Chemistry Chapterwise MCQ Book Mht-Cet
Chemistry Chapterwise MCQ Book Mht-Cet
Chemistry Chapterwise MCQ Book Mht-Cet
1. The three states of matter are solid, liquid and gas. Which of 12. The total number of lattice arrangements in different crystal
the following statement is/are true about them. systems is.
(a) Gases and liquids have viscosity as a common property (a) 3 (b) 7 (c) 8 (d) 14
(b) The molecules in all the three states possess random 13. Bravais lattices are of.
translational motion (a) 8 types (b) 12 types (c) 14 types (d) 9 types
(c) Gases cannot be converted into solids without 14. The number of close neighbour in a body-centered cubic lattice
passing through the liquid phase of identical sphere is.
(a) 8 (b) 6 (c) 4 (d) 2
(d) Solids and liquids have vapour pressure as a
15. The formula for determination of density of unit cell is.
common property
a3 N o NM
2. A pure crystalline substance, on being heated gradually, first (a) g cm − 3 (b) g cm − 3
NM a3 N o
forms a turbid looking liquid and then the turbidity completely
disappears. This behaviour is the characteristic of substances a3 M M No
forming. (c) g cm − 3 (d) g cm − 3
N No a3 N
(a) Isomeric crystals (b) Liquid crystals
16. If an atom is present in the centre of the cube, the participation
(c) Isomorphous crystals (d) Allotropic crystals
of that atom per unit cell is.
3. NaCl is an example of. 1 1 1
(a) Covalent solid (b) Ionic solid (a) (b) 1 (c) (d)
4 2 8
(c) Molecular solid (d) Metallic solid 17. The number of spheres contained (i) in one body centered cubic
4. Amorphous substances show. unit cell and (ii) in one face centered cubic unit cell, is.
(A) Short and long range order (B) Short range order (a) In (i) 2 and in (ii) 4 (b) In (i) 3 and in (ii) 2
(C) Long range order (D) Have no sharp M.P. (c) In (i) 4 and in (ii) 2 (d) In (i) 2 and in (ii) 3
(a) A and C are correct (b) B and C are correct
(c) C and D are correct (d) B and D are correct 18. Frenkel defect is caused due to.
5. The characteristic features of solids are. (a) An ion missing from the normal lattice site creating a
(a) Definite shape vacancy
(b) Definite size (b) An extra positive ion occupying an interstitial
(c) Definite shape and size position in the lattice
(d) Definite shape, size and rigidity (c) An extra negative ion occupying an interstitial position in
6. Diamond is an example of. the lattice
(a) Solid with hydrogen bonding (b) Electrovalent solid (d) The shift of a positive ion from its normal lattice site to an
(c) Covalent solid (d) Glass interstitial site
7. The solid NaCl is a bad conductor of electricity since. 19. Schottky defect generally appears in.
(a) In solid NaCl there are no ions (a) NaCl (b) KCl
(b) Solid NaCl is covalent (c) CsCl (d) All of these
(c) In solid NaCl there is no velocity of ions 20. Due to Frenkel defect, the density of ionic solids.
(d) In solid NaCl there are no electrons (a) Increases (b) Decreases
8. The existence of a substance in more than one solid (c) Does not change (d) Changes
modifications is known as or Any compound having more than 21. What type of crystal defect is indicated in the diagram below?
two crystal structures is called.
Na+Cl– Na+Cl– Na+Cl–
(a) Polymorphism (b) Isomorphism
(c) Allotropy (d) Enantiomorphism Cl– Cl– Na+ Na+
9. Which is not a property of solids.
(a) Solids are always crystalline in nature Na+Cl– Cl– Na+Cl–
(b) Solids have high density and low compressibility Cl– Na+ Cl– Na+ Na+
(c) The diffusion of solids is very slow (a) Frenkel defect (b) Schottky defect
(d) Solids have definite volume (c) Interstitial defect (d) Frenkel and Schottky defects
22. In a face centered cubic lattice the number of nearest
10. Which of the following is an example of metallic crystal solid.
(a) C (b) Si (c) W (d) AgCl neighbours for a given lattice point are :
(a) 6 (b) 8 (c) 12 (d) 14
11. How many space lattices are obtainable from the different 23. Body centred cubic lattice has co–ordination number of :
crystal systems. (a) 8 (b) 12 (c) 6 (d) 4
(a) 7 (b) 14 (c) 32 (d) 230 24. The empty space between the shaded balls and hollow balls as
shown in the diagram is called
(a) Hexagonal void (b) Octahedral void
(c) Tetrahedral void (d) Double triangular void
25. In a multi layered close-packed structure
(a) There are twice as many tetrahedral holes as many close-
packed atoms
(b) There are as many tetrahedral holes as many closed
packed atoms
(c) There are twice as many octahedral holes as many close-
packed atoms
(d) There are as many tetrahedral holes as many octahedral
Matrix Science Academy
Solid State Solutions
16. (b)
Sol. Bcc structure has one atom shared by 1 unit cell.
17. (a)
Sol. The number of spheres in one body centred cubic and in
one face centred cubic unit cell is 2 and 4 respectively.
18. (d)
Sol. Frenkel’s defect is due to shift of an ion from the normal
lattice site (Creating a vacancy) and occupy interstitial spaces.
19. (d)
Sol. Schottky defects occurs in highly ionic compounds which
have high co-ordination number ex.
Matrix Science Academy
Chemistry-Solid State Level-2
1. The lattice site in a pure crystal cannot be occupied by ……. . (d) In this arrangement spheres of the fourth layer are exactly
(a) Molecule (b) Ion (c) Electron (d) Atom aligned with those of the first layer.
2. The total number of tetrahedral voids in the face centred unit
cell is ………. . 11. Schottky defect generally appears in.
(a) 6 (b) 8 (c) 10 (d) 12 (a) NaCl (b) KCl
3. Which of the following defects is also known as dislocations (c) CsCl (d) All of these
12. In AgBr crystal, the ion size lies in the order Ag + Br − . The
(a) Frenkel defect (b) Schottky defect
AgBr crystal should have the following characteristics.
(c) Non – stoichiometric defect (d) Simple interstitial defect
(a) Defectless (perfect) crystal
4. Study the figure of a solid given below depicting the
arrangement of particles. Which is the most appropriate term (b) Schottky defect only
used the figure? (c) Frenkel defect only
(d) Both Schottky and Frenkel defects
13. An ionic compound has a unit cell consisting of A ions at the
corners of a cube and B ions on the centers of the faces of the
cube. The empirical formula for this compound would be
(a) AB (b) A2B (c) AB3 (d) A3 B
14. In a compound, atoms of element Y form ccp lattice and those
of element X occupy 2/3 rd of tetrahedral voids. The formula of
the compound will be
(a) Isotropy (b) Anisotropy (a) X2Y3 (b) X2Y (c) X3 Y4 (d) X4 Y3
(c) Irregular shape (d) Amorphous nature 15. An element X (At. wt. = 80 g/mol) having fcc structure,
calculate no. of unit cells in 8 gm of X:
5. The major binding force in diamond, silicon and quartz is
(a) 0.4 × NA (b) 0.1 × NA (c) 4 × NA (d) NA/40
(a) Electrostatic force (b) Electrical attractions 16. The number of nearest neighbours to each sphere in
(c) Covalent bond force (d) Van der Waals forces hexagonal close packing pattern in its own layer will be:
6. A crystal is formed by two elements X and Y in cubic structure. (a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 12 (d) 8
X atoms are at the corners of a cube while Y atoms are at the 17. How many chloride ions are surrounding sodium ion in sodium
face centre. The formula of the compound will be chloride crystal?
(a) XY (b) XY2 (c) X2Y3 (d) XY3 (a) 4 (b) 8 (c) 6 (d) 12
18. Silver halides generally show
7. Total volume of atoms present in a fcc cell of a metal with
(a) Schottky defect
radius r is
(b) Frenkel defect
12 3 16 3 20 3 24 3
(a) r (b) r (c) r (d) r (c) Both Frenkel and Schottky defects
3 3 3 3 (d) Cation excess defect
8. Relationship between atomic radius and the edge length a of a 19. An electron trapped in an anion site in a crystal is called
body – centred cubic unit cell is
(a) F – centre (b) Frenkel defect
3 3a
(a) r = a/2 (b) r = a / 2 (c) r = a (d) r = (c) Schottky defect (d) Interstitial defect
4 2 20. What is the effect of Frenkel defect on the density of ionic
9. Which of the following statements is not true about amorphous solids?
solids? (a) The density of the crystal increases
(a) On heating they may become crystalline at certain (b) The density of the crystal decreases
temperature. (c) The density of the crystal remains unchanged.
(b) They may become crystalline on keeping for long time. (d) There is no relationship between density of a crystal and
(c) Amorphous solids can be moulded by heating. defect present in it.
(d) They are anisotropic in nature.
10. Which of the following statements is not true about the 21. The number of atoms in 100 g of an fcc crystal with density
hexagonal close packing? d = 10 g / cm 3 and cell edge equal to 100 pm , is equal to.
(a) The coordination number is 12. (a) 4 10 25 (b) 3 10 25 (c) 2 10 25 (d) 1 10 25
(b) It has 74% packing efficiency. 22. A solid has a structure in which 'W ' atoms are located at the
(c) Tetrahedral voids of the second layer are covered by the corners of a cubic lattice ' O' atoms at the centre of edges and
spheres of the third layer. ' Na' atoms at the centre of the cube. The formula for the
compound is.
(a) NaWO 2 (b) NaWO 3 (a) 127.6 pm (b) 180.5 pm (c) 160.5 pm (d) 64 pm
38. In a CCP lattice of X and Y, X atoms are present at the corners
(c) Na 2 WO 3 (d) NaWO 4
while Y atoms are at face centres. Then the formula of the
23. A compound is formed by elements A and B. This crystallizes compound would be if one of the X atoms from a corner is
in the cubic structure when atoms A are the corners of the cube replaced by Z atoms (also monovalent) ?
and atoms B are at the centre of the body. The simplest (a) X7Y24Z2 (b) X7Y24Z (c) X24 Y7Z (d) XY24 Z
formula of the compounds is. 39. If the unit cell length of sodium chloride crystal is 600pm, then
(a) AB (b) AB 2 (c) A 2 B (d) AB 4 its density will be
24. In a cubic structure of compound which is made from X and Y, (a) 2.165gm/cm3 (b) 3.247gm/cm3
where X atoms are at the corners of the cube and Y at the face (c) 1.79 gm/cm3 (d) 1.082 gm/cm3
centres of the cube. The molecular formula of the compound 40. What is the coordination in a square close packed structure in
is. two dimnensions?
(a) X 2Y (b) X 3Y (c) XY 2 (d) XY 3 (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 6
Matrix Science Academy
Solid State Answers
AC2 = a 2 + a 2 or AC = 2a
Now in right angled ADC ,
AD2 = AC2 + DC2
AD 2 = ( 2a ) 2 + a 2 = 3a 2 AD = 3a 17. (c)
Sol. Each Na + ion is surrounded by 6 Cl− ions and each Cl− 27. (b)
Sol. FCC lattice
ion is surrounded by 6 Na + ions is NaCl crystal. a = 361 pm
18. (c) a 2 = 4r
Sol. Silver halides generally show both Frenkel and Schottky
defects. 361 2
r= = 127.6 » 128 pm.
19. Sol. F – centres are electron trapped anion site which are 4
responsible for colour. 28. (d)
20. (c) 3 3
Sol. In Frenkel defect, ion get displaced form their original Sol. For BCC structure 3 a = 4r r = a= 351
4 4
position and move to interstitial sites. Hence, there is no change
= 152 pm.
in the density of the crystal. 29. (c)
Sol. Unit cell : Unit cell is the smallest portion of a crystal
21. (a) lattice which, when repeated in different directions, generates
a 3 N 0 10 −30 the entire lattice.
Sol. M =
z 30. (a)
10 (100 ) (6 .02 10 ) 10
3 23
= = 15 .05
6.02 1023
No. of atoms in 100 g = 100 = 4 10 25 .
22. (b)
31. (b)
Sol. In a unit cell, W atoms at the corner = 8 =1
8 Sol. 4r = a 2
4r 4 1.28
atoms at the centre of edges =
12 = 3 a= =
4 2 2 Å = 3.62 Å
Na atoms at the centre of the cube = 1 32. (a)
W : O : Na = 1 : 3 : 1, hence formula = NaWO 3 Sol. Packing efficiency of FCC or CCP = 74%.
23. (a) 33. (a)
Sol. A atoms are at eight corners of the cube. Therefore, the Sol.
number of A atoms in the unit cell = = 1 , atoms B per unit
cell = 1. Hence the formula is AB. 2 Square Voids (4)
34. (d)
24. (d)
Sol. no. of oxide ions = 4
Sol. X atoms are at eight corners of the cube. Therefore, the
1 4
number of X atoms in the unit cell =
=1 . 8
8 no. of A particles = 6 =3
Y atoms are at the face centre of six faces. Therefore, its share 1 4
in the unit cell = = 3 . The formula is XY 3 . no. of B particles = 3 = 3
so formula is A4/3 B4/3O4 or ABO3
25. (c)
Sol. Atom X is shared by 8 corners 35. (a)
1 atoms of Z is shared by 4 unit cells Sol. Coordination number of spheres in HCP arrangement is
Atom Y is present at centre of the unit cell = 12. (6 in its own layer, 3 above and 3 below the layer).
Hence, effective number of atoms of X per unit cell = 36. (b)
1 Sol. X = = 1
8 = 1 8
8 Y=1
12 6
Effective number of atoms of Z per unit cell = =3 Z= =3
4 2
Effective number of atoms of Y per unit cell = 1 XYZ 3
Hence, the formula of the compound is XYZ3 37. (a)
26. (b) Sol. a 2 = 4r
n Mm 2a
Sol. = r =
NA a3 4
4 Mm 1.414 361
2= 4
6.023 1023 (7 10−8 )3 = 127.6 pm
(Since, effective number of atoms is unit cell = 4 ) on solving 38. (b)
we get Mm = 103. 03 gm/mol
Sol. X 7 Y3 Z 1 X7Y24 Z
8 8
39. (c)
Sol. =
40. (c)
Sol. In such arrangement, each sphere is in contact with four of
its neighbours. Thus, two dimensional
coordination number is 4.
41. (b)
Sol. n – type semiconductor
42. (a)
Sol. Ionic solids conduct electricity in solid state as well as
molten state and are malleable, ductile and have fairly high
melting point.
43. (d)
Sol. Number of tetrahedral voids per atom in a units cell is 2.
Hence the total number of tetrahedral voids = 2n.
44. (c)
Sol. For fcc, radius of the atom =
2 2
45. (a)
Sol. In bcc lattice, r = a
1.732 287
r= = 124.27pm
46. (a)
Sol. d =
NA a3
a3 d NA
(3.5 10−8 )3 0.53 6.023 1023
Z= = 1.97 2
47. (b)
Z M 2 100
Sol. d = = −10 3
a N A (400 10 ) 6.023 1023
48. (b)
Sol. Equal number of cations and anions are missing from the
49. (b)
Sol. In Schottky defect, equal number of cations and anions are
missing from the crystal.
50. (b)
Sol. Packing efficiency of ccp or fcc = 74%
Packing efficiency of bcc = 68%
Packing efficiency so simple cubic = 52.4%
Thus, the correct order of the packing efficiency is Fcc > bcc
> simples cubic
Matrix Science Academy
Chemistry- Solutions (Level-1)
1. Which of the following is a colligative property. (b) Solvent molecules move from lower to higher
(a) Osmotic pressure (b) Boiling point concentration
(c) Vapour pressure (d) Freezing point (c) Solute molecules move from higher to lower
2. Which of the following is not a colligative property. concentration
(a) Osmotic pressure (b) Elevation in B.P. (d) Solute molecules move from lower to higher
(c) Vapour pressure (d) Depression in freezing point concentration
3. When a substance is dissolved in a solvent the vapour pressure 12. Two solutions A and B are separated by semi- permeable
of the solvent is decreased. This results in. membrane. If liquid flows form A to B then.
(a) An increase in the b.p. of the solution (a) A is less concentrated than B
(b) A decrease in the b.p. of the solvent (b) A is more concentrated than B
(c) The solution having a higher freezing point than the olvent (c) Both have same concentration
(d) The solution having a lower osmotic pressure than the (d) None of these
solvent 13. Pressure cooker reduces cooking time for food because .
4. An aqueous solution of methanol in water has vapour pressure. (a) Heat is more evenly distributed in the cooking space
(a) Equal to that of water (b) Equal to that of methanol (b) Boiling point of water involved in cooking is increased
(c) More than that of water (d) Less than that of water (c) The higher pressure inside the cooker crushes the food
5. The relative lowering of the vapour pressure is equal to the material
ratio between the number of.
(a) Solute moleules and solvent molecules (d) Cooking involves chemical changes helped by a rise in
(b) Solute molecules and the total molecules in the solution temperature
14. The molal elevation constant is the ratio of the elevation in B.P.
(c) Solvent molecules and the total molecules in the solution
(d) Solvent molecules and the total number of ions of the solute (a) Molarity (b) Molality
6. When a substance is dissolved in a solvent, the vapour pressure
(c) Mole fraction of solute (d) Mole fraction of solvent
of the solvent is decreased. This results in.
(a) An increase in the boiling point of the solution 15. 1% solution of Ca(NO 3 )2 has freezing point.
(b) A decrease in the boiling point of solvent (a) 0 o C (b) Less than 0 o C
(c) The solution having a higher freezing point than the (c) Greater than 0 o C (d) None of the above
(d) The solution having a lower osmotic pressure than the 16. In osmosis.
solvent (a) Solvent molecules move from higher concentration to
7. Which one of the following mixtures can be separated into pure lower concentration
components by fractional distillation. (b) Solvent molecules move from lower to higher
(a) Benzene – toluene (b) Water – ethyl alcohol concentration
(c) Water – nitric acid (d) Water – hydrochloric acid (c) Solute molecules move from higher to lower
8. Which of the following is true when components forming an concentration
ideal solution are mixed. (d) Solute molecules move from lower to higher
(a) H m = Vm = 0 (b) H m Vm concentration
(c) H m Vm (d) H m = Vm = 1 17. Two solutions A and B are separated by semi- permeable
9. Which of the following is not correct for ideal solution. membrane. If liquid flows form A to B then.
(a) S mix = 0 (b) H mix = 0 (a) A is less concentrated than B
(b) A is more concentrated than B
(c) It obeys Raoult's law (d) Vmix = 0
(c) Both have same concentration
10. The relationship between osmotic pressure at 273 K when (d) None of these
10 g glucose (P1 ),10 g urea (P2 ) and 10 g sucrose (P3 ) are 18. Pressure cooker reduces cooking time for food because .
dissolved in 250 ml of water is. (a) Heat is more evenly distributed in the cooking space
(a) P1 P2 P3 (b) P3 P1 P2 (b) Boiling point of water involved in cooking is increased
(c) P2 P1 P3 (d) P2 P3 P1 (c) The higher pressure inside the cooker crushes the food
11. In osmosis. (d) Cooking involves chemical changes helped by a rise in
(a) Solvent molecules move from higher concentration to temperature
lower concentration
19. The molal elevation constant is the ratio of the elevation in B.P.
(a) Molarity (b) Molality
(c) Mole fraction of solute (d) Mole fraction of solvent
20. 1% solution of Ca(NO 3 )2 has freezing point.
(a) 0 o C (b) Less than 0 o C
(c) Greater than 0 o C (d) None of the above
Matrix Science Academy
Chemistry – Solutions Answers
11. (b)
Sol. In the osmosis solvent molecule move from lower
concentration to higher concentration.
12. (a)
Sol. Osmosis occur from dilute solution to concentrate
solution. Therefore solution A is less concentrated than B.
13. (b)
Sol. Due to higher pressure inside the boiling point elevated.
14. (b)
Sol. Tb = Kb m or Kb = Tb / m
15. (b)
Sol. Freezing point is lowered on addition of solute in it.
16. (b)
Sol. In the osmosis solvent molecule move from lower
concentration to higher concentration.
17. (a)
Sol. Osmosis occur from dilute solution to concentrate
solution. Therefore solution A is less concentrated than B.
18. (b)
Sol. Due to higher pressure inside the boiling point elevated.
1. The relative lowering of vapour pressure produced by 12. Elevation in boiling point was 0.52 o C when 6 gm of a
dissolving 71.5 g of a substance in 1000 g of water is 0.00713.
compound X was dissolved in 100 gm of water. Molecular
The molecular weight of the substance will be.
(a) 18.0 (b) 342 (c) 60 (d) 180 weight of X is (Kb for water is 0.52 per 1000 gm of water)
2. Which solution will show the maximum vapour pressure at (a) 120 (b) 60 (c) 180 (d) 600
300 K. 13. The molal elevation constant is the ratio of the elevation in B.P.
(a) 1 M C 12 H 22 O11 (b) 1 M CH 3 COOH to.
(a) Molarity (b) Molality
(c) 1 M NaCl 2 (d) 1 M NaCl
(c) Mole fraction of solute (d) Mole fraction of solvent
3. The vapour pressure of pure liquid A is 0.80 atm. On mixing a o
non-volatile B to A, its vapour pressure becomes 0.6 atm. The 14. Molal depression constant for water is 1.86 C . The freezing
point of a 0.05 molal solution of a non-electrolyte in water is.
mole fraction of B in the solution is.
(a) 0.150 (b) 0.25 (c) 0.50 (d) 0.75 (a) − 1.86 o C (b) − 0.93 o C
4. If 3 gm of glucose (mol. wt. 180) is dissolved in 60 gm of water (c) − 0.093 o C (d) 0.93 o C
at 15 o C . Then the osmotic pressure of this solution will be. 15. The amount of urea to be dissolved in 500 ml of water (K =18.6
(a) 0.34 atm (b) 0.65 atm K mole −1 in 100g solvent) to produce a depression of
(c) 6.57 atm (d) 5.57 atm 0.186 o C in freezing point is.
5. The concentration in gms per litre of a solution of cane sugar (a) 9 g (b) 6 g (c) 3 g (d) 0.3 g
(M = 342 ) which is isotonic with a solution containing 6 gms of 16. The freezing point of a solution prepared from 1.25 gm of a
urea (M = 60 ) per litre is. non-electrolyte and 20 gm of water is 271 .9 K . If molar
(a) 3.42 (b) 34.2 (c) 5.7 (d) 19 depression constant is 1.86 K mole −1 , then molar mass of the
6. Osmotic pressure is 0.0821 atm at temperature of 300 K . Find solute will be.
concentration in mole/litre. (a) 105.7 (b) 106.7 (c) 115.3 (d) 93.9
(a) 0.033 (b) 0.066 (c) 0.33 10 −2 (d) 3 17. If K f value of H 2 O is 1.86. The value of Tf for 0.1m
7. Osmotic pressure of a solution containing 0.1 mole of solute solution of non-volatile solute is.
per litre at 273 K is (in atm). (a) 18.6 (b) 0.186 (c) 1.86 (d) 0.0186
(a) 0 .08205 273 (b) 0.1 1 0.08205 273 18. A solution of urea (mol. mass 56g mol –1) boils at 100.18°C at
1 the atmospheric pressure. If K f and K b for water are 1.86 and
1 0 .1 273
(c) 0 .08205 273 (d) 0.512K kg mol –1 respectively the above solution will freeze at.
0.1 1 0 . 08205 (a) – 6.54°C (b) 6.54°C
8. The average osmotic pressure of human blood is 7.8 bar at 37 o C (c) 0.654°C (d) –0.654°C
. What is the concentration of an aqueous NaCl solution that 19. If O.P. of 1 M of the following in water can be measured, which
could be used in the blood stream. one will show the maximum O.P.
(a) 0.16 mol / L (b) 0.32 mol / L (a) AgNO 3 (b) MgCl2
(c) 0.60 mol / L (d) 0.45 mol / L (c) (NH ) PO (d) Na SO
4 3 4 2 4
9. A solution of sucrose(molar mass = 342 g/mol) is prepared by 20. Which of the following solution in water possesses the lowest
dissolving 68.4 g of it per litre of the solution, what is its vapour pressure.
osmotic pressure (R = 0.082 lit. atm. k −1 mol −1 ) at 273k. (a) 0.1(M) NaCl (b) 0.1(N ) BaCl 2
(a) 6.02 atm (b) 4.92 atm
(c) 0.1(M) KCl (d) None of these
(c) 4.04 atm (d) 5.32 atm
10. The rise in the boiling point of a solution containing 1.8 gram 21. Which of the following solutions in water will have the lowest
vapour pressure.
of glucose in 100 g of a solvent in 0.1o C . The molal elevation
(a) 0.1 M, NaCl (b) 0.1 M, Sucrose
constant of the liquid is.
