Spur - Gears - Metric - XLS: Tooth Normal Force
Spur - Gears - Metric - XLS: Tooth Normal Force
Spur - Gears - Metric - XLS: Tooth Normal Force
Spreadsheet to estimate gear tooth strength
Production gears must be designed using the Lewis Form Factor or FEA
By Alex Slocum 1/18/01, last modified 9/28/2007 by Alex Slocum
Enters numbers in BOLD, Results in RED
Desired torque transmission, T (N-mm, in-lb) 12 0.1
Maximum conservative achievable torque transmission
(C35 stress ratio = 1) (N-mm, in-lb) 654 5.8
Pressure angle, f (deg, rad) 20 0.3491
Module, M 1
Pitch, P 25.4
Number of teeth on pinion, Np 24
Number of teeth on gear, Ng 96 T
Center distance tolerance, Ctol (mm) 0.01 no
Face width, w (mm) 5 f
Pinion yeild stress, sigp (N/mm^2, psi) 41 5944
Gear yield stress, sigg (N/mm^2, psi) 41 5944
Stress concentration factor at tooth root, scf 1.25
Gear ratio, mg 4
Pinion pitch diameter, Dp (mm) 24.00
Gear pich diameter, Dg (mm) 96.00
Center distance, C (mm) 60.01
Tooth thickness at base tt (mm) 1.73 Dpitc
Addendum, a (mm) 1.00
Dedendum, b (mm) 1.25
Clearance, cl (mm) 0.25
Pinion tooth force (normal to radius), Fp (N) 1.00
Gear tooth separation force (parallel to radius) Fs (N) 0.36
Tooth section parameters
Chordal area, Ac (mm^2) 8.6394
First Moment, Q (mm^3) 3.73E+00
2nd moment of area ("moment of inertia") I (mm^4) 2.15E+00
Pinion tooth stresses (stress ratio must be less than 1) s ratio
Transverse shear stress of the tooth (F/A) (N/mm^2) 0.14 0.01
Bending induced shear stress (FQ/wI) (N/mm^2) 0.43 0.02
Bending stress (F*b*c/I) (psi) 0.50 0.01
force Pressure angle f
Modulus of elasticity
psi Gpa
2.96E+07 204
1.00E+07 69
1.50E+06 10
400000 2.8
500000 3.4
300000 2.1