Jain Logic
Jain Logic
Jain Logic
9 3
0 2 3
The Corporation 3
Jain Logic™ 4
IrriCare - IRP (Irrigation Resource Planning) 8
Jain Logic - Monitoring & Control Solutions 10
Components of Jain Logic - Monitoring & Control Solutions 15
Irrigation Controllers 19
ETwater 22
Radio Control Units 24
Filter Backwash Controller 25
Sensors 26
Advanced Fertigation Machines 28
SCADA and VFD 30
Power Distribution Panel 31
© Copyright: This catalogue has been prepared for providing information about Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd., Jalgaon, India, to the present/ prospective
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The Corporation
There is more to Jain Irrigation than irrigation
Green House & Open Field
Advanced Irrigation Scheduler SOLO SMARTBOX
Based on Forecasted ET
Decision Support and Advisory HERMITCRAB
JAIN LOGIC™ - Integrated Automation Solutions
Jain Logic is an amalgam of Digital- Tech Solutions created to fulfill precision agriculture and irrigation
management requirements. It includes monitoring and control devices, software applications and
real time analytical intelligence and prediction analysis for decision support system.
Pressure, Flow, Level
Soil Moisture, Leaf Wetness PRECIMIX
IrriCare IRP communicates over cellular network with specially designed, dedicated hardware devices
called ‘IrriConnect Master’. IrriConnect Master further communicates through RF with filed remote
terminal units (RTU) called ‘IrriConnect PRO’.
5) M&C - Monitoring and Control Solutions - Your personalised decision support
M&C - Monitoring and control solutions is an IOT based decision support
system. It delivers real time data from sensors in the field to any Internet
connected mobile device, tablet or computer in an easy to use and intuitive
interface. Jain Logic Monitoring and Control Solution is the only water
management software farmers need to achieve more crop per drop.
M&C - Monitoring and Control Solutions is designed to use by individual
farmer. He can subscribe the services to get sensor information, data analysis,
advisory based on accumulated data.
The hardware support for M&C is provided by devices like C3 and Solo.
6) Decision Support System using Remote Sensing
Agricultural Decision support system is provided using data captured through
remote sensing. The services includes,
i) Weather Forecasting : Reliable weather prediction for next seven days.
ii) Soil Moisture Mapping : Soil moisture mapping helps us to answer two
very important questions in irrigation, when to irrigate? And how much
to irrigate?
iii) Evapotranspiration : Dynamic evapotranspiration is calculated using
energy balance model to provide exact amount of water required by the
iv) Biomass production : It gives crop health in absolute terms; Can be used to
predict yield 4 weeks before harvest.
v) Water productivity : Tells about efficient use of (scarce) natural resources; What are the food and
feed returns from water consumed in terms of kg/m³.
7) Sensors
Jain Logic has the capability to handle almost any type of sensors used for water distribution and
8) Advance Fertigation Machines
Plants must receive all of the nutrients at a specific EC (Electric conductivity) and
pH (acidity) level .Therefore fertigation needs to be carried out according to
the EC/pH of the irrigation water. Another advantage of irrigation according
to EC-pH control is the ability to maintain the desired concentration of the
fertilizer in the water regardless of preparation error, material chemistry etc.
They are available in following variants
a) Precimix: Most advanced fertigation machine with ready to use fertilizer
injection with precontrolled EC/pH levels.
b) NutriCare™: By pass fertigation machine with EC/pH monitoring for
combination of fertilizer injection.
c) NutriCare™ pH - ECO: By pass fertigation machine with two fertilizer pumps and pH
controller. It is a standalone fertigation facility wherein user can inject fertilizer with controller pH
without requirement of Spirit PRO controller interface.
d) Nutricare™ ECO: NutriCare ECO is economical fertigation machine without any EC/pH control. It
facilitates easy yet precise fertilizer injection with manual fertigation control.
Unlimited Outputs/Inputs: Maximum 100 no. of There are two types of manual override through
RTU can be covered with single network. Maximum server,
valves per network, 800 no. (Considering IrriConnect a) Scheduled override : User can schedule the
8 DO. operation e.g. shut off the valves during system
Unlimited Users access : User can get access to his maintenance.
authorized access area. b) Override now : Immediate action.
