EN23534018 L W D L Ratnasena Materials
EN23534018 L W D L Ratnasena Materials
EN23534018 L W D L Ratnasena Materials
Impact Toughness of
Materials - Lab Report
Mr. Bimash 12/03/2024
26/03/2024 26/03/2024
EN23534018 Ratnasena L. W. D. L.
Faculty of Engineering
Engineering Materials
Impact Toughness Measurement of Materials
List of Tables
Table 1: Table of Observations ............................................................................................................... 10
Table 2: Table of Readings ..................................................................................................................... 12
Table 3: Accurate Values Provided by the Instructor ............................................................................. 13
Table 4: Derived and Observed Values during the Experiment ............................................................. 13
List of Figures
Figure 1: Charpy and Izod Test ................................................................................................................ 5
Figure 2: Charpy Impact Testing Machine ............................................................................................... 5
Figure 3: Detailed Diagram of the Charpy Impact Tester ........................................................................ 6
Figure 4: Graph of Force-Displacement Curve for Charpy Test (Takahashi, et al., 2009) ...................... 6
Figure 5: V-Notch on the SMSAS ............................................................................................................ 7
Figure 6: Charpy Impact Tester during Calibration ................................................................................. 7
Figure 7: V-Notch on a Specimen Figure 8: Notching Machine ........................................................ 8
Figure 9: Pendulum Raised to Maximum Amplitude with Applied Brakes ............................................. 8
Figure 10: Impact Test Scale Set to 300 Joules ........................................................................................ 8
Figure 11: Impact Energy at 28°C Figure 12: Fracture Surface at 28°C ............................................. 9
Figure 13: Impact Energy at 100°C Figure 14: Fracture Surface at 100°C ........................................ 9
Figure 15: Impact Energy at 7°C Figure 16: Fracture Surface at 7°C ............................................. 10
Figure 17:Impact Energy Vs. Temperature Plot ......................................................................................11
List of Equations
Equation 1: Equation of Toughness.......................................................................................................... 6
Equation 2: Calculation of Toughness .................................................................................................... 10
Equation 3: Equation of Percentage Uncertainty ................................................................................... 14
List of Abbreviations
ºC : Degrees Celsius
DBTT : Ductile to Brittle Transition Temperature
i.e. : In Example
No. : Number
Table of Contents
List of Tables and Figures ........................................................................................................................ 2
List of Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................ 2
Table of Contents ..................................................................................................................................... 3
1. Objectives ......................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1. Understanding Experimental Techniques ................................................................................. 4
1.2. Application of Theoretical Principles....................................................................................... 4
1.3. Quantification of Material Properties to Interpret Experimental Results ................................ 4
1.4. Investigation of Temperature Affecting Toughness.................................................................. 4
2. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 4
3. Theory .............................................................................................................................................. 6
3.1. Energy Absorption .................................................................................................................... 6
3.2. Fracture Mechanics .................................................................................................................. 7
3.3. Notch Sensitivity ...................................................................................................................... 7
4. Materials and Apparatus ................................................................................................................... 7
5. Procedure .......................................................................................................................................... 7
6. Observations ..................................................................................................................................... 9
6.1. Sample One at 28°C. ................................................................................................................ 9
6.2. Sample Two at 100°C. .............................................................................................................. 9
6.3. Sample Three at 7°C. ............................................................................................................. 10
7. Calculations .................................................................................................................................... 10
8. Results ............................................................................................................................................ 10
9. Discussion ...................................................................................................................................... 12
10. Conclusion .................................................................................................................................. 15
References .............................................................................................................................................. 16
1. Objectives
1.1. Understanding Experimental Techniques
One of the main objectives which are to be achieved from this experiment is to familiarize
experimental methodologies which are used in materials testing, most importantly the Charpy
impact testing method and understanding their different components and the interactions.
2. Introduction
There are four ways in which the impact toughness, also known as impact strength, of a material can be
determined. However, typically these tests are conducted through the Charpy and Izod test methods.
