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ASPE Private Sewage Disposal Systems

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Private Sewage


CEU 204

Continuing Education from the

American Society of Plumbing Engineers

October 2013


Note: In determining your answers to the CE questions, use only the material presented in the corresponding continuing education
article. Using information from other materials may result in a wrong answer.

With the ever-increasing cost of land located in proximity to All these criteria are admirably fulfilled by a public sew-
urban centers, more and more construction is being imple- age disposal system. Every effort should be made to utilize
mented in outlying areas. Sanitary sewers are not usually such facilities if at all possible. When public sewers are not
available in these remote locations and it becomes necessary available, some other satisfactory method must be employed.
for the plumbing engineer to design private sewage systems Any method of sewage disposal is merely an attempt
to handle the wastes from buildings. Before the rapid escala- to complete the hydrologic cycle, or as it is now popularly
tion of land values, most private sanitary disposal systems called, the ecological cycle. Contaminated water (wastes)
were used almost exclusively for private residences. It is of undesirable quality is received and, after processing, re-
estimated that 15 million such systems are presently in turned at an acceptable level of quality. The systems to be
use in the United States. Of greater significance, roughly discussed are those that return the waste water to the soil
25% of all new home construction now employs the septic and ultimately to the ground water (water table).
tank–soil absorption sewage disposal system. There are presently two systems that return waste water
Where the concentration of population is not sufficient to to the soil. They are the cesspool and the septic tank–soil
economically justify the installation of public sewer systems, absorption systems.
installation of a septic tank in conjunction with a subsur-
face soil absorption field has proven to be an exceptionally
A cesspool is nothing more than a covered pit with an
satisfactory method of sewage disposal. When properly
open-jointed or perforated lining into which raw sewage is
designed, installed, operated, and maintained, it compares
discharged. The liquid portion of the sewage is disposed by
very favorably with the most sophisticated municipal sew-
seepage or leaching into the porous soil surrounding the
age treatment plants.
cesspool. The solids (sludge) are retained in the pit.
In 1946, the U.S. Public Health Service, in cooperation
A cesspool finds its greatest application in receiving the
with other federal agencies involved in housing, embarked
effluent from one-family homes and it is not recommended
upon a five-year study to establish criteria for the design,
even for this use. The raw sewage tends to seal the open-
installation, and maintenance of the septic tank. Most of
ings in the pit lining as well as the surrounding soil, thus
the information in this chapter is freely drawn from that
necessitating frequent visits from the “honey dippers”
study and a later report issued in 1967.
(cesspool cleaning services). Cloggage may become so severe
Sewage System Criteria that complete abandonment of the existing cesspool and
The proper disposal of sewage is a major factor affecting the the construction of a new pit is often necessary. A cesspool
health of the public. When improper or inadequate disposal should never be recommended as a substitute for a septic
of sewage occurs, many diseases, such as dysentery, infec- tank with a soil absorption field.
tious hepatitis, typhoid, paratyphoid, and various types of A seepage pit (discussed in another portion of this chap-
diarrhea are transmitted through contamination of food ter) should never be confused with a cesspool. Although the
and water. To avoid such hazards, any system of sewage construction is the same for both, a seepage pit receives
disposal must meet the following criteria: the effluent from a septic tank (where the solids have been
• It must not contaminate any drinking water supply. liquified), whereas a cesspool receives raw sewage.
• It must not be accessible to insects, rodents, or other
Septic Tanks
possible carriers that might come in contact with
A septic tank is a liquid-tight structure, with inlet and outlet
food or drinking water.
connections, which receives raw sewage. It is basically a
• It must not be accessible to children.
sewage settling tank in which raw sewage is retained for a
• It must not violate laws or rules and regulations
specified period of time, usually 24 hr. The primary purpose
governing water pollution or sewage disposal.
of the septic tank is to act as a settling tank and to break up
• It must not pollute or contaminate the waters of
solids so that the resulting effluent will not clog the pores
any bathing beach, shellfish breeding ground, or
of the soil in the leaching field. Very little purification is ac-
any stream used for public or private water supply
complished in the tank; the actual treatment and digestion
or for recreational purposes.
of harmful waste materials takes place in the ground after
• It must not become malodorous or unsightly in ap-
discharge from the tank.

Reprinted from Engineered Plumbing Design II. © 2004, American Society of Plumbing Engineers.

