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Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education (OBE)

(Effective from the academic year 2022-23)

Semester- 1

Advanced Engineering Mathematics

Course Code 22LSP11 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:P:SDA) 3:0:0 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 40 hours of Theory Total Marks 100
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03

Course Learning objectives:

 To learn principles of advanced engineering mathematics through linear algebra and calculus of variations.
 To understand probability theory and random process that serve as an essential tool for applications of
electronics and communication engineering sciences.


Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.


Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Learning Process

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.


Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.


Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.


Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)

The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%. The minimum passing
mark for the CIE is 50% of the maximum marks. Minimum passing marks in SEE is 40% of the maximum marks of SEE. A
student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each subject/ course if
the student secures not less than 50% (50 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous Internal Evaluation) and
SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.
Continuous Internal Evaluation:
1. Three Unit Tests each of 20 Marks
2. Two assignments each of 20 Marks or one Skill Development Activity of 40 marks
to attain the COs and POs
The sum of three tests, two assignments/skill Development Activities, will be scaled down to 50 marks
CIE methods /question paper is designed to attain the different levels of Bloom’s taxonomy as per the outcome defined for
the course.

Semester End Examination:

1. The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 50.
2. The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
3. Each full question is for 20 marks. There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub-questions) from each
4. Each full question will have a sub-question covering all the topics under a module.
5. The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module
Suggested Learning Resources:
1. David C.Lay, Steven R.Lay and J.J.McDonald: “Linear Algebra and its Applications”, 5th Edition, Pearson
Education Ltd., 2015
2. Elsgolts, L.:”Differential Equations and Calculus of Variations”, MIR Publications 3rd Edition, 1977.
3. T.Veerarajan: “Probability, Statistics and Random Process“, 3rd Edition, Tata Mc-Graw Hill Co., 2016.
4. Gilbert Strang: Introduction to Linear Algebra, 5th Edition, Wellesley-Cambridge Press., 2016
5. Richard Bronson: “Schaum’s Outlines of Theory and Problems of Matrix Operations”, McGraw-Hill, 1988.
6. Scott L.Miller,Donald G.Childers: “Probability and Random Process with application to Signal Processing”,
Elsevier Academic Press, 2nd Edition,2013.
7. E. Kreyszig, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, 10th edition, Wiley, 2015.

Web links and Video Lectures (e-Resources):

1. http://nptel.ac.in/courses.php?disciplineId=111
2. http://www.class-central.com/subject/math(MOOCs)
3. http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/mathematics/
4. www.wolfram.com
Skill Development Activities Suggested
 Practice more number of complex problems

Course outcome (Course Skill Set):

At the end of the course the student will be able to :

Sl. No. Description Blooms Level

CO1 Understand vector spaces, basis, linear transformations and the process of obtaining Understand
matrix of linear transformations arising in magnification and rotation of images.
CO2 Apply techniques of constrained optimization for problems arising in control system Understand
analysis, signals and systems.
CO3 Apply the techniques of inner product , orthogonal vectors , Q.R decomposition and Analyze
singular value decomposition for data compression.

CO4 Learn the idea of random variables (discrete/continuous) and probability distributions in Understand
analyzing the probability models arising in control systems and system communications.

CO5 Analyze random process through parameter-dependent variables in various random Analyze

Advanced Digital Signal Processing

Course Code 22LSP12 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:P:SDA) 3:2:0 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 40 hours Theory + 10-12 Lab slots Total Marks 100
Credits 04 Exam Hours 03

Course objectives:
 Understand Multirate digital signal processing principles and its applications.
 Estimate the various spectral components present in the received signal using different spectral
estimation methods such as Parametric and Nonparametric.
 Design and implement an optimum adaptive filter using LMS and RLS algorithms.
 Understand the concepts and mathematical representations of Wavelet transforms.

Review of transforms, Z-Transform, Discrete Time Fourier Transform (DTFT), Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT),
Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT).

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

LTI systems as frequency selective filters, Invertibility of LTI systems, Design of digital filters by placement of poles, and
zeros, FIR filter structures, IIR filter structures, Design of FIR filters, Linear Phase Systems, Window method, Frequency
sampling method, Finite word length effects, Design of IIR filters, Pole zero placement, Impulse invariance, Bilinear Z
transformation, Finite word length effects
Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.
Learning Process
Linear prediction and Optimum Linear Filters: Random signals, Correlation Functions and Power Spectra, Innovations
Representation of a Stationary Random Process. Forward and Backward Linear Prediction. Solution of the Normal
Equations. The Levinson-Durbin Algorithm. Properties of the Linear Prediction-Error Filters.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Adaptive filters: Applications of Adaptive Filters-Adaptive Channel Equalization, Adaptive noise cancellation, Linear
Predictive coding of Speech Signals, Adaptive direct form FIR filters-The LMS algorithm, Properties of LMS algorithm.
Adaptive direct form filters- RLS algorithm.
Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Power Spectrum Estimation: Non parametric Methods for Power Spectrum Estimation - Bartlett Method, Welch
Method, Blackman and Tukey Methods. Parametric Methods for Power Spectrum Estimation: Relationship between
the auto correlation and the model parameters, Yule and Walker methods for the AR Model Parameters, Burg
Method for the AR Model parameters, Unconstrained least-squares method for the AR Model parameters,
Sequential estimation methods for the AR Model parameters, ARMA Model for Power Spectrum Estimation.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.


PRACTICAL COMPONENT OF IPCC(May cover all / major modules)

Sl.NO Experiments

1 Write a program in Matlab implement the Levinson – Durbin algorithm of prediction

2 Write a program in Matlab to implement LMS adaptive filter

3 Write a program in Matlab to implement RLS filter

4 Write a program in Matlab to compute the power spectrum estimation using Bartlett method,Welch method,
Blackman and Tukey method

5 Write a program in Matlab to estimate AR model parameters

6 Write a program in Matlab to estimate ARMA model parameters

7 Write a program in Matlab to compress the signal using the DWT

8 Write a program in Matlab to estimate the signal from corrupted signal , also compute the SNR

9 Demonstration Experiments ( For CIE ) if any

10 Design a simulink using Matlab to implement LMS and RLS filter

11 Design a simulink using Matlab to implement power spectrum estimation

Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)

The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%. The minimum
passing mark for the CIE is 50% of the maximum marks. Minimum passing marks in SEE is 40% of the maximum marks of
SEE. A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each
subject/ course if the student secures not less than 50% (50 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous
Internal Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together

CIE for the theory component of IPCC

1. Two Tests each of 20 Marks

2. Two assignments each of 10 Marks/One Skill Development Activity of 20 marks

3. Total Marks of two tests and two assignments/one Skill Development Activity added will be CIE for 60 marks, marks
scored will be proportionally scaled down to 30 marks.

CIE for the practical component of IPCC

 On completion of every experiment/program in the laboratory, the students shall be evaluated and marks shall
be awarded on the same day. The15 marks are for conducting the experiment and preparation of the
laboratory record, the other 05 marks shall be for the test conducted at the end of the semester.
 The CIE marks awarded in the case of the Practical component shall be based on the continuous evaluation of
the laboratory report. Each experiment report can be evaluated for 10 marks. Marks of all experiments’ write-
ups are added and scaled down to 15 marks.

 The laboratory test at the end /after completion of all the experiments shall be conducted for 50 marks and
scaled down to 05 marks.

Scaled-down marks of write-up evaluations and tests added will be CIE marks for the laboratory component of IPCC for
20 marks.

Theory SEE will be conducted by University as per the scheduled timetable, with common question papers for the course
(duration 03 hours)

1. The question paper will be set for 100 marks and marks scored will be scaled down proportionately to 50 marks.
2. The question paper will have ten questions. Each question is set for 20 marks.
3. There will be 2 questions from each module. Each of the two questions under a module (with a maximum of 3 sub-
questions), should have a mix of topics under that module.
4. The students have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.

The theory portion of the IPCC shall be for both CIE and SEE, whereas the practical portion will have a CIE component
only. Questions mentioned in the SEE paper shall include questions from the practical component).

 The minimum marks to be secured in CIE to appear for SEE shall be the 15 (50% of maximum marks-30) in the
theory component and 10 (50% of maximum marks -20) in the practical component. The laboratory component
of the IPCC shall be for CIE only. However, in SEE, the questions from the laboratory component shall be
included. The maximum of 04/05 questions to be set from the practical component of IPCC, the total marks of
all questions should not be more than the 20 marks.
 SEE will be conducted for 100 marks and students shall secure 40% of the maximum marks to qualify in the SEE.
Marks secured will be scaled down to 50. (Student has to secure an aggregate of 50% of maximum marks of the
Suggested Learning Resources:


1. ‘Digital Signal Processing, Principles, Algorithms and Applications’, John G. Proakis, Dimitris G.Manolakis,
Pearson, Fourth edition, 2007
2. ‘Insight into Wavelets- from Theory to Practice’, K P Soman, Ramachandran, Resmi, PHI, Third Edition, 2010

Web links and Video Lectures (e-Resources):

Activity Based Learning (Suggested Activities in Class)/ Practical Based learning

Mini project in the area of digital signal processing using modern tools like MATLAB, Python, scilab

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to :
Sl. Description Blooms Level
CO1 Able to understand and analyze the linear prediction and optimum linear filters L1 L2 Ll3

CO2 Able to understand and analyze LMS and RLS adaptive filter algorithms L2 L4

CO3 Able to analyze and implement the parametric and non parametric methods of power L2 L4
spectrum estimation
Pattern recognition and Machine Learning for Data Processing
Course Code 22LSP13 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:P:SDA) 3:0:2 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 40 hours Theory + 10-12 slots for Skill
Total Marks 100
Development Activities
Credits 04 Exam Hours 03

Course Learning objectives:

 To understand the basic theory underlying machine learning.
 To be able to formulate machine learning problems corresponding to different applications.
 To understand a range of machine learning algorithms along with their strengths and weaknesses.
 To be able to apply machine learning algorithms to solve problems of moderate complexity. To apply the
algorithms to a real-world problem, optimize the models learned and report on the expected accuracy that can
be achieved by applying the models.
Introduction, concept Learning :Well posed learning problems ,Designing a Learning system
Perspective and Issues in Machine Learning.
Concept Learning: Concept learning task, Concept learning as search ,Find-S algorithm, Version space, Candidate
Elimination algorithm, Inductive Bias

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Supervised Learning: Linear Regression (Gradient Descent, Normal Equations), Weighted Linear Regression (LWR),
Logistic Regression, Perceptron, Newton's Method, KL-divergence, (cross-)Entropy.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Learning Process
Natural Gradient, Exponential Family and Generalized Linear Models, Generative Models (Gaussian Discriminant
Analysis, Naive Bayes), Kernel Method (SVM, Gaussian Processes), Tree Ensembles (Decision trees, Random Forests,
Boosting and Gradient Boosting), Learning Theory, Regularization, Bias-Variance Decomposition and Tradeoff,
Concentration Inequalities, Generalization and Uniform Convergence, VC-dimension,
Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.
Deep Learning: Neural Networks, Backpropagation, Deep Architectures, Unsupervised Learning, K-means, Gaussian
Mixture Model (GMM), Expectation Maximization (EM), Variational Auto-encoder (VAE), Factor Analysis, Principal
Components Analysis (PCA), Independent Components Analysis (ICA), Reinforcement Learning (RL) : Markov Decision
Processes (MDP), Bellmans Equations, Value Iteration and Policy Iteration, Value Function Approximation, Q-Learning,
Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.
Application: Advice on structuring an ML project, Evaluation Metrics, Missing data techniques and tracking, Special
Topic: Computer Vision. Special Topic: NLP

Special topic: Machine listening and Music Information Retrieval, Special Topic: Speech, Special Topic: Compressive
Sensing, Special topics: Array processing, beam forming, independent component analysis, MIMO/SIMO models, under-
constrained separation, spectral factorizations.
Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.
Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%. The minimum
passing mark for the CIE is 50% of the maximum marks. Minimum passing marks in SEE is 40% of the maximum marks
of SEE. A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each
subject/ course if the student secures not less than 50% (50 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous
Internal Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.
Continuous Internal Evaluation:
3. Three Unit Tests each of 20 Marks
4. Two assignments each of 20 Marks or one Skill Development Activity of 40 marks
to attain the COs and POs
The sum of three tests, two assignments/skill Development Activities, will be scaled down to 50 marks
CIE methods /question paper is designed to attain the different levels of Bloom’s taxonomy as per the outcome
defined for the course.

Semester End Examination:

6. The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 50.
7. The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
8. Each full question is for 20 marks. There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub-questions) from
each module.
9. Each full question will have a sub-question covering all the topics under a module.
10. The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module
Suggested Learning Resources:
Suggested Learning Resources:
1. “Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning”, C.M. Bishop, 2nd Edition, Springer, 2011.
2. Probabilistic machine learning by Kevin P Murphy
3. Pattern recognition by Duda and Hart
4. Machine Learning for Signal Processing: Data Science, Algorithms, and Computational Statistics, Max A. Little
5. Deep Learning By Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville Online book, 2017
6. Deep Learning with Python By J. Brownlee
7. Deep Learning Step by Step with Python: A Very Gentle Introduction to Deep Neural Networks for Practical Data
Science By N. D. Lewis
8. “Machine Learning for Audio, Image and Video Analysis”, F. Camastra, Vinciarelli, Springer, 2007. link

Web links and Video Lectures (e-Resources):


Skill Development Activities Suggested

Mini project group wise on implementation of Machine learning algorithm using python

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to :
Sl. Description Blooms
No. Level
CO1 Understand a very broad collection of machine learning algorithms and problems. L2

CO2 To Demonstrate knowledge in the application/analysis of Machine Learning algorithms to solve L2

various types of learning tasks
CO3 Learn algorithmic topics of machine learning and mathematically deep enough to introduce the L2 L3
required theory
CO4 Carry out research/Investigation for a given Machine Learning Technique L5
DSP System Design
Course Code 22LSP14 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:P:SDA) 2:0:2 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 25 hours Theory + 10-12 slots for Skill
Total Marks 100
Development Activities
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03

Course Learning objectives:

 To explain the architecture and instruction set DSP processor
 To understand the linear mid rate quantization process

Implementation considerations:Introduction,Data representation and arithmetic, Finite word length effects,
Programming issues, Real time implementation considerations, Hardware interfacing, Experiments

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Architecture and Instruction Set of the C6x Processor: Introduction, TMS320C6x Architecture, Functional Units, Linear
and Circular Addressing Modes, TMS320C6x Instruction Set, Interrupts, Multichannel Buffered Serial Ports, Memory
Considerations, Fixed- and Floating-Point Format, Constraints

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Learning Process
Fixed point Digital signal processor : Introduction, TMS320C2000, TMS320C54X, TMS320C55X, TMS320C62X and
TMS320C64X, Floating point digital signal processor: Introduction, TMS320C3X,TMS320C67XX TMS320C6713 Digital
signal processor, TMS3203X6416 Digital signal processor

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Introduction to Z transform, Discrete signals, FIR filters, FIR lattice structure, FIR implementation using Fourier series and
window functions. Implementation using Matlab IIR filters: Introduction, IIR filter structures, bilinear transformation,
implementation using Matlab

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Linear midrate quantization, µLawcompanding,DPCM,DeltaModulation and adaptive DPCM, DCT, Modified DCT and
Transform coding in MPEG audio, Examples of signal quantization using TMS320CX713DSK,Matlab programs Sub band
and wavelet based coding : sub band coding basics, sub band decomposition, sub band coding of signals, wavelet basics
and families of wavelet multi resolution equations, Discrete wavelet transform, wavelet transform coding of
signals,matlab programs.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%. The minimum
passing mark for the CIE is 50% of the maximum marks. Minimum passing marks in SEE is 40% of the maximum marks of
SEE. A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each
subject/ course if the student secures not less than 50% (50 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous
Internal Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.
Continuous Internal Evaluation:
1. Three Unit Tests each of 20 Marks
2. Two assignments each of 20 Marks or one Skill Development Activity of 40 marks
to attain the COs and POs
The sum of three tests, two assignments/skill Development Activities, will be scaled down to 50 marks
CIE methods /question paper is designed to attain the different levels of Bloom’s taxonomy as per the outcome
defined for the course.

