PO6 (Delta Mesh Network) Project: Prepared BY: Eng. Amal Abd EL Hafeez Bakry
PO6 (Delta Mesh Network) Project: Prepared BY: Eng. Amal Abd EL Hafeez Bakry
PO6 (Delta Mesh Network) Project: Prepared BY: Eng. Amal Abd EL Hafeez Bakry
Prepared BY:
Eng. Amal Abd EL Hafeez Bakry
Table of Contents
Item Page no.
1. Necessary Background
1.1 Background bout Telecom Egypt Company:
Telecom Egypt Company in the last 2 years have strategic project called MSAN
(Multi Service Access Node) Project. All Sectors inside Telecom Egypt Company like
(switching , transmission , Power , O&M …..etc.… ) are working in this project
Replace the old and exhausted copper network with fiber network. This will
lead to reduce the theft of copper cables in addition to unlimited bandwidth
of fiber cables.
Replace the Exchange Building with a cabinet and this lead to saving the cost
of constructing a new Exchange.
MSAN will work as a backhaul for the Telecom Egypt Mobile Network (which
is still under Negotiations with NTRA)
So for the above reasons MSAN Project is the most strategic project for Telecom
Egypt Company in the last 2 years and perhaps for the next 3 years.
In simple words deliver band width to MSAN Cabinet means installing Shelf
Equipment that contains GE (Giga Ethernet) Cards in the nearest exchange to
MSAN Cabinet to establish a connection between the MSAN Cabinet and the
Soft Switch where the subscribers exist through the backbone of Telecom
2. Project Description
This objective will achieved by installing and testing 1662 SDH Shelves
with GE Cards ) in sites (Kafr Agiba - Meet Habib - Qasaseen EL Azhar ).
3. WBS
The WBS (Work Break down Structure) of PO6 (Delta Mesh Network) project consists of the following
Phase Description
Project Milestones Contains two Activities which are (Start Project &End Project)
Sites Survey -Decide requirements for rooms preparations like (painting, false ceiling, raised floor ….etc.).
-Decide Requirements of both Power Needed to feed equipment and HVAC(Air Conditions).
Sites Preparations Perform all sites preparations needed according to signed survey report
Equipment Delivery Receive all the contracted requirements with check list approved
4. Activity List
5. Bar Chart with scheduled project dates
6. Project Precedence Diagram
7. Project Resources Management
7.2 Project Resource Allocation
7.3 Project Resource Before Leveling
7.3.2 The resource named Techenication_Man after leveling :
8. Cash Flow
8.1 Cash Flow By Using Report Tool:
8.2 Cash Flow Showing on Activity with Budget Total Cost Loaded
9. Problems and Actions
Sn Problem Action