MAY 2018
Approval of the thesis:
Date: 31.05.2018
I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and
presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare
that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced
all material and results that are not original to this work.
Signature :
model represents a handy computational tool to get pump dynamics for various
system parameters.
An experimental setup is built to measure discharge pressure and delivery flow of the
pump. In order to adjust discharge pressure of the pump, pump outlet port is loaded
with an adjustable needle valve which covers the entire working range. Simulation
results obtained by using the developed model are compared with experimental
results to verify the model. Using this model, various configurations are further
examined to obtain their effects on oscillations of pressure and flow.
The aim of this work is to obtain performance improvements related with geometric
dimensioning of pump internal parts. Three different configurations obtained by
setting the angle of kidney-shaped flow passage area on the valve plate are used in
the physical model to investigate their influence on the pump dynamics, especially
leakages, and oscillations in pressure, flow, and torque. Smoother pressure
transitions in piston chamber are obtained by utilizing line to line porting valve plate
as opposed to using the original valve plate. The improvement in piston chamber
pressure eliminates flow peaks when the piston aligns with the delivery port. As a
result of this improvement, the oscillation amplitude of delivery flow is reduced.
This improvement also reduces the hydraulic torque on swash plate due to pumping
action. Even, lower torques are obtained by utilizing a smaller trap angle than the
angles used in both original valve plate and line to line porting valve plate. Hence,
the control actuator areas can be reduced for the same working pressure, resulting in
lower package volumes for the pump.
Dolayısıyla geliştirilen model, farklı sistem parametreleri için pompa dinamiğini elde
etmek için kullanışlı bir hesaplama aracını temsil etmektedir.
Pompanın çıkış basıncının ve çıkış debisinin ölçümü için bir test düzeneği
kurulmuştur. Çalışma basıncının ayarlanması için pompanın çıkış portu, tüm çalışma
aralığını ayarlayabilecek bir kısma valfiyle yüklenir. Geliştirilen modelden elde
edilen benzetim sonuçlarıyle test sonuçları modeli doğrulamak amacıyla
karşılaştırılmıştır. Ayrıca bu model kullanarak farklı konfigürasyonların basınç ve
debi salınımları elde edilerek farklılıkların etkileri incelenmiştir.
To my family
I would like thank to Prof. Dr. Bülent E. PLATİN, Mr. Celal SELAMOĞLU,
and Mr. Şeref SET for their guidance and affords throughout the study. It was a
pleasure and honor to work with them.
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ v
ÖZ ..................................................................................................................... vii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................ x
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................... xi
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................... xiv
LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................... xv
NOMENCLATURE ......................................................................................... xix
1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background ........................................................................................... 1
1.2 Previous Researches.............................................................................. 3
1.3 Motivation and Objectives .................................................................... 3
1.4 Thesis Outline ....................................................................................... 4
2. VARIABLE DISPLACEMENT SWASH PLATE PUMPS .......................... 5
2.1 Types of Variable Displacement Swash Plate Pumps .......................... 6
2.1.1 Pressure Compensated Axial Piston Pump ............................. 6
2.1.2 Remote Pressure Compensated Axial Piston Pump ................ 8
2.1.3 Load-Sense Controlled Axial Piston Pump ............................ 8
2.1.4 Torque Controlled Axial Piston Pump .................................. 10
2.1.5 Proportional Controlled Axial Piston Pump ......................... 11
COMPONENTS AND MODELING................................................................ 13
3.1 Definition of the Pump Primary Mechanisms ........................................ 13
3.2 Sub-component Kinematics and Pump Modeling .................................. 16
3.2.1 Kinematics of the Piston-Slipper Assembly .............................. 16
3.2.2 Leakage Flow Modeling of the Pump ........................................ 19
3.2.3 Valve Plate Geometry and Valve Plate Timing ......................... 25
3.2.4 Speed Limitations ...................................................................... 31
3.2.5 Dynamics of the Three-Way Valve ........................................... 33
3.2.6 Dynamics of the Control Actuator ............................................. 37
3.2.7 Dynamics of the Bias Actuator .................................................. 38
3.2.8 Dynamics of the ith Pumping Piston........................................... 40
3.2.9 Dynamics of the Swash Plate Mechanism ................................. 42
3.2.10 Dynamics of the Pump ............................................................. 47
3.2.11 Dynamics of the Test Bench .................................................... 48
4. SIMULATIONS AND EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS ................................ 51
4.1 Pump Model ........................................................................................... 51
4.1.1 Piston Model .............................................................................. 51
4.1.2 Compensation Section Model .................................................... 52
4.2 Test Bench Model ................................................................................... 52
4.3 Internal Dynamics Simulations .............................................................. 52
4.3.1 Kinematic Analysis .................................................................... 52
4.3.2 Simulation of Single Piston Discharge Pressure Profile on Valve
Plate ............................................................................................... 54
4.3.3 Simulation of Single Piston Delivery Flow Profile ................... 56
4.3.4 Simulation of Single Piston Delivery Flow Profile at Rated
Pressure ............................................................................................... 57
4.3.5 Simulation of Single Piston Leakage Profiles ............................ 60
4.3.6 Simulation of Hydraulic Torque on Swash Plate Applied by
Single Piston ....................................................................................... 63
4.3.7 Simulation of Multi-Piston Pressure (Pd) ................................... 65
4.3.8 Simulation of Multi-Piston Flow (Qd) ....................................... 66
4.3.9 Simulation of Multi-Piston Flow, Qd, at Rated Pressure ........... 68
4.3.10 Simulation of Multi-Piston Hydraulic Torque on Swash Plate,
Ty ............................................................................................... 69
4.4 Simulations and Experimental Results ................................................... 72
4.4.1 Discharge Pressure Comparison of Test Results and Simulation
Results ............................................................................................... 72
4.4.2 Discharge Pressure-Delivery Flow Characteristics Comparison
of Simulation Results and Experimental Results ................................ 73
4.4.3 Discharge Pressure-Delivery Flow Characteristics Comparison
of Case Studies .................................................................................... 74
5. SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS, AND FUTURE WORK ............................ 77
5.1 Summary ............................................................................................ 77
5.2 Conclusions ........................................................................................ 78
5.3 Future Work ....................................................................................... 79
REFERENCES.................................................................................................. 81
Figure 12: Control volume for the analysis of pressure development in the cylinder
[5] ............................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 14: Scheme for the determination of flow rate between slipper and swash
plate [5] ...................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 15: Ball and socket geometry (clearance exaggerated) [6] ............................. 25
Figure 17: A non-over centered valve plate showing different geometric zones [24]26
Figure 20: Schematic diagram of an axial piston pump with pressure equalization
mechanism [27] .......................................................................................................... 31
Figure 23: Flow forces on a spool valve due to flow leaving a valve chamber [31] . 36
Figure 26: Forces acting on the ith piston in the x-direction [32] ............................... 42
Figure 31: Determination of the delivery line for modeling discharge pressure of the
pump ........................................................................................................................... 49
Figure 32: Circuit diagram of the pump test bench ................................................... 50
Figure 34: Motion of the ith piston in a cycle while α=16°, η=2.5° ........................... 53
Figure 35: Motion of the ith piston in a cycle while α=0°, η=2.5° ............................. 54
Figure 36: The chamber pressure, Pi, of a piston in a cycle when Pd=100 bar .......... 55
Figure 37: The chamber pressure, Pi, of a piston in a cycle with original valve plate
and line to line porting design when Pd=100 bar ....................................................... 56
Figure 38: The delivery flow, Qdi, of a piston in a cycle on valve plate when Pd=100
bar............................................................................................................................... 57
Figure 39: The delivery flow, Qdi, versus angular position, θ, at the rated pressure on
the original valve plate ............................................................................................... 58
Figure 40: The delivery flow, Qdi, versus angular position, θ, at the rated pressure on
the line to line porting ................................................................................................ 59
Figure 41: Schematic of delivery flow direction for a piston on valve plate at the
rated pressure ............................................................................................................. 59
Figure 42: Leakage flow between the cylinder block and valve plate when P d=100
bar............................................................................................................................... 61
Figure 43: Leakage flow around a piston when Pd=100 bar ...................................... 61
Figure 44: Leakage flow through the slipper and swash plate when Pd=100 bar ...... 62
Figure 45: Ball and socket joint leakage flow when Pd=100 bar ............................... 63
Figure 46: Hydraulic torque on swash plate due to a piston when Pd=100 bar ......... 64
Figure 47: Hydraulic torque on swash plate due to pressure forces when Pd=100 bar
.................................................................................................................................... 64
Figure 48: One cycle pump pressure profile at 100 bar ............................................. 65
Figure 49: One cycle delivery flow rate, Qd, profile from start-up to 100 bar ........... 66
Figure 50: Individual delivery flows, Qdi, for each piston for various valve plate
geometries from start-up to 100 bar ........................................................................... 68
Figure 51: One cycle delivery flow rate, Qd, profile at rated pressure, 170 bar......... 69
Figure 52: Total hydraulic torque on swash plate from start-up to 100 bar ............... 70
Figure 53: Individual hydraulic torque on swash plate (N.m) for various valve plate
geometries at 100 bar ................................................................................................. 71
Radial clearance between cylinder block and
hK 15.10-3 mm
Pc Drain pressure 5 bar
𝛿b Pre-compression of bias actuator spring 0.9 mm
Length of the fluid column inside the cylinder
lk m
N The rotational speed of the shaft rpm
Vi The instantaneous volume of the piston chamber m3
1.1 Background
Fluid power systems, which consist hydraulic systems and pneumatic systems,
become an indispensable part of the high-power control applications [1]. The power
density is the ratio of output power to the volume and the volume refers to the
physical space that devices take up on a shop floor [2]. Power densities of the various
powered devices are shown in Table 1. In order to compare the devices, output
power is selected as the same. As shown in Table 1, a piston pump can produce more
power than an AC Electric Motor and Diesel Engine for the same volume. Hydraulic
power is generally preferred when small package volume is the requirement of the
overall system, especially in aerospace industry, highway vehicle industry and in
many industrial applications. With a rough expression, small package volume means
less weight and inertia. The low inertia allows fast response to the system, which
means that higher gains and higher bandwidths are achieved by using hydraulic
actuators in servo circuits.
