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KISSsoft Release 03/2017
Name : Unnamed
Changed by: 97660590 on: 27.08.2020 at: 16:26:59

Important hint: At least one warning has occurred during the calculation:

1-> Notice:
Gear 2 :
Measuring the Base tangent length is critical,
it is better to use measurement over pins!


Drawing or article number:

Gear 1: z1(GearPair_const1)
Gear 2: z2(GearPair_const1)

Calculation method DIN 3990:1987 Method B

------- GEAR 1 -------- GEAR 2 --

Power (kW) [P] 44.828

Speed (1/min) [n] 2000.0 805.2
Torque (Nm) [T] 214.0 531.6
Application factor [KA] 1.25
Required service life (h) [H] 20000.00
Gear driving (+) / driven (-) - +
Working flank gear 1: Left flank
Sense of rotation gear 1 clockwise


(geometry calculation according to ISO 21771:2007, DIN ISO 21771)

------- GEAR 1 -------- GEAR 2 --
Center distance (mm) [a] 93.531
Centre distance tolerance ISO 286:2010 Measure js7
Normal module (mm) [mn] 1.5000
Pressure angle at normal section (°) [alfn] 20.0000
Helix angle at reference circle (°) [beta] 30.0000
Number of teeth [z] 31 77
Facewidth (mm) [b] 35.00 30.00
Hand of gear left right
Accuracy grade [Q-DIN 3961:1978] 6 6
Inner diameter (mm) [di] 0.00 0.00
Inner diameter of gear rim (mm) [dbi] 0.00 0.00

Gear 1: 18CrNiMo7-6, Case-carburized steel, case-hardened
ISO 6336-5 Figure 9/10 (MQ), Core hardness >=25HRC Jominy J=12mm<HRC28
Gear 2: 18CrNiMo7-6, Case-carburized steel, case-hardened

ISO 6336-5 Figure 9/10 (MQ), Core hardness >=25HRC Jominy J=12mm<HRC28
------- GEAR 1 -------- GEAR 2 --
Surface hardness HRC 61 HRC 61
Fatigue strength. tooth root stress (N/mm²) [σFlim] 430.00 430.00
Fatigue strength for Hertzian pressure (N/mm²) [σHlim] 1500.00 1500.00
Tensile strength (N/mm²) [σB] 1200.00 1200.00
Yield point (N/mm²) [σS] 850.00 850.00
Young's modulus (N/mm²) [E] 206000 206000
Poisson's ratio [ν] 0.300 0.300
Roughness average value DS, flank (µm) [RAH] 0.60 0.60
Roughness average value DS, root (µm) [RAF] 3.00 3.00
Mean roughness height, Rz, flank (µm) [RZH] 4.80 4.80
Mean roughness height, Rz, root (µm) [RZF] 20.00 20.00

Gear reference profile 1:

Reference profile 1.25 / 0.38 / 1.0 ISO 53:1998 Profil A
Dedendum coefficient [hfP*] 1.250
Root radius factor [rhofP*] 0.380 (rhofPmax*= 0.472)
Addendum coefficient [haP*] 1.000
Tip radius factor [rhoaP*] 0.000
Protuberance height coefficient [hprP*] 0.000
Protuberance angle [alfprP] 0.000
Tip form height coefficient [hFaP*] 0.000
Ramp angle [alfKP] 0.000
not topping

Gear reference profile 2:

Reference profile 1.25 / 0.38 / 1.0 ISO 53:1998 Profil A
Dedendum coefficient [hfP*] 1.250
Root radius factor [rhofP*] 0.380 (rhofPmax*= 0.472)
Addendum coefficient [haP*] 1.000
Tip radius factor [rhoaP*] 0.000
Protuberance height coefficient [hprP*] 0.000
Protuberance angle [alfprP] 0.000
Tip form height coefficient [hFaP*] 0.000
Ramp angle [alfKP] 0.000
not topping

Summary of reference profile gears:

Dedendum reference profile [hfP*] 1.250 1.250
Tooth root radius Refer. profile [rofP*] 0.380 0.380
Addendum Reference profile [haP*] 1.000 1.000
Protuberance height coefficient [hprP*] 0.000 0.000
Protuberance angle (°) [alfprP] 0.000 0.000
Tip form height coefficient [hFaP*] 0.000 0.000
Ramp angle (°) [alfKP] 0.000 0.000

Type of profile modification: none (only running-in)

Tip relief (µm) [Ca] 2.0 2.0

Lubrication type Oil injection lubrication

Type of oil Oil: ISO-VG 220
Lubricant base Mineral-oil base
Kinem. viscosity oil at 40 °C (mm²/s) [nu40] 220.00
Kinem. viscosity oil at 100 °C (mm²/s) [nu100] 17.50
Specific density at 15 °C (kg/dm³) [roOil] 0.895

Oil temperature (°C) [TS] 70.000

------- GEAR 1 -------- GEAR 2 --

Overall transmission ratio [itot] -0.403
Gear ratio [u] 2.484
Transverse module (mm) [mt] 1.732
Pressure angle at pitch circle (°) [alft] 22.796
Working transverse pressure angle (°) [alfwt] 22.796
[alfwt.e/i] 22.821 / 22.770
Working pressure angle at normal section (°) [alfwn] 20.000
Helix angle at operating pitch circle (°) [betaw] 30.000
Base helix angle (°) [betab] 28.024
Reference centre distance (mm) [ad] 93.531
Sum of profile shift coefficients [Summexi] 0.0000
Profile shift coefficient [x] 0.0000 0.0000
Tooth thickness (Arc) (module) (module) [sn*] 1.5708 1.5708

Tip alteration (mm) [k*mn] 0.000 0.000

Reference diameter (mm) [d] 53.694 133.368
Base diameter (mm) [db] 49.500 122.951
Tip diameter (mm) [da] 56.694 136.368
(mm) [da.e/i] 56.694 / 56.684 136.368 / 136.358
Tip diameter allowances (mm) [Ada.e/i] 0.000 / -0.010 0.000 / -0.010
Tip form diameter (mm) [dFa] 56.694 136.368
(mm) [dFa.e/i] 56.694 / 56.684 136.368 / 136.358
Active tip diameter (mm) [dNa] 56.694 136.368
Active tip diameter (mm) [dNa.e/i] 56.694 / 56.684 136.368 / 136.358
Operating pitch diameter (mm) [dw] 53.694 133.368
(mm) [dw.e/i] 53.704 / 53.684 133.393 / 133.343
Root diameter (mm) [df] 49.944 129.618
Generating Profile shift coefficient [xE.e/i] -0.0641/ -0.1007 -0.0870/ -0.1328
Manufactured root diameter with xE (mm) [df.e/i] 49.751 / 49.641 129.357 / 129.220
Theoretical tip clearance (mm) [c] 0.375 0.375
Effective tip clearance (mm) [c.e/i] 0.597 / 0.488 0.549 / 0.454
Active root diameter (mm) [dNf] 51.305 130.871
(mm) [dNf.e/i] 51.335 / 51.281 130.909 / 130.840
Root form diameter (mm) [dFf] 51.194 130.563
(mm) [dFf.e/i] 51.069 / 51.000 130.338 / 130.221
Reserve (dNf-dFf)/2 (mm) [cF.e/i] 0.167 / 0.106 0.344 / 0.251
Addendum (mm) [ha=mn*(haP*+x+k)] 1.500 1.500
(mm) [ha.e/i] 1.500 / 1.495 1.500 / 1.495
Dedendum (mm) [hf=mn*(hfP*-x)] 1.875 1.875
(mm) [hf.e/i] 1.971 / 2.026 2.006 / 2.074
Roll angle at dFa (°) [xsi_dFa.e/i] 31.993 / 31.969 27.488 / 27.477
Roll angle to dNa (°) [xsi_dNa.e/i] 31.993 / 31.969 27.488 / 27.477
Roll angle to dNf (°) [xsi_dNf.e/i] 15.747 / 15.511 20.946 / 20.852
Roll angle at dFf (°) [xsi_dFf.e/i] 14.543 / 14.215 20.158 / 19.993
Tooth height (mm) [h] 3.375 3.375
Virtual gear no. of teeth [zn] 45.936 114.100
Normal tooth thickness at tip circle (mm) [san] 1.160 1.219
(mm) [san.e/i] 1.092 / 1.045 1.126 / 1.071
Normal-tooth thickness on tip form circle (mm) [sFan] 1.160 1.219
(mm) [sFan.e/i] 1.092 / 1.045 1.126 / 1.071
Normal space width at root circle (mm) [efn] 1.278 1.086
(mm) [efn.e/i] 1.321 / 1.347 1.102 / 1.111
Max. sliding velocity at tip (m/s) [vga] 1.074 1.004
Specific sliding at the tip [zetaa] 0.347 0.432

Specific sliding at the root [zetaf] -0.760 -0.531
Mean specific sliding [zetam] 0.391
Sliding factor on tip [Kga] 0.179 0.191
Sliding factor on root [Kgf] -0.191 -0.179
Pitch on reference circle (mm) [pt] 5.441
Base pitch (mm) [pbt] 5.016
Transverse pitch on contact-path (mm) [pet] 5.016
Lead height (mm) [pz] 292.168 725.708
Axial pitch (mm) [px] 9.425
Length of path of contact (mm) [ga, e/i] 7.074 ( 7.120 / 7.007)
Length T1-A, T2-A (mm) [T1A, T2A] 13.820( 13.820/ 13.810) 22.419( 22.373/ 22.474)
Length T1-B (mm) [T1B, T2B] 11.762( 11.717/ 11.819) 24.477( 24.477/ 24.465)
Length T1-C (mm) [T1C, T2C] 10.402( 10.389/ 10.415) 25.837( 25.804/ 25.869)
Length T1-D (mm) [T1D, T2D] 8.803( 8.803/ 8.793) 27.435( 27.390/ 27.490)
Length T1-E (mm) [T1E, T2E] 6.745( 6.700/ 6.802) 29.493( 29.493/ 29.481)
Length T1-T2 (mm) [T1T2] 36.238 ( 36.193 / 36.284)
Diameter of single contact point B (mm) [d-B] 54.805( 52.538/ 52.531) 132.338( 134.602/ 134.684)
Diameter of single contact point D (mm) [d-D] 52.538( 54.766/ 54.854) 134.639( 132.338/ 132.329)
Addendum contact ratio [eps] 0.681( 0.684/ 0.677) 0.729( 0.735/ 0.720)
Minimal length of contact line (mm) [Lmin] 47.125

Transverse contact ratio [eps_a] 1.410

Transverse contact ratio with allowances [eps_a.e/m/i] 1.419 / 1.408 / 1.397
Overlap ratio [eps_b] 3.183
Total contact ratio [eps_g] 4.593
Total contact ratio with allowances [eps_g.e/m/i] 4.602 / 4.591 / 4.580


