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Assessment of Local Domestic Solid Fuel Sources: A Kenyan Case Study in Kisii, Bomet and Narok Counties

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Chemistry Africa (2023) 6:1655–1667



Assessment of Local Domestic Solid Fuel Sources: A Kenyan Case Study

in Kisii, Bomet and Narok Counties
Josephate O. Bosire1 · Aloys M. Osano1 · Justin K. Maghanga2 · Patricia B.C. Forbes3

Received: 26 October 2022 / Accepted: 20 January 2023 / Published online: 20 February 2023
© The Author(s) 2023

Proximate analyses and decomposition profiles of solid fuels commonly used in Kenya were studied to determine their
relative suitability for use as a clean and efficient source of energy in households. The moisture, volatile matter, ash, and
fixed carbon content of firewood, charcoal, and briquette samples were investigated, as well as their decomposition pro-
files under various temperature regimes. Except for the ash content of the briquette sample, which deviated slightly likely
due to the presence of binders, all the values were within acceptable limits according to International Energy Agency and
World Health Organization. Decomposition profiles revealed that mass change during combustion tends to occur primarily
between 350 and 500 °C once the majority of the volatiles had been released. Briquette samples proved to be the most
dependable and suitable household fuel due to their longer combustion time and lower volatile matter content, implying
lower emissions.

Keywords Proximate analysis · Decomposition profile · Renewable energy · Household combustion · Solid fuels

1 Introduction Even though traditional forms of energy have significant

environmental and health consequences, most developing
There is currently a surge of interest in renewable energy economies rely heavily on them for cooking, heating, and
generally as a result of growing global concern about the lighting. The majority of people in the developing world,
environmental consequences of fossil fuel consumption, particularly in Africa, do not have access to modern cook-
particularly climate change, and the need for alternative ing fuels [4, 5]. As a result, biomass is the primary energy
energy production to allow for industrialization. Biomass is source of choice for these economies. Kenya, for example,
a renewable energy source derived from agricultural waste, uses plant-based biomass fuel as a significant source of
crop residue, livestock manure, agricultural-based indus- energy in rural areas [6]. A wide array of solid fuels are used
tries and food-processing residue, municipal waste, and for cooking and heating in households in developing coun-
other natural products [1]. It was the first source of energy tries, including biomass and coal [7]. Wood and other solid
in human history, and it remained the primary global fuel biomass fuels, including coal, briquettes, dung, farm waste,
source until the 1800s [2]. Biomass is the fourth most sig- and grass, are the most common fuels used for cooking
nificant primary energy source [3]. and heating purposes in rural areas. Such fuels are mostly
obtained from the local community in rural areas and pur-
chased in urban markets [6, 8].
In many underdeveloped countries, the use of raw bio-
Patricia B.C. Forbes mass as a source of energy has a negative impact on health
and the environment [9]. In contrast, urbanization is increas-
Department of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, Maasai ing, and the waste generated by these sources may not be
Mara University, P. O. Box 861, 20500 Narok, Kenya responsibly disposed of [10]. In the worst-case scenario,
Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physical these wastes are burned inadequately, contributing to air
Sciences, Taita Taveta University, P.O. Box 635, 80300 Voi, pollution [11], although, if properly managed and depend-
Kenya ing on the waste, they could be renewable sources or energy
Department of Chemistry, University of Pretoria, Private Bag
X20, 0028 Hatfield, South Africa

