OST Ana214
OST Ana214
OST Ana214
Er. Jadunath Murmu, Sr. lect E&TC Engg.
1 . 1 P-N Junction Diode
When a p-type semiconductor is suitably joined with n-type semiconductor, the contact
surface is called p-n junction
A p-n junction diode is two-terminal or two-electrode semiconductor device, which allows the
electric current in only one direction while blocks the electric current in opposite or reverse
direction. If the diode is forward biased, it allows the electric current flow. On the other hand,
if the diode is reverse biased, it blocks the electric current flow. P-N junction semiconductor
diode is also called as p-n junction semiconductor device.
In the above figure, arrowhead of a diode indicates the conventional direction of electric
1 . 2 Working of Diode
i)Forward bias
Forward Bias
When an external voltage is applied to P-N junction in such a direction that it cancels the
potential barrier and permits the current flow is called forward bias.
The p-n junction is said to be forward-biased when the p-type is connected to the positive
terminal of the battery and the n-type to the negative terminal. The built-in electric field at the
p-n junction and the applied electric field are in opposing directions (against potential barrier)
when the p-n junction is forward biased so potential barrier is reduced. As potential barrier is
very small i.e 0.3 Volt for Ge and 0.7 volt for Si. Therefore a small forward voltage is sufficient
to eliminate the barrier , so junction resistance becomes almost Zero.
Reverse Bias
When an external voltage is applied to P-N junction in such a direction that it increase the potential
barrier and then it is called as reverse bias
The p-n junction is said to be reverse-biased when the p-type is linked to the negative terminal
of the battery and the n-type is attached to the positive side. The applied electric field and the
built-in electric field are both in the same direction in this situation.
The resultant electric field is in the same direction as the built-in electric field, resulting in a
more resistive, thicker depletion zone. If the applied voltage is increased, the depletion area
gets more resistant and thicker.
Application of Diode
i. Rectifiers
ii. Clipper Circuits
iii. Clamping Circuits
iv. Reverse Current Protection Circuits
Circuit arrangement for determining the V
V-I characteristics of P-N
N junction is known shown in
i) Zero external voltage.
When the external voltage is zero, i.e. circuit is open at K, the potential barrier at junction does
not permit current flow. Therefore, the circuit current is zero as indicating O in fig.1
When the p-n junction diode is in forwarding bias, the p-type is linked to the positive terminal
of the external voltage, while the n-type is connected to the negative terminal. The potential
barrier is reduced. At some forward voltage ( 0.7 V for silicon diodes and 0.3 V for germanium
diodes) the potential barriers is altogether eliminated and current starts flowing in the circuit.
From now onwards, the current increases with the increase in forward voltage. Thus a rising
curve OB is obtained with forward bias shown in fig-2. From the forward characteristics it seen
that at first region OA, the current increases very slowly and curve is non-linear. Because the
voltage supplied to the diode overcomes the potential barrier. However, once the external
voltage exceed the potential barrier voltage, the pn junction behaves like an ordinary
conductor and current rises very sharply with increase in external voltage shown in curve AB
which is linear.
When the PN junction diode is under Reverse bias, the p-type is linked to the negative
terminal of the external voltage, while the n-type is connected to the positive terminal. As a
result, the potential barrier at the junction increases. So the junction resistance becomes very
high and practically no current flows through the circuit.
Very small current ( i.e. some micro ampere) flows in the circuit due to minority charge
carriers. When the applied voltage is raised, the kinetic energy of the minority charges
increases, it become enough to knock out electrons from the semiconductor atoms. At this
stage break down of the junction occurs and sudden rise of reverse current and fall down the
resistance of barrier this may destroy the junction permanently.
Important Terms
ii) Ideal diode. An ideal diode is one which behaves as a perfect conductor
(Resistance=0) when forward biased and as a perfect insulator (Resistance= ∞) when
reverse biased
iii) Knee voltage. It is the forward voltage at which the current through the junction
starts to increase rapidly.
1 . 4 DC load line
Consider a crystal diode connected in series with a load resistance R L across a supply voltage
VS shown in fig-1. Here the diode is forward biased. A line drawn on the characteristics of the
device that represents all d.c. conditions that could exist within the circuit for given values of
VS and RL is called as DC load line.
A line passing through the point (VS/RL) and VS is called a dc load line
The points where the characteristic curve and the load line intersect are the possible operating
point(s) (Q points) of the circuit; at these points the current and voltage parameters are
compatible with circuit condition
The DC load line analysis main intention is to find the Quiescent Point (Q – point)
Another way of expressing a Q point is by addressing it as biasing. Biasing in
electronics means establishing predetermined voltages or currents at various points of
an electronic circuit to promote proper operating conditions in electronic components.
The linear analysis of the circuit is obtained for the non-linear devices like diode or
transistors by using this concept.
The main intention behind the analysis of the load line is to find the operating point
referred to as the quiescent point (Q-point).
The Q-points formed by the dc load line are the centers at which the voltage and current
parameters equivalent to each other for both the parts of the circuit.
From this, the operating point obtained is essential while drawing the ac load lines.
If the resistance is constant and the dc voltage applied to the circuit varies. The load
lone concept is significant for analyzing the circuit in an efficient manner.
It is the minimum reverse voltage at which p-n junction breaks down which sudden rise in
reverse current. The breakdown voltage depends upon the width of the depletion region
(doping level). Depending upon the doping level, it is two type
a) Zener breakdown. The Zener breakdown takes place in the junctions which are
heavily doped( having narrow depletion layers). When breakdown voltage is applied, a
very strong electric field appears across narrow depletion layer which break the bonds
& electron-hole pairs are generated. A small further increase in reverse voltage
produces large number of current carriers which suddenly increase the reverse current
b) Avalanche breakdown. The avalanche breakdown takes place in the junctions
which are lightly doped( having wide depletion layers) .when the reverse bias voltage is
increased, the accelerated free electrons collide with the semiconductor atoms in the
depletion region.. due to the collision with valence electrons , covalent bonds are broken
and electron-hole pair are generated. In this way process leads to avalanche (flood) of
carriers and consequently a very low reverse resistance. So pn junction conduct very
large reverse current.
Differences Between Zener Breakdown and Avalanche Breakdown
1 . 7 P-N
N Diode clipping Circuit.
N Diode clipping Circuit is wave shaping circuit, which can control the shape of
the output waveform by eliminating or clipping or remove a part (some portion) of
applied wave. This is done without distorting the other (remaining) part of
Classification of Clipping Circuit
1. Positive clippers.
2. Negative clippers.
3. Biased clippers Positive clippers.
4. Biased clippers Negative clippers.
5. Combination clippers.
1. Positive clippers.
The clipper which removess the positive half cycle of input voltage
It actually removes the positive half cycles of the input voltage.
2. Negative clippers.
The clipper which removess the negative half cycle of input voltage
It actually removes the negative half cycles of the input voltage.