Semester End Examination:

1. The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 50.
2. The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
3. Each full question is for 20 marks. There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub-questions) from
each module.
4. Each full question will have a sub-question covering all the topics under a module.
5. The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module
Suggested Learning Resources:
1. ‘Digital Signal Processors, architecture, Implementations and Applications Sen M Kuo,Woon-SengS.Gan Pearson
prentice hall publishers-7 edition.
2. ‘Digital Signal Processing and Application with C6713 and C6416 DSK’, RulphChassaing, Donald ReayWiley-Interscience
3. Digital signal processing fundamentals and applications Li Tan,Jean Jiang Elsevier second edition
4. Digital signal processing Principles, algorithm and applications by John G proakis,Dimitris G manolokis Pearson fourth
5. Digital signal processing by salivahanan,Avallavaraj,GnanapriyaTaTaMcGrawl-Hill 2007
6.Digital signal processing with Matlab programs Dr.sanjaysharma SK kataria&sons sixth edition

Web links and Video Lectures (e-Resources):


Skill Development Activities Suggested

 To simulate the signals and signal processing using DSP processor using CCS Studio of TMS320c6XXX series
DSP System design

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to :
Sl. Description Blooms Level
CO1 Able to understand and analyze the DSP processor architecture L1 L2 L3

CO2 Able to analyze the fixed point and floating point DSP processor L4

CO3 Able to understand and analyze digital filter systems L2L4

CO4 Able to understand and analyze the digital modulation systems L2 L4

Advanced Multivariate Systems and Filters Banks
Course Code 22LSP15 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:P:SDA) 2:0:2 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 25 hours Theory + 10-12 slots for Skill
Total Marks 100
Development Activities
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03

Course Learning objectives:

 Describe the need of multi-rate systems and it applications.
 Understand the theory of multi-rate DSP, solve numerical problems and write algorithms.
 Understand theory of prediction and solution of normal equation
Fundamentals of Multirate Systems: Basic multi-rate operations, interconnection of building blocks, poly-phase
representation, multistage implementation, applications of multi-rate systems, special filters and filter bank

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Maximally decimated filter banks: Errors created in the QMF bank, alias-free QMF system, power symmetric QMF banks,
M-channel filter banks, poly-phase representation, perfect reconstruction systems, alias-free filter banks, tree
structured filter banks, trans-multiplexers

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Learning Process
Para-unitary Perfect Reconstruction Filter Banks: Lossless transfer matrices, filter bank properties induced by para-
unitariness, two channel Para-unitary lattices, M-channel FIR Para-unitary QMF banks, transform coding

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Linear Phase Perfect Reconstruction QMF Banks: Necessary conditions, lattice structures for linear phase FIR PR QMF
banks, formal synthesis of linear phase FIR PR QMF lattice Cosine Modulated Filter Banks: Pseudo-QMF bank and its
design, efficient poly-phase structures, properties of cosine matrices, cosine modulated perfect reconstruction systems

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Wavelet Transform: Short-time Fourier transform, Wavelet L2, L3 transform, discrete-time Ortho-normal wavelets,
continuous time Ortho-normal wavelets

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%. The minimum
passing mark for the CIE is 50% of the maximum marks. Minimum passing marks in SEE is 40% of the maximum marks of
SEE. A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each
subject/ course if the student secures not less than 50% (50 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous
Internal Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.
Continuous Internal Evaluation:
1. Three Unit Tests each of 20 Marks
2. Two assignments each of 20 Marks or one Skill Development Activity of 40 marks
to attain the COs and POs
The sum of three tests, two assignments/skill Development Activities, will be scaled down to 50 marks
CIE methods /question paper is designed to attain the different levels of Bloom’s taxonomy as per the outcome
defined for the course.

Semester End Examination:

3. The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 50.
4. The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
5. Each full question is for 20 marks. There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub-questions) from
each module.
6. Each full question will have a sub-question covering all the topics under a module.
7. The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module
Suggested Learning Resources:

1. P.P.Vaidyanathan, “Multirate Systems and Filter Banks", Pearson Education (Asia) Pte.Ltd, 2004.
2. Gilbert Strang and Truong Nguyen, "Wavelets and Filter Banks", Wellesley-Cambridge Press,1996.

3. N. J. Fliege, "Multirate Digital Signal Processing‖, John Wiley & Sons, USA,2000.
4. Vikram Gadre & Aditya Abhyankar “Multiresolution and Multirate Signal Processing: Introduction,
Principles and Applications” McGraw Hill Education, First edition(2017).
5. Steven M. Kay “Modern Spectral Estimation” Pearson Education, First edition (2017)

Web links and Video Lectures (e-Resources):


Skill Development Activities Suggested

 To implement the filter bank and its spectrum using Matlab software

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to :
Sl. Description Blooms Level
CO1 Able to understand and implement the multirate systems L2 L4

CO2 Able to understand and analyze decimated filter banks and reconstruction filter banks L2 L4

CO3 Able to understand QMF banks, efficient poly – phase structures L1 L2

CO4 Able to understand and analyze the STFT, CWT and DWT L2 L4

Research Methodology and IPR

Course Code 22RMI16 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:P:SDA) 3:0:0 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 40 Hours Total Marks 100
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03

Course Learning objectives:

1. Discuss research methodology and the technique of defining a research problem
2. Explain the functions of the literature review in research, carrying out a literature search, developing
theoretical and conceptual frameworks and writing a review.
3. Explain various research designs, sampling designs, measurement and scaling techniques and also
different methods of data collections.
4. Explain several parametric tests of hypotheses, Chi-square test, art of interpretation and writing
research reports
5. Discuss various forms of the intellectual property, its relevance and business impact in the changing
global business environment and leading International Instruments concerning IPR


Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.


Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Learning Process

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.


Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.


Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%. The minimum
passing mark for the CIE is 50% of the maximum marks. Minimum passing marks in SEE is 40% of the maximum marks of
SEE. A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each
subject/ course if the student secures not less than 50% (50 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous
Internal Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.
Continuous Internal Evaluation:
1. Three Unit Tests each of 20 Marks
2. Two assignments each of 20 Marks or one Skill Development Activity of 40 marks
to attain the COs and POs
The sum of three tests, two assignments/skill Development Activities, will be scaled down to 50 marks
CIE methods /question paper is designed to attain the different levels of Bloom’s taxonomy as per the outcome
defined for the course.

Semester End Examination:

3. The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 50.
4. The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
5. Each full question is for 20 marks. There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub-questions) from
each module.
6. Each full question will have a sub-question covering all the topics under a module.
7. The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module
Suggested Learning Resources:
1. Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques, C.R. Kothari, Gaurav Garg, New Age International,4th
Edition, 2018.
2. Research Methodology a step-by-step guide for beginners. (For the topic Reviewing the literature under
module 2), Ranjit Kumar, SAGE Publications,3rd Edition, 2011.
3. Study Material (For the topic Intellectual Property under module 5), Professional Programme Intellectual
Property Rights, Law and Practice, The Institute of Company Secretaries of India, Statutory Body Under an
Act of Parliament, September 2013.

4. Research Methods: the concise knowledge base, Trochim, Atomic Dog Publishing, 2005.

5. Conducting Research Literature Reviews: From the Internet to Paper, Fink A, Sage Publications, 2009.

Web links and Video Lectures (e-Resources):


Course outcome (Course Skill Set)

At the end of the course the student will be able to :
Sl. No. Description Blooms Level
CO1 Discuss research methodology and the technique of defining a research problem. L1, L2
Explain the functions of the literature review in research, carrying out a literature search,
CO2 developing theoretical and conceptual frameworks and writing a review. L1, L2
Explain various research designs, sampling designs, measurement and scaling techniques
CO3 and also different methods of data collections. L1, L2
Explain several parametric tests of hypotheses, Chi-square test, art of interpretation and
CO4 writing research reports. L1, L2, L3
Discuss various forms of the intellectual property, its relevance and business impact in the
CO5 changing global business environment and leading International Instruments concerning IPR. L1, L2, L3, L4

Course Code Advanced Digital Signal Processing
CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P: S) 1:0:2:0 SEE Marks 50
Credits 02 Exam Hours 03
Course objectives:
 To understand the Matlab software for digital signal processing problems
 To learn the various programming skills to implement the digital signal processing algorithms

Sl.NO Experiments
1 Generate various fundamental discrete time signals.

Basic operations on signals (Multiplication, Folding, Scaling).

Find out the DFT & IDFT of a given sequence without using inbuilt instructions.

4 Interpolation & decimation of a given sequence.

5 Generation of DTMF (Dual Tone Multiple Frequency) signals.

6 Estimate the PSD of a noisy signal using periodogram and modified periodogram.

7 Estimation Of PSD using different methods (Bartlett, Welch, Blackman-


8 Design of Chebychev Type I,II Filters.

9 Cascade Digital IIR Filter Realization.

10 Parallel Realization of IIR filter.

11 Estimation of power spectrum using parametric methods (Yule-Walker & Burg).

12 Design of LPC filter using Levinson-Durbin algorithm.

13 Time-Frequency Analysis with the Continuous Wavelet Transform.

14 Signal Reconstruction from Continuous Wavelet Transform Coefficients.

Demonstration Experiments ( For CIE )

1 To implement the LPC filter using Matlab Simulink

2 To implement the Time-Frequency Analysis with the Continuous Wavelet

Transform using Matlab Simulink

3 To implement the Signal Reconstruction from Continuous Wavelet Transform Coefficients using Matlab

Course outcomes (Course Skill Set):

At the end of the course the student will be able to:
Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%. The minimum
passing mark for the CIE is 50% of the maximum marks. A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic
requirements and earned the credits allotted to each course. The student has to secure not less than 40%of maximum
marks in the semester-end examination(SEE). In total of CIE and SEE student has to secure 50% maximum marks of
the course.
Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):
CIE marks for the practical course is 50 Marks.
The split-up of CIE marks for record/ journal and test are in the ratio 60:40.
 Each experiment to be evaluated for conduction with observation sheet and record write-up. Rubrics for the
evaluation of the journal/write-up for hardware/software experiments designed by the faculty who is handling the
laboratory session and is made known to students at the beginning of the practical session.
 Record should contain all the specified experiments in the syllabus and each experiment write-up will be
evaluated for 10 marks.
 Total marks scored by the students are scaled downed to 30 marks (60% of maximum marks).
 Weightage to be given for neatness and submission of record/write-up on time.
 Department shall conduct 02 tests for 100 marks, the first test shall be conducted after the 8 week of the

semester and the second test shall be conducted after the 14 week of the semester.
 In each test, test write-up, conduction of experiment, acceptable result, and procedural knowledge will carry a
weightage of 60% and the rest 40% for viva-voce.
 The suitable rubrics can be designed to evaluate each student’s performance and learning ability.
 The average of 02 tests is scaled down to 20 marks (40% of the maximum marks).
The Sum of scaled-down marks scored in the report write-up/journal and average marks of two tests is the total CIE
marks scored by the student.

Semester End Evaluation (SEE):

SEE marks for the practical course is 50 Marks.
SEE shall be conducted jointly by the two examiners of the same institute, examiners are appointed by the
 All laboratory experiments are to be included for practical examination.
 (Rubrics) Breakup of marks and the instructions printed on the cover page of the answer script to be strictly adhered
to by the examiners. OR based on the course requirement evaluation rubrics shall be decided jointly by examiners.
 Students can pick one question (experiment) from the questions lot prepared by the internal /external examiners
 Evaluation of test write-up/ conduction procedure and result/viva will be conducted jointly by examiners.
 General rubrics suggested for SEE are mentioned here, writeup-20%, Conduction procedure and result in 60%, Viva-
voce 20% of maximum marks. SEE for practical shall be evaluated for 100 marks and scored marks shall be scaled
down to 50 marks (however, based on course type, rubrics shall be decided by the examiners)
Change of experiment is allowed only once and 10% Marks allotted to the procedure part to be made zero.
The duration of SEE is 03 hours

Suggested Learning Resources:


Sl No. Course Code Course Title National Coordinator

/22AEC18 Real-Time Digital Signal Processing

/22AEC18 Patent Law for Engineers and Scientists

Advanced Engineering Mathematics
Embedded System Design With ARM
/22AEC18 Digital Image Processing
6 22AUD18
/22AEC18 Computer Vision

/22AEC18 Digital Speech Processing

/22AEC18 Image Signal Processing

Audit Courses /Ability Enhancement Courses Suggested by BOS (ONLINE courses):

Audit Courses: These are prerequisite courses suggested by the concerned Board of Studies. Ability Enhancement Courses will
be suggested by the BoS if prerequisite courses are not required for the programs.

Ability Enhancement Courses:

 These courses are prescribed to help students to enhance their skills in fields connected to the field of specialization as
well allied fields that leads to employable skills. Involving in learning such courses are impetus to lifelong learning.
 The courses under this category are online courses published in advance and approved by the concerned Board of Studies.
 Registration to Audit / Ability Enhancement Course shall be done in consultation with the mentor and is compulsory
during the concerned semester.
In case a candidate fails to appear for the proctored examination or fails to pass the selected online course, he/she can
register and appear for the same course if offered during the next session or register for a new course offered during that
session, in consultation with the mentor.
The Audit Ability Enhancement Course carries no credit and is not counted for vertical progression. However, a pass in such a
course is mandatory for the award of the degree.

Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education (OBE)

(Effective from the academic year 2022-23)

Semester – 2

Digital Compression
Course Code 22LSP21 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:P:SDA) 2:0:2 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 25 Hours of Teaching and 10 to 12
sessions of Skill Development Total Marks 100
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03

Course Learning objectives:

 Acquire contemporary knowledge in Data Compression and Coding.
 Equip with skills to analyze and evaluate different Data Compression and Coding methods

Introduction: Compression techniques, Modelling & coding, Distortion criteria,
Differential Entropy, Rate Distortion Theory, Coding uniquely decodable codes, Prefix codes, Kraft
McMillan Inequality.
Quantization: Quantization problem, Uniform Quantizer, Adaptive Quantization, Non-uniform
Quantization; Entropy coded Quantization, Vector Quantization, LBG algorithm, Tree structured VQ,
Structured VQ.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Differential Encoding: Basic algorithm, Prediction in DPCM, Adaptive DPCM, Delta Modulation, Speech coding–G.726,
Image coding Transform
Coding: Transforms–KLT,DCT,DST,DWHT; Quantization and coding of transform coefficients,
Application Image compression–JPEG, Application to audio compression

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Learning Process
Sub-band Coding: Filters, Sub-band coding algorithm, Design of filter banks, Perfect reconstruction using two
channel filter banks, M-band QMF filter banks, Poly-phase decomposition, Bit L1, L2 allocation, Speech coding–
G.722, Audio coding–MPEG audio, Image compression.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Wavelet Based Compression: Wavelets, Multi resolution analysis & scalingfunction, Implementation using filters, Image
compression–EZW, SPIHT, JPEG 2000.
Analysis/Synthesis Schemes: Speech compression–LPC – 10,CELP, MELP.
Video Compression: Motion compensation, Video signal representation, Algorithms for video conferencing & video
phones–H.261, H.263, Asymmetric applications–MPEG 4, MPEG 7, Packet video

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Loss less Coding: Huffman coding, Adaptive Huffman coding, Golomb codes, Rice codes, Tunstall codes,
Applications of Huffman coding, Arithmetic coding, Algorithm implementation, L1, L2 Applications of Arithmetic
coding, Dictionary techniques–LZ77,LZ78, Applications of LZ78– JBIG, JBIG2, Predictive coding– Prediction with
partial match, Burrows Wheeler Transform, Applications– CALIC, JPEG-LS.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%. The minimum
passing mark for the CIE is 50% of the maximum marks. Minimum passing marks in SEE is 40% of the maximum marks of
SEE. A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each
subject/ course if the student secures not less than 50% (50 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous
Internal Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.
Continuous Internal Evaluation:
5. Three Unit Tests each of 20 Marks
6. Two assignments each of 20 Marks or one Skill Development Activity of 40 marks
to attain the COs and POs
The sum of three tests, two assignments/skill Development Activities, will be scaled down to 50 marks
CIE methods /question paper is designed to attain the different levels of Bloom’s taxonomy as per the outcome
defined for the course.

Semester End Examination:

11. The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 50.
12. The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
13. Each full question is for 20 marks. There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub-questions) from
each module.
14. Each full question will have a sub-question covering all the topics under a module.
15. The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module
Suggested Learning Resources:
1. K.Sayood, “Introduction to Data Compression”, Harcourt India Pvt. Ltd. & Morgan Kaufmann
Publishers, 1996.
2. N.JayantandP.Noll, “Digital Coding of Waveforms: Principles and Applications to Speech and Video”,
Prentice Hall, USA, 1984.
3. D.Salomon, “Data Compression: The Complete Reference”, Springer, 2000.
4. Z.LiandM.S.Drew, “Fundamentals of Multimedia”, Pearson Education (Asia) Pvt.Ltd., 2004.

