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G 2 English Research

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A Research Paper Presented to the

Junior High School Department
Lourdes National High School
Lourdes, Panglao, Bohol

In Partial Fullfillment of the Requirement of the Subject

Inquires, Investigation, and Immersion

Aranaydo, Vince Fudalan, Rad

Arbizo, Reya Delfa Guiritan, Kurt Emman

Bonggay, Ditshe Gulfo, Carl Brylle

Estoperez, Lea Lucen, Rhea Mae

Estopito, Ellen Catherine Millora, Khylla

Fuderanan, Angel Mae Pizarras, Bea

Fuderanan, Ninya Mae Sistoso, Mary Magdalene



JUNE 2023
This research aims to identify the factors influencing the dropout rate of

Grade 10 students at Lourdes National High School (LNHS). The study is

significant as the dropout rate of students in the Lourdes National High School

remains a persistent problem in the education system. The study investigated

that there are some factors which leads student to drop out in school. The study

utilizes quantitative research methods, including interviews and document

analysis, to gather data. This sentence summarizes the data collection and

analytical methods used in the study. The major findings of the study found out

that some factors influencing Drop out of grade 10 students at Lourdes national

high school are socioeconomic status, academic performance, family support,

and disconnection of the environment. The study found out that these factors

have the highest rate that causes to influence students to drop out. Furthermore,

this study also found out that these factors are not only in Lourdes National High

School, but also to other school. Therefore with a better method of learning, and

government supports, can be a better way to enhance the skills of the students.

The study concludes that some of the factors influencing Drop out of grade 10

students at Lourdes national high school are the socioeconomic status, academic

performance, family support, and the behaviour of the environment, which has a

high risk of low knowledge of students. Some says that teens are the light in the

midst of struggles in our society, therefore they should have to be better in

education. According to Nelson Mandela, "Education is the most powerful

weapon which we can use to change the world.Therefore with a better method of

learning, every students can enhance their skills and can avoid these factors by
the help of the government agencies and the academic support of school head/






Being present in school is an important aspect for a bright future of

students, Russell W Rumberger (2012). Thus, students are encouraged to avoid

Drop Out.

In a Study done in Latvia University of Agriculture, the following factors

contribute to Drop Out of Students. These factors includes socioeconomic status,

academic performance, family support and the disconnection of it’s Environment.

As what Nelson Mandela said, Education is the most powerful weapon

which we can use to change the world. Therefore students are encouraged to be

always present in school to have a better future. To be present in school where

an environment is enthusiastic to share his/her ideas is a one step beyond

success of students.

Students future may be miserable if they Drop Out in School. Thus, one

should be cleared with their confusions and curiosity on what factors can

contribute to Drop Out of Students.

Having insufficient amount of money for the finances in school are so

hard for student’s. Their basic needs like foods and water, their school finances

like school fees, their school supplies, and their finance for the school projects

are some of the roots of their socioeconomic problem, Bongani (2022). Another

factor is their academic performance, student’s who struggle academically are

more likely to drop out than those who perform well, Olivier (2022). The problem

is that they don’t know how to study effectively or process the material presented

in class or take tests or write an effective essay, or apply knowledge and

methods to new contexts. But ironically, attitudes that are sometimes held up to

be helpful is to have perseverance, persistence and courage. Another factor is

family support, with no support or motivation of the students from the parents can

be have a big impact to drop out of students. Parent’ are the first educators of

their children (Genie Price 2018). The support they provide affects student,

development, learning, and subsequent educational outcome. And lastly another

factor is disconnection of it’s environment, the study found that students who feel

disconnected from their school environment are more likely to drop out. This

disconnection can stem from bullying, discrimination, or a lack of engagement

with the school’s culture and activities, Makarova (2018). But this factor can be
improved by helping the student whom discriminates the other student. By

helping them learn what can be an impact of their own doings.

Students who are facing these factors are more likely to drop-out in

school. Lourdes National High School are still facing these factors therefore they

need the acknowledgement of the government agencies, the teachers, and the

student-student relationship. With a lack of support, students have the high risk

to be more likely to drop out. Many students have no knowledge of what an

impact being droup-out in school is.