------- GEAR 1 -------- GEAR 2 --

Nominal circum. force at pitch circle (N) [Ft] 7972.6
Axial force (N) [Fa] 4603.0
Radial force (N) [Fr] 3350.7
Normal force (N) [Fnorm] 9796.8
Nominal circumferential force per mm (N/mm) [w] 265.75
Only as information: Forces at operating pitch circle:
Nominal circumferential force (N) [Ftw] 7972.6
Axial force (N) [Faw] 4603.0
Radial force (N) [Frw] 3350.7
Circumferential speed reference circle (m/s) [v] 5.62
Circumferential speed operating pitch circle (m/s) [v(dw)] 5.62

Running-in value (µm) [yp] 0.6

Running-in value (µm) [yf] 0.4
Correction coefficient [CM] 0.800
Gear body coefficient [CR] 1.000
Basic rack factor [CBS] 0.975
Material coefficient [E/Est] 1.000
Singular tooth stiffness (N/mm/µm) [c'] 12.775
Meshing stiffness (N/mm/µm) [cg] 16.706
Reduced mass (kg/mm) [mRed] 0.00875
Resonance speed (min-1) [nE1] 13462
Bearing distance l of pinion shaft (mm) [l] 70.000
Distance s of pinion shaft (mm) [s] 7.000
Outside diameter of pinion shaft (mm) [dsh] 35.000
Load according to Figure 6.8, DIN 3990-1:1987 [-] 4

(0:6.8a, 1:6.8b, 2:6.8c, 3:6.8d, 4:6.8e)
Coefficient K' according to Figure 6.8,
DIN 3990-1:1987 [K'] -1.00
Without support effect
Tooth trace deviation (active) (µm) [Fby] 4.04
from deformation of shaft (µm) [fsh*B1] 1.32
(fsh (µm) = 1.32, B1= 1.00, fHb5 (µm) = 6.50)
Tooth without tooth trace modification
Position of Contact pattern: favorable
from production tolerances (µm) [fma*B2] 9.00
(B2= 1.00)
Tooth trace deviation, theoretical (µm) [Fbx] 4.75
Running-in value (µm) [yb] 0.71

User specified factor KV:

Dynamic factor [KV] 1.020

Face load factor - flank [KHb] 1.099

- Tooth root [KFb] 1.087
- Scuffing [KBb] 1.099

User specified factor KHa:

Transverse load factor - flank [KHa] 1.023
- Tooth root [KFa] 1.023
- Scuffing [KBa] 1.023

Helical load factor scuffing [Kbg] 1.300

Number of load cycles (in mio.) [NL] 2400.000 966.234


Calculation of Tooth form coefficients according method: B

------- GEAR 1 -------- GEAR 2 --
Calculated with manufacturing profile shift [xE.e] -0.0641 -0.0870
Tooth form factor [YF] 1.25 1.21
Stress correction factor [YS] 2.03 2.18
Working angle (°) [alfFen] 18.64 19.66
Bending moment arm (mm) [hF] 1.41 1.54
Tooth thickness at root (mm) [sFn] 3.20 3.38
Tooth root radius (mm) [roF] 0.81 0.71
(hF* = 0.943/ 1.025 sFn* = 2.136/ 2.256 roF* = 0.538/ 0.474)
(den (mm) =
69.088/ 171.527 dsFn(mm) = 50.396/ 129.972 alfsFn(°) = 30.00/ 30.00 qs = 1.985/ 2.379)

Contact ratio factor [Yeps] 1.000

Helix angle factor [Ybet] 0.750
Effective facewidth (mm) [beff] 33.00 30.00
Nominal stress at tooth root (N/mm²) [sigF0] 307.16 351.19
Tooth root stress (N/mm²) [sigF] 435.60 498.04

Permissible bending stress at root of Test-gear

Notch sensitivity factor [YdrelT] 0.995 0.999
Surface factor [YRrelT] 0.957 0.957
size factor (Tooth root) [YX] 1.000 1.000
Finite life factor [YNT] 1.000 1.000

[YdrelT*YRrelT*YX*YNT] 0.952 0.956
Alternating bending factor (mean stress influence coefficient) [YM] 1.000 1.000
Stress correction factor [Yst] 2.00
Yst*sigFlim (N/mm²) [sigFE] 860.00 860.00
Permissible tooth root stress (N/mm²) [sigFP=sigFG/SFmin] 584.72 587.03
Limit strength tooth root (N/mm²) [sigFG] 818.61 821.85
Required safety [SFmin] 1.40 1.40
Safety for tooth root stress [SF=sigFG/sigF] 1.88 1.65
Transmittable power (kW) [kWRating] 60.17 52.84


------- GEAR 1 -------- GEAR 2 --

Zone factor [ZH] 2.223
Elasticity factor (√N/mm²) [ZE] 189.812
Contact ratio factor [Zeps] 0.842
Helix angle factor [Zbet] 0.931
Effective facewidth (mm) [beff] 30.00
Nominal contact stress (N/mm²) [sigH0] 871.31
Contact stress at operating pitch circle (N/mm²) [sigHw] 1043.36
Single tooth contact factor [ZB,ZD] 1.00 1.00
Contact stress (N/mm²) [sigHB, sigHD] 1043.36 1043.36

Lubrication coefficient at NL [ZL] 1.020 1.020

Speed coefficient at NL [ZV] 0.985 0.985
Roughness coefficient at NL [ZR] 0.961 0.961
Material pairing coefficient at NL [ZW] 1.000 1.000
Finite life factor [ZNT] 1.000 1.000
[ZL*ZV*ZR*ZNT] 0.966 0.966
Limited pitting is permitted: No
Size factor (flank) [ZX] 1.000 1.000
Permissible contact stress (N/mm²) [sigHP=sigHG/SHmin] 1448.77 1448.77
Pitting stress limit (N/mm²) [sigHG] 1448.77 1448.77
Required safety [SHmin] 1.00 1.00
Safety factor for contact stress at operating pitch circle
[SHw] 1.39 1.39
Safety for stress at single tooth contact [SHBD=sigHG/sigHBD] 1.39 1.39
(Safety regarding transmittable torque) [(SHBD)^2] 1.93 1.93
Transmittable power (kW) [kWRating] 86.43 86.43


Calculation did not run. (Lubricant: Load stage micropitting test is unknown.)


Calculation method according to DIN 3990:1987

Lubrication coefficient (for lubrication type) [XS] 1.200

Scuffing test and load stage [FZGtest] FZG - Test A / 8.3 / 90 (ISO 14635 - 1) 12
Relative structure coefficient (Scuffing) [XWrelT] 1.000

Thermal contact factor (N/mm/s^.5/K) [BM] 13.780 13.780
Relevant tip relief (µm) [Ca] 2.00 2.00
Optimal tip relief (µm) [Ceff] 19.88
Ca taken as optimal in the calculation (0=no, 1=yes) 0 0
Effective facewidth (mm) [beff] 30.000
Applicable circumferential force/facewidth (N/mm) [wBt] 495.389
Angle factor [Xalfbet] 0.992
(ε1:0.681, ε2:0.729)

Flash temperature-criteria
Tooth mass temperature (°C) [theMB] 88.96
(theMB = theoil + XS*0.47*theflamax)
Maximum flash temperature (°C) [theflamax] 33.62
Scuffing temperature (°C) [theS] 408.58
Coordinate gamma (point of highest temp.) [Gamma] -0.154
[Gamma.A]=0.329 [Gamma.E]=-0.352
Highest contact temp. (°C) [theB] 122.58
Flash factor (°K*N^-.75*s^.5*m^-.5*mm) [XM] 50.058
Geometry factor [XB] 0.086
Load sharing factor [XGam] 1.000
Dynamic viscosity (mPa*s) [etaM] 21.04 ( 70.0 °C)
Coefficient of friction [mym] 0.098
Required safety [SBmin] 2.000
Safety factor for scuffing (flash temperature) [SB] 6.439

Integral temperature-criteria
Tooth mass temperature (°C) [theMC] 83.50
(theMC = theoil + XS*0.70*theflaint)
Mean flash temperature (°C) [theflaint] 16.08
Integral scuffing temperature (°C) [theSint] 408.58
Flash factor (°K*N^-.75*s^.5*m^-.5*mm) [XM] 50.058
Contact ratio factor [Xeps] 0.317
Dynamic viscosity (mPa*s) [etaOil] 41.90 ( 70.0 °C)
Mean coefficient of friction [mym] 0.080
Geometry factor [XBE] 0.162
Meshing factor [XQ] 1.000
Tip relief factor [XCa] 1.009
Integral tooth flank temperature (°C) [theint] 107.62
Required safety [SSmin] 1.800
Safety factor for scuffing (intg.-temp.) [SSint] 3.797
Safety referring to transmittable torque [SSL] 9.000


------- Gear 1 ------ Gear 2 --

Tooth thickness deviation DIN 3967 cd25 DIN 3967 cd25
Tooth thickness allowance (normal section) (mm) [As.e/i] -0.070 / -0.110 -0.095 / -0.145

Number of teeth spanned [k] 6.000 13.000

Base tangent length (no backlash) (mm) [Wk] 25.334 57.785
Actual base tangent length ('span') (mm) [Wk.e/i] 25.269 / 25.231 57.696 / 57.649
(mm) [∆Wk.e/i] -0.066 / -0.103 -0.089 / -0.136
Diameter of contact point (mm) [dMWk.m] 54.287 133.074

Theoretical diameter of ball/pin (mm) [DM] 2.537 2.519

Effective diameter of ball/pin (mm) [DMeff] 2.750 2.750

Radial single-ball measurement backlash free (mm) [MrK] 28.953 68.819
Radial single-ball measurement (mm) [MrK.e/i] 28.868 / 28.819 68.695 / 68.630
Diameter of contact point (mm) [dMMr.m] 53.928 133.606
Diametral measurement over two balls without clearance (mm) [MdK] 57.835 137.609
Diametral two ball measure (mm) [MdK.e/i] 57.665 / 57.567 137.362 / 137.231
Diametral measurement over pins without clearance (mm) [MdR] 57.906 137.637
Measurement over pins according to DIN 3960 (mm) [MdR.e/i] 57.736 / 57.637 137.390 / 137.259
Measurement over 2 pins (free) according to AGMA 2002 (mm)
[dk2f.e/i] 57.627 / 57.530 137.348 / 137.217
Measurement over 2 pins (transverse) according to AGMA 2002 (mm)
[dk2t.e/i] 57.805 / 57.707 137.418 / 137.287
Measurement over 3 pins (axial) according to AGMA 2002 (mm)
[dk3A.e/i] 57.736 / 57.637 137.390 / 137.259

Chordal tooth thickness (no backlash) (mm) [sc] 2.356 2.356

Actual chordal tooth thickness (mm) [sc.e/i] 2.286 / 2.246 2.261 / 2.211
Reference chordal height from da.m (mm) [ha] 1.517 1.505
Tooth thickness (Arc) (mm) [sn] 2.356 2.356
(mm) [sn.e/i] 2.286 / 2.246 2.261 / 2.211

