MI MA10 User's Manual (MR or MI)
MI MA10 User's Manual (MR or MI)
MI MA10 User's Manual (MR or MI)
1 General Description....................................................................................... 1
1.1 Functions and Characteristics .......................................................1
1.2 Front Panel.........................................................................................2
1.3 Technical Specifications................................................................... 3
1.3.1 Common.................................................................................3
1.3.2 Analog.....................................................................................4
1.3.3 Digital......................................................................................4
2 Installation and Wiring...................................................................................5
2.1 Connection of Power Supply........................................................... 5
2.2 Connection of Load Cell...................................................................5
2.2.1 6-wired Connection.............................................................. 6
2.3 I/O terminals....................................................................................... 7
2.4 Optional Expansion Board Output.................................................. 8
2.4.1 Analog Output (Optional)).................................................8
2.4.2 Serial Interface RS485 Output..........................................11
2.4.3 Serial Interface RS232 Output......................................... 12
3 Calibration.....................................................................................................13
3.1 Instruction.........................................................................................13
3.2 Flow Chart of Calibration............................................................... 14
3.3 Millivolt Value Display..................................................................... 20
3.4 Calibration with Weights.................................................................20
3.5 Millivolt Calibration.......................................................................... 20
3.6 Calibration Switch for Communication Interface........................ 22
3.7 Explanation for Calibration Parameters.......................................23
4 Working Parameters Setting...................................................................... 25
4.1 Flow Chart of Working Parameters Setting.................................25
4.2 Parameter Setting Method.............................................................27
4.3 Descriptions of Operation Parameters........................................ 28
4.4 Set point parameters...................................................................... 31
5 I/O Definition.................................................................................................33
5.1 I/O Definition.................................................................................... 33
5.2 I/O testing......................................................................................... 35
6 Serial Communication.................................................................................36
6.1 r-Cont................................................................................................ 37
6.2 r-SP1................................................................................................. 37
6.2.1 Parameters Code Chart.................................................... 37
6.2.2 Error Code Explanation..................................................... 40
6.2.3 Command............................................................................ 40
6.3 tt TOLEDO........................................................................................48
6.4 Cb920................................................................................................49
6.5 rECont...............................................................................................50
6.6 rEREAD............................................................................................ 51
6.7 Modbus............................................................................................. 52
6.7.1 Modbus Communication Address.................................... 53
7 Password Input and Setting, Reset.......................................................... 60
7.1 Password Input................................................................................60
7.2 Password Setting............................................................................ 60
7.3 Factory Reset.................................................................................. 62
8 Display Testing............................................................................................. 64
9 Errors and Alarm Messages.......................................................................65
10 Dimension of Indicator.............................................................................. 66
MA10.. Indicator
1 General Description
M02 weighing indicator is specially designed for weight transmitting in industrial
This indicator has the features of small volume, plenty communicating commands,
stable performance, easy operation and practicability. It can be widely applied to
concrete and bitumen mixing equipment, metallurgy furnace and converter, chemical
industry and feed, etc. .
1.1 Functions and Characteristics
Small volume, unique design, easy operation
Applicable to all kinds of resistance strain gauge bridge load cell
Front panel numerical calibration
Multilevel of digital filter
Automatic zero -tracking
Automatically zero when powered on
4 set points
1 input and 2 outputs
Serial communication interface:RS232 or RS485
Calibration via serial interface
Optional interfaces: Analog output, serial interface
MA10.. Indicator
MA10.. Indicator
: Function Selecting Key, To make flashing position move to the right digit
when data inputting.
1.3.1 Common:
Power supply: DC24V±5%
Working temperature: -10~40℃
Max humidity: 90%R.H without dew
Power consumption: About 10W
Dimension: 110×89×60(mm)
MA10.. Indicator
1.3.2 Analog:
Load cell power: DC5V 200mA(MAX)
Input impedance: 10MΩ
Zero steady range: 0.00~12mV(Load cell 3mV/V)
Input sensitivity: 0.1uV/d
Input range: 0.00~15mV(Load cell 3mV/V)
Transfer mode: Sigma - Delta
A/D conversion speed: 15, 30, 60, 120, 480, 960 times/sec
Non-linearity: 0.01% F.S
Gain drift: 10PPM/℃
Display Precision: 1/100,000
1.3.3 Digital:
Weight display: 6 digits red high-brightness LED
Minus display: “-”
Overload display: “OFL”
Decimal point: 5 kinds (optional)
Function keys: 4 keys soniferous keypad
MA10.. Indicator
MA10.. Indicator
1. As load cell output sensitive analog signal, please use shield cable to separate
with other cables, especially AC power.
