TLE Basic Drafting
TLE Basic Drafting
TLE Basic Drafting
of precision drawing
Drafting – the instruments
primary method of Orthographic
communication Projection- method
between designers of representing the
and clients, architects exact shape of an
and builders, object into two or
engineers and more views on planes
production personnel generally at right
and between angles to each other
advertisers and by extending
customers perpendicular from
Technical Drawing – the object to the
a drawing when used plane.
to show the material, Lettering-
dimension, and fundamental part of
shape of a product. drawing
Drawing- considered
as the international Basic Classifications
language of industry. of Letters
Freehand Drawing- Roman- all letters
graphic language having strokes
with the use of a “accented” or made
pencil, eraser and up of thick and thin
paper only elements
Drawing- graphic
Gothic- all letters space to be used is
composed of uniform wider than normal
width elements Compressed/
Single Stroke Condensed Letters-
Gothic- letters that are
recommended by narrower than
ANSI (American normal. Used when
National Standards space is limited
Institute) as it is Lightface- letters
easier to read and with very thin stems
letter than other Boldface- letters
styles of lettering having heavy stems
Text Letters- all
styles of Old English Guide lines-
Text whose elements extremely light
are made with style C horizontal lines to
or D speedball pens regulate the height of
Proportions of Letters
Normal Letters- Parts of Guide Lines
used when the space Cap Line- the
for lettering is uppermost horizontal
adequate guide line drawn for
Extended Letters- uppercase letters and
letters wider than stroke of letters that
normal letters and extends up which is
are used when the known as “ascender”
Waist Line- Profile Plane/ Side
horizontal guide line View
drawn between the
cap line and base line Isometric Drawing-
used to determine the drawing wherein the
general height of object is represented
lower-case letters by three sides seen
Base Line- horizontal at one time
guide line where all
the letters rest or Isometric Axes
stand Left 30 degrees
Drop Line- horizontal cross axis
guide line drawn for Vertical Axis
letters with stokes Right 30 degrees
that extend down cross axis
known as
“descender” Box Method- starting
point for all isometric
Orthographic drawings
Orthos + Graphos = Oblique Drawing
straight line drawing Oblique means
INCLINED; one plane
Planes of Projection parallel to the picture
Horizontal Plane/ plane which is the
Top View same size as the
Frontal Plane/ Front orthographic view
Types of Oblique Sap wood- part
Drawing closer to the bark that
Cavalier – when the contains starch and
width, depth and many nutritious
height of drawings substances;
are the true length susceptible to the
Cabinet- when the attacks of insects and
measurement of the germs.
depth axis is reduced Heartwood- the inner
to one-half part that is made of
accumulated dead
cells and appears in
BASIC CARPENTRY a color unique to the
wood; insusceptible
Carpentry- the art of to the attacks of
cutting, framing, and insects and germs;
joining timber or high level of durability
wood, also known as
woodworking Preparation of Wood
Structure of Wood Lumbering
Cambium Layers- Sawing
extend near the bark
divide into wood in Methods of Log
inner part and into Sawing
bark on the outer Plain/Bastard
surface Sawing – cutting the
logs entirely through
the diameter with a c. Radio
parallel cord Frequency
tangential to the Dielectric
annual rings Drying
Quarter/Rift Sawing-
divided into four
methods; radial,
tangential, quarter, Formula in
and combined radial Computing the Board
and tangential Foot
Seasoning of Lumber T” x W” x L’
Natural or Air
Seasoning- one of
the best methods Where: T” =
adopted in seasoning thickness in inch
although the period W” = width in inch
involved is longer L’ = length in feet
than the artificial 12 = constant
seasoning method
Artificial Seasoning- Two Types of Lumber
method adopted for Soft Wood – usually
quick drying of the used in ordinary
wood woodwork such as
a. Forced Air pine, lauan, etc.
Drying Hard Wood – usually
b. Kiln Drying used in cabinet or
furniture making such
as narra, molave, (twist) or any
yakal;, etc. combination of these
Nail Structure
COSMETOLOGY Free Edge- the end
of the nail plate that
Manicure and is shaped during
Pedicure manicure and
Manicure- Latin pedicure
words Manus (hand) Hyponichium- the
and Cura (care); a portion of skin at the
treatment for just the end of the finger
hands, just the nails, underneath the free
or both and its edge
purpose is to improve Nail Plate- visible
the appearance of portion of the nail that
the hands and nails sits on top of the nail
bed and ends at the 1. Remove old
free edge polish.
Side Wall- the 2. Shape the
grooves on the sides nails.
of the nail between 3. Soften cuticle.
the nail and the skin 4. Dry fingertips
Nail Bed- the part of 5. Apply cuticle
the finger underneath remover
the nail plate 6. Loosen cuticle
Lunula- moon- 7. Clean under
shaped point where free-edge
the matrix and the 8. Cleanse nails
nail bed meet; the Completion
softest part of the nail 1. Bevel nails
Cuticle- the 2. Apply the base
overlapping skin coat
surrounding the nail; 3. Apply liquid
protect the matrix polish
from invading 4. Remove
bacteria and physical excess polish
change 5. Apply top or
Matrix- where the seal coat
nail is made; the only 6. Apply hand
living part of the nail lotion