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Zelalem Abera MSC Thesis

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Study on Sero-Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors of Lumpy

Skin Disease in West Wollega, Ethiopia

MSc Thesis


Zelalem Abera

July, 2013
Jimma, Ethiopia

Study on Sero-Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors of Lumpy
Skin Disease in West Wollega, Ethiopia

M.Sc. Thesis

A Thesis Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies

Jimma University College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

In partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Masters of

Science in Veterinary Epidemiology


Zelalem Abera

July, 2013
Jimma, Ethiopia

Jimma University College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
Thesis submission Request form (F-05)

Name of student: Zelalem Abera IDNO. MSC 0054/04

Program study: Master of Science in Veterinary Epidemiology
Title: Study on Sero-Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors of Lumpy Skin
Disease in West Wollega, Ethiopia

I have completed my thesis work as per the approved proposal and it has been
evaluated and accepted by my advisers. Hence, I hereby kindly request the department
to allow me to present the findings of my work and submit the thesis.

Zelalem Abera
Name and signature of student

We, the thesis advisers have evaluated the contents of this thesis and found to be
satisfactory, executed according to the approved proposal, written according to the
standards and format of the university and is ready to be submitted. Hence, we
recommend the thesis to be submitted.

Name Signature Date

Major advisor: ________________ ______________ ___________
Co-adviser: ________________ ______________ ___________
Internal Examiner
(It depends on the verdict) _______________ _____________ ____________

Decision /suggestion of Department Graduate Council (DGC)

____________________ ______________ ___________________
Chairperson, CGS Signature Date
____________________ ______________ ___________________
Chairperson, CGS Signature Date

School of Graduate Studies

As thesis research advisors, we hereby certify that we have read and evaluated this
thesis prepared, under our guidance, by Zelalem Abera entitled Study on Sero-
Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors of Lumpy Skin Disease in West Wollega,

We recommend it to be submitted as fulfilling thesis requirement.

Hailu Degefu (DVM, M.Sc.) __________________ _________________

Major Advisor Date Signature

Getachew Gari (DVM, MSc, DRU, PhD) _______________

Co-Advisor Date Signature

As member of the Board of Examiners of the M.Sc. Thesis Open Defense

Examination, We certify that we have read, evaluate the thesis prepared by Zelalem
Abera and examined the candidate. We recommended that the thesis could be
accepted as fulfilling the thesis requirement for the Degree of Master of Science in
Veterinary Epidemiology.

_____________________ ___________________ _________________

Chairperson Date Signature
_____________________ ___________________ _________________
Internal Examiner Date Signature
_____________________ ___________________ _________________
External Examiner Date Signature


This paper is dedicated to my parents who have grown up me and challenged in my

school life since I am the fruit of their long year struggle. It also will be in memory,
mainly to my beloved wife Ejigayehu Megersa for her ceaseless support, esteem and
care throughout my works and to my son Sichen Zelalem who I never forget him.


First, I declare that this thesis is my work and that all sources of materials used for
this thesis have duly acknowledged. It has been submitted in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for MSc degree in Veterinary Epidemiology at Jimma University and is
deposited at the university’s library to be made available to borrowers under the rules
of the library. I solemnly declare that this thesis is not submitted to any other
institution anywhere for the awards of any academic degree, diploma, or certificate.

Brief quotations from this thesis are allowable without special permission provided
that accurate acknowledgment of source is made. Request for this manuscript in
whole or in part may be granted by the Head of the School of Veterinary Medicine or
the Dean of the School of Graduate studies when in his or her judgment the proposed
use of the material is in the interest of scholarship. In all other instances, however,
permission must be obtained from the author.

Name: Zelalem Abera Signature: ____________ Date:

Place: Jimma University,


Zelalem was born in January 15/1983 (G.C) from his father Abera Taressa and his
mother Aregash Biyena in Werebabo Siben Peasant Association, Lalo Assabi district,
West Wollega Zone of Oromia Regional state, Western Ethiopia. He attended his
primary school (1-4) at Hatosi Siben in 1991 and junior secondary school (5-8) at
Gerjo Siben in 1996 and he attended his high school in Gimbi Comprehensive School
from, 2000 to 2003. After he completed his high school, he joined Jimma University
College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine in 2004/5, attended Veterinary
Medicine and graduated with Doctor of veterinary Medicine (DVM) in 2008. After
graduation, he has been working in West Wollega Zone of Gimbi district in Livestock
Development, Resource and Animal Health Agency Office as Team leader for three
years. He joined to Jimma University College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
to study his Master of Science in Veterinary Epidemiology from October 2012 to


First and foremost, my profound gratitude goes to praise the Almighty God for his
grace, wisdom to resist temptations and obstacles facing me from childhood to this
I would like to express my special appreciation and gratitude to Dr. Hailu Degefu
(M.Sc.) for his provision of overall guidance, valuable suggestions, constructive and
valuable comments in correcting this manuscript. He has devoted much of his time
and he was always available whenever assistance was needed. I am also very grateful
to respected Dr. Getachew Gari (PhD) for his incalculable, unreserved, valuable
sound advice and encouragements and polite behavior at all stage of my work. Really,
without their encouragement, insight and professional expertise, the completion of
this work would not have been possible. I am pleased to acknowledge gratefully
Gimbi woreda for their sponsor ship to attain the regular class and JUCAVM, for the
golden knowledge that it forwarding for me academically and in every aspects of
concerning issues. I never forget to remember Dr. Werku Tigre who passed by car
accident at his young stage.
I am greatly in debated to National Animal Health Diagnostic and Investigation
Center (NAHDIC) for its field and laboratory support because without this institution
the proposal may remain on shelf and all staff members of the organization (specially,
Menbere Kidane) are highly appreciated for their valuable advice, encouragements
and provision of materials during my work. I never forget to extend my deepest and
sincerely appreciation to all people including authors written in this paper, Ato
Abraham Dame, Ato Husen Bulcha, Dr. Geremew Batu, Dr. Moti Wakgari and
others who assisted me, including moral support, in one way or another during my
study period.
By using this opportunity, my heart-felt thanks and gratitude also goes to my wife
W/o Ejigayehu Megersa for her patience, support, encouragement and who always
sharing all my pains standing nearby me throughout my works. Finally, my thanks
have to reach all of my family and friends for their all sided support and wishing all
Holy blessings from Jesus Christ and be considered in His Eternal Government.


Table 1. Official reported and non-reported LSD outbreaks in different districts of

some administrative regions of Ethiopia from years 2000-2007 -------------------- 20
Table 2. Reported outbreaks and Lumpy Skin Disease affected populations in
different regions of Ethiopia from 2007-2011------------------------------------------ 21
Table 3. Sero-prevalence of Lumpy Skin Disease in Gimbi and Lalo Assabi Districts
of West Wollega Zone--------------------------------------------------------------------- 31
Table 4. Sero-prevalence of LSD at the herd level in Gimbi and Lalo Assabi District ----- 32
Table 5. Descriptive and Analytic Results of Sero prevalence of LSD for Cattle of
defferent Kebeles--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32
Table 6. Sero-prevalence of Lumpy Skin Disease according to Sex, Age, Breed and
Altitude differences in the area ---------------------------------------------------------- 34
Table 7. Summary of related information of the respondents from both districts ----------- 35
Table 8. Summary of associated risk factors and their effect on herd-level sero-
to LSD in the study area ------------------------------------------------------------------ 37
Table 9. Summary of the major constraints by their rank in the study area ------------------ 38
Table 10. Summary of the local and scientific names of major diseases in the study
sites ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39


Figure 1. Global distribution of lumpy skin disease in the world ----------------------------- 6

Figure 2. Nodules on the skin of the animals ---------------------------------------------------- 14

Figure 3. Nodules in lungs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17

Figure 4. Lesions in the m/m throughout the GIT ----------------------------------------------- 17

Figure 5. Map of the study Area ------------------------------------------------------------------- 24

Figure 6. Lumpy skin diseased cows (Local and crossbreds) showing skin nodules
covering the entire body at Dongoro Dissi village of Lalo Assabi District ------ 40


Annex I. Questionnaire Design for Study on Sero-Prevalence and Associated

Risk Factors of Lumpy Skin Disease in West Wollega, Ethiopia ---------------- 60
Annex II. Sample Collection Format -------------------------------------------------------------- 63
Annex III. IFAT Plate layout----------------------------------------------------------------------- 64
Annex IV. Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test Laboratory Protocol-------------------------- 65
Annex V. Reagents and materials required for the test------------------------------------------ 67
Annex VI. Principles of the test -------------------------------------------------------------------- 68

Annex VII. Figure of cell seeding ----------------------------------------------------------------- 69

Annex VIII. Figure of cell media ready for infection by the virus ---------------------------- 69
Annex IX. Summary of kebeles, herd owners and livestock population in both
districts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 70


AAU Addis Ababa University

CI Confidence Interval
CFSPH Center for Food Security and Public Health
CO2 Carbondioxide
Cpx Capri pox
CSA Central Statistical Authority
DF Dilution fluid
DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid
dsDNA Double stranded Deoxyribonucleic Acid
DVM Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
ELISA Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
ETB Ethiopian Birr
EVA Ethiopian Veterinary Association
FAO Food and Agricultural Organization
FCS Fetal Calf Serum
FITC Fluorescein Isothiocyanate
FVM Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GTPV Goat pox virus
HF Holstein Friesian
IFAT Indirect fluorescent antibody test
IgG Immuno gamma-globulin
ILRAD International Laboratory for Research on Animal Disease
JUCAVM Jimma University College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
KM Square kilometers
KS-1 Kenyan Sheep 1 virus
LSD Lumpy skin disease
LSDV Lumpy skin disease virus
M Mole
m.a.s.l. Meter above Sea Level
MEM Minimum Essential Medium Eagle

ml Mililiter
MRR Marginal rate of return
NAHDIC National Animal Health Diagnostic and Investigation Center
NTTICC National Tsetse and Trypanosomosis Investigation and Control
OIE Office International des Epizooties, World Animal Health
OR Odd Ratio
PA Peasant Association
PBS Phosphate-Buffered Saline
PCR Polymerase Chain Reaction
PCV Packed Cell Volume
PH Power of Hydrogen
PPR Peste des petits ruminants disease
RR Risk Ratio
SGPV Sheep and goat pox virus
SPPV Sheep pox virus
SPSS Statistical Package for Social Science
SSDP Small Scale Dairy Production
TCID50 Tissue Culture Infective Dose 50
USD United State’s Dollar
UV Ultra Violet
VERO cells Verda Reno (African green monkey kidney cells)
VIRGO Variability of solar IRradiance and Gravity Oscillations
WHO World Health Organization
ZNBC Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation
µl Microliter


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VIII

LIST OF TABLES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IX

LIST OF FIGURES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X

LIST OF ANNEXES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XI

ABBREVIATIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XVI

ABSTRACT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ XVII

1. INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1

2. LITERATURE REVIEW ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

2.1. The Disease ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3

2.2. Historical Background of the Disease ---------------------------------------------------- 3

2.3. Causative Agent of the Disease ------------------------------------------------------------ 5

2.4. Epidemiology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5

2.4 1. Geographic Distribution------------------------------------------------------------------- 5

2.4.2. Sources of the Virus ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6

2.4.3. Occurrence of the Disease ---------------------------------------------------------------- 7
2.4.4. Species Involved and Role of Wildlife in the Spread of LSDV---------------------- 7
2.4.5. Risk Factors Associated with Lumpy Skin Disease ----------------------------------- 8
2.4.6. Transmission-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
2.4.7. Morbidity and Mortality ------------------------------------------------------------------ 11
2.4.8. Mechanism of Pathogenicity ------------------------------------------------------------- 12
2.4.9. Incubation Period and Clinical Signs ---------------------------------------------------- 12

2.5. Diagnosis of LSD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13

2.5.1. Clinical Examination --------------------------------------------------------------------- 13

2.5.2. Laboratory tests ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
2.5.3. Differential Diagnosis -------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
2.5.4. Pathological Lesions ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 16