2 Read, Learn, Earn OCTOBER 2013

Three functions are performed by a septic tank to produce of water supply and, where possible, greater distances are
an effluent suitable for acceptance by a subsoil absorption preferable. They should be located where the largest pos-
system of sewage disposal: (1) removal of solids, (2) biological sible area will be available for the disposal field and should
treatment, and (3) sludge and scum storage. never be located in swampy areas subject to flooding. Ease
Removal of Solids of maintenance and accessibility for cleaning are important
Clogging of the soil varies directly with the amount of factors to be considered. When it is anticipated that public
suspended solids in the liquid. The rate of flow entering sewers will be available in the future, provisions should
the septic tank is reduced within the tank so that solids be made for the eventual connection of the house sewer to
sink to the bottom or rise to the surface of the liquid in the such a public source.
tank. These solids are retained and the clarified effluent is Tank Capacity
discharged. Studies have proven that liberal tank capacity is not only
Solids and liquid in the tank are exposed to bacterial desirable from a functional viewpoint but is good economi-
and natural processes, which decompose them. The bacte- cal design practice. The liquid capacities recommended in
ria present in the wastes are of the anaerobic type, which Table 21-1 make allowances for all household appliances
thrives in the absence of oxygen. Decomposition of the sew- including garbage grinders.
age under anaerobic conditions is termed “septic” and it is Tank Material
from this the tank derives its name. Septic tanks must be watertight and constructed of materi-
After such biological action, the effluent causes less clog- als not subject to excessive corrosion or decay. Acceptable
ging of the soil than untreated sewage containing the same materials are concrete, coated metal, vitrified clay, heavy-
quantity of suspended solids. weight concrete blocks, or hard-burned bricks. Properly
Sludge and Scum Storage cured precast and cast-in-place, reinforced concrete are
Sludge is an accumulation of solids at the bottom of the tank. believed to be acceptable everywhere. Local codes should
Scum is a partially submerged floating mat of solids that be checked as to the acceptability of the other materials.
forms at the surface of the liquid in the tank. The sludge is Steel tanks conforming to U.S. Department of Commerce
digested and compacted into a smaller volume. The same ac- Standard 177-62 are generally acceptable. Precast tanks
tion occurs with the scum but to a lesser degree. Regardless should have a minimum wall thickness of 3 in. and should
of the efficiency of the operation of the septic tank, a residual be adequately reinforced to facilitate handling. When pre-
of inert solid material will always remain. Adequate space cast slabs are used as covers, they should be watertight,
must be provided in the tank to store this residue during at least 3 in. thick and adequately reinforced. All concrete
the intervals between cleanings. Sludge and scum will flow surfaces should be coated with a bitumastic paint or similar
out of the tank with the effluent and clog the disposal field compound to minimize corrosion.
in a very short period of time if pumping out of the residue Tank Access
is not performed when required. Access should be provided to each compartment of the tank
Septic tanks are eminently effective in performing their for cleaning and inspection by means of a removable cover
purpose when adequately designed, constructed, operated, or a 20-in. minimum size manhole. When the top of the
and maintained. They do not accomplish a high degree of tank is more than 18 in. below grade, manholes and inspec-
bacteria removal. Although the sewage undergoes some tion holes should be extended to approximately 8 in. below
treatment in passing through the tank, infectious agents grade. They can be extended to grade if a seal is provided
present in the sewage are not removed. The effluent of a to prevent the escape of odors.
septic tank cannot be considered safe. In many respects,
the discharged liquid is more objectionable than the influ- Tank Inlet
ent because it is septic and malodorous. This should not be The invert elevation of the inlet should be at least 3 in. above
construed in any way as detracting from the value of the the liquid level in the tank. This will allow for momentary
tank because its primary purpose is simply to condition the surges during discharge from the house sewer into the tank
raw sewage so that it will not clog the disposal field. and also prevent the backup and stranding of solids in the
Continued treatment and the removal of pathogens are piping entering the tank.
accomplished by percolation through the soil. Disease-pro- A vented inlet tee or baffle should be provided to direct
ducing bacteria will die out after a time in the unfavorable the influent downward. The outlet of the tee should ter-
environment of the soil. Bacteria are also removed by minate at least
Table 21-1 Liquid Capacity of Tank (gal)
physical forces during filtration through the soil. This com- 6 in. below the (provides for use of garbage grinders, automatic
liquid level but clothes washers, and other household appliances)
bination of factors achieves the eventual purification of the
septic tank effluent. in no case should Recommended Equivalent
it be lower than Number of Minimum Tank Capacity per
Septic Tank Location the bottom of the Bedrooms Capacity Bedroom
The location of the septic tank should be chosen so as not outlet fitting or 2 or less 750 375
to cause contamination of any well, spring, or other source device. 3 900 300
of water supply. Underground contamination can travel in
any direction for considerable distances unless effectively fil- 4a 1000 250
tered. Tanks should never be closer than 50 ft to any source a
For each additional bedroom, add 250 gal.

