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A. Introduction
B. Universal law of gravitation
C. Kepler’s law of planetary motion
D. Newton’s third law of motion and gravitation
E. Motion under gravity
F. Mass and weight
G. Thrust and pressure
H. Density and relative density
I. Pascal’s law and buoyancy
J. Bird’s-eye view
K. Solved examples
L. Practice yourself
M. Solutions

A. Introduction

Gravitation is one of the fundamental forces which exists in nature. It

is an attraction behaviour between two entities arises due presence
of very fundamental attribute of matter i.e. mass. So, the behaviour
is, two masses attract each other. No matter, how far or how close
they are, there will be some amount of force of attraction must be
acting between them. Gravitation property exists between smallest
atom to largest stars or black hole. It is the gravitation due to which
our solar system exists today. All the planets bound to stars, or all the
satellite rotates about its planet, or all the stars, planets, satellites and
all the heavenly bodies are intact within a galaxy, is only possible
because of gravitational force.

Newton got the idea of gravitation when

he was sitting under the Apple tree and
apple fall upon him.

B. Universal law of gravitation


Every particle in the universe attracts every other particle with

a force which is directly proportional to the product of two
masses and inversely proportional to the square of the
distance between them. This force of attraction is called
Gravitational Force.

The direction of the force is along the line joining the two masses.
If m1 and m2 are the masses of two bodies separated by a distance d
and F is the force of attraction between them is given by:
Gm1 m2
F= 2


m1 = mass of the first object

m2 = mass of the second object

Fig 1: Expression for the Universal law
G = Universal Gravitation constant
of gravitation

i.e. Universal gravitational constant is the force of attraction (in

newton) between two bodies of mass 1(kg) each lying 1(m) distance

Newton's inverse-square rule

The force between two bodies is inversely proportional to the square
of distance between them' is called the inverse-square rule.
Properties of gravitational force

1. Gravitational force between two bodies or object does not need any
contact between them. It means, gravitational force is action at a
2. Gravitational force between two bodies varies inversely
proportional to the square of the distance between them. Hence,
gravitational force is an inverse square force.
3. The gravitational forces between two bodies or objects form an
action-reaction pair. If object A attract object B with a force F1 and
the object B attracts object A with a force F2, then F1 = F2

Points to remember

1. The value of G = 6.67 x 10-11 Nm2/kg2

2. The value of G is same throughout the Universe and hence G is
known as Universal gravitational constant.
3. The value of G was determined in laboratory by Sir Henry
4. Since the value of G is very small, So the gravitational force is very
weak force.
5. The gravitational force between a body on the earth is called

Importance of the universal law of gravitation

The Universal law of gravitation given by Newton has explained

successfully several phenomena. For example:

1. The gravitational force of attraction of the Earth is responsible for

binding all terrestrial objects on the Earth.
2. The gravitational force of the Earth is responsible for holding the
atmosphere around the Earth.
3. The gravitational force of the Earth is also responsible for the
rainfall and snowfall on the Earth.
4. The flow of water in rivers is also due to gravitational force of the
Earth on water.
5. The moon revolves around the Earth on account of gravitational
'pull of the Earth on the Moon. Even all artificial satellites revolve
around the Earth on account of gravitational pull of the Earth on
the satellites.

6. The predictions about solar and lunar eclipses made on the basis of
this law always come out to be true. The gravitational force plays an
important role in nature.
7. All the planets revolve around the sun due to the gravitational force
between the sun and the planets. The force required by a planet to
move around the sun in circular path (known as centripetal force)
is provided by the gravitational force of attraction between the
planet and the sun. Thus, gravitational force is responsible for the
existence of the solar system.
8. Tides in oceans are formed due to the gravitational force between
the moon and the water in oceans.
9. Gravitational force between a planet and its satellite (i.e., moon)
decides whether a planet has a moon or not. Since the gravitational
force of the planets like mercury and Venus is very small, therefore,
these planets do not have any satellite or moon.
10. We stay on the earth due to the gravitational force between the
earth and us. which is extremely small. Hence, we conclude that
though every pair of two objects exert gravitational pull on each
other, yet they cannot move towards each other because this
gravitational pull is too weak.

Try and learn

1. Let us find force of attraction between two blocks lying 1m apart.

Let the mass of each block is 40 kg.
Gm1 m2
Solution: F= 2

6.67×10-11 ×40×40

F=1.06×10-7 N

2. If the distance between two masses is doubled, the gravitational

attraction between them
Solution: F∝ 2 . If r becomes double then F reduces to F/4.

3. Two identical solid copper spheres of radius R placed in contact

with each other. The gravitational attraction between them is
proportional to
4 2
G×m×m G×( πR3 ρ) 4
Solution: F= 2 = 3
2 = π2 ρ2 R4
(2R) 4R 9

 F∝R4

4. The gravitational force between two objects is 49 N. How much

distance between these objects be decreased so that the force
between them becomes four times?
Solution: Halved


1. The tidal waves in the sea are primarily due to

(a) The gravitational effect of the moon on the earth
(b) The gravitational effect of the sun on the earth
(c) The gravitational effect of Venus on the earth
(d) The atmospheric effect of the earth itself
2. The gravitational force between two point masses m1 and m2 at
m1 m2
separation r is given by F=k . The constant k

(a) Depends on system of units only

(b) Depends on medium between masses only

(c) Depends on both (a) and (b)
(d) Is independent of both (a) and (b)
3. The atmosphere is held to the earth by
(a) Winds (b)Gravity
(c) Clouds (d) None of the above
4. The distance of the centres of moon and earth is D. The mass of
earth is 81 times the mass of the moon. At what distance from the
centre of the earth, the gravitational force will be zero
D 2D 4D 9D
(a) (b) (c) (d)
2 3 3 10

C. Kepler’s laws of planetary motion

Johannes Kepler was a 16th century
astronomer who established three laws
which govern the motion of planets
(around the sun). These are known as
Kepler's laws of planetary motion. The
same laws also describe the motion of
satellites (like the moon) around the
planets (like the earth). The Kepler's laws
Fig 2: Planetary motion is
of planetary motion are given on right. governed by Kepler’s laws

Kepler's first law: The planets move in elliptical orbits around the sun,
with the sun at one of the two foci of the elliptical orbit.