Backlash free center distance (mm) [aControl.e/i] 93.302 / 93.177

Backlash free center distance, allowances (mm) [jta] -0.228 / -0.354
dNf.i with aControl (mm) [dNf0.i] 50.850 130.249
Reserve (dNf0.i-dFf.e)/2 (mm) [cF0.i] -0.109 -0.044
Tip clearance (mm) [c0.i(aControl)] 0.151 0.117
Centre distance allowances (mm) [Aa.e/i] 0.018 / -0.018

Circumferential backlash from Aa (mm) [jtw_Aa.e/i] 0.015 / -0.015

Radial clearance (mm) [jrw] 0.372 / 0.211
Circumferential backlash (transverse section) (mm) [jtw] 0.309 / 0.176
Normal backlash (mm) [jnw] 0.252 / 0.143
Torsional angle at entry with fixed output:
Entire torsional angle (°) [j.tSys] 0.2656/ 0.1511


------- GEAR 1 -------- GEAR 2 --

According to DIN 3961:1978
Accuracy grade [Q-DIN3961] 6 6
Profile form deviation (µm) [ff] 6.00 6.00
Profile slope deviation (µm) [fHa] 5.00 5.00
Total profile deviation (µm) [Ff] 8.00 8.00
Helix form deviation (µm) [fbf] 5.50 5.50
Helix slope deviation (µm) [fHb] 9.00 9.00
Total helix deviation (µm) [Fb] 10.00 10.00
Normal base pitch deviation (µm) [fpe] 7.00 8.00
Single pitch deviation (µm) [fp] 7.00 8.00
Adjacent pitch difference (µm) [fu] 9.00 10.00
Total cumulative pitch deviation (µm) [Fp] 25.00 29.00
Sector pitch deviation over z/8 pitches (µm) [Fpz/8] 16.00 19.00
Runout (µm) [Fr] 16.00 19.00
Tooth Thickness Variation (µm) [Rs] 10.00 11.00
Single flank composite, total (µm) [Fi'] 27.00 30.00
Single flank composite, tooth-to-tooth (µm) [fi'] 11.00 11.00
Radial composite, total (µm) [Fi"] 20.00 24.00
Radial composite, tooth-to-tooth (µm) [fi"] 8.00 10.00

According to DIN 58405:1972 (Feinwerktechnik):
Tooth-to-tooth composite error (µm) [fi"] 8.00 9.00
Composite error (µm) [Fi"] 22.00 25.00
Axis alignment error (µm) [fp] 15.90 15.90
Flank direction error (µm) [fbeta] 7.35 6.30
Runout (µm) [Trk, Fr] 24.00 28.00

Axis alignment tolerances (recommendation acc. to ISO TR 10064-3:1996, Quality)

Maximum value for deviation error of axis (µm) [fSigbet] 15.17 (Fb= 13.00)
Maximum value for inclination error of axes (µm) [fSigdel] 30.33


Maximal possible centre distance (eps_a=1.0) [aMAX] 94.347

Mass (kg) [m] 0.612 3.263
Total mass (kg) [m] 3.875
Moment of inertia (system with reference to the drive):
calculation without consideration of the exact tooth shape
single gears ((da+df)/2...di) (kg*m²) [TraeghMom] 0.0002174 0.007214
System ((da+df)/2...di) (kg*m²) [TraeghMom] 0.008556
Torsional stiffness at entry with driven force fixed:
Torsional stiffness (MNm/rad) [cr] 1.894
Torsion when subjected to nominal torque (°) [delcr] 0.016
Mean coeff. of friction (acc. Niemann) [mum] 0.073
Wear sliding coef. by Niemann [zetw] 0.547
Gear power loss (kW) [PVZ] 0.308
(Meshing efficiency (%) [etaz] 99.313)
Sound pressure level (according to Masuda) [dB(A)] 70.9
Oil requirement for injection lubrication (l/min)
[Voil] 0.961
(with oil cooler, for assumed difference in temperature of oil (°C):

Indications for the manufacturing by wire cutting:

Deviation from theoretical tooth trace (µm) [WireErr] 1384.7 561.6
Permissible deviation (µm) [Fb/2] 5.0 5.0


Data for the tooth form calculation :

Data not available.


Required safety for tooth root [SFmin] 1.40

Required safety for tooth flank [SHmin] 1.00

Service life (calculated with required safeties):

System service life (h) [Hatt] > 1000000

Tooth root service life (h) [HFatt] 1e+006 1e+006

Tooth flank service life (h) [HHatt] 1e+006 1e+006
Note: The entry 1e+006 h means that the Service life > 1,000,000 h.

Damage calculated on the basis of the required service life [H] ( 20000.0 h)
F1% F2% H1% H2%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Calculation of the factors required to define reliability R(t) according to B. Bertsche with Weibull distribution:
R(t) = 100 * Exp(-((t*fac - t0)/(T - t0))^b) %; t (h)
Gear fac b t0 T R(H)%
1 Tooth root 120000 1.7 9.654e+029 1.484e+030 100.00
1 Tooth flank 120000 1.3 9.014e+029 4.295e+030 100.00
2 Tooth root 48312 1.7 9.654e+029 1.484e+030 100.00
2 Tooth flank 48312 1.3 9.014e+029 4.295e+030 100.00
Reliability of the configuration for required service life (%) 100.00 (Bertsche)

- Specifications with [.e/i] imply: Maximum [e] and Minimal value [i] with
consideration of all tolerances
Specifications with [.m] imply: Mean value within tolerance
- For the backlash tolerance, the center distance tolerances and the tooth thickness
deviation are taken into account. Shown is the maximal and the minimal backlash corresponding
the largest resp. the smallest allowances
The calculation is done for the operating pitch circle.
- Details of calculation method:
cg according to method B
KHb, KFb according method C
KHa, KFa according to method B

End of Report lines: 532

KISSsoft Release 03/2017
Name : Unnamed
Changed by: 97660590 on: 27.08.2020 at: 16:27:00

Important hint: At least one warning has occurred during the calculation:

1-> Notice to gear 2:

The width of the gear is too small, hence the tooth thickness too big,
so that the required length for the measurement exceed the face width.


Drawing or article number:

Gear 1: z3(GearPair_const2)
Gear 2: z4(GearPair_const2)

Calculation method DIN 3990:1987 Method B

------- GEAR 1 -------- GEAR 2 --

Power (kW) [P] 44.828

Speed (1/min) [n] 805.2 214.0
Torque (Nm) [T] 531.6 2000.0
Application factor [KA] 1.25
Required service life (h) [H] 20000.00
Gear driving (+) / driven (-) - +
Working flank gear 1: Right flank
Sense of rotation gear 1 counterclockwise


(geometry calculation according to ISO 21771:2007, DIN ISO 21771)

------- GEAR 1 -------- GEAR 2 --
Center distance (mm) [a] 129.904
Centre distance tolerance ISO 286:2010 Measure js7
Normal module (mm) [mn] 2.2500
Pressure angle at normal section (°) [alfn] 20.0000
Helix angle at reference circle (°) [beta] 30.0000
Number of teeth [z] 21 79
Facewidth (mm) [b] 43.00 39.00
Hand of gear right left
Accuracy grade [Q-DIN 3961:1978] 6 6
Inner diameter (mm) [di] 20.00 20.00
Inner diameter of gear rim (mm) [dbi] 0.00 0.00

Gear 1: 18CrNiMo7-6, Case-carburized steel, case-hardened
ISO 6336-5 Figure 9/10 (MQ), Core hardness >=25HRC Jominy J=12mm<HRC28
Gear 2: 18CrNiMo7-6, Case-carburized steel, case-hardened

ISO 6336-5 Figure 9/10 (MQ), Core hardness >=25HRC Jominy J=12mm<HRC28
------- GEAR 1 -------- GEAR 2 --
Surface hardness HRC 61 HRC 61
Fatigue strength. tooth root stress (N/mm²) [σFlim] 430.00 430.00
Fatigue strength for Hertzian pressure (N/mm²) [σHlim] 1500.00 1500.00
Tensile strength (N/mm²) [σB] 1200.00 1200.00
Yield point (N/mm²) [σS] 850.00 850.00
Young's modulus (N/mm²) [E] 206000 206000
Poisson's ratio [ν] 0.300 0.300
Roughness average value DS, flank (µm) [RAH] 0.60 0.60
Roughness average value DS, root (µm) [RAF] 3.00 3.00
Mean roughness height, Rz, flank (µm) [RZH] 4.80 4.80
Mean roughness height, Rz, root (µm) [RZF] 20.00 20.00

Gear reference profile 1:

Reference profile 1.25 / 0.38 / 1.0 ISO 53:1998 Profil A
Dedendum coefficient [hfP*] 1.250
Root radius factor [rhofP*] 0.380 (rhofPmax*= 0.472)
Addendum coefficient [haP*] 1.000
Tip radius factor [rhoaP*] 0.000
Protuberance height coefficient [hprP*] 0.000
Protuberance angle [alfprP] 0.000
Tip form height coefficient [hFaP*] 0.000
Ramp angle [alfKP] 0.000
not topping

Gear reference profile 2:

Reference profile 1.25 / 0.38 / 1.0 ISO 53:1998 Profil A
Dedendum coefficient [hfP*] 1.250
Root radius factor [rhofP*] 0.380 (rhofPmax*= 0.472)
Addendum coefficient [haP*] 1.000
Tip radius factor [rhoaP*] 0.000
Protuberance height coefficient [hprP*] 0.000
Protuberance angle [alfprP] 0.000
Tip form height coefficient [hFaP*] 0.000
Ramp angle [alfKP] 0.000
not topping

Summary of reference profile gears:

Dedendum reference profile [hfP*] 1.250 1.250
Tooth root radius Refer. profile [rofP*] 0.380 0.380
Addendum Reference profile [haP*] 1.000 1.000
Protuberance height coefficient [hprP*] 0.000 0.000
Protuberance angle (°) [alfprP] 0.000 0.000
Tip form height coefficient [hFaP*] 0.000 0.000
Ramp angle (°) [alfKP] 0.000 0.000

Type of profile modification: none (only running-in)

Tip relief (µm) [Ca] 2.0 2.0

Lubrication type Oil bath lubrication

Type of oil Oil: ISO-VG 220
Lubricant base Mineral-oil base
Kinem. viscosity oil at 40 °C (mm²/s) [nu40] 220.00
Kinem. viscosity oil at 100 °C (mm²/s) [nu100] 17.50
Specific density at 15 °C (kg/dm³) [roOil] 0.895

Oil temperature (°C) [TS] 70.000

------- GEAR 1 -------- GEAR 2 --

Overall transmission ratio [itot] -0.266
Gear ratio [u] 3.762
Transverse module (mm) [mt] 2.598
Pressure angle at pitch circle (°) [alft] 22.796
Working transverse pressure angle (°) [alfwt] 22.796
[alfwt.e/i] 22.817 / 22.775
Working pressure angle at normal section (°) [alfwn] 20.000
Helix angle at operating pitch circle (°) [betaw] 30.000
Base helix angle (°) [betab] 28.024
Reference centre distance (mm) [ad] 129.904
Sum of profile shift coefficients [Summexi] 0.0000
Profile shift coefficient [x] 0.0000 0.0000
Tooth thickness (Arc) (module) (module) [sn*] 1.5708 1.5708