OCTOBER 2013   Read, Learn, Earn 3

READ, LEARN, EARN: Private Sewage Disposal Systems
Tank Outlet ment tank of the same total capacity. The use of a more
The outlet fitting or device should penetrate the liquid level than two-compartment tank is therefore not recommended.
just far enough to provide a balance between the sludge All the requirements of construction stated previously for
and scum storage volumes. This will assure usage of the a single-compartment tank apply to the two-compartment
maximum available tank capacity. A properly operating tank. Each compartment should be provided with an access
tank divides itself into three distinct layers: scum at the manhole and venting between compartments for the free
top, a middle layer free of solids (clear space), and sludge passage of gas.
at the bottom layer. While the outlet tee or device retains Figure 21-1 illustrates all the salient features of a typical
the scum in the tank, it also limits the amount of sludge two-compartment septic tank.
that can be retained without passing some of the sludge Cleaning of Tanks
out with effluent. Before too much sludge or scum is allowed to accumulate,
Data collected from field observation of sludge accumu- septic tanks should be cleaned to prevent the passage of
lations indicate that the outlet device should extend to a sludge or scum into the disposal field. Tanks should be
distance below the liquid level equal to 40% of the liquid inspected at least once a year and cleaned when necessary.
depth. For horizontal cylindrical tanks the percentage Cleaning is usually accomplished by pumping the con-
should be 35. The outlet device or tee should extend up to tents of the tank into a tank truck. A small residual of
within 1 in. of the top of the tank for venting purposes. The sludge should be left in the tank for “seeding” purposes.
space between the top of the tank and the baffle permits gas Tanks should never be washed or disinfected after cleaning.
to pass through the tank into the building sanitary system
and eventually to atmosphere where it will not cause a Chemical Additives
nuisance. The operation of a septic tank is not improved in any way
whatsoever by the addition of chemicals; and such additions
Tank Shape are not recommended. Some products that claim to “clean”
Available data indicate that for tanks of a given capacity and septic tanks contain sodium hydroxide or potassium hy-
depth, the shape of a septic tank is unimportant and that droxide as the active agent. Such compounds may result in
shallow tanks function equally as well as deep ones. It is sludge bulking and a sharp increase in alkalinity, which may
recommended, however, that the minimum plan dimension interfere with digestion. The effluent may severely damage
be 2 ft and the liquid depth range from 30 to 60 in. the soil structure of the disposal field and cause accelerated
Scum Storage Space clogging even though some immediate temporary relief may
Space is required above the level of the liquid in the tank be experienced shortly after application of the product.
for the accumulated scum, which floats on top of the liquid. On the other hand, ordinary household chemicals in
Although there is some variation, approximately 30% of the general use around the home will not have a harmful ef-
total amount of scum will accumulate above the liquid level fect on the operation of a septic tank. Small amounts of
and 70% will be submerged. In addition to the scum storage chorine bleach or small quantities of lye or caustic are not
space, 1 in. should be provided at the top of the tank for objectionable. If tanks are sized as recommended herein, the
free passage of gas through the tank back to the inlet and dilution of the lye or caustics in the tank will be enough to
building drainage system. Figure 21-1 Precast Septic Tank
For tanks with vertical walls, the distance
between the top of the tank and the liquid level
should be approximately 20% of the liquid depth.
For horizontal cylindrical tanks, the liquid depth
should be 79% of the diameter of the tank. This
will provide an open area at the top of the tank
equal to 15% of the total cross-sectional area of
the tank.
Although a number of arrangements are pos-
sible, compartments refer to the number of units
in series. They can be separate units connected
together or sections enclosed in one continuous
shell with watertight partitions separating the
individual compartments.
A single-compartment tank gives acceptable
performance, but available research data indi-
cate that a two-compartment tank with the first
compartment equal to ½ to 2∕3 of the total volume
provides better suspended solids removal. Tanks
with three or more equal compartments perform
about on an equal basis with a single-compart-