Web links and Video Lectures (e-Resources):


Skill Development Activities Suggested

 Mini project to compress the signals and image using various algorithms

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to :
Sl. Description Blooms Level
CO1 Able to understand the working principle of compression techniques L1 L2

CO2 Able to understand and analyze the time domain and frequency domain transformation L2 L4
techniques of compression
CO3 Able to understand and analyze the image compression and video compression L2 L4

CO4 Able to understand the wavelet based compression techniques L1 L2

Image Processing & Machine Vision
Course Code 22LSP22 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:P:SDA) 3:2:0 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 40 hours Theory + 10-12 Lab slots Total Marks 100
Credits 04 Exam Hours 04

Course objectives:
 Describe the Digital Image fundamentals
 To implement the image enhancement algorithms
 To understand the computer vision techniques
Introduction and Digital Image Fundamentals
Motivation & Perspective, Applications, Components of Image Processing System, Fundamentals Steps in Image
Processing, Image Sampling and Quantization, Some basic relationships like Neighbors, Connectivity, Distance
Measures between pixels

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Image Enhancement in the Spatial and Frequency Domain
Image enhancement by point processing, Image enhancement by neighbourhood processing, Basic Gray Level
Transformations, Histogram Processing, Enhancement Using Arithmetic and Logic operations, Zooming, Basics of
Spatial Filters, Smoothening and Sharpening Spatial Filters, Combining Spatial Enhancement Methods. Introduction to
Fourier Transform and the frequency Domain, Smoothing and Sharpening Frequency Domain Filters, Homomorphic
Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.
Learning Process
Image Restoration and Image Compression
Model of The Image Degradation / Restoration Process, Noise Models, Restoration in the presence of Noise Only Spatial
Filtering, Periodic Noise Reduction by Frequency Domain Filtering, Linear Position-Invariant Degradations, Estimation of
Degradation Function, Inverse filtering, Wiener filtering, Constrained Least Square Filtering, Geometric Mean Filter,
Geometric Transformations. Data Redundancies, Image Compression models, Elements of Information Theory, Lossless
and Lossy compression, Huffman Coding, Shanon-Fano Coding, Arithmetic Coding, Golomb Coding, LZW Coding, Run
Length Coding, Loss less predictive Coding, Bit Plane Coding, Image compression standards.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Image Segmentation and Morphological Image Processing
Discontinuity based segmentation, similarity based segmentation, Edge linking and boundary detection, 20% Threshold,
Region based Segmentation Introduction to Morphology, Dilation, Erosion, Some basic Morphological Algorithms

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.


Object Representation and description and Computer Vision Techniques

Introduction to Morphology, Some basic Morphological Algorithms, Representation, Boundary Descriptors, Regional
Descriptors, Chain Code, Structural Methods. Review of Computer Vision applications; Fuzzy-Neural algorithms for
computer vision applications

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.


PRACTICAL COMPONENT OF IPCC(May cover all / major modules)

Sl.NO Experiments

1 Write a program in Matlab to compute the histogram of an Image

2 Write a program in Matlab to compute the logic operations on image

3 Write a program in Matlab to find the edge of an image

4 Write a program in Matlab to compute the Huffman coding

5 Write a program in Matlab to compute the bit plane slicing

6 Write a program in Matlab to lossless predictive coding

Demo experiments for CIE

1 Write a program in Matlab to implement the Fuzzy logic algorithm

2 Write a program in Matlab to implement the neural network algorithm

Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)

The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%. The minimum
passing mark for the CIE is 50% of the maximum marks. Minimum passing marks in SEE is 40% of the maximum marks of
SEE. A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each
subject/ course if the student secures not less than 50% (50 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous
Internal Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together

CIE for the theory component of IPCC

4. Two Tests each of 20 Marks

5. Two assignments each of 10 Marks/One Skill Development Activity of 20 marks
6. Total Marks of two tests and two assignments/one Skill Development Activity added will be CIE for 60 marks, marks
scored will be proportionally scaled down to 30 marks.

CIE for the practical component of IPCC

 On completion of every experiment/program in the laboratory, the students shall be evaluated and marks shall
be awarded on the same day. The 15 marks are for conducting the experiment and preparation of the
laboratory record, the other 05 marks shall be for the test conducted at the end of the semester.
 The CIE marks awarded in the case of the Practical component shall be based on the continuous evaluation of
the laboratory report. Each experiment report can be evaluated for 10 marks. Marks of all experiments’ write-
ups are added and scaled down to 15 marks.

 The laboratory test at the end /after completion of all the experimentsshall be conducted for 50 marks and
scaled down to 05 marks.

Scaled-down marks of write-up evaluations and tests added will be CIE marks for the laboratory component of IPCC for
20 marks.

Theory SEE will be conducted by University as per the scheduled timetable, with common question papers for the course
(duration 03 hours)

5. The question paper will be set for 100 marks and marks scored will be scaled down proportionately to 50 marks.
6. The question paper will have ten questions. Each question is set for 20 marks.
7. There will be 2 questions from each module. Each of the two questions under a module (with a maximum of 3 sub-
questions), should have a mix of topics under that module.
8. The students have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.

The theory portion of the IPCC shall be for both CIE and SEE, whereas the practical portion will have a CIE component
only. Questions mentioned in the SEE paper shall include questions from the practical component).

 The minimum marks to be secured in CIE to appear for SEE shall be the 15 (50% of maximum marks-30) in the
theory component and 10 (50% of maximum marks -20) in the practical component. The laboratory component
of the IPCC shall be for CIE only. However, in SEE, the questions from the laboratory component shall be
included. The maximum of 04/05 questions to be set from the practical component of IPCC, the total marks of
all questions should not be more than the 20 marks.
 SEE will be conducted for 100 marks and students shall secure 40% of the maximum marks to qualify in the SEE.
Marks secured will be scaled down to 50. (Student has to secure an aggregate of 50% of maximum marks of the
Suggested Learning Resources:


1. Digital Image Processing Rafael C. Gonzalez Pearson Education3rd edition & Richard E. Woods
2. Computer Vision: A Modern David A. Forsyth, Prentice Hall Approach Jean Ponce
3. Fundamental of Digital Image Processing A.K. Jain PHI
4. Digital Image Processing W K Pratt
Web links and Video Lectures (e-Resources):


Activity Based Learning (Suggested Activities in Class)/ Practical Based learning

 To do mini project in the field of Digital Image Processing and Machine vision

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to :
Sl. Description Blooms
No. Level
CO1 Able to understand the fundamentals of digital image L2

CO2 Able to understand and analyze the image enhancement in the spatial and frequency domain L2 L3

CO3 Able to analyze the image restoration and compression in spatial and frequency domain L6

CO4 Able to understand and analyze image segmentation and morphological image processing in spatial L2 L4
and frequency domain
CO5 Able to analyze the computer vision techniques L3
VLSI in Signal Processing
Course Code 22LSP231 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:P:SDA) 2:0:2 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 25 Hours of Teaching and 10 to 12
sessions of Skill Development Total Marks 100
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03

Course Learning objectives:

 To explain the VLSI applications
 To understand the VLSI in signal processing

Introduction To DSP Systems: Introduction; representation of DSP algorithms: Block Diagram, signal flow graph, data
flow graph, dependence graph. Iteration Bound: Data flow graph representations, loop bound and iteration bound,
longest path matrix algorithm, iteration bound of Multirate data flow graphs.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Pipelining and Parallel Processing: Introduction, Pipelining of FIR Digital Filters, Parallel Processing. Pipelining and
Parallel Processing for Low Power. Retiming: Introduction, Definition and Properties, Solving System of Inequalities,
Retiming Techniques.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Learning Process
Unfolding: Introduction an Algorithms for Unfolding, Properties of Unfolding, Critical Path, Unfolding and Retiming
Application of Unfolding. Folding: Introduction to Folding Transformation, Register Minimization Techniques, Register
Minimization in Folded Architectures, Folding in Multirate Systems.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Systolic Architecture Design: Introduction, Systolic Array Design Methodology, FIR Systolic Arrays, Selection of
Scheduling Vector, Matrix Multiplication and 2D Systolic Array Design, Systolic Design for Space Representations
Containing Delays.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Fast Convolution: Introduction, Cook, Toom Algorithm, Winogard Algorithm, Iterated Convolution, Cyclic Convolution,
Design of Fast Convolution Algorithm by Inspection.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%. The minimum
passing mark for the CIE is 50% of the maximum marks. Minimum passing marks in SEE is 40% of the maximum marks of
SEE. A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each
subject/ course if the student secures not less than 50% (50 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous
Internal Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.
Continuous Internal Evaluation:
1. Three Unit Tests each of 20 Marks
2. Two assignments each of 20 Marks or one Skill Development Activity of 40 marks
to attain the COs and POs
The sum of three tests, two assignments/skill Development Activities, will be scaled down to 50 marks
CIE methods /question paper is designed to attain the different levels of Bloom’s taxonomy as per the outcome
defined for the course.

Semester End Examination:

3. The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 50.
4. The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
5. Each full question is for 20 marks. There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub-questions) from
each module.
6. Each full question will have a sub-question covering all the topics under a module.
7. The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module
Suggested Learning Resources:

1. Keshab K. Parhi. VLSI Digital Signal Processing Systems, Wiley-Inter Sciences, 1999

2. Mohammed Ismail, Terri, Fiez, Analog VLSI Signal and Information Processing, McGraw Hill, 1994.

3. Kung. S.Y., H.J. While house T.Kailath, VLSI and Modern singal processing, Prentice Hall, 1985.

4. Jose E. France, YannisTsividls, Design of Analog Digital VLSI Circuits for Telecommunications and Signal Processing’
Prentice Hall, 1994.

Web links and Video Lectures (e-Resources):


Skill Development Activities Suggested

 To visit telecommunication manufacturing companies
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to :
Sl. Description Blooms Level
CO1 Understand VLSI design methodology for signal processing systems. L1 L2

CO2 Be familiar with VLSI algorithms and architectures for DSP. L2 L4

CO3 Be able to implement basic architectures for DSP using CAD tools. L4

Nano Electronics
Course Code 22LSP232 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:P:SDA) 2:0:2 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 25 Hours of Teaching and 10 to 12
sessions of Skill Development Total Marks 100
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03

Course Learning objectives:

 To analyze the Moore’s law
 To understand the spectroscopy techniques
 To understand the fabrication techniques
Introduction: Overview of nanoscience and engineering. Development milestones in microfabrication and electronic
industry. Moores’ law and continued miniaturization, Classification of Nanostructures, Electronic properties of atoms
and solids: Isolated atom, Bonding between atoms, Giant molecular solids, Free electron models and energy bands,
crystalline solids, Periodicity of crystal lattices, Electronic conduction, effects of nanometer length scale, Fabrication
methods: Top down processes, Bottom up processes methods for templating the growth of nanomaterials, ordering
of nano systems
Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.
Characterization: Classification, Microscopic techniques, Field ion microscopy, scanning probe techniques,
diffraction techniques: bulk and surface diffraction techniques,

Spectroscopy techniques: photon, radiofrequency, electron, surface analysis and dept profiling: electron, mass, Ion
beam, Reflectometry, Techniques for property measurement: mechanical, electron, magnetic, thermal properties

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Learning Process
Inorganic semiconductor nanostructures: overview of semiconductor physics. Quantum confinement in semiconductor
nanostructures: quantum wells, quantum wires, quantum dots, super-lattices, band offsets, electronic density of states

Carbon Nanostructures: Carbon molecules, Carbon Clusters, Carbon Nanotubes, application of Carbon Nanotubes

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Fabrication techniques: requirements of ideal semiconductor, epitaxial growth of quantum wells, lithography and
etching, cleaved-edge over growth, growth of vicinal substrates, strain induced dots and wires, electrostatically induced
dots and wires, Quantum well width fluctuations, thermally annealed quantum wells, semiconductor nanocrystals,
colloidal quantum dots, self-assembly techniques.
Physical processes: modulation doping, quantum hall effect, resonant tunnelling, charging effects, ballistic carrier
transport, Inter band absorption, intra band absorption, Light emission processes, phonon bottleneck, quantum
confined stark effect, nonlinear effects, coherence and dephasing, characterization of semiconductor nanostructures:
optical electrical and structural

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Methods of measuring properties: atomic, crystallography, microscopy, spectroscopy
Applications: Injection lasers, quantum cascade lasers, single-photon sources, biological tagging, optical memories,
coulomb blockade devices, photonic structures, QWIPs, NEMS, MEMS
Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.
Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%. The minimum
passing mark for the CIE is 50% of the maximum marks. Minimum passing marks in SEE is 40% of the maximum marks of
SEE. A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each
subject/ course if the student secures not less than 50% (50 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous
Internal Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.
Continuous Internal Evaluation:
1. Three Unit Tests each of 20 Marks
2. Two assignments each of 20 Marks or one Skill Development Activity of 40 marks
to attain the COs and POs
The sum of three tests, two assignments/skill Development Activities, will be scaled down to 50 marks
CIE methods /question paper is designed to attain the different levels of Bloom’s taxonomy as per the outcome
defined for the course.

Semester End Examination:

3. The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 50.
4. The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
5. Each full question is for 20 marks. There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub-questions) from
each module.
6. Each full question will have a sub-question covering all the topics under a module.
7. The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module
Suggested Learning Resources:
1. ‘Nanoscale Science and Technology’, Ed Robert Kelsall, Ian Hamley, Mark Geoghegan, John Wiley, 2007
2. ‘Introduction to Nanotechnology’, Charles P Poole, Jr, Frank J Owens, John Wiley, Copyright 2006, Reprint
3. ‘Hand Book of Nanoscience Engineering and Technology’, Ed William A Goddard III, Donald W Brenner, Sergey
E. Lyshevski, Gerald J Iafrate, CRC Press, 2003

Web links and Video Lectures (e-Resources):

Skill Development Activities Suggested
 To visit nanotechnology laboratories

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to :
Sl. Description Blooms Level
CO1 Able to understand the Moore’s law, bottom up process L1 L2

CO2 Able to understand and analyze the microscopic and spectroscopy techniques L2 L4

CO3 Able to understand the carbon nanostructures L2

CO4 Able to understand and analyze the fabrication techniques L2 L4

CO5 Able to understand the applications of nano electronics L2

Deep learning in Signal Processing
Course Code 22LSP233 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:P:SDA) 2:0:2 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 25 Hours of Teaching and 10 to 12
sessions of Skill Development Total Marks 100
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03

Course Learning objectives:

 To understand the foundations of linear algebra and Artificial Neural Networks
 To acquire the knowledge on Deep Learning Concepts
 To gain knowledge to apply optimization strategies
Introduction, Brief Review of concepts from linear Algebra,vector calculus, Types of errors, bias-variance
trade-off, overfitting-underfitting, brief review of concepts from optimization, variants of gradient
descent, momentum based methods

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Basic concepts of artificial neurons, single and multi layer perceptrons, perceptron learning algorithm, its
convergence proof, different activation functions, softmax cross entropy loss function, Basic concepts of
Linear and Logistic Regression.
Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.
ConvNets: Basic concepts of Convolutional Neural Networks starting from filtering. Convolution and
pooling operation and arithmetic’s of these. ConvNet Architectures: Discussions on famous convnet
architectures - AlexNet, ZFNet, VGG, C3D, GoogLeNet, ResNet, MobileNet-v1, MobileNet-v2, EfficientNet,
Discussion on regularization, Dropout, Batchnorm etc
Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.
Discussion on detection, segmentation problem definition, challenges, Evaluation, Datasets and
Localization by regression. Discussion on detection as classification, region proposals, RCNN and YOLO
architectures, fully convolutional segmentations, Mask-RCNNs.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Module 5

Deep generative models – Auto encoders, Boltzmann machines, adversarial networks

Applications in computer vision and speech recognition
Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.
Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%. The
minimum passing mark for the CIE is 50% of the maximum marks. Minimum passing marks in SEE is 40% of the
maximum marks of SEE. A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned
the credits allotted to each subject/ course if the student secures not less than 50% (50 marks out of 100) in
the sum total of the CIE (Continuous Internal Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.
Continuous Internal Evaluation:
1. Three Unit Tests each of 20 Marks
2. Two assignments each of 20 Marks or one Skill Development Activity of 40 marks
to attain the COs and POs
The sum of three tests, two assignments/skill Development Activities, will be scaled down to 50 marks
CIE methods /question paper is designed to attain the different levels of Bloom’s taxonomy as per the
outcome defined for the course.

Semester End Examination:

3. The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to
4. The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
5. Each full question is for 20 marks. There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub-
questions) from each module.
6. Each full question will have a sub-question covering all the topics under a module.
7. The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module
.Suggested Learning Resources:
1. Linear Algebra and its applications by Gilbert strang ,4 edition
2. Deep Learning: An MIT Press Book By Ian Goodfellow and Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville
3. Neural Networks and Learning Machines, Simon Haykin, 3rd Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall..

