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TLE Basic Drafting

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BASIC DRAFTING language with the aid

of precision drawing
Drafting – the instruments
primary method of Orthographic
communication Projection- method
between designers of representing the
and clients, architects exact shape of an
and builders, object into two or
engineers and more views on planes
production personnel generally at right
and between angles to each other
advertisers and by extending
customers perpendicular from
Technical Drawing – the object to the
a drawing when used plane.
to show the material, Lettering-
dimension, and fundamental part of
shape of a product. drawing
Drawing- considered
as the international Basic Classifications
language of industry. of Letters
Freehand Drawing- Roman- all letters
graphic language having strokes
with the use of a “accented” or made
pencil, eraser and up of thick and thin
paper only elements
Drawing- graphic
Gothic- all letters space to be used is
composed of uniform wider than normal
width elements Compressed/
Single Stroke Condensed Letters-
Gothic- letters that are
recommended by narrower than
ANSI (American normal. Used when
National Standards space is limited
Institute) as it is Lightface- letters
easier to read and with very thin stems
letter than other Boldface- letters
styles of lettering having heavy stems
Text Letters- all
styles of Old English Guide lines-
Text whose elements extremely light
are made with style C horizontal lines to
or D speedball pens regulate the height of
Proportions of Letters
Normal Letters- Parts of Guide Lines
used when the space Cap Line- the
for lettering is uppermost horizontal
adequate guide line drawn for
Extended Letters- uppercase letters and
letters wider than stroke of letters that
normal letters and extends up which is
are used when the known as “ascender”
Waist Line- Profile Plane/ Side
horizontal guide line View
drawn between the
cap line and base line Isometric Drawing-
used to determine the drawing wherein the
general height of object is represented
lower-case letters by three sides seen
Base Line- horizontal at one time
guide line where all
the letters rest or Isometric Axes
stand Left 30 degrees
Drop Line- horizontal cross axis
guide line drawn for Vertical Axis
letters with stokes Right 30 degrees
that extend down cross axis
known as
“descender” Box Method- starting
point for all isometric
Orthographic drawings
Orthos + Graphos = Oblique Drawing
straight line drawing Oblique means
INCLINED; one plane
Planes of Projection parallel to the picture
Horizontal Plane/ plane which is the
Top View same size as the
Frontal Plane/ Front orthographic view
Types of Oblique Sap wood- part
Drawing closer to the bark that
Cavalier – when the contains starch and
width, depth and many nutritious
height of drawings substances;
are the true length susceptible to the
Cabinet- when the attacks of insects and
measurement of the germs.
depth axis is reduced Heartwood- the inner
to one-half part that is made of
accumulated dead
cells and appears in
BASIC CARPENTRY a color unique to the
wood; insusceptible
Carpentry- the art of to the attacks of
cutting, framing, and insects and germs;
joining timber or high level of durability
wood, also known as
woodworking Preparation of Wood
Structure of Wood Lumbering
Cambium Layers- Sawing
extend near the bark
divide into wood in Methods of Log
inner part and into Sawing
bark on the outer Plain/Bastard
surface Sawing – cutting the
logs entirely through
the diameter with a c. Radio
parallel cord Frequency
tangential to the Dielectric
annual rings Drying
Quarter/Rift Sawing-
divided into four
methods; radial,
tangential, quarter, Formula in
and combined radial Computing the Board
and tangential Foot

Seasoning of Lumber T” x W” x L’

Natural or Air
Seasoning- one of
the best methods Where: T” =
adopted in seasoning thickness in inch
although the period W” = width in inch
involved is longer L’ = length in feet
than the artificial 12 = constant
seasoning method
Artificial Seasoning- Two Types of Lumber
method adopted for Soft Wood – usually
quick drying of the used in ordinary
wood woodwork such as
a. Forced Air pine, lauan, etc.
Drying Hard Wood – usually
b. Kiln Drying used in cabinet or
furniture making such
as narra, molave, (twist) or any
yakal;, etc. combination of these