3. Biased clippers :
When a small portion of positive or negative half cycles of the
signal voltage is to be removed. a biased clipper.
The name bias is designated because the adjustment of the clipeing level is
achieved by adding of biasing voltage in series with the diode
Biased clipper
lipper are also called peak clippers because it remove both positive
and negative edges in output form applied input voltage
A Clipper circuit in which the diode is connected in shunt to the input signal
and biased with negative reference voltage Vr and that attenuates the
negative portions of the waveform, is termed as Negative Clipper
when the input signal voltage is positive, the diode ‘D’ is reverse-biased.
This causes it to act as an open
switch. Thus the entire positive half cycle
appears across the load.
When the input signal volt voltage
age is negative but does not exceed battery
the voltage ‘V’, the didiode ‘D’ remains reverse-biased
biased and most of the
input voltage appears
pears across the output.
When during the nega
tive half cycle of input signal, Vi > Vr then diode D
is forward biased and so conducts heavily. The output voltage is equal to
‘- Vr’ and stays at ‘- Vr’ as long g as the magnitude of the input signal
voltage is greater than the magnitude of the battery voltage, ‘Vr’. Thus a
biased negative clipper removes input voltage when the input signal
voltage becomes greater than the battery voltage
when the input signal voltage is negative, the diode ‘D’ is reverse-
biased. This causes it to act as an open
switch. Thus the entire
negative half cycle appears across the load.
When the input signal volt voltage
age is positive but does not exceed
battery the voltage ‘Vr’, the di
ode ‘D’ remains reverse-biased
reverse and
most of the input voltage ap
pears across the output.
When during the positive half cycle of input signal, Vi > Vr then diode
D is forward
rward biased and so conducts heavily. The output voltage is
equal to ‘ Vr’ and stays at ‘Vr’ as long as the magnitude of the input
signal voltage is greater than the magnitude of the battery voltage,
‘Vr’. Thus a biased positive clipper removes input voltage
volta when the
input signal voltage becomes greater than the battery voltage
4. Combination clippers.
During the positive half of the input signal, the diode D1 conducts making the
reference voltage Vr1 appear at the output. During the negative half of the
input signal, the diode D2 conducts making the reference voltage Vr1 appear
at the output. Hence both the diodes conduct alternatively to clip the output
during both the cycles. The output is taken across the load resistor.
Thermistor Types:
The relationship between resistance and temperature in an NTC thermistor is governed
by the following expression:
( )
𝑅 =𝑅 𝑒
R1 = resistance of the thermistor at absolute temperature T 1[oK]
R2 = resistance of the thermistor at temperature T 2 [oK]
β = constant depending upon the material of the transducer (e.g. an oscillator
Uses of Thermistors
Thermistors have a variety of applications. They are widely used as a way to measure
temperature as a thermistor thermometer in many different liquid and ambient air
environments. Some of the most common uses of thermistors include:
Digital thermometers (thermostats)
Automotive applications (to measure oil and coolant temperatures in cars & trucks)
Household appliances (like microwaves, fridges, and ovens)
Circuit protection (i.e. surge protection)
Rechargeable batteries (ensure the correct battery temperature is maintained)
To measure the thermal conductivity of electrical materials
Useful in many basic electronic circuits (e.g. as part of a beginner Arduino starter kit)
Temperature compensation (i.e. maintain resistance to compensate for effects caused by
changes in temperature in another part of the circuit)
Used in wheatstone bridge circuits
Rectifier is Electronics device which conversion of alternating
current (AC) to direct current (DC).
First, a high AC voltage is applied to the to the primary side of the step-down
transformer and we will get a low voltage at the secondary winding which will be
applied to the diode.
During the positive half cycle of the AC voltage, the diode will be forward
biased and the current flows through the diode.
During the negative half cycle of the AC voltage, the diode will be reverse
biased and the flow of current will be blocked. The final output voltage
waveform on the secondary side (DC) is shown in figure above.
Iavg=Idc= ∫ 𝑖𝑑𝜔𝑡
= ∫ 𝐼 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜔𝑡𝑑𝜔𝑡
= ∫ 𝐼 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜔𝑡𝑑𝜔𝑡 + ∫ 𝐼 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜔𝑡𝑑𝜔𝑡
= ∫ 𝐼 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜔𝑡𝑑𝜔𝑡 + 0
= ∫ 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜔𝑡𝑑𝜔𝑡
= [−𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜔𝑡 ]
= [−(𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜋 − 𝑐𝑜𝑠0)]
= [−(−1 − 1)]
= [2]
Irms = ∫ 𝑖 𝑑(𝜔𝑡)
= ∫ ( )𝑑(𝜔𝑡)
= (𝜔𝑡) −
= (𝜋 − 0) − ( −
= 𝜋
Iv . RMS Voltage:
= xR
3.2.3 Rectifier efficiency
The Rectifier is defined as the ratio of d.c. output power to the a.c. input power
𝑑. 𝑐. 𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 𝑃
𝜂= =
𝑎. 𝑐. 𝑖𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡 𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑦 𝑃
Now Pdc =(𝐼 ) 𝑋𝑅 =
Further Pac=Pa +Pr
where Pa = Power dissipated at the junction of diode
=𝐼 x Rf = 𝑥𝑅 ∵𝐼 =
Pr= Power dissipated in the load resistance
=𝐼 x RL = 𝑥𝑅 ∵𝐼 =
So Pac= 𝑥𝑅 + 𝑥𝑅 = 𝑥 (𝑅 + 𝑅
𝑃 𝜋
𝜂= =
𝑥 (𝑅 + 𝑅 )
4 𝑅
= .
𝜋 𝑅 +𝑅
Hence rectifier efficiency
𝜂= 𝑥 100%
𝜂 = 40.67
3.2.4 Ripple factor.:
Ripple factor is defined as the ratio of effective value or rms value of a.c. components of
output voltage or current to the average value or d.c components of voltage and current
. . . . .