Tip alteration (mm) [k*mn] 0.000 0.000

Reference diameter (mm) [d] 54.560 205.248
Base diameter (mm) [db] 50.298 189.216
Tip diameter (mm) [da] 59.060 209.748
(mm) [da.e/i] 59.060 / 59.050 209.748 / 209.738
Tip diameter allowances (mm) [Ada.e/i] 0.000 / -0.010 0.000 / -0.010
Tip form diameter (mm) [dFa] 59.060 209.748
(mm) [dFa.e/i] 59.060 / 59.050 209.748 / 209.738
Active tip diameter (mm) [dNa] 59.060 209.748
Active tip diameter (mm) [dNa.e/i] 59.060 / 59.050 209.748 / 209.738
Operating pitch diameter (mm) [dw] 54.560 205.248
(mm) [dw.e/i] 54.568 / 54.551 205.280 / 205.216
Root diameter (mm) [df] 48.935 199.623
Generating Profile shift coefficient [xE.e/i] -0.0427/ -0.0672 -0.0580/ -0.0885
Manufactured root diameter with xE (mm) [df.e/i] 48.742 / 48.632 199.362 / 199.225
Theoretical tip clearance (mm) [c] 0.563 0.563
Effective tip clearance (mm) [c.e/i] 0.787 / 0.673 0.739 / 0.639
Active root diameter (mm) [dNf] 51.313 201.648
(mm) [dNf.e/i] 51.338 / 51.293 201.691 / 201.613
Root form diameter (mm) [dFf] 51.192 201.033
(mm) [dFf.e/i] 51.102 / 51.053 200.807 / 200.688
Reserve (dNf-dFf)/2 (mm) [cF.e/i] 0.143 / 0.095 0.501 / 0.403
Addendum (mm) [ha=mn*(haP*+x+k)] 2.250 2.250
(mm) [ha.e/i] 2.250 / 2.245 2.250 / 2.245
Dedendum (mm) [hf=mn*(hfP*-x)] 2.812 2.812
(mm) [hf.e/i] 2.909 / 2.964 2.943 / 3.012
Roll angle at dFa (°) [xsi_dFa.e/i] 35.260 / 35.239 27.406 / 27.399
Roll angle to dNa (°) [xsi_dNa.e/i] 35.260 / 35.239 27.406 / 27.399
Roll angle to dNf (°) [xsi_dNf.e/i] 11.713 / 11.451 21.145 / 21.077
Roll angle at dFf (°) [xsi_dFf.e/i] 10.285 / 9.962 20.359 / 20.252
Tooth height (mm) [h] 5.063 5.063
Virtual gear no. of teeth [zn] 31.118 117.064
Normal tooth thickness at tip circle (mm) [san] 1.677 1.830
(mm) [san.e/i] 1.607 / 1.560 1.738 / 1.683
Normal-tooth thickness on tip form circle (mm) [sFan] 1.677 1.830
(mm) [sFan.e/i] 1.607 / 1.560 1.738 / 1.683
Normal space width at root circle (mm) [efn] 0.000 1.626
(mm) [efn.e/i] 0.000 / 0.000 1.641 / 1.650
Max. sliding velocity at tip (m/s) [vga] 0.586 0.524
Specific sliding at the tip [zetaa] 0.401 0.578

Specific sliding at the root [zetaf] -1.369 -0.670
Mean specific sliding [zetam] 0.495
Sliding factor on tip [Kga] 0.228 0.255
Sliding factor on root [Kgf] -0.255 -0.228
Pitch on reference circle (mm) [pt] 8.162
Base pitch (mm) [pbt] 7.525
Transverse pitch on contact-path (mm) [pet] 7.525
Lead height (mm) [pz] 296.881 1116.836
Axial pitch (mm) [px] 14.137
Length of path of contact (mm) [ga, e/i] 10.399 ( 10.451 / 10.326)
Length T1-A, T2-A (mm) [T1A, T2A] 15.477( 15.477/ 15.467) 34.854( 34.803/ 34.915)
Length T1-B (mm) [T1B, T2B] 12.602( 12.551/ 12.666) 37.729( 37.729/ 37.717)
Length T1-C (mm) [T1C, T2C] 10.570( 10.559/ 10.580) 39.762( 39.721/ 39.802)
Length T1-D (mm) [T1D, T2D] 7.952( 7.952/ 7.943) 42.379( 42.327/ 42.440)
Length T1-E (mm) [T1E, T2E] 5.078( 5.026/ 5.141) 45.253( 45.253/ 45.242)
Length T1-T2 (mm) [T1T2] 50.331 ( 50.279 / 50.383)
Diameter of single contact point B (mm) [d-B] 56.260( 52.753/ 52.747) 203.707( 207.290/ 207.382)
Diameter of single contact point D (mm) [d-D] 52.753( 56.214/ 56.317) 207.332( 203.707/ 203.699)
Addendum contact ratio [eps] 0.652( 0.654/ 0.649) 0.730( 0.735/ 0.723)
Minimal length of contact line (mm) [Lmin] 58.670

Transverse contact ratio [eps_a] 1.382

Transverse contact ratio with allowances [eps_a.e/m/i] 1.389 / 1.381 / 1.372
Overlap ratio [eps_b] 2.759
Total contact ratio [eps_g] 4.141
Total contact ratio with allowances [eps_g.e/m/i] 4.148 / 4.139 / 4.131


------- GEAR 1 -------- GEAR 2 --

Nominal circum. force at pitch circle (N) [Ft] 19488.6
Axial force (N) [Fa] 11251.8
Radial force (N) [Fr] 8190.6
Normal force (N) [Fnorm] 23947.7
Nominal circumferential force per mm (N/mm) [w] 499.71
Only as information: Forces at operating pitch circle:
Nominal circumferential force (N) [Ftw] 19488.6
Axial force (N) [Faw] 11251.8
Radial force (N) [Frw] 8190.6
Circumferential speed reference circle (m/s) [v] 2.30
Circumferential speed operating pitch circle (m/s) [v(dw)] 2.30

Running-in value (µm) [yp] 0.6

Running-in value (µm) [yf] 0.6
Correction coefficient [CM] 0.800
Gear body coefficient [CR] 1.000
Basic rack factor [CBS] 0.975
Material coefficient [E/Est] 1.000
Singular tooth stiffness (N/mm/µm) [c'] 12.410
Meshing stiffness (N/mm/µm) [cg] 15.966
Reduced mass (kg/mm) [mRed] 0.00950
Resonance speed (min-1) [nE1] 18643
Resonance ratio (-) [N] 0.043
Subcritical range
Running-in value (µm) [ya] 0.6
Bearing distance l of pinion shaft (mm) [l] 86.000

Distance s of pinion shaft (mm) [s] 8.600
Outside diameter of pinion shaft (mm) [dsh] 43.000
Load according to Figure 6.8, DIN 3990-1:1987 [-] 4
(0:6.8a, 1:6.8b, 2:6.8c, 3:6.8d, 4:6.8e)
Coefficient K' according to Figure 6.8,
DIN 3990-1:1987 [K'] -1.00
Without support effect
Tooth trace deviation (active) (µm) [Fby] 3.83
from deformation of shaft (µm) [fsh*B1] 2.63
(fsh (µm) = 2.63, B1= 1.00, fHb5 (µm) = 6.50)
Tooth without tooth trace modification
Position of Contact pattern: favorable
from production tolerances (µm) [fma*B2] 9.00
(B2= 1.00)
Tooth trace deviation, theoretical (µm) [Fbx] 4.50
Running-in value (µm) [yb] 0.67

Dynamic factor [KV] 1.005

Face load factor - flank [KHb] 1.049

- Tooth root [KFb] 1.042
- Scuffing [KBb] 1.049

Transverse load factor - flank [KHa] 1.000

- Tooth root [KFa] 1.000
- Scuffing [KBa] 1.000

Helical load factor scuffing [Kbg] 1.300

Number of load cycles (in mio.) [NL] 966.234 256.847


Calculation of Tooth form coefficients according method: B

------- GEAR 1 -------- GEAR 2 --
Calculated with manufacturing profile shift [xE.e] -0.0427 -0.0580
Tooth form factor [YF] 1.34 1.22
Stress correction factor [YS] 1.95 2.19
Working angle (°) [alfFen] 17.93 19.77
Bending moment arm (mm) [hF] 2.10 2.33
Tooth thickness at root (mm) [sFn] 4.63 5.09
Tooth root radius (mm) [roF] 1.26 1.05
(hF* = 0.932/ 1.035 sFn* = 2.056/ 2.263 roF* = 0.561/ 0.467)
(den (mm) =
70.280/ 264.133 dsFn(mm) = 49.717/ 200.279 alfsFn(°) = 30.00/ 30.00 qs = 1.834/ 2.421)

Contact ratio factor [Yeps] 1.000

Helix angle factor [Ybet] 0.750
Effective facewidth (mm) [beff] 43.00 39.00
Nominal stress at tooth root (N/mm²) [sigF0] 393.80 444.09
Tooth root stress (N/mm²) [sigF] 515.30 581.10

Permissible bending stress at root of Test-gear

Notch sensitivity factor [YdrelT] 0.993 0.999
Surface factor [YRrelT] 0.957 0.957
size factor (Tooth root) [YX] 1.000 1.000

Finite life factor [YNT] 1.000 1.000
[YdrelT*YRrelT*YX*YNT] 0.950 0.956
Alternating bending factor (mean stress influence coefficient) [YM] 1.000 1.000
Stress correction factor [Yst] 2.00
Yst*sigFlim (N/mm²) [sigFE] 860.00 860.00
Permissible tooth root stress (N/mm²) [sigFP=sigFG/SFmin] 583.79 587.27
Limit strength tooth root (N/mm²) [sigFG] 817.30 822.18
Required safety [SFmin] 1.40 1.40
Safety for tooth root stress [SF=sigFG/sigF] 1.59 1.41
Transmittable power (kW) [kWRating] 50.79 45.30


------- GEAR 1 -------- GEAR 2 --

Zone factor [ZH] 2.223
Elasticity factor (√N/mm²) [ZE] 189.812
Contact ratio factor [Zeps] 0.851
Helix angle factor [Zbet] 0.931
Effective facewidth (mm) [beff] 39.00
Nominal contact stress (N/mm²) [sigH0] 1137.44
Contact stress at operating pitch circle (N/mm²) [sigHw] 1305.21
Single tooth contact factor [ZB,ZD] 1.00 1.00
Contact stress (N/mm²) [sigHB, sigHD] 1305.21 1305.21

Lubrication coefficient at NL [ZL] 1.020 1.020

Speed coefficient at NL [ZV] 0.966 0.966
Roughness coefficient at NL [ZR] 0.970 0.970
Material pairing coefficient at NL [ZW] 1.000 1.000
Finite life factor [ZNT] 1.000 1.000
[ZL*ZV*ZR*ZNT] 0.956 0.956
Limited pitting is permitted: No
Size factor (flank) [ZX] 1.000 1.000
Permissible contact stress (N/mm²) [sigHP=sigHG/SHmin] 1434.14 1434.14
Pitting stress limit (N/mm²) [sigHG] 1434.14 1434.14
Required safety [SHmin] 1.00 1.00
Safety factor for contact stress at operating pitch circle
[SHw] 1.10 1.10
Safety for stress at single tooth contact [SHBD=sigHG/sigHBD] 1.10 1.10
(Safety regarding transmittable torque) [(SHBD)^2] 1.21 1.21
Transmittable power (kW) [kWRating] 54.12 54.12


Calculation did not run. (Lubricant: Load stage micropitting test is unknown.)