1656 Chemistry Africa (2023) 6:1655–1667

replacements for firewood and charcoal for cooking and products (emissions) released, allowing combustion to
other purposes [12]. occur (or not). As a result, the connection between solid fuel
Solid fuels, such as firewood and charcoal, contribute a decomposition and evolved emissions is critical: thermal
more significant proportion of primary energy consumed degradation regulates fuel volatiles/emissions but is depen-
in Kenyan urban and rural areas. According to Osano et al. dent on oxidation and temperature distribution, allowing the
(2020) [6], charcoal is mostly used in urban centers, while material to be heated for decomposition [23].
rural residents prefer firewood solid fuels. According to the The ability of a tree species to flourish in the region and
study, 21% and 25% of urban populations use firewood and its rapid growth in these places owing to favorable climatic
charcoal, respectively, while 28% and 24% of rural popula- conditions were the criteria for choosing tree species suited
tions in Narok and Bomet Counties use firewood and char- for solid fuel in Narok, Bomet, and Kisii Counties for this
coal, respectively, depending on the type of combustion study. Acacia is the most favored tree for solid fuel gen-
device used [6]. As a result of the growing pace of urban- eration in these areas. Nonetheless, because this species has
ization, charcoal use has risen rather rapidly [13]. These been over-exploited, it would be unable to fully provide the
solid fuels are primarily used in rural and urban regions for area’s fuel demand. As a result, other tree species (Grevillea
cooking, water heating, house heating, lighting, and other robusta, Markham lutea, and Eucalyptus globulus) thought
domestic activities [14]. The most significant users of wood to produce high-quality solid fuels have been used to sup-
are domestic households, with small eateries, kiosks, and plement the acacia. It is on these principles that the suitabil-
educational institutions being among the other users [15, ity of tree species for inclusion in this wood-fuel research
16]. Given the significance of these solid fuels in urban and was established.
rural populations, their energy demands necessitate special Eucalyptus is the planet’s most valued and extensively
consideration to maintain long-term viability. cultivated hardwood (approximately 18 million hectares)
Heating value, chemical characteristics, moisture con- [24, 25]. Eucalyptus is widely cultivated as an exotic plant
tent, density, hardness, volatile and carbon content, ash species across Africa, South America, Asia, and Australia,
content and composition, the melting tendency of ash, and as well as in relatively temperate areas of Europe, South
the number of impurities are all factors that influence the America, North America, and Australia for timber, char-
attributes of solid fuels [17–19]. Nevertheless, fundamental coal, and firewood [24]. Similarly, Grevillea robusta is a
density and moisture content have been found to be the most fast-growing species that can reach heights of up to 35 m
critical parameters affecting the qualities of wood as a fuel in its natural environment. However, it is more commonly
since they determine the calorific value [20]. Furthermore, 15 to 25 m tall and has a straight trunk that supports a
tree species cultivated for firewood or charcoal should pyramidal or rounded crown [26]. Due to its rapid growth
ideally: grow fast, yield a high amount of wood speedily, and increased adaptability to tropical highland conditions,
and entail minimal management time; blossom well from it was introduced decades ago in Kenya as a shade tree to
shoots; generate little and nontoxic smoke when combusted; shade crops, including tea and coffee. It is also grown for
yield fuel which subdivides conveniently and can be easily firewood, charcoal, windbreaks, and beekeeping purposes.
transferred; generate other domestic products/services, and Finally, Markhamia lutea is an indigenous/native tree found
produce wood which does not spit or spark while burning. in Kenya’s Lake Victoria zone and highland regions (up to
There has recently been a surge in international interest 2000 m above sea level). Farmers cultivate this fast-growing
in the study of technologies that use renewable energy for yet extensively used agroforestry tree [27]. Markhamia is
both environmental and commercial reasons. According to found as indigenous regenerants in many farmed areas and
research, biomass resources provide renewable energy that is safeguarded and typically maintained as pollarded trees.
can help enhance current global initiatives to reduce green- It is now being cultivated as it is among the most valuable
house gas emissions by partially replacing fossil fuels [21]. tree varieties in this region in practically all forms, services,
Firewood and charcoal derived from various plant species and products [28]. Timber, poles, posts, fuel wood, furni-
should also be investigated to determine those that emit ture, tool handles, medicine (leaves), bee foraging, shade,
the least amount of pollutants and are thermally efficient. mulch, decorative, soil conservation, windbreaks, banana
Furthermore, briquette manufacture from biomass materials props, and tobacco curing are the most common uses of
and municipal wastes is one of the possible solutions to the Markhamia. As a result, this research would aid in determin-
aforementioned issues because they can be used as an alter- ing the preferred household solid fuel in terms of moisture
native to firewood and charcoal and may provide a clean content, volatile matter, fixed carbon, and decomposition
energy source [22]. profiles.
In addition, the decomposition profile trend of solid fuel is This study used proximate analysis and decomposition
related to the mass loss as well as the number of combustion profiles to characterize selected commonly used solid fuels