Maximum efficiencies of hydraulic fluid power devices (pumps and motors) are
between 85% and 95%. Although the efficiencies of hydraulic fluid power devices
are sufficient, the hydraulic fluid power systems work with lower efficiencies.
Hydraulic systems are generally powered by a single pump for supplying different
actuators and loads. If load potentials of those actuators are different, this condition
causes operation non-efficient. Another major reason of low efficiency is the
pressure drop across the valves.
Table 1: A comparison of power densities of three different machines [2]
On the other hand, hydraulic systems have many handicaps to limit their application
areas. It is so hard to achieve zero-leak hydraulic systems. Because of this reason,
hydraulic systems may not be used for cleanroom applications. Secondly, filtration is
an important duty to protect valves or actuators against clogging and the hydraulic
equipment against wear. Working with hydraulic system needs careful handling. This
duty may be ignored by maintenance labor and the inspecting lists must be controlled
strictly not to use contaminated hydraulic fluid in the hydraulic system, especially for
aerospace industry. From manufacturing view, tight tolerances are needed to achieve
less leakage in the actuators or hydraulic components. These tight tolerances cause
high costs for the components. Lastly, hydraulic systems generally work with high
levels of noise.
1.2 Previous Researches
Variable displacement axial piston pumps are used generally in aerospace, military,
automotive, and mobile applications. The widespread usage of this pump in the
industry has attracted researchers’ attention about its dynamics in detail.
Lewis & Stern [3] described detailed approaches to formulate the transfer functions
of the hydraulic components and to get the dynamic responses of the components and
hydraulic circuits. Reethof [4] investigated the characteristics of positive-
displacement pumps and motors at steady state. Ivantysyn and Ivantysynova [5]
studied the principles, design performance, modeling, analysis, control, and testing of
the hydrostatic pumps and motors. They formulated dynamic leakage equations and
pressure distribution of a piston by integrating the Reynolds equation of lubrication.
Watton [6] presented flow through the various leakage gaps. Most of these flow
equations are related with a variable displacement pump components. In addition, he
investigated the flow losses and torque losses for an axial piston machine. Manring
[7] investigated the detailed design, analysis, and control of an axial piston pump. He
studied component level design fundamentals, different types of controlled axial
piston pumps, and performed their dynamic performance. Ma [8] presented
optimization of the cross angle on the dynamics of the pump. He put forward the
correlation between analysis and experimental results. Then he optimized key
dynamics (flow peak and pressure pulsation) by changing the cross angle on valve
limits. The objective of this thesis is to analyze the pump dynamics by producing
measured and non-measured operational variables; for example, the discharge
pressure peak, the pulsation of the discharge pressure, the flow peak, the torque peak
on the swash plate and affordability of instantaneous total torque by control actuator
are predicted by these simulations. The performances of the different pump
configurations are investigated by utilizing various parameters at the physical model.
Pumps or motors, whose working principle is related with displacement volume, are
called as displacement machines. These displacement machines work under different
phenomena. These displacement machines are classified as, piston machines, gear
machines, screw machines, vane machines, and other machines. These machines are
named via the component constitutes the displacement. The main distinction between
piston machines and other machines is the direction of the motion. The piston
machines working phenomena rely on translational motion of the displacement
component. The displacement component performs rotary motion at the gear
machines, screw machines, and vane machines. The piston type machines are
classified as, axial piston machines and radial piston machines. The difference
between axial piston machine and radial piston machines is motion of the pistons. In
axial piston machines, pistons work parallel to the each other. In radial piston
machines, the pistons are arranged around the driving shaft. Motion of each piston is
perpendicular to the shaft axis. The axial piston type machines are classified as,
swash plate machines and bent axis machines according to the principle of
generation of the piston stroke. The piston stroke is generally produced due to the
support of the piston on the swash plate machines [5].
In swash plate pump usage market, pressure compensated axial piston pumps are
utilized usually due to their simplicity and cost-effectiveness. In this thesis, the
internal dynamics and the pressure-flow characteristics of a pressure compensated
axial pump is examined in detail.
2.1 Types of Variable Displacement Swash Plate Pumps
Pressure compensator mechanism limits the discharge pressure to the rated discharge
pressure, like a relief valve. When discharge pressure is below the compensator
setting pressure, the pump is at full stroke in other words displacement volume is at
most as shown in Figure 1. When the hydraulic discharge pressure reaches the rated
discharge pressure, displacement volume is maintained to the minimum level as
shown in Figure 2. The discharge pressure-delivery flow characteristic curve of a
typical pressure compensated axial piston pump is shown in Figure 3. When the load
is at the minimum level, maximum delivery flow occurs. When the pump is
pressurizing the hydraulic system up to compensator setting pressure, flow decreases
due to volumetric losses. Volumetric losses increase with increasing discharge
pressure. It is possible to operate at various discharge pressure magnitude up to rated
pressure. Spring losses occur while the discharge pressure is between maximum full-
flow pressure and rated discharge pressure. The pump maintains rated discharge
pressure with the minimum delivery flow until the load drops.
Figure 1: Swept volume of a pressure compensated axial piston pump while
discharge pressure is lower than the maximum full-flow pressure [9]
Figure 3: The discharge pressure-delivery flow characteristic curve of a typical
pressure compensated axial piston pump [10]
Load-sense control is another way of controlling the adjustment of the swash plate
angle. Pump discharge pressure is synchronized to the system demand at a pressure
which is little above the system demand. This adjustment is triggered by sensing the
system maximum hydraulic load, then adjusting the displacement volume to cope
with the system maximum hydraulic load. When there is no load, pump works at full
displacement. When there is a load, the pump discharge pressure increases until it
overcomes the differential spring force and shifts the control actuator to adjust the
displacement volume as seen in Figure 4.
The pump carries a displacement level, which keeps the pressure drop constant
across the hydraulic load. This pressure drop is equal to the differential spring load.
Discharge flow increases when the hydraulic load decreases, or vice versa. For a
unique hydraulic load, pump delivery flow does not vary with respect to the varying
driveshaft speed. Because load-sense control maintains a constant pressure drop
across the orifice, the load-sense pump will maintain the same delivery flow various
driveshaft speeds. When the hydraulic load reaches the maximum set pressure,
control actuator adjusts the displacement volume to the minimum. The discharge
pressure-delivery flow characteristic curve of a typical load-sense controlled axial
piston pump is shown in Figure 5.
Torque control is another way to control the adjustment of the swash plate angle.
This type of control is beneficial when the available power for the hydraulic system
is limited. The intent of this type of pump control is to use the available input power
most efficiently. Torque limiter control adjusts the displacement volume as the
hydraulic load changes, to maintain a constant required torque. The discharge
pressure-delivery flow characteristic curve of a particular torque controlled axial
piston pump is shown in Figure 6. Various delivery flows are seen for a particular
pressure (ex. 250 bar) with respect to the changing supply input power.
Figure 6: The discharge pressure-delivery flow pressure characteristic curve of a
torque controlled axial piston pump [11]
Proportional control gives chance to switch the pressure and tank ports by changing
the direction of the displacement volume. As seen in Figure 7, direction and
magnitude of displacement volume vary with respect to the changing direction and
magnitude of the current. These types of pumps are suitable to use for hydrostatic
drives in closed circuits. Displacement volume and shaft speed determine the flow
magnitude up to set pressures of relief valves. Pump protects itself by using two
relief valves on each pressure ports. This type of pumps can be controlled by
proportional hydraulic/electronic control units or mechanical servomechanisms. With
the help of electronic control units, discharge flow can be determined precisely by
well-adjusting displacement volume. By changing current direction and magnitude,
flow direction and flow magnitude can be determined so smoothly. EP3 and EP4
denote that various powering options.