Ripple factor,𝛾 =
𝑉( . . ) 𝐼 ( . . )
𝛾= =
Where Vr(rms) =r.m.s. value of a.c. component of output voltage
Vdc = d.c. value of output voltage
Ir(rms) = r.m.s. value of a.c. component of output current
Idc = d.c. value of output current
The r.m.s value of the rectified out put load current is given by
𝐼 = 𝐼 +𝐼 ( )
𝐼 ( ) = 𝐼 −𝐼
Dividing the both sides by Idc
𝐼 ( ) 𝐼 −𝐼
𝛾= ( ) −1
Now put the value of Irms and Id.c at above equation
Idc =
𝛾= 4 −1
𝛾= − 1 = 1.21
A.c. components presents in rectifier output is known as ripple
Less ripple factor is more effective
3.2.5 Regulation:
The regulation is defined as the variation of dc output voltage with change in d.c. load
𝑉 −𝑉
𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑟𝑒𝑔𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = 𝑥 100
In general 𝑉 = − 𝐼 𝑥(𝑅 + 𝑅 )
Vno load = load risitance is not connected at out put of the rectifier ckt i.e I dc=0
So , Vno load=
Vfull load = load risitance is connected at out put of the rectifier ckt i.e I dc current follow
− ( − 𝐼 𝑥(𝑅 + 𝑅 )
𝑅𝑒𝑔𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = 𝜋 𝜋
− 𝐼 𝑥(𝑅 + 𝑅 )
(𝐼 𝑥(𝑅 + 𝑅 )
𝑅𝑒𝑔𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 =
− 𝐼 𝑥(𝑅 + 𝑅 )
Ideal power supply, the output voltage should be independent of the load current
Lower Percentage of regulation is better
According to the theory of transformer, the rated voltage of the
will be so
𝑃 =
But 𝑉 = 𝐼 (𝑅 + 𝑅 )
𝐼 (𝑅 + 𝑅 )𝐼
𝑃 =
𝑇𝑈𝐹 = 𝜋
𝐼 (𝑅 + 𝑅 )𝐼
𝜋 (𝑅 + 𝑅 )
𝑇𝑈𝐹 = = 0.287
Full wave rectifier:
In fill wave rectifier, current flows through the load in the same direction for
both half cycles of input a.c. voltage. The commonly used full wave rectifier
circuits are
(1) Centre tap full wave rectifier (2) full wave bridge rectifier.
Centre tapped full wave rectifier
The circuit employs two diodes and a Centre tapped secondary winding is used
with two diodes connected so that each uses one half cycle of input a.c. voltage.in
other words the first diodes utilizes the a.c voltage appearing across the upper
half of secondary winding for rectification, while the second diode uses the lower
half winding.
Advantages and disadvantages of bridge rectifier
The following are advantages
1. No centre tap is needed in the transformer secondary.
2. The output is twice that of the centre tap circuit for the same secondary voltage.
3. The peak inverse voltage is one half that of the centre tap circuit.
The following are disadvantages
1. It requires four diodes.
2. As during each half cycle of a.c input two diodes that conduct are in series,
therefore voltage drop in the internal resistance of the rectifying unit will be twice. This
is objectionable when secondary voltage is small.
3.2.1 DC output current and voltage
i. DC output current:
Iavg=Idc= ∫ 𝑖𝑑𝜔𝑡
= ∫ 𝐼 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜔𝑡𝑑𝜔𝑡
= ∫ 𝐼 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜔𝑡𝑑𝜔𝑡
= ∫ 𝐼 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜔𝑡𝑑𝜔𝑡
= ∫ 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜔𝑡𝑑𝜔𝑡
= [−𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜔𝑡 ]
= [−(𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜋 − 𝑐𝑜𝑠0)]
= [−(−1 − 1)]
= [2]
ii. DC output voltage:
The d.c. output voltage is given by
Vdc =Id.c xRL
= xR
3.2.2 RMS output current and voltage
RMS Current
The value of RMS current is given by
Irms = ∫ 𝑖 𝑑(𝜔𝑡)
= ∫ 𝐼 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜔𝑡 𝑑 (𝜔𝑡)
= ∫ ( )𝑑(𝜔𝑡)
= (𝜔𝑡) −
= (𝜋 − 0) − ( −
= 𝜋
Iv . RMS Voltage:
= xR
3.2.3 Rectifier efficiency
The Rectifier is defined as the ratio of d.c. output power to the a.c. input power
𝑑. 𝑐. 𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 𝑃
𝜂= =
𝑎. 𝑐. 𝑖𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡 𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑦 𝑃
Now Pdc =(𝐼 ) 𝑅 =
Further Pac=Pa +Pr
where Pa = Power dissipated at the junction of diode
=𝐼 Rf = 𝑅 ∵𝐼 =
Pr= Power dissipated in the load resistance
=𝐼 x RL = 𝑥𝑅 ∵𝐼 =
So Pac= 𝑥𝑅 + 𝑥𝑅 = 𝑥 (𝑅 + 𝑅
4𝐼 𝑅
𝑃 𝜋
𝜂= =
𝑥 (𝑅 + 𝑅 )
8 𝑅
= .
𝜋 𝑅 +𝑅
Hence rectifier efficiency
𝜂= 𝑥 100%
𝜂 = 81.2% 𝑖𝑓𝑅 = 0
3.2.4 Ripple factor.:
Ripple factor is defined as the ratio of effective value or rms value of a.c. components of
output voltage or current to the average value or d.c components of voltage and current
. . . . .
Ripple factor,𝛾 =
𝑉( . . ) 𝐼 ( . . )
𝛾= =
Where Vr(rms) =r.m.s. value of a.c. component of output voltage
Vdc = d.c. value of output voltage
Ir(rms) = r.m.s. value of a.c. component of output current
Idc = d.c. value of output current
The r.m.s value of the rectified out put load current is given by
𝐼 = 𝐼 +𝐼 ( )
𝐼 ( ) = 𝐼 −𝐼
Dividing the both sides by Idc
𝐼 ( ) 𝐼 −𝐼
𝛾= ( ) −1
Now put the value of Irms and Id.c at above equation
Idc =
𝛾= 2 −1
𝛾= − 1 = 0.48
3.3 Filters:
Filter circuit is a device which removes the a.c. component of rectifier out put but allows
the d.c. component to reach the load
The filter circuit is needed to remove the ripples from DC output voltage
so that the output voltage across the load will be regulated
d. Choke Filter
e. 𝝅Filter
In series inductor filter the inductor is connected in series with the rectifier output and
the load resistor shown in fig . Thus, it is called series inductor filter.
The property of an inductor is the inductance reactance is given by XL =2𝜋𝐹𝐿. The
inductance reactance increases with increase in the frequency of the a.c. current and
frequency of dc. Current is Zero it means to block AC and provides zero resistance to
DC so inductor is used in filtering circuit. When the value of DC output from f the
rectifier is more than the average value then the rectifier store the excess current in the
form of magnetic energy.
When the value of DC from the rectifier is less than the average value then the inductor
release the stored magnetic energy in order to balance the effect of the low value of DC.
In this way series inductor filter maintains the regulated DC supply. Moreover,
inductor blocks the AC ripples present in the output voltage of rectifier; thus, smooth
DC signal can be obtained. Shown in out put waveform.
When the rectifier voltage is applied, the capacitor charges to its peak voltage level. So
the voltage across a capacitor becomes equal to output voltage of rectifier
When the rectifier voltage decrease , the capacitor starts discharges through load
resistance RL. So the output voltage also decreases. The charging and discharging of
capacitor is shown in fig.
The value of load resistance RL is large so that the capacitor discharges slowly and the
voltage across the capacitor falls slightly less than the peak value of rectifier voltage
When there is the next pulse the capacitor charges to a peak value. Thus, the process
repeats and the output voltage almost equal to peak value and smooth DC voltage is
maintained across RL
The discharge time(T) of a capacitor (C) depends on the product (τ = T. C). if load
resistance RL is small, the capacitor will discharge quickly before the next half cycle
and the voltage across the load will not remain steady.