Reference text Books

1. Duda, R.O., Hart, P.E., and Stork, D.G. Pattern Classi cation. Wiley-Interscience. 2nd Edition. 2001. ■
2. Theodoridis, S. and Koutroumbas, K. Pattern Recognition. Edition 4. Academic Press, 2008. ■ Russell, S.
and Norvig, N. Arti cial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. Prentice Hall Series in Arti cial Intelligence.
3. Bishop, C. M. Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition. Oxford University Press. 1995.
4. Hastie, T., Tibshirani, R. and Friedman, J. The Elements of Statistical Learning. Springer. 2001.
5. Koller, D. and Friedman, N. Probabilistic Graphical Models. MIT Press. 2009.
Web links and Video Lectures (e-Resources):
 http://cs231n.stanford.edu/ CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition
 http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs224n/ CS224n: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning
 http://rll.berkeley.edu/deeprlcourse/ CS 294: Deep Reinforcement Learning
 http://distill.pub/ Very nice explanations of some DL concepts

Skill Development Activities Suggested

 To perform experiments on basics of Deep learning and Machine learning algorithms

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to :
Sl. Description Blooms Level
CO1 Able to understand the basics of Linear Algebra , fundamentals of Deep learning and L2 L3
optimization techniques.
CO2 Able to understand the concepts of Artificial Neural networks and its implementation L2 L3
using regression models
CO3 Able to understand convolution neural networks and implement the various L2 L3
architectures of convolution neural networks
CO4 Able to understand and analyze the detection and segmentation problems L1 L2 L4
Reconfigurable Computing
Course Code 22LSP234 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:P:SDA) 2:0:2 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 25 Hours of Teaching and 10 to 12
sessions of Skill Development Total Marks 100
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03

Course Learning objectives:

 To explain reconfigurable computing system
 To understand High Level Synthesis for Reconfigurable Devices

Introduction: History, Reconfigurable vs Processor based system, RC Architecture.
Reconfigurable Logic Devices: Field Programmable Gate Array, Coarse Grained Reconfigurable Arrays.

Reconfigurable Computing System: Parallel Processing on Reconfigurable Computers, A survey of Reconfigurable

Computing System
Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.
Languages and Compilation: Design Cycle, Languages, HDL, High Level Compilation, Low level Design flow, Debugging
Reconfigurable Computing Applications

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Learning Process
Implementation: Integration, FPGA Design flow, Logic Synthesis.

High Level Synthesis for Reconfigurable Devices: Modelling, Temporal Partitioning Algorithms

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Partial Reconfiguration Design: Partial Reconfiguration Design, Bitstream Manipulation with JBits, The modular Design
flow, The Early Access Design Flow, Creating Partially Reconfigurable Designs, Partial Reconfiguration using Hansel-C
Designs, Platform Design

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Signal Processing Applications: Reconfigurable computing for DSP, DSP application building blocks, Examples:
Beamforming, Software Radio, Image and video processing, Local Neighbourhood functions, Convolution System on a
Programmable Chip: Introduction to SoPC, Adaptive Multiprocessing on Chip
Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.
Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%. The minimum
passing mark for the CIE is 50% of the maximum marks. Minimum passing marks in SEE is 40% of the maximum marks of
SEE. A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each
subject/ course if the student secures not less than 50% (50 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous
Internal Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.
Continuous Internal Evaluation:
1. Three Unit Tests each of 20 Marks
2. Two assignments each of 20 Marks or one Skill Development Activity of 40 marks
to attain the COs and POs
The sum of three tests, two assignments/skill Development Activities, will be scaled down to 50 marks
CIE methods /question paper is designed to attain the different levels of Bloom’s taxonomy as per the outcome
defined for the course.

Semester End Examination:

3. The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 50.
4. The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
5. Each full question is for 20 marks. There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub-questions) from
each module.
6. Each full question will have a sub-question covering all the topics under a module.
7. The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module
Suggested Learning Resources:
1. ‘Reconfigurable Computing: Accelerating Computation with Field-Programmable Gate Arrays’, M. Gokhale and P.
Graham, Springer, ISBN: 978-0-387-26105-8, 2005.
2. ‘Introduction to Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Algorithms and Applications’, C. Bobda, Springer, ISBN:
978-1-4020-6088-5, 2007.
3. ‘Practical FPGA Programming in C’, D. Pellerin and S. Thibault, Prentice-Hall, 2005.
4. ‘FPGA Based System Design’, W. Wolf, Prentice-Hall, 2004.
5. ‘Rapid System Prototyping with FPGAs: Accelerating the Design Process’, R. Cofer and B. Harding, Newnes, 2005.

Web links and Video Lectures (e-Resources):


Skill Development Activities Suggested

 To perform experiments on signal processing applications using Matlab / Labview software

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to :
Sl. Description Blooms Level
CO1 Able to understand the reconfigurable systems L2

CO2 Able to understand and analyze the partial reconfigurable design L2 L4

CO3 Able to analyze the signal processing techniques L4

Artificial Neural Network and Applications
Course Code 22LSP235 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:P:SDA) 2:0:2 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 25 Hours of Teaching and 10 to 12
sessions of Skill Development Total Marks 100
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03

Course Learning objectives:

 To describe the artificial neural model
 To explain the supervised learning and support vector machine

Biological Neuron- Artificial Neural Model- Types of activation functions-
Feed forward and Feedback, Convex Sets, Convex Hull and Linear Separability, Non-Linear Separable Problem. XOR
Problem, Multilayer Networks.
Learning Algorithms, Error correction and Gradient Descent Rules, Learning objective of TLNs, Perceptron Learning
Algorithm, Perceptron Convergence Theorem.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Supervised Learning:
Perceptron learning and Non Separable sets, a.-Least Mean Square Learning, MSE Error surface, Steepest Descent
Search, JL-LMS approximate to gradient descent, Application of LMS to Noise Cancelling, Multi-layered Network
Architecture, Back propagation Learning Algorithm, Practical consideration of BP algorithm.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Learning Process
Support Vector Machines and Radial Basis Function:
Learning from Examples, Statistical Learning Theory, Support Vector Machines, SVM application to Image Classification,
Radial Basis Function Regularization theory, Generalized RBF Networks, Learning in RBFNs, RBF application to face

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Attractor Neural Networks:
Associative Learning Attractor Associative Memory, Linear Associative memory, Hopfield Network, application of
Hopfield Network, Brain State in a Box neural Network, Simulated Annealing, Boltzmann Machine, Bidirectional
Associative Memory.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.


Self-organization Feature Map:
Maximal Eigenvector Filtering, Extracting Principal Components, Generalized Learning Laws, Vector Quantization, Self
organization Feature Maps, Application of SOM, Growing Neural Gas.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%. The minimum
passing mark for the CIE is 50% of the maximum marks. Minimum passing marks in SEE is 40% of the maximum marks of
SEE. A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each
subject/ course if the student secures not less than 50% (50 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous
Internal Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.
Continuous Internal Evaluation:
1. Three Unit Tests each of 20 Marks
2. Two assignments each of 20 Marks or one Skill Development Activity of 40 marks
to attain the COs and POs
The sum of three tests, two assignments/skill Development Activities, will be scaled down to 50 marks
CIE methods /question paper is designed to attain the different levels of Bloom’s taxonomy as per the outcome
defined for the course.

Semester End Examination:

3. The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 50.
4. The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
5. Each full question is for 20 marks. There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub-questions) from
each module.
6. Each full question will have a sub-question covering all the topics under a module.
7. The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module
Suggested Learning Resources:
1. Neural Networks A Classroom Approach- Satish Kumar, McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd, Second Edition.
2. Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems-J.M. Zurada, Jaico Publications 1994.
3. Artificial Neural Networks-B. Yegnanarayana, PHI, New Delhi 1998.

Web links and Video Lectures (e-Resources):


Skill Development Activities Suggested

 Perform experiments on implementing Neural network applications using Matlab software

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to :
Sl. Description Blooms Level
CO1 Able to understand the biological neuron and artificial neural network model L1 L2

CO2 Able to understand and analyze the support vector machine and radial basis function L2 L4

CO3 Able to understand the supervised learning algorithms L2

CO4 Able to understand and analyze the associative memory, brain state in box neural L2 L4

Cryptography and Network Security

Course Code 22LSP241 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:P:SDA) 2:0:2 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 25 Hours of Teaching and 10 to 12
sessions of Skill Development Total Marks 100
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03

Course Learning objectives:

 To explain the crypto systems
 To describe IP security

Foundations: Terminology, Steganography, substitution ciphers and transpositions ciphers, Simple XOR, One-Time Pads,
Computer Algorithms (Text 2: Chapter 1: Section 1.1 to 1.6).
SYMMETRIC CIPHERS: Traditional Block Cipher structure, Data encryption standard (DES), The AES Cipher. (Text 1:
Chapter 2: Section2.1, 2.2, Chapter 4).

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Introduction to modular arithmetic, Prime Numbers, Fermat’s and Euler’s theorem, primality testing, Chinese
Remainder theorem, discrete logarithm.
Principles of Public-Key Cryptosystems, The RSA algorithm, Diffie - Hellman Key Exchange, Elliptic Curve Arithmetic,
Elliptic Curve Cryptography

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Learning Process
Pseudo-Random-Sequence Generators and Stream Ciphers: Linear Congruential Generators, Linear Feedback Shift
Registers, Design and analysis of stream ciphers, Stream ciphers using LFSRs, A5, Hughes XPD/KPD, Nanoteq, Rambutan,
Additive generators, Gifford, Algorithm M, PKZIP

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

One-Way Hash Functions: Background, Snefru, N-Hash, MD4, MD5, Secure Hash Algorithm [SHA], One way hash
functions using symmetric block algorithms, Using public key algorithms, Choosing a one-way hash functions, Message
Authentication Codes. Digital Signature Algorithm, Discrete Logarithm Signature Scheme

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

E-mail Security: Pretty Good Privacy-S/MIME
IP Security: IP Security Overview, IP Security Policy, Encapsulation Security Payload (ESP), Combining security
Web Security: Web Security Considerations, SSL
Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.
Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%. The minimum
passing mark for the CIE is 50% of the maximum marks. Minimum passing marks in SEE is 40% of the maximum marks of
SEE. A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each
subject/ course if the student secures not less than 50% (50 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous
Internal Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.
Continuous Internal Evaluation:
1. Three Unit Tests each of 20 Marks
2. Two assignments each of 20 Marks or one Skill Development Activity of 40 marks
to attain the COs and POs
The sum of three tests, two assignments/skill Development Activities, will be scaled down to 50 marks
CIE methods /question paper is designed to attain the different levels of Bloom’s taxonomy as per the outcome
defined for the course.

Semester End Examination:

3. The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 50.
4. The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
5. Each full question is for 20 marks. There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub-questions) from
each module.
6. Each full question will have a sub-question covering all the topics under a module.
7. The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module
Suggested Learning Resources:
1. ‘Cryptography and Network Security Principles and Practice’, William Stallings, Pearson Education Inc., ISBN:
978-93325-1877-3, 6 Edition, 2014
2. ‘Applied Cryptography Protocols, Algorithms, and Source code in C’, Bruce Schneier, Wiley Publications ISBN:
9971-51348-X, 2 Edition

3. ‘Cryptography and Network Security’, Behrouz A. Forouzan, TMH, 2007

4. ‘Cryptography and Network Security’, Atul Kahate, TMH, 2003

Web links and Video Lectures (e-Resources):


Skill Development Activities Suggested

 To do mini project group wise on any cryptography applications

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to :
Sl. Description Blooms Level
CO1 Able to understand the fundamentals of data encryption standard L2

CO2 Able to understand and analyze the E – mail security and web security L2 L4

CO3 Able to understand and analyze the pseudo – random sequence generation and stream L2 L4
Cyber Security
Course Code 22LSP242 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:P:SDA) 2:0:2 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 25 Hours of Teaching and 10 to 12
sessions of Skill Development Total Marks 100
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03

Course Learning objectives:

 To understand the cyber crime and laws and computer forensics
 To explain the phishing and identity theft

Introduction to Cybercrime and Laws
Introduction, Cybercrime: Definition and Origins of the word, Cybercrime and information Security, Who are
Cybercriminals? Classifications of Cybercrimes. How Criminals Plan Them – Introduction, How Criminals Plan the
Attacks, Cybercafé and Cybercrimes, Botnets, Attack Vector, The Indian IT ACT 2000 and amendments.
Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.
Tools and Methods used in Cybercrime

Introduction, Proxy Server and Anonymizers, Password Cracking, Key loggers and
Spyware, Virus and Warms, Trojan and backdoors, Steganography, DOS and DDOS attack, SQLinjection,
Buffer Overflow.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Learning Process
Phishing and Identity Theft
Introduction, Phishing – Methods of Phishing, Phishing Techniques, Phishing Toolkits andSpy Phishing. Identity
Theft – PII, Types of Identity Theft, Techniques of ID Theft. Digital Forensics Science, Need for Computer Cyber
forensics and Digital Evidence, Digital Forensics Life Cycle.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Understanding Computer Forensics: Introduction, Historical Background of Cyber forensics, Digital Forensics
Science, The Need for Computer Forensics, Cyber forensics and Digital Evidence, Forensics Analysis of E- Mail,
Digital Forensics Life Cycle, Chain of Custody Concept, Network Forensics, Approaching a Computer Forensics
Investigation, Setting up a Computer Forensics Laboratory:
UnderstandingtheRequirements,ComputerForensicsandSteganography,RelevanceoftheOSI7Layer Model to
Computer Forensics, Forensics and Social Networking Sites: The Security/Privacy Threats,
Forensics Auditing, Anti forensics.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Introduction to Security Policies andCyber Laws:NeedforAnInformationSecurityPolicy,Information SecurityStandards–
the IT Act,2000,IntellectualPropertyIssues,Overview of Intellectual -Property - Related Legislation in
India, Patent, Copyright, Law Related to Semiconductor Layout and Design,Software License
Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.
Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%. The minimum
passing mark for the CIE is 50% of the maximum marks. Minimum passing marks in SEE is 40% of the maximum marks of
SEE. A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each
subject/ course if the student secures not less than 50% (50 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous
Internal Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.
Continuous Internal Evaluation:
1. Three Unit Tests each of 20 Marks
2. Two assignments each of 20 Marks or one Skill Development Activity of 40 marks
to attain the COs and POs
The sum of three tests, two assignments/skill Development Activities, will be scaled down to 50 marks
CIE methods /question paper is designed to attain the different levels of Bloom’s taxonomy as per the outcome
defined for the course.

Semester End Examination:

3. The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 50.
4. The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
5. Each full question is for 20 marks. There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub-questions) from
each module.
6. Each full question will have a sub-question covering all the topics under a module.
7. The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module
Suggested Learning Resources:
1. Anti-Hacker Tool Kit (Indian Edition) by Mike Shema, Publication McGraw Hill.

2. Cyber Security Understanding Cyber Crimes, Computer Forensics and Legal Perspectives by Nina Godbole
and SunitBelpure, Publication Wiley.
3. Introduction to information securityand cyberlaws Surya Prakash Tripathi,RitendraGoyal,
PraveenKumarShukla Dreamtech Press 2015
4. Marjie T. Britz - Computer Forensics and Cyber Crime: An Introduction - Pearson
5. Chwan-Hwa (John) Wu,J. David Irwin - Introduction to Computer Networks and Cyber
6. Bill Nelson, Amelia Phillips, Christopher Steuart - Guide to Computer Forensics and
InvestigationsCengage Learning
Web links and Video Lectures (e-Resources):
Skill Development Activities Suggested
 To do mini project group wise on any cyber security applications

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to :
Sl. Description Blooms Level
CO1 Able to understand the cyber crime and cyber laws L2

CO2 Able to understand and analyze the tools and methods used in cyber crime L2 L4

CO3 Able to understand and analyze the phishing and identity, computer forensics L2 L4
Micro Electro Mechanical Systems
Course Code 22LSP243 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:P:SDA) 2:0:2 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 25 Hours of Teaching and 10 to 12
sessions of Skill Development Total Marks 100
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03

Course Learning objectives:

 To explain MEMS
 To understand the working principles of micro systems
 To analyze the scaling laws in miniaturization
Overview of MEMS and Microsystems: MEMS and Micro system, Typical MEMS and Microsystems Products, Evolution
of Microfabrication, Microsystems and Microelectronics, Multidisciplinary Nature of Microsystems, Miniaturization.
Applications and Markets.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Working Principles of Microsystems: Introduction, Micro sensors, Micro actuation, MEMS with Micro actuators, Micro
accelerometers, Micro fluidics.