Defects of Wood Woodworking

Knot – a branch or Methods
limb of a tree that has Planning
been exposed as the Cutting
log is cut into lumber Assembling
Check- a lengthwise Sanding and
separation of the finishing
wood like small crack
or split Wood Finishing
Slit - a lengthwise Materials
break or big crack in Varnish- a solution of
the board tough resins
Decay – the rotting of Shellac- a quick
wood drying alcohol based
Stain- a resin derived from a
discoloration of the lac bug
wood surface Penetrating Finish-
Wane- lack of wood intended to sink into
on the face of the the wood, protecting
piece it from most common
Warp- any variation hazards, darkening
from a tree or plane its color somewhat
surface; includes yet leaving only little
crack, bow, cup, wind finish
Fillers- basically wall to wall; the major
pastes which fill in horizontal support
the open pores of the member upon which
wood the floor system is
Lacquer- quick laid
drying material, Floor Joist- placed
composed of on the girders where
synthetic solvents; the floor board are
intends to change the fastened usually at a
color of wood least of distance of 30-40
all- and in some centimeters
special formula Sill- part of the side
leaves it unchanged of the house that rest
or even lighter than horizontally upon the
the natural color foundation
Bleaches- lighten the Header- short
wood transverse joist that
Opaque Finishes- supports the end of
paints, enamels, the cut-off joist at a
pigment lacquers stair well hole
Stains- give the Trimmer- a
wood its accepted supporting joist which
color carries an end portion
of the header
The Wood Floor Flooring- the tongue
System and grove board
Girder- principal which is the most
beam extending from
common of the wood
flooring materials Saw Set- used to
adjust the kerf or
Roof System teeth of the saw in
Rafters- extended at order to reduce
the right angle from friction between the
the plate or girts to saw blade and the
the ridge wood, and to
Truss- series of discharge the saw
triangles used to dust easily
distribute load and
stiffen the structure KINDS OF SAW AND
spacing which offers ITS USES
flexibility for the
interior as well as
strength and rigidity
Girts- supports the
rafters or truss of a
Collar Beam- the ties
between rafters on
opposite sides of the
Purlins- placed on
top of the rafters or
top chord of a truss
that support the
roofing materials
frame, used for
cutting curves in
Crosscut Saw- a wood; used to cut
saw with a handle at intricate external
each end, used by shapes and interior
two people for cutting cutouts in
across the grain of woodworking or
timber. carpentry
RipSaw- a wood saw Back Saw- any hand
that is specially saw which has a
designed for making stiffening rib on the
a rip cut, a cut made edge opposite the
parallel to the cutting edge, allowing
direction of the wood for better control and
grain more precise cutting
Keyhole Saw- (also than with other types
called a pad saw, of saws; used in
alligator saw, jab woodworking for
saw or drywall saw) precise work, such as
is a long, narrow saw cutting dovetails,
used for cutting mitres, or tenons in
small, often awkward cabinetry and joinery
features in various Hack Saw- a fine-
building materials toothed saw,
Coping Saw- a saw originally and
with a very narrow principally for cutting
blade stretched metal; can also cut
across a U-shaped various other
materials, such as a. Alternate-
plastic and wood; for Course
example, plumbers Ashlars-
and electricians often construction of
cut plastic pipe and blocks are laid in
plastic conduit with alternate thick
them and thin courses
b. Broken
Ashlars –
BASIC MASONRY stones of various
AND CONCRETE size are used to
make courses
Masonry- art of that are not
building with stone, continues for the
bricks, concrete whole length of
blocks or similar the wall
materials Rubble Stone-
consist of irregular
Types of Modern stones with good face
Stone Works for the wall surface
Ashlars- consists of Course Rubble-
carefully worked and made with roughly
joined stone blocks squared blocks
laid in parallel leveled up to 30-45
horizontal courses cm thick courses
Bricks- Stretcher- when the
manufactured from brick is laid where its
clay and other longer side is
materials processed exposed to view
into a workable
consistency molded MORTAR- a mixture
to standard sizes and of lime (cement),
fired in a kiln to make sand and water used
them strong, durable for binding stones in
and attractive construction
Concrete Hollow PLASTER- a mixture
Block (CHB)- most of lime (cement),
widely used masonry sand and water,
materials for all types sometimes with hair
of construction; a or fibers added as
building module binding material,
resembling large applied wet to an
bricks that are interior wall or ceiling
molded from sand and hardening to a
and cement smooth surface when
Bond- term used
referring to the Cement
arrangement of the Hydraulic Cement- a
bricks bonding agent that
Header- term applied reacts with water to
when brick is laid with form a hard stone-like
its end exposed substance that is
resistant to
disintegration in Aggregates
water Aggregates-inert
Portland Cement- materials that when
most widely used in bound together into a
various small and conglomerated mass
large construction; it by Portland cement
is not a brand but a and water form
type of hydraulic concrete, mortar or
cement plaster; it is about
Pozzolan Cement- it 75% of the total mass
is amorphous silica of concrete
that hardens as a a. Coarse
silica gel by reacting Aggregate or
chemically with alkali Gravel
in the presence of b. Fine
water Aggregates or
Admixture- a
material other than Concrete- an
water, aggregates, artificial stone as a
Portland cement, that result of mixing
is used as an cement, fine
ingredient in concrete aggregate, coarse
and is added to the aggregate, fine
batch immediately aggregate and water
before or during its
mixing Clas Cem San Gra
ent d vel 1 kg of cement
s of
Bags (Cu (Cu 2 kg of sand
(40 bic bic 2 ½ to 3 kg of
kg) Ft.) Ft.) gravel
AA 1 1½ 3
A 1 2 4 Things to Avoid in
B 1 2½ 5 Placing concrete to
C 1 3 6 its Final Form
1. Segregation of
Consistency- the particles
degree of wetness or 2. Displacement
slump of the concrete of forms
mix; varies directly 3. Displacement
with the amount of of reinforcement in
water the form
Plasticity- the ease 4. Poor bond
with which fresh between
concrete can be successive layers
molded or deformed of concrete
without segregation
Mobility- capacity of Curing- hardening of
concrete to concrete
movement or flow