The filtering action of the capacitor filter can be explained by using its reactance.
The capacitive reactance of a capacitor is given by
For D.C. the frequency is zero therefore the reactance is infinity i.e XC=∞ it means that
the capacitor act as an open for D.C. component cannot pass through a capacitor it
passes only through the load resistance RL
As A.C having the frequency a capacitor acts as a short and so A.C. component pass
through the capacitor to ground. In this way, a capacitor maintains a smooth D.C.
voltage across it
e. Choke Filter
Choke filter consists of an inductor connected in series with rectifier output
circuit and a capacitor connected in parallel with the load resistor.
When the pulsating DC signal from the output of the rectifier circuit is feed into choke
filter, the AC ripples present in the output DC voltage gets filtered by choke coil. The
inductor has the property to block AC and pass DC. This is because DC resistance of an
inductor is low and AC impeda
nce of inductor coil is high. Thus, the AC ripples get
blocked by inductor coil.
If the inductor of high inductive reactance (XL), greater than the capacitive reactance at
ency is used than filtering efficiency gets improved .
ripple frequency
f. 𝛑 Filter
The construction arrangement of all the components resembles the shape of Greek
letter Pi (π). Thus it is called Pi filter. Besides, the capacitor is present at the input side.
Thus, it is also called capacitor input filter.
The output voltage coming from rectifier also consist of AC components. Thus it
is a crucial need to remove these AC ripples to improve the performance of the
device. The output from the rectifier is directly applied to the input capacitor.
The capacitor provides
rovides a low impedance to AC ripples present in the output
voltage and high resistance to DC voltage. Therefore, most of the AC ripples get
bypassed through the capacitor in input stage only.
The residual AC components which are still present in filtered DC signal gets
filtered when they pass through the inductor coil and through the capacitor
connected parallel across the load. In this way, the efficiency of filtering increases
multiple times.
It is a current controlled device. The three terminals of the BJT are the base, the
collector and the emitter. A BJT is a type of transistor that uses both electrons and
holes as charge carriers so called as Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT)
The emitter is the most heavily doped of the three regions. Also, the width of the
emitter is normally smaller than the collector and greater than the base, while the
base width is the smallest of the three. The emitter is heavily doped so that it can
inject a large number of charge carriers (electrons or holes) into the base. The base is
lightly doped and very thin, it passes most of the emitter injected charge carriers to the
collector. The collector is moderately doped.
The primary function of BJT is to increase the strength of a weak signal, i.e., it
acts as an amplifier. A BJT can also be used as a solid state switch in electronic
Terminals/Regions of a transistor
BJT consists of 3 regions all of which have a different doping concentration.
They are–
1. Emitter
2. Base
3. Collector
1. Emitter
The emitter is the portion on one side of the transistor which emits (supply)
electrons or holes to the other two portions.
The emitter is always forward bias w.r.t base in both PNP and NPN transistors,
so that it can emit a large number of majority carriers as It is the most heavily
doped region of the BJT Emitter supplies electrons to the emitter-base junction in
NPN while it supplies holes into the same junction in PNP transistor.
2. Base
The base is the middle portion between collector and emitter & it forms two PN
junctions between them.
The base is the most lightly doped portion of the BJT. Being the middle portion of
the BJT allows it to control the flow of charge carriers between emitter and
The base-emitter junction is forward bias, allowing low resistance for emitter
The base-collector junction shows high resistance because this junction is
reversed bias.
The portion on the opposite side of the Emitter that collects the emitted charge
carriers (i.e. electrons or holes) is known as collector.
Collector-base junction should be always reversed biased in both PNP and NPN
The reason for reverse biasing is to remove charge carriers (electrons or holes)
from the collector-base junction.
The collector of NPN transistor collects electrons emitted by emitter. While in
PNP transistor, it collects holes emitted by emitter.
Types of BJT
There are two types of BJTs −
NPN Transistor
PNP Transistor
NPN Transistor
An npn-transistor
transistor is composed of two nn-type
type semiconductor materials which are
separated by a thin layer of p
p-type semiconductor.
The two terminals viz. Emitter and Collector are taken out from the two n-type
semiconductor and the Base terminal is from the p
type semiconductor.
For npn-transistor,
transistor, the conventional current flows out of the emitter as indicated
by the outing arrow.
PNP Transistor
A pnp-transistor
transistor is composed of two p
type semiconductors which are separated
by a thin layer of n-type
type material.
The two terminals viz. Emitter and Collector are taken out from the two p-type
semiconductor layers and the Base terminal is from the n
pe semiconductor.
For the pnp-transistor,
transistor, the conventional current flows into the emitter as
indicated by the inward arrow.
Where ie is approximately equal to ic because Ib is almost 2% of the IC.
Again, the emitter current is the sum of collector current and base current.
These biasing methods make the transistor circuit to work in four kinds of regions (mode)
such as
1. Active region
2. Saturation region
3. Cutoff region
1. Active region
This is the region in which transistors have many applications. This is also called
as linear region. A transistor while in this region, acts better as an Amplifier.
This region lies between saturation and cutoff. The transistor operates in active region when
the emitter junction is forward biased and collector junction is reverse biased.
In the active state, collector current is β times the base current, i.e.
Where IC = collector current, β = current amplification factor, and I B = base current.
In this region, the transistor is used for amplification
2. Saturation region
This is the region in which transistor tends to behave as a closed switch. The transistor has
the effect of its collector and emitter being shorted. The collector and emitter currents are
maximum in this mode of operation.
The following figure shows a transistor working in saturation region.
The transistor operates in saturation region when both the emitter and collector junctions are
forward biased.
In saturation mode,
3. Cutoff region
This is the region in which transistor tends to behave as an open switch. The transistor has
the effect of its collector and base being opened. The collector, emitter and base currents
are all zero in this mode of operation.
The figure below shows a transistor working in cutoff region.
The transistor operates in cutoff region when both the emitter and collector junctions
are reverse biased.
As in cutoff region, the collector current, emitter current and base currents are nil, we
can write as
Where IC = collector current, IE = emitter current, and IB = base current.
A transistor acts as an amplifier by raising the strength of a weak signal. The DC bias
voltage applied to the emitter base junction makes it remain in forward biased
condition. This forward bias is maintained regardless of the polarity of the signal. The
below figure shows how a transistor looks like when connected as an amplifier.
The low resistance in input circuit as Emitter base is forward bias , lets any small
change in input signal to result in an appreciable change in the output. The emitter
current caused by the input signal contributes the collector current, which when
flows through the load resistor RL, results in a large voltage drop across it as reverse
bias i.e high resistance at out put side . Thus a small input voltage results in a large
output voltage, which shows that the transistor works as an amplifier.
