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Jan Chetna Sansthan 2021

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About the Initiative

Jan Chetna Sansthaan’s main strategy is to strengthen and capacitate Bhakhar Bhitrot
Adivasi Vikas Manch (BBAVM) with active participation of women, which can play a
meaningful and decisive role in taking up developmental activities. This forum plays a key
role in taking up the cause of tribal not only at the village level but beyond it, by taking up issues
that affect their lives, such as the right of the tribal over the Forest Land, water, Tribal Self Rule
Ample support and guidance is provided so that the people can do the lobbying over the issues.
We have also identified other people’s organizations that are engaged in similar kind of
work. Networking with these groups is helpful in strengthening and advocating the causes.

Our experience has shown that the tribal women, although oppressed and exploited, contain
within themselves tremendous source of strength and fortitude. A11 that is required is acceptance
of their potential and provision of support and opportunities for their development as role-
holders. During the current phase we tried to incorporate gender issues in the BBAVM and
we see that the female members of the BBAVM play a major role. More and more number of
active women has been included in the forum and they give their inputs while taking some major
or concrete decisions. This way gender has an important part of our strategy.
Major Working Areas

Women Empowerment

Ever since the inception of the NGO, one of the major facets that it has dealt with is that of
women empowerment. JCS has committed itself to work for the benefit of women of all sects,
especially those who due to socio-economic constraints, are not able to make a living for
themselves. One of the primary goals of JCS is to empower such women and make them stand
on their own feet by enrolling them in vocational training so that they can make an earning for

Communal Harmony

JCS is promoting communal harmony in the area with the youth volunteers. JCS has formed
committees under the name- Aman Biraadari for communal harmony, with the help of
Manavadhikar Sandarbh Kendra, Jaipur.

It has also kept many books related to peace and harmony in the libraries to inculcate the feeling
of brotherhood among the children and youth. Aman Pathiks are trained in skits and songs and
wall writings to spread the message of harmony and peace in the area. Youth played a significant
role in this program.

Right to Education

Right to education is one of the integral rights for children aged 7-14. Everyone in the country
has a right be well-educated or atleast, Literate. India’s global literacy rate has been inkling
upwards since 1990s, however it is still at an average 63% as per Global Literacy Index (Report
of June 2020). Through various programs and schemes of Jana Chetna Sansthan, the NGO with
its affiliation attempts to provide quality education and vocational training to tribal women and
children and teach them the concept of being independent through the means of getting education
and being employed through the means and doors that education opens.
Right to Information

The basic object of the Right to Information Act is to empower the citizens, promote
transparency and accountability in the working of the Government, contain corruption, and make
our democracy work for the people in real sense. It goes without saying that an informed citizen
is better equipped to keep necessary vigil on the instruments of governance and make the
government more accountable to the governed. The Act is a big step towards making the citizens
informed about the activities of the Government. It is very important for the society and each and
every individual that resides in it to understand the notion behind this act and to get sensitized
about the same. Raising awareness about the RTI ACT, 2005 and how one can ask the
government for their accountability is one of the main goals of Jan Chetna Sansthan.

Plans for the Future.

Jan Chetna Sansthan’s vision is not limited to what has already been mentioned in the purview of
this document. The NGO envisions for strengthening its structure by hosting and completing
various other projects and initiatives that are lined up for the future perusals. Some of them are:

 Strengthen campaigns and alliances

 Ensuring entitlement
 Social audit and NREGA Samvad
 Ensuring Child Rights

The NGO has also planned and implemented emergency situation imperatives that had have been
exploited in a positive manner by the underprivileged. One such situation arrived during the
pandemic. Due to lockdown and covid restrictions, it was impossible to have a physical
interaction with the participants of the NGO’s various schemes and programs. However, the
NGO still connected them online and tried mobilizing some of their initiatives.


‘Sakhiyon Ki Badi’ program is one of the pioneers of Jan Chetna Sansthan’s many initiatives of
the NGO. The basic purpose of this program is to provide education to the illiterate and out of
schoolgirls across Rajasthan. While the primary objective of the program is to mainstream the
girls, there would be many villages and areas where there is no nearby school, the purpose of the
program in such cases would be certify the girls in Rajasthan Board by providing the necessary
support. The main objectives of the initiative are as follows:

1) To provide access to education to young girls

Young girls hailing from a rural or a conservative background are usually groomed up to be
inclined towards marrying and setting up their households. These girls are projected as burdens
on their families and are kept unaware to the concept of education, free will and basic awareness.
JCS tries to bridge this gap by giving educational trainings to such girls and empowering them to
make their choices themselves.
2) To ensure that all girls are learning well and achieving their full potential

