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Lab 01

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Lab Title:
Student Name: Reg. No:


Excellent Good Average Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Attributes (5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
Ability to Conduct
Ability to assimilate the
Effective use of lab
equipment and follows
the lab safety rules

Total Marks: Obtained Marks:


Excellent Good Average Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

Data presentation

Experimental results


Total Marks: Obtained Marks:

Date: Mark Signature:


Familiarization with LVDAM-EMS system

PART 1.1: DC Power Measurement
 To determine the power dissipated in a dc circuit.
 To verify power calculations using voltage and current measurements.

Equipment required:
 EMS Workstation
 Resistive Load
 Power Supply
 Connection Leads and Accessories
 Data Acquisition Module

The LVDAC-EMS (or LVDAM-EMS) system uses a customized data acquisition module to interconnect
modules of the Lab-Volt Electromechanical System with the personal computer. Dedicated software routes
the measured values from the data acquisition module to the computer-based instruments that provide all
the standard measurements associated with voltage, current, power, and other electrical parameters.
However, the system does much more, because built-in capabilities for waveform observation and phasor
analysis, data storage and graphical representation, as well as programmable meter functions, allow
unimagined possibilities for presenting courseware material.
A power source in an electric circuit is used to supply energy to a load. The load uses this energy to perform
some useful function or work. In electricity, work is performed by the movement of electrons and power is
the rate of doing work. A voltage of one volt producing one ampere of current flow through a resistor of
one ohm equals one watt of power. In dc circuits, the power supplied to a load is always equal to the product
of the dc voltage across the load and the dc current through the load.
This fact, along with the conservation of energy law, allows us to conclude that the power dissipated by a
combination of several resistors in a circuit is equal to the total power supplied by the source. The total
power can be obtained by adding the individual powers dissipated by each resistor.
When electrical energy is supplied to a resistor, it is immediately converted to heat, and the resistor heats
up. The more power supplied to the resistor, the hotter it will become, until a point is reached where the
resistor or nearby components burn out. In order to maintain acceptable temperatures, resistors having to
dissipate large amounts of power are made physically large, while those dissipating small amounts are
physically smaller. It is for this reason that the physical size of a resistor depends almost entirely on the
power it has to dissipate and not its resistance value. That is why 150-W lamps are physically larger that
25-W lamps. The increased size allows better cooling both by convection and by radiation.
The formula for determining power in any two-terminal device is,
Where, P is the power in the device, expressed in watts (W)
E is the voltage across the device, expressed in volts (V)
I is the current flowing through the device, expressed in amperes (A).

Other useful expressions can be derived from the formula for power, namely,
E= ,I=
Since voltage and current are related to resistance through Ohm's Law, the formula for power in any
two-terminal device can be written in terms of either the current or the voltage. Substituting IR for E will
give P=IR x I=I2 x R, while substituting E / R for I gives P =

Therefore, power in a resistor can be calculated using the voltage and current related to the resistor or the
value of resistance and either the voltage or the current.


High voltages are present in this laboratory exercise! Do not make or modify any banana jack
connections with the power on unless otherwise specified!
1. Examine the resistors in the Resistive Load module. Based on their size, list them in order of their
power dissipation capability and state which one can safely handle the most power.


2. Install the Power Supply, data acquisition module, and Resistive Load module in the EMS Workstation.

3. Make sure the main power switch of the Power Supply is set to the O (OFF) position and the voltage
control knob is turned fully ccw. Ensure the Power Supply is connected to a three-phase wall receptacle.

4. Ensure the USB port cable from the computer is connected to the data acquisition module.

5. Set up the circuit shown in Figure 1. Select the appropriate resistor value for the given line voltage, and
connect inputs E1 and I1 as shown. Ensure the polarity of the connections, and that the POWER INPUT
of the data acquisition module is connected to the main Power Supply

Figure 1 Circuit Setup for Determining Power.

6. Display the Metering application and select E1 and I1. Note that the metering setup configuration can
be changed during the exercise if desired.

7. Turn on the main Power Supply and set the 24 V - AC power switch to the I (ON) position. Adjust the
main voltage control knob to 100 %.

8. From the virtual instrumentation main screen, click on the Record Data button to store the
measurements of circuit voltage and current in the Data Table. Turn off the Power Supply.
Paste the values of the Data Table here.

9. Use the measurements to calculate the power dissipated in the circuit. P = ES x IS = _____W

10. Double the circuit resistance value. Turn on the Power Supply and adjust the voltage control knob to
100 %. Use the virtual instrumentation to record the measurements in the Data Table, and then turn off
the Power Supply.
Paste the values of the Data Table here.

11. Calculate the power dissipated by the resistor using the three forms of the power formula given in the

P=ES x IS=_____W P=IS2 x R=_____W P=ES2 / R=_____W

12. Do the three formulas give approximately the same results?

 Yes  No

13. Set up the circuit shown in Figure 2, and use the Impedance Table to select the resistor values given.
Connect input E1 across R1, input E2 across R2, and input E3 across R3, and use input I1 to measure
the total circuit current IS. Display the metering setup. Ensure that the correct meters for voltage and
current measurement are connected.

14. Turn on the Power Supply and adjust the voltage control knob to 100 %. Use the virtual instrumentation
to record the measurements in the Data Table, and then turn off the Power Supply.
Paste the values of the Data Table here.
15. Calculate the power dissipated by each resistor using the measurements from the Data Table.
P1 = ER1 x IS =____W P2 = ER2 x IS =____W P3 =ER3 x IS =____W

Figure 2. Determining Total Power in a Circuit with Several Resistors.

16. Calculate the total power dissipated, and compare it to the total power supplied by the source.

PT = P1+P2+P3 = _______ W PT = ES x IS =_______W

17. Are the results approximately the same?

 Yes  No

18. Remove the connections for voltage measurement from the circuit of Figure 2, and connect input E1 to
measure the supply voltage ES at terminals 7-N. Leave input I1 connected to measure the circuit current.
Edit the label of the meter associated with input E1 so that it indicates ES instead of ER1.

19. Turn on the Power Supply and set the voltage control knob at about 75%. Use the Record Data button
to record the measurement for current, return the voltage to zero and turn off the Power Supply.
Paste the values of the Data Table here.

20. Calculate the power dissipated by each of the resistors.

P1 =IS2R1= _ _ _ _ _ W P2 =IS2R2= _ _ _ _ _ W P3=IS2R3= _ _ _ _ _ W

21. Calculate the total power dissipated, and compare it to the total power supplied by the source.
PT = P1+P2+P3 = _______ W PT = ES x IS =_______W

22. Are the results approximately the same?

 Yes  No

23. Figure 3 shows a source voltage ES applied across the parallel combination of R1 and R2. Use the
formula for finding power from the voltage to determine the power dissipated by each resistor, and
the total power (use value of ES given in Figure 3).
PR1 = ES2 / R1 = ______W PR2 = ES2 / R2 = ______W PT = PR1 + PR2= ______W
24. Knowing that the Power Supply must furnish the total power and the source voltage is ES, calculate
the current supplied by the source.
IS = PT / ES = ________A
25. Set up the circuit shown in Figure 3. Connect input E1 to measure the source voltage ES, and use input
I1 to measure the total circuit current IS. Display the metering setup.
Turn on the Power Supply and set ES for the value given in Figure 3. Use the Record Data button to
record the value of IS, and then turn off the Power Supply.
Paste the values of the Data Table here.

Figure 3. Determining Total Power in a Circuit With Parallel Resistors.

26. Compare the measured value for current with the value calculated in step 24. Are they approximately
the same?
 Yes  No

27. Ensure that the Power Supply is turned off, the voltage control is fully ccw, and remove all leads and
PART 1.2: Capacitive Phase Shift and Reactive Power

 To measure and demonstrate capacitive phase shift
 Observe the phenomenon of negative power associated with reactive power in ac circuits

Equipment required:
 EMS Workstation
 Capacitive Load
 Power Supply
 Connection Leads and Accessories
 Data Acquisition Module

The voltages and currents in resistive ac circuits are in phase, and the power dissipated by resistors is active
power in the form of heat. Now however, unlike the case when only resistance is present in an ac circuit,
there will be a phase shift between the circuit voltage and current because of the presence of capacitance.
The phase shift is due to the fact that capacitors oppose changes in the voltage across their terminals.

The charging-discharging process associated with capacitors, hence the capacitive current flow, is related
to the fact that the applied voltage is changing. If we stop for a moment to consider what is happening when
an ac voltage goes through a minimum value (negative peak value), we realize that for that particular
moment the voltage is no longer changing. Hence, the capacitive current must be zero at that time, since
the rate of change in the voltage is zero. Then, when the ac voltage is going through zero amplitude, its rate
of change is maximum, and the current must therefore be maximum. As a result, the voltage lags the current
by 90E. In the case of an ideal capacitor the phase shift is 90o. The capacitive phase shift of 90E between
voltage and current is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Capacitive Phase Shift in an AC Circuit.