(c) 0.1 M, BaCl 2 (d) 0.1 M Na3 PO4
(a) 0.01 K / m (b) 0.1 K / m
22. The vapour pressure will be lowest for.
(c) 1 K / m (d) 10 K / m
(a) 0.1 M sugar solution (b) 0.1 M KCl solution
11. If 0.15 g of a solute dissolved in 15 g of solvent is boiled at a (c) 0.1 M Cu(NO 3 )2 solution (d) 0.1 M AgNO 3 solution
temperature higher by 0.216 o C than that of the pure solvent. 23. Osmotic pressure of 0.1 M solution of NaCl and Na SO will
2 4
The molecular weight of the substance (molal elevation
constant for the solvent is 2.16 o C ) is. (a) Same
(a) 1.01 (b) 10 (c) 10.1 (d) 100
(b) Osmotic pressure of NaCl solution will be more than
Na 2 SO 4 solution
(c) Osmotic pressure of Na 2 SO 4 solution will be more than Number of molecules actually present
(c) i =
NaCl Number of molecules exp ected to be present
(d) Osmotic pressure of NaSO 4 will be less than that of NaCl Total number of particles taken
before association / dissociation
24. The Van't Hoff factor i for a 0.2 molal aqueous solution of urea (d) i =
is. Number of particles after
(a) 0.2 (b) 0.1 (c) 1.2 (d) 1.0 association / dissociation
25. Which of the following curves represents the Henry’s law ?
32. The vapour pressure of water at 20 0C is 17.54 mmHg. What
will be the vapour pressure of the water in the apparatus shown
after the piston is lowered, decreasing the volume of the gas
above the liquid to one half of its initial volume (assume
temperature constant).
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Matrix Science Academy
Chemistry- Solutions Answer Key
1. Which of the following is non-electrolyte. 11. At infinite dilution, the percentage ionisation for both strong
(a) NaCl (b) CaCl 2 and weak electrolytes is.
(a) 1% (b) 20% (c) 50% (d) 100%
(c) C12 H 22 O11 (d) CH 3 COOH
12. For a weak acid HA, Ostwald's dilution law is represented by
2. Ammonium hydroxide is a. the equation.
(a) Strong electrolyte
(b) Weak electrolyte (a) K a = c (b) K a =
1 − 2
1 −
(c) Both under different conditions
Kac 2c
(d) Non-electrolyte (c) = (d) K a =
1−c 1 −2
3. Ammonium hydroxide is a weak base because.
(a) It has low vapour pressure 13. Acetic acid is a weak electrolyte because.
(a) Its molecular weight is high
(b) It is only slightly ionized
(b) It is covalent compound
(c) It is not a hydroxide of any metal
(c) It does not dissociate much or its ionization is very less
(d) It has low density
4. Electrolytes when dissolved in water dissociate into their (d) It is highly unstable
constituent ions. The degree of dissociation of an electrolyte 14. Which will not affect the degree of ionization.
increases with. (a) Temperature (b) Concentration
(a) Increasing concentration of the electrolyte (c) Type of solvent (d) Current
(b) Decreasing concentration of the electrolyte 15. For two acids A and B, pK a = 1.2, pK b = 2.8 respectively in
(c) Decreasing temperature value, then which is true.
(d) Presence of a substance yielding a common ion (a) A and B both are equally acidic
5. An electrolyte. (b) A is stronger than B
(a) Gives complex ions in solution (c) B is stronger than A
(b) Dissolves in water to give ions (d) Neither A nor B is strong
(c) Is ionized in the solid state (e) None of these
(d) Generates ions on passing electric current 16. An aqueous solution of ammonia consists of.
6. Molten sodium chloride conducts electricity due to the (a) H + (b) OH − (c) NH 4+ (d) NH 4+ and OH −
presence of.
(a) Free electrons (b) Free ions 17. The conjugate base of NH 2 − is.
(c) Free molecules (d) Atoms of sodium and chlorine (a) NH 3 (b) NH 2 − (c) NH 4+ (d) N 3 −
7. An example for a strong electrolyte is. 18. The strength of an acid depends on its tendency to.
(a) Urea (b) Ammonium hydroxide (a) Accept protons (b) Donate protons
(c) Sugar (d) Sodium acetate (c) Accept electrons (d) Donate electrons
8. If is the degree of ionization, C the concentration of a weak 19. Which is not a electrophile.
electrolyte and K a the acid ionization constant, then the correct (a) AlCl3 (b) BF3 (c) (CH 3 )3 C + (d) NH 3
relationship between , C and K a is. 20. Accepting the definition that an acid is a proton donor, the acid
Ka C in the following reaction.
(a) =
(b) = 2
C Ka NH 3 + H 2 O → NH 4+ + OH − is
(a) 4 x 3 (b) 108 x 5 (c) 27 x 4 (d) 9 x
24. The solubility product of BaSO 4 at 25 C is 1.0 10 −9 . What
would be the concentration of H 2 SO 4 necessary to precipitate
BaSO 4 from a solution of 0.01 M Ba 2 + ions.
(a) 10 −9 (b) 10 −8 (c) 10 −7 (d) 10 −6
25. The solubility of CaF2 is a moles/litre. Then its solubility
product is …..
(a) s 2 (b) 4s3 (c) 3s 2 (d) s 3
Matrix Science Academy
Ionic Equilibria Solutions
10. (d)
Sol. Generally ionic compound are conduct electricity in fused
11. (d)
Sol. According to Ostwald’s dilution law because degree of
ionization is directly proportional to the dilution.
12. (b)
Sol. Mathematical form of Ostwald’s dilution law.
13. (c)
Sol. It is a weak electrolyte because it’s ionization is very
14. (d)
Sol. Current does not affect the degree of ionization.
15. (b)
Sol. The value of pK a for strong acid is less.
16. (d)
Sol. H2O + NH3 ⇌ NH 4 + OH −
17. (b)
Sol. NH −2 ⇌ NH −2 + H +
Conjugate acid, base pair.
18. (b)
Sol. Those substances which lose proton are called acid.
e.g. strong acid have a strong tendency to donate a proton.
Matrix Science Academy
Chemistry- Ionic Equilibria Level-2
1. The solubility of CaF2 is 2 10 −4 moles / litre. Its solubility 18. The pH of 0.001 M Ba (OH) 2 solution will be
product (K sp ) is. (a) 2 (b) 8.4 (c) 11.3 (d) 2.7
−4 −3 −4
(a) 2.0 10 (b) 4.0 10 19. What will be the pH of 110 M H 2SO 4 solution?
−12 −11
(c) 8.0 10 (d) 3.2 10 (a) 10.4 (b) 3.70 (c) 3 (d) 13
2. The correct representation for solubility product of SnS 2 is . 20. According to Lewis concept, an acid is a/an
(a) [Sn 4 + ] [S 2 − ]2 (b) [Sn 2 + ] [S 2 − ]2 (a) Proton donor (b) Electron pair donor
(c) [Sn ] [2S ] 2− 4+
(d) [Sn ] [2S ] 2− 2 (c) Proton acceptor (d) Electron pair acceptor.
3. pH of a 10 M solution of hydrochloric acid will be. 21. The correct representation for solubility product of SnS 2 is .
(a) 1.3 (b) 2.0 (c) 3.0 (d) 4.5
o (a) [Sn 4 + ] [S 2 − ]2 (b) [Sn 2 + ] [S 2 − ]2
4. The pH of water at 25 C is nearly.
(a) 2 (b) 7 (c) 10 (d) 12 (c) [Sn 2 + ] [2S 2 − ] (d) [Sn 4 + ] [2S 2 − ]2
5. pH of a solution is 5. Its hydroxyl ion concentration is. 22. pH value of a solution, whose hydronium ion concentration is
(a) 5 (b) 10 (c) 10 −5
(d) 10 −9 6.2 10 −9 mol / l, is.
6. The pH of a solution in which the [H + ] = 0.01, is. (a) 6.21 (b) 7.21 (c) 7.75 (d) 8.21
(a) 2 (b) 1 (c) 4 (d) 3
7. Which is a buffer solution. 23. Ksp of SrF2 (s) in water is 3.2 × 10 –11 . The solubility of SrF2 (s)
in 0.1 (M) NaCl solution is –
(a) CH 3 COOH + CH 3 COONa
(a) 3.2 × 10 –9 (M) (b) 2 × 10 –4 (M)
(b) CH 3 COOH + CH 3 COONH 4 –4
(c) 4 × 10 (M) (d) Slightly higher than 2 × 10 –4 (M)
(c) CH 3 COOH + NH 4 Cl 24. What will be the pOH of 0.5 × 10 –4 M H2SO4 solution –
(a) 4 (b) 10.5 (c) 10 (d) 6
(d) NaOH + NaCl 25. The pH of a solution is 6. It is diluted ten times. The resulting
8. The conjugate base of OH- ion is solution will be –
2− (a) Neutral (b) Acidic (c) Basic (d) Unaffected
(a) H 2O (b) O2 (c) H3O+ (d) O− +
26. The pKa value of NH 4 is 9. The pKb value of NH4OH would
9. The conjugate acid of PO 34− is be :
− 2− 1− (a) 9 (b) 5 (c) 7 (d) 8
(a) H3PO4 (b) H 2 PO 4 (c) HPO 4 is (d) HPO 3
27. The solubility in water of a sparingly soluble salt AB 2 is 1.0 ×
10. On diluting a buffer solution, its pH
(a) Is increased 10 –5mol L–1. Its solubility product will be :
(b) Is decreased (a) 4 × 10 –15 (b) 4 × 10 –10 (c) 1 × 10 –15 (d) 1 × 10 –10.
(c) Remain constant 28. If the solubility of lithium sodium hexafluorido aluminate,
(d) Changes which cannot be predicted unless dissociation Li3Na3 (AlF6)2 is ‘s’ mollt–1, its solubility product is equal to:
constant of weak acid or weak base is provided (a) 729 s 8 (b) 12 s 8 (c) 3900 s 8 (d) 2916 s 8
11. Which of the following solutions has pH = 11 –
29. What is the percentage dissociation of 0.1 M solution of acetic
(a) 1 × 10 –11 M NaOH (b) 1 × 10 –3 M HCl −5
(c) 1 × 10 –3 M NaOH (d) 1 × 10 –11 M HCl acid? ( K a = 10 ) .
12. At 90 0 C, pure water has [H3 O+] = 10 –6 mol L–1. What is the (a) 10% (b) 100% (c) 1% (d) 0.01%
value of Kw at 90 0 C –
30. What will be the pH of a soft drink if hydrogen ion
(a) 10 –6 (b) 10–12 (c) 10 –14 (d) 10–8 −3
13. The conjugate base of H2PO4 – is concentration in sample is 3.8 10 M?
(a) PO43– (b) P2O5 (c) H3PO4 (d) HPO42– (a) 3.8 (b) 5.04 (c) 2.42 (d) 9.2
31. What is pOH of an aqueous solution with hydrogen ion
14. What is the conjugate base of OH– ? −5 −1
(a) O2 (b) H2O (c) O– (d) O2– concentration equal to 3 10 mol L ?
15. Boric acid H3BO3 is a : (a) 9.47 (b) 4.52 (c) 12.69 (d) 11.69
(a) Arrhenius acid (b)Bronsted acid 32. NH 4 CN is a salt of weak acid HCN ( K a = 6.2 10 )
(c) Lewis acid (d) All of these
16. Ostwald's dilution law gives satisfactory results with the and a weak N 2O 4 ( g ) A one molar solution of NH 4 CN will be.
solution of which electrolyte ? (a) Neutral (b) Strongly acidic
(a) HCl (b) HNO3 (c) CH3COOH (d) NaOH (c) Strongly basic (d) Weakly basic
17. Which of the following is conjugate acid of SO 4 ?
− + 2−
(a) HSO 4 (b) H (c) H 2SO 4 (d) SO 4
33. Solubility product expression of salt MX 4 which is sparingly (a) 10 −11 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 11
soluble with a solubility s can be given as. 47. The pH of a 0 . 001 M NaOH will be.
5 3 4 (a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 11 (d) 12
(a) 256s (b) 16s (c) 5s (d) 25s
48. pH value of a solution, whose hydronium ion concentration is
34. For a reaction, A x B y xA y+ + YB x − , K sp can be −9
6.2 10 mol / l, is.
represented as. (a) 6.21 (b) 7.21 (c) 7.75 (d) 8.21
(a) A
y+ x
B x− y
(b) A B
y x 49. What will be the sum of pH and pOH in an aqueous solution
(c) A B (d) A B
x y x+y x−y
(a) 7 (b) pk w (c) Zero (d) 1
35. The solubility product of BaCl2 is 3.2 10−9 What will be 50. pH of a 10 M solution of hydrochloric acid will be.
(a) 1.3 (b) 2.0 (c) 3.0 (d) 4.5
its solubility in mol L ?
(a) 4 10−3 (b) 3.2 10−9
−3 −9
(c) 110 (d) 110
Ksp = (3s)3 (3s)3 (2s)2 = 2916 s 8 . K sp 1 10 −9
S(SO 2− ) = = = 10 − 7 mole/litre.
29. (c) 4 S( Ba + + ) 0.01
Ka 10 42. (b)
Sol. = or = = 10 −2
c 0.1 Sol. CaF2 ⇌ Ca + + + 2 F2− ; K sp = 4S 3
(S ) (2 S )
K sp 1 10 −11
S =3 =3 = 1 .35 10 − 4
4 4
40. (a)
Sol. Mg (OH) 2 ⇌ Mg + + + 2OH2 −
(X ) (2 X )
K sp = 4X 3
41. (c)
Sol. BaSO4 ⇌ Ba + + + SO 4− −
(S ) (S )
0 .01 5
Ksp = S 2 = S S = 0.01 S
Matrix Science Academy
Chemistry- Chemical Thermodynamics (Level-1)
24. Which of the following processes is a non – spontaneous
(a) Dissolution of salt or sugar in water
(b) Mixing of different gases through diffusion
(c) Precipitation of copper when zinc rod is dipped in aqueous
solution of copper sulphate
(d) Flow of heat from a cold body to a hot body in contact
25. Which of the following expressions regarding entropy is not
(a) ssystem =
(b) ssystem = stotal + ssurrouding
(c) s = Sfinal − Sinitial
(d) s total = ssystem + ssurrounding
Matrix Science Academy
17. (c)
Sol. In isolated system, work energy or heat are not exchanged
with the surroundings.
18. (a)
Matrix Science Academy
Chemistry- Chemical Thermodynamics (Level-2)
1. For the reaction N 2 + 3H 2 ⇌ 2 NH 3 ; H = 12. The enthalpy change for the transition of liquid water to steam,
(a) E − RT (b) E − 2 RT H vap = 37 .3 kJ mol −1 at 373 K .
(c) E + RT (d) E + 2 RT The entropy change for the process is.
2. Work done during isothermal expansion of one mole of an ideal (a) 111 .9 J mol −1 K −1 (b) 37 .3 J mol −1 K −1
gas from 10 atm to 1 atm at 300 K is (Gas constant = 2).
(a) 938.8 cal. (b) 1138.8 cal. (c) 100 J mol −1 K −1 (d) 74 .6 J mol −1 K −1
(c) 1381.8 cal. (d) 1581.8 cal. 13. Thermochemical reactions.
3. In which of the following E = H . 1
C(graphite ) + O 2 (g) → CO (g); H = −110 .5 kJ
(a) N 2 O 4 (g) ⇌ 2 NO 2 (g) 2
(b) 2SO 2 (g) + O 2 (g) ⇌ 2SO 3 (g) CO (g) + O 2 (g) → CO 2 (g); H = −283 .2 kJ
(c) H 2 (g) + I 2 (g) ⇌ 2 HI(g) From the above reaction, the heat of reaction for
C(graphite ) + O2 (g) → CO 2 (g) will be.
(d) H 2 (g) + O 2 (g) ⇌ H 2 O(l)
2 (a) – 393.7 kJ (b) + 393.7 kJ
4. For the reaction (c) – 172.7 kJ (d) + 172.7 kJ
CH 3 COOH (l) + 2O 2 (g) ⇌ 2CO 2 (g) + 2 H 2 O(l) at 25 C and 1 14. Given that
2C(s) + 2O2 (g) → 2CO 2 (g); H = −787 kJ
atm. pressure, H = −874 kJ . Then the change in internal
energy (E) is …. H 2 (g ) + O 2 (g) → H 2 O(l); H = −286 kJ
(a) – 874 kJ (b) – 871.53 kJ 1
C 2 H 2 (g ) + 2 O 2 (g) → 2CO 2 (g) + H 2 O(l); H = −1301 kJ
(c) – 876.47 kJ (d) + 874 kJ 2
5. For the reaction, Heat of formation of acetylene is.
C 3 H 8 (g) + 5O 2 (g) → 3CO 2 (g) + 4 H 2 O(l) (a) − 1802 kJ (b) + 1802 kJ (c) −800 kJ (d) +228 kJ
at constant temperature, H − E is. 15. The heat of formations of CO(g) and CO 2 (g) are −26 .4 kcal
(a) – RT (b) + RT (c) – 3RT (d) + 3RT and −94 .0 kcal respectively. The heat of combustion of carbon
6. The value of H − E for the following reaction at 27 o C will monoxide will be.
be 2 NH 3 (g) → N 2 (g) + 3 H 2 (g) . (a) +26 .4 kcal (b) −67 .6 kcal
(a) 8.314 273 (−2) (b) 8.314 300 (−2) (c) −120 .6 kcal (d) +52 .8 kcal
(c) 8.314 27 (−2) (d) 8.314 300 (2)
7. Work done during isothermal expansion of one mole of an ideal 16. The enthalpy of combustion at 25°C of H 2, cyclohexane
gas from 10 atom. to 1 atm at 300K is. (C6H12) and cyclohexene (C6H10 ) are –241, –3920 and –800 KJ
(a) 4938.8 J (b) 4138.8 J / mole respectively. The heat of hydrogenation of cyclohexene
(c) 5744.1 J (d) 6257.2 J is.
(a) – 121 KJ / mole (b) + 121 KJ / mole
8. Eo of combustion of isobutylene is − X kJ mol −1 . The value
(c) – 242 KJ / mole (d) + 242 KJ / mole
of H o is . 17. Energy required to dissociate 4 gm of gaseous hydrogen into
(a) = Eo (b) Eo (c) = 0 (d) Eo free gaseous atoms is 208 kcal at 25 o C . The bond energy of
9. When disorder of a system increases, the change is said to be. H − H bond will be.
(a) Exothermic (b) Non-spontaneous (a) 104 kcal (b) 10.4 kcal
(c) Endothermic (d) Spontaneous (c) 1040 kcal (d) 104 cal
10. Which of the following pairs of a chemical reaction is certain 18. The H − H bond energy is 430 kJ mol and Cl − Cl bond
to result in spontaneous reaction ?
energy is 240 kJ mol −1 . H for HCl is −90 kJ . The H − Cl
(a) Exothermic and decreasing disorder
bond energy is about.
(b) Endothermic and increasing disorder
(a) 180 kJ mol −1 (b) 360 kJ mol −1
(c) Exothermic and increasing disorder
(d) Endothermic and decreasing disorder (c) 213 kJ mol −1 (d) 425 kJ mol −1
11. Which of the following is true for the reaction H 2 O(l) ⇌ 19. If the bond energies of H − H , Br − Br and HBr are 433, 192
H 2 O(g) at 100 o C and 1 atmosphere. and 364 kJ mol −1 respectively, the H o for the reaction,
(a) E = 0 (b) H = 0 (c) H = E (d) H = TS H 2 (g) + Br2 (g) → 2 HBr(g) is.
(a) + 261 kJ (b) – 103 kJ
(c) – 261 kJ (d) + 103 kJ
MSA Chemistry
20. The free energy change for a reversible reaction at equilibrium
is. (a) H2(g) + I2(g) ⎯⎯→ 2HI(g)
change in. A
(a) Internal energy (b) Enthalpy
(c) Entropy (d) Free energy 15 B
23. Gibb’s free enrgy (G) is defined as.
Progress of reaction
(a) G = H − TS (b) G = H + The enthalpy change for the reaction A → B will be
(a) – 25 Kj (b) – 40 kJ (c) + 25 kJ (d) – 65 kJ
(c) H = G − TS (d) G = H + T .C p 32. Warming ammonium chloride with sodium hydroxide in a test
24. Standard enthalpy and standard entropy changes for the tube is an example of :
oxidation of ammonia at 298 K are − 382 .64 kJ mol −1 and (a) Closed system (b) Isolated system
(c) Open system (d) None of these
− 145 .6 JK −1mol −1 , respectively. Standard Gibbs energy 33. Out of boiling point (I), entropy (II), pH (III) and e.m.f. of a
change for the same reaction at 298 K is. cell (IV), intensive properties are :
(a) – 439.3 kJ mol −1 (b) – 523.2 kJ mol −1 (a) I, II (b) I, II, III (c) I, III, IV (d) All of the above
34. A system absorb 600J of heat and work equivalent to 300J on
(c) – 221.1 kJ mol −1 (d) – 339.3 kJ mol −1 its surroundings. The change in internal energy is
25. The free energy for a reaction having H = 31400 ca; . (a) 300 J (b) 400 J (c) 500 J (d) 600 J
35. In thermodynamics, which one of the following properties is
S = 32 cal K −1 mol −1 at 1000 o C is. not an intensive property?
(a) – 9336 cal (b) – 7386 cal (a) Pressure (b) Temperature
(c) –1936 cal (d) + 9336 cal (c) Volume (d) Density
26. At 27°C one mole of an ideal gas is compressed isothermally
and reversibly from a pressure of 2 atm to 10 atm. The values 36. Consider the following reaction:
of E and q are (R = 2) 1
(a) 0, –965.84 cal (b) – 965.84 cal, + 965.84 cal CO(g) + O2(g) → CO2(g)
(c) + 865.58 cal, –865.58 cal (d) –865.58 cal, –865.58 cal
27. Given that C(g) + 4 H (g) → CH 4 (g); H = −166 kJ . The How are E and H related for the reaction?
bond energy C − H will be (a) H = E − 0.5RT (b) H = E − RT
(a) 208 kJ/mol (b) – 41.5 kJ/mol (c) H = E + 0.5RT (d) H = E − 1.5RT
(c) 832 kJ/mol (d) None of these 37. In endothermic reactions,
28. For the given reaction (a) Reactants have more energy than products
H2(g) + F2 (g) ⎯→ 2HF(g) H° = – 124 kcal (b) Reactants have less energy than products
H2(g) ⎯→ 2H(g) H° = 104 kcal
(c) Reactants and products have same energy
F2(g) ⎯→ 2F(g) H° = 37.8 kcal
then the value of H0 for H(g) + F(g) ⎯→ HF(g) is (d) Reactants have lower temperature than products.
(a) 142 kcal (b) – 132.9 kcal
(c) 132 kcal (d) 134 kcal 38. Given the bond energies N N , H − H and N–H bonds are
29. Which plot represent an exothermic reaction ? 945, 436 and 391 kJ mole –1 respectively the enthalpy of the
following reaction N 2 (g) + 3 H 2 (g) → 2 NH 3 (g) is
(a) – 93 kJ (b) 102 kJ (c) 90 kJ (d) 105 kJ
39. An ideal gas expands from an initial volume V into vacuum
under isothermal conditions. For this process.
(a) U 0, W = 0 and Q 0 (b) U 0 , W 0 and Q 0
(c) U 0, W 0 and Q = 0 (d) U = 0, W = 0 and Q = 0
(a) (b) 40. In which process net work done is zero ?
(a) Cyclic (b) Isochoric
(c) Free expansion (d) Adiabatic
41. The work done by a system is 8 joule, when 40 joule heat is
supplied to it, what is the increase in internal energy of system
(a) 25 J (b) 30 J (c) 32 J (d) 28 J
42. For a reaction at 25°C enthalpy change and entropy change are
(c) (d)
– 11.7×103 J mol–1 and − 105 J mol −1 K −1 respectively, what
30. For which of the following change H E ?
is the Gibb's free energy.
MSA Chemistry
(a) 15.05 kJ (b) 19.59 kJ (c) 2.55 kJ (d) 22.55 kJ
43. G 0
for the reaction x + y = z is – 4.606 kcal. The value of
equilibrium constant of the reaction at 227 o C is
(R = 2.0 kcal mol −1 K −1 )
(a) 100 (b) 10 (c) 2 (d) 0.01
44. If H 0
f for H O
2 2 and H 2 O are – 188kJ/mole and
−286 kJ / mole . What will be the enthalpy change of the
reaction 2 H 2O2 (l) → 2 H 2O(l) + O2 (g)
(a) −196 kJ / mole (b) 146 kJ / mole
(c) −494 kJ / mole (d) −98 kJ / mole
45. The heat of combustion of carbon is –94 kcal at 1 atm pressure.
The intrinsic energy of CO 2 is
(a) + 94 kcal (b) –94 kcal
(c) + 47 kcal (d) –47 kcal
46. The bond dissociation energies of gaseous H 2 , Cl2 and HCl
are 104, 58 and 103 kcal respectively. The enthalpy of
formation of HCl gas would be
(a) – 44 kcal (b) 44 kcal (c) –22 kcal (d) 22 kcal
47. What is the free energy change ( G) when 1.0 mole of water
at 100 0C and 1 atm pressure is converted into steam at 1000C
and 1 atmpressure ?