- E.g farmer – View only to his farms in the User Authorisation
command area, Predefined role and privileges for each user:
- Field Technician – Only for repair/ troubleshoot User Management:
RTU. a) Admin can assign access area and role for the
Multiple Screen Dashboard : User can choose from user. Each role has predefined authorities.
multiple screen options to monitor multiple entities a) Further in user management, admin / agronomist
at a time. can make user groups, save them and can send
Global/Local Library message to entire group through electronic
IrriCare IRP has facility to select inputs, outputs, RTU’s media.
through a common global library. Unlimited Schedules/Sequence
Event Logbook: Logs each and every event and a) User can organize sequence of valves/valve
keeps record. groups to be operated.
Rule Setting: Authorised user can set rules/ b) There is no limit for number of sequences.
conditions for operations. For example if pressure is c) Every sequence is validated before it passes on to
high open the bypass valve. the respective IrriConnect – Master.
d) User can make dummy sequences.
ii) Forecast
Weather forecasts for the upcoming week
including ETo forecast. Track against historical
weather data for the site.
vii)Moisture Management
Visual display of irrigation performance to better
understand the time your soil has had the desired
water content.
C) Irrigation Scheduler
Managing your irrigation schedule shouldn’t be another time-consuming task in a busy day. Take the guesswork
out of your irrigation decisions. The irrigation scheduler provides a simple way for growers to create a weekly
irrigation schedule. It integrates directly with notifications, so growers can easily share schedules electronically or
in hard copy with staff.
i) Precise Guidance
We provide the recommended number of hours
of irrigation required for each irrigation zone. This
recommendation uses the closest, most accurate
weather forecast available. Using data specific to
your land, crop, and irrigation system. Ensuring you
receive precise, targeted guidance every week, for
every zone. Using the recommendations you can
schedule irrigation using the irrigation scheduling
E) Image Capture
Keep an eye on your farm using Camera Kit. Get a visual on your farm’s stock, troughs, fences and/or water points
and use your mobile device to take a snapshot.
H) Pump Management
Jain Logic helps you to monitor and control pumps remotely so you can improve the operation of your entire
farm, combined with water monitoring you can save on time, hours and improve productivity by automating your
farm system.
C3 Field Station can remotely monitor a large range of agricultural and
irrigation equipment with integrated access to the Jain Logic™ software
platform for data management and system control
Solo can be paired with a soil moisture probe or pressure sensor for
moisture monitoring or purchased as a DIY kit for tank level monitoring
or in-field camera use. The perfect choice for stand-alone locations
needing a compact robust field station.
The V1 Camera features a robust design in an all weather camera.
It takes still image photos. Photos can be captured on timer or on
command. It has photo history.
Sensors are used in precision agriculture, providing data
that helps farmers monitor and optimize crops, as well as
adapt to changing environmental factors.
Precision Agriculture
Digital-Tech Solutions
- IRP 17
Farmer Subscription
Data Management
Jain Logic™ Monitoring and Control solution provides robust soil
moisture and field condition monitoring data that is reliable and secure.
It provides analysis and presentation tools allowing you to use your
field data to simplify farming decisions.
Jain Logic™ Monitoring and Control Solution servers consistently
achieve 99.9% uptime. Our servers and infrastructure have a built-in
redundancy, to protect you from loss of data. Your data is backed
up, both on and off site so it can be restored in the unlikely case of
Irrigation Controllers
In most of the cases, controller is specially designed to fulfill the requirements of Open field,
Greenhouse, Landscape, Community Irrigation, Poultry Applications and Water Management
applications etc. Controllers have additional feature of filter backwash.
IrriSmart is a smart irrigation solution used for precision farming applications. Irrismart is used
with IrriCare™ software platform. IrriSmart is a modular irrigation controller which provides user
complete freedom to choose the controller suitable for his requirements.
Insights Into Your Landscape
Every drop of water counts, more than ever. Over 60% of the water we use on an annual basis is
for outdoor water use, and 50% of that is wasted due to overwatering. It is a waste we can prevent
with a simple technology solution.
The ETwater Smart Outdoors mobile app let’s anyone see how much water
they’re using outside their home or business. It provides insights into precisely
how much water is needed to keep your lawn, garden, or property healthy.
The ETwater app takes the guesswork out of planning and the costs for
maintaining your landscape. Current customers who want easy remote access
to their smart controller please use the ETwater QuickDraw mobile app. Click
here and add QuickDraw to the home screen of your smartphone or tablet to
do station/zone checks, wet tests and more anywhere, anytime.
ETwater is the culmination of years of experience with landscape design,
environmental science, and information technology.