Hydrostatic pumps are a component of hydraulic circuits that have been used widely
in the aircraft industry, industrial and mobile applications. Several researches are
made for sizing the critical components to design the response of the pump and
overall hydraulic system recently. Kim et al [13], Schoneau et al [14], and Manring
[7] have published documents related with the dynamics of the swash plate variable
displacement pumps.
plate-piston mechanism is assembled with cylinder block. This assembly gives
permission to the translational motion of the pistons. Cylinder block is located
against a valve plate and connected to the shaft with involute spline. As the cylinder
block is driven around x-axis, each piston is forced to rotate around x-axis by
cylinder block. Pistons cross over the intake port and discharge port. Because of the
swash plate angle, α, and the secondary swash plate, η, pistons do oscillatory motion
in and out of the cylinder block.
In order to explain the working mechanism of the pump in detail, a piston in the
cylinder block considered. When the fluid-filled chamber is at the maximum level in
cylinder block for a piston, this position is named as the top dead center, TDC. When
the fluid-filled chamber is at the minimum level in cylinder block for a piston, this
position is named as the bottom dead center, BDC. This means that piston is ready to
suck fluid to fill its volume up to TDC. After piston passes the TDC position, fluid-
filled chamber tends to decrease volume. The fluid, which is in the closed chamber,
is pressurized by this motion of the piston. Then, piston discharges fluid until it
reaches to the BDC. This process explains one complete cycle for one piston. This
motion is completed in every cycle, so pump working frequency can be calculated by
shaft frequency multiplied by the piston number.
The displacements of a piston at BDC and TDC positions are nearly equal when
swash plate angle, α, equals to the minimum and secondary swash plate angle, η,
becomes driver angle for displacement volume. This condition occurs when the
pump is working at rated discharge pressure. Because of the secondary swash plate
angle in the x-y plane as shown in Figure 11, piston gets minimum chamber volume
at the mid position of the delivery port in y plane.
Secondary swash plate angle, η, is used to limit the minimum displacement volume.
Pressure compensation mechanism needs a minimum volume (approximately 4% of
ΔVmax) to maintain a stable operation. Also, the pump needs this minimum volume
for self-lubrication [5]. This secondary swash plate angle, η, is provided to decrease
the excessive noise and to improve efficiency of the pump [16].
spring. By this actuation, flow is oriented through the control actuator chamber.
Hence pressure is built up inside the control actuator chamber. This pressurized fluid
powers the control actuator to rotate the swash plate mechanism against the bias
actuator force constituted by the bias spring.
velocity, flow, leakage, pressure, etc.) are similar for each piston for a particular
angle, θ, in y-z plane by assuming the pump is in the steady-state and components of
the pump are identical.
Displacement of the ith piston in the x-direction is given in Equation 1 with respect to
the varying angular position of the piston, θ, in y-z plane and swash plate angle, α, in
the x-z plane. The perpendicular distance from piston-slipper ball joint to swash plate
is defined as “a” in the x-z plane. The perpendicular distance from swash plate to the
swivel axis is defined as “b” in the x-z plane. Pitch radius of the cylinder block is
defined as R.
xi = + R sin(θ) tan(α) (1)
cos α
Displacement of the ith piston in the x-direction is given in Equation 2 with respect to
the varying angular position of the piston, θ in the y-z plane and constant secondary
swash plate angle, η in the x-y plane. The perpendicular distance from swivel axis to
swash plate is defined as c in the x-y plane. The perpendicular distance from piston-
slipper ball joint to the swash plate is defined as d in the x-y plane.
xi = + R sin(θ) tan(η) (2)
cos η
In order to express the total displacement of the ith piston in Equation 3, it is needed
to equalize these two motions phases. So phase difference, /2, between these two
motions are added into Equation 2 with considering the direction of the motion.
a−b c−d π
xi = + + R tan(α) sin(θ) + R tan(η) sin (θ + ) (3)
cos α cos η 2
The velocity of the ith piston in the x-direction is given in Equation 4 with respect to
the constant angular speed of the cylinder block, , varying angular position of
piston, θ, in the y-z plane, varying swash plate angle, α in the x-z plane and constant
secondary swash plate angle, η, in x-y plane. (θ̇ = ω)
sin(α) α̇ sin(θ) α̇
ẋ i = (a − b) 2
+ R tan(α) cos(θ) ω + R
cos (α) cos 2 (α)
π (4)
+ R cos (θ + ) tan(η) ω
Acceleration of the ith piston in the x-direction is given in Equation 5 with respect to
the constant angular speed of the cylinder block, , varying the angular position of
piston, θ, in y-z plane, varying swash plate angle, α in x-z plane and constant
secondary swash plate angle, η, in x-y plane. (θ̇ = ω)
Different from the discharge flow of the pump, continuous leakage flows occur in the
pump while the pump is working. Although these leakage paths help to the pump for
self-lubrication, in analytical view these leakages decrease the pump volumetric
efficiency, ηv , as seen in Equation 6 [18].
ηv = (6)
Vd ω
Vd: displacement volume (swept volume) (m3)
The leakage flow equation between pumping piston and cylinder block is given in
Equation 7 by considering steady flow in annulus between piston and sleeve, minus
flow related with the movement of the piston as shown in Figure 12. Piston and
cylinder block eccentricity is assumed as zero. Instantaneous leakage flow path
length is denoted as lk which is depended to the varying xi . Clearance between
piston and cylinder block is denoted as hK. Diameter of the pumping piston is
denoted as dp. Pressure inside the ith chamber and pump drain line is denoted as
Pi and Pc , respectively.
Bergada et al. [19] made detailed research about leakages inside the pump in
previous studies. They presented leakage flow equation around a piston including the
effects of the grooves cut on the piston.
Blackburn [4] presented steady flow in the annulus by including eccentricity. The
flow rate is increased 2.5 times the value of the concentric cylinders, assuming the
same pressure drop.
Figure 12: Control volume for the analysis of pressure development in the cylinder
πhB 3
Qradial = (P − Pc ) (8)
6μ ln(rout ⁄rin ) i
Qopening angle = (P − Pc ) (9)
12μ ln(R bo ⁄rbo ) i
These leakages occur in radially inward and outward directions as seen in Figure 13.
Total leakage for the piston is defined in Equation 10. Inner radii of kidney port on
valve plate and cylinder block are denoted as rbi and Rbi, respectively. Although, the
film thickness varies with respect to the surface flatness and hydrodynamic bearing
conditions, for simplicity constant fluid film thickness is considered. This film
thickness is sufficient to prevent metal to metal contact between the cylinder block
and valve plate [20].
h3B 1 1
QSB = (Pi − Pc ) [ + ] (10)
12μ ln(R bo ⁄rbo ) ln(R bi ⁄rbi )
Flow rate in radial flow conditions is defined in Equation 8. Gap height between the
slipper and swash plate is defined as hG in Figure 14. Outer radius and inner radius
of the slipper is defined as R G and rG , respectively. The pressure inside the slipper is
defined as PG . Leakage flow rate through the slipper and swash plate is defined in
Equation 11.
Qradial = (P − Pc ) (11)
6μ ln(R G ⁄rG ) G
Figure 14: Scheme for the determination of flow rate between slipper and swash
plate [5]
Steady flow through the pipe is defined in Equation 12. dd is the hole diameter inside
the piston. Hole length is defined as ld . PG is the pressure inside the slipper.
Qpipe = (P − PG ) (12)
128μld i
Equation 11 and Equation 12 are substituted to present flow rate (QSG ) between
slipper and swash plate by considering zero leakage across the ball and socket joint
[5]. Slipper spin is not taken into account in Equation 13. Although hG varies
depending on the pump operating conditions, in this formulation this term is assumed
as constant for simplicity. Several researches have been done related with slippers. In
these researches, it is investigated that gap height is related with tilt angles, rotational
speed, facing surfaces flatness, machine working condition (pumping or motoring),
πh3G d4d
QSG = (Pi − Pc ) (13)
μ (6d4d ln( R G ⁄rG ) + 128h3G ld )
Bearing leakage is defined in Equation 14. This equation is valid for non-rotational
motion between ball and socket, steady-state flow conditions, and ball and socket are
concentric [19]. H is the clearance between ball and socket geometry. The radius of
the ball is defined as ro as shown in Figure 15.
H3 H4
(Pi − Pc )π (ro + 12 )
QSPHERE = H tan(δ2 ⁄2)
μ (ro + ) ln( tan(δ ⁄2))
2 1
Figure 15: Ball and socket geometry (clearance exaggerated) [6]
In Equation 14, it is shown that variation in the clearance between ball and socket is
effective on the maximum limit of this bearing leakage to a high degree. For an
example, in order to limit piston leakage, Eaton firm suggests that maximum
translational motion of the piston with respect to the fixed shoe plate must not exceed
0.005 inches for industrial 220 series piston pump [23] as shown in Figure 16.