Let there be a change of 0.1v in the input voltage being applied, which further
produces a change of 1mA in the emitter current. This emitter current will obviously
produce a change in collector current, which would also be 1mA.
A load resistance of 5kΩ placed in the collector would produce a voltage of
5 kΩ × 1 mA = 5V
Hence it is observed that a change of 0.1v in the input gives a change of 5v in the
output, which means the voltage level of the signal is amplified.
Generally the transistor has three terminals – emitter (E), base (B) and collector. But
in the circuit connections we need four terminals, two terminals for input and
another two terminals for output.
To overcome these problems we use one terminal as common for both input and
output actions.
Using this property we construct the circuits and these structures are called
transistor configurations. Generally there are three different configurations of
transistors are:
A. Common Base (CB) Configuration
The name itself implies that the Base terminal is taken as common terminal for both
input and output of the transistor. The common base connection for both NPN and
PNP transistors is as shown in the following figure.
The ratio of change in collector current (ΔIC )to the change in emitter current (ΔIE) when
collector voltage VCB is kept constant, is called as Current amplification factor. It is denoted
by α.
α= ΔI
ΔI at constantVCB
Input Characteristics for CB Configuration of Transistor
The curve between emitter current IE and emitter base voltage VEB at constant collector
base voltage VCB shows in the fig the input characteristics of a CB configuration circuit
which describes the variation of emitter current, IE with Base-Emitter
Emitter voltage, VBE
keeping Collector-Base
Base voltage, VCB constant.
he output resistance can be obtained as:
B. Common Emitter (CE) Configuration
The name itself implies that the Emitter terminal is taken as common terminal for both
input and output of the transistor. The common emitter connection for both NPN and
PNP transistors is as shown in figure .
The emitter junction is forward biased and the collector junction is reverse biased. The
input current
rent is the base current IB and the output current is the collector
current IC here.
β= at constant VCE
The curve between base current IB and base emitter voltage VBE at constant collector
emitter voltage VCE shows in the Figure shows the input characteristics for the CE
configuration of transistor which illustrates the variation in IB in accordance with VBE
when VCE is kept constant.
From the graph shown, the output resistance can be obtained as:
The name itself implies that the Collector terminal is taken as common terminal for
both input and output of the transistor. The common collector connection for both
NPN and PNP transistors is as shown in the following figure.
Just as in CB and CE configurations, the emitter junction is forward biased and the
collector junction is reverse biased. The input current is the base current IB and the
output current is the emitter current IE here.
Current Amplification Factor γ
The ratio of change in emitter current ΔIE to the change in base current ΔIB is known
as Current Amplification factor in common collector CC configuration. It is denoted by γ
Input Characteristics for CC Configuration of Transistor
Figure shows the input characteristics for CC configuration which describes the
variation in IB in accordance with VCB, for a constant value of Collector-Emitter
voltage, VCE.
Relation between β and α
We know that β=
α= ………………
ΔIC …………… 3.
E− C
𝟏 𝛂
Comparison of Transistor Configuration
5.1 Transistor biasing:
The proper flow of zero signal collector current and the maintenance of proper collector
emitter voltage during the passage of signal is known as Transistor Biasing. The circuit
which provides transistor biasing is called as Biasing Circuit.
If a signal of very small voltage is given to the input of BJT, it cannot be amplified.
Because, for a BJT, to amplify a signal, two conditions have to be met.
The input voltage should exceed cut-in voltage for the transistor to be ON.
The BJT should be in the active region, to be operated as an amplifier.
The main factor that affects the operating point is the temperature. The operating
point shifts due to change in temperature.
As temperature increases, the values of ICE, β, VBE gets affected.
5.2 Stabilization
Temperature dependence of IC
Individual variations
Thermal runaway
Individual Variations:
As the value of β and the value of VBE are not same for every transistor, whenever a
transistor is replaced, the operating point tends to change. Hence it is necessary to
stabilize the operating point.
Thermal Runaway:
The self-destruction of such an un-stabilized transistor is known as Thermal run
In order to avoid thermal runaway and the destruction of transistor, it is necessary to
stabilize the operating point, i.e., to keep IC constant.
at constant IB and β
The stability factor should be as low as possible so that the collector current doesn’t get
affected. S=1 is the ideal value.
Hence the stability factor S depends on β, I B and IC.
value of RB is to be known. The figure below shows how a base resistor method of
biasing circuit looks like.
The voltage divider bias method is the most widely used method. Here, two resistors
R1 and R2 are employed, which are connected to VCC and provide biasing. The resistor
RE employed in the emitter provides stabilization.
The name voltage divider comes from the voltage divider formed by R1 and R2. The
voltage drop across R2 forward biases the base
emitter junction. This causes the base
current and hence collector current flow in the zero signal conditions. The figure below
shows the circuit of voltage divider bias method.
6.1 Practical circuit of transistor amplifier:
The circuit of a practical transistor amplifier is as shown below, which represents a voltage divider
biasing circuit.
Biasing Circuit
The resistors R1, R2 and RE form the biasing and stabilization circuit, which helps in
establishing a proper operating point.
This capacitor couples the input signal to the base of the transistor. The input capacitor
Cin allows AC signal, but isolates the signal source from R 2. If this capacitor is not
present, the input signal gets directly applied, which changes the bias at R 2.
Coupling Capacitor CC
This capacitor is present at the end of one stage and connects it to the other stage. As it
couples two stages it is called as coupling capacitor. This capacitor blocks DC of one
stage to enter the other but allows AC to pass. Hence it is also called as bloc king
Due to the presence of coupling capacitor CC, the output across the resistor RL is free
from the collector’s DC voltage. If this is not present, the bias conditions of the next
stage will be drastically changed due to the shunting effect of R C, as it would come in
parallel to R2 of the next stage.
The resistance RL connected at the output is known as Load resistor. When a number
of stages are used, then RL represents the input resistance of the next stage.
Base Current
When no signal is applied in the base circuit, DC base current IB flows due to biasing
circuit. When AC signal is applied, AC base current ib also flows. Therefore, with the
application of signal, total base current iB is given by
Collector Current
When no signal is applied, a DC collector current IC flows due to biasing circuit. When
AC signal is applied, AC collector current ic also flows. Therefore, the total collector
current iC is given by
IC=βIB= zero signal collector current
ic=βic= collector current due to signal
Emitter Current
It should be remembered that
As base current is usually small, it is to be noted that
DC load line:
The D.C load line is a line on the output characteristics of a transistor which gives the value of IC and
VCE corresponding to zero signal conditions.
As VCC and RC are fixed values, the above one is a first degree equation and hence will
be a straight line on the output characteristics. This line is called as D.C. Load line.
The figure below shows the DC load line.
To obtain the load line, the two end points of the straight line are to be determined. Let
those two points be A and B.