ETwater is the pioneer of cloud-based smart irrigation. The culmination of years of experience with landscape design,
environmental science, and information technology. We have the smartest irrigation system and controllers available.
We know the precise amount of water you need for your landscape. We adapt to changes in weather before it
happens, we know the amount of rainfall it received, we know just how much water the plant life needs, and we give
you the ability to monitor and control what is happening with any mobile device or computer. We’re also the ones
with the patented technology who can convert a conventional water controller or sprinkler timer to smart irrigation.
There’s never need to rip and replace an existing controller or related pieces of irrigation with ETwater.
Smart Box®
No baseline schedule required
User guide is 12 pages
No box and cloud synchronization
Quad-band 3G GPRS modem
- Installed as standard equipment
- Firmware is adaptable
- Data compression algorithm
SIM is adaptive
- Lexicon improves data
- Firmware is OTAP
Smart Works®
First true smart controller retrofit product
Identical functionality as ETwater SmartBox
Compatible with Irritrol®, Rain Master®, and Rain
Bird® Controllers
No power wire or station wire installtion
First “pure” smart controller retrofit product
Connection via digital remote port
Identical functionality as SmartBox and SmartWorks,
except circuit testing.
Schedules executed via on/off commands to the
remote port
Expands ETwater service platform to 85% of all
conventional controllers
Fully-compatible with all flow sensors and
1) IrriConnect Master
IrriConnect Master is the heart of IrriCare IRP system.
It communicates with IrriCare IRP through GSM. It
receives configuration and scheduling information IrriConnect
to operate IrriConnect PRO RTUs. Maximum 100
IrriConnect PROs can be controlled through one
IrriConnect Master. Depending on the size of
irrigation project, any number of IrriConnect Masters
can be utilised.
IrriConnect Master has capability to take decision
according to preset rules and thresholds. For any
threshold cross, it can take appropriate decision.
2) IrriConnect PRO
IrriConnect PRO is a programmable remote terminal
unit used with IrriConnect Master. Its unique feature IrriConnect
is its ability to store schedules. With the virtue of this
feature, even if by any chance RF communication 3) IrriConnect
fails, still it can operate preset schedules. IrriConnect
IrriConnect is a non-programmable remote terminal
PRO has inbuilt solar panel hence no external power
unit used with Spirit PRO hybrid and Spirit PRO
source required.
field. IrriConnect will get the signal from Spirit PRO
IrriConnect PRO is available in different variants, to trigger the valve. User can also connect different
1) IrriConnect PRO – 4 digital outputs sensors with IrriConnect.
2) IrriConnect PRO – 8 digital outputs IrriConnect is also available in 4 and 8 digital output
3) IrriConnect PRO – 8 digital outputs, 4 digital and 8 digital output with 4 analogue and 4 digital
inputs and 4 analog inputs. inputs
16 char x 2 line LCD screen.
User friendly and self explanatory.
Flush time can be set from 0 to 59 minutes in one
minute increments.
Wait interval can be set from 1 minute to 23 hrs & 59
Count down timer shows status of backflush.
Pause option : can be paused during operation.
Useful to pause backwash during fertigation.
Output 12 VDC (pulse). 24 VAC model can be
supplied on demand.
Can be supplied with solar power option on demand
Manual override facility
Available in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 station models. Higher
models can be supplied on demand
Inbuilt SMPS for spike suppression & compensation
for frequent supply variations.
Facility to operate on pressure differential mode,
Inbuilt melody tune to alert the user for manual
intervention, if pressure difference is not reduced to
set point after two attempts by the controller
Spacious wiring compartment
A Sensor converts the physical parameter (for example: temperature, humidity, moisture, etc.)
into a signal which can be measured electrically. Sensor is an important part of IOT based system
and even for Isolation (non internet based) devices.
A) Analogue Sensors:
These sensors produces continuous analogue output
signal. This continuous output signal produced by the
analogue sensors is proportional to the measurand.