Kepler's second law: Each planet
revolves around the sun in such a way
that the line joining the planet to the
sun sweeps over equal areas in equal
intervals of time.

Kepler's third law: The cube of the Fig 3: Pictorial representation of

sweeping equal area in equal
mean distance of a planet from the
sun is directly proportional to the
square of time it takes to move around the sun. The law can be
expressed as:
r3 proportional to T2 or r3 = constant × T2
Where r = Mean distance of planet from the sun
and T = Time period of the planet (around the sun)
Through Kepler gave the laws of planetary motion but he could not
give a theory to explain the motion of planets. It was Newton who
showed that the cause of the motion of planets is the gravitational
force which the sun exerts on them. In fact, Newton used the Kepler's
third law of planetary motion to develop the law of universal

Try and learn

1. State the universal law of gravitation.

Ans. Everything in this universe attracts every other body with a
force, which is directly proportional to the product of their masses

and inversely proportional to the square of distance between their
2. Write the formula to find the magnitude of the gravitational force
between the earth and an object on the surface of the earth.
Ans. When an object falls with a constant acceleration, under the
influence of force of gravitation of the earth, object is said to have
free fall.

Checkpoint -2

1. The period of a satellite in a circular orbit of radius R is T, the period

of another satellite in a circular orbit of radius 4R is
(a) 4T (b) T/4
(c) 8T (d)T/8
2. Orbit of a planet around a star is
(a) A circle (b) An ellipse
(c) A parabola (d) A straight line
3. If a body describes a circular motion under inverse square field, the
time taken to complete one revolution T is related to the radius of
the circular orbit as
(a) 𝑇 ∝ 𝑟 (b) 𝑇 ∝ 𝑟 2
(c) 𝑇 2 ∝ 𝑟 3 (d) 𝑇 ∝ 𝑟 4
4. Kepler's second law (law of areas) is nothing but a statement of
(a) Work energy theorem
(b) Conservation of linear momentum
(c) Conservation of angular momentum
(d) Conservation of energy

D. Newton's third law of motion and gravitation
The Newtons third law of motion also holds good for the force of
gravitation. This means that when earth exerts a force of attraction
on an object, then the object also exerts an equal force on the earth,
in the opposite direction.
According to Newton's second law,
Force = Mass × Acceleration, F = ma
The mass of earth is very large and acceleration produced in the
earth very very small and cannot be detected with even the most
accurate instrument available to us.

Any object dropped from some

height always falls towards the
earth. If a feather and a stone are
dropped from the top of a tower, it
is observed that feather falls onto
the ground much later than the
stone. So, it was thought that object of different masses dropped
from same height take different times to reach the ground.
However, Galileo dropped three iron balls of different masses
simultaneously from the top of the tower of Pisa and found that all
the three balls reached the earth's surface at the same time.

Fig 4: Feather and ball dropped in

vacuum take same time to reach the

Galileo explained that the feather suffered much air resistance during
fall because of its large surface area. Due to this opposing force,
feather takes longer time to reach the ground than the stone. He
further explained that if air resistance is eliminated, both feather and
the stone will reach the ground simultaneously.

Conclusion: Galileo concluded that the bodies of different masses

dropped simultaneously from the same height hit the ground at the
same time, if air resistance is neglected.
Definition of Free Fall:
The falling body on which only force of gravitation of the earth acts is
known as freely falling body and such fall of a body is known as free
fall. A freely falling body has acceleration equal to acceleration due to

E. Motion under gravity

The acceleration with which a body falls towards the earth due to
earth's gravitational pull is known as acceleration due to gravity. It is
denoted by 'g'.
Thus, all bodies irrespective of their masses fall down with constant

Things to remember:

1. The value of g decreases with depth.

2. The value of g is more at poles and less at equator.
3. The value of g is zero at the centre of the earth.
4. The value of acceleration due to gravity is minimum at planet
mercury and maximum at planet Jupiter.
5. Acceleration due to gravity is independent of mass shape size etc
of falling body i.e. there will be equal acceleration in a light and
heavy falling body.
6. The rate of decrease of the acceleration due to gravity with height
is twice as compared to that with depth.
7. If the rate of rotation of earth increases the value of acceleration
due to gravity decreases at all places on the surface of the earth
except at of poles.
8. If earth stops rotating there will be increase in the value of

acceleration due to gravity at equator by a value =Rω2 = 0.034

m/s2 but there will be no change in the value of g at poles.

Try and learn

1. The earth and the moon are attracted to each other by

gravitational force. Does the earth attract the moon with a force
that is greater or smaller or the same as the force with which the
moon attracts the earth ? Why ?
Ans. The earth attracts the moon with the same force with which the
moon attracts the earth because, the gravitational force between
any two bodies is mutual and equal according to Newton's universal
law of gravitation.

2. If the moon attracts the earth, why does the earth not move
towards the moon ?
Ans. The earth does not move towards the moon because the force
exerted by the earth or the moon on each other is insufficient to move
the earth on account of its huge mass.
3. What happens to the force between two objects, if
(i) the mass of one object is doubled ?
(ii) the distance between the objects is doubled and tripled ?
(iii) the masses of both objects are doubled ?
(i) The forces of gravitation doubles.
(ii) The force of gravitation decreases 4 times if the distance between
the objects is doubled and if the
distance between the objects is tripled then the force of gravitation
decreases 9 times.
(iii) The force of gravitation increases 4 times.


