Monster Blend
Monster Blend
Monster Blend
Calculated results as per results provided by the Listed Inspection Company's Lab results.
Vessel : VENTURE Location: HOUSTON Date: 5-Dec-05
API : 11.0 Avg Temp: 145.0 Table: 6B
T-13 : 0.15755 V. C. F. 0.9676
Tank # Metric Tons = G.S.V. Bbls =T.O.V. Bbls Percent
1P 3200 20311 20991 12.69%
1S 3200 20311 20991 12.69%
2P 3100 19676 20335 12.30%
2S 3100 19676 20335 12.30%
3P 3100 19676 20335 12.30%
3S 3100 19676 20335 12.30%
4P 3200 20311 20991 12.69%
4S 3208 20362 21044 12.73%
5P 0 0 0.00%
5S 0 0 0.00%
6P 0 0 0.00%
6S 0 0 0.00%
7P 0 0 0.00%
7S 0 0
8P 0 0
8S 0 0
SL(P) 0 0
SL(S) 0 0 0.00%
There will be three SHORE STOPS on this load; Please UNDERSTAND the stop gauges are based on
information provided by the Vessel's Chief Officer. The information issued by the Chief Officer must be
accurate. Thank you for your cooperation.
Vessel Representative