2.6. Treatment, Control and Prevention ---------------------------------------------------------- 17

2.7. Status of Lumpy Skin Disease in Ethiopia ------------------------------------------------- 19

3. MATERIALS AND METHODS ---------------------------------------------------------------- 22

3.1. Description of the Study Area ------------------------------------------------------------- 22

3.2. Study Population ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25

3.3. Study Design ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25

3.4. Sampling Technique and Sample Size Determination ------------------------------------ 26

3.5. Sample collection, submission and preparation ---------------------------------------- 27
3.5.1. Serum Sample Collection and Handling ------------------------------------------------ 27
3.6. Questionnaire survey ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28
3.7. Procedures of the Test ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 29
3.8. Data Management and Analysis ----------------------------------------------------------- 30
4. RESULTS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31
4.1. Animal level seroprevalence in the area ------------------------------------------------- 31
4.2. Herd level sero prevalence ------------------------------------------------------------------ 31
4.3. Sero prevalence of LSD based on Sex, Age, Breed and Altitude differences ----- 33
4.4. Result of Questionnaire survey ------------------------------------------------------------ 34
4.4.1. Description of the interview respondents ----------------------------------------------- 34
4.4.2. Associated risk factors of Lumpy Skin Disease Occurrence in the Study Area --- 36
4.4.3. Major Livestock Constraints in the Area------------------------------------------------ 38
4.4.4. Major Diseases of animals in the Area -------------------------------------------------- 39
5. DISCUSSION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41
5.1. Animal level Sero-prevalence and Associated Risk Factors ------------------------- 41
5.2. Herd Level Seroprevalence and Associated Risk Factors ---------------------------- 4
6. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ------------------------------------------- 48
7. REFERENCES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49
8. ANNEXES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60


Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is an economically devastating emerging viral disease of

cattle caused by a virus associated with the Neethlig poxvirus in the genus
Capripoxvirus of the family Poxviridae. A cross-sectional study was conducted from
October, 2012 to May, 2013 in two districts of Western Wollega of Oromia Regional
State, with the objectives to determine animal and herd level seroprevalence of lumpy
skin disease and to assess the risk factors that contribute to the occurrence of lumpy
skin disease. The study population comprised of indigenous and crossbred cattle.
Multi-stage sampling method was applied to select cattle and herd owners for the
interviews. Totally, 544 sera samples were collected from 252 herds and the
serological test was conducted using indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT). An
overall individual level sero-prevalence of 6.43% (n=35) and herd level
seroprevalence of 5.95% (n= 15) were estimated.There was significant variation
(P<0.05) between the seroprevalence in Gimbi (4.41%) and Lalo Assabi (8.46%)
districts at animal level. The sero- prevalence of LSD exposure among breeds (local
and cross) was significantly different in that it was found significantly higher in cross
breeds (OR = 2.85, p = 0.016) than in local zebu. A summer season showed
statistically significant association (p = 0.000, OR = 4.224. CI = 1.13-7.57) with
concomitant high levels of insect activity. There was statistically significant
difference (p<0.05) among the age groups (adult, young and calf) in the sero-
prevalence of LSD. However, the sero-prevalence of LSD was very low in calves.
The current finding revealed no significant variation between male and female
animals (p>0.05). In addition, there was no significant association between
seropositivity to LSD and the agro-climatic zones (midland and highland). The risk
factors considered in the univariate analysis had no significant association with the
herd-level seroprevalence of LSD (p>0.05). Finally, the present study revealed a
moderate distribution of sero-positive cattle in the study area and similarly the risk
factors of the disease observed warrants future detailed study on the transmission of
the disease in the area.

Key words: LSD, Cattle; Risk factors, Seroprevalence, West Wollega, Ethiopia


The livestock sector globally is highly dynamic, contributes 40% of the global value
of agricultural output, and support the livelihoods and food security of almost a billion
people (Thornton, 2010). Beyond their direct role in generating food and income,
livestock are a valuable asset, serving as a store of wealth, collateral for credit and an
essential safety net during times of crisis (MoA, 2006; FAO, 2009).

In Ethiopia Livestock, production is an integral part of the agricultural system. The

livestock sub sector accounts for 40% of the agricultural gross domestic product
(GDP) and 20% of the total GDP without considering other contribution like traction
power, fertilizing and mean of transport (Aklilu et al., 2002; Gebreegziabhare, 2010).
The livestock sector now has significant contribution to the total foreigner currency of
the country.

In the future, livestock production will increasingly be affected by competition for

natural resources, particularly land and water (Thornton, 2006). Currently the overall
livestock production constraints in Ethiopia are feed shortages, livestock diseases, low
genetic potential of indigenous livestock, and lack of marketing infrastructure and
water shortages (Markos, 1999; Alemayehu, 2009). Among the many other diseases,
which are known in causing economic losses and of poor productivity in livestock
specifically in cattle is the presence of lumpy skin disease in many parts of the
country (Gari et al., 2010; Gari et al., 2012; Birhanu, 2012).

Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is a generalized skin disease which is an infectious,

eruptive, occasionally fatal disease of cattle caused by a virus associated with the
neethlig poxvirus in the genus Capripoxvirus of the family Poxviridae (Chihota et al.,
2003; Stram, 2006; Ahmed and Zaher, 2008; Gari et al., 2011). The economic losses
due to this disease is associated with decreased milk production, traction power loss,
weight loss, poor growth, abortion, infertility and skin damage. Pneumonia is a
common sequel in animals with lesions in the mouth and respiratory tract (Davies,
1991; Kassa et al., 1998; McDermott et al., 1999; Yacob et al., 2008; Ocaido et al.,
2008; OIE, 2010).

LSD was first observed in the western part of Ethiopia (southwest of Lake Tana) in
1983 (Mebratu et al., 1984). It has now spread to almost all the regions and agro
ecological zones (Babiuk et al., 2008; Gari et al., 2010). Some epidemiological
studies have been carried out since the disease has become established in the country,
with the diverse agro-ecological and production systems (Gari et al., 2010).

Study based on seroprevalence in southern Ethiopia reported a prevalence of 6% (Gari

et al., 2008). Targeted sampling from outbreak areas around Southern Range land,
Wolliso town and north Ethiopia reported prevalence’s of 11.6%, 27.9% and 28%,
respectively (Asegid, 1991; Beshaewure, 1991; Gari et al., 2008). A recent prevalence
study (Birhanu, 2012) showed higher herd prevalence recorded in Afar (51%) and
Tigray (37%) regions. Published information on the factors that influence the
occurrence of LSD are not many as general, however some studies indicated that LSD
is a disease which affects all age group; in Africa imported Bos taurus appear to be
more susceptible than the indigenous breeds (Davies, 1991). The LDSV was found to
be associated with Capri poxvirus outbreaks in Kenya (Kitching et al., 1989).

A clinical case of LSD has been reported in other animals: Asian water buffalo from
Egypt (Ali et al., 1990). Antibodies have been demonstrated in black and blue wild
beests, Elan, Giraffe, greater Kudu and others (Hedger and Hamblin, 1983; Barnard,
1994). Some researchers have made attempt the transmission of the disease with
different flies (Chihota et al., 2001; Chihota et al., 2003; Carn and Kitching, 1995b;
Carn, 1996). Recently, Tuppurainen et al., (2010) reported the potential role of ixodic
tick in the transmission of LSDV. Weather changes such as cold may adversely affect
the insect vector and infected saliva may contribute to the spread of the disease (Hiag,
1957). However, there is a gap in epidemiological disease information
(Taransboundry diseases) particularly lumpy skin disease in West Wollega zone
except few outbreak reports from the area. The study area interfaces with the
pastoralists often crossing the border to other African countries (Sudan and South
Sudan) and Benishangul Gumuz Regional State of Ethiopia. Thus, the objectives of
this research were to:
) Determine animal and herd level sero-prevalence of lumpy skin disease
) To assess the risk factors those contribute to the occurrence of lumpy skin
disease in the study area.

2.1. The Disease

The range of viral skin disease in animals is very wide and involves many agents who
also have significant systemic effects (Babiuk et al., 2008; Lloyd, 2009; Edward,
2012). Of these Viral Skin Diseases, Lumpy Skin Disease is the most serious,
infectious, eruptive and occasionally fatal viral skin disease and other parts of the
body of cattle caused by a virus of the family Poxviridae and economically, a
significant cattle disease (production losses). It is therefore defined as a notifiable
disease by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) (Weiss, 1963; Woods,
1988; Davis, 1991; Babiuk et al., 2009; Gari et al., 2010; OIE, 2010; Magori, et al.,

It is an endemic in parts of Africa and has the potential to become established in other
parts of the world (CFSPH, 2008). It is characterized by disseminated appearance of
skin lesions, 2-5 cm in diameter and lymphadenopathy, accompanied by high fever,
which can sometimes exceed 41°C and may last up to 2 weeks (Magori et al., 2012).

2.2. Historical Background of the Disease

Historically the disease was confined to South Africa, it has moved north into Kenya,
Sudan and Ethiopia (Weiss, 1963; Muktar; Robert, 1994). According to Mweene et
al., (1996), the clinical syndrome of lumpy skin disease (LSD) was first described in
Zambia in 1929. Initially, it was considered the result of either poisoning or a
hypersensitivity to insect bites. Between 1943 and 1945, cases occurred in Botswana,
Zimbabwe and the Republic of South Africa (Davies, 1982; Fayez and Ahmed, 2011;
Edward, 2012).

In 1970 LSD spread north into the Sudan, by 1974 it had spread west as far as
Nigeria, and in 1977. It was reported from Mauritania, Mali, Ghana and Liberia
(Kitching, 1995b). Another epidemic of LSD between 1981 and 1986 affected
Tanzania, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Somalia and the Cameroon, with reported (Davies,

1991; Fayez and Ahmed, 2011). Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is confined and enzootic
in all Sub-Saharan African countries in which it has occurred and has proved
impossible to eradicate and Middle East with recent incursion into Israel (Davies,
1981; Radostits et al., 2007).

From 1929 to 1986, the disease was restricted to countries in sub-Saharan Africa,
although its potential to extend beyond this range had been suggested (Davies, 1991).
In 1988, LSD was recognized clinically in the Suez Governorate of Egypt, where it
was thought to have arrived at the local quarantine station with cattle imported from
other countries of Africa (CFSPH, 2008).

In 1989, a focus of LSD was identified in Israel and subsequently eliminated by the
slaughter of all infected cattle as well as contacts. Ring vaccination with a sheep pox
strain was carried out around the focus area and no further clinical cases have
occurred (Davies, 1991; CFSPH, 2008). It reappeared in the summer of 1989 and, in a
period of five to six months, spread to 22 of the 26 governorates of Egypt.

A rapid reaction to the problem led to the vaccination of nearly two million cattle with
a sheep pox vaccine (Davies, 1982). Lumpy skin disease outbreaks tend to be
sporadic, depending upon animal movements, immune status, and wind and rainfall
patterns affecting vector populations and as a result of this, the most recent outbreaks
outside Africa occurred in the Middle East in 2006 and 2007 and in Mauritius in 2008
(OIE, 2010). In summer of 2006, the most recent outbreak of LSD was recorded in
several Egyptian governorates (Awadin et al., 2006).

As mentioned by Mebratu et al., (1984), Lumpy Skin Disease was first observed in
the Western part of Ethiopia (southwest of Lake Tana) in 1983. According to Gari et
al., (2010), a major epidemic outbreak of LSD occurred in different regions of in
different years Ethiopia like Amhara and W/ Oromiya Regions in 2000/2001,
Oromiya and SNNP regions in 2003/2004 and Tigray, Amhara and Benishangul
regions in 2006/2007.

2.3. Causative Agent of the Disease

Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) is one of a serious poxvirus disease of cattle caused by
Lumpy Skin Disease Virus (LSDV), a DNA virus of the genus Capri poxvirus and of
the family Poxviridea. The prototype strain is Neethling virus (Babiuk et al., 2008;
Gari et al., 2010; OIE, 2010; Magori et al., 2012).

It is closely related to Sheep poxvirus (SPPV) and Goat poxvirus (GTPV) (Babiuk
et al., 2009). However, although all three viruses are considered distinct species, they
cannot be differentiated serologically (OIE, 2008; Tuppurainen, 2011; Magori et al.,
2012). Therefore, the only molecular techniques to distinguish LSD from SPPV and
GTPV have been developed.

2.4. Epidemiology

2.4.1. Geographic Distribution

LSD occurs in most African countries (including Madagascar) and sporadically in the
Middle East region. Recent outbreaks of LSD in Egypt, Israel (2006 and 2007), Oman
and Bahrain (2009) raise the possibility that LSDV might become established in the
Middle East, and spread to Asia and Europe (El-Kholy et al., 2008; Brenner et al.,

In addition, the occurrence of the disease in some districts (Adola and Yabello
districts) in the years 2003–2005 was reported (Gari et al., 2010). Recently one
thousand five hundred herds of cattle have died of suspected lumpy skin disease in
Zambia (Mazabuka's Nega Nega area) (ZNBC, 2012).