1. Reason of weightlessness in a satellite is

(a) Zero gravity
(b) Centre of mass
(c) Zero reaction force by satellite surface
(d) None

2. The weight of a body at the centre of the earth is
(a) Zero
(b) Infinite
(c) Same as on the surface of earth
(d) None of the above
3. An iron ball and a wooden ball of the same radius are released
from a height ‘h’ in vacuum. The time taken by both of them to
reach the ground is
(a) Unequal (b)Exactly equal
(c) Roughly equal (d) Zero
4. Weightlessness experienced while orbiting the earth in space-
ship, is the result of
(a) Inertia (b) Acceleration
(c) Zero gravity (d) Free fall towards earth
5. When a body is taken from the equator to the poles, its weight
(a) Remains constant
(b) Increases
(c) Decreases
(d) Increases at N-pole and decreases at S-pole
6. A body of mass m is taken to the bottom of a deep mine. Then
(a) Its mass increases (b) Its mass decreases
(c) Its weight increases (d) Its weight decreases

Equation of motion of freely falling bodies

When the bodies are falling under influence of gravity. they

experience acceleration ‘g’ i.e.. 9.8𝑚𝑠 2 . However, when these are going
up against gravity. they move with retardation of 9.8 𝑚𝑠 2 . All the
equations of motion already read by us are valid for freely falling body
with the difference that a is replaced by g. For motions vertically
upwards (a) is replaced by (-g). The equation of motion:


Replace a=g

v=u+gt when body falls

in downward

v=u-gt when body goes

Fig 5: A ball can be thrown in different ways
S=ut+1/2a𝑡 2

Replace a=g & s=h

h=ut+ at2

v2 -u2 =2as

Replace s=h

v2 -u2 =2gh


Try and learn

1. A balloon is at a height of 81 m and is ascending upwards with a

velocity of 12 m/s. A body of 2𝑘𝑔 weight is dropped from it. If
g=10m/s2 , the body will reach the surface of the earth in
(a)1.5 s (b) 4.025 s
(c) 5.4 s (d) 6.75 s
1 1
h=ut+ gt2 ⇒81=-12t+ ×10×t2 ⇒t=5.4sec
2 2

2. A balloon starts rising from the ground with an acceleration of 1.25

m/s2 after 8s, a stone is released from the balloon. The stone will
(g=10 m/s2)
(a) Reach the ground in 4 second
(b) Begin to move down after being released
(c) Have a displacement of 50 m
(d) Cover a distance of 40 m in reaching the ground
Solution: (a) When the stone is released from the balloon. Its
1 1 2
height h= at2 = ×1.25×(8) =40 m and velocity
2 2

v=at=1.25×8=10 m/s
Time taken by the stone to reach the ground

v 2gh 10 2×10×40
t= [1+√1+ ] = 10 [1+√1+ 2 ]=4 sec
g v2 (10)

3. If a body is thrown up with the velocity of 15 m/s then maximum
height attained by the body is (g = 10 m/s2)
(a) 11.25 m (b) 16.2 m
(c) 24.5 m (d) 7.62 m
u2 (15)
Solution: (a) hmax =
2g 2×10


1. A body is projected vertically upwards with a velocity ‘u’ returns to

the starting point in 4 seconds. If g = 10 m/sec2, the value of ‘u’ is

(a) 5 m/sec b) 10 m/sec (c) 15 m/sec (d) 20 m/sec

2. A stone is thrown with an initial speed of 4.9 m/s from a bridge in

vertically upward direction. It falls down in water after 2 sec. The

height of the bridge is

(a) 4.9 m (b) 9.8 m (c) 19.8 m (d) 24.7 m

3. A body starts to fall freely under gravity. The distances covered by it

in first, second and third second are in ratio

(a) 1:3:5 (b) 1:2:3 (c) 1:4:9 (d) 1:5:6

F. Mass and weight

The amount of matter contained in a body is called its mass.
The measure of the quantity of matter In a body is called its mass. The
mass of a body is a scalar quantity. It is independent of surroundings
and the position of the body. It is a constant quantity for a given body.
Mass is measured in kilograms (kg) in SI system.

Characteristics of mass of a body :-

1. Mass of a body is proportional to the quantity of matter contained

in it.
2. Mass of a body does not depend on
the shape, size and the state of the
3. Mass of a body remains the same at
all place. This means, the mass of a
Fig 6: Typical beam balance use to
body will be same throughout the measure mass of the substance

universe. This is because the

quantity of matter contained in the body does not change
throughout the universe.
4. Mass of a body does not change in the presence of other bodies
near it.
5. Mass of a body is a scalar quantity.
6. Mass of a body can be measured with the help of a beam balance.
7. Masses of object or bodies are added algebraically.


The force with which a body is

attracted by the earth is known as
the weight of the body. When the
earth attracts a body with a
gravitational force, the body
accelerates towards the earth with Fig 7: We stand on weighing machine
to measure our weight
an acceleration due to gravity (g).

Thus, the force with which body of mass
m is attracted by the earth is given by F =
ma = m × g = mg.

G. Thrust and pressure

Thrust: Force acting normally on a surface

is called the thrust.
Thrust is a vector quantity and is
Fig 8: Typical spring balance
measured in the unit of force, i.e., newton use to measure the weight of
the substance

Pressure: The thrust acting on unit area of the surface is called the
pressure. Pressure is directly proportional to the force. Pressure in
inversely proportional to the area.

Fig 9: Pressure is more when area is less Fig 10: Pressure is force per unit area

For the examples:

Ex. A sharp knife cuts easily than a blunt knife by applying the same
Ex. A sharp needle pressed against our skin pierces it. But a blunt
object with a wider contact area does not affect the skin when
pressed against it with the same force.


Fig 11: Pressure is low if area high, Pressure is high if area low

Pressure triangle

Pressure triangle is useful to remember

the relation between Force, Pressure and

H. Density and relative density

Density of a substance is defined as its mass per unit volume.

Density = Mass/Volume

Unit of density :- Since mass (M) is measured in kilogram (kg) and

the volume (V) is measured in metre3 (m3), the unit of density is

kg/m3. In cgs system, the unit of density is g cm–3. These units are

related as : 1 g cm–3 = 1000 kgm–3.

