OL P4 Physics
OL P4 Physics
OL P4 Physics
PHYSICS 5054/P42
1 hour
NAME: ___________________________________________________
DATE: ____________________________________________________
Write your name and the details required in the spaces at the top of this page
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.
Cell phones and smart watches must be turned off during an exam and they must be in your
pockets or in your bags.
Under no circumstances may a student leave an exam room unless they are going to the
________________ ________________
Page 2
1 A student measures the resistance of a lamp when there are different currents in the lamp.
power supply
Fig. 1.1
(a) On Fig. 1.1, draw the symbol for a voltmeter connected to measure the potential difference
V across the lamp. [1]
(b) She adjusts the variable resistor until she obtains the readings on the voltmeter scale and
the ammeter scale shown in Fig. 1.2.
1 2
0.4 0.6
0.2 0.8
0 3
0 A 1.0
Fig. 1.2
Read, and record in the table of Fig. 1.3, the potential difference V and the current I.
brightness of
Fig. 1.3
Page 3
(c) The student adjusts the variable resistor and measures the new values of V and I. Her values
are shown in the table of Fig. 1.3. The lamp is dimmer.
R= V
to calculate the resistance R of the lamp for both settings of the variable resistor.
(d) The student thinks that because the same lamp is used throughout the experiment, its
resistance is constant.
State whether the student’s results confirm this. Justify your answer by referring to the
(e) Another student says that the resistance of a lamp filament increases when it gets hot.
[TOTAL: 6]
Page 4
2 Two students perform an investigation into how the strength of an electromagnet depends
on the number of coils of wire.
paper clips
Fig. 2.1
.................................................................................................................................... [1]
(b) Outline one way of using the apparatus to estimate the strength of the electromagnet.
.................................................................................................................................... [1]
Student A uses the same long piece of wire for the coils every time, and increases the
number of coils by winding more of the wire round the core.
Student B cuts several wires of different lengths and uses a longer piece of wire to
increase the number of coils.
.................................................................................................................................... [1]
[TOTAL: 3]
Page 5
3 A cathode-ray oscilloscope (CRO) is used to measure the frequency and peak voltage of
an a.c. supply, as shown in Fig. 3.1.
Student Oscilloscope
trace of OFF
a.c. supply
1V 10 V 1 ms 10 ms
position position
Fig. 3.1
Page 6
(a) By taking measurements from the screen shown in Fig. 3.1, obtain values for
(i) the peak voltage Vp of the a.c. supply,
Vp = ........................... [1]
(ii) the time T for one cycle.
T = ............................. [2]
(b) Use the relationship f = — to find the frequency f of the a.c. supply.
f = .............................. [1]
(c) (i) Explain why it would not be possible to measure the frequency of an a.c. supply of
frequency 15 Hz using the CRO on these settings.
............................................................................................................................ [1]
(ii) Suggest which setting for the time-base could be used when measuring a
frequency of 15 Hz.
............................................................................................................................ [1]
[TOTAL: 6]
Page 7
Fig. 4.1
(a) The student uses a voltmeter to measure the e.m.f. produced by the solar cell.
(i) Draw a diagram of the circuit he uses. Include a switch in the circuit.
(ii) When the student closes the switch, he notices that the voltmeter needle moves
backwards, as shown in Fig. 4.2.
0.5 0.6
+ 0.3
0.2 0.8
0.1 0.9
0 1.0
Fig. 4.2
Explain why this happens and how the student can correct this.
............................................................................................................................. [2]
(iii) The student corrects the problem and, when the switch is closed, the voltmeter now
reads 0.96 V.
On Fig. 4.2, mark the new position of the needle. [1]
Page 8
(b) To investigate the solar cell, the student uses light entering the laboratory through a
When the student moves his head to read the voltmeter, there is a large decrease in the
Suggest a reason for this, and explain how the student can prevent this happening when
he moves.
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
[TOTAL: 6]
Page 9
5 A student makes an electromagnet by wrapping a length of wire around a piece of soft iron and
connects it into a circuit, as shown in Fig. 5.1. He closes the switch and finds the maximum number
of paperclips that stay on one end of the soft iron.
1.5 V cell
variable resistor
pot of
Fig. 5.1
(a) Suggest two changes to the apparatus that increase the current.
1. ..............................................................................................................................................
2. ..............................................................................................................................................
1A 3A 2A
Fig. 5.2
Fig. 5.2 shows the paperclips that stay on the soft iron for three different currents. In the space
below, draw a table to show the results of this experiment.
[TOTAL: 5]
Page 10
6 A student determines the resistance R of a resistor. Fig. 6.1 shows the circuit used.
power supply
meter 1
meter 2
Fig. 6.1
(a) He uses two meters. In the boxes above, write the names of the meters. [1]
meter 1 meter 2
0.4 0.6 4 6
0.2 0.8 2 8
0 1.0 0 10
Fig. 6.2
meter 1 .................................
(d) Use your readings to find the value of the resistance R using the equation
R= .
R = ...........................................................[2]
(e) Describe a precaution the student should take to ensure that the value for R is accurate.
[TOTAL: 7]
Page 11
7 A diode is an electrical device that lets current pass through it in one direction only.
Thecircuit symbol for a diode is shown in Fig. 7.1.
Fig. 7.1
The arrow shows the direction of the conventional current I when the diode is conducting.
(b) On Fig. 7.1, mark with a ‘+’ sign the positive terminals of the power supply and the
ammeter. [1]
(c) What would happen if the diode is connected the other way round?
[TOTAL: 7]
Page 12