Figure 1. Global Distribution of lumpy skin disease in the World (2012). Note: The

shaded area shows LSD positive countries

Source: http://www.epizone-eu.net/publicdocs/animal diseases/website LSD

2.4.2. Sources of the Virus

LSDV is present in cutaneous lesions and crusts. Virus is also present in blood, nasal
and lachrymal secretions, milk, semen and saliva, which may be sources for
transmission (Davis, 1991; Irons et al., 2005).

All secretions contain LSD virus when nodules on the mucous membranes of the
eyes, nose, mouth, rectum, udder and genitalia ulcerate. Shedding in semen may be
prolonged since viral DNA has been found in the semen of some bulls for at least 5
months after infection (OIE, 2009).

Approximately 50% of infected animals are likely to show clinical signs; the majority
of experimentally infected animals become viraemic and source of the virus. In
experimentally infected cattle, LSD virus was demonstrated in saliva for 11 days,
semen for 22 days and in skin nodules for 33 days, but not in urine or faeces
(Tuppurainen, 2005; Bagla, 2005; OIE, 2009; Tuppurainen and Oura, 2012).

2.4.3. Occurrence of the Disease

It has been suggested that, while extending its geographical distribution, the virus has
increased in pathogenicity causing extensive epidemics and pandemics on the African
continent with sporadic cases occurring during inter-epidemic years (Rweyemamu
et al. 2000).

There is, also the possibility that LSDV might become established in the Middle East,
and spread to Asia and Europe (Tuppurainen and Oura, 2012). It may be present in
other Middle Eastern countries, which are lacking active surveillance (OIE, 2010;
Tuppurainen, 2011). As mentioned by Rweyemamu et al. (2000), the only African
countries still considered free of the disease are Libya, Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia.

According to Gari et al. (2008), about 90% respondents replied that the disease occurs
from July to November, which is the season of high moisture and extends up to
December in Ethiopia. However, lack of an understanding of why LSD is not yet
established outside of Africa and the Middle East is the point would be seen as a gap.

2.4.4. Species Involved and Role of Wildlife in the Spread of LSDV

Most of the time, Capri poxviruses are highly host specific. LSD is primarily a disease
of all cattle, particularly thin-skinned European breeds, are susceptible (CFSPH,
2008). Very little data are available on the susceptibility of wild ruminants to LSD
(Tuppurainen & Oura, 2012).

Capri pox disease has been reported in domestic Asian water buffalo (Bubalus
bubalis) and Arabian Oryx (Oryx leucoryx) (Greth et al. 1992), but could have been
caused by closely related poxviruses (Davis, 1981; CFSPH, 2008; Tuppurainen,
2011). However, it was not differentiated if these animals were infected with LSDV
or sheep pox or goat poxvirus (House, 1990; Tuppurainen, 2011 & Tuppurainen and
Oura, 2012).
Recently, the persistence of LSDV nucleic acid was reported in skin samples
collected from springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis) in South Africa (Lamien et al.,
2011). Natural infections were reported in Asian water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)
during the LSD outbreak in Egypt in 1988, but the morbidity was significantly lower
in buffalo (1.6%) than in cattle (30.8%) (Ali et al., 1990). Natural cases have not been
seen in an impala (Aepyceros melampus) and a giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) but,
have been success fully infected experimentally (Woods, 1988 & CFSPH, 2008) and
clinical signs of LSD have been demonstrated in both of them after experimental
inoculation with LSDV (Young et al., 1970).

LSDV will replicate in sheep and goats following inoculation, but the role of these
species as potential reservoirs of the virus is yet to be clarified (House, 2004; Bowden
et al., 2008; Bowden et al., 2009 & Tuppurainen, 2011). No carrier status is
recognized in cattle following infection with LSDV although live virus can be
detected up to 39 days post infection in the skin of infected animal (Woods, 1988;
Troyo et al., 2008; Ahmed and Zaher, 2008; Tuppurainen, 2011).

According to Barnard (1997), animals with mild or in apparent infection with LSDV
do not always show antibody levels detectable with a neutralization assay. Therefore,
the actual number of LSDV-infected wild ruminants may be considerably higher than
that revealed by this test. Wild animals showing clinical signs of LSD are likely to be
more susceptible to predators, which could explain the lack of reports of clinical
disease in wildlife species. In addition, the presence of clinical signs of LSD in
wildlife is easily missed, as the monitoring of the skin lesions is difficult or
impossible, especially in mild cases.

2.4.5. Risk Factors Associated with Lumpy Skin Disease

Capri poxviruses have a long incubation period; animals intentionally infected can
travel a considerable distance before showing disease, and can therefore disperse and
spread disease.

Pathogen factors: LSDV is remarkably stable, surviving for long periods at ambient
temperature, especially in dried scabs. It is very resistant to inactivation, surviving in
necrotic skin nodules for up to 33 days (-80°C for 10 years) or longer, desiccated
crusts for up to 35 days, infected tissue culture fluid stored at 4°C for 6 months, (if
protected from sunlight) and at least 18 days in air-dried hides (OIE, 2009).

It can remain viable for long periods in the environment, but virus is susceptible to
high temperatures (inactivation is achieved by heating at 55ºC for 2 hours, 65°C/30
minutes) and to highly alkaline or acidic pH. LSDV is susceptible to sunlight, but
survives well at cold temperatures (OIE, 2009; Tuppurainen, 2011).

Environment Factors: There is a dynamic relationship between the “agent” that

transmits the diseases, the “host” that entertains on the one side and the
“environment” on the other. The host and the agent operate within a particular
environment and depending on that environment disease spreads and is controlled
(Thrusfield, 2005).

The potential risk of agro-climate variations in LSD occurrence showed that midland
and lowland agro-climates were more likely to be at risk for LSD occurrence than the
highland agro-climate (Gari et al., 2010). The warm and humid climate in midland
and lowland agro-climates has been considered a more favourable environment for
the occurrence of large populations of biting flies than the cool temperature in the
highlands (Troyo et al., 2008; Tuppurainen, 2011).

Herd contact and mixing is likely to occur in communal grazing and watering points
and these were found to be significantly associated with LSD occurrence (Gari et al.,
2010). Post-harvest fields would allow contact and intermingling of different herds
that would probably increase the risk of exposure and enhance the virus transmission
through the speculated mechanical vectors such as Stomoxys spp. and mosquitoes
(Aedes aegypti) (Chihota et al., 2001; Gari et al., 2010; Waret, 2010).

The Host Factors: Host susceptibility, dose and route of virus inoculation affect the
severity of disease. All breeds, age groups and both sex of cattle are considered to be
at risk can be infected with severe and serious complications, while Asian water
buffalo are also reported to be susceptible. Bos taurus breeds of cattle are more
susceptible than Bos indicus breeds, and in age wise, young calves often experience
more severe disease than adults (CFSPH, 2008; OIE, 2010; Tuppurainen, 2011).

The morbidity rate varies widely depending on the immune status of the hosts (host
susceptibility) and the abundance of mechanical arthropod vectors (CFSPH, 2011). As
more recently reported by Birhanu (2012), an introduction of new animals to the herd
was highly associated with the occurrence of LSD. According to OIE (2011), there is
no evidence or report that the virus can affect humans.

2.4.6. Transmission

LSDV is thought to be primarily transmitted by biting and blood feeding arthropods,

which are believed to act as mechanical rather than biological vectors (Weiss, 1968;
OIE 2010; Chihota et al., 2001; Tuppurainen, 2011). Recently, new evidence has been
published reporting a possible role for hard ticks in the transmission of LSDV
(Tuppurainen et al., 2011).

The study showed molecular evidence of transtadial (occurs when an infection is

picked up by one stage in the vector's life cycle and transmitted to succeeding stages
in its metamorphosis) and transovarial (the transfer of pathogens to succeeding
generations through invasion of the ovary and infection of the eggs, such as occurs in
arthropods, primarily ticks and mites) transmission of LSDV by R. (B.) decoloratus
ticks and mechanical or intrastadial transmission by R. appendiculatus and
A. hebraeum ticks (Tuppurainen and Oura, 2012). Female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes
were shown to transmit LSDV from infected to susceptible cattle for 2-6 days post-
feeding on experimentally infected animals (Chihota et al., 2001).

However, attempts to transmit LSDV between experimentally infected and

susceptible cattle by Stomoxys calcitrans have failed (Chihota et al., 2003), as did the
transmission of LSDV by two species of mosquito (Anopheles stephensi and Culex
quinquefasciatus) and the biting midge (Culicoides nubeculosus) (Woods, 1988;
Chihota et al., 2003; Troyo et al., 2008).

The host’s reaction to the piercing pain from the fly’s bite would interrupt the insects’
feeding, which would lead to the flies looking for other nearby hosts to complete their
feeding, allowing the transmission of the infection from infected to susceptible
animals (Gari et al., 2010).

Tabanidae, Glossina and Culicoides spp. have all been found in situations where there
has been ongoing LSD transmission and have been suspected to be involved.
Stomoxys spp. has been shown to transmit SGPV successfully (Davis, 1991).

Transmission of LSDV through semen has not been experimentally demonstrated, but
LSDV has been isolated in the semen of experimentally infected bulls (Tuppurainen,
2005; Bagla, 2005; Tuppurainen, 2011). Transmission via infected saliva, ocular and
nasal discharge, contaminated food and water by infected feces and urine needs to be
demonstrated under experimental conditions (Tuppurainen and Venter, 2005).

2.4.7. Morbidity and Mortality

The incidence of disease is highest in wet, warm weather, and decreases during the
dry season. New foci of disease can appear at distant sites; in these cases, the virus is
thought to be carried by insects (CFSPH, 2008).

According to Woods (1988), recorded morbidity rates have varied greatly from as low
as 5% to 100%. Mortality, except in exceptional circumstances, rarely rises above 5%.
In outbreaks of the disease, the morbidity rate varies widely depending on the immune
status of the hosts (host susceptibility) and the abundance of mechanical arthropod
vectors and usually ranges from 3% to 85% (Bennett and IJpelaar, 2005; Kivaria et
al., 2007;CFSPH, 2008; CFSPH, 2011;Tuppurainen,2011; Tuppurainen and Oura,

Additionally, according to Davis (1991), morbidity rates of 1 to 2% may be contrasted

with those of 80 to 90% in different situations. Mortality rates of 10 to 40% and even
higher have been reported on occasion but the much lower range of 1 to 5% is more

However, as more recently reported, more severe disease is seen in Bos taurus,
particularly Channel Island breeds, than zebu cattle. Calves and lactating cows tend to
be most susceptible to disease (Davis, 1991; CFSPH 2008 & Tuppurainen, & Oura,
2012). In general, mortality rate is low (1-3%) but in some occasions up to 75%
mortality has been reported (CFSPH, 2011 & Magori et al., 2012).

2.4.8. Mechanism of Pathogenicity

During the acute stage of skin lesions, histopathological changes include vasculitis
and lymphangitis with concomitant thrombosis and infarction, which result in to
oedema and necrosis.
LSD skin nodules may exude serum initially but develop a characteristic inverted
greyish pink conical zone of necrosis. Adjacent tissue exhibits congestion,
haemorrhages and oedema. The necrotic cores become separated from the adjacent
skin and are referred to as ‘sit-fasts’. Enlarged lymph nodes are found and secondary
bacterial infections are common within the necrotic cores. Multiple virus-encoded
factors are produced during infection, which influence pathogenesis and disease
(Prozesky and Barnard, 1982; Tuppurainen, 2011).

2.4.9. Incubation Period and Clinical Signs

Incubation period: Lumpy skin disease has an incubation period of 2 to 4 weeks in

the field. In experimentally infected animals, fever can develop in 6 to 9 days and
lesions first appear at the inoculation site in 4 to 20 days (CFSPH, 2008; OIE, 2010;
Tuppurainen, 2011).

Clinical Signs: LSD is an acute infectious disease of cattle of all ages (Davis, 1991;
Kumar, 2011) but young calves often have more severe disease than adults (CFSPH,
2008; CFSPH, 2011). The severity of clinical signs of LSD depends on the strain of
Capri poxvirus and the host cattle breed. It causes acute to sub-acute systemic disease
characterized by mild to severe symptoms including fever, nodules on the skin, in the
mucous membranes and in the internal organs, skin oedema, lymphadenitis and
occasionally death (Woods, 1988; Davis, 1991; Tuppurainen, 2005).