These tests measures, according to (Malhotra, 2023), “a material’s impact strength by determining how
much energy is required to fracture a pre-prepared and standardized sample with a V-notch machined
into it”. These test methods were named after their respective inventors and proposed as early as the
1900s before such fracture mechanics theory was presented (Malhotra, 2023). Despite the impact
properties not having a direct use in the calculation of fracture mechanics, these tests prove to play a
significant role in quality control practice and also serve as standard benchmarks for comparing the
relative toughness of different engineering materials.
Both the Charpy and Izod tests use pendulum-testing machines, but with different specimen setups and
holding methods. In each test, the impact of the pendulum breaks the specimen. A pointer records the
pendulum's swing height after the break, showing the energy absorbed during the fracturing process.
The toughness of a metal is measured by the energy absorbed when the specimen breaks. This energy is
calculated by comparing the pendulum's potential energy before and after the impact. Metal toughness
is influenced by factors like alloying, temperature (especially the transition from ductile to brittle), heat
treatments, and strengthening methods.
Figure 1: Charpy and Izod Test
This lab report’s purpose is to explore, evaluate and to put to action laboratory techniques to
demonstrate the ability of metals to withstand impact toughness using the Charpy Impact Tester
(Saba, et al., 2019). It is important to have a deep sense of understanding of knowledge and
comprehension is extremely important. Hence, why it is important to retrieve all the related
fundamentals before conducting the investigation. In this case the importance of this test is to
understand and determine the influence toughness at varying temperature levels. The Charpy
Impact tester is pendulum kind of tool and has a hammer which gets released by its maximized
amplitude and strikes the material after it is released. The method as well as a simple visualisation
will give the capacity of energy transmission to the objects SMSAS, consequently struck by the
hammer. The sample preparation constitutes a vital part of obtaining the required results, by
employing machines as notching machines to create a notch on the sample and appropriate
temperature control is used to make the testing procedure adoptability easier to the
testing standards.
By implementing and incorporating these elements into the experiment, a conduct of a thorough
investigation into the impact toughness of materials can be achieved. This practical looks to instigate the
importance of understanding the impact toughness of materials for engineering applications, especially
in the sectors of material selection, design considerations and ensures structural integrity under different
conditions. In this report, the objectives, procedures, and a comprehensive discussion of the results will
be scrutinized and hence a thorough analysis will be drawn from this experiment. The experiment based
on the Charpy impact testing mechanism is conducted to observe and subsequently use these results to
meticulously determine the impact resistance, or toughness, of a material. This experiment in its life-
sized practical scale proves to achieve an important function in allowing engineers to understand the
toughness of various materials to ensure that the appropriate material is selected for the design and will
satisfy the intended application, whilst being safe, resistant, and long-lasting.
3. Theory
Primarily, the theory behind the Charpy Impact Test lies behind the study of fracture mechanics and
energy absorption during sudden loading of energy. Theoretically, the Charpy Test is driven by the
concepts of fracture mechanics, energy absorption, notch sensitivities and DBTT (Ductile to Brittle
Transition Temperature). Hence, simply put the toughness of a substance is measured by its ability of
energy absorption during its deformation, which is subjected to the impact test and is calculated in Joules.
As shown in Figure 3. above, it can be observed the existence of the theories stated being practically
implemented into the testing process. For instance, it can be seen how the pendulum is raised by means
to store maximum potential energy due to its maximum amplitude. Once the hammer strikes the SMSAS,
it can be observed the theory of energy absorption taking place.
Figure 4: Graph of Force-Displacement Curve for Charpy Test (Takahashi, et al., 2009)
𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 (𝐽𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑒𝑠)
𝑇𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎ𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠 =
𝑆𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑆𝑀𝑆𝐴𝑆(𝑚 )
Equation 1: Equation of Toughness
3.2. Fracture Mechanics
Fracture mechanics is the part of mechanics of materials which investigates the way materials breakdown
and fracture under different loading conditions. It presents the theoretical understanding for predicting
the way different materials at different temperatures and sizes will respond to and behave under tension,
particularly in the aspect of dynamic loading. Fracture mechanics explains the processes associated with
the production and spreading of cracks with regard to toughness and energy absorption (Malhotra, 2023).
