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Unit 7 Study Guide

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AP World History: Modern

Unit 7 Study Guide

1. What were the main causes of World War I? militarism, alliances, imperialism, and
2. Why did the Ottoman Empire lose territory the Ottoman Empire was an agricultural
leading up to WWI? state in an age of industrial warfare. Also,
the economic resources of the empire were
depleted by the cost of the Balkan Wars,
Ethnic and regional groups demanded self
determination and independence
3. What were impacts of World War I and the loss of territories, reduction in military
Treaty of Versailles? forces, and reparation payments to Allied
powers. encouraged independence
movements in Europe's colonies, forced
the United States to become a world power
and led directly to Soviet communism and
the rise of Hitler
4. What was the Mandate System? The mandate system was a compromise
between the Allies' wish to retain the
former German and Turkish colonies and
their pre-Armistice declaration that
annexation of territory was not their aim in
the war.
5. What groups of people did Nazi ideology The jews
blame for defeat during WWI?
6. How did the Soviet Union modernize their
7. How did many countries decide to guide their
economies as a result of the Great
8. What were the views of John Maynard classical economic theory did not provide a
Keynes? way to end depressions. He argued that
uncertainty caused individuals and
businesses to stop spending and investing,
and government must step in and spend
money to get the economy back on track.
9. How did Japan respond to the worldwide prescribing a combination of expansionary
depression? fiscal, exchange rate, and monetary
10. Describe Japanese expansion. During the early Shōwa period, Japan
moved into political totalitarianism,
ultranationalism, and fascism, as well as a
series of expansionist wars culminating in
Japan's invasion of China in 1937. The rise
of Japanese nationalism paralleled the
growth of nationalism within the West.
11. How were colonies impacted by the The European colonists who depended
worldwide depression? entirely on export production were
discouraged by the experience of the
Depression, and the declining revenues
affected colonial governments. The
possession of colonies was no longer
profitable, but colonial rulers were also
creditors, who did not wish to relinquish
their control.
12. What role did colonies play in the two Colonies became a source of manpower
World Wars? and raw materials.
13. What were the causes of World War II? They include the impact of the Treaty of
Versailles following WWI, the worldwide
economic depression, failure of
appeasement, the rise of militarism in
Germany and Japan, and the failure of the
League of Nations.
14. What were the outcomes of World War II? Hitler's invasion of Poland in September
1939 drove Great Britain and France to
declare war on Germany
15. What was the impact of firebombing? It was also seen as payback for the Pearl
Harbor attacks and the mistreatment of
Allied prisoners of war. In just two days,
more than 100,000 people were killed, a
million were maimed and another million
were made homeless.
16. What was the impact of atomic weapons? Massive death in Japan leading to Japan
giving up
17. Describe the Chinese Revolution. military struggle for control of China
waged between the Nationalists
(Kuomintang) under Chiang Kai-shek and
the Communists under Mao Zedong. China
was effectively divided into three regions
—Nationalist China under control of the
government, Communist China, and the
areas occupied by Japan.
18. Describe the Mexican Revolution Huerta's regime lasted from February 1913
to July 1914, with the Federal Army
defeated by revolutionary armies. The
revolutionary armies then fought each
other, with the Constitutionalist faction
under Carranza defeating the army of
former ally Pancho Villa by the summer of
19. Describe the Russian Revolution The Russian Revolution took place in 1917
when the peasants and working-class
people of Russia revolted against the
government of Tsar Nicholas II. They were
led by Vladimir Lenin and a group of
revolutionaries called the Bolsheviks. The
new communist government created the
country of the Soviet Union.
20. What type of government did Brazil have in
the 1930s under Vargas?

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