NGO’s efforts to let girls achieve their full potential and set a benchmark for upcoming
generations of their families has got international recognition when attendees of JCS’s noble
initiatives were called to meet none other then the Former U.S President, Mr. Barack Obama

3) To change the narrative around girl child education by closely working with the

The objective speaks for itself. The program doesn’t just deems to empower girl child and
women to build up a wider socio-educational perspective but is also to change the perspective of
the society and community by closely working with them in the ambit of these programs.
Affiliates of the Institution

IIFL Holdings Limited d/b/a IIFL and India Infoline, is an Indian diversified financial services
company headquartered in Mumbai. The organisation was founded by Nirmal Jain. IIFL and its
group companies are backed by Canadian investor Prem Watsa, private equity firm General
Atlantic and CDC Group, the UK Government's private equity arm. IIFL is ranked among the
top seven financial conglomerates in India and as the top independent financial services firm in
India in terms of market capitalisation. Nirmal Jain is the chairman of the group, while R
Venkataraman is the group managing director and co-promoter. IIFL Wealth is one of the fastest
growing private wealth management firms in India with an AUM greater than USD 21 billion**.
We serve the highly specialized and sophisticated needs of high net worth and ultra-high net
worth individuals, affluent families, family offices and institutional clients through a
comprehensive range of tailored wealth management solutions.

In the past 50 years Sightsavers have also educated, counselled, trained and rehabilitated people
who are blind or visually impaired, many of whom live in the poorest areas. Despite the nation’s
recent advances, a significant proportion of the population has little access to essential health
services. This is why their work in the country remains so important.

In 2015, their work in India was streamlined to focus on seven national programs. Sightsavers’s
three eye health programs cover schools, urban areas and rural settlements, to deliver good-
quality eye care to everyone who needs it. Our low vision programme aims to diagnose and treat
people with cataracts and other eye conditions, while our truckers programme offers eye checks
and treatment to India’s five million truck drivers. Finally, their inclusive education and social
inclusion programmes make sure that people who are blind or have other disabilities are able to
go to school, earn a living and take part fully in society.

The Hunger Project is an organization committed to the sustainable end of world hunger. It has
ongoing programs in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, where it implements programs aimed at
mobilizing rural grassroots communities to achieve sustainable progress in health, education,
nutrition, and family income. THP is a 501c non-profit charitable organization incorporated in
the state of California. In 2019, The Hunger Project was active in Africa (in Benin, Burkina
Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Malawi, Mozambique, Senegal, and Uganda), South Asia (Bangladesh
and India), and Latin America (Mexico and Peru, where THP partners with the Center for
Indigenous Peoples' Cultures of Peru or Chirapaq). It also had offices in Australia, Canada,
Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom,
in addition to its global headquarters in the United States.

Other Programs of the NGO

Rajasthan Social Inclusion

Livelihood is the major aspect for mainstreaming & empowering of people with disabilities
among the community. So, to enhance the skills of people with disabilities, total 7 trainings were
organised and total 164 disabled people were got benefited under these trainings.Total three
SHGs with 15 disabled people were supported to start their small enterprises at local level. They
became able to product and marketing of the products. In the other hand, the program supported
to link total 152 disabled people with various types of livelihood trainings of SHG groups. These
initiatives have resulted in PwDs getting better cooperation and support from the key
stakeholders in availing benefits. Department of Social Justice & Empowerment has organized
four camps with the support of JCS in two blocks of Sirohi district where many PwDs got
medical certificates, pension, rail pass, and assistive devices.

The environment towards disabled people is being turned to positive to get prioritises. of
beneficiaries with social security schemes & reach to end of the beneficiaries and technically
support in online registration for Unique ID as well as mobilised the beneficiaries for
registration. These initiatives resulted in getting more number of PwDs disability medical
certificates, rail pass & bus pass, and around 300+ PwDs received assistance device in various
welfare camps.To sensitize key stakeholders & service providers, we had Conducted regularly
meetings with key stakeholders like teachers, village council secretaries, village council
assistants, AWWs, representatives of Panchayat Raj Institutions etc. for sensitization them on the
issues of disability & the rights of PwDs.It is interacting with block and district level government
officials from various departments regarding plight of PWDs. It also reaching schools & NGOs
working in the project area on the issue of social inclusion of PWDs. Awareness building
activities are undertaking to reach out to the general population, several program organized for
raising the awareness at local/district level. These initiatives have resulted in PwDs getting better
cooperation and support from the key stakeholders in availing benefits.

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