2. 4 wires connection is suitable for short distance and stable temperature or low
precision field, otherwise use 6 wires connection.
3. For more load cells parallel connection, their sensitivity (mV/V) should be same.
MA10.. Indicator
MA10.. Indicator
MA10.. Indicator
The analog output has been calibrated before the delivery of the indicators, so
users do not need to make calibration. If analog output is abnormal, users can
calibrate by themselves as follows:(Suggestion: please calibrate under the
instruction of professionals)
SET UP calibration.
MA10.. Indicator
In this interface,the
Current calibration interface multimeter measured
should be 4.000mA.
If not,press
Measured 4.000mA
press to save and exit. Finish the calibration referring to the process of
4.000mA calibration, and the same for the
Then press to calibrate calibration of 20mA.
MA10.. Indicator
MA10.. Indicator
MA10.. Indicator
3 Calibration
3.1 Instruction
(1)Calibration procedure must be executed when a M02 indicator is put in use at the
first time, the preset parameters may no longer meet the user’s needs, and any part of
the weighing system was changed. Position of decimal point, minimum division,
maximum capacity, zero, and gain can be set and confirmed through calibration.
(2)If you want to set only one parameter, please press to save parameter’s
(4)Please record each value in the blank table in section 3.4 during calibration for the
emergency use in future.
(5)See chapter 9 for error alarm message that may be displayed during calibration.
MA10.. Indicator
Normal Status
press to enter password input.
2. After password is input, the indicator will
next step.
Password input
3. Press to select a desired value for
decimal point among 0,
0.0, 0.00, 0.000 and 0.0000, and then
MA10.. Indicator
MA10.. Indicator
MA10.. Indicator
8. The process of gain calibration is as follows. If there’s no need to do gain calibration, press
MA10.. Indicator
MA10.. Indicator
MA10.. Indicator
MA10.. Indicator
MA10.. Indicator
MA10.. Indicator
t Millivolt Value
o Zero
C Gain
Switch for
SIOCAL via serial OFF
MA10.. Indicator
MA10.. Indicator
Normal Status
F1 F1.1 F1.7
MA10.. Indicator
F2 F2.1 F2.7
F3 F3.1 F3.2
F4 F4.1
MA10.. Indicator
F1.4 50 50 60
Confirm change
MA10.. Indicator
MA10.. Indicator
MA10.. Indicator
MA10.. Indicator
MA10.. Indicator
MA10.. Indicator
5 I/O Definition
5.1 I/O Definition
Output/Input code table:
O0 None No definition
MA10.. Indicator
Code Definition Description
I0 None No definition
I1 Zeroing Effective input for zeroing, pulse input signals
I2 Sp1 If this signal is valid, Sp1 status will be regarded as
invalid. Output valid state when comparision condition
turns to invalid, and be effective again.
I3 Sp2 If this signal is valid, Sp2 status will be regarded as
invalid. Output valid state when comparision condition
turns to invalid, and be effective again.
I4 Sp3 If this signal is valid, Sp3 status will be regarded as
invalid. Output valid state when comparision condition
turns to invalid, and be effective again.
I5 Sp4 If this signal is valid, Sp4 status will be regarded as
invalid. Output valid state when comparision condition
turns to invalid, and be effective again.
I6 Reset all Reset all paramater value when this signal is valid.
MA10.. Indicator
status flash.
MA10.. Indicator
6 Serial Communication
M02 has RS232 or RS485 as optional to realize communication with upper
computer。Support r-Cont、r-SP1、Modbus(bus)、tt TOLEDO、Cb920、rECont
protocols and rErEAD protocol.
Serial communication terminal please refer to chapter 2.4.2、2.4.3. Baud rate and
communication format setting please refer to F2.2、F2.3 and F2.4.
