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Teknologi Yogurth

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Utilizing industry 4.0-related technologies and modern techniques for

manufacturing customized products – Smart yogurt filling system
Mujahid Alia, , Bashir Salahb, Tufail Habibc

Department of Transport Systems, Traffic Engineering and Logistics, Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering, Silesian University of Technology, Krasińskiego 8
Street, Katowice, Poland
Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering, King Saud University, P.O. Box 800, Riyadh 11421, Saudi Arabia
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Engineering & Technology, Peshawar 25100, Pakistan


Keywords: The fulfillment of a clean environment and sustainable development goals depends on production processes.
Industry 4.0 Therefore, the recent changes in industrial output caused by digitalization are quite interesting from the per­
Process control spective of sustainable development. Opportunities to increase productivity, decrease waste, and transition to a
Efficient energy use more effective manufacturing system are presented by this transformation. The current study aims to examine
Smart manufacturing
how Industry 4.0 (IR 4.0) can be advantageous for the environmental aspect of sustainable development, paying
Control automation
special attention to resource efficiency, efficient energy use, and transparency. IR 4.0 enabler technologies in­
crease productivity, minimize waste, and progress toward a more efficient production system, showing the
importance of evolving technologies in industrialization and mass customization. In order to observe the effects
of new technologies in IR 4.0 on sustainability aspects, a case study of King Saud University's Smart Yogurt
Filling System was examined using recent technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), reverse engineering,
and additive manufacturing. The test and trial process reveals how these technologies might enhance sustain­
ability in IR 4.0. Following the current study, the use of IR 4.0 enabler technologies demonstrated resource
efficiency, transparency, and customer satisfaction as well as improving customer satisfaction, saving time and
effort, increasing ergonomics, minimizing human interference, and enabling the delivery of customized

Introduction production lines can communicate with each other, making it possible
for machines to interact with each other and make decisions on their
Through the fourth industrial revolution, or IR 4.0, manufacturing own. This leads to a more flexible and responsive production system,
facilities can provide more globalized and personalized goods to in­ which can quickly adapt to changes in demand and production re­
crease consumer satisfaction and production efficiency [1,2]. In order quirements. The overall goal of IR 4.0 is to create a smarter and more
to accomplish this, goods and procedures must be developed more connected industrial environment, which can lead to increased com­
quickly while maintaining the same level of flexibility and layout effi­ petitiveness and improved economic performance [8–10].
ciency. As shown in Fig. 1, a variety of technologies are available in the There are several stages of the industrial revolution (IR). The first
IR 4.0 environment, including augmented reality, cloud computing, revolution stage was introduced in 1784 by mainly focusing on me­
cyber-physical systems, big data, cybersecurity, smart robots, modeling chanized production using steam power, whereas the second revolution
and simulation, and additive manufacturing [3–6]. was almost after 10 decades in 1870 and aims at mass production using
IR 4.0 refers to the current trend of automation and data exchange electrical energy. Industrial automation using electronics and compu­
in manufacturing and other industries. It involves the integration of ters was the third revolution of the industry introduced exactly after
various technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial in­ 100 years of the second revolution in 1969. Currently the fourth in­
telligence (AI), robotics, and big data analytics to optimize production dustry revolution so-called IR 4.0 introduced in 2011 by German 2011
processes and improve efficiency [3,4,7]. With IR 4.0, factories and which mainly focuses on the Cyber-physics system, cloud computing,

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: mali@polsl.pl (M. Ali).

Received 5 May 2023; Received in revised form 18 June 2023; Accepted 3 July 2023

2307-1877/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Kuwait University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://

Please cite this article as: M. Ali, B. Salah and T. Habib, Utilizing industry 4.0-related technologies and modern techniques for manufacturing
customized products – Smart yogurt filling system, Journal of Engineering Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jer.2023.100144i
M. Ali, B. Salah and T. Habib Journal of Engineering Research xxx (xxxx) xxx