4 Read, Learn, Earn OCTOBER 2013

minimize any harmful effects. Soaps, detergents, bleaches, Backwash from a household water-softening unit has
drain cleaners, etc., will have no appreciable adverse ef- no adverse effect on the operation of a septic tank, but may
fect on the system. However, since both the soil and the cause a slight shortening of life of the disposal field installed
organisms might be susceptible to large doses of chemicals, in a structured clay type soil.
moderation is recommended. Septic Tanks for Nonresidential Buildings
Toilet paper substitutes, paper towels, newspaper, wrap- Table 21-1 gives the liquid capacity of tanks on the basis of
ping paper, rags, and sticks should not be introduced into the number of bedrooms. When designing a septic tank for
the septic tank. They may not decompose and are likely to other types of buildings, Table 21-2 may be used to estimate
lead to clogging of the disposal field. the quantity of sewage flow. The quantities listed are merely
Table 21-2 Quantities of Sewage Flows the best averages presently available and should be modified
Gallons in localities or establishments where available information
Per Person
Per Day indicates a need to do so.
(unless The retention period of the sewage in a septic tank should
Type of Establishment noted) be 24 hr. Table 21-2 gives the gallons per person per day
Airports (per passenger) 5 (24 hr). The required liquid capacity of the tank can then
Apartments—multiple family (per resident) 60 be determined by multiplying the values given in the table
Bathhouses and swimming pools 10
by the estimated population.
Campground with central comfort stations 35
Tables 21-3 and 21-4 give daily gallonages in terms of
With flush toilets, no showers 25 fixtures for country clubs and public parks, respectively.
Construction camps (semi-permanent) 50
Subsurface Soil Absorption System
Day camps (no meals served) 15
Resort camps (night and day) with limited plumbing 50 Criteria for Design
Luxury camps 100 The first step in the design of a subsurface soil absorption
Cottages and small dwellings with seasonal occupancy 50 sewage disposal system is to determine whether the soil is
Country clubs (per resident member) 100
suitable for the absorption of the septic tank effluent. If it
Country clubs (per non-resident member present) 25
Dwellings: is, the next step is to determine the area required for the
Boarding houses 50 disposal field. The soil must have an acceptable percolation
   additional for non-resident boarders 10 rate and should have adequate clearance from ground water.
Luxury residences and estates 150 In general, two criteria must be met:
Multiple-family dwellings (apartments) 60 1. The percolation rate should be within the range
Rooming houses 40
shown in Table 21-5 or Table 21-6.
Single-family dwellings 75
Factories (gallons/person/shift, exclusive of industrial 35 2. The maximum elevation of the groundwater table
wastes) should be at least 4 ft below the bottom of the trench
Hospitals (per bed space) 250 or seepage pit. Rock formation or other impervious
Hotels with private baths (2 persons per room) 60 strata should be at a depth of more than 4 ft below
Hotels without private baths 50
the bottom of the trench or seepage pit.
Institutions other than hospitals (per bed space) 125
Laundries, self service (gal/wash, i.e., per customer) 50 If these two primary conditions cannot be met, the site
Mobile home parks (per space) 250 is unsuitable for a soil absorption system and some other
Motels with bath, toilet, and kitchen wastes (per bed 50 seepage disposal system must be employed.
Motels (per bed space) 40 Percolation Tests
Picnic parks (toilet wastes only) (per picknicker) 5 Percolation tests help to determine the acceptability of
Picnic parks with bathrooms, showers, and flush toilets 10 the site and establish the size of the disposal system. The
Restaurants (toilet and kitchen wastes per patron) 10 length of time required for percolation tests varies for dif-
Restaurants (kitchen wastes per meal served) 3
ferent types of soil. The safest method is to make tests in
Restaurants, additional for bars and cocktail lounges 2
Schools: holes that have been kept filled with water for at least 4
Boarding 100 hrs and preferably overnight. Percolation rates should be
Day, without gyms, cafeterias, or showers 15 determined on the basis of test data obtained after the soil
Day, with gyms, cafeterias, and showers 25 has had the opportunity to become wetted or saturated.
Day, with cafeterias, but without gyms or showers 20 Enough tests should be made in separate holes to assure
Service stations (per vehicle served) 10
the validity of results. The percolation test as developed at
Swimming pools and bathhouses 10
Theaters: the Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center has proven
Movie (per auditorium seat) 5 to be one of the best in the country and is given here in its
Drive-in (per car space) 5 entirety:
Travel trailer parks
Without individual water and sewer hookups (per 50
Procedure for Percolation Tests
space) 1. Number and Location of Tests. Six or more tests shall
With individual water and sewer hookups (per space) 100 be made in separate test holes spaced uniformly over
Workers: the proposed absorption field site.
Construction (at semi-permanent camps) 50
Day, at schools and offices (per shift) 15

OCTOBER 2013   Read, Learn, Earn 5

READ, LEARN, EARN: Private Sewage Disposal Systems
Table 21-5 Absorption Area Requirements for Individual Table 21-3 Sewage Flow from
Residencesa Country Clubs
(provides for garbage grinder and automatic clothes
Gallons per Day
washing machines) Type of Fixture per Fixture
Percolation Rate Required Absorption Area, in ft2/ Showers 500
(time required for water to bedroomb, standard trenchc, seepage Baths 300
fall 1 in.), in minutes bedsc, and seepage pitsd
Lavatories 100
1 or less 70
Toilets 150
2 85
Urinals 100
3 100
Sinks 50
4 115
5 125
10 165 Table 21-4 Sewage Flow at Public
15 190 Parks
(during hours when park is open)
30c, e 250
45c, e 300 Gallons per Day
60c, e, f 330 Type of Fixture per Fixture
Flush toilets 36
a It is desirable to provide sufficient land area for an entire new absorption system if needed in the Urinals 10
b In every case, sufficient land area should be provided for the number of bedrooms (minimum of Showers 100
two) that can be reasonably anticipated, including the unfinished space available for conversion Faucets 15
as additional bedrooms.
c Absorption area is figured as trench bottom area and includes a statistical allowance for vertical
side wall area.
d Absorption area for seepage pits is figured as effective side wall area beneath the inlet.
e Unsuitable for seepage pits if over 30.
f Unsuitable for absorption systems if over 60