※Under main display(display weight value), long press to enter into serial
communication checking interface, it will display ‘------’ if no communication, and ‘------’
will flash if there’s communication.
6.1 r-Cont
Indicator will send weighing data to host computer without command.
Data Format:
STX Scale Channel Status Value CRC CR LF
no. no.
STX —— 1bit,start character 02H
Scale no. —— 2bits,00~99
Status —— 2bits,high byte:40H;low byte definition as follows:
MA10.. Indicator
D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
G./N. Zero
Null Null +/- OFL Stable
weight point
0: 0: 0:not
1 0 0 non/zero normal stable
1:zero 1:OFL 1:stable
Weight Value —— 6 bits;when weight is+(-)overflow,return to“space space OFL
CRC —— 2 bits,check sum
CR —— 1 bit,0DH
LF —— 1 bit,0AH
For example:
02 30 31 31 40 4120 20 20 37 30 30 32 34 0D 0A
Means: stable,positive data,present weight 700
6.2 r-SP1
Code : ASCII
Operation code supported: W,write;R, read;C,calibrate;O, zero
6.2.1 Parameters Code Chart
Para. code Para. Name number of character
R WT Read current status 8
MA10.. Indicator
and weight
R SP Read set point status 4
W DC Write mini. Divistion and 8
max. capacity
R/W PT Decimal point digit 1
R DD Minimum division 2
R CP Maximum capacity 6
R/W AC Auto. Zeroing switch 1
R/W TR Zero tracking range 1
R/W MR Stable range 1
R/W ZR Zeroing range 2
R/W FL digital filtering para. 1
R/W VC steady filtering 1
R/W AD AD sample rate 1
R PO Set point output status 4
R/W P1M~P4M Set point to judge if 1
need stability
R/W P1T~P4T Set point minimum 3
duration time
R/W P1F~P4F Set point comparison 1
condition to judge
R/W P1L~P4L Set point lower edge 6
value to judge
R/W P1H~P4H Set point upper edge 6
value to judge
MA10.. Indicator
7: D6D5D4D3D2D1D0;
R AM Absolute millivolt D6:+;D5-D0: corresponding ASCII for 6 digits
millivolt,Decimal point is fixed to 3 digits
R RM Relative zero point on D6 : +/-;D5-D0:corresponding ASCII for 6
millivolt digits,Decimal point is fixed to 3 digits
C ZY Zero calibration with
C ZN Zero calibration 6
without weight
C GY Gain calibration with 6
C GN Gain calibration 12
without weight
O CZ Zero clearing
O P1S~ Setting the Valid when 9,command valid when external
P4S corresponding set trigger and 1 status change for 1 external
point Trigger
O P1C~P4 Clear the
C corresponding set
R ID 6
Read ID No.
MA10.. Indicator
MA10.. Indicator
Weight Value —— 6 bits ; when weight is+ ( - ) overflow,return to“space space OFL
For example:
02 30 31 31 52 57 54 30 31 0D 0A
Correct response : 02 30 31 31 52 57 54 40 4130 30 33 37 35 33 33 36 0D 0A
(stablepresent value 3753)
Wrong response: 02 30 31 31 52 57 54 45 31 31 39 0D 0A(CRC check error) Read other parameters
Send command:
STX Scale no. Channel No. R Para. code CRC CR LF
MA10.. Indicator
Correct response:
STX Scale no. Channel No. R Para. code Value CRC CR LF
Wrong response:
STX Scale Channel R Para. E Error code CRC CR LF
no. No. code
Para. Value—— 1bit
Para. code——2 bits,
For example:
02 30 31 31 524D52 3839 0D 0A
Correct response:02 30 31 31 52 4D 52 36 34 33 0D 0A(stable range:6)
Wrong response:02 30 31 31 53 4D 52 45 32 30 39 0D 0A(Operation code error) Write max. Capacity and min. Division
Send command:
STX Scale Channel W DC Division Max. CRC CR LF
no. No. value capacity
Correct response:
STX Scale no. Channel No. W DC O K CRC CR LF
Wrong response:
STX Scale Channel W DC E Error code CRC CR LF
MA10.. Indicator
no. No.