Calculation method according to DIN 3990:1987

Lubrication coefficient (for lubrication type) [XS] 1.000

Scuffing test and load stage [FZGtest] FZG - Test A / 8.3 / 90 (ISO 14635 - 1) 12

Relative structure coefficient (Scuffing) [XWrelT] 1.000
Thermal contact factor (N/mm/s^.5/K) [BM] 13.780 13.780
Relevant tip relief (µm) [Ca] 2.00 2.00
Optimal tip relief (µm) [Ceff] 39.12
Ca taken as optimal in the calculation (0=no, 1=yes) 0 0
Effective facewidth (mm) [beff] 39.000
Applicable circumferential force/facewidth (N/mm) [wBt] 855.389
Angle factor [Xalfbet] 0.992
(ε1:0.652, ε2:0.730)

Flash temperature-criteria
Tooth mass temperature (°C) [theMB] 107.72
(theMB = theoil + XS*0.47*theflamax)
Maximum flash temperature (°C) [theflamax] 80.25
Scuffing temperature (°C) [theS] 408.58
Coordinate gamma (point of highest temp.) [Gamma] -0.248
[Gamma.A]=0.464 [Gamma.E]=-0.520
Highest contact temp. (°C) [theB] 187.97
Flash factor (°K*N^-.75*s^.5*m^-.5*mm) [XM] 50.058
Geometry factor [XB] 0.139
Load sharing factor [XGam] 1.000
Dynamic viscosity (mPa*s) [etaM] 12.18 ( 70.0 °C)
Coefficient of friction [mym] 0.163
Required safety [SBmin] 2.000
Safety factor for scuffing (flash temperature) [SB] 2.870

Integral temperature-criteria
Tooth mass temperature (°C) [theMC] 88.58
(theMC = theoil + XS*0.70*theflaint)
Mean flash temperature (°C) [theflaint] 26.55
Integral scuffing temperature (°C) [theSint] 408.58
Flash factor (°K*N^-.75*s^.5*m^-.5*mm) [XM] 50.058
Contact ratio factor [Xeps] 0.333
Dynamic viscosity (mPa*s) [etaOil] 41.90 ( 70.0 °C)
Mean coefficient of friction [mym] 0.111
Geometry factor [XBE] 0.206
Meshing factor [XQ] 1.000
Tip relief factor [XCa] 1.009
Integral tooth flank temperature (°C) [theint] 128.40
Required safety [SSmin] 1.800
Safety factor for scuffing (intg.-temp.) [SSint] 3.182
Safety referring to transmittable torque [SSL] 5.797


------- Gear 1 ------ Gear 2 --

Tooth thickness deviation DIN 3967 cd25 DIN 3967 cd25
Tooth thickness allowance (normal section) (mm) [As.e/i] -0.070 / -0.110 -0.095 / -0.145

Number of teeth spanned [k] 4.000 13.000

Base tangent length (no backlash) (mm) [Wk] 24.243 86.772
Actual base tangent length ('span') (mm) [Wk.e/i] 24.177 / 24.140 86.683 / 86.636
(mm) [∆Wk.e/i] -0.066 / -0.103 -0.089 / -0.136
Diameter of contact point (mm) [dMWk.m] 54.632 204.095
> Base tangent length Gear 2 is not measurable (Gear to thin)

Theoretical diameter of ball/pin (mm) [DM] 3.829 3.778
Effective diameter of ball/pin (mm) [DMeff] 4.000 4.000
Radial single-ball measurement backlash free (mm) [MrK] 30.193 105.591
Radial single-ball measurement (mm) [MrK.e/i] 30.110 / 30.062 105.467 / 105.401
Diameter of contact point (mm) [dMMr.m] 54.692 205.466
Diametral measurement over two balls without clearance (mm) [MdK] 60.228 211.142
Diametral two ball measure (mm) [MdK.e/i] 60.063 / 59.968 210.893 / 210.761
Diametral measurement over pins without clearance (mm) [MdR] 60.386 211.183
Measurement over pins according to DIN 3960 (mm) [MdR.e/i] 60.220 / 60.124 210.934 / 210.802
Measurement over 2 pins (free) according to AGMA 2002 (mm)
[dk2f.e/i] 59.978 / 59.883 210.872 / 210.740
Measurement over 2 pins (transverse) according to AGMA 2002 (mm)
[dk2t.e/i] 60.374 / 60.278 210.974 / 210.842
Measurement over 3 pins (axial) according to AGMA 2002 (mm)
[dk3A.e/i] 60.220 / 60.124 210.934 / 210.802

Chordal tooth thickness (no backlash) (mm) [sc] 3.533 3.534

Actual chordal tooth thickness (mm) [sc.e/i] 3.463 / 3.423 3.439 / 3.389
Reference chordal height from da.m (mm) [ha] 2.290 2.259
Tooth thickness (Arc) (mm) [sn] 3.534 3.534
(mm) [sn.e/i] 3.464 / 3.424 3.439 / 3.389

Backlash free center distance (mm) [aControl.e/i] 129.676 / 129.551

Backlash free center distance, allowances (mm) [jta] -0.228 / -0.353
dNf.i with aControl (mm) [dNf0.i] 50.981 201.021
Reserve (dNf0.i-dFf.e)/2 (mm) [cF0.i] -0.060 0.107
Tip clearance (mm) [c0.i(aControl)] 0.340 0.306
Centre distance allowances (mm) [Aa.e/i] 0.020 / -0.020

Circumferential backlash from Aa (mm) [jtw_Aa.e/i] 0.017 / -0.017

Radial clearance (mm) [jrw] 0.373 / 0.208
Circumferential backlash (transverse section) (mm) [jtw] 0.311 / 0.174
Normal backlash (mm) [jnw] 0.253 / 0.141
Torsional angle at entry with fixed output:
Entire torsional angle (°) [j.tSys] 0.1738/ 0.0970


------- GEAR 1 -------- GEAR 2 --

According to DIN 3961:1978
Accuracy grade [Q-DIN3961] 6 6
Profile form deviation (µm) [ff] 8.00 8.00
Profile slope deviation (µm) [fHa] 6.00 6.00
Total profile deviation (µm) [Ff] 10.00 10.00
Helix form deviation (µm) [fbf] 8.00 5.50
Helix slope deviation (µm) [fHb] 10.00 9.00
Total helix deviation (µm) [Fb] 13.00 10.00
Normal base pitch deviation (µm) [fpe] 8.00 8.00
Single pitch deviation (µm) [fp] 8.00 8.00
Adjacent pitch difference (µm) [fu] 10.00 10.00
Total cumulative pitch deviation (µm) [Fp] 27.00 32.00
Sector pitch deviation over z/8 pitches (µm) [Fpz/8] 17.00 20.00
Runout (µm) [Fr] 19.00 22.00
Tooth Thickness Variation (µm) [Rs] 11.00 13.00
Single flank composite, total (µm) [Fi'] 30.00 34.00
Single flank composite, tooth-to-tooth (µm) [fi'] 13.00 13.00

Radial composite, total (µm) [Fi"] 22.00 26.00
Radial composite, tooth-to-tooth (µm) [fi"] 9.00 11.00

According to DIN 58405:1972 (Feinwerktechnik):

Tooth-to-tooth composite error (µm) [fi"] 9.00 11.00
Composite error (µm) [Fi"] 25.00 32.00
Axis alignment error (µm) [fp] 22.08 22.08
Flank direction error (µm) [fbeta] 9.03 8.19
Runout (µm) [Trk, Fr] 24.00 30.00

Axis alignment tolerances (recommendation acc. to ISO TR 10064-3:1996, Quality)

Maximum value for deviation error of axis (µm) [fSigbet] 14.33 (Fb= 13.00)
Maximum value for inclination error of axes (µm) [fSigdel] 28.67


Maximal possible centre distance (eps_a=1.0) [aMAX] 131.044

Mass (kg) [m] 0.665 9.952
Total mass (kg) [m] 10.618
Moment of inertia (system with reference to the drive):
calculation without consideration of the exact tooth shape
single gears ((da+df)/2...di) (kg*m²) [TraeghMom] 0.0002757 0.05262
System ((da+df)/2...di) (kg*m²) [TraeghMom] 0.05652
Torsional stiffness at entry with driven force fixed:
Torsional stiffness (MNm/rad) [cr] 5.573
Torsion when subjected to nominal torque (°) [delcr] 0.021
Mean coeff. of friction (acc. Niemann) [mum] 0.096
Wear sliding coef. by Niemann [zetw] 0.670
Gear power loss (kW) [PVZ] 0.533
(Meshing efficiency (%) [etaz] 98.812)
Sound pressure level (according to Masuda) [dB(A)] 71.6


Data for the tooth form calculation :

Data not available.


Required safety for tooth root [SFmin] 1.40

Required safety for tooth flank [SHmin] 1.00

Service life (calculated with required safeties):

System service life (h) [Hatt] > 1000000

Tooth root service life (h) [HFatt] 1e+006 1e+006

Tooth flank service life (h) [HHatt] 1e+006 1e+006
Note: The entry 1e+006 h means that the Service life > 1,000,000 h.

Damage calculated on the basis of the required service life [H] ( 20000.0 h)
F1% F2% H1% H2%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Calculation of the factors required to define reliability R(t) according to B. Bertsche with Weibull distribution:
R(t) = 100 * Exp(-((t*fac - t0)/(T - t0))^b) %; t (h)
Gear fac b t0 T R(H)%
1 Tooth root 48312 1.7 9.654e+029 1.484e+030 100.00
1 Tooth flank 48312 1.3 9.014e+029 4.295e+030 100.00
2 Tooth root 12842 1.7 9.654e+029 1.484e+030 100.00
2 Tooth flank 12842 1.3 9.014e+029 4.295e+030 100.00
Reliability of the configuration for required service life (%) 100.00 (Bertsche)

- Specifications with [.e/i] imply: Maximum [e] and Minimal value [i] with
consideration of all tolerances
Specifications with [.m] imply: Mean value within tolerance
- For the backlash tolerance, the center distance tolerances and the tooth thickness
deviation are taken into account. Shown is the maximal and the minimal backlash corresponding
the largest resp. the smallest allowances
The calculation is done for the operating pitch circle.
- Details of calculation method:
cg according to method B
KV according to method B
KHb, KFb according method C
KHa, KFa according to method B

End of Report lines: 527

KISSsoft Release 03/2017
Name : Unnamed
Changed by: 97660590 on: 27.08.2020 at: 16:27:00

Important hint: At least one warning has occurred during the calculation:

1-> The required service life of bearing 'Shaft 'Shaft1', Rolling bearing 'RollerBearing2'' is not achieved!