Fever is the initial sign. It is usually followed within two days by the development of
nodules on the skin and mucous membranes (CFSPH, 2008). These nodules vary from
1 cm to 7 cm and common on the head, neck, udder, genitalia, perineum and legs.
Although they penetrate the epidermis and dermis, subcutaneous tissue, and
sometimes they extend into the underlying musculature, which are a nidus for
secondary bacterial infections and fly infestations (CFSPH, 2008; CFSPH, 2011;
Tuppurainen, 2011).
The skin nodules are painful and could involve tissues up to the musculature (OIE,
2008; Magori et al., 2012). Where extensive generalization occurs, animals may
become lame and reluctant to move. Abortion may occur because of prolonged fever
(Woods, 1988; Davis, 1982; Tuppurainen, 2005; Ocaido et al., 2009; Magori et al.,
2012). In severely affected animals, ulcerative lesions appear in the mucous
membranes of eye and oral/nasal cavities causing excessive salivation, lachrymation
and nasal discharge. All these secretions may contain LSDV (Babiuk, et al., 2008;
OIE, 2008). Pox lesions may also be present in the pharynx, larynx, trachea, lungs and
throughout the alimentary tract. Raised, circular, firm, coalescing nodules are
common and cores of necrotic material called “sit-fasts”.

2.5. Diagnosis of LSD

At present, there are no diagnostic test kits for LSDV commercially available
(Tuppurainen, 2011). The tentative diagnosis of LSD is usually based on
characteristic clinical signs, differential diagnosis and the clinical diagnosis is
confirmed by laboratory tests (using conventional PCR) (Tuppurainen, 2005; CFSPH,
2008; OIE, 2009; OIE, 2011).

2.5.1. Clinical Examination

Clinically, LSD should be suspected when the characteristic skin nodules, fever and
enlarged superficial lymph nodes are seen and the mortality rate is usually low
(CFSPH, 2008). The appearance of the skin lumps that characterize the disease
follows within 48 hours. Nodules may appear anywhere on the body from the nose to
the tail. Distribution is in a random pattern and not linear. Similar lesions appear in
the mucosa of the mouth, nose, vagina and conjunctiva. A purulent nasal and ocular
discharge is common (Weiss, 1968; Woods, 1988).


Figure 2. Nodules on the skin of the animals

Source: CFSPH (2011), Iowa State University (B) and Getachew et al., (2012) (A)

2.5.2. Laboratory tests

Laboratory confirmation of LSD is most rapid using a polymerase chain reaction

(PCR) method specific for Capri poxviruses or by the demonstration of typical Capri
pox virions in biopsy material or desiccated crusts using the transmission electron
microscope in combination with a clinical history of a generalised nodular skin
disease and enlarged superficial lymph glands in cattle (Davies et al., 1971; OIE,

As mentioned by CFSPH (2008), OIE (2011); Tuppurainen (2011), routine Diagnostic

Techniques are described in the OIE Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines
including: Identification of the agent and Serological tests.

Identification of the agent: Capri poxvirus is distinct from Para poxvirus, which
causes bovine popular stomatitis and pseudo cowpox, but cannot be distinguished
morphologically from cowpox and vaccinia virus, both orthopoxvirus infections of
cattle (OIE, 2010).

Confirmation of lumpy skin disease in a new area requires virus isolation and
identification (CFSPH, 2008; OIE, 2011; Tuppurainen, 2011). LSDV will grow in
bovine, caprine or ovine cell cultures; the best growth is seen in lamb testis cells (El-
Kenawy and El-Tholoth, 2011).
LSDV can be distinguished from the herpes virus that causes pseudo-lumpy skin
disease by the cytopathic effect and the intracytoplasmic location of inclusion bodies.

LSDV antigens can be identified with direct immunofluorescence, virus neutralization

or enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). LSDV can be detected in cell
cultures or directly in tissues by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays (CFSPH,
2008; OIE, 2010; Tuppurainen, 2011).

Genome detection using capripoxvirus-specific primers for the fusion protein gene
and attachment protein gene has been reported and several conventional and real-time
PCR methods have been published for use on blood, tissue and semen samples (OIE,
Serological tests: Serological tests include an indirect fluorescent antibody test, virus
neutralization, ELISA and immunoblotting (Western blotting). Cross-reactions with
other poxviruses are seen in some assays. Agar gel immunodiffusion is also available,
but cross-reactions occur in this test with bovine papular stomatitis and pseudo
cowpox virus (CFSPH, 2008; OIE, 2010). The virus neutralisation test is the most
specific serological test, but because immunity to LSD infection is predominantly cell
mediated, the test is not sufficiently sensitive to identify animals that have had contact
with LSD virus and developed only low levels of neutralizing antibody.

The agar gel immunodiffusion test and indirect immunofluorescent antibody test are
less specific due to cross-reactions with antibody to other poxviruses. Western
blotting using the reaction between the P32 antigens of LSD virus with test sera is
both sensitive and specific, but is difficult and expensive to carry out (OIE, 2010).

Indirect Flouresnt Antibody Test (IFAT): It demonstrated to be suitable for use in

retrospective serological surveys in a study carried out in Ethiopia and it was
evaluated test for accuracy (Gari et al., 2008). The IFAT is a serological test for Capri
pox Virus. It was used to detect serum antibody against Capri pox Virus and
differentiate serological positive and negative animals.

2.5.3. Differential Diagnosis

Skin lumps appear in cattle due to many conditions other than lumpy skin disease and
it is obvious that confusion has been caused by many of them in the past (Woods,
1988). Misdiagnosis and misreporting have probably been common over the years due
to veterinarians not having had previous experience of the disease (Woods, 1988;
OIE, 2010).

Severe LSD is highly characteristic, but milder forms can be confused with: Pseudo
lumpy skin disease (Bovine Herpesvirus2), Bovine papular stomatitis (Para poxvirus),
Pseudo cowpox (Para poxvirus), Vaccinia virus and Cowpox virus (Orthopoxviruses)
uncommon and not generalised infections, Dermatophilosis, Insect or tick bites,
Besnoitiosis, Rinderpest, Demodicosis, Hypoderma bovis infection,
Photosensitisation, Urticaria, Cutaneous tuberculosis, Onchocercosis (Siraw, 1987;
Davis, 1991; OIE, 2009).

2.5.4. Pathological Lesions

Post mortem lesions can be extensive. Characteristic deep nodules are found in the
skin that penetrate into the subcutaneous tissues and muscle with congestion,
hemorrhage, and edema. Lesions may also be found in the mucous membranes of the
oral and nasal cavities as well as the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, testicles, and urinary
bladder. Bronchopneumonia may be present, and enlarged superficial lymph nodes
are common (CFSPH, 2008).

Nodules involving all layers of skin, subcutaneous tissue, and often adjacent
musculature, with congestion, haemorrhage, oedema, vasculitis and necrosis;
Enlargement of lymph nodes draining affected areas with lymphoid proliferation,
oedema, congestion and haemorrhage; Pox lesions of mucous membrane of the
mouth, the pharynx, epiglottis, tongue and throughout the digestive tract; nasal cavity,
trachea and lungs (Fig. 3 and 4).

Oedema and areas of focal lobular atelectasis in lungs; Pleuritis with enlargement of
the mediastinal lymph nodes in severe cases; Synovitis and tendosynovitis with fibrin

in the synovial fluid; Pox lesions may be present in the testicles and urinary bladder
(OIE, 2009).

Figure 3. Nodules in lungs Figure 4. Lesions in the m/m throughout the GIT

Source: CFSPH (2011), Iowa State University

2.6. Treatment, Control and Prevention

Treatment: There is no specific antiviral treatment available for LSD infected cattle.
Sick animals may be removed from the herd and given supportive treatment
consisting of local wound dressing to discourage fly worry and prevent secondary
infections (Davis, 1982; CFSPH, 2008; OIE, 2009; Tuppurainen, 2011).

Control and prevention: LSD should appear in cattle in another country beyond its
previous range (Davis, 1991). Therefore, it needs to stop if occurred and to block if
new and this can be carried out either by sanitary prophylaxis or medical prophylaxis.
In case of sanitary prophylaxis, import restrictions on livestock, carcasses, hides,
skins and semen can help to prevent the introduction of LSD in to the disease free
countries (Thrusfield, 2005; Dijkhuizen et al., 1995; Rushton et al., 1999; Rushton,

It is mainly spread to new areas by infected animals, but it could also be transmitted
in contaminated hides and other products. However, in infected countries, infected

insects are suspected to have spread LSDV to new areas during some outbreaks.
Outbreaks can be eradicated by strict quarantines to avoid introduction of infected
animals into safe herds, isolation and prohibition of animal movements, slaughtering
of all sick and infected animals (depopulation of infected and exposed animals),
proper disposal of carcasses (incineration), cleaning and disinfection of the premises
and insect control (Davis, 1982; CFSPH, 2008; OIE, 2009; Tuppurainen, 2011;
Edward, 2012).

Medically, with the exception of vaccination, control measures are usually not
effective. Vaccination will greatly reduce the morbidity and economic effects of an
epizootic but may not completely limit the extension of-LSD. Follow-up vaccination
of calves and re-vaccination programmes over a period-of two to three years will
greatly reduce the incidence of clinical disease (OIE, 2009).

Two different vaccines have been widely and successfully used for the prevention of
LSD in cattle populations in Africa (Davis, 1982). Homologous live attenuated virus
vaccine: Neethling strain: immunity conferred lasts up to 3 years and heterologous
live attenuated virus vaccine: Sheep or goat pox vaccine, but can sometimes cause
severe local reactions. Not advised in countries free from sheep and goat pox (OIE,
2009; Tuppurainen, 2011).

As reported by Davis (1991), two other strains of sheep pox vaccine have recently
been used as a prophylaxis against LSD. The Romanian strain, prepared in the skin of
lambs for use against sheep pox, was used in several million cattle in Egypt and
appeared to be immunogenic. No complications have followed the use of these strains
in cattle. No country in sub-Saharan Africa, however, has succeeded in eradicating
LSD once it has occurred.

LSDV is susceptible to ether (20%), chloroform, formalin (1%), and some detergents,
as well as phenol (2% for 15 minutes). This virus can survive for long periods in the
environment: up to 35 days in desiccated scabs and for at least 18 days in air-dried
hides (CFSPH, 2008).

2.7. Status of Lumpy Skin Disease in Ethiopia

The Ethiopian economy is highly dependent on agriculture, which in the 2004/05

fiscal year, contributed about 48% of the GDP, followed by 39% from the service
sector, and 13% from the industrial sector. Livestock disease is one of the major
livestock production constraints in Ethiopia (Gebreegzabheher, 2010).

Lumpy skin disease has been one of the newly emerging diseases of cattle in Ethiopia.
Lumpy Skin Disease was first observed in southwest of Lake Tana in 1983 (Mabratu,

A major epidemic outbreak of LSD occurred in 2000/2001: in Amhara and Western

part of Oromiya Region, in 2003/2004: again in Oromiya and Southern Nations and
Nationalities People regions and in 2006/2007: in Amhara and Benishangul regions
(Table 1).

In terms of the size and magnitude of its occurrence, an epidemic of LSD covering a
number of PAs was reported to have occurred in some districts (Adola and Yabello
districts) in the years 2003-2005 (Gari et al., 2010) (Table 1). In Somali regional state,
the first case of an epidemic of Lumpy Skin Disease in cattle was reported in Somali
Region in 2005 (http://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources).

Table 1. Official reported and non-reported LSD outbreaks in the different of districts
of some Administrative Regions of Ethiopia from years 2000-2007

Region/district Years of an outbreak of the disease Total

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Laygayint - 5 - - - - - - 5
Farta 5 - - - - - 2 7
Gozamen 1 5 - - - - - 1 7
Kobo - - - - - - - 5 5
Adola - - - - 1 14 3 - 18
Yabello - 1 3 13 8 6 4 1 36
Sebeta-Awas - 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 8
Bako-Tibe - - - - - - - - 2
Chora - - - 10 - - - - 10
Fentale - - - 3 - - - - 3
Kabiena - - - - - - 1 - 1
Awash-Fentale - - 1 - - - - - 1
Total 6 12 6 27 11 21 14 6 103

Source: G. Gari (2010)

As reported by Gari et al., (2010), LSD has been extensively circulating across
diverse agro-climatic zones of Ethiopia with large variations between districts that
could be attributed to their respective agro-ecological zones and farming practices.

Additionally, the same author (2012) explained that, animal and herd sero-prevalence
was higher in the midland agro-climate than in highland and lowland agro-climate
zones and suggested that the prevalence of LSD infection in Ethiopia is higher than
what has been previously reported.

In addition, recent survey which assesses the risk factors and financial impacts of
LSD in selected districts of North-eastern Ethiopia (Tigray and Afar Regional States)
conducted by Birhanu, (2012) reported a higher herd prevalence of 51% and 37% was
recorded in Afar and Tigray Region respectively (Table 2).