3D printed parts inside of machines rather than outsourcing might be

advantageous when crucial components break. Overall, the use of IR
Smart robo�cs Cyber-physical 4.0 technologies can boost production and profitability in the market
for yogurt-filling machines.
Modeling and Individual customers' needs are becoming a prominent factor in
simula�on controlling an organization's competitiveness. In IR 4.0, sensors and
communication and control equipment are integrated into production
IR 4.0 Augmented reality
lines to revolutionize mass customization. An objective of mass custo­
mization is to make the manufacturing process more customer-oriented
Big data
by producing what the customer desires efficiently and profitably.
Addi�ve Zawadzki and Zywicki offered a number of methods for the execution of
manufacturing a mass customization strategy in a smart factory that simplify both the
Cloud compu�ng process of designing individually tailored products and the manage­
ment of their manufacturing [20]. Based on their findings, smart design
and production control are essential components of a smart industrial
Fig. 1. Leading technologies of IR 4.0. unit capable of mass customization.
When developing and introducing new products, concurrent en­
and big data [11]. After the announcement of IR 4.0 as a critical in­ gineering is frequently utilized [21,22]. In this method, many stages of
itiative of its industrial policy by the German federal government in the design process are carried out simultaneously rather than sequen­
2011, the subject of IR 4.0 has attracted several corporations, research tially. To make these possible, digital tools like simulation software,
organizations, and universities throughout the country [12]. The Fed­ computer-aided design (CAD) techniques, and computer-aided manu­
eral Government of Germany showcases IR 4.0 as a novel, emerging facturing (CAM) techniques have been developed [7]. Furthermore,
strategy that facilitates industrial and logistics networks to thoroughly new technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), 3D printing, or
utilize internationally accessible information and communications sys­ additive manufacturing can also be employed to assist in facility layout
tems for an automated interchange of valuable data [13]. Fig. 2 depicts planning by allowing several stages of the processes to take place
the different stages of IR 4.0. concurrently, allowing more accurate data to be gathered from more
IR 4.0, a recent industrial revolution, has recently brought about sources which are nowadays available in digital format [3,6].
quick and ongoing changes to the automotive, aerospace, electronics, Since businesses are compelled to constantly think about how to
health care, and food industries [14,15]. Notwithstanding the difficul­ supply goods and services that are in great demand and whose demands
ties, IR 4.0 has so far been viewed as a significant potential for the food are changing at an ever-faster rate, this sort of technology will become
industry [16]. Successful efforts have been made to stay up with the more and more important. Tracking the various layout components is a
upcoming industrial revolution and have been proven effective. Higher very difficult sensing task due to the overall layout problem's intrinsic
manufacturing efficiency rates and reduced production costs made three-dimensional machines, material, and human flow difficulties
possible by technological advancements have led to the creation of [23–25]. The complexity of the spatial environment influences the
products with greater added value, which is crucial when there is in­ degree of spatial detail that technologies operate on, which can affect
tense competition among producers [17]. The integration of Industry the performance of those technologies and layouts.
4.0 technologies into the food industry has the potential to bring sig­ It is still too early to predict that advanced technologies will be able
nificant benefits, from improved food quality and safety to more effi­ to completely automate the layout process. However, the most sig­
cient and customized food production. An organization that produces, nificant layout components will certainly be able to be dynamically re-
processes, manufactures, sells, or serves food, drinks, and dietary sup­ evaluated regularly. The reason for this is that they are capable of de­
plements is classified as a food industry company [18]. tecting their environment and storing material and personnel flows in
Industry 4.0 technologies may be leveraged to enhance productivity, real time.
precision, and automation in the context of yogurt-filling machines. IoT The proposed article discusses how the advent of digital and
sensors can be used to monitor machine operation and spot possible emerging technologies of the fourth Industrial Revolution positively
maintenance concerns, while machine learning algorithms may be influence the planning of mass-customized processes to achieve custo­
utilized to improve filling and decrease waste [19]. In addition, using mized products. As a result, these technologies will impact the entire

Industrial System, Cloud
automa�on using Compu�ng, and
electronic and Big Data
Mass produc�on computers
using electrical

produc�on using
steam power

Fig. 2. Several stages of the industry revolution (IR).