To have some knowledge about The Factors Influencing Drop-out of

Grade 10 Students is usually our main goal in this study. This study tries to

explore of what the impacts of these factors are to the students in Lourdes

National High School. The researchers also aims to investigate of the starting

point of these factors. In addition, we also aims to identify the individuals involved

in this research.

Theoritical Background

The Researchers gathered some theories to further demonstrate

and have a better knowledge about the study. The theory of Elizabeth Olivier

(2022) which entitled “Student engagement and school drop out”. Where it

suggest that drop-outs mostly have gone through a process of disengaging in

school. Where it also states that low academic process of a student are a one of

a factor that leads to drop out of students. This states that having a low

academically performance or some called “not smart enough” is not usually the
main pinpoint but for other reason, they are just less likely to adapt a new

process of a context or might take an enough time for them to analyze a certain


Furthermore, The theory of Selina Teuscher, Elena Makarova (2018)

which entitled ”Students School Engagement and their Truant Behavior: Do

Relationships with classmates and teachers matter?”. Base on this theory, they

suggest that the decision to drop out of school is not a sudden or immediate one,

but rather the result of a long-term process of withdrawal from school. This theory

also demonstrates that among the individual characteristics the migration

background is a crucial element for the student to drop out in school. With a

better relationship of the student-student and teacher-student relationship, not

only enhances a good impact of the students but also enables them the best

engagement of the school.

In Addition, The theory of Bongani V Mtshweni (2022) which entitled

“Adjustment and Socioeconomic status”. This study looked at how adjustment

and socioeconomic position impacted undergraduate students' intentions to leave

school. The findings also revealed that socioeconomic status significantly

moderated the relationship between academic adjustment and the intention to

drop out of school, but that it was unable to do so in the case of the relationship

between institutional attachment and the intention to drop out of school.

Therefore with low socioeconomic status, students will less likely to manage or to

adjust in school.
Lastly, The theory of Ahmed Ibrahim Alzahrani (2020) which entitled

“Factors Affecting Student Drop Out”. Their findings revealed six key elements

that had a direct impact on student dropout in school, including: academic

aptitude, prior knowledge, course design, feedback, social presence, and social

support. In relation to student dropout in MOOCs, it was discovered that

additional elements including interaction, course time and difficulty, dedication,

motivation, and family/work conditions only have a supporting influence.

Therefore students with lack of motivation by their parents, are more likely

difficult to be present at school and directly leads to drop-out in school.

Review of Related Literature

This review presents the potential concepts which is related with the

present study. This chapter includes related literature which focuses on the

students’ drop-out in school and how factors affect to this.

School dropouts are commonly seen as a result of long-term failure and

apathy, Dupere, et. al. (2015). While this view is useful, it obscures the

heterogeneity of pathways leading to early dropout. For example, research

shows that some students leave school not because of ongoing difficulties, but

because of circumstances that arise later in their studies, such as health

problems or serious Peer harm. Conversely, people with a difficult past will

continue to have difficulties. even when things improve in high school. Therefore,

to properly understand why and when students drop out, we need to consider

both long-term vulnerabilities and immediate, disruptive events and unforeseen

events. The aim of this review is to integrate the long-term and immediate
determinants of early dropout by proposing a life course model of the stress

process of early dropout. The model also helps us understand how the

determinants of early dropout vary with socioeconomic status, as well as

geographic and historical context.

There are many factors that influence the students to drop-out in school.

The first factor lies in the socioeconomic status. One of the strongest risk factors

of drop-out is parental socioeconomic status, Winding (2015). It has been

demonstrated that parents' educational attainment, professional standing, and

family income have both direct and indirect effects on children's eventual

educational outcomes. Therefore students’ with low socioeconomic status shows

that it is difficult for students with such a situation, includes all their expenses like

their basic needs, their expenses for school project, and their school fees. For

that reason they are unable to manage to be present in school. Thus with the

support of the government agencies, and provide enough work for their individual

parents, Students’ can easily bond with their situations. Study shows that some

of the new genZ generations are now working as an working student to provide

expenses, but student employment have some adverse effects of working off

campus for more than 20 hours a week, such as lowering students' performance

on critical thinking, it also discovered that doing so had a positive impact on

students' psychological wellbeing. Students who worked off campus also showed

a positive trend in leadership abilities. And this situations leads to another factor,

the Academic performance of the students.