Good Concrete Mix BASIC PLUMBING

Proportion (Hand
Mixing) Plumbing- the art
½ kg of water and science of
installing pipes , Types of Drainage
fixtures and other Piping
apparatus to convey 1. Soil Pipe-
and supply water in convey waste
buildings and to coming from water
dispose and closet
discharge waste 2. Waste Pipe-
water and other convey waste
liquids, gases and from various
other substances out fixtures other than
of buildings in a safe, water closet
orderly, healthy and
sanitary way to Household Plumbing
ensure the health and System
sanitation of life and Supply (Water
property Supply) – system
that carries water
The Drainage System under pressure from
Types of Waste the well or
1. Solid Waste- underground water
being discharge mains into the house
by water closet and to all fixtures
(toilet) Drain- Waste
2. Liquid Waste- System – begins at
coming from the fixtures and
various fixtures appliances where the
water supply system
Vents System- bottom of the septic
provide a way for tank
sewer gas to escape Anaerobic Bacteria-
while maintaining processed the scum
atmospheric pressure and sludge
inside drain pipes, Digestion-
preventing the traps transforming the
from being drained scum and sludge into
liquid and gases
Fittings- a piece of
apparatus, equipment Two Processes in
or furnishing used for the Septic Tank
pipe installation 1. Sedimentation
- decomposition in
The Septic Tank the upper portion
Septic Tank- of the tank (with
receptacle or vault the scum)
used to collect 2. Anaerobic
organic waste Decomposition-
discharged from the decomposition of
house sewer. the accumulated
Scum- floating sludge at the
substance at the bottom of the tank
septic tank
Sludge- semi-liquid Right Slope of
substance Waste Pipe
accumulated at the The ideal position
of horizontal waste
pipe were those Circ Geor
installed at 2% slope uit R ge
(inclined ratio of 2 cm Resi Ohm or Sim
per meter length) stan Ω oun
which is appropriate ce Ohm
for its Scouring or Jam
Self-Cleaning action Watt P es
for every discharge of Watt
Circuit Connections
Series Circuit- loads
BASIC are connected end to
ELECTRICITY end along the path of
current in a single
Unit Sy closed loop
of mb Prop
Disc ols onen Rule 1: When two or
over Us t more resistors are
er ed connected in series,
Elect Amp Andr the total resistance is
ron ere A e the sum of all the
Curr (Am or I Amp resistance in the
ent p.) ere circuit.
Ales RT = R 1 + R 2 + R 3 +
V sand ….. Rn
Volt or ro
E Volt Rule 2: The total
a voltage in series
circuit is the sum of always equal to the
all individual voltage voltage drop in each
drops of the loads. load.
ET = E 1 + E 2 + E 3 + … ET = E 1 = E 2 = E 3 = …
En En