(a) 80 cal (b) 540 cal (c) 620 cal (d) Zero
48. ( H- U) for the formation of carbon monoxide (CO) from
its elements at 298 K is
(R = 8.314 J K–1mol–1)
(a) 1238.78 J mol–1 (b) -2477.57 J mol –1
(c) 2477.57 J mol–1 (d) -1238.78 J mol –1
49. For the real gases reaction 2CO (g) + O2 (g) ⎯⎯→ 2CO2 (g)
; DH = – 560 kJ. In 10 litre rigid vessel at 500 K, the initial
pressure is 70 bar and after the reaction it becomes 40 bar. The
change in internal energy is :
(a) – 557 kJ (b) – 530 kJ (c) – 563 kJ (d) None of these
50. Match the entries of column I with appropriate entries of
column II and choose the correct option out of the four options
(a), (b), (c) and (d).
Column I Column II
(X) Isothermal (p) DT = 0
(Y) Isobaric (q) DV = 0
(Z) Adiabatic (r) DP = 0
(W) Isochoric (s) q = 0
(a) X–p, Y–q, Z-r, W-x (b) X–p, Y–r, Z-s, W-q
(c) X–s, Y–p, Z-r, W-q (d) X–s, Y–p, Z-q, W-r
MSA Chemistry
Matrix Science Academy
Chemical Thermodynamics Solutions
1. (b) H 37 .3 KJ mol −1
Sol. H = E + nRT Sol. S vap = =
T 373 K
Since n = −2
Than H = E − 2 RT . = 0.1 kJ mol −1 K −1 = 100 J mol −1 K −1 .
2. (c) 13. (a)
p Sol. eq. (i ) + eq. (ii ) gives the required result.
Sol. − W = + 2.303 nRT log 1
p2 14. (d)
Sol. Aim: 2C + H 2(g) → C2 H 2(g) .
−W = 2.303 1 2 300 log = 1381 .8 cal.
1 eq. (ii) + eq. (iii) → eq. (iv) – eq. (i)
3. (c) find the required result.
Sol. Here n = 0 so, E = H . 15. (b)
4. (a) 1
Sol. For this reaction n = 0 than E = H . Sol. Aim : CO + O 2 → CO 2
5. (c)
Sol. H − E = nRT ; n = −3 H = H 0f (CO 2 ) − H 0f (CO ) + H 0f (O 2 )
so, H − E = −3 RT .
= − 94 .0 − (−26 .4 ) = −67 .6 kcal.
6. (d)
Sol. H − E = nRT
also, 2 NH 3(g) → N 2(g) + 3 H 2(g) 16. (a)
n = 2 . Sol. (i) H 2 + O 2 → H 2 O, H = −241 kJ
7. (c)
Sol. Given that (ii) C6 H 10 + O 2 → 6 CO 2 + 5 H 2 O, H = −3800 kJ
P1 = 10 atm , P2 = 1 atm , T = 300 K , n = 1
(iii) C6 H12 + 9O2 → 6CO2 + 6 H 2O, H = −3920 kJ
R = 8.314 J / K / mol
C6 H10 + H 2 → C6 H12
Now, by using
Eq. (i) + Eq. (ii) – Eq. (iii)
W = 2 .303 nRT log 10 H = −241 − 3800 − (−3920 )
= −4041 + 3920 = −121 kJ
= 2 .303 1 8 . 314 300 log 10 17. (a)
Sol. 4 g H 2 = 2 moles. Bond energy for 1 mole of
W = 5744 .1 Joule
H 2 = 208 / 2 = 104 kcal.
8. (d)
Sol. (CH 3 )2 C = CH 2 (g) + 6O2 (g) → 4 CO 2 (g) + 4 H 2 O(l) 18. (d)
1 1
ng = 4 − 6 = −2 (i.e., negative) Sol. H 2 + Cl 2 → HCl , H = −90 KJ
2 2
we know that H = E + ngRT
1 1
H = E H − H + ECl −Cl
= E − (ng)RT ( ng = −ve ) 2 2
H E 1 1
or − 90 = 430 + 240 − E HCl
9. (d) 2 2
Sol. When S = +ve the change is spontaneous. EH −Cl = 425 kJ mol −1 .
10. (c)
19. (b)
Sol. G = H − TS
Sol. H − H + Br − Br → 2 H − Br
for spontaneous process G should be negative in option (3)
433 + 192 2 364
H = −ve and ΔS = +ve than
625 728
G = (−ve ) − T (+ve ) = − ve
Energy absorbed = Energy released
11. (d) Net energy released = 728 − 625 = 103 kJ
Sol. At equilibrium, G = 0
i.e., = H = −103 KJ
Hence 0 = H − TS or H = TS .
12. (c) 20. (d)
Sol. G at equilibrium = 0.
21. (a)
Sol. When G = −ve than the reaction is spontaneous in nature.
22. (d) 38. (a)
Sol. Spontaneous change shows G = −ve . N N + 3H − H
945 + 3 436 |
23. (a) energy absorbed H
(3 391 ) =2346
Sol. G = H − TS (Gibb’s free energy equation) Sol.
energy released
Matrix Science Academy
Chemistry- Electrochemistry Level-1
Matrix Science Academy
Electrochemistry Solutions
1. (b)
Sol. K = C Cell constant = K = 0 .2 = 5 cm −1 .
Sol. Sugar solution does not form ion; hence does not conduct C 0 . 04
electricity in solution. 18. (c)
2. (c) Sol. In the electrochemical cell chemical energy changes into
Sol. Strong electrolytes are almost completely ionised in polar electrical energy.
solvent. 19. (a)
3. (a) o
Sol. Ecell = Ecathode
− Eanode
= 0.799 − (−0.763 ) = 1.562 V
Sol. In electrolysis process oxidation occurs at anode and 20. (a)
reduction occurs at cathode. Sol. More negative is the reduction potential, higher will be
4. (a) the reducing property, i.e. the power to give up electrons.
Sol. Because in it covalent bonding is present. 21. (c)
5. (c) Sol. A is displace from D because D have a
Sol. According to Faraday’s law.
E o = −0.402 V .
6. (d)
Sol. In electrolytic cell, cathode acts as source of electrons. 22. (a)
7. (b)
Sol. Na + + e − → Na , means oxidation number is
+1 0
1. Standard electrode potentials of three metals A, B and C are + The emf for the cell reaction, when 0.1 M Cu 2 + and 0.1 M
0.5 V, – 3.0 V and – 1.2 V respectively. The reducing power of
these metals is in the order Zn 2+ solution are used, at 25 o C is
(a) B > C > A (b) A > B > C (a) 1.10 V (b) 0.10 V (c) –1.10V (d) –0.110 V
13. How many coulomb of electricity will be consumed when 100
(c) C > B > A (d) A > C > B
2. The highest electrical conductivity among the following mA current is passed through a solution of AgNO 3 for half an
aqueous solutions is of : hour during electrolysis
(a) 0.1 M acetic acid (b) 0.1 M chloroacetic acid (a) 108 (b) 180 (c) 1800 (d) 18000
(c) 0.1 M fluoroacetic acid (d) 0.1 M difluoroacetic acid 14. E 0 RP or Fe +/Fe and Sn +2/Sn are - 0.44 and 0.14 volts
3. The electrode potential becomes equal to standard electrode respectively. The standard emf for cell.
potential when reactants and products concentration ratio is
(a) Equal to 1 (b) Greater than 1 Fe+2 + Sn ⎯ ⎯→Sn +2 + Fe is
(c) Less than 1 (d) None of the above (a) + 0.30 V (b) - 0.58 V (c) + 0.58 V (d) - 0.30 V
4. In H2− O2 fuel cell the reaction occuring at cathode is 15. Emf of the cell
Ni | Ni2+ ( 0.1 M ) || Au 3+ (1.0 M) | Au will be
(a) 2 H2O + O2 + 4 e- ⎯ ⎯→ 4 OH- 0
E Ni / Ni2+
= 0.25, E Au / Au 3+ = −1.5 V
(b) 2 H 2 + O2 ⎯
⎯→ 2 H2 O (l) (a) 1.75 V (b) + 1. 7795 V
(c) H + + OH - ⎯
⎯→ H 2O (c) + 0.7795 V (d) - 1.7795 V
(d) H + + e- ⎯
⎯→ H2 . 16. 1 mol each of AgNO3, CuSO4 and AlCl3 is electrolysed.
Number of faradays required are in the ratio of :
2Ce 4+ + Co →2Ce 3+ + Co 2+ E 0 cell = 1.89 V, E 0 CO 2 +/ CO (a)1 : 1 : 1 (b) 1 : 2 : 3 (c) 3 : 2 : 1 (d) 1 : 3 : 1
5. is + 2+
= - 0.277 V hence, E 0 Ce 4 +/ Ce3+ 17. For a cell given below : Ag | Ag || Cu | Cu
(a) 0.805 V (b) 1.62 V (c) – 0.805 V (d) – 1.61 V - +
6. The resistance of 0.01 N solution of an electrolyte was found Ag + e ⎯
+ -
⎯→ Ag E0 = x
to be 210 Ohm at 298 K. Its conductance is, The value of
(a) 4.76 10 −3 mho (b) 4.76 mho Cu 2+ + 2e- ⎯ ⎯→ Cu, E0 = y
(c) 210 mho (d) None of these E 0 cell is :
7. The resistance of 0.01 N solution of an electrolyte was found (a) x + 2y (b) 2x + y (c) y – x (d) y – 2x
to be 210 Ohm at 298 K, using a conductivity cell of cell 18. The following E0 values :
constant 0.66 cm −1 . The specific conductance of solution is, E 0Fe3+ / Fe2+ = +0.77 V; E Sn 0
2+ = −0.14 V Under
/ Sn
−3 −1 −3 −1
(a) 3.14 10 mho cm (b) 3.14 10 mho cm standard conditions, the cell potential for the reaction given
(c) 3.14 mho cm −1 (d) 3.14 mho −1 cm −1 below is :
8. Molar conductivity of a solution is 1.26 × 10 2 1cm 2 mol 1 . Its Sn (s) + 2Fe 3+ (aq) → 2Fe 2+ (aq) + Sn 2+ (aq)
molarity is 0.01. Its specific conductivity will be (a) 1.68 V (b) 1.40 V (c) 0.91 V (d) 0.63 V
−5 −3
(a) 1 . 26 10 (b) 1 . 26 10 19. The limiting molar conductivities for NaCl, KBr and KCl
(c) 1.26 10 −4 (d) 0.0063 are 126, 152 and 150 S cm2 mol–1 respectively. The value of
9. Molar ionic conductivities of a bivalent electrolyte are 57 and
73. The molar conductivity of the solution will be
0 for NaBr is
(a) 128 S cm2 mol–1 (b) 176 S cm2 mol–1
(a) 130 S cm 2 mol −1 (b) 65 S cm 2 mol −1
(c) 278 S cm2 mol–1 (d) 302 S cm2 mol–1
(c) 260 S cm 2 mol −1 (d) 187 S cm 2 mol −1 20. The values for Cr, Mn, Fe and Co are – 0.41, + 1.57, + 0.77 and
10. The ionic mobilities of the cation and the anion of a salt are 140 + 1.97 V respectively. For which one of these metals, the
and 80 mho respectively. The equivalent conductivity of the change in oxidation state from +2 to +3 is easiest
salt at infinite dilution will be (a) Cr (b) Mn (c) Fe (d) Co
(a) 160 mho (b) 280 mho How many Coulombs of electricity are required for reduction
(c) 60 mho (d) 220 mho of 1 mole of MnO −
to Mn 2+
11. The EMF of the cell, Ni | Ni 2 + || Cu 2 + | Cu is 0.59 volt. The
(a) 96500 C (b) 1.93 10 5 C
standard electrode potential (reduction potential) of copper
electrode is 0.34 volt. The standard electrode potential of nickel (c) 4.83 10 5 C (d) 9.65 10 6 C
electrode will be 22. Given that Eº values of Ag /Ag, K / K, Mg2+/ Mg and Cr3+/ Cr
+ +
(a) 0.25 volt (b) – 0.25 volt are 0.80V, –2.93V, –2.37V and –0.74V respectively. Therefore
(c) 0.93 volt (d) – 0.93 volt the order for the reducing power of the metal is –
12. The standard emf for the cell reaction (a) Ag > Cr > Mg > K (b) Ag < Cr < Mg < K
(c) Ag > Cr > K > Mg (d) Cr > Ag > Mg > K
Zn + Cu 2 + → Cu + Zn 2 + is 1.1 volt at 25 C .
23. Which of the following statements about galvanic cell is conductivity of the solution (in S cm −1 where S has usual
meaning) is
(a) Anode is positive (a) 0.15 (b) 1.5 (c) 0.015 (d) 150
(b) Oxidation occurs at the electrode with lower reduction 33. A conductivity cell has two platinum electrodes of 1.2 cm 2
potential area, separated by a distance of 0.8 cm. The cell constant is,
(c) Cathode is positive
(a) 0.66 cm −1 (b) 1.5 cm −1
(d) Reduction occurs at cathode
(c) 0.96 cm −1 (d) 0.66 cm
24. The molar conductances of NaCl, HCl and CH 3 COONa at 34. The standard potentials at 298 K for the following half
infinite dilution are 126.45, 426.16 and 91 ohm −1 cm 2 mol −1 reactions are as given
respectively. The molar conductance of CH 3 COOH at Zn 2+ + 2e Zn Eº = –0.762 V
infinite dilution is. 2H + 2e → H2 (g) Eº = 0.000 V
Cr3+ + 3e Cr Eº = – 0.740 V
(a) 201 .28 ohm −1 cm 2 mol −1 (b) 390 .71 ohm −1 cm 2 mol −1
Fe3+ + 2e → Fe2+ Eº = 0.772 V
(c) 698 .28 ohm −1 cm 2 mol −1 (d) 540 .48 ohm −1 cm 2 mol −1 Which of the following is the strongest reducing agent ?
25. In dry cell the reaction which takes place at the zinc anode is. (a) Zn (s) (b) Cr (c) H2 (g) (d) Fe 2+ (aq)
35. Given :
(a) Zn 2 + + 2e − → Zn(s) 0
E Cr 3+ / Cr = −0.74 V; E MnO− / Mn 2+ = 1.51 V
(b) Zn(s) → Zn 2 + + 2e − 4
(c) Mn 2 + + 2e − → Mn(s) E 0
Cr2O72 − / Cr 3+
= 1.33 V; E 0
Cl / Cl −
= 1.36 V Based on the
(d) Mn(s) → Mn + + e − + 1.5 V data given above, strongest oxidising agent will be :
26. Which of the following reactions occurs at the cathode during (a) Cl (b) Cr3+ (c) Mn2+ (d) MnO4–
the charging of a lead storage battery. 36. Salt bridge contains
2+ −
(a) Pb + 2e → Pb (a) Calomel (b) Corrosive sublimate
(c) H 2 O (d) Agar-agar Paste
(b) Pb 2 + + SO 42 − → PbSO 4
37. The emf of the cell,
(c) Pb → Pb 2 + + 2e − Ni | Ni 2+ (1.0 M) || Ag + (1.0M) | Ag [E0 for Ni 2+ / Ni = - 0.25
2− −
(d) PbSO 4 + 2 H 2 O → 2 PbO 2 + 4 SO 4 + 2e
volt, E° for Ag+/Ag = 0.80 volt] is given by
27. The name of equation showing relation between electrode (a) –0.25 + 0.80 = 0.55 volt
potential (E) standard electrode potential (E ) and o (b) –0.25 – (+0.80) = –1.05 volt
concentration of ions in solution is. (c) 0 + 0.80 – (–0.25) = + 1.05 volt
(d) –0.80 – (–0.25) = – 0.55 vol
(a) Kohlrausch's equation (b) Nernst's equation 2+ 2+
(c) Ohm's equation (d) Faraday's equation 38. In the cell Zn | Zn || Cu | Cu, the negative terminal is
2+ 2+
28. The correct representation of Nernst's equation is. (a) Cu (b) Cu (c) Zn (d) Zn
0 . 0591
(a) E n + = E o M n + / M +
M /M
log (M n + ) 39. How much electricity in terms of Faraday is required to
produce 100 g of Ca from molten CaCl2 ?
0 .0591
(b) E M n + / M = E o M n + / M − log (M n + ) (a) 1 F (b) 2 F (c) 3F (d) 5 F
40. The quantity of charge required to obtain one mole of
(c) E M n + / M = E o M n + / M + log (M n + ) aluminum from Al2 O3 is _______.
0 . 0591
(d) None of the above (a) 1 F (b) 6 F (c) 3 F (d) 2 F
29. EMF of cell Ni | Ni 2 + (1.0 M ) || Au 3 + (1.0 M ) | Au (Where E o 41. The cell constant of a conductivity cell __________.
(a) Changes with change of electrolyte
for Ni 2 + | Ni is − 0.25 V; E o for Au +3 | Au is 1.50 V ) is.
(b) Changes with change of concentration of electrolyte
(a) + 1.25 V (b) − 1.75 V
(c) Changes with temperature of electrolyte
(c) + 1.75 V (d) + 4.0 V (d) Remains constant for a cell.
30. The charge over anode in a galvanic cell is. 42. While charging the lead storage battery ________.
(a) Negative (a) PbSO 4 anode is reduced to Pb
(b) Positive
(c) No charge (b) PbSO 4 cathode is reduced to Pb
(d) Sometimes negative and sometimes positive (c) PbSO cathode is oxidized to Pb
31. Electrode potential of Zn 2 + / Zn is −0.76 V and that of
(d) PbSO 4 anode is oxidised to PbO2
Cu 2 + / Cu is +0.34 V . The EMF of the cell constructed
43. In a cell reaction
between these two electrodes is.
(a) 1.10 V (b) 0.42 V Cu (s ) + 2Ag (+aq ) → Cu (2aq+ ) + 2Ag ( s )
(c) – 1.1V (d) – 0.42 V
Eº Cell = +0.46 V if the concentration of Cu 2+ ions is
32. The cell constant of a given cell is 0.47 cm . The resistance of
a solution placed in this cell is measured to be 31.6 Ohm. The doubled then Eº Cell will be
(a) Doubled (b) Halved
(c) Increased by four times (d) Unchanged (b) In fig (Y), electrons flow from Cu to Zn and current flows
44. The cell reaction of the galvanic cell: from Zn to Cu (E ext 1.1V)
Cu ( s ) | Cu (2aq+ ) || Hg (2aq+ ) | Hg ( l ) is (c) In fig (X), Zn dissolves at anode and Cu deposits at cathode.
2+ 2+
(a) Hg + Cu → Hg + Cu (d) In fig (Y), Zn is deposited at Cu and Cu is deposited at Zn.
(b) Hg + Cu 2+ → Cu + + Hg +
(c) Cu + Hg → CuHg
(d) Cu + Hg → Cu 2+ + Hg
45. When a lead storage battery is discharged,
(a) Lead sulphate is consumed (b) Oxygen gas is evolved
(c) Lead sulphate is formed (d) Lead sulphide is formed
(c) 1.0110
(d) 10.1
50. Given below are two figures of Daniell cell (X) and (Y) Study
the figures and mark the incorrect statement from the
Matrix Science Academy
Chemistry Electrochemistry Solutions
1. (a) −3 1
Sol. A B C = (100 10 ) ( 60 60) = 180 C
Eored +0.5 V –3.0 V –1.2 V
14. (b)
The reducing power follows the following order : B > C > A.
Sol. Fe+2 + Sn ⎯ ⎯→Sn +2 + Fe
2. (d)
Sol. Difluoroacetic acid will be strongest acid due to electron E0 cell = E0 Fe2+/ Fe + E0Sn / Sn+2
withdrawing effect of two fluoring atoms so as it will show = - 0.44 - 0.14 = - 0.58 V
maximum electrical conductivity 15. (b)
3. (a)
Sol. Cell reaction: 3Ni + 2Au +3 ⎯ ⎯→3Ni +2 + 2Au
Sol. E = E 0 0.0591 Pr oduct Pr oduct
log if =1 [ Ni +2 ]3
n Re ac tan t Re ac tan t 0.0591
E cell = E cell −
6 [Au +3 ]2
then E = E0
4. (a) 0.0591 . )3
( 01 0.0591
= (0.25 + 15
. )− log = 175
. − log(01
Sol. H2–O2 fuel cell 6 (1) 2 2
At anode : 2OH– + H2 ⎯
⎯→ 2H2O + 2e– = 1.75 + 0.295 = + 1.7795 V
16. (b)
At cathode : 2 H2O + O2 + 4e – ⎯ ⎯→ 4OH–
Sol. Ag + + e– ⎯⎯→ Ag
5. (b)
Sol. Eºcell = 1.89 ; EºCe4+/Ce3+ + EºCo/Co2+ = E + 0.277 Cu 2+ + 2e– ⎯ ⎯→ Cu
E = 1.62 V Al3+ + 3e– ⎯ ⎯→ Al
6. (a) Thus, number of faradays required by 1 mol each = 1 : 2: 3.
1 1 17. (c)
Sol. Conductance = = = 4 .76 10 − 3 mho .
R 210 Sol.
7. (a) At LHS (oxidation) 2 × (Ag ⎯
⎯→ Ag + + e - ) E 0 ox = - x
1 l 1
Sol. = = 0 .66 = 3 .14 10 − 3 mho cm −1 . At RHS (reduction) Cu 2+ + 2e - ⎯
⎯→ Cu E 0 red = + y
R a 210
8. (b) 2Ag + Cu 2+ ⎯ ⎯→ Cu + 2Ag + , E 0 red = (y - x)
1000 Molarity 18. (c)
Sol. m = or = m 0
Molarity 1000 Sol. E cell = 0.77 + 0.14 = 0.91 volt.
1 . 26 10 −2 0 . 01 19. (a)
= = 1 .26 10 − 3 .
Sol. NaBr = 126 + 152 – 150 = 128 S cm2 mol–1 .
9. (a) 20. (a)
Sol. 0m = 57 + 73 = 130S cm2 mol −1. 2+ 3+
Sol. Cr l Cr = +0.41V
10. (d)
Mn 2+ l Mn 3+ = −1.57 V
Sol. 0eq = 0c + 0a = 140 + 80 = 220 mho .
11. (b) Fe2+ l Fe3+ = −0.77V
Sol. E 0cell = E 0Re d (RHS) − E 0Re d (LHS) Co2+ l Co3+ = −1.97 V
= E 0Cu 2 + / Cu − E 0Ni 2 + / Ni As Cr will have maximum oxidation potential value, therefore
its oxidation will be easiest
i.e. 0.59 = 0.34 − E 0Ni 2 + / Ni 21. (c)
or E o 2 + = 0.34 − 0.59 = − 0.25 Volt Sol. (MnO 4 ) − → Mn 2+ i.e., Mn 7 + + 5e − → Mn 2 +
Ni / Ni
12. (a) Thus 1 mole of MnO 4− requires 5 F
Sol. E cell = −
0 .0591
Zn 2 + = 5 96500 C = 482500 ≃ 4.83 10 5 C.
E cell log
n Cu 2 + 22. (b)
Sol. More the negative Eº value, larger the reducing power of
0 .0591 0 .1
E cell = 1 .10 − log the metal.
2 0 .1
Ecell = 1.10 V ( log 1 = 0) 23. (a)
13. (b) Sol. Anode has negative polarity.
Sol. Charge passed during electrolysis = i. x. t 24. (b)
Sol. mo (CH 3 COOH ) =
o (CH 3 COONa ) + o (HCl ) − o (NaCl ) Al3+ + 3e− → Al
= 91 + 426 .16 − 126 .45 = 390 .71 ohm −1 cm 2 mol −1 . Thus, 3 F of charge is required to obtain 1 mole of Al from
25. (b) Al2O3
Sol. At anode: Zn(s) → Zn 2+ + 2e − . 41. (d)
26. (d) Sol. Remains constant for a cell
Sol. PbSO 4 + 2 H 2 O → 2 PbO 2 + 4 SO 4− − + 2e − . 42. (a)
Sol. On charging the battery the reaction is reversed and
27. (b)
PbSO 4 ( s ) is converted into Pb at anode and PbO2 at
Sol. Nernst’s equation shows relation between E and E o
28. (a) cathode.
