2024 TA Needs Assessment
2024 TA Needs Assessment
2024 TA Needs Assessment
Department of Education
The need for school heads to strengthen Capacity building among school heads Classroom Observation Tool
their instructional supervisory skills for to strengthen their instructional
the enhancement of teachers’ supervisory skills for them to enhance Supervisory Plan
competencies particularly on teachers’ competencies on teaching
instructional delivery and performance thus improve learners’
classroom management to improve performance.
teaching performances hence meeting
learning standards.
The need to strengthen school heads’ Individual/peer coaching and Monitoring Tools in the
competencies in the implementation of mentoring among school heads implementation of different
curriculum and special curricular concerned making sure that all Curriculum and Special
programs and design projects to improve programs and projects across Curricular Program and
learning outcomes. disciplines and across grade levels, Projects
division or district-wide are managed in
support to curriculum implementation
in schools.
• English
• Filipino
• Math
• Science
• Araling Panlipunan
• Edukasyon sa Pagpapahalaga
• Other projects implemented
within the districts.
Inadequate knowledge and skills on the Individual/peer coaching and ALS Monitoring Tools
utilization of contextualized and mentoring among ALS teachers on the
indigenized learning materials for ALS utilization of contextualized and
Program. indigenized learning materials to
improve learning delivery.
The need to strengthen the Individual/peer coaching and Kindergarten and SPED
implementation of Kindergarten and SPED mentoring among school heads on Tools
program to support curriculum the implementation of Kindergarten
implementation among schools. and SPED program, hence teachers’
competencies shall be honed.
b. Assessment of The need to improve the construction of Individual/peer coaching and Inventory of available
Learning assessment tools with Table of mentoring on test construction with Division validated/ school
Specifications across disciplines across Table of Specifications across approved learning
grade levels. disciplines across grade levels. assessment tools with TOS
across disciplines across
grade levels
c. Learning
Resources The need to hone teachers’ knowledge and Coaching and mentoring to address Learning Needs &
Management and competencies on development and issues in terms of developing, Development Assessment
Development redevelopment and quality assurance of redeveloping, and quality assurance of Tools
localized LRs localized, indigenized LRs.
Not fully utilized locally produced LRs Coaching and mentoring on the LRMDS Status Report
utilization of locally produced LRs to
monitor and evaluate the effective
utilization of locally produced LRs.
Not all school libraries are functional Coaching and mentoring on Library Profile Tool
establishing partnerships with different
stakeholders for financial support for
construction of functional lobraries.
The need to develop SLM, LAS and other Training workshops on the Inventory of available SLM,
learning materials across disciplines development of SLM, LAS and other LAS and other learning
aligned to MATATAG Curriculum learning materials across disciplines materials across disciplines
specifically for grades 1, 4 and 7. aligned to MATATAG Curriculum for its for grades 1, 4 and 7
pilot implementation.
Available lesson plans are not Individual/peer coaching and Inventory of available lesson
completely aligned with the needs of mentoring among concerned teachers plans and other teaching
Dumagat communities. on the preparation of lesson plans materials for Dumagat
aligned to the needs of dumagat teachers
b. Planning and Difficulties and concerns of proponents in Coaching/mentoring on the Interactive Guide to Teaching
Research the preparation of research proposals preparation of research proposals Models/ Educational
Management (common findings for proposals that did focusing on their area of concerns. Strategies for Interventions
not meet the 70% cut-off score in the in Action Research
▪ Lack of baseline data that support Research Mentors’ Coaching
the need to conduct action Worksheet
▪ Non-alignment of the specific
research questions to the main
research objective
▪ Non-alignment of research
methods and research problem
▪ Lack of clear framework/model of
the proposed intervention/
innovation/ strategies
Difficulties in the conduct of research On-the-spot technical assistance Monitoring tool on the
▪ Non-adherence to research ethics during the monitoring of the conduct of conduct of research (to be
▪ Gaps in progress monitoring of the the research to ensure adherence to utilized in
conduct of the intervention research ethics and to remind Saliksikamustahan)
Concerns of researchers on the Capacity building on data analysis, Interactive Guide to Teaching
preparation of research outputs online or face-to-face coaching on the Models/ Educational
▪ Incorrect data analysis preparation of research outputs Strategies for Interventions
▪ Non-alignment of the conclusion focusing on alignment of conclusion in Action Research
and recommendations with the and recommendations with the findings
findings of the study of the study Research Mentors’ Coaching
The need to validate, consolidate and Coaching/mentoring on the validation, Strong online connections to
process timely, accurate and relevant consolidation and processing of timely, facilitate discussions during
basic education statistics as reflected in accurate, and relevant basic education the coaching and mentoring
the EBEIS and LIS. statistics as reflected among schools’ activities.
Lack of knowledge on the allowable Online, Face-to-face coaching and GAD Plan
expenses in the implementation of Gender mentoring on the clarifications, and
and Development projects. suggestions on the allowable expenses
(sources of funds) in the
implementation of GAD projects.
Unavailability of the Needs Assessment for Online, Face-to-face coaching and Needs Assessment for the
the Professional Development of Teachers. mentoring on the development of the Professional Development of
Needs Assessment for the Professional Teachers
Development of Teachers
Unimplemented activities related to Coaching and mentoring on record SGC and SBM
School Governance Council (SGC) in keeping/proper filing of evidence as Documentation
relation to its functionality. MOVs for SGC Functionality and SBM
Mature Level
Need for the conduct of self-assessment
for School-Based Management (SBM)
Business Processes
Unfamiliar with the guidelines in the Online, Face-to-face coaching and Forms and tools in the
application of business processes: mentoring on different business application for different
• Application for SHS processes. processes
Program/Additional Track and
• Application for Integrated School
• Application for School Renaming
• Application for Private Schools
Innovation Project
Unfamiliar with the provisions of Division Online, Face-to-face coaching and Forms and tools in the
Memorandum No. 397 s. 2023, mentoring on the clarifications of the development of Innovation
Reiteration on the Regional Memorandum content of Regional Memorandum No. Projects
No. 408 s. 2023 entitled Implementation 408, s. 2023.
Guidelines on Innovation Management.
Prepared by:
Recommending Approval: