Observation File
Observation File
Observation File
DATE: 04.03.2024
EDUCATION UNIT: Szeged International Primary School
At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to:
O1 - Write down the elements of the digestive system on the worksheet they receive;
O2 - Put in a logical order the elements of the digestive system.
Methods: conversation, experiment, observation, exposure
Means: video, table, notebook, marker, pencils, worksheets
Forms of organization: frontal, individual, on groups
2. Refreshing knowledge
Checking experimenters from the previous class (last week) and marking them. An egg in
its shell was placed in different containers: water, water + baking soda, orange juice, energy
drink, vinegar, and coke. The purpose of this experiment was ‘‘How can we look after our
The teacher goes to each student individually. Students observe the egg by touching and
smelling it.
Students write down the observed data.
3. Grabbing attention
The water in your mouth is called ….. (saliva)
Your food goes down with your ….. (throat)
In the stomach, there are a lot of acids like the juice (points to the egg experiment in
which the juice dissolved the egg).
The bad things are going to your intestine.
Children watch the following video - Digestive System | The Dr. Binocs Show | Learn
Videos For Kids: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBZWgrfZFbU
5. Directing learning
The video is playing again. Students write down the elements of the digestive system on
the worksheet they receive. The teacher pauses the video after every two new names to make
sure the students have taken notes. In addition, the teacher provides more information.
For the last two names, pancreas, and anus, the professor says that the pancreas is next to
the stomach and the anus is at the exit from the digestive system.
6. Obtaining performance
The furniture is pushed against the wall of the room. Three leaders are chosen to form
their groups. The groups sit on the floor, receiving an A3 sheet, glue, and notes that they have to
put in a logical order.
Students write on the A3 sheet the title ‘‘The digestion process’’.
7. End of lesson
The teacher shares the homework ‘‘Digestive System Crossword’’.