M. Ali, B. Salah and T. Habib Journal of Engineering Research xxx (xxxx) xxx

production process, allowing for effective sustainability over time. This arm. Monitoring and control were carried out using the Raspberry Pi 4
is because digital and emerging technologies enable the collection of controller and Node-RED. The system operates in a fully automated
data in real time, allowing for the optimization of the production pro­ mode and has achieved a higher production rate without requiring
cess and the customization of the product. This leads to greater sus­ human intervention [19].
tainability as the process is more efficient, transparent and the product Automated quality inspection utilizing 3D scanning reduces in­
is better suited to the customer's needs. spection process time, produces exact quality results, is applicable for
all materials, and is quick and easy to implement. To guarantee com­
Literature review patibility and performance with other components, the completed part
or product can also be compared to the original design [31]. Smart
The ultimate goal of Industry 4.0 is to target diverse industry im­ manufacturing and design cover intelligent design, intelligent proto­
plementations of technologies, which could transform industrial pro­ typing, intelligent controllers, and intelligent sensors [32,33]. The im­
cesses. The solutions offered by Business 4.0 are sufficiently adaptable plementation of smart manufacturing is aided by real-time control and
to allow customized configuration and development following the un­ monitoring [34]. IoT, 3D printing, industrial robots, and wireless
iqueness and particular needs of several industries, such as the food communication are examples of supporting technologies [35].
industry, which involves a significant amount of perishable goods [2]. IR 4.0's fundamental technology, 3D printing, commonly referred to
As a result, options are given for dynamic manufacturing networks to as additive manufacturing, is revolutionizing conventional production
manage their supply chains and operational strategies. IoT-enabled data procedures. 3D printing may be utilized to create personalized, on-de­
collection is possible by IR 4.0. Typical IoT components can be in­ mand components and products rapidly and effectively with increased
tegrated into a variety of production resources, including RFID and precision and speed in an IR 4.0 environment [36]. Furthermore, 3D
barcoding [3]. They are in this way transformed into smart manu­ printing makes it feasible to create intricate structures and geometries
facturing objects that can interact and communicate with one another that would be challenging or impossible to create using conventional
intelligently to acquire and collect real-time production data [26]. manufacturing methods [37]. As a result, there are more options for
Pacco in 2023 suggests that LabView v20 software from National product design and customization, which shortens the time it takes to
Instruments can mimic temperature conditions in fermentation tanks market and boosts manufacturing efficiency. It has made it possible to
used for making yogurt. The process includes pasteurization (at redesign assemblies more conveniently and use fewer machine parts
80–85 °C), cooling the milk to 45 °C, and controlling the temperature to throughout a process [38].
42–45 °C for bacterial fermentation to achieve the desired texture and The most significant benefit of additive manufacturing (AM) over
flavor of yogurt. To store the yogurt, it is allowed to cool to 5–10 °C other manufacturing techniques is its capacity to produce complicated
whereas, the ideal temperature was 43 °C. The diodes for each tem­ geometries that are challenging to produce using conventional techni­
perature are activated with LabView software to simulate temperature ques. Personalization and customization are additional benefits.
control during pasteurization, cooling, fermentation, and final cooling Because of this, it is a crucial technology for IR 4.0. [39,40] Digital
stages. The simulation offers graphs and numerical data to help with the threads are used throughout IR 4.0's pillars to process data. Because AM
process of real-time monitoring [27]. depends on digitally based technology, AM is where the digital thread
In research employing IR 4.0 principles, Chen et al. [28] optimized a starts. A product that requires the creation of a CAD file so that nu­
completely automated yogurt and flavor-filling system. In two machine merical simulations may be conducted to assess the product's behavior
setups (Case-I and Case-II) where the yogurt and flavors are loaded can be produced using AM. Digital twins are produced as a result, and
individually while in Case-II they are filled at one place, they developed they may be used to evaluate the finished work [41].
mathematical models for faster processing times. The optimum single-
dimension rule was found using Case II since the findings showed it to Methods and materials
be quicker than Case-I. To increase consumer satisfaction, Salah et al.
[29] suggested a second phase control architecture for the yogurt filling Overview of the yogurt filling machine
machine (YFM) that combines IR 4.0 concepts and makes use of an NFC
(near field communication) platform. A high-level control architecture A revolutionary yogurt-filling machine that delivers customizable
specifically programmed for filling operations and a proportional-in­ products has been created from the ground up as part of the Computer
tegral-derivative (PID) based controller are also features of the fully Integrated Manufacturing Laboratory at the Industrial Engineering
automated YFM design. Through simulation on FluidSIM-MecLab, the Department to make the process of filling yogurt containers rapid, ef­
suggested control system's performance was examined, including the ficient, and tailored. This machine's primary function is to process or­
actions of actuators and electric/pneumatic input devices. The simu­ ders that consumers have placed for specific flavors and amounts of
lation verified the PID-based controller's design logic and used the YFM flavored yogurt. For instance, it can properly describe twelve bottles of
to compare various production kinds. Unlike conventional online au­ 330 ml of Plain yogurt-strawberry, eight bottles of 500 ml of Palin yo­
tomation programming, the learning environment developed for the gurt-mango, and five bottles of 1000 ml of Plain yogurt-blueberry.
YFM simulates an actual production system to help students compre­ As part of this prototype, KSU's researchers and undergraduate en­
hend and apply contemporary manufacturing concepts. gineering students are being trained on the potential effects of emerging
Through the use of IR 4.0 technology, Ramadan established a fra­ technologies that may be integrated into production systems in the
mework known as dynamic value stream mapping (DVSM) to digitalize future. Fig. 3 illustrates some of the benefits of using integrated tech­
lean manufacturing and explored how employing RFID and other cut­ nologies in the yogurt system. In addition to the potential benefits, the
ting-edge technology may save waste and maximize value. A clever project also provides a valuable opportunity for students to gain hands-
real-time scheduling and dispatching model (RT-SDM) was created and on experience working with cutting-edge technology.
operated on the DVSM to monitor product flow and find mismatches.
The suggested system and model were evaluated at a lean smart in­ Integrated 3D scanning for additive manufacturing in the yogurt production
dustrial lab at the University of King Saud, where they showed en­ system
hanced performance [30]. In the study by Salah, a yogurt filling system
was developed that can produce flavored yogurt using automation. The In IR 4.0 applications, 3D scanning for additive manufacturing is a
system incorporated smart sensors compliant with IR 4.0, an IoT plat­ quick and efficient technique. 3D scanning is a quick and precise way to
form, and control strategies. The bottles were filled using solenoid turn physical objects into digital ones. It creates a digital duplicate of an
valves and diaphragm pumps and stored with the assistance of a robotic item using its coordinates (x, y, and z). Several industries employ

