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A Reconfigurable Series-Resonant DAB Converter

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A Re-Configurable Series-Resonant DAB Converter YAQOOB Muhammad

A Reconfigurable Series-Resonant DAB Converter

M. Yaqoob, Majid Ali, Wang Shuqin and Grover Torrico,
Huawei Technologies Sweden AB,
Stockholm Small and Medium Power Laboratory,
Stockholm Sweden
E-Mail: yaqoob.muhammad@huawei.com
URL: https://digitalpower.huawei.com/en/

Index Terms—Bi-directional converters, Electric Ve- efficient wide-range voltage variation is desired. Further-
hicle (EV), Power converters for EV, DC-DC converter, more for V2G applications DC-DC converter should be
Efficiency. able to handle efficient bidirectional power flow. Various
DC-DC topologies were proposed in literature [3] and [4]
Abstract—A reconfigurable series-resonant dual- to meet the desired aforementioned functionalities of EV
active-bridge (DAB) converter is proposed for applications chargers. Phase-shift full-bridge (PSFB) converter is the
requiring wide-range voltage variations such as electric
most commonly used DC-DC converter to deliver wide-
vehicle (EV) chargers. Based on the given output-
range output voltage variation, however, it lacks efficient
voltage range, the proposed converter opts to operate in
half-bridge primary and full-bridge secondary (HBFB) bidirectional power flow due to the presence of increased
mode or half-bridge primary and half-bridge secondary hard-switching losses [5]. To overcome power losses
(HBHB). The high-frequency series-resonant LC link associated with PSFB, LLC converter gained traction
is split across the primary and secondary-sides of the by offering high efficiency but it lacks bidirectional-
transformer to facilitate dc-offset removal in HBHB power flow and wide-range output voltage variation
mode. An optimal control method is proposed which is [5]- [7]. CLLC (a sub-variant of LLC ) can provide
applicable to both modes of operations. The effectiveness bidirectional-power flow, however, efficient wide-range
of the proposed topology and control is validated by voltage variations still remains a bottle-neck [6]. In
experimental results with peak efficiencies of 98.8 % in
recent years, dual-active-bridge (DAB) converter gained
HBFB mode and 98.9 % in HBHB mode.
attention for its benefits comparing to PSFB, LLC
and CLLC by offering bidirectional power-flow, wide-
I. I NTRODUCTION range voltage variation and multi-degrees-of-freedom
With recent advancements in electric vehicle (EV) control [7]- [8]. Although, DAB converter seems to be
charging infrastructure [1] and new regulations regarding an attractive candidate for EV chargers but its does
vehicle-to-grid (V2G) applications [2], the demand for have its own drawbacks such as complex control and
low-cost, high-density, high-efficient and bidirectional a compromise between conduction and switching loss is
chargers is rising. Typically an EV battery system com- required under wide-range voltage variations and light-
prises low-voltage (LV) range of 200-500 V (with 400 V load conditions. A series-resonant variant of DAB with
nominal), however, the battery systems with high-voltage full-bridge primary and full-bridge secondary (FBFB)
(HV) range 500-1000 V (with 800 V nominal) are also utilizing single-phase shift (SPS) was proposed in [9] and
being adopted by various vendors [3]. In order to cover a four-degrees-of-freedom (4DoF) based optimal-control
both battery systems an EV charger supporting both LV method in [10]. From structural and control point of
and HV battery systems is inevitable. view, series-resonant DAB [10]- [12] has proven itself to
Generally, an EV charger consists of two-stage power address all the drawbacks associated with PSFB, LLC ,
conversion. First stage is composed of a three-phase or CLLC and DAB converters. Generally, in literature,
a single-phase AC-DC converter while a galvanically series-resonant DAB converter operation with FBFB
isolated DC-DC converter is used as the second stage. configuration is explored [9]- [10], however, depending
For an EV charger to operate for both LV and HV battery on application, half-bridge primary and full-bridge sec-
systems, a DC-DC converter with a capability of an ondary (HBFB) and half-bridge primary and half-bridge