Another factor of influencing students to drop out is their academic

performance, Russell W Rumberger (2012). Another determinant is how well

they achieve academically; students who score poorly are more likely to drop out

than those who do well. Many students experience difficulties, but not because

they are unprepared or unmotivated, overly sociable, or not "smart enough";

rather, they do so for other reasons. Yes, some students struggle to balance their

obligations to their families, jobs, and academic pursuits because they are easily

distracted or lack focus. However, for many, the issue is that they lack the skills

necessary to effectively study, process the information taught in class, take

examinations, write an effective essay, or apply knowledge and techniques in

novel circumstances. Ironically, though, tenacity, persistence, and courage are

traits that are frequently promoted as helpful.

Furthermore, another factor lies the disconnection of the environment. The

study indicated that students who were disconnected from their environment

were less likely to interact with other classmates by assisting them in

understanding the potential effects of their own actions. The more whom likely to

drop out of school are the one’s who doesn’t feel appropriate in their

environment. Bullying, prejudice, or a lack of participation in school life can all

contribute to this detachment. Discrimination can result in stress reactions

resembling post-traumatic stress disorder. Children who face prejudice from

teachers are more likely to develop unfavorable attitudes toward learning,

perform less well in school, and are more likely to drop out of high school,

Christia Spears Brown (2015). Children's perceptions toward their academic

ability are actually influenced by experiences with teacher discrimination in

addition to their earlier academic achievements. When compared to students

who do not encounter prejudice, children who face discrimination from teachers

feel poorer about their academic ability and are less likely to feel like they belong

at school, even after controlling for their actual performance. But by assisting the

student who was subjected to discrimination by those who discriminate, this

component can be improved.

In Addition, family lack of support or motivation to students in an another

factor that influence students to drop-out in school. Parents' lack of

encouragement or support for their children might have a significant impact on

their likelihood of dropping out of school. Parents are their children's first

teachers, Genie (2018). Their assistance has an impact on students' growth,

learning, and subsequent academic results.

In general, the literature being presented explains mostly the factors that

influence the students to drop-out. One of the most to influence students is the

socioeconomic status that states of how difficult the students to enable be

present in school with such a hard situation. Another factor influenced students

is their academic performance, Rumberger (2012) where they are hardened to

process an information taught in class. The third factor is the students

disconnection of the environment where it states that children who face prejudice

from teachers are more likely to develop unfavorable attitudes towards learning,

perform less well in school, and are more likely to drop out, Brown (2015). And

the last factor influenced the students is the lack of family support where it
tackles of how the parent’s influenced their individual children as a student, it

also states there that the parent’s are the first teachers of an individual, Price


Influencing Factors
 Socioeconomic Status

 Family Lack of Support

 Academic Performance

 School Environment


 Research on theories, related literature, and

related studies

 Distribution of questionnaires

 Analysing the types of sampling

 Gathering of data

 Statistical treatment

 Data analysis and interpretation



Figure 1. Conceptual framework


Statement of the Problem

Understanding the factors that contribute to student drop out is critical for

developing effective interventions to prevent it. Educational institutions,

policymakers, and researchers need to work together to identify and adress

these factors and provide support to students who are at risk of dropping out. By

doing so, we can help ensure that all students have the opportunity to achieve

their full potential and succeed in their academic and professional lives.