2. Type of Test Hole. Dig or bore a hole, with horizontal the water from one filling of the hole has completely
dimensions of from 4 to 12 in. and vertical sides to seeped away.
the depth of the proposed absorption trench. In order 5. Percolation Rate Measurement. With the exception
to save time, labor, and volume of water required per of sandy soils, percolation rate measurements shall
test, the holes can be bored with a 4-in. auger. be made on the day following the procedure described
3. Preparation of a Test Hole. Carefully scratch the under item 4, above.
bottom and sides of the hole with a knife blade or A. If water remains in the test hole after the overnight
sharp-pointed instrument, in order to remove any swelling period, adjust the depth to approximately
smeared soil surfaces and to provide a natural soil 6 in. over the gravel. From a fixed reference point,
interface into which water may percolate. Remove all measure the drop in water level over a 30-min. period.
loose material from the hole. Add 2 in. of coarse sand This drop is used to calculate the percolation rate.
or fine gravel to protect the bottom from scouring and B. If no water remains in the hole after the overnight
sediment. swelling period, add clear water to bring the depth
4. Saturation and Swelling of the Soil. It is important of water in the hole to approximately 6 in. over the
to distinguish between saturation and swelling. gravel. From a fixed reference point, measure the
Saturation means that the void spaces between soil drop in water level at approximately 30-min intervals
particles are full of water. This can be accomplished for 4 hrs, refilling 6 in. over the gravel as necessary.
in a short period of time. Swelling is caused by intru- The drop that occurs during the final 30-min period
sion of water into the individual soil particle. This is used to calculate the percolation rate. The drops
is a slow process, especially in clay-type soil, and is during prior periods provide information for possible
the reason for requiring a prolonged soaking period. modification of the procedure to suit local circum-
In the conduct of the test, carefully fill the hole with C. In sandy soils (or other soils in which the first 6 in.
clear water to a minimum depth of 12 in. over the of water seeps away in less than 30 min, after the
gravel. In most soils, it is necessary to refill the hole overnight swelling period), the time interval between
by supplying a surplus reservoir of water, possibly measurements shall be taken as 10 min and the test
by means of an automatic syphon, to keep water in run for 1 hr. The drop that occurs during the final 10
the hole for at least 4 hrs and preferably overnight. min is used to calculate the percolation rate.
Determine the percolation rate 24 hrs after water is Absorption Area
first added to the hole. This procedure is to ensure For locations where the percolation rates and soil character-
that the soil is given ample opportunity to swell and istics prove to be satisfactory, the next step is to determine
to approach the condition it will be in during the the required absorption area from Table 21-5 for residences
wettest season of the year. Thus, the test will give or from Table 21-6 for other types of buildings. As noted in
comparable results in the same soil, whether made the tables, soil in which the percolation rate is slower than
in a dry or wet season. In sandy soils, containing 1 in. in 30 min is not suitable for seepage pits and a rate
little or no clay, the swelling is not essential, and the
test may be made as described under item 5C, after
6 Read, Learn, Earn OCTOBER 2013
Table 21-6 Allowable Rate of Sewage Application to a Table 21-7 Minimum Distance Between Components of Sewage Disposal System
Soil Absorption System
Percolation Rate (time Maximum Rate of Sewage Application Horizontal Distance (ft)
for water to fall 1 in.), (gal/ft2/day)a for Absorption Trenchesb, Component of Well or Water Supply Stream Dwelling Property
in minutes Seepage Beds, and Seepage Pitsc System Suction Line Line (pressure) Line
1 or less 5.0 Building sewer 50 10a 50 — —
2 3.5 Septic tank 50 10 50 5 10
3 2.9 Disposal field 100 25 50 20 5
4 2.5 and seepage bed
5 2.2 Seepage pit 100 50 50 20 10
10 1.6 Cesspoolb 100 50 50 20 15
15 1.3 a Where the water supply line must cross the sewer line, the bottom of the water service within 10 ft of the point of crossing shall
30d 0.9 be at least 12 in. above the top of the sewer line. The sewer line shall be of cast iron with leaded or mechanical joints at least 10 ft
45d 0.8 on either side of the crossing.
b Not recommended as a substitute for a septic tank. To be used only when found necessary and approved by the health authority.
60d, e 0.6
a Not including effluents from septic tanks that receive wastes from garbage grinders and automatic
washing machines. The required absorption area is based upon the results