Chemistry Africa (2023) 6:1655–1667 1657

(firewood, charcoal, and briquettes) obtained from three during March and June, whereas short rains occur during
Counties in Kenyan; Kisii, Bomet, and Narok, to assess September and November, with January and July being gen-
which is the best energy alternative for household use. The erally dry months. The county’s highest temperatures range
findings of this study will assist in mitigating the negative from 21 to 30 °C, with low temperatures ranging from 15
effects of household solid fuel combustion on human health to 20 °C [34]. Crops thrive in the high and reasonably pre-
and the environment and encourage the use of the clean- dictable rainfall patterns along with tolerable temperatures.
est fuel option. This research is thus directly related to the Figure 1 presents the sampling locations in the three Kenyan
United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 7 which counties.
addresses affordable and clean energy. Furthermore, solid The type of solid fuel used in each county is heavily
fuels have a high chance of meeting the Kenyan govern- influenced by the various climatic conditions. As a result,
ment’s target of increasing the percentage of renewables in the sampling was based on previous studies [6], climatic
the country’s overall energy mix to a higher level by 2030. conditions, and the most commonly used solid fuels in these
areas, as described in the Introduction.

2 Materials and Methods 2.2 Materials

2.1 Sampling Areas The samples for the study were solid-fuels (Fig. 2), namely
charcoal prepared from different types of trees, fuel bri-
Kenya is divided into 47 counties, each with its climatic quettes made from waste biomass, and firewood from four
conditions and economic activities. Three counties, Kisii, distinct tree species namely Grevillea robusta, Markham
Bomet, and Narok, were the primary study areas. According lutea, Eucalyptus globulus (blue gum), and Acacia auricu-
to Simons’ (2021) clustering analysis on the segmentation of liformis, that are commonly used by communities living in
Kenya’s 47 Counties, Kisii, Bomet, and Narok counties are Narok, Bomet and Kisii Counties in Kenya. The Grevillea
in the same geographical and population density category robusta, Markham lutea, and Eucalyptus globulus samples
[29]. However, owing to the different climatic conditions were collected from one county (Kisii) where they are
in the country, Narok County practices both crop farm- commonly used. However, Acacia auriculiformis was col-
ing and pastoralism. The height and geographical features lected across the three Counties (Narok, Bomet, and Kisii).
of Narok County have a significant impact on the climate, Moreover, two different briquette samples made of vary-
with two-thirds being semi-arid. Temperatures range from ing concentrations of binders were collected from Narok
20 °C (January-March) to 10 °C (June-September), with an County where they are commonly used as domestic fuel.
average of 18 °C [30]. The passing of inter-tropical conver- Approximately, 5 kg of each sample was collected for this
gent zones influences the amount of rainfall, resulting in a investigation. All the samples were sun-dried and taken to
bimodal rainfall distribution. Long rains fall between Febru- the laboratory for analysis. The ten collected samples were
ary and June, whereas short rains fall between August and coded accordingly as shown in Table 1 for easy identifica-
November. The rainy season brings 2500 mm of rain, while tion and comparison purposes.
500 mm of rain falls during the dry season. From March to
June, high-intensity rains encourage the growth of flora that 2.3 Methods
serve as food for wild animals.
The lower highland zone of Bomet County receives Approximately 0.5 kg of each sample was ground in the
the most rain, with yearly rainfall ranging from 1000 to laboratory to finer particles for subsequent investigations.
1400 mm [31]. The upper midland region, west of the Rift Thermal characteristics of selected solid fuel samples
Valley, receives consistent rainfall, whereas the upper mid- were investigated to ascertain their proximate analysis and
land region in the county’s southern segment receives mini- decomposition profiles.
mal rain. Temperatures range from 16 to 24 °C [32], with
the coldest months being February and April, and the hot- 2.3.1 Moisture Content
test months being December and January. The abundance
of water sources and consistent rainfall throughout the year The moisture content was measured using ASTM-D3173
demonstrates why crop and livestock farming is the coun- [7, 35]. Ten ground samples (approximately 2.0 g each)
ty’s primary economic pursuit. were placed in separate alumina crucibles and heated in an
Kisii County has a highland equatorial climate, which oven (Memmert Universal Oven U) at 110 °C for four hours
results in a bimodal rainfall distribution with an annual to remove moisture. The crucibles were then cooled to room
rainfall of approximately 1500 mm [33]. Long rains fall temperature in a desiccator, and the mass was measured.