Engineering Science for Microsystems Design and Fabrication: Introduction, Atomic Structure of Matters, Ions and
Ionization, Molecular Theory of Matter and Inter-molecular Forces, Doping of Semiconductors, The Diffusion Process,
Plasma Physics, Electrochemistry

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Learning Process
Engineering Mechanics for Microsystems Design: Introduction, Static Bending of Thin Plates, Mechanical Vibration,
Thermo mechanics, Fracture Mechanics, Thin Film Mechanics, Overview on Finite Element Stress Analysis.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Scaling Laws in Miniaturization:
Introduction, Scaling in Geometry, Scaling in Rigid-Body Dynamics, Scaling in Electrostatic Forces, Scaling of
Electromagnetic Forces, Scaling in Electricity, Scaling in Fluid Mechanics, Scaling in Heat Transfer.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Overview of Micro-manufacturing: Introduction, Bulk Micro-manufacturing, Surface Micromachining, The LIGA Process,
Summary on Micro manufacturing.

Microsystem Design: Introduction, Design Considerations, Process Design, Mechanical Design, Using Finite Element
Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.
Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%. The minimum
passing mark for the CIE is 50% of the maximum marks. Minimum passing marks in SEE is 40% of the maximum marks of
SEE. A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each
subject/ course if the student secures not less than 50% (50 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous
Internal Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.
Continuous Internal Evaluation:
1. Three Unit Tests each of 20 Marks
2. Two assignments each of 20 Marks or one Skill Development Activity of 40 marks
to attain the COs and POs
The sum of three tests, two assignments/skill Development Activities, will be scaled down to 50 marks
CIE methods /question paper is designed to attain the different levels of Bloom’s taxonomy as per the outcome
defined for the course.

Semester End Examination:

3. The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 50.
4. The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
5. Each full question is for 20 marks. There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub-questions) from
each module.
6. Each full question will have a sub-question covering all the topics under a module.
7. The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module
Suggested Learning Resources:
1. ‘MEMS and Micro systems: Design, Manufacture and Nanoscale
Engineering’, Tai-Ran Hsu, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 978-0470-08301-7, 2 Edition, 2008

2. ‘Micro and Nano Fabrication: Tools and Processes’, Hans H. Gatzen, Volker Saile, Jurg Leuthold, Springer, 2015
3. ‘Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS)’, Dilip Kumar Bhattacharya, Brajesh Kumar Kaushik, Cengage

Web links and Video Lectures (e-Resources):


Skill Development Activities Suggested

 To set up MEMS model

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to :
Sl. Description Blooms Level
CO1 Able to understand the MEMS and Micro systems L1 L2

CO2 Able to understand and analyze the mechanics for Microsystems design L1 L2 L3

CO3 Able to analyze the scaling laws in miniaturization L4

Detection and Estimation
Course Code 22LSP244 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:P:SDA) 2:0:2 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 25 Hours of Teaching and 10 to 12
sessions of Skill Development Total Marks 100
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03

Course Learning objectives:

 To explain the detection estimation theory
 To understand the linear estimation

Classical Detection and Estimation Theory: Introduction, simple binary hypothesis tests, M Hypotheses, estimation
theory, composite hypotheses, general Gaussian problem, performance bounds and approximations

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Representations of Random Processes: Introduction, orthogonal representations, random process characterization,
homogenous integral equations and Eigen functions, periodic processes, spectral decomposition, vector random
Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.
Learning Process
Detection of Signals & Estimation of Signal Parameters: Introduction, detection and estimation in white Gaussian
noise, detection and estimation in nonwhite Gaussian noise, signals with unwanted parameters, multiple channels
and multiple parameter estimation
Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.
Estimation of Continuous Waveforms: Introduction, derivation of estimator equations, lower bound on the mean-
square estimation error, multidimensional waveform estimation, non-random waveform estimation
Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.
Linear Estimation: Properties of optimum processors, realizable linear filters, Kalman-Bucy filters, fundamental role of
optimum linear filters

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%. The minimum
passing mark for the CIE is 50% of the maximum marks. Minimum passing marks in SEE is 40% of the maximum marks of
SEE. A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each
subject/ course if the student secures not less than 50% (50 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous
Internal Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.
Continuous Internal Evaluation:
1. Three Unit Tests each of 20 Marks
2. Two assignments each of 20 Marks or one Skill Development Activity of 40 marks
to attain the COs and POs
The sum of three tests, two assignments/skill Development Activities, will be scaled down to 50 marks
CIE methods /question paper is designed to attain the different levels of Bloom’s taxonomy as per the outcome
defined for the course.

Semester End Examination:

3. The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 50.
4. The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
5. Each full question is for 20 marks. There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub-questions) from
each module.
6. Each full question will have a sub-question covering all the topics under a module.
7. The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module
Suggested Learning Resources:
1. ‘Detection, Estimation, and Modulation Theory’, Part I, Harry L. Van Trees, John Wiley & Sons, USA, 2001.
2. ‘Random Signals: Detection, Estimation and Data Analysis’, K Sam Shanmugam, Arthur M Breipohl, John Wiley &
Sons, 1998.
3. ‘Introduction to Statistical Signal Processing with Applications’, M.D. Srinath, P.K. Rajasekaran and R.
Viswanathan, Pearson Education (Asia) Pvt. Ltd. /Prentice Hall of India, 2003.
4. ‘Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing,’ Volume I: ‘Estimation Theory’, Steven M. Kay, Prentice Hall, USA,
5. ‘Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing’, Volume II: ‘Detection Theory,’ Steven M. Kay, Prentice Hall, USA,

Web links and Video Lectures (e-Resources):


Skill Development Activities Suggested

 Perform experiment on various detection and estimation algorithms
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to :
Sl. Description Blooms Level
CO1 Able to understand and analyze the classical detection and estimation theory L1 L2 L4

CO2 Able to understand the estimation of continuous waveforms L1L2

CO3 Able to understand linear estimation L1 L2

Error Control Coding
Course Code 22LSP245 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:P:SDA) 2:0:2 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 25 Hours of Teaching and 10 to 12
sessions of Skill Development Total Marks 100
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03

Course Learning objectives:

 To understand the Galois fields construction
 To solve the problems linear block codes, BCH codes, cyclic codes, convolution codes

Information theory: Introduction, Entropy, Source coding theorem, discrete memoryless channel, Mutual Information,
Channel Capacity Channel coding theorem
Introduction to algebra: Groups, Fields, binary field arithmetic, Construction of Galois Fields GF (2 ) and its properties,
(Only statements of theorems without proof) Computation using Galois field GF (2 ) arithmetic, Vector spaces and

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Linear block codes: Generator and parity check matrices, Encoding circuits, Syndrome and error detection, Minimum
distance considerations, Error detecting and error correcting capabilities, Standard array and syndrome decoding,
Single Parity Check Codes (SPC), Repetition codes, Self dual codes, Hamming codes, Reed-Muller codes. Product codes
and Interleaved codes

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Learning Process
Cyclic codes: Introduction, Generator and parity check polynomials, Encoding of cyclic codes, Syndrome computing and
error detection, Decoding of cyclic codes, Error trapping Decoding, Cyclic hamming codes, Shortened cyclic codes

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

BCH codes: Binary primitive BCH codes, Decoding procedures, Implementation of Galois field arithmetic. Primitive BCH
codes over GF (q), Reed -Solomon codes
Majority Logic decodable codes: One -step majority logic decoding, Multiple-step majority logic

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Convolution codes: Encoding of convolutional codes: Systematic and Non systematic Convolutional Codes, Feed forward
encoder inverse, A catastrophic encoder, Structural properties of convolutional codes: state diagram, state table, state
transition table, tree diagram, trellis diagram. Viterbi algorithm, Sequential decoding: Log Likelihood Metric for
Sequential Decoding

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%. The minimum
passing mark for the CIE is 50% of the maximum marks. Minimum passing marks in SEE is 40% of the maximum marks of
SEE. A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each
subject/ course if the student secures not less than 50% (50 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous
Internal Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.
Continuous Internal Evaluation:
1. Three Unit Tests each of 20 Marks
2. Two assignments each of 20 Marks or one Skill Development Activity of 40 marks
to attain the COs and POs
The sum of three tests, two assignments/skill Development Activities, will be scaled down to 50 marks
CIE methods /question paper is designed to attain the different levels of Bloom’s taxonomy as per the outcome
defined for the course.

Semester End Examination:

3. The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 50.
4. The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
5. Each full question is for 20 marks. There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub-questions) from
each module.
6. Each full question will have a sub-question covering all the topics under a module.
7. The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module
Suggested Learning Resources:
1. ‘Digital Communication systems’, Simon Haykin, Wiley India Private. Ltd, ISBN 978-81-265-4231-4, First
edition, 2014
2. ‘Error control coding’, Shu Lin and Daniel J. Costello. Jr, Pearson, Prentice Hall, 2 edition, 2004

3. ‘Theory and practice of error control codes’, Blahut. R. E, Addison Wesley, 1984
4. ‘Introduction to Error control coding’, Salvatore Gravano, Oxford University Press, 2007
5. ‘Digital Communications - Fundamentals and Applications’, Bernard Sklar, Pearson Education (Asia) Pvt.
Ltd., 2 Edition, 2001

Web links and Video Lectures (e-Resources):


Skill Development Activities Suggested

 Perform experiments to implement linear block codes, BCH codes, Cyclic codes and convolutional codes usin
Matlab software
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to :
Sl. Description Blooms Level
CO1 Able to understand and solve the problems of algebra L1 L2 L4

CO2 Able to understand and solving problems of linear block codes and cyclic codes L1 L2 L3

CO3 Able to understand and analyze the BCH and convolution codes L2 L4
Course Code 22LSP25 CIE Marks 100
Teaching Hours/Week (L:P:SDA) (0:4:2) SEE Marks -
Total Hours of Pedagogy 30 hours Practical+10 Hours SDA Total Marks 100
Credits 03 Exam Hours -

Course Learning objectives: This course will enable students to:

 To support independent learning and innovative attitude.
 To guide to select and utilize adequate information from varied resources upholding ethics.
 To guide to organize the work in the appropriate manner and present information (acknowledging thesources)
 To develop interactive, communication, organisation, time management, and presentation skills.
 To impart flexibility and adaptability.
 To inspire independent and team working.
 To expand intellectual capacity, credibility, judgement, intuition.
 To adhere to punctuality, setting and meeting deadlines.
 To instil responsibilities to oneself and others.
 To train students to present the topic of project work in a seminar without any fear, face audienceconfidently,
enhance communication skill, involve in group discussion to present and exchange ideas.

Mini Project With Seminar: This may be hands-on practice, survey report, data collection and analysis, coding, mobile app
development, field visit and report preparation, modelling of system, simulation, analysing and authenticating, case
studies, etc. Each student of the project batch shall involve in carrying out the project work jointly in constant consultation
with internal guide, co-guide, and external guide and prepare the project report as per the norms avoiding plagiarism.

Course outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Present the mini-project and be able to defend it.
2. Make links across different areas of knowledge and to generate, develop and evaluate ideas andinformation so as to
apply these skills to the project task.
3. Habituated to critical thinking and use problem solving skills.
4. Communicate effectively and to present ideas clearly and coherently in both the written and oral forms.5.Work in a
team to achieve common goal.
6.Learn on their own, reflect on their learning and take appropriate actions to improve it.

Continuous Internal Evaluation

CIE marks shall be awarded by a committee comprising of HoD as Chairman, Guide/co-guide, if any, and a senior faculty of
the department. Students can present the seminar based on the completed mini-project. Participation in the seminar by all
postgraduate students of the program shall be mandatory.

The CIE marks awarded for Mini-Project work and Seminar shall be based on the evaluation of Mini Project work and Report,
Presentation skill and performance in Question and Answer session in the ratio 50:25:25. Mini-Project with Seminar shall be
considered as a head of passing and shall be considered for vertical progression as well as for the award of degree. Those,
who do not take-up/complete the Mini Project and Seminar shall be declared as fail in that course and have to complete the
same during the subsequent semester.
There is no SEE for this course. RBT Level: L3, L4, L5, L6
Image Processing Laboratory

Course Code 22LSPL26 CIE Marks 50

Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P: S) 1:2:0 SEE Marks 50

Credits 02 Exam Hours 03

Course objectives:

 To understand the Matlab commands to compose code for complex algorithm

 To implement Image processing algorithms

Sl.NO Experiments

1 Study the effects of

a) Boolean operations on binary images b) Quantization of gray level images

2 Study the effects of Contrast enhancement using a) Histogram equalization b) Histogram stretching.

3 Using connected component labelling algorithms, express Pixel

neighbourhood relationships in terms of a graph

4 Create a binary image from image by replacing all values above a determined threshold level using

a) global thresholding

b) adaptive thresholding technique

5 Transform an image given using Spatial Transformation

6 Study how to compute forward 2D FFT and a) Find the log magnitude & phase and the inverse 2D FFT of an
image. b) Compute the forward 2D FFT of the filter kernel. c) Design a Laplacian High Pass Filter d) Study the
Two Dimensional Filter Design using filter design functions

7 Determine the suitability of homo – morphic filtering using a low pass

filter for image enhancement to fix non- uniform of illumination

8 Implement inverse, Wiener, Regular, and Lucy-Richardson for image restoration. And formulate how
noise information in an image can be used to restore a degraded image.

9 Study different methods of edge detection for use on noisy images, specifically, a) Motion blur b) Gaussian
noise c) Filtered Gaussian noise via averaging.

10 Write an algorithm for recognizing of circles and triangles.

Demonstration Experiments ( For CIE ) if any

11 Write a program in Matlab to implement the Fuzzy logic algorithm

12 Write a program in Matlab to implement the neural network algorithm

Course outcomes (Course Skill Set):
At the end of the course the student will be able to:

Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)

The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%. The minimum
passing mark for the CIE is 50% of the maximum marks. A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic
requirements and earned the credits allotted to each course. The student has to secure not less than 40%of maximum
marks in the semester-end examination(SEE). In total of CIE and SEE student has to secure 50% maximum marks of
the course.

Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

CIE marks for the practical course is 50 Marks.

The split-up of CIE marks for record/ journal and test are in the ratio 60:40.

 Each experiment to be evaluated for conduction with observation sheet and record write-up. Rubrics for the
evaluation of the journal/write-up for hardware/software experiments designed by the faculty who is handling the
laboratory session and is made known to students at the beginning of the practical session.
 Record should contain all the specified experiments in the syllabus and each experiment write-up will be
evaluated for 10 marks.
 Total marks scored by the students are scaled downed to 30 marks (60% of maximum marks).
 Weightage to be given for neatness and submission of record/write-up on time.
 Department shall conduct 02 tests for 100 marks, the first test shall be conducted after the 8 week of the

semester and the second test shall be conducted after the 14 week of the semester.
 In each test, test write-up, conduction of experiment, acceptable result, and procedural knowledge will carry a
weightage of 60% and the rest 40% for viva-voce.
 The suitable rubrics can be designed to evaluate each student’s performance and learning ability.
 The average of 02 tests is scaled down to 20 marks (40% of the maximum marks).
The Sum of scaled-down marks scored in the report write-up/journal and average marks of two tests is the total CIE
marks scored by the student.

Semester End Evaluation (SEE):

SEE marks for the practical course is 50 Marks.

SEE shall be conducted jointly by the two examiners of the same institute, examiners are appointed by the

 All laboratory experiments are to be included for practical examination.

 (Rubrics) Breakup of marks and the instructions printed on the cover page of the answer script to be strictly adhered
to by the examiners. OR based on the course requirement evaluation rubrics shall be decided jointly by examiners.
 Students can pick one question (experiment) from the questions lot prepared by the internal /external examiners
 Evaluation of test write-up/ conduction procedure and result/viva will be conducted jointly by examiners.
 General rubrics suggested for SEE are mentioned here, writeup-20%, Conduction procedure and result in -60%, Viva-
voce 20% of maximum marks. SEE for practical shall be evaluated for 100 marks and scored marks shall be scaled
down to 50 marks (however, based on course type, rubrics shall be decided by the examiners)
Change of experiment is allowed only once and 10% Marks allotted to the procedure part to be made zero.
The duration of SEE is 03 hours

Suggested Learning Resources:

 www.mathworks.com

Sl No. Course Code Course Title National Coordinator

1 22AUD27 Programming, Data Structures And Algorithms NPTEL
Using Python

2 22AUD27 Principles of Signal Estimation for MIMO/ NPTEL

OFDM Wireless Communication
3 22AUD27 Fundamentals Of Artificial Intelligence NPTEL
4 22AUD27 Cryptography And Network Security NPTEL
5 22AUD27 Introduction To Internet Of Things NPTEL
6 22AUD27 Introduction to Machine Learning NPTEL

7 22AUD27 Fundamentals of micro and nanofabrication NPTEL

8 22AUD27 Introduction to Biomedical Imaging Systems NPTEL

Audit Courses /Ability Enhancement Courses Suggested by BOS (ONLINE courses):

Audit Courses: These are prerequisite courses suggested by the concerned Board of Studies. Ability Enhancement Courses will
be suggested by the BoS if prerequisite courses are not required for the programs.