Overall, the existence of these theories, assists engineers and researchers attain more insights regarding
the materials’ limitations and capabilities due to their fracture behaviour and their mechanical properties.
This ensures that specific materials can be chosen meticulously such that it conducts the required
function, as necessary.
5. Procedure
• First, it was ensured that all of the apparatus and materials above were set up and calibrated.
• Next, to calibrate the Charpy Impact Tester, a free swing of the anvil was conducted (assuming
that no friction was present) which should have resulted in zero on the scale. If the result was not
zero, the value displayed had to be added to the test readings proceeding the zero-calibration.
• Next, from the three SMSAS, one was placed in a freezer at 0ºC, and another was placed in an
oven at 100ºC. The third SMSAS was kept at room temperature.
• Meanwhile, the pendulum was mounted away using the support to make space for the specimen
mounting. The pendulum brakes were applied once it had been raised to its maximum amplitude.
• Once the pendulum had been raised to its maximum amplitude, the scale was set to 300 Joules.
• Then, one of the SMSAS was mounted on the anvil horizontally, such that the notch faced away
from the hammer of the pendulum.
• The testing procedure was started with the SMSAS at room temperature. The SMSAS was
positioned and ensured to be centred using the centring device such that the notch was aligned
with the hammer.
• The pendulum was subsequently released. The value displayed on the scale and any fracture
characteristics observed on the SMSAS were obtained.
• The testing procedure was repeated for the other SMSAS at 100ºC and 0ºC with the same testing
• Finally, the results were analysed to determine the impact toughness of each specimen at different
temperatures and their impact energy absorbed was compared to assess the effect of temperature
on impact toughness.
6. Observations
6.1. Sample One at 28°C.
Figure 11: Impact Energy at 28°C Figure 12: Fracture Surface at 28°C
Figure 13: Impact Energy at 100°C Figure 14: Fracture Surface at 100°C
6.3. Sample Three at 7°C.
Figure 15: Impact Energy at 7°C Figure 16: Fracture Surface at 7°C
Detailed explanations and analysis of the data and fracture type of each of the specimens will be
discussed in the Discussion section of the report below.
7. Calculations
8. Results
Table 1: Table of Observations
Figure 17:Impact Energy Vs. Temperature Plot
9. Discussion
Table 3: Accurate Values Provided by the Instructor
Equation 3: Equation of Percentage Uncertainty
10. Conclusion
In summary, the results of the impact toughness experiments helped understand the effect of temperature
on the Charpy impact toughness of SMSAS. By subjecting the specimens to different temperature levels,
it could be thoroughly determined how the specimens behave under these different conditions in terms
of fracture and energy absorption ability. With the help of the theoretical data, it was clearly
demonstrated the need for paying attention to the impact of temperature on the mechanical behaviour of
materials before they can be used in the engineering industry. Secondly, the test setup presented the need
for correct sample setting, correct temperature, and proper testing method to make the data more accurate
and further dependable in Charpy impact testing. The most critical outcome is the understanding of
relationship between temperature and impact toughness, which eliminates barriers to structure selection
and engineering design.
Ali, M. B., Abdullah, S., Nuawi, M. Z. & Ariffin, A. K., 2013. Correlation of absorbed impact with
calculated strain energy using an instrumented Charpy impact test..
Malhotra, G., 2023. Charpy and Izod Test: Understanding Impact Testing in Materials Science. [Online]
Available at: https://medium.com/@testinginstrumentss/charpy-and-izod-test-understanding-impact-
[Accessed 17 March 2024].
Saba, N., Jawaid, M. & Sultan, M. T. H., 2019. An overview of mechanical and physical testing of
composite materials. Composites Science and Engineering, pp. 1-12.
Takahashi, Y. et al., 2009. Nano Structure of Polyketon/Polyamide Polymer Alloy. Kobunshi Ronbunshu,
Volume 66, pp. 577-584.