1658 Chemistry Africa (2023) 6:1655–1667

Fig. 1 Map of Kenya showing

the sampling points across the
three counties of Narok, Bomet
and Kisii

The moisture content was computed as a weight loss per- 2.3.4 Fixed Carbon Content
centage. Samples were analysed in triplicate for reproduc-
ibility and accuracy purposes. The percentage of fixed carbon (PFC) was determined by
subtracting the total percentages of volatile matter (PVM),
2.3.2 Volatile Matter moisture content, and ash content (PAC) from 100.

The volatile matter was determined using ASTM-D3175 [7, PFC = 100 − (P V M + MC + P AC) (1)
35]. Moisture-free samples (about 2 g each) were weighed
into tared crucibles (supplied by Eisco Labs), capped with
lids, and were placed in a muffle furnace (BF1794C sup- 2.3.5 Solid Fuel Decomposition
plied by Thermo Scientific Lindberg), and heated to 725 °C
for 7 min before being cooled in a desiccator. The crucibles 5 g of each of the chosen samples were heated during vari-
were re-weighed and the percentage mass loss of volatile ous temperature ramps in a muffle furnace to determine the
matter was calculated. temperature range with the highest decomposition rate. The
mass losses from the samples were measured every 50 °C
2.3.3 Ash Content from 100 °C to 700 °C. This was achieved by removing
the samples from the furnace, cooling, and weighing their
The ash content was evaluated in accordance with ASTM- masses after every 50 °C in triplicate. To determine the
D3174 [35, 36]. Two grams of the moisture-free samples decomposition profile of the selected samples, mass loss
were weighed into clean crucibles. The uncovered crucibles percentages were calculated with respect to the original
were placed in a cold muffle furnace and progressively mass at 50 °C intervals and were represented by temperature
heated to 550 °C for 1 h and then to 700 °C for 2 h. The versus percentage loss profile plots.
crucibles were then cooled in a desiccator and weighed. The
ash content as a percentage was calculated.

Chemistry Africa (2023) 6:1655–1667 1659

Fig. 2 Investigated solid fuels (wood, charcoal, and briquettes)

1660 Chemistry Africa (2023) 6:1655–1667

Table 1 Solid fuel samples from Kisii, Bomet, and Narok Counties 3.1 Proximate Analysis
Sample Sample Name
# code
Table 2 indicates the results of the proximate analysis for
1. KS1-R Acacia auriculiformis – Kisii County
2. KS2-R Eucalyptus globulus (blue gum) - Kisii
the ten solid fuel samples. The proximate analysis provides
County the moisture, volatile matter, ash, and fixed carbon content
3. KS3-R Grevillea robusta - Kisii County on a dry basis. The fixed carbon reflects the amount of non-
4. KS4-R Markhamia lutea - Kisii County volatile organic matter in the samples, which may contain
5. KB1-R Acacia auriculiformis – Bomet County metal oxides (ZnO, PbO, CuO, etc.). The metallic elements
6. KN1-R Acacia auriculiformis – Narok County (copper, zinc, etc.) are typically derived from the soil dur-
7. KB2-C Charcoal sample – Bomet County ing plant growth and development. Heavy metal ions are
8. KN2-C Charcoal sample – Narok County released into the soil, waterways, and environment as a
9. KN3-B Briquette sample (wheat straw and cut grass,
result of numerous human activities, including agricultural
and molasses as binders) - Narok County
10. KN4-B Briquette sample (Bargas and waste papers)
activities such as the use of pesticides, fungicides, and fer-
- Narok County tilizers. These metals infiltrate the plant system via several
physiological processes, and may affect plant growth. Metal
Table 2 Proximate analysis results of ten solid fuel samples oxides may form during the oxidation of the solid fuel dur-
Sample Moisture Ash Content Volatile Mat- Fixed Car- ing combustion at high temperatures [37, 38]. The presence
Content (%) ter Content bon (%) of metal oxides could have an influence on the non-volatile
(%) (%) matter content by increasing the ash content and fixed car-
KS1-R 5.12 ± 0.01 1.19 ± 0.00 88.38 ± 0.33 5.31 ± 0.04 bon [4].
KS2-R 2.40 ± 0.00 1.39 ± 0.01 93.81 ± 0.01 2.40 ± 0.02
KS3-R 4.74 ± 0.02 2.00 ± 0.01 88.53 ± 0.01 4.73 ± 0.16
3.2 Moisture Content
KS4-R 4.91 ± 0.00 3.69 ± 0.01 86.54 ± 0.01 4.86 ± 0.12
KB1-R 3.45 ± 0.01 5.95 ± 0.05 87.46 ± 0.01 3.14 ± 0.04
Moisture content is one of the most important factors in
KN1-R 3.33 ± 0.01 3.70 ± 0.01 92.84 ± 0.13 0.13 ± 0.03
KB2-C 2.74 ± 0.05 11.57 ± 0.15 20.26 ± 0.59 65.43 ± 0.08
determining the quality of solid fuel, as well as influencing
KN2-C 2.07 ± 0.02 19.54 ± 0.10 31.48 ± 0.27 46.91 ± 0.23 the amount of smoke generated upon combustion. It has a
KN3-B 2.54 ± 0.01 34.94 ± 0.15 55.46 ± 1.01 7.06 ± 0.17 significant impact on the calorific value, the internal tem-
KN4-B 3.20 ± 0.00 31.67 ± 0.15 51.79 ± 0.12 13.34 ± 0.01 perature of the solid due to endothermic vaporization, and
the total energy required to bring the solid up to the pyro-
lytic temperature value [39]. The sample moisture contents
3 Results and Discussion ranged from 2.07 ± 0.02% to 5.12 ± 0.01% (Table 2; Fig. 3).