Fig 12: Density of solid is highest, then for liquids and for gases density is lowest

Relative density:

Relative density (R.D.) of a substance is the ratio of the density of the

substance to the density of water at 4°C.
Density of the substance
Relative Density =
Density of water at 4°C

Unit of Relative Density

Since relative density is a ratio of two similar quantities, it has no unit.

Pressure in fluids

A substance which can flow is called a fluid. All liquids and gases are
thus fluids. We know that a solid exerts pressure on a surface due to
its weight. Similarly, a fluid exerts pressure on the container in which
it is contained due to its weight. However, unlike a solid, a fluid exerts
pressure in all directions. A fluid contained in a vessel exerts pressure
at all points of the vessel and in all directions. All the streams of water
reach almost the same distance in the air.


Try and learn

1. Three liquids of densities 𝑑, 2𝑑 and 3𝑑 are mixed in equal

proportions of weights. The relative density of the mixture is
11d 18d 13d 23d
(a) (b) (c) (d)
7 11 9 18
3m 3m 3×6 18
Solution: (b)ρmix = =m m m = d= d
V1 +V2 +V3 + + 11 11
d 2d 3d

2. Three liquids of densities 𝑑, 2𝑑 and 3𝑑 are mixed in equal volumes.

Then the density of the mixture is
(a) d (b) 2d (c)3d (d)5d
m1 +m2 +m3 V(d+2d+3d)
Solution: (b) ρmixture = = = 2d.
3V 3V


1. From the adjacent figure, the correct observation is

Wate Wate
r r

(a) (b)

(a)The pressure on the bottom of tank (a) is greater than at the

bottom of (b).
(b)The pressure on the bottom of the tank (a) is smaller than at the
bottom of (b)
(c) The pressure depend on the shape of the container
(d)The pressure on the bottom of (a) and (b) is the same

2. Why the dam of water reservoir is thick at the bottom
(a) Quantity of water increases with depth
(b) Density of water increases with depth
(c) Pressure of water increases with depth
(d) Temperature of water increases with depth

I. Pascal’s law & buoyancy

In an enclosed fluid, if pressure is changed in any part of the fluid, then
this change of pressure is transmitted undiminished to all the other
parts of the fluid.
When a body is partially or wholly immersed in a liquid, an upward
force acts on it which is called up thrust or buoyant force. The property
of the liquids responsible for this force is called buoyancy.

Checkpoint - 6

1. Pressure applied to an enclosed fluid is transmitted undiminished

to every portion of the fluid and the walls of the containing vessel.
This law was first formulated by
(a) Bernoulli (b) Archimedes
(c) Boyle (d) Pascal

2. Two pieces of metal when immersed in a liquid have equal up

thrust on them; then

(a) Both pieces must have equal weights

(b) Both pieces must have equal densities

(c) Both pieces must have equal volumes

(d) Both are floating to the same depth
3. A body is just floating on the surface of a liquid. The density of the
body is same as that of the liquid. The body is slightly pushed
down. What will happen to the body
(a) It will slowly come back to its earlier position
(b) It will remain submerged, where it is left
(c) It will sink
(d) It will come out violently
4. An ice block contains a glass ball when the ice melts within the
water containing vessel, the level of water
(a) Rises (b) Falls
(c) Unchanged (d) First rises and then falls

5. A large ship can float but a steel needle sinks because of

(a) Viscosity (b) Surface tension

(c) Density (d) None of these

6. Construction of submarines is based on
(a) Archimedes’ principle (b) Bernoulli’s theorem

(c) Pascal’s law (d) Newton’s laws


Bird’s-eye view

• Gravitation is the property due to which one mass attracts other

• Universal law of gravitation is valid everywhere, for every small-large
entity, no matter how far they are located.
• The value universal constant G does not depend upon anything, it
is independent of all the variables.
• If a packet is just released from an artificial satellite, it does not fall
to the earth. On the other hand, it will continue orbiting along with
the satellite.
• To the astronauts in space, the sky appears black due to the
absence of atmosphere above them.
• The planets are heavenly bodies revolving around the sun. The sun
and the nine planets, revolving around it, constitute the solar
• Planets describe equal area around the sun in equal intervals of
• Buoyancy is the phenomenon due to which any object immersed
inside the fluid experiences up thrust.
• Archimedes Principle gives the magnitude of buoyancy force
acting on the object immersed inside the fluid.
• Density is defined as mass per unit volume.
• Relative density is the ratio of density of the material with respect
to the density of the water.
• Pressure is defined as force per unit area.
• Thrust is defined as perpendicular force over a surface area.

• Freefall is falling under the sole influence of the gravity.
• The gravitational force of attraction on any object by the earth if
called force of gravity or simply gravity.
• Mass is defined as amount of content/matter in a given object.
• Weight is defined as the gravitational pull of the earth on a given
• Acceleration due to gravity decreases with height.
• Acceleration due to gravity decreases with depth.
• Acceleration due to gravity hold maximum at the surface of the

Solved examples

1. What are the differences between the mass of an object and its
Ans. Mass is defined as the amount of content inside anybody. Weight is
amount of force acting due to gravity on any given body.
2. What do you mean by acceleration due to gravity?
Ans. The acceleration produced in a body due to force of gravity is
called acceleration due to gravity. It is denoted by g. The value of
acceleration due to gravity is taken as 9.8 ms–2 at the sea level.
3. What is the importance of universal law of gravitation ?
Ans. Importance of universal law of gravitation is as follows :
(i)It is the gravitational force between the sun and the earth, which
makes the earth to move around the sun with a uniform speed.
(ii)The tides formed in sea are because of gravitational pull exerted
by the sun and the moon on the surface of water.