Table 2. Reported outbreaks and LSD affected populations in different regions of

Ethiopia from 2007-2011

Regions Years of reported outbreaks

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total
Addis Ababa - - 3 7 1 11
Afar - - 3 2 2 7
Amhara 92 68 35 40 22 257
Ben.Gumuz 3 - - - 5 8
Gambela - - - 1 9 10
Oromiya 95 154 219 268 160 896
SNNP 18 18 14 32 17 99
Somali - - 3 9 4 16
Tigray 7 8 2 18 13 48
Grand Total 215 248 276 375 233 1347

Source: Birhanu, (2012).


3.1. Description of Study Areas

The present study was conducted in two selected districts (Gimbi and Lalo Asabi) of
West Wollega Zone of Oromiya Regional State; Western Ethiopia. West Wollega is
one of the 18 Administrative Zones of Oromiya National Regional State.
Administratively, the Zone has 21 districts, of which 19 are rural districts and 2 are
urban administrations which are again subdivided into 533 kebele administrative units
(487 rural and 46 urban Kebeles). Gimbi Town, which is located at a distance of 441
km from Addis Ababa, is the capital of the Zone, it is located between 8o12' - 10o03'
N (latitudes) and 34o08' - 36o10'E (longitudes). The Zone shares borderes with
Benishangul-Gumuz Regional State, Qellem Wollega Zone, East Wollega Zone,
Illubabor Zone and Gambella Regional State in the Northwest, Northeast and east;
West, East, and in the South directions, respectively. The land area of the Zone is
estimated to be 14,160.29 km2. It experiences tropical climate with relatively high
mean annual temperature. Generally, mean annual temperature of the Zone varies
from 15oC to over 25oC (Socio-economic Abstract of Districts of West Wollega Zone,

The annual rainfall pattern in the Zone decreases from East to West following the
physiographic nature of the Zone. The mean annual rainfall of the Eastern high lands
ranges from 1800-2000 mm, while in the central plateaus. It ranges between 1600-
1800 mm and in the remaining parts of the Zone, it becomes between 1200-1600 mm.
In the Southwestern parts of the Zone, it is even less than 1200 mm

Livestock population of West Wollega Zone is 1,775,404 Bovines, 385,098 Ovine,

353,385 caprines, 137,926 Equines, 2,066,678 poultry and 620,397 Bee colonies
(West Wollega Zonal Livestock Development & Health Agency Office, 2011).

The farming system in the zone is mixed (Livestock production integrated with crop
Production). Livestock production system is usually extensive, and the most common
breeds are the local zebu breeds. Common grasslands provide extensive pasture for all
parts of the areas of both study districts.

From the total (21) districts of the Zone, two of the rural districts (9.5%) were
selected considered as representative of the rest districts of the Zone.

Gimbi District: is located between 900100- 90170 North latitude and 350440- 360090
East longitudes. The mean minimum and maximum annual temperature ranges
between 10oC and 30oC. The mean annual rainfall is 1400-1800ml. It lies at
altitudinal range of 1200m-2222m above sea level (a.s.l.). As reported by Ghimbi
District Finance and Economic Development office (2001), the district has high
livestock potential with 107,334 cattle, 13,476 Ovine, 5124 Caprine, 5211 Equine,
and Poultry 44144 and 25600 Bee Colonies (Ghimbi District Finance and Economic
Development Office 2001) (http://www.oromiyaa.com/english/images/Ghimbi).

Lalo Asabi District: has an area of 418Km2 and located in the Eastern part of West
Wellega Zone. It shares common boundaries with Gimbi, Guliso, Bodji and Yubdo
districts, and Benishangul-Gumuz Regional State. Enango town is its capital town that
is about 23km far away from the Capital of the Zone (Gimbi). Altitudine ranges
between 1500 and 1900 m.a.s.l. The district has an estimated 37, 279 cattle, 13870
Ovine, 565 Caprine, 4383 Equine, 50,109 Poultry. The district is classified into kola
(2.2%) and Woinadega (97.8%) agro climatic zones (Socio-Economic Profile of Lalo
Assabi District, 2011) (http://www.oromiyaa.com/index.php).

The differences between both districts were altitudinal ranges, livestock size which is
very low in Lalo Assabi District and agro climatic zones in which all types were
found in Gimbi District.

Figure 5. Map of the study Area

3.2. Study Population

Study animals involved in this study were all indigenous zebu and crossbred cattle
population of all age groups kept in extensive management system in Gimbi (107,334)
and Lolo Asabi (37,279) districts of West Wollega Zone of Oromia Regional State.

The districts were purposively selected based on the accessibility, presence of livestock
markets activity, production and management system, history of contact with wild life
and transboundary animal’s movement from other pastoralist area of neighbouring
Regional States of Ethiopia. These districts share similar farming system but different in
agrological locations.

3.3. Study Design

A cross-sectional study was carried out from October, 2012 – May, 2013 to determine the
sero-prevalence and risk factors for LSD occurrence in the study area. Multi-stage
sampling method was followed to select the sampling units and districts, PAs, herds and
animals were selected to be included in the study.

An animals included in the study were distributed over the purposively selected districts.
Five PAs were randomly selected from each district in consultation with the respective
district Agricultural Office; especially Livestock Resource, Development and Health
Agency expert’s based on location and accessibility.

From selected PA’s, a herd was selected as a primary epidemiological unit, and by
assuming an average number of 10 animals per herd; from total of 5,028 herd population,
252 of them were randomly selected. In each PA, the number of selected herds range
from 22 (Were Seyo of Gimbi District) to 28 (Bikiltu Tokuma of Gimbi and Dongoro
Dissi of Lalo Assabi Districts) in both Districts. The term "herd" mean that cluster or
aggregate of animals’ those have similar resource of feeding, drinking and etc.
Additionally, the extensive management system implies that animals from the same
kebele (PAs) share communal grazing and watering resources and experience the same
environmental and climatic conditions.

Animals were sampled from both districts and those selected animals were used as a
secondary epidemiological unit to be included in the study based on the
representativeness of the Kebeles (PAs) and Weredas. So, range of one to three (1-3)
cattle from the selected herds were randomly selected as secondary epidemiological units
and fourty four to sixty three (44-63) animals from each PA and a total of 544 cattle were
sampled in order to have representative sample size to estimate sero-prevalence in both

3.4. Sampling Technique and Sample Size Determination

The simple random sampling technique was followed, to select individual animals to be
used for the study in the study area. Minimum sample size for this cross-sectional study
was calculated using the formula by Thrusfield (2007) with 95% confidence level and 5%
absolute precision.

The sample size was achieved by assuming the expected national prevalence of Lumpy
Skin Disease (LSD) at animal level 23% (Gari et al., 2010). Accordingly, 272 desired
sample sizes for the study were calculated.

n = 1.962 Pexp(1 - Pexp)

Where: n = required sample size;
exp = expected prevalence;
d = desired absolute precision.

Therefore, n = (1 .96)2*0.23*(1-0.23) = 272


To increase precision, the obtained minimum sample size (272) was inflated by two
folds, to account for the effect of randomness and representative population in multistage
sampling (Thrusfiled, 1995). Therefore, a sample size of 544 was considered for this
study. The limits of the associated interval indicate the specified bounds within which the
estimate will lie with the defined level of confidence.

Generally, based on the consultation with the respective experts of Livestock Resource,
Development and Health Agency Offices of both districts and herd owners whether they
introduced new animal (which might vaccinated or not) into the herd, samples were
collected from non-vaccinated indigenous zebu cattle breeds and crossbred cattle
population in 252 herds distributed in 10 PAs of 2 (Two) districts of the Zone.

During sample collection, the estimated age of each sampled animal was determined by
consulting the owners of the cattle. Accordingly, the sampled animals were categorized
as calves (>0.5-2years), young (>2- 4years) and adults (>4years) (Berecha et al., 2011).

3.5. Sample collection, submission and preparation

3.5.1. Serum Sample Collection and Handling

By using disposable 10 ml sterile vacutainer tubes, full of whole blood samples were
collected from the jugular vein of each animal. The tubes were then kept protected from
direct sun light at room temperature in slant position until the blood clotted and sera were
separated within 12 hours. The separated sera were transferred to sterile cryovials;
bearing the names of PAs, animal number, age and sex and kept in icebox at the field.

Finally, the samples were transported to the National Animal Health Diagnostic and
Investigation Centre (NAHDIC), Sebeta, for serological examination using Indirect
Fluorescent Antibody Test (IFAT). Gari et al. (2008) reported that, IFAT has a
reasonable high accuracy to be used for the diagnosis and sero-surveillance analysis of
LSD in the target population.
In the laboratory; the sera were preserved at -20oC until laboratory investigation
(Hemagen Diagnostics, 2001). Additionally, test principles and test procedures for
Indirect Flouresnt Antibody Test (IFAT) set by Hemagen Diagnostics Inc, were used
(Annex- II).

3.6. Questionnaire survey

About fifteen (15) questions were designed to capture information of the disease and
associated risk factors those associated with the occurrence of the disease in the study

The contents of the questionnaire survey include general information of the respondents
(age, sex, religion, educational status, bases of their livelihood). It also includes history of
disease occurrence (common constraints of livestock, major livestock diseases, season of
occurrence and duration of outbreak).

Additionally, herd management (Herd size, farming system, introduction of new animal,
watering or grazing points, contact of animals with different areas and presence of
disease transmission, Biting flies & existence of livestock markets), breed and sex were
collected. The risk factors for the outbreak of the disease would be observed in the study
area (Annex 1).

The survey was carried out in two purposively selected districts after serum collection
had been finalized. Ten (10) PAs that were selected for serological survey were included
in the questionnaire survey to assess factors for LSD occurrence in the study area.

A questionnaire which equivalent to the herd size was administered to the herd owners
(household) and interview face to face by using local language, which was ‘Oromiffaa’
(Afan Oromo) that taken 10-15 minutes was carried out.

Accordingly, 127 and 125 households or farmers were included in questionnaire survey
from Gimbi and Lalo Assabi districts respectively. So, a total of 252 households or
farmers were interviewed using prepared semi-structured questionnaire.
The selected farmers then were asked questions related to the composition of the herd,
the management system used, and if vaccination or any other treatment had been applied
during or after the course of the disease.

Additionally, they were asked to explain the symptoms of the disease and clinical
observation of sick animals related to LSD would be observed during sample collection
in order to crosscheck whether the disease is surely lumpy skin disease or not.

Finally, valuable information was collected through questionnaire from randomly

selected herd owners found in each PAs of the districts.

3.7. Procedures of the Test

Procedurally four main points were listed. These were cell seeding, cell infection, cell
fixation and testing of sera. Under each point, there were line-by-line procedures.
Initially, VERO cell was the cell line used to grow the virus.

The antigen used to detect the serum antibody against lumpy skin disease was SGPV
(Sheep and Goat Pox Virus) and Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) Tween buffer was
diluted at 1:40 concentration using distilled water and the PH of the prepared PBS was
measured before use.

Required amount of 1% skimmed milk was prepared and serum was diluted at 1:20
concentration using prepared 1% skimmed milk (blocking buffer). About 50µl of
substrate solution were dispensed into each well of the microtiter plates and incubated for
30 min at room temperature. Duplicates of 50µl of diluted controls and test sera were
dispensed into wells. The plates were then covered with adhesive plate cover and
incubated for 30 min at 370C.

The incubated microplates were rinsed three times by filling each well of the plates with
about 200µl PBS. After washing the plates, Fluorescence isothiocyanate (FITC)

conjugated anti-sheep immunoglobulin G(IgG) of rabbit was diluted at 1/40 in 0.5% lamb
serum blocking buffer and 50µl was added to each well & kept in 37°c for 30min.

Finally, 50 µl PBS was added to each well after the plates were washed 3 times by adding
200 µl PBS and ready to observe under UV light microscope (Appendix I: A&B).

3.8. Data management and Analysis

Data entry and management was made using Microsoft Excel sheets. Data analysis was
made using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS 2007, version 16) software.

An explanatory variables or independent predictors includes all the risk factors those
contributed the disease occurrence and dependent or response variables includes the test
result of the study.

Univariate or multivariate logistic regression was used to analyze the risk factors and its
association with exposure to the disease. In all the analyses, confidence levels at 95%
were calculated, and a P<0.05 was used for statistical significance level.