Fig. 3 Moisture content of solid

fuel samples: raw biomass (red),
charcoal (blue), and briquettes
(purple) (n = 3)

Chemistry Africa (2023) 6:1655–1667 1661

Fig. 4 Volatile matter content

of raw biomass (red), charcoal
(blue), and briquettes (purple)
(n = 3)

Figure 3 shows that KS1-R exhibited the highest mois- and fuel briquettes, as well as the structure and bonding
ture content, while KN2-C had the lowest moisture content. within the fuels [45]. For example, animal dung has a low
All of the tested solid fuel samples from raw plant species, volatile content, resulting in smoldering combustion. As
with the exception of KS2-R, have lower moisture contents shown in Table 2, the proximate results indicate that the vol-
than charcoal and fuel briquette samples. It should be noted atile matter content for the investigated samples in this study
that all samples’ moisture contents were within the iden- varied significantly from 20.26 ± 0.59% to 93.81 ± 0.01%.
tified and recommended ranges [40]. In general, fuel bri- Figure 4 shows that Eucalyptus globulus (KS2-R) had
quettes and charcoal samples exhibited lower MC, making the highest VM content (93.81 ± 0.01%), while the char-
them more suitable for use as a form of energy for cooking coal sample (KB2-C) had the lowest (20.26 ± 0.59%). The
and many other activities. Lower MC of these fuels implies volatile matter content of the fuel briquette samples was
that they can easily undergo complete combustion, reduc- 55.46 ± 1.01% and 51.79 ± 0.12% respectively. However,
ing detrimental consequences, such as those arising from firewood can have VM contents ranging from more than
smoke generation, to users and the environment [41]. The 60–90% or higher. Moreover, the charcoal samples (KB2-C
lower moisture content of briquettes and charcoal could and KN2-C) showed the least VM contents of 20.26 ± 0.59%
be attributed to the presence of lignocellulosic materials in and 31.48 ± 0.27% respectively. According to studies, high
the components used to prepare them, which is consistent levels of lignin and low levels of extractives in wood may
with previous research [42]. On the other hand, combust- result in lower levels of volatiles in charcoal and briquettes
ing high moisture content solid fuels would have a negative [46]. High-volatile content fuel briquettes burn quickly but
impact on both the environment and climate change due to produce a smoky flame, whereas low-volatile content fuel
increased emissions of both black carbon as well as brown briquettes or charcoal burn slowly but cleanly. As a result,
and organic carbon [41]. the type of fuel briquettes used is highly dependent on their
intended use. For grilling, for example, high-volatile char-
3.3 Volatile Matter Content coal is preferred, whereas for chemical purification and
metal manufacturing, charcoal with a low proportion of
Volatile matter refers to the substances which have a higher volatile matter content is required [47].
capability to transform into gaseous phase due to weaker
intermolecular attractions existing in their structure, thus 3.4 Ash Content
they can be easily transformed into the vapor phase [43].
This volatile matter refers to the carbon, hydrogen, and oxy- The ash content of different fuels varies, which influences
gen components found in biomass. When heated, the vapor heat transfer and oxygen diffusion to the fuel surface dur-
is produced that contains a mixture of short- and long-chain ing combustion [48]. Figure 5 depicts the assessment of ash
hydrocarbons, oxygenated hydrocarbons, and cyclic and content differences in percentage terms for all prepared sam-
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons [44]. According to the ples. Table 2 shows that sample KS1-R had the lowest ash
literature, the volatile matter content significantly affects the content of all studied samples, at 1.19%. Ash in charcoal and
thermal characteristics of solid fuels, particularly charcoal briquettes is typically caused by the presence of inorganic

