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Welding Electrode

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Welding Electrodes


PRODUCTION CAPACITY : Quantity : 1980 M.T.
Value : Rs. 2,77,20,000
MONTH AND YEAR : October, 2002
PREPARED BY : Small Industries Service Institute
Indl. Estate, Nanhai, Agra - 282005

INTRODUCTION imported. There is very good scope for

this item.
Welding electrodes are used for Arc
welding purposes. The electrode is BASIS AND PRESUMPTIONS
coated with the flux. Although electrodes
are produced in different gauges, for the 1. The project profile has been
purpose of calculation for financial prepared on the basis of Single
implications of technical details, the Shift of 8-hours a day and 25
assumption has been made for the working days in a month at 75%
production of electrodes of 4mm dia efficiency.
core rods. The electrodes are used for 2. It is presumed that in the Ist year,
fabrication work for joining the steel, the capacity utilization will be 70%
alloy steel and cast iron parts for hard followed by 85% in the next year
facing of jobs etc. and 100% in the subsequent
MARKET POTENTIAL 3. The rates quoted in respect of
Earlier this item was only manufactured salaries and wages for skilled
in medium and large scale sector. But worker and others are on the
now this item is manufactured in small basis of minimum rates prevailing
scale sector with quality product and in the State of U.P.
competitive prices. There is a good 4. Interest rate for the fixed and
number of units in small scale sector working capital has been taken @
and large demand for this item due to 18% on an average whether
large construction fabrication work. financed by the Bank or Financial
There is sufficient gap between the Institutions.
demand and supply. 5. The margin money required is
In spite of the indigenous availability minimum 30% of the total capital
of electrodes, special electrodes are still investment.

6. The rental value for the etc. In order to efficiently and

accommodation of office, successfully implement the project in the
workshop and other covered area shortest period the slack period is
has been taken @Rs. 20/ sq. mtr. curtailed to a minimum possible and
7. The rates quoted in respect of simultaneous exercises are carried out.
machinery, equipment and raw In view of above a CPM-PERT Chart has
materials are those prevailing at been illustrated below, according to
the time of preparation of the which a minimum period of 227 days is
Project Profile and are likely to involved in finally starting the project on
vary from place to place and commercial basis. By following this
process a time period of 82 days can
supplier to supplier. When a tailor-
be saved.
made project profile is prepared,
necessary changes are to be 4 7
1 2 5 6 8 10 11 12
8. The pay back period may be 5
years after the initial gestation 3 9
9. The gestation period in Details of Activities (C.P.M.)
implementation of the project
Activity Days Activity Days Particulars of Activity
may be to the tune of 6 to 9
12 15 12 15 Procurement of Tech.
months which includes making all know how/transfer of
arrangements, completion of all technology
formalities, market surveys and 34 15 34 15 Market survey, tie up
tie-ups etc. Once all these and obtaining
arrangements are made and
quality/standards achieved, the 45 7 23 7 Selection of site.
100% project capacity may be 56 70 45 7 Preparation of Project
achieved at the end of three years.
However, a detailed PERT/CPM 67 45 56 70 Registration and
Chart with implementation period
710 30 67 45 Placement of orders
has been given. for machinery and
receipt of machines
IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE 1011 30 68 30 Recruitment of staff
and training
The implementation of the project 1112 15 69 30 Addition/Alteration in
includes various jobs/exercises such as rental premises
procurement of technical knowhow, 810 15 Procurement of raw
transfer of technology, market surveys material/Bought out
and tie-ups, preparation of project
report, selection of site, registration, 710 30 Erection, Electrification
and Commissioning
financing of project, procurement of
machinery and raw materials etc., 1011 30 Trial Production
recruitment of staff, erection/ 1112 15 Commercial Production
commissioning of machines, trial
227 days 309 days
production and commercial production

TECHNICAL ASPECTS 7. Microscope Test

8. Moisture determination and so on.
Process of Manufacture
Electrodes of different types are Motive Power
produced but for calculation purposes 15 K.V.A.
4mm size product has been considered. Water Requirement: 100 K.L./
In this scheme, provision is made for month.
general type of welding electrodes.
The drawn Electrode quality wire of Pollution Control
4mm size is first straightened on 1. This industry does not come
straightening machine and cut to size under the category of heavy
and stored. The flux as per the polluting industry.
formulation is to be prepared in the dry
blender and wet mixer. Then slug is to 2. Minimum height of shed will be
be made in the cylindrical form in the maintained. Exhaust fans should
automatic slug press. Then slug is to be be installed for removing
placed in the extrusion press and decongestion, proper ventilation,
straight cut wires in the wire feeder removal of cokes, fumes etc.
hopper with the help of extrusion press.
Flux coated on core wire rod is passed Energy Conservation
on conveyor system and collected at the The following steps may be taken for
end. the conservation of energy:
These flux coated rods are then sent
to drying oven for drying purposes. After 1. Machinery and Equipment parts,
drying, it is to be packed and ready for which are revolving and
despatch. reciprocating should be properly,
Alternate Technology : Nil lubricated from time to time with
suitable lubricant oil.
Quality Control and Standards 2. Layout of the unit should be in
Quality Control and Standards are such a way, that no back tracking
very important factors in the of material is there.
manufacturing of electrodes. For
3. All electric switches may be kept
Mechanical, Metallurgical and Chemical
off, when not required.
testing, provision has been made in the
testing laboratory. For quality control 4. The entire transmission belt will
following tests are to be conducted: be tightened before starting the
1. Tensile Test work, wherever applicable.
2. Hardness Test 5. Fluorescent tube with electronic
3. Compression Test Chokes may be used for energy
saving. Further recently
4. Impact Test
developed compact fluorescent
5. Chemical Test tubes called (CFT) of 10, 15, watts
6. Bending Test Philips/Glaux made may be used