A non-over centered valve plate is shown in Figure 17. These types of valve plates
are utilized when the direction of shaft rotation and direction of swash plate angle do
not change to the opposite direction. The valve plate shown in Figure 17 could be
used for clockwise rotation (view on the valve plate) due to slot geometries at zone 3,
and zone 8. Zone 4 and zone 5 show suction port. Zone 1 and zone 9 show discharge
Differently, the suction port and the discharge port can twist at over center pumps by
the changing direction of swash plate angle. In this type of pumps, zone 4, and zone
5 are similar to the zone 1, and zone 9. The geometry shown at zone 1 and zone 9 is
named as Qweb. These webs are used to strengthen the valve plate. These webs are not
used in the y-axis (Figure 8) at the discharge port/suction port in order not to restrict
the flow while maximum flow occurs. Maximum flow occurs in this region because
the maximum translational motion of a piston occurs in this region related with the
swash plate angle, α.
Figure 17: A non-over centered valve plate showing different geometric zones [24]
The valve plate of a typical non-over center pump is shown in Figure 8. The angular
position of the ith piston is defined in Equation 15, where is the angular speed of
cylinder block and N is the total number of pistons. Piston, where angular position, θ,
equals to zero over discharge port in the y-axis, is named as the first piston. The
angular position of the piston, , is defined with respect to the midpoint of the
delivery port.
(i − 1)2π
θ = ωt + (15)
Typical valve plate design is shown in Figure 18. While the pump is working,
cylinder port moves, and valve plate remains stationary. Discharge area, Ad, or
suction area, As, of a piston at an instantaneous angular position is given in Equation
16 with a rough approach. In this equation slot angle, φf, is considered as zero (no
slot geometry). Indexing Angle, , and angular dimension at BDC and TDC, , are
considered as same. Variation of the flow passage area is considered as linear at
transition regions.
PistonAd & As
π ′ π ′
Ad = BSA, As = 0 − + +δ+ <θ< − +δ−
2 2 2 2 2 2
π ′
( − +δ+ )−θ π ′ π ′
2 2 2
Ad = BSA , As = 0 − +δ− <θ< − +δ+
2 2 2 2 2 2
π ′ π ′
Ad = 0, As = 0 − +δ+ <θ< + +δ−
2 2 2 2 2 2
π ′
(θ − ( + + δ − )) π ′ π ′
2 2 2
Ad = 0, As = BSA + +δ− <θ< + +δ+
2 2 2 2 2 2
π ′ 3π ′
Ad = 0, As = BSA + +δ+ <θ< − +δ− (16)
2 2 2 2 2 2
3π ′
(( − + δ + ) − θ) 3π ′ 3π ′
2 2 2
Ad = 0 , As = BSA − +δ− <θ< − +δ+
2 2 2 2 2 2
3π ′ 3π ′
Ad = 0, As = 0 − +δ+ <θ< + +δ−
2 2 2 2 2 2
3π ′
(θ − ( + + δ − )) 3π ′ 3π ′
2 2 2
Ad = BSA , As = 0 + +δ− <θ< + +δ+
{ 2 2 2 2 2 2}
Indexing Angle, , is shown in Figure 18. The angular dimension between ports is
defined as [8]. When is bigger than , this design is named as trapped volume
design. When is equal to the , this design is named as line to line porting. When
is smaller than , this design is named as cross porting.
Figure 18: Trapped valve plate design [7]
φ = −δ (17)
In order to use swept volume efficiently, ⁄2 should be equal or higher than
(⁄2 − δ). If this condition is not satisfied, the piston will not be fully filled at
TDC. In contrary, piston chamber is closed to the delivery line while the end of the
kidney port is at (π + ⁄2 − δ). In order to empty the chamber, ⁄2 should be
equal or higher than (⁄2 − δ). If this condition is not satisfied, the piston will tend
to jeopardize the chamber until sweeping to the BDC. It is important to consider that
while piston starts to compress the chamber, the piston must be closed to the suction
port. Similarly, while piston chamber starts to increase, the piston must be closed to
the delivery port to prevent backflow.
In order to use swept volume efficiently and eliminate the cavitation, slots are
utilized at BDC and TDC as shown in Figure 19.
Different types of slot geometries have been utilized to have smoother pressure rise,
and drop profiles. Common slots would be summarized as a combination of flat or
ramped geometries. The variation of the slot geometries is limited with the
production capabilities.
decreased by this way. Lastly, control actuator volume could be reduced by
decreasing required de-stroking torque by decreasing maximum torque exerted on
swash plate.
Figure 20: Schematic diagram of an axial piston pump with pressure equalization
mechanism [27]
Three well-known speed limitations related with axial piston machines are given in
the following sections. In addition to these limitations, tribology considerations
between piston and cylinder block, valve plate and cylinder block, and retainer and
swash plate might be examined.
The pressure dynamics of a pump in a cycle is given in the previous sections. The
pumping pistons should not be run at the vacuum on whole valve plate in order not to
meet wear problems due to cavitation at low pressure.
slots and space to implement valves inside the cylinder block. By the way, the force
on the cylinder block may be minimized.
Manring [28] investigated the analytical equation of cylinder block tipping away
from valve plate. He presented design criteria to eliminate this problem. The cylinder
block spring might be designed to satisfy this criterion. The speed limit of the pump
with no load condition is determined by inertial forces.
The cylinder block and the valve plate work facing one another with metal to metal
contact. It is suggested to produce these components from dissimilar materials. These
materials might have a different hardness to prevent adhesion. In general, the mutual
faces are coated to prevent wear. These materials might have also an ability to
dissipate heat in order to prevent softening.
Manring [7] presented the speed limitation equation due to the cylinder-block filling.
The flow passage area and suction port pressure of pump are examined in this
relation. The suction port pressure, Ps, or kidney area of the cylinder block, BSA,
might be increased in order to increase the maximum speed of the pump by
satisfying this equation. Decreasing the pitch radius, R, is another way to increase the
maximum speed.
Similar to the cylinder block tipping, there exist slipper tipping restrictions. These
conditions can occur at high displacements (large inclination angles) and high shaft
Manring [29] presented the analytical criteria for slipper tipping away from retainer
ring. Centrifugal inertia throws away the slippers due to rotational speed effects. The
inertial forces acting on the pistons and the slippers are included in this equation.
Figure 21: Rexroth open-circuit machinery [29]
Although the initial overlap is constant due to the design of the valve, pre-
compression of the spring is adjustable. The adjusting component of the valve is
shown in Figure 4. Maximum full-flow pressure is determined by adjusting this
Figure 22: Schematic of a three-way valve [30]
In common usage, sealing equipment is not used to eliminate sticking forces related
with the sealing equipment. This type of valve configuration causes internal leakages
across the valve while discharge pressure is lower than maximum full-flow pressure.
Leakage equation between the right chamber and control chamber is considered as a
steady flow in the annulus between circular shaft and cylinder with no eccentricity
[4]. This yields the leakage as where Pccm is the pressure in the control actuator
chamber, dsp is spool diameter, crs is clearance between the sleeve and spool land (od-
xsp) is column length. Equation 18 is valid while od is larger than xsp. This leakage
decreases volumetric efficiency while pump discharge pressure is below maximum
full-flow pressure. Leakage term related with the spool velocity is neglected.
(Pd − Pccm )πdsp crs
Qsp = (18)
12μ(od − xsp )
Leakage flow from control actuator chamber to the reservoir port through the
clearance between sleeve and spool, Qlt, is valid while xsp is bigger than od, as given
in Equation 21. This yields the leakage as where spool diameter is dsp, the clearance
between spool and sleeve is crs, spool displacement is xsp, and initial overlap between
spool and sleeve is od. The direction of this leakage is shown in Figure 22. While od
is bigger than xsp, opening area, AR, at the left side of the metering port is big enough
to discharge leakage flow coming from the right chamber. When the discharge
pressure is lower than maximum full-flow pressure, the leakage flow regime at the
left metering port is negligible for the analysis for a zero lapped valve.
(Pccm − Pr )πdsp crs
Qlt = (21)
12μ(xsp − od )
The volumetric flow into the control actuator, Qcc, is shown in Figure 22 by
summing flows across the metering port. The relation is expressed in Equation 22.
Steady state flow produces axial force, F1, which tends to reduce the valve opening
area as shown in Figure 23. Axial force exerted on the spool is defined as
F1 = 2 Cd Cv AD (Pd − Pccm )cosθj (23)
Figure 23: Flow forces on a spool valve due to flow leaving a valve chamber [31]
where Asp is spool area, ksp is spring stiffness, 𝛿sp is initial pre-compression of the
spring, msp is mass of the spool, xsp is spool displacement, csp is damping coefficient.
Damping coefficient of the system is defined in Equation 25. The equation shows
that the system works like a simple mass-spring system and it is considered as
critically damped.