Therefore the researchers are seeking for the attention of each individual to

avoid these factors that influene students to drop out in school. These includes


1.What factor affects the students’ drop out in school in terms of:

1.1 Socioeconomic Status;

1.2 Family Lack of Support ;

1.3 Academic Performance; and

1.4 School Environment?

2. Which of the following factors greatly influence Grade 10 Students’ to Drop


3. Based on the findings, what recommendations may be proposed?

Statement of Null Hypotheses

There is no major factor that influence Grade 10 students to drop out in



Reseach Design

The research method of this study is quantitative research and utilizes

descriptive survey design. The design is concerned with describing the nature,

characteristics, and components of the population or phenomenon. The

researchers surveyed and gathered data about the factors influencing Dropout of

grade 10 students and used those factors to know the variety of factors

influencing Dropout of Students.

Research Environment
This study was conducted inside the premises of Lourdes National High

School in Lourdes, Panglao, Bohol. This is the first public high school in Panglao

that completely offers high school including Senior High.

This institution is already on its 29th year now with over a Thousands of

students and hundreds of staff. What makes this secondary school known, not

just in Panglao but also in the Division of Bohol, is its three-phased Tourism

Facility which is part of the Turo-Turismo Program. In addition, LNHS is also a

top performing school not just in the division of Bohol but also in competitions.

Research Respondents

The researchers use random sampling design. The researchers selected

twenty-four (24) random students,who are the respondents of the research.The

researchers utilized Simple Random Sampling to know what affects the

participation of the class in each section.

Research Instrument

The researchers used researcher-made questionnaire as instrument to

collect and gather data needed in the study. The questionnaires focused in

asking about the factors influencing Dropout of grade 10 students.

Research Procedures

The researcher asked an advice from the teacher for further information

and things needed to be done. In administering the questionnaires, the

researchers utilized the vacant time to avoid distractions on classes. The

questions were distributed to the Grade 10 Students who were the respondents

of the research and the student respondents were given enough time to answer

the questions.

After retrieving the questionnaires from the respondents, the researchers

then analysed the results. After which, the researchers used the statistical

treatment to derive into the result. After the data was calculated, it was then


Upon the analysis of the gathered data, the researchers then formulated

their conclusion, and recommendation was also presented for their

improvements of the future study.

Significance of the Study

The study concluded to find out the factors influencing Dropout of Garde

10 Students in Lourdes National High School. The result of the study is beneficial

to the following:

Students, who are challenged by the different factors that influenced them

to dropout. This paper will guide them to give more attention to the factors that

can encourage them to avoid dropout in school.

Teachers, on the steps to take so they could be informed how hard for the

students to take a new study directly. Students on the other hand, will also be

informed a learning strategies to be better in their studies. This enables them to

guide and identify the factors influencing Dropout of grade 10 students.

Parents, to enable them to realize their great role in inspiring their

children. This study will make the parents be aware of the things that they should

do in order to help their children be motivated in school.

School Administrators, since it will provide them information on the

importance of knowing the major factors that Influence students to dropout. It will

give administrators and staff strategies and ideas improving a class’ performance

Future Researchers, The researchers also hope that the result of the

study would be a great help and to the people who are interested to know more

about the factors influencing Dropout of grade 10 students.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The main purpose of the study is to determine the factors influencing

Dropout of grade 10.

The researchers limited their study to 12 male and female of grade 10

students enrolled school year 2022-2023 of Lourdes National High School. The

researchers used simple random sampling and each respondent was given

questionnaires to answer and used descriptive research design. The students

selected came from different sections in grade 10 students to prevent bias and

get objective perceptions.

Statistical Treatment of Data

In summarizing the data gathered from questionnaires, some statistical

formulas that were used in the study included frequency and mean to identify the

factors that influence grade 10 students’ to drop out.. The researchers used

graphs and tables to interpret and analyse the data.

For statistical purposes, the answers or factors that affect the students’

class participation were categorized if the respondents are Strongly Agree,

Agree, Disagree and Strongly Disagree with weighted equivalence of 4, 3, 2, and

1 respectively.

∑ fx

Where: WM= weighted mean

f= frequency

x= weighted points

n= number of cases


3.26 – 4.00 – Highly Affecting

2.51 – 3.25 – Affecting

1.76 – 2.50 – Slightly Affecting

1.00 – 1.75 – Not Affecting


Academic Performance- the measurement of student achievemenr across

various academic subjects.