The risk of association such as Odd Ratio (OR) was analyzed for the risk factors and
sero-positivity of the disease to determine the degree of association risk factors and the

Descriptive statistics like prevalence was used to calculate sero-positivity by dividing the
number of LSD positive animals by the total number of animals tested and the herd
prevalence was determined by dividing positive herds to total number of herds and the
herd would be considered positive if one or more animal in the herd would be positive to
lumpy skin disease.


4.1. Animal level seroprevalence

The overall sero prevalence of lumpy skin disease in the study areas was 6.43 %
(35/544). Between the two districts included in the study, the sero prevalence was
significantly higher (P< 0.05) in Lalo Assabi animals as compared to animals from Gimbi
District (Table 3).

Table 3. Sero-prevalence of Lumpy Skin Disease at animal level in Gimbi and Lalo
Assabi Districts of West Wollega Zone

District Animal No of Sero P-value OR 95% CI

tested Positive (%) (95%CI)
Gimbi 272 12 (4.41) 2.30-7.52
Lalo Assabi 272 23 (8.46) 0.05 2(0.90-8.03) 5.43-12.41
Total 544 35 (6.43) 4.52-8.83

4.2. Herd level sero prevalence

Among the 252 herds investigated in this study, 15 (5.95%, 95% CI = 3.38-9.66) of the
herds had at least one positive using IFAT for LSD.

In this study, herd-level risk factors were considered and examined by logistic regression
for presence of any association with herd-level sero positivity to Lumpy skin disease
virus. Except breed of animals, age and summer season in which the biting flies reach at
the peak, none of the risk factors considered in the analysis had significant effect on herd-
level sero prevalence to LSD (p>0.05).

Table 4. Sero-prevalence of LSD at the herd level in Gimbi and Lalo Assabi Districts

District No of examined No of positive P-value OR 95% CI

Herds Herds (%) (95%CI)
Gimbi 127 4 (4.15) - - -
Lalo Assabi 125 11(8.8) 0.069 2.97 0.92-9.66
Total 252 15 (5.95) 0.035

On the other hand, there was variation in the sero-prevalence of LSD occurrence among
the cattle of different Kebeles selected for the study. Relatively high seroprevalence
records were observed in Dongoro Dissi (15%) and Lelisa Yesus (13.11%) villages. On
the contrary, all sera samples taken from Jogir and Were Seyo showed zero positivity for
IFAT test we used in this study (Table 5).

Table 5. Descriptive and Analytic Results of Sero prevalence of LSD for Cattle of
defferent Kebeles
PAs in both No of No of Sero P-value OR (95%CI) 95%CI
districts sampled Positive (%)
Were Seyo 63 0 (0) 0.363 - -
BikiltuTokuma* 58 1 (1.72) 0.031 - 0.04-9.23
Jogir 46 0 (0) - - -
Chutta Kaki 44 3 (6.81) 0.004** 0.2 1.42-28.65
LelisaYesus 61 8 (13.11) 0.023** 8.6 5.83-27.22
Horda Daleti 48 1 (2.12) 0.208 1.2 0.05-11.07
Nebo Daleti 57 5 (8.77) 0.766 5.4 2.91-19.29
Werebabo Siben 52 3 (5.77) 0.049** 4.4 1.29-15.94
Haroji Serdo 55 5 (9.1) 0.305 5.1 3.01-19.93
Dongoro Dissi 60 9 (15) 0.003** 10 7.10-26.57
Ground Total 544 35 (6.43) 0.175 3.49 4.52-8.83

*Reference variable for OR, ** Statistical significance

4.3. Sero prevalence of LSD based on Sex, Age, Breed and Altitude differences

Comparison was made on the sero-prevalence between female and male animals. Out of
animals sampled, the majority or 64.0% were females while about 36.0% of them were
males. The sero-prevalences were 7.65% and 5.74% in female and male, respectively
(Table 6). However, there was no statistical difference between the two sexes.

Analysis of age wise prevalence of Lumpy Skin Disease indicated that the difference in
prevalence among the three age groups were relatively high in adult group (Table 6) than
the young and calf age groups with statistically significant variation (P < 0.05).

The breed of the sampled animals showed a significant variation, where the
seroprevalence of LSD recorded in cross breed cattle that was about 3 times more
frequent than local zebu animals [OR ( 95%) = 1.2- 6.9, P = 0.016] (Table 6).

Based on altitude differences the target area was broadly classified in to midland or
‘Weynadega’ (1200-1900 masl) and highland or ‘Dega’ (> 1900 masl). Thus, comparison
was made on the sero-prevalences of the Highland (‘Dega’) having 9.48% and Midland
(‘Weynadega’) with 5.55% (Table 6). There was no significant variation in sero-
prevalence between the two-agro climates at individual level (p > 0.05).

Table 6. Sero-prevalence of Lumpy Skin Disease According to Sex, Age, Breed and
Altitude differences in the area

Risk factors Animal Number of P-value OR (95%) 95% CI

tested positive (%)
Adult 251 22 (8.78) 0.097 3.41 (0.8-30.3) 5.56 - 12.96
Young 220 11 (5) 0.899 1.050 (0.49-2.24) 2.52 - 8.77
Calves* 73 2 (2.74) 0.005** 0.12 (0.03- 0.52) 0.3 - 9.54
Male 348 20 (5.74) - 3.54 - 8.73
Female 196 15 (7.65) 0.384 4.34 - 12.31
Local* 496 28 (5.61) - - 2.3-19.8
Cross 48 7 (14.58) 0.016** 2.85 (1.2-6.9) 3.7-8.77
Highland 274 20 (7.23) 4.51-11.11
Midland 270 15 (5.55) 0.41 1.3 ( 0.63-2.91) 3.31-8.90
Ground Total 544 35 (6.43)

*Reference variable for OR, ** Statistical significance

4.4. Result of Questionnaire Survey

4.4.1. Description of the interview respondents

During the study period, 252 (n=252) respondents (individuals of herd owners) in
selected 10 PAs of two (2) districts of the Zone were interviewed.

Based on their religion and educational status, the respondents were classified as Muslim;
4.0%, Christian; 93.3% and others (Wakefeta); 2.8% and as literate; 80.2% while
illiterate; 19.8%. According to their sex and age, 81.3% of them were males while 18.7%
of them were females and 83.3% of them were adult while 16.7% of them were young.

Additionally, based on their livelihood; 73.8% practicing mixed agriculture; 12.3%
practicing mixed agriculture and trading; 7.9% practicing mixed agriculture, trading and
employed and 6.0% of them were practicing others. Agro climate of the surveyed PAs of
the two districts were mostly high lands and midlands.

Generally, most Christian, literate and male respondents those running their livelihood
with mixed agriculture were included in this study (Table 7).

Table 7. Summary of related information from respondents in both districts

Parameters Categories Frequency Percentage (%)

Sex of owners Females 47 18.7
Males 205 81.3
Age of owners Adults 210 83.3
Young 42 16.7
Religion Christian 235 93.3
Muslim 10 4.0
Others 7 2.8
Education Literate 202 80.2
Illiterate 50 19.8
Livelihood Mixed agriculture only 186 73.8
(Occupation) Mixed agriculture & trading 31 12.3
Mixed agriculture, trading 20 7.9
& employed
Others* 15 6.0

*(Mixed agriculture & employees, mixed agriculture & trading)

4.4.2. Associated Risk Factors of Lumpy Skin Disease Occurrence in the Study Area

Sero prevalence study and questionnaire surveys were carried out simultaneously and it
has been tried to identify risk factors for LSD occurrence. The seasons were compared
and about 74.2% of respondents informed that, summer was the season at which the
disease occurred in the area. At the spring season, disease occurrence was the lowest
(3.85%) in the area.

Also about 95.6% of respondents informed that they introduced new cattle to their herds
without knowing whether the animal was vaccinated or not and the result confirmed that,
only 5.8% of herds were sero positives. As 50.8% of respondents replied that, their cattle
had not been vaccinated and according to a proportion of 68.3% herd owners, there was
no seasonal movement of animals from place to place for search of feed and water; that
means most of the farming system in the area was sedentary.

In both districts, cattle grazed communally and higher frequency of communal grazing
type 63.5% and 100.0% communal watering point was reported by herd owners during
this study. As the result indicated that, 98.8%, 65.5%, 91.7% and 61.5% of herd owners
was reported as the presence of animals contact with different PAs, district, Zone or
regions and countries respectively. A 91.7% of them reported that, dry season (Bona) was
a season at which contact of animals is high in the area (Table 8).

However, it has no statistically significant association with the occurrence of lumpy skin
disease. As 67.1% of herd owners informed, a summer season (Ganna) was the leading
season of the year. A summer season showed statistically significant association (p =
0.000, OR = 4.224. CI = 1.13-7.57) with concomitant high levels of insect activity (Table

In addition, factors with p-values less than or equal to 0.20 (vaccination history, seasonal
movement and contact with other districts livestock’s) were fitted into the multivariate
logistic regression model. Nevertheless, except summer season with a high of activity of
flies, none of the farm-level risk factors were found statistically significant (p>0.05).

Table 8. Summary of associated risk factors and its effect on herd-level sero-positivity to LSD in the study area

Major Risk Factors for LSD Categories Percentage No of herd No of LSD P-Value OR 95%CI
Occurrence (%) examined Positive (%) (95%CI)
Season of outbreak Autumn (Birra#) 26 (10.3) 26 3 (11.5) 0.30 3.39 0.33-34,9
Winter (Bona#) 12 (4.8) 12 0 (0) - - -
Spring (Arfasa#)* 27 (10.7) 27 1(3.85) - - -
Summer (Ganna#) 187 (74.2) 187 11(5.9) 0.64 1.63 0.20-13.1
An introduction of new cattle No 11 (4.4) 11 1 (9.1) 0.65 0.61 0.07-5.16
Yes 241 (95.6) 241 14 (5.8)
Seasonal movement of animals No 172 (68.3) 172 10 (5.8)
Yes 80 (31.7) 80 5 (6.3) 0.14 1.08 0.35-3.24
Grazing Type Communal 160 (63.5) 160 12 (7.5)
Separate 48 (19.0) 48 2 (4.2) 0.54 1.45 0.31-5.45
Both* 40 (15.9) 40 1 (2.5) 0.34 0.25 0.31-5.45
Watering point Communal 30 (100.0) 30 100.0 - - -
Contact of animals with different Pas No 3 (1.2) 3 0 (0) - - -
Yes 249 (98.8) 249 15 (6.02)
Contact of animals with different No 87 (34.5) 87 3 (3.4) 0.23 2.2 0.60-8.00
district Yes 165 (65.5) 165 84 (7.3)
Contact with different Zone or No 21 (8.3) 21 1 (4.7) 0.81 1.3 0.16-10.32
regions Yes 231 (91.7) 231 14 (6.1)
Contact with other country No 97 (38.5) 97 4 (4.1) 0.33 1.7 0.55-5.74
Yes 155 (61.5) 155 11 (7.4)
Season of contact Dry season 231 (91.7) 231 15 (6.5) - - -
Wet season 21 (8.3) 21 0 (0) - - -
Season at activity of biting flies high Summer (Ganna#) 169 (67.1) 162 12 (7.1) 0.000** 4.224 1.13-7.57
Autumn (Arfasa#)* 40 (15.9) 47 3 (6.4) - 3.982 3.98-8.98
Spring (Birra#) 43 (17.1) 43 0 (0) - - -
Existence of livestock marketing No 175 (69.4) 175 12 (6.9) 0.36 0.54 0.18-1.99
Yes 77 (30.6) 77 3 (4.0)

Note: Number of examined herds is equal to the number of respondents (Herd owners) included into the study during the questionnaire survey and #
Local language for seasons, *Reference variable for OR, **Statistical significance

4.4.3. Major livestock constraints in the area

There are different major constraints limiting livestock in the area. During the study
period, it was tried to identify the major constraints those commonly encountered in daily
activity of livestock production system in the study area. Generally, the respondents were
reported that diseases, shortage of feed, shortage of water, predators and flies are main
problems/constraints. Although a single interviewer reported one or more than one
constraints and as indicated below (Table 9), diseases were firstly reported by a
proportion of 36.9% respondents, which indicated as the first most important constraint
or the leading problems for livestock.