DC——2 bits,44H 43H
O——1 bit,4FH
K——1 bit,4BH
Division value——2 bits,1/2/5/10/20/50
Max. capacity——6 bits
For example:
02 30 31 3157 44 43 30 35 30 31 30 30 30 30 36 30 0D 0A(division value 5, Max
capacity 10000)
Correct response: 02 30 31 31 57 44 43 4F 4B 32 34 0D 0A
Wrong response: 02 30 31 31 57 44 43 45 35 39 32 0D 0A(Operation can’t execute) Write other parameters
Send command:
STX Scale Channel W Para. Para. CRC CR LF
no. No. code value
Correct response:
STX Scale Channel W Para. O K CRC CR LF
no. No. code
Wrong response:
STX Scale Channel W Para. E Error CRC CR LF
MA10.. Indicator
MA10.. Indicator
Send command:
STX Scale no. Channel No. C ZN Zero millivolt value CRC CR LF
Correct response:
STX Scale no. Channel No. C ZN O K CRC CR LF
Wrong response:
STX Scale no. Channel No. C ZN E Error code CRC CR LF
ZN——2 bits,5AH4EH
Zero millivolt value——6 bits
For example:
02 30 31 31 43 5A 4E 30 31 32 36 31 30 38 31 0D 0A
Correct response:02 30 31 31 43 5A 4E 4F 4B 33 37 0D 0A
Wrong response:02 30 31 31 43 5A 4E 45 34 30 34 0D 0A(Write data error) Gain calibration
1)With weights
Send command:
STX Scale no. Channel No. C GY Weight value CRC CR LF
Correct response:
STX Scale no. Channel No. C GY O K CRC CR LF
Wrong response:
STX Scale no. Channel No. C GY E Error code CRC CR LF
MA10.. Indicator
GY——2 bits,47H 59H
Weight value——6 bits: Write in weight value
For example:
02 30 31 3143 47 59 30 30 30 32 30 30 36 35 0D 0A(Write in: weight value 200)
Correct response: 02 30 31 31 43 47 59 4F 4B 32 39 0D 0A
Wrong response: 02 30 31 35 43 47 59 45 36 30 32 0D 0A(Channel no. error)
2)Without weights
Send command:
STX Scale no. Channel No. C GN Gain millivolt Weight value CRC CR LF
Correct response:
STX Scale no. Channel No. C GN O K CRC CR LF
Wrong response:
STX Scale no. Channel No. C GN E Error code CRC CR LF
Gain millivolt——6 bits
Weight value——6bits
For example:
02 30 31 3143 47 4E 30 30 31 39 34 30 30 30 30 32 30 30 35 36 0D 0A (Write in:
weight value 200,corresponding gain millivolt 0.194)
Correct response: 02 30 31 31 43 47 4E 4F 4B 31 38 0D 0A
Wrong response: 02 30 31 31 43 48 4E 45 33 38 35 0D 0A(Para. Code error)
MA10.. Indicator Zeroing
Send command:
STX Scale no. Channel No. O CZ CRC CR LF
Correct response:
STX Scale no. Channel No. O CZ O K CRC CR LF
Wrong response:
STX Scale no. Channel No. O CZ E Error code CRC CR LF
For example:
02 30 31 31 4F 43 5A 38 34 0D 0A
Correct response: 02 30 31 31 4F 43 5A 4F 4B 33 38 0D 0A
Wrong response: 02 30 31 31 4F 43 5A 45 35 30 36 0D 0A(Operation can’t execuate)
MA10.. Indicator
D0 0 1 0 1 0
D1 1 1 0 0 1
D2 0 0 1 1 0
Decimal point x .x .xx .xxx .xxxx
D3 D4 D6 为 0(not change) D5 is 1(not change)
MA10.. Indicator
D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
6.4 Cb920
When F2.3=Cb920 in working parameter, indicator will send weighing data
continuously without command under Cb920 protocol.
Data format:
Status —— 2 bits,OL:( 4FH 4CH ) OFL;ST:( 53H 54H )Stable;US:( 55H
53H )unstable
MA10.. Indicator
MA10.. Indicator
Status —— 2 bits,OL(OFL):4FH 4CH; ST(stable):53H 54H; US(unstable):55H 53H
Display value —— 7bits, including decimal point, high bit is blank if no decimal point.