EPE'23 ECCE Europe EPE'23 ECCE Europe ISBN: 978-9-0758-1541-2 – IEEE: CFP23850-ART P.1
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A Re-Configurable Series-Resonant DAB Converter YAQOOB Muhammad

secondary (HBHB) variants are proposed as well in [11]-

[12]. The drawbacks associated with control complexity
of both FBFB and HBHB, high-semiconductor count in
FBFB and presence of burst mode were addressed by
proposing HBFB series-resonant DAB converter in [12].
However, under wide-range output voltage variations
both [11] and [12] suffers from increased circulating cur-
rent leading higher conduction losses and semiconductor
device turn-off loss.
To overcome drawbacks of aforementioned research
works, a reconfigurable series-resonant DAB converter
is proposed for its used in EV charger applications.
The proposed topology opt to operate in HBFB mode
when the LV battery system is connected at the output,
while under HV battery system topology is reconfigured
into HBHB configuration. A detailed analysis, design
and control structure of both modes along with their
validation are illustrated in next sections of the paper. Fig. 1: Proposed reconfigurable series-resonant DAB
converter. (a) HBFB configuration. (b) HBHB config-
In a three-phase input AC-line EV charger, the DC-
DC converter’s input voltage is regulated above the peak
of AC-line voltage by front-end AC-DC converter. As for III. P ROPOSED M ODES OF O PERATION
the output of the DC-DC converter, it depends on the A. HBFB Configuration
voltage range of battery system (LV or HV). Therefore, Typical operating waveforms of series-resonant DAB
the input voltage of the DC-DC converter would remain converter under HBFB configuration is depicted in
high relative to output voltage for LV battery systems, Fig. 2a. It can be seen that primary-side switches S1 -
but for HV battery system, input and output voltages S2 generates a square wave vp (0 → +Vi → 0) while
would approximately of same values. To enable optimal vs ( −Vo → +Vo → −Vo ) is generated by Q1 -Q4 .
use of semiconductor devices, HBFB converter could be The phase shift θ between vp and vs generates a voltage
suitable for LV battery systems while HBHB for HV across Lp Cp − Ls Cs tank which leads to currents ip and
battery system. is (ip = N is ). The output power and current (1)-(2)
Fig. 1a illustrates HBFB variant of series-resonant can be evaluated using bridge voltages (vp and vs ) and
DAB converter with S1 -S2 switches forming primary- currents (ip and is ) of either side of the converter [12].
side half-bridge while the the secondary-side full-bridge
consists of Q1 -Q4 . The proposed converter is same as Z 2π
[12] except the series-resonate tank LC is split across 1
Po = vp (t)ip (t)dt
transformer with turn ratio N to form Lp Cp − Ls Cs 2π 0 (1)
(c.f., end of this paragraph). The HBFB configuration 4N Vi Vo 2M Vi2
= sin θ = 2 sin θ
of series-resonant DAB converter suits best when input π2X π X
voltage is higher than output voltage i.e., LV battery 4N Vi
system. In order to use the same topology for HV Io = 2 sin θ (2)
π X
battery system where input and output voltages are where –90o ≤ θ ≤ +90o is the phase shift between
approximately same it is proposed to re-configure HBFB bridge voltages vp and vs determining the direction and
→ HBHB by keeping Q4 = 1 close and Q3 = 0 open as the magnitude of power/current flow between input and
shown in Fig. 1b. As LC tank is split into Lp Cp − Ls Cs , output sides. Furthermore, X is the impedance with M
the DC-offset generated from secondary-side half-bridge being voltage gain across it and both are given by (3)
can be removed. and (4) with fs as switching frequency.
The control methods and key-operating waveform of
proposed reconfigurable series-resonant DAB converter 1
X = 2πfs (Lp + Ls ) − Cp Cs
are explained in next section. 2πfs ( Cp+Cs )

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A Re-Configurable Series-Resonant DAB Converter YAQOOB Muhammad

N Vo
M= (4)
The conditions for minimum root-mean-square (rms)
currents ip and is and soft-switching operation for S1 -
S2 and Q1 -Q4 are derived in [12]. For simplicity and
to avoid repeated analysis, key condition for the optimal
variation of phase-shift θ is given below as (5) for M < 1
(the buck mode).

θ = cos−1 M for M <1 (5)

As for M ≥ 1 (the boost mode), the increased circulating
current can deter the converter’s performance, hence, it
is recommended to select transformer turn ratio N such
that M < 1. Further analysis of choosing maximum gain
value is give in [12].
B. HBHB Configuration (a)
In order to operate proposed series-resonant DAB
converter in HBHB mode, Q4 is kept closed while Q3
is opened (c.f., Fig. 1b), and the resulting operating
waveforms are depicted in Fig. 2b. When compared with
FBHB mode, in HBHB mode the secondary-side voltage
vs transitions as 0 → +Vo → 0. The key equations for
output power Po , current Io and gain M for HBHB mode
are given as (6)- (8).

