular - ERTF
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIjKvnyroVk
Prefabricated Sandwich Panel System

What is Sandwich Panel?

-As modern, light and durable construction elements,
sandwich panels are used to clad roofs and external
walls of the buildings as well as achieving insulated
internal walls and cold storages.

-produced by filling in a thick and low density

insulation material between two thin and high
density metal surfaces.

-ready-assembled building elements have a high load

carrying capacity

-Sandwich panel production is made in all insulation

types including PUR, PIR, Mineral Wool and EPS.

Sandwich panels are generally used in industrial

facilities, commercial buildings, cold storages,
residential buildings, power plants as well as
buildings for agricultural and husbandry.

Prefabricated Sandwich Panel System

Advantages Applications

● Easy and Instant Installation

● Weather Resistance
● Knock – Down System
● Good Thermal Property
● Easily Relocated
● Water Proof
● Low Maintenance Cost
● Aesthetic Appearance
● Fire Retardant
● Anti Corrosion
● High Flexural Strength
● Good Impact Resistance Property
● Segmented Under Movable

Prefabricated Sandwich Panel System Construction

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Prefabricated Sandwich Panel System Layers

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Prefabricated Sandwich Panel System Layers

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Precast Concrete Construction System- Precast Components Assembled at Site

● Precast concrete construction is a

system where the individual
precast components such as
walls, slabs, stairs, column, beam
etc, of building are manufactured
in plant or casting yard in
controlled conditions.
● The finished components are
then transported to site, erected &
● The technology provides solution
for low rise to high rise buildings,
especially for residential and
commercial buildings.

source:Welcome to GHTC-INDIA - LHP CHENNAI

Precast Concrete Construction System- Precast Components Assembled at Site

Construction Process:
● The construction process
comprises of manufacturing of
precast concrete Columns, Beams
and Slabs in steel moulds.
● The reinforcement cages are
placed at the required position in
the moulds. Concrete is poured
and compaction of concrete is
done by shutter/ needle vibrator.
● Casted components are then
moved to stacking yard where
curing is done for requited time
and then these components are
ready for transportation and
erection at site.

● These precast components are
installed at site by crane and
assembled together through
in-situ jointing and/or grouting etc.

Source: Welcometo GHTC-INDIA - LHP CHENNAI

(346) Precast Concrete Building Construction - YouTube
Precast Concrete Construction System- Precast Components Assembled at Site

● Nearly all components of building work are
manufactured in plant/casting yard & the
jointing of components is done In-situ
leading to reduction in construction time.
● The controlled factory environment brings
resource optimization, improved quality,
precision & finish.
● The concrete can be designed industrial
by-products such as Fly Ash, Ground
granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS), Micro
silica etc. resulting in improved workability &
durability, while also conserving natural
● Eliminates use of plaster.
● Helps in keeping neat & clean construction
site and dust free environment.
● Optimum use of water through recycling.
● Use of shuttering & scaffolding materials is
● All weather construction & better site

(346) BUILDING CONSTRUCTION step by step the process of making pre-cast concrete - YouTube
Container House

Shipping container architecture is

a form of architecture using steel
intermodal containers (shipping
containers) as structural element.

The use of containers as a building

material has grown in popularity
over the past several years due to
their inherent strength, wide
availability, and relatively low
expense. Homes have also been
built with containers because they
are seen as more eco-friendly than
traditional building materials such
as brick and cement.

: "5 Reasons why Shipping Container Homes are Popular in Other countries". Neuvasa: Fully Furnished Luxury Container Homes.
Source: https://www.shippingandfreightresource.com/anatomy-of-a-shipping-container/
: "5 Reasons why Shipping Container Homes are Popular in Other countries". Neuvasa: Fully Furnished Luxury Container Homes.
Source: https://www.slideshare.net/nicksocrates/shipping-container-architecture?from_action=save
Source: https://www.slideshare.net/nicksocrates/shipping-container-architecture?from_action=save
Source: https://www.slideshare.net/nicksocrates/shipping-container-architecture?from_action=save
Bogota, Columbia

Source: https://straddle3.net/en/proyectos/container-house
Stay in place formwork system - (GFRG)

What is GFRG?

● GFRG stands for Glass Fibre Reinforced Gypsum.

● It consists of high strength resistant glass fibers

bonded with high density gypsum cement to

produce panels that traditionally were done with

plaster castings.

● It contains calcined gypsum (gypsum which is

partially hydrated by heat), plaster, reinforced

with glass fibers.

Process for making GFRG panels

Construction with GFRG panel

Construction with GFRG panel

Construction with GFRG panel

STAY IN PLACE FORMWORK SYSTEM - Structural Stay In Place Steel Formwork System

● This patented Structural Stay in

Place Steel Formwork System is
known as ‘Coffor’ to build load
bearing monolithic concrete wall
structures based on shear wall
● The formwork system comprises of
two filtering grids made of rib mesh
reinforced by ‘C’ channel vertical
● The grids are connected by rebar
which act as horizontal stiffeners and
connector which act as a shear link.
● The grids on both faces act as
sacrificial formwork in which
concrete is poured in-situ.

Elements and Panel Assembly

1. ‘C’ Channel or Vertical Stiffeners 2. ReBar 3. Connector

These are vertical stiffeners which These are horizontal stiffeners ● Connectors connect C profile and
work as vertical steel in RCC wall. placed at every 200/100mm center Rebar
to center ● These also help to avoid bulging of
formwork during concrete pouring.

4. Rib Mesh

● Rib meshes are filtering grids

● The panels are prefabricated which
when arrive on the construction site
are installed and ready for

Use and Limitations of the Panels

● The Formwork System

shall be used for load
bearing walls/ retaining
walls/shear walls for
residential buildings
upto G+4 storey,
Industrial buildings,
Underground Tanks,
Water retaining
structures, Storm water
drains, Compound
walls etc. and as
shuttering material for

Site Layout


Nemausus House

To rationalize the use of land, located in the

garage floor, half-buried, following a
municipal ordinance but also to the parking
lot does not limit the visual and from the
outside of the package.

Nouvel poses two buildings almost parallel

elongate boat-shaped, one shorter than the

Between one half of them projected park and

public space that gives ownership to the

They kept two strips of trees that once formed

an arboretum, and run along the entire

Nemausus House

The two buildings with parking on ground floor
semi-buried, and three upper floors of
apartments. In total there are 114 housing units
distributed in the set, with simple types of
duplex and triplex (studios, one bedroom house
with double height, etc). The total area is
habitable 10.400m2, so the average of each
dwelling is 91m2 (well beyond the traditional
social housing). In addition, each of these types
gives to both sides of the package.

Building access is via stairs located on the

common area of the half, separated from each
ship. They are complemented elevators stuck on
the inside of each body, right in the middle of
them. Horizontal circulations are located
throughout the length of each volume, covering
three floors. These movements are made to
methods of “high street”, with a considerable
width to travel on foot or by bicycle, to serve as
common space for interaction among neighbors
and expansion of housing.


Again, in order to lower costs, the building

structure was designed in a practical and

The two volumes are based on a series of

columns placed every five meters, which
surround the parking space.

The only exception to the modulation of the

walls are prepared every 5 meters, is in the
center of the nave, where it is severely broken
with two walls to find a shorter distance, and
there put the elevators.

The stairs are off from each building and have

an independent steel structure.

His connection with the horizontal flow is

through bridges. Once again, through this
decision, win space for the dwellings within the


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