3.2.6 Dynamics of the Control Actuator
The geometry and the flow configuration of the control piston are shown in Figure
24. Flow against to the control piston, Qcc, is given in Equation 22.
Leakage flow around the control piston is given in Equation 26. Leakage length, lc0,
is constant due to pump design. This yields the leakage as where pressure behind the
control piston is defined as Pccm, the diameter of control piston is dc, and the radial
clearance between control piston and sleeve is ccp, with considering no eccentricity.
Body forces of control piston mass are neglected.
πdc ccp
Qlkc = (P − Pc ) (26)
12μlc0 ccm
The pressure of the control actuator chamber is given in Equation 27. Displacement
of control piston is denoted as xc. The bulk modulus of fluid is defined as and
minimum volume of the control actuator piston is defined as Vcc.
Ṗccm = 2 (Qcc − Qlkc − (π⁄4) dc 2 ẋ c ) (27)
Vcc + dc xc (π⁄4)
The viscous force, fcp, acting on the control piston is given in Equation 28 according
to the given relation in [14] where ẋ c is the velocity of the control piston. The total
force acting on the control piston is defined in Equation 28.
μπ(dc /2)lc0 ẋ c
fcp = (28)
The geometry and the flow pattern of the bias actuator are shown in Figure 25.
Similar to the control actuator, pressure behind the bias piston is defined as Pbcm and
leakage around the piston is defined as Qlkb. The bias piston diameter is defined as
db. The leakage length, lb0 - xb, is variable depending on the displacement of the bias
piston, xb. Positive displacement direction of the bias piston is accepted as opposite
direction with respect to the direction shown in Figure 25. While the pump is
working below maximum full-flow pressure, displacement of the bias piston, xb, is at
the maximum limit. This yields the leakage as where the clearance between bias
piston, the guide is defined as crpc, the diameter of the bias piston is db, and the bias
actuator chamber pressure is denoted as Pbcm. Body forces of bias piston mass are
neglected. Leakage flow around the bias piston, Qlkb, is expressed in Equation 30.
Additionally, there is a hole on the side wall of this bias piston. This hole helps the
fluid to flow out from the bias piston chamber while unloading the pump. Flow
through this hole, Qor, is defined in Equation 31 where the diameter hole at the side
wall is denoted as dobr.
Figure 25: Free body diagram of the bias actuator
πdb crpc πdb crpc ẋ b
Qlkb = (Pbcm − Pc ) + (30)
12μ(lb0 − xb ) 2
πdobr 2 2(Pbcm − Pc )
Qor = Cd √ (31)
4 ρ
The pressure of the bias piston chamber is given in Equation 32, where the minimum
volume of the bias actuator is defined as Vcb.
Ṗbcm = 2 (−(π⁄4) db 2 ẋ b − Qlkb − Qor ) (32)
Vcb + (π⁄4) db xb
The bias piston is at maximum displacement, xb_max, while the pump is not working.
The viscous force, fb, acting on the bias piston is given in Equation 33 according to
the given relation in [14]. A compression spring is utilized inside the bias actuator
chamber as shown in Figure 9. While the pump is not working, this spring, kb, has a
pre-compression 𝛿b. The spring force, Fspring, on the bias piston is given in Equation
34 and total force acting on the control piston is defined in Equation 35.
2(Pi − Pd )
Qd_i = Cd Ad √ (36)
2(Ps − Pi )
Qs_i = Cd As √ (37)
Qr_i = Qd_i − Qs_i (38)
Vi = Vm − Ap xi (39)
Individual chamber volumes might be defined for each piston, which is assembled in
a circular array inside the cylinder block at equal intervals around the x-axis. The
pressure in the cylinder is derived in Equation 40, according to the control volume
Ṗi = (A ẋ − Qr_i − QSB_i − QSK_i − QSG_i − QSPHERE_i ) (40)
Vi p i
The angular position of the ith piston is given in Equation 15. Pressure with respect to
the angular position of the cylinder is given in Equation 41.
dPi β
= (A ẋ − Qr_i − QSB_i − QSK_i − QSG_i − QSPHERE_i ) (41)
dθ ωVi p i
The viscous force, FTK, acting on the ith piston is given in Equation 42 where ẋ i is the
velocity of the ith piston. The positive direction of the viscous force is considered as
the direction against the positive direction of ẋ i, which is shown in Figure 26. The
engaged length between piston and cylinder block is shown li when xi equals to zero.
Figure 26: Forces acting on the ith piston in the x-direction [32]
The inertia force, FaK, acting on the ith piston center of the piston-slipper group is
given in Equation 43 where the mass of a piston and slipper group is defined as mp.
FaK_i = mp ẍ i (43)
The pressure force, FDK, acting on the ith piston is given in Equation 44 where the
area of a barrel piston is defined as AP multiplied by differential pressure across the
barrel piston.
The total force acting on the ith piston in the x-direction is given in Equation 45.
Centrifugal force, FK, acts in the y-direction on the piston.
Swivel torque due to pumping piston pressure is obtained by summation of the forces
on each piston which are nested in the cylinder block as shown in Figure 27.
Figure 27: Cylinder block and multi-piston [23]
Swivel torque occurs due to the forces acting on each pumping piston and actuators.
Figure 28 shows a diagram of forces exerted on the swash plate by a single piston
[33]. Cylinder block center axis in x-axis and swivel axis of the swash plate (parallel
to the y-axis) do not intersect as shown in Figure 28. The moment arm is defined in
Equation 46. The axial total force in the x-direction is shown in Equation 45. The
reaction of the ith piston, FSK, is defined in Equation 47.
Rsin(θ) + (a − b)sin(α)
Moment_Arm = (46)
FSK_i = − (47)
The expression for torque applied to the swash plate, Ty_i, by the ith piston is defined
in Equation 48. The total torque applied to the swash plate in the y-direction by the
pumping pistons is simply the summation as defined in Equation 49.
Ty = ∑ Ty_i (49)
Control actuator has to have the ability to overcome total torque applied to the swash
plate in the y-direction in order to control the swash plate angle. Control actuator
area has to be designed by considering this restriction.
Torque on the swash plate around x-direction and z-direction must be carried by
swash plate bearings. The definition of these torques is explained with details in [5].
The force formed by the pressure, FDK , is overpowering the other force sources at
high pressures. The pressure in a barrel is being negative in a region on valve plate in
a cycle. The total hydraulic torque applied to the swash plate in y-axis by the
pumping pistons can be negative because of the pressure variations in a cycle. In
order to have smooth operation Inequality 50 must be satisfied while discharge
pressure is lower than the maximum full-flow pressure. Force constituted by the bias
actuator, FB, is shown in Equation 35 and moment arm is defined as LR. By
satisfying this condition, the total torque on the swash plate is being always positive.
This is very important to eliminate oscillations of swash plate in a cycle while
discharge pressure is lower than maximum full-flow pressure.
FB ∗ LR > abs(min(0, Ty )) (50)
Manring explained the various designed swash plate geometries in [7]. In this paper
design of a trunning mounted, transverse servo swash plate is investigated as shown
in Figure 29. Moment arms are the same for bias actuator and control actuator in this
type of pumps.
Manring and Johnson [34] presented a dynamic model of the pumping system. In this
research, the equation of motion of the swash plate is presented by summing the
moments at the pivot axis. By considering the results of this research, it is eligible to
say that effects of the swash plate inertia and damping are negligible compared to the
stiffness of the control actuator on system characteristics. This means that motion of
the swash plate is highly dependent on the working conditions.
Manring [35] examined the control and containment forces acting on the swash plate.
Total containment force acting on the swash plate bearings is shown analytically. As
shown in the paper, the frequency of the forces is designated the number of pistons
multiplied by pump shaft frequency. It is shown that frequency of the torque on the
swash plate is twice of the force-frequency. Frequencies of the alternating forces and
torques must be considered in order to determine right bearings, housings, and
driving motor shaft.
Zhang et al presented a new swash plate damping model for hydraulic axial-piston
pump [36]. An analytical expression is given which is a function of discharge
pressure and swash plate angle.
The equation of motion of the swash plate mechanism around y-axis [34] is defined
in Equation 51. Mass moment of inertia of the swash plate is defined as I.
The translational motion of the bias actuator and control actuator is in the opposite
directions as shown in Figure 30. Motions of bias actuator and control actuator are
defined in terms of swash plate angle in Equation 52 and Equation 53, respectively.
xb = αLR (52)
xc = −αLR (53)
Figure 30: Schematic of a pressure compensator of an axial-piston swash plate pump
Pistons, which are coupled with ball and socket geometry, are arranged on the swash
plate plain surface as shown in Figure 9 and the fundamental working principles are
explained in Section 3.1. While a piston crosses over the suction port, it tends to
increase fluid volume of the pumping piston chamber up to TDC by sliding on the
inclined plane. The instantaneous suction flow of the pump is defined in Equation 54,
where Qsi is defined in Equation 37.