for energy saving and decoration. FINANCIAL ASPECTS

These self ballasted fluorescent
lamps are high efficiency A. Fixed Capital
replacements for ordinary bulbs.
(i) Land and Building (Rented)
For same light output, CFLEBs
Covered Area 900 Sq. mtrs. 18,000
consume about one-fifth of the @ Rs. 20 sq. mtrs.
power consumed by ordinary Uncovered area 100 Sq.mtrs. @15 sq.mtrs. 1,500
bulbs, thereby saving a lot of Total 19,500
energy. The savings get further
multiplied when CFLEBs are used (ii) Machinery and Equipments

in air conditioned areas, since the Sl. Description HP/KW Qty. Amount
No. Ind/Imp. (In Rs.)
saving of energy by using CFLEBs
(a) Production Unit
also corresponds to less heat
1. Steel Hopper for 20 Nos. 20,000
dissipation reducing load on air storage and Chemicals
conditioners. The life of CFLEBs 2. Containers for blended flux 20 Nos. 20,000
is about 8000/10000 hours i.e. 3. Wet Mixer - 70,000
about 10 times that of ordinary 4. Automatic slug press 90 M.T.cap. 2,00,000
bulb. 5. Dry blender 1 M.T.Cap. 70,000
6. Weighing machine for discharge 8,000
The typical payback period in flux
terms of savings of energy bills 7. Sieving Vibrating machine 16,000
and cost of ordinary lamps is 8. Weighing machine for blending mass 8,000
about 6 months operation. Unlike 9. Silicate weighing machine 10,000
ordinary bulbs, these CFLEBs 10. Lifting tables bogies containers 30,000
provide choice of three colours Total 4,52,000
designated A, B and C, to suit (b) Extrusion and Drying Department
individual requirements. 1. Extrusion Press with electric
moter for testing rods: 150 M.T.}
Electronic Ballast, with
2. Wire feeders for feeding lengths 6,50,000
protection against high voltage up to 9" to 12"
spikes, along with high quality 3. Conveyer System with finishing unit 1,50,000
CFLs make these composite 4. Electrically heated drying Oven 1,50,000
CFLEBs (or self ballasted CFLs) 5. Wire Straightening and Cutting 80,000
Slim, lightweight, efficient and Machine
reliable units. 6. Drying Tray, Trollies 50,000
7. Wire recovery plant with flux 70,000
6. As far as possible Solar Energy striper washing equipment and
and day light will be used keeping Dryers
all the other lights off. 8. Arbor Press 50,000
9. Drilling machine 1" capacity 7,000
7. As far as possible, inductive load 10. Lathe -6 feet bed length 50,000
of motor will be reduced and high 11. Pedestal Grinder 8,000
power factor will be used with the 12. Storage bins racks, fitter tanks etc. 50,000
aid of capacitors of appropriate 13. Gas welding equipment 20,000
sizes. Total 13,35,000