Ability Enhancement Courses:

 These courses are prescribed to help students to enhance their skills in in fields connected to the field of specialization as
well allied fields that leads to employable skills. Involving in learning such courses are impetus to lifelong learning.
 The courses under this category are online courses published in advance and approved by the concerned Board of Studies.
 Registration to Audit /Ability Enhancement Course shall be done in consultation with the mentor and is compulsory during
the concerned semester.
 In case a candidate fails to appear for the proctored examination or fails to pass the selected online course, he/she can
register and appear for the same course if offered during the next session or register for a new course offered during that
session, in consultation with the mentor.

The Audit Ability Enhancement Course carries no credit and is not counted for vertical progression. However, a pass in such a
course is mandatory for the award of the degree.

Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education (OBE)

(Effective from the academic year 2022-23)

Semester – 3

Adaptive Signal Processing

Course Code 22LSP31 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:P:SDA) 3:0:2 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 40 Hours Theory+10 Hours SDA Total Marks 100
Credits 04 Exam Hours 03

Course Learning objectives:

 To understand the adaptive filter concepts
 To analyze the LMS algorithms and its applications

Adaptive systems: Definitions and characteristics - applications - properties-examples - adaptive linear combiner input
signal and weight vectors - performance function-gradient and minimum mean square error - introduction to filtering-
smoothing and prediction - linear optimum filtering – orthogonality - Wiener – Hopf equation performance Surface.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Searching performance surface-stability and rate of convergence: learning curve-gradient search - Newton's method -
method of steepest descent - comparison - gradient estimation - performance penalty - variance - excess MSE and time
constants – mis adjustments.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Learning Process
LMS algorithm convergence of weight vector: LMS/Newton algorithm - properties - sequential regression algorithm –
adaptive recursive filters - random-search algorithms - lattice structure - adaptive filters with orthogonal signals

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Applications-adaptive modelling: Multipath communication channel, geophysical exploration, FIR digital filter synthesis.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Applications: inverse adaptive modelling, deconvolution and equalization, General Description of Inverse Modeling,
Adaptive Equalization of Telephone Channels, Adapting Poles and Zeros for IIR Digital Filter Synthesis.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%. The minimum
passing mark for the CIE is 50% of the maximum marks. Minimum passing marks in SEE is 40% of the maximum marks of
SEE. A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each
subject/ course if the student secures not less than 50% (50 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous
Internal Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.
Continuous Internal Evaluation:
7. Three Unit Tests each of 20 Marks
8. Two assignments each of 20 Marks or one Skill Development Activity of 40 marks
to attain the COs and POs
The sum of three tests, two assignments/skill Development Activities, will be scaled down to 50 marks
CIE methods /question paper is designed to attain the different levels of Bloom’s taxonomy as per the outcome
defined for the course.

Semester End Examination:

16. The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 50.
17. The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
18. Each full question is for 20 marks. There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub-questions) from
each module.
19. Each full question will have a sub-question covering all the topics under a module.
20. The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module
Suggested Learning Resources:
1. ‘Adaptive Signal Processing’, Bernard Widrow and Samuel D Stearns, Pearson Education, 2005.
2. ‘Theory and Design of Adaptive Filters’, John R Treichler, C Richard Johnson, Michael G Larimore, Prentice-
Hall of India, 2002
3. ‘Adaptive Signal Processing-Theory and Application’, S Thomas Alexander, Springer-Verlag.
4. ‘Statistical and Adaptive Signal Processing’, D. G. Manolakis, V. K. Ingle and S. M. Kogar, McGraw Hill
International Edition, 2000.
5. ‘Adaptive Filter Theory’, Simon Haykin, Pearson Education, 2003.

Web links and Video Lectures (e-Resources):


Skill Development Activities Suggested

 Mini project in the area of adaptive signal processing using modern tools like MATLAB, Python, scilab
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to :
Sl. Description Blooms Level


CO1 Able to understand the adaptive systems, wiener – Hopf equation L1 L2

CO2 Able to understand the LMS algorithm convergence, lattice structures L2

CO3 Able to understand and analyze the applications of applications of adaptive modeling L2 L4

CO4 Able to understand the inverse adaptive filtering, deconvolution algorithms and L1 L2
Array Signal Processing
Course Code 22LSP321 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:P:SDA) 3:0:0 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 40 hours Theory Total Marks 100
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03

Course Learning objectives:

 To understand the spatial signals and sensor arrays
 To design the array sensors system

Spatial Signals: Signals in space and time, Spatial Frequency vs Temporal Frequency, Review of Co-ordinate Systems,
Maxwell’s Equation, Wave Equation. Solution to Wave equation in Cartesian Co-ordinate system –Wave number vector,
Slowness vector.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Wave number-Frequency Space Spatial Sampling: Spatial Sampling Theorem-Nyquist Criteria, Aliasing in Spatial
frequency domain, Spatial sampling of multidimensional signals.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Learning Process
Sensor Arrays: Linear Arrays, Planar Arrays, Frequency – Wave number Response and Beam pattern, Array manifold
vector, Conventional Beam former, Narrowband beam former.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Uniform Linear Arrays: Beam pattern in θ, u and ψ -space, Uniformly Weighted Linear Arrays.
Beam Pattern Parameters: Half Power Beam Width, Distance to First Null, Location of side lobes and Rate of Decrease,
Grating Lobes, Array Steering.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Array Design Methods: Visible region, Duality between Time -Domain and Space -Domain Signal Processing,
Schelkunoff’s Zero Placement Method, Fourier Series Method with windowing, Woodward -Lawson Frequency-Sampling
Non parametric method -Beam forming, Delay and sum Method, Capons Method.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%. The minimum
passing mark for the CIE is 50% of the maximum marks. Minimum passing marks in SEE is 40% of the maximum marks of
SEE. A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each
subject/ course if the student secures not less than 50% (50 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous
Internal Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.
Continuous Internal Evaluation:
1. Three Unit Tests each of 20 Marks
2. Two assignments each of 20 Marks or one Skill Development Activity of 40 marks
to attain the COs and POs
The sum of three tests, two assignments/skill Development Activities, will be scaled down to 50 marks
CIE methods /question paper is designed to attain the different levels of Bloom’s taxonomy as per the outcome
defined for the course.

Semester End Examination:

3. The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 50.
4. The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
5. Each full question is for 20 marks. There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub-questions) from
each module.
6. Each full question will have a sub-question covering all the topics under a module.
7. The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module
Suggested Learning Resources:
1. ‘Optimum Array Processing Part IV of Detection, Estimation, and Modulation Theory’, Harry L. Van Trees, John
Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 9780471093909, 2002.
2. ‘Array Signal Processing: Concepts and Techniques’, Don H. Johnson, Dan E. Dugeon, Prentice Hall Signal
Processing Series, 1 Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0130485137.
3. ‘Spectral Analysis of Signals’, Petre Stoica and Randolph L. Moses, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0-13-113956-8, 2005.
4. ‘Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas’, Sophocles J. Orfanidis, ECE Department, Rutgers University, 94 Brett Road
Piscataway, NJ 88548058. http://www.ece.rutgers.edu/~orfanidi/ewa/

Web links and Video Lectures (e-Resources):


Skill Development Activities Suggested :

Implement array processing algorithms using any suitable software


Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to :
Sl. Description Blooms Level


CO1 Able to understand the spatial signals, spatial frequency vs temporal frequency L2

CO2 Able to understand and implement the sensor arrays, linear arrays planar arrays L2 L3

CO3 Able to understand the design array methods L2

Medical Imaging
Course Code 22LSP322 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:P:SDA) 3:0:0 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 40 hours Theory Total Marks 100
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03

Course Learning objectives:

 To explain the X – ray diagnostics methods
 To understand the various imaging the systems

Generation and Detection of X-Rays: X-Ray generation and X-Ray generators, Filters, Beam Restrictors and Grids,
Screens, X-Ray Detectors. X-Ray Diagnostic Methods: Conventional X-Ray Radiography, Fluoroscopy, Angiography,
Mammography, Xeroradiography, Image Subtraction.
X-Ray Image Characteristics: Spatial Resolution, Image Noise, Image contrast.
Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation: Determination of biological effects, Short term and Long term effects.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

X-Ray Tomography: Conventional Tomography, Computed Tomography - Projection function, Algorithms for Image
Reconstruction, CT number, Image Artifacts.
Digital Radiography: Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA), Dual Energy Subtraction, K-Edge subtraction, 3-D
Recent Developments: Dynamic Spatial Reconstructor (DSR), Imatron or Fastrac Electron Beam CT.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Learning Process
Generation and Detection of Ultrasound: Piezoelectric effect, Ultrasonic Transducers, Transducer Beam Characteristics,
Axial and Lateral resolution, Focusing and Arrays.
Ultrasonic Diagnostic Methods: Pulse Echo systems - A mode, B mode, M mode and C mode, Transmission Methods,
Doppler methods, Duplex Imaging. Biological Effects of Ultrasound: Acoustic phenomena at high intensity levels,
Ultrasound Bio effects.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Generation and Detection of Nuclear Emission: Nuclear Sources, Radionuclide Generators, Nuclear Radiation Detectors,
Diagnostic methods using Radiation Detector Probes: Thyroid Function test, Renal function test, Blood volume
New Radio Nuclide Imaging methods: Longitudinal Section Tomography, SPECT and PET
Characteristics of Radionuclide Images: Spatial Resolution, Image contrast, Image Noise.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Generation and Detection of NMR signal: The NMR Coil/Probe, The transmitter and the Receiver, Data acquisition.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging methods: Spin Echo Imaging, Gradient Echo Imaging, Blood flow Imaging.

Characteristics of MRI images: Spatial Resolution, Image Contrast, Imaging Safety.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.
Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%. The minimum
passing mark for the CIE is 50% of the maximum marks. Minimum passing marks in SEE is 40% of the maximum marks of
SEE. A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each
subject/ course if the student secures not less than 50% (50 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous
Internal Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.
Continuous Internal Evaluation:
1. Three Unit Tests each of 20 Marks
2. Two assignments each of 20 Marks or one Skill Development Activity of 40 marks
to attain the COs and POs
The sum of three tests, two assignments/skill Development Activities, will be scaled down to 50 marks
CIE methods /question paper is designed to attain the different levels of Bloom’s taxonomy as per the outcome
defined for the course.

Semester End Examination:

3. The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 50.
4. The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
5. Each full question is for 20 marks. There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub-questions) from
each module.
6. Each full question will have a sub-question covering all the topics under a module.
7. The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module
Suggested Learning Resources:
1. ‘Principles of Medical Imaging’, Kirk Shung, Michael B Smith, Benjamin M W Tsui, Academic Press, 2012.
2. ‘Fundamentals of Medical Imaging’, Zhong Hicho and Manbir Singh, John Wiley, 1993.
3. ‘Nuclear Medicine Introductory Text’, Peter Josefell & Edwards Sydney, William Blackwell Scientific Publishers,

Web links and Video Lectures (e-Resources):


Skill Development Activities Suggested

To visit multispeciality hospital for practical knowledge


Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to :
Sl. Description Blooms Level


CO1 Describe the fundamentals of x-ray radiography and computed tomography, and L1 L2
analyze thesystem requirements.

CO2 Explain principles of ultrasound imaging and diagnostic methods and analyze the L2 L4

CO3 Discuss the fundamentals of radionuclide imaging, MRI, thermal imaging and analyze L3
thesystem requirements.

CO4 Describe the concepts of image Guided Intervention and image guided surgery. L1 L2

CO5 Design and develop prototype of simple medical imaging system. L6

Business Intelligence and its Applications
Course Code 22LSP323 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:P:SDA) 3:0:0 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 40 hours Theory Total Marks 100
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03

Course Learning objectives:

 To explain the business intelligence steps
 To analyze the growth development and information technology applications

Development Steps, BI Definitions, BI Decision Support Initiatives, Development Approaches, Parallel Development
Tracks, BI Project Team Structure, Business Justification, Business Divers, Business Analysis Issues, Cost – Benefit
Analysis, Risk Assessment, Business Case Assessment Activities, Roles Involved In These Activities, Risks of Not
Performing Step, Hardware, Middleware, DBMS Platform, Non-Technical Infrastructure Evaluation

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Managing The BI Project, Defining And Planning The BI Project, Project Planning Activities, Roles And Risks Involved In
These Activities, General Business Requirement, Project Specific Requirements, Interviewing Process.
Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.
Learning Process
Differences in Database Design Philosophies, Logical Database Design, Physical Database Design, Activities, Roles And
Risks Involved In These Activities, Incremental Rollout, Security Management, Database Backup And Recovery

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Growth Management, Application Release Concept, Post Implementation Reviews, Release Evaluation Activities, The
Information Asset and Data Valuation, Actionable Knowledge – ROI, BI Applications, The Intelligence Dashboard.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Business View of Information technology Applications: Business Enterprise excellence, Key purpose of using IT, Type of
digital data, basics of enterprise reporting, BI road ahead.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%. The minimum
passing mark for the CIE is 50% of the maximum marks. Minimum passing marks in SEE is 40% of the maximum marks of
SEE. A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each
subject/ course if the student secures not less than 50% (50 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous
Internal Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.
Continuous Internal Evaluation:
1. Three Unit Tests each of 20 Marks
2. Two assignments each of 20 Marks or one Skill Development Activity of 40 marks
to attain the COs and POs
The sum of three tests, two assignments/skill Development Activities, will be scaled down to 50 marks
CIE methods /question paper is designed to attain the different levels of Bloom’s taxonomy as per the outcome
defined for the course.

Semester End Examination:

3. The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 50.
4. The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
5. Each full question is for 20 marks. There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub-questions) from
each module.
6. Each full question will have a sub-question covering all the topics under a module.
7. The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module
Suggested Learning Resources:
1. ‘Business Intelligence Roadmap: The Complete Project Lifecycle for Decision Support Applications’, Larissa T Moss
and Shaku Atre, Addison Wesley Information Technology Series, 2003.
2. ‘Fundamentals of Business Analytics’, R N Prasad, Seema Acharya, Wiley India, 2011.
3. ‘Business Intelligence: The Savvy Manager's Guide’, David Loshin,
Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann, ISBN 1-55860-196-4.
4. ‘Delivering Business Intelligence with Microsoft SQL Server 2005’, Brian Larson, McGraw Hill, 2006.
5. ‘Foundations of SQL Server 2008’, Lynn Langit, Business Intelligence – Apress, ISBN13: 978-14302-3324-4, 2011.

Web links and Video Lectures (e-Resources):


Skill Development Activities Suggested

To learn SQL and implement various DBMS algorithms

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to :
Sl. Description Blooms Level

CO1 Able to understand the business intelligence development approaches L2

CO2 Able to understand and analyze growth management, application release concept , L2 L4
intelligence dashboard

CO3 Able to understand the business view of information technology applications L2


Multimedia Systems and Applications

Course Code 22LSP324 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:P:SDA) 3:0:0 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 40 hours Theory Total Marks 100
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03

Course Learning objectives:

 To explain the multimedia information representation
 To describe the multimedia communication standards and across networks
Multimedia Communications: Introduction, Multimedia information representation, multimedia networks, multimedia
applications, Application and networking terminology.
Information Representation: Introduction, Text, Images.
Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.
Information Representation: Audio and Video.
Distributed multimedia systems: Introduction, main features of a DMS, Resource management of DMS, Networking,
and Multimedia Operating Systems.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Learning Process
Multimedia Processing in Communication: Introduction, Perceptual coding of digital Audio signals, Transform Audio
Coders, Audio Sub band Coders.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Multimedia Communication Standards: Introduction, MPEG approach to multimedia standardization, MPEG-1, MPEG-2,
Overview of MPEG-4.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Multimedia Communication Across Networks: Packet audio/video in the network environment, Video transport across
generic networks, Multimedia Transport across ATM Networks.
Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.
Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%. The minimum
passing mark for the CIE is 50% of the maximum marks. Minimum passing marks in SEE is 40% of the maximum marks of
SEE. A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each
subject/ course if the student secures not less than 50% (50 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous
Internal Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.
Continuous Internal Evaluation:
1. Three Unit Tests each of 20 Marks
2. Two assignments each of 20 Marks or one Skill Development Activity of 40 marks
to attain the COs and POs
The sum of three tests, two assignments/skill Development Activities, will be scaled down to 50 marks
CIE methods /question paper is designed to attain the different levels of Bloom’s taxonomy as per the outcome
defined for the course.