2N Vi Vo 2M Vi2
Po = sin θ = sin θ (6)
π2X π2X

2N Vi
Io = sin θ (7)
N Vo
M= (8)
The variation of θ for optimal converter operation
remains the same as in HBFB mode i.e., given by (5),
except the gain M for HBHB mode is calculated using Fig. 2: Key operating waveforms. (a) HBFB mode of
(8). operation. (b) HBHB mode of operation.
C. Design Procedure
It can be seen from (5) that phase-shift θ is bounded Vi,min ) can be calculated using (2) and (5), and the
by the gain M for optimal converter operation. Hence, resulting expression of Xmin can be given as (9).
in order to change output power Po and current Io
it is proposed to vary impedance X which is directly 4N Vi,min p
proportional to a variation in switching frequency fs Xmin = 1 − M2 (9)
π 2 Io,max
(c.f., (3)). As explained in Section II, HBFB is typically
optimal mode of operation for high-input and low-output The resonance frequency fr of the Lp Cp − Ls Cs
voltages (e.g., LV battery systems) with high-output resonant tank is given as (10) and in order to keep
current. Therefore required minimum impedance Xmin resonant tank inductive to maintain DAB converter’s
(to deliver maximum Io,max at minimum input voltage properties fr < fs .

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A Re-Configurable Series-Resonant DAB Converter YAQOOB Muhammad

TABLE I: Specifications of the Converter Prototype

Input Voltage Range Vi 600-1000 V
Output Voltage Range Vo 200-500 V for LV Battery System and 500-1000 V for HV Battery System
Transformer ratio N 1
Variation in Switching Frequency fs 70-200 kHz
Resonance Frequency fr 60 kHz
Maximum Output Current Io,max 34 A
Maximum Rated Output Power Po,max 10 kW
Semiconductor Devices 1200 V Silicon Carbide (SiC) MOSFETs

1 1
fr = p = √ (10)
2π Lp Cp 2π Ls Cs
To calculate the resonant tank parameters (Lp , Cp , Ls
and Cs ), impedance X is split in half and (3) is rewritten
as (11) and (12).
0.5 × X = 2πfs Lp − (11)
2πfs Cp
X 1
0.5 × 2
= 2πfs Ls − (12)
N 2πfs Cs
Equations (10), (11) and (12) can be solved simul-
taneously to calculate the values of tank parameters for
the both primary and secondary sides of the proposed
series-resonant DAB converter.


In order to validate the proposed converter and its
control method, a hardware prototype with specifications
given in Table I is built to imitate an EV charger
capable of charging both LV and HV battery systems
with maximum power flow of 10 kW. The experimental
waveforms for a case of charging LV battery systems
using HBFB mode is depicted in Fig 3. The optimal (b)
phase shift for minimum-rms-tank current and soft-
switching operation is evaluated using (5) and gain M Fig. 3: Experimental waveforms with vp (yellow trace),
using (4). As for the case of HBHB mode (with gain M vs (pink trace) and ip (blue trace), (a) HBFB mode of
from (8)), the experimental waveforms for charging a HV operation with Vi = 650 V, Vo = 320 V and Io = 12 A .
battery system are shown in Fig3b. For the application (b) HBHB mode of operation with Vi = 660 V, Vo = 650
of EV charger, continuous transition between HBFB (LV V and Io = 6.3 A.
battery system) and HBHB (HV battery system) doesn’t
require, because while charging EVs of two different
battery systems would always require a reboot of the V → 500 V are lower due to increase in rms current
charger. leading to higher conduction losses.
Furthermore, the measured efficiency curves of the
converter’s operation for both HBFB and HBHB modes V. C ONCLUSION
are depicted in Fig 4 with a peak efficiency of 98.9 % for A reconfigurable series-resonant DAB converter is
HBHB mode. The efficiencies of relatively lower input proposed to perform optimally under wide-range of the
and output voltages such as 650 V → 320 V and 600 output voltage variations. The proposed topology opts

EPE'23 ECCE Europe EPE'23 ECCE Europe ISBN: 978-9-0758-1541-2 – IEEE: CFP23850-ART P.4
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A Re-Configurable Series-Resonant DAB Converter YAQOOB Muhammad

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