For example: When indicator send the following automatically:
53 54 2C 47 53 2C 2B 30 31 31 2E 31 32 30 6B 67 0D 0A
Means:Stable,Data value is positive,display value is 11.120kg
6.6 rEREAD
Indicator will send weighing data to the upper computer under command.
Data format:
Data R E A D CR LF
explain 52H 45H 41H 44H 0DH 0AH
The return data frame is the same with that of rECont protocol, please refer to rECont.
1) Zero clearing command: ZERO ON<CR><LF> : 5A 45 52 4F 20 4F 4E 0D 0A
MA10.. Indicator
6.7 Modbus
Indicator uses RTU mode to communicate, every 8-bit byte of the message are
divided into 2pcs of 4-bit hexadecimal characters to transmit at binary code.
Code: Binary
Function code:
MA10.. Indicator
MA10.. Indicator
The following items are two bytes and are available to read and write
(write code 0x06,read code 0x03)
40007 0006 Zeroing(zeroing when write in non-zero value)
40008 0007 Automatically zeroing when power on(0:OFF;1:ON)
40009 0008 Zero tracking range(0-9d)
40010 0009 Stable range(1-9d)
40011 0010 Zeroing range(0%-99%)
40012 0011 Digit filter parameters(0-9)
40013 0012 Stability filter series(0-9)
40014 0013 AD sample rate:0:15/s 1:30/s 2:60/s 3:120 /s
4:480/s 5:960/s
40015~ 0014~
40018 0017
40019 0018 Decimal point place(0:0bit,1:1bit,2:2bits,3:3bits,4:4bits)
40020 0019 Minimum division(1/ 2/ 5/ 10/ 20/ 50)
The following items are available to read and write
(writing code 0x10,read code 0x03)
40021 0020
Maximum capacity(max.capacity≤mini.division×100000)
40022 0021
MA10.. Indicator
40023 0022 Zero calibration with weights: write in 1 and calibrate zero
40024 0023 with the current weight.
Read: Absolute millivolt of current load cell
40025 0024 Zero calibration without weights: Write millivolt value at
zero;Write in range(load cell 3mV/V:millivolt value range
40026 0025
within 0.02-12.000mV) millivolt value at zero when read.
40027 0026 Gain calibration with weights. Write weight value(≤max.
capacity). Return millvolt at present weight value when
40028 0027 read
40029 0028 Gain calibration without weights ; input gain millivolt(load
cell 3mV/V:0.000 < millivolt<15.000mV - zero
40030 0029
millivolt).Read: millivolt value for gain calibration.
40031 0030 Gain calibration weight without weights. input gain
millivolt(≤max. capacity) Read: weight value for gain
40032 0031 calibration.
40033~40040 0032~0039 reserved
40041 0040 Set point 1 stable or not(0:no;1:yes)
40042 0041 Set point 1 min. duration time(0-999 : 0-99.9sec.)
40043 0042 Set point 1 valid condition
40044~40045 0043~0044 Set point 1 set value 1
MA10.. Indicator
MA10.. Indicator
40072 0071 I/O output value Note: available only when coil address
I/O input value 00016 is valid.
40073 0072 Input write 1 valid,0 invalid.
Read 1 valid,0 invalid
40401 0400 Current weight value( 4 bytes with symbolic number,
40402 0401 high digit in front)
40403 0402 D15—D14……D4 0
D3 0:+ 1:-
D2 0:non-zero 1:zero
D1 0:normal 1:OFL
D0 0:Stable 1:Unstable
40404 0403 0
40405 0404
6 digits without symbolic number, user ID no.
40406 0405
The following items are bit read only. (read code: 0x03)
49001 9000 If display10024,formatXX XXXX,main
version no., hardware no., software
Version no.
49002 9001 no..So main version no.01 , hardware
no. 00,software no. 24
MA10.. Indicator
MA10.. Indicator
MA10.. Indicator
MA10.. Indicator
(2)User must input same new password twice in setting password,If not same, main
MA10.. Indicator
MA10.. Indicator
MA10.. Indicator
8 Display Testing
The following flow chart is to test lights on main-display and status lights.
Normal weighing status
MA10.. Indicator
MA10.. Indicator
10 Dimension of Indicator