Qs = ∑ Qsi (54)
As a piston passes over the delivery port, it tends to decrease the fluid volume of the
pumping piston chamber up to BDC by sliding on the inclined plane. This process
occurs N times for each cycle of the pump. The instantaneous delivery flow of the
pump is defined in Equation 55, where Qdi is defined in Equation 36.
Qd = ∑ Qdi (55)
Watton [6] presented flow rate change of pump with respect to the angular position
of a piston. It has been seen that flow rate has unique oscillation that resembles half
sine wave at twice of the pump frequency (N x shaft frequency). Definition of flow
rate change is shown for both odd and even piston pumps. Geometric oscillations for
an axial piston pump for various piston numbers are shown in Table 2, where Vs is
swept volume for a piston. Flow oscillation for a pump, whose piston number is odd,
is the same for twice of this odd piston number. Because of this reason, an odd
number of pistons are utilized in axial piston pumps generally.
N 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 π δQ
0.14 0.325 0.05 0.14 0.0253 0.078 0.0153 0.05
N Vs
be done. In addition to these qualification tests, this document also consist
acceptance tests.
The discharge pressure of the pump depends on the load condition of the hydraulic
circuit. Flow through the orifice in the direction of the reservoir is defined in
Equation 56, where reservoir pressure is defined as Pr and orifice opening area is
defined as Aod.
2(Pd − Pr )
QL = Cd Aod √ (56)
The discharge pressure of the pump is modeled using control volume approach. The
control volume is defined as Vmd, which covers from pump outlet to the needle valve.
The discharge line of the pump is shown in Figure 31. The discharge pressure is
given in Equation 57. Leakage term covers various flow paths, which are explained
in Section 3.2.2. These flow paths are given for individual pistons. Total internal
leakage of the pump is simply summation of these terms with leakage due to pressure
compensator mechanism.
Figure 31: Determination of the delivery line for modeling discharge pressure of the
Ṗd = (Q − QL − Leakage) (57)
Vmd d
As seen from Figure 32, a needle valve is utilized in order to load pump. Opening
area, Aod, of this valve is controlled in order to control the discharge pressure of the
pump. The hydraulic line between the test pump and the needle valve is constructed
with a rigid pipeline to eliminate compensation of pressure oscillations on hoses. The
pump is driven by a simple DC Motor at a constant speed. Technical details of the
test bench hydraulic components are given in Appendix D. Pump test setup is shown
in Figure 33.
The simulation model is built by considering physical relations given in the previous
sections. Matlab/Simulink environment is used in order to model nonlinear equations
given in the previous sections numerically.
The simulation and the experimental results of the pressure compensated axial piston
pump are examined in this section. The evaluation of the performance of the pump is
made in time-based.
The piston model uses the swash plate kinematics, discharge pressure, and angular
position of piston, θ, as shown in Appendix A. The swash plate kinematics and
angular position of piston, θ, determines the piston kinematics. Instantaneous
delivery port area and suction port area are calculated due to angular position of
piston. Delivery flow rate and suction flow rate are calculated by considering these
areas, discharge pressure, and instantaneous pressure of the piston chamber. These
flows, piston kinematics, instantaneous swash plate angle, angular position of piston,
instantaneous piston pressure are used in order to calculate delivery flow rate,
hydraulic torque, leakages, and instantaneous piston pressure. The pump model
contains multi-piston models with a phase difference, 2π/N.
The compensation section uses discharge pressure and hydraulic torque as shown in
Appendix B. The discharge pressure powers the control actuator due its magnitude.
Mechanical torque on the swash plate is calculated due to discharge pressure. Total
torque on the swash plate is accumulated in the torque model section in order to
model the swash plate kinematics. The bias actuator and the control actuator
kinematics are also determined by Equation 52 and Equation 53 in the torque model
The pump test bench contains the pump and a needle valve as shown in Figure 32.
This needle valve is used to adjust pump discharge pressure at various magnitudes.
The load flow, QL, across the needle valve versus discharge pressure is measured
experimentally. From these measurements, the opening area, Aod, versus the
discharge pressure is calculated for the needle valve used in the test bench as shown
in Appendix C. The test pressure is used as input to the simulation model by
considering this relation.
The kinematic relation of the displacement, velocity and acceleration of the ith
pumping piston are given in Equation 3, Equation 4 and Equation 5 respectively.
Normalized kinematics of the ith piston is given in Figure 34 for the case where
swash plate angle, α, is 16°, and secondary swash plate angle, η, is 2.5°. These angles
are obtained values from the pump geometry.
The angles are given in Figure 34 by considering θ equals to the zero on discharge
port in y-plane as shown in Figure 8. It is important to mention that BDC (where
minimum cylinder volume occurs) is at 81.4° and TDC (where maximum cylinder
volume occurs) is at 261.1° as seen in Figure 34. The angle between the axis of
symmetry and BDC is named as the cross angle. The cross angle is 8.6° for this
pump. These BDC and TDC points are so important to determine the indexing angle,
δ, and the angle of kidney-shaped flow passage area on valve plate, , that are
explained in Section 3.2.3. The variation of these points from quarter angles is due to
superimposing of swash plate angles. This condition is valid when the discharge
pressure is lower than rated pressure.
Figure 34: Motion of the ith piston in a cycle while α=16°, η=2.5°
The normalized motion of the ith pumping piston at rated pressure is shown in Figure
35. Swash plate angle, α, is equal to the minimum due to compensation of pressure
mechanism and secondary swash plate angle, η, is equal to 2.5°. This secondary
swash plate angle does not vary with the pump working conditions. As explained in
Section 3.1, the displacement of the ith piston at rated pressure is designed in order
for self-lubrication of the pump, decreasing excessive noise, improving the efficiency
of the pump, and the flow requirement of pressure compensation mechanism.
Because of the piston motion, extreme points are carried out near the middle of the
suction port and discharge port, only half of this displacement volume can turn into
flow. After the piston passes the extreme point at the discharge port approximately
360°, this piston is ready to suck fluid from pump discharge line. In other words,
while the piston passes the extreme point at suction port approximately 180°, this
piston is ready to discharge fluid to the reservoir line.
Figure 35: Motion of the ith piston in a cycle while α=0°, η=2.5°
The pressure profile of a piston on original valve plate at 100 bar in a cycle is shown
in Figure 36. Saturation toolbox is used to determine the least pressure in the cylinder
block. 1e-12 Pa is used as minimum pressure limit. This pressure magnitude is
obtained in a laboratory by researchers [38].
Figure 36: The chamber pressure, Pi, of a piston in a cycle when Pd=100 bar
It is seen that instantaneous pressure in trapping motion reaches through 368 bar
while the pump/piston is working at 100 bar. It must be mentioned that the
mechanical components are forced more than needed due to this jeopardization
action. is measured 53.5° and indexing angle, δ, is measured 10.5° in this pump.
In order to decrease this pressure peak, a case study is done. In this study, the valve
plate is designed in accordance with line to line porting where equal to and the
indexing angle, δ, equal to zero.
It is simulated that pressure peak can be minimized by utilizing line to line porting
valve plate and changing indexing angle, δ, from 10.5° to the 0° as shown in Figure
37. The base method to control pressure peaks of the pump is optimizing dimensions
of kidney ports on valve plate.
Figure 37: The chamber pressure, Pi, of a piston in a cycle with original valve plate
and line to line porting design when Pd=100 bar
The flow rate of a piston in a cycle on valve plate is shown in Figure 38 while the
discharge pressure is at 100 bar. As seen from Figure 38, an initial flow peak occurs
when the piston aligns with the discharge port due to over-compression between
TDC and the angle that delivery flow begins. Then the flow rate decreases to a
degree in accordance with the piston velocity. As shown in Figure 34, the maximum
piston velocity happens when the piston is at the position where θ is between 340°
and 350° during discharge pressure is lower than maximum full-flow pressure. The
flow rate is the highest magnitude when the piston is at the maximum velocity which
is shown in Figure 38, by ignoring flow peak. It is mentioned in Section 3.2.3 that
Qweb might not be used around the region where maximum flow occurs.
Figure 38: The delivery flow, Qdi, of a piston in a cycle on valve plate when Pd=100
The case study is done in same conditions with the pressure profiles are given in
Section 4.3.2. It is seen that the decrement in the pressure peak comes into account as
a smooth flow rate variation in the discharge port.
The flow peak causes pressure fluctuations and vibration on the delivery line. This is
very harmful to hydraulic pipes. According to the statistics, almost half of the
reported failures of hydraulic systems on aircraft were due to the fracture of
hydraulic pipes [39].
The flow rate of a piston in a cycle on original valve plate is shown in Figure 39
while the discharge pressure is at rated pressure, 170 bar. As seen from Figure 39, an
initial flow peak occurs when the piston aligns with the discharge port, due to the
high pressure inside the piston. Then the flow rate decreases to the zero in
accordance with the piston velocity. After piston crosses maximum displacement
point as shown in Figure 35, pumping piston chamber tends to increase while
discharge area of the piston is open to the delivery line. Due to this reason, there
exists backflow from delivery line to the pumping piston chamber.