M. Ali, B. Salah and T. Habib Journal of Engineering Research xxx (xxxx) xxx

Egronomics Smart control
Internet of

Things – Node Red

Smart Smart
IR 4.0 monitering

Enabler Technologies
Fast delivery
(YFM) High level
Additive Manufactur-

Low cost Ease of

prin�ng parts designing

Fig. 3. Achieved advantages through the integration of technologies in the yogurt production system.

reverse engineering to reduce the cost and time of product creation,

design, and production. A 3D scanner speeds up the process of gath­
ering historical data from actual objects [42].
Through 3D scanning, the user can submit accurate measurements
as well as fully utilize, examine, and edit CAD data. Time and pro­
ductivity savings from quick and highly accurate data gathering are
crucial for the success of the client [43,44]. The design and production
of components are enhanced by 3D scanning, which also boosts the
effectiveness of 3D printing. The software for the scanner streamlines
scanning and fills in minor gaps, improving the readability of CAD data.
Researchers and product designers can use 3D scanners to reverse-en­
gineer the current design or take use of the precise geometry of the
parts to produce digital models more quickly and efficiently. After-
production quality control and confirm the accuracy of a 3D-printed
component may benefit from 3D scanning [45–47].
An essential technology in IR 4.0 is the combination of 3D scanning
and 3D printing. Utilizing digital cameras, laser scanners, and other
technologies, it captures the three-dimensional form, size, and look of
things and settings [48,49]. Digital models that may be modified, ex­
amined, and displayed in numerous ways are then made using this data. In
the business world, 3D scanning is frequently used for reverse engineering, Fig. 4. 3D scanning of the defective part for additive manufacturing in the
yogurt production system.
virtual reality applications, product design and development, and other
purposes [50]. Organizations may expedite procedures, save waste, and
Using this technique, manufacturing interruptions can be avoided, and
increase overall efficiency by 3D scanning physical goods [17].
damaged parts can be repaired and replaced very quickly without ad­
Therefore, the numerous yogurt machine components may be re­
versely affecting the production system.
verse engineered in the current study. Its goal in the context of IR 4.0 is
In the first phase and during the installation of the yogurt filling
to speed up the creation of new technologies, enhance current goods
system, an essential component of the transport conveyor track was
and procedures, and gain a deeper comprehension of how complex
damaged and the closed-loop sequence for the base plate holding the
systems work. It is a crucial instrument for the industrial sector's digital
desired bottle could not be completed. Therefore, it was necessary to
transformation, especially in the manufacturing and engineering sectors
manufacture this component using classical processes such as cutting,
[51]. The reverse engineering technique is depicted in Fig. 4. The
milling, lathing, drilling, and threading. Due to its damage, the entire
machine part or component is first scanned using a 3D scanner. The
system has been stopped and cannot be fully operated. To begin man­
final model is created after utilizing CAD software to improve the 3D
ufacturing the part, it was necessary to contact the machining depart­
scanned model. At this point, the model's shape can be altered, updated,
ment and begin the process by applying a traditional route sheet.
or enhanced further depending on the design for fabrication (DFM).
However, traditional process timings and the expected delivery times
for the part were too long for the part to be processed. Therefore, for the
Integrated additive manufacturing in yogurt production system research work, it was decided that the 3D printing devices used in the
newly built plant—along with appropriate auxiliary machines—will be
The use of additive manufacturing techniques offers substantial the devices offered by EOS GmbH. Finally, to fix the defective conveyor
advantages compared to traditional manufacturing methods such as component, a new one was drawn and designed using CATIA software,
subtractive technology i.e., CNC machines. This technique allows printed, mounted, and checked as can be seen in Fig. 5. The system was
polypropylene composite material to be worked and processed to found to work without any faults after the newly installed component
manufacture objects with complex geometries in a very short period. was installed and tested.