2-> The thermally safe operating speed of bearing 'Shaft 'Shaft1', Rolling bearing 'RollerBearing2'' could be critical.
Please run the calculation for the 'Thermally safe operating speed'
(in the special tab of menu 'Calculation').

Analysis of shafts, axle and beams

Input data

Coordinate system shaft: see picture W-002

Label Shaft1
Initial position (mm) 0.000
Length (mm) 352.550
Speed (1/min) 2000.00
Sense of rotation: clockwise

Material C45 (1)

Young's modulus (N/mm²) 206000.000
Poisson's ratio nu 0.300
Density (kg/m³) 7830.000
Coefficient of thermal expansion (10^-6/K) 11.500
Temperature (°C) 20.000
Weight of shaft (kg) 3.458
Weight of shaft, including additional masses (kg) 3.458
Mass moment of inertia (kg*mm²) 701.956
Momentum of mass GD2 (Nm²) 0.028

The direction of the weight is not considered

Consider deformations due to shearing
Shear correction coefficient 1.100
Contact angle of rolling bearings is considered
Tolerance field: Mean value
Reference temperature (°C) 20.000

Figure: Load applications

Shaft definition (Shaft1)

Outer contour

Cylinder (Cylinder) 0.000mm ... 11.000mm

Diameter (mm) [d] 34.0000
Length (mm) [l] 11.0000
Surface roughness (µm) [Rz] 8.0000

Taper (Taper) 11.000mm ... 12.000mm

Diameter left (mm) [dl] 34.0000
Diameter right (mm) [dr] 35.0000
Length (mm) [l] 1.0000
Surface roughness (µm) [Rz] 8.0000

Cylinder (Cylinder) 12.000mm ... 34.000mm

Diameter (mm) [d] 35.0000
Length (mm) [l] 22.0000
Surface roughness (µm) [Rz] 1.8000

Cylinder (Cylinder) 34.000mm ... 43.800mm

Diameter (mm) [d] 40.0000
Length (mm) [l] 9.8000
Surface roughness (µm) [Rz] 8.0000

Cylinder (Cylinder) 43.800mm ... 191.200mm

Diameter (mm) [d] 40.0000
Length (mm) [l] 147.4000
Surface roughness (µm) [Rz] 8.0000

Cylinder (Cylinder) 191.200mm ... 207.800mm
Diameter (mm) [d] 40.0000
Length (mm) [l] 16.6000
Surface roughness (µm) [Rz] 8.0000

Cylinder (Cylinder) 207.800mm ... 276.450mm

Diameter (mm) [d] 40.0000
Length (mm) [l] 68.6500
Surface roughness (µm) [Rz] 8.0000

Cylinder (Cylinder) 276.450mm ... 311.450mm

Diameter (mm) [d] 45.0000
Length (mm) [l] 35.0000
Surface roughness (µm) [Rz] 8.0000

Cylinder (Cylinder) 311.450mm ... 317.150mm

Diameter (mm) [d] 45.0000
Length (mm) [l] 5.7000
Surface roughness (µm) [Rz] 8.0000

Cylinder (Cylinder) 317.150mm ... 335.150mm

Diameter (mm) [d] 40.0000
Length (mm) [l] 18.0000
Surface roughness (µm) [Rz] 8.0000

Cylinder (Cylinder) 335.150mm ... 337.950mm

Diameter (mm) [d] 37.5000
Length (mm) [l] 2.8000
Surface roughness (µm) [Rz] 8.0000

Cylinder (Cylinder) 337.950mm ... 344.550mm

Diameter (mm) [d] 39.7500
Length (mm) [l] 6.6000
Surface roughness (µm) [Rz] 8.0000

Taper (Taper) 344.550mm ... 345.550mm

Diameter left (mm) [dl] 39.7500
Diameter right (mm) [dr] 38.7500
Length (mm) [l] 1.0000
Surface roughness (µm) [Rz] 8.0000

Cylinder (Cylinder) 345.550mm ... 351.300mm

Diameter (mm) [d] 30.5000
Length (mm) [l] 5.7500
Surface roughness (µm) [Rz] 8.0000

Taper (Taper) 351.300mm ... 352.550mm

Diameter left (mm) [dl] 30.5000
Diameter right (mm) [dr] 29.6000
Length (mm) [l] 1.2500
Surface roughness (µm) [Rz] 8.0000


Type of force element Coupling

Label in the model Coupling1(Boundary1)
Position on shaft (mm) [ylocal] 122.2000
Position in global system (mm) [yglobal] 122.2000
Effective diameter (mm) 45.0000
Radial force factor (-) 0.0000
Direction of the radial force (°) 0.0000
Axial force factor (-) 0.0000
Length of load application (mm) 138.0000
Power (kW) 44.8282 driving (Output)
Torque (Nm) -214.0391
Axial force (N) 0.0000
Shearing force X (N) 0.0000
Shearing force Z (N) 0.0000
Bending moment X (Nm) 0.0000
Bending moment Z (Nm) 0.0000
Mass (kg) 0.0000
Mass moment of inertia Jp (kg*m²) 0.0000
Mass moment of inertia Jxx (kg*m²) 0.0000
Mass moment of inertia Jzz (kg*m²) 0.0000
Eccentricity (mm) 0.0000

Type of force element Cylindrical gear

Label in the model z1(GearPair_const1)
Position on shaft (mm) [ylocal] 294.0000
Position in global system (mm) [yglobal] 294.0000
Operating pitch diameter (mm) 53.6936
Helix angle (°) 30.0000 left
Working pressure angle at normal section (°) 20.0000
Position of contact (°) -15.0000
Length of load application (mm) 35.0000
Power (kW) 44.8282 driven (Input)
Torque (Nm) 214.0391
Axial force (N) 4602.9919
Shearing force X (N) -5299.9965
Shearing force Z (N) -6833.7296
Bending moment X (Nm) 31.9837
Bending moment Z (Nm) 119.3648


Label in the model RollerBearing1

Bearing type SKF 6007
Bearing type Deep groove ball bearing (single row)
SKF Explorer
Bearing position (mm) [ylokal] 27.000
Bearing position (mm) [yglobal] 27.000
Attachment of external ring Free bearing
Inner diameter (mm) [d] 35.000
External diameter (mm) [D] 62.000
Width (mm) [b] 14.000
Corner radius (mm) [r] 1.000
Basic static load rating (kN) [C0] 10.200
Basic dynamic load rating (kN) [C] 16.800
Fatigue load rating (kN) [Cu] 0.440
Values for approximated geometry:
Basic dynamic load rating (kN) [Ctheo] 0.000
Basic static load rating (kN) [C0theo] 0.000

Label in the model RollerBearing2
Bearing type SKF 6208
Bearing type Deep groove ball bearing (single row)
SKF Explorer
Bearing position (mm) [ylokal] 326.150
Bearing position (mm) [yglobal] 326.150
Attachment of external ring Fixed bearing
Inner diameter (mm) [d] 40.000
External diameter (mm) [D] 80.000
Width (mm) [b] 18.000
Corner radius (mm) [r] 1.100
Basic static load rating (kN) [C0] 19.000
Basic dynamic load rating (kN) [C] 32.500
Fatigue load rating (kN) [Cu] 0.800
Values for approximated geometry:
Basic dynamic load rating (kN) [Ctheo] 0.000
Basic static load rating (kN) [C0theo] 0.000



Maximum deflection (µm) 61.240

Position of the maximum (mm) 196.733
Mass center of gravity (mm) 182.172
Total axial load (N) 4602.992
Torsion under torque (°) 0.102


Probability of failure [n] 10.00 %

Axial clearance [uA] 10.00 µm
Lubricant Oil: ISO-VG 220
Lubricant - service temperature [TB] 70.00 °C
Rolling bearings, classical calculation (contact angle considered)

Shaft 'Shaft1' Rolling bearing 'RollerBearing1'

Position (Y-coordinate) [y] 27.00 mm
Equivalent load [P] 0.86 kN
Equivalent load [P0] 0.86 kN
Life modification factor for reliability[a1] 1.000
Nominal bearing service life [Lnh] 62419.71 h
Operating viscosity [ν] 48.88 mm²/s
Static safety factor [S0] 11.88
Bearing reaction force [Fx] 0.171 kN
Bearing reaction force [Fy] 0.000 kN
Bearing reaction force [Fz] 0.841 kN
Bearing reaction force [Fr] 0.859 kN (78.53°)

Bearing reaction moment [Mx] 0.00 Nm
Bearing reaction moment [My] 0.00 Nm
Bearing reaction moment [Mz] -0.00 Nm
Bearing reaction moment [Mr] 0.00 Nm (-19.98°)
Oil level [H] 0.000 mm
Load-independent moment of friction [M0] 0.041 Nm
Load-dependent moment of friction [M1] 0.008 Nm
Moment of friction, cylindrical roller bearing[M2] 0.000 Nm
Moment of friction for seals determined according to SKF main catalog 4000/IV T DE:1994
Torque of friction [Mloss] 0.050 Nm
Power loss [Ploss] 10.392 W
The moment of friction is calculated according to the details in SKF Catalog 1994.
Displacement of bearing [ux] -1.296 µm
Displacement of bearing [uy] 10.485 µm
Displacement of bearing [uz] -6.369 µm
Displacement of bearing [ur] 6.500 µm (-101.5°)
Misalignment of bearing [rx] -0.459 mrad (-1.58')
Misalignment of bearing [ry] 0.000 mrad (0')
Misalignment of bearing [rz] 0.112 mrad (0.38')
Misalignment of bearing [rr] 0.473 mrad (1.63')

Shaft 'Shaft1' Rolling bearing 'RollerBearing2'

Position (Y-coordinate) [y] 326.15 mm
Equivalent load [P] 9.84 kN
Equivalent load [P0] 7.89 kN
Life modification factor for reliability[a1] 1.000
Nominal bearing service life [Lnh] 300.70 h
Operating viscosity [ν] 48.88 mm²/s
Static safety factor [S0] 2.41
Bearing reaction force [Fx] 5.129 kN
Bearing reaction force [Fy] -4.603 kN
Bearing reaction force [Fz] 5.992 kN
Bearing reaction force [Fr] 7.887 kN (49.44°)
Oil level [H] 0.000 mm
Load-independent moment of friction [M0] 0.092 Nm
Load-dependent moment of friction [M1] 0.501 Nm
Moment of friction, cylindrical roller bearing[M2] 0.000 Nm
Moment of friction for seals determined according to SKF main catalog 4000/IV T DE:1994
Torque of friction [Mloss] 0.593 Nm
Power loss [Ploss] 124.139 W
The moment of friction is calculated according to the details in SKF Catalog 1994.
Displacement of bearing [ux] -4.265 µm
Displacement of bearing [uy] 10.000 µm
Displacement of bearing [uz] -4.905 µm
Displacement of bearing [ur] 6.500 µm (-131°)
Misalignment of bearing [rx] 0.713 mrad (2.45')
Misalignment of bearing [ry] 1.776 mrad (6.1')
Misalignment of bearing [rz] -0.172 mrad (-0.59')
Misalignment of bearing [rr] 0.734 mrad (2.52')

Damage (%) [Lreq] ( 20000.000)

Bin no B1 B2
1 32.04 6651.21
Σ 32.04 6651.21

Utilization (%) [Lreq] ( 20000.000)
B1 B2
68.43 405.17
Note: Utilization = (Lreq/Lh)^(1/k)
Ball bearing: k = 3, roller bearing: k = 10/3

B1: RollerBearing1
B2: RollerBearing2

Figure: Deformation (bending etc.) (Arbitrary plane 255.6743294 121)

Nominal stresses, without taking into account stress concentrations
GEH(von Mises): sigV = ((sigB+sigZ,D)^2 + 3*(tauT+tauS)^2)^1/2
SSH(Tresca): sigV = ((sigB-sigZ,D)^2 + 4*(tauT+tauS)^2)^1/2

Figure: Equivalent stress

End of Report lines: 318

KISSsoft Release 03/2017
Name : Unnamed
Changed by: 97660590 on: 27.08.2020 at: 16:27:01

Important hint: At least one warning has occurred during the calculation:

1-> The required service life of bearing 'Shaft 'Shaft2', Rolling bearing 'RollerBearing3'' is not achieved!
The static safety is low (in range 0.5 - 2.0).

