15 Lesson Data Presentation Analysis and Interpretation
15 Lesson Data Presentation Analysis and Interpretation
15 Lesson Data Presentation Analysis and Interpretation
Lesson 15
Presentation, Analysis,
and Interpretation of DATA
Data Presentation
✓the process of organizing information into logical,
sequential, and meaningful categories and
classification to make the gathered facts amenable to
the study
✓Quantitative data can be presented through tables,
graphs, figures or other non-textual forms.
Data Analysis
✓ the process of systematically applying statistical and/or logical
techniques to describe and illustrate, condense and recap, and
evaluate data
✓ An essential component of ensuring data integrity is the accurate
and appropriate analysis of research findings.
✓ Deductive appropriate is usually applied in data analysis for
quantitative research.
✓ Analysis refers to the skill of the researcher in describing,
delineating similarities and differences, highlighting the significant
findings or data and the ability to extract information or messages
out of the presented data.
Data Interpretation
✓ the process of reviewing data through some predetermined concepts,
principles or related findings which will help assign some meanings to the
✓ It involves taking the result of data analysis, making inferences or implications
on the relations studies, and using them to arrive at valid conclusion.
✓ In simple language, data analysis and interpretation is the discussion of the
results of the study.
✓ Related literatures play a very significant role in the discussion of the data.
They give justice to the research findings. They usually support the findings.
However, there are some literatures that contradict the findings. Review of
related literature (RRL) will give credibility to the findings of the research.
✓ Interpretation is the explanation or suggestion inferred from the data, their
implications but not conclusions.
Graphical Form
✓ a presentation of data through pictorial, chart or diagrammatical form.
✓ It could be bar graph, line graph, pie chart or pictograph
Textual Form
✓ a presentation of data using group of words.
✓ It describes or narrates to readers what the researcher has done and
the results that he has obtained.
✓ Both tabular and graphical forms still apply the textual form of analysis
to give meanings to the gathered data.
Lesson 15 – Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data
“Statistics in Bullying Experience of Students in the Philippines”
Data Analysis:
The graph presents the number of students knowing the
different Bicol songs. Out of 35 students, _____ knew
_______, followed by _____. The song ____ gathered a
frequency of ___ out of 35.
Data Interpretation:
Based from the findings, majority knew ________ while the
song ____ was least known by the students.
According to the study conducted by Dr. Merito Espinas, the
Sarung Banggi piece was completed on 1910 making it 103
years old. This might significantly influence the students in
knowing the piece due to its long-time existence in Bicol
music culture.