Final Report
Final Report
Final Report
Academic Year
Shivnagar Vidya Prasarak Mandal’s
Malegaon (BK), Tal-Baramati, Dist-Pune, Pin:-413115.
This is to certify that Project report entitled “E- Payment Of Msbte Exam Form”
for academic yaer 2023-24 is submitted by following students
Shivnagar Vidya Prasarak Mandal’s
Malegaon (Bk), Tal-Baramati, Dist-Pune, 413115
This is to certify that project “E- Payment Of Msbte Exam Form” submitted by
following students
Date: / / 2024
Project Members-
Mr. Atul Sunil Girigosavi 2100380202
Mr. Gaurav Santosh Mane 2100380205
Mr. Yogiraj Mohan Khaladkar 2100380211
Mr. Siddhant Pandurang More 2100380218
E-Payment of Msbte exam form is a web application for students to fill out exam form and
send payment through online. This system was intended to develop an application that
perform functionalities like fill exam form online without placing him/her in a queue for a
long time. This system is helpful for student to pay the exam fee online from anywhere in
the state and no need to worry about renewal exam forms. Before this application
implementation the manual process is used to do the process of issuing the exam payment to
the students. This manual process is more time-consuming. To avoid such difficulties we
implemented this system.
a. First Pages -
b. Certificate -
c. Acknowledgment i
d. Abstract ii
e. Index iii
e. List of figures v
f. List of Tables vi
g. List of Abbrevition vii
1. Introduction………………………………………………... 01-04
1.1 Introduction………………………………………………..……….02
1.2 Purpose of the study ……………………………………………... .02
1.3 Scope of the study………………………………………………….03
1.4 Exiting System……………………………………………………..03
1.5 Proposed System………………………………………………...…03
1.6 Features of System…………………………………….…………...03
1.7 Need of System………………………………….………………....03
1.8 Project Planning……………………………….…………………...04
3. System Requriment’s………………………………………..08-09
3.1 Hardware Requirement………………………………………......…09
3.2 Software Requirement……………………………………………...09
4. Feasibility Study…………………………………………… 10-14
4.1 Feasibility Study ……………………………………………………11
4.2 Methodology………………………………………………………...12
5. System Design and development……………..…………….15-23
5.1 Modules Description………………………………………………..16
5.2 Technical Overview……..……………………………………….....16
5.3 Conceptual models …………………………………………………18
5.4 Database Design ……………………………………………...…….23
6. Interface design and Snapshots……………………..……24-27
5.5 ER Diagram 22
31 Software Requirements 9
Notation Description
ER : Entity Relationship
1.1 Introduction-
In this system we create the MSBTE system . we create three modules student, institute,
and MSBTE. In the student module students can see the result, and students can fill out
exam forms. It pays fees online as well as offline also. Students can check the notice,
which is sent by MSBTE and the institute. Students can also change their Password.
Students can log out from their Accounts.
In the Institute module, they can admit new students. During the Admission
Institute fill in Student Information. It can fill it result. They can conform to student exam
form. Institute can check progress of each Department. Institute can send Notice to
In the MSBTE Module it assign Enrollment no to the Student. It also define its
Semester wise subjects. It can check Progress of All Institute. It can send Notice to
Institute as well as Student.
and payment aligns with the expectations of modern candidates who are accustomed to
digital services. It enhances the overall user experience, making the examination
registration process more user-friendly and attractive.
So that the issues are ours to the students, by using online payment we remove the
inefficiency of the project & make the exam form-filling process as easy as possible.
This project is useful for students to fill out exam forms and also pay Exam fees in
Student level Module. It can be easily understandable for students. This project will give
Students Online Payment or Online Banking knowledge to pay online Money.
In this project institute can Send Notice directly to the Student. In this project, students
can fill Exam form Institute can Approve Students to the Exam. In this project, the
Institute can check the progress of all departments. In MSBTE level Module it can check
the Progress of All institutes And also it approves the Student for the exam when it fills
the exam form and exam fee.
Plan of Project
Final reporting writing/
By conducting a thorough literature review in these areas, you can gain valuable
insights, identify best practices, and inform the design and implementation of the MSBTE
system to meet the needs of students, institutes, and the board itself.