Table 9. Summary of the major constraints by their rank in the study area

Major constraints Frequency Percentage

Diseases 93 36.9
Diseases, water shortage & flies 33 13.1
Diseases, feed shortage & water shortage 30 11.9
Diseases, feed shortage, water shortage, predators 18 7.1
& flies
Diseases & water shortage 16 6.3
Feed shortage & water shortage 13 5.2
Water shortage & flies 12 4.8
Diseases, water shortage & predators 12 4.8
Diseases, feed shortage, water shortage & predators 8 3.2
Flies* 6 2.4
Diseases & predators 4 1.6
Diseases, feed shortage & predators 3 1.2
Diseases, feed shortage, water shortage & flies 3 1.2
Diseases and feed shortage 1 0.4
Total 252 100.0

NB: * constraints those were play a major role for the disease transmission in the area.
4.4.4. Major diseases of animals in the area

Most of the time, Trypanosomosis and external and internal parasites were repeatedly
reported as the main diseases from the areas. However, including the above diseases of
livestock, the respondents in the study areas commonly reported major diseases. As
usually reported from the area, a proportion of 19.8% (50) respondents reported
Trypanosomosis and ticks infestation as the leading diseases in their area. These diseases
were listed below in (Table 10) according to their local and scientific names.

Table 10. Summary of the Local and scientific name of major diseases in the study sites

Diseases local name Scientific name of the diseases Frequency Percentage

Gandi Trypanosomosis 44 17.5
Abba Sanga or chita Anthrax 12 4.8
Masa or Okolcha Foot and mouth disease 7 2.8
Gororsa Pasteurollosis 30 11.9
Somba (Kufa) Bovine TB 12 4.8
Dibe guru Mastitis 11 4.4
Dibe goga Skin Diseases 16 6.3
Dulandula Leach 8 3.2
Gandi and Bokoksa Trypanosomosis and Bloat 17 6.7
Bokoksa & Gororsa Bloat and Pasteurollosis 17 6.7
Gandi and Sinchi Trypanosomosis & Black leg 2 0.8
Gandi and silmi Trypanosomosis &Tick infestn 50 19.8
Others* _ 26 10.3
Total 252 100.0

NB: *[Dhukuba sare (Rabies), Dhukuba tiruu (Fasciolosis), Hidda arrabaa (Toxocity),
Ciniinnaa (Colic)

Figure 6. A lumpy skin diseased cows (Local and crossbreds) showing skin nodules covering the entire body at Dongoro Dissi
village of Lalo Assabi district.


In the present study, Lumpy Skin Disease Virus (LSDv) exposure was investigated in
the two administrative districts of West-Wollega Zone (Gimbi and Lalo-Assabi) by
applying field study, serological analysis and questionnaire surveys.

5.1. Animal level Sero-prevalence and Associated Risk Factors

The 6.43% seroprevalence of Lumpy Skin Disease recorded in cattle of the study was
close to the animal level (6%) and overall (8.1%) sero prevalences recorded by Gari
et al., (2008) in southern Ethiopia and Gari et al., (2010) for the different agro-
ecological zones in Ethiopia. It is also worth to mention that, other studies based
clinical observation on the disease were made around Nekemet which is close to this
study area and, 7% prevalence was reported (Regassa, 2003). Again, targeted study on
outbreak areas of Southern Range land, around Wolliso town and in three districts of
eastern Amhara region reported prevalence of 11.6%, 27.9% and 28%; respectively
(Asegid, 1991; Beshawarad, 1991; Gari et al., 2008).

In the present investigation, the overall animal sero-prevalences of LSD in the two
administrative districts of West-Wollega namely Gimbi (4.41%) and Lalo-Assabi
(8.46%) showed a significant variation with logistic regression analysis. Similarly the
overall prevalence observed in Lelisa Yesus (13.11%) and Dongoro Dissi (15%) was
significantly high as compared to the rest of the Kebeles which was due to factors like
sharing common boundary with Beni-Shangul Gumuz Regional state, focal grazing
point and high livestock trade activity.

This finding agrees well with the finding of Gari et al. (2008), who stated a difference
in the frequency of occurrence of LSD across 15 districts they selected for their study.
In addition, many factors such as season, insect vector activity, the health status and
breed of the animals can affect the magnitude and the occurrence of LSD (Kitching
and Mellor, 1986, 1991; Barnard et al., 1994; Chihota et al., 2001; Babiuk et al.,

In the present study, an attempt has been made to compare the susceptibility of the
indigenous (Zebu) and crossbred (Zebu x Frisian) breeds of cattle raised in the same
management system. The result revealed a significantly higher sero-postivity result in
the cross breed (OR = 2.85, P = 0.02). This result some how goes with the previously
suggested idea that, the breeds of Bos taurus, imported into Africa from Europe, or
Australia are far more susceptible than the indigenous Bos indicus cattle (Davies,
1991; Barnard et al., 1994; Babiuk et al., 2008).

Analysis of the association between age and sero-positivity for LSD revealed no
statistically significant variation among the three age categories; however, the sero
prevalence in calves is very low as compared to adult and young age groups. This
may be indicative of prevailing passive maternal immunity and low frequency of

Similar to this finding, Rweyemamu et al. (2000) reported that, suckling calves
showed the lowest attack rate, though in the dynamic model younger cattle did not
show higher susceptibility to infection in their study of mathematical modelling and
evaluation of the different routes of transmission of lumpy skin disease virus during a
certain outbreak. There were no previous reports of age related susceptibility to LSD.

A possible alternative explanation for the lower sero prevalence recorded in calves in
this study may be associated with lower susceptibility of calves to biting by flies as
previously described (Troyo et al., 2007). Another potential explanation can be
associated with location, as the lowest prevalence was documented in the calves,
which were kept at homestead where there is less insect vector activity. The study
revealed high sero prevalence (8.78%) in adults, in which the maternal immunity level
drops and exposed to diseases, as the age increases.

The absence of significant association (p>0.05) between sex and sero positivity to
LSD was observed in current investigation using univariate analysis, but Tuppurainen,
(2011) reported that lactating cows seem to be the most susceptible. On the contrary,
Blood et al. (1983) indicated that, male zebu cattle had higher cumulative incidence

than females and this might be attributable to the stress factor of exhaustion and
fatigue rather than to a biological reason.

Another reason given by Gari et al. (2010) also mentioned that, the majority of male
animals were draft oxen used for heavy labour, which might contribute to an increase
in susceptibility. The same authors also reported as draft oxen cannot protect
themselves well from biting flies when harnessed in the yolk, and the beat scratches
on their skin induced while ploughing may attract biting flies potentially capable of
transmitting LSD infection.

Relatively higher sero-prevalences were found in the highland (7.23%) than midland
(5.55%) with no statistical variation in this study. On the other hand, Gari et al.
(2008) found out that LSD occurrence to be high in midland and lowland agro-
climates than the highland agro-climate in some other parts of Ethiopia. In addition, a
recent study done by the same authors in 2012 based on serology estimated by using a
Bayesian model and herd level seroprevalence was higher in the midland (64%) as
compared to the lowland (50%) and the highland (26%) agro-climatic Zones of

5.2. Herd Level Sero prevalence and Associated Risk Factors

The overall herd prevalence recorded in this study (5.97%) was very low when
compared to the previous herd level reports of 64%, 26% and 50% for midland,
highland and low land agro climate zones of Ethiopia (Gari et al., 2012). However,
the presence of a single sero positive herd could also be in support of herd level
endemicity of LSD in the area.

Even if the sample size was sufficient in the present study for LSD, the strength of
associations between most of risk factors considered and analysed for their associated
with sero-positivity status were not significant. However, none of the factors
considered for herd-level prevalence in the study were significant, the influences of
management related risk factors and characteristics of the population for occurrence

of infection in a herd are reported to have an important role (Gari et al., 2010; Gari et
al., 2012).

Associated Risk Factors: Herd those selected for serological survey were also
included in the questionnaire survey to assess factors for LSD occurrence in the study
area. Beside the blood collection, questionnaires were commonly applied in
epidemiological investigation to collect information on disease occurrence and
associated risk factors and they have been used successfully.

The study was under taken to identify risk factors that contribute to the occurrence of
lumpy skin disease in the study area. This has been reported (Ali et al., 1990 and
Tuppurainen and Oura, 2012) that the outbreak of the disease was mostly associated
with the prevalence of insect vectors, host susceptibility, livestock density at the
grazing and watering points, husbandry systems, wet seasons and agro ecologic
conditions, presence of moist, humidity, market conditions and an introduction of new
animals without any examination.

As the questionnaire survey result indicated Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) was
dominates the area due to one or more factors those attributes the occurrence of the
disease. From the result, 65.1% of respondents informed presence of the disease in
their area and it agrees well with the finding of Gari et al. (2010), in which about
42.8% of the interviewees reported occurrence of LSD in their herd.

This finding revealed that, 95.6% of herd owners informed that they introduced new
cattle to their safe herds without identifying whether the animal was vaccinated or not
and the result of analysis confirmed that, 5.8% herds were sero positives. This
indicated that, most herd owners from both districts acquired cattle through
purchasing from auction markets and very few of them claimed that they acquired
cattle from inheritance or dowry. It also showed, cattle keepers were tilted towards
commercial farming than traditional cattle keeping in which there is a chance to
introduce a LSD positive animal into the LSD free herds. However, it was not
statistically significant (p>0.05) for the occurrence of the disease in the area.

Similar finding was reported by Gari et al. (2010), as the frequency of introduction of
new animals was higher in the midland agro-climate zone (40.6%) than in the
highland and the lowland zones (25.2% and 21%, respectively). The same authors
also reported that the introduction of new animals to a herd had a strong association
with an increased risk of disease in the herd and a noticeable proportion of farmers
(32.1%) reported introducing new animals to their herd following purchase (for
replacement, herd expansion, fattening), receiving cultural gifts or cattle exchange
without any screening for the health status of the new animal.

Another attempt has been made in the present study to compare the season at which
an outbreak of the disease can be occurred and about 74.2% of respondents reported;
it was high in summer season and the lowest Spring seasons was (3.85%) in the area.
This could be due to rainy nature of the season and livestock production system in
which the extensive system was dominant in the area, that exposes animals to the
biting flies those are active for interrupting feeding.

Similar to this finding, Tuppurainen and Oura, (2012) and Gari et al. (2010)
mentioned, LSD outbreaks were associated with wet and warm weather conditions
due to an abundance of blood-feeding arthropod populations in the summer season.

According to a proportion of 68.3% (172) herd owners, there was no seasonal

movement of animal from place to place for search of feed and water; that means
most of the farming system in the area was sedentary. As a result of analysis revealed,
there is a slight difference of 6.3% sero-positivity for LSD in herds those move as
compared to the herds not move from place to place with no statistically significant
variation among (p=0.14, OR=1.08, CI=0.35-3.24).

Higher frequency of communal grazing type 63.5% and 100.0% communal watering
point was reported by herd owners during this study. In both districts, cattle grazed
communally (Table 8) although those with a few cattle had them tethered. Even
though there was, an increment report found with communal grazing and watering
points, multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed statistically insignificant
effect among these risk factors and occurrence of the disease in the area.

However, Gari et al. (2010) mentioned that communal grazing and watering points
were found to be associated with the occurrence of LSD. Additionally, different
authors (Chihota et al., 2001; Kitching, 1985; Waret-Szkuta et al., 2009) were
reported as sharing watering points, grazing plots and post-harvest fields would allow
contact and intermingling of different herds that would probably increase the risk of

A questionnaire result of the present study showed that, 67.1% of respondents

reported that, a summer (wet season) was a season at which the activity of biting flies
is high and showed statistically significant association (p = 0.000, OR = 4.224. CI =
1.13-1.57). Flies activity was four times (4x) more likely to be high in the summer
(wet) as compared to other seasons for the occurrence of the disease in the area (Table

Similar to this finding, Davies (1981) and Mac Owen (1959) reported that biting
insects play the major role in the transmission of LSDV. Troyo et al., (2008) also
mentioned that, epidemics of LSD are associated with rainy seasons. Currently, it is
widely agreed that LSDV is transmitted mechanically via arthropod vectors.

This result also agrees well with the finding of Gari et al. (2010), who described the
warm and humid climate in midland and lowland agro-climates has been considered a
more favourable environment for the occurrence of large populations of biting flies
than the cool temperature in the highlands. The same authors also stated that both
biting-fly activity and disease outbreak frequencies begin to increase from April
reaching a maximum in September. In conclusion, the result of this work strongly
supported that LSDV is transmitted mechanically via arthropod vectors.

Out of 252 interviewees; 98.8 %, 65.5%, 91.7% and 61.5% of them reported that their
cattle could travel and be in contact with different animals of different PAs, district,
Zone or regions and countries, respectively. This could be due to animal’s movement
from place to place for the purpose of vaccination, trade activity, searching for feed
and water during dry season and other activities, which is a risk factor in contracting
cattle diseases such LSD. A 69.4% of respondents were declared, as there was no
existence of livestock marketing in the area.

