Elem Science4 M24 4Q
Elem Science4 M24 4Q
Elem Science4 M24 4Q
NAME: _______________________________________________________ GR. & SEC.:
Lesson 6: The Sun as the Main Source of Heat and Light on Earth
Describe the changes in the position and length of shadows in the surroundings as the position of
the sun changes.
Let us first check how much knowledge you already have about our topic. Read and follow the instructions
Directions: Give at least five (5) characteristics/features of the Sun.
When done, check your answers by referring to the Answer Key found on the last page of this module. After
checking, write your score in the box provided above.
Now, get ready to copy the Concept Notes in your blank activity sheet and do the activity that follows.
Concept Notes
The direction in which your body forms a shadow depends on your position in relation to the sun.
You form a shadow in front of you if the sun is behind you and vice versa.
If the sun shines on you from your left, you form a shadow to your right and vice versa.
The change in direction of the sun’s light is not due to the sun spinning around you. On the contrary,
it is because Earth is moving around the sun.
From our vantage point on Earth, it appears that the Sun moves across the sky during the day. We see
the Sun appear to rise in the east and set in the west. Actually, the Earth is spinning (rotating on its
axis) so it is our view of the Sun in the sky that changes during each 24-hour cycle of light and dark.
The tilt of the Earth’s axis affects the length of our shadows. During the summer, our location is tilted
towards the Sun, so our midday shadows are very short. During the winter, our location is tilted away
from the Sun, so our midday shadows are longer.
Note: For additional information, kindly read the lesson in your books about changes in the surroundings as
the position of the sun changes, pages 343-345. Also, you can check this video
Directions: Do the activity below and complete the table with the needed information.
2. Observe and illustrate the shadows made and how the amount of light impacted the
size of the shadows. /6
When we When we When we When we put When we
moved the cup to moved the moved the the cup changed the
the flashlight cup farther cup from left to directly under angle of
from the flashlight right and right to the flashlight the flashlight
What caused the shadow to change during the activity? (1 point)
The sun, which is the center of the solar system, plays a vital role in the life of every living organism. It
provides heat and light to planet Earth, which is used to sustain life. The sun is the most prominent feature in
our solar system. It is the largest object in the solar system and contains approximately 98% of the total solar
system mass. The sun is the nearest star to Earth.
You are almost done with the module! Now, let’s see how much you have learned from the lessons.
Answer the post-test on the next page.
Directions: Draw and describe the difference of your shadow positions over the course of the day as the sun’s
position changes. (1 point for the drawing, 1 point for the description)
Rubrics for scoring:
(4) Very Good (3) Good (2) Needs Improvement (1) Fail
Content is very clear and Content is clear, but lacks Content does not clearly Lack of information and
most of the information necessary information present the intended details.
given are aligned with the needed to complete the idea/message.
CONTENT intended idea/message. idea/message.
We want to hear your thoughts. Answer the following in two to three sentences. Be honest with your answer.
Write your answer in your blank activity sheet.
1. What have you learned from this module?
2. Did you find the activity enjoyable and easy or quite difficult?
(Answers vary---can be either of the following.)
- It is the largest object in our solar system.
- The nearest star to Earth.
- The sun’s surface regularly releases gigantic bursts of energy called flares into space.
- It is a huge ball of hot gases.
- It is made up of several layers.
Rex Book Store “The Science Links 4” Revised Edition (Authors: Fides P. Balatbat,
Crisanta A. Ocampo and Rolando L. delos Reyes, Jr.)