(iii) It is the gravitational pull of earth, which keeps us and other bodies
firmly on the ground.
(iv) It is the gravitational pull of the earth, which holds our atmosphere
in place.
4. What is the acceleration of free fall ?
Ans. The average acceleration of free fall on the surface of earth is 9.81

5. What do we call the gravitational force between the earth and an
object ?
Ans. It is called force of gravity.
6. Why will a sheet of paper fall slower than one that is crumpled into
a ball ?
Ans. Sheet crumpled into a ball has small surface area as compared to
the similar unfolded sheet. Therefore unfolded sheet will experience
more friction due to air as compared to the sheet crumpled into a ball
in spite of same force of gravity acts upon them. It is larger friction of
air which slows down the unfolded sheet and therefore it falls slower
as compared to sheet crumpled into a ball.
7. A cricket ball is thrown up with a speed of 19.6 ms–1. The maximum
height it can reach is
u2 19.6×19.6
Ans. H
2g 2×9.8 max

8. Calculate the force of gravitation between the earth and the Sun,
given that the mass of the earth = 6 x 1024 kg and of the Sun = 2 x
1030 kg. The average distance between the two is 1.5 x 1011m.
Ans. Me = 6 x 1024 kg G = 6.67 x 10–11 Nm2/kg2
Ms = 2 x 1030 kg
d = 1.5 x 1011 m

Me Ms
∴ Gravitational force F=G 2

6.67×10-11 /kg2 ×6×1024 kg×2×1030 kg

F= 2
(1.5×1011 m)
9. A stone is thrown vertically upward with an initial velocity of 40
m/s. Taking g = 10 m/s2, find the maximum height reached by the
stone. What is the net displacement and the total distance
covered by the stone?
Ans. u = 40 m/s
g = –10 m/s2 (going against gravity)
v2 – u2 = 2gs
(0)2 – (40)2 = 2 (–10)× s
∴ s=

∴ s=80m
Net displacement of the stone = 0 (As the stone falls, back to the
same point.
Total distance covered by stone = 80 m + 80 m= 160
(up) (down)
10. Gravitational force on the surface of the moon is only 1/6 as strong
as gravitational force on the earth. What is the weight in Newtons
of a 10 kg object on the moon and on the earth?
Ans. Mass of the object = 10 kg
Weight of the object on earth = W = m × g

∴ W = 10 × 9.8
W = 98 N
Weight of the object on moon = th the weight on the earth.
As the gravitational force on the surface of the moon is only th as

strong as gravitational force on the surface of the earth.

∴ Weight of the object on moon= =16.3N

Weight on earth = 98 N
Weight on moon = 16.3 N
11. The earth and the moon are attracted to each other by gravitational
force. Does the earth attract the moon with a force that is greater
or smaller or the same as the force with which the moon attracts
the earth? Why?
Ans. The value of F is same for earth and the moon. Both bodies will
exert the same amount of force on each other.
As per universal law of gravitation, everybody attracts the other body
with some force and this force is same for both the bodies called
gravitational force.
12. If the moon attracts the earth, why does the earth not move
towards; the moon?
Ans. According to the universal, law of gravitation both moon and
earth attract each other with a force that is directly proportional to the
product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of
distance between them.
The force of attraction of moon’ on the earth is present, but the earth
does not appear to move towards the moon as the mass of the earth
is large and the distance between the moon and earth is so large, even

if the earth is attracted/moves towards the ,moon it is negligible,
cannot be seem.
13. What: happens to the force between two objects, if
(i) the mass of one object is doubled?
(ii) the distance between the objects is doubled and tripled?
(iii) the masses of both objects are doubled?
Ans. (i) If the mass of one object is doubled, the force between two
objects will be doubled (increases)
(ii) If the distance been the objects is doubled the force between two
objects will be one-fourth and if the distance will be tripled, the force
will be one-ninth (1/9).
(iii) If the masses of both objects are doubled the force will be 4 times.
As F ∞ 2

14. What is the importance of universal law of gravitation?

Ans. The universal law of gravitation explains several phenomena:
(i) it explains about the force that binds the earth,
(ii) the motion of the moon around the earth,
(iii) the motion of planets around the sun, and
(iv) the tides due to the moon and the sun.
15. What is the acceleration-of free fall?
Ans. The acceleration of free fall is; when the Body falls due to earth’s
gravitational pull, its velocity changes and is said to be accelerated
due to .the earth’s gravity and it falls freely called as free fall. This
acceleration is calculated to be 9.8 m/s2.
16. What do we call the gravitational force between the earth and an

Ans. The gravitational force between the earth and an object is called
force due to gravity.
17. Gravitational force acts on all objects in proportion to their masses.
Why then, a heavy object does not fall faster than a light object?
Ans. The heavy object when falls, the acceleration due to gravity ‘g’ is
acting which is independent of the mass of the body.
Gravitation force is
∴ F and g are different.
18. What is the magnitude of the gravitational force between the earth
and a 1 kg object on its surface? [Mass of the earth is 6 x 1024 kg and
radius of the earth is 6.4 x 106 m].
Ans. The magnitude of the gravitational force between earth and an
object is given by the formula.
m=1kg, M=6×1024 kg.
R=6.4×106m, G=6.67×10-11 Nm2/kg2
6.67×10-11 Nm2 /kg2 ×6×1024 kg×1kg
∴F= 2
(6.4×106 m)
∴F=9.8 N

19. What are the differences between the mass of an object and its

Mass Weight

1. Weight of the body is the force

1. Mass of a body is the
with which it is attracted
measure of its inertia.
towards the earth (W = m x g).

2. Its S.I. unit is kg. 2. Its S.I unit is Newton.

3. It remains constant
3. Its value changes from place to
everywhere and it
place and it can be zero.
cannot be zero.

4. It can be measured by 4. It can be measured by spring

beam-balance. balance.

5. It has only magnitude 5. It has both magnitude and

i.e. it is a scalar quantity. direction i.e.

