Um 204 HW04
Um 204 HW04
Um 204 HW04
• These problems are for self-study. Try these on your own before seeking hints.
• Some of these problems will be (partially) discussed at the next tutorial.
• A 15-min. quiz based on this assignment will be conducted at the end of the tutorial section.
A + B = {a + b : a ∈ A, b ∈ B}.
Problem 2. In this problem, (X, d) denotes a metric space and E ⊂ X denotes a connected
subset. For each of the claims below, determine whether it is either true (for all metric spaces)
or false (in some metric space), and provide a justification for your answer.
(1) E is connected.
(2) E ◦ is connected. false, take E as two closed balls touching in R2
(3) bE = E \ E ◦ is connected. E = [1,2] —> bE = {1,2} = {1} U {2} which is the union of 2 separated sets.Thus bE is disconnected
Problem 3. Let C denote the Cantor set constructed in Lecture 13. Recall that
C= En ,
Problem 4. Let p be a prime number. Let dp be the distance on Q defined in HW03. Show
that {1/pn }n∈N is a divergent sequence, while {pn }n∈N is a convergent sequence in (Q, dp ).
(Bonus question2) What about the sequence {n}n∈N ?