Figure 39: The delivery flow, Qdi, versus angular position, θ, at the rated pressure on
the original valve plate
The flow rate of a piston in a cycle on line to line porting valve plate is shown in
Figure 40 while the discharge pressure is at rated pressure, 170 bar. As seen in Figure
40, a backflow peak occurs when the piston tends to decrease the pumping piston
chamber. Then delivery flow corresponds to piston velocity as shown in Figure 35.
Schematic of delivery flow, Qdi, the direction of a piston at rated pressure is given in
Figure 41 in order to visualize the motion of the hydraulic fluid. Flow through to the
inward plane means that hydraulic fluid in delivery line is fed by pumping piston. In
adverse, flow through to the outward plane means that hydraulic fluid in the chamber
of pumping piston is fed by pressurized delivery line.
Figure 40: The delivery flow, Qdi, versus angular position, θ, at the rated pressure on
the line to line porting
Figure 41: Schematic of delivery flow direction for a piston on valve plate at the
rated pressure
4.3.5 Simulation of Single Piston Leakage Profiles
In this section, leakage flow sources are investigated related with a pumping piston.
The definitions of these flows are shown in Section 3.2.2. The simulations of these
leakage flows are studied in this section. In addition to original valve plate
simulation, the leakage flow forms of the case studies are inspected. By eliminating
pressure peak in the cylinder block chamber, the line to line porting designated valve
plate improves the leakage flow to be smoother than other cases. Simulations show
that leakage flow between the cylinder block and valve plate, and ball and socket
joint leakage are the dominant part of the total leakage.
The leakage flow between the valve plate and cylinder block (QSB) is explained in
Section As shown in Figure 42, this leakage flow around piston acts like
pressure profile as shown in Figure 37. This result is valid while the gap between the
valve plate and cylinder block, hB, is constant.
Figure 42: Leakage flow between the cylinder block and valve plate when Pd=100
The leakage flow around a piston, QSB, is explained in Section As shown in
Figure 43, this leakage flow acts like pressure profile as shown in Figure 37. The
shape of the leakage flow likes a half circle as shown in Figure 43. The center of half
circle is located at a point which has an offset from the center point of axis system.
This offset occurs due to the variation of instantaneous leakage flow path length, lk .
When the piston moves to the BDC, this flow path term increases. The leakage flow
rate is inversely proportional to this term.
The leakage flow through the slipper and swash plate, QSG, is explained in Section As shown in Figure 44, this leakage flow acts like pressure profile as shown
in Figure 37. This leakage flow varies only with pressure variations. Although hG
varies depending on the pump operating conditions, in simulation hG is assumed to
be constant. The other terms in Equation 13 do not change with working conditions.
Figure 44: Leakage flow through the slipper and swash plate when Pd=100 bar
The leakage flow outward of the ball and socket joint, QSPHERE, is explained in
Section As shown in Figure 45, this leakage flow across the ball and socket
joint is similar to the pressure profile shown in Figure 37. The magnitude of this flow
changes with the pressure variations. The other terms in Equation 14 are related with
joint design.
Figure 45: Ball and socket joint leakage flow when Pd=100 bar
The sources of hydraulic torque on swash plate are explained in Section 3.2.9. The
direction of the hydraulic torque changes when the piston passes swivel axis as
shown in Figure 46 while the discharge pressure is 100 bar. This figure is given for
original pump, whose maximum full-flow pressure is higher than 100 bar. The swash
plate swivel axis is generally located away from the shaft axis in order to decrease
the negative torque. This negative torque tries to decrease swash plate angle, α.
The torque peak is eliminated by employing line to line porting. This is very
beneficial while the control actuator works for decreasing swash plate angle, α.
The torque sources are examined to determine dominating part of the total torque.
The equation of pressure force acting on swash plate is defined in Equation 44. The
torque due to the pressure force is shown in Figure 47. By considering maximum
torque values of both valve plate designs, the torque due to pressure is the most
dominant part of the total torque on the swash plate. The inertial and friction forces
are equal for both conditions and negligible with respect to the pressure forces.
Figure 46: Hydraulic torque on swash plate due to a piston when Pd=100 bar
Figure 47: Hydraulic torque on swash plate due to pressure forces when Pd=100 bar
4.3.7 Simulation of Multi-Piston Pressure (Pd)
The multi-piston model is simulated by employing the single piston model with a
phase shift. The phase shift, 2π/N, is determined by the number of pistons. A pump,
which has nine pistons, is simulated in this study.
The discharge pressure profile of multi-piston model from start-up to 100 bar in a
cycle for various valve plates is shown in Figure 48. The pressure oscillations
magnitude is maximum on original valve plate. This pressure oscillations magnitude
is decreased by utilizing trapped design. In line to line porting type valve plate, this
magnitude is reduced to nearly zero.
Although the frequencies of pressure oscillations are different as shown in Figure 48,
this is misleading. The second flow peak in 40° degrees travel of a piston at original
valve plate is not seen clearly. The pump shaft frequency is multiplied by two times
N (number of pistons) in order to determine pump discharge pressure frequency.
Gao utilized an attenuator in order to decrease the pressure and the flow oscillations
in an aircraft pump [17]. It is shown that the maximum pressure fluctuations can be
reduced down to 80%. The relation between spring stiffness (attenuator component)
and flow fluctuation amplitude is shown in this paper. Employment of the attenuator
is similar to utilizing an accumulator on pressure line in industrial hydraulics. The
amplitude attenuation rate is dependent on the ratio between the maximum flow rate
of the pump and the attenuator volume.
One cycle delivery flow rate profile is shown in Figure 49 with same conditions
given in Section 4.3.7. It is shown that instantaneous variations from the mean value,
14 lpm, are from 4 lpm to -2 lpm for the original valve plate. These instantaneous
variations are reduced to 0.3 lpm in excessive flow and -0.4 lpm in insufficient flow
in trapped design. In line to line porting type valve plate, these variations are reduced
to 0.2 lpm in the excessive flow and -0.1 lpm in the insufficient flow.
Figure 49: One cycle delivery flow rate, Qd, profile from start-up to 100 bar
By the results of these simulations, it is shown that the delivery flow frequency is
equal to the discharge pressure frequency. Similar to the discharge pressure profile
simulations, it seems that delivery flow frequency for original valve plate is different
from others. It could be said that flow peak due to pressure peak is overpowering the
other sources for original valve plate.
In order to deeply investigate the delivery flow, the individual delivery flow for each
piston is plotted in Figure 50. Sharp variations exist in trapped valve plate at the
angular displacement of a piston around 45°, 85°, 125°, etc. as shown in Figure 49.
The reason of this result is shown in Figure 50 to examine individually contribution
of delivery flow by each piston. The sharp variation in delivery flow for a piston
increases the amplitude of delivery flow. The oscillation of instantaneous total
delivery port area might be minimized in order to decrease pump delivery flow
variation amplitude. The instantaneous total delivery port area is simply the
summation of each pumping piston delivery area.
Figure 50: Individual delivery flows, Qdi, for each piston for various valve plate
geometries from start-up to 100 bar
One cycle delivery flow rate profile is shown in Figure 51 while the discharge
pressure is considered as the rated pressure.
It is shown that directions of flow peaks are different. The reason of this variation
comes from different sources of the flows. Flow peaks at original valve plate and
trapped design are related with the excessive pressure in the chamber of pumping
piston. In contrary, flow peak at line to line porting occurs due to low pressure in the
chamber of pumping piston with respect to the pressurized delivery line pressure at
the closed system. Mean flow is nearly zero at each valve plates.
Figure 51: One cycle delivery flow rate, Qd, profile at rated pressure, 170 bar
Minimizing the greatest hydraulic torque gives chance to minimize the control
actuator area. Secondly, the total hydraulic torque on swash plate is always positive
in Figure 52 when the discharge pressure is 100 bar. If hydraulic torque on swash
plate is always positive for whole working range, this means that Equation 50 is
satisfied without considering bias actuator force and pumping pistons are always
trying to increase swash plate angle by itself. The bias actuator area and the control
actuator area can be decreased in order to reduce the total pump package volume, by
optimization of hydraulic torque on the swash plate.
Figure 52: Total hydraulic torque on swash plate from start-up to 100 bar
In order to deeply examine the hydraulic torque on swash plate, the individual
torques of each piston are shown in Figure 53. There exists compensation of
hydraulic torques on swash plate due to the mutual torque of pistons. Compensation
is minimum at original valve plate, because of the individual maximum hydraulic
torque is maximum at original valve plate. Although individual maximum hydraulic
torque is minimum at valve plate with line to line porting, maximum total hydraulic
torque is minimum at trapped designed valve plate. This result is formed due to
various valve timings. Valve timing and the length between the axis of the cylinder
block and swash axis might be optimized in order to design hydraulic torque on
swash plate.