b Absorption area is figured as trench bottom area, and includes a statistical allowance for vertical
sidewall area. of the percolation tests and may be selected from Table
c Absorption area for seepage pits is effective sidewall area. 21-5 or 21-6.
d Over 30 unsuitable for seepage pits.
e Over 60 unsuitable for absorption systems. Example 21-1
For a three-bedroom house and a percolation rate of 1 in.
slower than 1 in. in 60 min is not satisfactory for any type in 15 min, the necessary absorption area will be 3 bed-
of soil absorption system. rooms × 190 ft2 per bedroom (Table 21-5) = 570 ft2. For
There are three types of soil absorption systems: 2-ft-wide trenches with 6 in. of gravel below the drain pipe
1. Absorption trenches the total length of trench will be: 570 ÷ 2 = 285 ft. If this
2. Seepage beds length is divided into three portions (3 laterals), the length
3. Seepage pits. of each lateral will be 285 ÷ 3 = 95 ft. If this length is too
The selection of the system will be affected by the loca- long for the site, the number of laterals must be increased.
tion of the system in the area under consideration. A safe Using 5 laterals, the length of each lateral will be 57 ft. If
distance must be maintained between the site and the source the trenches are separated by 6 ft, the width of the field will
of any water supply. No specific distance can be absolutely be 2-ft-wide trenches × 5 trenches = 10 ft plus 6 ft between
safe in all localities because of the many variables involved trenches × 4 spaces = 24 ft. The total field will then be 57 ft
in the underground travel of pollution. Table 21-7 can be in length by 34 ft. in width for a total area of 1938 ft2 plus
used as a guide for establishing minimum distances between the additional land required to keep the field an acceptable
various components of a sewage disposal system. distance from property lines, wells, etc.
Seepage pits should never be installed in areas of shallow Construction
wells or where there are limestone formations and sinkholes Careful construction is extremely important in achieving a
with connection to underground channels through which satisfactory soil absorption system. Care must be exercised
pollution could travel to water sources. so as not to seal the surfaces on the bottom and sides of the
Absorption Trenches trenches. Trenches should not be excavated when the soil
The drain pipe for a soil absorption field may be 12-in. is wet enough to smear or compact easily. Open trenches
lengths of 4-in. agricultural drain tile, 2–3 ft lengths of should always be protected from surface runoff to prevent
open-joint vitrified clay sewer pipe, or perforated nonme- entrance of silt and debris. All smeared or compacted sur-
tallic pipe. Individual laterals should not exceed 100 ft in faces should be raked to a depth of 1 in. and loose material
length and the trench bottom and piping should be level. Use removed before placing gravel in the trench.
of more and shorter laterals is recommended because if a The pipe should be completely surrounded by clean,
breakdown should occur in any one lateral, most of the field graded gravel ranging in size from ½ to 2½ in. Cinders,
would still be operative. The space between laterals should broken shells, or similar materials are unsuitable as they
be at least twice the depth of gravel to prevent overtaxing are too fine and will lead to premature clogging of the soil.
the percolative capacity of the adjacent soil. The gravel should extend at least 2 in. above the top of the
The depth of the absorption trenches should be at least pipe, at least 6 in. below the bottom of the pipe and fill the
24 in. to provide the minimum required gravel depth and entire width of the trench. The top of the gravel should
earth cover. Additional depth may be required for ground be covered with untreated building paper or a 2-in. layer
contour adjustment, for extra aggregate specified under the of hay, straw, or similar pervious material to prevent the
pipe, or for other design purposes. The minimum distance of earth backfill from clogging the gravel. If an impervious
4 ft between the bottom of the trench and the water table is covering is used, it will interfere with evapotranspiration
essential to minimize groundwater contamination. Freezing at the surface. This is an important factor in the operation
is an extremely rare occurrence in a well-constructed system of a disposal field and, although evapotranspiration is not
that is kept in continuous operation. It is of course extremely generally taken advantage of in the calculations, it provides
important that the pipe be completely surrounded by the an added factor of safety.
gravel to provide for free movement of the waste water.
OCTOBER 2013   Read, Learn, Earn 7
READ, LEARN, EARN: Private Sewage Disposal Systems
Figure 21-2 Section through Typical Absorption Trench

