CH1017-Organic Chemistry-IV
CH1017-Organic Chemistry-IV
CH1017-Organic Chemistry-IV
To know modern synthetic methods and synthetic strategies. This help in planning the
synthesis of any types of organic compounds.
To learn the synthesis and bio-synthesis of heterocyclic products.
1. William Caruthers and Iain coldham, Modern methods of organic synthesis, IV Edition,
Cambridge university press, 2004.
2. Michael B Smith, Organic Synthesis, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 1994.
3. Stuart warren, Organic synthesis the disconnection approach,Wiley India edition, 2004.
4. V K Ahluwalia and Renuagarwal Organic synthesis special techniques, second edition,
Narosa Publishing House, 2007.
5. J.March, Advanced Organic Chemistry, 4thEdn, Wiley Publications, 1992.
6. Gurdeep R Chatwal, Organic Chemistry of Natural Products, Vol 1 & 2, revised Edn.,
Himalaya Publications, 2009.
7. O.P Agarwal, Chemistry of Organic Natural Products, Vol 1 & 2, Goel Publications,
28thEdn., 2002.
8. S.P.Bhutani, Chemistry of Biomolecules, Ane Books, 2009.
9. George S. Zweifet, Michael H Nantz, Modern Organic Synthesis – an introduction,
W.H.Freeman and Company, 2007.
10. Raj K Bansal, Heterocyclic chemistry, fourth edition, New Age International Publishers,
Learning Outcomes:
Any types of organic compounds synthesis were learned by the students, through modern
synthetic methods and strategies.
Synthesis and bio-synthesis of heterocyclic products were also learned by the students