Rule 3:The current Rule 2: The current in

flowing in a series parallel circuit is
circuit is the same or distributed in every
constant. branch. The total
IT = I1 = I2 = I3 = …. In current is the sum of
the currents of each
Rule 4: The total branch.
power in series circuit IT = I1 + I2 + I3 + …. In
is the sum of the
individual power Rule 3: The
consumption of each resistance in parallel
load in the circuit. circuit is the
PT = P 1 + P 2 + P 3 + … reciprocal of the sum
Pn of the reciprocals of
all the branches. The
Parallel Circuit- total resistance is
loads are connected always lower than the
side by side across lowest value in the
the path of current circuit once the
Rule 1: The voltage decreases.
in parallel circuit is 1 = 1 + 1 + 1 + … 1
RT R1 R 2 R3 Rn
Short Circuit- when
conductors from line
Rule 4: The total 1 and line 2 of a
power consumed in circuit come into
the circuit is the sum contact with each
of all the power other without passing
consumed by each any load or when the
branch. resistance of the load
PT = P 1 + P 2 + P 3 + … becomes
Pn unnecessarily low.
Open Circuit- when
Complex Circuit the flow of current in
(Series-Parallel a circuit is incomplete
Combination) – or when the circuit is
used when it is switched OFF
necessary to provide Closed Circuit- there
the various amounts is a complete flow of
of current and current in the circuit
voltages at different or when the circuit is
points of the circuit switched ON
using only one Grounded Circuit-
source of supply when one un-
voltage insulated conductor
in a circuit touches
Conditions of a the metal part of the
Circuit appliance; causes
voltage drain and
may cause equipment of the
electrocution when premises supplied
touched by an un- Service Drop-
insulated individual overhead service
Overloaded Circuit- conductor from the
when the total current last pole or other
flowing in the circuit aerial support to and
is more than the including the splices,
current capacity or if any, connecting to
ampacity of the the service entrance
conductor of the conductor at the
branch circuit building or other
Service- the Branch Circuit- that
conductor or portion of the wiring
equipment for system extending
delivering energy beyond the final over
from the electricity current device
supply system to the protecting the circuit
wiring system of the Load- fixtures,
premises served equipment or
Service Conductor- appliances that are
the supply conductor connected in the
which extends from circuit that consume
the street mains or power or electricity
from transformers to
the service
Common or Standard level of light
House Wiring appropriate to
Specifications such activities as
Wire Sizes/Cables watching
 No. 14 AWG – for television
lighting fixtures
 No. 12 AWG- for BASIC
convenience ELECTRONICS
 No. 8 AWG – for Components of
service entrance Electronic Circuit
Three Basic Components or
Categories of Device –
Lighting Fixtures components that do
1. Task Lighting- not generate voltage
used to illuminate but controls the
the area where a current in a circuit.
visual activity Ex.: resistors,
occurs capacitors, inductors,
2. Accent etc.
Lighting- Active Components
primarily or Device –
decorative components that can
3. Ambient or generate, amplify,
General Lighting and even control
– provides a soft voltage and current in
a circuit. Ex: diode, Bro ±
1 1 10
transistor, integrated wn 1%
circuit (IC) and etc. Re ±
2 2 100
d 2%
Characteristics of Ora 100 ±
3 3
Basic Electronic nge 0 3%
Components Yell 100 ±
Resistors 4 4
ow 00 4%
- a component Gre 100 ------
used to oppose the 5 5
en 000 ---
flow of current 100
-made up of Blu ------
6 6 000
carbon, cement, wire- e ---
wound, metal film 100
-power capacity is Viol ------
7 7 000
expressed in WATTS et ---
Gra ------ ------
Color Coding of 8 8
y --- ---
Resistors Wh ------ ------
Signi 9 9
ite --- ---
ficant Gol --- --- x ±
CO Figur Tole d - - 0.1 5%
LO e ranc Silv --- --- x ±
R 2 e er - - 0.01 10%
n No --- --- ------ ±
d ne - - --- 20%
Bla --- ------
0 1
ck -- ---
High Resistance-
measured value is
more than the highest
allowed value
Low Resistance-
measured value is
Tolerance- allowable less than the lowest
resistance more or allowed value
less than the actual
resistance Capacitor
Multiplier- used to - An
multiply the electrical/electroni
significant digits to c device
find the actual value consisting of two
of the resistor plates separated
1st and 2nd by an insulator
Significant Digit- called “dielectric”
read and identified as which has the
is capability to
charge and
Testing Resistors discharge voltage
Open- no deflection - Rating is
of the VOM pointer in expressed in
any setting “capacitive value
Shorted- VOM or capacitance”
pointer deflects to and “working
zero resistance in voltage” which is
any setting expressed in Volts
certain point but do
Kinds of Capacitors not deflect back to
According to Use infinity
WV (AC)- capacitors Good Capacitor-
with low capacitance, VOM pointer deflects
high working voltage to the right at a
(usually used in certain value and
electrical circuit) deflects back to the
WV (DC)- capacitors left towards infinity
with high
capacitance, high Diode
working voltage - Semi-conductor
(usually used in electronic device
electronic circuit) or component that
permits current to
Test Indicators of flow in only one
Capacitors direction
Open Capacitor- no Anode- (positive
deflection of VOM electrode, the point of
pointer on either side exit of electrons from
Shorted Capacitor- a device to the
VOM pointer deflects external circuit) to be
to the right and do connected to the
not deflect back to negative point of the
infinity at any setting circuit
Leaky Capacitor- Cathode- (negative
VOM pointer deflects electrode, the point of
to the right at a entry of electrons into
a device from the Test Indicators of a
external circuit) to be Diode
connected to the Shorted- VOM
positive point of the pointer deflects to
circuit zero ohms at any
setting of the test
Open- VOM pointer
stays at infinity or
does not deflect to
the right at any
setting of the test
Leaky- VOM pointer
deflects to a certain
point to both forward
Rectifier Diode- a or reverse bias
device used to Good- VOM pointer
convert alternating deflects to a certain
current to direct point when positive
current test prod is
Crystal Diode connected the
(Detector)- a device cathode and the
used to determine the negative test prod is
presence of a signal connected to the
Zener Diode- used anode; no deflection
as a regulator when the connection
of the test prods is voltage, current or
reversed signal in a circuit