M. Ali, B. Salah and T. Habib Journal of Engineering Research xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 5. Utilizing additive manufacturing in yogurt production (a) CATIA Software simulated diagram for defective Conveyor component (b) Installed 3D Printed
component in conveyor system.

Internet of things in yogurt production system The nodes that have been used in our flow are shown in Fig. 8 are
templates stored in the built-in library. These nodes demand data to
The customer can order their orders by either sending a message process the script and execute functions appropriately.
from the Smartphone application Telegram Bot or by using the dash­
board (start button) of Node-Red. The dashboard interface provided by Results and discussion
Node-RED displays a variety of yogurt flavor data. It is therefore pos­
sible to create a spectacular interface without requiring customers to be As a result of the development of the yogurt filling system, a facility
physically present. By utilizing modern technology, such as IoT plat­ layout development can potentially be enhanced by utilizing the
forms, it is possible to create an immersive and interactive customer IoT—with a particular focus on three dimensions:
experience while keeping customers safe and comfortable.
Resource-efficient production
Telegram bot
A Smartphone application (Android/iOS) developed by Telegram As a technology, 3D printing is well known due to its resource ef­
FZ-LLC, comes in free of cost that facilitates instant messaging in a ficiency, especially in the prototyping and printing of spare parts. As
reliable way. It can also be installed in smart gadgets for fast messaging stated in the literature, 3D-printed fuel nozzles have enabled General
with a distributed network of data centers around the globe. We con­ Electric's LEAP engine to reduce the number of sub-parts from 18 to just
nected this smartphone application to our browser-based editor Node- one. For the Yogurt production system, by comparing the weight of the
Red using certain nodes as can be seen in Fig. 6. These nodes are readily printed part with the weight of the traditionally manufactured part,
available in the built-in library and serve to process our requirements. 34% less weight was used. Additionally, it was evident that 3D printing
saved raw materials as compared to traditional manufacturing. This
Raspberry Pi resulted in a reduction in fuel consumption in the case of moving parts
Smart wireless sensors procured from a China-based Sonoff and a reduction in CO2 emissions.
Company were connected to the Wi-Fi router and linked to Node-Red. Furthermore, yogurt production system operators now can repair any
According to Fig. 7, integration of Node-RED into the system requires damaged part without stopping the production process or interrupting
six main components, including a Raspberry Pi, Telegram Bot, 5 V relay work, thus saving 100% of the time they had to spend transporting parts
modules, DC power supply, wireless IOT sensors, and other field de­ to external workshops. It is also according to the size of the printing build,
vices. The Raspberry Pi provided a stable connection, rapid access to it is also possible to print more than one part at a time, whether it is the
Node-RED, and high-quality performance at a low cost. We had to same or a different design. As a result, the yogurt production line does not
download Raspberry Pi Imager software and installed it on a laptop to stop working, so time, effort, and cost are saved. Table 1 depicts the
work with Node-RED. Raspberry Pi OS in a cost-effective way gives comparison between traditional and 3D printed manufacturing of the
rapid access to Node-RED. damaged part of the yogurt production system.