If tile pipe is used, the upper half of the joint openings disposing of the effluent from septic tanks in soils that are
should be covered. Drain tile connectors, collars, clips or satisfactory for soil absorption systems. The studies have
other spacers with covers for the upper half of the joints demonstrated that the empirical relationship between per-
may be used to assure uniform spacing, proper alignment, colation tests and the bottom area of trenches is applicable
and protection of the joints. They are available in galvanized for the design of seepage beds.
iron, copper, and plastic. The three main elements of a seepage bed are the same
The problem of root penetration can be avoided by the as those of trenches:
use of a liberal quantity of gravel around the pipe. There 1. The absorption surface
should be at least 12 in. of gravel beneath the pipe when 2. The gravel layer
a trench is within 10 ft of large trees or dense shrubbery. 3. The distribution system.
Backfilling of the trench should be hand tamped and The advantages of seepage beds are (1) a wide bed
the trench should be overfilled at least 4 to 6 in. This will makes more efficient use of land than a series of long nar-
prevent settlement to a point lower than the surface of the row trenches with wasted land between the trenches and
adjacent ground where storm water could collect and cause (2) efficient use can be made of a variety of modern earth-
premature saturation of the absorption field and possible moving equipment already at the site, which will result in
complete washout of the trench. Machine tamping or hy- lower costs for the system.
draulic backfilling should never be permitted. Figure 21-2 Design Criteria for Seepage Beds
illustrates a typical absorption trench. The following criteria should be adhered to in the design
Seepage Beds of seepage beds:
The use of seepage beds in lieu of standard trenches has 1. The amount of bottom absorption area shall be the
been around for over twenty-five years. Common design same as for trenches, shown in Table 21-5 or 21-6.
practice for soil absorption fields is for trenches with widths 2. Percolation tests should be performed as previously
varying from 12 to 36 in. When trenches are wider than outlined.
3 ft they are called seepage beds. Typically rectangular 3. The bed should have a minimum depth of 24 in. to
in shape, seepage beds are compact and used when less provide a minimum earth backfill cover of 12 in.
land is available for system design. Dry climates prove to 4. The bed should have a minimum of 12 in. depth of
be a better environment for use than climates having wet, gravel extending at least 2 in. above and 6 in. below
humid conditions. Keep in mind, seepage beds do not have the pipe.
the sidewall area to provide oxygen to the center of a bed 5. The bottom of the bed and the distribution tile or
and long-term performance depends on the condition of perforated pipe should be level.
the sidewall area. Slopes greater than 5% are not suitable 6. The drain lines for distributing the effluent from the
for this absorption system application. Care must be taken septic tank should be spaced no greater than 6 ft
during construction so as not to destroy soil structure by apart and no greater than 3 ft from the bed sidewalls.
compacting the soil in the bottom of the bed. Additionally, Distribution Boxes
the Federal Building Administration has sponsored studies Although many codes specifically require the use of a
indicating that seepage beds are a satisfactory method for distribution box in a soil absorption system, research and

