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Safety Data Sheet


Revision: 2019-03-14 Version: 01.0

SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and supplier

1.1 Product identifier
Product name: SULPHURIC ACID 98%

1.2 Recommended use and restrictions on use

Identified uses:
Industrial application.
Restrictions of use:
Uses other than those identified are not recommended

1.3 Details of the supplier

Diversey Australia Pty. Limited
29 Chifley St, Smithfield, NSW, 2164, Australia
Telephone: 1800 647 779 (toll free)
Fax: (02) 9725 5767
Email: aucustserv@diversey.com
Website: www.diversey.com/

1.4 Emergency telephone number

Seek medical advice (show the label or safety data sheet where possible)
Call 1800 033 111 (24hrs)

SECTION 2: Hazards identification

2.1 Classification of the substance or mixture
Skin corrosion, Category 1A
Corrosive to metals, Category 1

2.2 Label elements

Signal word: Danger

Hazard statements:
H314 - Causes severe skin burns and eye damage.
H290 - May be corrosive to metals.

Prevention statement(s):
P234 - Keep only in original packaging.
P260 - Do not breathe vapours.
P264 - Wash face, hands and any exposed skin thoroughly after handling.
P280 - Wear protective gloves, protective clothing and eye or face protection.

Response statement(s):
P301 + P330 + P331 - IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting.
P303 + P361 + P353 - IF ON SKIN (or hair): Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water or shower.
P304 + P340 - IF INHALED: Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing.
P305 + P351 + P338 - IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do.
Continue rinsing.
P310 - Immediately call a POISON CENTRE, doctor or physician.
P321 - Specific treatment (see supplemental first aid instructions on this label).
P363 - Wash contaminated clothing before reuse.
P390 - Absorb spillage to prevent material damage.

Storage statement(s):
P405 - Store locked up.

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Safety Data Sheet

P406 - Store in corrosive-resistant container with a resistant inner liner.

Disposal statement(s):
P501 - Dispose of unused content as chemical waste.

2.3 Other hazards

No other hazards known.

SECTION 3: Composition/information on ingredients

3.1 Substances / Mixtures

Ingredient(s) CAS number EC number Weight

sulphuric acid 7664-93-9 231-639-5 >= 60

Non-hazardous ingredients are the remainder and add up to 100%.

[4] Polymer.
Workplace exposure limit(s), if available, are listed in subsection 8.1.
For the full text of the H and AUH phrases mentioned in this Section, see Section 16.

SECTION 4: First aid measures

4.1 Description of first aid measures
Inhalation: Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing. Get medical attention or advice if
you feel unwell.
Skin contact: Take off immediately all contaminated clothing and wash it before re-use. Immediately call a
POISON CENTRE, doctor or physician.
Eye contact: Immediately rinse eyes cautiously with lukewarm water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses,
if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Immediately call a POISON CENTRE, doctor or
Ingestion: Rinse mouth. Immediately drink 1 glass of water. Do NOT induce vomiting. Keep at rest.
Immediately call a POISON CENTRE, doctor or physician.
Self-protection of first aider: Consider personal protective equipment as indicated in subsection 8.2.
First aid facilities: Shower and eyewash facilities should be considered in a workplace where necessary.

4.2 Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed
Inhalation: No known effects or symptoms in normal use.
Skin contact: Causes severe burns.
Eye contact: Causes severe or permanent damage.
Ingestion: Ingestion will lead to a strong caustic effect on mouth and throat and to the danger of perforation of
oesophagus and stomach.

4.3 Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed
No information available on clinical testing and medical monitoring. Specific toxicological information on substances, if available, can be found
in section 11.

Poison Information Center: Call 13 11 26 (Australia Wide).

SECTION 5: Firefighting measures

5.1 Extinguishing media
Carbon dioxide. Dry powder. Water spray jet. Fight larger fires with water spray jet or alcohol-resistant foam.

5.2 Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture

No special hazards known.

5.3 Advice for firefighters

As in any fire, wear self contained breathing apparatus and suitable protective clothing including gloves and eye/face protection.