During this study period, it has been tried to identify the major constraints commonly
encountered in daily activity of livestock production system in the study area. As herd
owners informed diseases, shortage of feed and water, predators and flies were the
main problems or constraints of livestock in the area. Although a single interviewer
and diseases reported, one or more than one constraints were firstly reported by a
proportion of 36.9% respondents, which indicated as the first most important
constraint or the leading problems for livestock production and followed by water
shortage and flies by 13.1% in the area.

Similarly, Nibret and Basaznew and Belay et al. (2012) stated that diseases were the
main constraints of livestock. Some other constraints observed in both districts were
lack of veterinary extension services and poor breeds. So, the findings of the major
constraints limiting livestock production during the present study in the area was
tended to agree with findings found Nibret and Basaznew (2012).

The same authors also mentioned that, fasciolosis (32.45%), gastrointestinal

parasitism (14.66%), anthrax (10.54%) and blackleg (9.56%), pasteurellosis (7.91%),
lumpy skin disease (5.60%) and trypanosomosis (2.31%) were the most frequently
observed diseases in cattle.

A 19.8% of respondents reported that Trypanosomosis and ticks infestation as the

leading diseases and about 6.3% of skin diseases (Dibe goga in local language)
including lumpy skin disease were reported by herd owners in the area in their area in
which the result of the finding agrees well with the previous study.


The present cross-sectional study indicated that lumpy skin disease is an important
disease in the western Wollega zone of Oromia regional state of Ethiopia. Even if the
recorded sero-prevalence is moderate, the disease is found to be spreading in to new
areas that have been considered previously as free areas (kebeles or districts) of the
zone and will be a major livestock health problem.

The result showed that, LSD has been associated with periods (Seasons) of high
rainfall and concomitant high levels of insect activity. Some of the risk factors such as
sex, age, breed and altitude considered in this study were found to be associated with
the sero-positivity of the disease at animal level. This revealed that some of the
current cattle management practices executed by livestock owners of the study area,
namely: Introduction of new animal to the herd, mixing of cattle in watering and
grazing areas, free movement of animals to different areas are very common, can be a
risk factors, and could aggravate the spread of lumpy skin disease.

This study provides the first evidence (preliminary information) of the presence of
LSDV infection in the West Wollega. This finding also gives attention on the
distribution of LSDV in the study area and can assist planners, decision-makers,
practitioners and researchers in their efforts. In addition, it could help them in disease
surveillance and control activities for risk mitigation and to improve the health of

Therefore, based on these findings the following recommendations are forwarded that
might help in preventing losses associated with the occurrence of LSD improving the
productivity of cattle: Mass vaccination should be applied for all breeds of cattle in
both districts using an effective specific vaccine against LSD, such as the attenuated
Neethling strain vaccine. The use of insecticides to control biting flies before raining
season should be practiced in the area. Livestock owner need to be introduced with
the basic knowledge of risk factors those contribute to disease in the study area. Due
to the biggest challenge, that was poor infrastructure that facing during this study,
further research is needed to assess the status of the disease and to suggest
implementation of appropriate control and prevention methods in the areas.


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Annex I. Questionnaire Design for Study on Sero-Prevalence and Associated

Risk Factors of Lumpy Skin Disease in West Wollega, Ethiopia

Dear respondents, I am conducting a Research on the causes of low Animal

productivity in two Districts/Woredas of West Wollega Zone (Gimbi and Lalo
Assabi). So, this questionnaire is designed to collect reliable and relevant information
from you on the issue under study. Hence, you are kindly requested to complete (fill)
this questionnaire sincerely and honestly. Please, make ‘tick’ (√) and write
information as necessary, in the space provided. I never forget to acknowledge you
for your polite behavior, generous support and spent time to this information.
With best regards!

Name of the Area: _________ Questionnaire no: ___Date of Interview: ________

Section One: General Information

1. Owner’sName_______Region_____Zone_____Woreda_____Kebele_____Age_
2. What are the bases of your livelihood? 1. Livestock’s only 2.MixedAgri.
3. Trading 4. Employed 5. Others (Specify)____________________
3. Agro climate of the area: High lands Midland Low land
4. Geo. Reference: N _____________ E _____________ Alt ____________

Section Two: History of Diseases Occurrence

5. Total cattle herd size of the farmer_______: Herd structure Ox____ Bull____
Beef____ Lactating cow______ Dry cow_______ Heifer______ Calf_____;
6. If exotic breed cattle specify the breed, number, sex, age_______
7. Other farm animals holdings:
Description Number

8. What are Common constraints of livestock production?

9. What are the Major livestock diseases occurring in last three years ranking in its
order of importance with their symptoms?

Age of Name of Disease Clinical Signs


10. Do you know Lumpy Ski Disease (LSD) or ‘dibe goga’ in your Area? Yes /No?
10.1.If yes, how you can identify the disease (LSD)?
10.2.When did the disease commence in the area (PA)? Season __Mon__ year____
10.3.How long since the outbreak has been seen in the area, < 1yr__ 1-2 Yrs___2-
3Yrs___ >3Years___
10.4.In which months/seasons of the year that LSD often seen in your area?
10.5.How many animals have got sick and died due to LSD among the herd

Section Three: Herd Management

11. Farming System: Sedentary__ transhumant___

12. Herd level Risk Factors Identification
12.1. Did you buy new cattle or introduced new cattle since 6 months before the onset
of the outbreak? Yes/No, if yes, origin of the cattle, number, sex and age?
12.2. History of vaccination against LSD: Vaccinated, Yes /No?
If yes, at which season (when)? ______________________________________
If no, why? Explain_______________________________________________
12.3. Grazing type: a) Separate b) communal c) both
12.4. Do you have common watering/grazing points with other herds: Yes /No?
12.5. Contact with animals of different area
Did you move your cattle to other grazing place seasonally? Yes /No?
12.6.If yes, when_______, where _______, how long did you keep them
12.7. Contact with animals of different Kebele: Yes /No?
12.8. Have contact with livestock of different district: Yes /No
12.9. Have contact with livestock of different Zone/regions: Yes /No?
12.10. Have contact with livestock of other country: Yes /No?
12.11. When the animals contact _____________________________
12.12. An introduction of new animals: Yes /No?
13. At which months/season the activity of Biting flies of cattle are highest?
14. Do you know any disease that can be transmitted from wild life to livestock?
Yes No
14.1. If yes, what are they? 1._____________ 2._____________ 3.______________
15. Does livestock market exists in the villages: Yes /No?
15.1. Name and distance (in km) of livestock market frequently used and the known
cattle trade route around their area_____________________________________.

Annex II. Sample Collection Format
National Animal Health Diagnostic and Investigation Center (NAHDIC)
Quality Management System
Laboratory Specimen submission Form
Part II Additional information to be filled for Surveillance and certification purpose

Animal Kebele village/ Species Sex Age Sample Geo. Altitude Lab. Date Test Test
ID Abattoir Reference code tested Type Result

Annex III. IFAT Plate layout

IFAT Plate prepared on _____________________

IFAT for __________ Plate No. ____ Date_________ Reader _______

Serum dilution 1/20 FITC dilution1/40 Infection time 48hrs TCID50/well 100


Annex IV. Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test Laboratory Protocol

A. Preparation of Ag coated Microplates (96 wells Tissue grade Microplate)

1. Prepare cell culture media (MEM +10% Fetal Calf Serum (FCS) + Antibiotics
2. Add 100 µl of lamp testis cells suspension (2*104 cells/ml) to each 96 wells
3. Incubate the plates for 24hrs in 37°c and 5% CO2
4. Prepare the KS1 virus dilution of 2*103 TCID50 /ml in MEM cell media (without
5. Remove the previous media in the plate slowly using multichannel pipette keeping
the plate in gentle slope to remove all
6. Add 50 µl viral suspensions to each well and incubate at 37°c for 2hrs
7. Add 150 µl media with 10% Fetal Calf Serum to all wells and keep in 37°c for
8. Remove the media by multi channel pipette in the same way as n° 5 to infect the
9. Add 100 µl acetone 80% cooled at 4°c to all wells for fixation and discard by
10. Add 50 µl acetone 80% to each well & keep the plate in -20°c for 30min
11. Remove the acetone, wrap the plate with Aluminum paper and keep in -20°c until
the plate is required for examination

B. Procedure to test the sera

1. Add 50 µl PBS- 0.01M to each well and keep for 30min at room temperature.
2. Add 50µl blocking solution (1% skimmed milk or 0.5% lamb serum in 0.01M PBS)
to each well and incubate in 37°c for 20min
3. Dilute the test sera in blocking solution at 1/25 dilution
4. Take your record sheet and write the layout of the Microplate to add the test sera,
strong +ve, weak +ve and negative control sera.
5. Add 50 µl of diluted serum to the microplate in duplicate wells according to the
layout and incubate at 37°c for 30min
6. Rinse each well with 200 µl PBS 0.01M and discard by turning up-side down,
repeat 3 times
7. Dilute the Fluorescein isothiocyanate conjugated anti-bovine gamma-globuline
(IgG) of Rabbit serum (FITC Rockland) in 1/40 dilution in blocking buffer solution
(Note: Antisheep and Anti-goat FITC from Dako also work perfectly like anti
bovine FITC)
8. Add 50 µl diluted FITC to each well & keep in 37°c for 30min
9. (6) Wash the plate by 200 µl PBS 3 times
10. Add 50 µl PBS to each well and observe under UV light microscope.

Annex V. Reagents and materials required for the test

Reagents: were Vero cells, viral suspension (Cpx vaccine, etc) properly diluted, cell
medium MEM with EARLE salts; 10% fetal calf serum (Fcs) that contain 1% de-
glutamine in ml, cell medium MEM with EARLE salts that contain 1% de-glutamine
in ml, L-glutamine, Fetal calf serum (Fcs), Trypsin-versene, Trypan blue, PBS1x, Ice,
70% Alcohol, 80% acetone, Anti-PPR monoclonal antibody, Anti-goat antibody
conjugated with FITC, Dilution fluid (DF) (monoclonal antibody and conjugated) 1 %
skimmed milk in PBS

Materials: were paper roll, Timer, Rotary microtiter plate shaker, Incubator
(equipped with rotary microtiter plate shaker), Multichannel pipettor, Single channel
pipettor, Glassic Pipettes (1ml, 5ml &13ml), Yellow tips, Troughs and Adhesive plate

Annex VI. Principles of the test

The VIRGO fluorescent antibody assays utilize the indirect method of fluorescent
antibody staining; first described by Weller and Coons in 1954. The procedure is
carried out in two basic reaction steps. In step one, the serum to be tested is brought
into contact with the antigenic substrate. Antibody, if present in the test serum, will
attach to the antigen, forming an antigen-antibody complex. If the serum being tested
does not contain antibody for this particular antigen, no complex is formed and all the
serum components are washed away in the rinse step.

In the second step, the infected cells were fixed and allowed to react with Capri pox
antibodies. In addition, it involves the adding of a fluorescein labelled antisheep and
goat antibody to the test wells. If the specific antigen-antibody complex is formed in
step one, the fluorescein labelled antibody will attach to the antibody moiety of the
complex in step two.

The plates were read using Inverted fluorescence microscope under 40×
magnifications. The positive tested serum appears with bright fluorescence foci where
the antibody has reacted with the virus (apple green when stimulated by UV or blue
light) and the negative serum appears as a dark field or dim gray foci.

Annex VII. Figure of cell seeding

Annex VIII. Figure of cell media ready for infection by the virus

Annex IX. Summary of kebeles, herd owners and livestock population in both districts

Name of No of total PAs in Name of Total No of selected Cattle Sample Altitude

districts districts selected PAs herd owners herd owners Pop in PA size in PAs
Rural Urban Total
Gimbi 31 1 32 Were Seyo 150 23 1,725 63 1903
Bikiltu Tokuma 460 28 2,734 58 1821
Jogir 579 25 2,422 46 1298
Chutta Kaki 421 23 2,474 44 2016
Lelisa Yesus 510 28 2,248 61 1851
Subtotal 31 1 32 5 2,120 127 11,603 272 -
Lalo 27 4 31 Horda Daleti 707 25 994 48 1766
Assabi Nebo Daleti 513 26 1,040 57 1618
Werebabo Siben 620 23 1,212 52 1933
Haroji Serdo 652 28 1,344 60 1936
Dongoro Dissi 416 23 1,724 55 1937
Subtotal 27 4 31 5 2,908 125 6,314 272 -
G. total 58 5 63 10 5,028 252 17,917 544

Source: Agency of Livestock Resource, Development and Animal Health Office of the both Districts.


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