The Software Requirements Specification is produced at the culmination of the analysis task.
The function and performance allocated to software as part of computer engineering are
refined by establishing a complete information description, a detailed functional and
behavioral description, an indication of performance requirements and design constraints,
appropriate validation criteria, and other data pertinent to requirements.
Software Particulars Specification
Types of Feasibility
1) Technical Feasibility-
At least 4 GB RAM.
2) Operational Feasibility-
The site will reduce the time consumed to maintain manual records and
is not burdensome and time-intensive for maintaining the records. Hence
operational feasibility is assured.
4) Economical Feasibility-
Once the hardware and software requirements get fulfilled, there is no
need for the user of our system to spend any added overhead. For the user, the
website will be economically feasible in the following aspects:
The website will reduce a lot of paperwork. Hence the cost will be
Our website will reduce the time that is wasted on manual processes.
4.2 Methodology:
The Spiral Model is a risk-driven model, meaning that the focus is on managing risk
through multiple iterations of the software development process. It consists of the
following phases:
1. Planning
The first phase of the Spiral Model is the planning phase, where the scope of the
project is determined and a plan is created for the next iteration of the spiral.
2. Risk Analysis
In the risk analysis phase, the risks associated with the project are identified and
3. Engineering
In the engineering phase, the software is developed based on the requirements
gathered in the previous iteration.
4. Evaluation
In the evaluation phase, the software is evaluated to determine if it meets the
customer’s requirements and if it is of high quality.
5. Planning
The next iteration of the spiral begins with a new planning phase, based on the
results of the evaluation.
The Spiral Model is often used for complex and large software development projects, as it
allows for a more flexible and adaptable approach to software development. It is also well-
suited to projects with significant uncertainty or high levels of risk.
The Radius of the spiral at any point represents the expenses(cost) of the project so far, and
the angular dimension represents the progress made so far in the current phase.
Each phase of the Spiral Model is divided into four quadrants as shown in the above figure. The
functions of these four quadrants are discussed below:
1. Objectives determination and identify alternative solutions: Requirements are gathered
from the customers and the objectives are identified, elaborated, and analyzed at the start of
every phase. Then alternative solutions possible for the phase are proposed in this quadrant.
2. Identify and resolve Risks: During the second quadrant, all the possible solutions are
evaluated to select the best possible solution. Then the risks associated with that solution are
identified and the risks are resolved using the best possible strategy. At the end of this
quadrant, the Prototype is built for the best possible solution.
3. Develop the next version of the Product: During the third quadrant, the identified features are
developed and verified through testing. At the end of the third quadrant, the next version of the
software is available.
4. Review and plan for the next Phase: In the fourth quadrant, the Customers evaluate the so-far
developed version of the software. In the end, planning for the next phase is started.
5.1.Model Description:
1. Student Module:
- Functionality
- Fill exam forms.
- Pay fees online or offline.
- Check notices sent by MSBTE and the institute.
- Change password.
- Log out from their accounts.
2. Institute Module:
- Functionality:
- Admit new students.
- Fill in student information during admission.
- Confirm student exam forms.
- Check the progress of each department.
3. MSBTE Module:
- Functionality:
- Assign enrollment numbers to students.
- Define semester-wise subjects.
- Check the progress of all institutes.
- Send notices to institutes as well as students.
5.2.Technical Description:
4. Java Servlets:
Java Servlets are Java classes that extend the functionality of web servers to
handle HTTP requests and responses.
Servlets provide a robust and scalable way to develop server-side logic for web
They are deployed on a web server and receive requests from clients (usually
web browsers) over HTTP.
Servlets process requests, perform business logic, interact with databases or
other resources, and generate dynamic HTML content for responses.
Servlets follow the Java Servlet API, which defines a set of interfaces and classes
for handling servlet lifecycle, request processing, session management, etc.
They are typically used in conjunction with JSP to create dynamic and
interactive web applications using Java technology.
