Walker Et Al
Walker Et Al
Walker Et Al
Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute,
6295 Sea Harbor Drive
Orlando, Florida 32821, U.S.A.
Panhandle Coast
\ "\
_..7 . Keys
' Florida
Figure 1. Map of locations of reported cetacean mass stranding events in Florida from
1977 to 2001. Boxed sections represent defined areas used for analysis by stranding location.
of the west coast of Florida is such that the Panhandle area and the southwest coast
may be influenced by different factors, so four categories resulted: east coast, Keys,
southwest coast, and Panhandle coast. Analysis of strandings by location suggested
an influence of wind forcing on stranding patterns. Of the 76 events, 21 occurred on
the east coast, 23 occurred in the Keys, and 32 occurred on the west coast (12 on the
Panhandle and 20 on the southwest coast). Figure 3 shows the number of strandings
for all four coastal divisions. The east coast and Panhandle had more strandings in
the winter, while the southwest coast and Florida Keys had more strandings in the
summer. The seasons during which strandings more likely occurred on the east and
southwest coasts coincided with the occurrence of downwelling-favorable winds as
mentioned above. Again, seasonal indices agreed with the trends.
Analysis of the importance of wind-forcing focused on the east coast of Florida.
When coastlines are straight, alongshore winds create upwelling or downwelling
conditions (Brooks and Mooers 1977). Coastline irregularities complicate water
flow, making shelf responses to wind forcing difficult to determine (Li and
Weisberg 1999). Due to the complexity of the coastline and the difficulty obtaining
in situ historical data, the effects of wind on water circulation in the Panhandle,
west coast, and the Florida Keys were not investigated.
l2 1
10 -
$ 8
6 -
4 -
o i I,
Figure 2. Number of cetacean mass strandings in Florida each month from 1977 to
Hourly wind data from NOAA National Data Buoy Center (http:ii
www.ndbc.noaa.govirmd.shtm1)buoys were examined with respect to 15 of the
mass stranding events occurring on the east coast of Florida between 1977 and
2001. The orientation of the coastline relative to true north was measured for each
stranding point for which wind data were available, and these angles were then used
to determine alongshore and across-shore wind components. Alongshore wind
speeds were smoothed with a low-pass Gaussian filter to remove fluctuations with
periods less than 24 h.
Winds influence the overall movement of the water, which in turn changes local
sea levels. However, the sea level can be affected by both local and remote winds.
Remote winds generate coastal-trapped, or shelf, waves that spread the ocean's
response in the alongshore direction, propagating southward along the US east coast
(Yankovsky and Garvine 1998). These waves do not produce upwelling fronts at the
surface. Sea level data were, therefore, compared with local winds to determine local
response that was likely associated with formation of upwelling fronts as opposed
to coastal-trapped waves. Hourly sea level data obtained from NOAA's National
Oceanographic Data Center (http:l/www.nodc.noaa.gov) were corrected for at-
mospheric pressure changes, filtered, and examined relative to wind changes.
Only one of the 15 events examined occurred outside of winter, which is the
downwelling season on the east coast, as described above. Although this single
event occurred during the upwelling season, it was preceded by two weeks of
prolonged downwelling-favorable winds. No events occurred during extended
upwelling-favorable winds (extended events considered to be 2 2 d). In all of the
east coast records examined, a change in wind direction from upwelling-favorable
to downwelling-favorable conditions occurred during the week prior to the event.
In addition, simultaneous oscillations in sea level were apparent and support the
hypothesis that changes in wind direction influenced water circulation prior to the
stranding. Figure 4 gives an example of plots analyzed for wind and sea level
conditions during the two weeks prior to each stranding event. An increase in wind
speed and a decrease in sea level indicate an upwelling regime. Alternatively,
a reversal of wind speed towards negative values and an increase in sea level indicate
a downwelling regime. Figure 4 illustrates the two weeks before 3 January 1998,
when seven short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhyncbus) came ashore. The
shift in wind from upwelling to downwelling can be seen 4 d prior to the stranding
event. Each event was analyzed in this way, and the number of days prior to each
stranding event when the wind changed from upwelling favorable to downwelling
favorable is shown in Figure 5. With the exception of three events, this change
occurred within 4 d prior to the stranding, suggesting an importance of winds in
the week prior to the stranding.
Distances from all stranding sites to the 10 m, 20 m, and 50 m isobaths were
measured. For stranding sites located in the Florida Keys, a straight-line distance
from the site to each isobath was measured, bisecting an island if necessary, to obtain
the shortest distance to a set isobath. To confirm that Florida shores themselves are
not skewed, 76 random points were chosen along the coast and measured to the lO-m,
20-m, and 50-rnisobath to compare with stranding data. A Wilcox signed rank test
was performed using SPSS (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL) on each set of isobath data.