Please check whether these values are acceptable or not.

2-> The required service life of bearing 'Shaft 'Shaft2', Rolling bearing 'RollerBearing4'' is not achieved!

Analysis of shafts, axle and beams

Input data

Coordinate system shaft: see picture W-002

Label Shaft2
Initial position (mm) 0.000
Length (mm) 126.000
Speed (1/min) 805.19
Sense of rotation: counter clockwise

Material C45 (1)

Young's modulus (N/mm²) 206000.000
Poisson's ratio nu 0.300
Density (kg/m³) 7830.000
Coefficient of thermal expansion (10^-6/K) 11.500
Temperature (°C) 20.000
Weight of shaft (kg) 1.241
Weight of shaft, including additional masses (kg) 1.241
Mass moment of inertia (kg*mm²) 267.552
Momentum of mass GD2 (Nm²) 0.010

The direction of the weight is not considered

Consider deformations due to shearing
Shear correction coefficient 1.100
Contact angle of rolling bearings is considered
Tolerance field: Mean value
Reference temperature (°C) 20.000

Figure: Load applications

Shaft definition (Shaft2)

Outer contour

Cylinder (Cylinder) 0.000mm ... 7.000mm

Diameter (mm) [d] 33.5000
Length (mm) [l] 7.0000
Surface roughness (µm) [Rz] 8.0000

Cylinder (Cylinder) 7.000mm ... 31.000mm

Diameter (mm) [d] 35.0000
Length (mm) [l] 24.0000
Surface roughness (µm) [Rz] 8.0000

Cylinder (Cylinder) 31.000mm ... 58.500mm

Diameter (mm) [d] 35.0000
Length (mm) [l] 27.5000
Surface roughness (µm) [Rz] 8.0000

Cylinder (Cylinder) 58.500mm ... 101.500mm

Diameter (mm) [d] 46.7000
Length (mm) [l] 43.0000
Surface roughness (µm) [Rz] 8.0000

Taper (Taper) 101.500mm ... 106.000mm

Diameter left (mm) [dl] 46.7000
Diameter right (mm) [dr] 42.5000
Length (mm) [l] 4.5000
Surface roughness (µm) [Rz] 8.0000

Cylinder (Cylinder) 106.000mm ... 126.000mm
Diameter (mm) [d] 37.5000
Length (mm) [l] 20.0000
Surface roughness (µm) [Rz] 8.0000


Type of force element Cylindrical gear

Label in the model z2(GearPair_const1)
Position on shaft (mm) [ylocal] 47.5000
Position in global system (mm) [yglobal] 47.5000
Operating pitch diameter (mm) 133.3679
Helix angle (°) 30.0000 right
Working pressure angle at normal section (°) 20.0000
Position of contact (°) 165.0000
Length of load application (mm) 30.0000
Power (kW) 44.8282 driving (Output)
Torque (Nm) 531.6456
Axial force (N) -4602.9919
Shearing force X (N) 5299.9965
Shearing force Z (N) 6833.7296
Bending moment X (Nm) 79.4434
Bending moment Z (Nm) 296.4868

Type of force element Cylindrical gear

Label in the model z3(GearPair_const2)
Position on shaft (mm) [ylocal] 82.0000
Position in global system (mm) [yglobal] 82.0000
Operating pitch diameter (mm) 54.5596
Helix angle (°) 30.0000 right
Working pressure angle at normal section (°) 20.0000
Position of contact (°) -70.0000
Length of load application (mm) 43.0000
Power (kW) 44.8282 driven (Input)
Torque (Nm) -531.6456
Axial force (N) 11251.7581
Shearing force X (N) 15511.9557
Shearing force Z (N) 14362.1553
Bending moment X (Nm) 288.4346
Bending moment Z (Nm) 104.9816


Label in the model RollerBearing3

Bearing type SKF 6307
Bearing type Deep groove ball bearing (single row)
SKF Explorer
Bearing position (mm) [ylokal] 17.500
Bearing position (mm) [yglobal] 17.500
Attachment of external ring Fixed bearing
Inner diameter (mm) [d] 35.000
External diameter (mm) [D] 80.000
Width (mm) [b] 21.000
Corner radius (mm) [r] 1.500
Basic static load rating (kN) [C0] 19.000

Basic dynamic load rating (kN) [C] 35.100
Fatigue load rating (kN) [Cu] 0.815
Values for approximated geometry:
Basic dynamic load rating (kN) [Ctheo] 0.000
Basic static load rating (kN) [C0theo] 0.000

Label in the model RollerBearing4

Bearing type SKF RNU 2206 ECP
Bearing type Cylindrical roller bearing (single row)
SKF Explorer
Bearing position (mm) [ylokal] 116.000
Bearing position (mm) [yglobal] 116.000
Attachment of external ring Free bearing
Inner diameter (mm) [d] 37.500
External diameter (mm) [D] 62.000
Width (mm) [b] 20.000
Corner radius (mm) [r] 1.000
Basic static load rating (kN) [C0] 49.000
Basic dynamic load rating (kN) [C] 55.000
Fatigue load rating (kN) [Cu] 6.100
Values for approximated geometry:
Basic dynamic load rating (kN) [Ctheo] 0.000
Basic static load rating (kN) [C0theo] 0.000



Maximum deflection (µm) 30.566

Position of the maximum (mm) 68.325
Mass center of gravity (mm) 68.319
Total axial load (N) 6648.766
Torsion under torque (°) -0.049


Probability of failure [n] 10.00 %

Axial clearance [uA] 10.00 µm
Lubricant Oil: ISO-VG 220
Lubricant - service temperature [TB] 70.00 °C
Rolling bearings, classical calculation (contact angle considered)

Shaft 'Shaft2' Rolling bearing 'RollerBearing3'

Position (Y-coordinate) [y] 17.50 mm
Equivalent load [P] 14.41 kN
Equivalent load [P0] 14.41 kN
Life modification factor for reliability[a1] 1.000
Nominal bearing service life [Lnh] 299.12 h
Operating viscosity [ν] 48.88 mm²/s

Static safety factor [S0] 1.32
Bearing reaction force [Fx] -13.114 kN
Bearing reaction force [Fy] -6.647 kN
Bearing reaction force [Fz] -5.973 kN
Bearing reaction force [Fr] 14.410 kN (-155.51°)
Bearing reaction moment [Mx] -0.00 Nm
Bearing reaction moment [My] 0.00 Nm
Bearing reaction moment [Mz] 0.00 Nm
Bearing reaction moment [Mr] 0.00 Nm (170.12°)
Oil level [H] 0.000 mm
Load-independent moment of friction [M0] 0.051 Nm
Load-dependent moment of friction [M1] 0.924 Nm
Moment of friction, cylindrical roller bearing[M2] 0.000 Nm
Moment of friction for seals determined according to SKF main catalog 4000/IV T DE:1994
Torque of friction [Mloss] 0.974 Nm
Power loss [Ploss] 82.142 W
The moment of friction is calculated according to the details in SKF Catalog 1994.
Displacement of bearing [ux] 6.010 µm
Displacement of bearing [uy] 10.000 µm
Displacement of bearing [uz] 2.476 µm
Displacement of bearing [ur] 6.500 µm (22.4°)
Misalignment of bearing [rx] 0.517 mrad (1.78')
Misalignment of bearing [ry] -0.000 mrad (0')
Misalignment of bearing [rz] -0.388 mrad (-1.33')
Misalignment of bearing [rr] 0.647 mrad (2.22')

Shaft 'Shaft2' Rolling bearing 'RollerBearing4'

Position (Y-coordinate) [y] 116.00 mm
Equivalent load [P] 17.05 kN
Equivalent load [P0] 17.05 kN
Life modification factor for reliability[a1] 1.000
Nominal bearing service life [Lnh] 1026.01 h
Operating viscosity [ν] 48.88 mm²/s
Static safety factor [S0] 2.87
Bearing reaction force [Fx] -7.694 kN
Bearing reaction force [Fy] 0.000 kN
Bearing reaction force [Fz] -15.219 kN
Bearing reaction force [Fr] 17.053 kN (-116.82°)
Oil level [H] 0.000 mm
Load-independent moment of friction [M0] 0.043 Nm
Load-dependent moment of friction [M1] 0.255 Nm
Moment of friction, cylindrical roller bearing[M2] 0.000 Nm
Moment of friction for seals determined according to SKF main catalog 4000/IV T DE:1994
Torque of friction [Mloss] 0.297 Nm
Power loss [Ploss] 25.065 W
The moment of friction is calculated according to the details in SKF Catalog 1994.
The factors used to calculate the torque loss have been assumed for this bearing.
Displacement of bearing [ux] 8.096 µm
Displacement of bearing [uy] 12.383 µm
Displacement of bearing [uz] 16.912 µm
Displacement of bearing [ur] 18.750 µm (64.42°)
Misalignment of bearing [rx] -0.128 mrad (-0.44')
Misalignment of bearing [ry] -0.847 mrad (-2.91')
Misalignment of bearing [rz] 0.298 mrad (1.02')
Misalignment of bearing [rr] 0.324 mrad (1.11')

Damage (%) [Lreq] ( 20000.000)
Bin no B1 B2
1 6686.28 1949.30
Σ 6686.28 1949.30

Utilization (%) [Lreq] ( 20000.000)

B1 B2
405.88 243.76
Note: Utilization = (Lreq/Lh)^(1/k)
Ball bearing: k = 3, roller bearing: k = 10/3

B1: RollerBearing3
B2: RollerBearing4

Figure: Deformation (bending etc.) (Arbitrary plane 47.80330783 121)

Nominal stresses, without taking into account stress concentrations
GEH(von Mises): sigV = ((sigB+sigZ,D)^2 + 3*(tauT+tauS)^2)^1/2
SSH(Tresca): sigV = ((sigB-sigZ,D)^2 + 4*(tauT+tauS)^2)^1/2

Figure: Equivalent stress

End of Report lines: 267

KISSsoft Release 03/2017
Name : Unnamed
Changed by: 97660590 on: 27.08.2020 at: 16:27:02

Important hint: At least one warning has occurred during the calculation:

1-> The required service life of bearing 'Shaft 'Shaft3', Rolling bearing 'RollerBearing5'' is not achieved!