Forward Bias- when Elements of a

electrons or current is Transistor
applied to the Base (B)
cathode (permits the Emitter (E)
flow of current) Collector (C)
Reverse Bias- when
electrons or current is Two Kinds of
applied to the anode Transistors
(does not permit the NPN Transistor-
flow of current) arrow pointing
- a combination of
the word “Transfer
+ Resistor”
- consist of a semi-
materials like PNP Transistor-
germanium and arrow pointing inward
silicon which is
used as amplifier,
detector, oscillator
or switch
Amplifier- increase
or multiply the
Note: The arrow the production of
points where the magnetic field by
negative is. The current in a conductor
supply is connected
to the emitter and Transformer- a
collector. device for converting
a varying current
Heat Sink- a piece of from one voltage to
metal usually made another
of aluminum material 1. Step-up
used to absorb heat Transformer- a
generated by transformer with
transistors or other high output
electronic device or voltage derived
components from a low input
connected to the voltage
circuit 2. Step-down
Transformer- a
Integrated Circuit transformer with
(IC)- an electronic low output voltage
device or component derived from a
that is composed of high input voltage
two or more
components Induction Type
integrated in one Transformer- the
package primary windings
and the secondary
windings are not Soldering Flux- an
electrically acid material used to
connected with one clean metals to be
another soldered
Transformer- the Tinning- process of
primary windings cleaning and applying
are electrically a thin coat of solder
connected on the tip of the pre-
heat soldering iron
Printed Circuit
Boards (PCB)- the
base of electronic FOODS
Cooking- the transfer
Ferric Chloride- the of energy from a heat
chemical solution source to a food
used in laying out
design in PCB to Heat Transfer
dissolve the exposed Conduction- the
part in the board movement of heat
from one item to
Etching- the process another through
of dissolving a certain direct contact
material through Convection- the
chemicals transfer of heat
through a fluid
Radiation- energy directly from the
transferred by waves kitchen on the
of heat or light individual dishes and
striking the food some foods served at
the table; best for
The Effects of Heat diners not more than
Proteins Coagulate eight
Starches Gelatinize American/Country
Sugars Caramelize Style Service- an old
Water Evaporates type of service
Fats Melt involving serving
oneself from a
Table Etiquette- common pot
courtesy shown by Apartment/Blue-
good manners at Plate Service- plates
meals are served up in the
Table Service- refers kitchen and placed
to the way food is on the table just
served to people before the diners sit
Methods of Table Sit-Down Buffet-
Service most used style of
Family/Compromise meal service; a
Service- somewhat a practical service for
compromise between guest meals if the
the Russian and number of diners
English styles; some exceeds six
foods are served
Classification of a solid fat so that it
Buffet Meals absorbs air
Plate Buffet- guest Cutting In- mixing fat
are served with food and flour with the use
place and eat from a of a pastry blender or
plate held in the hand two knives in a
or placed on their lap scissor-like manner
Tray Buffet- guest Cut and Fold-
are provided with a combination of two
tray that holds plate motions; cutting
and beverages which vertically through the
the guest place on mixture and turning
their lap over and over across
Sit Down Buffet- the bottom of the
guest are invited to mixing bowl at each
serve themselves at turn
the buffet table then Folding- the gentle
eat their meals from a combination of two or
designated table with more mixtures in a
chairs figure-eight motion
using a spoon or