(c) Testing Equipments xii) Clerk cum Typist 1 2700 2,700

1. Carbon, Sulphur determination 20,000 xiii) Watchman 3 2000 6,000
xiv) Peon 1 2000 2,000
2. Moisture determination equipments 8,000
Total 1,71,000
3. Arc Welding Transformer 400 Amp. 12,000
Perquisites @ 15% 25,650
4. One Small electrically heated bath 12,000
Total 1,96,650
5. Bench Grinder 3,000
Say 1,97,000
6. Rockwell hardness tester 30,000
(ii) Raw Material
7. Microscope 50,000
8. Izod Impact testing machine 28,000 Particulars Qty. Rate Amount
(In Rs.) (In Rs.)
9. 20-Ton universal testing machine 1,50,000
Coating flux compound 50 10,000/ 5,00,000
10. Weighing Balance 4,000
Containing following Tones Tones
11. Misc. Chemical laboratory 30,000 Ingredients Sodium,
equipment silicate, powdered
quality of ferrosilicon
Total 3,47,000 Rugeon Chalk Fluorite,
(d) Pollution Control Equipments 20,000 Soda, Starch, Powder,
Dolomite, Tin, Titanic
(e) Energy Conservation Facilities/ 20,000 Oxide, Potash, Mica,
Equipments Ferromanganese-
Total (a+b+c+d+e) 21,74,000 Destrin, Limnite, Iron,
Powder, Rutile etc.
(f) Electrification and Installation 2,17,400
Charges @ 10% 4 mm Core Steel Wire 133 9,000/ 11,97,000
M.T. M.T.
(h) Cost of Furniture and Equipment 1,00,000
Total 16,97,000
(iii)Pre-operative Expenses 14,600
Total Fixed Capital (ii+iii) 25,06,000 (iii) Utilities (per month) (Rs.)
Electricity 3550 3 10,650
B. Working Capital (per month) units per units
Staff and Labour Water 100 KL 500
(i) Personnel Total 11,150
Say 11,000
Sl. Designation No. Salary Amount
No. (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
(iv) Other Contingent Expenses (per month) (Rs.)
i) Manager Technical 1 6000 6,000
1. Rent 19,500
ii) Metallurgist 1 5000 5,000
2. Postage and Stationery 1,200
iii) Production Engineer 1 5000 5,000
3. Advertisement 5,000
iv) Foreman 1 4000 4,000
5. Telephone 1,000
v) Chief Chemist 1 5000 5,000 6. Transportation 2,000
vi) Supervisors 2 3500 7,000 7. Consumable 3,000
vii) Chemist 1 5000 5,000 8. Sales Expenses 5,000
viii) Skilled Workers 12 3000 36,000 9. Insurance 2,000
ix) Semi Skilled Workers 18 2700 48,600 10. Repair and Maintenance 5,000
x) Helper 18 2000 36,000 11. Misc. Expenses 6,000
xi) Storekeeper 1 2700 2,700 Total 49,700

(v) Total Recurring Expenditure (per month) (Rs.) (5) Rate of Return
Net profit 100 25,26,600 100
1) Salary and Wages 1,97,000 = 30.1%
2) Raw Material 16,97,000 Total investment 83,70,100

3) Utilities 11,000 (6) Break-even Point

4) Other Contingent Expenses 49,700 Fixed Cost (per annum) (Rs.)
Total 19,54,700 (a) Total Depreciation 2,30,400
(b) Rent 2,34,000
(vi) Working Capital for 3 Months (c) Interest on borrowing 15,06,600
(Total Investment)
19,54,700 3 = Rs. 58,64,100 (d) Insurance 24,000
(e) 40% of salary 9,45,600
C. Total Capital Investment (f) 40% of other contingent expenses 1,35,000
Fixed capital 25,06,000 (Excluding rent and insurance)
Working capital (for 3 Months) 58,64,100 Total 30,75,600
Total 83,70,100 B.E.P.

MACHINERY UTILIZATION Fixed Cost 100 30,75,600 100

= = 54.8%
Fixed Cost + Profit 56,02,200
It is expected that during first year
machine utilization will be 75% followed Addresses of Machinery and Raw
by 85% during second year and 90% in Material Suppliers
subsequent years. 1. M/s. Pacific Welding Alloys Mfg. Co.
310, North Avenue, 21,
(1) Cost of Production (per annum) (Rs.) California, USA.
(a) Total Recurring Cost 2,34,56,400 2. M/s. Moslo Manufacturing Co.
(b) Depreciation on Machinery 2,10,400 OHIO, USA.
and Equipment @ 10%
3. M/s. Machine Tools England
(c) Depreciation on Office 20,000
Equipments @ 20%
Through Machine Tools India (P) Ltd.
(d) Interest on Total Capital 15,06,600 Kolkata.
Investment @ 18% 4. M/s. Special Machines
Total 2,51,93,400 Karnal, Haryana.
(2) Turnover (per annum) 5. M/s. Weld Crafts (P) Ltd.
84/1, Richman Road,
Sl. Description Qty. Rate Amount Bangalore.
No. (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
1. M.S. Electrodes 1980 14000 2,77,20,000 Addresses of Raw Material
(4mm) (Normally MT Components and Spare Suppliers
electrodes are sold 1. M/s. Steel Authority of India Ltd.
in the market on No.
2. M/s. Sooraj Trading Corporation
of PCS/running feet)
hence we have taken Bhagirathpura,
on weight basis for Indore.
calculation purchase 3. M/s. Bengal Ferro-Alloy and Steel
Total 2,77,20,000 Ltd.
8, Chitranjan Avenue,
(3) Net Profit (per annum) (Before Income Tax) Kolkata-13.
Rs. 2,77,20,0002,51,93,400 = Rs. 25,26,600
4. M/s. F.X.P. Minerals
(4) Net Profit Ratio
Chavara (Via Quilon),
Net profit 100 25,26,600 100
= 9.1% 5. M/s. Mysore Iron and Steel Ltd.
Turn over 2,77,20,000 Bhadravati,

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