Electrical output produced by analogue sensors Pressure Sensors
are mostly, current output 4-20ma, voltage output
0-10 VDC or 0-5 VDC etc.There are various types
of analogue sensors which are used with Jain Logic;
practical examples of various types of analogue
sensors are as follows: pressure sensors, flow sensors,
level sensors, EC sensors, pH sensors and so on.
i) Pressure Sensors:
The analogue sensors that are used to measure
the amount of pressure applied to a sensor are
called as analogue pressure sensors. Pressure
sensor will produce an analogue output signal
that is proportional to the amount of applied Flow Sensors
pressure. Pressure sensors are available in range
of 0-5 bar, 0-10 bar, 0-20 bar ratings.
ii) Flow Sensors:
There are various types of flow sensors available
in analogue flow sensors like Electromagnetic
flow sensors, ultrasonic flow sensors etc.
iii) Level Sensors:
Level sensor is used for continuous measurement
of fluid levels. Using level sensor, operation of
pump can be controlled. For example, if water
level in the tank is low, tank filling pump can be Level Sensors
switched ON and at the same time, system pump
can be switched OFF.
iv) Temperature Sensors:
Temperature sensors are used to get the
temperature data within the greenhouse. It is
used in climate control system of Spirit PRO
v) Humidity Sensors:
Humidity sensors are also used in Greenhouse to
measure the humidity levels and to trigger the
misting system in the green house to change the Temperature Sensors
humidity to desired pre-set levels.
vi) EC sensors:
Electrical Conductivity is a measure of dissolved
solids in the water. Higher EC indicates higher
salinity. Efficiency of fertilizer used is a function
of EC. Higher the EC, lower will be the fertilizer
application efficiency. When we add fertilizer to
the crops, EC increases. Hence EC sensors are
used to notice change in EC with application of
fertilizer and user can pre-set his desired level of
EC so that he can get required fertilizer application
vii)pH sensor:
Similar to EC senors, pH sensor is also used to
maintain pre-set level of pH in irrigation water
when applied with fertilisers. It allows to maintain
the pH levels at which user can get optimum
fertilizer application efficiency.
Both EC and pH sensors are used with advance
fertigation machine like Nutricare and Precimix.
EC-pH Sensors
B. Digital Sensors:
In digital sensors, instead of continuous electrical output
as in analogue sensors, only frequent pulse output is
provided. Examples of digital sensors are, water meter,
rain gauge, flow switch, pressure switch etc.
i) Water meter:
Water meter has a paddle wheel or woltman type of
turbine which rotates and indicates changes in flow.
It is connected to a magnetic switch which generate Water meter
pulse output. This indicates volume water flowing
between two consecutive pulses.
ii) Rain Sensor:
Digital Rain sensor or rain gauge has a tipping bucket
type mechanism which provide pulse output for a
given volume of rain. It indicates amount, intensity
and frequency of rainfall.
iii) Switches:
There are different types of NO/NC switches used in
irrigation systems. Some examples are flow switches, Rain Sensor
pressure switches, level switches. Switches are pre-
set to a give value. Once this value is crossed, switch
changes its position from NO to NC or vice versa.
NutriCare with EC & pH
NutriCare™ is precise, extremely reliable, accurate and
automated fertigation machine.
NurtiCare™ is recommended for optimal utilization of
nutrients for increase in yield and income levels.
Distinctive Features
Enables precise management of nutrition schedules.
Expandable as per requirement, no need to replace
entire manifold, just add on venturies for expansion.
Can fit easily on existing drip systems.
User friendly fertilizer program adjustments.
Intelligent control and safe operations.
Robust and strong construction.
High quality components improve life span and
performance of machine.
Mounted on corrosion resistant aluminum profile
NutriCare is available in 2 types
1) NutriCare with EC & pH
2) NutriCare without EC & pH In, both types following
models are available
2 Fert + 1 Acid 3 Fert + 1 Acid
4 Fert + 1 Acid 5 Fert + 1 Acid
NutriCare Eco without Booster Pump.
Jain PreciMix™
Precimix is an advanced fertigation machine that mixes
various kinds of fertilizers in the specifically designed
tank to achieve desired EC & pH. Precimix is extremely
reliable accurate & automated fertigation equipment
ideally suitable for precision agriculture. It regulates EC
& pH and delivers nutrients into mixing tank through
specially designed venturi pumps. It is recommended
for the optimal utilization of nutrients / fertilizers, for
increase in yield and profit.
Distinctive Features
Water flow: 10 to 75 m³/h
3 to 5 venturi pumps
Fertigation flow 350 L/h.
Fertigation visual flow meters
Fertigation counters
More Crop Per Drop®
Te; : +91-257-2258011; Fax: +91-257- 2258111; Toll Free : 1800 599 5000
Email: jisl@jains.com; Visit us @www.jains.com Jains Mobile App
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