Paper 4
Paper 4
Paper 4
The study provides a review of sustainable supplier selection (SSS), which has
proceed to emerge and expand along with greater speed over the last decades. This
research aims to identify and explore the use of machine learning and text mining methods
to automatically identify relevant core topics in sustainable supplier selection. The
traditional approach by personal judgments with predetermined categories, cannot
adequately take latent topics from large volumes of research data. Therefore, this study
selects the topic modelling approach, which automatically identify topics that extend a
large and unstructured collection of documents to uncover research topics in sustainable
supplier selection research. The papers for the literature review were collected from
SCOPUS database. The model with 20 topics was selected through the Latent Dirichlet
Allocation (LDA) model from selected articles published from 2010 to 2020 in associated
with various journals, and the top 5 most popular topics in sustainable supplier selection
research are reviewed in a nutshell. We then explore topic trends by considering the
transformation over different topics of sustainable supplier selection research over the last
few decades. For each of the top 10 journals, the areas of subspecialty and the effects of
editor changes on the topic portfolios are also investigated. The findings of this study are
expected to provide implications for researchers, journal editors, and policy makers in the
field of sustainable supplier selection.
2. Objectives
To review on topic trends, differing thematic fields and emerging research gap
areas in the topic in sustainable supplier selection and evaluation by applying LDA topic
modelling technique.
No. of publication
Then, five meta-variables, namely title, year, DOI, abstract and keywords are
selectively downloaded for the selected articles. In total, we collected 1,015 articles
published in the top ten journals from 2010 to 2020. Table 3 shows the first three rows of
my selected article data below.
The final step of preprocessing is to transform the documents into the document
term matrix representation to generate the input for LDA. As input to LDA, the
preprocessed corpus was aligned to a document term matrix (DTM). A document term
matrix is a mathematical matrix that describes the frequency of terms that occur in a
collection of documents. Figure 7 shows how the usage of some user specified words
changes over time. It also represents the number of each term per document in Table 5.
To do this, the Gensim package can generate a unique ID for each word in the document.
Table 5 lists the 20 words with the highest frequencies, as well as words taken
from the Clean Article Text column.
Table 5 Top 20 no. of occurrences from ‘Clean article text’ in 1,150 papers
Rank Words Frequency Rank Words Frequency
1 sustainability 1704 11 fuzzy 524
2 method 1599 12 policy 444
3 analysis 992 13 stakeholder 433
4 energy 937 14 cost 431
5 criterion 751 15 optimization 424
6 environmental 718 16 construction 398
7 green 654 17 ranking 352
8 decision making 595 18 manufacturing 237
9 design 586 19 ahp 227
10 evaluation 557 20 water 209
Then, we create a wordcloud to see the most common words used in papers from
2010 to 2020, as shown in Figure 8.
Then, the LDA results from 1,015 papers are viewed in Figure 9. The closer the
distance among the circles, the more related topics with words among the circles.
Figure 9 shows the two major groups with a small distance between the circles.
The first group consists of topic1, 4, 6, 8, 11, 12 and 16. There is a relationship in decision
making analysis with linguistics, fuzzy logic, which has increased in the context of
sustainable supplier selection techniques. In addition, China is still leading the research
on sustainable supplier selection. The second group is topic 2, 3, 19 and 14, which focuses
on the industry in terms of environmental impact, including renewable energy, biomass,
electricity and food waste from production to select sustainable suppliers. However, there
is a positive trend in the automotive industry to apply supplier selection for sustainability.
In addition to the two topic areas, it is interesting to note that topic 18 deals with risk
assessment, which stays away from the other topic areas. This does not mean that research
with such topics is not necessary or weak. Rather, it may be an emerging research topic.
In particular, the research topic of findings could be triggered by them.
5. Conclusion
This study identified 20 sustainable supplier selection research topics and
examined their changes and relationships by applying the LDA theme modelling
approach to 1,015 articles published in the SCOPUS database over the past decade. The
findings on the research trends in the articles during the period of 2010-2020 are
summarized in five key trend themes. First, the majority of research topics in sustainable
supplier selection deal with a multi-criteria decision-making approach. A single approach
has a negative trend, while a hybrid MCDM approach has a positive trend over the past
10 years. Second, although the construction industry mostly applies sustainable supplier
selection, the automotive industry has increased the trend to focus on sustainable supplier
selection. Third, carbon emissions and renewable energy still play an important role, not
only in economic and environmental terms, but also in terms of social impact for the
welfare of people in the future generation. The fourth theme shows that circular economy
trends have a significant impact on sustainability, such as recycling and waste
management. Finally, the impact of land use in agriculture has also increased the trends
in sustainability. Nevertheless, this study also has some limitations that could serve as
areas for future research. The primary limitation is that we show the themes for the entire
10-year period. We cannot discover the evolution of the themes using such a cumulative
approach. Next, we applied the basic LDA model to discover topics and their popularity
trends over time. While there are LDA extensions, these have been evolved. Finally, we
put only 20 topics through the majority of topic modelling approach. For further research,
expanding the scope of research in this way would support explicit consideration for
sustainability transformation.
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