To obtain A
When collector emitter voltage VCE = 0, the collector current is maximum and is equal
to VCC/RC. This gives the maximum value of VCE. This is shown as
This gives the point A (OA = VCC/RC) on collector current axis, shown in the above
To obtain B
When the collector current IC = 0, then collector emitter voltage is maximum and will
be equal to the VCC. This gives the maximum value of IC. This is shown as
(AS IC = 0)
This gives the point B, which means (OB = V CC) on the collector emitter voltage axis
shown in the above figure.
Hence we got both the saturation and cutoff point determined and learnt that the load
line is a straight line. So, a DC load line can be drawn.
DC equivalent circuit:
In D.C. equivalent circuit of a transistor amplifier, only d.c condition are to be consider
i.e. no signal is applied. As dc current can not flow through a capacitor therefore all the
capacitors look like open circuits in the d.c. equivalent circuit.
ng two steps are applied to the transistor ckt:
Fi-2 DC equivalent ckt of fig-1
AC equivalent circuit:
In the a.c. equivalent circuit of transistor amplifier, only AC condition are to be
Following Two steps are applied the transistor circuit:
a. Reduce all d.c source to zero( i.e. I cc =0)
b. Short all the capacitor
1. Graphical Method
The graphical method to calculate the current gain and voltage gain of the
The out put characteristics are shown in fig.
First we draw the d.c. and ac load lines. The slope of dc load line is -1/R dc while
the slope a.c. load line -1/Rac . Here, Rdc=Rc +Re and Rac =RL||RC
From the fig that collector current varies between (IC) max and (IC) min. While
the collector-emitter voltage varies between (Vce) max and (Vce) min . Let a.c. voltage
varies between (Vi) max and (Vi) min the current gain and voltage gain are given
2. Using Circuit Analysis
6.5 Phase reversal
The phase difference of 1800 between the signal voltage and output voltage in
common emitter amplifier is known as Phase reversal.
1. R.C Coupling
2. Transformer coupling
3. Direct coupling
6.10.1 R.C. coupled amplifier:
The two stage amplifier circuit has two transistors, connected in CE configuration and a
common power supply VCC is used. The potential divider network R1 and R2 and the resistor
Re form the biasing and stabilization network. The emitter by-pass capacitor C e offers a low
reactance path to the signal.
The resistor RL is used as a load impedance. The input capacitor C in present at the initial stage
of the amplifier couples AC signal to the base of the transistor. The capacitor C C is the coupling
capacitor that connects two stages and prevents DC interference between the stages and
controls the shift of operating point. The figure below shows the circuit diagram of RC coupled
When an AC input signal is applied to the base of first transistor, it gets amplified and appears
at the collector load RL which is then passed through the coupling capacitor C C to the next
This becomes the input of the next stage, whose amplified output again appears across its
collector load. Thus the signal is amplified in stage by stage action.
The important point that has to be noted here is that the total gain is less than the product of
the gains of individual stages. This is because when a second stage is made to follow the first
stage, the effective load resistance of the first stage is reduced due to the shunting effect of the
input resistance of the second stage. Hence, in a multistage amplifier, only the gain of the last
stage remains unchanged.
As we consider a two stage amplifier here, the output phase is same as input. Because the
phase reversal is done two times by the two stage CE configured amplifier circuit.
From the above graph, it is understood that the frequency rolls off or decreases for the
frequencies below 50Hz and for the frequencies above 20 KHz. whereas the voltage gain for
the range of frequencies between 50Hz and 20 KHz is constant.
At High frequencies (i.e. above 20 KHz)
Again considering the same point, we know that the capacitive reactance is low at high
frequencies. So, a capacitor behaves as a short circuit, at high frequencies. As a result of this,
the loading effect of the next stage increases, which reduces the voltage gain. Along with this,
as the capacitance of emitter diode decreases, it increases the base current of the transistor due
to which the current gain (β) reduces. Hence the voltage gain rolls off at high frequencies.
The potential divider network R1 and R2 and the resistor Re together form the biasing and
stabilization network. The emitter by-pass capacitor Ce offers a low reactance path to the
signal. The resistor RL is used as a load impedance. The input capacitor Cin present at the
initial stage of the amplifier couples AC signal to the base of the transistor. The capacitor CC is
the coupling capacitor that connects two stages and prevents DC interference between the
stages and controls the shift of operating point.
This transformer coupling provides good impedance matching between the stages of
amplifier. The transformer coupled amplifier is generally used for power amplification.
At low frequencies, the reactance of primary begins to fall, resulting in decreased gain. At high
frequencies, the capacitance between turns of windings acts as a bypass condenser to reduce
the output voltage and hence gain.
So, the amplification of audio signals will not be proportionate and some distortion will also
get introduced, which is called as Frequency distortion.
Though the gain is high, it varies considerably with frequency. Hence a poor frequency
Frequency distortion is higher.
Transformers tend to produce hum noise.
Transformers are bulky and costly.
The following are the applications of a transformer coupled amplifier −
6.11 Feed back in amplifier
The process of injecting a fraction of output energy of some device back to the input is known as
From the above figure, the gain of the amplifier is represented as A. the gain of the amplifier is
the ratio of output voltage Vo to the input voltage Vi. the feedback network extracts a voltage
Vf = β Vo from the output Vo of the amplifier.
This voltage is added for positive feedback and subtracted for negative Let us consider the
case of negative feedback. The output Vo must be equal to the input voltage (Vs - βVo)
multiplied by the gain A of the amplifier. feedback, from the signal voltage V s. Now,
Let us consider the case of negative feedback. The output V o must be equal to the input voltage
(Vs - βVo) multiplied by the gain A of the amplifier.
V =
Let Af be the overall gain (gain with the feedback) of the amplifier. This is defined as the ratio
of output voltage Vo to the applied signal voltage Vs, i.e.,
Af= Inputsignalvoltage = VV
Af =
Negative Feedback
The feedback in which the feedback energy i.e., either voltage or current is out of phase with
the input and thus opposes it, is called as negative feedback.
In negative feedback, the amplifier introduces a phase shift of 180 o into the circuit while the
feedback network is so designed that it produces no phase shift or zero phase shift. Thus the
resultant feedback voltage Vf is 180o out of phase with the input signal Vin.
Though the gain of negative feedback amplifier is reduced, there are many advantages of
negative feedback such as
There are two main types of negative feedback circuits. They are −
Voltage-series feedback
Voltage-shunt feedback
Current-series feedback
Current-shunt feedback
Voltage-Series Feedback
In the voltage series feedback circuit, a fraction of the output voltage is applied in series with
the input voltage through the feedback circuit. This is also known as shunt-driven series-
fed feedback, i.e., a parallel-series circuit.
The following figure shows the block diagram of voltage series feedback, by which it is
evident that the feedback circuit is placed in shunt with the output but in series with the input.
As the feedback circuit is connected in shunt with the output, the output impedance is
decreased and due to the series connection with the input, the input impedance is increased .