Semester End Examination:

3. The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 50.
4. The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
5. Each full question is for 20 marks. There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub-questions) from
each module.
Suggested Learning Resources:
1. Fred Halsall, “Multimedia Communications”, Pearson education, 2001, ISBN - 9788131709948.
2. K. R. Rao, Zoran S. Bojkovic, Dragorad A. Milovanovic, “Multimedia Communication Systems”, Pearson education,
2004. ISBN -9788120321458.
3. Raif steinmetz, Klara Nahrstedt, “Multimedia: Computing, Communication and Applications”, Pearson education, 2002,
ISBN -9788177584417
Web links and Video Lectures (e-Resources):
Skill Development Activities Suggested
Implement various multimedia algorithms like JPEG MPEG using Matlab software

At the end of the course the student will be able to :

Sl. Description Blooms Level


CO1 Able to understand the multimedia networks, information representation L2

CO2 Able to understand and analyze the distributed multimedia systems L2 L3

CO3 Able to understand and analyze the multimedia communication standards L2 L4

CO4 Able to understand the multimedia communication across the networks L1 L2

Internet of Things (IOT)
Course Code 22LSP325 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:P:SDA) 3:0:0 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 40 hours Theory Total Marks 100
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03

Course Learning objectives:

 Define IOT and its architecture

 To understand the engineering IoT networks
What is IoT ?
Genesis, Digitization, Impact, Connected Roadways, Buildings, Challenges
IoT Network Architecture and Design
Drivers behind new network Architectures, Comparing IoT Architectures, M2M architecture, IoT world forum standard,
IoT Reference Model, Simplified IoT Architecture.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

IoT Network Architecture and Design
Core IoT Functional Stack, Layer1 (Sensors and Actuators), Layer 2 (Communications Sublayer), Access network sublayer,
Gateways and backhaul sublayer, Network transport sublayer, IoT Network management.
Layer 3 (Applications and Analytics) – Analytics vs Control, Data vs Network Analytics, IoT Data Management and
Compute Stack

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Learning Process
Engineering IoT Networks
Things in IoT – Sensors, Actuators, MEMS and smart objects. Sensor networks, WSN, Communication protocols for WSN
Communications Criteria, Range, Frequency bands, power consumption,Topology, Constrained Devices,
Constrained Node Networks IoT Access Technologies, IEEE 802.15.4 Competitive Technologies – Overview only of IEEE
802.15.4g, 4e, IEEE 1901.2a Standard Alliances – LTE Cat 0, LTE-M, NB-IoT

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Engineering IoT Networks
IP as IoT network layer, Key Advantages, Adoption, Optimization, Constrained Nodes, Constrained Networks, IP versions,
Optimizing IP for IoT. Application Protocols for IoT – Transport Layer, Application Transport layer, Background only of
SCADA, Generic web based protocols, IoT Application Layer
Data and Analytics for IoT – Introduction, Structured and Unstructured data, IoT Data Analytics overview and Challenges.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

IoT in Industry (Three Use cases)
IoT Strategy for Connected manufacturing, Architecture for Connected Factory Utilities – Power utility, IT/OT divide, Grid
blocks reference model, Reference Architecture, Primary substation grid block and automation.
Smart and Connected cities –Strategy, Smart city network Architecture, Street layer, city layer, Data center layer,
services layer, Smart city security architecture, Smart street lighting.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%. The minimum
passing mark for the CIE is 50% of the maximum marks. Minimum passing marks in SEE is 40% of the maximum marks of
SEE. A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each
subject/ course if the student secures not less than 50% (50 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous
Internal Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.
Continuous Internal Evaluation:
1. Three Unit Tests each of 20 Marks
2. Two assignments each of 20 Marks or one Skill Development Activity of 40 marks
to attain the COs and POs
The sum of three tests, two assignments/skill Development Activities, will be scaled down to 50 marks
CIE methods /question paper is designed to attain the different levels of Bloom’s taxonomy as per the outcome
defined for the course.

Semester End Examination:

3. The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 50.
4. The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
5. Each full question is for 20 marks. There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub-questions) from
each module.
6. Each full question will have a sub-question covering all the topics under a module.
7. The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module
Suggested Learning Resources:
1. ‘CISCO, IoT Fundamentals – Networking Technologies, Protocols, Use Cases for IoT’, David Hanes, Gonzalo
Salgueiro, Patrick Grossetete, Robert Barton, Jerome Henry, Pearson Education, ISBN: 978-9386873743, First
edition, 2017
2. ‘Internet of Things – A Hands on Approach’, Arshdeep Bahga and Vijay
Madisetti, Orient Blackswan Private Limited - New Delhi, First edition, 2015

Web links and Video Lectures (e-Resources):


Skill Development Activities Suggested

To implement various IOT protocols

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to :
Sl. Description Blooms Level


CO1 Able to understand the IOT network architecture and design L2

CO2 Able to understand and analyze WSN protocols, IEEE standard protocols, LTE L2 L4

CO3 Able to analyze the engineering IOT networks L4

CO4 Able to understand and analyze IOT in industry L2

Biomedical Signal Processing
Course Code 22LSP331 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:P:SDA) 3:0:0 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 40 hours Theory Total Marks 100
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03

Course Learning objectives:

 To understand the biomedical signals acquisition and its analysis
 To analyze the various mathematical tools used in biomedical signal analysis

Introduction-Genesis and significance of bio electric potentials, ECG, EEG, EMG and their monitoring and measurement,
Spectral analysis.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Filtering- Digital and Analog filtering, Correlation and Estimation techniques, AR / ARMA models

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Learning Process
ECG-Pre-processing, Measurements of amplitude and time intervals, Classification, QRS detection, ST segment analysis,
Base line wander removal, waveform recognition, morphological studies and rhythm analysis, automated diagnosis
based on decision theory ECT compression, Evoked potential estimation.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

EEG: Evoked responses, Epilepsy detection, Spike detection, Hjorth parameters, averaging techniques, removal of
Artifacts by averaging and adaptive algorithms, pattern recognition of alpha, beta, theta and delta waves in EEG waves,
sleep stages.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

EMG-Wave pattern studies, bio feedback, Zero crossings, Integrated EMG. Time frequency methods and Wavelets in
Biomedical Signal Processing.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%. The minimum
passing mark for the CIE is 50% of the maximum marks. Minimum passing marks in SEE is 40% of the maximum marks of
SEE. A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each
subject/ course if the student secures not less than 50% (50 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous
Internal Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.
Continuous Internal Evaluation:
1. Three Unit Tests each of 20 Marks
2. Two assignments each of 20 Marks or one Skill Development Activity of 40 marks
to attain the COs and POs
The sum of three tests, two assignments/skill Development Activities, will be scaled down to 50 marks
CIE methods /question paper is designed to attain the different levels of Bloom’s taxonomy as per the outcome
defined for the course.

Semester End Examination:

3. The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 50.
4. The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
5. Each full question is for 20 marks. There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub-questions) from
each module.
6. Each full question will have a sub-question covering all the topics under a module.
7. The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module
Suggested Learning Resources:
1. Biomedical Digital Signal Processing’, Willis J Tompkins, Prentice Hall of India, 1996.
2. Rangaraj M. Rangayyan, “Biomedical Signal Analysis” , John Wiley & Sons, Inc, reprint 2000,

3. ‘Biomedical Signal Processing (in IV parts)’, R E Challis and RI Kitney, Medical and Biological Engg. and current
computing, 1990-91.

4. Special issue on ‘Biological Signal Processing’, Proc. IEEE 1972.

5. ‘Biomedical Signal Processing’, Arnon Cohen, Volumes I & II, CRC Press.

6. ‘Time frequency and Wavelets in Biomedical Signal Processing’, Metin Akay, IEEE Press, 1999. Current Published

Web links and Video Lectures (e-Resources):


Skill Development Activities Suggested

Design and implement the hardware circuit to acquire the various Bio – Medical signals
Design and implement using the software to process the various Bio – Medical signals
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to :
Sl. Description Blooms Level


CO1 Explain the significance of bio electric potentials L1 L2

CO2 Discuss the AR/ARMA models for power spectral estimation L2 L4

CO3 Implement the QRS detection, ST segment analysis, evoked potential estimation L3 L4

CO4 Analyze the EEG pattern recognition, epilepsy detection, Hjorth parameters, L$
Speech and Audio Processing
Course Code 22LSP332 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:P:SDA) 3:0:0 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 40 hours Theory Total Marks 100
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03

Course Learning objectives:

 Familiarize the basic mechanism of speech production and get an overview of articulatory and acoustic
 Learn the basic concepts of methods for speech analysis and parametric representation of speech.
 Acquire knowledge about various methods used for speech and audio coding.
 Get an overall picture about various applications of speech and audio processing.
Digital Models for the Speech Signal: Process of speech production, Acoustic theory of speech production, Lossless tube
models, and Digital models for speech signals (Text 1). Time Domain Models for Speech Processing: Time dependent
processing of speech, Short time energy and average magnitude, Short time average zero crossing rate, Speech vs
silence discrimination using energy & zero crossings, Pitch period estimation, Short time autocorrelation function, Short
time average magnitude difference function, Pitch period estimation using autocorrelation function, Median smoothing.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Digital Representations of the Speech Waveform: Sampling speech signals, Instantaneous quantization, Adaptive
quantization, Differential quantization, Delta Modulation, Differential PCM, Comparison of systems, direct digital code
conversion. Short Time Fourier Analysis: Linear Filtering interpretation, Filter bank summation method, Overlap addition
method, Design of digital filter banks, Implementation using FFT, Spectrographic displays, Pitch detection, Analysis by
synthesis, Analysis synthesis systems.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Learning Process
Homomorphic Speech Processing: Homomorphic systems for convolution, Complex cepstrum, Pitch detection, Formant
estimation, Homomorphic vocoder. Linear Predictive Coding of Speech: Basic principles of linear predictive analysis,
Solution of LPC equations, Prediction error signal, Frequency domain interpretation, Relation between the various
speech parameters, Synthesis of speech from linear predictive parameters, Applications.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Speech Enhancement: Spectral subtraction & filtering, Harmonic filtering, parametric re-synthesis, Adaptive noise
cancellation. Speech Synthesis: Principles of speech synthesis, Synthesizer methods, Synthesis of intonation, Speech
synthesis for different speakers, Speech synthesis in other languages, Evaluation, Practical speech synthesis.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Automatic Speech Recognition: Introduction, Speech recognition vs. Speaker recognition, Signal processing and analysis
methods, Pattern comparison techniques, Hidden Markov Models, Artificial Neural Networks. Audio Processing:
Auditory perception and psychoacoustics - Masking, frequency and loudness perception, spatial perception, Digital
Audio, Audio Coding - High quality, low-bit rate audio coding standards, MPEG, AC- 3, Multichannel audio - Stereo, 3D
binaural and Multichannel surround sound.

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%. The minimum
passing mark for the CIE is 50% of the maximum marks. Minimum passing marks in SEE is 40% of the maximum marks of
SEE. A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each
subject/ course if the student secures not less than 50% (50 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous
Internal Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.
Continuous Internal Evaluation:
1. Three Unit Tests each of 20 Marks
2. Two assignments each of 20 Marks or one Skill Development Activity of 40 marks
to attain the COs and POs
The sum of three tests, two assignments/skill Development Activities, will be scaled down to 50 marks
CIE methods /question paper is designed to attain the different levels of Bloom’s taxonomy as per the outcome
defined for the course.

Semester End Examination:

3. The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 50.
4. The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
5. Each full question is for 20 marks. There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub-questions) from
each module.
6. Each full question will have a sub-question covering all the topics under a module.
7. The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module
Suggested Learning Resources:

1. L. R. Rabiner and R. W. Schafer, ‘Digital Processing of Speech Signals’, Pearson Education (Asia) Pvt. Ltd., 2004.
2. L. R. Rabiner and B. Juang, ‘Fundamentals of Speech Recognition’, Pearson Education (Asia) Pvt. Ltd., 2004.
3. Z. Li and M.S. Drew, ‘Fundamentals of Multimedia’, Pearson Education (Asia) Pvt. Ltd., 2004.
4. D. O’Shaughnessy, ‘Speech Communications: Human and Machine’, Universities Press, 2001.
Web links and Video Lectures (e-Resources):

Skill Development Activities Suggested

Design and implement the hardware circuit to acquire the speech signals
Design and implement using the software to process the speech signals

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to :
Sl. Description Blooms Level


CO1 Understand basic concepts of speech production, speech analysis and synthesis L1 L2

CO2 Analyze Speech coding techniques, Speech and speaker recognition systems. L2 L4

CO3 Explain the Concepts of Audio Processing and learn modeling L2

CO4 Implement Applications such as New audiogram matching techniques L2 L3

CO5 Develop systems for various applications of speech processing. L3

Advanced Embedded System
Course Code 22LSP333 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:P:SDA) 3:0:0 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 40 hours Theory Total Marks 100
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03

Course Learning objectives:

 Understand the basic hardware components and their selection method based on the
characteristics and attributes of an embedded system.
 Describe the hardware software co-design and firmware design approaches
 Explain the architectural features of ARM CORTEX M3, a 32 bit microcontroller
including memory map, interrupts and exceptions.
 Program ARM CORTEX M3 using the various instructions, for different applications.

Embedded System: Embedded vs General computing system, classification, application and purpose of ES. Core of an
Embedded System, Memory, Sensors, Actuators, LED, Opto coupler, Communication Interface, Reset circuits, RTC, WDT,
Characteristics and Quality Attributes of Embedded Systems

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Hardware Software Co-Design, embedded firmware design approaches, computational models, embedded firmware
development languages, Integration and testing of Embedded Hardware and firmware, Components in embedded
system development environment (IDE), Files generated during compilation, simulators, emulators and debugging

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Learning Process
ARM-32 bit Microcontroller: Thumb-2 technology and applications of ARM, Architecture of ARM Cortex M3, Various
Units in the architecture, General Purpose Registers, Special Registers, exceptions, interrupts, stack operation, reset

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Instruction Sets: Assembly basics, Instruction list and description, useful instructions, Memory Systems, Memory maps,
Cortex M3 implementation overview, pipeline and bus interface

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Exceptions, Nested Vector interrupt controller design, Systick Timer, Cortex-M3 Programming using assembly and C
language, CMSIS

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%. The minimum
passing mark for the CIE is 50% of the maximum marks. Minimum passing marks in SEE is 40% of the maximum marks of
SEE. A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each
subject/ course if the student secures not less than 50% (50 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous
Internal Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.
Continuous Internal Evaluation:
1. Three Unit Tests each of 20 Marks
2. Two assignments each of 20 Marks or one Skill Development Activity of 40 marks
to attain the COs and POs
The sum of three tests, two assignments/skill Development Activities, will be scaled down to 50 marks
CIE methods /question paper is designed to attain the different levels of Bloom’s taxonomy as per the outcome
defined for the course.

Semester End Examination:

3. The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 50.
4. The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
5. Each full question is for 20 marks. There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub-questions) from
each module.
6. Each full question will have a sub-question covering all the topics under a module.
7. The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module
Suggested Learning Resources:
Text Books:
1. K. V. Shibu, “Introduction to embedded systems”, TMH education Pvt. Ltd. 2009.
2. Joseph Yiu, “The Definitive Guide to the ARM Cortex-M3”, 2nd edn, Newnes,
(Elsevier), 2010.
3. James K. Peckol, “Embedded systems- A contemporary design tool”, John Wiley, 2008.

Web links and Video Lectures (e-Resources):


Skill Development Activities Suggested

Design and write a assembly code to implement various interfacing experiments using ARM microcontroller
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to :
Sl. Description Blooms Level


CO1 Understand the basic hardware components and their selection method based on the L1 L2
characteristics and attributes of an embedded system.

CO2 Explain the hardware software co-design and firmware design approaches. L2 L4

CO3 Acquire the knowledge of the architectural features of ARM CORTEX M3, a 32 bit L2 L4
microcontroller including memory map, interrupts and exceptions.