Analysis-a detailed examination about something.

Disconnection of the environment-unable to bond with the environment.

Discrimination- Prejudiced or prejudicial outlook, action, or treatment.

Drop-out- are students which either no longer attend school.

Factors- a fact or influence that contributes to a result or outcome.

Influencing- a way of describing people based on their education, income, and

a type of job.






1.financial problem in terms of 1.77 Slightly affecting

student school basic needs

2. have a hard time to pay school 1.8 Slightly affecting


3. parents’ fought because of 2.23 Slightly affecting

school expenses

4. parents’ have no enough 2.43 Affecting

money for school expenses

5. have no enough pocket money 2.07 Slightly affecting

for school.

AVERAGE WEIGHTED MEAN 2.06 Slightly affecting

Table 1.1 shows the socioeconomic status factor as a general factor that

influence students to drop out. As shown in the table, the highest rated item

under this factor is when “parents’ have no enough money for school expenses”

which earned a weighted mean of 2.43 and is manifested as influencing. It

means that when individual parent of a student have no enough for schhol

expenses, then an individual students will choose to drop out in school. This

contradicts the idea of Pajares and Schunk (1995) that students with high self-

efficacy showed better performance.

However, the lowest rated item is “financial problem in terms of students

basic need in school” and is interpreted as slightly affecting. It means that

students do not need only the school basic needs expenses to be drop out. They

still need to have the sense of knowing that having a financial problem for school

basic needs is not an obstacle to be drop out in school.. This contradicts the idea

of Pajares and Schunk, that students who have high self-efficacy tend to believe

more on themselves that their confidence level will be enhanced and they will be

more active to be present in school.

In general, the socioeconomic status factor garnered an average weighted

mean of 2.06 and is interpreted as slightly affecting. This means that the

students’ socioeconomic status have a slight effect on the dropout of the

students and their financial problem are just mere factors that influenced the

student to drop out..





1.Cannot easily take a new 3.07 Affecting

study directly

2. Doesn’t have a learning 3.57 Highly Affecting


3. Cannot focus when a 3.53 Highly Affecting

teacher has a discussion.

4. Lack of self-esteem 3.37 Highly Affecting

5.Lack of willingness in school 3.33 Highly Affecting


AVERAGE WEIGHTED MEAN 3.37 Highly affecting

Table 1.2 indicates the academic performance factor as a general factor

that influence grade 10 students to drop out, and is interpreted as highly

affecting. The table presents the highest rated item under this factor which is the

´student that doesn’t have a learning strategy” which earned a weighted mean of

3.57 and is interpreted as highly affecting. This means that if the teachers are

expert in learning a variety of learning strategies, students can perform very well.

In contrast, “students who cannot take a new study directly” has the lowest

weighted mean interpreted as affecting. This means that the students can follow

the flow of discussion. It is supported by the study of Role of Active Learning

Method by Efa, D. and Ephrem, K. that lack of learning methods are one of the

factors that hinder students to participate in the classroom.

In general, the academic performance factor which garnered an average

weighted mean of 3.37 and is interpreted as highly affecting. This means that

academic performance of a student has the highest average among the factors

that influence students to drop out. Therefore, students must be guided

importantly in their academics. A teacher can help this factor by its own strategy.

This is supported by the observation of Siti Maziha, et al. (2010) that teachers’

traits and skills affect the students’ participation and are important role in

providing incentives.

Table 1.3

Environmental factor

n= 24

Factors Weighted mean interpretation

1. being discriminated in 3.03 Affecting


2. classmates are not good in 2.93 Affecting

communiating such as dealing

with performance tasks

3. Distracted by classmates 3.2 Affecting

Average weighted mean: 3.05 Affecting

Table 1.3 visualizes the Environmental Factor. This factor has an average

weighted mean of 3.05 and is manifested as affecting. The factor that has the

highest weighted mean is “being discriminated in school” which gained a

weighted mean of 3.03 and is interpreted as affecting. This means that

environmental factor can put students to drop out in school.