20. Why is the weight of an object on the moon 1/6th its weight on
the earth?
Ans. The weight of an object depends on ‘g’ acceleration due to
gravity, and the value of ‘g’ on earth: and moon is not same.
The mass and radius of the earth is more than the mass and radius
of the moon.
As W=g= the weight of a body on the earth is 6 times more than

the weight of a same body on moon.


Multiple Choice Type (Each carries one mark)

1. The value of G does not depend on

(a) Nature of inter acting bodies
(b) Size of the interacting bodies
(c) Mass of the interacting bodies
d) All of the above
2. A body falls freely towards the earth with
(a)Uniform speed (b)Uniform velocity
(c)Uniform acceleration (d)None of the above
3. S.I unit of g is
(a)m2/s (b)s/m2 (c)m/s2 (d)m/s
4. A body is weighed at the poles and then at the equator. The
(a)At the equator will be greater than the poles
(b)At the poles will be greater than at the equator
(c)At the poles will be equal to the weight at the equator
(d)Depends upon the object
5. Maximum weight of a body is
(a)At the centre of the earth
(b)Inside the earth
(c)On the surface of the earth
(d)Above the surface of the earth

6. The force of gravitation exists
(a)Everywhere in the universe
(b)At the surface of the earth only
(c)Inside the earth only
(d)At the surface of the moon only

7. If the distance between two masses be doubled, then the force

between them will become
(a)¼ times (b)4 times
(c)½ times (d)2 times
8. What is the value of universal gravitational constant on moon if
its value is G on earth?
(a)G (b)G/6 (c)G/3 (d)G/2
9. Which can be zero at the centre of the earth?
(a)Mass only (b)Weight only
(c)Both mass and weight (d)None of the above
10. The acceleration due to gravity varies on the earth with
(a)Distance from the equator (b)Altitude
(c)Mass of the object (d)Both (a) and (b)
11. What is the centripetal force that makes moon revolve around
(a)Gravitational Force (b)Electrostatic Force
(c)Magnetic Force (d)None
12. Which of the following case do not take place due to
gravitational force?
(a)Earth revolution around Sun
(b)Magnet attracting Iron Nails
(c)Apple falling from tree

(d)All are due to gravity
13. Weight of an object on the surface of the moon is
(a) ½ of the weight of the object on the surface of the earth
(b)¼ of the weight of the object on the surface of the earth
(c)1/6 of the weight of the object on the surface of the earth
(d) 1/8 of the weight of the object on the surface of the earth
14. The force which keeps the body to move in a circular motion when
accelerated is
(a) Centripetal force (b) Magnetic force
(c) Electrostatic force (d) Magnetic force
15. If a rock is brought from the surface of the moon,
(a) Its mass will change
(b) Its weight will change but not mass
(c) Both mass end weight will change
(d) Its mass and weight both will remain same
16. A body is weighed et the poles and then at the equator. The weight
(a) At the equator will be greater than the poles
(b) At Be poles will be greater than at the equator
(c) At the poles will be equal to the weight at the equator
(d) Depends upon the object
17. Consider a satellite going round the earth in a circular orbit. Which
of the following statements is wrong
(a) It is a freely falling body
(b) It is moving with constant speed,
(c) It is acted upon by a force directed away from the centre of the
earth which counter –balances the gravitational pull
(d) Its angular momentum remains constant

18. A missile is launched with a velocity less then the escape velocity.
The sum of its kinetic and potential energy
(a) Positive

(b) Negative

(c) May be positive

(d)) Negative depending upon its initial velocity

19. SI unit of g is
𝑚 𝑚
(a) (b) 𝑠/𝑚2 (c) (d)m/s
𝑠2 𝑠2

20. SI unit of G is
m2 m2
(a)N2 - (b) N-
kg kg
(c) N-m/kg (d) Nm/k g2
21. Choose the correct statement of the following:
(a) All bodies repel each other in this universe.
(b) Our earth does not behave like a magnet
(c) Acceleration due to gravity is 8.9

(d) All bodies fall at the same rate in vacuum

22. Maximum weight of a body is
(a) At the centre of the earth
(b) Inside the earth

(c) On surface of the earth

(d) Above the surface of the earth

23. If the distance between two masses be doubled. then the force
between then will become
(a) 1/4 times (b) 4 times (c) ½ times (d) 2 times

24. A body falls freely towards the earth with
(a) Uniform speed
(b) Uniform velocity
(c) Uniform acceleration
(d) None of these
25. The mass of a body is M on the surface of the earth, then its mass
on the surface of the moon will be
(a) M/4 (b) M (c) M+6 (d)zero
26. Weight
(a) Is a vector quantity
(b) Of a body in interplanetary space is maximum
(c) Increases when the bodies go up
(d) None of these
27. The value of g near the earth surface is
(a) 8.9 m/s (b)8.9 m/s
(c) 9.8 𝑚/𝑠 2 (d)9.8 𝑚/𝑠
28. A geostationary satellite
(a) Moves faster than the near earth satellite
(b) Has a time period less that of a near earth satellite
(c) Revolves about the polar axis
(d) Is stationary in space
29. The product of their masses of gravitation between two bodies
depend upon
(a) Their separation (b) Gravitation constant
(c) Product of their masses (d) All of these
30. When an object is through up ,the force of gravity
(a) Acts of the direction of the motion
(b) Acts in the opposite direction of the motion

(c) Remain constant at the body moves up
(d) Increases as the body moves up
31. The force of gravitation exists
(a) Everywhere in the universe
(b) At the surface of the earth only
(c) Inside the earth only
(d) At the surface of the moon only

32. 1kg wt is equal to

(a) 9.8 N (b) 980N (c) 98 N (d) None of these
33. 1 kg wt is equal to
(a) 980 dynes (b) 9.80 dyne (c) 98 dyne (d) None of these
34. The value of G does not depend on
(a) Nature of the interacting bodies
(b) Size of the interacting bodies

True or false

1. The force of attraction between two bodies is called

2. The value of G depends upon the mass of two objects.
3. If a spring balance, holding a heavy object is released, it will read
zero weight.
4. The value of G is high if the radius of the body is more and less if
radius is less.
5. The centre of mass and centre of gravity for a small body lie at the
same point.
6. The gravitational force between two bodies changes if a material
body is placed between them.
7. The acceleration of a body thrown up is numerically the same as
the acceleration of a downward falling body but opposite is sign.