RT 1 43. (d)
Sol. E = E o − ln ; E = E o + RT ln[ M n + ]
nF [M n + ] nF Sol. Eº Cell = Eº Cathode −Eº anode
2 .303 RT It will remain unchanged
E = Eo + log[ M n + ]
nF 44. (d)
Substituting the value of R, T (298K) and F we get Sol. Cell reaction: Cu + Hg → Cu 2+ + Hg
0 .0591
E = Eo + log( M n + ) . 45. (c)
n Sol.
29. (c)
Pb ( s ) + PbO 2 (s ) + 2H 2SO 4 ( aq ) → 2PbSO 4 (s ) + 2H 2 O ( l )
Sol. Ecell = E oAu 3 + / Au − E Ni
/ Ni
= 1.50 − (−0.25 ) = 1.75 V.
40 g 0of Ca 2F
100 g of Ca 5 F
40. (c)
Sol. Al2 O3 → 2Al
Matrix Science Academy
Chemistry- Chemical Kinetics Level-1
(b) −
1 d[ A] d[C]
= = K [ A] [ B]
m n (c) litremole −1 sec −1 (d) sec −1
3 dt dt
18. For the reaction 2 N 2 O5 → 4 NO 2 + O2 rate of reaction and rate
1 d[ A] −d[C ]
(c) + = = K[ A]n [B]m constant are 1.02 10 −4 and 3.4 10 −5 sec −1
3 dt dt
respectively. The concentration of N 2 O5 at that time will be.
(d) None of these
9. A catalyst increases the rate of a chemical reaction by. (a) 1.732 (b) 3 (c) 1.02 10 −4 (d) 3.4 10 5
(a) Increasing the activation energy 19. If the concentration is expressed in moles per litre, the unit of
(b) Decreasing the activation energy the rate constant for a first order reaction is.
(c) Reacting with reactants (a) Mole litre −1 sec −1 (b) Mole litre −1
(d) Reacting with products (c) sec −1 (d) Mole −1 litre −1 sec −1
10. The main function of a catalyst in speeding up a reaction is. 20. A zero order reaction is one whose rate is independent of.
(a) To increase the rate of the forward reaction (a) Temperature of the reaction
(b) To change the reaction path so as to decrease the energy of (b) The concentrations of the reactants
activation for the reaction (c) The concentration of the products
(c) To reduce the temperature at which the reaction can occur (d) The material of the vessel in which the reaction is carried
(d) To increase the energy of the molecules of the reactants out
11. The rate of a reaction. 21. The unit of rate constant for a zero order reaction is.
(a) Increases with increase in temperature (a) litre sec −1 (b) litre mole −1 sec −1
Chemistry By Jagdish Wagh
(c) mole litre−1 sec −1 (d) mole sec −1
1. (b) Sol. It is a second order reaction and the unit of k for second
Sol. Rate of reaction continuously decreases with time. order reaction is litre mol −1 sec −1 .
2. (d)
18. (b)
Sol. According to law of mass action.
Sol. R = K[A] , 1.02 10 −4 = 3.4 10 −5 , [ N 2 O5 ]
3. (c)
dx 0 .2 − 0 .1 0 .1 1 .02 10 −4
Sol. Rate of reaction = = = 10 or (N 2 O 5 ) = ,K = 3
dt 10 3 .4 10 −5
= 0.01 mol dm −3 min −1 . 19. (c)
Sol. Unit of K for first order reaction = sec −1 .
4. (b)
20. (b)
Sol. Greater are the concentrations of the reactants, faster is
Sol. The rate of zero order reaction is not depend on the
the reaction. Conversely, as the concentrations of the reactants
concentration of the reactants.
decreases, the rate of reaction also decreases.
21. (c)
5. (b)
Sol. The unit of K for zero order reaction
Sol. Ionic reactions are very fast reactions i.e. take place
= mole litre−1 sec −1 .
6. (b)
dc 22. (c)
Sol. − refers as decrease in concentration of the reactant Sol. Inversion of cane sugar is a Pseudo unimolecular
with time. reaction.
7. (d) 23. (c)
2 .303 a
Sol. The rate of a reaction depends upon concentration of Sol. For 1 st order reaction K = log 10 .
t (a − x )
8. (a) 24. (b)
d [B] +d[C ] +d (D) 3 3 3+3 6
Sol. −
1 d [ A]
=− = = . Sol. Order of reaction = + = = =3
3 dt dt dt dt 2 2 2 2
9. (b) 25. (c)
Sol. Catalyst increases the rate by decreasing the activation Sol. Two molecules are taking part in elementary step.
10. (b)
Sol. Catalyst decrease energy of activation.
11. (a)
Sol. Thus both rate and rate constant K increase with
temperature, r = k (reactant) n and k = Ae − Ea / RT
12. (d)
Sol. Molecularity of the reaction does not influence the rate of
13. (c)
Sol. The rate law for an reaction can be given by; rate =
K( A)(B)2 , i.e. the powers are raised which are given as
coefficient of reactant.
14. (b)
Sol. It is a pseudo-unimolecular reaction.
15. (a)
Sol. K = Ae − Ea / RT by this equation it is clear that rate
constant of a reaction depends on temperature.
16. (c)
Sol. Rate determining step is a slow step by which rate of
reaction can be determined.
17. (c)
(c) log 10 k = log 10 A − (d) k = AE − RT (c) log 10 k = log 10 A − (d) k = AE − RT
2 .303 RT 2 .303 RT
17. The differential rate law for the reaction H2 + I2® 2HI is : 27. The differential rate law for the reaction H2 + I2 ® 2HI is :
dH 2 dl dHl dH 2 dl dHl
(a) − =− 2 =− (a) − =− 2 =−
dt dt dt dt dt dt
dH 2 dl 2 1 dHl dH 2 dl 2 1 dHl
(b) = = (b) = =
dt dt 2 dt dt dt 2 dt
1 dH 2 1 dl 2 dHl 1 dH 2 1 dl 2 dHl
(c) = =− (c) = =−
2 dt 2 dt dt 2 dt 2 dt dt
dH 2 dl 2 dHl dH 2 dl 2 dHl
(d) − 2 = −2 =+ (d) − 2 = −2 =+
dt dt dt dt dt dt
d (B) d (B)
18. If 3 A → 2 B then the rate of reaction of + is equal to 28. If 3 A → 2 B then the rate of reaction of + is equal to
dt dt
d ( A) 1 d ( A) d ( A) 1 d ( A)
(a) + 2 (b) − (a) + 2 (b) −
dt 3 dt dt 3 dt
2 d ( A) 3 d ( A) 2 d ( A) 3 d ( A)
(c) − (d) − (c) − (d) −
3 dt 2 dt 3 dt 2 dt
19. If the first order reaction involves gaseous reactant and gaseous 29. If the first order reaction involves gaseous reactant and gaseous
products the units of its rate are – products the units of its rate are –
(a) atm (b) atm-sec (c) atm-sec–1 (d) atm2-sec 2 (a) atm (b) atm-sec (c) atm-sec–1 (d) atm2-sec2
20. The rate of the reaction, 30. The rate of the reaction,
3A + 2B → Products 3A + 2B → Products
is given by the rate expression : is given by the rate expression :
Rate = k[A][B] 2 Rate = k[A][B] 2
If A is taken in excess, the order of the reaction would be: If A is taken in excess, the order of the reaction would be:
(a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 1 (d) 5 (a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 1 (d) 5
31. In the reaction A + 2B ⎯⎯→ 3C + D.
21. The reaction
d[C] 3d[A] 3d[C] 2d[B]
1 (a) =– (b) =–
N 2 O5 (in CCl 4 solution ) → 2 NO 2 (solution ) + O2 (g) dt dt dt dt
– d[B] + d[B]
is of first order in N 2 O5 with rate constant 6.2 10 −1 s −1 . What (c) = (d) None of these
2dt 3dt
is the value of rate of reaction when
32. For reaction 2A + B ⎯ ⎯→ D + E, following mechanism has
[ N 2 O5 ] = 1.25 mole l −1 . been proposed
(a) 7.75 10 −1 mole l −1 s −1 (b) 6.35 10 −3 mole l −1 s −1 mechanism A + B ⎯
⎯→ C + D ...... Slow
(c) 5.15 10 mole l s −1 −1 −1
(d) 3.85 10 mole l s −1 −1 A+C ⎯ ⎯→ E
Rate law for the reaction
22. A reaction that is of the first order with respect to reactant A has a
(a) r = K[A] 2[B] (b) r = K[A][B]
rate constant 6 min −1 . If we start with [ A] = 0.5 mol l −1 , when (c) r = K[A] (d) r = K[A][C]
would [A] reach the value 0.05mol l −1 . 33. Consider the chemical reaction,
(a) 0.384 min (b) 0.15 min 2A (g) ⎯⎯→ B(g) + 3C(g)
(c) 3 min (d) 3.84 min The rate of this reaction can be expressed in terms of time
23. For the reaction 2 N 2 O5 → 4 NO 2 + O2 rate of reaction and rate derivatives of conc. of A(g) , B(g) or C(g). Identify the correct
constant are 1.02 10 and 3.4 10 sec −5 −1 relationship amongst rate expressions :
d[A] d[B] d[C]
respectively. The concentration of N 2 O5 at that time will be. (a) Rate = – = =
(a) 1.732 (b) 3 (c) 1.02 10 −4 (d) 3.4 10 5 dt dt dt
1 d[A] d[B] 1 d[C]
24. A first order reaction which is 30% complete in 30 minutes has (b) Rate = = =
a half-life period of. 2 dt dt 3 dt
(a) 24.2 min (b) 58.2 min 1 d[A] d[B] 1 d[C]
(c) 102.2 min (d) 120.2 min (c) Rate = – = =
25. A first order reaction requires 30 minutes for 50% completion.
2 dt dt 3 dt
1 d[A] d[B] 1 d[C]
The time required to complete the reaction by 75% will be. (d) Rate = =− =−
(a) 45 minutes (b) 15 minutes 2 dt dt 3 dt
(c) 60 minutes (d) None of these 34. The differential rate law equation for the elementary reaction
A + 2B ⎯ ⎯→
26. Which one of the following does not represent Arrhenius K
3C, is :
d[A] d[B] d[C]
(a) k = Ae − E / RT (b) log k = log A −
E (a) − =− = = k [A] [B] 2
e e
RT dt dt dt
d[A] 1 d[B] 1 d[C] 42. The rate constant for a first order reaction whose half-life, is
(b) − =− = = k [A]2 [B] 480 seconds is –
dt 2 dt 3 dt (a) 2.88 × 10 –3 sec–1 (b) 2.72 × 10 –3 sec–1
d[A] 1 d[B] 1 d[C] –3
(c) 1.44 × 10 sec –1 (d) 1.44 sec –1
(c) − =− = = k [A] [B] 2
dt 2 dt 3 dt d[B]
43. 3A → 2B, rate of reaction + is equal to -
(d) None of these dt
35. For a reaction X → Y the rate of reaction becomes twenty 3 d[A] 2 d[A]
(a) – (b) –
seven times when the concentration of X is increased three 2 dt 3 dt
times. What is the order of the reaction? 1 d[A] 2d[A]
(a) 2 (b) 1 (c) 3 (d) 0 (c) – (d) +
3 dt dt
44. Consider the reaction 2 N 2 O 5 ⎯⎯→ 4 NO 2 + O 2 .
36. Consider the chemical reaction,
In the reaction NO2 is being formed at the rate of
2A (g) ⎯⎯→ B(g) + 3C(g)
The rate of this reaction can be expressed in terms of time 0.0125 mol L . What is rate of reaction at this time?
derivatives of conc. of A(g) , B(g) or C(g). Identify the correct
relationship amongst rate expressions : (a) 0.0018 mol L−1s −1 (b) 0.0031mol L−1s −1
d[A] d[B] d[C] (c) 0.0041mol L−1s −1 (d) 0.050 mol L−1s −1
(a) Rate = – = =
dt dt dt
45. In a reaction 2HI → H 2 + I 2 , the concentration of HI
1 d[A] d[B] 1 d[C]
(b) Rate = = = decrease from 0.5 mol L−1 to 0.4 mol L−1 in 10 minutes
2 dt dt 3 dt
what is the rate of reaction during this interval?
1 d[A] d[B] 1 d[C]
(c) Rate = – = = (a) 5 10−3 M min −1 (b) 2.5 10−3 M min −1
2 dt dt 3 dt −2 −1
(c) 5 10 M min (d) 2.5 10−2 M min −1
1 d[A] d[B] 1 d[C]
(d) Rate = =− =− 46. For the reaction 4NH3 + 5O2 → 4NO + 6H 2O, if the rate
2 dt dt 3 dt
of disappearance of NH3 is 3.6 10 mol L−1s −1 what is
37. For the reaction 2A + 3B → 4C the rate of reaction may be
represented as the rate of formation of H 2 O ?
−1 −1
(a) r = – 2
d[C] (a) 5.4 10 −3 mol L s −1 (b) 3.6 10 −3 mol L s −1
dt dt dt −1
(c) 4 10 −4 mol L s −1
1. (b) 1 .02 10 −4
Sol. R = K[RCl ] , if [RCl] =1/2, then rate = R/2. or (N 2 O 5 ) = ,K = 3
3 .4 10 −5
2. (b) 14. (b)
Sol. 2 2 = 4, 3 2 = 9 2 .303 a
Sol. k = log
3. (a) t a−x
− d(N 2 ) 1 d (H 2 ) 1 d ( NH 3 ) 3 0 . 693 2 . 303 100
Sol. =− = = 40 10 − 3 = log
dt 3 dt 2 dt 2 T t 100 − 30
= 60 10 −3. T = 58 .2 min.
4. (b) 15. (c)
Sol. Rate = K( A)2 (B)1 on doubling the active mass of A the 0 .693 2 .303 100
Sol. k = = 0 .0231 ; t = log
rate of reaction increase 4 times. 30 k 100 − 75
5. (c) 2 .303
t= log 4 = 60 minutes
Sol. ‘A’ will disappear at twice the rate at which ‘B’ will 0 .0231
decrease. 16. (d)
6. (b) Sol. All other are different forms of Arrhenius equation.
−dN 2 −1 dH 2 1 dNH 3 17. (d)
Sol. = =
dt 3 dt 2 dt Sol. H2 + □2 → 2H□
dH 2 3
= 0 . 001 = 0 .0015 kg hr −1 .
When 1 mole of H2 and 1mole of I2 reacts, 2 moles of HI are
dt 2 formed in the same time interval.
7. (a) Thus the rate may be expressed as
Sol. −
1 d [ A]
d [B] +d[C ] +d (D)
= = − H 2 l 2 1 Hl
3 dt dt dt dt
. = = The negative sign signifies a
t t 2 t
8. (a) decrease in concentration of the reactant with increase of time.
Sol. Higher the value of rate constant so, faster the reaction rate. 18. (c)
9. (a) Sol. 3 A → 2 B ; Rate
Sol. 2 N 2 O5(g) → 4 NO 2(g) + O 2(g) 1 d [ A] 1 d [ B] d [ B] 2 d [ A]
=− = ; + =−
Rate of reaction with respect to NO 2 3 dt 2 dt dt 3 dt
19. (c)
1 d[ NO 2 ] 1 5 .2 10 −3
= = = 1 .3 10 −5 ms −1 Sol. Rate = atm sec –1
4 dt 4 100 20. (b)
10. (a) Sol. When A is taken in excess, its concentration will become
−d [ A] constant; the rate law may, therefore, be given as :
Sol. A + 2 B → C + D = 5 10 − 4
dt Rate = k[B]2 Order = 2
1 d[B] 5 10 −4
− = = 2 .5 10 − 4 mol −1 sec −1 21. (a)
2 dt 2
Sol. Rate = K(N 2 O5 ) = 6.2 10 −1 1.25
11. (a) = 7.75 10 −1 mol l−1 s −1
Sol. Rate = K(N 2 O5 ) = 6.2 10 −1 1.25 22. (a)
−1 −1 −1 Sol. We know that for first order kinetics
= 7.75 10 mol l s
2 . 303 a
12. (a) k= log
Sol. We know that for first order kinetics t a−x
2 . 303 0 .5
2 . 303
a (a − x ) = 0.05 mol l−1 , 6 = log
t a−x t 0 . 05
2 .303 0 .5 2 .303
(a − x ) = 0.05 mol l−1 , 6 =
2 . 303
0 .5 or t = log = = 0 .384 min
t 0 . 05 6 0 .05 6
Or 3 = 3 or n = 3
3 n
rate 1.4 10 −5 mol L−1s −1
36. (c) [ N 2O5 ] = = = 0.7 mol L−1
k 2 10 −5 s −1
Sol. 2A [g]⎯⎯→ B[g] + 3C[g] [elementary reaction]
49. (a)
1 d[A] d[B] 1 d[C] Sol. For a zero order reaction rate = k[A]º = k
Rate = – = =
2 dt dt 3 dt −1 −1
Units = mol L time
50. (b)
Sol. For 2N 2 O5 → 4NO2 + O2 the rate of reaction can be
expressed as
1 d[ N 2 O 5 ] 1 d[ NO 2 ] d[O 2 ]
− = =
2 dt 4 dt dt
MHT-CET-XII - New Syllabus (MH) 2022-23
Time : 30 Min Chem : Transition and Inner transition Elements Marks : 25
02) Ans: C) decomposes in sunlight. 17) Ans: A) the pure ore is not as easily wetted by
Sol: Decomposes in sunlight. water as by pine oil, cresylic acid etc.
2AgNO3 2Ag 2NO2 O2
18) Ans: C) Rn 5f 3 6d17s2
03) Ans: A) Zn and Cu. Sol: Rn 5f 3 6d17s2
Sol: Brass is an alloy of Zn as well as Cu.
19) Ans: B) Ti+4
04) Ans: D) 4so 3d4 Sol: We know, Ti 3d24s2
Sol: Electronic configuration of chromium is given Ti+4 3do4s0
as Cr [Ar] 3d5 4s1 C r2 [ A r ]34d 4
20) Ans: D) Yb and Lu
05) Ans: D) Fe3+ Sol: Yb Xe 4f14 6s2
Sol: Co2+ [Ar] 3d7 4s0, number of unpaired
Lu Xe 4f14 5d16s2
electrons = 3
Co3+ [Ar] 3d6 4s0, number of unpaired electrons
=4 21) Ans: B) 3d5
Fe2+ [Ar] 3d6 4s0, number of unpaired electrons
Sol: 3d5 has maximum no.of unpaired electrons
Fe3+ [Ar] 3d6 4s0, number of unpaired electrons (i.e., 5).
22) Ans: A) pig iron
06) Ans: B) An
23) Ans: A) sublimation.
07) Ans: C) oxidation state.
Sol: The oxidation state in both lanthanide and 24) Ans: B) Rn 5f 014 6d017s2
actinide is +3. The properties of actinide are very Sol: Rn 5f 014 6d017s2
similar to those of lanthanide when both are in +3
25) Ans: B) (n - 1) d and ns orbits
08) Ans: A) extra half-filled stability of d-orbital
Sol: Fe3 will have 3d5 configuration which
coonts for half-filled stability of d-orbital.
09) Ans: B) +3
13) Ans: B) Zr
16) Ans: D) Zn
Sol: Zn shows only +2 oxidation state due to
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6 18. Which of the following transition metal ions has highest
2. The highest oxidation state of Cr will be. magnetic moment?
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 6
(a) Cu 2+ (b) Ni 2+ (c) Co 2+ (d) Fe 2+
3. Which statement is true about the transitional elements.
(a) They are highly reactive 19. Which of the following compounds is not coloured?
(b) They show variable oxidation states (a) Na 2 [CuCl4 ] (b) Na 2 [CdCl4 ]
(c) They have low M.P. (c) K 4 [Fe(CN) 6 ] (d) K 3 [ Fe(CN ) 6 ]
(d) They are highly electropositive 20. Select the correct option, among Sc (III), Ti(IV), Pd(II) and
4. Across the lanthanide series, the basicity of the lanthanoide Cu(II) ions,
hydroxides : (a) All are paramagnetic
(a) Increases (b) Decreases
(b) All are diamagnetic
(c) First increases and then decreases (d) Does not change
5. Cerium (Z = 58) is an important member of the lanthanoide. (c) Sc(III), Ti(IV) are paramagnetic and Pd(III), Cu(II) are
Which of the following statement about cerium is incorrect? diamagnetic
(a) The common oxidation state of cerium are +3 and +4. (d) Sc(III), Ti(IV) are diamagnetic and Pd(II), Cu(III) are
(b) The +3 oxidation state of cerium is more stable than +4 paramagnetic.
oxidation state.
21. Identify the species in which the metal atom is in +6 oxidation
(c) The +4 oxidation state of cerium is not known in solution.
(d) Cerium (IV) acts as an oxidizing agent. − 3− 2−
6. The outer electron configuration of Lu (Atomic No : 71) is : (a) MnO 4 (b) Cr (CN ) 6 (c) NiF6 (d) CrO2 Cl 2
(a) 4f3 5d 5 6s2 (b) 4f8 5d 0 6s2 22. Consider the following statements with respect to lanthanides:
(c) 4f4 5d 4 6s2 (d) 4ƒ 14 5d1 6s2 1. The basic strength of hydroxides of lanthanides increase
7. Which of the following has the maximum number of unpaired from La(OH) 3 to Lu(OH) 3
3+ 2+
(a) Zn 2+ (b) Fe 2+ (c) Ni2+ (d) Cu 2+ 2. The lanthanide ions Lu , Yb and Ce 4+ are
8. Which one of the ionic species will impart colour to an aqueous diamagnetic.
solution? Which of the statement (s) given above is/are correct?
(a) Ti4+ (b) Cu + (c) Zn 2+ (d) Cr3+ (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
9. Which of the following transition element shows the highest
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
oxidation state :
(a) Mn (b) Fe (c) V (d) Cr 23. The correct configuration of f-block elements is
1−14 0−1
(a) (n − 2)f (n −1)d ns 2
10. Which one of the transition metal ions is coloured in aqueous
solution? 1−14
(a) Cu + (b) Zn 2+ (c) Sc 3+ (d) V4+
(b) (n − 1)f (n −1)d 0−1ns 2
11. Which of the following lanthanide ion is paramagnetic? (c) (n − 3)f
(n − 2)d 0−1 (n − 1)s 2
4+ 2+ 3+ 2+
(a) Ce (b) Yb (c) Lu (d) Eu 0 −1 0 −1
(d) ( n − 2)f (n − 1)d ns
12. Lanthanoid contraction is due to increase in
(a) Atomic number (b) Effective nuclear charge 24. Electronic configuration of a transition element X in +3
(c) Atomic radius (d) Valence electrons oxidation state is [Ar]3d what is its atomic number?
13. The common oxidation state shown by lanthanides in their (a) 25 (b) 26 (c) 27 (d) 24
compound is 25. There are 14 elements in actinoid series. Which of the
(a) +1 (b) +3 (c) +5 (d) +6 following elements does not belong to this series?
14. Which is the non - lanthanide element? (a) U (b) Np (c) Tm (d) Fm
(a) La (b) Lu (c) Pr (d) Pm
15. What is the total number of inner transition elements in the 26. Amalgams are.
periodic table? (a) Highly coloured alloys
(a) 10 (b) 14 (c) 30 (d) 28 (b) Always solid
16. General electronic configuration of transition metals is (c) Alloys which contain mercury as one of the contents
(a) (n − 1)d ns
2 10 2
(b) nd ns (d) Alloys which have great resistance to abrasion
1−5 27. The form of iron having the highest carbon content is.
(c) (n − 1)d ns (d) (n − 1)d ns
10 2 2
(a) Cast iron (b) Wrought iron
17. Which of the following transition metal ions is colourless? (c) Strain steel (d) Mild steel
28. In which of these processes platinum is used as a catalyst. 44. Which of the following group of ions is paramagnetic in nature
(a) Oxidation of ammonia to form HNO 3 :
+ 2+ 3+ 2+ 3+ 2+
(b) Hardening of oils (a) Cu , Zn , Sc (b) Mn , Fe , Ni
(c) Production of synthetic rubber 2+ 3+ 3+ 2+ 2+ 4+
(c) Cr , Mn , Sc (d) Cu , Ni , Ti
(d) Synthesis of methanol 45. The correct order of number of unpaired electrons is
2+ 2+ 3+ 3+
29. Which of the following has maximum number of unpaired (a) Cu Ni Cr Fe
electrons? 2+ 2+ 3+ 3+
(a) Mg+2 (b) Ti+3 (c) V+3 (d) Fe +2 (b) Ni Cu Fe Cr
30. Ti4+ is isoelectronic with - 3+ 3+ 2+ 2+
(c) Fe Cr Ni Cu
(a) Mn 4+ (b) Cl– (c) Cr3+ (d) V3+
3+ 3+ 2+ 2+
31. Which of the following group of transition metals is called (d) Cr Fe Ni Cu
coinage metals? 46. Arrange the following in increasing value of magnetic
(a) Cu, Ag, Au (b) Ru, Rh, Pb
(c) Fe, Co, Ni (d) Os. Ir, Pt
(i) [ Fe(CN ) 6 ]4− (ii) [ Fe(CN ) 6 ]3−
32. The number of d-electrons retained in Fe 2+ (At. no. Fe = 26)
ions are : (iii) [Cr ( NH 3 ) 6 ]3+ (iv) [ Ni ( H 2 O) 4 ]
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6
(a) (i) < (ii) < (iii) < (iv) (b) (i) < (ii) < (iv) < (iii)
33. Purpose of smelting of an ore is. (d) (ii) < (iii) < (i) < (iv) (d) (iii) < (i) < (ii) < (iv)
(a) To oxidise it (b) To reduce it 47. Which of the following pairs of ions have the same electronic
(c) To remove vaporisable impurities (d) To obtain an alloy configuration?