5.4 Hazchem code

2 - Fine water spray.
P - Liquid-tight chemical protective clothing and breathing apparatus. Dilute.

SECTION 6: Accidental release measures

6.1 Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures
Ensure adequate ventilation. Do not breathe dust or vapour. Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection.

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6.2 Environmental precautions

Do not allow to enter drainage system, surface or ground water. Dilute with plenty of water.

6.3 Methods and material for containment and cleaning up

Use neutralising agent. Absorb onto dry sand or similar inert material. Ensure adequate ventilation.

6.4 Reference to other sections

For personal protective equipment see subsection 8.2. For disposal considerations see section 13.

SECTION 7: Handling and storage

7.1 Precautions for safe handling
Measures to prevent fire and explosions:
No special precautions required.

Measures required to protect the environment:

For environmental exposure controls see subsection 8.2.

Advices on general occupational hygiene:

Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice. Keep away from food, drink and animal feeding stuffs. Do not mix with
other products unless adviced by Diversey. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of workday. Wash face, hands and any exposed skin
thoroughly after handling. Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Use personal protective
equipment as required. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Do not breathe vapours. Use only with adequate ventilation.

7.2 Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities

Store in accordance with local and national regulations. Keep only in original packaging. Store in a closed container.
For conditions to avoid see subsection 10.4. For incompatible materials see subsection 10.5.

7.3 Specific end use(s)

No specific advice for end use available.

SECTION 8: Exposure controls/personal protection

8.1 Control parameters
Workplace exposure limits

Air limit values, if available:

Ingredient(s) Long term value(s) Short term value(s) Peak value(s)
sulphuric acid 1 mg/m3 3 mg/m3

Biological limit values, if available:

8.2 Exposure controls

The following information applies for the uses indicated in subsection 1.2 of the Safety Data Sheet.
If available, please refer to the product information sheet for application and handling instructions.
Normal use conditions are assumed for this section.

Recommended safety measures for handling the undiluted product:

Appropriate engineering controls: No special requirements under normal use conditions.

Appropriate organisational controls: Avoid direct contact and/or splashes where possible. Train personnel.

Personal protective equipment

Eye / face protection: Safety glasses or goggles (EN 166). The use of a full-face shield or other full-face protection is
strongly recommended when handling open containers or if splashes may occur.
Hand protection: Chemical-resistant protective gloves (EN 374). Verify instructions regarding permeability and
breakthrough time, as provided by the gloves supplier. Consider specific local use conditions, such
as risk of splashes, cuts, contact time and temperature.
Sugges tedgl ovesforpr olongedc ontact:Mat eri
al:butyl rubberPenet rat
iont i
me:≥480mi nMat eri
thicknes s :≥0. 7mm
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In consultation with the supplier of protective gloves a different type providing similar protection may
be chosen.
Body protection: Wear chemical-resistant clothing and boots in case direct dermal exposure and/or splashes may
occur (EN 14605).
Respiratory protection: Respiratory protection is not normally required. However, inhalation of vapour, spray, gas or
aerosols should be avoided.

Environmental exposure controls: Should not reach sewage water or drainage ditch undiluted or unneutralised.

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Safety Data Sheet

SECTION 9: Physical and chemical properties

9.1 Information on basic physical and chemical properties

Method / remark
Physical State: Liquid
Colour: Clear, from Colourless to Brown
Odour: Product specific
Odour threshold: Not applicable
pH: ≈ 0. 3( neat
Melting point/freezing point (°C): Not determined Not relevant to classification of this product
Initial boiling point and boiling range (°C): Not determined
Flammability (liquid): Not determined.
Flash point (°C): Not applicable.
Sustained combustion: Not applicable.
( UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, section 32, L.2 )
Evaporation rate: Not determined
Flammability (solid, gas): Not determined
Upper/lower flammability limit (%): Not determined
Vapour pressure: Not determined
Vapour density: Not determined
Relative density: ≈ 1. 84 (20° C)
Solubility in / Miscibility with Water: Fully miscible
Partition coefficient: n-octanol/water No information available.
Substance data, partition coefficient n-octanol/water (log Kow): see subsection 12.3
Autoignition temperature: Not determined
Decomposition temperature: Not applicable.
Viscosity: Not determined
Explosive properties: Not explosive.
Oxidising properties: Not oxidising

9.2 Other information

Surface tension (N/m): Not determined
Corrosion to metals: Corrosive Weight of evidence

SECTION 10: Stability and reactivity

10.1 Reactivity
No reactivity hazards known under normal storage and use conditions.

10.2 Chemical stability

Stable under normal storage and use conditions.