Voltage-Shunt Feedback
In the voltage shunt feedback circuit, a fraction of the output voltage is applied in parallel with
the input voltage through the feedback network. This is also known as shunt-driven shunt-
fed feedback i.e., a parallel-parallel proto type.
The below figure shows the block diagram of voltage shunt feedback, by which it is evident
that the feedback circuit is placed in shunt with the output and also with the input.
As the feedback circuit is connected in shunt with the output and the input as well, both the
output impedance and the input impedance are decreased .
Current-Series Feedback
In the current series feedback circuit, a fraction of the output voltage is applied in series with
the input voltage through the feedback circuit. This is also known as series-driven series-
fed feedback i.e., a series-series circuit.
The following figure shows the block diagram of current series feedback, by which it is evident
that the feedback circuit is placed in series with the output and also with the input.
As the feedback circuit is connected in series with the output and the input as well, both the
output impedance and the input impedance are increased.
Current-Shunt Feedback
In the current shunt feedback circuit, a fraction of the output voltage is applied in series with
the input voltage through the feedback circuit. This is also known as series-driven shunt-
fed feedback i.e., a series-parallel circuit.
The below figure shows the block diagram of current shunt feedback, by which it is evident
that the feedback circuit is placed in series with the output but in parallel with the input.
As the feedback circuit is connected in series with the output, the output impedance is
increased and due to the parallel connection with the input, the input impedance is decreased .
A transistor amplifier which raises the power level of the signals that have audio frequency
range is known as Transistor audio power amplifier
After the audio signal is converted into electrical signal, it has several voltage amplifications
done, after which the power amplification of the amplified signal is done just before the loud
speaker stage. This is clearly shown in the below figure.
While the voltage amplifier raises the voltage level of the signal, the power amplifier raises the
power level of the signal. Besides raising the power level, it can also be said that a power
amplifier is a device which converts DC power to AC power and whose action is controlled by
the input signal.
Audio Power Amplifiers − The audio power amplifiers raise the power level of
signals that have audio frequency range (20 Hz to 20 KHz). They are also known
as Small signal power amplifiers.
Radio Power Amplifiers − Radio Power Amplifiers or tuned power amplifiers
raise the power level of signals that have radio frequency range (3 KHz to 300 GHz).
They are also known as large signal power amplifiers.
Class A Power amplifier − When the collector current flows at all times during the
full cycle of signal, the power amplifier is known as class A power amplifier.
Class B Power amplifier − When the collector current flows only during the
positive half cycle of the input signal, the power amplifier is known as class B power
Class C Power amplifier − When the collector current flows for less than half cycle
of the input signal, the power amplifier is known as class C power amplifier.
There forms another amplifier called Class AB amplifier, if we combine the class A and
class B amplifiers so as to utilize the advantages of both.
Before going into the details of these amplifiers, let us have a look at the important
terms that have to be considered to determine the efficiency of an amplifier.
Av=β( )
The characteristics of a voltage amplifier are as follows −
The base of the transistor should be thin and hence the value of β should be greater than
The resistance of the input resistor Rin should be low when compared to collector load
R C.
The collector load RC should be relatively high. To permit high collector load, the
voltage amplifiers are always operated at low collector current.
The voltage amplifiers are used for small signal voltages.
Power Amplifier
The function of a power amplifier is to raise the power level of input signal. It is required to
deliver a large amount of power and has to handle large current.
The characteristics of a power amplifier are as follows −
The base of transistor is made thicken to handle large currents. The value of β being (β <
The size of the transistor is made larger, in order to dissipate more heat, which is
produced during transistor operation.
Transformer coupling is used for impedance matching.
Collector resistance is made low.
6.12.2 Transformer coupled class A power amplifier
The circuit in which the output current flows for the entire cycle of the AC input supply. it has
such as low output power and efficiency. In order to minimize those effects, the transformer
coupled class A power amplifier has been introduced.
The construction of class A power amplifier can be understood with the help of below figure.
This is similar to the normal amplifier circuit but connected with a transformer in the collector
Here R1 and R2 provide potential divider arrangement. The resistor Re provides stabilization,
Ce is the bypass capacitor and Re to prevent a.c. voltage. The transformer used here is a step-
down transformer.
The high impedance primary of the transformer is connected to the high impedance collector
circuit. The low impedance secondary is connected to the load (generally loud speaker).
Transformer Action
The transformer used in the collector circuit is for impedance matching. R L is the load
connected in the secondary of a transformer. RL’ is the reflected load in the primary of the
The number of turns in the primary are n1 and the secondary are n2. Let V1 and V2 be the
primary and secondary voltages and I1 and I2 be the primary and secondary currents
respectively. The below figure shows the transformer clearly.
Circuit Operation
If the peak value of the collector current due to signal is equal to zero signal collector current,
then the maximum a.c. power output is obtained. So, in order to achieve complete
amplification, the operating point should lie at the center of the load line.
The operating point obviously varies when the signal is applied. The collector voltage varies in
opposite phase to the collector current. The variation of collector voltage appears across the
primary of the transformer.
The advantages of transformer coupled class A power amplifier are as follows.
The applications of transformer coupled class A power amplifier are as follows.
This circuit is where impedance matching is the main criterion.
These are used as driver amplifiers and sometimes as output amplifiers.
6.12.3 Class A push – pull amplifier
It is possible to obtain greater power output and efficiency than that of the Class A amplifier
by using a combinational transistor pair called as Push-Pull configuration.
In this circuit, we use two identical transistors T1 and T2 are used, connected in order to
operate them like PUSH a transistor to ON and PULL another transistor to OFF at the same
time. This push-pull configuration can be made in class A, class B, class C or class AB
Construction of Push-Pull Class A Power Amplifier
Circuit Operation
The output is collected from the output transformer Tr2. The primary of this transformer Tr2 has
practically no dc component through it. The transistors T1 and T2 have their collectors
connected to the primary of transformer Tr2 so that their currents are equal in magnitude and
flow in opposite directions through the primary of transformer Tr2.
When the a.c. input signal is applied, the base of transistor T 1 is more positive while the base of
transistor T2 is less positive. Hence the collector current ic1 of transistor T1 increases while the
collector current ic2 of transistor T2 decreases. These currents flow in opposite directions in two
halves of the primary of output transformer. Moreover, the flux produced by these currents
will also be in opposite directions.
Hence, the voltage across the load will be induced voltage whose magnitude will be
proportional to the difference of collector currents i.e.
Similarly, for the negative input signal, the collector current ic2 will be more than ic1. In this
case, the voltage developed across the load will again be due to the difference
As ic2>ic1
The polarity of voltage induced across load will be reversed.
To have a better understanding, let us consider the below figure.
The overall operation results in an a.c. voltage induced in the secondary of
output transformer and hence a.c. power is delivered to that load.