1662 Chemistry Africa (2023) 6:1655–1667

Fig. 5 Ash content of raw bio-

mass (red), charcoal (blue), and
briquettes (purple) (n = 3)

Fig. 6 Fixed carbon content of

raw biomass (red), charcoal
(blue), and briquettes (purple)
(n = 3)

matter that is resistant to degradation during carbonation percentages. The low values of ash can be attributed to the
and therefore remains in the solid fuel as an unwanted resi- absence of binders in the samples [50].
due [49] and this may reduce the heating value of charcoal. Charcoal samples (KB2-C and KN1-C) had a significant
The ash content of any solid fuel differs depending on the ash content of 11.57 ± 0.15% and 19.54 ± 0.10%, respec-
species of wood and the source of the briquettes. tively. This indicates that charcoal samples are better fuels
The composition of binders used in the preparation of than firewood samples because they can burn for a longer
fuel briquettes (KN3-B and KN4-B) can also lead to varia- period. The ash content of briquette samples (KN3-B and
tions in ash content . As a result, as the amount of bind- KN4-B) had the highest ash content, followed by charcoal
ers used in briquette preparation increases, so does the ash (KB2-C and KN2-C) and finally firewood (KS1-R, KS2-R,
content of the briquette [36]. As shown in Fig. 5, the ash KS3-R, KS4-R, KB1-R, and KN1-R) that had the lowest
content of fuel briquettes samples (KN3-B and KN4-B) is ash content. Briquettes have been shown to be a dependable
higher than the rest of the samples, owing to the presence energy source as a result of their increased mineral matter,
of binders. The ash content of KN3-B and KN4-B samples which is an implication of the less volatile fuel.
is 34.94 ± 0.15% and 31.67 ± 0.15%, respectively. Samples
from raw plant species (KS1-R, KS2-R, KS3-R, KS4-R,
KB1-R, and KN1-R) contained low ash levels with varying

Chemistry Africa (2023) 6:1655–1667 1663

Fig. 7 Decomposition profiles for

the charcoal samples (KN2-C and

3.5 Fixed Carbon Content 3.6 Decomposition Profiles of Selected Solid Fuels

The proportion of fixed carbon varied across the samples The decomposition profile results demonstrated distinct
studied (Fig. 6). As a result, all of the samples tested had trends of every fuel sample studied with respect to an
a fixed carbon content ranging from 0.13 ± 0.03% to increase in temperature. The mass of the selected solid fuels
65.43 ± 0.08%. This implies that the samples do not consist decreases as the temperature rises (Figs. 7 and 8, and 9).
solely of fixed carbon, but also of other components that The decrease in mass, however, is not uniform across all
contribute to the volatile matter. The fixed carbon con- temperature intervals. This could be attributed to the various
tent of fuel briquettes, KN3-B, and KN4-B samples, was components of the fuels that volatilize at different tempera-
7.06 ± 0.17% and 13.34 ± 0.01%, respectively. Sample tures. As a result, the mass decrease is significant at certain
KB2-C and KN2-C had the highest fixed carbon contents temperatures (for example, between 300 and 600 °C, as evi-
of 65.43 ± 0.08% and 46.91 ± 0.23% respectively. Contrary, denced by the results (Figs. 7 and 8).
the firewood samples had the lowest fixed carbon contents According to the decomposition profile of the charcoal
whereby KS1-R had the highest fixed carbon content of samples, the rate of KN2-C (Narok County sample) and
5.31 ± 0.04%. KN1-R, on the other hand, had the lowest FC KB2-C (Bomet County sample) decomposition is faster
of the firewood samples at 0.13 ± 0.03%. The fixed carbon between 300 and 600 °C. This indicates that in this tem-
content of a solid fuel is defined as the proportion of carbon perature range, more volatiles are emitted, resulting in a sig-
accessible for fuel burning after volatile matter has been nificant mass decrease of the fuel sample. The sharp decline
evolved, and so generally predicts the energy content of a in mass corresponds to a sharp drop in char percent yield.
solid fuel, as carbon is the primary heat producer through- Lower temperatures result in lower molecular weight vola-
out combustion processes [51]. Samples KB2-C and KN2- tile emissions, such as long-chain hydrocarbons, straight-
C, having higher fixed carbon content, are thus considered chain carboxylic acids, and other simple but potentially
suitable for thermochemical energy transformation mecha- harmful aromatics [54].
nisms. In addition, wood-charcoal matter with minimal Figure 8 depicts a similar trend to Fig. 7 and consists
fixed carbon content tends to lengthen the heating period of raw wood sample decomposition profiles. However,
due to its modest heat release, as opposed to wood-charcoal the rate of decomposition varies depending on the tem-
matter with high fixed carbon content that produces energy perature range. Mass loss of samples KS1-R, KS3-R, and
intensely [52]. This observation demonstrates that fixed KS4-R occurs dramatically at temperatures ranging from
carbon is an important factor influencing the caloric energy 350 to 500 °C. Furthermore, sample KB1-R exhibits drastic
content of a solid fuel, as increased fixed carbon typically decomposition at temperatures ranging from 400 to 500 °C,
equates to increased calorific energy [53]. whereas sample KN1-R exhibits a sharp decrease at temper-
atures ranging from 350 to 450 °C. However, KS2-R shows
an interesting trend, since it displays two mass loss zones,
that is, from 350 to 400 °C and from 450 to 500 °C. This