10.3 Possibility of hazardous reactions

No hazardous reactions known under normal storage and use conditions.

10.4 Conditions to avoid

None known under normal storage and use conditions.

10.5 Incompatible materials

Reacts with alkali and metals. Keep away from products containing chlorine-based bleaching agents or sulphites.

10.6 Hazardous decomposition products

None known under normal storage and use conditions.

SECTION 11: Toxicological information

11.1 Information on toxicological effects

No data is available on the mixture.

Substance data, where relevant and available, are listed below:.

Acute toxicity
Acute oral toxicity
Ingredient(s) Endpoint Value Species Method Exposure
(mg/kg) time (h)
sulphuric acid LD 50 2140 Rat OECD 401 (EU B.1)

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Acute dermal toxicity

Ingredient(s) Endpoint Value Species Method Exposure
(mg/kg) time (h)
sulphuric acid No data

Acute inhalative toxicity

Ingredient(s) Endpoint Value Species Method Exposure
(mg/l) time (h)
sulphuric acid LC 50 0.375 (mist) Rat OECD 403 (EU B.2)

Irritation and corrosivity

Skin irritation and corrosivity
Ingredient(s) Result Species Method Exposure time
sulphuric acid Corrosive Rabbit Method not given

Eye irritation and corrosivity

Ingredient(s) Result Species Method Exposure time
sulphuric acid Corrosive Rabbit Method not given

Respiratory tract irritation and corrosivity

Ingredient(s) Result Species Method Exposure time
sulphuric acid No data available

Sensitisation by skin contact
Ingredient(s) Result Species Method Exposure time (h)
sulphuric acid Not sensitising

Sensitisation by inhalation
Ingredient(s) Result Species Method Exposure time
sulphuric acid No data available

CMR effects (carcinogenicity, mutagenicity and toxicity for reproduction)

Ingredient(s) Result (in-vitro) Method Result (in-vivo) Method
(in-vitro) (in-vivo)
sulphuric acid No data available No data available

Ingredient(s) Effect
sulphuric acid No evidence for carcinogenicity, negative test results

Toxicity for reproduction

Ingredient(s) Endpoint Specific effect Value Species Method Exposure Remarks and other effects
(mg/kg bw/d) time reported
sulphuric acid No data

Repeated dose toxicity

Sub-acute or sub-chronic oral toxicity
Ingredient(s) Endpoint Value Species Method Exposure Specific effects and organs
(mg/kg bw/d) time (days) affected
sulphuric acid NOAEL 150 Rat Method not 60

Sub-chronic dermal toxicity

Ingredient(s) Endpoint Value Species Method Exposure Specific effects and organs
(mg/kg bw/d) time (days) affected
sulphuric acid No data

Sub-chronic inhalation toxicity

Ingredient(s) Endpoint Value Species Method Exposure Specific effects and organs
(mg/kg bw/d) time (days) affected
sulphuric acid TCL 0 3 Human Method not

Chronic toxicity
Ingredient(s) Exposure Endpoint Value Species Method Exposure Specific effects and Remark
route (mg/kg bw/d) time organs affected
sulphuric acid No data

STOT-single exposure

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Safety Data Sheet

Ingredient(s) Affected organ(s)

sulphuric acid No data available

STOT-repeated exposure
Ingredient(s) Affected organ(s)
sulphuric acid No data available

Aspiration hazard
Substances with an aspiration hazard (H304), if any, are listed in section 3. If relevant, see section 9 for dynamic viscosity and relative density
of the product.