Mixing Techniques rubber spatula
Beating- to Kneading- the
incorporate air in a pressing, folding and
mixture by stretching of dough to
mechanical agitation develop gluten for
Creaming- process good bread structure
of stirring and beating
Stirring- mixing stage mixing method
ingredients with wherein all the dry
spoon, fork or spatula and liquid ingredients
Sifting- to separate are mixed together at
coarse particles in once
the ingredients by Pastry Method-
passing through a gives a flaky layering
Whipping- kind of Icing Consistency
beating eggs and Stiff
cream to fill them with - ¾ inch peak size;
air and make them used for flowers
thick and fluffy with upright petals
Methods of Mixing - ½ inch peak size;
Batters and Doughs used in making
Convention Method- borders
known as creaming Soft
method/sugar - ¼ inch peak size;
shortening or sugar used in string
batter method work, leaves and
Muffin Method- writing
called the two bowl
mixing method; gives Correct Bag Position
a texture with larger 90° Angle or
and irregular air holes Straight Up,
One Bowl Method- Perpendicular to the
known as single Surface- used in
making stars or flat appearance
flowers or rosettes (Meringue and
45° Angle, or Half Marshmallow foam)
Way Between Fondant Icing- gives
Vertical and a cake or pastry an
Horizontal- used in elegant appearance
writing and borders and is popular for
wedding cakes and
Types of Cake Icing other show pieces;
Butter Cream Icing- simply sugar and
easy to spread, has water, with either
sweet flavor and a glucose or cream of
soft, smooth texture tartar used to
and is simple to produce the proper
make; made with a crystallization to give
type of fat, often it a smooth, almost
butter, and sugar; porcelain look
contains eggs or milk Fudge Icing- thick
to change the texture and rich with a strong
and thickness chocolate flavor
Flat Icing- basic Royal Icing- similar
ingredients are to flat icing, but egg
powdered sugar and whites are added to
water; form the glaze produce a thicker
on rolls icing which hardens
Foam Icing- comes to a brittle texture;
in a variety of flavor used primarily for
and has soft, fluffy
decorative additions Pedicure- Latin
to cakes words Pes (foot) and
Glazes- thin, watery Cura (care); the care
icings which form a of the feet and
hard, crisp shell when toenails; way to
poured or brushed improve the
over cakes and appearance of the
pastries; add flavor feet, and their nails
and help keep the and can be helpful
pastry moist and because it can
improve its shelf life prevent nail diseases
and nail disorders

Nail Structure
COSMETOLOGY Free Edge- the end
of the nail plate that
Manicure and is shaped during
Pedicure manicure and
Manicure- Latin pedicure
words Manus (hand) Hyponichium- the
and Cura (care); a portion of skin at the
treatment for just the end of the finger
hands, just the nails, underneath the free
or both and its edge
purpose is to improve Nail Plate- visible
the appearance of portion of the nail that
the hands and nails sits on top of the nail
bed and ends at the 1. Remove old
free edge polish.
Side Wall- the 2. Shape the
grooves on the sides nails.
of the nail between 3. Soften cuticle.
the nail and the skin 4. Dry fingertips
Nail Bed- the part of 5. Apply cuticle
the finger underneath remover
the nail plate 6. Loosen cuticle
Lunula- moon- 7. Clean under
shaped point where free-edge
the matrix and the 8. Cleanse nails
nail bed meet; the Completion
softest part of the nail 1. Bevel nails
Cuticle- the 2. Apply the base
overlapping skin coat
surrounding the nail; 3. Apply liquid
protect the matrix polish
from invading 4. Remove
bacteria and physical excess polish
change 5. Apply top or
Matrix- where the seal coat
nail is made; the only 6. Apply hand
living part of the nail lotion