1664 Chemistry Africa (2023) 6:1655–1667

Fig. 8 Decomposition profiles

for raw wood samples (KS1-R,
KS2-R, KS3-R, KS4-R KB1-R,
and KN1-R)

Fig. 9 Decomposition profiles for

briquette samples (KN3-B and

could be attributed to the fact that KS2-R has a different As shown in Fig. 9, comparing the two briquette samples
moisture content (2.4%), which affects the decomposition KN3-B and KN4-B, the decomposition rate appears to be
profile. The differences demonstrated by samples KS1-R, slower than that of samples shown in Figs. 7 and 8. This
KB1-R and KN1-R could be attributed to their environment implies that the samples KN3-B and KN4-B emit at a slow
since they are samples of the same species but grown in dif- rate over a wide temperature range. Furthermore, at lower
ferent Kenyan Counties with varying climatic conditions, temperatures, emission production is much lower than at
which may impact on wood density, for instance. higher temperatures [55]. These findings are consistent

Chemistry Africa (2023) 6:1655–1667 1665

with existing data, which shows that at lower temperatures, higher fixed carbon and ash contents, briquettes may be pre-
fewer emissions are produced, particularly straight-chain ferred household fuels as they can burn for longer periods
hydrocarbons, alcohols, and carboxylic acids [54], which while potentially emitting fewer pollutants.
are thought to be relatively harmless unless they undergo
oxidative processes. Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank the Department of Ani-
mal Science, Egerton University for providing the necessary equip-
In general, Figs. 7 and 8, and 9 show that low molecu- ment, assistance, and space for this study.
lar weight volatile compounds are emitted at temperatures
less than 600 °C. However, as the temperature rises above Funding This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
600 °C, the mass continues to fall, although at a slower rate. agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
This is likely because polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, Open access funding provided by University of Pretoria.
Open access funding provided by University of Pretoria.
which are typically generated at high temperatures, are
released [44]. Between 600 and 700 °C, the percent yield Data Availability Data will be made available on request.
almost flattens, implying that the majority of the emissions
have been released from the samples. Declarations

Conflict of Interest The authors declare that they have no conflicts of

4 Conclusion interest. Patricia Forbes is Associate Editor of Chemistry Africa.

Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons

The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of
Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing,
proximate properties on the combustion and fuel character- adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format,
istics of solid fuels commonly used in Kenyan households as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the
in the Kisii, Bomet, and Narok Counties. Moisture, volatile source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate
if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this
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affect the combustion and fuel characteristics of the solid indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not
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these solid fuels revealed that Acacia auriculiformis from use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted
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Kisii County had the highest moisture content, whereas the
holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.
charcoal sample from Narok County had the lowest. The org/licenses/by/4.0/.
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