Potential adverse health effects and symptoms

Effects and symptoms related to the product, if any, are listed in subsection 4.2.

SECTION 12: Ecological information

12.1 Toxicity

No data is available on the mixture.

Substance data, where relevant and available, are listed below:

Aquatic short-term toxicity

Aquatic short-term toxicity - fish
Ingredient(s) Endpoint Value Species Method Exposure
(mg/l) time (h)
sulphuric acid LC 50 16 - 28 Lepomis Method not given 96

Aquatic short-term toxicity - crustacea

Ingredient(s) Endpoint Value Species Method Exposure
(mg/l) time (h)
sulphuric acid EC 50 29 Daphnia Method not given 24
magna Straus

Aquatic short-term toxicity - algae

Ingredient(s) Endpoint Value Species Method Exposure
(mg/l) time (h)
sulphuric acid EC 50 > 100 Desmodesmus Method not given 72

Aquatic short-term toxicity - marine species

Ingredient(s) Endpoint Value Species Method Exposure
(mg/l) time (days)
sulphuric acid No data -

Impact on sewage plants - toxicity to bacteria

Ingredient(s) Endpoint Value Inoculum Method Exposure
(mg/l) time
sulphuric acid EC 50 58 Activated Method not given 120 hour(s)

Aquatic long-term toxicity

Aquatic long-term toxicity - fish
Ingredient(s) Endpoint Value Species Method Exposure Effects observed
(mg/l) time
sulphuric acid NOEC 0.31 Salvelinus Method not
fontinalis given

Aquatic long-term toxicity - crustacea

Ingredient(s) Endpoint Value Species Method Exposure Effects observed
(mg/l) time
sulphuric acid NOEC 0.15 Daphnia Method not
magna given

Aquatic toxicity to other aquatic benthic organisms, including sediment-dwelling organisms, if available:
Ingredient(s) Endpoint Value Species Method Exposure Effects observed
(mg/kg dw time (days)
sulphuric acid No data -

Terrestrial toxicity
Terrestrial toxicity - soil invertebrates, including earthworms, if available:
Ingredient(s) Endpoint Value Species Method Exposure Effects observed
(mg/kg dw time (days)

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sulphuric acid No data -

Terrestrial toxicity - plants, if available:

Ingredient(s) Endpoint Value Species Method Exposure Effects observed
(mg/kg dw time (days)
sulphuric acid No data -

Terrestrial toxicity - birds, if available:

Ingredient(s) Endpoint Value Species Method Exposure Effects observed
time (days)
sulphuric acid No data -

Terrestrial toxicity - beneficial insects, if available:

Ingredient(s) Endpoint Value Species Method Exposure Effects observed
(mg/kg dw time (days)
sulphuric acid No data -

Terrestrial toxicity - soil bacteria, if available:

Ingredient(s) Endpoint Value Species Method Exposure Effects observed
(mg/kg dw time (days)
sulphuric acid No data -

12.2 Persistence and degradability

Abiotic degradation
Abiotic degradation - photodegradation in air, if available:

Abiotic degradation - hydrolysis, if available:

Abiotic degradation - other processes, if available:

Ready biodegradability - aerobic conditions
Ingredient(s) Inoculum Analytical DT 50 Method Evaluation
sulphuric acid Not applicable (inorganic

Ready biodegradability - anaerobic and marine conditions, if available:

Degradation in relevant environmental compartments, if available:

12.3 Bioaccumulative potential

Partition coefficient n-octanol/water (log Kow)
Ingredient(s) Value Method Evaluation Remark
sulphuric acid No data available No bioaccumulation expected

Bioconcentration factor (BCF)

Ingredient(s) Value Species Method Evaluation Remark
sulphuric acid No data available

12.4 Mobility in soil

Adsorption/Desorption to soil or sediment
Ingredient(s) Adsorption Desorption Method Soil/sediment Evaluation
coefficient coefficient type
Log Koc Log Koc(des)
sulphuric acid No data available Low potential for adsorption
to soil

12.5 Other adverse effects

No other adverse effects known.