8. The value of g is zero at the centre of the earth.
9. The inertia of an object depends upon its mass.
10. All objects attract each other along the line joining their centre of
11. Acceleration due to gravity, g =Gm/r2, where symbols have their
usual meanings.
12. Relative density has no unit.
13. Archimedes' principle does not apply to gases.
14. Any solid will sink in water if its relative density is less than unity.

Fill in the blanks

1. .................... is the force of attraction between any two bodies in the
2. .................... is the force of attraction between a body and a planet.
3. Acceleration due to gravity .................... with height from the surface of
the earth.
4. Acceleration due to gravity .................... with depth from the surface of
the earth.
5. Acceleration due to gravity is a maximum at the ....................
6. .................... of a body changes from place to place but its ....................
remains constant.
7. The upward force experienced by a body immersed partially or fully
in a fluid is called ....................
8. Density of a substance is defined as the ratio of the mass of a body
to its ....................
9. Relative density of a substance is defined as the ratio of the density
of the substance to the density of water at ....................

10. In cgs the relative density of a substance is .................... equal to its

density in gcm–3.
11. The combined weight of the sinker and cork is .................... than the
weight of the sinker alone.
12. For a body to float the density of the floating object should be
.................... than or equal to the density of the liquid in which it is to
13. The centre of .................... is a point, where the total upthrust, due to
fluid displaced by part .................... of body acts.
14. A fish .................... by squeezing out air, from its ....................
15. When a body is partly or wholly immersed in a .................... , it
experience an ....................

Very Short Answer Type (Each carries one mark)

1. Who gave the Universal law of gravitation
2. What do you mean by gravitation ?
3. State Universal law of gravitation.
4. Define Universal gravitational constant (G)..
5. Write down the unit of ‘G’ in S.I.
6. What is the value of ‘G’ ?

7. The value of G = 6.673 × 10–11 Nm2 kg–2 on the surface of the earth.
What is the value of G on the surface of the moon ?
8. The gravitational force between the earth and an object is known
as ............
9. The gravitational force between two objects on the earth is 2 N.
What will be the gravitational force between these two objects on
the surface of the moon ?

10. Name the force which is responsible for the revolution of planets
around the sun.
11. Name the force which is responsible for the revolution of moon
around the earth.
12. The gravitational force between two bodies varies with r as
(a) 1/r (b) 1/r2 (c) r2 (d) r
13. Is acceleration due to gravity on the surface of moon less or more
than the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of earth ?
14. Write the expression for the acceleration due to gravity.
15. What is the SI unit of acceleration due to gravity (g)
16. What is the value of acceleration due to gravity on the surface of
earth ?
17. Is acceleration due to gravity a scalar or a vector quantity ?
18. What is the value of acceleration due to gravity on the surface of
moon ?
19. Acceleration due to gravity on the surface of moon = ........ ×
Acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the earth.
20. Where is the acceleration due to gravity more : at poles or at
equator ?
21. What is the value of 'g' at the centre of the earth ?
22. What will be the direction of acceleration due to gravity if the body
is thrown vertically upward ?
23. Define mass of a body.

Short Answer Type (2 marks or 3 marks):

1. What is the gravitational acceleration of a spaceship at a distance

equal to two Earth's radius from the centre of the Earth?

2. A boy on a cliff 49 m high drops a stone. One second later, he

throws a second stone after the first. They both hit the ground at
the same time. With what speed did he throw the second stone ?

3. A stone drops from the edge of the roof. It passes a window 2 m

high in 0·1 s. How far is the roof above the top of the window?

4. A particle is dropped from a tower 180 m high. How long does it

take to reach the ground? What is the velocity when it touches
the ground ? Take g = 10 m/s2.

5. To estimate the height of a bridge over a river, a stone is dropped

freely on the river from the bridge. The stone takes 2 s to touch the
water surface in the river. Calculate the height of the bridge from
the water level. Take g = 9·8 m/s2.

6. How much would a 70 kg man weigh on moon? What will be his

mass on Earth and Moon? Given g on Moon = 1·7 m/s2.

7. A body has a weight of 10 kg on the surface of Earth. What will be

its mass and weight when taken to the centre of Earth?
8. A force of 2 kg wt acts on a body of mass 4·9 kg. Calculate its

9. A force of 20 N acts upon a body whose weight is 9·8 N. What is

the mass of the body and how much is its acceleration ?

10. A man weighs 600 N on the Earth. What is its mass? Take g = 10
m/s2. If he were taken on Moon, his weight would be 100 N. What is
his mass on Moon? What is acceleration due to gravity on Moon?

11. A car falls off a ledge and drops to the ground in 0·5 s. Let g = 10
m/s2 (for simplifying the calculations). (i) What is its speed on
striking the ground? (ii) What is its average speed during 0·5 s ?
(iii) How high is the ledge from the ground?

12. An object is thrown vertically upwards and rises to a height of 10

m. Calculate (i) the velocity with which the object was thrown
upwards and (ii) the time taken by the object to reach the highest

13. Mass of an object is 10 kg. What is its weight on Earth?

14. An object weighs 10 N when measured on the surface of the Earth.

What would be its weight when measured on the surface of Moon

15. Calculate the value of acceleration due to gravity on Moon. Given

mass of Moon = 7·4 × 1022 kg, radius of Moon = 1740 km.

16. Suppose a planet exists whose mass and radius both are half
those of Earth. Calculate the acceleration due to gravity on the
surface of this planet.

17. A ball is thrown up with a speed of 15 m/s. How high will it go

before it begins to fall? Take g = 9·8 m/s2.

