The project assignment is a COMPULSORY part of the course and will contribute 20% of
the final course score. Therefore, it will require considerable effort in time, input, and critical
thinking from each student. Every group was required to work independently throughout the
project, including information searching, data treatment /analysis, material compiling, and final
reporting. Each student within the group must work actively and contribute to the project work
and report writing.
2. Using all the information you have gathered above; every group is required to develop a
MARKET ANALYSIS on the choice of product/service of your OWN B2B BUSINESS.
This will help the company to understand the needs of existing and target customers
and why they chose your product/service over your competitors.
I. Introduction
a. Overview of B2B e-commerce
b. Importance of online platforms for B2B transactions
V. Value Proposition
A. Products or services offered
B. Competitive advantage and differentiation
C. Unique selling points
X. Implementation Plan
A. Timeline and milestones
B. Resource allocation and management
C. Monitoring and evaluation
XI. Conclusion
A. Summary of the B2B e-commerce business model
B. Future growth and expansion opportunities
XII. References
# Students are advised to refer to the rubric (Appendix 1) to comprehend the assessment criteria.
The deadline for submitting the assessment item(s) is strictly adhered to. No extension of time
will be allowed except in extenuating circumstances, e.g. medical reasons. Students who
wish to apply for an extension of time to submit the assessment item(s) after the due date shall
write the request with validated documentary evidence to support the application to their
class lecturer. The lecturer may consider and grant such a n extension of the due date for
the assessment item(s) based on the reason(s) provided.
Any assessment item required by the Coursework Assessment submitted after the due date
will be penalised without an approved extension. Assessment item(s) submitted more than
seven (7) days after the due date will be awarded zero (0) marks.
C. Plagiarism
Plagiarism is defined as the submission or presentation of work, in any form that is not one's
own, without acknowledging the sources. That source must be acknowledged if a student
obtains information or ideas from an outside source. Another rule is that any direct quotation
must be placed in quotation marks and the source immediately cited.
Plagiarism is also defined as a copy of all or part of another student's work (s) of the current
or previous batch of this University or another higher learning institution.
F. Mode of Referencing
Students are advised to incorporate proper academic modes of reference. The normally
acceptable mode of academic referencing is the American Psychological Association (APA)
✓ Allocation of marks: 20
✓ Note: You may find some additional information and examples at:
Appendix 1
Entrepreneurship Rubric
Self-efficacy Show no capabilities Show little capabilities Show adequate Show exceptional capabilities to succeed
to succeed in to succeed in capabilities to succeed in achieving an outcome or reaching a
achieving an outcome achieving an outcome in achieving an goal
or reaching a goal or reaching a goal outcome or reaching a
Competitive Portray no enthusiasm Portray little Portray adequate Portray outstanding enthusiasm to win or
to win or be more enthusiasm to win or enthusiasm to win or be more competitive
competitive be more competitive be more competitive
Business Unable to understand, Somewhat able to Adequately Significantly understand, interpret,
Acumen interpret, analyze, and understand, interpret, understand, interpret, analyze, and deal with a business
deal with a business analyze, and deal with analyze, and deal with situation professionally
situation a business situation a business situation
professionally professionally professionally
Entrepreneurship Rubric A222
Scoring Key
Undergraduat Postgraduat
e e
Below basic 1-5 -
Basic 6-10 1-7
Proficient 11-15 8-15
Advance 16-20 16-20