SECTION 13: Disposal considerations

13.1 Waste treatment methods
Waste from residues / unused The concentrated contents or contaminated packaging should be disposed of by a certified handler
products: or according to the site permit. Release of waste to sewers is discouraged. The cleaned packaging
material is suitable for energy recovery or recycling in line with local legislation.

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Empty packaging
Recommendation: Dispose of observing national or local regulations.
Suitable cleaning agents: Water, if necessary with cleaning agent.

SECTION 14: Transport information


14.1 UN number: 1830
14.2 UN proper shipping name:
Sulphuric acid
14.3 Transport hazard class(es):
Transport hazard class (and subsidiary risks): 8
14.4 Packing group: II
14.5 Environmental hazards:
Environmentally hazardous: No
Marine pollutant: No
14.6 Special precautions for user: None known.
14.7 Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL and the IBC Code: The product is not transported in bulk tankers.
Other relevant information:
Hazchem code: 2P
EmS: F-A, S-B
The product has been classified, labelled and packaged in accordance with the requirements of ADG7.5 Code and the provisions of the IMDG
Transport regulations include special provisions for certain classes of dangerous goods packed in limited quantities.

SECTION 15: Regulatory information

15.1 Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance or mixture

National regulations Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) as published by
Safework Australia.

Poison schedule Classified as a Schedule 6 (S6) Poison using the criteria in the Standard for the Uniform Scheduling
of Medicines and Poisons (SUSMP).

Classification Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) as published by
Safework Australia.

Inventory listing(s) AICS (Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances): All components are listed on AICS, or are

SECTION 16: Other information

The information in this document is based on our best present knowledge. However, it does not constitute a guarantee for any specific product
features and does not establish a legally binding contract

SDS code: MS31000406 Version: 01.0 Revision: 2019-03-14

Full text of the H phrases mentioned in section 3:
Additional information:
Acids: When mixing acids with water (diluting), caution must be taken as heat will be generated which causes violent spattering. Always add a
small volume of acid to a large volume of water, NEVER the reverse.

Respirators: In general the use of respirators should be limited and engineering controls employed to avoid exposure. If respiratory equipment
must be worn ensure correct respirator selection and training is undertaken. Remember that some respirators may be extremely uncomfortable
when used for long periods. The use of air powered or air supplied respirators should be considered where prolonged or repeated use is

Work practices - solvents: Organic solvents may present both a health and flammability hazard. It is recommended that engineering controls
should be adopted to reduce exposure where practicable (for example, if using indoors, ensure explosion proof extraction ventilation is
available). Flammable or combustible liquids with explosive limits have the potential for ignition from static discharge. Refer to AS 1020 (The
control of undesirable static electricity) and AS 1940 (The storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids) for control procedures.

Exposure standards - Time Weighted Average (TWA) or Workplace Exposure Standard (WES) (NZ): Exposure standards are established
on the premise of an 8 hour work period of normal intensity, under normal climatic conditions and where a 16 hour break between shifts exists

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Safety Data Sheet

to enable the body to eliminate absorbed contaminants. In the following circumstances, exposure standards must be reduced: strenuous work
conditions; hot, humid climates; high altitude conditions; extended shifts (which increase the exposure period and shorten the period of

Personal protective equipment guidelines: The recommendation for protective equipment contained within this report is provided as a guide
only. Factors such as method of application, working environment, quantity used, product concentration and the availability of engineering
controls should be considered before final selection of personal protective equipment is made.

Health effects from exposure: It should be noted that the effects from exposure to this product will depend on several factors including:
frequency and duration of use; quantity used; effectiveness of control measures; protective equipment used and method of application. Given
that it is impractical to prepare a Safety Data Sheet which would encompass all possible scenarios, it is anticipated that users will assess the
risks and apply control methods where appropriate.

Abbreviations and acronyms:

eTox i
yEs ti
ion,50% /MedianLethalConcent
halDose,50% /Medi anLet
hal dose
y( r
ct ar
eex posur
•ECNo.-EuropeanCommuni t

End of Safety Data Sheet

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