34. The substance which is mixed with the ore for removal of 2+ 2+ 3+ 2+
(a) Cu , Cr (b) Fe , Mn
impurities is termed as.
3+ 3+ 3+ 3+
(a) Slag (b) Gangue (c) Flux (d) Catalyst (c) Co , Ni (d) Sc , Cr
35. Which of the following processes involves smelting. 48. Interstitial compounds are
(a) ZnCO 3 → ZnO + CO2 (a) Non-stoichiometric and are ionic in nature
(b) Fe2O3 + 3C → 2 Fe + 3CO (b) Non- Stoichimetric and are covalent in nature
(c) 2 PbS + 3O2 → 2 PbO + 2SO 2 (c) Non- Stoicheiometric and are neither typically ionic nor
(d) Al2O3 .2 H 2O → Al2O3 + 2 H 2O
(d) Stoichimoetric and are neither ionic nor covalent
36. In the manufacture of iron lime stone added to the blast furnace, 49. Match the column I with column II and mark the appropriate
the calcium ion ends in the form of. choice.
(a) Slag (b) Gangue
Column I Column II
(c) Calcium metal (d) CaCO 3
(A) Ni in the presence of (i) Ziegler Natta
37. Flux added in the extraction of iron is. hydrogen catalyst
(a) Silica (b) Felspar (B) (ii) Contact process
Cu 2 Cl 2
(c) Limestone (d) Flint
38. In the manufacture of iron from haematite, the function of lime (C) V2 O5 (iii) Vegetable oil to
stone is as. ghee
(a) A reducing agent (b) Flux (D) Finely divided iron (iv) Sandmeyer
(c) Slag (d) Gangue reaction
39. The slag obtained during the extraction of copper from copper (E) TiCl 4 + Al(CH3 )3 (v) Haber’s process
pyrites is composed mainly of.
(a) (A) → (iv), (B) → (ii), (C) → (iii), (D) → (i), (E) →
(a) CaSiO3 (b) FeSiO3
(b) (A) → (ii), (B) → (v), (C) → (i), (D) → (iii), (E) →
(c) CuSiO 3 (d) SiO2
40. Which of the following ions has the maximum magnetic
(c) (A) → (v), (B) → (iii), (C) → (iv), (D) → (ii), (E) →
(a) Mn 2+ (b) Fe 2+ (c) Ti2+ (d) Cr2+. (i)
41. The magnetic moment of 25 Mn in ionic state is B.M, then Mn (d) (A) → (iii), (B) → (iv), (C) → (ii), (D) → (v), (E) →
is in : (i)
(a) +2 state (b) +3 state (c) +4 state (d) +5 state 50. Match the column I with column II and mark the appropriate
42. Which of the following transition metal ions has the lowest choice.
density? Column I Column II
(a) Copper (b) Nickel (c) Scandium (d) Zinc (A) Mischmetal (i) Alloy of Cu and Sn
43. Of the ions Zn 2+ , Ni2+ and Cr3+ (atomic number Zn = 30, Ni (B) Ziegler catalyst (ii) Alloy of lanthanoid
= 28, Cr = 24): metals
(a) Only Zn 2+ is colourless and Ni 2+ and Cr3+ are coloured.
(b) All three are colourless.
(C) Brass (iii) TiCl 4 + Al(CH3 )3
(c) All three are coloured. (D) Bronze (iv) Alloy of Cu and Zn
(d) Only Ni2+ is coloured and Zn 2+ and Cr3+ are colourless. (a) (A) → (i), (B) → (iii), (C) → (iv), (D) → (ii)
(b) (A) → (ii), (B) → (iii), (C) → (iv), (D) → (i)
(c) (A) → (iv), (B) → (i), (C) → (iii), (D) → (ii)
(d) (A) → (iii), (B) → (ii), (C) → (i), (D) → (iv)
Matrix Science Academy
Transition & Inner Transition Elements Key
(III) K3[CrO8]3– or [Cr(O2 )4]3–, here ligand is peroxo i.e. Fe2+ − 3d 6 No. of unpaired electrons = 4
19. (b)
O22– ; x + 4 (–2) = –3 ; so x = +5. 2+
Sol. Na 2 [CuCl4 ] Cu = +2 or Cu → 3d
(IV) (NH3 )3CrO4 or [Cr(O2)2 ], here ligand is peroxo i.e. O22–
; x + 2 (–2) = 0 ; so x = +4. Na 2 [CuCl4 ] Cd = +2 or Cd 2+ → 4d10
10. (c)
3+ 18
K 4 [Fe(CN ) 6 ] Fe = +2 or Fe2+ → 3d 6
Sol. (A) Valence shell electron configuration of V is [Ar]
3d2 ; so n = 2 K 3 [Fe(CN ) 6 ] Fe = +3 or Fe3+ → 3d 5
(B) Valence shell electron configuration of Cr 3+ is [Ar]18 3d3 Since Cd
has completely filled d-subshell hence it is
; so n = 3
20. (d)
3+ 0
Sol. Sc (3d ), Ti
(3d 0 ) are diamagnetic while Pd2+ Fe 2 O 3 + 3CO → 2 Fe + 3CO 2
2+ 9 34. (c)
( 4d8 ) and Cu (3d ) are paramagnetic. Sol. Flux is added during smelting it combines with infusible
21. (d) gangue present in the ore to form a fusible mass known as
Sol. In CrO2 Cl 2 , O.S. of Cr = +6 slag. Flux + Gangue → Slag
MnO−4 , O.S. of Mn = +7 35. (b)
Sol. Reduction with carbon is called smelting
Cr (CN ) 36− , O.S. of Cr = +3 Fe2O3 + 3C → 2 Fe + 3CO
2− 36. (a)
NiF , O.S. of Ni = +4
Sol. SiO 2 + CaO → CaSiO 3
22. (b) Impurity Flux Slag
Yb = [Xe]4f 6s ; Yb 14 2
= [Xe]4f 14 38. (b)
Sol. CaCO 3 → CaO + CO2 ; CaO + SiO 2 → CaSiO 3
Lu = [Xe ]4f 14 6s 2 ; Yb 2+ = [Xe ]4f 14 Flux Impurity of
The given ions contain no unpaired electrons and therefore are 39. (b)
diamagnetic. Sol. FeO + SiO 2 → FeSiO 2
Impurity Flux Slag
23. (a)
Sol. (n − 2)f (n −1)d 0−1ns 2 40. (a)
24. (b) Sol. (a) Valence shell electron configuration of Mn 2+ is 3d5,
3+ 5
Sol. The electronic configuration of X is [Ar]3d therefore, has the maximum number of unpaired electrons
equal to 5 and, therefore, has maximum magnetic moment.
Atomic no. of X = 18 + 5 + 3 = 26
25. (c) (b) Valence shell electron configuration of Fe 2+ is 3d 6,
Sol. Actinoid series has elements from atomic no. 90 to 103. therefore, has the maximum number of unpaired electrons
equal to d.
Thulium (Tm) has atomic no. 69
(c) Valence shell electron configuration of Ti 2+ is 3d 2,
therefore, has the maximum number of unpaired electrons
26. (c)
equal to b.
Sol. Amalgams are alloys which contain mercury as one of
(d) Valence shell electron configuration of Cr 2+ is 3d 4,
the contents.
therefore, has the maximum number of unpaired electrons
27. (a) equal to d.
Sol. Cast iron : iron –93–95% 41. (c)
Carbon – 2.5 –5%, impurities about 2%.
Sol. 15 = n ( n + 2) ; n = 3, and three unpaired
28. (a)
Sol. Platinum acts as catalyst in the oxidation of ammonia to electrons are found when Mn is in Mn 4+ i.e., 3d 3 4s0
form nitric oxide. This reaction is used in the Ostwald’s configuration as its metal electron configuration is
method of nitric acid preparation [Ar] 18 3d 5 4s 2 .
42. (c)
4 NH 3 + 5 O 2 ⎯⎯ Pt
→ 4 NO + 6 H 2 O
750 C Sol. (A) = 8.95 (B) = 8.91
2 NO + O2 → 2 NO 2 (C) = 3.0 (D) = 7.14.
Across the period atomic volumes decreases upto copper due
4 NO 2 + O2 + 2 H 2 O → 4 HNO 3 poor shielding of d-orbital electrons and addition of extra
29. (d) electrons in inner orbitals and then increases in zinc due to
Sol. Fe has 4 unpaired electron. interelectronic repulsions in completely filled d- and s-orbitals.
30. (b) Consequently densities increase from Sc to Cu and then
+4 –
Sol. Both Ti and Cl have 18e – decreases in Zn.
31. (a) 43. (a)
Sol. Cu, Ag, Au group of elements are called coinage metals as Sol. Valence shell electron configuration of 30 Zn 2+ is 3d1º
these are used in minting coins. 4sº. As there is no unpaired electrons for d–d transition, the
32. (d) solution of ions will be colourless.
Sol. Fe26–[Ar]3d 64s2 Valence shell electron configuration of 28Ni2+ is 3d 8 4sº. As
Fe (24 electrons) – [Ar] 3d 4s 6 0 there are 2 unpaired electrons, there is d–d transition of
electron, so the solution of ions will be coloured.
33. (b) Valence shell electron configuration of 24Cr3+ is 3d 3 4sº. As
Sol. Smelting is a process of reducing metal oxide to metal by there are 3 unpaired electrons, there is d–d transition of
means of coke or CO . electron, so the solution of ions will be coloured.
Fe2O3 + 3C → 2 Fe + 3CO 44. (b)
Sol. (A) Cu +[Ar]18 3d 10 , so n = 0 ; Zn 2+ [Ar]18 3d 10 , so n
= 0 ; Sc 3+ [Ar]18 3d0 , so n = 0
(B) Mn 2+ [Ar]18 3d5 , so n = 5 ; Fe 3+ [Ar]18 3d5 , so n = 5 ;
Ni2+ [Ar]18 3d 8 , so n = 2
(C) Cr2+ [Ar]18 3d4 , so n = 4 ; Mn 3+ [Ar]18 3d4 , so n = 4 ;
Sc3+ [Ar]18 3d 0 , so n = 0
(D) Cu 2+ [Ar]18 3d 9 , so n = 1 ; Ni 2+ [Ar]18 3d8 , so n = 2;
Ti4+ [Ar]18 3d0 , so n = 0
45. (c)
Sol. Fe3+ − 3d 5 No. of unpaired electrons = 5
Cr 3+ − 3d 3 No. of unpaired electrons = 3
Ni − 3d 8
No. of unpaired electrons = 2
Cu 2+ − 3d 9 No. of unpaired electrons = 1
46. (b)
Sol. [ Fe(CN ) 6 ] No. of unpaired electrons = 0
Mn 2+ (z = 25) → 3d 5
48. (c)
Sol. Non- Stoicheiometric and are neither typically ionic nor
49. (d)
Sol. (A) → (iii), (B) → (iv), (C) → (ii), (D) → (v), (E)
→ (i)
50. (b)
Sol. (A) → (ii), (B) → (iii), (C) → (iv), (D) → (i)
Matrix Science Academy
Coordination Compounds Level-1
27. On adding AgNO3 solution to a solution of [Pt(NH3 )3Cl3]Cl, 44. The number of unpaired electrons in the complex ion [CoF6 ]3 −
the percentage of total chloride ion precipitated is: is (Atomic no. of Co = 27 ) .
(a) 100 (b) 75 (c) 50 (d) 25 (a) Zero (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
45. Co (NH 3 )5 NO 2 Cl 2 and Co (NH 3 )5 (ONO )Cl 2 are related to
28. The complexes [Pt(NH3)4] [PtCl6] and [Pt(NH3)4Cl2] [PtCl4]
are :
each other as.
(a) Linkage isomers (b) Optical isomers
(a) Geometrical isomers (b) Optical isomers
(c) Co-ordination isomers (d) Ionisation isomers
29. [Co(NH3)5NO2]Cl2 and [Co(NH3)5ONO]Cl2 are related to (c) Linkage isomers (d) Coordination isomers
each other as : 46. Co (NH 3 )5 Br SO 4 and Co (NH 3 )5 SO 4 Br are examples of
(a) Geometrical isomers (b) Linkage isomers which type of isomerism.
(c) Coordination isomers (d) Ionisation isomers (a) Linkage (b) Geometrical
30. In the coordination compound K4[Ni(CN)4 ], the oxidation (c) Ionization (d) Optical
state of nickel is : 47. Co (NH 3 )4 Cl 2 NO 2 and Co (NH 3 )4 Cl. NO 2 Cl are ........
(a) – 1 (b) 0 (c) + 1 (d) + 2 isomers.
31. A complex of platinum, ammonia and chloride produces four (a) Geometrical (b) Optical
ions per molecule in the solution. The structure consistent with
(c) Linkage (d) Ionization
the observation is:
(a) [Pt(NH3)4]Cl4 (b) [Pt(NH3)2Cl4] 48. Among the following ions which one has the highest
(c) [Pt(NH3)5Cl]Cl3 (d) [Pt(NH3)4Cl2]Cl2
(a) Cr(H 2 O)6 3 + (b) Fe(H 2 O)6 2+
32. The complex [Pt(NH3)4]2+ has ..... structure :
(c) Cu (H 2 O )6 2+ (d) Zn(H 2 O )6 2+
(a) Square planar (b) Tetrahedral
(c) Pyramidal (d) Pentagonal 49. In the complex [SbF5 ]2 − , sp 3 d hydridisation is present.
33. Low spin complex is formed by : Geometry of the complex is.
(a) sp 3d2 hybridization (b) sp 3d hybridization (a) Square pyramidal (b) Square bipyramidal
2 3
(c) d sp hybridization (d) sp 3 hybridization (c) Tetrahedral (d) Square
34. Which of the following is a high spin complex? 50. The shape of Fe(CN )6 4 − ion is.
(a) [Co(NH3)6]3+ (b) [Fe(CN) 6]4– (a) Hexagonal (b) Pyrimidal
(c) [Ni(CN) 4]2– (d) [FeF6 ]3– (c) Octahedral (d) Octagonal
35. Which has maximum paramagnetic nature?
(a) [Cu(H2O)4]2+ (b) [Cu(NH3)4]2+
(c) [Mn(H2O)6]2+ (d) [Fe(CN) 6]4–
36. The number of unpaired electrons present in complex ion
[FeF6]3- is :
(a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 0
37. Which one of the following will be able to show cis-trans
(a) Ma 3b (b) M(AA)2 (c) M(AB)(CD) (d) Ma 4
38. Which of the following has the highest molar conductivity in
solution –
(a) [Pt(NH3)6]Cl4 (b) [Pt(NH3)5Cl]Cl3
(c) [Pt(NH3)4Cl2]Cl2 (d) [Pt(NH3)3Cl3]Cl
Matrix Science Academy
Coordination Compounds Key
1. (b) + −
Sol. In the given complex [E(en) 2 (C2 O4 )] NO2 ethylene
Sol. N H 2 − CH 2 − CH 2 − NH 2 . It contains two donor 2−
diamine is a bidentate ligand and (C 2 O 4 ) oxalate ion is also
atoms i.e. nitrogen. So it is a bidentate ligand
bidentate ligand. Therefore co-ordinations number of the
2. (c)
Sol. It attaches to the central metal ion through four carboxylate complex is 6 i.e., it is an octahedral complex. Oxidations
group oxygen atoms and the two amine nitrogens. number of E in the given complex is
O O 4– x + 2 × 0+ 1 × (-2) = +1
x = 3
: :
: :
:O C CH2 CH2 C O:
15. (c)
:N CH2 CH2 N: O : : Sol. Tetraammineisothiocyanatochromium (IV) sulphate can
: :
10. (c)
Sol. ONO is an anionic ligand (ONO ). n=0
11. (d) CN– is strong field ligand ; so it compels for pairing of
− electrons.
Sol. SCN is a monodenate ligand hence cannot show
21. (c)
chelation. Sol. EDTA has four carboxylate oxygens and two ammine
12. (b) nitrogens as donor atoms. So it is a hexadentate ligand.
5 22. (a)
Sol. 3d has maximum number of unpaired electrons.
13. (a) Sol. 3d8
Sol. SCN − and NO−2 are ambidentate ligand since they have
more than one donor atoms to attach to the central metal atom.
14. (a)
H2O is weak field ligand ; so it does not compel for pairing of
electrons. So,
m = n ( n + 2) = 2( 2 + 2) = 2.84 B.M
23. (c)
Sol. Let oxidation state of E is x so x + (–2) + 0 = +1 or x = +3 dsp 2 hybrid orbitals
Coordination number is number of s-bonds between metal ion 33. (c)
and ligands. 'en' and 'ox' are bidentate ligands Thus ; Sol. Low spin complex utilizes (n – 1) d-orbital for
coordination number of E = 4 + 2 = 6. hybridisation and thus low spin complex is formed with d2sp3
24. (b)
Sol. [Cr(en)2Br2]Br 34. (d)
dibromidobis(ethylenediamine)chromium(III) Bromide. Sol. The complex [fef 6]4– is paramagnetic and uses outer
25. (a)
Sol. Conductivity number of ions in the solution. orbital (4d) in hybridisation (sp 3d2) ; it is thus called as outer
orbital or high spin or spin free complex. so :
K4[Fe(CN)6] 4K+ (aq) + [Fe(CN) 6]4– (aq)
Fe2+, [Ar]3d6
4 : 1 electrolyte.
It contains maximum number of ions i.e. 5.
Sol. The number of unpaired electrons in the Complex ion
[CoF6 ]3 − is 4.
45. (c)
Matrix Science Academy
Chemistry- Halogen Derivatives
No. MCQ 25
Matrix Science Academy
Halogen Derivatives Solutions
1. (a)
Sol. Isopropyl chloride CH 3 − CH − CH 3 chlorine atom is
attached to 2 o carbon atom. 9. (c)
2. (b) Sol. C 2 H 5 Cl + 2 Na + ClC2 H 5 ⎯⎯⎯→ C 2 H 5 − C 2 H 5 + 2 NaCl
−3 H
Sol. CH 4 ⎯⎯ ⎯→ CHX 3 (X = Cl, Br, I) 10. (b)
+3 X
+ HCl
Sol. CH CH + HCl → CH 2 = CHCl ⎯⎯ ⎯→ CH 3 CHCl 2 11. (c)
4. (a)
Sol. C 2 H 5 OH ⎯⎯
→ CHI 3
Na 2 CO 3
5. (d)
Sol. CaOCl 2 + H 2O → Ca(OH )2 + Cl2
CH 3 − CH − CH 3 + Cl 2 → CH 3 − C − CH 3 + 2 HCl
| ||
12. (b)
Sol. CHCl 3 + O 2 ⎯⎯ ⎯⎯→
COCl 2 + HCl
6. (b) 2 Phosgene or carbonyl chloride
dil HNO 3
⎯⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯
⎯→ C 6 H 5 − CHO
White ppt of AgCl are obtained.
14. (c)
Sol. (i) Ethyl alcohol (ii) Phenol
C 2 H 5 Br + NaOH → C 2 H 5 OH + NaBr
(aq) Ethyl alcohol
7. (c)
Sol. CaOCl 2 + H 2 O → Ca(OH ) 2 + Cl 2
Bleaching powder
Cl2 + H 2O → 2 HCl + O
C 2 H 5 OH + O → CH 3 CHO + H 2 O
ethanol Acetaldehy de
8. (b)
Sol. 15. (d)
Sol. Because CH 3 − CH − CH 2 − CH 2 − CH 2 − CH − CH 3
| |
CH 3 CH 3
has four methyl groups on the corner so it can produce for
16. (b)
Sol. CHCl 3 + O 2 → COCl 2 + HCl
17. (b)
Sol. C6 H6 Cl6 + 3 KOH → C6 H3Cl3 + 3 KCl + 3 H 2O
Thus Benzene hexahalides decomposes when heated with alc.
KOH and yield trichloro benzene.
18. (a)
Sol. (CH3)3COH + PhMgBr ⎯ ⎯→ PhH
+ (CH3)3COMgBr
19. (b)
Sol. Alcholic solution of ammonia is heated in a scaled tube
at 100 0C
NH Rl Rl
Rl ⎯ ⎯⎯
→ RNH2 ⎯⎯→(R)2 NH ⎯⎯→(R)3N ⎯⎯→(R)4 N l
10 amine 2 0 amine 3 0 amine 4 0 salt
20. (d)
Sol. Leaving group ability Stability of anion.
21. (d)
Sol. According to carboction stability
22. (b)
Sol. Primary alkyl halides prefer to undergo SN 2 reaction.
23. (b)
Sol. In tertiary alkyl halides steric hindrance does not allow
substitution by SN 2 mechanism in which the nucleophile
attacks on the carbon atom and the reaction takes place in
single step.
24. (a)
Sol. SN1 reaction proceeds with racemisation.
25. (b)
Sol. The reaction is electrophilic substitution reaction
Matrix Science Academy
Chemistry- Halogen Derivatives
Date : 25/02/2023 Time :60Min No. MCQ 50
1. Which of the following halide is 2 o . (c) Ethyl iodide (d) Ethyl alcohol
(a) Isopropyl chloride (b) Isobutyl chloride 13. Propene on treatment with HBr gives.
(c) n-propyl chloride (d) n-butyl chloride (a) Isopropyl bromide (b) Propyl bromide
2. Haloforms are trihalogen derivatives of. (c) 1, 2-dibromoethane (d) None of the above
(a) Ethane (b) Methane 14. Best method of preparing alkyl chloride is.
(c) Propane (d) Benzene (a) ROH + SOCl 2 ⎯⎯⎯⎯→ (b) ROH + PCl5 ⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⎯→
3. Full name of DDT is.
(c) ROH + PCl3 ⎯⎯⎯⎯
⎯→ (d) ROH + HCl ⎯⎯ ⎯⎯⎯→
anhy. ZnCl 2
(a) 1, 1, 1-trichloro-2, 2-bis(p-chlorophenyl) ethane
(b) 1, 1-dichloro-2, 2-diphenyl trimethylethane 15. Ethyl bromide can be converted into ethyl alcohol by.
(a) Heating with dilute hydrochloric acid and zinc
(c) 1, 1-dichloro-2, 2-diphenyl trichloroethane
(b) Boiling with an alcoholic solution of KOH
(d) None of these
(c) The action of moist silver oxide
4. The compound which contains all the four 1 o ,2 o ,3 o and 4 o
(d) Refluxing methanol
carbon atoms is.
16. Reaction of ethyl chloride with sodium leads to.
(a) 2, 3-dimethyl pentane
(a) Ethane (b) Propane
(b) 3-chloro-2, 3-dimethylpentane
(c) n-butane (d) n-pentane
(c) 2, 3, 4-trimethylpentane
17. A mixture of two organic chlorine compounds was treated with
(d) 3, 3-dimethylpentane sodium metal in ether solution. Isobutane was obtained as a
5. What is the main product of the reaction between 2-methyl product. The two chlorine compounds are.
propene with HBr. (a) Methyl chloride and propyl chloride
(a) 1-bromo butane (b) 1-bromo-2 methyl propane (b) Methyl chloride and ethyl chloride
(c) 2-bromo butane (d) 2-bromo-2 methyl propane (c) Isopropyl chloride and methyl chloride
6. When ethyl alcohol (C 2 H 5 OH ) reacts with thionyl chloride, in (d) Isopropyl chloride and ethyl chloride
the presence of pyridine, the product obtained is. 18. Alkyl halides can be converted into Grignard reagents by.
(a) CH 3 CH 2 Cl + HCl (b) C 2 H 5 Cl + HCl + SO 2 (a) Boiling them with Mg ribbon in alcoholic solution
(c) CH 3 CH 2 Cl + H 2 O + SO 2 (d) CH 3 CH 2 Cl + HCl + SO 2 (b) Warming them with magnesium powder in dry ether
7. C3 H8 + Cl2 ⎯⎯⎯→ C3 H7 Cl + HCl is an example of which of
Light (c) Refluxing them with MgCl 2 solution
the following types of reactions. (d) Warming them with MgCl 2
(a) Substitution (b) Elimination 19. Chlorobenzene is.