A use case diagram is a visual representation of how users interact with a system. It
uses specialized symbols and connectors to summarize the details of a system's users,
also known as actors, and their interactions with the system. Use cases are represented
by circles or ellipses, and actors are often shown as stick figures. Use case diagrams can
help businesses and developers design processes and systems, and establish the cost and
complexity of a system. They can also help teams discuss and represent:
A data flow diagram (DFD) is a visual representation of how data flows through a
process or system. DFDs use symbols and text labels to show the inputs, outputs,
storage points, and routes between each destination. DFDs also provide information
about the process itself, including the inputs and outputs of each entity. DFDs have
no control flow, meaning they don't have decision rules or loops. DFDs can help you
understand a system's logic and functions, and can improve productivity. They are
useful for communicating with users, managers, and other personnel. DFDs can also
be used to analyze existing and proposed systems
Activity Diagrams are used to illustrate the flow of control in a system and refer to
the steps involved in the execution of a use case. It is a type of behavioral diagram
and we can depict both sequential processing and concurrent processing of activities
using an activity diagram ie an activity diagram focuses on the condition of flow and
the sequence in which it happens.
5.3.4 ER Diagram:-
An ER diagram is a type of flowchart that shows how entities relate to each other. ER
stands for entity relationship. Entities are people, objects, or concepts within a
system. ER diagrams are often used when designing or debugging relational
Here are some examples of ER diagrams: Online shopping app, Library management
system, and Bank management system.
You can use ER diagram makers with templates, symbols, and notations to visualize
a database. These makers often have a drag-and-drop interface.
To design the database tables for this system, you would need to identify the entities and
their attributes based on the functionalities you described. Here's a basic outline of the
database tables you might need:
1.Student Table:
2.Institute Table:
3,MSBTE Table:
Here are some types of testing you might consider performing for each module:
Student Module:
1. User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
- Ensure students can effectively navigate the system.
- Test filling out exam forms, both online and offline.
- Test online payment functionality.
- Verify notice retrieval and password change features.
- Test logout functionality.
2. Integration Testing
- Check if student data integrates correctly with other modules.
- Verify if notice delivery works seamlessly with the notice-sending feature from MSBTE
and the Institute module.
Institute Module:
1. User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
- Ensure institute staff can effectively input student information during admission.
- Test result entry functionality.
- Verify exam form confirmation process.
- Test progress tracking for each department.
- Test notice sending to students.
2. Integration Testing
- Check if institute data integrates correctly with other modules.
- Verify if notice reception works seamlessly with the notice-sending feature from MSBTE
and the student module.
MSBTE Module:
1. User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
- Ensure MSBTE staff can assign enrollment numbers accurately.
- Test defining semester-wise subjects.
- Verify progress tracking of all institutes.
- Test notice sending to both institutes and students.
2. Integration Testing:
- Check if MSBTE data integrates correctly with other modules.
- Verify if notice reception works seamlessly with the notice-sending feature to institutes and
By conducting these types of testing, you can ensure the system is robust,
user-friendly, and meets the needs of students, institutes, and MSBTE.
2. Java 1546
3. CSS,JS 512
8.1 Applications-
Applications of E-Payment for MSBTE Exam Form
1. This system can be used in Exam Form.
2. This system can be used by a university or board.
3. This system can be used by students to fill out exam forms.
9.1 Conclusion:
This project is useful for student to fill exam form and also pay Exam fee
online as well as offline in Student level Module. It can be easily understandable for
In this project institute can Send Notice directly to the Student. In this project
student can fill Exam form Institute can Approve Student to Exam. In this project
Institute can check the Progress of all Department. In MSBTE level Module it can
check Progress of All Institute And also it is Approve the Student for exam when it is
fill the exam form and exam fee.
1. A Beginner‟s Guide to Payment Systems For E-Commerce. (nd). Retrieved February 22,
2013, from
2.Abrazhevich, D. (2004). Electronic payment systems: A user-centered perspective and
interaction design. Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.
3.Chou, Y., Lee, C. and Chung, J. (2004). Understanding M-commerce payment systems
through the analytic hierarchy process. Journal of Business Research 57, 1423–1430.
4. Connie, E. (2010). Online fee payment and administration: TIES. Burnsville-Eagan-
SavageFeepay. Retrieved March 20, 2013 from
Reference books and websites used during the entire project……..
Reference book Author
1. Eloquent JavaScript - Marijn Haverbeke
2. Java Servlet Programming- -William Cr Crawford
3. Responsive Web Design - Ben Frain
With HTML5 and CSS
Web Reference -