Reactive components like capacitors that cause a phase shift between circuit voltage and current will
produce an instantaneous power waveform having negative values as well as positive. The negative power
just means that power is being returned to the source. The instantaneous power waveform of a purely
capacitive ac circuit is shown in Figure 5. The waveform has equal areas of positive and negative power
and therefore the average power over a complete period is zero. The negative portion in the waveform
indicates the presence of reactive power, and the reactive power will equal apparent power when there is
no resistance present in the circuit. Note also that the instantaneous power waveform frequency is twice the
ac source frequency.

Figure 5. Instantaneous Power in a Capacitive AC Circuit


High voltages are present in this laboratory exercise! Do not make or modify any banana jack
connections with the power on unless otherwise specified!
1. Install the Power Supply, data acquisition module, and Capacitive Load module in the EMS

2. Make sure that the main switch of the Power Supply is set to the O (OFF) position, and the voltage
control knob is turned fully ccw. Ensure the Power Supply is connected to a three-phase wall receptacle.

Figure 6. Capacitive Phase Shift and Reactive Power in an AC Circuit

3. Set up the circuit shown in Figure 6, and connect inputs E1 and I1 to measure the circuit voltage and
current. Set the Capacitive Load module for the value of CMAX given in Figure 6.

4. Ensure that the POWER INPUT of the data acquisition module is connected to the main Power Supply,
and that the USB port cable from the computer is connected to the data acquisition module. Display the
Metering application.

5. Turn on the main Power Supply and set the 24 V - AC power switch to the I (ON) position. Adjust the
voltage control to 100 % and verify that the circuit parameters are displayed on the Metering application.
Paste the values of the Data Table here.

6. Note the rms values of the voltage and current, and the apparent power (S) displayed by
the meters.
ES = _____V IS = _____A S (PQS1) = _____VA

7. Is the apparent power equal to the product of the rms values of voltage and current?
 Yes  No
8. Click on the Oscilloscope button and display E1, I1, and P1 on CH1, CH2, and CH3. Ensure that the
time base control is adjusted to show at least two complete cycles of the sine waves.
Paste the Oscilloscope output here.
9. Compare the current waveform with the voltage waveform. Are they both sine waves at the same
frequency?  Yes  No

10. What is the phase shift between the voltage and current? Phase shift = ____o

11. Does step 10 confirm that the current leads the voltage by about 90o?  Yes  No

12. Does the current waveform attain its maximum when the voltage is going through zero amplitude,
and become zero when the voltage is going through its maximum?  Yes  No

13. Determine the period and frequency of the instantaneous power waveform?
T = _____ms f = 1 / T = ______Hz

14. How does the frequency of the instantaneous power waveform compare with that of the ac source?

15. Does the instantaneous power waveform show that the areas of  Yes  No
positive and negative power are approximately equal?

16. Calculate the apparent power (S) by multiplying of the rms values of the current and voltage displayed
on the oscilloscope and compare it with the active power P [average (AVG) power value of P1 given
in the waveform data box of the Oscilloscope screen].
Apparent power (S) = ES x IS = ______VA Active power (P) =_______W

17. Do the results of step 16 confirm that the apparent power and the active  Yes  No
power are different, due to the presence of reactive power (Q) in the circuit?

18. What is the total active power consumed by the circuit? PACTIVE=______W
19. Is the instantaneous power null when the current or the voltage is zero?
 Yes  No

20. Change the circuit capacitance by opening the three switches on one section of the Capacitive Load

21. What effect does the change in capacitive reactance produce on the circuit current, voltage
and reactive power?

22. Did the phase shift between the current and voltage change?
 Yes  No
23. Why is the instantaneous power waveform different in amplitude?

24. Ensure that the Power Supply is turned off, the voltage control is fully ccw, and remove all leads and
PART 1.3: Inductive Phase Shift and Reactive Power

 To measure and demonstrate inductive phase shift
 Observe the phenomenon of negative power associated with inductance in ac circuits

Equipment required:
 EMS Workstation
 Inductive Load
 Power Supply
 Connection Leads and Accessories
 Data Acquisition Module

The voltages and currents in resistive ac circuits are in phase, and the power dissipated by resistors is active
power in the form of heat. Now, just like the case when capacitance is present in an ac circuit, there will be
a phase shift between voltage and current because of inductance. This phase shift is caused by the opposition
of inductors to current changes.
When current flowing in an inductor starts to change, the inductor reacts by producing a voltage that
opposes the current change. The faster the current changes, the greater is the voltage produced by the
inductor to oppose the current change. In other words, the voltage across the inductor is proportional to the
rate of change in current. Now, suppose that a sine-wave current flows in an inductor. At the instant the
current goes through a minimum value (negative peak value), the current is no longer changing and the
inductor voltage must be zero since the current rate of change is zero. Then, when the current is going to
zero amplitude, its rate of change is maximum and the inductor voltage must be maximum. As a result, the
current in an ideal inductor lags the voltage by 90o. The inductive phase shift of 90o between current and
voltage is shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7. Inductive Phase Shift in an AC Circuit.