Figure 53: Individual hydraulic torque on swash plate (N.m) for various valve plate
geometries at 100 bar
Manring [7] investigated that utilizing various indexing angle, δ, to alter carry-over
angle. Carry-over angle, γ, is defined as the angle between z-axis on valve plate as
shown in Figure 8 and beginning of discharge port at TDC with\without relief notch.
The contribution of carry-over angle is presented in Equation 6.23 in [7] by
averaging steady state operation variables. According to the Equation 6.23 in [7], the
additional torque due to carry-over angle is linearly proportional to the magnitude of
the carry-over angle. For this reason, the small values of carry-over angles are
demanded. The negative indexing angle, δ, is utilized in order to reduce the carry-
over angle, γ. Additional to this study, it is shown that transient torque peaks are
superior to determine pumping torque on swash plate in Figure 52 by using transient
The simulations and the experiments are done in order to get the discharge pressure-
delivery flow characteristics of the pump. The pump is modeled as explained in the
previous sections. In order to obtain discharge pressure and delivery flow data on the
entire working range of the pump, resistance on the delivery line is increased up to
discharge pressure equal to the rated pressure by decreasing opening area magnitude
of the needle valve. Experimental tests are done in test bench as shown in Figure 33.
Similar to the simulations, the opening area of the needle valve is manually
decreased down to get rated pressure on the delivery line.
This test is performed with the hydraulic test circuit as shown in Figure 33. The
pump suction line is pressurized to 5 bar with a booster pump. The discharge
pressure data is gathered with a data acquisition at a sampling frequency of 50 kHz.
The details of the data acquisition system are given in Appendix E. In this
experiment and simulation, the volume between the delivery port of the pump and
the load, Vmd, is constructed as 300 cm3. The chamber is decreased from 1000 cm3 to
300 cm3 to have less capacitance to visualize pressure oscillations at the delivery line
Section 3.2.2. Although the shaft speed changes with respect to the load conditions,
the shaft speed is assumed to be constant during the simulations. Due to this
assumption, there exists a difference in the period of oscillations.
The simulated and experimental results given in Figure 55 and Figure 56 are filtered
for a window size, which is equal to the sampling frequency, 50 kHz. According to
the simulation results, the maximum full-flow pressure of the pump is observed as
157.2 bar and the rated pressure is 172.8 bar. While the discharge pressure is lower
than the maximum full-flow pressure, delivery flow oscillates about ±0.2 lpm in the
simulation results.
Although rated pressure values are approximately same in both cases, there exist
differences in the maximum full-flow pressure values related with the determination
of damping torque of swash plate or determination of the pressure compensation
mechanism parameters.
Flow rate oscillations are decreased by utilizing less trapping angle with respect to
the original valve plate. This oscillation amplitude decreases to ±0.01 lpm in line to
line porting valve plates. The minimum leakage is achieved in line to line porting by
obtaining smoother flow behavior as explained in Section 4.3.5. The decrease in the
leakage leads to a higher flow rate at the same magnitude of discharge pressure.
5.1 Summary
A detailed pump model is done in order to visualize the contribution of the functional
components on the dynamics of the pump. Kinematics of the pumping pistons is
modeled to determine the hydraulic torque on the swash plate. The hydraulic torque
on the swash plate is studied by consideration of the pressure forces, the inertial
forces, and the frictional forces. It is shown that dominant part of these sources is the
pressure forces on the piston. The instantaneous pressure inside the pumping piston
chamber is calculated by considering the piston kinematics, and the flow into and out
of this volume. Within the pressure calculations, the compressibility of the hydraulic
fluid is also taken into consideration.
Moving parts of the three-way valve are modeled as a simple spring-mass system.
The valve activates the control spool by allowing flow into the control chamber when
the discharge pressure is higher than the maximum full-flow pressure. This flow
allowed by the control spool increases the pressure in the control chamber. The rise
in the pressure activates the control actuator which increases the negative torque
exerted on the swash plate. When the resultant torque on the swash plate becomes
negative, the swash plate tends to decrease the swash plate angle. By this motion,
swept volume of the pump is minimized which results in a decrease in the delivery
flow. In other words, pressure build-up capacity is limited by decreasing the delivery
Leakage paths related with the pumping pistons, the three-way valve, the bias
actuator, and the control actuator are modeled to obtain total internal leakage of the
pump. The most significant leakage path is determined in order to handle the internal
leakage problem more effectively.
5.2 Conclusions
It is shown that the amplitudes of the pressure oscillations are similar in simulated
and experimental results. The simulation results show that utilizing various valve
plate configurations can improve pressure oscillations in the delivery line as
expected. The attenuation of the discharge pressure oscillations minimizes the
oscillations amplitude of the delivery flow rate. In some applications where the
control valve is mounted on the pump, minimizing the amplitude of the discharge
pressure oscillations is essential to control the actuator position precisely. In
applications where the control valve is connected to the pump by a long piping, the
discharge pressure oscillations cause fatigue in the pipes. This condition acts as a
source of failure.
Although the rated pressure of the original pump is approximately 170 bar for the
test pump, the instantaneous pressure of the pumping piston chamber can be much
higher than the rated pressure. This study shows that the maximum pressure on the
pumping piston can be nearly four times of the discharge pressure at original pump
design. The peak pressure can be eliminated by utilizing line to line porting
designated valve plate. Pressurizing piston chamber above the rated pressure causes
wear problems especially on the cylinder block and pumping pistons.
Another outcome of the simulation results is that the resultant hydraulic torque on
swash plate can be decreased by utilizing trapped or line to line porting designated
valve plate. Reducing the maximum hydraulic torque on swash plate decreases the
required control torque which changes swash plate angle. Smaller required control
torque gives a possibility to employ smaller control actuator area which enables the
designer to use a smaller volume for the pump.
In this study, discharge pressure oscillations of the pump are decreased by employing
line to line porting valve plate instead of utilizing original valve plate. Internal
leakage of the pump is decreased by smoother pressure regime acting on the
components of the pump. This improvement increases the magnitude of the delivery
flow rate for thr entire working range.
Although the pump has been modeled down to the component level, the experiments
have been performed on the pump as a whole. As a continuation of this work, the
subcomponents of the pump can be experimentally verified in order to verify the
entire simulation model.
The simulated case studies regarding the valve plate configurations in this thesis can
be physically manufactured and tested. Experimental work on the case studies will
give chance to cross-check the simulation results considering the whole pump model.
For example, the pressure in the pumping piston chamber can be measured to
compare with the simulation results. A single piston test bench can be constructed in
order to measure various leakage paths to verify the simulation models.
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Matlab/Simulink model of the cylinder block for a single piston is given in Figure
B. Matlab/Simulink Model of the Compensation Section
C. Matlab/Simulink Model of the Test Bench
D. Technical Properties of the Test Bench
A simple hydraulic test unit is used in order to pressurize the suction and drain line
of the pump. PRH082K10N coded pressure reducing valve (manuf. PARKER
company) is used to control the inlet pressure of the test pump. Technical details of
the needle valve are shown in Figure D.1. Hoses used in the test system are produced
according to the SAE 100R16. Dash size of the hoses is 5. 10-L fittings according to
the ISO 8434-1 are used in order to join the components. Stainless steel tubes are
used in delivery line whose material number is 1.4571. Outer and inner diameters of
the tubes are 10 mm and 8 mm, respectively. XPC10 coded pressure sensor (manuf.
TE Connectivity company) is used to measure discharge line pressure. Technical
details of the pressure sensor are shown in Table D.1. VS 10 coded flowmeter
(manuf. VSE company) is used to measure delivery flow. Technical details of the
flowmeter are shown in Table D.2. J02A2ZN coded needle valve (manuf. PARKER
company) is employed in order to load the pump. Technical details of the needle
valve are shown in Figure D.2.
Table D.2: Performance specifications of the flowmeter (VS 10)
Figure D.1: Performance specifications of the pressure reducing valve
Figure D.2: Performance specifications of the needle valve (J02A2ZN)
E. Data Acquisition System Hardware
For data acquisition, National Instruments (NI) products are used to measure data. It
is important to mention that measurements are saved at 50 kHz with NI components.
NI 9188 chassis tool is used to collect data taken from I/O modules. Maximum input
or output frequency of this tool is 1 MHz. This property is much higher than the
sampling frequency of experiments, 50 kHz. Timing resolution of this component is
12.5 ns and timing resolution is 50 ppm of sample rate. NI 9218 is built-in support
for voltage measurements. In the experiments, this module is used in order to gather
data taken from pressure sensor. This tool can collect data up to 13.1072 MHz. SEG
1060 tool, is produced by Hydrotechnik, is used to convert PWM data taken from
flowmeter, VS 10, to the voltage output. The scan rate of this tool is limited with 100
Hz. Because limitation of this component, flow measurements are taken up to 100
Hz. NI 9215 tool is preferred in order to measure data taken from SEG 1060.