(c) Addition (d) Rearrangement (a) Less reactive than benzyl chloride
8. R − OH + HX → R − X + H 2 O (b) More reactive than ethyl bromide
In the above reaction, the reactivity of different alcohols is. (c) Nearly as reactive as methyl chloride
(a) Tertiary > Secondary > Primary (d) More reactive than isopropyl chloride
(b) Tertiary < Secondary < Primary 20. Grignard reagent is prepared by the reaction between.
(c) Tertiary < Secondary > Primary (a) Zinc and alkyl halide
(d) Secondary < Primary < Tertiary (b) Magnesium and alkyl halide
9. Ethanol is converted into ethyl chloride by reacting with. (c) Magnesium and alkane
(a) Cl 2 (b) SOCl 2 (c) HCl (d) NaCl (d) Magnesium and aromatic hydrocarbon
10. C 6 H 5 Cl prepared by aniline with. 21. Reaction of t-butyl bromide with sodium methoxide produces.
(a) HCl (a) Isobutane (b) Isobutylene
(b) Cu Cl (c) Sodium t-butoxide (d) t-butyl methyl ether
2 2
32. For a given alkyl group the densities of the halides follow the
(a) RI RBr RCl (b) RI RCl RBr
(c) RBr RI RCl (d) RCl RBr RI (d)
33. On treating a mixture of two alkyl halides with sodium metal
in dry ether, 2-methyl propane was obtained. The alkyl halides
(a) 2-chloropropane and chloromethane
(b) 2-chloropropane and chloroethane
(c) Chloromethane and chloroethane
(d) Chloromethane and 1-chloropropane 42. For the reaction
34. In which case formation of butane nitrile is possible. R − Br ⎯⎯→ R − O − N = O the suitable reagent is
(a) C3 H7 Br + KCN (b) C4 H 9 Br + KCN (a) NaNO2+HCL (b) HNO2 (c) AgNO2 (d) KNO2
(c) C3 H7 OH + KCN (d) C4 H 9 OH + KCN 43. Elimination of HBr from B-bromobutane result in the
35. The reaction of an aeromatic halogen compound with an alkyl formation of :
halides in presence of sodium and ether is called. (a) Predominantly B-butyne
(b) Predominantly 1-butene
(a) Wurtz reaction (b) Sandmeyer’s reaction
(c) Predominantly 2-butene
(c) Wurtz-fittig reaction (d) Kolbe reaction (d) Equimolar mixture of 1 and 2-butene
36. In Wurtz reaction alkyl halide react with. 44. Which of the following is not an allylic halide?
(a) Sodium in ether (b) Sodium in dry ether (a) 4- Bromopent – 2 – ene
(c) Sodium only (d) Alkyl halide in ether (b) 3- bromo -2- methylbut -1-ene
37. When ethyl chloride and alcoholic KOH are heated, the (c) 1-Bromobut -2- ene
compound obtained is. (d) 4-bromobut -1-ene
(a) C2 H 4 (b) C2 H 2 (c) C6 H 6 (d) C2 H 6
38. Reaction of alkyl halides with aromatic compounds in presence 45. Which of the following is a primary halide?
of anhydrous AlCl3 is known as. (a) Iso-propyliodide (b) Sec-Butyliodide
(a) Friedal-Craft reaction (b) Hofmann degradation (c) Ter-butylbromide (d) Neo-Hexylchloride
(c) Kolbe’s synthesis (d) Beckmann rearrangement 46. The IUPAC name of tertiary butyl chloride is
39. Which of the following is boiled with ethyl chloride to form (a) 2-Chloro-2-methypropane
ethyl alcohol.
(b) 3-Chlorobutane
(c) 4-Chlorobutane
(d) 1,2-chloro -3-methylpropane
47. Which of the following molecules has highest dipole moment?
(a) CH3Cl (b) CH 2 Cl2 (c) CHCl3 (d) CCl4
48. A primary alkyl halide would prefer to undergo___
(a) SN1reaction (b) SN 2 reaction
(c) − e lim ination (d) Racemisation
49. Which of the following alkyl halides will undergo SN1 reaction
most readily?
(a) (CH3 )3 C − F (b) (CH3 )3 C − Cl
(c) (CH3 )3 C − Br (d) (CH3 )3 C − I
50. Which of the following reaction follows Markovnikov’s rule?
(a) C2 H 4 + HBr (b) C3H6 + Cl2
(c) C3H6 + HBr (d) C3H6 + Br2
Matrix Science Academy
Halogen Derivatives KEY
No. MCQ 50
1. (a) 11. (a)
Sol. CH 3OH + HI ⎯⎯ ⎯⎯→ CH 3 I + H 2O
ZnCl 2
Sol. Isopropyl chloride CH 3 − CH − CH 3 chlorine atom is 12. (c)
Sol. C 2 H 5 I + Mg ⎯⎯ ⎯⎯ ⎯→ C 2 H 5 − Mg − I
Dry ether
Cl Ethyl iodide Ethyl magnesium iodide
attached to 2 carbon atom. 13. (a)
2. (b) Sol. CH 3 − CH = CH 2 + HBr ⎯⎯⎯ ⎯ ⎯⎯→ CH 3 − CH − CH 3
Marko wnikoff's |
−3 H
Sol. CH 4 ⎯⎯ ⎯→ CHX 3 (X = Cl, Br, I) rule
+3 X
20. (b)
Sol. RX + Mg ⎯⎯⎯→ R − Mg − X (X = Cl, Br, I)
R − X + Mg ⎯⎯⎯→ R − Mg − X
ether Grignard' s reagent ether Grignard' s reagent
CH 3
CH 3 CH 3 − CH − CH 3 ⎯ ⎯⎯⎯ CH 3 − CH − CH 3
aq . KOH
| | |
CH 3 − C = CH 2 + CH 3 OH + NaBr OH Br
Isobutylene Propan - 2 - ol
CH 3ONa → CH 3O − + Na +
32. (d)
methoxide ion (CH 3 O − ) is a strong base, therefore it abstract Sol. Density of alkyl halide increases as the size of halogen
proton from 3 o alkyl halide and favours elimination reaction. atom increases.
22. (b) 33. (a)
Sol. C6 H5 − CH 2 − Cl + KCN (aq) → C6 H5 − CH 2 − C N + KCl Sol. It is Wurtz reaction in which hydrocarbon formed when
23. (b) alkyl halide react with Na metal in dry ether.
Sol. CH 3 − CH − CH 2 − CH 3 + KOH ⎯Saytzeff'
⎯ ⎯ ⎯⎯→
s rule Cl
| (alc)
CH 3 − CH − CH 3 + CH 3 Cl + 2Na ⎯⎯ ⎯→
Br 2 chloro propane chloro
CH 3 − CH = CH − CH 3 + KBr + H 2 O
CH 3
24. (a) |
O CH 3 − CH − CH 3 + 2 NaCl
Sol. C 2 H 5 Br + Ag − O − N = O → C 2 H 5 − N + AgBr 2 methyl pro pane
Nitro ethane 34. (a)
Ag − O − N = O is a covalent compound. Therefore, attack of
Sol. C3 H 7 Br + KCN → C3 H 7 CN + KBr
nucleophile occurs through Nitrogen atom. Hence, nitroethane In IUPAC system the carbon of functional group also take in
is formed. numbering. So C3 H 7 CN is butane nitrile.
25. (a) 35. (c)
Sol. CH 3CH 2CH 2CH 2 − Cl + KOH (alc.) → Sol. It is Wurtz fittig reaction
CH 3 CH 2 − CH = CH 2 + KCl + H 2 O C 6 H 5 Br + CH 3 Br ⎯⎯
⎯→ C 6 H 5 CH 3 + 2 NaBr
1- butene
C2 H5 − C N . 37. (a)
27. (b) Sol. We know that
Sol. Ethanol cannot undergo dehydrohalogenation. CH 3 CH 2 Cl + KOH → CH 2 = CH 2 + KCl + H 2 O
28. (b) Thus in this reaction ethene (C 2 H 4 ) is produced.
38. (a)
Sol. Acylation or alkylation of aromatic compound in
presence of AlCl3 is known as Friedal-craft reaction.
C 6 H 6 + CH 3 Cl ⎯⎯⎯→ C 6 H 5 CH 3 + HCl
42. (d)
Sol. R − Br ⎯ ⎯→ R − O − N = O
Alkyl halide Alkyl nitrities
Alkyl nitrities are prepared by the action of alkyl halide
and potassium nitrite only but in case of silver nitrite the main
product is nitro alkane although a small amount of alky
nitrite is also formed.
R − Br + KNO2 ⎯⎯→R − O − N = O + KBr
43. (c)
44. (d)
Sol. An allylic halide is an alkyl halide in which there are one
or more halogen atoms on allylic carbons. Except 4- Bromobut-
1- ene, all are allylic halides.
Br − CH2 − CH2 − CH = CH2
45. (d)
Sol. neo-Hexylchloride is a primary halide as in it Cl atom is
attached to a primary carbon.
CH3 − C − CH 2 − CH 2 Cl
46. (a)
Sol. IUPAC name of tertiary butyl chloride is 2-Chloro-2-
47. (a)
Matrix Science Academy
Chemistry- Alcohols Phenols Ethers Level-1
Matrix Science Academy
Alcohols Phenols Ethers Answers
1. (d)
11. (a)
Sol. 5% aqueous solution of phenol at room temperature is
2, 4, 6-trinitrophenol or picric acid
called as carbolic acid.
2. (d)
CH 2 − CH − CH 2 12. (b)
| | | Sol. Glycols are dihydric alcohols (having two hydroxyl
OH OH OH groups). Ethylene glycol is the first member of this series.
Sol. Glycerol is trihydric alcohols.
C H 2 OH
3. (a) |
Sol. CH 2 OH
(Ethylene glycol)
13. (b)
Sol. Ether is basic because lone pairs of electrons are present
on oxygen atom, R − O − R .
14. (c)
CH 3 COOH + 4 H ⎯⎯ ⎯⎯→ CH 3 CH 2OH + H 2O
LiAlH 4
4. (b)
CH 2 − OH 15. (b)
Sol. CH − OH Sol.
CH 2 − OH
One secondary and two primary alcoholic groups.
5. (b)
Sol. Carbinol is CH 3OH (Methanol).
6. (c)
Sol. – OH group is attached to primary carbon. 16. (c)
7. (c) Sol. C2 H5 ONa + IC2 H5 → C2 H5 OC2 H5 + NaI
Sol. Butanal CH 3 − CH 2 − CH 2 − CHO , an aliphatic aldehyde. 17. (b)
8. (b) Sol.
18. (c)
Sol. HCHO + HCHO ⎯⎯ ⎯⎯⎯→ CH 3 OH + HCOOK
Conc. KOH
21. (a)
22. (a)
23. (b)
24. (c)
Sol. C2 H5 − NH 2 + HNO 2 → C2 H5 OH + N 2 + H 2O
25. (b)
Sol. NaBH 4 and LiAlH4 attacks only carbonyl group and
reduce it into alcohol group. They do not attack on double
C6 H 5 − CH = CHCHO ⎯⎯ ⎯⎯→
NaBH 4
cinnamic aldehyde
C6 H 5 − CH = CH .CH 2 OH
cinnamic alcohol
1. (b)
Sol. CH 3OH has highest boiling point because of hydrogen
2. (c)
Sol. Lower members are soluble in water and solubility
12. (c)
decreases with increasing molecular mass because
Sol. The IUPAC name of
hydrophobic character increases. 5
3. (a) 6 4 3 2 1
5. (b)
Sol. CH 3 CH 2 − OH + HO − CH 2 − CH 3 ⎯⎯ ⎯ ⎯⎯⎯→
Conc. H 2 SO 4
140 C
CH 3 CH 2 − O − CH 2 − CH 3 + H 2 O
Diethyl ether 14. (b)
6. (b) Sol. The order of reactivity of hydrogen halides is
Sol. HI > HBr > HCl
15. (d)
Sol. PCC is the best reagent to oxidize alcohols to aldehydes.
16. (a)
Sol. Reactions of alcohols involving cleavage of C − OH
bond followed the reactivity order.
Tertiary > Secondary > Primary according to the stability of
Aspirin or Acetyl salicylic acid. carbocation intermediate.
7. (d) 17. (d)
Sol. An anaesthetic. Sol.
8. (b)
5 4 3 2
Sol. CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 C H − CH 2 CH 3
2− Eithylpen tan −1−ol
9. (c)
Sol. C − O − C angle in ethers is about 110º 18. (c)
10. (a) Sol. The correct order of reactivity of alcohols towards Lucas
Sol. reagent (Conc. HCl and ZnCl2 ) is : 3º 2º 1º in case of
tertiary alcohols turbidity is produced immediately as they
form the halides easily. Primary alcohols do not produce
turbidity at room temperature.
19. (c)
11. (d) Sol. II, III
Sol. Compounds containing − OH group directly attached to 20. (a)
benzene ring are called phenolic compounds Sol. Phenol (C6 H5OH) will react with sodium hydroxide
solution in water, as phenols are more acidic than alcohols.
21. (c)
Sol. o-Nitrophenol has intramolecular H-bonding.
22. (d)
25. (a)
Sol. Secondary alcohol on dehydrogenation gives acetone
CH 3 − CH − CH 3 ⎯⎯
⎯→ CH 3 − C − CH 3 + H 2
32. (d)
| 300 0 C || Al 2 CO 3
OH O Sol. CH 3 CH 2 OH ⎯⎯
⎯→ CH 2 = CH 2 + H 2 O
(X )
350 C
26. (a)
33. (a)
Sol. CH 3 − C H − CH 3 ⎯⎯⎯→ CH 3 − C − CH 3
[O ]
| || Sol. C2 H5 OH + Na → C2 H5 ONa
2C 2 H 5 OH ⎯⎯ ⎯→ C 2 H 5 − O − C 2 H 5 + H 2 O
27. (d) H 2 SO 4
Sol. C2 H 5 OH + [O] → CH 3 CHO → CH 3 COOH .
34. (d)
28. (c)
Sol. CH 3 − CH − CH 3 ⎯⎯⎯→ CH 3 − C − CH 3
[O ]
Sol. | ||
35. (c)
46. (d)
Sol. DDT is a non-biodegradable pollutant
47. (d)
36. (d)
Sol. CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 OH ⎯⎯ ⎯⎯⎯ ⎯→ CH 3 CH = CH 2
conc. H 2 SO 4
160 −180 C
⎯→ CH 3 − CH − CH 2 ⎯⎯ ⎯⎯ ⎯→ CH 3 − C CH
Br2 Alc. KOH
| | Propyne
Br Br
37. (b)
Sol. Lower alcohols are soluble in all solvents. 2, 4, 6-trinitrophenol or picric acid
38. (a) 48. (a)
Sol. R − CH 2 − CH 2 − OH ⎯⎯ ⎯⎯⎯ ⎯→
Conc. H 2 SO 4
1 o alcohol 170 o C
R − CH = CH 2 + H 2 O
39. (a)
Sol. R - CH 2 OH ⎯⎯
⎯→ R − CHO + H 2
1 o alcohol
R − CH − R ⎯⎯→
⎯ R − C− R + H2
| ||
2 o alcohol
49. (c)
40. (a) Sol. – OH group is attached to primary carbon.
Sol. Lucas test is used for the distinction of primary 50. (b)
secondary and tertiary alcohols. Sol.
41. (b)
42. (c)
43. (a)
Sol. SN1 reaction stability of carbocation
44. (c)
Sol. According to stability of carbocation
45. (c)
MHT-CET-XII - New Syllabus (MH) 2022-23
Time : 30 Min Chem : Aldehyde, Ketones and Carboxylic acid Marks : 25
C) 2-Nitrobenzoic acid
D) 1-Oxobenzoic acid 21) Identify the product :
08) Ans: D)
20) Ans: B)
21) Ans: D)
22) Ans: C)
(i) CO
Sol: C6H5MgBr
(ii) H3O (P)
1. Reaction of acetaldehyde with HCN followed by hydrolysis (a) Catalytic reduction (b) Na / C2 H 5 OH
gives a compound which shows
(c) Wolf-Kischner reduction (d) LiAlH4
(a) Optical isomerism (b) Geometrical isomerism
(c) Metamerism (d) Tautomerism 13. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched
2. Which of the aldehyde is most reactive? (a) C = O ⎯⎯ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯→ CH 2
Clemenson' s reduction
(c) HCHO (d) All the equally reactive (c) − COCl ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯→ CHO
Rosenmund' s reduction
Matrix Science Academy
Aldehydes Ketones Carboxylic Acids Key
Benzaldehy de H / H 2O 2 Alcohol
Sol. NaOH
19. (c)
C 2 H 5 CHO + 2 Cu +2 + 5 OH − → Cu 2 O + 3 H 2 O + C 2 H 5 COO −
7. (c) Re d ppt
21. (b)
9. (c) || ||
Sol. CH 3 − C − CH 3 + 3 I 2 + NaOH → CHI 3 + CH 3 − C − ONa
Sol. dimethyl ketone
22. (c)
Sol. HCHO + HCHO ⎯⎯ ⎯→ HCOOK + CH 3OH
23. (b)
10. (c)
Sol. CH 3 − CH − CH 2 − CH 3 ⎯⎯ ⎯⎯→ CH 3 − C − CH 2 CH 3
KMnO 4
| Oxidation ethyl methyl ketone
OH This reaction is called as Cannizzaro’s reaction.
2 − Butanol
24. (d)
11. (c) Sol. Presence of –I effect chlorine atom increases the acidic
Sol. CH 3 COCH 3 + CH 3 MgCl → (CH 3 )3 C − OMgCl nature by withdrawing electrons
Trichloroa cetic Dichloro acetic acid M onochloro acetic acid Acetic acid
Sol. : The oxidation of toluene C 6 H 5 CH 3 with chromyl
acid (M ostacidic) (Least acidic)
28. (d)
Sol. F − CH 2 − COOH Cl − CH 2 − COOH
Br − CH 2 − COOH CH 3 COOH 40. (b)
29. (d) Sol. : Aldehydes containing no − H atoms on heating with
Sol. Formic acid resemble with aldehyde due to its structure concentrated alkali solution (50%) undergo Cannizzaro’s
so it reduce Tollen’s reagent. reaction. In this reaction one molecule is oxidised at the
O expense of other which is reduced to alcohol.
H − C − OH
Aldehydic group
30. (b)
31. (d)
Sol. CHF2 − COOH . Difluoroacetic acid is strongest because 41. (d)
presence of two F atoms increases its acidic nature. Sol.: HCHO will be most polar due to lowest electron density
32. (c) on carbon of carbonyl group.
Sol. CH 3 COOH does not give silver mirror test. 42. (c)
33. (a) Sol.: Ketones ar formed by oxidation of secondary alcohols.
Sol. CH 3 − C H − CH 3 ⎯⎯→
CH 3 − C− CH 3
| ||
43. (a)
Sol.: Acid chlorides are reduced to aldehydes on reaction with
BaSO 4 and pd. The reaction is called Rosenmund reduction
34. (c)
Sol. Copper Sulphate is reduced to Cu 2O. RCOCl ⎯⎯→
Pd / BaSO 4
35. (d)
44. (c)
Sol. Formaldehyde does not have alpha hydrogen atom.
36. (a) Sol. : Benzaldehyde will not give aldol condensation due to
Sol. absence of − H atom.
+ 45. (c)
CF3 COOH Sol. :
–I +
–I +
37. (a)
46. (a) :
47. (d)
Sol. a-hydrogen absent.
48. (d)
Sol.CH3 – CHO (a – Hydrogen is present)
49. (c)
Sol. C – Mg bond
50. (b)
CH3 − C − C2H5 Zn – Hg CH3CH2CH2CH3
2 − Bu tanone HCl Butane
It refers to as Clemensen's reduction
MHT-CET-XII - New Syllabus (MH) 2022-23
Time : 30 Min Chem : Amines Marks : 25
C) ethyl-1-propanamine
D) ethyl isopropylamine
17) What is the IUPAC name of 23) If 'A' is C2H5NH2 , 'B' is C2H5 2 NH, 'C' is
C2H5 3 N then find the correct order of solubility
in water.
? A) A > B > C
A) Ethylbutan-1-amine B) C > B < A
B) Ethylpropanamine C) C > B > A
C) Pentane-3-amine D) B > A > C
D) Hexan-3-amine
24) Aliphatic amines are _____ basic than NH3,
18) Place the given compounds in increasing order but aromatic amines are _____ basic than NH3 .
of solubility in water: C2H5NH2 , C3H7 NH2 , A) more, less
C6H 5NH2. B) none of these
A) C2H5 NH2 C6H5 NH2 C3H7NH2 C) both
D) less, more
B) C2H5 NH2 C3H7NH2 C6H5NH2
C) C3H7 NH2 C6H5NH2 C2H5NH2 25) C3H9N cannot represent which one of the
D) C6H5NH2 C3H7NH2 C2H5NH2 following?
A) 3o amine
19) Find out the structure of 3, 3-Dimethyl butan B) 2o amine
C) 1o amine
D) Quaternary salt
MHT-CET-XII - New Syllabus (MH) 2022-23
Time : 30 Min Chem : Amines Marks : 25
Hints and Solutions
11) Ans: C)
23) Ans: A) A > B > C
Matrix Science Academy
Amines Level-2
(c) Sodalime (d) Hot conc. H 2 SO 4 14. Which of the following compound is the strongest base
3. The amine formed from an amide by means of bromine and (a) Ammonia (b) Aniline
alkali has (c) Methylamine (d) N-methyl aniline
(a) Same number of C atoms as that of amide 15. Which of the following reacts with NaNO 2 + HCl to give
(b) One less C atom than that of amide phenol
(c) One more C atom than that of amide (a) C 6 H 5 CH 2 NHCH 3 (b) (CH 3 )2 NH
(d) Two more C atoms than that of amide (c) CH 3 NH 2 (d) C 6 H 5 NH 2
Na + C 2 H 5 OH
4. CH 3 CN ⎯⎯ ⎯⎯⎯ ⎯→ X
The compound X is 16. In acid medium nitrobenzene is reduced to aniline as shown in
(a) CH 3CONH 2 (b) CH 3CH 2 NH 2 the reaction
C6 H 5 − NO 2 + 6[H ] → C6 H 5 − NH 2 + 2 H 2 O
(c) C2 H6 (d) CH 3 NHCH 3
5. Ethylamine can be prepared by the action of bromine and The reducing agent used in this reaction is …….
caustic potash on (a) LiAlH 4 (b) Sn/HCl
(a) Acetamide (b) Propionamide (c) Na/alcohol (d) H 2 / Ni
(c) Formamide (d) Methyl cyanide Sn + HCl
17. CH 3 NO 2 ⎯⎯ ⎯⎯→ CH 3 X , the ‘X’ contain
6. Reduction of nitroalkanes yields
(a) − NH 2 (b) − COOH
(a) Acid (b) Alcohol (c) Amine (d) Diazo compounds
7. When methyl iodide is heated with ammonia, the product (c) − CHO (d) (CH 3 CO)2 O
obtained is 18. Which of the following compound is expected to be most basic
(a) Methylamine (a) Aniline (b) Methylamine
(b) Dimethylamine (c) Hydroxylamine (d) Ethylamine
(c) Trimethylamine 19. Which of the following compounds is an amino acid
(d) A mixture of the above three amines O O
|| ||
8. Acetanilide can be prepared from aniline and which of the (a) CH 3 − CH 2 − C − O − NH 4 (b) CH 3 − CH − C − OH
following NH 2
(a) Ethanol (b) Acetaldehyde
(c) Acetone (d) Acetic anhydride || ||
9. Which one of the following compound gives a secondary (c) CH 3 − CH 2 − C − NH 2 (d) CH 3 − CH − C − Cl
amine on reduction NH 2
(a) Nitromethane (b) Nitrobenzene 20. Aniline when treated with HNO 2 and HCl at 0 o C gives
(c) Methyl isocyanide (d) Methyl cyanide
(a) Phenol (b) Nitrobenzene
10. Which of the following gives RNC, when reacted with CHCl 3
(c) A diazo compound (d) None of these
and KOH
(a) RNH 2 (b) R2 NH (c) R3 N (d) R4 N +Cl − 21. When excess of ethyl iodide is treated with ammonia, the
11. When aniline reacts with NaNO 2 and dil. HCl at 0 o − 5 o C, the product is.
product formed is (a) Ethylamine (b) Diethylamine
(a) Nitroaniline (b) Benzene diazonium chloride (c) Triethylamine (d) Tetraethylammonium iodide.