18. A block of wood is kept on a table top. The mass of wooden block
is 5 kg and its dimensions are 40 cm × 20 cm × 10 cm. Find the
pressure exerted by the wooden block on the table top if it is

made to lie on the table top with its sides of dimensions (a) 20 cm
× 10 cm and (b) 40 cm × 20 cm.

19. Relative density of silver is 10.8. The density of water is 103 kg m–

. What is the density of silver in SI unit ?

20. How does the force of gravitation between two objects change
when the distance between them is reduced to half?

21. Gravitational force acts on all objects in proportion to their

masses. Why then, a heavy object does not fall faster than a
light object?

22. What is the magnitude of the gravitational force between the

earth and a 1 kg object on its surface? (Mass of the earth is 6 ×
1024 kg and radius of the earth is 6.4 × 106 m.)

23. Gravitational force on the surface of the moon is only 1/6 as

strong as gravitational force on the earth. What is the weight in
newtons of a 10 kg object on the moon and on the earth?

24. A ball is thrown vertically upwards with a velocity of 49 m/s.


(i) The maximum height to which it rises,

(ii) The total time it takes to return to the surface of the earth.
25. A stone is released from the top of a tower of height 19.6 m.
Calculate its final velocity just before touching the ground.

Long Answer Type (Each carries four marks or five marks)

1. State Newton's law of gravitations. Write a mathematical

expression for it.
2. What is acceleration due to gravity ? Find an expansion for it.
3. According to Newton's law of gravitation, the gravitational force is
more if mass is more. Why then all objects fall towards the earth
with the same acceleration ?
4. Bring out the difference between mass, inertia and weight.
5. Give five points of distinction between mass and weight.
6. Mention some applications of Newton's law of gravitation.
7. Show mathematically that a body will weigh one sixth on the
surface of the moon as that on the surface of the earth.

8. What is up thrust ? What are the factors on which it depends ?

9. Show that when a body is immersed in water it loses weight.
10. Describe briefly how you can arrive at Archimedes principle
11. Describe briefly an experiment to verify Archimedes principle.
12. State and prove Archimedes principle.
13. Explain how will you measure the relative density of a solid lighter
than water ?
14. Explain how you will determine the relative density of a material by
using Archimedes principle.


Word search

Universal Newton

Gravity Freefall

Acceleration Upthrust

Density Pressure

Satellite Gravitation

Buoyancy Pascal




3. Scientist who gave law of buoyancy

4. Mass per unit volume


1. Gravitational attraction by the

earth on any body

2. Falling under the sole influence

of gravity

3. Scientist who gave Universal law

of gravitation


4. attraction between masses is called

6. amount of content/matter in a


1. The force with which a body is

attracted by the earth

2. The force by fluid on the object

if it is immersed inside

3. Force per unit area

5. Force acting normally on a surface




1. A
2. D
3. B
4. D

1. C
2. B
3. C
4. C

1. C
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. B
6. D

1. D
2. B
3. A


1. D
2. C

1. D
2. C
3. B
4. B
5. C
6. A

Novice level

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34

True or false

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Fill in the blanks

1. Gravitation 2. Gravity 3. Decreases

4. Decreases 5. Poles 6. Weight, mass
7. Buoyant force 8. Volume 9. 4°C
10. Numerically 11. Less 12. Less
13. Buoyancy, the immersed 14. Dives, floating tube
15. Fluid, up thrust

1. Sir Issac Newton gave the universal law of gravitation
2. The force of attraction between any two particles in the universe is
called gravitation.
3. The force of attraction between two particles or objects is (i)
directly proportional to the product of the masses of the objects and
(ii) Inversely proportional to the square of the distance between
4. Universal gravitational constant is defined as the force of attraction
between two objects of unit masses separated by unit distance.

5. m2 /kg2.

6. G= 6.673 × 10–11 Nm2/Kg2.

7. The value of G on the surface of the moon = value of G on the surface

of the earth (i.e., 6.673 × 10–11 Nm2 kg–2)

8. Gravity or force of gravity.

9. Same force i.e. 2 N.
10. Gravitational force of attraction between the planet and the sun.
This force provides the necessary centripetal force to the planet to
move in a circular orbit around the sun.
11. The Gravitational force between the earth and the moon provides
the centripetal force to the moon to move in a circular path around
the earth.
12. (b)
13. Acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the moon is less than
that on the surface of the earth.
14. g = GM/R2
15. ms–2
16. g = 9.8 ms–2
17. It is a vector quantity.
18. g = 1.6 ms–2 on the surface of moon.
19. 1/6
20. At poles
21. Zero.
22. The direction of acceleration due to gravity is always towards the
centre of the earth i.e. in the downward direction.
23. Mass of a body is defined as the quantity of matter contained in the

Short Answers
1. 2.45 m/s2
2. 12.1 m/s
3. 19.4 m
4. 6 s, 60 m/s
5. 19.6 m
6. 119 N, 70 kg, 70 kg
7. 10 kg, zero
8. 4 m/s2
9. 1 kg, 20 m/s2
10. 60 kg, 60 kg, 1.67 m/s2
11. (i) 5 m/s (ii) 2.5 m/s (iii) 1.25 SI unit
12. 14 m/s, 1.43 s
13. 98 N
14. 1.67 N
15. 15. 1.63 m/s2
16. 19.6 m/s2
17. 11.48 m
18. (i) 2459 N/m2 (ii) 612.5 N/m2
19. 10.8 X 103 kg/m3
20. 4F
21. anet = g
22. 9.8 N
23. Weight on earth is 98 N and on moon is 16.3 N
24. Maximum height is 122.5 m and total time is 5 s + 5 s = 10 s
25. 19.6 m/s


Advance level
Word search

Crosswords - 1

1. Gravity 2. Freefall

3. Archimedes 4. Density

5. Newton

Crossword - 2

1. Gravity 2. Buoyancy

3. Pressure 4. Gravitation

5. Thrust 6. Mass



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