CO4 Apply the knowledge gained for Programming ARM CORTEX M3 for different L1 l2
Wireless Sensor Networks
Course Code 22LSP334 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:P:SDA) 3:0:0 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 40 hours Theory Total Marks 100
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03

Course Learning objectives:

 To understand wireless sensor networks
 To describe the various sensor networks
 To understand the measurement of various transport layers and application layer
 To understand the time synchronization and localization
Introduction: Sensor Mote Platforms, WSN Architecture and Protocol Stack

WSN Applications: Military Applications, Environmental Applications, Health Applications, Home Applications, Industrial

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Factors Influencing WSN Design: Hardware Constraints Fault Tolerance Scalability Production Costs WSN Topology,
Transmission Media, Power Consumption

Physical Layer: Physical Layer Technologies, Overview of RF Wireless Communication, Channel Coding (Error Control
Coding), Modulation, Wireless Channel Effects, PHY Layer Standards

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Learning Process
Medium Access Control: Challenges for MAC, CSMA Mechanism, Contention-Based Medium Access, Reservation-Based
Medium Access, Hybrid Medium Access
Network Layer: Challenges for Routing, Data-centric and Flat Architecture Protocols, Hierarchical Protocols,
Geographical Routing Protocols

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Transport Layer: Challenges for Transport Layer, Reliable Multi Segment Transport (RMST) Protocol, Pump Slowly, Fetch
Quickly (PSFQ) Protocol, Congestion Detection and Avoidance (CODA) Protocol, Event-to-Sink Reliable
Transport (ESRT) Protocol, GARUDA

Application Layer: Source Coding (Data Compression), Query Processing, Network Management

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Time Synchronization: Challenges for Time Synchronization, Network Time Protocol, Timing-Sync Protocol for Sensor
Networks (TPSN), Reference- Broadcast Synchronization (RBS), Adaptive Clock Synchronization (ACS)

Localization; Challenges in Localization, Ranging Techniques, Range-Based Localization Protocols, Range-Free

Localization Protocols

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%. The minimum
passing mark for the CIE is 50% of the maximum marks. Minimum passing marks in SEE is 40% of the maximum marks of
SEE. A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each
subject/ course if the student secures not less than 50% (50 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous
Internal Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.
Continuous Internal Evaluation:
1. Three Unit Tests each of 20 Marks
2. Two assignments each of 20 Marks or one Skill Development Activity of 40 marks
to attain the COs and POs
The sum of three tests, two assignments/skill Development Activities, will be scaled down to 50 marks
CIE methods /question paper is designed to attain the different levels of Bloom’s taxonomy as per the outcome
defined for the course.

Semester End Examination:

3. The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 50.
4. The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
5. Each full question is for 20 marks. There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub-questions) from
each module.
6. Each full question will have a sub-question covering all the topics under a module.
7. The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module
Suggested Learning Resources:

1. Ian F. Akyildiz and Mehmet Can Vuran, ‘Wireless Sensor Networks’, John Wiley & Sons Ltd. ISBN 978-0-470-
03601-3 (H/B), 2010
2. Ananthram Swami, ‘Wireless Sensor Networks: Signal Processing and Communications Perspectives’, et. al.,
John Wiley & Sons Ltd., ISBN 978-0470-03557-3, 2007
Web links and Video Lectures (e-Resources):

Skill Development Activities Suggested

To test the various wireless sensor network protocols

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course the student will be able to :

Sl. Description Blooms Level


CO1 Acquire knowledge of characteristics of mobile/wireless communication channels L1 L2

CO2 Apply statistical models of multipath fading L2 L4

CO3 Understand the multiple radio access techniques, radio standards and communication L2
protocols to be used for wireless sensor

CO4 Design wireless sensor network system for different applications under consideration. L2 L4

CO5 Understand the hardware details of different types of sensors and select right type of L3 L4
sensor for various applications.
Statistical Signal Processing
Course Code 22LSP335 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:P:SDA) 3:0:0 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 40 hours Theory Total Marks 100
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03

Course Learning objectives:

 To understand and analyze the parametric method and non parametric methods
 To understand and analyze the adaptive filter algorithms

Random Processes: Random variables, random processes, white noise, filtering random processes, spectral
factorization, ARMA, AR and MA processes

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Signal Modeling: Least squares method, Padé approximation, Prony's method, finite data records, stochastic models,
Levinson-Durbin recursion; Schur recursion; Levinson recursion

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Learning Process
Spectrum Estimation: Nonparametric methods, minimum-variance spectrum estimation, maximum entropy method,
parametric methods, frequency estimation, principal components spectrum estimation

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Optimal and Adaptive Filtering: FIR and IIR Wiener filters, Discrete Kalman filter, FIR Adaptive filters: Steepest descent,
LMS, LMS-based algorithms

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Array Processing: Array fundamentals, beam-forming, optimum array processing, performance considerations, adaptive
beam forming, linearly constrained minimum-variance beam-formers, side-lobe cancellers

Teaching- Chalk and Talk / Power Point Presentations.

Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%. The minimum
passing mark for the CIE is 50% of the maximum marks. Minimum passing marks in SEE is 40% of the maximum marks of
SEE. A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each
subject/ course if the student secures not less than 50% (50 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous
Internal Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.
Continuous Internal Evaluation:
1. Three Unit Tests each of 20 Marks
2. Two assignments each of 20 Marks or one Skill Development Activity of 40 marks
to attain the COs and POs
The sum of three tests, two assignments/skill Development Activities, will be scaled down to 50 marks
CIE methods /question paper is designed to attain the different levels of Bloom’s taxonomy as per the outcome
defined for the course.

Semester End Examination:

3. The SEE question paper will be set for 100 marks and the marks scored will be proportionately reduced to 50.
4. The question paper will have ten full questions carrying equal marks.
5. Each full question is for 20 marks. There will be two full questions (with a maximum of four sub-questions) from
each module.
6. Each full question will have a sub-question covering all the topics under a module.
7. The students will have to answer five full questions, selecting one full question from each module
Suggested Learning Resources:
1.‘Statistical Digital Signal Processing and Modelling’, Monson H Hayes, John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pvt. Ltd., 2002.
2.‘Statistical and Adaptive Signal Processing: Spectral Estimation, Signal Modelling, Adaptive Filtering and Array
Processing’, Dimitris G. Manolakis, Vinay K. Ingle, and Stephen M. Kogon, McGraw Hill International Edition, 2000.

Web links and Video Lectures (e-Resources):


Skill Development Activities Suggested

Design and implement using the software to process the various statistical signal processing algorithms
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to :
Sl. Description Blooms Level


CO1 Able to understand and implement the digital filter design and least square sense L2 L3

CO2 Able to understand and implement the parametric and non parametric methods of L2 L3
spectral estimation

CO3 Able to analyze forward and backward linear prediction of a stationary random L4

process using Levinson-Durbin Algorithm

CO4 Able to understand and analyze adaptive filters and its application using LMS L2 L4

algorithm & RLS algorithm.


Course Code 22LSP34 CIE Marks 100

Teaching Hours/Week (L:P:SDA) (0:6:0) SEE Marks -

Total Hours of Pedagogy 40 hours Practical Total Marks 100

Credits 03 Exam Hours -

Course Learning objectives: This course will enable students to:

 Support independent learning.

 Guide to select and utilize adequate information from varied resources maintaining ethics.

 Guide to organize the work in the appropriate manner and present information (acknowledging the
sources) clearly.

 Develop interactive, communication, organization, time management, and presentation skills.

 Impart flexibility and adaptability.

 Inspire independent and team working.

 Expand intellectual capacity, credibility, judgement, intuition.

 Adhere to punctuality, setting and meeting deadlines.

 Instill responsibilities to oneself and others.

 Train students to present the topic of project work in a seminar without any fear, face audienceconfidently,
enhance communication skill, involve in group discussion to present and exchange ideas.

Project Work Phase-1: The project work shall be carried out individually. However, in case a disciplinary or
interdisciplinary project requires more participants, then a group consisting of not more than three shall be permitted.

Students in consultation with the guide/co-guide (if any) in disciplinary project or guides/co-guides (if any) of all
departments in case of multidisciplinary projects, shall pursue a literature survey and complete the preliminary
requirements of the selected Project work. Each student shall prepare a relevant introductory project document, and
present a seminar.

Seminar: Each student, under the guidance of a Faculty, is required to

 Present the seminar on the selected project orally and/or through power point slides.

 Answer the queries and involve in debate/discussion.

 Submit two copies of the typed report with a list of references.

The participants shall take part in discussion to foster friendly and stimulating environment in which the students are
motivated to reach high standards and become self-confident.

Course outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:

1. Demonstrate a sound technical knowledge of their selected project topic.

2. Undertake problem identification, formulation and solution.

3. Design engineering solutions to complex problems utilizing a systems approach.

4. Communicate with engineers and the community at large in written an oral forms.

5. Demonstrate the knowledge, skills and attitudes of a professional engineer.

Continuous Internal Evaluation

CIE marks shall be awarded by a committee comprising of HoD as Chairman, all Guide/s and co-guide/s (if any) and a
senior faculty of the concerned departments. The CIE marks awarded for project work phase -1, shall be based on the
evaluation of Project Report, Project Presentation skill, and performance in the Question

and Answer session in the ratio of 50:25:25. RBT Level: L3, L4, L5, L6

Course Code 22LSP35 CIE Marks 100

Teaching Hours/Week (L:P:SDA) (0:6:0) SEE Marks -

Total Hours of Pedagogy 40 hours Practical Total Marks 100

Credits 03 Exam Hours -

Course Learning objectives: This course will enable students to:

 Support independent learning.

 Guide to select and utilize adequate information from varied resources maintaining ethics.

 Guide to organize the work in the appropriate manner and present information (acknowledging the
sources) clearly.

 Develop interactive, communication, organisation, time management, and presentation skills.

 Impart flexibility and adaptability.

 Inspire independent and team working.

 Expand intellectual capacity, credibility, judgement, intuition.

 Adhere to punctuality, setting and meeting deadlines.

 Instil responsibilities to oneself and others.

 Train students to present the topic of project work in a seminar without any fear, face audience
confidently, enhance communication skill, involve in group discussion to present and exchange ideas.

Societal Project: Students in consultation with the internal guide as well as with external guide (much preferable) shall
involve in applying technology to workout/proposing viable solutions for societal problems.

Seminar: Each student, under the guidance of a Faculty, is required to

 Present the seminar on the selected project orally and/or through power point slides.

 Answer the queries and involve in debate/discussion.

 Submit two copies of the typed report with a list of references.

The participants shall take part in discussion to foster friendly and stimulating environment in which the students are
motivated to reach high standards and become self-confident.

Course outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate a sound technical knowledge of their selected project topic.

2. Undertake societal problem identification, formulation and solution.

3. Design engineering solutions to complex societal problems utilizing a systems approach.

4. Communicate with engineers and the community at large in written an oral forms.

5. Demonstrate the knowledge, skills and attitudes of a professional engineer.

Continuous Internal Evaluation

CIE marks shall be awarded by a committee comprising of HoD as Chairman, Guide/co-guide if any, and a senior faculty of
the department. The CIE marks awarded, shall be based on the evaluation of Project Report, Project Presentation skill, and
performance in the Question and Answer session in the ratio of 50:25:25.

NOTE: Those, who have not pursued /completed the Societal Project, shall be declared as fail in the course and have to
complete the same during subsequent semester/s after satisfying the Societal Project requirements. There is no SEE
(University examination) for this course.

RBT Level: L3, L4, L5, L6


Course Code 22LSPI36 CIE Marks 50

Teaching Hours/Week (L:P:SDA) 06 weeks Internship Completed SEE Marks 50

Total Hours of Pedagogy during the intervening vacation ofII

Total Marks 100
and III semesters.

Credits 06 Exam Hours 3

Course Learning objectives: This course will enable students to:

 Internship provide students the opportunity of hands-on experience that include personal training, time and
stress management, interactive skills, presentations, budgeting, marketing, liability and risk management,
paperwork, equipment ordering, maintenance, responding to emergencies etc. The objectives are further,

 To put theory into practice.

 To expand thinking and broaden the knowledge and skills acquired through course work in the field.

 To relate to, interact with, and learn from current professionals in the field.

 To gain a greater understanding of the duties and responsibilities of a professional.

 To understand and adhere to professional standards in the field.

 To gain insight to professional communication including meetings, memos, reading, writing, publicspeaking,
research, client interaction, input of ideas, and confidentiality.

 To identify personal strengths and weaknesses.

 To develop the initiative and motivation to be a self-starter and work independently

Internship: All the students shall have to undergo a mandatory internship of 06 weeks during the vacation of II and III
semesters. A University examination shall be conducted during III semester and the prescribed internship credit shall be
counted in the same semester. The internship shall be considered as a head of passing and shall be considered for vertical
progression as well as for the award of degree.

Students under the guidance of internal guide/s and external guide shall take part in all the activities regularly to acquire
as much knowledge as possible without causing any inconvenience at the place of internship.

Seminar: Each student is required to

 Present the seminar on the internship orally and/or through power point slides.

 Answer the queries and involve in debate/discussion.

 Submit the report duly certified by the external guide.


The participants shall take part in discussion to foster friendly and stimulating environment in which the students are
motivated to reach high standards and become self-confident.

Course outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:

 Gain practical experience within industry in which the internship is done.

 Acquire knowledge of the industry in which the internship is done.

 Apply knowledge and skills learned to classroom work.

 Develop a greater understanding about career options while more clearly defining personal careergoals.

 Experience the activities and functions of professionals.

 Develop and refine oral and written communication skills.

 Identify areas for future knowledge and skill development.

 Expand intellectual capacity, credibility, judgment, intuition.

 Acquire the knowledge of administration, marketing, finance and economics

Continuous Internal Evaluation

CIE marks shall be awarded by a committee comprising of HoD as Chairman, Guide/co-guide if any, and a senior faculty of
the department. The CIE marks awarded for project work phase -1, shall be based on the evaluation of Project Report,
Project Presentation skill, and performance in the Question and Answer session in the ratio of 50:25:25.

Semester End Examination

SEE marks for the Internship Report (30 Marks), Seminar (15 Marks) and Question and Answer Session (15 marks) shall be
awarded (based on the quality of report and presentation skill, participation in the question and answer session) by the
examiners appointed by the University.

NOTE: Those, who have not pursued /completed the internship, shall be declared as fail in the internship course and have
to complete the same during subsequent University examinations after satisfying the internship requirements. Internship
SEE (University examination) shall be as per the University norms.

RBT Level: L3, L4, L5, L6


Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and Outcome Based Education (OBE)

(Effective from the academic year 2022-23)



Course Code 22LSP41 CIE Marks 100

Teaching Hours/Week (L:P:SDA) (0:8:0) SEE Marks 100

Total Hours of Pedagogy 40 hours Practical Total Marks 200

Credits 18 Exam Hours 3

Course Learning objectives: This course will enable students to:

 Support independent learning.
 Guide to select and utilize adequate information from varied resources maintaining ethics.
 Guide to organize the work in the appropriate manner and present information (acknowledging thesources)
 Develop interactive, communication, organisation, time management, and presentation skills.
 Impart flexibility and adaptability.
 Inspire independent and team working.
 Expand intellectual capacity, credibility, judgement, intuition.
 Adhere to punctuality, setting and meeting deadlines.
 Instil responsibilities to oneself and others.
 Train students to present the topic of project work in a seminar without any fear, face audienceconfidently,
enhance communication skill, involve in group discussion to present and exchange ideas.

Project Work Phase-2: Students in consultation with the guide/co-guide (if any) in disciplinary project or guides/co-guides (if
any) of all departments in case of multidisciplinary projects, shall continue to work of Project Work phase -1 to complete the
Project work. Each student / batch of students shall prepare project report as per the norms avoiding plagiarism and present a

Seminar: Each student, under the guidance of a Faculty, is required to

 Present the seminar on the selected project orally and/or through power point slides.
 Answer the queries and involve in debate/discussion.
 Submit two copies of the typed report with a list of references.

The participants shall take part in discussion to foster friendly and stimulating environment in which the students are motivated
to reach high standards and become self-confident.

Course outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
 Present the project and be able to defend it.
 Make links across different areas of knowledge and to generate, develop and evaluate ideas andinformation
so as to apply these skills to the project task.
 Habituated to critical thinking and use problem solving skills
 Communicate effectively and to present ideas clearly and coherently in both the written and oral forms.
Work in a team to achieve common goal.
 Learn on their own, reflect on their learning and take appropriate actions to improve it.

Continuous Internal Evaluation

CIE marks shall be awarded by a committee comprising of HoD as Chairman, all Guide/s and co-guide/s (if any) and a senior
faculty of the concerned departments. The CIE marks awarded for project work phase -2, shall be based on the evaluation of
Project Report, Project Presentation skill, and performance in the Question and Answer session in the ratio of 50:25:25.

Semester End Examination

SEE shall be at the end of IV semester. Project work evaluation and Viva-Voce examination (SEE), after satisfying the plagiarism
check, shall be as per the University norms. SEE marks for the project report (50 marks), seminar (25 marks) and question and
answer session (25 marks) shall be awarded (based on the quality of report and presentation skill, participation in the question
and answer session) by the examiners appointed
by the University. RBT Level: L3, L4, L5, L6

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