8 Read, Learn, Earn OCTOBER 2013

Table 21-8 Vertical Wall Areas of Seepage Effective Strata Depth
Below Flow Line (below inlet)
Diameter of
seepage pit (feet) 1 foot 2 feet 3 feet 4 feet 5 feet 6 feet 7 feet 8 feet 9 feet 10 feet
3 9.4 19 28 38 47 57 66 75 85 94
4 12.6 26 38 50 63 75 88 101 113 126
5 15.7 31 47 63 79 94 110 126 141 157
6 18.8 38 57 75 94 113 132 151 170 188
7 22.0 44 66 88 110 132 154 176 198 220
8 25.1 50 75 101 126 151 176 201 226 251
9 28.3 57 85 113 141 170 198 226 251 283
10 31.4 63 94 126 157 188 220 251 283 314
11 34.6 69 101 138 173 207 212 276 311 346
12 37.7 75 113 151 188 226 264 302 339 377
Example: A pit of 5-foot diameter and 6-foot depth below the inlet has an effective area of 94 square feet. A pit of 5-foot diameter and 16-foot depth has an
area of 94 + 157, or 251 square feet.

field tests have conclusively demonstrated that they offer tom of the pit is not considered in calculating the effective
practically no advantages and can be a source of serious area nor is any impervious vertical areas. Table 21-8 is a
problems in many installations. As a result of its study of compilation of vertical surface area for various pit diameters
distribution boxes, the Public Health Service set forth the and depths. The bottom of the pit must always be at least
following conclusions in the report to the Federal Housing 4 ft above groundwater table.
Administration: When more than one pit is required to obtain the nec-
1. Distribution boxes can be eliminated from septic essary absorption area, the distance between the walls of
tank-soil absorption systems in favor of some other adjacent pits should be equal to three times the diameter of
method of distribution without inducing increased the largest pit. For pits 20 ft or greater in depth the mini-
failure of disposal fields. In fact, evidence indicates mum spacing between walls should be 20 ft.
that distribution boxes as presently used may be Construction of Seepage Pit
harmful to the system. All loose material should be removed from the excavated
2. Data indicate that on level ground, equal distribution pit. The pit should be backfilled with clean gravel to a depth
is not necessary if the system is designed so that an of 1 ft above the pit bottom to provide a sound foundation
overload trench can drain back to the other trenches for the pit lining. Material for the lining may be clay or
before failure occurs. concrete brick, block, or rings. Rings should have weepholes
3. On sloping ground a method of distribution is needed or notches to provide for seepage. Brick and block should be
to prevent excessive buildup of head and failure of any laid dry with staggered joints. Brick should be laid flat to
one trench before the capacity of the entire system form a 4-in. wall. The outside diameter of the lining should
is utilized. It is doubtful that distribution boxes as be 12 in. less than the diameter of the pit to provide a 6-in.
presently used give equal distribution. Rather, they annular space between the lining and pit wall. This annular
probably act as diversion devices sending most of the space should be filled with clean, coarse gravel to the top
liquid to part of the system. of the lining.
Because of the above findings, it is recommended that Flat concrete covers are recommended. They should be
distribution boxes be eliminated in all disposal field systems supported by undisturbed earth and extend at least 12 in.
where they are not specifically required by local codes. beyond the excavation. The cover should not bear on the
Seepage Pits lining for support. A 9-in. capped opening in the pit cover
Where absorption fields are impractical, seepage pits may is convenient for pit inspection. All concrete surfaces should
be applicable. The capacity of a seepage pit should be com- be coated with a bitumastic paint or similar product to
puted on the basis of percolation tests made in each vertical minimize corrosion.
stratum penetrated. The weighted average of the results All connecting piping should be laid on a firm bed of un-
should be used to obtain the design figure. Soil strata in disturbed soil throughout their length and at a minimum
which percolation rates are in excess of 30 min/in. should grade of 2% (¼ in./ft). The pit inlet pipe should extend at
not be included in computing the absorption area. least 1 ft into the pit with a tee or ell to direct the flow
Effective Area of Seepage Pit downward to prevent washing and eroding of the sidewalls.
The effective area of a seepage pit is the vertical wall area When more than one pit is utilized they should be connected
of the pervious ground below the inlet. The area of the bot- in series.

OCTOBER 2013   Read, Learn, Earn 9

READ, LEARN, EARN: Private Sewage Disposal Systems

ASPE Read, Learn, Earn Continuing Education

You may submit your answers to the following questions online at aspe.org/readlearnearn. If you score 90 percent or higher on the test,
you will be notified that you have earned 0.1 CEU, which can be applied toward CPD renewal or numerous regulatory-agency CE pro-
grams. (Please note that it is your responsibility to determine the acceptance policy of a particular agency.) CEU information will be kept
on file at the ASPE office for three years.
Notice for North Carolina Professional Engineers: State regulations for registered PEs in North Carolina now require you to complete ASPE’s
online CEU validation form to be eligible for continuing education credits. After successfully completing this quiz, just visit ASPE’s CEU Valida-
tion Center at aspe.org/CEUValidationCenter.
Expiration date: Continuing education credit will be given for this examination through October 31, 2014.

CE Questions — “Private Sewage Disposal Systems” (CEU 204)

1. Which of the following is a function of a septic tank? 7. The quantity of sewage flow from a day school without a
a. removing solids gym, cafeteria, or showers can be estimated at _______ gallons
b. biological treatment per person per day.
c. storing sludge and scum a. 15
d. all of the above b. 20
c. 25
2. _______ is a partially submerged floating mat of solids that
d. 100
forms at the surface of the liquid in a septic tank.
a. sludge 8. For a site to be suitable for a soil absorption system, the
b. free solids maximum elevation of the groundwater table should be at
c. scum least _______ below the bottom of the trench.
d. sewage a. 2 feet
b. 4 feet
3. What is the recommended minimum septic tank capacity for a
c. 6 feet
five-bedroom house?
d. 8 feet
a. 750 gallons
b. 900 gallons 9. When the percolation rate is 10 minutes, what is the maximum
c. 1,000 gallons rate of sewage application to a soil absorption system?
d. 1,250 gallons a. 1.3 gal/ft2/day
b. 1.6 gal/ft2/day
4. The outlet device for a horizontal cylindrical septic tank should
c. 2.2 gal/ft2/day
extend to a distance below the liquid level equal to _______ of
d. 2.5 gal/ft2/day
the liquid depth.
a. 30 percent 10. Which of the following is a type of soil absorption system?
b. 35 percent a. absorption trench
c. 40 percent b. seepage bed
d. 45 percent c. seepage pit
d. all of the above
5. When a precast septic tank is more than 18 inches below
grade, the manholes should be extended to within _______ of 11. A septic tank should be installed at least _______ from the
grade. property line.
a. 6 inches a. 5 feet
b. 7 inches b. 10 feet
c. 8 inches c. 15 feet
d. 9 inches d. 50 feet
6. Which of the following will have no appreciable adverse 12. Which of the following is a component of a seepage bed?
effects on the operation of a septic system? a. absorption surface
a. bleach b. gravel layer
b. drain cleaner c. distribution system
c. detergent d. all of the above
d. all of the above

10 Read, Learn, Earn OCTOBER 2013

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