In contrary, the lowest rated item is the “classmates are not good in

communicating skills such as performance task” which is interpreted as affecting.

This means that students are usually cooperative in dealing with their

performance task.

In general, the environmental factor has garnered an average weighted

mean of 3.05 and is interpreted as affecting. This mean that environment affects

the drop out of the students and that they should have a proper school

environment such as free from discrimination. This was supported by the study of

Mustapha (2010) that negative classmates’ traits include creating disturbances,

teasing, monopolizing.




Factors Weighted mean Interpretation

1. family doesn’t have an enough 2.57 Affecting


2. family has no act of motivation 3.73 Highly Affecting

3. Family doesn’t give enough 2.6 Affecting

support for school fees.

4. Parents have no care on their 3.07 Affecting

child as a student

5. students was forced by their 1.9 Slightly affecting

parents to take studies seriosly

and to become an achiever

Average weighted mean: 2.77 Slighly affecting

Table 1.4 shows the general factor, the family support factor. This

presents the weighted mean garnered which is 2.77 and is interpreted as slightly

Affecting; and 3.73 which is interpreted as highly affecting, respectively. As

shown in the table, one of the two factors under this general factor which has the

highest weighted mean is the “family has no act of motivation” which shows the

weighted mean of 3.73 interpreted as highly affecting. It means that students

needs the act of motivation by their parents’ enables them to avoid drop out.

However, the lowest affecting factor is “students’ who are forced by their

parents to take studies seriously and to become an achiever” which has a

weighted mean of 1.9 and is manifested as slightly affecting. It means that not all

parents forced students to become an achiever, some do accept the fact that

their child only gain enough knowledge for them.

In general, the family support factor garnered an average weighted mean

of 2.77 and is interpreted as slightly affecting. This means that the family factor

influenced students to drop out. Thus, the students should be supported by their

parents respectfully.



This chapter includes the summary of findings, conclusion and

recommendations on the study “Factors INFLUENCING DROP OUT OF



The study aimed to determine the facors influencing drop out of grade 10

students in Lourdes National High School.

Since performance task has the highest percentage in the grading system,

the research is conducted for the students to know how the different factors

affects students drop out.

The quantitative research paper entitled, “The Factors Influencing Dropout

of grade 10 students in Lourdes National High School” used descriptive survey

design and utilized researcher-made questionnaire as the instrument. The

questionnaire was given to 24 respondents from grade 10 students after using

the simple random sampling technique.

The environment of the study is Lourdes National High School which is

located at Lourdes, Panglao, Bohol, and is one of the performing schools in the

Division of Bohol and even reaching National Tilts.

In treating the data gathered from the questionnaires, the researchers used the

formula in finding the weighted mean.


The following are the findings derived from the results of the data obtained:

1.) In the aspect of socioeconomic status factor, the factor that has the

highest weighted mean is coming to “parents’ who have no enough money for

school expenses for their children”. For the academic performance factor, the

students who have no learning strategy ranked the highest. In terms of

Environmental Factor, the highest rated item is being discriminated in school and

in the Family Support, family has no act of motivation has the highest weighted


2.) drop out of students’ was highly influenced by the socioeconomic

status factor. The highest factor under this general factor is the parents’ who

have no enough money for their child’s school expenses. The students are more

likely to drop out because they have no enough money for school.

Based on the findings, the researchers concluded that the main factor that

influence students to drop out is the socioeconomic factor. Therefore, without

enough money for school expenses, students are more likely to drop out.


In the light of the findings and conclusions gleaned in the present study,

the researchers have come up with the following:

1.Parents should be employed or have an enough support for their childs

expenses in school, as well also the support of the government agencies.

2.Students should learn to respect each other and avoid discrimination.

3.Parents should have a support for their child way of academic learning.

4.The parents shall encourage their children to get involved in healthy peer

activities to optimize friendliness confidence.

5. The future researchers shall explore further to find out new and more factors

that could influence students to drop out.

List of References


journalCode=rera Stressors and Turning Points in High School and Dropout: A

Stress Process,




































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