(c) Benzene (d) Trinitroaniline 22. The correct order of boiling points of the following isomeric
amines is.
C4 H9 NH 2 , (C2 H5 )2 NH, C2 H5 (CH3 )2
12. Starting from propanoic acid, the following reactions were
carried out
(a) C 2 H 5 N(CH 3 )2 (C 2 H 5 )2 NH C 4 H 9 NH 2
Br2 + KOH
Propanoic acid ⎯⎯ ⎯⎯→ X ⎯⎯
SOCl 2
⎯→ Y ⎯⎯
NH 3
⎯⎯ ⎯→ Z
(b) (C 2 H 5 )2 NH C 2 H 5 N(CH 3 )2 C 4 H 9 NH 2
What is the compound Z
(a) CH 3 − CH 2 − Br (b) CH 3 − CH 2 − NH 2
(c) C 4 H 9 NH 3 (C 2 H 5 )2 NH C 2 H 5 N(CH 3 )2
(d) (C 2 H 5 )2 NH C 4 H 9 NH 2 C 2 H 5 N(CH 3 )2 (c) C6H5 − NH − C4H9 (d) C6H5 − N(C2H5 )2
23. Choose the incorrect statement. 33. Methylamine reacts with HNO 2 to form
(a) Primary amines show intermolecular hydrogen bonds.
(a) CH3 − O − N = 0 (b) CH 3 − O − CH 3
(b) Tert – butylamine is a primary amine.
(c) Tertiary amines do not show intermolecular hydrogen (c) CH 3OH (d) CH 3 CHO
bonds. 34. The gas evolved when methylamine reacts with nitrous acid is
(d) Isopropylamine is a secondary amine. ___________.
24. Which of the following amines will give carbylamines (a) NH3 (b) N 2 (c) H 2 (d) C 2 H 6
(a) (C2 H 5 )3 N (b) (C2 H 5 )2 NH
35. The reaction Ar N 2 Cl − ⎯Cu
⎯/ HCl
⎯→ ArCl + N 2 + CuCl is
(c) C2 H5 NH 2 (d) C3 H 7 NHC 2 H 5 named as ________.
(a) Sandmeyer reaction (b) Gatterrman reaction
25. Arrange the following compounds in increasing order of
(c) Claisen reaction (d) Carbylamine reaction
basicity: CH 3 NH 2 , (CH 3 ) 2 NH , NH 3 , C 6 H 5 NH 2
(a) C6 H 5 NH 2 NH 3 (CH3 )2 NH CH3 NH 2 36. The final product C, obtained in this reaction
Matrix Science Academy
Amines Key
9. (c)
Sol. CH 3 − N = C + 4 [H] ⎯⎯ ⎯⎯→ CH 3 − NH − CH 3
21. (d)
+ −
Sol. : NH 3 + C 2 H 5 I ⎯
⎯→ [(C 2 H 5 ) 4 N ]I
2 amine
( Excess) Quaternarysalt
10. (a)
Sol. R − NH 2 + CHCl 3 + 3KOH → R − NC + 3KCl + 3HO 22. (c)
1o − amine Sol. : The boiling point of amines vary in the order of primary
11. (b) > secondary > tertiary.
Sol. 23. (d)
Sol. : Isopropylamien is a primary amine.
24. (c)
Sol. : Only primary amines will give carbylamines reaction .
12. (b) 25. (c)
Sol. CH 3 CH 2 COOH ⎯⎯⎯
⎯2 SOCl
→ CH 3 CH 2 COCl + SO 2 + HCl Sol. : C6H5 NH2 NH3 CH3 NH2 (CH3 )2 NH
Sol. : 37. (a)
Sol. Basicity of amines increase with increase in number of
RNH 2 + CHCl 3 + 3KOH ⎯
⎯→ RNC + 3KCl + 3H 2O
−CH 3 groups (or any group which cause +I effect), due to
only RNC and CHCl3 are involved in carbylamine reaction. increase in electron density on N atom. As a rule, the basicity
27. (b) of t-amine should be more than that of s-amine, but actually it
Sol. : Only primary amine will give positive is found to be lesser than s-amines. This is due to stearic
carbylamine reaction. hinderence of bulkier alkyl groups, which decreases the
28. (a) availability of lone pair of electron on the N atom of the
Sol. : Benzenesulphonyl chloride (C 6 H 5SO 2 Cl ) acts as amino group. Hence the correct order of basicity is :
Hinsberg’s reagent. (CH 3 )2 NH (CH 3 )3 N CH 3 NH 2
29. (c) 38. (a)
Sol.: Sol. Azo dye is prepared by the coupling of phenol and
diazonium chloride.
30. (c)
Sol. : Only − CH3 group is electron donating group hence it
increases the electron density on nitrogen making it most basic.
31. (d)
Sol. :
39. (a)
41. (b)
34. (b)
Sol. :
intra-molecular H-bonding
42. (d)
35. (b) Sol. : Quaternary ammonium salt, as it carries a positive charge
Sol. : Gatterrman reaction +
over nitrogen e.g. (CH 3 ) 4 N Cl
36. (d) 43. (a)
Sol. Sol. : only pure 1º amines can be prepared by Gabriel
synthesis. aniline can not be prepared by this method because
aryl halides (C6 H5Cl) or (C6 H5 Br) do not undergo
nucleophilic substitution (ie., cleavage of C-X bond in
haloarene is quite difficult) with potassium phthalimide under
ordinary condition to given N-phenyl phthalimide.
44. (b)
45. (b)
Sol.: Higher the basicity, lower is the pK b value. Since NH 3
50. (c)
Sol. :
Matrix Science Academy
(c) − hydroxyl acids (d) − hydroxyl acids (a) (ii) and (iv) (b) (iii) and (iv)
36. Keratin, a structural protein is present in (c) (i) and (ii) (d) (ii) and (iii)
(a) Hair (b) Wool (c) Silk (d) All of these 46. Which compound can exist in a dipolar (zwitter ion) structure?
37. Nucleic acids are the polymers of …………. . (a) C6 H5 CH 2 CH( N = CH 2 )COOH
(a) Nuclesides (b) Nucleoties (c) Bases (d) Sugars
(b) (CH 3 ) 2 CHCH ( NH 2 )COOH
38. The general formula of carbohydrates is
(a) Cn H 2n+1O (b) Cn H 2n O (c) C x (H 2 O) y (d) Cn (H2O)2n (c) C6 H5CONHCH2 COOH
39. The letter ‘D’ in carbohydrates signifies (d) HOOCCH 2 CH 2 COCOOH
(a) Dextrorotatory (b) Configurations
(c) Diamagnetic nature (d) Made of synthesis
47. Amide group is present in
40. Amino acid generally exists in the form of Zwitter ions. This (a) Lipids (b) Carbohydrates
means they contains
(c) Amino acids (d) Proteins
(a) Basic − NH 2 group and acidic – COOH group 48. Glucose gives silver mirror with Tollen's reagent. It shows the
+ presence of
(b) The basic − N H 3 group and acidic − COO Group (a) An acidic group (b) An alcoholic group
(c) Basic − NH 2 and acidic − H group
+ (c) A ketonic group (d) An aldehydic group
49. When sucrose is heated with conc. HNO 3 the product is
(d) Basic − COO − group and acidic − N H 3 group. (a) Sucrose nitrate (b) Formic acid
(c) Oxalic acid (d) Citric acid
41. The two functional groups present in a typical carbohydrate are 50. Maltose contains how many oxygen atoms
: (a) 6 (b) 10 (c) 11 (b) 22
(a) –CHO and –COOH (b) >C=O and –OH
(c) –OH and –CHO (d) –OH and –COOH
42. Which of the following is a basic amino acid?
(a) NH
HOH2C – CH – NH2
(b) COOH
CH2 – CH2 – CH – COOH
(c) COOH
Matrix Science Academy
Biomolecules Answers
19. (c) | |
Sol. Amino acids are non volatile crystalline compound.
20. (c) Gluconic acid
33. (c)
Sol. Name is derived from pyran. 47. (d)
Sol. In proteins amide group is present
(− NH − C H − C − NH − C H − C −)
A six-membered ring, containing 5 – C atoms and 1 | || | ||
oxygen atom. Amino or
peptide bond
34. (a)
Sol. Except alanine, all amino acids are essential amino acids 48. (d)
which cannot be synthesized in the body and must be obtained Sol. Glucose + Tollen’s reagent → Gluconic acid + Ag-
through diet. mirror.
35. (a) 49. (c)
Sol. − amino acids Sol. Sucrose ⎯⎯ ⎯⎯⎯→ Oxalic acid.
conc. HNO3
41. (c)
Sol. In a typical carbohydrate –CHO and –OH groups are
42. (a)
Sol. Since in (A) the number of amino groups is more than that
of carboxylic groups. Therefore it is basic.
43. (c)
Sol. CH 2 OH(CHOH) 4 CHO ⎯⎯ ⎯
⎯ →
2 2 Br / H O
Gluconic acid
44. (b)
Sol. With strong oxidizing agent like concentrated nitric acid,
the primary alcoholic group is oxidized to carboxyl group to
form saccharic acid.
CH 2 OH(CHOH) 4 CHO + 3[O] ⎯NHO
⎯⎯3 →
45. (a)
Sol. Amino acid which contain one - NH 2 group and
two –COOH group are acidic in nature.
46. (b)
Sol. − Amino acids exist as zwitter ion.
(CH 3 ) 2 CH − CH− COOH → (CH 3 ) 2 CH − CH − COO −
| |
NH 2 + NH 3
Zwitter ion
Matrix Science Academy
Polymer Chemistry Level-1
Matrix Science Academy
Polymer Answers
Matrix Science Academy
Polymer Chemistry
1. Which of the following is fully fluorinated polymer 18. Which of the following is a biodegradable synthetic polymer?
(a) PVC (b) Thiokol (c) Teflon (d) Neoprene (a) Aliphatic polyesters (b) PHBV
2. Bakelite is obtained from phenol by reacting with (c) Nylon – 2- nylon -6 (d) All of these
(a) CH3CHO (b) CH3 COCH3 19. The monomers of biodegradable polymer, nylon 2-nylon 6 are
(c) HCHO (d) (CH2OH)2 (a) Glycine + adipic acid (b) Glycol + phthalic acid
(c) Phenol + urea (d) Glycine + amino caproic acid
3. Buna-N synthetic rubber is a copolymer of :
20. Which of the following polymers, need atleast one diene
(a) H2C = CH - CH = CH2 and H5C6 - CH = CH2 monomer for their preparation ?
(b) H2C = CH - CN and H2C = CH - CH = CH2 (a) Dacron (b) Novolac (c) Neoprene (d) Teflon
(c) H2C = CH - CN and H2C = CH - 21. The process of vulcanisation makes rubber
(d) H2C = CH - CH2 and H2C = CH - CH = CH2 (a) Soluble in water (b) Elastic (c) Hard (d) Soft
22. Orlon is a polymer of
4. Nylon -66 is made by using
(a) Styrene (b) Tetrafluoro ethylene
(a) Phenol (b) Benzaldehyde
(c) Vinyl chloride (d) Acrylonitrile
(c) Adipic acid (d) Succinic acid
23. Caprolactam is the monomer of
5. Polymer which has amide linkage is
(a) Nylon-6 (b) Glyptal (c) P.T.F.E. (d) Melamine
(a) Nylon -66 (b) Terylene (c) Teflon (d) Bakelite
24. Neoprene is a polymer of
6. Ziegler-Natta catalyst is (a) Propene (b) Vinyl chloride
(a) K[PtCl3(C2 H4)] (b) (Ph 3 P)3RhCl
(c) Chloroprene (d) Butadiene
(c) Al2(C2H5)6 + TiCl4 (d) Fe(C5H5)2 25. Which one of the following in used to make 'non-stick'
7. Bakelite is an example of cookware
(a) Elastomer (b) Fibre (a) PVC (b) Polystyrene
(c) Thermoplastic (d) Thermosetting (c) Polyethylene terephthalate (d) Polytetrafluoroethylene
8. The S in buna –S refers to 26. Nylone 66 is
(a) Sulphur (b) Styrene (c) Sodium (d) Salicylate (a) Polyamide (b) Polyester (c) Polystyrene (d) Polyvinyl
9. Heating rubber with sulphur is known as 27. Isoprene is a valuable substance for making
(a) Galvanisation (b) Bessemerisation (a) Propene (b) Liquid fuel (c) Synthetic rubber (d) Petrol
(c) Vulcanisation (d) Sulphonation 28. Teflon is a polymer of
10. Dacron is an example of (a) Tetrafluoro ethane (b) Tetrafluro propene
(a) Polyamides (b) Polypropenes (c) Difluorodichloro ethane (d) Difluoro ethane
(c) Polyacrylonitrile (d) Polyesters (e) Trifluoro ethane
11. Which of the following is a homopolymer? 29. In elastomer, intermolecular forces are
(a) Bakelite (b) Nylon 6,6 (c) Neoprene (d) Buna-S (a) Nil (b) Weak (c) Strong (d) Very strong
12. Synthetic polymer prepared by using caprolactam is known as 30. Which of the following polymer has ester linkage
(a) Terylene (b) Teflon (c) Nylon-6 (d) Neoprene (a) Nylon-66 (b) PVC (c) Terylene (d) SBR
13. Polymer which has amide linkage is 31. Nylon threads are made up of
(a) Nylon -6,6 (b) Terylene (c) Teflon (d) Bakelite (a) Polyvinyl polymer (b) Polyester polymer
14. The commercial name of polyacrylonitrile is (c) Polyamide polymer (d) Polyethylene polymer
(a) Dacron (b) Orlon (acrilan) (c) PVC (d) Bakelite. 32. Which of the following is a polyamide?
15. Which of the following polymers does not involve cross (a) Bakelite (b) Terylene (c) Nylon-66 (d) Teflon
(a) Vulcanised rubber (b) Bakelite 33. Which of the following contains isoprene unit?
(c) Melamine (d) Teflon (a) Natural rubber (b) Polyethylene
16. Composition of Ziegler-Natta catalyst is (c) Nylon – 66 (d) Dacron
(a) (Et 3 )3 Al.TiCl 2 (b) (Me)3 Al.TiCl 2 34. Which of the following is not true for thermoplastic polymers?
(a) Thermoplastic are linear polymers.
(c) (Et)3 Al.TiCl 4 (d) ( Et ) 3 Al.PtCl 4 (b) They soften and melt on heating
17. In vulcanizations of rubber (c) Molten polymer can be remoulded into any shape.
(a) Sulphur reacts to form a new compound (d) They have cross- linkages which break on heating.
(b) Sulphur cross-links are introduced 35. Which of the following is not a characteristic of thermosetting
(c) Sulphur forms a very thin protective layer over rubber polymers ?
(d) All statement are correct (a) Linear of slightly branched long chain polymers.
(b) Heavily branched and cross- linked polymers. (a) 3 – hydroxybutanoic acid + 3- hydroxypentanoic acid
(c) Become infusible on moulding (b) 2 – hydroxybutanoic acid + 2- hydroxypropanoic acid
(d) Cannot be remoulded or reused on heating (c) 3- chlorobutanoic acid + 3 – chloropentanoic acid.
36. Which of the following are thermoplastic polymers.? (d) 2- chlorobutanoic acid + 3- methylpentanoic acid.
(a) Polythene, urea-formaldehyde, polyvinyls. 44. The correct structure of monomers of buna-S is
(b) Bakelite, polythene, polystyrene. (a)
(c) Polythene, polystyrene, polyvinyls
(d) Urea-formaldehyde, polystyrene, Bakelite
37. Nylon 6, 6 is obtained by condensation polymerization of.
(a) Adipic acid and ethylene glycol
(b) CH 3 − CH − CH = CH 2 + CH 2 = CH − CN
(b) Adipic acid and hexamethylenediamine |
(c) Terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol.
(d) Adipic acid and phenol. (c)
38. Natural rubber is a polymer of
(a) 1,1 – dimethylbutadiene (b) 2, - methyl -1, 3 – butadiene
(c) 2- chlorobuta – 1, 3- diene(d) 2- chlorobut -2-ene.
39. Which of the following represent chloroprene, the monomer of (d)
(a) CH 2 = CH − CH− = CH 2Cl
(b) CH 2 = C − CH = CHCl
(c) CH 2 = C− CH = CH 2 45. Match the column I with Column II and mark the appropriate
Cl choice.
(d) CH 2 = C − C CH = CH 2 Column I Column II
| |
CH3 Cl (A) PVC (i) Rubber
40. Match the polymers given in column I with the monomers in (B) Condensation polymer (ii) Thermoplastic
column II and mark the appropriate choice. (C) Polysaccharide (iii) Dacron
Column I Column II (D) Elastomer (iv) Natural polymer
(A) (i) Ethylene glycol (a) (A) → (ii), (B) → (iii), (C) → (iv), (D) → (i)
| | ||
−( N− (CH 2 ) 6 − N− C − (CH 2 ) 4 − C−) +terephthalic acid
(b) (A) → (i), (B) → (ii), (C) → (iv), (D) → (iii)
(c) (A) → (iii), (B) → (iv), (C) → (i), (D) → (ii)
(B) O H (ii) Urea+ formaldehyde
|| | (d) (A) → (iv), (B) → (i), (C) → (iii), (D) → (ii)
−( C− (CH 2 ) 5 − N−
) 46. Match the column I with Column II and mark the appropriate
(C) (iii) Hexam
Ethylenediamine Column I Column II
+ adipic acid (A) Buna-S (i) Thermosetting
(D) −( NH − CO − NH − (CH2 −) (iv) Caprolactam
(B) Polyamides (ii) Fibres
(C) Polyvinyls (iii) Elastomers
(a) (A) → (ii), (B) → (i), (C) → (iii), (D) → (iv) (D) Urea-formaldehyde (iv) Thermoplastic
(b) (A) → (iii), (B) → (iv), (C) → (i), (D) → (ii) (a) (A) → (iv), (B) → (iii), (C) → (i), (D) → (ii)
(c) (A) → (i), (B) → (iii), (C) → (ii), (D) → (iv) (b) (A) → (ii), (B) → (i), (C) → (iii), (D) → (iv)
(d) (A) → (iv), (B) → (ii), (C) → (iii), (D) → (i) (c) (A) → (iii), (B) → (ii), (C) → (iv), (D) → (i)
41. Which of the following sets contains only addition (d) (A) → (i), (B) → (iv), (C) → (ii), (D) → (iii)
homopolymers ? 47. Match the column I With column II and mark the appropriate
(a) Polythen, natural rubber, cellulose choice.
(b) Nylon, polyester, melamine resin Column I Column II
(c) Teflon, Bakelite, orlon (A) Natural polymer (i) Rayon
(d) Neoprene, PVC, polythene (B) Addition (ii) Bakelite
42. Buna – N is used in making oil seals and tank lining, etc. (C) Copolymer (iii) Silk
Because (D) Semi-synthetic polymer (iv) Neoprene
(a) It is resistant to the actions of lubricating oil and organic (a) (A) → (i), (B) → (ii), (C) → (iv), (D) → (iii)
solvents (b) (A) → (iii), (B) → (iv), (C) → (ii), (D) → (i)
(b) It is more elastic than natural rubber (c) (A) → (ii), (B) → (iii), (C) → (i), (D) → (iv)
(c) It can be stretched twice its length
(d) (A) → (iv), (B) → (i), (C) → (iii), (D) → (ii)
(d) It does not melt at high temperature.
48. Which of the following polymers is not correctly matched?
43. Synthetic biopolymer, PHBV is made up of the following
(a) Formation of Dacron Step growth
(b) Formation of Step growth
polytetrafluoroethene polymerization
(c) Formation of Chain growth
Polythene polymerisation in
presence of
(d) Formation of Chain growth
Polyacrylonitrile polymerization in
presence of peroxide
49. Novolac on heating with formaldehyde undergoes ……. to
form an infusible solid mass called …….. .
(a) Polymerisation , melamine (b) Vulcanisations, resin
(c) Cross – linking, Bakelite (d) Condensation, polystyrene
50. Match the column I with column II and mark the appropriate
Column I Column II
(Polymers) (Monomers)
(A) Raincoats, hand (i) PHBV
(B) Laminated sheets (ii) PVC
(C) Television cabinets (iii) Urea-formaldehyde
(D) Orthopaedic (iv) Polystyrene
(a) (A) → (i), (B) → (ii), (C) → (iii), (D) → (iv)
(b) (A) → (iv), (B) → (i), (C) → (ii), (D) → (iii)
(c) (A) → (ii), (B) → (iii), (C) → (iv), (D) → (i)
(d) (A) → (iii), (B) → (iv), (C) → (i), (D) → (ii)
Matrix Science Academy
Polymers Answers
1. (c)
Neoprene :
13. (a)
Sol. Nylon -6,6
Teflon :
14. (b)
Thiokol : Sol. Polyacrylonitrile is known as orlon.
nCH2 = CHCN → −( CH 2 − CH−
PVC : 15. (d)
Sol. Teflon is an additions linear polymer of tetrafluoroethene.
2. (c)
Sol. Bakelite is polymer of phenol and formaldehyde. nCF2 = CF2 ⎯Catalyst
⎯⎯→ −[CF2 − CF2 ]−n
High Pr essure
3. (b)
Sol. Buna-N is copolymer of 16. (c)
Sol. Ziegler-Natta catalyst is triethylalluminium and titanium
CH2 = CH - CN and CH2 = CH - CH = CH2 .
tetrachloride used in the polymerizations of ethane to get high
4. (c) density polyethene.
Sol. The monomer of Nylon - 66 are adipic acid and
17. (b)
hexamethylene diamine. Sol. In vulcanizations of rubber, sulphur forms cross-links to
5. (a) make rubber more elastic.
Sol. Nylon - 66 has amide linkage.
18. (d)
6. (c) Sol. All are the example of biodegradable polymers.
Sol. Ziegler Natta Catalyst is Al2 (C2 H5 )6 + TiCI 4 19. (d)
7. (d) Sol. It is a copolymer of glycine (H 2 N − CH 2 − COOH)
Sol. Bakelite is a thermosetting polymers which is heavily
and amino caproic acid [ H 2 N (CN 2 ) 5 COOH ]
cross- linked and cannot be softened or reused on heating.
8. (b) 20. (c)
Sol. Butadiene + Styrene ⎯ ⎯→ Buna –S
21. (c)
9. (c) Sol.
Sol. The process of heating rubber with 5% of sulphur is known
as vulcanizations. Sulphur acts as cross-linking agent.
22. (d)
Sol. Acrylonitrile is a hard, horny and high melting material.
It is used in the manufacture of oron and Acrilan fibres which
are used for making clothes, carpets and blankets.
10. (d)
Sol. Dacron is an example of polysters. It is prepared by 23. (a)
heating a mixture of ethylene glycol and terephthalic acid.
11. (c)
Sol. Neoprene is made up of single monomer species i.e.,
12. (c)
Sol. 24. (c)
44. (c)
Sol. Buna-S or styrene butadiene rubber is a copolymer of
butadiene and styrene.
33. (a)
Sol. Natural rubber contains isoprene unit.
34. (d)
Sol. Thermoplastics do not have any cross-linkages hence they
are soft and can be remoulded after heating.
35. (a)
Sol. Thermosetting polymer are highly branched and cross-
36. (c) 45. (a)
Sol. Bakelite and urea-formaldehyde are thermosetting Sol. (A) → (ii), (B) → (iii), (C) → (iv), (D) → (i)
polymers while polythene, polystyrene and polyvinyls are 46. (c)
thermoplastics. Sol. (A) → (iii), (B) → (ii), (C) → (iv), (D) → (i)
37. (b) 47. (b)
Sol. Nylon 6,6 is prepared by condensations polymer-risation Sol. (A) → (iii), (B) → (iv), (C) → (ii), (D) → (i)
of adipic acid and hexamethylenediamine. 48. (b)
Sol. Polytetrafluoroethene (teflon) is a chain growth polymer
formed by polymerizations of tetrafluoroethene in presence of
persulphate catalyst.
49. (c)
Chemistry By Jagdish Wagh
Sol. Novolac on heating with formaldehyde undergoes cross-
linking to form Bakelite.
50. (d)
Sol. Glyptal is used in manufacture of paints and lacquers.
C) an insecticide A) two-dimensional
D) a catalyst B) one-dimensional
C) three-dimensional
18) Which ‘green’ chemical is used in household D) zero-dimensional
cleaners to remove stains and is also a favorite
dressing on salads? 27) The concept of Green chemistry was coined by
A) Vinegar (acetic acid) ......
B) Citric acid A) Nario Taniguchi
C) Water B) Born Haber
D) Hydrochloric acid (HCl) C) Richard FEynman
D) Paul T. Anastas
19) Who was a co-founder of the worldwide green
chemistry movement and the first director of the 28) Green chemistry is useful in controlling .....