Procedure for a Plain Nail Art- an

Manicure imaginative and
Preparation artistic process,
involving special care cream into the
and expertise for palm of one hand
bringing out the best and dab it
effects generously over
the nose, chin,
Face Care Routine forehead and
Cleansing cheeks.
1. Remove old 5. Massage the
make-up and the cream into the
grime and grease skin.
that have been Toning
accumulated - Toners are used
during the day. to remove all
2. Remove traces of dirt,
mascara with a make-up or
cotton bud dipped cleanser that
in eye-dipped remain after
cleansing lotion. cleansing
3. Remove the Moisturizing
eye shadow by - Makes the skin
gently wiping it off smooth and
with a pad of supple
clean cotton wool
moistened with Basic Steps of a
eye-cleansing Facial
lotion. 1. Thorough
4. Pour a little cleansing
face cleansing 2. Skin Analysis
3. Exfoliation Evening Make-up:
4. Extraction more dramatic,
5. Manipulation especially if one is
of facial attending a party
massage where the lights will
6. Application of be dimmed
facial mask Photographic Make-
7. Application of up: make-up that
toners and take into
protective consideration
creams specifically the effect
of the camera to
Facial Make-up detailed features
- Application of taking into
cosmetics to the consideration the
face to emphasize good features and
one’s good facial imperfections
features and Theatrical/Fantasy
minimize less Make-up: typically
attractive features. loud and heavy,
intended to disguise
Kinds of Facial Make- the person’s actual
up appearance and
Day Make-up: simple represent the roles
and light make-up and characters
that needs to be he/she portrays
subtle and balanace
Make-Up Brushes- skin lightly moist and
useful aids that can glowing
be used to apply Creamy Cake-
make-up in the right thicker and richer
way than any other
foundations; gives
Cosmetics the skin a definite,
Foundation- provide creamy glow
the backdrop for the Cream-Stick-
entire colorful facial slightly lighter than
make-up artistry; give cream cake,
the face one even consistency is more
color tone; should stiff
much the skin tone Cake- a highly
Liquid- gives a compressed powder,
sheer to opaque applied with a wet
coverage, water base sponge, gives a
or oil base, give the heavy, opaque cover
skin a glowing look Medicated-
Matte- gives the generally issued by a
skin a dry, dull look dermatologist to
Whipped- slightly combat excessive oil
heavier textured or blemished skin
foundation than the
liquid; greater amount Powder- sets the
of moisturizing foundation; adds
qualities; leaves the matte finish, absorbs
oil; applied with large (Highlight, Base,
powder brush Contour)
Concealer- covers Eyeliners- used to
blemishes and outline and
discolorations; match emphasize the eye,
color to skin; apply consist of wax or
with sponge or hardened oil base
disposable cotton with color additives
swab; use sparingly and apply with short
and soften edges strokes and gentle
Blush- freshen the pressure
overall look by adding Eyebrow Color-
a hint of color to the used to add color and
cheeks, used to add contour brows
natural glow and Lipstick or Lip
color Gloss- composed of
Pencil Eyeliner- pigment which
used to line the determines its color;
eyelids as well as wax, which gives its
darken your shape and emollients
eyebrows or oils which
Mascara- defines the moisturize and carry
eyes, make lashes the color
looks longer and
thicker Procedure in Make-
Eye Shadows- up
makes eye brighter Preparation
and more expressive
1. Perform client Corrective make-up:
consultation used to achieve a
2. Wash hands balance appearance;
3. Drape client defines feature,
4. Apply cleanser balances face shape,
5. Remove eye brows and eyes
cleanser and lips
6. Apply Highlighting-
astringent lotion or application of a
toner lighter shade of
7. Apply foundation to
moisturizer particular area of the
8. Groom face to focus
eyebrows attention
Apply foundation application of a
Apply concealer darker shade of
Apply powder foundation to a
Apply eye color particular feature with
Apply eyeliner the purpose of
Apply eyebrow minimizing attention
Apply mascara Hair Care- overall
Apply check color term for parts of
(blush) hygiene and
Apply lip color cosmetology
involving the hair on
the human need
Hair Analysis- the The Scalp
process of Manipulation
recognizing and Technique
distinguishing the Relaxing movement
various types and Sliding movement
qualities of hair Sliding and rotating
Hair Styling- the movement
hairstyle, hair do or Forehead
haircut of the head movement
hair Moving the scalp