2-> The required service life of bearing 'Shaft 'Shaft3', Rolling bearing 'RollerBearing6'' is not achieved!

Analysis of shafts, axle and beams

Input data

Coordinate system shaft: see picture W-002

Label Shaft3
Initial position (mm) 0.000
Length (mm) 167.100
Speed (1/min) 214.04
Sense of rotation: clockwise

Material C45 (1)

Young's modulus (N/mm²) 206000.000
Poisson's ratio nu 0.300
Density (kg/m³) 7830.000
Coefficient of thermal expansion (10^-6/K) 11.500
Temperature (°C) 20.000
Weight of shaft (kg) 1.565
Weight of shaft, including additional masses (kg) 1.565
Mass moment of inertia (kg*mm²) 726.646
Momentum of mass GD2 (Nm²) 0.029

The direction of the weight is not considered

Consider deformations due to shearing
Shear correction coefficient 1.100
Contact angle of rolling bearings is considered
Tolerance field: Mean value
Reference temperature (°C) 20.000

Figure: Load applications

Shaft definition (Shaft3)

Outer contour

Cylinder (Cylinder) 0.000mm ... 96.100mm

Diameter (mm) [d] 45.0000
Length (mm) [l] 96.1000
Surface roughness (µm) [Rz] 8.0000

Cylinder (Cylinder) 96.100mm ... 135.100mm

Diameter (mm) [d] 60.0000
Length (mm) [l] 39.0000
Surface roughness (µm) [Rz] 8.0000

Cylinder (Cylinder) 135.100mm ... 167.100mm

Diameter (mm) [d] 50.0000
Length (mm) [l] 32.0000
Surface roughness (µm) [Rz] 8.0000

Inner contour

Cylinder inside (Cylinder inside) 0.000mm ... 167.000mm

Diameter (mm) [d] 31.0000
Length (mm) [l] 167.0000
Surface roughness (µm) [Rz] 8.0000


Type of force element Coupling

Label in the model Coupling2(Boundary2)
Position on shaft (mm) [ylocal] 50.0000
Position in global system (mm) [yglobal] 50.0000
Effective diameter (mm) 33.0000
Radial force factor (-) 0.0000
Direction of the radial force (°) 0.0000
Axial force factor (-) 0.0000
Length of load application (mm) 25.0000
Power (kW) 22.4141 driven (Input)
Torque (Nm) 1000.0000
Axial force (N) 0.0000
Shearing force X (N) 0.0000
Shearing force Z (N) 0.0000
Bending moment X (Nm) 0.0000
Bending moment Z (Nm) 0.0000
Mass (kg) 0.0000
Mass moment of inertia Jp (kg*m²) 0.0000
Mass moment of inertia Jxx (kg*m²) 0.0000
Mass moment of inertia Jzz (kg*m²) 0.0000
Eccentricity (mm) 0.0000

Type of force element Coupling

Label in the model Coupling3(Boundary3)
Position on shaft (mm) [ylocal] 112.0000
Position in global system (mm) [yglobal] 112.0000
Effective diameter (mm) 35.0000
Radial force factor (-) 0.0000
Direction of the radial force (°) 0.0000
Axial force factor (-) 0.0000
Length of load application (mm) 25.0000
Power (kW) 22.4141 driven (Input)
Torque (Nm) 1000.0000
Axial force (N) 0.0000
Shearing force X (N) 0.0000
Shearing force Z (N) 0.0000
Bending moment X (Nm) 0.0000
Bending moment Z (Nm) 0.0000
Mass (kg) 0.0000
Mass moment of inertia Jp (kg*m²) 0.0000
Mass moment of inertia Jxx (kg*m²) 0.0000
Mass moment of inertia Jzz (kg*m²) 0.0000
Eccentricity (mm) 0.0000

Type of force element Cylindrical gear

Label in the model z4(GearPair_const2)
Position on shaft (mm) [ylocal] 115.6000
Position in global system (mm) [yglobal] 115.6000
Operating pitch diameter (mm) 205.2480
Helix angle (°) 30.0000 left
Working pressure angle at normal section (°) 20.0000
Position of contact (°) 110.0000
Length of load application (mm) 39.0000
Power (kW) 44.8282 driving (Output)
Torque (Nm) -2000.0000
Axial force (N) -11251.7581
Shearing force X (N) -15511.9557
Shearing force Z (N) -14362.1553

Bending moment X (Nm) 1085.0636
Bending moment Z (Nm) 394.9308


Label in the model RollerBearing5

Bearing type SKF 6309
Bearing type Deep groove ball bearing (single row)
SKF Explorer
Bearing position (mm) [ylokal] 12.500
Bearing position (mm) [yglobal] 12.500
Attachment of external ring Set fixed bearing left
Inner diameter (mm) [d] 45.000
External diameter (mm) [D] 100.000
Width (mm) [b] 25.000
Corner radius (mm) [r] 1.500
Basic static load rating (kN) [C0] 31.500
Basic dynamic load rating (kN) [C] 55.300
Fatigue load rating (kN) [Cu] 1.300
Values for approximated geometry:
Basic dynamic load rating (kN) [Ctheo] 0.000
Basic static load rating (kN) [C0theo] 0.000

Label in the model RollerBearing6

Bearing type SKF 6310
Bearing type Deep groove ball bearing (single row)
SKF Explorer
Bearing position (mm) [ylokal] 153.350
Bearing position (mm) [yglobal] 153.350
Attachment of external ring Set fixed bearing right
Inner diameter (mm) [d] 50.000
External diameter (mm) [D] 110.000
Width (mm) [b] 27.000
Corner radius (mm) [r] 2.000
Basic static load rating (kN) [C0] 38.000
Basic dynamic load rating (kN) [C] 65.000
Fatigue load rating (kN) [Cu] 1.600
Values for approximated geometry:
Basic dynamic load rating (kN) [Ctheo] 0.000
Basic static load rating (kN) [C0theo] 0.000



Maximum deflection (µm) 47.487

Position of the maximum (mm) 82.660
Mass center of gravity (mm) 95.351
Total axial load (N) -11251.758
Torsion under torque (°) -0.121


Probability of failure [n] 10.00 %

Axial clearance [uA] 10.00 µm
Lubricant Oil: ISO-VG 220
Lubricant - service temperature [TB] 70.00 °C
Rolling bearings, classical calculation (contact angle considered)

Shaft 'Shaft3' Rolling bearing 'RollerBearing5'

Position (Y-coordinate) [y] 12.50 mm
Equivalent load [P] 18.78 kN
Equivalent load [P0] 12.60 kN
Life modification factor for reliability[a1] 1.000
Nominal bearing service life [Lnh] 1988.34 h
Operating viscosity [ν] 48.88 mm²/s
Static safety factor [S0] 2.50
Bearing reaction force [Fx] 1.353 kN
Bearing reaction force [Fy] 11.250 kN
Bearing reaction force [Fz] 11.549 kN
Bearing reaction force [Fr] 11.628 kN (83.32°)
Oil level [H] 0.000 mm
Load-independent moment of friction [M0] 0.042 Nm
Load-dependent moment of friction [M1] 1.484 Nm
Moment of friction, cylindrical roller bearing[M2] 0.000 Nm
Moment of friction for seals determined according to SKF main catalog 4000/IV T DE:1994
Torque of friction [Mloss] 1.526 Nm
Power loss [Ploss] 34.206 W
The moment of friction is calculated according to the details in SKF Catalog 1994.
Displacement of bearing [ux] -0.878 µm
Displacement of bearing [uy] -10.000 µm
Displacement of bearing [uz] -7.197 µm
Displacement of bearing [ur] 7.250 µm (-96.95°)
Misalignment of bearing [rx] -0.655 mrad (-2.25')
Misalignment of bearing [ry] -0.000 mrad (0')
Misalignment of bearing [rz] 0.176 mrad (0.6')
Misalignment of bearing [rr] 0.678 mrad (2.33')

Shaft 'Shaft3' Rolling bearing 'RollerBearing6'

Position (Y-coordinate) [y] 153.35 mm
Equivalent load [P] 14.43 kN
Equivalent load [P0] 14.43 kN
Life modification factor for reliability[a1] 1.000
Nominal bearing service life [Lnh] 7112.01 h
Operating viscosity [ν] 48.88 mm²/s
Static safety factor [S0] 2.63
Bearing reaction force [Fx] 14.157 kN
Bearing reaction force [Fy] 0.000 kN
Bearing reaction force [Fz] 2.809 kN
Bearing reaction force [Fr] 14.433 kN (11.22°)
Oil level [H] 0.000 mm
Load-independent moment of friction [M0] 0.056 Nm
Load-dependent moment of friction [M1] 0.640 Nm
Moment of friction, cylindrical roller bearing[M2] 0.000 Nm
Moment of friction for seals determined according to SKF main catalog 4000/IV T DE:1994

Torque of friction [Mloss] 0.697 Nm
Power loss [Ploss] 15.618 W
The moment of friction is calculated according to the details in SKF Catalog 1994.
Displacement of bearing [ux] -7.129 µm
Displacement of bearing [uy] -15.977 µm
Displacement of bearing [uz] -1.322 µm
Displacement of bearing [ur] 7.250 µm (-169.5°)
Misalignment of bearing [rx] 0.787 mrad (2.71')
Misalignment of bearing [ry] -2.112 mrad (-7.26')
Misalignment of bearing [rz] -0.090 mrad (-0.31')
Misalignment of bearing [rr] 0.792 mrad (2.72')

Damage (%) [Lreq] ( 20000.000)

Bin no B1 B2
1 1005.86 281.21
Σ 1005.86 281.21

Utilization (%) [Lreq] ( 20000.000)

B1 B2
215.86 141.15
Note: Utilization = (Lreq/Lh)^(1/k)
Ball bearing: k = 3, roller bearing: k = 10/3

B1: RollerBearing5
B2: RollerBearing6

Figure: Deformation (bending etc.) (Arbitrary plane 254.9191722 121)

Nominal stresses, without taking into account stress concentrations
GEH(von Mises): sigV = ((sigB+sigZ,D)^2 + 3*(tauT+tauS)^2)^1/2
SSH(Tresca): sigV = ((sigB-sigZ,D)^2 + 4*(tauT+tauS)^2)^1/2

Figure: Equivalent stress

End of Report lines: 279


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