The mean distance from shore to all isobaths was significantly shorter for
stranding sites than for the random sites (10-m isobath P = 0.005; 20-m isobath
P = 0.002; 50-m isobath P = 0.01 1). In addition, skewness statistics for distance to
stranding sites (10-m isobath 1.596; 20-rn isobath 0.790; 50-rn isobath 0.773) and
bottom slope (10-m isobath 2.314; 20-rn isobath 1.319; 50-m isobath 1.243) are
all positive denoting a tendency towards the shorter distances and steeper slopes.
Strandings in Florida are relatively evenly distributed along the coastline, with
the exception of southeastern Florida and the Big Bend region on the west coast
(Fig. 1). Increased across-shelf water exchange is one physical condition common
$ 0
354 356 358 360
Year day
- 364 36E
:hange in wind
1400 ~
- 364 36E
Figure 4. Change in wind speed and sea level during the two weeks prior to a stranding
of seven Globicephala macrorhynchus in Brevard county, FL (27"54.9', 80'28.7') on 3 January
1998. Note the change in wind direction and sea level from upwelling-favorable to
downwelling-favorable conditions 4 d prior to the stranding, which is shown as the last day
on the chart. a) Positive wind speed values indicate upwelling-favorablewinds and negative
values indicate downwelling-favorable winds. b) A rise i n sea level values indicates
downwelling-favorable winds and a fall in values indicates upwelling-favorable winds.
to these two areas. The Gulf Stream passes very close to southeastern Florida,
ventilating the inshore water and dominating the physical oceanography of the area.
Across-shelf transport is increased in the Big Bend area because of recirculation
causing frequent upwelling events (Yang et a/. 1999).
Mass strandings in Florida show a definite seasonal trend with more occurrences
in the winter and summer seasons, and fewer in the spring and fall. There was no
significant difference between species, although seasonal changes in proximity to
the shoreline may account for the timing of a particular species stranding. When
strandings were analyzed relative to the four coastal divisions, strandings were more
likely to occur in seasons with downwelling-favorable conditions. The Florida Keys
did not show as clear a seasonal change, perhaps due to the convoluted nature of the
shoreline that leads to less direct influence by wind-forcing. The tendency for
changes in wind direction from upwelling-favorable to downwelling-favorable in
the week prior to the event is of interest because this change results in frontal
system formation. An upwelling front is formed when cooler upwelled waters meet
warmer surface waters (Shanks eta/. 2000). This front forms close to shore, and then
moves offshore, eventually reaching a quasi-stationary regime while wind continues
(Mann and Lazier 1991). Wind reversal to downwelling-favorable winds allows the
front to move back toward the shore (Shanks et al. 2000).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Number of days before stranding wind change occured
Fzgwe 5. Number of days before each mass stranding event analyzed when wind
changed from upwelling to downwelling favorable.
Cetaceans are known to track frontal convergences, and thus might, hypo-
thetically, follow an upwelling front. A change from upwelling-favorable winds
to downwelling-favorable winds would cause the front to move inshore, and if
cetaceans were following the front, this may explain their movement towards
shore. At some point the frontal structure would disappear, perhaps “confusing”the
animals. Because every switch from upwelling to downwelling conditions does not
cause a stranding it is obvious that this alone does not cause the stranding. This
analysis suggests that prevailing winds and their influence on frontal structures near
shore may be important during the week prior to an event.
Bathymetry was also be an important factor. A number of studies have concluded
that cetaceans are most likely to strand on gently sloping beaches (Mazzuca et al.
1999). Our results suggest that cetaceans are more likely to strand on Florida
beaches having a gentle slope with a sudden drop in depth close to shore. Some
authors attribute the correlation between gently sloping beaches and stranding sites
to the possibility that sonar is not reflected properly in these areas. Florida data
suggest that the gently sloping beach may be located near an area of rapid depth
change, and that this change in sea-floor relief may be the important factor.
Most species that mass strand in Florida occupy offshore, deepwater habitats, and
are not coastal inhabitants (Reeves et al. 2002). Cetaceans may occur outside their
usual habitat because of fluctuations in food availability and oceanographic
conditions and they are more likely to be found near regions of high sea-floor relief
(Selzer and Payne 1988). Some species will also move farther inshore following
migrations of their prey (Reilly 1990), or frontal structure movements, rather than
prey directly (Tynan 1997, Bjorge 2001). Analysis of Florida mass strandings found
both bathymetry and wind-induced water circulation to be important factors. Both
influence oceanic frontal structures, and thus suggest the importance of abiotic
factors in the locations of mass stranding events.
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