Reactive components that cause a phase shift between circuit voltage and current produce instantaneous
power waveforms having negative and positive values, meaning that power is being returned to the source.
The instantaneous power waveform for a purely inductive ac circuit is shown in Figure 8. This waveform
also has equal areas of positive and negative power, like that for a capacitive ac circuit, and the average
power over a complete period is zero. However, as you will see in this exercise, real inductors have some
resistance and they will consume a small amount of active power. Consequently, positive and negative areas
in the power waveform will not be exactly equal. Note that the instantaneous power waveform frequency
is twice the ac source frequency, the same as for capacitive circuits.

Figure 8. Instantaneous Power in an Inductive AC Circuit


High voltages are present in this laboratory exercise! Do not make or modify any banana jack
connections with the power on unless otherwise specified!
1. Install the Power Supply, data acquisition module, and Inductive Load module in the EMS Workstation.

2. Make sure that the main switch of the Power Supply is set to the O (OFF) position, and the voltage
control knob is turned fully ccw. Ensure the Power Supply is connected to a three-phase wall receptacle.

Figure 9. Inductive Phase Shift and Reactive Power in an AC Circuit

3. Set up the circuit shown in Figure 9, and connect inputs E1 and I1 to measure the circuit voltage and
current. Set the Inductive Load module for the value of LMIN given in Figure 9.

4. Ensure that the POWER INPUT of the data acquisition module is connected to the main Power Supply,
and that the USB port cable from the computer is connected to the data acquisition module. Display the
Metering screen.

5. Turn on the main Power Supply and set the 24 V - AC power switch to the I (ON) position. Adjust the
voltage control to 100 % and verify that the circuit parameters are displayed on the Metering
Paste the values of the Data Table here.

6. Note the rms values of the voltage and current, and the apparent power (S) displayed by the meters.
EL = ____V IL = ____A S (PQS1) = _____VA

7. Is the apparent power equal to the product of the rms values of voltage and current?
 Yes  No

8. Click on the Oscilloscope button and display E1, I1, and P1 on CH1, CH2, and CH3. Ensure that the
time base control is adjusted to show at least two complete cycles of the sine waves.
Paste the Oscilloscope output here.
9. Compare the current waveform with the voltage waveform. Are they both sine waves at the same
frequency?  Yes  No

10. What is the phase shift between the voltage and current? Phase shift = ____o

11. Does step 10 confirm that the inductor current lags the voltage by about  Yes  No
12. Does the current waveform attain its maximum when the voltage is  Yes  No
going through zero amplitude, and become zero when the voltage is
going through its maximum?

13. Determine the period and frequency of the instantaneous power waveform?
T = _____ms f = 1 / T = ______Hz

14. How does the frequency of the instantaneous power waveform compare with that of the ac source?

15. Does the instantaneous power waveform have unequal areas of  Yes  No
positive and negative power, thus demonstrating that real inductors
consume active power?

16. Calculate the apparent power (S) by multiplying of the rms values of the current and voltage displayed
on the oscilloscope and compare it with the active power P [average (AVG) power value of P1 given
in the waveform data box of the Oscilloscope screen].
Apparent power (S) = EL x IL = ______VA Active power (P) =_______W

17. Do the results of step 16 confirm that the apparent power and the active
power are different, due to the presence of reactive power in the circuit?  Yes  No

18. What is the total active power consumed by the circuit? PACTIVE=______W

19. When does the instantaneous power waveform go through zero amplitude?

20. Does step 19 confirm that the instantaneous power is zero when the
current or the voltage is zero?  Yes  No

21. Change the circuit inductance by opening the three switches on one section of the Inductive Load

22. What effect does the change in inductive reactance produce on the circuit current, voltage and reactive

23. Did the phase shift between the current and voltage change?  Yes  No

24. Why is the instantaneous power waveform different in amplitude?


25. Ensure that the Power Supply is turned off, the voltage control is fully ccw, and remove all leads and



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