Green Chemistry Institute, now part of ACS? A) green house effect
A) Albert Einstein B) accidents in chemical reactions
B) Joseph Breen C) global warming
C) John Warner D) all of the above
D) Paul Anastas
29) Because of _________ tensile strength some of
20) Industrial catalysts should have _________ the nano materials are used in air crafts.
surface area. A) high
A) low B) low
B) high C) moderate
C) moderate D) no
D) no
30) What is the aim of Green chemistry?
21) LDPE (Low Density Polyethylene) is recycled to A) Design chemical products and process that
make ........ maximize profits
A) brooms, battery cables B) Design safer chemical products and processes
B) carpet, furniture that reduce or eliminate the use and generation of
C) floor tiles, envelopes hazardous substances
D) custom-made products C) Utilize non-renewable energy
D) Design chemical products and processes that
22) ____________ is the application of work most efficiently
nanotechnology to food science and technology.
A) Food safety and biosecurity 31) The development that meets the needs of
B) Agriculture present without compromising the ability of future
C) Product development generations to meet their own need is known as
D) All of the above ......
A) True development
23) Green chemistry applies across the which area B) Sustainable development
of a chemical products? C) Continuous development
A) Life cycle D) Irrational development
B) Efficiency
C) Uses 32) Which of the following is an excellent ‘green’
D) Properties solvent as well as a greenhouse gas?
24) Which of the following is NOT a hazardous B) Methanol
solvent? C) Carbon monoxide
A) CHCl3 D) Carbon Dioxide
B) H2O
33) Which of the following is an example of green
C) CCl4 chemistry?
D) CH2Cl2 A) A product made on Earth Day
B) Recycled carpet
25) The use of solar power is covered within Green C) A sublimation reaction
Chemistry Principle 6, identify it. D) Bio-plastics
A) Atom economy
B) Design for energy efficiency 34) After the use of chemicals, we must
C) Less hazardous synthesis properly______ them.
D) Design benign chemicals A) use
B) store
26) Nanomaterial having two dimensions in C) dispose
nanoscale is termed as ....... D) reuse
A) costly
35) XRD stands for ...... B) harmful
A) UV-spectroscopy C) easy
B) X-ray diffraction D) hard
C) scanning tunneling microscopy
D) scanning electron microscopy 45) 1 nanometre is equal to _______ cm.
A) 10
36) Recently, in water purifier .......... are used as
B) 10
highly effective bacterial disinfectant.
A) gold C) 10
B) silver
D) 10
C) fumed silica
D) graphite
46) The following substances are safer for the use
37) Which is the first listed of the 12 Principles of in chemical processes .......
Green Chemistry? A) volatile
A) Prevent waste B) gaseous
B) Catalysis C) non-volatile liquids and solids
C) Benign solvents D) explosive
D) Atom economy
47) In the manufacture of H2SO4 by contact
38) Good atom economy means ......... process, the cataylst used is ........
A) more waste A) Cobalt
B) lesser waste B) Nickel
C) less number of products C) Mo/Fe
D) less useful products D) Platinised asbestos
39) Nanotubes are the examples of ....... 48) The pollution caused by nano-technology is
A) three-dimensional nano structure known as .......
B) one-dimensional nano structure A) soil pollution
C) two-dimensional nano structure B) air pollution
D) zero-dimensional nano structure C) nano pollution
D) water pollution
40) ________ are among the 12 Principles of Green
Chemistry? 49) ZWT in green chemistry stands for ........
A) Use only new solvents A) zero wod technology
B) Design commercially viable products B) zero weight technology
C) Use catalysts, not stoichiometric reagents C) zero waste technology
D) Re-use waste D) none of the above
41) According to the green chemistry, the chemical 50) In Fischer-Tropsch process for the synthesis of
involved in the production must be ________ gasoline, the catalyst used is ........
A) non toxic A) Mo/Fe
B) highly toxic B) Nickel
C) toxic C) Platinised asbestos
D) produces the toxic by products D) Co/Fe
Ans: C) 10
Sol: 10
04) What is the SI unit of temperature? 12) Chemistry which deals with the study of
A) Kelvin chemical substance used to prevent, cure the
B) Dalton various disease in living things which is called as
C) 0 F _____.
D) 0 C A) Biotechnology
B) Phyto chemistry
05) _____ is heaviest. C) Bio chemistry
A) 2mol water D) Medicinal chemistry
B) 2mol carbon dioxide
13) Determine the number of moles of H2 in 0.224
C) 25g mercury
lit of hydrogen gas at STP.
D) 3.012 1023 molecules of oxygen A) 0.001
B) 0.1
06) Dalton's atomic theory states that, ______ is the C) 1
smallest particle in which matter could exist. D) 0.01
A) a molecule
B) an atom 14) ________ these pair of compounds helps to
C) a proton illustrate law of multiple proportions.
D) an electron A) Water and heavy water
B) Magnesium hydroxide and magnesium oxide
07) One mole of sucrose (C12H22O11)=_________ C) Sulphur dioxide and sulphur trioxide
atoms. D) Sodium chloride and sodium bromide
A) 45 6.023 1023 atoms/mole
B) 4 6.023 1023 atom/mole 15) What is the number of Na atoms in 46g of Na
C) 4 6.023 1023 atom/mole (atomic weight of Na 23 )?
D) 5 6.62 1023 atoms/mole
A) 1
B) 2
08) What is the number of oxygen atoms in 4.4g
C) 6.023 1023
of CO2 ?
D) 12.046 1023
A) 1.2 1023
B) 6 1023 16) How many number of atoms of helium in 100
C) 12 1023 amu of helium (atomic wt. of helium is 4)?
06) What is the mass of an electron? 13) Which block contains the element having
A) 9.109 10-19 kg electronic configuration [Kr]
B) 9.109 10-31 kg 4d104f14,5s25p65d1,6s2?
C) 9.109 10-28 kg A) d-block
D) 9.109 10-26 kg B) f-block
C) p-block
07) How many wave number of the line in Balmer D) s-block
series that associated with drop of electron from 3rd
orbit? Given that:(R=109676 cm-1) 14) Dalton's atomic theory states that, an atom
A) 15230 m-1 _______.
B) 1523m-1 A) contains protons and electrons
C) 1523 cm-1 B) contains neutrons, protons and electrons
D) 15230 cm-1 C) cannot be subdivided
D) can be further subdivided
08) What is the maximum number of electrons in
an atom with l=2 and n=3? 15) _____ are the possible sub-shell in n=3 energy
A) 10 shell.
A) s only
B) s, p, d, f
C) s, p, d 24) When RH=109678 cm-1, _______ is the shortest
D) s, p wavelength in hydrogen spectrum of lyman series.
A) 911.7 A°
16) What will be the de-Broglie wavelength of a B) 1127.30 A°
particle having momentum of 3.3 10-24 kg ms-1 if C) 1215.65 A°
the Planck's constant h=6.6 10-34 Js? D) 1002.7 A°
A) 0.5 A 25) _______ shows the correct relationship between
wavelength and momentum of particles.
B) 0.02 A
0 A) h
C) 500 A
0 h
D) 2 A B)
17) When the electronic configuration of M3+ ion is C) P
2,8,15 and its atomic mass number is 58, then P
_____ neutrons would be in its nucleus. h
D) P
A) 34 m
B) 42
C) 32
D) 31
18) 14 14
6 C and 7 N can be classified as ______.
A) isotones
B) isobars
C) isoelectronic
D) isotopes
15) Ans: C) s, p, d
Sol: For n=3, l=0, 1, 2, (s, p, d)
MHT-CET-XI - New Syllabus (MH) 2022-23
Time : 30 Min Chem : 05 Chemical Bonding Marks : 25
01) Match the following. 08) In which one of the following the octet rule is
A) PCl5
B) CO2
C) SF6
D) BCl3
A) A iv , B i , C iii , D ii 09) The total number of electron that takes part in
forming bonds in N2 is
B) A iii , B i , C iv , D ii
A) 10
C) A ii , B iii , C i , D iv B) 6
D) A i , B iii , C ii , D iv C) 4
D) 2
02) PCl5 exists but NCl5 does not because
10) What is the shape of CIF3 molecule?
A) nitrogen is highly inert. A) T-shaped
B) nitrogen atom is much smaller. B) Trigonal bi-pyramidal
C) NCl5 is unstable. C) Pyramidal
D) nitrogen has no vacant d-orbitals. D) Triangular planar
03) What is the bond energy of H2 molecule? 11) Amongst the following which is the bond of
A) 920 KJ mol-1 maximum polarity?
B) 416KJ mol-1 A) C-F
C) 438KJ mol-1 B) C-O
D) 430 KJ mol-1 C) C-N
D) C-H
04) Of the following compounds, the one having a
linear structure is 12) How many number of bonds are in
A) H2O Naphthalene?
B) C2H2 A) 5
B) 3
C) CH4 C) 6
D) NH2 D) 4
05) What is the favourable condition for formation 13) Identify the compound which shows the Lewis
of ionic bond? dot formula for CO2 .
A) Low E.A .. ..
B) Low lattice energy A) : O :: C :: O :
C) High I.P .. ..
B) : O :: C : O :
D) Low charge on cation ..
.. .. ..
06) What is the formal charge on the central C) : O : C :: O :
oxygen atom in O3 molecule? .. ..
A) -2 D) : O : C : O :
.. ..
B) -1
C) +1 14) ______ has the highest ionic character.
D) 0 A) BeCl2
B) BaCl2
07) _______ is the example of incomplete octet. C) CaCl2
A) SF6 D) MgCl2
B) PH3
C) BF3 15) Both sp2 and sp3 hybrid carbons are present in
D) PCl5 compound ______.
A) H2C=CH2
12) Ans: A) 5
02) Ans: D) nitrogen has no vacant d-orbitals.
Sol: Nitrogen does not have vacant 'd'-orbitals,
hence it can't have +5 oxidation state means the Sol:
reason PCl5 exists but NCl5 does not. There is 5 bonds.
.. ..
03) Ans: C) 438KJ mol-1 13) Ans: A) : O :: C :: O :
.. .. .. ..
04) Ans: B) C2H2 Sol: : O :: C :: O : : O C O :
Sol: C2H2 possesses a linear structure as carbons
14) Ans: B) BaCl2
are sp-hybridized and lies at 180o .
Sol: Out of all the listed alkaline earth metal
cation, Ba2+ is the largest and hence according to
05) Ans: D) Low charge on cation the Fajans rule BaCl2 has the highest ionic
Sol: Low charge on cation is favourable. character.
06) Ans: C) +1 15) Ans: B) H3C-CH-CH3
Sol: Here, the Lewis dot structure of O3 is sp3 sp2 sp2 sp3
Sol: H3 C CH CH CH3
25) Ans: D) 3
Nb Na 10 4
Sol: In this case, B.O. 3.
2 2
17) A compound contains atoms X, Y and Z. The B) +3, 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P2
oxidation number of X is +2, Y is +5 and Z is -2. C) +4, 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2
What is the possible formula of the compound? D) +2, 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P2
A) X3 Y4 Z 2
C) X3 YZ4 2
D) Y2 XZ3 2
23) Ans: C) -1
01) Find the the chemical formula of washing soda. C) D-Block elements
A) Na2CO3 D) Alkaline earth metals
B) Na2CO3.H2O
C) Na2CO3.7H2O 09) Which alkali metal react directly with nitrogen
D) Na2CO3.10H2O to form nitride?
A) Na
02) Which reaction does not associated with the B) Li
Solvay's process of manufacture of sodium C) Rb
Carbonate? D) K
B) 2NaHCO3 Na2CO3+H2O+CO2 10) Which is most stable oxidation state in alkaline
C) CO2+H2O H2CO3 earth metals?
D) 2NaOH+CO2 Na2CO3+H2O A) -2
B) + 3
03) Which compound shows electronic C) +1
configuration of the most electropositive alkaline D) + 2
earth metal?
A) [Ar]4s2 11) What will obtained when quick lime is heated?
B) [He]2s2 A) CaSO4
C) [Kr]5s2 B) CaCO3
D) [Ne]3s2 C) CaO
D) Ca(OH)2
04) What will happen when excess of Na + ions
present in human system? 12) Which compound amongst LiCl, RbCl.BeCl 2
A) Anaemia and MgCl2 have greatest and the least ionic
B) High blood pressure character?
C) Diabetes A) MgCl2 and BeCl2
D) Low blood pressure B) RbCl and MgCl2
C) LiCl and RbCl
05) Choose incorrect statement about the diagonal D) RbCl and BeCl2
relationship between lithium and magnesium.
A) LiCl and MgCl2 are insoluble in ethyl alcohol 13) Which is the most reactive elements?
B) Both Li and Mg are harder than other metals in A) Ba
their respective groups B) Sr
C) Li OH and Mg(OH)2 are bases C) Mg
D) Both Li and Mg do not form super oxides are D) Be
14) ________ electronic configuration represents
06) ______ alkali metals has highest ionisation an alkaline earth metal.
enthalpy. A) 1s2 , 2s2 2p6 , 3s1
A) Li
B) 1s2 , 2s2 2p6 , 3s2 3p2
B) Na
C) Cs C) 1s2 , 2s2 2p6 , 3s2 3p1
D) K D) 1s2 , 2s2 2p6 , 3s2
07) Why beryllium and aluminum have similar
15) Which is most reactive alkali metal with water?
A) Rb
A) They have same charge
B) K
B) They have same polarizing power
C) Na
C) They belong to same group
D) Li
D) They have similar electronic configuration
16) When NaOH is made, which gas is released at
08) Which of the following elements have largest
the cathode?
atomic radii in the respective period?
A) H2O
A) P-Block elements
B) Alkali Metals B) H2
02) Ans: D) 2NaOH+CO2 Na2CO3+H2O 17) Ans: D) These elements contains only one
Sol: In Solvay's process NaOH does not react with electron out side the noble gas core
CO2. Sol: Alkali metals are contains only one electron in
valance shell. Thus they are electropositive in
03) Ans: C) [Kr]5s2 nature and are highly reactive.
Sol: Amongst the elements listed, [Kr]5s2, i.e. Sr
has the biggest size and thus is the most 18) Ans: A) They are inactive elements
electropositive element. Sol: Due to presence of one electron in the valence
shell alkali metals are highly reactive.
04) Ans: B) High blood pressure
19) Ans: B) Sodium amalgam
05) Ans: A) LiCl and MgCl2 are insoluble in ethyl Sol: In Castner Kellner method NaOH is formed by
alcohol the reaction between Na(Hg) and H2O.
Sol: LiCl and MgCl2 are soluble in ethyl alcohol.
20) Ans: D) Fr, Ra
06) Ans: A) Li
Sol: Li alkali metals has highest ionisation 21) Ans: C) KO2
enthalpy. Sol: Superoxide are denoted as MO2. Thus
chemical formula of superoxide of potassium is
07) Ans: B) They have same polarizing power KO2.
15) Ans: D) Li
Sol: Reactivity of alkali metals with water decrease
down the group.
16) Ans: B) H2
Sol: When NaOH is made , H2 gas is released at
5. If 20 cm 3 gas at 1 atm. is expanded to 50 cm 3 at constant T, 16. At what pressure a quantity of gas will occupy a volume of
then what is the final pressure. 60 ml , if it occupies a volume of 100 ml at a pressure of
1 1 720 mm ? (while temperature is constant) :
(a) 20 (b) 50
50 20 (a) 700 mm (b) 800 mm (c) 100 mm (d) 1200 mm
(c) 1
1 17. At what pressure will a quantity of gas, which occupies 100 ml
50 (d) None of these
20 at a pressue of 720 mm , occupy a volume of 84 ml .
6. A 10 g of a gas at atmospheric pressure is cooled from 273 C (a) 736.18 mm (b) 820.20 mm
o (c) 784.15 mm (d) 857.14 mm
to 0 C keeping the volume constant, its pressure would
(a) 1/2 atm (b) 1/273 atm (c) 2 atm (d) 273 atm 18. The volume of a gas is 100 ml at 100 o C . If pressure remains
7. A certain sample of gas has a volume of 0.2 litre measured at 1 constant then at what temperature it will be about 200 ml
o o
atm. pressure and 0 C . At the same pressure but at 273 C , its (a) 200 o C (b) 473 o C (c) 746 o C (d) 50 o C
volume will be. 19. The pressure of 2 moles of an ideal gas at 546 K having volume
(a) 0.4 litres (b) 0.8 litres 44.8 L is
(c) 27.8 litres (d) 55.6 litres (a) 2 atm (b) 3 atm (c) 4 atm (d) 1 atm
20. Surface tension does not vary with.
8. 400 cm of oxygen at 27 C were cooled to − 3 C without
3 o o
(a) Temperature (b) Concentration
change in pressure. The contraction in volume will be
(c) Size of the surface (d) Vapour pressure.
(a) 40 cm 3 (b) 30 cm 3 (c) 44.4 cm 3 (d) 360 cm 3
21. The type of attractive forces between a polar molecule and a
9. In the equation of sate of an ideal gas PV = nRT , the value of non-polar molecule are
the universal gas constant would depend only on (a) Dipole-dipole forces (b) Hydrogen bonds
(a) The nature of the gas
(c) Dipole-induced dipole forces (d) Dispersion forces.
(b) The pressure of the gas
22. According to kinetic theory of gases, the collisions between
(c) The units of the measurement molecules of a gas.
(d) None of these (a) Occur in a zig-zag path
10. In the ideal gas equation, the gas constant R has the dimensions (b) Occur in a straight line
of (c) Change velocity and energy
(a) Mole-atm K–1 (b) Litre mole
(d) Result in settling dow of molecules.
(c) Litre-atm K–1 mole–1 (d) Erg K–1
23. Vapour pressure of liquid increase with
(a) Decrease in temperature (b) Increase in Temperature
11. If two moles of an ideal gas at 546 K occupy a volume of 44.8
(c) Increase in surface area. (d) Increase in volume.
litres, the pressure must be
(a) 2 atm (b) 3 atm (c) 4 atm (d) 1 atm 24. Study the figures given below and identify the type of
interaction between XY-XY molecules.
12. Correct gas equation is.
V1T2 V2 T1 P1 V1 T
(a) = (b) = 1
P1 P2 P2 V2 T2
P1T2 P2 V2 V1V2
(c) = (d) = P1 P2
V1 T2 T1T2
(a) Dipole-Induced dipole
(b) Dipole-Dipole
(c) Dispersion force
(d) Induced dipole-Induced dipole.
Matrix Science Academy
States of matters Key
P1 = 1 ; P2 = ? 18. (b)
According to Gay-Lussac’s law V1 V 100 200
Sol. = 2 i.e. =
P1 P2 PT 1 273 o K 1 T1 T2 373 K T2
= P2 = 1 2 = atm; atm.
T1 T2 T1 546 o K 2
T2 = 746 k = 473 o C
7. (a) 19. (a)
V T T 546 o K Sol. PV = nRT , P 44 .8 = 2 0.082 546
Sol. 1 = 1 V2 = 2 V1 = 0 .2 L = 0 .4 L.
V2 T2 T1 273 o K
P = 2 atm
8. (a) 20. (c)
T2 270 o K Sol. size of the surface
Sol. V2 = .V1 = .400 cm = 360 cm
3 3
T1 300 o K 21. (c)
contraction = V1 − V2 = 400 − 360 = 40 cm 3 Sol. It is the type of force between the polar molecule and a
9. (c) non-polar molecule. Dipole of polar molecule induces dipole
Sol. The value of universal gas constant can be expressed in on the electrically neutral molecule.
different units and its value would depend only on the units of
the measurement.
10. (c)
Sol. PV = nRT
R= = litre . atm. K–1 mole –1
01) The IUPAC name of isopropylamine is 07) What is IUPAC name of H2C=CH-C CH?
A) propan -2- amine A) But-1-en-3-yne
B) propan -1-amine B) Butane-1-en-3-yne
C) 2-Aminotoluene C) But-3-en-1-yne
D) ethanamine D) Butan-3-en-1-yne
02) What will be the IUPAC name of 08) The phenomenon in which atoms or groups in
CH3 CH CH2 CH COOH ? a compound can attract electrons is known as
| |
C2H5 CH3
A) inert pair effect
B) +ve inductive effect
A) 2-Methyl-4-ethyl pentanoic acid
C) mesomerism effect
B) 4-ethyl-2-methyl pentanoic acid
D) -ve inductive effect
C) 2, 2-dimethyl pentanoic acid
D) 2, 4-dimethyl hexanoic acid
09) The series which contains nucleophiles only is;
A) BF3, AlCl3, NH3
03) In electromeric effect:
A) Temporary transfer of electron pair is
C) RNH2, CCl2, H-
possible D) BF3, NH2-, H2O
B) Pi electron pair is permanently transferred
C) pi electron pair undergo delocalization 10) What is hybridization of carbon atom in CH4?
D) Sigma electron pair transfer cause polarization A) sp3d
B) sp3
04) What is IUPAC name of C) sp2
| D) sp
CH3 CH2 C CH2 CH3 ?
11) Electrophiles are called as
A) 3-Methyl pentan-3-ol A) attack on electron rich centre to gain electron
B) 3-hydroxy hexane pair
C) 3-hydroxy-3-Methyl pentane B) neutral molecules having incomplete octet
D) All of these C) electron deficient species like cations
D) all of these
05) What is IUPAC name of
12) Which of the following does not represent
| ? A) Propane
CH2 CH2 CH3 B) Benzene
A) 4-ethyl hex-1-ene C) Nitromethane
B) 3-propyl pent-1-ene D) Carbon dioxide
C) 3-ethyl hex-1-ene
D) 3-ethyl pent-1-ene 13) What is H-C-H bond angle in methane?
A) 109.5°
06) Identify heterocyclic aromatic species. B) 90°
C) 180°
D) 120°
14) What is IUPAC name of
B) CH3 C H CH2 C H CHO ?
| |
Cl CH3
C) A) 4-Chloro-2-Methyl butanal
B) 4-chloro-2-Methyl pentanal
C) 2-aldo-4-chloro pantane
D) 2-Chloro-4-methyl butanal
A) 2-methly -3-bromobutanoic acid
B) 2-bromo -3-methylbutanoic acid
C) 3-bromo-2-methylbutanic acid
D) 3-bromo- 2, 3-dimethylpropanoic acid
01) Ans: A) propan -2- amine 09) Ans: B) RCH2-, CN-, CH3CH2OH
3 2 1 Sol: RCH2-, CN- are electron rich.
C H3 CH C H3 CH3-CH2-OH is a Lewis base.
NH2 10) Ans: B) sp3
Common name : Isopropylamine
IUPAC name : Propan -2- amine 11) Ans: D) all of these
04) Freundlich adsorption isotherm is applicable at 10) Choose the correct option: Butter has the
A) low tempertature dispersion medium and dispersed phase
B) high temperature A) solid and liquid
C) high pressure B) liquid and solid
D) moderate pressure C) solid and gas
D) solid and soild
05) Fog is an example of _________ colloidal system.
A) liquid dispersed in gas 11) What is the reason for exhibits Brownian
B) gas dispersed in gas movement by the colloidal particles?
C) solid dispersed in liquid A) Fast moving of colloidal particle
D) solid dispersed in gas B) Scattering of light
C) Charge of the colloidal particle
06) Adsorption plays an important role in ______ D) Bombardment of colloidal particles to the
catalysis dispersed medium
A) Heterogeneous
B) Homogeneous 12) Match the column correctly.
C) Positive
D) Negative
A) adsorption isotherm
B) adsorption isobar
C) adsorption isoster
D) adsorption isochore
08) Ans: B)
12) Ans: D)
dry ether
B) RX Mg 24) What is a equation for combustion of methane?
A) CH4 + 2O2 CO2 + 2H2O
B) CH4 + O2 C + 2H2O
dry ether
D) 2RX 2Na [O]
16) Which one of the following is alkane? D) 2CH4 + O2 2CH3OH
A) C4H6
B) C4H10 25) What is the decreasing order of boiling points
C) C4H11 in isomers of pentane?
D) C4H8 A) Isopentane>neopentane>n-pentane
B) Neopentane>isopentane>n-pentane
17) Find the correct order of boiling points of 2, C) n-pentane>neopentane>isopentane
2-dimethylpropane, 2-methylbutane and D) n-pentane>isopentane>neopentane
A) n-pentane >2, 2-dimethylpropane >
B) n-pentane > 2-methylbutane > 2,
C) 2, 2-dimethylpropane > 2-methylbutane
D) 2-methylbutane > n-pentane > 2,
dry ether
15) Ans: D) 2RX 2Na
(v) Sol: Wurtz reaction states that reaction between
two molecules of alkyl halide and sodium to give
higher alkane.
04) Ans: C) 4-Ethyl-3-methyloctane
16) Ans: B) C4H10
Sol: It follows the general formula of alkane