It is understood that, during any given half cycle of input signal, one transistor is
being driven (or pushed) deep into conduction while the other being non-
conducting (pulled out). Hence the name Push-pull amplifier. The harmonic
distortion in Push-pull amplifier is minimized such that all the even harmonics
are eliminated.
The advantages of class A Push-pull amplifier are as follows
High a.c. output is obtained.
The output is free from even harmonics.
The effect of ripple voltages are balanced out. These are present in the power supply
due to inadequate filtering.
The disadvantages of class A Push-pull amplifier are as follows
Center-tapping is required for the transformers.
The transformers are bulky and costly.
6.12.4 Class B push – pull amplifier
Though the efficiency of class B power amplifier is higher than class A, as only one half
cycle of the input is used, the distortion is high. Also, the input power is not completely
utilized. In order to compensate these problems, the push-pull configuration is introduced in
class B amplifier.
The circuit of a push-pull class B power amplifier consists of two identical transistors T 1 and
T2 whose bases are connected to the secondary of the center-tapped input transformer T r1. The
emitters are shorted and the collectors are given the VCC supply through the primary of the
output transformer Tr2.
The circuit arrangement of class B push-pull amplifier, is same as that of class A push-pull
amplifier except that the transistors are biased at cut off, instead of using the biasing resistors.
The figure below gives the detailing of the construction of a push-pull class B power amplifier .
The circuit of class B push-pull amplifier shown in the above figure clears that both the
transformers are center-tapped. When no signal is applied at the input, the transistors T 1 and
T2 are in cut off condition and hence no collector currents flow. As no current is drawn from
VCC, no power is wasted.
When input signal is given, it is applied to the input transformer Tr1 which splits the signal
into two signals that are 180o out of phase with each other. These two signals are given to the
two identical transistors T1 and T2. For the positive half cycle, the base of the transistor
T1 becomes positive and collector current flows. At the same time, the transistor T 2 has
negative half cycle, which throws the transistor T2 into cutoff condition and hence no collector
current flows.
For the next half cycle, the transistor T1 gets into cut off condition and the transistor T2 gets
into conduction, to contribute the output. Hence for both the cycles, each transistor conducts
6.13 Oscillators
Oscillators are electronic circuits that generate a continuous periodic waveform at a precise frequency
Oscillators convert a DC input (the supply voltage) into an AC output (the waveform)
Oscillators are used in many pieces of test equipment producing either sinusoidal sine waves,
square, sawtooth or triangular shaped waveforms or just a train of repetative pulses of a
variable or constant width.
Oscillator circuit consists of a tank circuit, a transistor amplifier, and a feedback circuit.
Tank Circuit − The tank circuit consists of an inductance L connected in parallel with
capacitor C. The values of these two components determine the frequency of the
oscillator circuit and hence this is called as Frequency determining circuit.
Transistor Amplifier − The output of the tank circuit is connected to the amplifier
circuit so that the oscillations produced by the tank circuit are amplified here. Hence the
output of these oscillations are increased by the amplifier.
Feedback Circuit − The function of feedback circuit is to transfer a part of the output
energy to LC circuit in proper phase. This feedback is positive in oscillators while
negative in amplifiers.
6.13.1 Types of oscillators
A Field Effect Transistor (FET) is a three-terminal semiconductor device. Its operation is
based on a controlled input voltage
Further Junction Field Effect Transistor (JFET) are two type N-Channel JFET and P-
Channel JFET.
N-Channel JFET
It has a thin layer of N type material formed on P type substrate. Following figure shows the
crystal structure and schematic symbol of an N-channel JFET. Then the gate is formed on top
of the N channel with P type material. At the end of the channel and the gate, lead wires are
attached and the substrate has no connection.
When a DC voltage source is connected to the source and the drain leads of a JFET, maximum
current will flow through the channel. The same amount of current will flow from the source
and the drain terminals. The amount of channel current flow will be determined by the value
of VDD and the internal resistance of the channel.
A typical value of source-drain resistance of a JFET is quite a few hundred ohms. It is clear that
even when the gate is open full current conduction will take place in the channel. Essentially,
the amount of bias voltage applied at ID, controls the flow of current carriers passing through
the channel of a JFET. With a small change in gate voltage, JFET can be controlled anywhere
between full conduction and cutoff state.
P-Channel JFETs
It has a thin layer of P type material formed on N type substrate. The following figure
shows the crystal structure and schematic symbol of an N-channel JFET. The gate is
formed on top of the P channel with N type material. At the end of the channel and the
gate, lead wires are attached. Rest of the construction details are similar to that of N-
channel JFET.
Normally for general operation, the gate terminal is made positive with respect to the
source terminal. The size of the P-N junction depletion layer depends upon fluctuations
in the values of reverse biased gate voltage. With a small change in gate voltage, JFET
can be controlled anywhere between full conduction and cutoff state.
Initially, the drain current (ID) rises rapidly with drain source voltage (VDS) however suddenly
becomes constant at a voltage known as pinch-off voltage (VP). Above pinch-off voltage, the
channel width becomes so narrow that it allows very small drain current to pass through it.
Therefore, drain current (ID) remains constant above pinch-off voltage .
Parameters of JFET
The main parameters of JFET are −
AC drain resistance (Rd): − It is the ratio of change in the drain source voltage (ΔVDS) to
the change in drain current (ΔID) at constant gate-source voltage. It can be expressed as,
Rd = (ΔVDS)/(ΔID) at Constant VGS
Transconductance (gfs) − It is the ratio of change in drain current (ΔID) to the change in
gate source voltage (ΔVGS) at constant drain-source voltage. It can be expressed as,
gfs = (ΔID)/(ΔVGS) at constant VDS
Amplification Factor (u) − It is the ratio of change in drain-source voltage (ΔVDS) to the
change in gate source voltage (ΔVGS) constant drain current (ΔID). It can be expressed as,
u = (ΔVDS)/(ΔVGS) at constant ID
8.1 Pin configuration IC – CA – 741 OP AMP
All input signals at this pin will be processed normally without inversion
The block diagram of the Operational Amplifier is shown in the following figure.
The op-amp consist of mainly four stages
1. Input stage:
2. Intermediate Stage:
3. Level shifting stage:
4. Output Stage:
Input stage:
Intermediate Stage:
This stage is dual input, unbalanced output differential amplifier, which is driven by the
output of first stage.
So, in this stage, the DC voltage is greater than the ground potential or 0V.
Since direct coupling is used, therefore the DC voltage at the output of intermediate stage
is above the ground potential so suppress the dc level down to zero volts with respect to
Intermediate stage increases the overall gain of the op-amp.
It is dual input unbalanced output differential amplifier.
Output Stage:
In this stage, the push-pull amplifier is used
The output of the level-shifting stage is given to the input of the push-pull amplifier.
The push-pull amplifier increases the output voltage and high current-delivering
capability of the operational amplifier.
It provides a low output resistance.
Here, AVd is equivalent Thevenin’s voltage source and Rout is Thevenin’s equivalent resistance.