Hair Cutting- Hairline movement
process of thinning, Front scalp
tapering, and movement
shortening the hair Back scalp
Hair Tinting and movement
Bleaching- science Ear to ear
and art of changing movement
the color of the hair. Spine movement
Tinting involves the Shoulder movement
addition of an artificial Back movement
color to the natural
pigment in the hair.
Bleaching is the ENTREPRENEURSH
partial or total IP
removal of the natural
pigment from the hair Entrepreneurship-
the capacity of an
individual to forecast
new business entrepreneurial
prospects in the form inclinations)
of goods and 2. Find it
services needed by (Spotting a great
others and to deliver business idea and
them at the right time, pursuing it)
to the right people at 3. Research it
the right place and at (Getting to know
the right time your target
Factors to be 4. Plan it
evaluated in (Creating a
Discovering Business success blue print
Opportunities for your business)
1. Market 5. Register and
2. Individual Organize it
Interest (Registering and
3. Capital choosing the best
4. Skills structure for your
5. Suppliers of enterprise)
Inputs 6. Finance it
6. Manpower (Raising money
7. Technology for your business)
7. Produce it
How To Start Your (Making your
Own Business product or
1. Think it choosing your
(Assessing your service)
8. Launch it to put up the
(Opening for business and divide
business with a profit among them
bang) Corporation-
composed of more
Business- an than five owners who
organized effort of call themselves
individuals to produce stockholders; their
and sell goods and shares are called
services in order to capital stocks;
satisfy the needs of owners often have no
society part in the
management of the
Structure of Business business
Organizations Cooperative- duly
Sole Proprietorship- registered
owned and operated association of
by one individual; the persons, with a
owner is called the common bond of
proprietor interest, who have
Partnership- legal voluntarily joined
arrangement of two together to achieve a
or more owners who lawfully common
call themselves social or economic
partners; bind end, making
themselves to equitable
contribute money, contributions to the
property or industry capital required and
accepting a fair share to go over the
of the risks and entire document
benefits 3. Business and
its Management
Business Plan- a Team- a clear and
written outline that complete
evaluates all aspects description of the
of the economic business you
viability of a business intend to set up
and how you plan
Business Plan to go about it
Essentials 4. Product and
1. Mission Marketing Plan-
Statement- a brief where you discuss
statement of the your product as
purpose of your the main source of
business and its revenues for your
goals including the business
business concept 5. Financial
2. Executive Strategy-
Summary- summarizes the
encapsulates the flow of money into
entire business or out of the
plan and is business, coming
designed for up with either a
people who may profit or loss for a
not have the time particular period
Situational Analysis the situation
Framework analysis into
1. 5 C Analysis listing the most
( Company, relevant problems
Customers, and opportunities
Competitors, and to assess how
Collaborators, the business
Climate ) organization is
2. PEST equipped to deal
Analysis: for with them
political, BUSINESS
economic, societal MATHEMATICS
and technological
factors; can be Sales Commissions
used as the - Are paid to
“climate” portion of employees or
the 5 C framework companies that
3. SWOT sell merchandise
Analysis in stores or by
(Strengths, calling on
Weaknesses, customers
Opportunities and - Meant to motivate
Threats) for sales person to
external and sale more
internal situation; - May be paid in
used to condense addition to a
salary or instead Simple Interest
of a salary - The charged for
borrowing money
Mark-up for a short period
- The percentage to of time
be increased to a - Formula is
certain type of ( Interest =
item to provide Principal X Rate X
money for the Time )
operation of the
store and the Compound Interest
salaries of people - The total amount
who work in the due at the end of
store each period is
calculated and
Total Price with further interest is
Sales Tax charged against
- The sales tax is both the original
determined by principal and the
finding a interest that was
percentage of the earned during that
purchase price period
- The percentage of
tax called the tax
rate varies
between different
cities and states

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