Node-RED Energy-efficiency-oriented
It’s a low-code programming tool used for event-driven applications.
Node-Red can connect smartphone applications, Application program­ There is no doubt that today's industrial production can benefit from
ming interfaces (APIs), and wireless hardware devices on a single the use of IIoT, as many authors emphasize. By utilizing digital additive
platform. In a single click, the runtime can be set up for many nodes in manufacturing technologies, energy can be effectively conserved by
the palette to process, flow, and control signals/data on a browser- replacing (non-)digital i.e., traditional technologies (turning, drilling,
based editor. Within the browser, a Rich text editor is used in editor to tapping machines), and this was achieved by reducing the number of
create JavaScript functions. We can take advantage of the built-in li­ sub-assemblies in the 3D printed parts as well as dramatically reducing
brary functions, and templates for data flow. the need for tooling. By using reverse engineering and 3D printing for
In Node-RED flow, the messages are passed between nodes and they production, the damaged part can be manufactured with fewer parts,
contain simple JavaScript objects with any set of properties. A node is using less energy, and in less time, compared to the traditional process.
the most fundamental component of a flow. The way how nodes are Furthermore, by utilizing IoT solutions, such as Node Red and
triggered is when they get a massage from a preceding node or when an Telegram, business processes can be improved based on the additional
external event happens such as a sensor reading, HTTP website, data generated by the available digital yogurt production system. For
counter, or timer. They can then send a message to the next nodes in the example, the available data can be used to detect irregularities that
flow after processing the message or case. The nodes are connected by could be used to optimize the production process, as well as to identify
wires, which reflect how messages move from one node to the other. areas of inefficiency and provide alerts before any issues arise.

M. Ali, B. Salah and T. Habib Journal of Engineering Research xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 6. Nodes to connect the Telegram app to the web browser.


There is no doubt that the availability of information is one of the

main advantages of integrating IoT technologies. For example, the
yogurt production system enables customers to order their pre­
ferences following the available quantities and varieties. This allows
them to know when the production system begins and when it ends,
thereby facilitating the process of transparency and strengthening the
relationship between all stakeholders, particularly the customer. For
instance, the system provides customers with information about the
production date, the expiration date, and the ingredients used in the
yogurt, so that they can make a more informed decision when pur­
chasing. In tracking customer and production data, a foundation for
Big Data analysis is laid, which is the focus of future research.
Furthermore, this allows for more accurate forecasting of customer
preferences and production needs, leading to more efficient and ef­
fective use of resources.
Fig. 8. Template nodes used in the Node-Red browser.

Fig. 7. Overview of the new software and hardware adds.

M. Ali, B. Salah and T. Habib Journal of Engineering Research xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 1,
A comparison between traditional and 3D printed manufacturing of the damaged part of the yogurt production system.

Traditional Manufacturing 3D Printing

Manufacturing Speed Dependent on part complexity - 1 piece / 3 h Mainly dependent on part weight - 1 piece / 1 h
Goal Accurate production Mass customization
Manufacturing Time 4 h including design and manufacturing 2 h, including design and printing
Manufacturing Cost 60 S.R / Part 30 S.R / Part
Quantity of Parts One piece per operation 8: 12 piece per operation
Freedom of Design (DFM) rules are required (DFM) rules are not required
Manufacturing limitations Well-equipped workshops are required for its The piece can be manufactured next to the production line
Weight 100: 130 g 50: 80 g
Waste Material High - 100% of the piece size (Scrap) Low - 1.00% of the piece size
Number of Design Steps 3 steps [Cad drawing, Cam, and G-Codes] 1 step [Cad drawing]
Number of Manufacturing Operations 4 Operations [Facing, Milling, drilling, and grinding] Single operation
Manufacturing limitations Well-equipped workshops are required for its Portable machine, the piece can be manufactured beside the
manufacture production line
Stocks Needed High Low
Workers Requiring special skills A worker on a production line can manufacture it by himself

Conclusions Declaration of Competing Interest

Using IR 4.0 technologies such as additive manufacturing (3D) and The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
the Internet of Things (IoT), this project aims to improve the design of interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ­
yogurt production systems so that mass-customized goods can be pro­ ence the work reported in this paper.
duced. Considering the consequences of the technologies mentioned,
transparency, resource efficiency, and sustainable energy have been Acknowledgments
evaluated as potential accelerators for growth. It is evident from the
case study of the yogurt production system how far the Internet of The authors would like to thank King Saud University, Riyadh,
Things and additive manufacturing technologies have already pene­ Saudi Arabia, with researchers supporting project number
trated the industrial sector. RSP2023R145.
The current study emphasizes how real-time data collecting is made
possible by the emergence of digital and other developing technologies Supplementary Materials
associated with IR 4.0. As modern technologies help increase pro­
ductivity, minimize waste, and progress toward a more efficient pro­ Not applicable.
duction system, they play a crucial role in industrialization and mass
customization. As a result of this study, IR 4.0 may have a positive References
impact on the environmental aspect of sustainable development, par­
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